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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1886)
FRIDAY DECEMBER 31, 1889. UTR er tan. l i- i I ,vp,o w regret 01 ma neatn or vten. juobku. b i . r r it T II. im died very suddenly lest Sunday in w Weehington of rheumatic fever. ir. lew vevu iu J'vr "iiu siav awe uo j j ; nia w , w naaa w iniriw i years, and notung naa seen orougn b s a a . ! ageit St him except bad faith iu politics h hia nn nnlitioil umkiM Thnueh . I - a scholar he was eercau of abundant in formation. He was a great favorite with the soldier element.and it was v i Seou re this vote that he was nominated for Preeident. He labored earnestly to secure the soldier vote in Iadiana, twelve years of ago. Among the pres ent he failed, owing to the very strong enta notioeahle, waa the handsome chair ide Tory atruBR Vioa-Preaident 1 f ,k . p people of that hold whtch the late Hendricks had upon the JWae tea courageous true Amer- wheu defeated, he acquit aced in v I ttk of the nannln Bmof.ilU. er Sfiftrent fcom hia colleague,Mr. Blaine. I xnum iimui wmj n man wuu wa - , , , I vypwai American oiuaan in many rr specta. i-eeoe to nie atnea. The Blaine organs are felicitating each other oa the approaching reconcil iation hstwaen tbe Maine Statesman and Messrs. Edmunds and Conkltng Bat triumvirates have never been stable institution. Jul mis Caesar, Pompey and Cassios had their little tiffs last there waa only Caeaar left. Rc bee- pierre, Danton sod Marat didn't sue- in establishing eternal friendship. I T t. A K. fmA t.,n tUmt Ik Ttl.ln.- Edmands-Conkliug alliance might re- viva the old adage, "Two'a company ; tbree'a none." An effort is now being made by the colored people of the South to inaugur ate a World'a Exposition at Montgom-1 ery or Birmingham, Ala. ,in the interest rJf tltj.ii- mm Ttta mnmiMUit rUrVM I to be encouraged. Ii will eventually find Its way to Washington aa a factor of tbe great Permanent Exposition to be established there. Well informed Kentucky leaders ex- a belief that General Cerro Gordo Williams will be the next Democratic eandiJate for Governor of Kentucky, sssd that hia Republican opponent will be General Cius M. Ciav. Secretary Manning baa made anoth er oall for $10,00f ,000 3 per cent bonds. Thus one by one the shackles are broken. " Let 'em break. Secretary Manning says our present taxes are unnecessarily depleting tbe people's earnings at the rate of $125, 000,000 a ear. OORRESPONDBNOE Sodaville, A Christ maa tree and the folio program ediied the people here : Song, "Along tbe riser of timi ring we glide." An addreas by H. A. McCartney, on The origin of Christmas trees." Salutatory by 4 email girls. 8. A. on man, by P-of. Little Toes. It was cheerfully received. "The cloeing year," by 12 pupils, all appropriately dressed to represent each aaoetb. Declamation by Clarence Cooper, on "The power of Justice." "The model wife," by prof. J. B. Wirt. "Hie yoong man's dread," represented by a large etnffed mitten. "Reparte," by Evert and Alda Par riah. Declamation by Jcbay Powers, "Where there's a will there's a way "Christmas is coming," by Mis Mary Boyle. Throe months after marriage or Bridal scene," Bong by Miss Alda Parrieh, 0nU aaooey after a. I." "Tbe race with a widow,"J. B. Wirt. Cooking ciab, bv 5 young Sadies. "Santa Clans," by Mies Uattie Ross Son?, "I want to be an acge'," b) Amy Klum. "Temperance uddress," by Evert Par rish. "Common Tatar" on the B far, though well received. "Curfew must not ring to-night," Mian M. Gnms. A scene ot tbe Red (C" in which Pbaro's boht was drowned. "Giound bog stcy," by tbe hero of "Tbe race with the widow." "Milk maid song," by a sua!! boy and girl. "Letter o Santa Cla 'i.