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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1887)
JANUARY 7, 1887. .IT A WO TA SATIS. The LIU prepared by the board of commissioners on MWHment and taxa tion and submitted to the GoTtrnor soma tima ago will come up before tba legialature to meet tbe iOtb ioit It will ornate an almott endless amount of dissuasion. Sao. 6 provides that tbe County Aaaasaor aball nominate and by and with the oonaent of tbe County Court appoint a deputy County Assesa or for the eereral tax district in tbe eounty. i These tax districts are created by the County Court in tbe same man ner that road districts are created. Two sin questions will arise on this sec tion : One as to the advisability of having deputy County Assesaors at all. The. other aa to tbe propriety of ap pointing or electing them. We believe the proposition to have deputy or pre sines Aeaeesors a wise one, in this that It will result in bringing a large amount of hidden taxable property to light. We think these deputies should be elected by the voters of thw tax district and. that each deputy should be ex officio Joetiee of the Peace. Tbe reasons for this will suggest themselves to each niesabsr of the legislature. Section 18, which provides that no deductions aball be allowed on account of indebtedness, except where the tax payer haa an equal amount of credits, will exoite a lively discussion and will fail to secure a ma jority of tbe legialature. We would suggest that a provision be enacted providing that after two years no de ductions shall be allowed for indebted ness. This would satisfy all and ulti mately result in much beneSt to tbe state. Sec 43 provides that railroads shall pay taxes on the gross earnings. This pro vision will also occasion much debate. It wilt be difficult to harmon ies pab!ic opinion and crystal ixe it in tba form of a law upon this subject. If this plan shall be adopted tba difficult problem will be to fix the rate high enough and not too high to do justice to all other tax payers as well aa the railroad corporation. Every member of the legialature should approach tbia subject of taxation fully determined to do justice to ail alasses concerned. Tbe farmer, the land owner) the capitalist, tbe railroad and all other corporations abonld be placed on a perfect equality at to bearing the burdens of stste and eounty government. No member rep resenting any particular class of per sons should seek by legislstion to im pose any higher burdens upon other classes than he is willing to impose upon his own class. Sec 86, which provides for the levying of one and : halt mills for road purposes will mee with some opposition, as many people think each tax payer should be allowed to work out his own lax by labor in repairing roads. That provision mak ing the County Treasurer tbe tax col lector and making taxes payable at the C junty neat will doubtless meet with opposition strong enough to knock it ont on the first round. Tsx payers do not want to be required to travel so far to pay their taxes, as msny would have to do under this proposed law. The great us t difficulty will be met in de termining the manner of taxing rail rends, insurance companies and other corporations. The subject of assess snont and taxation is a difficult one te legislate upon. Every member of the legislature should enter upon tbe work fully divested of all preconceived opio ions upon the subject and, with a set purpose to legislate fairly as between nil tax payers in the state, and in this way, and only in this way, may they be enabled to secure a successful sent law. TBB A. - 0. W. DEATH BATC During the six months just ended were sixteen deatba in the An- Order of United Workmen in tbe district embracing Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, and $9 from each member paid for tbe sixteen death assessment!. Eight deaths occurred in Oregon, five in Washington, and three in British Columbis. Tbe mem bership in this jurisdiction Is 3600, of whom 2000 reside in Oregon. Ilalsey Cbaa. Valandingham was in Ha'sey laat week. Mr. Alec. Brandon spent the holi days at tbe teaidenoe of his father,a few muea distant fiom here. Mr. George Black also spent tbe holidays here, but haa returned to school again. Prof. W. I. R. found his dog which haa been off on a wedding tour for tbe laat three weeks. Got tired of his journey and took