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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1887)
I fur gemorrat. Entered et the Port Omoeat Albany, as eeoond-claaa mall matter. Or, FRIDAY .JANUA.KY 28. 1887. 3TITE3 & K4ltr end NUTTINO. I'raprlelar. KKBr. NI'Tril. Leal Better. moliLB. and APEIt. ,wc to on nio tn Iht I Jr Iplil atlhe NowmiMMr AitTT- ttstn Aurm'.T of Basses. tt.w7AVtlt AftON . our senaun AA When paid strictly in d- WaCaUU this will be the nnca of tha DEMOCRAT ! at the end of the year, $2.50, end there will te no deviation from this rnle. A ham noi t Taw a. The bill Introduced In the Legislature, making desertion of one year sufficient ground for divorce, should Mar pass. Our divorce law are already ridiculously loose. Thev make marriage almost a farce. In stead of making more lax, let us tighten the reins and make only one offense sufficient for absolute divorce. Let these loose grounds be only sufficient to obtain condi tional separation. It may be right that un congenial spirits should not be obliged to continue the responsibilities of marriage ; but thev should not be allowed to jeapard tae the happiness of others . O The delivery of a lecture by Rev Romln ger the other evening suggests the propriety of a course of lectures, by local talent on week dav subjects. Not 'necessarily entire lv bv minister, but as well bv lawyers. doctors and such. It would bring out home talent and give an impetus to auch things, worthy of consideration. Admission should be free, subject tocollcction.and not to large a hall employed. O $1500 a year isa niggardly salary to pav the Governor of a State like Oregon, ft may have done in Territorial days, but it is too' small now. Every County' Clerk In Oregon makes more, with a fraction of the expense account. O A flood of letters flow into Oregon each winter from parties in the East who become tired of immense snow drifts and the mer cury at the bottom of the thermometer. People, though, who expect to find any country a paradise will receive many sad disappointments in life. Please don't come to Oregon looking for a paradise. It is a good place to live, with a mild climate, and enough to eat, but you have to rustle for It. XX' are not picked up on every comer. O It is a sad spectacle to old timers to see the Corvallls stage going between Corvallis and Albany empty. There was a time when this was remarkably good paving property. The Oregon Pacific has given its death blow. The mail should be carried on the cars. BAA ESTATE. Following were the recorded sales in Linn county during the past week : E W Langd'ou to C C Kelley, lot 3, block 50, Albany f2t9J0 E L Knox to C C Hamon, 2 acres in tp 10 S ft 3 W F M French and wife to J H Mnllao, lot 5, and 20 feet off lot 0, block 20. Albany, Or J H Mnllan to F M Prencn, same aa last above John M Mc Bride to Jeanie ft Aeheaou, 20 acres in tp 12. S R 4 west 0 L Moms to M M Morns, t acres in tp II 8 R 1 west 25 I 1 500 -000 Trnnesje. Jim Kelley and Bill Mason were arrested jn this city Monday for being drunk and disorderly. Their three days of confine ment have expired, and they will retire to some other city to obtain board aad lodging for a few days at a time. The number of tramps prevalent is alarmingly large. Most of them are impudent fellows, high toned in their way. One called at a residence in this city a few days ago and asked for some thing to eat. After giving him the accus tomed woman's lecture the Lady of the house started to prepare some bread and butter for him and send him off to eat it. "Well, if I can't have a warm meal," he said, "I won't take anything." "Then you can go, was the response, and he went A big sized raw hide would be a good remedy. Bev. Beenlnger's Let-lure. Last Friday evening Rev. Rominger lectured at the Congregational Church, in this city, to a good audience on "Germany and the Germans." The lecturer was re markably fair in his treatment of the Ger mans, bringing out their good and bad qual ities, and giving a clear idea of the country. Rev Rominger is a wide awake talker, orig inal in his style, eloquent at times, and at tracts attention as a lecturer as well as a preacher. Lectures like this have a benefi cial influence on a community, and deserve encouragement. Worth a Dexea I. It V Our exchanges throughout Oregon speak very highly, without exception, of the Set- ler's Guide, issued by Mr C G Burkhart.of this city. It is worth a dozen State Immi gration Boards for the County. It is to be hoped its influence will bring only a good class of people to Linn countv. We do not want the tramp element here, too lazy to make a living anywhere. Tramp at Corvallis, Thursday of last week several tramps boarded a train a few miles beyond Corval lis and insisted on riding. As they could n ot be driven off they were" asked to ride in an empty box car. When in the car it was detached and they were left behind, being obliged to foot it to Corvallis. On the way they robbed a squaw camp and five of them were afterwards arrested and fined. A Peraaaaeat Depot. The Democrat is informed that the Ore gon Pacific will build a permanent depot sometime this year, on their property a short distance southwest ef the O. & C. Depot, being situated about where Robin- ton held his circus a year and a halt ago, near tne residence of Mr A D Barker. This will make a much more convenient location than that of the temporary struct ure. Jtausison Oat. Jamison, Saunders' man Friday, retired on last Monday from a fourteen months confine mentin the County jail. It took him a long time te get his land legs- A notorious man for awhile he will now sink out of sight like a lost meteor, and it is to tie hoped will play no more parts in any of our local dramas. THIS PAPER rwe?fcS County Alliance. Tho Linn County Temperance Alliance conyened in this oily Tuesday tyening at tha Opera House, President T J Wilson in the chair. Addresses ware delivered by Ksvs Wilson and Aoheson. On Wednesday th regular annual bust neas meeting was held. The following officers were elected : Rev T J Wilson, President, M 0 Drink, Vise President. Jas K Knot, Rao Rec'y. W C Peterson, Cor Seo'y. H Vox. Treasurer. 