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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1886)
D lite gcttwrrat. tCntered t tbs Post Oflloa at Albany, Or an moo nd-olasa mall matter. FRIDAY DECEMBER. 94 1886. 8TITE3 & Miters aad NUTTING. Proprietors. i rrl XU, Kilttar. mOIAIil! and APER. 1 PAPER i(taefs). i tut a mas ni t iw.t. Christmas to morrow. Wonderful day. Iav ol human sympathy, brotherly love, universal love, "Godly 'love. Greatest of holidays. Fourth of July is a day for de bauchery. Thanksgiving for stuffing on turkey, New Years for making dissolving resolutions, Washington's birthday for for petting ; but Christmas is a day of giving, festivity, temperate, sober pleasure. The birthday of Christ ; celebrated as such it is a holy season. O New Years in a week. Always resolve, Spasmodic resolutions once a year are N. G. o The M. A. T. observes the usual numbei who would like to be nlghtwatchmen. Take a little advice. Io not waste your time circulating heavv petitions. Heavy peti tions are Ineffective . Get several influen tial, dtiaens on your side who will be able to make a majority of the Councilmcn re alize vour peculiar fitness for the position. Dm, t" o The M. A. T. has been requested to ask what has become of the celebrated Keady liquor law ordinance that was written up several months ago, action on which was postponed until one of the August meetings of the Council. As the petition for it waa signed by a majority of the voters of the city there could be no harm done by the Council's voting on it, if nothing more than to see how It would pan out. O Some one ha intimated to the M. A. T. that O P rates from San Francisco wilt gradually rise until no cheaper than by the other route, and that wheat then will again be governed by Portland prices. As this would make a 'difference of four or five cents a bushel it is to be hoped there is no truth to It. We need low rates. O It would be a big thing If one could look ahead a year. Last spring we wosdd have sowed onlv potatoes with an increaser at each hill, or invested in-Virginia con. But we did not. The way of the world will be to do it next Spring, and then some one will get (eft. If potatoes pay this year every body will invest next year. Big horses are demanded now ; hence everybody raises big horses. When old enough to be of ser vice medium horses will be wanted and then people will raise medium horses, which will be of use when big horse become popular ajain. So it goes. 0 The position of the present Postmaster of Albany expires one week from next Mon day. The M. A. T. hears of five applica tions for the position It is now worth $1500 a year, with an allowance of $300 for Clerk. The P. M. pays his own rent. Ofja Harfj. Mr. J as. Mad r, the well known restaur ant man of this city, died from a stroke of apoplexy, last Tuesday afternoon, about 4 o'clock. Mr Mady has been feeble for many years. About a year ago he received a stroke of paralysis, which confined him to his bed for several month-. He partially recovered, though, and has attended to his business regularly for a number of months since, stating a few days previous to his death that he was feeling better than usual, building plans about how he would soon enlarge his block on First street. Tuesday forenoon he began to feel uncommonly bad, and called medical assistance, but the decree of death had gone forth, and Uncle Jimmy" only lived a short time, dying in his private room over his restaurant, at the time stated, at the age of 53 years. Mr Mady was born in England, and came to the United .states when seventeen years of age. For several years he was connected with the culinary department of the Pacific Mail Co' 1 Steamship line. He came to Oregon in about 1870 and to Albany in 1875, when he opened a restaurant, which has paid him remakably well since, enabling him to accumulate a good property valued at $10,000 to $15,000, Strictly attentive to business, always accommodating, smil ingly getting a man a meal at midnight as well as at noon, he obtained a big patron - age, and made many friends Mr Mady was a member of the Lodges of O F and A O U W,of this city, under whose auspices the funeral services took place vesterday. The deceased leaves a faithful wffe, as well aa many genuine friends, to mourn his death. A sVeelesu Baaaway. Last Monday about one o'clock the team ef Chaa. Cumin, while standing in front of Huston's blacksmith shop, became fright ened and ran away. In turning the corner at the Revere House the buggy was tipped over, and the order of the Common Coun cil to clear the street of mud was partially carried out. The team was stopped near the St. Charles, the buggy being mashed into kindling wood. Near Mcllwain's Mr and Mrs Henry Newman, of Miller's were riding, when their team also became fright ened and tried to run. At Read ft Brownell's corner both of the occupants were thrown violently to the ground. Mrs Newman's left arm was broken . She was taken to Dr Wallace's office where the fractured bone was set Mr Newman was somewhat, but not seriously, bruised. Carter's napkin rings make good presents. are fine and will Denote Weddlauz Last Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mr Rainwater, across the river, Mr Al bert E Morrison and Miss Emma J Rain water, and Mr Jos W Gardner and Miss Urilla G Peek, all of Benton county, were united In marriage, Rev T G Brownson, of this city, performing the ceremony. The Dsmocrat extends its congratulations. Get your husband a watch charm, a pair of cuff buttons, or better still an elegant watch. F W Carter has a fine stock to se lect from Ceweert at Meatley's a. B On Friday evening, Dec. 31st, a concert will be given at the Bent ley school house, near the Lebanon. Junction, by Mr L 8 B rower's singing class, which will close a successful term at that time. The concert will be under Mr Brower'u supervision. Admission 10 cents. luipe-taat It, K. Chance. It is said that oa the first of January the Alba-iy Expreis, 00 the OiCR R, will rua through to Eugene City and ao extra train will make daily trips between Albany BE A ft, ERT ATE. Following were the recorded sales in Linn county during the past week : Emms Wheeler to Msry Koger, leti T and 8 block 52, Albany 11 000 J H Carter and wife to John Y barter. 