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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1887)
Catarrh Blrrrlor fl. P.Churom. Preachingevery Sabbath, Bsorniug Mid vetting by Uev. S. U. Ir D. D. .Sabbath School at Si 0 P. R Paeyar mestiag evsry VVsdnessday wing. KTAtraaucut. UlIirHCH. PrMobiagoa aat- SW SW, V A. BS. , .SUU ... 7 r. m. Sal oi 10:00. 1'ravcr lnoetum everv Wad" SMSday evetuns 7 it). 8. K. Davit, paator. Alt art isvited OaveaaoATiosAi, Caeacs. Servloeeever neraing , and eveuing. Sabbath al 12:16. .'. Prayer meeting, on 1 evettina of aaoh waak. Rev. H. v. oonuagar, raator. M. H. CatreCat,8otrru. Preaching every SaM ftahkath i -...K ... M. and at 7 o'olook t K. Sabbath School eee Sabbath at 10 o clock A. M. l'rayer Mating Friday evening's at 7 o'olook. J . W Craig, Pa tor. If. R. CncRin Siii'tu TiMitvr Preach- iag on the tint Sabbath of aaoh month morn iagand evening. Sunday aohool aacb Sal ba at 10 o'clock a. in. Prayer meeting T th1 evening. J W Craig, Paator. IL EXaoacx.-Preaching every Sabbath wonuag and evening. Song aarvice in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School elk 110 P. at. Prayer meeting every Thura. dayavaning. Kev. II. P. Webb, paator. Pesaarraai.tx Cuubch. Sanrioa every Sabbath morning and evening in Church ear. Broadalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School auaadiaaaly after, the morning service, Flayer meeting every Wednesday evening, lev 1 R Pritohard, paator. Fibst BArTTsrCHuacH. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' g, at Church on 5th Street Sabbath Sohool immediately after merniag services. Prayer meeting every Thnraday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O fkewaaon, paator. Catholic Chdbc k. Service averv Sun day ak 10:30 A. at- and 7 r. at. Laat Sunday af the month service at Eugene City. Lei Metayer, Rector. Rov. The meat. St John's Lodge, 6j, in Foster s Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall. 1st Sat ardav. Bay ley Chapter, 8, at Hall, th Sat urday. K. of F., at O. W. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. F at their hall.every Wednesday A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Organ na Encampment, at A. O, U. W. all, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R at A. O. U. W. Hall, ut and gcd Saturdays. I. O. G. T., at A. O. L . W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Sail, tst and 3rd Fridays. lailroad uly popular If tbp g icturesqueJI onto, Langes Fine) timet I Bare) eossectio t lea ! 923 miles shorter! SO Boara less time X Accommodations unaurpsuwed for com fart and safety . Faroe and freight much asms than by any ether root between all soista in the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY SAN FRANCISCO. DmHy asMWfOT trains tmeft Sundays. Leave Corral Its at 1:55 r. at. Leave Ya- qoina at 7:30 at, Oregon ak California West Bid trains saaatut at Corvaiiia. Tbo Oregon Beyelopment Company's FINE Al STEAMSHIP YAQUINA CITY, TAOS ERA. raoa saa ra xtisco r.Des. . Tuesday, Das. fist. Souday, Jen. t frkasy, Jen. Tie, Wednesday, Jan. 19. Mender, Jen. SI. The Company Friday, Jma. 14. Wednssdar, Jan. . the right to steaags saiung days. Fares Between CorvaUisand San Fran Rail and cabin, 14. Kail and ,as,8S. For information apply to C. O. BOCit E. A. 0. F. and P. Agent, Oervslua. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VvTLa.- Oregon & California B. R, AMD OONMECTIOS. tan frees Port lew i t 1 1 Vrsaeteco, M2 t Kserv aaaae,aM. Close 1 at Astisaa wta Oregon and l.Ubo Stega (DAILY SXCBPT 8UNDAY8.) KaaSJIlde DlvUloa. asTWKca. resTEAMD amd asblaxb. Ball Trass, isura aaaira. .A.0Q a a I Albeay 11.4a a m .nm r m I Aabauid 4 00 a m S45 r M I Albsor 11 .25 AM Aaaaaai.. AJaaay.. lartasal IJ.tiA a Portland, S;4 r a Albesij Exareas Train. tSAva. aaaivs. .4:00 r u I Alhsnv . . . . .M r m I LebstMn. . ..: a a I Altai ... ...M0 a a I Portland ...r4 ra . . JpS0r M . . .b:W A M .10:06 a M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS dally between Portland and Ash land. Tte O sod can Perry makes connections with all fa regular trains oa the Best Side Division from foot ef rtweet. West Side Btvlalea. I SB TLA. KB AND OBVALL1S, Ball Trsle, BSTWEE.V LSATS .' SO AM Corrsllls. 