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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1886)
1 i 0 tit MUX STATE RICHTS. DEMOCRAT, the bist kmimim MEDIUM IB THE WILLAMETTE Y1LLIT THE STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ibiuk4 every Vrtslay by STITES & NUTTING. " SSSMBSSemrs-la Beeeeevat.Mnlldlacea MraaSalbla street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION lefts sear, ear rsar.taeavaae.... ft 0 slsls enr. pr ;w. stead ol yr , t M siagts espy, sis stomas 1 06 Ing-ls aopy. thrss monlks , M rlf nmdr . , 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTA.NYE. TTORNEDAT LAW. Notary Public. tlbaay, Oregoa. Office u petal ra, ovwr John Brigs store, tat street. vlinSBtf J. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4LStMY. . tlTIIX PRACTIOB IN ALL THS COURTS Or Till nlhbiauittsr TTTlTirtlTiaa ss asrOSos la 04 r.litw'i Tssapls. U:t POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNTJRYS AT LAW, . . Aid Solifitors in bBferjr, JkAHIT. - - . ORt$BOft7. Collections promptly mad onall polnta. Loss nesmilated on reasonable terms. WOffloa in Poster's Briok.-sa Matftf. J. J. WHITNEY, ittoraey M Counsellor At La? AND Notary Pnblic. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail of the Oonrta of .nil i State AH bust neat Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANGOON & CO., Hooka, Station T nd Tollet Articles A Stock and Low Prieee. DBXJG STORH. T.aW OITT tyi aiauwT. s POSHAY MA80N, ARB aVTAHr- I) racists and Booksellers, Aeenta for John B. Alden's pnblicatlosav which we aeU t pMbJlaher'a pries with pcstageediad ALBAaTT. ORECOM. A- PRU3HAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PIISCUPTIOW CA1EFCLLT FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. I hare the beet atock of nrniture In the city and will aell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE m the city and the loweet price In the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, a complete atock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me, m . A. B. WOOP1N, Aioany Bath Mouse. rSI USDIESIUN1D WOULD E18PB0T felly lifers the oituteat of Albany and vi laity that I have raksntharge of this IrtaMlai at, and, by keeping dcaa room and payla trtetstteattye la bastaess, expect to rait a! fcoaa who nay faror us with their patronage a via Heretofore eerr lad as nothing bat First-Olass Hair Creatine Saloons toasts to glva aatlra satisfaction to al r'Hi aad Ladioi' Hair neatly ea kaaaeenl I OA W IBB SR. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office or. First and Ferry Street, ABANY - - OREGON. O. O 0HSRBT. O.B.PySS ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Sncceseors to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iror Founders. tmT rf AVEOUR NEW SHOPS ATX TV -omoleted. and are now prepared to handta all kind of beary work. We will manufvtnra feam Entrinea. Griat and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kind of Iron and Qraaa Caatinaa. FATTRKSS NtDR PHfttT aoTICK. reil attention art van to repairing atl kliMa of maohinerv. Will alao manuftw tnra tha ImproTed Oberry A White Qrale Uearator - Tj. henton, f otarr Mlio anfl Insurance igent, 0- F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OF Reprt .anta neveral of tbe best Fire la ara noaC'mnpanlan on the Coaat. Call to him for-aliable iniaranca. A. 0. U. W. 4-nHT4 !hi'iamplnymot or desiring ria'p. ' 't'emcll t Raid A Brownall to' ' tad r.gntnr their aames. Br Order or Loo ok. N BW SAUS AGC MILIUM, We haa on hand a floe lot of these new Enterprise sauaage mills, which we Intro " dace in this loeellty. Tbey positiTely hat anvthlna rou ever aaw In your life. noma and look at) them before von kill y"r SnrwaaT a ox. Final Settlement. N0TICR is hereby eireo that the uoder u nwl as Administrator with the will annex ed of theeeute of Jamas M. Elliott, deeeae ed, baa filed hit final account a sach Ad mini.tra'or in the County Court of Linn connty, Oregon, and by order of aaid Coart, Hatardav the 8' h day of January. 