FRIDAY JANUARY 14, 1887 A riTITMM. A petition is biog circulated in tarieui petts of the oouaty asking Con grew to pass ah aot forfeiting to the goTemment the lends donated to build the W. V.AC. M. W. Road. Thia la aa old and vexed question. Congress provided that these lands should go to snob, ooaapanjr aa the Legislature of Oregon should designate. The Legists, ture of Oregon designated the W. Y. e 0. M. R. Co., and provided that when the road was completed the Gov. ernor of the state should appoint an agent to view the road and report upon the manner of construction, and if the report was favorable, then the Govern or ehould certify that faot to the Secre tary of the Interior who should then approve the lands to the company, All thia waa done. The wagon road com pany afterwards sold theae landa to the Oregon Paoifio Railroad company. Up on the oredit of theae lands that c jm pehy haa been enabled to build their road from Yaquina Biy to Albany. Thia company ia a purchaser of theae landa in good faith for a valuable con sideration, with notion prima faeU that ail the forms el law had been oom plied with in securing title to them. The question equitably ia shall these lands be taken from this oom pan 7, who bought them and paid lull value in coin for them ? It would be different if the original wagon road company owned these lands. Every farmer who eigne that petition ia doing an act that might break down the Oregon Paoifio, the building of whose road has enabled such farmer to sell his wheat for from 4 to f cents per bushels more than he wonld have received for it had the road not been built. Bui we are told that the road company did not comply with the law in bnildiog the road. But thia statement is met by the feet that the state of Oregon certified by ite office re that suoh road had been built in con formity to law, hence if any blame at teens for the road not being properly ottatrnoted, it attaches to the state of Oregon and not to the present owners of the land. It would be doing vio- io every principle of right to ipel the present owners of these lands to suffer the loss of them for the wrong doing of the state. Theee own era were not in the state when the road was built) bnt they were fully j ustified in relying upon the act of the state. It any wrong waa done the present owners of the land are net to be blamed for it. rmm nn v er ae kit The Democratic members of the Leg islature should bear in mind that while It is true that the Republicans hare a majority in both branch of the Leg ialatnre, yet we hare practically a Democratic state administration and it will be held largely responsible for any extravagant legislation, and hence it be hooves the Democratic members and the Governor to be on guard. Bee that no auch extravagant appropriations as were made by the last Legislature are made at this session. Bear in mind that if a Democratic Governor shall approve bills appropriating more than 800,000 aa waa done by Gov. Moody 1 daring the last two years, tkat a bowl from the tax payers will go up that will shake the foundations of the Capitol itself "By their works shall ye know is as safe a criterion to judge by in civil affairs as in divine mat- Let ua have a safe economical administration and the people will heartily aay well done good and faithful servants. a rarrnrvL wonncn. Major Frank E. Hxlgktn, who has been Assistant Secretary of State under Secretary Evrbart for the last eight years, will remain in that office under Secretary McBride for some time to come. Frank has been a very careful, painstaking publio servant, and those who take charge of the office will find the best evidence of this fact in the very excellent condition in which the records snd papers are kept. The project of bridging tb Columbia river five miles above The Dalles ia be ing mooted by the capitalist of that eity. It is said the river at that place can be spanned by a 200 feet bridge at s coat of $20,000. This would secure to The Dalles the trade of Yakima and Klickitat counties. This is certainly a commendable enterprise and we trust onr sister city will take the matter in hand nnd build the bridge. Farmers ought to be driving their teams across the lordly Columbia within three months. Any Democratic member of the Leg islature who votes to appropriate mon ey from the State treasury to build bridges or mountain wagon roads will be held to a strict accountability by his constituents. Before voting for any thing of the kind, let him take up Desdy 'a Code, tura to page 83, and there read sub Ji vision 7 of Sec. 23 and we feel confident he will not support any auch measures. A fair apportionment bill would be of no advantage to either political par ty. A fair bill ahould be