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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1886)
Cfasrefc Wnttw P. Oarx? xoa . Pr aeohiag svsry Sabbath, eaa nvemag by ttev. .. u. JX D. Sabbath Bohool at 8:80 P. M ?Mjer sAeetiag every Wed nessday evsning. v Awwuaxt. Catmca. Preaching on Sab Selk et 10,10 a. ., and 7 r. m. Sabbath AMI 10.-00. Prayer meeting svery Wad aeaeay evening ? JO. 8. E. Davis, pa tor. AJ1 are invited. OwaiMiTK if at Caraoa. Serioeaever Mbft axoeaing and araninf. Sabbath Mmh at 12 16. Prever meetum on Wtdaaadav svtainx of each week. Rev. U. . ftotaieger, Pastor. 14. M. OHUROH.SotrrH. Preaohinf every third Sabbath in each month at 11 o'olook a. ML aad at 7 o'olook t. u. Sabbath School see Sabbath at 10 oV.ook a. at. Kieyer liatiaa Friday eveniux's at 7 o'olook. J. V. Oraif , Pastor. ML B. CHoncHSotrrH.TaMOKMT. Piaaok tea an the drat Sabbath of each mouth morn tell aad svesriaa. Sunday aoheol aach Sal - bath at 10 o'olook a. m. Prayer meeting Xaeraday evening. J W Uraig, faetor. ML COsonoiL Preaohing every Sabbath aaaraiu aad evemua. Sana earvioe in tat e en tug before sermon. Sabbath Softool at ISO . XL Pravar ineetinti every Viiurs gey evening. Rev. M. P. Webb, pastor. PftaaerTaaiAjn Cctracu. Senrioa every Babkelh oaormag and evening in Uhnroh ew. Breadaibu, and Fifth St.. Sunday School teuaediately after the morning service, Flayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev I R Phtchard, pastor. Four fUmsT CuracH. Preaching every iabbath mereiagand eve' Church on 8th Streak Sabbath School immediately after m-aiateg servioes. Prayer meeting every Thareday evening at 7:30 o'olook. T U GafBOUcGtvaCK. Service every Sun day at 10:80 A. M . and 7 r. Last Suuday el the month service at Eugene City. R Leaia Metayer, Rector. They Meet. St. John's Lodge, 6a, In Foster's Block I Saturday at month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, it Sat urday. evlej Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat- K. of Pn at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. L O. O. F.t it their hall,avery Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W, at their hall, every Monday weening. Orgeana Encampment, at A. O, U. W. Mall, eery and and 4th Friday. G. A. R-, at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and grd Saturdays, I. O. G. T, at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Ball, 1st and 3rd Fridays. Ongonflaciflo Aailroad Blj Isfopular K oute, m ictmsquellanges, BTiae Slaae t Mare feaaeetiea ! e eqaipametasse) 1 MS Miles shorter f SO hears I earn time ! for oooi- fert and aafety. Fare freitfht MUCH than by any ether route between ail in toe Willamette v auey ana aau ONLY ROUTE VIA Y.QUINA BAY AN FRANCISCO. DmHy tt$ngmr trmims mctft Sundays. Leave Oorrallto at 1:5ft r. m. Leave Ya qnlna at 7dW a. x, Oresrou A California Weat Side traioa ; at conrejlia. Hi Oregon Derelopment Company's FINE A! STEAMSHUnrAQUINA CITY. sax ra Saa4r '., Tuesday, Dee. list. no. eaaeay. Jao. a , Jaa. 1. Friday, Jan. l. Weaxaeday, Jan. ft. at. The Company reeerrea .he right to aauing oaya. s Between Corvailisand Ban Fran Ball and cabin, f 14. Kail and eteerage, tSB. Wm liifsfillnn apply to c. c A.O.r.aa4P. iVeRland to califcbnia 4sron at California R. R, AXD COMKBOTlOJltt. ravw fartaatto te! . att t leerv ,4 ibe Vatllenla, Orssre 3 Lluatl issashiaoa (DAILY SXCKFT BUM DATS.) mat elate Mvlstasj. urwiu resTsVAS a aanLaatx. Man i rate. axxrva. , 00 a m Albany 11:44 a a PMthMei ,l;;:o6 r m Aahaiod... 4:0U a a 6 r 1 Albany 11:26a a 11:4 a a I PorUaad, 3;4i r a Albany Bxpreae Train. tea vs. aaarrs. .4X1 r a Albany Mm ,tM r M LbaiKi vjwrM .-.- a a . a a A. j. . .U.Bt a 10:06 a M ftfUJiAM htUtUr. utPihU CARS aw Ovtween foriland .mi AahuuMl. TbsOaeU I'KH ferry makes conuecUous with all tl renter trawa tb aVna aide WiaWu tnm loot OlEaTresli Weed aide Mvtelaa. SMaTfrsfxa ritn.i c-estra 1.1,1a, Sell Trala. tears askjto fertlsal .7 JO a M 1 12:46 r a Oawadid law r a I Portland .6:16 ru At Lorvitiha eoatart aiin uaiiii ul On"" ractfic Ser V equina Kay. Bxsirrae itn uuva. axaivs. Fertlaad. .t:M r u I ItcalinuirUki .8:00 r a JtasWville :t a M I Portlaiol :00 A M becel Uefceu for nete ud baearaac checked at com uu; nu-tvwu ..mce, Cor. Hue al Hecood HtreeU. Itw tor principal poU.U in Call urn can onJ) be areeavrwe at Cornell offloe, Corner K and From . t.,l' a-aiHi ir, Freight wUl not be received lor Shipw.M l ar ire o'clock p. at. oa either tbe Eaat erWea Uivhiioua. Jt. XOKHLKR, B. P. BOOEHS, alanagor. O. F. b Paaa Aarent. Kemarkable offer. 