1887. at the hour of ten o'clock, a. in. of aaid day has been set for the hearing of objeotiona to aid account and the settlement thereof. Dated thU 0th day of Decemhei, 1886. Gboec Httvphikt, Administrator. i S alSTS AN D 0,1 Ln. A full line of lead and oil, mixed paints. kaJsomtoe, etc,, alway on hand SsrwAsr A Soar, VOL. XXII. CT JACOBS QII aaav aooiipteaa rVaoit Qmimtrs, JBaaerlaa SAFE SURE. 25fe PROMPT. raa nusura . iwuu co..aiiTtioai,B. am ft a 1 1 aaa SCALY, ITCHY SKIN nd 411 Itcfclag. sl steady Utm and Heals Dtnsnnee a by Catisara. rirt.rf. Iiiimii T.tue. lUnawona. otnaaini. Burolnf Scly. Plawly Uubk. of Um Min nd Soa'p, wi Loo ot Hari. ar po.iuelr Mtad by cutworm, th. rmx gain cur., wd c"ticun Oaae,aa .iquUtu Skin BaaaUSar or.rnallv. awl cwurara saaMTant, um aaw taa iunft.r ui.roi- y, whan phyaiciwtt nd alt oitu 'an. I PSORIASIS, OK 8 ALY SKIM. t dps., aaiaa ataaMawl SraSetir te Sa era-toy tor ihirty nw ,aara and btn w.11 kaowaloUouindib.rbouU. wilh h.ip 1 ny n ara asntad a. i kara bora ior um put cmaMTpaS. otaf suoawki day. furthadaeton wtta wkam laa araranaa mm Hn kl. am mnuiMMa JoaaJ.Can, t K.atoa. K. i. D. 9. DISTRESS! SU ERUPTION Tooi CuUeota SaaaaSei vaaeerfal .n ..1.1 ataartally diiroK nd who b.i irtad all ao j. r. ft Co. Ark. DUSTPAN FL'L OF SCALES. a ar LmrfM wmj ytaia ttaadlaf. bf CeU al of mlM Ml from Sin daily. Fkjilliiai Maada taaasaa aa araH di . ECZEMA RADICALLY CURED. pr tk r,i,- run of mi aWtlaoH ae af of loaaataadltic. I gaaaUraardit totaaCHraia I A A SicaaaMca, Haw Baran, K.,1.1 hv ma iiMaalwIa Mil uu ; Soap, tt oaM ; SMOLTasr, fi.w. by tU rorraa Daca aao chkmkal Co.. ftae far "Haw BEAU mnr um aad mm IT FEE qHp Tboairararai IT FEELS GOOD. ant wltb Pkloa, Aaaaa aa ralicf la raM raia- iHKKseV 0067 mwwmmm era Umi Caitlaara AM-ri Atdrafgwu. Skaaala. AT COST Frem and after August let, '881, JdbB Brigp, will tall bl entire stock of STOVES, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, without reserve, JJow Is your time to furnish cheaply. Albany, July 514, 1886. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. TUT" AGON WOOD AND HARD W AKK. WW Sox A Stewart have neck-yokes and alncrla-traes. ironed or unironed, neck- yoke Irons, single-tree irone, did irona, r' . a a - - II. I feiloee, spokes, ex trees, etc )., ell for sale heap. J1 CASE PLOW 9. This famous plow is well known in Linn County. Tbe chilled and steel plows ar well made from the very best material end are warranted to do aa good work and coor fully aa well aa any other pi owe Sex A Htewart are tbe sole agents. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT -A1TD Notary Public- ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. j i All Kinds ot ruiuju, uiwu GErmanBemedY ForPainc w casaisa A.Tewnna o,nmiit.i, Red Star TWAOK MARK. aadenaei and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only beat Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. WaNhin fir ton. (From oar rtgatar serrets WAMiKaTo, Dec. 11 tb, 188. Congress, In leu than a week from it re-opening, has settled down to the serious consideration of business. Tbe reassembling of both the Senate and House ware accompanied hy scenes customary on such occasions. There were ths usual crowds of spec tators In the galleries who looked down upon the same tumultuous die-1 orderly crowd on the floor, of the Heue, all talking at once and at tbe top of their voices, and upon the quiet, slow moving man en the floor of the Senate chamber, who began tbe new session with as Utile flurry as on any day of the old one. There was the usual handshaklogs and exchange of greetings an J flo wer be-deeked desks, the Democratic side being the most farored florslly, which osused some Republicans to remark that the change of flowers showed tbe change of tbe Administration. To the victors belong the flowers. Represeatstlves A. S. Cox and Abrara Hewitt were the lions of opening day. Wnen they entered the Hall arm in arm, the weio Mr. Hewitt roCfclvod COHgrat UlatloQS UP- m m on hb election to the Mayoralty, and , . ' , expressions of regret upon hi retire- . . . mem rrom uongress. moae wno nau served is former Congresses with Mr. fVtv MltiAfMl miinft htm ammIIsIIv. w " and thCSS Who did OOt kOOW him sougni lntrouoction'. itepreeentaiive Ssyers, of Texas, who occupied last . Cox, gracefully surrendered it to Its former occupant and took tbe one vacated by Mr. Puiitser. Mr. Cox has already added to bis record by introducing