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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1886)
Chart h Birrrler V. P.OatJBca. Preaching every Sabbath, MtmUg aa a Teniae by Rev. a O. Ir Bae, 0. O. 8abath 8ohool at 2:30 F. M Prayer oteetiag evary YVeduessday evening. Evamowjoal CittmcH.- Preaching on Sab- at 10,80 a. at. and 7 r. . isebbath 10.40. Prayer meeting, every ed- aeaeay evening 7:30, B. K. Davit, pastor. All axe invited, CNwATtOHAtCHxriw.--rriceeever labataa moraine and avtaiag. Habbata Aafeael at IS2IA. Pravar msattai on Wedoeadav evening of each week. Kev, H. T. Bating tr, Pat tor. M. B. Oauaca.SoDTH. Preaching every tklrd Sabbath ia aok month at 11 o'clock a. el and at 7 o'clock r. at. Sabbath School aak Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer wnimHaa Friday evening's at 7 o'clock. J . W Craig, Paator. M. & Ceobcm SotrrH.TANuasT. Preach- las 00 the first Sabbath of each month mom inar and evening. Sunday aoheci each Sab bath at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer meeting Thnreday evening. J W Craig, Paator. If. RCecech. Preaching every Sabbath mot-tuns- and evenina. Sons ervice in the evenina before sermon. Sabbath School dtl-30 p. K. Prayer meeting every Than 4ay evening. Rev. U. r. Webb, pastor. Paaaarramav CcuacH. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church eor. Broadalbin aod Fifth Ste. Sunday School immediately after the morniog service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Be? K & Pritchard, paator. Vijurr Baptist Chcbch. Preaching sverv Sabbath morning and eve g, at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after merniag aervioea. Prayer meeting eyery TnomUy evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Aravmaon, paator. Catholic Church. Service every Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and 7 r. m. Last Sunday af the month service at Kugene City. Rev Leoit Metayer, Hector. Tfcey Me. St. John's Lodge, 6j, in Foster's Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, 1st Sat urdaj. Bayley Chapter, 8, at Hall, 4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. L O. O. F., at their hall, every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at A. O, U. W. Kali, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R., at A. O. U. W. Hall, 1st and frd Saturdays, I. O. G. Tn at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays. Oregonfacific ffcailroad 11I7 Wopolar H oute, m 1 icturesQii8lange8, 1 Hare rosmertlow i ajsilmaaeaita X MS tat lea ekarter I BO keers leaa tlaae X Aeoons snod ationa unsurpassed for com fort and safety. Farea and freight MUCH una than by any other route between all aetata in the Willamette Valley and San Vraaeiaeo. ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA OAY BAN FRANCISCO. DmUy faesenger trains except Sundays. Leave Corral lis at 1:56 r. at. Leave Ya qoina at 7:30 a. m, Oregon dfc California Went Side trains eeawtcit at Corvellia. Hi Oregon Development Company's FINE Al STEAMSHIP YAQUINA CITY, SAILS TAeut. mo a aaa ra aaaa la at day, Dae. Hat. Bunder, Jan. 1. VHdajr, Jsav 7ta WadsiesSay, Jan. 1ft. afeaaay.Aa. W. Friday, Jan. 14. Waeaeaaey, Jan. a The Company reserves .he right to sailing days. Corvellia a ad an Fran Rail and cabin, 514. Bail and f9,oo. For iaforniaUon apply to c. c. sue. AO. P. sad P. Agent, Csrvalas. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA Oreron & California It. R, ABO CONSBOTIOMS. are tram ruiHssn te Has Praarisfo. ISS t at tae uansorata, orasjea ana stay (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) tastjsiae aivlalaa. BsrrHrEEJI.PaKTI.ASB A so aahlaib. Ball Train. uuva ..A00 a a I Albany. 12:04 r m Aabland ajtaay, 11:45 a a ....... ..4 W A M 11:26a m .1:46 r a I Albany. ajBaj . .11:46 a a I PorUaixl, S;46ra Albaaj- Express Train, UAVB, AKR1VB. ParUaad . . .4:00 r a I Albaay .8:34 r a AJaaajr r u Lrtmnun..... 