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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1886)
lie gmtmt. Kntored at tbe Port. Office at Albany, Or, aassxwiid-clawimsll matter. FRIDAY DECKUBEK 31. 188G. 8TITE3 & Misers aa NUTTING. IVoprlrtsr. rnr.n r. Tm, Miter. OMonmfi mOIAL and APER. fl ii hi 9 at tiro 97 AtsOaB Bwrawa (MJssmm I U on fllr In fhlladr Inhln pMr Aiivor $2.00 When paid strictly in ad vance tbi will be the ;rtee oi tnt i democrat :. as me aim oi m i rk . . . . l l i the vear. 12.50, end there will be no deviation fr in thin rale. i JA liai r TOW;, The M. A. T. notices by a Corvallis pa per that that city haa several plague snot In its limit that should be removed. The M A. T. haa heretofore referred to the fact that A lhany hna at leaat one that deserve having a quietus put to it, and the sooner the better. O New Years. The least salj the better. Act out your resolutions. O About the prettiest Christmas arrange ment, to the notion oi the M. A. T., at the churches, Christmas eve. In this city, was the house at the M. E. Church. It con ferred great credit on the architects. Ever green, neatly built, it was a very pretty af fair. O There was an uncommonly large amount of Sabbath stocking in Albany last Sabbath. Drums and whistles were heard continuous Iv, new dolls Had to wink their eyes, tin dogs give imaginary barks, wooden trains of care haul their load's and toy a generally per form their' avocations. Saturday is an in convenient day for Christmas, O An examination of the records for several years reveals the fact that there are more marriages in October than in any other month of the year, in Linn county. Then harvest hands, as a rule, have received then pay. O This is about the time of the year when the Marshal -elect, "by and with the con sent of the Common Council," appoints two night watchmen ; only he rarelv or never gets the consent of the Council! They al ways prefer some one else. O inca. t. i. snows ot a small wager that there will He one hundred new houses, including blocks, erected in Albany during the year which begins to-morrow. O The order of the Council that the mud be scraped from First street in five days from time of notice was entirely ignored. O There have been several examples re cently of how easily accounts of affairs can be exaggerated. After the fight between tne i lodge Doys ana the Mongolians re ported elsewhere,one of the former was shot in the neck and would probably die, and a Ue lest ill was killed. Alter the accident of Mr Wangh at the R R bridge, it was im mediately reported that he fell sixtv-five feet and was instantly killed. A sWw wit Celestial. Thursday afternoon of last week Thomas and Marcus Hodge in a dog cart and an other gentleman on a horse were crossing the ferry, after having taken in the city, including the saloons, when a row occurred between them and two or three Celestials the latter coming out on the bottom. They hastened cross lots to their camp; and when the Hodge boys passed it they were assailed by a horde of the pig tails with revolvers, clubs, stones, etcetera. Ten or fifteen shots are reported to have been fired by both aides. The Hodge boys, though, claim they did not fire. A revolver belonging to one of them was captured, their dog cart was tip ped over and with the horse taken by the Mongolians, and in the melee Thomas was hit on the back and side with a club. His brother picked him up and carried him nearly half a mile to Mr Rainwater's, be lieving him seriously injured, but the dam age done was slight. The report that a Chinaman was killed, or even hurt, was untrue. The cart and horse were brought to this city and left at Schmeer's livery stable where they were afterwards found hy the owners. Many exciting accounts, and conflicting ones, have been given of the af fair. This is as nearly correct as we can learn the particulars. ftenrijr Drewaed, Last Saturday morning about six o'clock as Charles Crowder and Jack Warner, mgmwatenmen at tne K. k, bridge were crossing from one scow to another, in the darkness the former missed the distance be tween the scowh, they having floated apart uunng me mgnt, ana ten into tne water But for the assistance of Mr Warner, Mr Crowder might have failed to get out as he strangled and nearly drowned, rar first. Linn was the first county of the State to pay its State taxes. This was done on Thursday afternoon of last week, County Treasurer Curl sending to the Capital $10,- J 10 for that purpose. Credit is due Sheriff Smith for the manner in which he pushed the collection and to the County Treasurer for his promptness in sending it to the State 1 reasurer. Christmas. vnriaim .s eve. the exercises as announc s 1 fl . a.. . m ed by the Democrat last week, were car- ried out at the different churches. The number of presents given was large, and mostly of a sensible nature. Christmas day was wet and disagreeable, and little was done. Most of the stores were kept open hut were closed at an early hour, in the middle of the afternoon. Beers elected. At the meeting of Orgeana Encamp ment, 1. O. O. F., held Saturday evening tne following officers were elected : W C Tweedale, CP: J F Hail. H P : F Burkhart, 8 W; J F Baokensfco.Ncribej E a ranter. Treasurer ; W a 8jott, J W ; F o vrosoy, x J stttea and W M Kfc'chum xraateea, Car ot Tsuuaks. air ana Mrs Ijr w Earns desire to ajturn their heartfelt thanks to the many friends who rendered them such willing assistance uunng tncir recent oereavement. Aave Cost. All persons knowing themselves indebted to John Briggs are hereby notified that his books will be :losed on the 31st inst, and that it will be to their interest to come and settle immediately and tavc collection. Iec 39th, r86. IwataASna, in w MUM ea aau awbVis a. smu AiithnriMii wii a. (OHOLtHlHAL The Dkmocrat has been at much pains to collate the following chronological events of the last year. Our readers would do well ta file this number away for future reference s JANUARY, 1886. t Fltahugh Lee Inaugurated Governor of Virginia. a Heavy fire In New Jersey Insane Asy lum. a Great snow and sleet storm prevails throughout the Northwest. 