80 acres is tp 148R4 w Jamos Bannals and wif lo 1 M'- Jmld, 77 1 110 feet 8 K oernst of Broadslbia aad Fifth streets Jai N Smith and wile to Major John son. 12 acres in tp IS R 4 1200 050 800 W T tVclwan aad wife to Mary M I'arkar, lota 1 aad 2, in block 22, Hack loin ana aeoomr addition to Albany 400 Kd K Mack, Francis K Lawrence and liusbaod to David Froman, part of lota 2 and 3 in block 10. eastern addition to Albany V? H Hiatt and wife to John Leedy, 141.64 acres into 11 8 R2 w I ;i.vo O L McDowell to J W Fletcher, 10 aorea in tp 13 8 R2 w 90 J M t'owsllaud wifo to M A Millor, 18110 feet in Lebanon GOO J R CotSsv and wife to A llolmau,- lota in Koto, 31x120 feet in same city, 3 lota in Bilyau s addition to said oi'y, and one-half lot in Wheeler's additento that oity 2500 Andrew Hale and wife to Geo L Reea, 14b acres in tp 11 8 R4 w 2000 T C Feebler and wife to Milton K Heam, ttdalttt feet ia Ralatona third addU tion to Lebanon. 450 F Wilson and wife to Prior Wilson, 100 seres of land in tp 13 8 R 4 w and the undivided 1-1 1th of several parcels of land 3200 Jos R.ibinett to William II I'urdy. 70 sores in tp 12 S R 4 w 2 Prior Wiis-'u to Msry Black, SO 02 scree In tp 13 O K 4 W 700 Wra 11 Pordy aad wife to Geo H Bogus, 70 acres in tp V2 S K 4 w 73U Albany Cemetery Association by H N r.eorge I Tee. to II W Mack, 1 lot. Date of deed Sept. 2. 1885 A McDonald and wife to W 0 Brown 100 acres in tp 12 8 R 1 1 390 Anme McDonald aad husband to W C Brown, lOOagsee in tp 12 8 R 1 K 320 rreesNsa Peeler SVeeMlag. On Thursday evening, Dec. t6th, i886,at the U. P. Church, In this city, Mtsa Martha E. Poster, of this city, and Mr. Geo. W. Freeman, of Fort Stevens, were uniteddn marriage.before a large audience of citizens. Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. .., performed the ceremony. Miss Mary Irvine aciea as bride maid, accompanied by Misses Lulu Clark and Hettie Miller, Mrs. E. N. Condit and Mrs. Capt. Powell. Mr. 11. Hawgood acted aa groomsman. O. II. Irvine, W. R. Blaln, T. J. Overman and Geo. E. Fish officiated as ushers. The Church was neat ly decorated for the occasion. The cere-" mon v was an impressive one, harmoniously carried out. After its completion a recep tion was tendered the happy couple at the residence of the bride's father, J. H. Foster, about dne hundred invited guests being present. Congratulations were generally given, and a palatable lunch set for the guests. The newly married couple were remembered bv many friends, aa evidenced bv the la rare display of elegant and useful presents. The bride has been a life long real dent of Albany. where there are manv to ex tend the happy couple congratulations on their trip just started down life's stream to gether. When Tfeey expire. As considerable interest is manifested in the subject we give below the date of ex pi rat ion of the commission of the postmas ters of several cities in Oregon : J M Bacon, Oregon City, Jan 37, 1889. J M Irvine, Albany, Jan , 1887. Mary Coughill, East Portland, j an 6,1887 A L Palmer, Baker City, Dec 20, 1887. N R Baber, Corval lis. Jan 23, 1888. W H Odell, Salem, Dec 11,1888. A P Hammond, Ashland, Jan 7, 1889. F N Shuotliff was appointed Collector of Portland. Dec 32. 1884 : F M Wadsworth Assent at the Silet Feb 36, 18S2 ; C N Thooberg.receiver of monevs at The Dalles, March 1, 1 833 ; f Kelly t- 5 Marshal July 2, I8S4. Last week at Corvallis Shorty Buttci field was held to await the action of the Grand Jury under the charge of incendiarism, and Charles Rogers to appear and being claimed that they attempted to burn J E Sor bin's saloon. Butte rfield has been gradual lr traveling towards the penitentiarv tor sev e'ral years. It is now thought the two have been engaged in other acts of a like nature Just before the nre Uutterneui said 10 Rogers, "Lets go and touch off Sorbin." one Tears aeeeaee. According to an estimate made in the Ortgomian recently the population of Linn county increased 2.000 from 1885 to 1886, as shown by the census of i8S and the election of June, 1886. The increase in Oregon was put at about 35,000. Estimates of population based on elections are unre liable. In this case, though, it is probable the nail has been hit on the head. Certain ly Linn county is increasing its population at a steady, reliable rate. MeCtetlaa's Ssi atery. This remarkable book ia now out, and is receiving a big sale, not only on account of the celebrated author, but as well because of the interesting nature of the work. Full of reminiscences connected with Gen. Mc- Clellan's life, it also explains manv points often debated. In this respect it will be a valuable book in the hands of the historical student. It is works of this nature that should be in the hands of the people. Mr B F French, of Portland, is now canvassing Albany in the interest of this book, assdden Beads. Last Sabbath evening, Mr John Slppy, of liaise r. sudden! v fell dead at his home in that city. Heart disease was the cause. About a month or two ago he had the mis fortune to break a leg and has since been confined to tne house. Mr sippy was an old resident of Linn county and was a man highly respected by all. He was the father of Mrs Leon Power, of this city, and be sides Mrs Power leaves several other chil dren and a wife to mourn his death. Fun