passed, but the one propoaod by Laoghlin,of Yam hill, ahould be defeated at all hazards, and will be. Efforts will be made at this session of the Legislature to seoure legislation to make tuition free at the Bute Uni versity at the expense of the tax-payers of the state. The object of this is to build up the attendance of students at that inatitution. Thia will be in the interest of only those students whose parents are financially able to pay the boarding of such students at school, while the poor will receive no advan tage from it whatever. While we are entirely friendly to the prosperity of the University and would throw noth ing in the way of its progress, still we owe a superior allegiance to the cause of popular education. Ilenoe,instead of appropriating public money to enlarge the attendance of the sons and daught ers of the rich at the State University, the Legislature would place itself in the line of public thought and publio inter est by making additional provisions tending to place the publio aohools of the stave on a free basis. This move wonld be in the interest of all the peo ple of the whole state. Under the present system of rate bills to supply the want of public funds, the teacher or the district is always a loeer in con sequence of then being so manv who are unable to pay these rate bills, and whioh are uncollectible because those who owe them are proof against all legal pro passu to collect them. We have conversed with a considerable number of tax payers lately, and a very general feeling exists in favor of increas ing the present tax of 4 milla to 5, which it is thought would enable all districts to have from six to eight months school in the year. This would be a move in the interest of the rising generation of the state, inoluding rich and poor alke, and would be regarded aa far w iser legislation than that pro posed to make the tuition at the Uni versity free. We would respectfully call the attention of the members of the Legislature to this important matter. A SSVA6B" ATTACK . The Videlte opens op war on the ap pointment of Wm. Savage to the office of Lighthooee Keeper at Cape Arago, by Dan. Manning, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. There is just ground for the VidtU to epeak out in meeting. Who s Wm. Savage? He has held the office of janitor at the State House at Salem Ut the last six teen years. He was appointed as a Democrat at that time, because he was competent and a Democrat. He re mained a Democrat until he saw the time was approaching when he would have to change his politics or lose bta place, so in the campaign of 1880 when Democrats were straining every nerve to elest the gallant Hancock, tbia time- server and political "boodler" east his vote for Garfield, and openly supported the Republicans in 1882 and 1884. We bsve a personal re collection of the man ner of this mao during the Hancock campaign as we met him daily, snd we mutt ssy that it would be far more palatable to appoint a consistent stal wart Republican than suoh political de serters as Savage. The number of dealers in distilled liquors in Iowa ia 226 greater now that it was a year ago. In Kansas the in crease in the number over last year is 229. Vermont abowa an increase of 89. Georgia shows an increase of 974. The nnmber of liquor dealers baa in creased in 24 states during the last year, of whioh 16 are Northern states and 8 are Southern states. Mayor Ramsey's address to the City Council of Salem is a yigoroos docu ment, touching upon matters that con cern the people of that city in a man ner calculated to awaken the tax payers of oor sister city. The Mayor evident ly intends to place himself in harmony wich the best interests of the people. The members of the Legislature who vote money out of the State Treasury to build a wagon road over the Minto Pass, er any other pass, will, by that act, bury their own political fortnn et too deep for reourectton during the present generation. The Vidette will turn out a sprightly Democratic daily during the sitting of the Legislature. Thai' right, Brother Norton, "hooo em" up. (We mean 9 a the Republicans. ) Halwey. Rev. Hoburg, the founder of the Halsey M. E. Church, was in Halsey to deliver one of his fine sermons for the benefit of the young and old alike last Sunday and Monday nights. Mr. Legate, of Halsey, says he is go ing South for his health. Mr. Crawford vibited Pendleton last week. The Halsey millinery shop has been moved one block south of wLere it used to stand. Mrs. Chas. Bone has been sick for some time,but is now better. Mrs. Bob. Andrews of this vicinity is not expected to live long. Why don't we hear from I. C. U.,or have you got through looking at the metropolis yet 1 Let us hear from you soon. Mr. Githen and family have moved to Halsey to spend the winter months. Y. E. S. indow shades and looking glasses, fins ock, at Tbos Brinks. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Sbiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Few hay fc Mason, ag'ts, THE REV. GEO. H.THAYER, of Bour. bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURE," Foshay A Manon, agents, OOARS8POND1 NOE The Capital. Members of the Legislature are here. And they are a fine number of repre sentative men. No state In the union oan present in their general assemblage a more Intelligent and able body of men, "right from the people," than Oregon. And when they are organised in their respective halls wa venture to aay that they will oom pare favorably with any Legislature with ita surround inga national or state. It is hardly time to predict the charaoter of the legislation that Is to come. But we hear that oorporationa as usual are to receive the customary blaok eye and that there is a legion ready to at r ike the first blow. Tbo oranks will be all in sight now, But justice will le done in the long rnn. One thing about cor porations, and that ia thia. Whatever ia right for them to have they ahould have, and with it friendly legislation to protect them in their rights. Wheu they encroach upon the rights of the people and become oppressive then leg islation is called for to adjust tbs rela tion between corporations and the peo ple and place tbeae bodies corporate up on a proper basis. Oregon would be better off if it hsd ten, yes fifty, cor porations where it has not one. We want corporations, rail road, manufac turing and all aorta of these aida to our consumers and producer. The O. P. Company is cutting oor state aoroas with a railroad backed by an immense corporation. Upon the success of this corporation others will follow and im prove the water powers in the valley, make traffic of timber, lumber, etc. Let them come, only do not "church" them before they get into the state. Give ua all the oorporationa we can sustain. There are other subjects that will reveal themselves as mem bets draw from their pockets asny bills that ats to he pre sented to the Legislature. In the matter of officers. The law makes it tbs dnty of tbs two highest officers to make subordinate appoint ments below their private Secretaries or Chief Clacks. Already the Govern or has appointed W. A. Munlv, Esq., his private Secretary. Thia young gen tleman ia very highly spoken of, snd it ia predicted that be will make a very efficient officer. He ia a brother of the editor of the Catholic Stntintl. Thia position waa tendered to Hon, P. H. D'Aroy, who declined it owing to busi ness requirements in bis practice of the law. Mr. B. K. Giltner.wbo baa man aged the business of Hon. Geo. W. MoBude for s nnmber of years, wtll succeed to the office of Chief Clark in the state department. T. E. Hodgkios, Esq., who baa filled thia office for two terms, will remain as an Assistant. Napoleon Davie, Esq., will succeed Mr. Maoornac as Clerk in the Land Office. Mr. G. H. Howell will take tb place of Janitor, vacated by Mr. Wm. Savage appointed to the Light House service. And there are others to cow. Trie changes are radical. Secretary Mo Bride haa quite a responsible position to fill snd no doubt will succeed. The Troaaorer, Mr. Wobh, baa an assistant in W. T. Sister, Esq., s young legsl gentleman from Eastern Oregon snd of whom many good things are said. Hon. J. C. Carson, of Multnomah, is elected President of the Senate. He ia a gentleman and haa served his county in the legislature for a long time. T. J. Gragg.electsd Speaker of the Hones, is s lawyer ssd resident of Salem. Nothing more now until the vote is counted and the meeeagea are delivered. These will be too late for much com ment this week. It ia understood that there will be two aides to the proposi tion to amend the assessment law, to the further appropriation for the Board of immigration, Board of agrioultore.State Fair, etc. These matters do not appear to have ouch strength in themselves snd for success will depend very much upon the principle as to whose ox ia gored when the time cornea to sermon ize theee matters 00 that they may sll succeed. After the messages are de livered but little will be done this week but appointing committees. The lobby is filled with spectators, candidates most ly, male and female. Next week will be s season for work. The Legislature and tne Salvation army are the central figures here. We were inclined to frown upon this meth od of worship, but since we wrote we have beard and seen Miss Captain Wil lie in foil parade snd her long train of converts, and must confess thst tbia army is doing good in Salem. The barracks