1 ax cstocEAT $2.00 ew kx Vt eaLD 1.00 rixx iHsToar of ts U. 8 l.fiO Aeaavoaa i-arhxx 1.00 JktK.; uh - p atthe jtruw ; let we -ffer the . , i-inraai'.e bargato. Xt Arrir.iin Firmer and yu cao a .e 'bn- ' mtHnu f( S3. ' Lrop the , jr. . & ' Htciy iid ou eaa haye the w m 1 . , til '25. The history i a 320 j. f l in. - y hxffW, snd is worth the PATENTS aiid, aaasll .-vn. r nuaioeeo in the U. 8. Paten dad U for moderate fees, a m to 'jppod' the U. h. Patent Office, and . Uuli PateKMi tea time than those remote r en W..aainatea. aenn mi(e ordrainy We sc" to patent aaflity free 4 eharg ; and wemeke o ebarge unless waebaaiu patent. We refer here, so the Postmaster, the Supt. of ttaey tinier Dl. indto offioiale of the D. 8. Patent Mlae. roreircuUr, advice, terms, and eferences -1,' -.mi in roar own 8tate or county, tddrsss . i. OW &CO.e ,v telle Patent Office, Wuldactoa, T . PURE 80AP ur rtw t rffii'O Kr-iHe 2 md Urerhhai k' Powdered Caustic oia. N. peeia! j pa rat as, no exporiem-. . no fu Iree en'o w . .. eta i ' r 4fnsssia ttsxtk WyafiAiKiTi ACADEMY -OF- OuriiLady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - OREGON. This Institution is beautiful!) situated in the alaasant and accessible Uitv of Albany. The location is remarkably healthy, the building new aad well furnished with all that contributes to the comfort and instruc tion of the pupils. The play! grounds are extensive and well adapted tohealthful ax ercise. The constant aim of the teachers is, whilst aa a a ... a imparting instrucuon in all toe naeiut sou retimul triotiM. ttt triun the vouthful haart 1 m 7T to virtue and to luatu com momUble. emu lation, thus tHiucaUug lor aooivty, meraoen who will, wo ttuet, urvr ar. huuoi to our country. Pitnita f all twMnuiAiii iutnallv raaaived. provided they comply with the regulations ol the school . boys admitted up to " thu age, ot sen or twelve. ThialAoadamv is inoornorated and author ized by .the Sute to oonfer Aoademic honors. Normal instruction of aspirants for Teach er s Uertiiicatea, a specialty . TERMS BOARDING SCHOOL, Por term. Entrance fee, payable ouoe, t 5 00 Board and tuition,, pay able in ad vane. 40.00 Music, instrumental, theoretical and vocal with the ne of piano or organ 15.00 Guitar with the use of instrument 12.00 Zithern without use of instrument A 00 Dt awing and oaintieg A 00 Bed and bedding 8.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Ptr term, in advamx. Primary Departtnent I 6.00 Junior Deparaaaeat ellO Preparatory Department MS Senior and Oraduating Department . . . 10.00 Graduating Fee 10,00 For farther particulars apply at the Aoad Thoaewbe intend saedtna tsetr elaisarea te school will t ... or Uiu outers aid the in- sj the school by makintc al mKlHhe,t bsjam the loth e sTieajiilaT.ea1 day the school opens. Tbe 8itera will be prepared to attend to tide business after the 25th inst. ALBANY. COLLESIATE IH8TITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1880, 1887. SET, E :J. TslSairsSI. k.. Press. e A tail eorpe of Instructors, CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coarsen of study arranged to meet tbe need or all apaaeefocaHidaaiia. Special inducements offtrtd to Undents Q front, abroad. Tuition ranged from $5,50 to' $12,19. Board in private families at low rates Rooms lor self-boarding at smalt expense. A carefni super vision exercised over stn- deate away from home. Fall term opeaa September 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the President. set. e. j TSOMraei, o. w Albany, Oregon. BEORE-eAND -AFTER Electric llseHsjcei are tent en 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNQ OR OLD. r HO ate aofferlna; from Haavoes Daaiurr, VV Loer Viraurr, Lack or Nsara Foacs ai vmob, wasmw wsAXssaaaa, and a of a Fasaoaaf. Karvas reeulnae f 1 Orasa CAt.