eral services took place Tuesday afternoon. II III- lllw-' Where f tiet Thine. Get your Christmas confectionary at Hoffman & Pfeiffer's. They have a choice lot of home made candies ; embracing all the standard confectionaries, and as well hearts, fancy confectionary of many de signs, etc. Get your fruits at H. & P. Oranges, lemons, apples, hgs, dates, etc. tret your cigars and tobaccos at this pop ular place. F W Carter's elegant line of jewelry, silver and plated ware, etc., has -attracted great attention, and as a result his holiday trade is being a rushing one. Call on him for something fine in tbe line of holiday presents. . iS School stopori. Following ia the report of the school in Center District, No. lo, for the month ending December 3rd : No. pupils enrolled, 35 ; No. days taught, 30 ; No. days attendance, 677 ; No. days absence, 23 ; average daily attendance, t A a GorJLXY, teacher. A Tempera Meeting SCIO, Dec. 1 Uh.iSHn. A goodly number of citizens of Linn county, Or.,met at the school house In Diat. No. it, at the hour of to a. m., to hear the following resolution debated : " Rt9lvi That this government prohibit the aale, manufacture and Importation of Intoxicating liquors as a beverage." O F Illbbart and T P Goodman, affirmative, S Klng,Scn.,and A Downlng.denled. They agreed to debate the resolution 4H hours. House was called te order by T P Goodman. He moved that John Bryant act as Chalrman.whlch motion prevailed. House then elected B F Darby and S I Shore as Secretaries. O F illbbart then took the floor for one hour, and made several good points in fayor of resolution, showing the audience why he thought pro hibition should prevail. 'A Downing then took the floor and said he was for absolute prohibition, while the resolution only claim ed to prohibit as a beverage, and made n masterly speech in favor 01 absolute prohl- bitlon,tnteresting the audience for J minutes, as was evinced by the hearty cheers of the house. Chairman then declared recess for dinner, and all spent a pleasant hour enjov- ug the bountiful repast prepared bv the prohibition ladies. Dinner being over.houne calhrd to-order by Chair. T P Goodman then took the floor and addressed the audi ence for one hour on the resolution.showtng up the evil of intemperance and the bene fits that would result to the cttiaena and tax-payers If the saloons and whisky were obliterated. S King then claimed the atten tion of the audience tor tt minutes only, instead of hi alloted hour, said he had been converted to prohibition and could not argue the negative side of resolution. Mr Beard being called for took the stand for 37 minutes and argued for prohibition. The foreman en lb negative, A Downing, then took the Boor for 15 minutes to sum up the argu ment, and said he had left the Republican party because It had become so rotten and Joined the good old Democratic party, be cause it was for temperance and reform. O r 1 llbbart then took the floor for 1 t minutes. showing the necessity of a third nartv In order to accomplish the overthrow of king alcohol and his allies. Debate then closed by vote of thanks to ladies for the bountiful repast furnished, which consisted of plenty and the very best quality. No whisky and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves hugely. House ordered Secretaries to send ha copy of the proceedings of the meeting to Albany urhocrat for publication. House then adjourned by Mlsae I vie Anderson and Nora iJarbv singing the song, "There tf one more river to cross and that la Prohibition.' B. F. lunar. Sec. The following from the Boise City Stat tm, will show how things are iiiugraafittf on that end of the O P R R and as well how the road is viewed there : The survey ors of this road recently cross ed over Snake River and located the line from the point of crossing the Oregon Short Line road. They were on this side for only two or three days, just long enough to locate the line tor the distance rtameo, out It is their Intention to return later and con tinue the aurvey up the river. The road will not run to the mouth of the Malheur, aa waa supposed, but a point two or three miles below the can von the survey paaa over a low divide in the hills, and strikes Snake River near the Owyhee River, and crosses the snake near the sevey ferry. making nearly a straight easterly line There are now over ion men at work on the Oregon side In the Malheur country and It Is their intentkai to work all winter at grading. Surveyors are also at work on the eastern side of the Cascade 1 noun talus, and they will continue the work as long as Use weather permits. The road is no completed and In running order from Ya quina Bay to Albany, a distance of nearly too miles', and surveys completed to the Cascade mountains, and the greater portion under contract. The engineers In charge of the work say the road la coming to Boise City. When the road was firat mcorporat ed the terminal points were Y equina Bay and Boise C it v. While v.- have no assur ances from the company u that effect, yet It is generally understood along the line that Boise CUy is te be the eastern terminus. It Is further understood that at this point connection is to be made with the Chicago 8t Northwestern building west. 1 low soon all this will be realized Is Indefinite, but is confidentially expected that inside of two years Boise City will be one of the great trans-continental roads connecting the Pacific Coast with the Atlantic. As nearlv as the DfcatocaaT can learn Christmas will be celebrated this (Friday eveninevat the following places in the fol v wa s lowing manner : Baptist ChurchAn interesting program and as well, some presents for the children In a manner that will please. Congregational Church Trees ami a pro- aSean . aa a ftO - '"' - gram. The ontldren epeci a nnc wi..