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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1887)
TkKE-- 8IMM0N8 LIVER REGULATOR For all Diasass ef ths Urn, Kidnajt, Stomach and Sploon. Thi p rel t mtM pre paration, now to celrbratcvl at i a family Mediilne, originated In th South la 1HHH. Il .- Gntly oa the Kowfl and Id n eye and eorrecta ths action olihe Ursr, and r, thers lore, the be.t preparatory medicine, whatever the eki. mm may prove to be In all Salmon Viacsss. it will. -aeal.ted by any other medi ctaa, ettVet a speedy cure. The Rewvlator la safe to administer In ny fMMlition ('the system, and under no elrcum Stnneee can It do harm, h wiU invigorate Ika a claw of wioa, but U no Intoxicating brver. age to Had to lataaipe ranee ; wtu prtimow w KVtoVtayaUin The does StaU, net aad in virtues undoubted. No loaa of Um, no Inter- 3'nrM hiUuKag th! Kagulator. Children complain inf of Colic, Headache, or Rick Be an smb. a teeapoordul or aaore wul grea relief. If taken oceedonafty by pa tten exposed to MALAKIA. wiUaapel the poison aad protect tbata frees attack. A PBTWClkJni PIXIOM. I kaea bean practicing aaediciaa for twenty yean. have MM IBM to pat up a vageiaoe rould. like S.mraoaa Liver Ttegu Md efccthraly nov the Liver to seSea, aad at the tame ttma sM (untsaa 01 wraa eaiaa) the digestive ant assimilative power of I he yaMS, L M Hmnw, U. D .Waakukatoa. Ark KB THAT TV BT TU JmX. rssrasiD ar J. H. Zailin A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Tbey Meet St. John' Lodge, 6a, in Foster's Block iaturday ol month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, tat Sat urday. layley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. K. Hall, every Thursday yemlnr. I. 0. O. T., at their hall,very Wednesday evening. A. O. V, W., at their hall, every Monday reninf. Orgeana Encampment, at (). V. Hall, eery and and 4th rridav. G. A. R .. at A. O. U. W. Hall, it and ged Saturday. I. O. G. 1 at A. O. U. W. Hall, every r rtoav evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, it and 3rd Friday. afammontaciflc Aailroad I lair Wopnlar Houte, Jm g icturesqueJlanges, Flat tlma I Hare connection X How eMinlpanents t 225 an 11 en tanner I so Is am lean time 1 AaoommodaUona unsurpassed for com- fert and aafety. Faree and freight MUCH than by any other rout between points in the Willamette Valley and San Tr rnuicisoOw ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY SAN FRANCISCO. DmHy fauenger trmins mctft Sundays. Leave Y MM v Leave Albany. 12:40 r. a, Arrive CoreaMla, l:r. tt. Arrive Yaqulna, 6:S r. a. Arrle,CurralUa,10 43 a. Arnve Albany, 11 SO a. a. Oregon and California train connect at Albany and Corvallis. The Oregon Development Company teams hip sail : raoat nqnn , rao m rsaxctsco Sanu Maria,8unday,Jen.lti YaUina.Wmlnaad.y,Janly S B, Friday, Jan. SS Y C. Thursday, Feb. 3. ii,Pndaj,Jan.SI , Thurda,Jaa.X7 8 M. Wednesday, Keb. t Y C. Thursday. Fab. t 8 M, Bandar, Fab, II. a) B. Wednesday, Feb. 9, Y C. Tuesday. Feb. li. Y C. Tuesday. Keb. to. B. Saturday. Keb. M. Y C, Friday, March, 4. S B, Monday, Keb. 21. VC. Suuds.v, Keb. tt. The Company reaeryaa the right to hang sailing days. Far Between Corvallis and San Fran- Rail and cabin, fit. Kail aud For information apply to ft c. until E, A. O. t. and F. Agent, Cervalba OYER LAND TO CALIFORNIA eiYIaVs Orcgron ft California R. K, AMD COKKECTIOJtS. Fare frees Portland U aaa FrsactsM, 8tS t Sacra saent. SM. Close canned ions made at Ast.iand at Ota Cxllfot-Bta, Oregon and Idafco Stags (DAILY EXCEPT 8UMDAY8.) Kaat.SleM Dlvlale. BBTWEBa.rnBTL.t8t ABB AABLASB. all Train. uurs. Fartland J-00 a Alkeay 106 r aaaivB, Albany 11:45 a a Aahland 4:00 a a Albany UStaa Portland, 3.3 r m 4S r a Il:4ta a Albany Ex pi Train. uuva. aajuvs. ... --. 4.D0 m Albany.. .H::S4 f m . V,2Um o VI A H ItBnAM Albany r ..... . SJtra Lebanon., Albany.... Portland. .4:46 a m .6 JO a M Albany PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily between Portland and Ashland. The O and C E E Perry makes araasoUeos with all Me reenter brains on tke of F Street. Hide isivleion from foot Weat Slae Dlvlslo. FOB rL.t.en AMD CBBVALLIS, EUU Train, taava abeivi Pertlend 7.30 a a I Corrallia 12:26 r a OervaUia 1:30 r it Portland .8:16 r m At Corrallia connect with trains cf Oregon Pacific Mr Yafels Eey. Express Train taUVB. AEaiVB. Fartland 4:60 r u I BeBlnnvllU .8:00 r H BaBiaa rills b:U a m Portland 8:00 A a Leeal Uekets for sals and beejgags checked at am pany'a op-town office, Cor. Plan sad Second Streets. Tflshin far principal potbts In California can only be graeured at Company's offioe, Corner F and Krent It ., Portland Or, Kreig-ht will not be received for Ml pate el after Ive o'clock p. m. on either tke East etfWest ee Dlviakms. 