-aaa. Speedy relief aad from Aavsss aad saaaeeaaeraiHsawaisi Centnrr VOLTAIC SEIT 80., MatlHALL, MICH. 1 EnSsMfflMiBKlsM 3H AWifil'ty A Radical Ours TBOERVOm Organic Wi APHTSZGafaaa v DECAY, TFJT1BFOSJ SaVsH vEAnaaYuaxiNaM Thousand CAsta. TB WA TMJEKT. gXree Mi4ihn," V HARRIS Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been duly appointed Administrators of the estate of W. H. MsKnight, deceased, by order of the County Court of linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons having claims agamat said estate are hereby requited to preaent the same to the uadereigned at Soio, Oregon, dely yeri fied within six m nths from the date hereof. Oo'obor 21st, U9). AYav ISadF aTa aBBBBBB 1 Q BAFROOD MUABA HI IPaainbletfree. 7oa23al CSatraUoat Sflltwi riMibiniMui&. oil fOepracinaaarssaTriairaeXw nssaTkrssdSaaV? atara: HSsoeeies asuMsas fa fee lBBpBsuaaw ltUaSXevDs Oa OaS) aW IPlannnWaSS; OOBJHthe riiitlrrifrifnnnM.rhut mcoy 00 JsrnfMssns Fab OeaayssSg I j I MMaefc mm BssLSk. rut Ma taxaiM This Is the moStJiaAOTIO AL HIGH COT? ftu veryo'lNTEHL ami DBB86T aad fives She same protection as a boot or o ver-gaitor . It as For sale he L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. H. EWERT Keeps constantly on hand the Largest . and Finest took of JEWELRY. WATCHES, CLOCK 8, SPECTACLES, RINGS. ETC. la Albany. la aged for R0CKF0RD WATCHES. Repairing dene promptly aad akillAtlly BARCLAY & ROBERTSON, Shipping and Commission Merchants ftimmk m mm mam, Grain, Flour, Hay, Hope, Wool, Honey, Mustard Heed, tints, Dried Frutte, Ktc, Room ft, 4t8 California St., Man Franclaoo. Red Cro wnMills (S0M, LANNIX6 4 CO., PROPR'8. w psoo8M Fidsrs sufssuua fob r amiu Aim BAKSM OSS, BEST ST0RAGF FACILITIES. i Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor At Law. LEBANON. OREGON. Willpreefaea in all the Courts m tbe stai JK)1 One half block la part of tibe tfrywlth fair narn an 11 oeeoid P. P. NUTTING, c'JTS e .ssassJ aO,00O,O0e. laaare la u .seers; aaSe IflnalitfslleliSorgieallnstifotB eawesitiMiS vritk a Fall and Skinfal Phrstelaaa Far the treefsaeet at ail Chranle Maeasce. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. iSJfalfS CIbeVde? maeeaes. Bladder JMeeeera, IilarJaaee Si lWa5?ffl?.la,,' sWeeeaeeind Nerv one Af leetlone. cured here or at boaas. H.0 "i V- (KrnVsmi ase ua, or eend utt -cent In stamps for our fl? pertSul.C,alde MooJrVSch xivce !ytNoarnnl Loeeee. and aU morbid Cond ttloiti Mused by Yonttifal i'oi. Ilee and Fernteiona Boll tery Frsctlcea are tpwdiiy Opeclallsi. Dooav post-paid. 10 els. in stamps. Rapture, or Breach, rnrti exllr ensed. without tho knifu. BUPTUBE. tniMHAM. and xviih wjbuuwk uuueiiaenae unnn jiuie in Itllinin iiuu. pain. Boole scat for ten ocnta JSij,5JKf!,ailsn! TmcrrtJBEs wrth tbe greateBt succxas. Book sS for vm cents in stamps. Address Woiu.i.'u faaaaasaaaaasBssssi 't-ne treatment of many Diseases of I teisr - . - , "iuu iinuHwi, nam ai PIERCE'8 Favorite Prescriptioir la th rtmiU. n atila ma 1 11 w Vc .ui. . ho. vAyorwuOB. lat-E1 -toratlve Tortle TtT uopane vuror ana strenstta corrhe flowln tea. or "striates. 1 -JA??1 strBaloti, ca. at aeppreealoiia. xtroianaiia natural sap 1BIIIUK OX Site uterus, weak hnek. rerele ??dH!?fks??B Stomach, Indlgee- linn. Rln.tlMtf K7 m. w. . L . . W 19 mlHira ant mim. V.n... an Sleepleaaueaa, in either sex. pr rF nn ? b an via eyieVVf iu SSC3 Sol hyprvfflete ererywhere. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's lartra Treatise oa Diseases of Women, illustrated. Wtrifs Oissmsary Medical association, 663 Main Street, BTXFPAiO, 13. Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Billons Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks; promptly cured by Br. Ftereee eleeant luxatlve Fellcta. S& eenta a vtal, by DroafSa Deu&ateI I Diseases, j ji Ti ZZ JTr. v vesrins. d. own aenaatlona. ch route eoncea tlon. Inflammation end ulceration 2Lm. yomb, inflammation, pain and tenderneaa In avi,il ini.nnii beat, end "female weakness." is nromot Wfa muttvL FK1DAY DEOSMBBR 91, 186a. TEMPERANCE DEPA&TIlHf, SD1TSO ST Til Women' ChrUtlaa TempeniN Uiiti The W. a T. U. mtets on the ltl and 8rd Tuwday ofstob moats si I o'clock F. at., at tbe A. O. U. W. Hall, over French's Jewelry Store, 4N8VAI. MSSTlRIl SS III XTeClLHeLte. KB OF TSUI W. T, r . A. This meeting ocenrred Wednesday, three bo&dred and etghty-aayen shares of its capita) atook being represented in person or by prosy. Ws were ae. peoially glad to havn with un M. Riltgs of Orpg 'U, one of the original directors and now one of the largest stockholders. The old directors wars unanimously rs elected, snd tbey in turn fleeted their asms officers, Miaa West to continue to do the treasure 1 'a work while Mrs. Hagam is in Europe, The business mauager'a report shew ed that the regsiisr suhsortptisn list is now about 20,000, and the baaineee la ucb s flourishing condition that if tbe Souvenir snd the Aansls sell ss ws hops they will, sa eacoureging divi dend can be declared in January. It was decided to refer tho matter of dir idend to tbs executive committee for their deoisioa at tbsir January msttiog by which time they would he able to decide tbs matter, according to the re cispts from tbsss pabliostions. Hsoee, if atockhotdera wisb large divideads they most help as msks Isrge sslst The time of the annual meeting wax changed to tbe ssooad week in January, that hereafter ws may bare ao replete reports of tbs yeai'a work prsetnted at that meeting. Tbs time of three other Board mcstiags rsmaisi ss before, tbs ssooad Wednesday seen of Match, Jass sad September. It was decided to atari tbe ifoung Folk's paper la January, making fri a tour-paged weekly, at Iffy eenta a veer. snd to continue tbs Deletes ism fifaasf11 (for 1M87), though iu aubaotn Mou Hs doss not ss yet come any wharf mm psyiag Its exp-naes. We b-teak vour eemeat for it, not 00 U in SHsuring auncrtb iM, u a'so io secor lag for it rr porta of 1 em graces work done among ou- German frteda. thai il may bMomi to them what fas Union Signal is to W. C T. U. workers. Daring tbe year porenaaee d nana mscbiaery to the value of ebon- $5, 009, haye been made, inelodiug th large two-cylinder Campbell press purchaeed ia May, the pony Oampbeil ptsss reosnlly bought, a cotter and otbsr machinery. The preas f work t eo greet that our p apnea are k aau -aing day snd eight. a f a a s a ae a aire, xiioaola, aupenniendfiit . i rir work, sent a letter stetteg that it i it eon tern plat ion to have a W 0. T. TJ. booth at ths American Eapoiti r. i London next jeer, for which she wi.l ed ua to get up a speeiel iesoe of Th Union Signal Her rxqnest wee mvor ably considared. It was voted to place on Th Union Signal tbs addrssa of eur London office, that oar Eoflisk fi lends may know where to send for Mpptiex. Mrf. Andrew, as editor of publica tions, gave a very interesting report of work accomplishes1 sad planned ia bar department. Among tbe new publica tions now in proosas of preparation are tbs "Signal Lights" sad a est of twelve leaflets for mot bens meetings. In the Monthly Reapoesive Readings aba Is plsnning to bays each department, ia turn, represented by a reading prepar ed by its superintendent or soma 00a she msy appoint. These Monthly Readinga and the Matching 8ng are p-nving very encotSafuf, foity touuaat d of the Marching Soegs having been iJaued ; and the call tor them ia so great our presses can scarcely keep op with the demand, aad for Bead of Hope Quaiterlies, badges, pledges, etc, show ing that thsrs is effective work being ions xtnong the youth, snd that thr um for starting out youth's paper baa been well chosen. Taken all in all this annual outlook s very encoursgiog. It needs only a "long put., a strong pall, aad a pull at) tastbrr," 10 makr the incoming jeaf one of n ti picd med prosperity to th W. T. P. A. Union Signal. HEALTH OF SCHOOL CilSLS- The Ah- ciHtn 11 i f 04iegiMte Alumni have undertaken a vetr-m tic investi gation into tbe .hici condition of acbooi girls between twelve and eigh teen. A ciroiilat is sent oat c.iiitg attention to ibfae fvile : 1. t)ocai dUsiputioti and excueroeni ; 2. Misaoae of vacations ; 3. Habitual fees A enf ficient aad healthy sler- ; 4. lifgulat ity sad baste in taking tod, sou the ase of atimola'ting, innutritions die , 5; Tight, heavy or insuffisient cioshin; 0. Lack of proper exercise; 7 Unam itary conditions or tha home or the achoUroom ; 8. The iMS&eieM of it( s'riiotiuii 10 aaaitattoa and bygtene ; 9. Autoition of , r uh and dttgbtetM to accompiien untuh iu little time. This e ' is acoom pa tucd by a circular to be filled oat by parents or teachers, with an- gah rs ta iw.