up with a band of abep. Mr. George Cuningham and son are erecting a mw blacksmith shop in Haleey. Rev. Wilson's nephew is now suffer ibg greatly from consumption. Prof. Campbell delivered a fine lec ture on man last Saturdsy night, at jrearrs ball. Prof. W. I. Vawter.Miss Hayes and George Ftnley returned to Eugene City this week. Mrs. F. Fields, of flalsey, is sick. Dr. C. E. Fry visited Harrisbarg this week. Mr. 7. Hares left us for Aola,Ohio, to go to school. He says that St. Paul was the coldest place he atruck. Y. E. 8. Examine Wood in 's Extension tables. They asa well go and tea them for yourself. FRIDAY. wan is iXTBaf aant. Rennhiiesn nsnsrs aM uaradins be- , ... . ... fore the public some pretending foto upon wnion way claim tnac tne rvepuo- ..... .. ..... mm t I Means, since coming into control oi tnci . . . ..... affairs of this state, have been far more rr..l than f thm I VBJIOIUI HUV4 wvuv&awsvw wsstmss) " " w w ... . . . , I democrats wnen tney were in u"- ty.aod that, therefore, the former are far more worthy of confidence than the I latter. The proper test of eeonomy to . , . . . i a. I .PF.y vu . -a - how much money tney appropriate. Pursuing this oourse we find by refer-1 rinff to thn reoords that the last legisla-1 tmmm .kiK h,i a miiinrltv of Demo- ,, mm mmrmm - J - - - . I crs, ihi IT 37 general appropriation um ooi,uoi. Thore were special appropriations made that year amounting to $42,435. 52, 1 .kink .ld,l tn tha 1357.719 91 makaa ... . . , aa tne sum wi o appro- priauons maae ior toe iwo years ioi- lowing. Now compare this showing I ith tho appropriations made by the! ,1a Republican legialature tor me io . .. .i. r . i Jw..o v.. .v.. ar eeeaton two years ago 108 awsnweaa- . . . n lii I can legislature appropriated in the gen-1 ersl aunronriation bill the sum of t67S.- 132 23. T ien there were special ap- ,.ropriiUu vu-v 7. u.v-.. . iiin t t i:.;... t.i. I o fuv,-M .n. u wiinvu i our Republican friends found it necee-1 narr for ihir uurooaes to have albt of this great mistake of so many ,. , s.i. I ca ueo session oi toiBgMiuni, wuivu vuww 8 , , .11.1 Ihaip minm niimtiru- tion amounted to $33,213.90, and then I special appropriations amounted to! $23,250. Now adding all these appro- . . , , t .1. . i priauon. made by a Repobhoan lagta- lature we And it running up to me enormoua figures of $875,913.13. una I last Republican legislature appropriated more than twice what the laat Demo- I crane legieuwure u,u. w w,WM. candid people whether Republicana orl Democrats to duly weigh tbe over-1 shadowing import of these figures. I Thev are taken frow the record, and ail IV m iwiuiuo vi whiukiih m I UL vuuiuirui iu aaaavs vi true that the Republicans were more I - saaMmiMl in the eznenditore of publiohhe eystem of school books and make money than tbe Democrats, but tbe J , . . -.u above figures ahow conclusively that they are not, We thtnk it sale to asy that Oregon baa never bad so profligate I . . .. . t . a legia.ature aa me present one oaa i , - . . .i. I been. xeaiaes irauae innumersutv i were practiced against honest legislators in attempting to secure wnoiesome laaialation for the people, bv war of f...i!n Kill, infriinina Arnina and " otherwiso mutilating others, so that their effect as laws are the very anti- nodes of what they were designed to be bv their authors. No. there is very little in tbe laU Republican legialature of which any hooeat Republican can ... prouo. srmai stausv. IW H A T,. q.n.r frnm fhi. county, la mucn mtereateo in tne qua- . . tion oi aaaeasment ano taxauon, ana w . . j i industrious) y engaged in snaking prep- j arationa to meat the expectations of bis frienda in promoting tbe interests of the people againat the cunning devices of capitalists and their agents. COBBESPOND1NOE The taX Not un.ike Albany ,Salem is noticea ble by residents of tbe rapid increase of new faces upon her streets. It is re ported that tbe aale of goods is wonder ful here. This is astonishing when we consider that there is no ''pay rcll" in Salem. We mean outside of tbe email work shops where one or two men are employed, as they have been beietofore, and wherein a "pay roll" would be a stupid formality, When we asy "pay roll," we refer to extensive work. We can name one town of not five hundred inhabitaota in Oregon that has a "pay roll" larger than any two pay rolls of Salem and Albany people put