11 W Oray, Mrs J H Towusend. Mrs St John, Rev H B Ksniaton, Rev G F Mead, Executive Committee. M O, J H Townseud.Mra S K Young, Finance Committee. Tk. f..t I. ,.. .1.1.... I.. alsit tn attend the Stat. Alliance, the call for which 1 is published in another column 1 Albany Ravs Brownsnn, Wshb, and Ir vine, sua M O Brink and Miss I.ibbie Irvine. Brownsville -Mrs W Stanard and A M McFerin, f rawfordaville - Rev It Robe. Haleey-Rev T J Wilaen and Mrs II B Kenistoo. Knox Butte J K Knex. Lebanon Prof J L Gilbert and J M Matte Oakville Jas McCune. Shedd D P Porter. Scio Mrs K K Peutland, T P Goodman. A committee consisting of Revs 8 U Ir Vina and 11 P Webb aad M O Brink was ap pointed to draft resolution in reference to the submission of a prohibitory amendment. The fallowing resolutions were adopted. JsWefoet, By the Lion Couuty Temnerance Alhauoe in maaa meeting. FT- ibat we are unanimously in favor of the pending amendments te our State con stitution prohibiting the traffic in intoxicat ing drinks OKtvcn -That we earnestly pray our pres ent legislature to pass at once the pending .tmeudiiictits eml thus redeem the u!odae made by all political parties to favor the submission of the question to the voters of our State. Titian Tht we have oootideooe in oar Senators and Repress ota lives from I .inn Co. who persoually plotted themaelvos to the question of submission dnriug the onvaa preceding our laat general election. Koubtm That in order to secure a for and unbiaaeil esprssiou of the wiahea of the electors of the .state and to separate the qu.-stisu as far aa possible from all aide is sues in politic, we are in favor of a special election either in June or October of the preai t y.r, a, wsioh fie prohibitory amendment ahall be submitted S li. IaviNa, U P.Wbhb. M O. Bains, Committee Ou Wednesday evening Revs R J Thomp son and S 1' Wi'aoa delivered the principal siU'reasaa. Remark were nude by others and sotn esoefb-nt mmc furuuUcl bv Messrs K R Pritchard. W, Portmiller, O H Irvine ao.l W II sa a q tartet. Solo were aung by Mr Irvtu. R-v PriteWl and Prof Lee. MOKE BILL The following is a continuation of moat important bills Introduced into Legislature since our last issue 1 Steel, providing for publication by State of a series of school text books' the the the and appropriating $10,000 therefor. Hare, pro viding that the irreducible school fund shall consist of the proceeds of the 16 and 36th sections of the different townships of the State, the proceeds of the 500,000 acres of internal improvement lands. Money paid for exemption from military duty, and the interest arising from the loan "of escheat fund. Simon, providing that judgments and executions may be attached by civil process. Paulsen, making term at County Commis sioner four years instead of two Richard son, for the' relief of N. G. McDonald a veteran of the cay use war. The bill ap propriates $1000.' Sib? to taejataa t il). Following are the Station on the Ore gon Pacific, with their distances from Al bany. Multiply the number of miles by four and you have about the fare from this dty : Waldron 5.9 Corvalli 11.3 Philomath 17.3 Siding No. 2 24.6 Harris' 27.1 R vburn 30 8 Bfodgett 31.7 Summit .37.3 Nashville 43.3 Norton's 47.5 Little Elk 54.8 Chit wood 59.3 Elk City 65.3 Hiding No. 1 68 Toledo 74.3 Mill No. 4 78.1 Yaquina City 83.3 Why f In another column Mr. John Brigga of fers his entire stock of goods for sale for less than cost. He means this. Why ? Because he has rented his store to Mr. Julius Gradwohl and Mr. Gradwohl is in a hurry to get in. Why ? Because Mr. N. H Allen, the owner of the building occupied by Mr. G., wishes to occupy it himself. All these facts go to show that there are some im mense bargains at Briggs. The pressure is high. Jehm Cex. Last Friday night Mr. J. E. Knox, of Knox Butte, arrived from Spokane Falls with the remains of Mr. John Cox, who died ac that place on Tanuary 20th. Funeral services took place at the residence of Henry Knox and the remains was buried in the Knox Butte cemetery. The deceased leaves a mother, three sisters and a well as many relatives, at Knox Butte, to mourn his loss. lie was thirty-seven years old, and was born in Ireland. A creestaat. Last Saturday Sheriff Smith and Con stable D. B. Monteith arrested a man going by the name of Johnson on suspicion of his being one of the escaped prisoners from the Portland jail. On examination by a Port land officer he proved a Chestnut. He cor responded to the description almost perfect- 7- Agent Wanted. To canvass for the Singer Mfg. Co. In quire of F. M. French, Albany, Or. For Bale. A good organ. Call at Dr Kelly's. Call on J. H. Maine. good shingle mill. ataasaseth New stock of fall goods, eyery line fall. come and examine them. Monteith A SarraitBAOB. Cloaks. the largest and best selected stock tn the vallay can bo fimnd at Monteith k Sei ten bach a. Lumber anal Posts. The undersigned will sell all kinds ef umber and eddsr fence poits at the follow ing stations on the Narrow Gauge Railraod, Lena s, Lawson and Bellville. Persons build ing houses or barns can have billa cut and delivered at any of tho above stations on short notice. Lumber is of tho very best quality, the logs being brought from the tine timber regions on the Mclveuae duver. Wi. E. SrioBsa tub capital. In the Incipient stage of the progress of our State great care should be taken in or der that our developments may be beneficial to succeeding generation!. In the one mat ter of railroads, public policy in commercial matters demands and Inter-commerce rela tion between them and in many States this system Is fully underway. One company must but for another or have Its track open to other companies upon terms prescribed by law. And so it will be with the people's thoroughfare all over our country in time. And railroad corporations are beginning te submit to the Inevitable with grace and f cleverness. There Is a bill before the Leg islature authorising the 0. 11. ft N. Com pany to bridge the Willamette at Portland. 1 hc BhottM !u,,.V 1 111 j"1 1 1 u is doing 111 tnis case. 1 here win ne but one bridge built for railroad purposes at Portland and all railroads should have the right of way over this bridge If built. Usual lv these structures are built by members of some particular railroad corporation, but of a seperate organisation for bridge building and all mads are charged a toll for crossing the bridge. In some cases In the east a toll as high as fifty cents a passenger has been charged for crossing a bridge on the line of the road. Freights also have this tax to carry. Now shippers of the Willamette Valley do not want to be hemmed in by any railroad in the way of heavy assess ment for such a state of things might lead to extortion. Now Is the time to say what the conditions shall be upon which this rail road bridge at Portland can be built. Have it done by the Legislature so the future may demonstrate the wisdom of the act. If there are Attorneys in the Legislature.of the cor poration Intending to construct this bridge, It would be very natural for them to look at the