-mv- tout questiouu Copies of these Hocutuents cao be procured by Sldreasing the Secretary of the Asso 0 Mop;i Mi-. Msrian Talbot, 66 Matl- aoroagh street, Bcston, Mass. W Sill the attention of Unions to this m iter as one intimately connected with their work ia department of he&UL , M SIOIS f ACT. Bsd-elothiog msaufsotured from pa par palp, streagtbsnsd with twine, is oss of ths latest aorsjties. Dr. J. Strshsa attars s esutioo agalast long continued dosing with mixtnrss of it 00, maintaining tbst tbsra Is danger ot intestinal concretion be ing formsd. A ssoond fatal osss of poisoning by lodids of potaacium has isosotly been reported by Dr. Wolf of Goriu. Tus dose taksa was ealy about thirty grains Is thirty -six boars, A wiodow open a slight distance at both top and bottom, aad a ohimasy draugbt also opes, sre tbe oaly sors ways of kespiag pars alt la s sleeping room wbose doors ere closed. Question for brgiaasrs ia arithmetic How can the nraons dividehir eggs a (bat each loan aril I reoeivSwaW', and i' I oas remain tu the diab f Aaawrr One takes the dish with the" egg. A aew disooversd Mexican ifuwer is quite a wooder, if reiotta mi.- true. Il iassidVi be white ta'tbe morning, red at uovu and blue at night, and ia forth ar arsditad with emitting perfume ool at tbe middle of ths day. It grows on a tree ot the Isthmux of Tehusatepec tome Paetflo Ooast sUttattoiaa has figared oat that if tbe Obiaese nation wee to pass before sa observer io single tie the proeseebe would never osase, for a aew generation woald be. coming on ths stags ss fast as the profession moved, which, ia tbe argument in favor of restricting Chinese immigration. The Kennebec Journal notices as one flf the nbsoomsoa of tbe season a wil- w low tres growing 00 tbe riser bank at the mouth of tbs sewer lending from Allsa's building is Augusts, f be tree ia common with otbsr willows shed its leaves, but recently a esooad growth of foliage baa appeared, sad ths leaves are as green and succulent ae ia J one This second growth has been forced by the steam and warmth emanating from tbe sswsr aad keeping tbe tree ia a warm climate, so te speak. Tbe tbexwy fD.. Wilson f Me. 1 dn, bat in Hut d k,r:aei oil baa Hiiunbo n i 0 i b .h, m, is tntereaiing. Tnr re av-o'y- ne ieeb from d,.ip.r- 1 ! M tdr. ia asw y-a., .t by i.tii iaeatig.ioit D Wi foeed Nei m ever ea- sSw t rial n l -" mm iem. fb ' r ian in Metideu ttset ) the apiead f tbr diaeaae being entaKe?aa. But not 10 a siagie aaae whtt ga r ca-.di- rr was there a da'L frKS thai die rerius Hrdrophobia ta unknown in Lp- Itssd, bat Fasten r has jnat shown that d ufa may be iaoclated with Mia disease. In a recent lecture, Henry M btao tey r a 1 ha details of his exploration of Ls m V c oiia Kysosa in A'nra. fit y lf rtx "pnt oa it to prove 1 to s a ii.gie b.dv of water 21.500 sqnam miit 1 1 eajt. T'i im(i e- f m'Smhea to tie grov h f piso he bnen prectieatly dewuuatraed by M. Laureat, who oh taioeid oaly in--f orth aa nucb bock wbeat from -ri.ia-d ntoulH s in soil S tit ailing has'etiN A new method af cure hex hen ro sea tly, and sooaessfolly tried by a ohvsioiati in Thurinata. He made the eatatriment of letttinir several af hie v - phthisical patient pass the night in tbe opa foreat ia hammocks, eoreied with cuabioss snd plaidf. The teeth of bakers decay so rapid' v sad peculiarly that Dr. Hesse, of Leip sic, declares himself often able to tell the 000Q potion of patients by the con dition of the teeth. He sappoaea the series te arise from tbe action of an acid fotmed hv the fermentation of in baled !!'