together. Tbia increase in new faces does not ssnan that the old and long established carpenter, blacksmith and other shops have added very many new workmen to them as desired, for such is not the case. Tbe increase will be temporary, unless inducements are found to detain all new comer. Tbe faet is, tbe term pay roll is not applicable to the limited labor olaaa in our valley towns. But it is high time thst they boasted of large pay rolls. It is often said that Oregon towns are behind in enterprising men. To an axtent tbia is true only. Lack of business courage mid united effort is the cause of all th is business or com mercial stupidity. We do not find men in these cities from whom we expect the moat meeting together, planning a feasible thing tor the prosperity of all concerned. No, and we never shall unless desirable funerals are more fre quent. The enterprise of many man may be illustrated by tbe ooedition in which we find the lowest orders of be ing from whom nathing is expected. First we have tbe tcrtle sleeping on a log in a beautiful river, receiving tbe rays of the hot sun to make its slumb ers more solid and refreshing. Then the frog is found on snotber log,gaping -I! J 1 J t! . . all any long, uoiog notoiog ; men we go farther down the stream and strike the sand pits near tbe ocean, and there find hundreds of seals fighting and growling among themselves, making a noise that would drown that of culti vated belligerent dogs. But as seon as a man approaches these seals dive sud denly beneath the angry waves, remind ing one of tbe "cold shoulder" that is given by many "so-called" leading men of the slow towns of Oregon, to business men from abroad when they want to take a hand with the turtles, frogs and seals of our towns and cities. Referring to our -letter touching the Capital building, we may add further that with but a yery few exceptions this structure will be the pride of Ore- . fm m m Jm. a gon. in the nmsu of the elegant rooms no fault can be found, except it is with the female head over the Speaker's stand in tbe Representative Hall. This is a large unnatural head and fat neck, I representing tbe figure of a woman. It mars tbe beauty of tbe room. When fch nd of a woman are thus made so far beyond the natural sise ' tUm-ih ha. oomt disaustinff. Br this departure " J the natural beauty of the female ooun- x.- tenanoe is wanting. There are many l.l! . I . . I J . 1 I v,us, uianui Denial large ue, yona me assign ot nature to illustrate . nature's woik.and the faee of woman is O0() of tuem Tne bi puny cranium will look the object of P"J Min ueneatn tne over- toweriog presence of this monstrous wooden blunder of a poor artist. T . Canital ball came off as ordered. And for grsndenr and success tt waa never eouallad in Oregon. It bould not be. There is not another . . . . floentdisplavinthissUteasthatofthe h, 0f the Representatives at the State Capital. Portland waa well represent ed inthe ball with excellent darners, not more so, however, than those Irnm lotner n trta. At one time mere were WMt ' w0 MU on tht floor,wlimiltd to h(j quite five hundred persons in the building at the time. All aocompanied with a full suing band and good man- 7; - -"rjT V. I 41MHIMI I l II riim.'ini inaiMui fit inn . I 1 1 ,. . t. . t ihdb - on thousatd sd aa uraaent . r Lh9rQ wuuia uot hve been two dressed like. Of all the trains, each one dif fred in color and sun train the other I rwwx i a t "n " ,co,M in" 'uni"';v land unnatural appendages to feniah Ura fcr aDndonad entirely tbe gen . ....... . tinman s cnaritaoie neart win nave no longer a deadly pain oauacJ by the of our ladies. We do not think thre i. . I is a man tivtug or dead that eer ad I.. . r .... v. QU name ahouM be giveu to the woild instantly, aa he would be a wonder in lh ' or a lady a Ma a a i a a a iuii Jiwae oouswva in ueins cnarwiuKiy M M lading social event of the Capita! city. In a few dsys tbe new state officers " nave wiernu nKn meir auuea. TKa nam I Istvmt nnr'l nmii m In mmw iougIy fof u )rtdijU)d lbftl he will be eccentric in soma matters and reasonable in otheis. But we cannot ese,if be fully understands the situation, hoT h" otherwise than sensible. I an daai aaam wr aatSkan tmtai ill asis issi sal MvASt' Vhte hi. am uwmiv tv swu mm iHuaaK' kivwimb. mm , ,..,1 1 11m lk,w. .1.1. needa verv much, and that is a State i . - . - ' . t- : . School Board. One that