12:26 r Oerrsltts... .AM ra Portland jC:15 r M At CorraJUs cwanect wiUi Uaiu c( Utegon PsctBc ler Taeains he. Kx press Train LSATS. ASSIVB. Pertased 4:50 r m I MclfinnrUls 8:00 r a BeBMsarUts M a a Portland 9:00 a M LsesJ Hefcets for sals and bagfraff chocked at cm Baar'l ep town oflScs, Cor. Pins and He ootid Htroeu. aaseSsfor principal poiuts in Calif orn'a can only b at CenaMor's eSMS. Corner r and t roni .ertland Or, Prsight will not be rsceired for I alter Its o'clock p. as. on either tbe East res M Divttoas. B. KOKHLCft, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. O. P. A Pass Arent. Remarkable Offer. Taus JBaaocaAT $2.00 Jfaar Yoaa WaaLP 1.00 Win HuToaT ow tu U. 8 1.60 Aarasicaa Fab mis 1.00 r 1 $5.60 Aad ehee,p t the prioe ; hot we offer the foor for $8 26, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop th American Farmer and yea can have, the three remaining for $3. Drop the Werid aad ffirtery and yen oan hay a the two ethers for :2.1i.V Tbe history is s 320 safe book nicely bound, and is worth the Qfjalar prioe. PATENTS Ot !ses, see sli other business In ths U. 8. Paten vases astoadeded to for ssederate fees. ease is opposit the U.S. Pstent Offies, and stasis Patoats lew time than those remote raaaingtoa. sad aeeSUe or drawing. W sd- to patent ehatf fre of ahar(s ; tnd wsmaks o chargs unless ajJeS aals patent. S"e rofsr hsrs, to the Postmaster, ths Sunt, of hSSSOrdw Dir. and to officials of ths U. S. Patent dales. Fw circular, advioa, urms, and eferencei ' a usual stands in your own State or county, eddress , Cs A. SNOW&COae Oasastte Patsnt OfBee, Washington, D . PURE SOAP. Use yoor ssn refuso fgrease, etc., and Oreenbank'sI'owderedfCaustleSoda. No sped il appara;us, no experience, no fuel, aad only fifteen minutes time needed Seed for direct Sep to T. W, Jackson A C. 2it rl ornis St., San Franeiaeo. ACADEMY OP OurilLady of Pespetual Help. ALBANY, - - OREGON. This Institution is beautifully situated in tha wla&aAiit ami anrteasihle CitV of Albanv. The location is remarkably healthy, the building new aad well furaiahed with all . BL W. a . . a. a a that contributes to tits coin tort ana instruc tion of the pupils. The play grounds .arc extensive and well adapted to.healthf ul ea erciae. The constant aim of the teachers is, whilst imparting instruction in all the useful and refined branches, to train the youthttu naari to virtue and to instil a commendable.emo- lation, thus educating for society, members who will, wo trust, prove an honor to our country. Puuils of all rjereuaaious eauallv received. provided they comply with the regulations 0! the school . Boys admitted up U 'the ag ot ten or twelve. ThisUeademy is incorporated and author iaad by .the State to confer Academic honors, Normal instruction of aspirants for Teach er s Uer titles tea, a specialty. TERMS. BOARDING SCHOOL, Pot Sera. Kntraaoe fee, payable once, $ 5.00 Board and tuition, payable in advance, 40.00 Music, instrumental, theoretical aad vocal with the aae of piano or organ 15.00 Guitar with the aae of inatrument . . . ,12.00 Zithern without nee of inatrument. . . 8.00 Di swing and painting S.00 Bed and bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL Ptr tn m, im aJivmc. Primary Department I S.00 Junior Depertment 6. CO Preparatory lepertment 8.00 Senior and Cradnating Department . 10.00 Gradeating Ic 10.00 For farther particulars apply at the Acad- Those bo Intend aeoding their children to school will Uvor the Sutersaad the in- tareata of the school by making all arrange meats before the 10th of Novamber.oa which day the school opens. The Sisters will be prepared to attend to this business after tbe 25th inal ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE t ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 1887. bey. k :j. Taoirsei. a. a., r reside t. A toll corps of lnatruotora, CLASSICAL, I SCI ENTIFIC. LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet the need of all grmdeajof studenta, SjwcuU indmamni$ offered t $tudti Q from abroad. Tuition ranees from 15.50 to S12J& Board in private famliiea at low rate. riooma lor seir-bosrdinK at email excenae. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars ad dree tbe President. BIT, B. J. THOMPSON, B, B Albany, Oregon. BEFORE AND AFTER) Electric Appliances are sent on 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0UN0 OR OLD, suffering from Msaroos DmuiTT, tautt. Lack or Nsars Posoa ass Loss Vitality, ar; Vj'.ok. Waktivd Wkhkh'.m. bsS tall of a Psbsosal Matusb rmelttag from Asosss aad Othsv Cacsis. Speedy relief sad eessptess resto ration of Hsaltb. V ioo and aUaaooa OOAaASTsan. V8LTAIC IIlT$0.,Al$HAUt MUM. A Radical Curs IIEBVOUS CrnateWi PHYSICAL IsT 'ouneBssiddi sterna stu Testto ro Bcvih rCATOBYUSSIMSM Thousand Cascis, TRXATaunrr. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby iven that the under signed, executor of the laat will and testa ment of Benjamin Freelaud, deceaaed, hat filed his final acceuot as such executor, and tbe Court baa Axed the hour of X o' clock p. m. of February 7,1887,for hearing objections thereto. A, C. Faxrcxild, Executor. M "bHSSbS risTHTT.l'I'V B. Jiuwiit eUtwhws. Tsas a tTlfimlWP&3Z does Mtlon io bntliwoi. et esess DSCAT. El"r r. IwHv SbTs1dI!bin amMDDOitloa jsywaaserai nnwnin aw av lemawnmnninnm. HfSrrae sminertns: etsswaw HaaorltfS wafeaTawe bewj mm L1V ra. un. i'.jss This ts the nostAAOTIOAL HIQH OX7T Bnna arae lneasd. hi. very OBNTSBXa aad DRESSY and ffHea tse same protection as a boot or over-falter, it a aaseeeieat to pat on aad th. top can besdjaated was,1 y ankle by slinpljr taavtag L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Ennrnnm . uniilll Keeps oonatantly on band the Largest and er Finest atook of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, RINGS, ETC ts Albany, la agent for R0CKF0RD WATCHES. Repairing dene promptly and skillfully BARCLAY ft ROBERTSON," Shipping and Commission lerciunt CALlFOftXU AM QBEGOX PRODICE, Grain, Flour, Hay, Hop, Wool, Honey. Muatard Bead, NuU, Dried Fruits, Kte, Room S, 48 California St., San Franoiaoe. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANMXG A 0., PR0PR S. a aw raocaa ruoca scraaioa sob vamiubi Ajro BAKasa oaa. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Caah fo Wheat albany:or. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Oonnslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in ail the Courts In the Stat R SALB, One half block ts esstsrn ravrt ot me eBywlth fair hssse and ssrn vnU besold CURES ALL HUMORS, asss saw us sag ssaj easaevaaaaiaB a. iiifsai U w fasdj DtOPQ BTm ooomiBred by this powerful. PuriMnc. and lovlaorat ns medlciui. torit v.mAwl ars eers rapklTjr heal under its benign influence. Especially fas it manifested Its potaocf in eurtna; Tetter, Boae Itsah. ndlla, Car bnnclrs, Rors Eyes, arorul one sores nnclee, ftprs Eyes. Bar n Hw.lllHa.u7a. V White Bwelllnce, boli olut Dlaaestea BSiSsVvsatria'S ssvesxa ana s.n oenta in atamps ewe nlatvL nn Uolden nedteal Dfarovi cotltutlon'wm &oUAb! .uuuouets os eawej CONSUMPTION. whteh a Berofnlons lteaae off tBe "Jini'uy ana oortainly arrested atrial miffYtf hv ffKlaa ilst-awl esa - - i a-a Z7ZnVl HiSX? LrymtW. " ""r. From Its wondul mwcj over this terribly latal disease, when first offcrlna; this now cel ebrated remedy to the publlo. Da. Pixaoa thouaht aorlously of calflnfr It bis "Con" ""IouCn re, but abandoned that name as top limited for a modicino which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or trngtben. gmvre um wmm aniiBUi m' anU-billona. S UlMWiuata: lubtztforail ' ,fcWM w CHRONIC DISEASES or TUB Liver, Blood, and Lungs, fit yon feel dull, drowsy. dVbilitated. have sauow color or akin, or y llowieh-brown spots on face or body, froquent headache or dlzzi- neas, bad taste In mouth. Internal heat or chill. ateetlon,iyepepalB,and Torpid E.1 ver, or "HiJloasiteas.' ln many oases i only part of theao syraptoras ere eiperk-nced. As a remedy for all such eases, r. alerca uoldeu medical Diacovcry has no HrSS?sk of nafteSthtlnif f Blood vere conghs, CouaasapUom iaiv! - v mrm vsssiss aWrVOVn severe Conaha, Couausantiaii. Send ten cents in atamps for Dr. Pierce's book on Conaumptlon. bold by Bruaralat. PRICE $1.00 OR 6 O.OOe Wirlirs Dispensary Hadical Association, Proprietors, 668 Main St, Bctoaxo, JT.Y. ixTceTa little Cvtei PILLS. ANOT-BILIOfJg Bad CATHARTIC. Sold by Drugf tats. 25 oouus a, vlai. $500 REWARD of Dr. Sage'a Catorrhltornedy for a cas of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the noeo, offensive or other wl, partial loss of nell. take, w ucoi ham, vrama fvm auu pain MO. V U VIHAI1U. J, UUU- oonsumpoon. v tbe wok aw w 1 in ft Hj4al. aelte, W ccna, an-, ajxerauve, or DJOoooieanelrtK', pectoral, and nutritive nronertaaa. 1 ruit mi aa av w.naHq f. mimu. b.uvuw u.'irWJ,iiEn, uM'Kuiur appetite, and OOefd tnncinin von m nn...ln mlrl suvbbk err-m Of 1 M aaalBsl 1 Bd I lea V r srv- i " a-vvc S3 riUDAT JANUABV 7, 1887. TEBPEMHCS DEPARTMENT, BDXTBD BT TBS Womei'i Christian Temperaoei fjnioi The W. 0. T. U. meets on the lit and 8td Tuet day of aaoh month al S o'clock p. M.f al tbe A. 0. V, W. Hall! over French's Jewelry Store. a raw vacrra fob ovb rBixaas. The National Woman' Christian Temperance Union baa now been or ganlaetl nearly twelve yoara, Ita work is well know, being non-aeo-tlonal, non.sectarlan and comprised under the general divisions of Pre ventive, Kdnoatlonal, Bvangollstlc, Becial and Legal work beside the De partment of Organisation. Ita aux iliaries have been, confessedly, tbe chief factor ln State campaigns for local option, statutory prohibition and constitutional amendment. It began the movement for Scientific Temperance Education In the publlo schools, having been instrumental