project as lawyers rather than true and impartial representatives of the people's wants. Hence there should be no vented or exclusive rights gi yen fox building this bridge and the Legislators faithful to the peojle should see that this Is not done. The right to build should depend on the use the bridge Is to be put to under State control The bridge I needed. It is a necessity for every railroad in Oregon. The terms for using the bridge by railroads generally should be based upon the interest on the investment that is tlte coat of construction, maintain ing and wear and tear. Every company using the bridge s.unild pay its proportion of this Interest. Money can be had to build this structure for five per cent. This prop osition to divide the expense would be just to the people upon a basis that the Legisla ture could manage. The State is wholly interested in this bridge, and now that we have a national inter-State commerce law that must be fullv tried before its feasability can be determined the State should provide for the management of this bridge in the interest at the people. It is predicted that the inter-State commerce bill will be injuri ous to the interest of the "ZSorthwcet It so then comes the greater necessity for Oregon to control her corporate thoroughfares at once. The people appeal to the considerate member of the legislature In this matter and for them to see that these roads and bridges are sustained upon their merit alone. We think that the railroads in Western Oregon should be fairly dealt with. They are too antagonistic, we mean roads of dif ferent allow rates much above a living rate. Not until they are greatly above this should thev be disturbed. One road i in the hands of a Receiver. It ha struggled long for an existence and has scarcely found it. Another road Is coming into or rather going easterly out of the Val ley a an experiment, hoping to aid in peo pling the country through which It may pas in order to obtain traffic enough to live. The most favorable consideration should be given to these roads by every member of the Legislature, not one of whom would put a dollar into them upon an investigation of these hazardous expert ments. And above all should our law makers see that the great railroad bridge at fori land i open to no more favorable con dilion for Eastern Oregon than Western. There are other bills that should be con sidered. The repeal of the bill creating the Board of Agriculture i a mistake and it should not pass. The bill creating a Board of Public Charities is no doubt intended to apply more to its officers than any body else. It is a mistake. It ought not to pass. There could be some Legislation had, that would bean improvement upon our school system. The bill to prevent the use of cigarette bv persons under 16 years of age, is a good bill, and would be better if it were 60 years instead of if. SojOl'BXBB. Btaslaess la Business. The Corvallis Ckronkl feels aggrieved because there are no wharfage privileges at Albany except those owned by the Oregon Pacific, and relieves itself on the subject. Now business is business. If the O. R. & N. desires wharfage privileges here let it buy them. We have a big frontage, and land can easily be bought for the purpose. The O. P. has the same right to spend 535,000 for wharfs that any business man has several thousands for advantageous lo cations. So far as Albany is concerned! while at the present time Its people favor the Oregon Pacific, we are , nevertheless, in favor of always having competition here. We are not hunting monopolies. The more wharfs established here the better It will suit our people, whoever builds them. As the paper referred to wants a remedy we suggest that the proper one is for the O. R. & N. to build a wharf here. The idea of referring to the fact that the O. P. has the only two wharfs here,as working against the Willamette as a free avenue of commerce, is as ridiculous as it would be for a man to complain because he could not find a vacant store just located te suit him to place a stock of goods in. Try again ! Barney ftienels. Those desiring the latest novelties in laces, buttons, gloves, etc., should call ou Mon teith A Sei ten bach. Bane Work. N. H. Allen A Co. have in stock a fall line of material for fanoy work, oonsissing ef Fairy zephyr, ShntUu I v., , and does, ohe nille, arasene, rill i". 72 i-tch English felt, silk l a, ktiul ing siik. eta. atenaeval. Viercck's shaving and hair dressing sa loon to opposite the Revere House, where be has first-class bath rooms. Boots and Shoes. N. H. Allen A C3. have in stock a line of boots, shoes and rubbers, which be sold at very low prices. full will Why not call on Thos Brink for something in she furniture line for holiday presents. m m Biseee to Lena. On from one to three years time, on good security, in sums of $500 up. Call on Clike, Monteith & Co. Produce, Don't forget that N. H. Allen k Co., take produce in exchange for merchandise at the market prices. Dr. Whites celebrated New York Cough Syrup, for sale at Hoffman k Pffeifer's Warranted to cure coughsand colds. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY- a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptherie, and Canker Mouth. 1 iaanell PreeeedlBgs. Tuesday, Jen. 3 ah, 1887. Present All bat Mayor. Ceunellman Gradwohl on motion was made Chairman. The committee on accounts and eurrant expanses reported the reports ef the oity of ficers correct. The following bills were reported correct by the above committee and allowed by the Council : Stewart 4 Sox, 88 15 j JehnLecdy, 5.00 ; J R Stewarlaon. 85 I W It Warner, 810.50 j Crandall & Huston, 81.75, The committee ou Ordinances reported 00 Ordinance in reference to right of way for Postal Teleeranh Comoaav. and the name was referred oack to committee for further consideration. The same committee retorted favorably on an ordinance arantiug right of way to Air. a lore Andrews and associates for electric light and telephone privileges, ttie said Andrews within thirty days to formally accent conditions of the ordinance. Bids for city printing ware read aad me contract let to Albany Obmocrat at 75 cents for posteis and 20 cents per 100 ems for oe- dinaaeee, The follow ing bids were opened for gravel and dirt : K R Crosby -pit gravel, 00c ; river gravel, 7o 1 dirt, 25o. R A Murphy river gravel, 72 cents per yard ; pit gravel, 57u 1 dirt, 25o. Geo M Weatfall- river grayel, Benton Co. 70o 1 dirt, 28a Contract let to (eo M Weatfall. The following bid for cross walks was read and, there being only one, bid rejected: Cbaa Crowder -3 feet wide. 81 1 10 1 four feet wide, 8150; six