9Ur m .4.4) a a I Altamy 6:29 A a Jb) ik u Portland 10:0i A M raiXMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS dour eeswesa Portland and The O an4 CAE Parry makes connection with all Mm regular traias 00 tae East Side DirUion from foot ef Paareev. West Elsie Bf vision. BBTWEES reBTEASa ANB 4 oaVALLlH, Mali Train, WAVB AKKIVB ParUand 7:) a m Corvallis 12:2.1 en OomiUa 1 JO ra Portland ...0:l& r a At Conralba ounaoet with trains cf Oregon Pacific Isr Yaquiua Bay. Ex stress Train. laafSi PerUaad 4:50 r n ItasnaavUle b:4i a x AXXIVK. McMinnvillo .8:00 r m Portland 0:00 a x Uoeal tlshsts tor sale and aaafBfS checked at com paar'a un town office, Cor. Pins and Heoond Street. Tieaeta for principal poiuta in Californ'a can only be ayecaial at Cozapany'g office, Corner Pand From 1 . .Portland Or, freight will not be received for Satpment after five o'oieck p. m. on either tbe Kaat erJWea 4e Diviaiona. a B. EOEHLEB, E. P. ROGERS, O. V. A PassAasBt. Remarkable Oiler. Tbe Deboceat $2.00 Mew Yoee Weau 1.00 FlWE HiaTOEYOIeTHE U. S 1.60 Ambbicae Faaatia 1.00 $5.60 And ebesp at the price ; lut we offer the tour for $3.26, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop the American Farmer and you can have the three remaining for $3. Drop tbe World aod Hitttry and you can haye tbe two others for $2 26. Tbe history is a 320 page book nicely bound, and is worth tbe egular prise. draffs Obtained, and atl other basinets in the U. 8. Paten aBee attendeded to (or moderate feee. Oar Bee is oppoeit the U.S. Patent Office, and re eea obtain Patent leee time than those remote ana Waahingtoa.. . aaad modi or drawing. Wu ad- to patent ability free of charge ; nd we make o charge unlaw wv obtain patent. W refer here, to the Poatmauter, the Sunt, of y Order Div. aid to official of the U. 8. Patent i Per circular, advice, term, and eferetico I eliewte in yurown State or county, vddress C. A. SNOW & CO., OpSMMtte Pat t Office, Washington, D . PURE SOAP. Use your own refueo Kreaae, etc., and iraeol ank's Powdered Caustic Soda. No ACADEMY OF OurJILady of Fespetu&l Help. ALBANY, - - OREGON. This Institution is beautifully situated in the alsaaant and accessible City of Albany. The location ia remarkably healthy, the building new and well furnished with all that contributes to the comfort and instruc tion of the pupils. The play! grounds ;.sr extensive and well adapted to,neeiwiuu ex The constant aim of the teachers is. whilst itn parting instruction in all the useful aud refined branches, to train the youthful heart to virtue and to iuatil a commendable. emu lation, thus educating for society, members who will, we trust, urovo an houoi to our country. Punils of all Dersuaaions equally received, provided they comply with the regulations of the school . Boys admitted up ta.the age. ot ten or twelve. ThiatAoadem ia iuooroorated and author iaed by tthe SUto to confer Academic honors. Normal instruction of aapiraats for Teach er a vvr uuvatee, a mywvmu) 1 TERMS' BOARDING SCHOOL, Pur term. Entrance fee, payable once, I 5.00 Board and tuition, payable in advance. 40.00 Music, jastru mental, theoretical and vocal with the use of piano or organ 15.00 Guitar with the use of instrument. . . .12.00 Zithera without use of instrument. . . . 8.00 thawing and painting 8.00 Bed and bedding 8.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL Per term, in advance. Primary Department 5.00 Junior Department 6.00 Preparatory Dortmeot 8.00 Senior and Graduating Department. . . 10.00 Graduating F.e 10.00 For further particulars apply at the euiy. Those a ho to teed ding their children to school will tavor the Sisters sad the in terests ot tee school by maaiag all arrange meats before the 10th of November, on which day the school opeaa. The Sisters will be prepared to attend to MM after the -J5th mat. ALBANY. COLLEBIATE IISTITBTI ALBANY, OREGON, X8Q0, 1887. BE!'. B J. TBBMBEBE. B. B-, PreaMent. A tall eorpe of instructora, CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY. COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Course of study arranged to meet the aeaa or au Sffaal inducements offered to students H from abroad. Tuition ranges from $6,50 to $13.60. Board In private fsmiliea at low rate. Rooms ior eelf-boarding at small extenae. A carefnl supervision exercised over atu- deata away from borne. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars addreaa the President. BET. E. J. THOMPaaS, B, B. Albany, Oregon, BE7DRE AND AFTER i Electric Appliances ars seat ea 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNO OR OLD, ii HO art eaartsa; freaa Eaavout Paaiurr, V V Vomt Vrraurr, Lacx or Kaara rosea aan Vtooa, Wasmio WsasxawaM, and alt tboee diaeaae of a Psaaosax. Manas rctmitin from abue and Orasa Causae. Speedy relief and complete resto ration of hkaltb. viooa and aUraooe ooaaasrsan. Tbe jaraadest dlaeovery of tbe Mlnetaentb Century. EsHfl il om ii for PltMiti"frffft Pamirn let free, addrssi V81TAI8 HIT 09., a1A831IAii. MUH. criFEiayjaTiiniw 311 ARlwXsy A fit- it, -2HJIVOV& HYIIGJL InYounasHMfil TaeTEDBBft BBVKW rcABsavuaiiNSM Tmoubawq Oaatav Bases Meatbs. A.dministrators' Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the undersign ed has been duly appointed Administrators of tbe estate of W. H. MsKnight, deceased, by order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons having claims againat said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned at Scio, Oregon, dely yen m m saiBnananaanaw' swBaa ?jejBjBaBHraB: h Voatbtnl Lndlecrstioa. wraa too fiealaaaueace. oc slsa oTrinSoeltSS ot X WMiUnnTjnmSrkrm saaMtrnisaaT 43et oar Prae fCr Xmmm tJUtttt SIB! wTDsTftt AJsaTO 4 mm BVV.F, 1UM dt that smvlSvmmmw npii4rrs? mmnmsmVk. "a"" MJHm baw' rim'tMm ' MjBBMEaaaaaasBaaf This Is the moat PRAOTIOAL HIGH OUT una nv.r Invnntttil. puma. very OBNTKBLsnd DRSSSX and gives Por aaio Ur L Ee BtaAIN Albany, Or, BnHjiiDip . unLltl Keeps oonatantly on hand the Largest and Finest JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOOKS, PEOTACLEf, RINGS, ETC. la Albany, la agent for R0CKF0RD WATCHES. Beaalrlag deae procaptly and aklUfolly BARCLAY & ROBEHTSONr Shipping and Commission Merchant. . ciufiiiiu m mm prodice, Grain, Flour, Hav, Hope, Wool, Honey, Mustard Seed, fiota, Dried Krolta, Hte, Room 5, 468 California St., San FiaaeiawO. EedCrowsMills ISOM, LINKING A CO., PROPR'8. bew raocEsa ruca strrBEioa rom vamxubi abo BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Pric in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY4OR. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gonnsior At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. WUl practice ia all the Ooarta In tbe Stat pOB SALS, Oae ha if block In part af mm ottywith fair earn will oeeoid F. P, NUTTING, etc' ,SSS o.,ssfs ao.ow.ew. laattVtasaabataafjjt CURES ALL HUMORS, jwaaawn Blofefa, or Craytton, 1 mnm m 'fever. a ajbort &mmpm'r. caiyer Uonsjk Mki caused by tauTbAood ny or Monsxa afcli Wm dowi iraL auslrelnm. asal icimu 4Lireat KmAitm til. ncai under Ha benign inmisaOB. curhw , Vettor, atoao alaalu Ho! la, dar. aaaelea. fare Srea. acrof olonal Eorea and Muol llri. Ilfn.lnini Vkl..x. White SwellTi7a, fcoltreC arffeleJE Heeka and EularaeA Cilanda. K nd ten Buunps ior a auve treaties, with col. on. mm imwaaie. or tho aaoM atnatJaeoa BliOUU .Vf"yJ MB, a fair ale in, t fr. Pierea eSIareatlonu entrmwaA stooel caaltttaVloAt1 au aaefsnl aalr. and aonndiieBa ot CONSUMPTION. which If Aerofnloas Blaeaac of the 10 omainiy aC"S & an m ptl 011 Care," bntaraindoned that name SB topjlmlted for a modicino wliich, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or stnnfrt hen atterntlvo, or blood-cleanaln;, antl-biiious, peotoraLand nutritive properties, is unequaied! CHRONIC DISEASES or ma Liver. Blood, and Lungs. it yon icei am, drowi sallow color of skin, or v Oil fflUW M hndv. fmnin. ness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chlUe, omv bonabodintni. imnrn .v mL.i.Ir r! rratd tongue. ou are aufferinor from f ndi- I.Vy.Ht yPPS ana Torpid 1.1 ver, or Blllouaueaa. In rnanv caaas onlv pare oitoese eymptoma are eajwrfenoed. As on iv . Am Ooldfia "'V" r aii uuvu oaaeB, far. Medical Diacovery has no lual. hartno ore"attor"l1ron"lVt 9 CTOaha, Con.nmptlon" and kindred aertlona, it to a Bovr5gn remedK .Send ten cents in stamps for Pr. Pieroa book oa Consumption. toll by ITraegtatB. 'or UTa1r f.flnv.. lnll .m m m PRICE $1.00. SSaVSTSS! Proprietors, 663 Main St, BcxfajU), V Y. LITTLE tE)s3t FILLS Aimmtsmm ana cathartic Sold by Drngsrtata. m eeota a vial. $500 REWARD for a case of catarrb which they cannot onro. If you have a discharge from Krt evnaa sat I a.. ywaa S.UPW, WKVmiV9 UT.VltW renvdent i put n and saf t' Bt any ankln by almply uiovlag the button. SBBBB 3 nsass naaaBiBl oiausi 7, debilitated, have Ifayarlah.tirowrt nnti lite gemectat. FRIDAY DECEMBER 24, 188$. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, EDITED Ef VMM Wiaet'i CkrliUta TemperiRee Uiiii The W. a X, U. meet! on the let and 3rd Tuetday of eaoh month at o'oloek p. u.f at the A. 0. U. W. Hal!, ever French'e Jewelry Store. the uauaatB The holiday geaeon la again at hand and with ita advent come Inoreaaed templatlona In the way of injoriooa social drinking. Theaa tempatlona are notably leaa than a doien yeare ago. In many honaeholda in tbe phere of what ia called good aocl ety," where the wioe-cnp waa form erly found at the Ohrlatmaa hoard and on New Year'a day, it la now conspicuous by Ita absence. It ia no longer considered by auch "good form" to proffer it. But there la aUU great need of earnest aod persistent effort to teach the toUI-ahatloeoce leeton to many a young man untried and inexperienced, and to many a victim of the drink appetite seeking toreform the approaching holiday season will be a period of great peril. In every home and cn every festive occasion they should be shielded front not subjected to, temptation. The lesson should be everywhere promul gated, thai it fa only those who keep tbe brain free from alcohol who can enjoy really good cheer. It la the beverage that Inebriates which in evitably destroys good cheer. One effective way. therefore, te Increase the reel pleasures of the holiday son is to banian all intoxicants. Bev. Hugh Montgomery, of Wor cester, Maaa., in a recent No-License Conference in Boston, gavs an ac count of the methods by which tho vote for no-llcense was secured in that city. The Boston Travilmr says : "He stated that special Inquiries were made at grocery stores in that city (Wetwter) aa to the effect of the no-ilcenae system on their sales. It waa found that the sales among the 290 groceries for one month, as compared with the sales ftr the cor responding month of the preceding year, showed an Increase at the rate of about a million dollars per annum. It was also found that there had been an Increase In the contributions to religion and charity." Money expended In the saloon means to that extent depression ior groceries aod dry-goods, and pinch ing want in the impoverished homes of drinker. Adulterated German beer bas late ly caused a very considerable sense tlon in Paris. Investigation has dis closed the fact that tbe beer, poor In hope, Is drugged with aalicy!ate,of soda" and "salicylic acid." It is stated that "elderly rerooM drinking beer containing these drugs are ran dered more than liable to nephritic inflammation, and the young and etroog are subjected to B right's Dis ease." "M. ChButemps, a member of the Municipal Council, and an active member of Ita hygiene committee, ia reported aeeaylog that "greet influ ence is at work to bring the municia. al laboratory and the Prefecture of Pollen to wiuk at this poisoning of the light beers, tbe consumption of which has become enormous In Prance." An Eogiirh eoglueir1 describes la tho St. James Gautu, some of tbe quser sights of Burmsh, Asia. He saya : Ti a a a a 111 4 at waa my neavy iasK te 00 witn the crop destroying Irrawaddy what Canute admitted his inability to do with tho sea : in other words I waa tolled off to construct an embankment against a river that destroyed en an average one crop In every three. I had 16,000 Burmese working for me, men, women and children. My best laborers were the women. The mass of them were not from British Burmah, but staves of the King of Kings, the Burmese of the highlands. In tbe beat of the day, when work was out of the question, I have listened with astonishment and pity to their talk over tho ever lasting cheroof. The Burmese smoke to a man, to a woman, I might also say to a child. The Burmese ladles have a very peculiar ciarar-case. But there sre two objections to its ever becoming popular here, of which the less im portant is that each cigar-case only holds one cigar. And then tbe cigar-case is the lady's ear. Inatead of wearing ordinary ear rings, tbe Burmese women have a large hole in their ears and wear a cheroot in it till wanted. The really great ad vantage of tbe oigar-oase ia that it is never left bebiod. The men would think it beneath their dignity to carry cheroots in this manner, but tbey do not mind helping themselves from their wife's cases. When the King of Kings want to keep bis women folk together or to punish them, so to speak, by the ear. a long can is passed through th holes made for cheroot, a dosen men or even more gome to one It is customary now for a w ce a trio to Canada and see r cace. j of ian to &W sbe sjrries a wVAffjtkitlgrtoil' (from sar regular aorrstpendettt.) Washington, Dec. 4(b, 1889, There is nothing in the way of newt afloat In Washington Just now The Government machinery Is click ing away with unusual speed, the President in the clothes