will look into I . . . . . precunei ana P" - iio xne people are now at tba mercy of tbe book maohiMe, tD( wnaterer is Uwued tba pnrenta must purchase or their children here to leave school. Hare is k. k sail la. TIi.m .M ).lr;, i instltuU-a. but they do nothing that is . . . , - , . vho everT teaeber of expe- nrarnri uv iwinnnnini. nam rw ar i wMm ne0oe was a crank, would not be regard led aa an idiot. In these institutes tbe mode oi teaching ta taiaed about. which m mTm m ft mm. m. 1 1 t j j. i j: Ttru K . . . . . . . . .. . I urani uf vuc teuwi uuu wnu an ntr neiatakes being aaaailed at a teacher's I institute. The fact is teachers them- j selves are innocent of these mistakes in 1"Mt And y go on I . i7-i . s- v i S UHCrilllBT IIIIU1 LUFSM U1BMB1 bllMI. BI VI I many essentul particulars. Teachers are hired to work with such books aa they receive from the state contractors. lTbu hould oo-PP. Mntiw arabnwanlai a. ran sTnrs nsl 1 aar k.. aunuy avasjaa ss esn waa m vAHivaarvu naw aa - f- . Q fiaaarjaae. Th i - " . . ' Salem bridge is getting a bad nam- abroad, owing to tbe alleged detention of a steam boat with a long pipe, too long to pass under the bridge. There is nothing in the report, if there waa tbeee long pi pea could be cot down, and nothing more would be heard of tbe failure" of tie bridge. New Years paaaed off nicely. There were many who called, and the tablea of those who received were elegant. Salem ladiee spare no pains to make New Years very enjoyable for the gen tlemen. The day is welt appreciated on both sides. Tbe 8ai ration Army ia here and running on the high pressure plan. It ia humiliating to see tbe least trace of hoodlumiam in religious worship or that system profeesiog snob a woralii that we are now witnessing. We believe this organization ia of Engltah origin, and a sad reflection npon the good old mode of publio worship. It i. one of those bodies that sow to tbe wind and wind up with the whirlwind. We ean see no good in them. Of course tbe crowd go with them. It is thus with tbe circus. Sojourns www 'X'a.ngrenl. Not seeing any items from this place in the columns of your valuable paper for some time past, I here hand you a few, which may be of Interest to some of your many readers. The school at this place Is progress ing nicely under the supervision of Prof. J. B. Hughes. Mr. H. W. Settlemlre, who Is at present visiting In Marion Co., Is ex pected home the last of this week. Mr. J. A. Honck having spent a short vacation during tbe holidays with h'.s parents and friends, In this vicinity, left the latter part of lat week to again pursue his studies at Monmouth College. Success to you, Joan. Arrangements have been rasde for prayermeetlng at the Church Thurs day night of each week. Everybody cordially Invited to attend. Mr. R. J. Moses returned to Salem last week, where he will again resume his studies in music. Born, on Jan. 3rd, to the wife of Prof. W. D. McGhee, an 8 lb. girl. Duck hunting Is all the rage, and the Tangent sports amuse themselves in this way for pastime. Next Saturday is Installation day of the Tangent Grange, when their new officers will be installed. The Tangent Band has been tendered an Invitation, and will be present if possible. Wonder what has become of the other correspondents from this place. Tangent used to be well represented in your columns, but, alas ! I am left blooming alone, Rosebud. An article in reference to a peti tion asking the forfeiture of the lands of the W. V. & C. W. R. Co. now owed by the Q. P. will appoar next W0k Do not sign it Mm i Mi Powuers. " Royal " the only absolutely pure baking pow der made.-Actioft of the New York State -Board of Health. Under tho direction of tho Now York State Board of Health, eighty-four different kinds of baking powders, embracing all tho brands that could bo found for sale in tho State, wore submitted to examination and analysis by Prof. 0. F. Chawdlxe, a Mem ber of tho State Board and President of the New York City Board of Health, assisted by Prof. Edward G. Lot, the well known late United States Government chemist. The official report shown that a large number of the powders examined wore found to contain alum or lime; many of them to such an extent as to render them serioualy objectionable for use in tho preparation of human food. Alum waa found in twenty-nine samples. This drug is em ployed in baking powders to cheapen