-," by Miss Ida W.Htfall. Santa (Jim iiatributing presents. Tbf e?enin'M exercise were pronoun ced a eucce by all, and everybody Beamed to enjoy it heartily. Tbe two trees were quite well filled with useful presents, and all felt that thoy bad en joyed a pleasant Christmas ere. Those who opposed it so bitterly we hope may aee their error, as tbe only object was for a pleasant entertainment for every body. Goi bless tbem, may they do So no more. Tbe school at this place is very full, there being 61 pupils enrolled. Mr. Sutherland seems to meet out general satisfaction in bit profession. Hia first term closes next Friday, and he opens an tbe eecond term Monday following. CaJtTxx. The hall given in hooor of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith was a srueess. Musis b Messrs. Parmb,Cassidy and Lofter. Sfpef at midnight enjoyed by all. Mr, H. J. He.dy, of BaHrilie, was visiting here last week. Rev. Jones has left for bis home. Miss Mary Boyle has rscovei ed from her sickness. Mias Ursula Heaiy, who baa been visiting in Southern Oregon,!? as return ed borne. The Chriitmas tie and exhibition was a su ccess. OnUville. At uu early hour oa Chtistuus ere the people of this community began to assemble for the Christum Udder. Wj seven o'clock, the Una appointed lor toe exercises ot too eventoif to nogiu, iinend the hoi Ida vs. . ... . L- i I . " . v.. V ... f iterian uaurtn was tilled wim peopie. ma laaaer in irom wua ice uocorauuuH t, r . l.l J . 2 I - end lights, together with trees on each side, made a nrettv annearance. mo - w w mi svening's entertainment was epeneo with nraver bv Rev. Aoheeon. followed 2 k. a. w 1 - - aa ftathem bv the olase, Oh, come let us sine unto the Lord." The ad dress of welcome was given by J. I? red W.. A U Mi MrJlL Morgan waa wen reoeiyed. A dialogue OM ft""" "J Suite Claus made his appearance ou a wagon drawn by eight small boys in uniform, rresencs were anon uisinmu ad by Superintendent uurrie to an .. . . . . . ii saasabara of the Sunday school room .n MrlAni in h house undnr "Hi AehasKm hv mr 111 hers presented to Itay. Acoeaon by mrmners ot his congiegation. Mr. Acheaon has workl1 fcuhfully for hia shurch, and .kia mark of annreciation was aooro- www - - - I I W priate. Inatrumental music was fnrn- Whed ay the siring oanu. ioe evening lnounecd an enjoyable one by ... t-v i e l 4 L. jll8 iUOUIDNI, ioruirij wwuei vi . , u ig .Uiting friends. Bord Hamilton ia at home this week. w J Oak Grain looks well, prospects of a bono tiful harvest next year. Oak Plain tohool doeed Dec 23rd. and Mr. Mitchell, tbe teeoher, returns to Monmouth Monday. Christmas waa quiet around here, Hot anana of the Oak Pfainites went to Hal- My u tQ0 Christmas tree, and I wonder who put tbst mitten on for Ueorge 7 Was it MlSS T Mr. Levi Walton sUrted to Californ ia last Monday for his health, where we hope ha will be benefitted. While Mr. John Crabb waa riding a fractions horse, it ran into a team, tell, threw him off in contact with a buggy wheel, which did considerable damage by the looks of bis bead. This happen led while coming from the Christmas tree. Mr. Lewis Davis returned from New Taooma last Friday. Glad to eee you, Lewis. Miss Lillie Collins is vuiting relativea in Marion county. Mr. Frank Power ia spending vsca tion at home. Miss Lit tie Haibia baa been visiting relativea near iIrriaborg. Oak. Lebanon- Christmaa was observed here by the three Sunday schools uniting and cele brating together. They bad an arch and two trees, which were heavily laden with presents. Maater John Charlton gave the greeting, which waa followed by a Christmas anthem from tbe Utile ones. Mabel Ralston recited, "A Christ mas Tree," and Era Roeooe recited, "Hang up the Babies Stockings." Tb choir sang some beautiful anthems, and the presents were distributed. Every tninjj passed off pieaaantly and every little heart waa made glad with some little present. Mias Lilly Hacklemae, of Albany, and Master Will Uowsn and r,a, are in town visiting frienda. Mrs. C. Ralston and sister, Miss Griggs, left Tuesday morning for M MS moutb, to spend a few days with their father. Mias Frank Gilbert is borne from Sslem spending holidays. Protracted meeting ia still in progress. Monday evening was Installation at tbe Masonic Ha! I.