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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1887)
Kn tared at tho Poet Office at Albany, Or, a second -class mail FRIDAY JANUARY 7. 1887. 8TITE3 & HUTTING. altars aad rreprleters. RRft r. NCTTIlStl, Leeal IMIUr. Ofloum mOULlZ ud "APER. n ad TIM to t iafi to of auia raitseeteats J. a7TAvtIiw USi'Liii aagaev, AA AA When paid strictly in ad wZeUU vancothii will be the price of the Democrat ; at the end of the year, $2.50, and there will be no dotation from Ihia rale. a M4M aneiT tow. The usual New Year belli rang out on the mldalght air last Firday night and Sat urday morning, and the usual number got frightened, forgot themselves, dressed and rushed through the streets yelling "Are" for 'all that was out" The custom is a pain fully and excruciatingly pleasant one, and in saying this we break our resolution not to lie during the year. o The M. A. T. has seen an oil painting In the possession of Mr Ashby Pearce that pottravs a local scene. Mr. Pearce' resi dence behind a clump of trees, the road leading to the Willamette, the ferrv boat just starting out, the placid and limpid Wil lamette, form the principal features of the pictare. Mrs. Kiger, of Waitsburg, W. T., was the artist. Jtina. The f ir Trala Ike Last Saturday forenoon at exactly it o'clock the draw on the new O. P. bridge swung into place for the first time, after an easy and well balanced swing. During the remainder of the day the operation was re peated on several occasions to permit river steamers to pass. As the time for the first turn had been kept secret, many thinking it was to be at 9 o'clock,the number who wit nessed It was comparatively small. During the day, though, several hundred took ad vantage of pleasant weather to visit the structure nd perchance witness the turning of the immense 6o foot draw. Thus Ben ton and Linn counties are united. Better still, an important step has been taken in the construction of a great transcontinental line. Without eating sour grapes, let us remark that the completion of this bridge is of far more value to Lian county people than if it were a wagon bridge. The addi tion of four and five cents a bushel to the price of wheat alone speaks for this. The reduction in the price of com modo ties if another. item,. Other blessings might be named. Jt took enterprise and money to tret the bridge here ana oenents we are aftec A holiday crowd of folly 1500 people, headed by the Mechanic's and Boys Bands, pf this qtyf on yesterday afternoon, a 1 p pleck, received the first train, loaded with Depots from the Kay and uorvaiiist to orosa the ffillaJnetta from the Paeitte. Mayor Weatherford.on behalf of the city. LaNvi red the address of welcome, lie was responded to by Vice President Nash on be . ,. , , fvnit. took ulaee at the luiirtion of tha rail.. road and Third street. Hurrah ', Hurrah ! firaags Rleefteas Tangent Grange has elected the following officers lor the ensuing term : J H Scott, M ; L D Knighten, O ; D M Jones, L P A Cochrane , C D Knighten, AS ; SM Need ham, 0 ; A S Loonay.T ; W ff Looney, SeC'y j J W Baldwin, G K , MIm St Needham, Pomona ; ' MUs Adia Knighton, 'Flora ; Miss Lettie Netd am, Ceres ; Miss Annie Knighten, LAV Santiam Grange Wm Cyrus, M ; James Crabtree, O ; James P Crabtree, L ; Jas per Crabtree, S ; J G Compton, A S ; Jas W Compton, C ; Henry Cyrus, T ; r rank Crabtree, S ; Charles Compton, G K ; Margaret Cyrus, Ceres ; Rosa Feery, Pom ona ; Willie Queener, Flora ; Emma Compton, LAS. Linn County Business Council J G Powell, President ; John Bryant, Vice President ; Pre B Marshall, Secretary ; Mart Miller, Agent ; C P Burkhart, Treas urer ; Jaa Conn, G K. Harrisburg Grange B R Henry, M ; C M Grimes. O : Mrs A L Henry. L ; E E I 'pmyer. 8 ; Alice Grimes, A 8 ; Enoch Hoult, Treasurer ; C E Fuller, Hecretary F G Barney, G K ; Mrs K J McMeeken. Ceres ; Mrs F G Barger, Flora ; Maggie Alford, Pomona ; Emma Arnspeiger.L A 8. Raw aaaaath Rehaal O Blears. Congregational Rev H V Rominger, Superintendent ; W R Blain. Assistant m - w , w - - r Superintendent ; Frank L Kenton, Sec'y Mason Brink, Fin. Sec'y ; Miss Annie Alt house, Treasurer ; Miss Kittie Ailhouse, Organist ; Rev Rominger, Mrs John Brush; Mr and Mrs H II Hewjtt, Miss Annie Pea body, W T Hearst, Miss Addie George, Mrs W C Read and Miss Gussie Rhiner, teachers. nMethodist B II Huston, Superinten dent ; Manford Brink and Mrs H P Webb, Assistants ; Geo Col well, Secretary ; Mrs Geo Simpson, Treasurer ; Lillie Rideout and Amanda (iuthrie, Librarians ; Ada Simpson, Organist, I be Rew USS. Arrangements are being made for the establishment of the Bennett-Mackey tele graph office in this city. It will be located in Archie Prushaw's drug store, and G P Gester, a brother of the O & C agent at this city will be operator. The wire are now be Ine put up in this city, and when completed toBugene business will begin. CheaneF rates are looked for. Chose, though, who jhink telegraphing will be as cheap as letter writing win nna tnemseives mistaaen. Corvallia on Wednesday completed the collage aubacriptloa, ebbs tiees to the Asylasa. Last Tuesday Deputy 8heriff Riley, Harrisburg brought a man named M JJobbs, alias Snort, to this city and placed hint before tl)e County Court, which im mediately declared him Insane, and he was IMa a " a u . t, 1 a was taken To aaiem last weanesaay. 