feet wide, 815 80. John lingae was granted privilege of mak ing improvemeuta on kts frame store on First street. r The Marshal was instructed to notify Ore gon Pacitia R R Co to repair street corner Ninth and Lafayette streets. floods for licensee to aell liqaors of all kinds were granted (Ties Keif er and J Gib- ffa BeBeel ef taw Bsaie. According to State Superintendent Mc- Elroy's report for 1886 the whole number of organized districts In the State was 1,371, an increase of 35 In one year. Whole number of persona between 4 and 30 as reported, Sj.hhi, an increase of 3,84 J Over the prevotM year. Pupils enrolled in schools, 49,176; average attendance, 35,245 ; No. teachers, 1,861 ; average No of days of school, 101,5, an increase of 6.5 days In one year t aver age salary paid teachers male, $46.30, a decrease of $3.01 ; female, $31.65 ; also a decrease of $3.31. No of private sonools U 148. Teachers employed 1,861. No teachers with first grade certificates, 1,304. Second grade 677. No. persons school age not at tending any school, 16,(30 ; a decrease of 9.148 In one year. Average salary paid County Superintendents, $300. Since 1873 the average salary of female teachers lias decreased $10 a month, of male teacher $4. There are two residents of Linn coun ty who have received life diplomas since 1K73. H H Hewitt and Mis P.stetla M Howard. Prof J H Jewett, of Harriabuig, has a 81st grade Stale certificate. There are 63 graded school in the State, 3 of these are in Linn county. Grant and Curry counties pay female teachers the largest average salary $48.00, Lake k first in male. Kelt gees Brlna 1089. During 1S87 there will be four eclipse two of the sun and two of the moon, as follows : February 7th and 8th, partial eclipse of the moon ; visible entire to North America and the facinc ocean, and more or less to South America, China and Aua atralia. At Portland the moon will enter the penumbra at 1 1 so and the shadow at t xt p. m. ; the middle of the eclipse will occur at 8tf p. m. ; moon leaves the shad ow at :tu p. m . and the penumbra at 4 li p. m. February 3 2nd an annular eclipse of the un. August 3rd partial eclipse of the moon. August 19th total eclipse of ttte sun. None but the first eclipse will be vis. ible to this coast. ee ft II las re Call. The sixteenth annual session of the Ore gon State Temperance Alliance will convene in Salem, Oregon, February t M 3 o'clock r. at. Each organized County Alliance t entitled to twice as many delegates as there ere members of the Legislative Assembly from that county. Also each Oiurch,Sun dav School and temperance society la en tit fed to one delegate. Much depends upon this session of the Alliance, t he temper ance forces of our state are on the eve of 1 great "ktory or a terrible defeat. The part each temperance and religious body take in supporting and making the State Alliance a success will have much to do in determining which it shall be. Then let there he strong delegation from all parts of the state at this session of the Alliance. G. M. MlLJLBB. U.S. Stbanob, President . Secretary. B.awnsvllle W- C. T. B. Jan. 19th, 18S7. The W.C. T. U. organized at Browne, ville, Nov. 13th, 1886, is In thorough work ing order. The spirit of temperance Is taking strong hold upon the citizens. We rejoice in the active spirit manifested In the Union during the first quarter. We have had one public lecture and one lunch and sociable. The Dramatic Club under the manage ment of Prof Strange generously donated the proceeds of one nights entertainment to the Union. This financial aid we are truly grateful for, and will endeavor to prove by our good use of the means, now much it will benefit the cause, we are justly proud of our home talent of Brownsville. Mas. Groveb, Cor. Sec. A V. c T. V. Bleeftas- The W. C. T. U. meeting of a week ago was a yery interesting occasion . The re ports of the various officers and Supt. show work well planned and carried on with an r - - ee earnestness, which cannot fail of success We believe In the great harvest which will be reaped by and by, our efforts will not be forgotten. A prayer meeting will be held next Tuesday at the Hall from 3 to 3 o'clock for the success of the temperance worn that shall come before the Legislature. Cordla invitation given to all. W. C. T. U. The Bosebara Bean da I. Editors Democrat 1 I will publish in your next week's paper the full account of the scandal at Rosebnrg, referred to by the Albany Bulletin, which will implicate people of high religions standing. Rosebnrg, Oregon. F. M. Cvve. W, C. T. V. Meeting. Regular meeting of tba . C. T. U. in their hall over French's Jewelry Store, next Tuesday afternoon. A special prayer meet ing will be held commencing at 2 p. m. Business meeting at 3, A full attendance ia requested. Breeerles, do to Allen A Co. when you want groce ries. They have a well selected stock and ell cheap. Cloaks t Cloaks I Don't forgot that N. H. AUen k Co. have just received a large stock of the 1 .test styles in cloaks from New York, which bays offer at unheard of low prices. CliBBKNT KVKNfS. Wheat Is 67 cents a bushel at Roseburg P H Leslie, of Kentucky, has been appoint n vroecrnor ox montana. Portland Is liable to have an Electrk- Ktreet Car Co. In the near future. Senator Mitchell opposed the Inter State commerce mil. Put a pin In the fact. Father Unchurch, the founder of the A O. U. W. died on Jan 18th In Missouri. - . ... : . 7 . . The paymaster on the O, P. has been circulating railroad coin along the line ef the road. Mr Benjamin denies being part of a ring, ana so do the higlins and the Simons ami the Canons. An effort is being made In Jacksonville to reouce the saloon license from $300 to $100. Hctter raise it Insteud . A woman at Rovans. France. I i3 veers 010, ann ins records are there to prove it ..ii I r -- r- Remarkably old that. it cost $400 recently to clear the step snu approaches to the Capitol building at Washington of snow. I gh A bill has been introduced In Congress to pay Hiram Smith, of Harrlsburg, $3678 on account 01 depredations by kidisfffeT Oregon needs a law requiring a certain population to make a place a city. It should be at least 3000. Let's have some dbrnlt to the title of city. Among those on the steamer "Oreaon" which had such a dangerous voyage on Its last trip to San Francisco, were Mrs Cnpt Powell and brother Robert Foster, of Port. land, both formerly of Albany. A ridiculous bill before the Legislature I that of Johnson to appropriate 81600 to aid In the construction of a school house In Dist. 4, Grant coopty. Member wilt soon (et down to asking appropriations for build ng private