are filled nightly, the crowd extending into the street. We shall in the fntnre be more charitable with this class of religionists and also with mixed elements thst make op s legislative body. SOJOUKJTEE. fme. Three of the Legislative solvers go from thia vicinity. Senator Coleman and Representative Henry went to Salem last week in order to be ready for tbe battle (of words. ) Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Thompson were called to Portland last Thursday to see their son Med, who is afflicted with heart disease. Monday Mis. Thomp son, accompanied by Med and bis wife, returned home via tbe N. G,, while Mr. Thompson stoppod off at Salem to take his place in the Legislature. Mrs. MeUgar and son, Will, started on their return to then home at Sheri dan on Tuesday of this week. Miss Bertha Brownson returned home from Eugene City last week. She bad been attending school there, but contracted a severe cold and bad to oome home. J. B. Hayworth took a trip to Brownsville the first of last week on business. Tbe Narrow Guage is quite a con venience to those who wish to spend a day in Brownsville, as they can now go down in the morning, "Bpend the entire day and return in the evening. There is considerable complaint of sickness, principally colda and chronic cases. Nearly everyone is afflicted with a cold. We have it on reliable authority that Louie is emulating the example aet by a descendent of one of the first families of Virginia. SHILOEPS VITALIZES ia what you eed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle . CROUP. WHOOPINO COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shl loh'e Cure. A Great Our Full FALL aad WHITER GARMENTS, To be offered for thirty days at COST. A GREAT OFFER. ABOUT DRY GOODS And Where to Bay Them. LAST WARNING NOTE). Near! n&r the End: Big The Oity Dry Goods Store, Froman's Block, Albany. Tangent. Mr. Keek, marble outter of Albany, wee in town Monday. He eeemed err much exasperated at tboee who tola his daughter. Loo Windom, of Bro sosvtlle, paeeed through here Tuesday. Jamee Bond, of Halsey, was ateo here. Coma again, Jamee, end bring her next time. J. K. Jeoke killed 25 bead of boge laat week, aome of them being of the Jersey red stock, whioh made a fine lot of pork. The Braaa Band 000 templates giving an entertainment in tba near future. John Pagan is off dnty at present, visiting bis father. 25,000 bushels of wheat ia the ware bonee here at present. J. If. Beard k Go's telegraph Una bare ia a failure at present. Mr. Anderson want to Portland Wad naaday on bosi Proprietary eelleloee A visit to Dr, Green's Laboratory, at Woodbury, M. J., bas eoesUlerebiy shank ed onr views, and especially oor preju dices in regard to what are generally known aa Standard Patent Medicines," Of course ws ars getting to thai age In lite when we are forced te conclude life itself ia a humbug, and naturally distrust anything tkat bas not withstood long and tried experiences, Being a physician I had tbe curiosity to know now snob a sale of two medical preparations could be sustained for so many years. Tbs perfect system upon whioh tbe business is eon ducted, and tbe pharmaceutical arrange ments for lbs manufacture er tne two re- si pes with which we were mads acquaint ed, are snmctsntly convincing te us tb at tbe AceusT Puwss, for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaintaand Rosea aa's i cast an BTBCr, for Throat and Long Trsublas, ware for the complaints they ars recom mended, meat excellent remedies, and snly regret that in much of eur practice, medtceletbtcs prevent ua from prescrib ing tbsm without making the formulas public. Whan wa ware shown the great quantity of voluntary letters having been forwarded Dr. Green, from all parts of tbe oountrv. and from all olnssss of people, lawyers, ministers and doctors giving a desert otion of tbelr ailments, testimonials of tbefr onree, etc., I feel like endorsing Dr. Green's suggestion that the Govern meat aeoept such valuable formulas, and license them for general use oy giving nrotsotlon to tbs inventor nana aa entente generally. Copied from N, Y. Druggists' circular or uct una. A universal strike of street car drivers prevails in Boston, and people are obliged 10 wain. srsss, Cattle aad Cfcickeas. Far oolic and grubs, for lung fever, cough or hide-bound, I give Simmons Liver Regulator In a mash twioe a day. You can r scorn mend it to everyone having stock as tne neat medietas Known ror tne above oomnlainta. In ustnsr it with my chickens, for cholera and gapes, I mix It wits dough and feed it to them once a aay. ay this treatment l nave tost none whsrs the Regulator waa given promptly and regularly. E, T. Taylor, Agt., for Grangers of Ga. m m m WILL YOU SUFFER