111c man, who was a stransrer. having been around Harrisburg only a short time was found by Mr Walter Huston, in his barn, and threat ened to annihilate Mr H. with an ax. He had to be shackled in order to get him here Lsag Rea Voyage. rfen car loads of flour, aooo sacks, have been shipped this week from the Red Crown Flour Mills, to Portland, where it will be made oart of a steamer load bound for China. The Red Crown has an immense sale, going to all parts of the Coast besides on occasions tadns sea voyasres like the above mentioned. TATR LRCIStATtRK The Slate Legislature, which meets next Monday will be composed of the following members : SB NATS. Rrmihltcansln Romans; Democrats in fftsjbs, BLXCTBD IK 1884. ClsckamasC O T Williams. Coos and Curry -V M Sir Hit. Douglas John Emmett, J i Shupe. JosephlneH B Miller. Lane B P Coleman. Linn- V A" W talker ford. Multnomah Joseph Simon, J C Carson. Polk J C Allen. Polk and Benton Joseph D Lee. Union X. B Rinekart, Wasco, Crook, Klamath, Lake and Gil liam C M Cart wright. Washington W D Hare. BLBCTBO IN 1 886. Baker George CkandJer. Benton T B CanUkwrn. Clackamas L T Barin. Clatsop, Tillamook and Columbia J II Gray. Grant Hamilton. Jackson. C Stanley. lame A Af Veatek. Linn R A Irvine, S A Dawaon. Marion M L Chamberlain, J B Looney, B Dimick. Multnomah -George A Steel. Umatilla and Morrow P Wager. Yamhill -R P Bird, (elected at special election In 1885k J W Watts. R KTR K.HKXT AT 1 V XX. Baker I II Holland, A" A locket t. Benton-V .V Osbnrn, M M Davis, D II I 'anderOaal . Clackamas M O Good, J no hruse, . Mayer, ' .V Noyer. Clatsop, Tillamook and Columbia J W Maxwell. Coos J no H Roberta. Coos and Curry A II Crook. Columbia Merritt Pomeroy. Douglas -W P Benjamin, James Blun- dell, P P Palmer, Hugh Mch'cnmie. Grant J B Johnson. Jackson J? A MilUr, J T Ronditck- Josephine S V MitckeU. Klamath and Lake Robert McLean. Lane -I M Stafford. L Bilvem, S G Tkomfsan, C A" Hale. l.inn W W Kfchardaon, O If Henry, J W Sxvank, Alfred Mm, F C Hansard, I n MilUr. Marion-TJ Gregg, CP Hicks, D I Pendleton, W B Culver, A M Lafollet, Samuel Urmtn. Multnomah John Wilson, O Summers, W II Harris, Wm Hunger. 8 R Hairing- ton, I) Mackav. ( ) Polk Jk J My, A M HoSmm. P W Haley. Umatllla-V .1 Crockett. Union -K E Taylor, F D McCully Washington 1) Gubser, D Smith, Thoa Paulsen. Yamhill-R R Laughlln, F N Little. Charles Lafollett. Crook. Gilliam and Wasco -If WU con, w li liters. Morrow If C Gay. 8KNATB, Number of Senators, y. Re publicans, 19 ; Democrats, it. Hoi'SK. Number of Representatives, 60. Republicans, 34 ; Democrats, 26. joint cosvaxTtoM. Number of mem bers, 90. Republicans. 53 ; Democrats, 37, e4 walasj AceMeat. Last SatHrdav toxenqon nine-year-old Arsen Roberta, son of Mr. A. A- Kobcrta, and Jasper W v man, another boy of about the same age, were fishing back of the old roster warehouse, on the Willamette, a dangerous place for boys, when the former tUpped into the river. The water being high and swift and turbulent at that place Arson was swept out of sight, though he made a desperate grab for the bank.and his little finger imprints were afterwards seen there. Young W yman rushed for helpjuid the ferryman, who was across the river at lne me, saw the accident and jumped In his boat, but assistance came too late. Not even the body could be found. In all pro bability it was taken miles down stream. Mr. Roberts immediately offered a reward of $35 for the recovery of the body. The afflicted parents received the universal sym pathy of the community In their peculiarly aad affliction. r, lather. u r v.t 1 t,.m Ti iaaa from observations taken at Albany, Line Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.Eaq. HigW Bar. 30 22; lowest, $9.47 ; 20.80. Highest Temperature, 84 ; lowest, 80 1 meao.49.4fj Mean at 7 a. a., 47.25 it p.m., 52.93 ; 9 p. m.,48.83. Prevailing winds, S. Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall and melted saow daring at onh, 10.31 inches. Number of days oa which .01 iach r mora ram fell, 24 Number of days of eloadinsas, average 8 in scale of 10, 10. Lightning storms, 15. Of 03 observations 32 ware eland y. 1 fair 7 clear, 6 overcast,! missy, 12 foggy, 27 rainy irot ou trie 10 sort zutb. Uls Trip fe Teaga. Dr. J. L- HUI returned from an eatendsd trip to Texas Thursday noon of last week His accounts of the same are proving of special Interest to Albany people, as, while in that State, he happened to be near the former home of W. W. Saunders. In aa- Othercolumn will be found an account of the trip written by the Doctor, Arm atrshea. beyenteen year old William Fails, a homeless boy, of this city, while wrestling last Saturday had the misfortune to break one of his arms. In his short life time, previous to the present accident, Willie lias had the misfortune to break ten bones in various parts of his body. (rare. Two colts, thin in flesh, one sorrel, two year old past One yearling, bay, star in forehead. Been gone two months. Will pay liberally for information as to where about. Address, Tangent. E. W. Leprnis. aaiiiag Days. The "Santia Maria" will sail as follows : PROM YAQUINA. SAN FRAWCI8CO Sunday, January 9th Tuesday, Tan. 4th. Sunday, Jan. 19th. Friday, Jan. 28th. f nday, January 21st Wednesday, Feb. and etoaaaval. Viertck's shaving and hair dressing sa.- loon to opposite the Revere House, where he lias first-class bath rooms. far Rale. A good organ. Call at Dr. Kelly's. A good shingle mill. Call on J. H. Maine. One hundred and twenty acres of the best quality ol improved wheat land, all fenced into four fields, good house, hard finish, good outhouses, excellent fruits of ail kinds 75 acres ot grain. Inquire at this otnee. Why not call on Thos Brink for something in ths farm tors line for holiday presents, tt'ftttKXT KVkftra. In the election held at Prlneville last week V Geaner was elected Mayor over T M Baldwin. I L Luckcy, Recorder, M Hichel, Treasurer, E Barnes, town Attorney, Charles Charlton, Marshal, and 13 W Aid ridge, J 0 Luckey, W Bowen and Ed N White, Councllmen. Parties who have recently returned from deluged webfoot say eastern Urcgon is a paradise. Ochoco Httnrtv, Parties who have recently returned from snow bound Eastern Oregon say that Webfoot is a para dise. A L Johnson, editor of the Met! ford At- it0r, made an assignment last week. Lia bilities, $3,500. When editors assign what is the world coming to, Ames la going to contest the governor ship of Minnesota with McGlll. Oregon City Is agitating a bridge across the Willamette at that city. Ex Governor Addison C. Glbbs died in London on Thursday ef last week, at the 3e of 00. He was elected Governor of regon In 1861. Roy Ballard, about fourteen years of ace son of M D Ballard, of Seattle, formerly of Albany,came near meeting death last week by having an elevator fall on him. One of his legs was broken and he waa badly mutilated. Last reports were that he would recover from the accident The holiday edition of the Statesman of Salem confers great credit on that enter prising journal. Its bridge is well executed. e beg the privilege of remarklnif.though, that the steamer, instead of passing serenely . a s a a a a a a a . unucr tne