1. KOEHLEE, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. O. F. A Pass Airent. PATENTS nbuiaed, sad all ether buaiaess in the U. 8. Paten see attend eded to for moderate fees. Our eAree is oppoeit the U.S. Patent Office, and we eaa ebtaia PateaW less time than those remote sua Wasklartoa Sad saedle or drawing. We ad' to patent nee sf ekarga ; and we make o charge unleea eMsls patent. We refer hers, to ths Postmaster, ths Sunt, of Order Uit. and to offlciaia of the U. 8. Patent Far eircular, advice, terms, and efereuces Meat In your own Stats or county, address C A. SNOW & CO, Patent Offioe, Washington, D , for infants and Children. "aeoifasowadf casterla cores Cone. Constipation, I recoHunend Has luperior to any prescripUoa I Sou Stomach, Dlarrhosa, teuetatten. tomtoms." &A.texuy, I KillfWorms, fires sleep, eaJ promotes o St1tSOaMaaatoSat-a,IUT. 1 Tbm Hfce gemocrat. FRIDAY JANUARY 28, 1887. TEMPERANCE DEPARflEH!, SD1TKU BT TBB WiaUl't Chrlitiil Temprmnre Oaltl The W. 0. T. U. meets on the lit and 8rtl Tuefday of each month al 3 o'clock p. m., at ths A. O. U. W. Hall, ovsr French Jewelry Store. A8 ABEaM TO ALE BMItiRTS OF I t HOB. TBAItKa.l S0n, ANtt OTNKB LtROB OBliA8IEATIttNS. (From ths Nat'l Woman's Temperance Union.) Chrutisn HKADQUARTEBa OF THE NaTIOSAL W. a T. U., lbl Lt Srtlle St., Chlcsgo. HI., Nov. lltli, 1888. To all Working Mn and Women" Brothers and Sifters ef a Common Hope: We come to you naturally as our friends and allies. With hucIi of your methods as Involve co-operation arbitration and the ballo't box, we are in hearty sympathy. Measures which involve the compulsion of labor, tbe destruction of property or harm to life or limb, we profoundly deplore, and we believe the thoughtful and responsible among your ranks must equally deplore them, as not only base in themselves, but a great hin drance to your own welfaie and sue cess. We rejoice in your broad plat form of mutual help, which recognises neither sex, race, nor creed. Espe cially do we appreciate the tendency of your great movement lo elevate women industrially to their rightful place, by claiming that tbey have equal pay fur equal work ; recognls lng them as officers and members ol your societies, and advocating the ballot in their hands as their rightful weapon of self-help iu our represen tatlve government. As temperance women, we have been especially glad to note your hos tile attitude toward the saloon, the worst foe of woman, And of the work- logman, and of the Home. We read with joy of the vow made by the newly-elected officers of the Knights of Labor at the convention In Rich mond, Va., when, with hands raised to Heaven, they pledged themselves to total abstinence. In adJressing you nt this time we wish to oner our since. e congratula tions upon your achievinentr as prsc tical helpers in that great Temperance Reform which engages our steadfast work and prayer, and which, as we believe, involve, beyond all other movements of thisage,your happiness and elevation. Permit us to ask your careful consideration of this statement of our belief : The central question of tabor reform fi tot so much how to get higher wages, a how to turn present wages to better account. For waste barms most those who can least afford lt. It is not over-production so much as under-consumptioo, that grinds the ftces of the working men. Fourteen hundred millions annually drawn, chiefly from tbe pockets of working men, by salo n keepers and cigar dealers, means less flour in the barrel, less coal in tbo cellar, and tens cloth ing for the-laborers' families. We Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Ceurt oj the State of Oregon Jer Linn County. Z P Moody, Governor, R P Knrhart, Secre tary of Hut and Edward Hirsch, Treasurer of th .State of Oregon, constituting th Board of Commissioners for th sal of school and university lands and for thefinvMtmeat of the fund arising therefrom, rhtiatifls. vs. A! lie Ado Farrier, Andrew Bird Farrier, George Farrier, Irene Elizabeth Barrell and B M Barrell, her has bain I, Edmund Farrier, John Farrier, Ell Farrier, Phoeb Ke Clinehammer and Frederick Clinehammer, her husband, Defendant. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit, I will on Saturday th 12th day of Feb rnary, 1887, at the Court Hons door in the oity of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o clock p. m., sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bid der the reel property described in said exe cution and order of sal as follow to-wit : The northeast quarter of the southwest quar ter and the southeast quarter of th north west quarter and lot 2, 3 and 4 of Section 24 in Township 12, sooth of Range 1 wet of tbe Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 154 13 100 acre. The proceeds of sale to be applied first to the payment of the cost and expenses of suit taxed at $55.80 and accruing cost and tbe further sum of $40 Attorney's fees. Next to tbe payment to the Fieiu tiffs herein the sum of $3o7-50 with interest st the rat of 8 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1886, and the overplns if any to be paid in to tbe Clerk of said Court. Dated this 6th day of January, 1887. D. S. Smith. Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. Palace Meat Market. PIPE & TALBOT, PEOPRIETOHS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Wilt keep constantly on hand beef, notion, pork, veal, sausage, etc,, tbe bast meats au largest variety in the city. Cash paid for all kindsjof fat stock. Wttfcout injurious i CasTAca Compart, 189 Fulton Street, N. 7. grieve to see them give their money for that which Is not bread,and their abor for that which satisfleth not. We suggest that if, by your request, pay day were universally changed from Saturday to Monday,tbis would do much to Increase the capital, at home. The life Insurance statistlos prove that while the average life or the moderate drinker Is but thirty-five years and a half, that of the total ab stainer Is tdxty-four years. The sue cessful explorers and soldiers, the fa mous athletes, pedestrians, rewsrs and shots are men who do not cob-web their brains or palsy their nerves with alcoholic drink. We believe that the work of our societies, resulting lo laws by which nearly one-half the children of the United States are being taught In the public schools the evil effects of In. toxlcatlng liquors upon the tissues of the body and the lomper of the mind, merits your earnest co-operation, and will prove one of your strongest re- enforcements la the effort to elevate your families to nobler levels of op portunlty. We believe that the study of hygiene, Including a knowledge of the most healthful foods and the discovery that these aro cheaper and non-stlmulatlng class, with a careful consideration of the sclertlfic metb ods by which, lo the preparation of food, a little can be made to go a long wby in home economies, are wel worthy of your attention. We aide you to aid us In our endeavors to bare taught in all the departments of our public schools, those beneficent laws of health Which relate to whole, some living in respect to diet, drees, 8leep,exerclse and ventilation, so that this teaching shall be given to every child as one of the sorest means to Its truest happiness. We ask your attention to our Wnite Cross pledge of equal chastity for man and woman ; of pure lan guage and a pure life. We ask your help In our efforts to secure adequate protection by law for the daughters of tbe poor and rich alike, from tbe cruelty of base end brutal men. We ask your help In our endeavors to preserve tbe American Sabbath with Its rest and quiet, redeeming it from being as now the harvest time of the saloon keeper, when he gathers In the hard earnings of the working man, and w promt e yoa our co-operation lo your efforts to secure the Saturday half holiday, which, we bellev, will do so much to change, the Sabbath from a day of recreation to one i f rest at home and for the worship of Clod. We rejoice to note that the Central Labor Union of New York City peti tioned its municipal officers to cloee the saloons upon the Sabbath day, and we earnestly hope that all such socle ties msy soon petition for their clos ing every day, and order a perpetosl boycott upon the dealers In alcoholic pjison. We call your attention to our De partments of evangelistic temperance meeting- ; work for railroad employ es, lumbermen, herdsmen, miners, soldiers and sailors; also toonr efforts to organize free Kitchen and Kinder- gar tens, aod Bands of Hope , to sup ply free libraries and reading rooms, temperance lodging booses and res taurants, and to reach eat a helping hand to fallen women as well as fall en men. We nave a ruoiisning Houte at 161 La Salle 8treet,Chicago. which sent out thirty million pages of temperance literature in the last year, aod which la conducted by wo men, and its types set by women compositors. Our Nstlonsl organ, The Union Signal, has goods words for sll lawful efforts made by working men and women for their own best interests. We ask you to do all In your pow er for the cause of prohibition, which la pre-eminently your cause. With the dram shop aod its fiendish temp tations overthrown, what might you not attain of that self mastery which Is tbe first condition of success ; and what might jou not achieve of pro tection and happiness in those homes which are the heart's true resting places I Your ballots hold the bslsnue of power lo this land of the wc