their cost The presence of limo is attributed to the Impure cream of tartar of com merce used in their manufacture. Such cream of tartar was also analyzed and found to contain lime and other impurities, in some samples to tho extent of 93 per cent of their entire weight. All the baking powders of the market, with the single excep tion of "Rojsal (not including the alum and phosphate powders, which were long since discarded as unsafe or inefficient by pro dent housekeepers) are made from the impure cream of tartar of .commerce, and consequently contain lime to a corresponding extent. The only baking powder yet found by chemical analysis to no entirely free from lime and absolutely pure is tho " Royal" This perfect purity results from tho exclusive use of crcarn of tartar specially refined and prepared by patent processes of the N. Y. Tartar Co., which totally remove tho tartrate of limo and other impurities. Tho cost of this chemically pure cream of tartar is much greater than any other, and on ac count of this greater cost Is used in no baking powder but the'MRoyaln Prof. Low, who made the analyses of baking powders for the New York State Board of Health, as well ss for the Government, says of the purity and wholesomeness of "Royal": ! have tested a package of Royal Baking Powder' which I purchased in the open market, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates or any injurious snttsUnoea. "E. ABOUT DRY GOODS And Where to Buy Them, LAST WARNING NOTE. Near ing the End I Big Bargains The Oity Dry Goods Store, Frotnao's Block, AJbany.1 Its nnptnosdentad aala ofBaeohaa's Oarman ttyrup within a taw yars,bas as tonished tba warld. It la Without doubt the mfest and beat remedy ever discovered lor the spaed ? and eflbotua! cure of Ooogha, Colds and tbe severest Lung trouble. It acta on aa entirely different principle from the usual prescriptions siren by Pbyat. clane, as it doee not dry up a Cough and leave the dlsssss still on the system, but on tbe contrary removes tbe canes of tbe trouble, basis tbe parte affected and laavea them in a purely healthy condition. A bottle kept in the house for oaa when the dlssaaes make their appearance, will save doctor's bills and a long apt U of serious illneea. A trial will oonvtnoe you of tbeee facts. It is positively eeld by all druggists and general dealers In tbe 1 and Price, 75 ots Urge Baby wsa Bisk, we gars ear ( she wm a Child, ska sstsd far I as aaoana Mies, aha otsof to Csstoria, ssssnitsjSjsj iaisanm1 For lame back, aide er cheat, use Shlieh's Porous Plaster, Price 26 oenta. You are feeling depressed. tite is poor, yon are bothered with head ache, your are fidgetty.nervous, and gen a rally out of sorts, and want to brace up Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or hitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for aa hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before, What you want is an alterative that will Enrlfy your blood, start healthy action of iver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed bealtb and strength. Koch a medicine you will And in Hleotric Bitters, and only AO cents a bottle at Fo shay t Mason Drug Store. SHI LOB'S VITALIZE! is what you eed for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dixaineas, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle , GROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis Immediately relieved by Shi lob's Cure. Window shades and looking glasses, flee oek, st Thos Brinks. SLEFPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by thst terrible oongh, Shllob's Cars is tbe remedy for you, CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shlieh's Catarrh Rem edy, Price 50 cents, Nasal Injector free. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shllob's Cure. We guarantee it. Foahay & Mason, sg'ts, THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER, of Ron r. bon, Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURB," Foahay 6c Mason, agents, WILL YOU SUFFER With disease and Liver Complaint 7 Shllob's Vital! e guaranteed to cure you. G. LOVE, Pu.D. AT BOOTS. SHOES AND SLIPPERS. I am bow receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, I have as nicely a fitted np Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy aU my boots and shoes direst from manufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me in buying as 1 