in securing laws to that end in seven teen of the States, besides the only temperance legislation ever won from Congress, by which all the Territo ries and the District of Columbia are brought under the same beneficent statutes, and nearly one-half the children of America who are of echool age are to be regularly taught tbe effects ef alcoholics and other narcot ics upon the human system. Tbe National W. C. T. U. baa united Northern and Southern women la a common work far God and Home and Native Land, thus sweeping away the alienation of years and replacing It by sisterly affect Ion, tender and de voted. It has founded a publishing house and a temperanoo paper (The Union Signal) which aye to-day exercising an influence exceeded by no similar agency In the nation. Over thirty million pages were printed by the Woman's Temperance Publication Association this year. Tbe National Union's Departments of Heredity and Hygiene, which strike at the very root of the alcohol delusion, are of great practical use fulnose in the homes ef the people ; its work among the children in Sun day Schools, Bands of Hope and Kindergarten ; its efforts to influence College students and to train and or ganise young women for a philan thropic Ufa ; its evangelistic work for tbe non-church-golog class, tor rail, road employes, soldiers, sailors, lum bermen, miners especially for the drinking men of all ciaases all these have proved the breadth of Its com prehension and tbe tireieesness of Its seal. Its efforts to reach the pan per and tbe prisoner, to establish reforms, terles and homes for the wretched victims ef Inebriety andjthelr suffer, lng children, and lis temperance. Flower Mission must appeal to every true heart It has permeated public sentiment by its steady advances upon tbe pros through monthly and weekly tem perance Bulletins and lie countless lectures and conventions, until the outlawing of the saloon and tbe pro taction, of the Home have become the watch words ef tbe people and will soon be fbe war-cry of governmental leaders. It has sought to purify the holidays of the people, coming with Its sister ly influence to the fairs, celebrations, encampments and expositions, and by its unrequited toll, providing re freshments, keeping alcoholic poisons off tho ground and circulating pure water and pure literature. It has battled for tbe maintenance of the American Sabbath, sought to intro duce the pure juice of grape at sacra mental tablos and to secure a day of prayer for temperance in the week of prayer. It has circulated countless petitions and addressed Synods and Confer ences, Teachers' Associations and Medical Societies as well as Legisla tures, Sttte and National, always for one object and with one plea : "We beseech you to refrain from the use of alcoholics and to outlaw the liquor t raffle." In recent years it has bravely championed the cause of social purity and the White Cross Movement which seeks to instruct the young manhood of the nation, to uplift and preserve it from the ways that take hold upon death, to redeem outcast women from a slavery worse than chains, and by better laws to secure protection to women and girls from the outrages of brutal men. It has sent forth its call to all civ ilized lands for a Union ef Woman hood againts the brain poisons which are the greatest foes ef home, and a World's W. C. T. U. Is the result, which has its organizers in Japan, Scandinavia and Germany, has al ready enlisted Australia and the Sandwich Islands, and has at Its head, Mm. Margaret Luess, the sis ter of John Bright. It is a fact not readily believed, that for tha first, eight years of this work, the income of tbe National W.C. T. U. averaged but a thousand dollars a year. During all that time it had not a aingle salaried officer, and now has oneits Corresponding Secretary at $1,000 per J year, while a private secretaty is furn ished the President at $000. The present income Is from eight to ten thousand per year, but this is so far from meeting current needs that it Is with difficulty the Society keeps out of debt Indeed it has not always done so, but during most of the period since the Crusads, has had arrearages that were a source of continual anxiety to its leaders. Meanwhile almost no donations or bequests have been received, save from five or six persons who have given from $500 to $1,000 per year for a few of the later years, and one who has for several years gifsn $1,200 annually. It ssems impossible that philanthropio people, knowing the record of tbe Na tional W. a T. U. and bow little mon. ey It possesses, esn rsad this rsoord with indifference. They will ask themselves the very