onage, snouid nave been waiting on the other side for the river to fall several feet. The Salem St,iemam says the stories about the bridge being too low are a!l"boh." That there was fully ten feet to spare when tne Willamette fjmef went under It with water 15 feet 3 incites above low water mark. Home one has been basely fabricat ing. If what the S latest says In true it polls a good thing for neighboring cities who like to pick at the Capital city and the item above is shorn of any paint. The gap between the O & C and C St O Is now sixty miles. It is to be hoped It will be reduced to nothing during the present year. And now who will succeed Logan. The State Legislature meets next Jdon day. They have a big responsibility before them. It is to be hoped they will cover themselves with as much glory as Congress. A Polk county farmer took a cow to In dependence on Christmas and put her up at freeze out poker, $5 a chance, and five c ha noes. The game ended with all the checks In the hands of J R Cooper. Harry Abram. who killed Dr Biownlee at Eugene City three or four years ago has pardoned by Governor Moody, on rec ol the Hoard of i'ardon. It is granting pardons in such cases that la raiting public opinion against sentences for life. They don't stick. The almanac for 1887 gives a few Items of general interest : New Year's day on Saturday ; Washington's birthday on Tuesday ; St Valentine's day on Monday ; April root day on Friday ; Memorial day on Monday ; Fourth of July on Monday ; Christmas on Sunday ; Easter Sunday will be on the 10th of April ; Lent begins March ana. tne re will be tour ecilpe,two of the sun and two of the moon. In 31 years the Increase in the production of wheat has been Ave fold and in corn three fold in the U. S, Civil and criminal proceedure has been begun by the U 8 against Wilson and Charles Alexander, of Grant county, for enclosing fifty thousand acres of public John Roach Is dying. Queen Victoria is failing fast Last Tuesday a fast passenger train and a freight train collided on the Baltimore and Ohio R R in Ohio, telescoping several cars and causing fearful damage to life. Twenty -two persons being killed and a large numoer seriously injured, tin the same day a colleWon In somewhat the same manner occurred on the Boston and Al bany road In Mass. One or two were killed and a Urge number seriously injured, many oemg urateo lor me. "Behind time wa the cause of both disasters. Following were the recorded sales in Linn county during the past week 1 VV B Donaca to Lebanon, 60s 1 so feet in Lebanon $ C A Titus to Eugene Titus, 330 acres ' in tp ton n 1 w 1100 Doddridge Harrell to C P Brown, tc8 i53-i60acree .' 16OO Same to Lafayette Osburn, 1 to 80-too acres in tp 10 M R 1 w 1600 J M Howe to O P Coshaw, Jr., 1 lot in Urowntviiie OOO Henry Moss to Martin Mom, 76 72-100 acres In tp 1 3 8 R 3 w Martin Moss to Henry Moss, 76 73-100 acres In tp 1 3 a R 3 w R H Rutherford to Mary B Ruther ford, 337 acres in tp 9 8 R 1 w. . . 2f 4'KJO John Settle to G W Taylor, 160 acres in tps 1 1 and 13a K aw David Froman to Samuel E Youim, 1 lots in block o, Albany, Or. . 1 8 JO Marv Clover to Wm Carnes, 80 acres in tp is S R 3 w 16OO 3000 3035 Conrad Meyer to Alfred Hettlemief, 98 iviOO acres in to ti S R 1 w Rebecca Cooper to Alfred Scttlemler, 98 13-1OO acres in tp tt as R 0 Hill to D M Jones, 18 acres in tp 11 S R 4 w... Henry Sternberg to E Wills, a strip of 360 land 40 feet wide along Willamette I Martha A Workman to R Farwell, 3 lots in Sodaville 30 R Koehler to Ashby Pearce, 5 lots In Hackieman s second addition to Albany 85O n v- 1 It f ullt ViC. l I. 1 nu ia uauKiiui w cine - II jsmm.? Mi. .... .... 5oo ana n l. uaugnui 10 nowsru TWto.r , lot in ?ihdd -or, . . 1 . f n L. - H r. v. - . , 1 rvi Kirrnrn rn i i nnoeriiiaii inter , ... ---- ... - J O - qq 5 est, 300 acres in t tp 14 s K 3 D Froman, assignee R L Stevens to in Stephen rreerksen, 240 acres t p 1 S R a w Robert L Stevens to Stephen Freerk- sen, quit claim to last. A Hackieman to Fred Steal, 1 lots ia Hackleman't seoqnd addition, to AlUr.y 3 L Goldsmith to U M U rimes, at) acres in tp is 8 R 3 w 10 JO U S to Thos and Rebecca Fields, 640 acres in tp 14 S R 1 w patent The Cellege The College opened on Tuesday with much larier attendance than before the . w holidays. Several new student from Ilalsey and Brownsville are present and two or tmee from the city.. If the attendance from the eity was in proportion to that from abioad the College would have as large an enrollment as any school in Oregon. Let every one, that can do so support ana sustain the College to the fullest extent just now. Lebanen Kieetlen. The election at Lebanon, held last Mon day resulted as follows : C B Montague, President of Council. R 8 Roberts, Recorder. N MIFoIlls, Marshal. C H Harmon, Treasurer. II 0 Harkness, Tos Elkins. F II Roscoe and B M Donaca, Councilmen. The successful ticket is in favor of high license . For stoves and tin wars at cost go to John Briggs. eeattaitee to Bay Horses. Mr L Senders continues to buy horses this city. Will pay good pries for suitable 1 horses weighing 1100 to 1500 pounds, in good order. Bring them on. eon-MOM return Monday, Jan. 3rd, 1887. Present --Mayor, Recorder, Marshal and Alderman Marshall, Gradwohl; Cunning ham, Writsman and Hill. Reports of Recorder and Treasurer were received and referred to the Finance Com mittee. Following is the report of the Re corder : T0 tkt IfoHorabt Mayer and members of tkt Comtml of tkt City of Albany, Oregon 1 Gkmtlsmbm s I herewith submit my annual report as City Recorder lor the year ending January 3rd, 1887 : Balance In Treasury Jan. 4th, 1886. . $1 18.71 XBOXIPTS DURINO the year 1886. Amount received from taxes $461.37 Amount received as fines 7Oy0O Amount received from licenses. . . 3363.58 Total recepits $795395 There have been 310 city orders issued, amounting aa follows, .$7068.90 city orrtcaas. Mayor and Council $193.00 Recorder SlJOO Marshal, ba'l due Burkhart 37.55 Marshal Hays 954.13 $1659.13 Treasurer, balance, 1885.. 35,00 Treasurer salary 1886 loooo $135.00 $1884.1 j Attorneys fees 77-50 NRK DKPARTMKNT. Board of delegates ........ $30.00 Supplies lor department. . . 8.7J Judge of election 6.00 Albany engine No One. . . 