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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1886)
Ihe genwcrat. m. FRIDAY DECEMBER 24, 188n.La IBBKA, John ghermsn baa fouud it at last. faeturer of sugar and at the same time apply the country with sugar at a marvebusry cheap figure. This is his plan : Remove the tariff duty entirely from sugar and place it on the free list. Thia will reduce the surplus in the treasury to the extent of oeer fifty mil lions annually. This he thinks wi.l be reduction enough. Here we have tariff reform, (with a vengeance,) and oheap agar, (ia a horn.) Io order to protect the anear manufaotursr of the aoutn - - . . a . m against, (not the pauper labor of Europe,) w 1 W aaainafc Ihe slave labor of Cuba, he J? propoeea that a bonus shall be given of aoa per ton oy toe tur 1 m . f.. agar produced, by oar auger manufac- - tureen. Thia would all be very well if Joan could devise n plan to secure thia J ... , money to pay the boon, with wP.hou Using the people lor it. Hut, like an the excuses for "protection," they are mm anbtatf uia. invented to deceive Unwary, and, ifpoestble, wsry people, the caee of Stuadere the act of killieg ill J7' ' ...KV:i...Jiwniitted, and we find that public 1Be sng.r -j '""""V now on sugar is too low and that it nbooid be increased instead of reduced, Mr. Sherman must,theMore,give tlem u a. wu .ik-" as uiucu pruvnniuu u uvioi . w - yttam en they now receive unaer tne Uriff system. It will cost as moob or tn An mtx. and the exoense will I r I hava to ha natd DV tne DOODie ai iaei, i ... . 1 I benoe this protection might as well be I Sherman's "bonus" scheme, ttut thia .k. .IiimI anil llnMII 11 outgrowth oi tee scheme oi-prmecuou. m Some protectionist, have ridiculed the , , aL L j. tk.. Moo that Sherman thus advances. They v whois we cannot see how the . . aJ : !),.!..' . .a. r t t A arena me propoeition as a iua 1 Sherman is both candid and earnest in .1 the matter. It ia aaid to be an insoit .1. to intelligent men in Congress to ask I I them to vote so much money diroctiy at out of the treasury to sugar msnofac- I tarata aa a "bonus" upon the suzar produced. But this is just aa honest barons murders cor taxed for the sup end fair aa to collect it from the people pert of these criminsls. That day is to . , ... . , , be dreaded, but pub.ic feung w tending n tariff by enabling the manofactor. y g of opinioa u to demand on increased price for their M ideation. Nothing aoo stop it sugar. Bight here we want to any that but careful, prompt and effective action If the f aimer node that he cannot pro- by our Courts io the first instaoo. duce wheat in competition with the Great preparation is being made for pauper labor of Europe then he hss aa the changes that will Uke place here in . . . , r . the next thirty daye. The new City much light to ask a bonus on the 1, wilh JuJKe Ramsey a. Mayor, amount raised sa the iron manufacturer wii havo four Democratic Alderman baa to ask a tariff for protection. Think I sraTna sticam. MostRepublicsDa are nsaally"broken J all npM when nny one speaks of the rights of tbe ate tea in their presence. Many of them regard such references as duloyal.and to raise a qneetion of tbe I otwotilationality of seme Republican mes a res will subject the doubter to tho charge of being a traitor. But notwithatanding all this the patriot has groat eonooiatlon in the fact that when the groat jurists of that party are called out upon thia qneetion thee usuallv toko Of strong rounds in' favor of fct , waasws ngo as ao tee most ultra uem- ocram. jtw an evidence of this we would call tbe attention of our readers to a lecture delivered latelv at Colom bo., South Carolina, before tbe South by ,ihta "d ,th' flamllna