natural question : Where could I put my money with reasonable hope of a larger return in results for tbe helping of humanity or the advancement of Christ's Kingdom ? They will alas aak, in what way are my gifts to be employ ed T We answer, in making more effi cient the lines of work enumerated in this letter, many, indeed all of which, are sadly oHppied for lack of mooey to pay for printing, for the expenses of organisers, etc. Besides we greatly need a building of our own. We pay rents for offices, publishing bouse, etc., and can never be adequately accommo dated until we have a home in brick and mortar for tbe crusade idea of Christianity and Temperance. A build, log Is planned with Gospel Temperance Hall, restaurant, reading rooms, offices, and accommodations for our publish log interests, bat not a peony has yet been subscribed for its erection. We want a Training Sohool for temperance work on, whence they can go forth equipped for service. Some of our leaders have started a Temperance Hospital in Cht eago,out oi which a Temperance Medi cal College is to grow, bat we are crip pled for fonds to carry it on. Who will help us by annual sub soription.donatton large or small or by remembering os in a "last will and testament?" Who will become a patron, a life member, or an honorary member? We await answers to this appeal, which we send forth with faith in Ood and faith inhuman nature under tbe influence of a Christian civilisation. Faxxcas E. Will an, Caaouxx B. Bubll, President. Car. Secretary. Estusr Puaa, Treasurer. aaWsUsXATtSS. Mr. A. It. Shipley, of Clackamas county, proposes the following legisla tion i That the Supervisors of road districts be elected by the people,and give bonds Tbat there be created a Road Saper faeasndtnt f it each county ,to be elected by tbe people, and said SupaHntcndect give bond. Tbat chapter 50, section 23, of road laws, read money in place of labor, in fas', a money tax. Tbat tbe County Court shall have ths power to appropriate moneys for ths building and repairing of the main trunk roads leading through tbe county . it anal I be the dnty of the above named Superintendent to inspect sod have gea . oral care of the chanty roads. That the aeverat counties be laid of in districta,and local asset sors be nleoted by the people to assist the same. That tbe properties be sisisnri at Bar valne, and that credits, notes and Ottgages be taxed at half value, and half of the amount of indebtedness be allowed not to b taxed. That the game law be so ohsnged thtt the farmer be allowed to kill all b.rds and game on his premises at any Has of tbe yesr. (He feeds them ; he shiuld be allowed to feed on them.) That (here shall be a law enacted to ait allow any bulla or boars to run at Itrgein tbe Willamette valley. That the poisonous nature of aloo k dio drinks, tobacco and narcotics be e impelled to be taught in the public schools. That there be a law enacted in large cities for a reform ecbool,omethfog like ear present Indian school, to pick op all waifs and idlers and compel them to at tend the same. That fish wheels and giant powder shall not be uaed for catching and kill ing fish In our streams sod riven. That it shall be a misdemeanor to sell the produots of convict labor that compete with any of the produots of our manufacturers or mechanics in tbe state of Oregon.and it shall be lawful to use convict labor on our public high ways. Tbat it shall be lawful for all fe males over tbe age of 21 years to vote at all sohool elections and to hold offices such as trustees, sohool olorks and superbtendents in the State of Oregon. Springwater,Claokamas Co., Or. A. M. Shipley. As female voters in Vermont are re- quired to own $250 worth of property, every lady up there is clamorous for a sealskin sacque and a pair of silk atook Administratrix' Notice. Votine is herebv ffiren that the undersiizn- a.1 haa Vvsaa rlulv snrjoifited Administratrix .1 tk. u.f. .1 hi u a r,i 1 n rv liaaaaaart by order of the County Court of Linn eonnty, J s S a. a i Oregon, amy maaa ana enterea ot recora.auu all lurumi havinrr ft! aim, araiaat said eat&te are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned atAlbauy,0regOB,daly yeri- uea WlVBin six muutnc irara tun ac uoroui. Deo. 24, 1886. Awka MobjlAV, Weatherford & Blackburn, Adm'r'x Attorneys. let a Steele Ufa? Hair, "You may laugh and think me a vain thing," wrltoa Mrs. J. A. O., of esn Fran deoo, to a friend In this city, "bnt I have not a gray hair in my head, and yet (aad to say) I am fifty and a day. Recently rny hair was not only quite gray but qnlto thin. too. Parker'- Hair ilal earn--, made In New York. I thlnk-dld wondars for me, Try it If you have occasion. It real ly doo what I aay, and restores the oolor also." Not a dye, not groay, highly per fumed, Only reliable &0. dreeeing O W Loaler af Co., ef 1 ertlaad, ars da sathorixad advertisiagageate for the Dsso tvva far tSat eivy. !. rl - mar Its, aepf. Bbbbb1 Hhl. u- for th United Stataa ana to obtain in I !anaia Carman, and ail other tiutria Tltalr iperi- ease u attenuated aud tltair fanlitiaa are astir sasssSi 7TrswiriTS and apaelfteatloss prapar.d and SleA In tfaa I'atest Offtaaixi short Ratio. Tersss ert raastinahla, M otisrgs for siaminatlou ut mudaU ilCn.tMfi',!,' CXB.wtWa has at Si 1 areakati. tl i i . 