a bill to prevent Republicans from receiving two aala- riea at ths same lime. He thus man ifests bis intention to decline tbe Ooofpesskraal sslary which has ac crued since Mr. Puiitser' resigna tion. Republican papers gleefully distorted s recent statement to make it appear that Mr. Cox bad applied for and was trying to get two eels. dss one as minister to Constantino pjf aQC ODe u Congressman. As matte of fact, he inquired of the Comptroller of t Treasury as to theebxact money due I tm under the law to that he could nut intelligently concerning it. Comptroller Durba told him he was entitled to back pay since Mr. Puiitser resigned, snd this bill Just Introduced shows whst Mr. Cox intended at ths lime to do about it. Wbilt the Preside. fx message Ukes or.e alt over Europe, to the Ha- moan Islands, Siberia, the Spanlah Antilles, to Mexico, over Sooth AmericSjStid into Canada and Alaska, the Ave topics which excite the strongest interact here, are the tariff, thecurteney, the labor qucstloc.ctvlt service and District of Columbia af fairs. The tariff reformer ar ell pleased and some of them turn an- thuuU'ib'. The protectionists sy the Message Is conservative enough for them, the ultra silver men make complaint as was expected, and the Republic u is criticise the document aa a whoif,Hud from force of habit. Some of tbo mora luggUh mem bers ot Congress predict that little can be done during the session be yond the pasige of the appropriation bills. Other eiutily wise say there is mre chance for work during short than a long session, and they expect to oo very active from now until the fourth of March. In fact, there is little temptstlon to demagog ism, and taking fur votes now, and there is no reason why this) Congress should not do more in January and February than in all the prevlou months of Its life. The members are all either elected or dafontod for the Fiftieth Congress, and mere partisan maneuvers will not affect them. Then by tho committee work having been done last SflftHon til!! - are ready for action, inl 'r' -' i i hi h In excellent p jciilou to no puihwl to completion. Congressman Anderson of Kansas comes back this winter a pronounced enemy of railroads, and gives a de scription of how public men are created and owned in bis section by Jay Gould's purse- Gould Is trying to control the legislatures and the representatives in Congress from the smte? through which his roads pass. Mr. Anderson says in his own district not less thko one hundred thousand dollars were distributed to defeat bim. He estimates that the Missouri Pacific Railroad alone spent $2,000,. 000 in attempting to send the friends of railroads to Congress from the state of Kansas. Mr. Anderson was formerly a straight out Republican, but he renounces his old faith and call himself a member of the new Republican party. Two years ago Republican prophets were positive tbe country would go to ruin in consequence of a restora ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER tion of the Democrats to power. Now they are compelled to see a steady and general return of Industrial and commercial prosperity. The facts and figures of sli the Government resorts show this result, and Indicate a largely Increased volume of busi ness throughout the country. There s nothing so convincing ss truth, but ths enemies of lbs Administration say, "It It Cleveland's luck." vacts re a am sxwivas. mmmm mm 4 To brighten rtove sine rub with kerosene. To remove ink stslos, sosk lo sour milk over night. Equal parts of sulphur and pitch make a good iron and stone cement. Powdered orris root Is a cbesp sod good tooth powder ; tt also purifies the breath. Inside soles of heavy cloth or felt, worn Inside the shoe, keep the feet more com for table. Mildew may be removed by dip. ping the stained parts Into buttermilk snd putting them Into tbe sua. A little petroleum sdded to the water with which waxed or polished floora are washed Improves their looks. A food wssb for ths hair and srslp is borax dissolved In water ; it Is slse food for the akin, removing ten and pirn plea. To extinguish kerosene flsmes. If OS cloth Is st hand, throw flour on the names, floor rapidly absorbs the fluid and deadens ths flame. Ever ready lye la