Id's hope. We ask those of you who are voters to cast them only for such measures and such men as are sol emnly committed to the prohibition of every brewery, distillery and dram shop in the Nation . And that women msy come to the rescue In this great emergency, also as an act of justice toward those who have the most sacred claim on your protection, we hope that you may see your way clear to cast your ballots only for such measure aod such men as are pledg ed to tbe enfranchisement of women. In all this, wu speak to you as those who fervently believe that the coming of Christ' Kingdom in the earth means brotherhood. We urge you with sisterly earnestness and affection to make the Now TeiMment your text book of political economy, and to join us in the daily study of His bles-j id word, who spake as never spake. His pierced band Is lifting up this sorrowful, benighted world into the light of God. In earn, est sympathy Wt its go forward to work cut His golden precepts into the wcrld's life and law by making first of ail Hi i Itw and life our own. Yours for Gd and Home and Every Land, FbASCEB E. WlLLASDt CAaoLiNE B. Busxl, President. 26,587,335 saw BOTTLES OF Warner's S-ATE Cure Sold, to Ceo. 27th, 1886. No other Remedy Produce Such a Record. This wonderful success of "Warner's Safe Cure" is due wholly to tbe real nsrit of the Remedy, For a long time it ical authorities as tbe on'y specific for female complaints. rbuuaaods of iieople owe tbeir life and we can produce 100,000 testimonials to Read tbe following and note the number of bottles distributed. We guarntee these figures to be correct as our sale-books will prove. l.lSO.lBS. Capt. W D. Robinson (U. 8. Mar ina lusp., Buffalo, N. Y.), in 18e55,waa suffering with a skin humor like lepro sy. Could not sleep ; waa in great agony. For two years triad every thing, without benefit. Was pronounced in curable. "Twenty bottles of Warner's eSafe Cure completely cured me, and to day I am strong and well." (Feb. 6, 1889.) rroetdenee. 171. tt. Ex Gov. T. G. Alvoid (8yracue,N. Y.) in 1884 began running down with General Debility, accompanied with sense of weight in the lower part of tbe body, with a feverish seosstion end s general giving out of the whole organ ism. Was in serious condition, confin ed to bis bed much of the time. Aftei a thorough treatment with Warner s Safe Cure be says : "I am completely malAMil ... la.llli La i.a m. mm r. " lortlnnl, We tnl.ltt. Major 8. H. Abbott, (.Springfield, Mo.), in 1871 was ifilicted with lame back, rheumatism and kidney trouble. Consul ted tbe very bent ubysicisns in Ban Francisco, aad visited all tbe min eral springs there. Took a health ttip to New England States, but far seven years suffered constantly from bis mal ady, which bad resulted in Bright' dis ease. After using a couple doaen bottles of Warner's Safe cure aod two of Safe Pills, be wroto : "My back aod kid neys are without pain, and, thank God, I owe It all to Waroet's Safe Reme dies." Bnt. nflVew Bstg., 4U.75S. Mrs. J. T. Ritobey (562 4th Ave., Looaville, Ky.,) waa a confirmed inva lid for eleven yarn, just living, aad hourly expecting death. Was confined to bed ten months each year. Was at tended by the beat physicians. Her left side waa paralysed. Coold neither eat, sleep, nor enjoy life. Tbe doctors a id she was troubled with female oem ptaint ; bnt she waa satisfied bet kid neys were affected. Under the opera tion of Warner's Safe Cure she a large stone or eaieulas, and in Nov., 185, reported, "Am to-dav as well aa when a girl." New 1 ork St, t,t7t,77t. ASK YOUR FRIENDS AMD NEIGHBORS ABOUT WARNER'S SAFE CURE THE MOST POPULAR REMEDY EVER DISCOVERED. Clnvelaunsl, sssssa. Ex -Gov. R T. Jacob ( Wesiport.Ky.) waa prostrated with severe kidney trouble sod loat 40 peuads of flesh. After a thorough treatment with War ner's Safe Cure he reports, "I have never enjoyed better health." CtaelemaUl, 676,667. Gso. H. D. Wsllen (144 Madison Ave., N. Y.) scarcely able to walk two blocks without exhaustion, aod, having lost flesh heavily, began the use of War ner's Safe Cure and says : "1 was much benefitted by it.'' Bad. Ohln, (fttstte) 666,166, Col. Joseph H.Thornton (Cincinnati , O.) in 1885 reported that his daughter was very much prostrated ; had palpi tation of the heart, intense psin in tbe head, nervous disorder and catarrh of the bladder. She loat fifty-five pounds. Other remedies failing, tbey began the use of Warner's Safe Cure, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine, and within three months sbe had gained fifth pounds in weight and was restored to good health. That was three yeara ago, and sbe is still in good health as ever in her life. Col. Thornton, himself, was cured of Chronic Disrrboea of eighteen years standing, in 1881, by Warner's Safe Cure. Mouther it Mtntee, 6,664,017. C. H. Allen (Leavenworth, Kan.), son Edwin, two years of age, afflicted with extreme case of Btigot's disease, and the doctors gave biro up. By the advice of the doctor's wife, began tbe use of Warner's Safe Cure, snd after taking seven bottles he is perfectly well and has bad no relapse. a u Mtlu., 1,467,824. Every Testimonial we publish is genuine. Write to the testators, enclosing stamp for reply, and learn for yourselves. Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that tbe under signed, executor of tbe last will and tests merit of Ben Km in Freelsnd, deeeased, has filed his final acceant as such executed, and tbe Court has fixed tke hour of I o clock p. na, of February 7, 1887, for hearing objections thereto. A, C. Fairchilb, in the Word can has been regarded by the highest mid- Kidney, Liver and Urinary diseases and health to "Warner's Safe Cure" and that effect. Pennsylvania, l.ftSl.Slft F. Mayer (1 020 N. 12th St., Hi. Louis. Mo.) afflicted with tired feelings, diizinea and pain across tbe back, and loat appetite. Was sallow and cars worn all tbe time. The doctors failing be began tbe use of Wsrnet's Safe Core, and reports, "1 feel like a fighting cook." ttience, 2 ho own Mr. R Broro (2281 Woodward Ave , Detroit, Micb.) injured his back from a fail. Was confined to bis bed sis weeks. Tbe fsll injured bis kid neys, producing intense suffering. Wsr ner's Safe Cure restored bis kidneys to tbelr natural condition, and be writes, "I am now eighty years of age, smart and active. Dnlrolt, hiu use. Mrs. Thoa. Schmidt (wife of tbe Vice Consul of Denmark, 69 Wall St., N. Y.) repotted that bar little son, after an at tack of Diphtheritic sore throat eight years ago, waa afflicted with Brigbt's Disease In advaaoad form ; by the ad vice of Gen'i Christiansen, of Dress), Morgan at Co., Bankers,New York, she prescribed Warner Safe Cure, with tbe consent of the pbysieisns, aod reports, "tbe physician any that he will be perfertiy well." Ntlwnnkee, ISA at, Miss Z. L Boat d man (Quecbee, Vt.) in May, 1882, began to bloat, tbenoe name stomach trouble, terrible headache and finally the doctor's opinion that it was Brill's diaeaae, and incurable. Eventually sbe became nearly blind, pronounced by ti e doctora to be the laat stage of Bright' disease. After having been under treatment by Warner's Safe Cure for one year, sbe reportel, "1 am aa well aa any one." Minnesota, t OI7. Hon. N. A. Piympton (Worcester, Mass ), in Msy, 1880, was prostrated by gravel. Under tbe operation of War ner's Safe Core alone be passed a large tone, and subsequently wrote, "1 bave had no recurrence of my trouble since Warner's Safe Cure cured me." Bstl. M. W. Mtatea, 1,767,1st. 6t. Louie, 1,666.6 97 Capt. Geo. B. Wiltbank (919 Spruce St., Pbila., Pa.) prostrated in Centre! America, with Malarial Fever, caused by congestion of kidneys and liver. Delirious part of the time. Liver en larged one-third. Stomach badly af fected. Could hold no food ; even water waa ejected. Using leas than a dosen bottles of Warner's Sate Cure he writes "I was completely cured." rot 717,660. Mra. (Prof.) E. J. Wolfe (Gettys burg, Pa., wife of tbe Ed. of tbe Luth eran Quarterly), began to decline with Pulmonary Consumption. (Over 50 per cent of all cases of consumption are used by diseased kidneys.) Despaired of liviag. After a thorough course of treatment with Werner's Safe Cure.sbe writes, "I am perfectly well." Bat!, 6. W. Mtavaee, 746.769. Ex-Senator B. K. Bruce (South Car olina,) after doctoring for years for what he supposed was MaIaria,discovered he was sifiicted with Sugar Diabetes, and having obtained no relief whatever from his physioians, be began the use ot Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure, and be says : "My friends are astonished at my improvement." Han Fratnalaeo, 1,246 94 6 J. Q. Elkine (EiluLbviik, t ) i fered lor ten vrsis from giate, Lic attacked bim s"veiy iijt months. He los 45 pounds in tlite months, aud hi strsnath was nearly c lo Alter a tber ough tite of Waiter's Ssfe Pistete (Jure he reports, "I am as well as I ever was, after using fourteen bottles Bml. Patella Coast, 732,816. PURE SOAP. for m Use your own refuse "grease, ee , sd 6reeabank'i FowderedtCaustlc Soda. No speelal apparatus, no experience, no fuel, and only fifteen minutes time needed Send fotf djreeiien to T. W, Jackson & Go. SAM MAY. T. O. SXMDXSS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General leroHandise. HARR1SBURG - - - - OREGON Will boy Grain, Wool and all kinds Country prdere. H. EWERT Ksepsloonstantly on band the Largest and Finest stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS. 8PECTACLE8, RINGS, ETC lo Albany, Is agent for R0CKF0RD WATCHES. Repairing deae promptly and skillfully ovjsr 6,000.000 FERRY'S SEEDS o. as. fi aa v a co. m sansn u ss um uisttT tiistats ea fk awe Id. 0.6 TE ART ICQ'S erteeeeSrnee SaOMNUXL or iser Wat Ss isflsS ran to as asejSeasas. sad n.swvMf. - M a1 1 1 f j jma sssfl i 6 sMsnss Jfower SSSa ateeJS uifmu. A d drees 6. St. f HIT A 08. 