630.00 idnn engine Tio Two.... 443.50 Hook sad Ladder Co I3i.7 Engineer of steamer...... 34000 Chief Fngineers salary .... 100.00 Coal oil and lamp supplies.. $S7S-o6 ijj.jH 107368 Police, (aight watch) Stationery, wood and oil for ollke Street work, lumber $303.14 34-9 Hurvcylng 544W New trookwxlks. ja to Grading and graveling quaras 387,91 9930.55 Sewerage, exientiou Broad albin sewer Hardware Freight and dray age 106.65 1740 US rnnung Rent,oAce, laatquarter , 1 885 . $ 1 8.7 5 Rent, office, for 1886 75.00 Rent, water for hydrant .... 5000 Amount paid Sec y State for laws. Ain't warrant for fas Laurent for $HJ7i 17.65 ewer built In 1885 963.84 Total. $7068.50 axi'XMOiTcaa roa 1886. Lcm warrant for sewer paid Lar- rent $6085.63 Am t of Interest paid oa indorsed orders...., 16134 Am 't outstanding orders fan. 4U1 I6 $34737 Am't orders issued 1886. . 7068.50 Total $9538-S7 Am't of orders paid to date 7325.94 $'303.93 Am't outstanding orders Jan. 3. "87 $3363.93 Am i due city from school Lnst. No 5 for'sireet work. .$104.31 Ami cash In Treasury .... 309.63 $41 3 95 Balance indebtedness $188948 IndeJjedent less warrant of Laur. ent for sewer, 1885 . . 983 J4 $896.14 Am't delinquent taae remaining unpaid previous to Jan. 4th, 1886 to3S35 Am't delinquent taxes Jan 3rd. 1S87 68.16 Total delinquent tax $( 103.33 All of which is respectfully submitted. N. J. Hrmtom, City Recorder. Albany, Jan. 3rd, 1887. Msvor Wcatheriord delivered the follow Hg si!dre GaWTLBMItM OR TMB Cot'MCTL : It Is made the duty of the Mayor, at the annual meeting, provided by the charter, to com muntcate by message to tne council, a gca era! statement of the cojuttttan and affair of at von, and to rccom f such measures aa he mav deem expedient and proper One vear ago, according to the reports 01 -M . . . m the city oUcers and the message of Mayor Ketchum, the city was in debt in the sum of $3453.19, being in esxes of the limit by law - f 3000 being tne limit oc indeocedneea. The first paramount duty of the Council waa to reduce the Indebtedness to or under that sum, which waa done, and the present indebtedness will not exceed the sum of about $1,400. And la this connection I call attention to the tabulated report of the City Recorder. It will be seen from his re port that the actual running expenses of the city amount to nearly as much as the rev enues, and win require good nnnncteryuj nd strict economy to keen wit km the limits provided In the chatter for indebtedness, on the revenues how derived by the city from the various sources and make such public improvements as the interest of the public requires at your hands, nut by wonting gradually and economically I am pRfsRitded that more can ne done during ne present than was done the past year. I have but lew suggestions in reference to fgture legislation, of such general im portance aa to require special mention, to make to the Council. There are, however, some matters which I deem of sufficient importance to refer to and ask you to con elder : During the past year the authorities hare been hampered and circumscribed in the I , . . , a ffjra i- - v;' , v wi(i tWat K on that subject. I would suggest that the I I -.-1 n. .W ImU .IhM 1m ..ItaJ I COiniilK NHUIII V "It ihiui in, w I . j to change that portion of the eity charter so I as to simplify and expedite the repairing of sidewalks and streets. As the law now stands before the adjoining owners can be comoeiled to repair their walks tt ever, to small or of srreat public necessity the Coun cil must give notice thrudgh it officers and if at the expiration ot tne time given tne . a " e e . Or -a. 0 . I work is not completed, then an estimate ot the cost is to be made and reported to the Council then an ordinance must be enacted covering the particular work to be done. This is one and perhaps the principal rea son for the difficulty experienced during the past year in repairing streets and sidewalks. Too much red tape and too much vexation, delavs and unnecessary legislature. A verv a,llt,f amnimnt - th nrermnif law will I think cure the defect For the eood of the city I trust that the Council will instruct the Uty Attorney to draft a hill covering ixus pmrii ana siy uinejrs 1111 may aa w the nest interests of the eity, i aiso suggest tnat as soon at tne cnaner s amended, if it should be, that the laws of the city be codified or arranged in some convenient way so that any one may learn -. ... . what the law really is. I also renew my recommendattonmadc a year ago, that the Council Hive the various companies tormtng tne nre department an a a . a m a - t the encouragement and assistance that you can which may tend to promote tho nron- ciency ot the department, and in this con neatan i desire to say that the city is tor tunate in having, and should congratulate herself upon the proficiency of the depart ment ; they have been ever ready to re spond to any demand that required their service. Dunne tha oast vear there has been a marked improvement in the business of the city. Increase of population, new business enterprises entered upon and a large amount of capital invested in permanent improve ments, which shows confidence In the sta bility and future prosperity of our city, While the Council cannot directly do any thing tq increase the prosperity qf the city, it can by wise regulations encourage capital to embark in new and useful industries in our midst, by lessening the burden of taxa at tion ano guarantee tne security oi property The new members of the Council were sworn in and the bonds of the new Trees urer and Marshal approved. fol and Cunningham. Ordinances Huffman and uradwdhl. Accounts and Current Kxoense Mr shal, Gradwohl and Cunningham. Streets and Public Prooeriv - Hoffman. Wrttaman and Read. Licenses Cunnlnsrhatn. Rend and Mar shall. Fire and Water Read. Writsman and Marshall. Health and Police Gradwohl. I'unnlnsr- ham and Writsman. D R N Blackburn was elected City At- tor nay by acclamation. Adjourned till Wednesday evening to consider matter of amending City Charter, t a special meeting of th Council Wod aasday evening, City Attorney Blackburn submitted ainsmlmeuts to tbs Charter which will give (lis city power to keen its side walks repaired, and instructions were aiven for aa amendment relatmu to the abatement of nutsanoas, and