mads by filling barrel half full of hard wood Sfhe end Ailing up with water. Handy to nee when soft water is not plenti ful. A teaapoonful of borax put in tbe last water In which ths clothes sre rinsed, will whiten them wonderfully. ound the borax s that It will dis solve easily. A good way to kill oat sorrel is to It the sheop oa it, Cars) should be aken nerer to allow lbs sorrel to k), ss it can be carried to ether polnta In the manure. To clean black cloth or altk,spoofe with warm water or sales snd s ill- tie ammonia; Iron on tbe wrong side; If the silk la thin add a little sugar to the water or coffee. The leaves make an excellent j mulch around the roots of trees. If a few com sulks are laid upon them mey can ne easily Kept in place, ana j can be raked up In spring. j Slice In stoves, wheo smoked, is readily cleaned by tking It out and thoroughly washing It with vinegar diluted with a little water. It will be necessary to let It soak s little. Carelessness must give wsy to bust- nrs management on the farm. The f rmer abouid study the markets snd l ms ready to take advantage of op portunities as the merchant. Use tbe soot from the stove pipes I sod chlmoeya. at is 'excellent for I flowers and young plants. Mix it with water, about a peck of soot to a birrel of water, rid apply with a watering pot. rsaaeasL. Tbe late Sir Moses Monteflore was one of the last persons in ixnooo wbo went about in a sedan chalr.wtth four bearers. Senator Renna is especially fond of the company of young men, snd will st sny time g out of his way to do sny of them a favor. Postmaster Oeneral VI I ts takes bis noonday lunch at a dairy restaurant, where he get a mug of milk and piece of apple pie for fifteen cents. Lord Salisbury never uses tobacco snd seldom drinks any nlcoholle II. f quor. Lord Randolph Churchill er to calomel, without any or its tu sraokoi clgr, but is si most a tee to- jurloos effects. wllW' The Emperor of Austria is now Of the twenty Presidents of the namtfj as a victim to overe el to United States wbo have died, four bacco He hAa en or lered to let a a a a ci 1 . j . a? v V.U are ourtea m tne otate 01 ew xora, vis : van Buren Fillmore at Forest at Kinderhook, n u LlWO, Buffalo, Grant at Riverside Park, New York, and Arthur at Albany. Monroe was also burled In New York, but by act of the Virginia Legislature his re- mains were raovod to Hollywood jm mm e a. a Uemetery, Kicnmona. Dr. George E. Ell Is, president 01 the Massachusetts Historical Society, In his address befsre the New York Historioal Soctety,said that the con. tioent discovered by Columbus should have been named after the discoverer. As Eugene Lawrence had just before told tbe society that the right name of the man referred to may have been Riego and not Columbus, it might be well to determine this point before going on with the old fight of Columbia against America. A prominent farmer of Bowling Green, Howard County, Md Mr. J. T. RIdgely, said his four children were sick with sort throats and coughs at the same time. Bed Star Cough Cure cured them in a week. Ho opiates. wsjajin rr is has. ... j Fair at. airaattd. It has often been thought and said by the uninformed that the Democratic states produce and use more distilled liquors thah Republican states, Bit the following statistics taken from tbe official repot t of the commissioner of internal revenue for the year ending Oetobrr Silt, 1886, fully oontrsdicU and disproves this charge. The whole number of ga tons of distilled lienors produced in the Coiled States for the year preceding was 81,849,447. Hit nois produced nearly one-third of all this, that sute tarsiog out 20,140,981 gallons, Kentucky comes next with 80,738,278 gallons. Ohio somes next with 10,136.980 gallons. Tbe sore Democratic atatea of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Ueorgia,Kentncky, Leakriaus, Maryland.Misslssippi, Mis souri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia produced laal year 28,473,448 gallons. The sure Republican states of Illinois, lows, Kanaaa, Maine, M asssobu setu,MtnneaoU, Nebraska, New I lamp shire,Ohb,OregonPennsylvsnis, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin pro duced 45,470,894. Thes atxueu sure Democratic aiatea