- They occupied their new hall aod invited tbeir wives in. During the evening tbe ladies presented tbem with an elegant Bible and a letter G. After which they were invited to partake of a feast at the Exchange Hotel. Wednesday memorial services in honor of Gen. John Logan were held in the Cumberland Presbyterian cburck. the exercises were very appropriate and well attended. JCine. Mrs. Stuart was q iite ill last week. Mrs. Locke is suffering with an at- tacc of erysipelas. Those of this neighborhood who at tended the Coburg ball on tbe evening of tbe 23. ii, report having bad a pleas ant tims. John Henry returned on Monday fro-n a Uhruvtma visit to civilization. Ask the Judge why be sent bis slip pers and B's boots to Woodburn last Friday turning. The Misses Allioham gave a Pro gressive,, euc'nrv, party list Mondsy evening. Judgo Thompson and Miss Bonnie Thompson e winners of the first prizes, while Dr. HVnry and Mis Nellie Locke ce tried off the "booby" prizes. After buppcr dancing was in dulged in until a late hour. Earnest Macy has be n having if-iious time with soro throst,but is now convalescent. There is to bo a patty at Judge .Thompson's on New Yuars eve. pleasant timo is anticipated. fjotm Turner bad a runaway some w 1 awe a days kince. No particular damage done. The Good Templars gars a grand supper some evenings ago. A shooting match for tut key came off Christ mas. Chickens are scarce in Shedd's since Dr. Gaff was present at the Lodge sup. per. A carrier pigeon flew from Halsey to Shedd in six minutes, beating the rail road train badly. A certain young lady in Shedd's is never seen without hobbled hair as a fur cape, and yet she criticises those who carry umbrellas Wbbfoot. Being Mere Pleasant to the taste, more acceptable to the stomach. and more truly benefiuial in its action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, is rapidly supersedm all others. Try it. For sale by Fcehay Si U eaaa I IfllNV Prof. W. I. Vawlor and Mi Qer- trude Hayes wtre Itf this city the weok following Chrietram. Charles Wlndorn Is Id llulsoy to " unariy went up tne tracK laes und.v n.-ht inHtni,ti nf Frank w - w. . . Had a Christmas tree in the M. E. Cuuroh. The program waa as fellows t Muslo by the Halsey Brass Band. Song by school. Prayer by Mr. Kenlston. Opening address by Mr, Thomas, Quartet, "I shall be satisfied." Recitation, The burial of Moses," by Miss Lizzie Jester. Solo, by Miss Lucy Oodleyi , Duet, Misses God ley sod Field. Song by the little girls. Recitation, "Annie and WHllo'i prayer," by Mies Etta Pearl. Muslo by the Band. Appearance of Santa Claus. There were not many costly pres Uta presents on the troe rep. nir bJat MOO rwaenung aoouifow. Y. K. 8. Pairvlew. Kav. tstruble will preach nest Bun-1 ,1.. I mi t mil. 1 - 11 . 1 1 aaisa usmm w nisson is spenaing uw 1 holidays at home. W. E. Yatea.of Indeiendence,visited relativea during the week. The meetings at Orleans have closed, j One hundred and twenty acres of the best j quality of improved wheat land, all fenced nto four fields, irood home, hard finUh. good outhouses, excellent fruits of all kinds. 75 acres ol grain, inquire at mu omce. The Very Bleat. X have added Is my seat end saes stock a line of tbe eetebreted Jbmrd, Hchttfr a MiuJmL PMladclnMn Jnm Sho$ far ladiea misses and children. Acknowledged by dealers aeaerally to be the beat valaa and best fitting fine shoe made. Widths U, D, K, and EE. A child can bey aa cheap as a man. Sam ra. R. Yocffe, Sale Ageafe, Albany, Oregon. Pasta. The aadefaiawad will sell all kiods of amber aad oodar feaoe aeete at the follow ing sUtiout on th Nr.o Oaui Railraod, Leoe a. Lawaoo and Boil villa, rersoos trat.d- mk' ionsss t i.m Mbs . m mm sat ! delivered at any of the above stations oa abort notice. Leather ia of tho very boat Quality, the lorn being broegbt from the Umber resjioas an tho MeKvoaio