0tF0f Bn 6snv8jle Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State o Oregon for limn bounty. Martha Houston, Plaintiff. Jo sis Tin merman and G IcfaU'laat. W Timnterman, To Joeie Timmermau and Q W Timraer man, the aboye named Defendants : IN tbe name of tbe State of Oregon, you and each of you arc bsreby required to ap pear and answer tbe complaint of the abuys rhuntiff in the above entitled Coert. now on Hie with the Clerk of satd Court, on or be fore tbe second Momlay of March, A. D. 1617, it beiag the 14th day of March, A. D. 1867. and yoo are hereby notified that if yoa fail to appear and anawer said complaint, a hereby required, the 1'laintttT will apply to the Court for tbe relief lemoled therein, to-wit i tor a decree partiti.uu; and divid ing between the Plattttiff aod the Defendant aocorilinc to tbeir reacttve interest there in, tbe following described real property, to wit : bt 74, 75. 67. 6H. 09, 70 aod 130 in the city of Mcto, Linn county, Oregon ; also, IwgtnmuK at ths southeast corner of lot 70 recorded in the original survey of the city of Veto, I mn county, Oregt o, running thence VwSt 3674 feet to tbe southwest corner of lot 75 iu sajdetty, tbeooe south to tbe north bank of Thomas Creek : tbenoe in aa easter ly direction, along the North bank of aaid Creek, to a point opposite u aud on a line with th Eaat line of eatd lot 70 ; tbenoe north to the place of beginning ; also lot 71 in the city of Soto, eicept tbe following, be ginning at tbe southeast corner of aaid !ot 71 tnence west 50 ft ; thsuoe north 16 feel ; tbenoe east 50 feet ; thence aoutb 16 foot to the place of beiftnntng ; alao the fol lowing, beginning U SH chajna east of the northeast corner of Section 22 in Townabij 10 8 2 west ; tbeooe east 5. R chains ; thoce eouth 20 chaiua ; thence outh H4 4 west 40.54 chain ; tbenoe south 32 ho chain ; theno went 45.64 chain ; thence north 52.80 chains to tbe place of beginning. cuutauutng 100 arr more or loss, and all hem itut in Linn county, Oregon, ami judgment for the coats and disbursement of titis.suit In the manner provided by law. This summons i published by order of Hon K 1' Boise, Judge of said C jurt, road at Chauihera iu the city of Salem, on the 24th day of Deo. 1S6. in the Stats Rio u re Dkuocsat. WsATiiaaKoico k Br.At-Ksuajr, Attorney for Plaintiff. Estray Notice. LjMASos, Or., Jan. 3rd, 1887. To the County Cirri of Linn County Orrgon Your are hereby notified that I have this day appraiaed an astray horse, described aa follow . Dark aorrel with flaly mane and tail, also a white spot in forehead, aaid horse is about 16 'i bands high aad supposed to be about 12 years old. Tha above waa taken up by Mount Story and appraised by me at 840. January 10th, 1887. O. W. Smith, Jiutioc of tba Peace. J. P (i ai.bu At ru, County Clerk. Administratrix' Natioa. Notice ia hereby given that ths underaizn- ed baa been duly appointed Administratrix of tbe estate of Kd ward Murray, deceased, by order of the County Court of Lion county. Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persona having claim agataat said citato are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned atAIbauy, Oregon, duly veri fied within atx mouths, from the datt hereof. Deo, 24. 18dfi. AlNA MuitlttT, Weatherf ord & Blackburn, Adin' r'x Attorney. Aft or Fortr year rr j.i i i. mi) in tna ui vp.mliun or mora than Ono Hundred Thnniuinrf HtmHrnliolin fur intent, in lllo United Mate aud Foreign coun tries, tint nuUHMhrT. ol the Scientifte A rit nn ciintOitie to art a. .olicitora for patent., cereal, traile-marlta, oopy riuht. ttta.. for ths United State, and to obiaiu iiati'iii. in Canada. Knal.nd. France. Germanr, and sU oiW aswMss Their eiperl enoe 1. unetjualed sudtbair failiU ars uasur panned. J . . Drawing and aperlfteatlon prepared and Slae In the I'alant Office on abort notic. Term wff reasonable. No cherire for examination of modal or drawing Advioe by mail free. Patent obtained through MunnAOo.arenotieed in the SCIKNTIVIC AlWKRIC AN. which ha. the I argent circulation and ia the most influential E paper of it. kind puhliahed In the world, advantage, of uoh a uotioe every patentee tstand. Thi. large and .nUndidW Iflu.irated newspaper IspubliKhed WBKKLjTat S.0O a year, and la admitted to be tbe beet paper derotad to eelsnes. as.oh.uica. Invention., engineering works, and Jtther department, of Industrial progreaa. pnbr Ished in any country. It contain, the name, of all patentee, and title of every invention patentee each week. Try it (our montn. tor one aousv. Bold by all new.d.alera. If you hare an Invention to patent write t Bunn A Co., publi.her. of Scientific AnariSM, 1 Broadway, New York. . m Handbook about patents mailed free. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTIjHF. Is herebv given that tbe un dersigned has tiled 'In the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, bis final aneauBt a Administrator ;f the estate' of Andrew Miller, deceased, aud aaid Con rt has ap pointed Monday, the 7th day of February, 1887, at the hour often o'clock, a. m, of said day, at th Ceurt House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, tor the hearing of objections to said account and the settle ment of the name. At which time and place all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and file ob jections tuereto, if any they have. Dated January 5th, 187. Qm. A. MiLLxn, Hswity A Bryant, Administrator, wawawi r r r 'wawawanH.iBUr ' ' . TB tn B &$ ' t m a.p- iw -nrr.vap ,sj rm ss i3 as 1 1 i i. i, a m JULIUS GRADWOHL 11mm the only exelanive HttteU ol dt -' CROCKERY, CLA88,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE i Large Assortment of Bab; Carriage!, And a Choic Selection of Coffee Jea and Sugar CAE t C ZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.0O. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AM, line Tin: HIOHEttT SARKET PKIt'E PAIO FOtt COO Remember I What I Say lean. Biro lo a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nswspsper Advertising Bureau, 10 Sprues St., New York. Send lOoisv. for 100-Pge Pamphlet J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. This house; is now open and furnished with the beat new furniture. Kyerythina clean sod ocmmodioa. offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to any in the city. MADTS I RESTAURANT Two door east of Odd Fallow's Tempi. ALBANY, - - OREGON. Meal, st all h-wir. snd all price. Kavtero Siuariwater and Yaqulna Say OYSTERS ! I Alwaj ea Jlaeus. - rf-h -vtr. eTi ern iI.t. i d sf Is lamtiie. by Urn pint or uuart. I'dtate rooata for lanfs. ... TI At. E 6? '.'.it otrxtis! 8cra!!.i. Sciaticd, 8crat!.ia. ! CerU-actad Lumbago, Srrairu. Mascles, Rhea mall's:. fifraias, 2raptioua, Barnt' Stitcbee, Hocf Ail, ScsJrb, Etiirjoiats, Spisw Stings, Bsekach:, Worms, Bites, Galls, Swianey, Bruise, Sores, 8addle Galls, B anion r, Spavin Piles, Corn Cracks. THIS COQP OLD STAND-BY iccompliiUtea for everybody eeapfi west JltfUtimed or It, One of tho roaou for the great popularity of he aTsntsng Llntmeat Is found In Us universal npplirubillty. Kverybody nseds such s medicine. The La t.e ran needs It la ease of accident, Tl.o lloimewlfe needs lt for enarl family use. The nnnlir needs It for bis teams and his men. The Mvchuutc needs lt always on hi work liench. The Miner urede It In case of rmerfSBcy. The lleaeer needs it can't get along without It Tbe Farmer needs lt In his bouse, bis stable, and hie stock yard. Th srenmbeat man or the Boatman needs lt In liberal supply afloat and aftprp, Tbe Hersefaneler nseds It It Is bis best friend and safest reliance. The Mteck.p; rower need, lt it will save bun tbouaands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Rail roa d ma a needs tt and will need ft so Ions as his life Is a round of accidents aad dangers. Tbe Baekweodaman needs IL There Is noth ing like lt as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. Tke Merchant needs lt about his store among hta employees. Accidents wUl happen, and when these com & Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep a Bottle in the House. Tls the beat of economy. Keep a Battle la the Factory. It. immediate as la esse of accident saves pain and loss of wages. Keep n Bottle Alway la the Stable fee use when wanted. Notice of Executrix Sale of Land. NOTICE is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of sale made by tbe County Court, of Jackson County, Oietiou on tbe 7th dy of December, 1886, author izing and empowering the undoi signed as the executrix of tbe last will and testa ment of Edward A. Freeland, deceased, to sell certain real property described in said order ot sale, the undersigned execu trix of tbe last will and testament of said Edward A Freeland, deceased, will on Saturday the 5th day of February, 1887 at tbe hour of one o'clock p. rn. of said day at the Court House door in tbe city of Al bany, Linn oounty, Oregon, sell at public sale all the right title ami interact which the said Edward A. Freeland bad at tbe time of bis death in aud to the following described real property, to-wit : Lots 6 and 6 in Block No. 32 in the city of Al bany, I .inn county. Oregon as tne same are described and known on tbe recorded plat of said city now on ti) in tbb office ot tLe County Clerk of Linn county, Oreaou. said property will be sold at .said time to the higbepT and best bidder on tbe follow ing terms; Ten per oeut of the purchase price of said real property to be paid on tbe day of sale, aud the balance of said purchase price to bo paid when said sale Is confirmed by ihe County Court of said Jackson county, Oregon, at which time said executrix will execute, and deliver to the purchaser, at said sale, a good and sufficient deed of conveyance to said land, Dated this 24th day of Decern I. er . 