punishment for assault and battery and vagrancy. The committee cm streets and pubho property waa instructed to resaryey the city limits so as to include tbs Oregon Faettie and other property. Tha Trip la Tesas. Ed Democrat: Te relieve the tni nils of a liw who insisted thst asy recant trip Kast was to Washington ta the taterast of certain appliesnt for official Ktions, aad of others who knev I went to as la Saunders behalf, 1 wiii simply aay I wens 00 my own private basiaess.aud sue- oeeded vary satisfactorily It is true I had information from Washington ooiteerninit settsin poos ion etaisns hsro, which I expect ed would call me there, bat while in Ksnsss City asrauaemeats were made by which the anticipated trip is postuoued fur tha ureveut. On arriving in Texas I wrote to Dr. Mjunders. lather uf W. W, baondsrs, that I would re main in that part of the state for s fa a days and if be desired to mast tne I would give him the axaet facta, so far as 1 knew them, ooncerntag his sou's trouble. Hs earn to where I was stopping and w were toacther daring the night, and the following morning. ws want to Mails, whore he took th N r A, train for Bon ham aad I the South for Wo .. After hearing the facta of the difficulty and taaamsratinn, ha Wdd me his son was raise 1 in Bo-hiflt, Fannin county. North Tessa. Had never bad aay parsonai difaoulty of nature while there ; never kilted a la Texas. m he has clsimsd here : nvr had aeythiRg to do with the occupation of a oow bay farther than that ha had possibly lrtvea up soe muen oow a few limw duuu( Ufa 1 asm newer 000a pied a pnsteioa of terror in any way, aa we have ba id to sapposa. Tha same history, and probably mors. 1 got others who anew nauoders career frm awybood tdi tha time of his departure front e . asas IIS a a t was tOM tost w w Hauti.i era started out with brilliant prospects as a y cm t lawyer, bet his reason at Usees beoam partially dstnronwi rrom aucn igajiai vice aa are nmst oosasana in simoat avar stats. until he finally, aa axprsessd by every one I talked with, bsoama a eraok and imagmrd' things real that had no foundation what-y , He waa legaroau uir aa saiursi o iwari ilis aaQtbar, tostead of being Spanish wo man. is a highly rospactel Amsnesa lady' One of bis brothers ta a druggtat sad soothe tbs loading surgaon ta the county in which ha lives, and front parsonai acquaintance I regard ate father as a perfect gentleman and a good pnysaosaa. 1 was una utas m i:n. dy are vary btgbly reapeotad, aad had Wirt, as they oalt the oaa who Is bars, shunned vtoas he might have bean an honor! mem bar of the bar ia his native town, lie has a wife asm child ia Boaham that are regarded with high favor by all who Rnow them. The iRraxtghoat una state nave long since of ttsasdars having to leave Texas far libel or socas similar crime. With ut in- qairy I Was told ha went t an adjoining Gwuaty, where bo made aa a'fi lvt.uiog aa ssXmsned nam . to having beard a contract entered into ttwoan two man ooucorning a laaae fee n house I thii k . It waa of a trivial nature the sequel of wntob was Hsle hers aabhe bafswa the trial. The above wm told ase by different persona, not aa a matter of but with U1 privilege Ol gt-in pubinrity. should they bo d seated of anhlie nitefsot (safe. Time will not parmit m g'vg a rrsrssr at of what I aated 10 lesaa. bt wilt say Northern Te extending to tha eauter of tRO fttata is a magniHoeot agricultural aeofML The wheal yield aver gee aa mueb as it dasa ia the Willamette Valley, with Biisea ni'inn st ft cent while 1 waa there sasahaat Tt eeals at that Uine here. I Rare. 1 waej m n miU and examined the gram, it aaa in- fartee to Oregon wheat. Saw many acres of, growing fall wheat that bniked Una. Uate ; yields at least as much, again pet aero there Mayor Wcatheriord announced the lowing standing committees for 1887 : Ways and Means-Gradwohl. Head an sra. rotten ami euro grows ta pevvee- amount of building in Albany this yea will Uoa. rartharsouth saaaaa. oottoo and ,llHlblo Vft4t f fajs probably tali, gloo, eorn are tbo products ol tha ami. Cotton wofth. ' gina, auge compresses, wiser laownee, a poor quality of heroes and sorub cattle are unnumbered. Ia live stock Oregon is far ahead, while in agriculture Texas excels. I waa forcibly impressed with tha nmcr. s has towns and etties acd especially with the swiniflnsBt firnfTT "T 1 pumnsaaa an eatelra ggxena1 before going there antteipatmg an s tta tlx with gaum guns irom cow-noys whom I supposed iron aoeoente wmiia 00 picketed oh the bunion to prevent the ap- proaeR of civnixataoo, mis or amvai was mnoh surprised to find leas ra maoism, teas luabriety and leas profanity than is to be lea ad na Thif 1 ' reoOM generally am ad specially desirous of making themselves agiassbls I was in Sana an vie large nitie uei li n amorous towns and am sure I did not sea a doaea drank men till I got back to Calif mriaa, were 1 aaw a doxan aoour men and thsy appaared very louesoma. lu ap -ptenehing a Southern Texaaoity, tbs uiggsr population is ao numerous the little kinky beaded children resemble oharred fence posts stuck along tho sides of tho railroad. A portion of soath western Texas is not worth running a surveyors chain arooad. During my sojourn there weather was Hne, rtads good, and very f"w mortgaKa on farms to militate their productiveness. Respectfully, J, L. H, Beginning next iHteaday trains will begin running regularly to and from Albany, on Use Oregon Pacific with this city as the termlnou of the road. Train will arrive from the Bay at 11:10 a. m. and depart at 1 2 .4.0 p. in. uood bye Messrs. atage anu steamboat. Fl rat-claw butcher knlvemt Will Bros gnn staro. Te (he raallr. I am now better prepared than ever be toi-a to suit my numerous customers In all lneg of gootis. i have a larger stock which I personally selected, and have many nov eltles I could not get by ordering good ex clusively. I have just made extensive im provements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, and enabling me to carry a larger assort. ment and to sell yqq hotter goods for the money, just received direct from the tabtarv a full line of ladies' and gents' slippers tor the holiday trade especial l v selected for this market,' all of which will be sold on their merits, and every pair