produce little over half aa many gallons at fourteen Re publican stales. During the same period is all ths(sUtes there wtr pro duced 642,0Si,513 gallona of malt li quors, of which smont.t the sixteen Democratic atatea above mentioned produced 70,576,391 gallons, and the fourteen Republican ataUs ;rodjced 372,715,535 gallons. Illinois alone produced 4'i,lJ5,OfJ3 gailon.,heing more mm ... .b..i.,. Do moc ratio atates. Ohio produced Kiaasaia p I. i gs.7ieonn 54,985.415, Fjonalvanta 55,713fU63 and Wiaeonsin 46,137,734 gallons, ... ,i 14 I ... kl,A. .hi (hsa Wbi e this does not show where these liquors are consumed, yet tbe fots and t ' eommisaiueer of internal revenue, t-om which we may Mainly infer where tbey , ' 9 ' st e largely consumed. Taklug tbe whole number of lienor dealers ia each ,V . , , state ss reported hy the mmisstoner of internal ravanfo i , ...oirine tt rith ths population el raeii stare aa abown br tbeea . t isso it will be sen to show f tttiag fct : In the s4sr- M . .ie above named tb is a llqtww lr to wy 00 lWwa, aid e iu the toorteen Repuo i?.o a'at im liquor uealar to 21 laWeWleeta. The prohibition aaete A I i b. one aeenir to erery ji ioba).uvM". ibe i Deasoeratic sute of Alabama b one j dealer ss every 1 10ft ioeebiuots. Kan- sea bee one to every 40S iuhsbitaols, Aikauee one to erery 1 1 1 8 Inhabitants, Maine has one to every 634, while South Carolina has one to every 1001 inhabi tants. It is etli'Bt from tbesn and other facta which crop out in the report, tbat there is more iiqu r drank in these Bepabliesu states thsu in tbe D mo- eratic states named. We leave oar readers to earcb out tbe cause each for btraaelf. volunteering tbe statement .bat an? one who tindn takes to solve the I problem upon the principle tbat any peo ola drink more or leaa simple becauae 1 ia. r 1 i- ;n tbey ar Damocrats or Republicans will be sadly led astray in his investigations. Tki....M . n... mn.ntlf Ml mu " ' " ' ' r oo,tbat to man drinks more brosuss ne is a Democrat nor leas beeanse be ia a Republican. SW TO BIS) OF ALOV.KL, Peeple afflicted with a diseased liver, indigestion or biliousness, u-e mercury, xms is uone roiuetantiy, but tbe argument is, '-Nothing will reach the liver and spleen except mWm a. a a A - t - calomel ; could one get something just as good, everybody would use It." That something is Simmons Liver Regulator. It Is equal in pow- Blfinp in.tAa,i f Hrttokinir twt,ntv ft diV M hitherto ha has nften twenty a a ay, as uunerto ne nas or ten d 1 -o - w Thlt 8Urpig jQ .he treasury is quite a worry to oonrw. nu; tne py weDt of tbe UxM on trie necesasiiea of life wbioh lto,luoed tb9 surplus was a gra'. er wurrv to tbe averaaatax-pyr. Tne constantly groving surplus iu tl e treasury would sail have been iu iLe hands of the people had the horizontal s . . .a bill become a law. The people have aaid "Let the taxts be reduced." Tbe President says i it t .u- k ,iA " N.- --juxsv i uo laauq axva oawwvi. ' " what will Congress dv 1 Baby falls and bumps its head, Baby bawla.they think it'- J. Mamma gets St. Jacobs Oil, Rubs tbe baby ; stops turmoil. Lawrence has a larger Irish popula tion than any city in the country in proportion to tbe number of ita inhabi tants. Fall Kiver comes second and Boston third. 31, 188G. PatenU granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the pant week and reported ea presaly for the Dkmocsat by C. A. Snow Si Co., Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Warri ngton, D. C. : J Bean, Ixh Gatoa, Cel., animal trap J L Brown, San PrancUco, utreet ral railway car, J Fountain, La Grande, Or., tape mea ure. T 8 GtahsST, Sonoma. CaJ.. fermentintr i ' pun m i- llulwrt. Nordhoff. Aitnrjnd huller. f Morey, Portland, Or., vale. A L Savour, fjallstoun. Cal., hub and t . . . . w . oorer anu mortlcr. A K Roe, San FranciKO. Cel.. aaw mill Ct work. L Teague, Areata, Cel., pump. J TrulTlnger, SiUcrton, Or arterv iiga tor. JUL Tuck, Man Francisco. C tl., leak Cat., ore stopping mattreaa. C E VVoodburv. Han Franckto. feeder. The Innate honevty of newnpapcr men k again Illustrated by the action of one II M Cole, a newspaper man of Adrian.Mkhigan. who voluntarily relioquUhed hia penaion of ei" per momn, giving a a reaatm that he felt able to sam a II vine without further aid from the government. ThU occurred three year ago and was so incomprehen. dble to the pension official tiutt Mr Cole ruw ever ince been In almot monthly cor. rcpondence with tltent in an attempt to expniinit. In this be wa unaucceiwful, and recently, after In vain trvlng to realise " vwwi uuM.