of rheuma tism is looking over bis completed message, and every where there is a flutter of preparation for tbe Con gressional session which will open on Monday next at precisely twelve o'clock, The largest days work ever accom plished io tbe Pension Bureau was done ou last Wednesday, when forty of the lady clerks were employed un til midnight and then sent home io herdlcs at Government expense, An unusual amount of Pension business was finished up during the month of November, the number of certificates granted being 7,834. The public debt statement for November shows decrease in tbe debt of only a little over $1,000,000, but this small re duction ia principally due to the fact that nearly $14,060,000 were paid out during the month for pensions alone. Secretary Lamar's annual report which is ready and will be before the public by tbe time this reaches you, treats of questions in which the coun try has a vital interest. His Indian policy as well as that with regard to public lauds and railroads is welt known, but tbe treatment of the a red man forma the chief feature of the report Ho recemmeds Again great clemency aod liberality to tbe wards of the nation, and hi views and those of the bureau having im mediate charge, coincide as to the desirability of tbe savages abandon ing tribal rotation, and settling down to industry. The ia report ii written in that forcible and charming style which has cbaracterlacd each official document penned by the Secretary to the Interior, When Secretary Whitney's annual report came from the Public Printer on Wednesday, seme distributions or it were made, hot strict injunctions wore given that it should not be pub lished until Saturday morning. Tbe document, which aayet has only been seen in confidence, is instructive and renews many recommendations made la hie first report Tbe Secretary points with pride to the present con dition or Department affairs, asked tor five more millions for the new navy, and thinks there should be no delay of the leglatatloo necessary for a reorganization of tho Navy Depart- meat Tho return of Sneaker Carlisle SB and Col. Morrison has revived dbt- euesion at to the probability of tariff legislation this winter. As usual much interest is felt in learning the Administrations views of the tariff queetioo. It is ascertained tho Presi dent will treat tbe ouemion as one demanding tearless consideration. en that he will be specific and emphatic In advocacy of tariff redaction. e win also epeak boldly and apr r.ving ly of the civil service law and the re aoita of Ha enforcement under hi Administration. Speaker Cartlste bas been beeet by callers since bis arrival and he alludes to the nrosnect of a renewal of the F WM tariff fight with freedom and hope. fulness. Col Morrison refuses to out line his nrotrram for the eesioo. He Is not dejected over bis defeat, how ever, and expects his friends to men tlon ft when they meet him. Mueh of the sensational matter which ia distributed throughout the country from Washington relative to tbe President's country-seat purchase the avenue extensions fn particular, and real estate syndicates in general, s politically inspired. It is fabricat ed for a purpose. It is not concocted out of any real regard for tbe Inter ests of tbe District or in any spirit of seal for tbe publio welfare j but with the direct, cold-blooded intent to r -j" r- "SP brlog the Administration Into con tempt and disrepute before the coun try. So far as tbe late Investigation of the Police Department is concerned, and unsatisfactory as Ita results may be In not fully disclosing the causes and course of events which led to the resignation of Major Walker, there is not the faintest scintilla of evidence to complicate the President with any phase of the affair. Whatever pres sure may have been exerted in this matter, there is no trace of executive influence In It. The seasons first ripple of social exchange was seen on tho streets of the city last Wednesday a begin ning of the tidal wave of socletv which follows the opening of Con grots, me ladioa 01 me uuDinet aij greeted their old friends and the new comers, and while there was not a long Una of waiting carriagee,as there will be when the .season is further advanced, there was a sufficient rec ognition of the day. Official etiquette and social conven ience together long ago decided that the reception das of families