wltb disease and Liver Complaint T Shlloh'e Vitalise guaranteed to cure yon. An Bad te Bess Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisbnrg, III, says ; "Having received so much benefit from Electric Bitters, 1 feel it my dnty to 1st offering humanity know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I wonld have to bsve the bone soraped or leg amputated. I esed, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound aad well," Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Valve at 25c. per box by Foshay & Mason. For lame back, side or chest, use Shlloh'e Porous Plaster, Prioe 36 cents. eod Kesaits la Every Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattaneogo, Tenn., writes, that he waa seriously afflicted with a severe ooldehat settled on hie lunge; had tried many remedies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, did so and was entirely cured by the use of a few bottles, Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Golds with beat results, This is the experience of thousande whose lives have been saved by this Wonderful Discovery. Trial bottles roe at Foahay A Masan's Drug Store, SLBFPLE8S NIOHTsTrnadl miserable by that terrible cough. Sbiloh's Cure ia the remedy for you, CATARRH CURED, health and aweet breath secured, by Sbiloh's Catarrh Rem edy, Prioe 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Midwinter Line of Ladies9, and Children's Bargains AT The reduction of Internal revenue and lbs taking off of revenue stamps from Proprietary Mad doubt haa large ly benefitted tbs consumers, as wall as re lieving the burden of horns manufacture sea. ifepeetally Is this tbs esse with Green's August Flower aad Boso boa's German Syrup, aa the reduction of thirty six cents per Onsen, has been added to in crease tne elan of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one fifth mors mad loins la the fa cent six. Tbe August Flower for dyspepsia and Liver tooipiamt, ana tbs Merman syrup ror Cough and Lung troubles, bsve perhaps um largest sate or any medicines in tne world. Tne advantage of inc reased ize of tbs bottles will he greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in everv town nud village in civilised countries. Sample notttes for to cents remain tne name atae Kxstnine Wood in Ks tension tables. They -well go aad see them for yourself. Wksa sse a a Calls, she saaaassBBs ins, she clang sb see has Cafiesse, she gsve shea POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thniwrdsf nsvsi ssstaa A marvel of parity, snaHgnt ssd whetesot&sMSA. More ecooossiesl taaamevdtasry kiwis, sod esaeo be sold la coo fsSMhiu witti Ui multitude ot lew test, ah art wslgtaslBSterjSSBSPhsle owners, eotsontrts SS BOTAli BAKU'S Powsaa Oo, 109 WeUet MM REPORT OF THE CONDITIO OF TH1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY, IN THE i STATS OF OIBOON, At the clot et business, SSth dejr of December, 1SS0. t Loans and discount. . Mmet Orerdntftc "' U. 8. Bond to seesie circulation NOOS.oO U. S. Honda an hand. . . 4000.00 Other atoeks, seaCa, aad martnfea 41. OS Due from ether National Basks.. 14070.14 Due from State Banks and bankers 1060.07 Current expenses ami taxes paid SMS.QT Premiums paid 6007.60 Checks and other cash items 4OS.0S Bills of other Banks S40.00 Fractional paper currency, nlcklee and oeots IS. 81 assets J440S.46 Lssml tender notes... HJ2.00 Redemption fund with U . H. Treasurer (five per cent of circulation.) 008. 0C Total ... WWltlfc Liabilities i Capital stock paid in 150000.00 Surolusfund 8700 00 Undivided profits fr31.N National Bank notes outstaadlns 18610.00 Individual deposits subject to cheek S7S0S.S1 Dssnandlcertfncatee of deposit 87ofif. Due to other National Banks 8S0.8S Due to State Banks and banker 8642 61 Tetal 179018,06 Stats or Ossoos, Cocimr or Li.vs,ss : I, H F Merrill, Cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. F. MERRILL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 18th day of January, 1887. T. J. STITES, (k s.) Notary Public. Coaascr Attest : L. FL1NN. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. Directors. L. E. BLAIN. ) g FECIAL TO SPORTSMEN. Before yon buy your ammunition we invite you to oome and see us. We carry several different grades of powder, all kinda of cartridges, primers, brass aad Cper sbeels, loaded shells and by far tbe st shot in town. Stewart A Sox. YyAQONM AND CARRIAGES. Wagons, hackH.buggies.carriages, single and double. Before you bay corns around and see what we Itaye, Stbwabt A Sax, Offer ! Misses BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am aow receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, I have aa nicely a fitted op Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I boy aU my boots and - shoes direct from manufacturers snd am authorised to warrant every pair no mat j tar bow cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying aa 1 buy in quantities and pay tba cash. In ladies', misses snd children's shoes, I keep much tbe Urge it, bast and great eat variety in tba city. My aim will always be to give as good value for the money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. Y0UNC. f! ONN BROTHERS' VASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Bobson's, ALBANY, OREGON. Keep a fresh stock of alt klntJsfof GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS" ETC., ETO. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS. SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ETC., ETC. PRODUCE TAXII IN EXCHANGE Will aell aa cheap a any store In aiatny Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OF STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN- Canned Fruits, Canned Meats, Glassware, Qneeasware, Dried Fruits, Vegetables, Tobacco, Cigars, ttngar, Spices, Coffee, Tea, Etc,, Etc., In fact everything that is kept in a gen era! variety aud grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Notioe of Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed in the County Conrt of Linn ceanty, Oregon, his final accenst as Administrator cf the estate of Andrew Miller, deceased, and said Cob rt haa ap-, V!n..ln.. tk.ltli J.. .rV.k.n.. 1887, at the hour often o'clock, a. m, of said day, at the Court House in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, tor the hearing of objections to said account and the settle ment of the same. At which time aad place all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear and file eb jeotions thereto, if any they have. Dated January 5th, 1887. Geo. A. Mrt.tKe, Hewitt A Bryant, Administrator. Att'ys for Administrator. DR. Cr WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Blosk. ALBANY OREGON, Axes, Axes. o to Stewart Sox's and examine those fine Oregon made axes, superior to all others. Manufactured by H. B. Der riok, of Crawferdaviile, Linn Co., Or. War ranted first class, SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. L. E. First Street. Clothing, Tumishing Goods, Boots, TAILORING DEPARTMENT The Gold and Silves Dress Shirts are manufac tured from the finest obtainable materials on ap proved patterns, by experienced operator, (They are cut lengthways of the muslin and have our patented reinforced backs and four ply raised edge linen lined fronts, reinforced, Four ply neck bands with hand made button holes and patent continuous facings in back and sleeves. Possess ing all the latest improvements, superior in qual ity, perfect in lit and elegant in finish, They are unquestionably the finest shirt upon market. THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have Iaroei V increased our stock of Boot and Shoes and are now prepared t furnish all styles an I grade of goods at. of the beat Faster n factories snd do not hesttete to nay that oor goods are wtrietly first class. Ws osrry no bankrupt stock aud can fully warrant our goods to wear equal to any in tho market. REMEMBER We have the Isrgee exe:usive stock of is the city and thai we ARE oontinuallay adding new novelties. We are selling so that you can not fail of being suited, We . . m se at ae member tne oia adage "ine proor oi ioo READ 8c BKOWNELL. WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND CORVALLIS, OR. LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a lull assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLERY, AMUNITION FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKET KNIVES. We handle tbe D Wig, DOMESTIC. NEW HOME, WHITE. AMERICAN, CROWN,81NIER, HOUSEHOLD, ELD SEDGE SEWING MACHINES, Aad all of the leading Pianos and Or tans. Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and extras for all kinds of machines, Re pah ing of sewing machines and fine instru ment a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRRNTEDTO BE AS REPRESENTED. It Stands at the Heed. Don't fail to see the ii DOMESTIC" and the work it does before buying a aewing maonme. WILL BROS. MONEY i TO LOAN In sums to suit BY Bur kk art & Rkrnkt, . Albany, Or, BUM. Abany, Ore gca Shoes and Hats. UNDER EXPERT TAILOR CITY remarkably low prices. We buy of never do c.o not follow but lead in low prices. . S 1 S s a m. s sa puaamg is in cnewing me siring." NEW QTORE EW U TOCK PRICES LOW. -A splendid line ol Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS and a fine stock of imported CIGARS. TOBACCOS, SMOKERS ARTICLES, NOTIONS, ETC. JULIUS JOSEPH, Pfeifler's Block, next to Revere House, Albany, Or. HOEM Quilts than you oyer saw before at Moa teith et Sei tea bach's.