-irniiouneitk, tne depart ment aent a special agent to Investigate the case. I he effort of the mrrnt ,.,.. ed toward finding out whether Mr Cote U ane, ami a there is no question of his san ity among the teople of Adrian, it is Hkclv that he will soon be reliered of the neces sity of receiving $16 a month more than he want. Had the pension official- taken the trouble to ascertain that Mr Cole was a newspaper man, his phenomenal honest v would have leen explained to them with out further ado. E. Brooklyn ta short I v to be furnished with automatic IVmtofBce surmlv boxes from whkh the citizens may obtain, at any hour frrirnrgstfs card, a letter envelope, or even a pencil to wrltc lth- f1 conveniences will be Sfteen Inches high bv seventeen Incls deep, and will have the appearance of nar- row writing desks. Over each compartment boxes wUt be a .lot. Into whkh the price of the article desired must be dropped. nur;iih7uiu.tej! a drawer beneath. This drawer Is at the way sssia asfllWlHi lillj unlocked and pusled out, offering the purchaser ea actly what he wants, A moment later ,the clT lock. luelf, to await the next customer. Should the supplv boxes prove s success they will be introduced ' a BsSSI of the United States.- Er We pilfer the following pointed article from a popular exchange i Persons who patronie papers hou!d pay promptly for the pecuniary prospects of 'the preaa posa ess a peculiar power in pushing forward public prosperity. If the printer U paid promptly and his pocket-book kept pletho ric by prompt paving patrons, he put Ids pro to his paper In peace : his paragraph are more pointed ; he paint Ida pictures of passing events in pleasing colors, and the prru-ai ot his paper Is a pleasure to Un Ptmte fhu Jcce Jewerbtal pa yy wiwiwx wwrr an pcron can , Mining U more hazardotu than taking a J ntttr accurate and able mining review the San- uan mine nave oeen an expensive experi ment. Two mills were built and both burned. About $254100 were expended in mammery, road. etc. Kock Mild to assay $80 to the ton, milled only $. The leads on the Santiam are noted for high asaar 1 otal product of one mine $5000. Expense ot working it, $,eoo. - ifepner GMSsaa The Portland Am has the following to sav of Linn Co : This countj joins Marion on the swuth. Although not one of the largest In the Is. In fact, the seventh in slae. It is 300 square miles larger than the Sute of Delaware. It Is twice as Uirt?e a Rhode Island, and more than half as ,he Willamette Valley a more inviting field r Immigrants than in-I.lnn county. Al bany, the countv scat, Is now a railroad ccnteritt weU atft manufactuHnK town. Its growth is rapid and its future exceeding- l'""" rccm popu.auon 01 inc 1 county about 17,000. Tramps are not wanted at Lafayette. The other day, says the Register, a tramp, who was loitering about the jail yard, was notified that he had better leave town. He was escorted about a mile and a half out of town and informed of the fact- of a secret organi zation that exists at that place to keep tramps from coming there. The centlemen who took him awav cave him the following Mrnd- off : "You keep the straight road and we don't want you to thinjc of returning, for if von uo you stand a good chance to be per rated with bullet holes." A Valaable Med I ral Treat We. The edition for 1887 of the sterling Med ll Annual, known as Hoatetter'e Ahna- nao, is now reauy, anu may be obtained, free of cost, of drugglata and general country dealer in all parte of the United States, Mexico, and indeed in every civil ieed portion of the Western Hemisphere This Almanac has been Issued regnlsr'y at the commencement of every year for over one-fifth of a century. It combines. with the soundest practical advice for the preservation and restoration of a sail li, a 1 f&rrJ mmount Qf interesting and amusing ngnt readlne, aad the calendar, astron omical calculations, chronological