R.r A..i, K. nzJ"? Notbiog ha. been left ; ' "7 mci Justice Cooler, of Michigan, one of the profoundeet Republican jurists, aa well to 000 of tbe oldest law writers of the noontry. His subject waa the ''Infla- upon our Institutions of our Habits of Thongbfc,', and he dwelt up- on the dangers of centralization arising from the heedleesnees of the neonle. Public opinion from thoughtlessness drifted into Jsngerous views which ulti mately formed sections of an unwritten constitution at variance with the origi nal instrument. At first the Federal r onn.tllnl.inn avamsl t ... . ' . hsd botOffM too strong, and was grad- naliy absorbing the powers of the state and the reserved rights of the people. Jadge Cooler continue! in this strain for an hour, and made a strong state rights speech. Tbe central idea was s strict construction of the constitution ne a safeguard against many ills and tMnrpations. .11 . WT mm - a... ine Indiana xvepnblicans are trying rp, to revive the spirit of 1876. mean to do seme first-class counting out, snd r.tesl a seat in the United States Senate. Tbe Republican Attoi ney-Genersl of the state sy, with tbe real eld rancid Republican cant, that their motto is "Watch aud pray." Yes; they'd better watch and pray that they Otny keep out of tbe penitentiary. eWSS Jt aw a ine lony and shortsightedness of Democrats in not being able to agree upon some plan to reduce tbe surplus revenues of the .government is inexpli cable. They must do this, and soon.or they will go into tbo next national campaign with this unredeemed pledge weighing tbe arty down. Tha thermometer in Minnesota last reek marked seventeen degrees below aero. Such conditions appear incredi ble to people accustomed td"tbe glorious climate ol Oregon." Morrison's motion to take uu bis tariff b a rot ejs defeated in the bouse by 56 to H& In making aa attempt to rod uoo tariff dattajj in this country there neier dm . . . . . . been any imy winch layoreu iree leal a . A a. 1... . Ik a a . a rarl. Thr nnvr haa been a measure nac, - , n . k. annfcamnlated a ---- r- - I ooantrv dealer in all part of the United acts s free trade is a preposterous ougeuou used that ha. nearly lost its potency . It I ho understands the port Govern m cut benefioiaries. 1 he u ,rnll n.v ha monev needed v"-" r-v - - : i fer nstioual expenditure ; they only I t. i . k ,u mkmA in , bcgnulgo what they aro asked to pay a . SM 1 I for private emolument, mere is no f - . . i i j i ka I qaettlon oi iree wane mvuiveu in . - I rwn r r. ww, v aa ram, wr i - E-aaaassaswaMK JL 113 V1 a .1 ' Ih decision in the Ssundert case it .it ii ik. il noon hrc as it lain Aioanv. I . . . . . .11 ThU ghootiug jown of eitiaens uponthe - a a . c . ihteat. if snv. urovsoation ta nmpif horrible. Had the citiseoa of Hani e a we t y raoclSOO ISameaiaieiy nung uroiaeo-o. . ........ th.t lit t Im uhrml 1 ol-ifia1d worid would have ap- bp .... I T , of ilThe reaaon Uoldeoeen gate for ut cruMt act waa eoough to bong - w - bun, if nothing And in thia olaaa 75 of oases there ia but one sentiment in ths public mind as to what ought to be GoldeM.n aAM inwM ia intrDOM(i. and the result, if acquittal, may create as great a surprise and h iror as did the act of killing- In opinion is divided on tne degree .1 . I puj.omeQt elsewhere than in Albany And this is the hope of his friends oow I that that point may ne maae oeiore ai Court. The Supreme Court upoa the finl.i tearina ot the eaee went with the w . h( M t(kltd by Altot . AOij in that dsae the Court should nm k nananrad. bnt sustained in actios I 7' 1 . "I' t ...1 . , rha fiHatiAni I iroiu wumua. , Impounded aeemingly did not amount .II tiiav vam Aaloiilatawl I CoQrt that could not be explained nor 111 in arte lakt thlt