1886. Marv A. FKKKLAwn, Executrix of tbe laat will and testament of Edward A. Freeland, deceased. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE GOHFEGTIOIEBI. Wo are mow prepared to aell at whole sale, alway freeb and pure at Portland price to dealer, We also keep a full line of Huts and Tropical Fruits, I TV GROCERIES, We keep a full line, alwaya freak and at very low prices. OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is corny' ri We keep tke verj flees stoek tt and chewing tobacco, meerschaum and brier pipes that is a delight to smokers. c. a. woLvanrojr, o, n, iamn, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW f0f"Ooa op stairs InJFroman'a Brink ALBANY, 0RE60X Old paper 23c. a hundred at tke Dane. ck at oTfice. o Tfce Bt'YEBf Ct IDK as Sean. year. SaT 313 8 , all1, IneJiee.wius 3. BOO Ul net ratten n whole GIV8B8 Pletnre QnXkmrwt Wkto I a J a Prtsa direct to eonmmnrra Ota all personal or family nse. Tell, bow to order, aasd sjtee exact eoet e seesy tnine; won sue, eat, drink, wresur, or nave fata writb. Tnewe iatVAXC h WJ lUMIKS contain information fdcawad from Ike markets of tke world. We will mail n entry FRKK to any tree. ujn reeetps or iu es. in exprnee of mailing. Let tie 1 you, lie.rctfnlly, rVtONTCOMERY WARD A CO. 7 Ac S2II Wabeaab Aeeaae. CldaagSi UU II Kearney Street, Saat Fraaetaee, Cat. Nerrons PebiKty, Seminal Weakness, Exhausted ...... j , u.wi.muti, aotfsnw tveraion to aociety, Dimness of vision, Nrdaes In tbe Head, the vital fliiki paaaiugunoksetTed ' the urine, and many other dissese bat lead to insanity and laalb, ' lOI Sti MpM Buffering from any ot the above symptoms, should consult ua at once. Ths drain can be stopped, it -tallty restored, and life be mads again a pleaanre .nstead of a burden. The e remany MIDDLE-4LVW MEN who are trouble with too frequent ev&enaUar of tke bladder, often actomimnied by a si:ght amartiac r burnino; aenaation, and a weakening ol the .y.wm in a manner they cannot aceonnt lor, Kopy Sediment in the urlue, etc. Many die of this difficulty ignorant of the causa, which is the sseond stage of seminal weakness. Curea gurernteed in all such case. CoBBMllaliea free- Thorough examination and vlvice, includinirchemloal snalysia and microscopic examination of ths urine, 86. An honest opinion given in every ease. The following medislnes supplied at the y rises mimed : Slat A ST LEV 4'OOFEK VITAL KF.STOKA TIVV, 83 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $10, SAMPLE KO IT Lk EKEE. Sent to an- one applj ing by letter, stating symp toms, sex and se. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactiona, The Ueiebrat,d aUrlaey Strmedy. MEPMBKTI I I M, for all kinds of Kiiiiu v and Bladoer Complaints, Oonerrhoea, Oleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. lor sale by all druggists ; a bottle, or six noUlea tor 86. The English f t Mt:i i, LIVEK A.NJI HVS FEFIA FILL is the host in the market, 'tu eafe by all druggist ; pri.-e 60 rent, a bottle. Address KriKlih Meillral Oyp weary. No. 11 Kearnv nttxet, San Fraueieeo, Oat I ..ituj. XI ....... I m M Admimstratrix Notice. Notice is hereby gtvn that the under, dgned nan ben by the County Coart for Linn oounty. Oregon, appointed Adminis tratrix with the will annexed of the eata'e of James Mady, deceased, late o" l.inu oounty, Oregon All persons having claims aijainst -aid estat arn hereby te )uircd to pn-sent them pr perlv verified a required ry w. to ti undfaii ed at linri , Oregon wiihin i. m nb- from thta uaiH. l his .J m mi try 3rd, 1887 8lAHKTT Masx. Administratrix with tbU win annexed oj the estate of James M'v, deosaaetT, WBACHKIU' KD A BljACKBUKW, Attv's for AdsninUtratrrx. ITIAINTS ANDOIDs. " ass THAT Ties J o 9 Jo B axACT uuRjt on A IS m KAOH ommmt we a 1 I f cmown in pCTunc , 3 FOR SALBeJeALCRS gjSrTWMCTC. n .,,.VI i.wtoi i in, wh mimoee, lanowirj. Paralv.ia, rYoatatorrhoea, and all the terrible effeees felf abuse, and tinit in mitnnr w.ra mJi A full line of lead and oil, mixed pallida, kalsomiue, etc, always on hand. BiU WA4KT dt SOX, I AO JO 4VJA AUUUUi.ll.Wi)