residences. X N Steres.tried at Portland on the charre of being b bold, bad lawyer, who would "steal sheen," or something of the klnd.was acquitted on every charge. Bet some of the lawyers who tried to disbar him would not stand the light of a very close investigation. A member of the Legislature is beintf In vestigated because as Chairman of a com- j mittee he mode improper proposals to two young lady applicants for clerkships. The Judkuiy committee will have charge of the matter. An amendment introduced in the U. S. Senate providing that the right of cltUcns of the U. S. to vote shall not be denied on account of set was defeated by a vote of 16 to U. Dolph and Mitchell voted yea, and the former made a speech on the subject. The Ashland Woolen Mill Co. during 1886 sold $5V44 worth of manufactured goods. $37445 WM pent for wool , dye stuffs, $3,070 ; wood. $858 ; tallow, S598 ; wages, $10,705. this shows a good margin for a dividend. Ttte stockholders are well satisfied with H. Monday in the U. S . Senate a warm lime was had over the resolution In reference to tee fishery Interests between Canada and the L'. H. Senators lngalls, Hoar and Fry became quite heated, ingalle said the mat ter had to be settled either by diplomacy or blood. Diplomacy, by all means. Morris Mensor, of Jacksonville, has sued eight Insurance companies for '$16,103.34, Insurance on goods destroyed by fire laat September, it will he remembered that the insurance companies claimed there were suspicious circumstances connected with the fire. Laat Monday Daniel liaveeaged j8,of S.F. killed his fat her, because the latter upbraded him for not working and being a buy hood lum. Weapon, a earring knife. Hayes will probably be given a farsical trial, prove himself Insane, or something of the kind and get cleared, lie should be hung aa speedily as the law will permit. Gov Alger, of Michigan, who will be re membered In Albany as one of the Logan party. Is a brick. regardleof politics. Dur ing the recent fearfully cold snap he hunted up, through his Secretary.five hundred des titute families, and sent each of them a bar rel of flour and a ton of coal or cord of wood. Our State Legislature ha passed a re lution asking Congress to pass a conatitu tional amendment providing for the election Of Senators. There are now too many money bags in the high toned t'pper House Brain's Is what is wanted. Every Legisla ture in the Union should make this recom mendation, and some have. Down with brainless money bagged Senators. The contest between Senator Siglin and Wager waxes moat interesting. Both are editota. The latter presides over the spright ly E. O. of Pendleton, and regales his read ers semi-weekly with Salem doings. His aasaciatc without his knowledge hit Mr Siglin several hard rape and Slg. demanded an investigation 41 nd the expulsion of Wager. Mr Siglin deserved being hit, at least with a stuffed club. Judging from the following from the Grants Peas Courier that city must be a fortunate one : It has been fully .thorough ly and positively demonstrated to our mind that no wooden side-walks will ever be needed in Oram Pasa, aside from those in front of business houses. With the finest natural drainage in three different directions, end a formation of granite loam that once graded up, becomes as hard as a stone and as dry as a plank, we are destined ere long to have the finest streets in the world, at a little or no expense. I B Comley, In charge of the planer at the Parker mill, Oneatta.savs the met with a severe accident one day last weck,by which the index finger of the right hand was broken and torn from it socket, a small strip of skin only remaining to hold it to the hand. Comley cheerfully gathered the finger together, put it in place, bound it up, and now it is In a fair way to heal up and become almost as good as new. The head of a bolt in the planer-head came in contact with his hand, and that did the tmsinesa. A verv peculiar tragedy occurred near Spokane Falls a few days ago, of which the following account is given : "imie rerron, a pretty girl living here, was called upon vesterdav morning by two lovers, one of . . a -a . . - a whom had a team ana wanted to taae ner riding. Dennis Kennedy and William Col Ins were the catiers. ooanu wrestle, atu Tillie, 'and the man who comes out on top shall have my company for the day. In the content which followed, Kennedy was the winner. This so annoyed Collins that, It is said, he drew a knife and stabbed his antagonist four times, causing injuries that are likely to prove fatal. A startling petition has been presented Congress by the women of D. C. It charges the commissioners of the District of Colum bia with disregarding the purity, safety and moral interests and rights of the people. and asserts that in direct violation of law they have been for months past permitting and protecting gambling hells, pool rooms and drinking establishments, as well as dens of prostitution and vice, giving numerous par ticulars. It charges that a house owned by one of the commissioners is used as an office by the agent of the Louisiana state lottery, and that t rank Hume, the president ot the 1 liquor aeaicrs association, is a oonusman ui 1 1 A J 1 , I I 1 1 one ox the commissioners, it tneretore prays for a thorough investigation of the facts and for the proper enforcement of law, and the protection of homes within the dis trict. Account is given of a mean shooting af fray near Weston on jan. aotn : "there was a luiiciut ill mwii, auu hiiiuiii; 111c ai- . . . ... , . , . . tendantsfrom Indian Mountain were Robert Turner, George Creagan, school directors, and several young men, including Ernest Sheperd, who had been sent to jail some weeks ago for an act of vandalism in the school house. The young men became in toxicated during the afternoon, and made threats against the directors. When the latter started home the bovs followed, an plying vile epithets and firing a pistol in the air. 1 his was kept up for several miles. Near Creagan's home the parties had a col- lision, and Turney shot Grant By land, slight wounds In the face and thumb. Creagan shot Sebastian Blucher, a slight wound in the breast. He then shot bhep- erd twice in the back, the second bail pass ing close to his heart and out at the throat. Sheperd will probably die. Turney and Creagan had a preliminary examination at Weston, and were bound over in $500 each to appear before the grand jury at Pendle ton; flOBJB AND ABBOAB F M French, jeweler, Have yo-t paid your county taxes. Read Warner's big ad. on tbe 4ih page. Revival meetings at tho M li Church con tinue. Oysters served in all styles at Hoffman A Pf 01 Iter's. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, AW baoy, Or. Oj fw Raid Jk Brn-)T fir ih to fresh groceries. Mrs Vworheea. wife of Senator V.iwi beea is dead. Uttfk Hushuull, Pnvsioi i'i ami Surgeom Shedd, Or. The S!m faulting mills for sale at Dsyoe A K'ibson'i. Mr S 0 instead of Mr W H '.Wallace, is - seating Albany. Another tumble m the price id boot awl shoes at !( ad A Hiowuell's. l-arue redaction in tha ortc of shot at W.ll Brothers, Albany. Or. J H Townseud. special agent (or the State Insurance Co, of Malum, Oregon. Six shave fur a dollar and a oh an towl to every customer, at L. Vierick's. A Hoe assortment of Christmas candies, outs, et., at Bead A firowueliV Hon R A Irvioe's interest bill failed in the Senate by a vote of 13 to 14. The Band of Hope will men this (Friday) atteraooo at 3,30, at the regular place. i)r W 11 llyrd has b en appointed ubvai ciao at the peniteutiary. Salary, 8&0U- K M French, agent Sinuer Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Temple, Albuy,Or. Watches, clocks and ieo! wamfuily te paired at reasonable prieea at F M 1 reueb's Yoo can gt a spleudid varmtv of Maaa as Mr John Briggs. For Ssie at ruooakle pi ices. Dr. M 11. Kills, p.tysitfian and surgeon 01 ty or AH any, Oregvu. i.'aile made In coil u try. Teo chairs aie kpt ruuiiinir at Verick'e iarber shop. Ttte place to g, t a sh tv or hair cut. It will pay you t . call at F .VI French s ami price bis w : t es Ufwre putebasina ooo else at here. Freeh Yauuina By an i K uter i ovsUrs constantly us liaa 1 after t--l y at Hoif nan rfeiffer a. An effort is tmnn mde to move the countv seat ol Yamhtll county from Lafayette to MsMionyille. A petition has tteen circulated in Albaoy oak tag the legislature to enact a law to rea uiate denttatry . Oregon Pacific trams bean raa&ix on regular time laat Monday. Se time table on fourth page. ruor coitus tramp r-r lodg-ed in the ealibooae Friday night. Bad weather even lor tramps. A 8 Paddock baa been elected Senator id Nebraska and Frank Jliscwck New York, both Republicans. 1'eyoe A Kohenti hve s lrje at ek of the heat plows 1111 on hand, f y will be sold at bedrock prices. Aboot three inches of .now Ml IF In tty hitfht aw.i rhor.iy Stelea. the lrt of tbe oa to obtato a foothold. Uo the lat of February M r i rry No. I wtll take charge of a .!.. m the bedding next acrui oi tae Upsr House. Thursday of last week Cttarles Blod ett. of I.bnon, fell from a box ear on tb R R and broke one of his arms. U LI A . . b. ivuoy euros, in pot, w i j. yer a a saw a V - OH Itieiy. or Woe J r-: b-i!l h I .ot died nearly a hundred years ago. Wotverton ft lrvme hv moved their law office into the Foster Block, and now bv moag tb fioeat ofBces ia the city. The Salvation Army m vie a Portland tele graph operator eray, and be has been Uko to Seism W E Parker was bi name. MrOFRo)), who recently taught a achnoi tn Hntim prennnct, is now octet to but former State, Miseouu. at Helena. Tb .Nfcate Legislature adjourned from Frt day noon until Monday oooq. Four days in the were 1 the stent r.f the Ihtnag bad weather the Corvallis mail carrier bring it down on the Oregon Pacific. It shoo 1. 1 be carried oa this road regatariy. Person desiring fi.i pocket knives of a new brand, warrant. I, aboold call at Will Bros. Tbey have just gotten in a new stock. DurioK IH6 there were exported fmm Uregoo, ti"t. 81.029,950 ; wool. go 372 j 799 ; hope, 81.075.440 ; salmon, 81 9-16.188. l"g bia illoe by the Lviie Bene vole t 't An K u tern Or mi nber of the L'gis- ' ciety of that place, at the Sisters Hospital, to latere voted fw Carwoo (or Preaideat of tbe ! whom th f-mily feel v.-ry gratefal for tl.etr Senate because he look like (teorje Wash ..... j .. . , . ,3,, i attention and many acta of kiodneaa,and may stCtffir ' ' no. nn but era is tn .... It . I W. ...... . U ...j r J , . n n, I in.uH,,ii. . .uu.i in",, o ii i ii vtu,, ! is th heaviest man in the lower house of th legislatnre. Expect Watta taaei tb td in the Senate. Barkhart A Keeney sell ticket vr the Northern Pacinc Kaii Road to ml point Knoi Butte, and laid to rest fh th cemetery aaas. Call on them for rate ami mips at KnoX Butt. The family have tn aym showing route of travel. ; psthy of the friend and neighbors in this The North bound train, on account of a tn-ir hereavaruent, aad as tie after tie ia bo Iooeod rail a fw mile this side ol Oak- l"K ver1 anchor after anehoi ia being la id.di.l not arrive in Albany until 1 1 o'clock : p. m. Wednesday eight The right kind of people deserve assistance when destitute. Tat does not include that class who kick because it is not "patent pro oess'' instead of snow flake. Should you desire to sell your property call on Barkhart A Keeney aa they advtrtiae property placed in their hand, and charge nothing an lea they effect a sale. Tho Steven, the bicyclist, who attempt ed to ride around the world, but was stopped in Afghanistan because thought to lie his Satanic Majeaty, ia in Portland, It ia unlawful now to kill deer, etc , of all kinds ; but aa many deer wiM auffer as Cbiueae pheasanta. Game laws are not con sidered very seruus affairs, anyway. The steamer "N S Beotley" started from Portland for Albany on Monday, but tbe loess at Oregon City were closed on account of hitth water aud the trip had to bo post poned Th top of the foot hill are covered with anow, A vary poetical apyratic is present ed whsu tbe sun, after a desperate effort, penetrates the clouds and atrikes the freezing element. A brutal prize tight took ulaoo in Portland last Tuesday evening between a silor named Hootty and a man named McCaffey. What ha become of our glorious statute on tne subject. t W Wiswsll, recently from Nebraska. haa located in this city, having purchtsed the first of the week, through Cliue, alotitei h k Co., Mr B Ouster's property in the First Ward, Consideration. 