nl nt. I ...laon.r Th. ami. - ' 77,. C "tiVl 71 hTm;! compelled to testify against himself. court tn this oaee 01 we ana a earn could have refused a new trial. Something should be done to prevent f 1. mi: - t 1. U tOlS promiSCUOUS ailllOg W uuwau uv- 1 r rrL 1 u. :. I man a na iner nss ils uuunt taasssi bits a b ; -: ,u it. nti u, ukm ia bend by communities that will neither be horrified with bar- UU Will VUWW IHSIIi . aaw out of eight. Is ia regarded aa ao ex cellent average of JDemocrstio ability ia the citv. which as a whole is fitst T- S- teod to follow will appear in due time. The State House oreeenta a fiaa ex tertor appearance facing tbe went. Within it great improvements have been made. Every room it tioisbed and tbe Henate Chamber and. the ball tmm tk. Tfc . .. - - ; trar. 001. We may include the Supreme Court room, tbe Consul ta tion room and .Library. The now printing office of Mr. Baker, State ntW' tb WMt f' f basement, occupying one-half of tbe north projection on that floor, ia not only creditable to this city but is alao to tbe Stale. Mr. Baker hae shown a BP!rit t ntBtfnim in this bust- nea. He baa as foreman, (we giro it we get it) Mr. Wilbur Cornell, an efficient disciple of Faust and favorably known among ail his frienda. The machinery ia moving. Tbe offices will undone to mage tbe State Printing office a credit to Mr. Baker also. Thia brings up the Capita! ball that comes off some time the last of tho month, in the Legislative Hall. Like all balls, it has its "sweets and sours," Thara .r. tw.n -r tkra. One is that all invitationa that do not i contain tickets aro gratuitous, issued npon the ground that the expenses are I t 13 . , .' I . to do psia oy private so ascription, in other words a sufficient number of men nave subscribed money enough to pay the bi.Js. Another story is out tbst every invitation iseued to persons this side of Portland must pay five do'lara. This we believe to be the case. Tbe I gratuitous tickets sre getting "noisy,' d lhatm wbo CAnoot . i"V mA J kicking. There dots not seem to be I -ha "yght boss" in the right piece i in iti bubitiexs. Tbe rations! conclusion is that those oottled. who do not re ceive tickets, will have to pay fire dol lars, if they a. tend. Considering that there are five hundred ticketa issued. live dollars seems high where the pro praetors pay no-rent. All will under stand it when it is over, especially these. who do not know anything about it now. The Salvation Army ia coming here. i Considering that erery clique or party I 2 i 17 &U Kt firvrtf inn omrtnrr f Komanl waa I I. vw J O awvug vuvtaiovl T DO wUasl is a good movement. Salem ia com pared by an old resident to a heavy farm, wagon with two large horses at tached. When tbe driver wants to start it, be hits the horses a lick,tbe off hoise plunges ahead and falls back to hs place, then the near horse gives a plunge and he settles back, and thus the borsss see-saw all the time, while the whole town is behind the wagon trying to push it ahead, but neither tbe horses nor the community can. start it. This will apply to everything here. There is nothiog io the wagon but a "new bridge, "which the people of Salem will know nothing about, unless they go to see it. Now all social and. politi cal factions, the city folks generally, need this sal ration army here to har monize these pleasant elements. Tbe Qeneral thinks thst the leading citizens may be made in three weeks to recog nise if not to speak to one another. And in about six weeks they will all be able to sing "the devil is dead, fire Br other volley," and so on. When the salvation army is thoroughly tried on this people, inducements should be offered to take them to Albany, whore everything ia serene. A Vnluatls