-' des Il SS ISUUiIiiiI 1 hill at D ead u exriment hat heeO ni-ii isf ptaeiuej a aickel lightning rod 00 a buuon -. Tho advantages claimed fr ibis me' si are that, being m.n-c di. . , it wnl i-t longer than mo., et.ii will alao keip bright at ihrr ixiiuia, which latter is very essential to tbe efficiency of tone ss conductors of eucteioity. Tbe red color of bucks ia duo 10 ise iron contained in ise day. In h process of but 01 1 a. he lion ohb u s are changeu fn in th. ferrnns ferric condif.iot .u i-i.H,,d . n, droU", thus sWvelopi r. r t ' 1- tain clay, lik 1 it i Milwaukee, for inetaiiCH cm lai or no iron, and the bricks atath them are light or cr m e liored r e f oi Io a recent issue ! din V - t thropologioal 8ociety, D;. M. H land! discusses tbe origin, s ten . o igni6oanos of tstiooing. H does n ifve that it was at first sseani n -iy h ornameat. Hn sttributeh ui it . rrliKi'.uM significance, iha figurr o- aoribvd on the skin having Home ref ur eses to fhr- to'cmic or ancrstial god of tbs clan, and serving as a protfcii -ii to the wen r .. In lHitr days, wh n ins mr-aiiing hid faded, ' h figure bt CHiii. dfooratioi. - inctioii I) . M b vreeu iai are diinH'. ed iriHtruii: and whst h srord, the ta lir.i are aet orinj; inn h nirtin etha f KC! ra Warns. otoN. H. Allen ft On. for yo yarn Tnav have in aioeis i ftetaxan ktuStiaja Saxeuy, ese., Mrs, Hugh Joass, of Erie, Pa., on Deo. 2 1 at, received ofllcisl notification from Cs'cntta of tbs death of a brothsr nsmed Beery Hughes, leaving an estste slued at 1,000,000. According to tbe provisions of tbs will ths money will be distributed smong Mrs. Jones aad Mrs. Hj an, of rie, snd a sister in Wales. In early lifs tbe family separ sted, while living jn Wales, Tbe brothsr weat to Calcutta sad two sis ters osme to Erie to lire. Since that time the brother bss soqolrtd bis im mense wesith in shipping interests. Before bis death be sought the address ee of bis sisters snd bequeathed to them bis immense fortunr,wbiob raises them from comparatively low stations ioto affluence. 1 SatTsteglVsVraTstolr, "Yon may laugh and think me a vain thing," writes Mrs. J. it. 0., of Man Fran oiaco, 10 a friend in tbte city, "bat I have not a gray hair in my bead, and yet (aad to say) I am fifty and a day. Recently my hair wax not only quite gray but qulto thin, too. Parker's Hair Balasmmade In New York, I thiuk-dld wonders for me, Try it ir you have occasion. It reai Uy does what I say, and restores tbe color ' Hot a dye. not greasy, highly per luureu, vuiy rename sue. oreaetug. B ARN DOORS, Never nut an a new barn door no raw hang an old one until yon first cell oa Stewart A Sox and see what they hare new in barn door haneerasometblpg that wUl ast break dowa. Tas ad.aaiasas n - -mnn ttt iataaSVaaakSaa mm 1 e pgsj newj?f sVtiiiHlsMl I, ftm tris) lispei ever rsteotsaj fo astfS) mtV' Sl Uot rTl"ifi 'el aai' s sf f)ha4 ia ear eoweoir- .It eaatalaa tSe sesiae ef SMtltleef every tavenltuu i BiH Trr It lane ' iae mm dailmm. aewaSealera. If rea aaes an !..! Hh...0-' i"' 1,1 '"' aVaaalsaek,a& ..niivn te potest write t SheriflTa Sale. a the Circuit Court 0 the Mate of Oregon or uinn ouitty. Z f Meraly. (aoyeroor. B P Earhart, geere- tary eg State avd K.Ir.I H1rM.i1. Treasurer af th. Sute ot OiftHi,oiieatttaUeK the board u( Cootmiaaiubera fur the sale of acbuol and university land and for tnettoveatmeat of the (sods analog therefrom, Plaintiffs, vs. A be Ann Farrier. Andrew Bird Farrier. r em,, Arena auweocu) sMrreii aad 1 t . . .. : B Sl Barrel!, kwr eesbend, EdcnouU Farrier, JobaFarner, Klla Farrier, Phoebe K4e Ctioahammer and Frederick Choehammer, a a a a eaa. ar a ner eaataxae, iweoaaeta. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an casaatJea and order ot sale isaoed oat el tbe above named Court ta the above eautied suit, I will 00 Mooday the 3rd day of Jan uary. 1887, at the Court Hoose door te tbe city of Albany, Lino eoaaty, Oregon, a tbe hour of one u clock st. ax., sail at public auction for cask ia baud 10 tee ntnai bid der the real property described in said exe cution aad order of sale aa follows to wit : The northeast 4 lartcr of the southwest quar ter aad tbe southeast quarter of ths north west quarter aud lots 2, 3 and 4 of SecUou 24 tn Township 12, south of Kange 1 weat of tbe Willamette meridian ia Lute county, Oregon, containing 164 13-100 acres. Tbe proceeds of sale to be applied first to the pay meat af tueoMte aad expeoees of suit taxed at $35.80 and accruing: costs and the farther sum of $40 Attorney s lees. Next to tbe payment to tbe Plaintiffs berate tbe sum of $367 -50 with interest at toe rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 27th day of vcmoer, ib, aim tne overplus it any to ae paid in to the Clerk of said Court. Dated this 4th day of November. 