-. M E Church House and an attraciive program. Ieok out for a lively time. Evangelical dnurch Good program and a revolving pyramid. Always original this g S is noted for getting up very pleasant Christmas fcslivites as well as unique ar rangements for holding present. Presbyterian Uhurcn rrogram anu trees. Aa is always the case everything will be neat and worth seeing and hearing. Opera House U P Sabbath School ; festival, lunch, good program and social time. Only those having tickets will be admitted . Christmas day will be observed as a holi day generally, except by merchants and clerks. Democrat office closed, but rap before leaving. Subscription $2 a year in ad vance. If vou liave foreottcn to net vour young sters a present call at any of the stores. Home one will be around. The Callage Entertainment. The entertainment given by the Erodel phian society, at the College Chapel, on last Tuesday evening, deserved a large audience. It received a small one. Bad weather. Piano solos were heard from Miss Elizabeth Conner. Miss Esther Marshall, Prof Lee and Miss Mildred Burmester. Prof Lee was very deservedly encored, and the others did well. Rev Pritchardand Prof Lee each rendered a vocal solo. In their line, tenor and bass, thev are not often excelled. Mrs Carl Luderm in an 1 Miv Ada Wallace closed the entertainment with a well exe cuted piano duet. The feature of the even ing was the recitations by Miss Kate Downs, of Portland : "ine wind and the Moon," "Lost and Found," a scene from "Ingomar" and the "Fourth of July at Jonesville," besides an answer to an encore. Miss Downs is an elocutionist ot rare merit, whose equal has rarely or never been heard in Albany. Possessing a fine voice, won derfully well control led,excellent expression and a genuine earnestness, she carries an audience with her, making tt appreciate the force of the production. Her rendition of the scene from Ingomar. particularly, was masterly, and as Tosiah Allen's wife she stood on the top round. It is to be hoped Miss Downs may sometime recite m Al banv before such an audience as she de serves. Clvaa Away. Do not forget to call at French's the "Corner" Jewelry Store and see those beau tiful oil paintings which will be given away Jan. 1 st. Full line of silverware, jewelry. watches, clocks, spectacles, etc., at sweep ing reduction until after the holidays rfatches $6, beautiful castors $3; knives forks, spoons, etc.. very cheap. Remem ber, no charge tor engraving, call and see the grand display, the "Comer" Jewel I F. M. F.kch. CVftBKNT BVIlf r. uried apples arc quoted at m centa In Portland, This will he a good dried apple It Is proposed to redeem that noir outcast .it . . . . - irum resjcciame society, the trade dollar. The bark Atlantic went ashore last FrI day near the Golden Gate. Thlrtv-slx ssfl or were drowned. Only eleven were saved. The boat was built In 1871. Ia the election at Pradleloo Monday Wm M Art in ri. aU,.i If- .. -- tire, by 16 votes ; W E Crews, Recorder ; Jf Blagle, Marshal ; Geo V Hamlltoo, Treasurer, The Stat Journal, of Eugene, is getting mau oecause it nas nao to wa t ten and even twenty years on some of Its subscribers. It says life Is too short., pa tience. Perhaps they will come to time on the twenty-first year, and think of what a lump you will get ; and.perhaps, and proba bly, they wont, and then. Boyd beat Lewis at Portland last week In a too yard toot race. Hippodrome proha- A toboggan slide is being constructed at Arlington. Base ball continues to be played In San Francisco, a wonderful city that. Ducks are good enough tor us here during the winter. A great many slurs have been cast at Oregon newspapers bv Eastern oaner. be- cause one of their editors was advertised to be hung on Dec. 33rd, Our Astoria con temporary tries to soueese out of It by say ing that anyway he had not been connected with n paper for some time before the mur der. But lie waa an editor all the same and published a pretty lively paper, and the fraternity might as well shut their teeth and stand it. Mr 8 F Pioed has been washed out of the prohibition Star office. Aldeo Goldsmith a famous horseman. once the owner of Goldsmith Maid, died last Mondav. Congress has been asked to establish an Agricultural experimental station at Cor vallis. Gen. Logan has had a bad case of inflam- matory rheumatism, causing some alarm A Chinaman attempted to commit suicide n the Willamette, at Portland, last Mondav. but found the water too cold, and sdadfv allowed himself to he rescued. A Lincoln Co.. W. T.. stockman from iut sheep, including lambs, sold Sanaa worn of wool and Si oca worth of mutton. Herbert Beecher. the sen of hU father u "enry war, is to command a mail fuget sound steamer. A Richmond, Va, woman, has just con- ssea to a horrible murder committed bv nsrr nuno a year ago, Bin n nick is the name of the murderer. t . a - . . : . In Portland now when a bououet to a lady friend Tie sends a re ccipted Nil along with it Mr I B Wyatt, formerly of Albany, has retired from business at Astoria, on ac. ac count of a bad throat trouble. I fe will to California. P Lord and Lady Cam obeli in the fammi divorce ease at London, were found "not guilty." so all this nonsense has been for nothing. New. pa per readers are tired of the hutinett The mining edition of the Portland A'm issued last Tuesday. Is a verv valuable onv uuiiun, snowing tip the mining interests of J , ' V . . r - Sk . kS & I . . " . m e rsonn west m an able and impartial manner. MTV BY. Waxaas, The ban ! of death ed through 00 r midst and taken from our fraternity our esta etned and worthy Bro. F. S. Tbayer. Tbetvfbre be it KeaolTed. Bv Jordan Vallsv Uraoae. aeV Aaw Sra a ma .a - a -. W no sa, r. of at. mat in ne dxatn er two. Thayer that Jordan Vat lav t Ira am lost one