7 Judge Terry and Sarah Althea Hill married. 8 Gen Jackson's Day. to II R depot and liotel burned at Wal lula. 17 $45,000 worth of amuggled opium seized in Alaska. ao Big snow storm In Willamette Valley. 87 Snow blockade on Columbia river broken. jS The British ministry resigns. Jo Mrs Bayard died. Jo Edmunds opens up war on the Presi dent. ITKHRl'ARY. a Gladstone made prime minister. 4 Geo L Lorillard died at Nice. 7 Chinese riots open up. 8 London in the hands of a hungry mob. 9 Gen Hancock died. 9 Mc Arthur appointed district attorney. I f John G Thompson, noted politician , died. ta Horatio Seymour died. it Geo Q Cannon, the Mormon leader arretted. 18 John B Gough died at Frankford, Pa. 19 The Ormgoni U boycotted. ai Wilmington, N C haa a $1,(00,1x0 Are. a a Chinese driven frvm Oregon Citv by a mob. MARCH. a Wm Health, noted atock broker, died. 4 Chinese driven from Mt Tabor by a mob. 5 Great atreet car atrike In New York. 5 Blair education bill passes the Senate. 8 Senator J F Miller, of Cal died. 8 Ex-Senator Chaffee died. 10 Anti Chinese convention meets at Sacramento. 1$ Congressman Michael Hahn died. 16 Pennover and uhis crowd" organize the "law and order" meeting at Portland. 10 Judge S A Moreland of Portland dies of heart disease. 33 Geo Hearst appointed Senator from California. 14 Ex Justice Ward Hunt died. 35 Secretary Manning has an attack of vertigo. as Sir Henry Taylor, draraatUt.died. 30 Big fire at Key West. Lose $1,500,000. it Supreme Court deckles the registry law unconstitutional. APRM-. I Destructive floods in the South. 5 The Rt Hon W E Foster of the Glad stone cabifiet died. 6 A $1,000,000 fire at LaCroaae, W la. 8 Gladstone makes hi memorable home rule speech in the British Parliament. 9 Officers fire on an East St Louis mob. 1 a Gen Miles succeeds Gen Crook. 13 Wholesale arrest of "boodle" Alder men in New York. 14 St Cloud and Sank Rapids, Minn., wrecked by a cyclone. 100 people killed. 14 State 'prohibition convention meets. 15 Frank Tracy, the millionaire, died, ao W B Hamilton, banker.Corvallia, died, aa Father Ryan, the poet priest of the south died. 34 Wendell Phillippa' mother died. 39 Republican State convention. MAY. 4 Anarchists riots in Chicago. 4 Democratic State convention (Penaoy er.) 5 Militia fire on a mob at Milwaukee, Wis. and five persons killed. 7 Ureen B Smith, of UorvaUia, died. i0 Terrible tornado sweeps Kansas City. 13 Terrific cyclone demolishes Henia, Ohio. 17 Republican candidates speak at Al bany. 30 Mrs Pendleton, wife of Minister Fen- dleton, thrown from a buggy and killed at Hew York. 34 Mrs Gen J W Spraguedicd at Tacoma. 34 Mrs Kiel, wife of the Canadian rebel. died. 38 II err Most, the Anarchist, convicted. JtKR. 1 John Kelly, the Tammary Chief, died. 3 President Cleveland married. 7 Pennoyer elected Governor. 7 Gladstone defeated in the British Par- tame nt. 7 Cot R M Hoe, printing press manufac ture, died. 1 1 King Lud wig compelled to sbdtcate. 13 Vancouver, British Coiumbia,destroy- ed by fire. A f Edwin I'ercy Whipple, essavest, died. 30 Sir Charles E Trevelyan died. 31 First through train from Yaquina to Corvallis. . 33 Daniel Douglas Hune.spirituallst died. 33 France expels the princes. 33 Judge Stanley Mathews married. 3 5 Miss Rose Cleveland accepts the posi tion -of editor of Literary Lift. 36 Judge David Davis died. JCLV. 1 President approves the Fit John Por ter bill. 3 W W Saunders convicted of the murd er of Charles Campbell. 5 Saunders escaped. 6 Fit John Porter nominated colonel. 7 Paul Hayne, the poet, died. 8 Congressman Cole, of Maryland, died. 11 C D Graham goes through whirlpool rapids, Niagara Falls in a cask. 1 1 K ear Admiral Worden died. 15 Douglas Taylor appointed surveyor general of Oregon. 16 1 he trial of the eight anarchists begins in Chicago. 19 K Z C Judson, better known as "Ned - untline'the popular story writer,died. 23 $30,000 fire in Pendleton. 34 Saunders and Jamison captured, 27 Cutting case exciting much interest. Avovn. 2 Abbe Liszt, died, 4 Samuel J Tilden the great statesman, died. 5 Congress adjourns. 5 Cutting tried by a Mexican Count. 7 Home rule riots in Ireland. 8 Sir Samuel Ferguson, died. 9 Forest fires rage in Wisconsin. 10 Rev Moses, minister to Liberia, died. 1 1 Sherman arrives in Portland. ia A A McCully of Salem killed by a horse. 15 pen Augur shot four times by a ne gro. is Irish JLeague meets in Chicago. 19 Oregon exhibit car starts east. ao The eight anarchists of Chicago found guilty. aa W) Kendall of Boston swam over the Whirlpool rapids Niagara Falls in a cork yest. 33 Cutting released. . 33 Gen Logan arrived in Albany. 35 Rev James Beecher, brother of Henry Ward Beecher, commits suicide. 37 Cole's big show in Portland. 31 Terrific earthquake shakes up the At lantic Coast. Charleston in ruins. SEPTEMBER, i Rev E R Geary of Eugene City, died. 3 Earthquake shocks continue. 8 Prince Alexander formally abdicates the thrown of Bulgaria, 13 James G Blaine, Jr, secretly married, 13 Henry George nominated for mayor 1 3 State fair opens. 16 Major R H Pond USA died, ao Sovereign Grand Lodge of I O O F meets at Boston. 27 Col Chas Greene, editor, died. OOTOBSR. 4 Knights of Labor in annual convention at Bichmond. 5 Heavy fire at Baker City. 7 Court refuses anarchists a new trial, 7 Mechanics fair opened at Portland. 8 Senator Pike died. 10 Geo Adams, newspaper man.died. II Tantmany Hail nominates Hewitt for mayor. it Remains of Chief Justice Chase ex humed. la Rear Admiral Nichols died. 1 1 Sabine Pas destroy ed by floods. 13 Mattle Allison found not guilty. 17 Mike McCool died at New Orleans. 