Medlrnt TrfalUc Th0 ,minn fof iB87 ofiho sterling Mod- Annual, known a uomnwri Aima is now ready, and may be obtained f of druggists and general i portion or me western namnpotrc. i f 1 ?1 ov6r one-Afth of a eantnry. It comhlnee, omltal oalonlationa, chronological Items, of eto,. are pteparea wnn great care, . an a will be found entirely accurate, The issue Qf Hoatetter'a Almanac for 1887 will proo-1 ably be the laiweat edition of a medical -rA 9Tmr published in any oonntry. The . a " . T au aft proprietors, nwwt v., Flttaburgh, Pa., en receipt of two cent stamp, will forward a oopy by mail to any ner.ou who cannot procure ens In his mugnuortiooti. . . Beta Mere rieasaet A . . 1 1 . 4 il... i ....... .... rT.TV WIU IUW IIUII W.M.IIVI.1 ... mivHI " o.i;in;. f,..i. r..,..i. . .,. .. Fia, h raptdly nuir.ding all 'othc. iry. rorsais oy roanay w wsaon. a . m , wa a n a a - far tale. 1.. . 1 1. 1 1 . ...... ,.f 1 1... 1.... 1 .i,v of i,om,,,i wh.t land. .11 fencad lrito tour fields, rood house, hard f.nitih. J - r - good outhouaea, excellent fruit 0! all kind. ww - . ; .-r cr f1"1- a nia oro rhaiaeraaaer, Slbaaj. or I have all the B. Ponton and any oatea from their neoat Ives by addreen s .uu tin Inc on, at ton following : mm : uard SS2?TS d!5 donen, cabinet slse, gS per doaeo. bou M0 i aawtbaflaatl Ua9 of Orsnon views In the wset, Cata- logoe rurniahed on appiioatlon. t'opyiag "largmg 01a pmtnres a spsonmy ires a specialty. J. O. Cnawyono. j Oradvhol has probably the most - nlaie stosh of tova for the holidays in the m" am.., j i.l laTL. VaiMV. n mm waUM mmwo 11 w wivm- - , u . " v ...:t, et! u alao a big one, weU adeeted. Call on . . .ir ! .V- L.ll.l. IS-. Me L leaders ocattanoa to hoy uorssaat, tabs. WiU oav aeod price (or suitable hor &io 1 100 to 1500 Bring loeef on. asntea'a Xralea salve-, The boat nalre In the world foriCuta. , fwVOf toreaTfetterVcitapped Hands, CbllbUina, n .. 1 .11 1 1. (-. a.. ...... . wn auwtiu jmum., . ww-j- tivel v ourea Piles, or no par required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, I or mooev refunded. Price It eeote per I w - - , box. For sale by Foahay Maaon, A Captain' raffSnnaas Mseevery Capt. Coleman, hr We v mouth, plving etween Atlantic Citv and N. Y-, had neen roubled with a cough mo that he waa unable o sleep, and waa Induced to try Dr. King New Discovery (or Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the I extreme orenea tn hU breaat. Hi children I were similarly affected snd s single dose had the same happy effect Dr King'. I New Oiacovery is now the standard remeoy i in tne Coleman houwnoio ana on ooara inc schooner. Free trial bottle of this Standard Remedy st Foahay & Mason's Drug Store .a wm a. m t a , a M at SHILOHS COUOH and ion cure is sold oy as on a .-anrantee. i 1 onres Oooenmptloo. Mrs. Phoebe Cheeiey, Peterson. Clae f in ik 1tnl. aSaaa Ik. ..t .kt.k la Mnal.avt tnr I vv,, uwa. aw.M un lunwniu, laiuai aavw i "J - r.T I ny tne reaidente or tne town i "i am a i tat wltn aid 1 nee eomnlaJnt and lameneas for manv I Care ; could not drees myself without Id. Ifow I am free from ail pain and and am able to do alt my own i I owe rav thanks to fSectrte Bitter for baring renewed my yonth.and removed oompietele all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 40c. at Foahay and Ma son Drug mors. and rest. The undersigned a ill sell all kinds of I amber and cedar fence posts at the follow lag smsiens on the Narrow Gauge Eailraed, I Leaae, Lswwm and BsUviiie. Persons beild- ahonsss or barn can have bills out and ivored at any of tn above stations on abort notice. Lumber is of the very best quality, the logs being brought from the line timber regions on the McKeuu River. Wax. E. Sncan. FORDYSPEPSr.and Liver