liver. Wa. E. Sl l KR. crtoaJu : Ooahs t i"i t lorgfit mat w. n. Alien a iti nave stiaostveda large stock of tbe taSsst . . r . mm- a aa jl j-o a styles 10 cloafca from Haw X are, wmcn aeye offer at onboard of lew prices Ladies, when yea are in want of a new dress dent forget to inspect the stock of K n. Alien A Uo. They have a very large stock to eelect from ard at priees aeverbe- foro offered ia Albany. Fimt-alam botcher kalveeat Will Bros Aaea, Axes. no to Stewart A Hox'm and examine tboaa fine Oregon made axes, saperlor to alt othera. Manufactured by H. B. fr rick, of Crawferdevllle, Linn Co., Or. Wat ranted first claaa, THAT HACKING COUOH an. bp so quickly cured by ts hi lob 'a Cure. We guarantee it. Foabay A Maaon, ag'ta. THE REV mEO. H.THAYER, ot Boor- bon. Ind , says: "Both myself and wife owe our itvea to SHILOHIs OOMSUMP TIONCURE." Foabay A Maaon, agents. WILL YOU SUFFER wltb disease and Liver Complaint ? Sblloh'a Vitalise to core yon. a Child, fa QasssslSj atohadCbildraa, tlaees to Stof alesaea llr L laadsrs ocntinnes to bay horses at this city. Wdl pay good price (or suitable horses weighing 1100 to 1500 poands, in gesd order. Bring tbem on. Arattoa aelve.j The beat salve in the world fori Cuts. Braisee, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever soroe. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Uhllh 'otter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. corns and an sain abruptions, and posu Eruptions, and post- lively cures Piles, aw bo pay rcojul red. It is guaranteed to rive perfect ssniafaoilon, or money rerunded. Price 25 cents box. For sale b Foabay A Maaon, par Examine Woodin'a Extension tables. They a well ge aad aee tne 03 tor yourself. rraskaw's "Dead Stoat ea age.' It beau the world. It effects a cure 34 hours. Try it and be convinced of in it wonderful merits. Call for testimonials Price 7s cents per bottle, at Prunhaw Drug Htore, corner First and Broadalbin fits., Albany, Or., Exettesaeat la Teaaa. Great excitsment has been caused in tbe vicinity of Paris, Texas, by the remarks ble recovery of Mr, J, E. Corley, who was so helpless be could not turn In bed, or raise uis need ; everybody said be waa d v ing of Consumption. Atrial bottleofDr Klna's new Discovery was sent nlm Finding relief, ho oonght a large b ottle and a Box of Dr. King's New Life Piila : by tbe time be had taken two boxes of Fills and two bottles of the Discovery he was well and bad gained In flash thirty six pounds. Trial Bottles of thia Great Discovery for Consumption free at Fosbay ix xauason's. BttiLAjsx o viiiiijijHti is wnat you ftv-rvr inin vrrn a Mr neea ior uonstipauon, juoss of Appetite, uizzinass, ana an symptoms or Dyspepsia, j.-r;oe iv ana io cents per oouie , CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by 8hl loh's Cure. Albany Market. Wheat 70s per bu. Oats 32 " Butter 30 ota per lb. Essjm 30 cents per dor.. Beefon foot, TA 2Xo Hay baled, f 12 te $14 per ton. loose, ay tos.11 Potatoes 75 cts per bushel. Apples 40 cents per bo, Perk 4Xc per lb. Bacons bams, 12jo snouldcrra, 00. -aides. Ife. Lard 8c per lb. Flour 4.50 per bbl. Chickens 2.50 per doe. Sugar San Francisc 0, 63 o. Dry granulated- 7 c. Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts, 18. middlings, 18. Chops, 18. lbs finest lias ef us at Weedia's. win lew 001 10 til d acSaal Krparl. Koitowing In the report f DUtrkt No. 44 for third month ending Doc. 24th, 1886 : Number of day ai icruiance, too ; No. ot days absence, 61 ; No. of days tsrdlnen, 7 ; No. of boj's enrolled, 7 ; No. of gtrU en rol led, ia ; total, 19 ; average dally attend ance is 15-100. Hull of Honor (iroice Nixon, ticoae Davis, Era NKon, Guy McCartney, Fred- die NUon. M K Holloway, Klla Davis. 