of the higher grade of offici in Washing ton should be as follows : Monday, the wives of Judges of the Supreme Court j Tuesday, the wives of Rep resentatives In Congress ; Wedne. day,the wives of the Cabinet officers ; Thursday, wives Senators Friday, tbe wives of Army and Navy White House. The ladies may be gin to observe these "days at home" as early m they please, but It is cus tomary lor all to do so after Congress assembles. Koswoll Beardsloy has been Post master in North Lansing, New Jerssy sines 1&28, or fift -eight years. When he was appointed bis psy was fixed at $190 per year and bas never been whanged. He has received, therefore $11,020 from the Government. - '"ate According to tbe Chicago New Sherman is the most active candidate for the Bepublican nomination for President in 1 888. We think his nom ination would be far more threatening te Democratic success than Mr.Blaioes ' Net a Steal? OrajT s4uT, "You may laugh and think me a vafci thing," write Mrs. J. R. C, of San Fran oisco, to a friend in this city, "but I have not a gray hair ia my bead, and yet (sad u say) r am fifty and a day. lioeemly my ualr waa not only quite gray but quite UUffj to Parker's Hair Balaam-sniai In New York t thlnk-dld wonders? for me. Try It if you havw rceaion. It real ly dons what 1 say, and restore tbe color not a luiuinj, juiy reus Die J 3. dttMMlOS. A UN HOOKS, Never put op a new barn door nor re lume an old one until you first oall 00 Stewart A Hum. and aee what tbey have nw In bean door autnaameoutbirg that wfil eat break down. anrTrtf reerT oreuaratiea ttftuor Teaf4 at,,,ri. un, for mitou la ih 1 t-4 hi!,, tvrt ruri wcin. trie, ill tmliihr el lbs BetaaUSe i.r continue ieft a ol tutor i., , rM. f r4.ertu. mtr t.trt'.m I'mu . U tl,m pei in Can H, KoaUtMi. Vntnm, Oarme r. 1 a ! ot hr r o t r TU-ir .tperv- ea saa tat isetimss sat aaaae. rtileatleae prapasj aa4 Sl4 on wt wu-. Tern rr Th- 4ataaaa aaa r i4 t ssBaes atete S?a awn mm m i- hi. nm ij" u.vjt-a u m Ba"SBai -un-r iwTewllOiia, aixictf athar rletiSflirkaftta 1 4 e'lToat. n t "4 1 t 11 of aaani UaadWvk sBoat ia leal BaUBl flee, t Sheriffs Sale. In (As Circuit Court ay the Stat oJOrtgomJer Linn County. Z f Moody, Uoyaraor, R P Earhart. Saora. tary of Siata aod Edward Hirseh, Treasurer of the Stats of Oraon,coBstitotio the Board of Com rots, tuners for the sale of school aud university laada and for thef investment of the funds arising therefrom. Plaintiffs. VS. Allie Aaa Farrier. Andrew Bird Farrier, GcorKe Farrier, lrua Eiiaahath Borrall and I M Buireli. Ear ( baahaad. Edmund Farrier, John Farrier. Ella Farrier, Phoebe E Chnehammer and Frederick Chnehammer, her huibaod, Defeadaata. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of au rxrvuu.m aad order of sale iasaed out of the ehovo named Court ia the ahoye entitled suit, 1 will 00 Monday the 3rd day of Jan uary, 1847, at tbe Court House door in tho city of AJliaae, Linn county, Oregon, at sucuon for cash ia hand to the highest bid der the real property described in said exe cution and order of sale as follows to-wit ; The northeast quarter of tbe aouthwest qua tar aad the southea-t quarter of the north wt quarter and lots 'J, 3 and 4 of Section 21 in Township 12. south of flange 1 west of tne luamoiic meridian in Unu cnuut Oregun. containing 154 13-100 acres. Ti $,,d ot sale to be applied first to the uaymeni of the osets aiul espouses of suit tod at Soo. 80 and sccruin ooata and the further aum of 840 Attorney s fees. Nest to tbe pay meot to the Plaintiffs herein the sum of $387-30 ith interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 27th day of "a," -r. i9, aoa tne overplus tl any to be paid in to tho Clerk of said Court. Hated this 4th day of November, 1886. D. s. Sarra, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. I Aa4 MA , J. O. 8EWDBES MAY k SENDERS. a) ' Dealer ia General Ibrmndise. a hARRISBuRC - - - - OREGON a ev Will bay foil, Wool aad kall kinds Coiatn prodiK, First National Bank OF ALBANY. OREGON. Prwiaent... .JOHN CONK EE .II. F. MEEJttLL TRANSACTS A OENERALbaaklot.TmsinaM. ACCOUNTS EEPTaubjeettto eaaek. SIGHT EXCUAXOE ana tSSSBnabis trafer. SOW eu new xera, aaa rrsaotsas, CEiesge satt rent SB LLEfTIONS MADE on farorable tonus. Btaearoas. a. E. Yotreo. Jobs b uua. l. rtnt. h, r. 1887. Harper's Bazar, XXjXjTO" 8TRATED, "Harpor'a Basar" combine the chofoeit literature ana the nneat art !tmairnitins wttn the lai t faahion and the must uful family reading-. Ita atone, novate, and eaaave are by the beet writers, and it humuruu aketches are uuiirtatd. Its paiiera on octal etiquette, decorative, house-keeping- in all its branches, cookery, etc., make It IndUpaneable in every household, IU beautiful fashion -plate and fttern-heet u;plenienU enable ladies to aave many time the cot of ubH;rlttUm by iin? their owa drsamaker. Not a line 1 admltte.1 u its columns Uat could Knock the most fastidious taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Fer Vear t HARPER'S BAZAR S4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER S MAGAZINE 4 06 HARPER'S YOUNU PEOPLE 00 HARPERS FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One yesr (62 Numbers) io 00 HARPER'S HANDY SERtES.One yeartoi Num ber) 16 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The volume of the "Baaar" beyin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is apedfioi, subscriptions will besrin with the Number current at the time of reoelptof order! Bound Volumes of "Harper's Baaar," for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, po.taire pid, or by express, freo of expense (provided the freight does not exqsed one dollar per volume,; ior fv per volume. , . . Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding. will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of ti each. Remittances Should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to cofy this advertise. ment -without the express order of Harper & Brotksrs. Address HARPER 4 BROTHERS. New York. N O HOME BLESSED WITH A BABY is complete witbout the monthly visits of delight, eom- fcrfc and aid of the mother. Only publica tion in the world devoted to the care of young children. We are glad to recommend it. (5 Beekmau St.. N. Y.) 81,50 a year j 15 cents a copy Clubbed with the Demo- rasasa 1 wm -- m a , 1 In i:JVii OSV at Ita kiaui nUuUd in th. of nsh a uoUem sasnr rat sales JULIUS GKADWOHL Has lite aaljr aaelaalva MtocU of CROCKERY, CLA88.8II.VER AND CMRA WARE e A Large Assortment of Baby Oairiages. And a (Mc SelectonofGoffee, Mm CNE COZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AM time tdk noiciT MatataUT men faib for eg Eememberl Hat I Say lean. Si?e Ma a can. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising m American papers by. addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nawapapap Adwartiaing Duraau, IO Spruoa St.. New York. Sand lOota. for HO . . m mm - - w l. Haw York, OO-Paya Pamphla Rnss House. ai. oioriiN', Proprietor. This boose IS bow omb ana furniaaaai with ths bast new furniture. Kvervthin t clean aad otmmodioas, offering to the sea -era! public superior aoootnraodations to sot ia tae city. MADY'S RESTAURANT Tae SBBBB ef Odd FeUev's Tassjils. ALBANY, - ORECOH. MsslBst sll saa all ariess. bistera Bay ; 5 i AVQTPDQ I i mmW I n I Isalllsf i always ea Jtaaa. j m Fresh oyaters oaea ssrjr tUy, sad seM tej taiuioe by Ut. iti ot quart. I'drau I a Palace Heat Market PIPE & TALBOT, F&QPRHT0B8. FIRST ST. ALBANY, 01, Will keep constantly on band beef, million, pork, veal, sausage, etc.. the bent saaata aod largest variety in the elty. Cash paid far all kinds of fat stock. SOMETHING NIW UNDER THE SUN. A new paper specially devoted to the itt tereate of tbe producing olawsea and tbe development of aueh interests and Industrie aa tbe people are directly intereted in and benefit ad by. Sustain Those Who Benefit Yon, THE "YAQUINA MAIL'9 Published at - NEWPORT, OREGON gives yon all tbe points of Interest in re gard to tbe opening of thia new and Hhort, Route and will keep you advised on all important transactions in the Bsy o mntry It is the beet and most reliable local paper published in Benton Co, Price reduced to S2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Send for sample copy and special offer; i. Take your reading matter from ths place from which you obtain tbe greate good. Address THE PHELPS CO. Newport, Oregon. S)3 To Regulate IHfffl FAVORITE HOME REMEDY fa I H PL warranted not to contain a single par JL saUl tide of Mercury or any injurious sub- stance, but ia purely vegetable It will Ours all Diseases caused by rnmgament ofthe Liver, If your Liver is out of order, then your whole system fa deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive; you have headache, feci languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmon IIT'BP REGULATOR. If you lead a I si af KK. sedentary Hie, or suffer with sUa V slaWS Kidney Affections, avoid stimulants and take Simmon Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feet heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation! lyiepala. and Biliousness, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not ' require continual dosing, and costs but a trine. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a Diner, oau taste ui your mouui, TAKE Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor rects the Rilious Stomach, sweetens the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colffc, Head ache, Sick Stomach, indigestion. Dysentery, ami the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stuBuladag without intoxi cating, take Simons Lk Ei PREPARED DY nor. rATii I SI ifc jff HOFFMAN & PF EIFFER -proprietors op Albany .oda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE COIFECTIOHE&T aala, alwaya freab and pura at Portland grtjw to dealers, We also keep a foil Huts and Tropical Pmiti, I1V OOIs2IatIESf -OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO departmer)t a, eoro-'t We keep tbe 7JSlm 'oafandtaWine! lobaoco, meeraebaum and brier ptnee tout Is a delight to smokers. wnm uimt c. a, woLraamr , jj tmnnM, W0LVERT0M & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW mrPm up stairs iogFtomaii's Brink ALBANY, OREGON. Old nepers 25c. a honored at the Daato- O TJsa BCYKBS OCfDB te direct (a parsasial or faaaUjr skBausr astsl npcwnu of IO eta. to of nsailtnar. tntt sss haar jro4 Besjw'irsilly MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 0 0 Wahaak Aaa MAM' Lu4MP CHrMNEYS ARB oflered for aale repreaeaittxl aa good m the Fainoiia BUT THT ARE NOT! And like sail Cenaterf elta leek taia RemaurkaMe lasting sauaUOaa OF THE GEimS. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP The PEARL TOP is nanafacinred 0!V.T sy &EO,AjMAC0ETH&COs, PITTSBL7ROBU PA. 11 skearao Btreet, Saa rraarttea. Cel. Nervon Debility, Seminal Weeknaas, saaasteB vitality, spermatorrhoea, Leat Msaaoee, !mpey, ot self-abase, and excess in anstarar years,! Leaset Meroorv. Lassitads. Kseturasl Kn rmnuy, rroaiasorraoea aaa au saa tsmai aversion to soeietr, Dimness of vWaa, NcSaeB la the ami many other Mean tas mai bom passing unoheerved 'a tae Brine. Hssss that leads tasaaity aad ssssa. YOUNG K Suffering from say of the above symptom, aaM consult ua at onee. The drain can Be stopped, vi tallty restored, ami life sa made again a pleasure Instead of a burden. Thais ire many M1BDL1.&CEO HEM who are trouble with toe frequent raeut!n? of the bladder, often accompanied by a si ght cmartlac or burning ensution, and a weakanttur ot he syataat la a manner thsy cannot acaouut for, Ropy Sediment la the urine, etc. Many die of this difficulty ignorant of the cause, which is tbe sesoad stag of seminal weakness. Cures gursm teed In all suck esses. CeasaUntlea Tree. Thorough examloatioa aad virice, including chemical analysis aud microscopic examination of th urine, $b. An hurt est opinion given in every ease. The following medicines supplied at the arises named : Sl A&TLET raoPEft VIT4I. BEBTOA THE, SS a bottle, orBour Umee the quantity. 10. SASIFLE BUT1 LB WMMM. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating syns torn, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to au business transactions, -S? u' saely, KEPRKETaV. CEM, for All kinds of Kidney and Blad.ter CvmpUunts. Gonerrhoea, Oleet, Leucorrhoea, eto. Kor sale bv all druggists ; 1)1 a bottle, or six bottles for 5. fSff lEl ia.the best in the market. Tor sals by all drusnrists j price 6U cents a bottle. Address Knu,h Medleal ttyiprasary. No, 11 Kearnr Sirest, San Fraueiaeo, ai 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT. Of dlkindsof merchandises All orders from the oountry filled on short notice for every class or kind ef goods from firat-ola stock. Absolutely uo charge or centmisaion will be charged or filling nrdea, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At IX W. Prntifw's, Portland. Or GfT T Hold are I j dUBma earee. bat tbts bn Co. Pt)rtlBd.Mss.willrji. k w se pec ur. was aai tharsss. rooofetd CafW, 1 free. These wto Mart it ai mmg rem sue, esat, drink wear, er have tana wit. These IBTTaXCaJHUe Aad lasbt snirv THIS them nmmmmmwkmmj aa Eaek Br aVBsaaaaiiaaLLVataSBBaBimjr with W? 1