Cempta int you nave a prlntad guarantee on every on have a printad guarantee on every bottle of Shilob's Vitailzer. It never fails o en re. Will Bros, have received a large lot of lot gnus and rifles from the Seat and Ill sell them nt Portland prices, shot will sell them at Portland prices. "ilA.CKafKTA.CK" a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 15 and 60 cents. For lame hack, side or cheat, use Sbiiob's Porous Plaster, Prfoe 86 cents. Kxamine -well go o and ss thsm for yoorself. Albany Market. Wheat eee per ba. Oats SI Butter-30 ct per lb. Eggs 30 cants per doz. Beef-on foot, 2 2Xo Hey baled, f 12 te $14 per too. looee,$9 to $.11 Potatoes 75 ot per bushel. Apples 40 cent per bu, Pork 4 Ho per lb. Bacons hams, 12c shoulders, 0c. sides. 10c Lard 8c per lb. Flour 460 per bbl. Chickens 2.50 per doe. Sugar San Franeiso C, 6J,'o. Dry granulated 7 c, Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton. shorts. 15. middlings, is. Chops, l. WHY WILL YOU cough when Sb Hob's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 etc., 50 etc., aad $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, and Canker Mouth. The finest line of window cornice mould aga at Wood in 's. G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Bobson's. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep affresh stock of all klnds'of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS1 ETC., ETC. ' BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ETC., ETC. PRODUCE IN fiXCHAKSE Will artli The unprecedented sale of Beeekee's German Syrup within a few years, has es- toniahed the world. It is without doubt the safest and bent remedy ever discovered for tho apnsdy and effectual cure of Coughs, t'olda and the severest Lung trouble, it a aa a a a aM . . . a I i at on an entirely different principle from siiKiiM. ansa sr. amass uiil urv nil an ruifsrfi jMVS ths disease attll on the system, but 111Z "?.hZot 1 leaves them In a purely healthy oondltlen. A bottle kept In the house for nee when the dlssasss make their appearance, wilt save doctor's bills and a long spell of erleua illnaea. A trial will ootivlnoa 6u these facta. It Is positively eeld by all druggists ana general dealers in tne isoa Pries, 76 ote., large bottl, ow bottles. A NASAL INJECTOR free wttkeaor bottle of Sbltoh'a Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 eentt, lrahaw'a 1 sat sa Aawe, It beats the world. It effects a cure 34 hours. Try it and be convinced of in it. wonderful merlin. Call for tetUmonlals Price 7 cents per bottle, at Prushaw's Drug Store, comer Klrat and Brosdalbin Ss.,Albsny, Or., Cleehs t Cleans I Don't forget that N. H Allen 4 Co. nave just received a large stock of the latest styles in oloaka from Nw Yera, which hays nr at uu hoard 01 low prices. Ladies, whsn yon are in want of a asw drees dont forget toiaspset Ihe stock of N 11. Allen Uo. They ha took to aelset from sad at have s vary larg prices nave res fore offered ia Albany. Flratclsaa butcher knlveaat gen store. wni Aaea, Aa to to Stewart A Son's and eismlne laam iiim or.-.n earn Mnaftat n all others. Msnufartured by If. U. Der rick, of CrawfwdseUle, Linn Co., Or. Wat ranted first class. Baby wss Wk. we gave see ste wessOnis, see Summons. a fs Cimtit Court if the dHote t Qrgner Martha Honston. PUintut. vs. Joeie Tim merman sad 0 W Mm. To Joaie and O W man. the above . m ths of tha State of you pai and sasawSwtttua? ef uJabors I Plai ni iff in the above entitled Oonrt, rtU wiih .w. Clerk of said Ceera. on or be- (ore the ssoond Monday of March, A. D. lM7 u behiff the Uth day el Marsh, A 1. l9gJ biby eotiiied that If yea .... Ut .nti ...... mA eossosaiat. a barabyTaqaifad. she Plaiatiff wiU apply to a-. Caartfe the reUef ilsmsaiintl thereia. , for a dseres pertitioutog and divid- lc. brtwco tha naiaUffaad the Zefadaau wCuri,nu to thstr reapautivs intra.t teste in, the feUeerhtgaeseni-sd real nronertv, to wn t Lota 74. 