1 Nixon, May Holloway, 0 O Nixon, Lulu Holloway, were neither absent nor tardy during the month. Following arc the name of toe pupils who were neither absent nor tardy during the term 1 Kara NUon, Guy McCartney, C G Nixon, George DavU, Freddie Nixon, M I'M I'll I . I- - I , 11. niny 1 iuiiuwbj, una iuvi anu uui 1100 lowar, E. A. uolliks, teacher, free Trade. Tbe reduction of Internal re? anus and tbe taking off of revenue stamps from Proprietary doubt has large y benefltted theoonaumera, as wall aa re lieving the burden of boms manufactur er, luuwolaliy Is ibis tin nae with reen'a August Flower and Boao bee's Uarman Njrrgp as the reduetton of thirty- six nenta per doaen, baa teen oreaee tb. sa ol tbe boUaa tba remedy thereuyglvl more medicine la the 76 eei added to I tea containing giving one A fib eent size. The August Flower for dyspeaaia and Liver Complaint, and tbe Herman Syrup renan Syrup for Cough ami luuig troubles, nave perhaps the iargt aale of any medlelnae In the world. Toe advantage or increased Toe advantaoa of ' ta of the botuae will be greatly appreciated by tbe air and afflicted, in every town I and vtllam In alvtlhnd oountriM. lUmnla . . . . - . . .77 : ' - jr-- oouiea lor iu eenta remain tu earns else tt'iodow badss and looking glasses, oek, at Thee Brisks. fie The rhotosrapher, aibaoy. r. bare all the nesntfvea taken by A n. Pax ton aod any one cava have do all cafes from weir negatives by addressing ua, at tta following prices : uard sue, fa per doaen. cabinet sue. tS per doaen. eon- duure, SS par doaen. I keep tbe finest una or uregon views in tne west, uanv lesrne tnralabed on application, t'opykst and enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. Q. OnawTQitP. Serdlet taaelaaeer W. D. Suit. Drusralst. HI nous. Ind.. tee Uflaa: "I can recommend Electric Bit ters aa the very beat remedy. Every be Ua sold bee eiVea relief In everv case. One man took bIjk bottlea. and waa cored of KbeumaUam of is years' atanmeg." affirms 1 "The best setltsm medietas I AnniMin nira, uniHH. owtTuw, vnw. . . wm . n -ii il l ALU have ever handled in my SS yearn' eape pnonce. ia Electric Itlttera' Thousand of othm have added their teetimony, so that the verdict Is nnanimoua that Kleo- trto BHtera do cure all diaaaaas of the Uvr. Kidney or !od. Only a half dollar a bottle at Posnay A Mason Drue Store. 8LKFPLB8S NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible oottah. 8b i lob 'a Cam le the remedy for yon, v-. v. zrzz hw. 99 SZ? CATARRH CURED, health -ad sweet ody. Price SS eenta. Masai Inject- free. POWDER Absolutely Pure. S leaf Tel of purlly. ssMntosoUiaeese of low umi, abort SotoortT t Mot Ah Co., 106 Watted Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the enderstga sd has been duly sppoiated Administratrix of tbe estate of Edward Murray, deeeaaed, by order of the County Coart of Ltaa scanty, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, sod ail persons having claims agataat said estate are hereby repaired to present the same to tbe andareigaed atA!bany,Oregoe.daly veri fied within six months from the slate hereof. Dec. 24. 1880. An xa Mchbay, Waatberford A Blackburn, Adm' r'r Attorneya Final Settlement. Notice (a hereby given that the under signed, ex ecn tor of tbe last will and testa ment of Benjamin Free) and, deceased, has filed his final account aa snob executor, aad tbe Court has fixed the hour of 1 o dock p. m. of February 7,18S7,fer hearing objections thereto. A, C. Faibchild, Executor. DR. Ce WATSON MAST0N Physician and Surgeon, ' Office rooms 3 and i. Foster's Block. ALBANY - - OREGON. Notiee of Estray. Notice is hereby given that I have this the 5th day of December, 1881, taken U within tbe corporate limits of tbe city ol Albany, Oregon, the following described eatray animal, to-wit, one bay mare three years old, with left bind foot white, some white on both front feet,: white an forehead. wmte on nose, no other marks or brands. Albany, Or., Deo. 5th, 1886. Isaac Hats, City Marshal. c ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Robson's. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep afresh stock of all ktnds'of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES. CROCKERY, GLASS WARE ETC., ETC. PRODUCE TJLSH 11 SXOIAISE awn gall aa cheat) tAU -eo n Mbtny HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Inoludlttg an elogant assortiusnl of fancy articles, Albums, pjUt,h Uooda Toilet Oasss, Lsathor (i , , h, M ioks, Choice Ferthmsa, Mirrors, Fancy Soaps, Cut nettles and a great variety of select novelties, Christmas and New Year's Cards which -have been purchased far Spot Cash, and ws are now ppirefl to u tho public at vary low prim We alas have a una tins of Musical Instruments, tnoludtagPienosaud Organs which are first class in every rsepeet atpl thoroughly guaranteed, which we are Selling at such low A Has selection of sheet muslo constantly on Ne trouble to .how goods, Oil and see fur prices are below 00m petition, ABOUT DRY GOODS And Where to Bay Them. LAST WARNING NOTE. N earl 11 the tKnd ! ThscVvaaf foeS .r," l no Si i ssasrl k urt ti T. k Sbtnt uu aoatiMN m tii4 t r.tall b In , Afuraehortllsae thast 4 will tw wllfcSrowo iea. Hooo, vanrooe O n x arr e U ers4 r il U turn Ul. Kiwi! aVWnUoo ullad v a itg HHimiwiiaM for aiory. piawo 'w " "" Srt,' n.i tit' wa-m wrar Kwa larj aaaterlaia nly, SlreeS havaJeHts ertl hoi. L.K-k ..f allk and wool e iaatMfladon gananu mimmrj. umr I 11 ) I j i 1 in aiUny not JgraaiaaaSr,th aiaTha illy ry iiaod MONEY TO LOAN la sams to sait BY BcagUAST Si KasnsY, Albany. Or. It Stands at the Head. BmVtftdl tones 0 "DOMESTIC if and the work It does before buying a sewing maetnlne. WILL BROS. Albany, Or. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF-r STAR BAKE Li Y, Corner Broadalbin and First SU, r-DEALER nf- Cmaneel FrniU, Cataneel Menf, llnnawnre. tneciawnre, DHeei:FrUB, geSblra, igiara Wo tree. Ten, Etc, Etc. Inflect everything that Is kept in gee oral variety and grocery atom. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Summons. In th Circuit Court oiMa State ot Ortgonfor County. Martha Houston, PUmtifT. vs. Joeie Tim merman aad 0 W Tiwmcrman. Dafjodente. Te Josis Timmerman and O W Timmer man, the above named Defendants : IN tbe name of tbe State of Oregon, you aad each of vou are hereby required to ap Kaod answer the complaint of tbe above staff in tbe above entitled Court, now on tile with the Clerk of said Conrt. on or be fore tbe second Monday of March, A. D. 1SS7. it betas the 14th day of March, A. D. 1887, aad you are hereby notified that if yon fail to appear ana answer rata complaint, as hereby required, tbe Plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for the rebel demanded therein,. to-wit : for a decree partitioning and divid ing between tbe Plaintiff and the Defendants according to their respective interest tnere in, the following described real property, to wit : Lota 74, 75. 67, 68, 69, 70 and 130 in tho city of Scio, Linn county, Oregon ; also, beginning at tbe southeast corner ot lot 70 as recorded in the original survey of tbe city of Solo, Linn county, Oregcn, running thence west 3674 feet to tbe southwest corner of lot 75 in said city, thence south to the north bank of Thomas Creek : thence in an easter ly airection. along the North bank of said Creek, to a point opposite to and on a lino with ths East line of said lot 70 ; thence north to ths place of beginning ; also lot 71 in the oity of 8cio, except the following, be ginning at the southesst corner of said lot 71 ; tnence west 50 feet ; thence north 16 feet ; thence east 50 feet ; thence south 16 feet to the place of beginning ; also the fol -lowing, beginning 14 88 ohains east, of ths northeast corner of Section 22 in Township 10 S B 2 west ; thence east 5. 