1886. I. 8. Surra. Bheriff ef Lino county, Oregon. SASI MAY. J. C. SBHOKRS MAY .k SENDERS. Sealers in General Mbftfiandise. HABRISBURG - - - - OREGON Wilt bay Grain, Wool and ;Ji kind Coantrj produce. 1887. Harper's Bazar, ILLU STRATED, "lUnr' Baiar" e.m!.ine the ehoicert literature and the flneat art iltu.traUxna w ith tl lateat taahinna and the niiixt ua fui lemii. reulinir. Its storsm im-ii,. and sarav s sre by tno Ixat writer, and Iu huinuruu .kiitcbes are uuauruassed. Iu iuera on aoc-UI eUuueUe, decoraUve, iKuac keepin iu all its Draaetna, snoaery, eu, make U lnduKnab)e in every hiuaetmld. lie beautiful fMhlou-flalaa and natUro hecl nuj.nlt-mcnu enable ladies tn eav many tiinea the ixmt nl .ubwrinUuii bv beiuiz ibeir own drsMBiakera. Nut a line 1 wiinltteil k ite column Ust ci ultl nhock tbe mt faattdioua 1 HARPER'S PiRIOOiCALS, Per Year 1 H.RPKrV8 BAZAR JIAKHF.K'8 WKKKl-Y. H hl'Kii's MAi. 7. m , H tHPBK'S YoUNU PbOPLB .4 iO . 00 H A KI'Mi'.N FHANKUI 2 U0 Oas .ve r(fi Mu I.i till v K V, HA RPKK'a !!ANDY ti 10 00 aa.Oaa MsitaJ utum ware) , .. 15 00 Pottage roe 10 ail subscriber a in the United States or Canada. The volumes ot the, ' lUsar" befin with the tmt Number for January ot each year. When no time ia spseiaei, tuUecnpUon will begin with the Number current at th. lime ot receipt of order Bound Volumes ef "Harper's Baser," for three years baek, in nat cloth binding, will be aent by mail, p nUfo paid, or by expreea, free ot expense (provided the treitf hi doe not exceed one dollar per volume, for S7 per volume. Cloth cases (or each volume, suitable for binding, will bw aenl by mail, postpaid, on receipt of ft each. RemiUattees ahould bu nrnde by P.wt-Offlco Money Order or Draft, .o avoid ehanee of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without tho express order of Harper & Brothers. Addrssi HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. rasetjjiV at iU kind luiLUOtl ia tbm ef ikjB a ftottoe e.ery pateatae for Infante and Children. 'aateia fs so wall adapted to children that j Casteria euros OoBft, Orsaffination, I recommend it aa superior to any iiroecripUoa I Sour Btoinacb, Drrisoaa, Eriiptetk.n known to ma tti AaL r I KUla Worms, givex sleep, and promoSax di- HI So OaBEora LLi BPOOkiyu, N. T. 1 lam JULIUS GlRADWOHL Use tus on I selssire dtsek ef CROCKERY, CLASS.SILVER AND CH1KA W ARE i Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Selection of Ooffeejea and Sugar e e cue cozen cops and saucers si.eo. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AM) line rnE aioMEST mabkbt frice paid fob eoos Eememberl What I guy Mean. Bite It a calL GOODS A8 LOW A3 ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nswepapsf Advarttamg Bureau IO Spruoe St., New York, end fOete. foe lOCVPage Pamphlat. Rhss Honse. J. GIBLIN, Proprietor. This house is bow open aad furnished with tbe beat new furniture. Everything clean and oemmcdious, offering to tbe ejea ersl public superior sccommodationa to any ia the city. ajaxe js F1C$ JLxLJBlJJ x o RE8TAIIIANT J 3 a i Two doom mml td Odd Vtliow' Temple. ALBANY, - - vn.wvni a Meals at all bnora and alt price.. HtKaUaraUr and Y equina Hay s OYSTERS ! Alsrajrs e SlaaS. Frch eysiars ssaa every 4Uj, sad ankt U lamUiee by the plot or auan. Private raeans tor taaiea Palace Meat Market PITS & TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, CR. Will keep eonateotly 00 bead beef, motion, pork, veal, saiuage, ate., tbe beat meats and largest variaty in 1 ha city. Caab paid for all kiedaof fat stock. SOMETHING NfW UNOER THE SUN. A nevrp per specially devoted to tho in terests of tbe prod nolo g 0 leases aad