bay in quantities and pay the cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much the largest, best and'great est variety in tha city. My aim will always be to give as good value for the money aa possibly can be done. 8AMUEL E. YOUNG. MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit BY BosaBsjtf 4 Kkxnst, Albany, Or, Conrad Meyer, -PBOPRIfCTOR 0F- STAIt HA Kigali. Ye uorner uroaaainin ana first m,f DKALRK IN (lanacd fruit, t&sYuaiMl Meats, tunwr, Vegetables, Cigars, flpteea, Test, Et jl)wre Dried. Fruits, Tobneeo, Nnejitr, Coffee), Ktr Jo fact everything ths, in kept in a gen i ersl variety and areeery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. It Stands at tho Head. Don't fsil to see tbe II DOMESTIC 19 ami tho work St does before buy ins a sewing macnino. WILL BROS. Albany, Or. Notice of Executrix Sale of Land. NOTICK li hereby atvmi that in pn- suanoe of an order of ele made by tbe County Court, or Jackson County. Oiegon on tha 7th day of Ixfamlter, IHSfl, author- t.inir asd mnwsrl!if ths uncioiignea as 1 the executrix of tbe last will asd tests- mont ot Kdwsrd A. Frselsnd, deceased, IS uel! wrtsin rsl property described in ul , tho uiiiriKnl xt'u irix of the lst wilt and ttainent of said Rdward A Kreeland. de-ad, will on Hat u filar the Mh day "f February, 1MS7 St the hour of one o'clook p. m.ofssldday at tho Court Iloime Moor in tns cuy or Al bany. Mnu county. Oregon, aeu st pubttr ssls sit the right tills snd interest which ! the ssid Kdwsrd A. Kmeland had st tbe time sf bl death in and to the following described real property, to-wit : Lots 6 and S in Block No. M In tbe euy of a l -bsny, Linn county, Oregon ss tbe asm US described snd known on the recorded plat of ssid ctty now on nis in tns oruee oi ths County Clerk or Linn county, Oregon. Haul property will be sold st sstd tlms to the highest snd best blddsr on the follow- ing terms; Ten per cant or toe purcnasjei pfTce or said real property u be paid on I llif !ay of u, ani we uioo m purchase price te be paid when said aale TSSimtSXmSiV'Zi SSi'SSi Era "ph-". -id ..I.. . food, .d sufficient deed of conveyance to ssid land. Dated tsla :th day of Uecember, lsav. Maav A. F.W, Executrix of tbe last will snd testament or Kdwsrd A. Freeisno , ascsaesa. Sheriffs Sale. tn uu circuu cuh ty ta state tfOrtgmM z f afoojy. Governor, k i rUrhart. 8ara. Saiy Of State sed Kdward lltrmcli, Ireaaurer of th. sute of oregon,ootuntiK thn iwi of Oomuiaaionsrs for tha aaU of school snd university lands and for thsfwvcctaeat of tbe tend-laruung therafrosa, PUiuUlIs. vs. AllisAnn Ksrrinr. Andrew Bird Karrier, ieerge Farrier, iraoa Eiuaheth Borrell and B hi Barrel), her baabsnd, Kdmond Farrier, John Farrier. Kila Farrier, i'hoebs Kla Cliss hammer asd Frederick t bnchammer, bar BtMbaai!, Oefeodsnts. Notice ia hereby given that by virtue of an ciecution and onler of sale isaasd out of the aUm uaun-d Court in the ahoye entitled suit, I will on Saturday the t'ith dsy of Feb roary, 18S7. at tbe Court Hones door to tbe city of Albany, linn eounty, Oregon, st m 1 . m I t. II -A - -.- (no oour ot one u biw p. ., wm m pounv auction for cash in hand to tha highest bid der the real property deacrtiied in said exe cution anil order of aale as follows to-wit : The Dcrtheeet q oarter of the southwest quar ter and the sootheaat uuarter of tos north west ouarter snd lots 2, 3 snd 4 of Ssetios 24 in Township 12, south of Usage 1 wast of the Willsrsette meridian in linn county. Oregon, containing 154 13100 acres, Tbe prtiossds of eale to bespplied first to ths payment of the casts and expenses of suit taxed at $35.80 and accruing ousts sad the farther sum of 40 Attorney's fees. Next to the payment to the Plain tiffe herein the sum of jO with interest at tne rate gj 0 par cent per annum from the 37th dsy of October, m, and the overplus if any to be paid in to ths (.'Jerk of said Court. Dated this 6th day of January. 