of Be most faithful and worthy usoara me oommunllv an inanstrioUM nn eoiiging netgooor and Mia family a a at, B a a . -a. aina and indulgent huauaod and father, Bait Beeelved, That aa a feeble token nf our epeot for our worthv brotbee aad ear sympathy for the family of tbe ihat these ReaotaUons be spread on the Heoord of the Qraoate, a ooov be eeet to the bereaved family, to the Wlllam Fernet" tea Stat a Kiour nsstocftAT and the Albany Herald and Oiaeatn inal .rMf..r publication. T. P. GOODMSft, B. h. lavwa, Jaooa if vita a. Committee. Yssterday morning Vrea,daugbter of Geo W, Hams, died fa this city at tee age of 2 years aad 7 months, after an iiieese of about a week, with mem bran eons croup Tbs ai rlifted parents have the symsthy of a largo community in their bereavement . College lie ana. Daring Use peat two days the semi-term examinations in all the elaaeee have been In progress. Tnie evening the College takes a vaca tion for the holidays until Taiaday mem lag, January 4th, The term thus far bae bees a verv promising one and the attendance ia con stantly Increaeing. After the holidays 0 lassos will be forms ed to seeeenmodate any who desire to at- teaa during tne winter months. Kuob students will be charged tuition according to the time in attendance, Tbe students fTern abroad no homo to spend Christmas and Hew Years. A good girl who wishes to attond Col- eg and work for her board and in it ion can find a place to beard in the family of tne president. 1 B. Male's MelMay Article. Useful articles are always among the best presents for Christmas. How will some elegant neckties, the prettiest silk handker chiefs imaginable, cun bottons, studs or charms do ? Any of them make very ac ceptabte presents, more so because they are generally needed. A pair of suppers or gloves or a hat would be acceptable Ati tne above come peculiarly now as nice holiday presents. Call on If lain for them. 1 ie has a splendid stock. 8 apt Reid has been reprinted to respoud 1 5 tne address of weicon e at tne Teacher s Institute, to be held at Esgens City next week. M anting II sick. L:tot Monday a banting match took place in the vicinity of Tangent with the following result 1 L F Smith, Captain, l : W Loeney 845 ; G O Viernor, 785; J F Beard, 205 ; O MeFariand, 80 ; A Beard, 270 : J Wal den, w.-iBoo, Ed Lefrancia, Captain, 290; C Sharp, 280 $ J M Beard, 195; B K Moore, 05; I Fagan, 66: WD Mcaej, 0 ; a HananbaU 65.-96U "Vaealaa" disabled. Corvallis, Dec, aaad, 1886. Albany Democrat ; Insert notice o damage to the after crank pin of steamship "Yaquiaa City." Will delay her sailing Notice will be given of new sailing dates Shippers a.nd intending passengers please govern themselves sccordlngly. . C. C. Hoove FOR GENUINE BARGAINS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE CO TO THE "COR NER" JEWELRY STORE, F.M.FRENCH. NOCHARQE FOR ENGRAVING. Go to Krench's c vour silverware, graving. ewes KOMI AN X8R04f. A Merry Christmas. F M French, jwel r, Bsgin learning to write 1887. The best ban ass at J .1 Dubruilleei 4 flae hnt of ho'idty goo I at Laagdoo'i Kospyoar sye oa Pre -toil's sti w wiado w Christmas candies at Read & BrowoeU's. The dsys are now the shortest of the year, For stoves and tin Wars at cost an to John Briggs. Oysters served in all stvlu at Hoffman A Pfsiffsr's. ?. P. Wallace. I'hvaiuian and Stlrireon. Al bany, Or. Uotu Read k Brinoll's for uho.'oe fresh groceries. P,r milium iitttft and ham at ist an tn do 111 B.ijtKS. The Salem fanning mills for sals at Dsyoe RbotiV Albalv merolianta are dolaa a lasbincr holiday trade. It took the last rritteville papers s week to reach Albany. Kxtfa are 33 eeate 1 da m si HUsdd and 30 cents in Albany. in 1'rinevilln hams r. tail at Us. Ui.hs. P-V.sboaldors, Ho. Walnut center table, with marble or wood tops st Thos Brink's. Christmas trees will be the or lor of thintrs this (Friday) veniag. Or Powetliiae sold his dru basittsss at atbanon to Milt A Miller. M 8 Woodcock is making preparations to epaa a bank in Corvalh. Milton is to have a newsuaosr. with Charley Basaersr ae editor. 0oas of M tans-art A Hot's cutlery wouldn't os eea iosj eartstmas a a m V . w present. Another tumble in the price of Woti and shoes at Bead ft Btownslt s. tasssa rsduotimi in the nrios of shot at Will Brothers, Albany. Or. The Barnard c.met is now ssvn in the bsaveae fa the Eeet mom mas. Indian Agent Wadswerth haa been dsn- geroasly skk Istely, st the Htleta. J H Towosend. special aveut for the State 1 us n mace Co. of Balsas, Oregon. Sis shaves for a dollar and a cUan tow i to svsry customer, at L. V (trick's. A splendid line of nraans sod pi 11 at extremely low prices at laogdM, V Pur a eeaeral assortment of house furnisb- iag goods at eeet go to Joke Briggs, A spisadid line of faraiture at Tim Brink's. No baiter ia the valley. A toe seeortaiset of Christmas ctodivs. outs, etc., at Bead ft Brownsli's. A first class line of chairs, 1 of aa. whatnot. etc.. at Thus Brink's furniture store. spring attresses, at Thee Brink's faraitais atom, F M Preach, safest eHaaee Maaafaeturtoa Co., opposite Odd Keilows Temple, Albany, Or. It isespeeted the O, P. bri.lgeat this city will be ready for a train of ears oa Jaa 1st Will some obhsiaa subscriber brine the DeuocSAT offioe some potatoes on subscript Dr. M. S. Kin tdtystaisa and surs', city of Albany, Oregon. ChUJs made lu co lutry. Two chairs a e k-p. runnog at Variek's irkwr shop. Ts tas t as a stva r hair cut. Freeh Yaqaiaa Bay ani Basteru oysters constantly oa hand after to day at Huffman a i fattier a. A hnaliee of new uvea pins, with spidws aad lata aad bugs on wheat. See them at F IF. Cartsv's, Mr Prank Proust has just completed a sauoenafnl terei of school at C f tage Orove ia Klder R M kf easudt ia hMtag a at she K.BOX Batto Cbru?u-i Church revival