75. b"7, 08. 99, 70 and 1 10 in the city of ikio, Uaa eeeaty, Orsgea asa racerded in the origiaal servey of tea city of odao, Lion osoaty, uregen, raantag tnenos west 37Ueet te the senthwesaecense of let 75 ia aaid city, thence sooth to the north Klr nt Thesass Creak ; thaeea te aa ssstar- xl d.raettan. along ro. North bask of - lAiwia4W -et-kt 1. .1 " " .a . . . W1W COS KiSSS 1HN 01 SSM K V , .L. a. a- 1 f I i i . -I i.a Tl " k-- """"-s ia so mj o ovso. vxaein so ipuuwi..', gtnoing at ths sonthsast eerner of said Jet! 171 ; taenes wast 80 feat ; tbeeoa north 16 1 fast : thsnes saetfiO fact t thenee south 16 feet to tbe place of fol lowing, beginning 14 f Mm in Township 10 8 2 wast ; 6.11 thenee south SO chains ; i wast 40.54 chains i 3'2 . chains ; thenee wast 46.66 aorth &S.10 ch.taa to the place of bsgiasaafju more or tasa. sad ail 160 bema situate in Una oocatv. Oreawa. and judgaasut for the oosta and diaburssments of ttusuit in the manner provided by law. Ihia matiaoas ia pabbahed by order of Hen R P Boise, Judge of said Court, mads t Chambsrs in tha city of Salem, oa ths 24th day of Dec. 1886, in the Stats Rights Democrat. Wbath aasoan k Black buss, 1 Attorneys fer rnabrthT. j flOllCB 01 fiI8CUvTlI 0ai8 01 LiUllL mm . f a a . , M m a NOTICE 1 hereby aiven that In nnr- r? Skllwct Otm S . h.Sr; of rllanS' .ot?. fllISZIt&j??? snanos of an order of sale mode b j the on author- Istng and empowering the ondot signed as the executrix of the lent will leet win ana tea meet of lid ward A. Free land, deceased, to eel: certain real property assert bed in said order of sale, the undersigned execu trix of the last will and teaaament of said Bdward A. Freeiand, deceased, win on Kt tbo oonrl Bouse door In the etty of AU bany. Linn county. Oregon, sell at public sale all the right title and Interest which tbe said Edwaro A. l-reel and bad at tne time ef bis death In end to the following described real property, to-wit : Lota 5 and 6 In Block No. 81 in the city of Al bany, Linn county, Oregon on tho earns ars described and known on tbe recorded plat of said city now on file m the office ef tbe County Clerk of Linneonnty, Oregon, aaid property will be sold at said time to the highest and beat bidder oa the follow ing terms : Ten per cent of tbe purchase price of said real property to be paid on the day of sale, and the balance of aaid purchase price te be paid when aaid sale Is conn raced by tbe County Court of said Jackson county, Oregon, at which time said executrix will execute, and deliver to tne pnrcnaeer, at said sale, a good and sufficient deed of conveyance to sold land, Dated tais astb day of December, 1880 Maav A. Fnanx.aa-n. Executrix of tbe last will and testament of Kdward A. Freeiand, deceased. EWATORE EW U TOOK PRICES LOW. -A splendid line of Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, HATS and GAPS and a fine stock of imported CIGARS, TOBACCOS, SMOKERS ARTICLES, NOTIONS, ETC. JULIUS JOSEPH, Ffeiffer s Block, next to N A MARVEL OF PURITY. Boyal a Perfect Baking Powder-Absolutely Free from Lime. The Royal Baking Powder in considered hy all chemists and food analysts to be a marvel of purity, strength, and wholesomeness. Furthermore, it is now the only baking powder before the public free from lime and absolutely pure. This is due largely to the improved method by the use of which it has been made possible to produce a perfectly pure cream of tartar, from which all the lime has been eliminated. This chemically pun cream of tartar is exclusively employed iu the? manufacture of