tbe development of snob tntereata ana industries aa the people are directly interested in and beoeflt ed by. Sustain Those Who Benefit You. THE "YAQUINA MAIL" Pabliabed at - NEWPORT, OREGON gives yoo all tbe points of interest in re gard to tbe opening of thia near and Mac it, Koote and will keep you advised on ml important transactions io the By e mntiy It la ibe bet and most reliable loca pap r pubiiahed in BentonCo, Prion reduoed to 82 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Send for sample oopy and special offara. Take vour -reading matter from the place from which you obtain tbe greatnat good. Address THE PHELPS CO. Newport, Oregon. bin 3 N O HOME BLESSED N 1TH A Bat Y is coiupit'if without the tuouthty visile ut Babyhood ,Ut Oeiiahi.utiiii- i 1 .iuil aid oi ths mutlur. Only puiiita thai Iu the world devoted tu the care ol young children. We are giad to tcootuuioud it (S Bekman St.. N. V. ) V1.50 a year; iSuauis a copy. Clubbed witb the Dxaf crat tr fft a year. First National Bank OF ALBANY, ORECaON. President JOHN iNNliR Oaahler H. F, MfcRUl .L TRANSACTS A GENERAL backing business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject;to check. SIOHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, at tj on New York, San Franclaoo, Cbioago and Port n Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. WRSOTORS. . M. E. Tovxa, Johm Comas, L. E. BbAia, L. Fuss, H. F. Man. rill GsxTAoa CkWAirr, IS3 Fulton Street, N. Y. H0FFMAK & PFEIFFER PRopRiBTOBs or Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE OOIIEOtTOIIET, r?H! ,, Jrh par Portland RnJef Wato0 fall Into and Tropical Fruits, ITS GROCERIES, veryvrftpScex.Un8' lW7 "d -OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO department is com We keep the lb ioea. r..k r .uokj all XLlo! tolxacoo, meerschaum sod brier pipea that ia a deligbt to smokers. e. e. woi.vKR i os, o, n, larrnrxv W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW J)nWOTifx op stairs iafj'roman's Brick ALBANY, 0RE0X. Old paper 25c. a hundred at tea Dxaao. OBAToO o hl viate satifjDfji aa tal 1 31a SWxlli 3.0OO UlsisXmJeBMsv semota PIUsiii Gallarr. GIVES ftlreet to eotumer OB all mr SsaaiSy- aaas. Tsua saaar m fast with. Tfcese 13TT AXV AJBU6 front Chva will auU of m We upon of 10 of MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SST eV S39 Wakaxsh Aveaaa. I ENGLISH 11 kMrari trrrl. aaa Seaartae, Cat. Nervous Debility, seminal Weakasss, Srssualsd Vitatitv. Spermatorrhe. a, Leet Manh.d, ImpoataaT Paralia, Proetatorrboea, and a 1 Oas tar ibl aSeeSs of elt abuse, and, a m in natarer year, ueh aa Uesol memory, Laaahude, JTueturnal Bmiadaax. averlrtn to anevy, Dimoeaof eisl.a , N hee is ibe Heatl the vit flusa paaiv uaoeaeted 'n tbe udaa. andniany othV dieeaeee that lead to Uailty wd lOI'Nti MKW Suffering from an of the above nmptau ronauitusetonee. Tbe dra.n cau" U talitv reat,red, and iif be mal. aln a nTJJ Instead of a burden. pieaears Tbe e are many MllsOLtMCKO MEM bolder, ofUn as, on.i.i.oTb, a ,h TOi.rviaa bun.inK eena.Uou. aad a eakei.iar 01 "be t1 to a inaimer they tannot acsonnt K ... wli it the urtoe, ataayui. of ihu UiUrsTraat urea jfurarnie. d In all such cas Sftaset Umie' Au S mmmofy " ,ine mMiM t the ariess T.S S, A3 a JntJ.oMu SenVtoanyoneapKintf by letter, eutina e. Oonarrhoee. Oleet, Leuco.rhoea, eto . iabt all dniygiat, ; fl botUe. or8,x imttle. for 7 The tnghsh DA SEllSit , UTKK tut M. by all druRsnsts j price 50 eenta a bottle. No. XI Keavnv street, San FranSUJ,- Oal O.P. WiMMlddluN AND PURCHASING AGENT, Ofallkindsofnifrchandise. All orders from the oonntrr filled on short notice for every class or kind of peod? from first-olasa stock. Absolutely orS!raTmi8Sin WU1 OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., Atp- W. Prentice's. ParHaid. ff "? hat toes wbe wtH to SuasssAC rtlaa4Mala.wliaeeliS free, fall laformatioe atoot vak weieX lhy can do. and Ureet beM.ibat will n.. ihsm frool U lo 25 per day. 8ta bato ire wenearraa. Tsaee vbaatoa states of iustr agtefsutoaea Altai Wr. war nHoar v. reees or aid OajMtai Tompkins niiTTi imitii rnr ! it aew ear Sjpll Iu not n-iriHl IbUl arc lIsiilr