1887. D. 8. San-a. Sheriff of Linn eounty, Oregon, 1IEWOTORE New v took PRICES LO W r-A splendid line of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS and a fine stock of imported CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKERS ARTICLES, NOTIONS, ETC. JULIUS JOSEPH, Pfeiffer's Block, next to Rsvere House, Albany, Or G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Peyoe A Robson's. ALBANY. OREGON. Keep a'fresu stock of all kind fof GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS1 , ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE ETC., ETC. PRODUOS Tilii IN EXCHAN8E Will sell as cheap s any store la elatny aHliiirTT 9 L. E. BL4IN. (Tjrgt 8tr66t Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats. TAILORING DEPARTMENT UNDER EXPERT TAILOR rf.wfS?aJSir5ea-1 t j 'BmgiCof m $4&f. tvi ttniri and BilvAR Dress Shirts are manufac- . an. OUXoU. AIUUs OJUO uucou vuuui(ww issavMiMM proved patterns, by experienced operator. IjThey are cut lengthways of patented reinforced backs and four py T edge linen lined fronts, m . m a s J bands witn nana niaae continuous facings in back and sleeves,. Possesf. in all the latest improvements, superior in qual . , itv. perfect in fit and elegant in nnisn Tney are t sr MMnAaiAnah1v 4lVia flnwct. H flirt, linnn mftrkfli UU4UODWVowj THE CITY Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely increased oar stock of Boots and .Shoes and are now prepared famish all styles an J grades or goods at remarkably low prices. We buy of severs of the best Kastern fsetorius snd do not he itste to say that oor goods are atrietly flrat olaaa. We carry no bankrupt stock and enn fully warrant our goods to wear eqnel te any in the market. , REMEMBER We have the largest exclusive stock of la tbe city and that we ARE contlnuallay adding new novelties. We are selling so o: that you can not fall of being suited. We member the old adage "The proor or tne READ & BROWNELL. WILL BROTHERS, ' ALBANY AND CORVALLIS, OR. LEADING DEALERS IS GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep's full assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLER Y,AMUNITION FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKET KNIVES. We handle the DAVIS, DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, WHITE, AMERICAS, CROWS,SIKttER, HOUSEHOLD, ELDREDC1E SEWING MACHINES, Aad all of the leading Pianos and Organs, Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and extras for ail k'hds of machines. Repairing of sawing machines and fine instru ments a specialty. ALL COODS WARRRNTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. -JSSfSl AT STEWART & SOX'S. T A BORER'S TOOLS, da, matrocka, brush hooks, picks, shovels, apadea, forks, aledges, wedges, crosscut saws, maul rings, wheelbarrows, or and other tool used by either wood men or mud ists," For sals aheap by StkwartA Sox. jfARPENTERS AND BHIDGE BU1L J DEBS. Don't foraet that we keep a full line of all kinds of tools and will sell as cheap at the quality of our goods will allow. Wo make a specialty ei mungoui carpenter-! and will be glac be glad to see them at any time. Stewart k Sox, AWS, AXES, E TO e are not brassing one bit when w. say we have the finest cross-cut saws ami axes in ths vailey, Also a fine lot of steel and iron wedges, maul rings, etc. Btkw abt A Sox. (tt 1ANT AND BLASTING POWDER, If any Irishman (Wild Bill excepted ) wants to blow ud rocks, stum s or ana Er lishmen, we can fit him out with giant er blasting powder in good shape, Stjswakt A Soat Abaity, Oregon the muslin and have out reinforced. Pour ply neck 1 14 1 1 J -xAm' uuwm uuiea pantmu r da co not follow but lead in low prions. paauing ts in coewtnR the string." FIRE INSURANCE. All kinds of farm property, via : Build lugs, Hay, Grain, Hope, Fruit, Lire Stock, Farm Machinery, Farm Imple ments, Household Furniture, Family Provisions, Wearing Apparel, Carriages, Wagons, Harness, Musical Instruments snd Books, insured sgalnst loss by tire or lightning in reliable Companies. T rissas paid iu 1UK r. .11 " r J. C. Powxxx, Agent, Albany, Oregon, W AUONS AND CARRIAGES. Wagons, hacks, buralekoarriaas. bin or' and double. Before you bay come around and see what we haye, Stwabt a Sex g PECIAL TO SPORTSMEN. Before you buy your ammunition are Invite you to come and see us. We carry several different grades of powder, all kinds of cartridges, primers, brass and paper sheets, loaded shells and by far the best shot in town. 8twart A Sox, "iUTLERY We want it distinctly understood that we can "knock the spots" off ar.yphing In the country when it comes to pocket knives, razors, etc, Come around and see for yourselves. Stkwaet a Sox. Q HILLED PLOWS, re are agents for one of the finest chil led plows ever stuck into the ground. We i got them to sen ana u you want a good flow it will pay you to come in and see H. raTarwanT 3f,