era! conveveioos are rvportod. A twOtO mennine t. 1 be plee4 over the grave of Gmeobury South, at Corvallis. It will be beilt by a Begeo firm, Deyoe A Robeoe have a lrt ti of th beat plows made Oa baaxt Tbry wilt bs aaad at bedrock miosa. swwSSw p. m wi sreea ejnseess John Briggs bse on bsed tbrae l'ton.r Frtnt liryera which ae w,U mm'.l at Was it., . rhey are the beat in lb m artst. Negotiations have bewu p..di i for lbs trcheae by eme Albany gentl eu ( sIm ferry now lying unea- I a .: Persons desiring tine picket ui.. a brand, warranted, shwuki call at tVut Bros. They hare jest gotten in a new toeL. j McQeede. oSw York City, nt.l spend seven yeea in tee pe.ttosuary and pay a , tine tf a:jogi for the privilege f iiciog Mia ' ati nu understands iht two oft Brown v tile's moat popular ytMng people will onite their forteees to morrow even- The Salvation Army ia tusk ine. ftstlfwb ixioos ia Salem Bat the people of that city, all the same, need something f the mm Dr O W Mast. -a has moved his thee to the Poster Block, wh-re he has iooetod in tieothYe formerly occupied by rltne & S'WwMsWwsSswWwPWnwi w4 S Rev PC li t ; Sttte Bible Agent, will preaek st the M E Church nest Sabbath mot mug. and M tbe Presbyterian Church ia the eyeeiog. Mrs Mary E Sherir'aa. received injuries from a bed aide walk in Salem about a year a,o. sad sued the oity. She has just re ooyersd 1900. Tbe jadgmsat of tbe Supra na Court in tbe Sanndereease waa tiled with the County Clerk last Friday. It prolongs Saunders life for at leaet awhile. Barkhart A Keeoey sell tickets over tb Northern Pseiko Rail iload to all points Call oa them for rates and maps showing route of travel. For a christmas prssaut that will wear call an Blain and get a silk aandkerobief, a necktie, a pair of slippers or gloyee, or even a suit of clothes, if yon prefer. Jos Hamilton, arrested at ifarrisbu rg fur pegging aa imitation five dollar pieos wa tried before Judge uesay tne nrst of tne week and found not guilty. The "N. S. Bantly" is now making re, ti ler trips between Salem and Corvallis . M r W N Millar, of this oity, haa accept I the position of fireman on this boat. Should von desire to sell vour nronartv call on Borkhart A Eeeney as they advertise property placed ia their hands, and charge notntng unless sney enact a sale. The Dsmocrat was misinformed in ref rence to its item last week annouciug the marriage of Mr Heern and Miss Sippy at Halssy, It was simply premature. Tbe finest disolav of candies io the vallev may be seen at Hoffman A Pfeiffsr'a. Home made, in style, they can be relied o a to bs pure. Call on this firm for your confection sry. Sheriff Smith hat already collected $1G,. 700 of tbs county taxes, the best of any county yet reported. Linn county should be the brat in the atate to pay the State taxes. Mr D Mansfield recently purchase! 77 feat front off the wett and of Jas 1) tunala property, near the Central School house, and, we understand, will build in the spring. .What weather. It is almost New Yean, and we have had no snow. The grass is green and farmers can plow when it ia not raining. Head the despatches about Eastern weather. Mr C Lo derm an will not be a member of the new boot and shoe and gents furnishing goods firm, as stated ia the Democrat last week. He will continue in his present posi tion in Mr Young's store, Mr C O Bnrkharfe, immigration agent for this oounty, has been notified by a Texas gentleman that two colonics will !ave that State the coming Spriog for L a i ooanty, where they will locate . Do not forget the party to be given on next Tuesday evening by theDolce far Nieate Club of this city, at;the Upera Mease. Music hv Parson & Brey's orchestra, of Portland. TMs is to be the finest hall of tbs season. The steamer "Yaquina'' was disabled in noma manner the first of the week, rendering it in..o8sible for it to make it- regular trip. Thee impanys new steamer, "The Western OregcW' will be pot on tbe route io a short tinia Our columns are well filled with local and display holiday ads, This is what we want, became it is in our business. It Is what moat of the people want because 1 hoy dolre to know whare to got holiday gooils. Send no rk hart A Ksaasy names and ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore eon and they will send them copies of the MMU KMtrM Cn"j4r which non tains a com plete description of ooe county in each issus with dither desirable information ss weather, market report, etc. protracted meeting has been in progress for snout three weeks at Tsmmnt ondor the Auspices of the M K Church South, benta in charge of Rev KG Michael, P. K. aad J Craig pastor in charge. Up to last Monday there had been 80 conversions and 10 aooee- sions to the church. Much interest is being Hon h Bilyeo started for his koots in Kugsae last Monday. Mr Bdvou is a mem bet of the next h'gialaturs aad while hem sxpreeeed himself as being in favor of a re apportionment of the state into senatorial and representative districts, and will no doubt support such a bill whsa it is brought up. Ocioco JtofUw, MrOsorgs Furry, formerly of Albanv. and Mies Laura Bewman, mi accomplished yeeog lady, both of Seattle, were to be married at that city, on last Wednesday svsoing. There are many friends lu Al bany who will wish tbs happy couple much joy in their journey through life together, The closing year has been a very satisfao toy one te the Dettm vi ; thank you. While ws kavs been obliged to erase tbs names of sems delinquents, end hsvs bid good bye to ethers ss all newspspers have to do. eaeegb new ones have rolled In to keep oar temper good, and oer advertising patronage use been hbersl. 