18 Col Chas rfhittlesey the geologist died. 19 Heavy snow storm in Wyoming, aO ataj Gen McPherson Com. British Army died. at President Cleveland visits Richmond fair. aa $ao,000 worth if opium sciied at San Francisco. 5 lira A T Stewart died, 5 $50,000 express robbery in If o. 26 Motion for new trial In Saunders case overruled. a8 Bartholdi statue unveiled. a8 Saunders sentenced to be hanged Dec. Sn. 80 Karl of Stafford diad. 11 Aldriehaad Hpelliuger killed oh tha O. KOVKMaRR. 3 D J Curkar murdered at Calebratiou of the 300th Hanard, Lafayette, anniversary of 10 ll'aldcinar eleotsd prinoe of 10 Ueldensen murders Mamie 8. F. Hulgsm. Kelly fa 17 Terrific blisaard in the Northwest. 18 Ki-Preaideat Arthur died. 31 Charles Francis Adams died. 31 Ex-Oov John 8 Phelps, of Mo. died. 23 li M lfoxie, Would' 4 R R n.a-iager died. '21 Kugene Uambert, Hwiae writer, died. 24 Francis Palms, richest man in Mich, died, werth f 1(1,000,000. 25 Krastos Brooks, old newspaper man. died. URCRMRRR. 8 Sea Fraociaco wild over mining stocks. 6 James A H'alea, .Cartoonist lor W, died. 7 John K Owen, the veteran oomwiiai-, died. H Joseph If Haruer.U S consul at Muuioh, died. 10 Congressman IKjwdery, of New.Yurk, died I ft Kx-Alderman MoQaadr, oonyioted, 20 Aldea Uoklatnith, the great huraemau. 23 Lord Randolpk ChuruhiM, reaigns from th Bntiah Cabinet. 34 Pr Scott, well known iihyatuiau of S. P.. died. 28 Uen Logso. died. aUiUMxe VMffU itae. During the past year In this city the amount of building done does not indicate any enormous boom ; but It indicates growth. It should be remembered, though' that for several years there have been, by considerable.too many residences and blocks In Albany for the population. Now these have been filled, and the new houses built have been constructed from necessity In moat cases. Below we give a list of the structures erected during the y car.a nd make no excuse for heading it with the O P bridge, certainly one of the most Important building schemes In the valley during the year, and a big thing for Albany. The list does not Include improvements to property, such aa painting, new fences, roof a, etc, In which line there haa very noticeably been a large amount done : Oregon Peeioo bridge $30,000 Fiedler Block 10,000 Catholic buiidtoj 7.UP0 5.000 '2.400 2,000 .500 2,500 2,500 2.000 1,200 Or C foule. John Crawford addition to block J H Barkhart, KL Thompson John Fos. E J Leant U12, John Brush, wire works factory batUi- ! CaakoUc Chorea, reooaauueted Fred Stab 1. W H McFarlaad, Canatiaa Cbarcb, foo Coaa, reasdeui )scr Djm.uij, Steven Uecksrd, furniture factory . K b Yank. Aady liuot. Aivio Carotners, residence. A Cunningham, residence . 1 E Spink, J K. Dam, Fran a Burkhart, C H SpeRer(reaidaaa,reeooatraetion A Countryman, residence T A Shane, residence . E Turner, residence, reconstruction . A A lUbr ta, residence Twenty barns, probably more, own ership unnecessary in liat like this 5,000 0104,400 Aecktent at the DrteUc. Last Saturday afternoon a morn; those working on top of the draw of the O. F railroad bridge was Sylvester Waugh, young man about twenty-four years of age Timbers were being lifted from a scow be low by the use of the steam engine. One was even with the ton when a heavy wind swung it against Mr Waugh, knocking him off the bridge. He fell to the rocks below a distance of about thirty feet, hitting beam on his way down, and striking on his shoulders and back. His collar bone was broken, and at the time it was feared he was killed. He waa taken to the Rust House and given good treatment, and will come out of the accident with less serious result than at first anticipated. The number o accidents at the bridge lias been much less than generally in such work, which may probably be accounted for by the fact that a ate toy, reliable class of men have been em ployed. This one would not have happen ed but for the heavy winds of the day. A Proposed Trot. Several Linn county horsemen are agitat ing a horse trot for the 4th of July, 1887, on the old fair grounds near this city, If the present proposed arrangement is consum mated the races win oe between two year o'.ds, Linn county bred, and stallion. It ia to be hoped the races will be made, as we need something of the kind here. As this would be on the square and for "blood," ac cording to the saying, it would attract at tention and would be a means of bringing out L.inn county horse flesh. There are several promising two year olds in the county, among others being two owned by mcKnight Brothers, one Tv Mr A H Mar shall, one by Mr "T F Hirrows, one by Mr u ! Simpson, oie ay Mr r rank Wood and one by Mr Alt Wheeler. We mention those that come to our mind. This will offer an opportunity for horse men to initi ate a movement that will in a meat meas ure advance the interests of good horse flesh in the county, ana perhaps establish a per maneni trot, wnictt we are m tavor 01 so long aa there is no hippodroming,and it is for the purpose ot bringing out the best speed enterprise. The Democrat stated a few week since that a project was on foot to build a canal from the Santiam river to Lebanon. Last week a company was incorporated with the following incorporators, C B Montague, A L Churchill, J M Ralston, W B Donaca, David Andrews, G W Smith, II C Hark ne'ss. Capital stock, $10,000, principal of fice to be at Lebanon and the following the object of the incorporation : to construct and maintain a water ditch or canal from Cheadles falls, on the south fork of the San tiam river to the town of Lebanon, to build flour and sawmills and' manufacturing es tablishments of every kind and nature. This act shows that Lebanon business men are made of the kind of stuff that ject vnll be a big ti Why not eall in the fureitcr 10s Brink for NABBUag BVBIMCt IMe. . ... at. .d " 01 tne marriages con w,cW uunng me past year in rc.m county. a review of this kind Is always Interesting: JANUARY. 