guaranteed, even in cheap slippers and shoes. Samuel E. Young. Cleaks t Cloaks t Don't forawt that N. H. Allen A Co. have iust received a larae stock of ths latest styles in oloaks from New York, which haye offer at unheard of low prices steeds. - Ladies, when you am tu wane ot a dress dont forget to inspect the. stook of H. Allen A Co. They have a very la stook to select from and at prices never fore offered ia Albany. SHILOH'S COUGH and Conaum Cure ia sold by ua on a guarantee, euros consumption, HOUR afttt 41 BA. Wheat, 72 cents, M KrutHih, jewsler. The host harness it J . I) ir 1 .... at Hoffman Oysters served in all styles rfsttters. J. P. Wallace, Physician at d Surgeon, A! bany, Or. U i to Raad ft Hrownoll's I .r uhoioo fresh groceries tat . A e ror uumim, piie and Inm. ,' v,,mi o to innn urigs. Osff 4 Rushnell, Phvsioians sod Smgeons, Shodd, Or. Tint Salem fanning mills for sale at Deyoe R Rtibsoo's. AUmay's usw oity oltt ir wcr sworn in last Monday. 4 few good Vwk ho wauti4 CaU oa Pipes t Talbott. Walnut oenter tables, with marble or wood tops at Tims Brink's. Archie Prushaw's drug store u open day aud night, at all Lours. Hails are laid on the 0 P bridge and trestle work te Third street. The 0 P will begin building a R It depot at this city ia a few days. The Dolce fsr Niente Club give a party at the Opera House tooiglit. Another tumble in the price of boot aud shoes at Road tt liiownell's. l.erg reduction ia the price of shot at Will Brothers. Albany, Or. J H Townsend. special agent for the Stats insurance Co, of Salem, Oregon. Hit shaves for a dollar and a oi an towel to every customer, at L. VierickV A splendid Ilea of organs sid pianos at extremely low prices at Lsngdm.'s. For a general assortment of bouse faraiab iog goods at cost go to John llriggs, A splendid lino of foraiturs at Thos Brink's. No bettor in tbo valley. A line assortment of Chriatrnxs cxodiso, ante, etc., at Rued A Urowuoli's. A first class hue of chairs, sofas, what note. etc.. at Tho Brink's furniture store. The Het bod room sits, tb .'. spring mattresses, at rbM Brink's f-:rmtuo store. PM French, ageut Singer Manufacturing Co., opposite OcbTPeilows Te.ujdt-, Albaoy.Or. Tiu is the week of prayer, ami it ia bumr. obaerved genarally by the ehurehes of tbs city. Yon oao get a splendid vari sty of ioesat Mr John bright f ir aajis at rasaouable prices. Ben Uolliday, Jr., died a few days ago in Waahiogton, and bis father i u t expected to live. Dr. I .1 Kills, 'tiiiys m. !lls Sud to or. AH any, On ma le city country, Twevbali barbir a 1 sy, hair out. 1 ',t ru i..f T M pSaoo to gt at Veriok's a shave or Fresh Ya'iius llay and Kuteru oysters oimataotly oa iisu 1 after to d iy a' Hoff aao A lifter's. The Callage axysased P ieiUywith aa ia ureaaed attondenoo. It toe it a proopor ur oouditioa. The new Preebyteriau Cnurjli at Mnm Iwsfan, Rev K N Cmdit, L ir. Wee dedi -CXted laat b...ln. Duong itsd lb i um! by rtro a c .rdinx to if. od o Ckif K.jgiO'r II iff nan, of thisetty, ware a00 . ne st 9 ii a ' me n.. u r. 01 u.u c, u making ar- raaemnU W give a public eotel tain merit 00 Pobraary 19Ui. The Itesd Batata Conveyor, of this oity, in its tesae oat Jan. 1st, baa a pictare of tbo Albany public school building. Deyoe A Hoheon have a large sb-ek of the brat plows made oa band. Thev will be old at bedrock prices. The bigbast point the water in the Wd Ismette at luis city reaohe.1 was 14 fast 1 1 inches above low water mar k A large line of sbalf hard wa e j it redutretl from the haat by Stewart St Sox. Thaw ; stoolt of gooda ia a ttreisiaas one, John Brigga has on hand tnree Plummor rruii Dryera which no wilt ai at lea than i eaat. They am the butt in th- market. j T-ie lwer Oolambta Piro fteltof Atsocia I u m mot in Albany M m lay The attondsaoo . wa from All parte of tha NortnwsaL A newly married 00a pie at Jefferson, who . uame to Albany Saturday evening ware given j a lively oiianvart at the depot it taat city. Persons desirinf li i ookot kuivse .' a ! aaw brand, warranted, sbnt aall at Will ' Bros, They have taut gotten m a aaw atoe. Tha youig pople of Albany are not enter prtatna enough to receive New Yaws calls. aoao being made, that ws can hoar of, last Saturday. Th Dauocaar prognoatioato that th Miss Mary Thompson has resigned as) teacher in the primary department of the College. Miss Mary Montegae, of Lsbaaen will neeeed her, SJ) Tha diaw of the bridge was swung the neat of tbo weak for the "ropsy' though the moke stack tacked several feat of being as high aa the bridge. While in Texae Dr HOI visited Dr J A pavie, of QatesvUle, onee of Alkuey, and reports him as doing a nice business, and plasssntly located, Borkbart A Keeany sell tickets over ths Northern I'aeiac It ail to all points savst. Call on them for rates and nu;s showing route of travel. some one complains at this ottos that among the motto ss at one of tbs ehurehes "Counselors" was spelled with two I's. Tho grievance is a serious one. Should yoa desire to sell yen property call on Burkhart A Ksenoy aa they advertise property placed ia their hands, and ohargo nothing unless they effect a sale. At a meeting of Multnomah coucty Typo fraphtoal Union held laat Sunday Cant Inmphrey, for many yearn foreman of the DauocRAT, was eaeoted President . Amostjuajoyabra party was given at Mr dasBarrett's, at Peoria, on New Years Eve. The old year went oat hilariously. Mr Garrett's New Years parties are always a s access. Mr Yates, ao Oregon Pacitio man, while ia tbs oity Saturday, according to his state meat to a policeman, was relieved of $7.60 in money and a $15 musical instrument of some kind. Dr tiaff, of Shedd and Dr Boahnell,reqeu ly of Kogeoe have formed a partnership at the farmer place for the practvoo of their profession. Both skUfp1 physicians tho firm aaa as wVr. sS .