1 epwr of tu k 1 The) evanUfwa mt nalsiataa lanlisa. tnsantlona, snglaawtee airrfca, an I danart laanis a Inrnlrlal -- i ad la an aountrr. ft onnLatna tha aamas at oataaiaas and tltla af star, IsmsUsh i..i.ntd If ton haa sn iassntion Ut astsat write te Bsndw'' ssaartes. SheriflTs Sale. in Ae Circuit Court oj the hUtU aOrtjenJf Litm County . Z Moody, Governor, It P Karhart, Hecre. Ury of Kute and Kd ward Hirsoh, Treasurer of the HtaU of Oregon, constituting tbe Board of Commissioners for tbe sale of school and university land and for thefin vestment of tbe funds arising therefrom, Plaintiffs, vs. Altie Ann Farrier. Andrew Bird Farrier tieorge Farrier. Irene Eiuahetb Murrell aod B M Borreil, bar hasband, Edmund Farrier, John Farrier, Kile Farrier, Fboeb BSse Chaehammer and Frederick Clinehammer, her husband, Oefendaota. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of aa execution and order of sale issued out of the above named Court in the above entitled suit. 1 will on Monday the 3rd day of Jan ua-y, 1SS7, st the Court door is the city of Albans, Linn county, Oregon, at tbe hour of one o uloclc a. m., sell at public auction for cash in hand to the highest bid der the real property described in said exe cution and order of sale as follows to-wit : The northeast q tarter of the southwest quar ter and tbe southeast quarter of tba north west quarter and Iota 3 and 4 of Section 24 in Township 12, south of Range 1 wesS ef the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 154 13-100 acres. The Bassssascf sale to be applied first to the payment of the casta and ex peases of suit Used at $53.SO and accruing costs aad tbe further sum of ftt Attorney's fees. Next to tbe payment to the Flat a tiffs herein the sum ot $367-50 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the f7th day of October, 18, and tbe overplus if any to be paid in to the Clerk of said Court. Dated this 4th day of November. 1H6. IK S. SMITB. Sheriff of Linn eonnty, Oregon. SAM MAY. j, o. firm1 raws MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise, NARRISBU6C - - - OREGON Will bay Grain, Wool and .all kinds Cointr) prodire. Summons. in the Circuit Court o the State of Oregon for Linn Countw. Martha Hooston. Plaiatiff. va. Josie Timmermi n and G V Timmerman, Defendants. To Josie Timmerman and O W Hmmer mau, the aboye named Defeadanta i IN the name of tbe State of Oregon, yon and each of yon are hereby required to ap near and answer tbe complaint of the aboye i'laintiff in the above entitled Court, now on file with the Clerk of said Court, oa or De fote the second Monday of March. A. D. 1887, it being tbe 14th day of March, A. D. 1887. and you are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear aad answer said complaint, aa hereby required, tbe i'laintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein, to-wit : for a decree partitioning ami divid ing between the Plaintiff and the Defendants according to their respective interest there in, tbe following described real property, to wn i Lota 74, 75. 67, 68, 69, 70 aad 130 in the city of Scio, Linn county. Oreeon : also. beginning at tle southeast corner of lot 70 aa recorded in tbe original survey of tbe citv of Scio, Linn county, Oregon, running thence weat Jo j feet to ttie southwest corner of lot 75 in said city, thence south to tho north bank of Thomas Creek : thence in an easter ly direction, along the North bank of said Creek, to a point opposite to and oa a lino with the East line of said lot 70 ; thence north to the place of beginning ; also lot 71 in tbe city of Scio, except the following, be- f inning at the southeast corner of said lot 1 ; thence west 50 feet ; thenoe north 16 feet ; thence east 50 feet ; thenoe sooth 16 feet to tbe place of beginning ; also the fol -lowing, beginning 14.88 chains east of the northeast corner of Section 22 in Township 108 B 2 west ; thence east 6.12 chains ; thence south 20 chains ; thenoe south 80 48' west 40,54 chains ; thenoe sooth 32.80 obains ; thenoe west 45,66 chains ; thence north 52.80 chains to the place of beginning, containing 160 acres more or less, and all being situate in Linn county, Oregon, and judgment for tbe costs and disbursements of thisjsutt in the manner provided by law. This summons is published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of aaid Conrt, made at Chambers in tbe city of Salem, on tbe 24th day of Deo. 1886, in the Statb Rights Democrat. WSATTIEKROTSn &. l.i.At ci BUR5, Attorneys for Plaintiff Notice of Exacutrix Sale of Lanl. NOTICE is hereby given that in our- nuance of an order of sale made by the County Court, of Jackson County, Otegon on the 7th day of December, 18Sti, author ising aad empowering the undersigned as the executrix of the laat will aud testa ment of Edward A. Freeland, deceased. to sell certain real property described in said order of sale, the undersigned execu trix of the laat will and testament of said Edward A. Freeland, deceased, will on Saturday the 22nd day of January, 1887 at the hour or one o'clock p. m. of said day at tho Court House door in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at publlo sale all tbe right title and interest which the said Edward A. Freeland had at tbe time of his death in and to the following described real property, to-wit : Lots 6 and 6 ln Block No. Si in the oity of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon as the same are described and known on the recorded plat of said city now on file in the office of the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, said property will be sold at said time to the highest and best bidder on the follow ing terms : Ten per cent of the purchase price of said real property to bo paid on tbe day of sate, and the balance of said turchase prioe to be paid when Raid sale s confirmed by the County Court of said Jackson county, Oregon, at which time said executrix will execute, and deliver to the purchaser, at said sale, a good and su fficient deed of conveyance to said land, Dated this 24th day of December, 1886, Mart A. Frsblans, Executrix of tbe last will and testament of Edward A. Freeland, deceased. Maw la t-twe frt'el sueh a nut in. era as aawiasm I m JULIUS GRAOWOHL lias the oalf exelnalve ftteek af CROCKERY. GLAS8.8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Selection of Coffeejea ana Sugar CAE CC ZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AM line THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOB EGOS Remember I What 1 Say lean. 61ve la a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of j " A advertising" in Amenrjin papers by addressing ueo. if. Kowell & Co., Nawspapar Advertising Bureau, lO Spruoe at, New York. Send lOots. foe lOO-Pstgs Pamphia. Ross House. sT. GHOLITV, Proprietor. This house 'vis now open as furnished with the beet new faraitore. KvarytLiog eieas aad eemmodtoua, offering to tba gen eral public superior accommodations to any is tbe citv. MADY'S RESTAIRANT ! 3 a a) a ! 1 Two doors aae of Odd Fallow's I s ALBANY, OREGON. I f 5 I Meats at all anars and! all i1oss. Snuaia-stsr and Yaquina Hay OYSTERS ! J Alwaysl as JBaatf- 9 Kroah enters open every Aajr, sad sold te JJ buaiiiea by lbs pint or quart. Private j j nr ssaaai i a Palace Meat Market. PIPS ft TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Will keep constantly on band beaf, mutton, pork, veal, sausage, elo., ths bast meats aad largest variety in tbe city. Cash paid for aU kiodaof fat stock. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. newpaper apecially devoted to Ibe In tarasta of tbe producing claaaea sod tbe development of auoh iutrreets ana industries aa the peopls ars directly interested in and tienefit ed by. Sustain Thus Who Benefit You, THE "YAQUINA MAIL" Publiabed at - NEWPORT, OREGON gives yon all the points of interest in re gard to tbe opening of this new and snort, Ron to and will keep you advised on ail important transaclionain tbe Bay country It is tbe best and moat reliable local paper published in Benton Co, Fries reduced to $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Send for sample copy and special offers. Take your reading matter from tha place from which you obtain the greatest good. Address THE PHELPS CO. Newport. Oregon. 