81200. The Albany Democrat travelers who had returned from snow-clad Eastern Oregon, aud thought Wehfoot such a paradise, certainly didn't visit Crook county, for we have not bean snow-clad this winter iteview. The Teaoher's meeting at H tUey oom- menoicg this Friday evening promises to be a success. Able speakers have been engaged and a good attendance is expeoted. Much profit may be derived from these local gath erings. Send Burkhart A Keeney name and ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore- Son and they will send them copies of tb teal Estate Conveyor which oontaius a otu- 1 i . .... ... , . l I plete rttacriptiou of one county in each issue j..;. wi. - - A with cither desirable information as wather, Chinese New Year's began last Sabbath morning and will continue indefinitely. It waa ushered in with a loud blast of big and small fire crackers, and martial music haa been the order since, much to tbe annoyance of the community. Mr The Wallace, recently Deputy Coun ty Clerk, and Sherman Thompson, of this county, are osening a grocery store in the corner lately occupied by Read St Brownell. Both are popular young men, and haye many frionds who will stand Oy tnem. Readers of tbe Dbmochat should remem ber that we do not endorse everything our correspondents advocate. It is the province ef a public journal to admit all aides of qnes tiouf ot pnnuo interest, ror instance our Salem correspondent makes several points we dissent from. Following are Legislative clerks of c an 1 mittee from Una couuty, so tar as appoint ed i Mrs Henrietta Brown, roads and hiuh ways i Anna 1, Moult, printing i T I. Dugg er, public lands ; D V H Raid, sdni4.iin. in the Senate. In tho House are KsfMPla' A Howard, judiciary j M iniii M AHtflMi, cor porations ; Mrs Mattie Humphrey, 1 Polk ooanty, is an engrossing clerk. W have received from Rosebcrg "Th A......I .1 (' ......-.. ft ... v""oiii,, a Bifin con m e 3 in three books, Mrs Or S Hamilton aut at Cht poem is histotioil in its r.atnre, ou'aio much poetical beauty and many good thought. The publio generally road nmmn ov tocat talent wiui tnsuiuon. This i-om a. a a a .a . W ttioiixii, i worth a careful peroral, wh ch i saying coosiderabie for these trashy times. Two very tsaty panel painting, in oil, the worn or miss Nellie itichards. of this eitv. i i ... i . . . . . . . nave newn exniTMreo m ,Mr rl Kwerr. ne.-i,. nows. tine is a painting of Mt Hoo t am) the other of Mt Shssta Toe are among the beat of Mi- Kiehard'a work, and display skill. The UKMOcaAToh rvrm a etaulv i n provement which tpeaks for ber future sue '. Heme talent ef the mint of Vfi. Kichard's, deserve our heat nciaragntnt The Sslvatien Army will come to Albany after exhausting Salem, A great deal of fnu is mad of this institution ; but this is a fiee country ; and it take all kinds of people to make np our popnlstion. Standing on the street such weather aa we bays been hazing with nothing to attract aAtanti. tn ia ilia. t.. able business, so let the Salvationist come. The DgVot'BAT Bee been ktd to publico Ooveroor Pennoyer' inaugural address. This we cannot do in full, as we are ,!.; ed of the resource of the country newspaper, in not being able to get an inaagnral supple ment from the Portland sunohment bonee. none Im-iiiu printed in the S'atc. Next Mk and the week sfter we will give the most irn portent extract A a matter ef fact tb ldres ha not been puMthel bv a njfle Oregon patter outside of PorMaud Country papers do not have the facilities for such long article. 04 ltL,At tt.ttMAL. Mr U P Tomp'.io. of f'-.r; I .ii,I. in At. bany Miturday. Mr Owen Bind, of HJeev seas 1st at. .. Friday and called. Ltcil Ted Piper of th'Sdeot - spent Sabbath in Albany. Miss Mary Irvo.e. of the Central Sbl has been in PortU.I this aek. Mis Meliie D-h-. arrived it Albany from the Bay. laat Wi N . rid at r- e a at Bteve l - i riutn,.i f. w d. ys go from a trip to Wtoua. Billy Park.r. of the Bv. waa let rl. tit T uceday ou hi way to Southern Oregon. Meyer! well cImkii couruhii. in il,im I m Hdtnsr says, n ill n riv.,n ;.... w,' ding. Big IIn. Owen., to no i I. il I in in. paesed through Albaoy Tiitalav SW, hi ,.y to Salem. Dr J I! Irvine, sou of llan R A levin ,J this city, aad Mr TJ Kirk, both d Cu-r ville, w-re ie Albny over Sebh h. Tl ey are .1 o.u SUem thui week. .Mr Stockton, recently foremei ,of the now i-iuncl r t .VunJtor. w to Albany Mooiliy. Medford l now wtihott ne', paper, aud It si s standstill. Mr fd Hall. oiMiager of the Oregon Fire and Msrtoe I iure.- C.t , was tu Albany Wrdnedy. Mr H F Mirrul is bioal ageat. Tttis c :imuv ha .good lutof risk ta tin otty. Mrs Backensto, of Tacoma, baa been in the city, tbe guest of her fatoer-ia-lew, Mr J F Backensto Her mother, Mrs Were, ol Kugeoe. on account of the illoees ef bar daughter, has been in the city also. Last Tuesday afternoon Dr M H Ellis, E A Parkr, Willi Onlet, W C Tweedeie. W M Ketchum. F fj Barkhart. A 4 II ant. F 8 Crosby. A A Gordon, (i W Young, John Shmeer and Peter Andei-soa, all Three L.nker. of thi city, jemped aboard a freight train and want 1st Holsey to join the Old Fellow of that plane in initiating a con pi of candidate. Tbe tieya had a good time aad came bom on the freight in the morning. oatlTt IKT , John D. Cox wo bora io IVlfaat, Ireland. June 24th, 1850. and do-1 at Spokane. Waeh- I tag lemtry, January 20th, 1887. He , moved with hi parents to America, and set tied ia Chicago, IilM tu 186J, where hi fath. erdied iu 1872. Ca'ne to Oregon 1874. Left home in 1880. A ah rt time before his death be came to Spokane aud was cared for du . ' 1 J " "" 'yfj u me nifsson u of a hi i-ased hereafter. Hi brother ia lsw.Jas. E Keox.weot after the lemaiua. returning with them Friday veiling, and on iaussae, at 1 p. m., the fun eral services were held at hi mother's, at r" . V .Br nor. s ua loon away from the world and tiuat in th Savior. H. P. W. FOR DYSPEPSIA and 0 nplalnt yon have a print I guarantee on every bttle of Sbiloa' Vitaliaer. a neverfai 1 o cure. They have a toboggan slide at Bismarck, Dakota, where it is said the steel-shod to boggans acquire a velocity of three miles e minute. But thev are used to blhtzardt, and can stand a stiff current of air. Such riding would kill an Oregon ian. Hurse, Cattle aad Chickens. For onlle and grubs, for lung fever, cough or hide-hound, I give Simmona Liver Reanlator in a mash twice e day. Youoau recommend it to everyone having stock as tbe beat medicine known for the ab vo complaints. In using it with my chicken, for o'.oler and gapea, I mix it witn unugn ami reea u to them once a day. Hv tnis treatment I have lost none where the Kgula;cr was given promptly ana re-n tariy. E. T. Taylor, Agt., for Grangers of G. Wonderful Cares, D Hoy I A Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ol Rome, Ot, says : We have been aelline Dr K tug's New Discover)'. Else trie BiHers and Bucklen'u Armoa Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or ive auoh universal sat isfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected ty these medicines in this oity. Several cases of pronounced consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Driving New Discovery, taken in connection ith Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Foshny A Mason. For stoves and tiu ware at, coat go to John Briggs. Window shades and looking glasses, fia ock, at Thos Brinks. MtBKIKU. GLASS CHANCE. On Jan. 30th, 1887, in Crawfordsville, at the residence of the bride's parents,by Rev Robert Robe, Ms. John H. Glass and Miss Altha C. Chance both of Crawfordsville. The Democrat congratulates Mr. Gh-ss on tlte Chance he has taken for a long ad prosperous wedded life, and the bride m securing a husband with the right ring to him. May their lives be ones of unbrok happiness. PAGE-ODELL. On Jan. 27th, 1S87, at the residence ot Mr. W. H, McFarlard in Albany, by Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. 