4. Garrett Nickel. Mauphlne and Mis Llssle 11. J A Dobklns and Annie Simv 13. (f Bryant and Annie Arehart. at. las V Pipe and Charlotte A Monteith. a7, Win A Bodine and Adda Richardson. VKRRUARY, 6. Levi Buckner and Francis Miller. 1 1. L 0 Edwards and Mattie Simons. 14. W A Schooling and Ella Kelsay. 14. J A Morgan and B R Furgcson. 19. W B Parker and Salile Howel! ao. E B Leweilen and Margaret J Wilson, ai. Newton Hudchon and Maud Rut ledge. aa. 0 H dimming and Florence Burrell. 34.' Wm II Pugh and Mary J lledrlck. aa. L E Morgan and Serepta Llnsdale, aS. Martin E Bltyeu and Luta Osburn. MARCH. y. T Wfartt and Emma Thomas. 10, EdwfB Warning and Mat y J Baker. 17. las W Driver and Ida B Sitae kleford. 17. E D llendee and Nettle laham. ac. Chas W Crowder and Mary Westfall. aS. Hylyeeter Cannon and Mrs Alice Hunter. APRIL. 3. A E Bending and Mrs Kate M David ton. 8.. Michael Schlesser and Martha E Weiss. 14. Adolph Senders and Lulu Martin, if. las E Roberts and Fannie E Rice, is. J C Werner and Allle McCain. 19. WM Winkley and Eliza Miller, ao. John Temple and Jane M Bardweli. -7. Wiihclm Merth and Catherine M A vera. at. C C Mackleman and Carrie 0 Ballard. MAY. i. Geo M Stifford and Genevieve Hen nesa. 1. I W Wilson and Mrs Florence E Lock, a. Frederick CHnehammer and Kffie Far rier. a. left D Mr Daniel and VWa McTlm monds. 5. 0 F Coney and Sarah F Phillip, v Ambrose Beard and Laura Reading, ao. Alvln W Gaines and America Peery. jo. W R McDaadel and Mary Davis. JVR. 1 . Neater II Young and M Cardlne Pearl. J. Arthur Dangon and Ella Wltbum. 7. Will W Lines and Martha E Michaels 7. J F Whiting and A M Reynolds. 1 a. Andrew Oiler and Ella Sima. 13: Geo Cunlnahamjr, and Carrie Win- dom. 13. W J Rlbelanand S A Ha ye. (lie M 14. Carl II I.uder man and Ca Wal- lace. IS. Frank Jennings and Nancy J Hudee- son. 16. J W Archibald and Mts Fmma Laiw aon. JOLT. 4. John M Flanghcr and Mary Burton. 4. Geo W Gable and Mary E Parker. 4. Jaa E Clark and Mary E Goan. .c. Wm Cole and Susan M Alanine. 7. O L Holmes and Mary B Holmes. 101 Hugh O'Hagan and Mary J Sprenger. at. Grant Bellinger and Sarah Pit water. 38. Thos L Wallace and Lhuie A Hack leman. ao. Thos II Rhoadeaand Mary R Payne, ao. Then Monteithjr., and Nettie Porter. a vocer. 1. Daniel Morris and Ida Rose!!. 8. Chas A Bates and Ellen M R hides. 1 a. Ferdinand Hoffman and Mary Frady. Edward Chris man and Rosa M Bren ner. eRPTRMRRR . i. Wm R Smith and Mary Walker. g. Mathew S McPherson and Allle A Farrier. I a. Edward Mills and Frankie Cams ia. Jacob Baahor and Ida Leedr. 14. Edgar C Nichols and Jennie Black burn. . 14. Perrv R Conn and Ella Huston. 14. E C'Stellmacker and atlas A Morgan. 14. H J Workman and Emma Nanny. 15. C fc Kelt and Mattle Young. 19. David Svlveater and Mary Fitjtwater. at Henry Phlllipl and Ixntie Lav ton. aa Wm Long and Marv Wlgle. 33. Johnson West and Annie Elkina. 37. Geo P S tiers and Octave Leever. 38. Arthur W Co and Josephine Homer. OCTUBKR . $. Albert Waggoner and Kluabeth A Greenhalgh. 7- J R Cochran and E II Roberta. ia Alex ritxwater and Ida Thomas. 10. Jay M os holder and Mamie Meyers. 11. Adrian Comely and Hat tie Winkley. 1 3. F D Height and Clara Fisher. . 1 3. (J B Cummings and Jane McNeil. 14. Calvin Powell and Ella Woodruff 14. J M McDonald and Emma M Blair. 17. A E Murphv and M F Robin ett 17. Chas H Bone and S E Kirk, 18. Seth S Hayes and Ella Porter. 30. M J Monteith and Nellie F Mcllwain. ai. Gustav Krauger and Elizabeth Bur nett. 31. P C Anderson and Laura M Chi well. 31. Wm Ed Kelly and Marv A Leedr. 34! B F Bodwell and Effie M Reed. 34. Marion F C Gaines and Frances Polrtdexter. to. A T Workman and Etta Parrish. 38. Wm Spelllnger and Effie Miller. MOVRMB1R 3. E J Bryan and Maggie E Dawes, 3- Thos Lewis and Genevieve Gil lis. 7. M M Morris and Sophrona Grisham . 14. Harrison C Eckertand Drusitla Moot er. 18. Alvm G Williams and Rhode A Sprenger. 34. Geo W Hoerlin and Virginia Leach. 34. Henry C Tyier and Matinda J Radar, 34. S E Miller and I E McDonald. 34. J W Mulch and Amelia Rhinehart. DECEMBER. i . Richard E Conn and Mary Florence Cowan. 1. Andrew J Hunt and Margaret C How ell. 5. Frank Irvine and Martha Beard. 8. W M Smith and Delia Parrish. 8. Leonard Larue and Amanda Grime. 13. Harvey A Stanard and Oilie Powell. 13. Samuel M Smeadand Nettle Edwards. 15. Wm A Humphrey and Jennie M Rader. 16. John Mettaner and Maria I lersog. 16 Geo W Freeman and Martha E Fost er. 33. M E 1 learn and Linnie Sippv. 35 O P Coshaw, Jr. and Libbie Kay. Ill II . m l,,.ll .,M v Ceemeti PreeeeAluas. Tuesday, Dec. 38th, 1886. Present Recorder, Marshal and Council -men Gradwohl, Marshall, Cunningham and Writsman. Gradwohl, in the absence of the Mayor, was placed in the Chair. Further time was granted the committee on ordinances to report on the electric light ordinance. Committee reported against rebate of tax on Opera House, Report accepted. Further time was granted committee to prepare amendments to charter. Marshal given further time to have First street cleaned. Tax of John Conner rebated $5. License to aell liquor were granted Muel ler & Garrett, Pete Schloeeer, Chas Kicfer, M Peyser, Wm Faber and Max Baumgart, and their bonds approved. The bonds of Treasurer and Marshal for 1887 were placed at $7000 each. The bills of judges of firemen's election were allowed, and the following 5 Rent of Recorder's office, $37,50 ; John Maxwell, gravel, $3.50 ; I Hays, fees, $-18,70 ; N J rienton, tees, $47 5a Send Burkhart at Keeney nemtf od ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore oa and tbay will send them ooptas ot the l JSmate C7oeyr which contains a com et oat county ia eaeh tasna dsysrafe'.e information watkec, tuietiuoe . elate ducnntioo ". a. Bmrt.iT" mi in. Uti Tuesday afternoon about i o'clock lhc q p., cw itMme, .... N jjentlcv" r T . w in backing down the river to go between the draw and south middle pier of the new bridge at this city, struck the latter pier at an Angle of about forty five degrees, break- Ing the keel of the boat