12 chains ; thence south 20 cbaius ; thence south 89 48" west 40.54 chains ; thence south 32.80 chains ; thence west 45,66 chains ; thence north 52.80 chains to the place of beginning, containing 160 acrea more or less, aud all being sitnate in Linn county, Oregon, and judgment for the costs and disbursements oi tnis suit in the manner provided by law This summons is published by order of Hon R P Boise, Judge of said C urt, made t Chambers in the city of Salem, on the 24th day of Dec. 1S86, in the Statk Rights Djemocrat. Wkathkheord t Ht.ackhukn', Attorneys for Plaintiff. fiat 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE FERRY'S SEEDS M. FERRY A CO. at admitted to be the UIIIST SIENMES in th nor lil. D. M, FERRY SCO'S Illuttrat(l, Bi wisUT.arriM4 SEED ANNUAL For 1887 will be mailed FREE to all tpDiioanU, sua to Iwt Mason's costonMrs without or dorine it. Invaluable to X,Evry ptr. ton wing Gar. itn. Fitld or nowwsaans Mould t$ndfort. Address S.a.fUITAC. petrolt. Mich. MnMBk mm - i aiVam taMaaw mmwS3. mssV- pr.cas as to astonish tbe musical world. hand. yourselva, and be convinced tvtt our LANGDON & CO., Drugglata and Stationers. In PrUtit. nl bfttwit M"Tti City Dry' Ansae III ! William riWH .1. (Jl..l j Aii ! wJthui rsgerve vTry MHrrtNr tr 1 r-uil tm aillmmSlaletr lnk .t vmrr Sa i ai-1 m whoi to tba mrti hki ! mmi, baolaa.' cail- a. .eh In.lHmUm featbara.hlrda. fiawera. rwan iu ip ant AVIa " unlit tr uu the florai aakr. arinUf Mu aaaala. iaMAlm . e ba ha i sbnsmsN Store, Frmn' brUsk, AlWir, Or. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUPPERS. 1 sin now receiving my fall and inter stock cf boots and shoes, I bate as nicely a fitted up Boot aod Shoe Store, and aa complete a stock aa any Shis aide of Portland and very few batter in Portland. I bay aU my boots and Asm direct f r m ODSi.ufacturers and am autbotlsed to warrant every pair no m tet bow cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of mt in buying aa 1 buy in quantities and (my tbe eaeb. In ladies', urn" a. d children's eho, I keep much ib Ugest, bait aud great eat variety in he city. My aim will alerays be to iva as good value fur tbe n.ooey as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. Notice of Executrix gale of Lan d. NOT1CK la hereby given that In pur xusnce oi an order or sale made by the touniy court, or JaoJcaoa County. Oiegon on tbe 7th day of December, 1886. author- ialng aad empowering the un dot signed as the executrix of the last will and testa ment ot Edward A. Free land, deeeaaed, fn anast nrt t n sanaal nwnnAates iMikj s ww we wesesaeea vaaa liupDivj WSJQUI1 KJSJK Q said order ol aale. tbe underalanad sisen trlx of iho taut will and testament of aaid Rdward A Preetaod, deceased, will on Saturday tne 23nd day of January, 1887 at tho hour of one o'clock p. m.ofsaiddav at i no umn tiniise noor in tne City or A! bany. Unn county, Oregon, aell at public aale all tbe right title and interest which the aaid Kdward A. Froeland bad et th time of bin daatb in and to tbe following uaauiiiKH.1 rem pro iMtny, lo-wil : LiotS I and 8 in Block No. 8x in tbe oity of Al nany, unn county, uregon as the same am (lest-ribori mix! known on the reonil plat of aaid city now on Ale in tbe onion of iho County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon aaid property will be sold at said time to tne bigbeat and beat bidder on the follow ing terms : Ten per cant of the purchase price ot saiu real profwrty to ne paid on tbe day of aale, and tbe balance of aaid purchase price to be paid when aaid sale la confirmed by tbe County Court of aaid Jacltson comity, Oregon, at which time &aid executrix will execute, and deliver to tbe purcbaaer, at said sale, a good and sunictent deed or conveyance to said land uarna tnis zetn uay or Decern bar, xim Makt A. Fkkki.vmk Kxscutrtx of tbe lat will and testament of ltd ward A. trrooiaiui, deceased. EWATORE EW II TOCK PRICES LOW. A splendid line of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS aud a fine stock of Imported CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKERS ARTICLES, NOTIONS, ETC. JULIUS JOSEPH, Pieitfer's Block, next to Revere House, Albany, Or, For lams back, side or chest, use Shtlofc'a 'orous Plaa&ar Priou 25 mtln e. I lip N L. E. First