item, etc.. are prepared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. Tbe issue of Hostetter's Almanac for 18S7 will proo- ably be the largest edition of a medical work ever published ia any country. The proprietors, Messrs, Hoatottcr A Co , Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of two cent stamp, will forward a copy hy mail to any person who cannot procure ene in hia neighborhood. Hrpatrtng Firearms, Kte. Persona desiring repairing dore,sueh aa guns, sewing machines, um brail as, para sola, fans, loeks, alt kinds of small ma chinery and utensils, also fitting kevs. grinding seia8ora,etc.,have now an oppor- I tnnity to have the aame done at moat res- I aonable rates and on short notice. We i hRve engaged an experienced workman to assist in thia department. All work war ranted, at Will Bros.' Clan Store, Albany. ae' - Ths Rarest ar Combinations. True delicacy of flavor with true effieacy of action, has been attained in the use of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup ef Figs. Ita pleasant taste and beneficial effests have rendered it immensely popular For sals by Foshay k Mason, wholesale and retail. 0 W LnaVsr Co , ef ierfcltarl, are da tiuthoriasd advartisirg gea forkeDiMO ir we tor tbat efty. SO 22 1886. FALL AND To the a large and woll With Hi ruw uadH, and will be sold at . PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OP Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets. Also the LATEST NOVELTIES Ilf CLOAKS. Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES which for make and style cannot be excelled. W also keep a full line of Gents' Furnishing Go ds, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, etc., etc. Orders from distance win be promptly executed, and samples will be sent upon application. PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for goods, N. H. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany. Tata Parent mf leseasalav The parent of insomnia or wakefulness a la nlae easaa cut of ten dyapeptie stomach. Good dleeaiion gives aoncd aleep, Indigestion Interferes with it- Ti e brain and stomach sympathise. One af the prominent symptoms of a weak sas or ths gaatrio organa ta a dtatornanoe or the great nerve entrepot, tne nram. jit- viae'-ate tae stomach, and you rest! an i ulhbrinm te tbe great centre. A most .... ... - . I I Dl . reliable mast let n for the purpose, ia Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, which is far prs ferable to mineral sedative ana powerful narcoiles. which, thaugh t'tey may for a time exert a eoporile influenee upon the brain, aeon eases to act, and invartaeiy injure tbe tone or tae stems eb. Tne 1$ t- tera, on the contrary, restore activity to the operations of tbat all important organ. and their beneficent tnfluence la reflected in sound aleep and a tranquil state of the nervouaeyatess, A wnoieeom lmpasss la ilkewiae adven to tee actien of tbe liter and bowels by Its as. all aad See Him. Our subscribers who receive the ca at at the Lebanon PostofiWe will find statements ef their accoenU with F M Miller, at that citv. I-et all call aad wee kirn. I p : Belp Is at I'm afraid I abalt have te be taken la a hospital or to the poorhonse. I've been sick ao long that my hasbaad, gsed aad patient as he is, can't stand the worry aad expense muen longer, no, jau won dear wile and mother. Bee what Parker's Tonic will do for yen. Plenty of wens en aa badly off as yon sre, have eeea reeeuen almost fros the grav by It It will bo Id yon up.enrlngall ailments efthe etom ach, liyer and kidneys, and is simple, pleasant and safe, j. h. cowan. J- w ci'siCK Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a gsnersl banking business. DRAW SIGHT l RAFTS on New Tork, Ssa Fan ekeosnd Portland, Oragos. LOAN MONEY on approved ssenrity. RECEIVE dpoll iubjec to check. OOLLBCnONS entrustwl to us will reset va presipt tention. Administrator's Sale. In re estate ot Sherman MoCIung, deseasnd. NOTICE is hereby given, that, the undsr- Btfraed as Administrator or tbe estate ot a ",.' j j -i. a. Sherman aicviuoa, uewutu, ww, mo r.