In about the middle and letting In the water of the BHIlumettc. Captain Smith, who was at the helm.stcered ' for the shore, steam was put on and the boat run against the south shore a'xnit three hundred feet below the bridge, when It sunk in About fifteen feet of water, the upper middle deck being about two feet above the wAter, The strong bulkheads of the boat did much to keep it afloat until It was land ed. There were about a ibren passengers on board, none of whom were Injured, though several were frightened, and nearly all secured life preseryent ready for an emergency. Though tlie Injury to the boat was great it is probable it can be prepared, particularly if the water should fall so it could be gotten on a bar. It Is not by any means a total wreck. The N S Bentley" had come up from Salem In the forenoon loaded with about 1 Ho tons of wheat t on signed to Moore, Ferguson 8t Co., of S in I ruticlsco, well insured, and about twenty tons of other freight, mostly old Iron, bone and rags, for San Francisco. It was ready to start for Corvallis, when Cant Smith re ceived orders to go to the bridge avid tow a scow to the shore. He protested that on ac count of his heavy load and the high water it was dangerous business ; but as it was insisted on, a telegraph 1 .minjffroin head quarters at Corvallis to that effect, he at tempted it with the alove result. Consider able surprise has been expressed that a Cap tain ehouU! im asked to do anything of the kind with a loaded boat in such water as then eslsted. Captain Smith is noted as a careful, fkilful pilot and no blame here is attached to him. As the river was full of floating wood It is probable something trot agalnat the rudder The loss is a great one to the company, the boat coating $16,009, Another one will be put on In Its place to meet the demands of the present large traf fic. arte .-fvwis, wiMi ii w m Wharf, steamed up and relieved the sunken boat of Its furniture and fixtures, and as well the cargo, though the wheat U practic ally a lose, Fortunately though it w cov ered by a marine policy, ft BBftUT BVgJif. On Dec 13, Jaa N Cosltow, son of O I Coehow, of Brownsville, became a father. This Is Mr O P Coshow's seventh grand Child. The following from the .v. .,. of Salem stretches things . "The Sheriff of Linn county tells how Saunders received the news that he had been granted a new trial by the Supreme Court. He went Into Saunders' cell, and found him lying on hi bed. "Well. Saunders," said the' Sheriff , 1 have heard from Salem." Saunders did not manifest the slightest interest, and without changing a muscle on his face, or hi posi tion in the lightct,anewercd. "Have you ?' M Yes, and you have been granted a new trial." Saunders turned his head away as if he did not care whether he had or not, and . the Sheriff left him." Instead of not caring Saunders thanked the Sheriff for his kind ness in bringing the news and showed that he was highly interested in the result of the appeal, as everybody knows be Is. In Lane county the market price for beaver skins la $a to $3-JO a pound,mink and coon, 15c to 50c a pound. tUH-r and otter, $3 to $6 a pound. Mike Smith and Mary Smith, sf Fall Creek, Lane county, were divorced fifteen rears ago. Last week they were remarried, having concluded to ace if'their temper are now more subdued than tang syne. The reaper Death has been uncommonly busy during the last two years In taking away tome of the leading men of t V S. Hie' last one to go was Gen John A logan, who diad at Wniunun insula? afternoon. He haa been one ed the mmt prominent of American citUeos during the lest thirty years. The Cor alii CkromitU of last Week give a long account of the seduction of a waller at the Hemphill House, in that city, named Miss Hamer, aged 17, by two Portland drummers named James Friedman and Robert Dona van. .She ran away from home, going to Portland by way of AHwny, but returned home again and says Friedman ac complished her ruin. Corvallis people are justly Indignant. Mis H tuner's people re aide at Corvallis and she ha alwavs borne a good character. Thlrt r -eight votes were cast in tlv: late city election at Milton, and the place is going to have a newspaper. C J Curtis, Esq.. of Astoria, well known here, Is said to have made $10,000 out of the San Francisco stock panic. One dav last week Postmaster Roby, of Portlandreceived over half a mil ion two cent sumps. A large fund for the benefit of Mrs Logan ia being raised. $10,000 were subscribed in five hours. San Francisco is so lawless that it la im possible to keep the street cam running. The holiday number of the Wett Share was the finest ever issued by that excellent journal. Many of the pictures are in five colors, none less than three. Its Mt Hood is especially fine. Washington, Dakota, Montana and New Mexio Territories are all knocking for ad mission to the U S. Come in. The Sllverton Appeal i a lively, well conducted paper, and the Statesman should be ashamed of itself for everlastingly pick ing at it. Pretldent Cleveland Is reported seriously ill with rheumatism, causing some alarm. A enow blockade of large dimensions ex ist all through the East as well a in Eng land. , Bbstlolten Matter. Katie i ia hereby given that tbe eopart ntrablp heretofore existing between N. A. Cherry and John Hanshaw is this day dissolved. Jebn Hanshaw miring from i eaid buaioesa. Albany, Or., Jaa. let, 1887. Jox ttajraaaw. Bregsa Facile Ballro-t i Cm. About January let, 18e7,the Ane steam ship "SanU Maria" will tali from San Francisco for Yaquina, and thereafter will alternate with the steamship" Yaquina CUy." Bailings about every five days. Far exact dates net subsequent advertises stents. Chas. C, Hooun, A'.