4M 11 Aft fgKftSM si. State Superintendent MclCImy was in Al bany Tusaday. Rev 8 P Wilson, Presiding Klder of the M K Church, haa been lo the city. Mr W H Edwards, a relative of Mrs John MB arrived in Albany Wednesday from FurdtnK-burg, Kugland. The OgMootAT acknowledges a pleasant Rail from Mrs John Nelson aad daughter of Khedd precinct, last Batarday. Mr M S Woodcock, of t orva'Hs, waa ia AHiany Monday. Mr W. t ...on to bave "Banker" pro fired to his name. nt John Bobson, of the firm of Deyoe ft itoiawn left Thnrslay uoon of last week 00 a visit to his former home at Clinton, Me. Ceo Koeter left last Friday for California, where he gose sacking health, which his many friends here hope be will hud. O P Gosbow, Jr.. Secretary sf the B, W. Still- t . .. .. . " orownsviue, wa in tne eity rrtday. He iumioated oar saaatum with his business Miss Uxxis Cannon, of Wsitsburg. W. T.. is in the ooeety. the guest of bar sister. Mm lr Mestoo, aad father Mr Ves Cannoe, of Itov OJ Miller, of PorUand returnod M.HKiay. after having labor-,1 with Bev Davis in the revival tbe Evangelical Church. Oen Singleton a former resident of Albany, waa in the city the first 4 the week, aoeoaa (.anted by his wife. Mr Smith," as he waa, called, used to be one of the 'hoys here al Mack and Mr and Mn Uwrvaoe loft Saturday for tbir besae at Baker City. Tbe Mk estate, which haa been in tU hands of Mr Jiavjd Froman for many years, waa divi ded last week. IHpoty SherilT Humphrey returned last v rw ty from a tax eoUsetiag tour throoeb the ooaotry. If you haven t liqtulatod bee. a . Jl e a . , w-r 00 es svsny ana gee tne nutter off yoar aeswea Mm 7. T Kslboch, sitter of Mrs N J Hen ton, wbe bae been visitiaw tm this dtw sever at tnonths, left last Saturday for Ijo Angles, t el Mr If eaten socompaeied her to Pert- land. Mrs Cg Hideout and danghtor left Last Ssturdsy for their new home, at San dre. Cel., where Mr Hideout went mooms ago. tee nam wtsnse of many irtesms wens wnn term. Mr John Wig!, of Hatsey. was in Al- , b.ny Tuesday, "facia Jake" will be 80 I year of ag in a few days, and is even now ' unit active for a man of that aire Ha nam. ' to Orwgon in IH42. Has the honor of being j a great grand father. UrJL Hill who is bow in Tens one h i m eras trip writes from Want in that State that the w oat her is very fine and everything , rlourieh'ng in that exemplary Democratic j Hiat. He aays Woo is very lively. The ! Dr will reture ooo BUTCAttf. Mrs. A. L. Brklgefarnter died at her resi dence near Tangent, Linn county, Oregon, of paralysis Iec. -Mid. 1536. She wa born in Marion Co Iowa, April md. 1852. She was a child one year of age when she came o t hie country with her parents, lirothcr and Sister Solomon Bond, of I falser, Ore gon. She united with the Baptist Church and was baptised by Rev J J Clark in 1861, at the age of nine years. Was married by Rev C Sparry to A L Brktgefarmer in Oct. 1873, who with five dear children mourn the loss of a loving wife and tend mother. It has been the pleasure of tbe writer to have had an intimate acquaintance with the deceased slater all of her life, which was a life worthy of imitation. She was an obedi ent child, a devoted wife, an affectionate mother, and a consistent christian. We with many friends extend our svmpathv to the afflicted family. And mar God comfort them In their sad bereavement. C. SrttnaY, "God s ways are not our ways," and though we tain would set our feeble will Against Ills wisdom, vet he will Not have tt so. And 'when lie sees We live to much on earth He comes Into our midst and bears away The one to whom our hearts all cling, He breaks the golden clutin on earth, That He mar bind it fast in heaven. Oct your wife a ring, a brooch or earrings. or watch and chain, or anything tasty in the jewolrv line ; but ao imt do it without call io at If W Carter's. Pictures tor Christmas. Those wishing water colors or India ink enlargements for Christmas presents wll please leave the orders with Crawford the Photographer at Paxton's old stand. Why not call on Thoe Brink for souk thing m the furniture Uua for holiday presents, sto rest New goods at J-'ortmlller Si Co's. Sev eral new styles of elegant bed room sets and a splendid variety of upholstered goods just received. By keepins n timt-clnss stock ot goods tney go fast. Christmas ttoods. Aud holiday presents ; suitable for both young aadtold. K vary body mad welcome whether tfiey wish to purchase or not. F. M. ltauriau, 125 First St. t leaks. The larsnst aad best selected stock in the valley oxxi be tound at Montsith tt Sei teabach's. tlammelh New stoek of fall goods, eyery line fall, come aud examine them. MOVTKITU 4 SsiTBNBaUn, Fancy ttoeds. Those desiring tbe latest novelties in laces, buttons, gloves, etc., should sail on Moc teith St Sei ten bach. mom Quilt than yoa syer saw before at Men tsitb Seiteabach's. I" I I I I LI j, , , Holiday - AT H. EWERT'S. a,Th5flo5?tMor',w,rjL!rb may now bs found at Mr, Kwert's Store on First Strait. Everything new and In m j lo. Call ( n him for LADIES AND CENT8 WATCHES, COLO AND SILVER RINGS , BRACELT8, FRUIT BASKETS, BROOCHES, EARRINGS, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, THIMBLES, SLEEVE BUTTONS, BEAUTIFUL CHARMS, HANDSOME STUDS, COLD PENS, ETC., ETC. Aa welt ae die moods, gold and platod fft avert lllincr bla lualcrna ara 1 111 mnrf r ehofee Lo be found In the oitv. If vou vcmt fai! tonal! on ' H. EWKRT Meltoay rresrats I have in stock a great variety of artich that will stake nie holiday presents, ioclud ing fancy alipprr for lailire asxl gents. Alto fins shoes for lal'u. and gents, etap'e atticUe ia dry goods. Are patterns in black ar d colored silks and fuy woratod, embtet dared, eta. Also aetiona.iu great varie'y, fancy towel, sol ashore, table and stand over, latest thing in tidies, linen worsted and spun silk , neckwear, satchels, ate. Lamps, glass ware, fancy caps end ssessrn at reduced prices. 