- Asia ui an oviuu vu At the masquerade ball in Adin last week, St Jacobs Oil took the first prise. No hiog strsuge iu this, as it is highly pria d in every family where used especially in ours. Biabor, CaL, Mountain Tribal, Mr Geo Doutormsa, New York City, suf fered nearly a month with A severe cough, aud having tried several remedies without relief, liuaily Uv-d RedStar Cough Cure which, he sxys, proved 'ayoedy and oaeot- ual.'' Hoffman A Pfeiffof did an immense busi- nesa in tbo oonfeotioaary hue druing the holiday trade. Uesidoa a big local trade they now do a rushing wholesale business through theV alley. Burkhart & Pteiifer, of this city, have re cently purchased a complete sterotyping out tit, aud. can now keep a job up ready lor future-use, This is one of the most enterpris ing job printing firms In Oregon. The Missouri oxpresi robbers Wittrook and Haight were sentenced on Tuesday tho peuitentary for soyea years. f40.W0 ot the 160.000 stolen was recovered, finkor- ton's detectives did some remarkably good work in the case. The sunken "N li Bentlev" is being reliev ed of its contents, and will be repaired. damase to It, aa ravealed by muoh lower . . ..ea a SB. A vear ago but one bridge crossed the Wil new N. lamette, to-wis, the 0 A C bridge at Harris rge burg. Now there are three, nearly four, water, is about as stated by the UBMoeKAT last weak, not beyond being repaired by a moderate outlay. three more are proposed, one at u regon city, one at Portland, and another at Ray's Land-ing- ption County Court is in session. It has bands full of business, it being the time ft the year when road supervisors are wont sppear and salt for a settlement with the county and as well tho appointment ol a successor. Send Burkhart K-eney names aud ad dresser of friends deairing information of Ore- ami ami t.hny will send them copies of he wat tuxtttt Vmseuor which contains a com plete discriptioii of one county in each ine wiwi nithcr dosirab'e informatloj as Wathor. Fritx Hoffman and Watt Monteith, of this fa.. X. at.. a . a. ' ony, nave formed a partnership, aod par- fshaeed the Mady rentaarant, which Sir. tiunman will have charge of, while Mr Mon teith will run the Bank Exchange Saloon. Mr Huffman is an experienced eook . The two story building being put op by Mr McUreggor, next oast of J O Cherry s foundry, will he used by Mr McCreaeor sa a orewery, wmon no will onen as soon ai coinplsted. Mr MsOroggor, was in the brew ery business at Oakland. A prize debate for S 100 will take olaoe am Washington a birthday at Princeton College. Jas Chariton, of this city, has tbo honor of haying been selected from tne Freshman Olass to engage in it. Our friend verv de servedly seems to bo reaping his shire of minors, neing alr;iy frseidant of hi class. sexi ti Am v$mmMkt S tin May. of If .rrisKur?. was In Albanv Tuesday, Henry K Burmeter has moved from Fih I Lake to Prioevdk). Mrs K W Laiigdon. of this c te. is vieitixur. relatives and Irisnds in Sahm. Mr Jas E kins retenud on Hatnrdav from a business trip to 1 he Dalles. Frank Hib ur I the first of tl a weak from California, after a pleasant trip. Dr Omers and Mr Trnev.relsiva of M -a Dubraille, -pent Sabbath lu Albanv. Mr W W Davis, of Salem, has been visit. ing in Albany, tbo guest of Mrs L Viaraok. A very ides tot surprise oarty was given at Mr B W Cau liffs last N w Years Ev. . Mr Dave Vanoa. of AlEli. W. T.. ratom. ed bomo lait Monday sfter a short stay hero. W CTweedal . J II and. C O Birkhsrt aod other Albany people, hays bean in Por - isna in is wees. Mr J H Stine, of ths Browns die hjen - ant, wa in Albany Monday, n hi w. y home from Pola emioty . Will Simpson, of HVliv, has been in tha city on a visit to his parent, Mr and Mrs eorge Hnrpson ami friends. Mr Clareoe 0 ay lord, of I Uh . once ti e "devil" mi the DgKocmA?, ia ia the yaJle . He ia s brother in-law t tha Coutrauor (1 W Hunt Kx -.Sheriff J K Chariton, of Santiao. Pro cinct, was in Albany the firat of the wees. The DanocKAT aeknowladfa a cal', Mr Chariton is now directing his o 1 to the raising of stoek. Miss Minnie Mc Far land, of Tangent, an ao;oniplibel teacher in the Kosebarg public schools, returned to Rooelmrg Friday after spending several days ta this eon cry with her parents and mends. Joe and Johnny Webber, tha accomplish ed son of Joa Webber, of this eitv. w.rj in Albany the H rat of the weak. Johnny has taat been promoted by being sent from hie poattiun uude tbo Hartford Inauranos Ca. at Portland t" a 1 letter one. nnder bev'onasv tors, at Los Angelas. Tn &L00I Teachers Institute hi Id at Eueof, lst week, was a very one. Meyeral from this county were iu at atneng the namber being St peria tendent iteid, of Una city, Prof Strai go, cf e. Prof Jewttt, of Harriiburg, Mia Minnie Aiiiaou. of this city, and A O (Vmdm A J tthaoka, 1, B Bade aod Jss tVortb, IR slRMUsUta HaLt orSarcTY LcaDGa,No. i3,A.O.C.W. Albany, Dec. 37th, 1886. WHaaaas, It has pleased God by the dispensation of His Divine will to call from the lodge below tq the eternal lodge above our belovrd brother, James Mady. There fore, me R Reoiied, That we recognize the hand of an overruling Providence in thus takinj from our midst a faithful and beloved brother, who had the catertn and resnect of hia brothers in the lodgcand alo his ndgh a a . s s e. a a .a , a nor ; arm utai we ttumoiv now to tne wi 1 of the Supreme Master of the universe. Rtmvoa That as a lodge we tender to the nereaveo widow 01 the deceased our sincere svmnathv. And that a coov cf these rraolutlon be tendered her, and also furnished the seversl papers of the city tor publication. Resolved, That the lodge charter be draped in mournlngr for the period of thirty ! d Jb'Lics Joaxpit, A, B. wooors, N. J. H xxtou. Committee. The following is the report of the stand ing of the pupils of District 24, of Linn county, Oregon, for the month ending Dec 17th, 1886. 5 off for absence, 1 off for tardy Addie Huston, 83 ; Ada Huston, 85 Eliza Scott, ico ; Eva Archibald ; James Morgan, 100 ; Stephen Archibald, too Robert Archibald, 85 ; Lizzie fluster, 4s Charlev Huster.aC ; Charlev Huston, 75 1 Frank Scott, or t Minnie Moss, 95 j Ida Grate. 