-tg. O. F. & F. Agt, Linn Ceanty Alliance. There will be a meeting of the Linn County Temperance Alliance U Albany, oommeneina on tbe evening ol the 25th and aoltung over tbe ami 01 January, a program will be procured and notloe giv en through the papers. By order of Ex. Committee, Jaa. . Kwox, See. SI, K. Seelal, 1 There will be a social at the M. E. Par sonage en this (Friday) evening.Dec. 31st After which a watch meeting will be held at the Methodist Chvroh. beginning at 11 o'clock p. m. Everybody cordially in vited to both. Laundry Work. Laundry work of all kinds done to the entire satisfaction ef all. Give a white man a chance. F. H, MtOORMICK, Siracerles. Go to Allen A Co. whan you want grots ties. Thav have a well seleotud stock and ell anaan. HOME 4MB ABBBAB. Vacation time, F M Freneh, jewi It . The host han.esi 'it J .1 t abntilles. Christmas, candies at Read Sc BrowntU'a. Drt0ratr, Physician k gu'gaoo, Shcd.l.Or. Fir stoves and tin wars a oost 30 te J ho Briggs, Oysters served in 1 V stftes at Hoffman A Pwffer't. J. P. Wallace, Physician ar.d Surgeon, Ai bany, Or. 0NMi Kesil 4 BrowoeU's f r ln ce fresb groct-ties. For pumps, pit and at cost uo to J itp 1 Briggs. Tht Salem faot.iog m'ils for sale at Dtjree k it disou's. Eight feet of snow atKonneyilh- and trains on the N P blookadr d. Tilt Willamette was l"i feet a We low water mark Wednesday. Walnut canter tablet, with marble or wood tops at Thos Brink's. Auothar tumble in tha prioe of boots and shoos at Bead k Biowueli's, Largs reduction la tbt price of shot at Will Brothsrs, Albany, Or. J H Townsrod. special ageut for the .State lusiiraoct Co. of Salem, Oregon, Hi x shaves fur a dollar aad a tltAB towil to arery customer, at L. Vtwrivk's. A splendid line of organs and pi .0 s at extremely low piioes at Langdoi.'s. for a general assortment of house famish ing goods at cost go to JotiB Briggs, A splendid line of furniture at Thos Brink's. No better to the valloy. Aline assortment of C oris tin s e todies, ants, etc., at Bead k Browaeil'e. A first ottss lias of chairs, sofas, whatnots, etc,, at Thos Brink's furniture store. Tbt three year old daughter of Mr Hilary Settlcmier died last Monday tveuiog. Dr O Toole baa repainted his block so that itproeentaaa exemplary appearaoce. Baal estate sales ioLiua enjaty during the past yor am muted t abjMtdo "1 U The best bedroom eats, th best spring ntUreseet, at Thoa Brink's f.iroitu. store. F M French, agout Khim-i Manufacturing Co., opposite Odd Fellows Teas pie, Albany, Or. Dr. M. II. Eiiia. phyutu aud surgeon Alrany, Oregon. Clle male iu city or country, Adam Ihtig will close Um saJuou in Albany to-oight, when he will go out of the busi ness. The "Lift of Dr. Otary" is aeon to be i.nblisbed in book form by some Eaceat jepeople. To chairs ace kept ran ting at Verick's barlier shop, Tne place t gt a sb sve or hair eat. Freeh Vwuiaa Bay an 1 E utoru oysters eoostaotly oa haad after t lay mi Hotfutan k Pfeiffer's. Tbt party given at tbt Oyet 4 H use Tuet day eveoiag by the Dalan fer Mente Ciab, wet a subosss, Taaebera exstuioal'uo as held in city begteaiog Moo-lay rom There three apphcaats. this wart 1 ik of the Deyoe k Bolts a hive a I best ulowa mvie o i hand will be A large line of shelf hardware jat reoeived from tbt East by Stewart Si Sox. Tbair atock of goods is a firat-elaas one. John Brijtgs has oa hand three Ptommer Fruit Dryera which aa will mmll at leas than cost. They are the best ia tbt market. Persoos dteinng fiae poqket katves of a new bread, warranted, should eall at Will Bros. Tby hart jaat gotten ta a new stock. Mr Pater Mrltader baa begun the erectioo of a store budding, two stories high on First struct, jnrt east of Cherry k Hanabawa foundry. E W Raymond k Co., ekssed oat their baaiaeas to this city last Saturday, From here the membra of the firm go to East Port land. John Lswrtnce recently arretted in Lane county oa the charge of arson waa held to await the action of tbe (irxn l Jure under HIM bail. A suotsl fu the benefit of tha Evangelical S S waa held on last Saturday eveoieg at the residence of Mrs MeCoojiell. Aa enjoyable time is reported. Barkhart 4V Keeney sell tickets over tbt Northern Peeibc Rail Road to all points east, t all on them for rata and showing route of travel. Should you deaire te sell your property eall on Burkhart k Keeney aa they advertise property placed ia their hands, said charge nothing n aires they effeet a sale, .sat Friday a hawk beat oa death and lestruction kills I two canary birds belonging U Mrs inrad Mevev, one belnntrinc tie to Mr Hopkins and two belonging to Mrs T J States. 'the Collssra raooans oa Tueidav inornina tbe 4th of January, with increased fatUitits for its stodeots. Classes will be formed for those who wish to attend daring tbe winter months. The following taeobtra were examined aad obtained certificates at the pahlin as ami nation heldjthia weak by Snpt Raid : Mtas Ilattia Lmg, Haste Hi ward ao t Lis Maxwell. Yoang Ben t 'Island a few days ago while Uking a put) from a pooket aesi-leitly die- charged it, the contents taking slight effect in oue of his leas It will lay him ip for a few weeks. The new bridge at Salens proves to be too low for navigation on tha river in high wa ter. The "N S Bsotlty'' could not pass un der it wttb water twelve feet above low wa ter mark. Inst week ia our birth c iluno w stated that there was born to the wife of Mr A 1) 8t Clair, daughter of Mrs Oaadle, a daught er. It should have read a s r, l nay are ait glad it is a boy too. A araod round danoo will bo given at the depot hotel this ( Friday ) sveoing, when tbe obi vear will he danced out sad tbt new year dan cot I in. Tickets $1.50 a couple, in cludiug enpptr. Kleveu veara ao whan Mctitbeoy was in Oregon he owed Oscar Knox, of Eugene aixtv dollara. On his recant visit to that city he hunted Mr Knox up and paid him the amount with interest. The steamer "Santa Maria" hat been an traced by the O P to ply bet w?i Yaquina and San Francisen. It will make alternate trips with the Yaquina," so that trips will be made once every five days. The "Willamette Chief" passed through Albany