0. E. Yot'sjr. r. at Si's, Melteuty Itenss. aW An elegant line of holiday presents at Foshay at Mason's, eeTChristmas cards of peculiarly apprr i prtate designs at Foshay St Mason's aeTPoafnae a. Mason's skaei of liolidar hooka ia welt eeleeted, and embraces all the aundard aa well aa novel works. ef A finer tine of albums than that ketit bv Foahav & Maon cannot be found In the valley. " aWThee are manv novelties at Foshay & Mason's. aaala tons at .ra4wai . Mr. J alias Gradwohi baa tbe biggest vari ety and the beat lei of toys and holiday goods geeitaUy for Christinas and Near Years ever brought to Albany without any exception. Aa eeasssrn-kn would be ire posatble. Yon can best know the list by fancy N. H. Alien A Co. bave in stoek a fall lis of material for fancy work, consisting of Fairy esphyr, Shetland wool and flees, cho Bills, ara, tillasille. 78 inch IngHsh felt, silk fleas, knitting silk. etc. (Jo to Allen a. Co. when yen naat greee riee. Thev have a Wtl selected stock rd 11 cheap. Jrtoery tor ante. Planer and matcher. Gauge lathe. Mortising machine. Blind slat tenoning machine. Moulding machine. ( Four aide. ) Rip saw. Cut-off saw. Bolt cutter. Turbine water wheel. 1 13, inch.) I0 feet 2 loch shafting. Pulleys, gear wheels, Wiling, etc. Inquire at HHre I Porks, foot of I. von St Albany, Or. w. i.. isnv h. slSnrr. Don t forget that IS. H. Allen Uo.,tae prod ace in vichang for merohandia. at ts market prices. a a Dr. White aelebratfKl New York Conzh Svruiv for sal at Hoffman A Fffaifers WatranW. lo eurt coughtaiul cold. Ww-- a Thoe P,rink. the furniture dealer will rot be undersold, tret bis prices. Window shades and looking cliuwee, efk. at The Blinks. - - a BelMay al seals at frenene Cheap to iMwMwUfais H II Allen A Cj. have in stock a fall Una at boots. shs aad rubbers, which vtU be seed at very low prices. Htntse Bxnsntoatlen. The regular public quarterly cxamiaat on nt ahr for Linn c ountv. Oreeon. v. ill be held at the Court House in Albany, com- merM-inir at noon on Mondav, Decem er 37th and continuing until noon Wednesday the J9H1, 1886, D. V. S. Rain, Count v School Supt. Thos Brink's ash bedroom sets attract general attontiou. They are sold remarkably Tow. no-tsi. sr. CLAIR On Tuesday, Jec. 3tst, 188I6, in Albanv. to the wife of Mr St. Clar. dauehtcrof Mrs Cheadle a daugh ter. MAstatlEtt. r a ifnRRSTRARNF.S.On Wedres Av Pvenlmr. Dec. 22nd, iSSoat the ni f the bride's mother, in this city, hvp. H. P.Webb. Mr. Eigenk La- Forest and Miss Lvela Barnks. iTk. nocuJnn we understand, vats a very A Us. sws-wwaw- " S pleasant one, quite a number of levied guests being present. The happy couple received many elegant presents. A Rumpt ous repast was spread. The groom Is ox press agent on the Lebanon epress,and ihe bride is a highly esteemed life long residmt of Albany. The Democrat extends Its congratulations. MILLER JORDAN. On Dec. 32,18516, at the Court House, in Albany, by Oo. Humphrev, T. P., Mr S Muxer a5d Cvkthia Jordan both of Albany. METTANER -HERZOG. - On Dec. 16, 1886, at the residence of T. R. Ranken, y Rev E Doring.MR Jomk Mkttaxkr ajd Maria Hereog both of Linn county. SMEAD EDWARDS. On Dec, 13'h, 1886, at the residence of Mrs. Jane Smeid, in Albany, by Rev. II. P. Webb, Mr. simatJTii Mmkad and Miss ?skttie Ed- .1 LU1..., Goods - jewerly, cdlver and plated wars, ate. n! anI I. (a I l.r.l. .i. .t .. - a ia. i ml labia in the. ai.f.- iin. .,. " ilbasy, Or. V Ifto Paid Jr. I am now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerous customers in all lines of goods. I have a larger stock which I personally selected, and have many nov elties I could not get by ordering goods e cluslvety. I have just made extenaive im provements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, and enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better goods for the money. I have wist received direct from the factory a full line of ladies' and gents' slippers for the holtcLiy trade especial! v selected for this market,' all of which will be sold on their merits, and every pair guaranteed, even in cheap simpers and shoes. s M- 1 1. E. Yocsto. ft! On from to three years time, oa gcoi aecurity, in of Ssoo up. Call on Cl.INK. MOXTRITM & CO. sinuses A Tbe finest stoek by far ever seen in Albany just received at Stewart A Sox V ARE YOU MADE miserable by Udl i sat ion, Const 1 pat i 00. Dizztn, Lou o ppetite. Yellow skin ? Shiloh's Vital irer kt positive euro. DR Ga WATSON HUSTON Physician and Surgeon. Office rooms 3 and 4. Font r's Block. ALBANY - OREGON. Notice of Estray. Notice is hereby given that I bae .his the 5th day o( December, IS86. taken up within the corporate limits of tbe city of Albany, Oregon, the following deeariltd est ray" animal, to- wit, cne bay mar thn years old, with left hind font white, son white on both front feat,? white in fubac, white on nose, no other marks or brands. Albany. Or., Dec. 5tb, 1886. Isaac Hay, Vity Marshal. 2H 6.000.000 FERRY'S SEEDS M.FKKVsCO. as HialttiiTtT' LAMEST Ktstntfl ta (A world. D.ITWICffS rad for tt . i. h. ruiT a e. Detroit, aatnh. 1886-87 TAKE MY ADVICE and make your selections in Holiday Goods before the rush begins at GRADWOHL'S s buy now whilo The Stoc is Complete ! THE HANDSOMEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF Christmas lioods ! Ever Displayed in the Albany Market. -CONSISTING OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOOKS AND ALBUMS, Rogers Brothers Silverwara PORCELAIN, FRENCH AND CHINA WARE. Co 9tl and Cut Class in a!l lie latest Styles and Patterns. DOLL CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. jfiTSanta Claus has just anived over tbe Oregon Pacific and will make his baadquartera at my store duiing the :0L1DAV8 f i J. GlliVJDWOHL HlsS s-s wasSBansBwawwseeam -naM a r. ESBjm For I8S7 HH w toassnrt aW9kWk WW ratito a sB1 "'