08 : Florence Owenby, 70 ; Alice Barrows, or. : Arthur Barrowft.QC, : Esther- edge Churchill, 40 ; John Morgan, 90 Albert Hereford, 100. Uali aad tea. Our susweribers who receive the Demo crat at the Lebanon Poatoffice will find statements of their acojannts with F H Miller, at that eity. fcet all call aan see hto1 Rami aasl The oodentgned will sell all kinds of amber and cedar fence potts at the folios -ing stations on the Narrow Gauge Railrascl, Leng's, La wean and Bel I vi lie. Persons build in ji houses or barns can have bills oak and delivered at any of the above stations oa short notioe. Lumber is of the eery bent quality, the logs being brought from tha tit Umber region on the McKenae stiver. Wm. E. Stkcu. Ns H. AllunACa. have in sto;k a lino of boota, shaos and rubbers, which be sold st yrry low prices. full will Meal Rxeelleas J J Atkins, Chief of Point, KnoxvilW, Term., writes : "My family and I are beneficiaries of your moat excellent medi cine, Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption ; having found it to be all that you claim for it, dasire to testify to He virtue. My friendato whom I have rec ommended it, praise It every opportunity." Dr King' New Discovery for Consumjw- tion is guaranteed to oure oougha, cole a. bronchitis, asthma, croup and every af fection of throat, cheat and Huge, Trial bottlea nee at Foahay ox Mason Drug store, uarge aise f 1 . an Back tea's Aralea Salve, j The best salve in the world for r0 Bruises, Soma, Ulcers, Halt Rheum - Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Obilblains, corns ana ait SRin eruptions, ana pu tively cures Piles, or no pay required. te guaranteed to give per loot satisfaction, or money refunded, rnoo so cents to box. saw sale by roahay at mason, Axes, Axes. uo to Stewart A box's and exam those fins Oregon made axes, superior to all others. Manufactured by H. B. Ier Tho rick, of Crawferdsville, Linn Co., Or, ranted nrst class. r 11 "' MAttKIEt. McNEIL JESSIE On Jan. cth, 1887 the Kevere House, m Aifcauy, by Kev and tj Irvine. U. U.MR. tLMXR MCN11L and Mis Mary O Jessie both of scy precinct. ARCHIRAL TERHUNE. On I'ec. aand, 1886, at the residence of W P An derson, Mr. Josbph E. Archibald and Mas it. A Txrkvnx both of Linn Jo. its of to Rave rests. Ail persons knowing themselves Indebted to John BHggs are hereby notified that hie book will be closed on the 31st last, aad 'hat it will be to their interest to coma aad aettlc Immediately and save collection. Dec Joth, 1886. tmselallea Set lee. Notice a hereby given that the norahip heretofore ax luting hatwawn If, A, Cbor ry aud John Hanshaw te this day lir, ved. John Hanshaw ratlrisuj fttsa said bnsineea. Albany, Or., Jaa. let, 1887. Jon MaJsRaUV Laundry work of all kinds stonu tethe entire isttisf action of all. atea a whata man a chance. sr. B MoOemaTtcet Go to Allen St Co. wbetf yoa want not. They have a well seises ssl oil cheap. Freeh milk cow for sale by E. R. M Car- tor New goods at Fort mi tier St Ca's. See. era! new styles of elegant bed room and a splendid variety of upholstered just received. By keeping a irst-claae stock of goods they go fast. Thos Brink's aah bedroom sees attiaet general attention. They are sold resaarkakW low. i" ' " a 11 On from one to three years time, oa sjrbsJ security, in sums of $500 up. Call on Clikk, MoKTatru at Csv mesa res fer Cm Those wishing water colors or India Ink entargemenU for Christmas presents will please leave the orders with Crawford the Photographer at Pax ton old stand. Don't forget that N. H. eiLeeieltHa e? 3b S SeeS produce in exchange for market prises. I as sj u s Dr. Whites eelabratod Now Tatrk Symp, for sale at HosTsaaa St Warranted to ears con eh send Thos Brink, the furniture bo andersold. teat his prioas. Tbo largest tha valley east ha toabaeh'a. New stodt of fall goods, examine these. MotrTXTTH A Those desiring the latest aovelties In bottons, gloves, ate., shsuht sail en I With ft Set ten bach. Quilte than yoa oyer saw teith A Sei tenbeoh's. N. H. Alloa A Co. bars la steak n full of material for fancy work Fairy sephyr, Sbatlaud wool asm mile, araaeaa, Blbunlie. 78 iaah silk f ssa,kaiUing silk, etc. I have all the xmgavea tnknn few A B. Paxton and any one can have dapli tee from their nesraiivea by addraeeiag oa, at tLo following prioas : Card etaa, i per donen, oaotoot atte, is por dasaa aaa doura, $8 par doaan. I Reap tkva iaweR line of Oregon views in the west. Cata logue furnished on application. Cunylnn aud enlarging old picture a speelatty. J. Q. Caui t to the taste, more acceptable to the : and mora truly beneficial in its famous California liquid fruit reaaedy, Ry rea of F iga, is rapid y superseding all Try it. For sale by Roahay Mi The Vary I bsyo added to my tool line of the celebrated Laird, aVAsier A Mitchell, Philadelphia fisu Skat far aaattoa, misses and children. Acknowledged by dealers generally to be the heat yadae aad heat Sttmg fine shoo made. Widths CD, and EE. A child can bay aa aheap aa a isasw Sam train. Toms, Sole Agent, Albany, Albaay KSaa-Res. Whtet-728 per bn. Oats 31 R M Butter SO eta per lb. Kgga SO oente pordoa. Beef on root, g) zo Hay baled, f 12 te fix par too. 1OO80.IV ton.u Fotetoas 75 eta por bushal. Apples-40 cants per bn. Perk 4 Mo per lb Bacons -bams, iXftc shoulders, en. aides. 10c. Lard 80 par lb. Flour 4.50 per bbl. Chickens 2.50 per don. Sugar San Franeiae C, - Dry Krauuiatod- 7 c. Mill Faed bran, 11.00 par ton. shorte, 15 Hotiee of Final Settlement. NOTICE ia hereby given that the deraigned has filed in the County Cxstxta of La no county, Oregon, hia final aceanaat as Administrator cf the estate of Andrew Miller, deceased, and said Court baa ap pointed Monday, tha 7th day af February. 1887, at the hour of ten o'clock, a. m, of said day, at the Ceurt House In Albany, Lann county, Oregon, for the bearing af objections to said account and tha ment or ins same. At which time place all persona Interested in said are hereby notified to appear and Ale ob jections thereto, if any they have. Dated January otn, ihh7. Gbo. A. Mhxii, He witt A Bryant. Adsainiatrator. Att'ys for Administrator. toaad sa MaateiaR S tea Raaey Bseste. DR. Oa WATSON MAST0R Physician and Surgeon. Offloe rooms 3 and 4. Foster's Block. - It for ALBANY - - Administratrix Notioe. ne Notioe is hereby given that tha undasv Wai signed has been by the County Court fhy Lann county, uregon, appointed Admlate tratrix with the will annexed of the Rotate of James Mady, deceased, late af Liu county, Oregon. All psreoas having olainoH against said estate are hereby so quired to present them properly verified aa required by law, to the undersigned at Albany, Oregon within ix man tha frees at S Hal this uate. This January 8rd, 1817. Maxoabbtt Mau, Administratrix with the will annexed f the estate of James Mady, Wbathsbforo A Black bu an, Atty's for Admlnistrarrrx.