last Wednesday, from Uorvalii-, oaded down with wheat, having over 'JU0 tons on board. About twenty passengers can.e on it from Corvallis to this city. The gold separator machinery of l G Blodgett, ot Harriiburg is said to be a com plete success, Mr s h ttenaeu now controls it. It is claimed that where only VI to tne ton can be mined this mschmsry will pay. The Donular play "Ten Nights iu a Bar room" will be rendered by loci talent, at Brownsville thief Friday) night. There should ho a big attendance. I he niMiagement has Wie Bkmocrat's thanks for some cotnphmen tary tiaksts. Tha teachers institute for tkc second tudi cial district convened in Kugena Wednaaday From this county Prof Held was down tyr the response to the address ot weicome.ana rrot Lonsway for a discussion on the tpio "Mor als and Manners lnachools. The Corvallis lmys put up a job last week on the Deputy P M. During one day, at the right intervals, they mailed sixteen special delivery letters, necessitating the Deputy's traveling about twenty miles, as many of them wera addressed to parties nearly a mue from the Postofiioe. Following are the new officers of Grand Prairie Grange : N P Payne, Master ; H Powell, Overseer j If P Anderson, L ; W Foster, S ; u Froman, A o ; A v uortian, Chaplain ; Clara Froman, Seo'y 11 From an, Treasurer : J H Wallace, jG K f Ella Foster, Pomoaa ; Nellie IFallaoe, Flora ; Jane Fro man, Ceres ; Bell Bodine, LAS. Oo Thursday of last week Mr John C le l&nd. Mrs Wilov Holman and Mrs William son ware crossing the river on tha ferry, w her?, near the other side, the team backed the hack into tbt rivar.not though until tbe occupants, by good presence of mind bad jumped out oa to the ferry. Mrs Holman lost several pack affen of Christmas presents and a purse cou- ABCf At, Aftn FEB SO .t A 1 Jadgs Htrahan at tat Sabbath in the cit y. Prof Lonswav and wife are spending ibm holidays at Scio. D S Bosey, of Hurrisbur, was in lhany thi first of the wek. DrD B Rioo. of Ashland, is in tfce city'the guest of his son W B Bios. Prof lot Attl Miss I, bbie Fori miller spending the holidays at Olympia. Mrs M JO lei), of EagsoeCity is spending the holidays in Albany with h t sister Mr W H MoFariaod. Mrs Htine wife of Editor Stioe, of the Brownsville lt$jmmnt called at this ofict last Saturday, Hon '.Fit Bihei, of this city, was ia Eugene last Week in attmn mi the trai of the Ohrisman will case. J A McAdo .rrived in Albany a few days jp w tho r eseads branch of the N P whore he has lota with a aarvtyiog party, and still probably make Linn county his home. Mr W R Oarrett, of Peoria, was in Al bany the first of tha week . He informed us that wheat was 70 eents at that place, tent mora than in Albany. Peoria is fortau ate in bsiog oa the IfilUmutte. - n? tsio-, rnnnira in the world ; Byen.tha well known hipprodremsr, and O'dell, a sprinter, with better form tbnn spaeo, were in Albany WalnostUv, the two former going to C irvallis, the latter re turning to Salem. Last Monday Mr Oeorge' Lodermao and brother-in-law. arrivrd io Albany from Red wood, Otl. Mr Luderman ia a brtihr aIM, Cm Ioderman, of this city, and will make Albany his home, having accepted a posituo wiwj r n aicrariaaa. Bible fteeiecr The aanual meeting of the Liaa Couot y Bible Society oat held last Monday at Dr 0 W Gray a office. The following officers ware slsttsd for the ensuing year : Rev S Iryioe, Prnaideot. Resident Pastors, Vice IVmridea. W R Btaie, Sr etary. Jebn Conner, Treasurer. Dr O W Orav. Dr D M Jooea, Beni. Cmj gohl, D 0 Clai H nd I. H MouUoye, Esci tivs Committee. Fullowtog waethe report of the Traaturtr Cash on band Dor. 28tb, IHU B22.! Cash collected at tbe annual meeting 26.' 3 Caali for sale of hooks 38.; to Total ftt.HO ai ' at rwri is. Freight on books ! t g ig) Commuwiooon boks 175 Paid Oregon Bible Society 49.70 Total .$83.ho Tht Depository s report waa as follows : Valne of books oa hand Dae. 26th. 1885 179.10 Received sioee 4S hi Total $127.46 Valne of books to life members .. li!5 .. 1410 V alue of book douatad to data Vsloa of books aald to data. . . . Value of books u t hand Tutsi . . 8fi.:to . . 88 !W 127.45 Tb DBBBt aT is under oh'.k'atious to Boo F. Freoeb. of PJO Thtr.USt.. Prtlaoi. Or., repretentioa J. Dewing acd Co. of Stu Fraociaco , for a copy of MoCietlaa's 0 a Story, ' S'lll notici this work more in a fa- tare usae. Fresh milk cow for tab by E. R. M Car ter. last New goods at Portrait ler .V Co'. Sev sets. eral new styles of elegant bed room and a splendid variety of upholstered gootis. just received. Uy keeping a ftrt-ciatt stock of goods the'y go fast. Thos Brink's ash bedroom seta attrtct general attention. They are sold remarket ly low. iseee to On from one to three years time, on good security, hi sums of $500 up. Call on Clink, Moxtcitm & Co. " e 11 eta res fee Christmas. Those wishing water colors or India ink enlargements for' Christina presents will please leave, the orders with Crawtprd ttie hotographer at Paston a old stand. I rest aier. Don't forget that N. H. Allen k Co., Uke produce ia ssebaaes far merchandise at the market tirii Dr. Whites celebrated New York Coaah Svrnp, for sale at llottman k Pffetfto's at ranted to car- coughssnd colds. - e Thos Brink, the furniture dealer will lot ho undersold, tret his priors. tleaka. tbe ! aad beat selected atock ia the valioy on be tooud at Monteith k aei teubach a. New atock of fall goods, every line full, come and examiae them. MoxTsrra Jt SsiranaacH. raaey Those desiring tbs latest novelties in laces, buttons, glnyoei etc.. should sail on Mon teith k Seitenbach. Quilts than yon eyer saw before at Mm teith A Seiteobaeh a. and Sbeea, N. H. Allan k C j. have in stock a fall line of beets, shoes and rubbers, which mil be sold st very low prices. COSHOWKAY. At the residence of the bride's parent in North Brownsville, Dec. 35th, 1886, by Rev Sperry, O P CosHOwr, Jr. and Mts Libbie Kay both of Brownsville. May