5m3 NO HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY is complete without the monthly visits of Babyhood, that delight, enn fort and aid of tbe mother. Only publica tion ia the world devoted to the oare of young children. We are glad to reoomm jnd it. (5 Beekman St. N. Y.) 1.50 a year ; 15 cents a copy. Clubbed with the Dano CRaT for $8 a year. First National Bank TOP ALBANY, OREGON. President JOHN CONNER Oaahier H. F, Ml H H ILL TRANSACTS A GENERAL Unktnjtfmalooss. ACCOUNTS REPT.subJec.lto check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, aeW on New York, San Frattciaco, Chieagu and Porti t n Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. atavjssaa, m. B. Yonso, John Corcaa, L. K BbaJK, L. Puns, H. F. MaaauA, Over 6,000.000 PEOPLE US- FERRY'S SEEDS D. M. FERRY A: CC . are adnunea to be tc s URStST SEIBSMtl in is werid. 0. M. FERRY ACQ'S IllastraSM, Da., arietta a rrU4 SEED ANNUS L For 1887 will be mailt dl FREE to ail appl ioanta, an t to laat seaaon a MBsa a out a - Jaaaateelate aJLaVary f -. son utinf San. daa. Field tm fUnnr SXBUS tho d und for 41. Addre S.M.rittYASk Detroit, MleO. aasSmSsKCTsBBMBiasaasaw "4jMaM aB HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE COSTECTIOIEEI. J. fc 10 dMn Wsalao.keep a full llne 1 Huts and frmrinal Fmits . - w v a a it i IIV GROCERIES, ilJtfep 5,n lways fresh and at ery low prices. OUR CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is convt'eta, We keep tbs 22 tM "tock tf oslsfaad.ebswinj tobsw or,, meerwhsum and brier pipe that ie a delight to smokers, C. E, WOLVBBTO.t, isvrjrs, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW fm ap stairs intFroman'a Brink ALBANY, OREGON. Old papers Sac. a hundred at the Dsaf o CSUT otfice. O Taw BrJYKRaV CVCDaC is wesur, aia SStla 3,000 CilVKS dirrrt to masamsrf SB all fiwisil or taawiljr ease. VeUa I order, and fjjrrea asset eoet ot i Utlasj rem stae, eat, drtsilt, wesur, er lawe ttas VSlsta. Ttieae I5TT aXUaJSUB rrrraTH roartalai Info ran. from tave naarltets ot ttte w will maU av sew rREE as suajr seat reeetnt or 10 eta. to of raatUna lt oa its aSeefMettiuljr, WONTCOMERY WARD & CO. ttn e SSw Waawafc AveosM BiAVY LA3IP CH offered for sale rXETSAM as good a the BtCT THET ARE NOT! And like sli Csntaterf elte lack tats atewsnrknSlo LASTife qnalltiws OF THE 6EVt7Hf. PEARLTOP CHUOTET The PEARL TOP is Manufactured OSLT sy DEO, A, MACBETH & C0 PITTSBURGH. PA. II kearaej street. aaa Fraaeiare, Cat. Nsrvoos DaWHty, Seaainsi Waakaeas, Exaaawssi VitaUtr, SK:rmatorrhoea, Lost alanhoee. Ziapoaraey, Paralyria. Frostatorrhoea, aad all the tarrieU eSseSs of ws If -abuse, aod execes ia matarer yeara. iMiaa aa Lowet Meroory, LaaWtoda, NesSaraat Seilssliiea. aversion to wtsMir, Dlsaaeasof rial.. a, Nofsss ia aae Had ths vital Hum paaatttauBohsetved 'a tee arias, and many other disssass that lead to tasaaity and toiAo mms Kufforiiiff frost say of the shovs symptoeas, shoald consult us at ones. The drain Oau W stopntal, vt taitty restored, and life be made again a pleasure iutad of a burden. Tim. e w many MIDDLE' 4CF.1t HEX who are trouble with too frequent eraeoatlne of the bladder, often aoconipauW by a ai'gtit aaaartiae -r burning wtisution, and a weaksnine or 'he sysUm ia a manner they cannot aceonnt for. Ropy Sediuteat la th urine, etc Many die of this ttiBeulty iruoraat of the cause, which ia the second skage of seminal weakness. Cures g-urarnteed in all such eases. CoeauilMtioa free. Thoroafh examinftion and vivice, Includinsr chemical analysis aod microscopic xamlnaUon of ths urine, as. An honest oataiea given In every ease. The fol kiwi nr medicines supplied st the arises named : altt AKTLET COOPKK VITAL K aTl RA TI tF, S3 a boUle, or tour times the quantity, S10, SAMPLE BOTTLE Fit EE. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating sysna terns, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to SB business transactions. The Celebrated Kldary Remedy, NBFHRBTS. CLM, for xll kinds of Kidney and Bladder Compiatnas, Gonorrhoea . Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For eaU by all druggists ; 1 a bottle, or six bottles for 6. The Eagush DAKDEUSN, LIVER AB BI'K Pk !..! A PILL is the best in the market. For sale by all druggists ; price 50 cents a bottle. Address Kns;ltS Medtral Oyapraaary. ?". 11 hearnv Street, San Franeiseo, Sal 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of merchandise. All orders from tbe country filled on short notice for every elaas or kind of goods from first-class atook. Abnrtlutely no oharges or oemmisalon will be charged or filling orders, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At IX W. Prentice's, Portlaad, Or GOLD: I Uld are aearoe. set (bote wb. wrfta te hmu, asise.wHi racoae fee, fall taformatieo atxral werk wltloa tbey oaa do. aad lint at beouuhat will par Snam t.nm as A .m . .t.. C. c o.u ij. w iu a a7 otraiw sa.) ai a. or oa apiias BoSreqpired. You arj slarted fyo. Thsa) waottava stees a iNM)!eWj"jar or naui Mtfia fyitano. Afl And Insist afTTfcw THIS nPn jBHHBPa Exaet them l3sa3SH arw a with XifTLiX rit.0cU80.lS8s.