-mrt House door in the city of Albany, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., on the 8th day af January, 1887, sell at pul lic motion for cash to the highest bidder, sad pursuant to an order, of the County Court of linn county. Oregon, made December otn, 1RRR. the following described real property, to wit : An undivided one-sixth of she at half of the south half of the southwest quarter of Section twenty -nine, in Township ivn. south of ranee three west of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, oontsinine thirty-six acres moie or ls. The same being subject to tne lite eatabi or curtesy of Isaac Mclung. GSO. Hi MI'HKST, Administrator estate .Sherman MoCluug, B ARN DOORS. Watst oat an a new barn doer ner re nting aa eld one until yo ftrat call on M Atrsrt sax ana amm waai iust now in barn door hangara somethi that won't break down, special basines notlcea la Leeel eol ainne 10 cent per line. eeefte eaSfi additional ioMertfon. For legal and transient advertise eaai ft 00 jer square or tbe tt st laasMlioaaS (iOoetita per square l'-t ooh aMiitet luaertion, Rates for other adrerttserneais made known on sppiieatlon. WINTER. 1886. ALLEN CO.. Front ! selected stock, BOUGHT a Referees' Sale. NOTICE is hereby Jvee that seder as-4 by virtue of the anth rity of a cemmissioa duly iaed out of the Circuit Conrt of th Sute of Orsgon for the count v of Ltoe, and to tbe nnderaigneddiractavl and dalivyred,in a suit herein pending whew to H D Bark hart and Xellie O Horsa ars PUintiffii .ik? r L . x in.. . . . rairsnart WiMiam,IWta M KiivbhaB 11 S V 11 a-v " iu j xurKi)8rs ar uerat- danta. the undersigned, the referee ia aaid commission named, will, on the 27th day of Deceraber, 1886, between the honra of 10 o'clock, a. ., and 4 o'alock. p ., of said day. to wit . at tbe hour of X o'oJock p. of aaid day, at tbe doot of the Coart Heese in Alhaoy, Linn county. Oregon, offer for sale at public auction to tha highest bidda for gold coin,caeh in hand on tbe day of sale, the following described real property. to. wit Beginning at the north went eoroer of Claim No. 40 in Township 11, sooth rang 3, west of the WiJUmstte Meridian, and run ning thence south 1 39 , east 90 94-100 chains to a stake in the center at the road leadiaa from Albany to Salem ; thesea earth 47 22 east 4007 100 chains to a stake : theao south SO 4o west on the north bonsdarv line of said clsim 34 30-100 chains to tha plscecf beginniog, containing 23 30-100 acres, less ail of the iand on the north side of the creek contained in th above described real property sold to Ann Payton, tbe bal ance remaining being 14 arras more or less. auao txits three, four, fire and ix in Bloek No. 119 in Hackletaan's Addition to tha city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, aa ap pears irom the map and plat ef said addifco new on file and recorded in the efflee ef she County Clerk of said Lir.: e-untv, Oregew. Said property will be said for the per pose ef partition. TV.ed this trd day of X-riher, 1844. M. Pavks, Referee. Executrixs Notice. Notice is berabv eiren ihst tha nndsnuan- ed has this day been duly appointed Ttxsea trix of the Isst will and testament af An drew J. Warren, deceased, late ef Lur county, Oregon, by the County Oaartof said county and State. All pereeos saving claims against the estate of said deceased ara required to present them property Verified so the undersigned at her reeideuee at Browns vUIe, Oregon, or to Weatherford & Blaak bnrn her Attorney's at Albany, Or. .this the 15th dsy of November, 14C. Elita Waaamr, Executrix ol the last will and testament ef A. J. Warren, deceased. Si mm . a. eexxBBT. joss hansbaw. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAW. Machine sn& Mill Builders, Having opened op the old fenndry and machine shops formerlv owned by A. Cherry A Bon, and added new and late improved machinery, we are prepared to handle a!i kinda of heavy massstaerv. We will manufacture Steam Pvigfoes, saw and Qrist Mill machinery, also reed weak Ing machinery of all kinds, all kin f iron and brass easting made te r Repairing of farm machinery a spa v Patterns of alt kinds made en ar notice. The best assortment of p m in the State. Shops corner 1st and Mont gem v U ALBANY ORgQQrXL "tEAMsilRIP. eeaaaara to Pets? JL ye i in all kinda ef shelf aad heavy kawiw jy, ng " asa, Baieta jftnd eslM, opposite Odd Tm-