Street, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats. TAILORING DEPARTMENT UNDER EXPERT TAILOR The Gold and Silves Dress Shirts are manufac tured from , the finest obtainable materials on ap proved patterns, by experienced operator. They are cut lengthways of the muslin and have our patented reinforced backs and four ply raised edge linen lined fronts, reinforced, Four ply neck bands with hand made button holes and patent continuous facings in back and sleeves. Possess ing all the latest improvements, superior in qual ity, perfect in fit and elegant in finish They are unquestionably the finest shirt upon market. THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely Increased our stock of Bool and Shoes and are now nronamd t furnieb all at vies an 1 grd of Broods at ot tbe beet Kaetern factories and do not heaiUite to say that onr goods are strictly first class. We carry no bank r up; stock and can fully warrant onr goods to wear equal ta any in tbe market. UEMEMBER We have lb largest oxcitrsfve stock of ba the city and that wa ARK conttnuallay adding new novelties. Wa are sailing so OHBAF that you can not fall of being suited. Wa member tne oia aaage "ins prooi oi iuw READ WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND C0RVALLI8, OR. LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a full ataortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLER Y, AMUNiTION FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND F'QCRET KNIVES. We handle the DiVIM, DOMESTIC, MEW HOME, WHITE. AMERICAN, CKOWR,NINER, UOUSEHOLD, ELDREDG SEWING MACHINES, Aad all of tbe leading Pianos and Organs, Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and extras for all kinds of machines. Repairing f sewing machines and fine instru ments a hpecialty, ALL GOODS WARRRNTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. AT STEWART dr. SOX'S. JABORER'S TOOLS, Ada, mattocks, brush hooks, picks, shovels, spades, forks, sledges, wedges, crosscut saws, maul rings, wheelbarrows, or and other tool used by either wood men or mud 1st." For sals obeap by HtkwartA Sox. CARPENTERS AND BRIDGE BU1L DERS. Don't forget that we kop a full line of all kinds of toola and will sell as cheap as tbe quality of our good hi allow We make a specialty ef fitting out carpenter's and will be glad to see tbwn at any time. Stkwakt A Sox. (AWS, AXES, ETC We are not bragging one bit when we say we have the finest crosscut aawa and axes in the va.ley. Also a fine lot of steel aud iron wedges, maul rings, grav AWT A Sox. 1ANTAND BLASTING POWDER, any Irishman (Wild Bill excepted) wants to blow up rocks, stum 48 or Eng lishmen, we can fit him out with giant or blasting powder in good shane. BLAIN Abany, Oregon CITY remarkably low price. Wa bur of vrm. da .o not follow but lead in low prices. puuuiug in oaewmg me atritg." & BROWNE LL. FIRE INSURANCE. All kinds of farm property, vis : Build ings, Hay, Grain, Hops, Fruit, Live Stock, Farm Machinery, Farm imple ments. Household Furniture, Family Provisions, Wearing Apparel, Carriages, Wapons, Harneas. Musical Instruments and Books, insured against loea by fire or ligbtning in reliable Companies. Losses paid in full, J. C, Powaix, Agent, Albany, Oregon, W AGONS AND CARRIAGES. Wagons, hacks, binaries, carriages, ainarla and doublft. Before you bay come around and see what we have, Stkwat A Sax. 8 FECIAL TO SPORTSMEN. Before you buy your ammunition invite you to came and see us. Wa earrv evral different grades of powder, all kinds of cartridges, primers, bra and paper sheels, loaded shells and by far the best abot in town. apUTLERY VSTe want It distinctly understood thai we can "knock the a pots" off ai,ytbin in ;he country wben it comes to prcket fcnives, razors, etc. Come around and ice for yourselves. Stewart dt Sox. Q HILLED PLOWS. e 'e are agents for one of the finest ehr led plows ever stuck into the ground. We got thaua to sell and if you want a gced tjfUm it will pay you te oojb in and as