sunshine, joy and blessing be their heritage through life : Among the rroat popular of Linn county's -young people, they deserve the warm congratulations they are receiving from all directions . Mr Co- show is the accomplished Secretary of the Brownsville Woolen Mill Co. and the bride js the daughter of the Superintendent ot the Mills, Mr. Kay, a young lady of a most lovable disposition, in securing whom for a wife Mr Coshaw has obtained a fortune, j HEARN SIPPY. -At the residence of the bride's parents, in Halsev, Thurscay, Dec, 23nd, Rev f T Wolfe officiating, Ma M E Hkarx, of Lebanon and W iss LisrviK F Sum'Y, of Halsey. The groom Is the Station Agent at I.eb- anon ; the nncie is a staler ot Mrs Lecn Power of this city. The happy couple have begun housekeeping in their new heme at Lebanon. The Dkmocrat extends ton grat ulations. BOat. MILLER. On Dec. 36th, 18S6 , Moses near Millc bany, to the wife of Mr boy. ISO. COWAN. On Deo, 23th, city, Samantha, wife Cowan, aged 35 years. 1S83, in of Columbus Mrs. Cowan was a daughter of Mr. Thos. Humphrey, and a naoat estimable weuiaa.who will be sadly missed by m toy relatives and friends. Funeral sen loss took place yesterday ferenoon. BE At. E.HTATK. Following were the recotded sales in Linn county during the past week : Ed Mick and wife to David Kroman, parts of lott 2 and M. block M, K addition to AUmny Oreg.n to Akxsidr BWrk, If 2.41 acres in tp 13 H R I w (204.82 U S o .? Blain, 40 acres in tp 14 S R3w patent J W Kirk to Catnenue hirk, lt0 acros io tn!3 S R 1 w 3,fX0 Cora A Cox te James Abrams,36 3 100 acres 600 Robert D Cannon to R H Wrtaht. 163 W acres in tp 13 S R3 w. .. Milton Arnsfsgtr to Itsohel Arnpigr, 1,6(0 175 314 aes, in tp 14 S R 3w, Josiah Ihtrrell to babelle lo rn-l', 320.79 acres 1 J H Waahburoe to llngn Fields, 4 acres in tp 14 S R 3 w , , Bruno Boodighcimer to F A Miller, 331.04 seres in tp 10 K R 1 E Nancy J Biimy to iotm W Ceary, 2 lots ia liaise v 1 Henry Fhadtto.f 11 Burkhart, 1 otn , interest in half D L C Calvio I' Burkhart l Aon E Arnnpigtr et ai to llaehei Ar spiger, aodivided iaterest in 282 seres , f Robert L Steveos Ut U Ssltmarwh, one acre, with taw mill acd 1000 in ches of water, in Waterloo D Promao, assignee of R L Stevens to T Egeaton Hogg, several lots iu Mooteith's southern addition to Albany 6,CC0 OBITL'SBtl. Died Oa Dec. 23rd, 18W, of membrane- 00a croup, Verna Luellea, daughter of Mr and Mas Ceo W Haxri, aced 2 years, 7 month and 2 days. "Little Verna, thon baa Mt as, la this world of sin and pain ; An 1 thy sweet face and joy at laoghb r, Wa shall never hear sgain. Happy were thy childish da , As yon prattled round ocr feet ; e May tby future home be fairer. Where we all expect to meet, May thy rest be calm and aw ett, White yon wait for those Mow ; May we strive with all oar might. To meet thee when we go. What a change a wetk can bring. Aid bow aad it waa for all ; Whew bat. a few days of aiebot as, You obeyed the angels ca;L . You are not lott, bat only gone. Where we ail moat shortly go ; For tbta is but a world of serrow, While we journey her... beiow. Now fare thee well our darling Verna, Aod haste tha time to come, When wa all will follow after, To oar eternal horns." Betelsif isms HaJl of Albany Lodge Ko, 4 I O O F Dev. 29, 1886. Again, baa Bath, with hie nnrelemting sickle, entered t oo domain of our beloved oider, and gathered hfc abeef from tho harvest field of Odd Fellowship. Again are we called to part w tin una who liveo aa wa now live, but who no a- !Uas Sn tha grave, a sad niemorial of tbe frailty of ba nian Ufa. Brother James Madyltke the true Odd Fellow, need do labored apt taph, no prosy Beeaorial, no fuieotne oo logy to impress bis worth aud virtues aa a eBJaen upon those who woto aoanainted wttu aim. A mere recital of tho facts ef his Ills) acd biatoiy ia fcufflc:tnt to others hat. In ail tbe relations at uf, aa a man. aa a neighbor, as a citizen, aa an Odd Fel low, bo was, to every patticularpabave re proach with hia follow wen, and in all bis relations to, and intercourse, wilb, bis toi ow men, bo proved himself fb be that no blest work of God, an honest man. Resolved, That we earnestly Kympatbiza with tbe bereaved wile and friends of our departed brother, tasvt a copy of this pro amble olid reeoiuiion be forwarded by tho recording secret ry, under too aeni of tne :extge, to the wife of t be denes sod brother, to the reoofding secretary of Victoria Lodge No 1. 1. O. O. F, British Columbia, and to the newspapers of this city for pub tication. t. J. wrrne. W. C. 1WBK11LK J, F. B.CKKKivro. Cotnmittea) Te f be rabllr. I am now better prepared than ev oe- fore to suit my numerous customers in all lines of goods. I have a larger stock which I personally selected, and have many n elUc I could no! get by ordering goods elusive!. 1 have just made extensive provemcnts to my Boot and .Shoe giving me much more roont th. and enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to well you better goods for the money. I have"jut received direct from yhe factory a full line of ladies' and gent' -.Uppers tor the holiday trade eapeciam selected for this market, all of whk-h wiil be sold on their merits, and every pa ir guaranteed, even in cheap slipper and shoes. Ssmi Kt. E. Yot'Xti. 1886-87 TAKE MY ADVICE and make jour selcctfrn in Holiday Goods before the rush begins at , GRADWOHL'S . buy now while The Stock ia Complete ! THE HANDSOMEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF Christmas Goods I Ever Displayed in the Albany Market, -CONSISTING OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOOKS AND ALBUMS Rogers Brothers Silverware PORCELAIN, FRENCH AND CHINA- WARE. Crystal and Cut Glass in all the latest Styles and Pattern'. DOLL CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. aVSanta Claus has just anived over the Oregon Pacific and will make his headquarters at my stoto duriux the A I a this ?