1)., Mr. J. L. Pags and Mrs. M. J. Odr .l both of Eugene City. HYDE HODGE. In this city, on Jan. 35th, 1887, by R. L. DorrisJ. P., Ma. F. M. ilYPB,of Harrisburg.and Mrs. Fung ktte HoDG,of Albanv Te (he rablir. I arn now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerpus customers in all lines of goods. 1 have a larger stock which I personally selected, and have many nov elties I could not get by ordering goods ex clusively. I have just made extensive im provements to in v Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, and enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better goods for the money. 1 have just received direct trom the factory a full line of ladies' and genu' slippers for the holiday trade especially selected for this market, all of which wii, be sold on their merits, and every pair guaranteed, even in cheap slippers and lutes. Samubi. E. Yot Jio A girl baby was born at the Whitney mansion in Washington last week and it i to be named Frances Cleyeland. Bast. New goods at FortmUler Si CV. Sev eral new styles of elegant bed room sets, and a splendid variety of upholstered good, just received. By keeping a first class stock ot gryxis they go last. Anthony Com stock recentlv sei red a big squash in the window of a Harlem, N. Y, iothing store, and chaiged the owners of the squash with violating the lottery laws. They had offered a watch and chain to the customer who should come nearest to Juesaing the number of seed in the quah. ustice Welde decided iu the Police Court, that the squash had committed no offense, and its owners were dismissed. The squash was returned to them, and four stalwart negroes wrapped it in the stars aud stripe and bore it back to the store on a litter. A brass hand preceded the squash through the streets. The question of the nu niter of seed has been resumed. FlreUclai butcher Icnlveeat WV.I Br gun store. ere i.uo.1. Lvliee, when von ar-i ii want of a fine dress dont forget tn inspect tbe tock of N. H. Allen A (. They have a very large took to select from and at prices never be fore offered in A'mwiv. Coaflnae t Buy Mre. lr h oid'-rs continue to boy ! res at this city. Will pv (rood price for suitable rsci wi-irfhnu 1 100 to l.lOO pound, in gmd order. Brin them on. WHY WILL Y Ue, ugh when Snilob Cure will give immediate relief. Frice 10 eta., 60 ct., and 81 When evSenator Conkiing made hi last campaign he stipulated that he should not Ik- asked to speak out of doors. He was so insistent upon thin point, in the interest of hi health, that wigwam were built for him at point where there were no large hall. Logan, less careful of his health, spoke often in the rain. When he was last at Quincv he sat for over an hour In the damp, cold air after he had made a speech, that left him in a profuse prespiration. Loea is dead and Conkiing is in good health. I -a an dry Weefc. Laundry work of all Kinds done to lie entire Matifctlon of ell. Oiva a whi e man a chance. F. H. MoOomxiosc. Baeatlea'a Arnica'; be salve ia the wor'd fori Cut. The Rruiae. So rea. Ulcer. Halt Rheum. Fever Soma, Tetter. Cnapped Hand. Chilblana, Corn and all Skin Kraptlona, and posi tively cure Pilea, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give porls-t atisfactloa, or mrnisy refunded. Price 2 cents per box. For sale by Poshay A Mason, The rhetegrapfcer, Atbiny. or I have ail the negat vea taken by A B. Paxton and any one can have dupil cat from their negative by addressing us, at tte following pric-t : Car I sfv M per don, cabinet atsa, $3 par dnaen. oii dour. $0 per doaen. I keep the finest line of Oregon views in the went. Cata logue furnished on application Copying aud enlarging old picture a Npaeialty. J. O. Cnawreaa. Masked hugging parties are coming into vogue in some localities, and might oe a drawing card at some of our church social. By paying 15 cents a man is aHowed to hung a girl, but he i at first blindfolded. It makes a man mad, says one who probab ly has been through the mill, to find on re. moving the bandage from his eyes, that he has been hugging bis own wife ; 15 cent gone for nothing Such a social here wou!d take like wild fire. Being Mere n to the taste, more acceptable to th atemaeh, and more truly beneficial in its aesioa, tb 1 famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syra .re. J ; it i- .1 . of riK. rap hi y superseding ail 01 era. Try it. For sale by Foehay A Mass . The Yery Best. I have addel to my soot mud aftee atoek a line of khe celebrated l.urt. Hr.ktbr k Mitchell, Pkiltulelnkim Fine Shoes for led , mates and children. Acknawledged by dealer generally to be tbe beat yalne and best fitting fine shoe made. Widths C. D. R, and BE. A child can buy as chean aa a oAMrxt. E. iocs a, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. Examine Woodtn's Extension table. They are -weU go and see them for yourself. THE REV MEO U TO AYKR. of Bonr bon, Ind , aaya: H th myeelf and wife owe our live to NHilAm x CONSUMP TION CURE," Foahay A Manon, agents. MORE Quilt than you eyer saw Deforest Mon- teith dt Seitenbsoh's. Active, Pushing and Beltahle. Foahay A Maaon can always be relied up- ou to carry in stock the purest and bet goods, and sustain the reputation of being active, pushing aud reliable, by recommend ing articles with well established merit and such aa are popular. Having the agency for the celebrated Dr Ring s New Discovery for consumption, colds and cortghe, wili sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely core any and every affection of throat, lungs, or obest, and in order to prove oar claim, we ask you to call and get a trial bottle free. NOTICE. Having purchased the interest of I ansdon k Co., I will continue the business at the old stand, under my own name and manage ment. E W. LAJtonog. All persons knowing theme!ves indebted to Langdon & Co. for any debts contracted prior to Jan. lat, 1887, will please come for ward aud settle without further notice. E W. Laugdoh. E. W. LANGDON, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept In a first-class Drug Store. Also a fine stock or pianos and organs, y i