the Royal Baking Powder, to that its absolute freedom from lime and all other extraneous substances is guaranteed Professor McMurtrie, late chemist in chief to the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, after analyzing many samples of cream of tartar of the market, testified to the absolute purity of that used in tho Royal Baking Powder as follows; " I have examined tho cream of tartar manufactured by tho New York Tartar Company and used by the Royal Baking Powder Company in tho manufacture of their bak ing powder, and find it to ho perfectly pure, and free from lime iu any form. " All chemical tests to which I have submitted it have proved the Royal Baking Powder perfectly healthful, of uniform, excellent quality, and free from any deleterious substance, WM. MoMURTRIE, E.M., PbJ., 14 Qhemltt in Chitf XT. 8. Deft f Agriculture. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Xneladioe; an elegant assortment of fanoy article. Album, Plush Goods, Toilet Coons, Lsnthor Goods, Books, Choice Porta ms, Mirrors, Fancy Soaps, Cot Bottlee nnd a areaf variety of select novelties, Christmas and Nsw Year's Cards which have been pa"baed for Spot Cash, and we are now P5 - We also hare a fine line of Musical Instruments, Including Piano and Organs which are fir guaranteed, which we ore selling at such low A floe eeleotion of sheet snnate constantly on band. No tronble to enow goods, Call and eee for yourselves and bo convinced that our prteee are betow competition. ABOUT DRY GOODS And Where to Bay Them. y--. e LAST WARNING NOTE. iVearlnir the End! to i formwly kept by T. A. gaaa in Parti, and known m "Ta City Dry Goods la Alaaey, aaS ths tntcJosss i bene c1(mmI oat and art at. with.ut rasarva r off, mi WMa. Taaaaar. tartatha. MHM.atn aaaaaAMMV. at rrtatl to 'low rot Aftarajrnart tlaaa tttsmgeessaili as wirtsalrawa retail aa4 sild at s abols to tha t. hww, avevreweasMiag mry gaj is it u tea late. Bpsetal sit atlea Is olUd t- neasery, sad BieaOea sad velvets silk 4 satla. riar kid sva lmrt.l. Ud..' chtl Srsa'ssaSsvats warea eaata, wear. Bstf tarns stock Im tinea tsoss. resteer. hints, ri.weee. aesa mi4 iwoerai mti'laerr. TOe eaty. tlraat aarqatn will h leswi mt elk Msg wool unikletritva mlttnc ta puss tii city arty sisens MONEY TO LOAN In turns to aoit BY Borkaot ft Kawnrr, Albany, Or. It Stands at the Head. Don't fall to see the if DOMESTIC if and the work it doea before buying s sawing maenlne, WILL BROS. Albany, Or. Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR OF,- STAR BAKERS, Corner BroadalUn and First Sts., -DEALER IN Chess S.OSI Fruits, Canned Meat, GlsuMware, OriedFraits, Tobaeeo, Sugar, Coffee, EtCfa Qneenawarc, Vegetables Cigars, . Splees. ga JsV0Af file.. In fact everything that is kept in a gen oral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for All KINDS OF PRODUCE- A GOOD PRESENT THE DEMO DRAT ONI YEAR. prepared to offer to the pnbllo at vsry low cists In every respect and thoroughly a to astonish the musical world. LAUGDON .& CO., druggist nod Stationers. ara to ao iHsasai.utir sna wcur o.rsaiaa tw Uro u,-k of very e u i..' m l mUmm' weal riek all s.w o! m.i u om.r fr..m it aarai in Weanet. etssw SWees ai. loolsdlav a vsry nt to b. had ikivtiri esere, rrosssa ones, ajaaay, or. ,art - .'i -.- . . AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now mvtvtng my fall and winter stock of boots and shoes, have as nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock aa any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I boy all my boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon 1 buy in quantities and pay tbe cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much tbs largest, beat and great est variety in the city. My aim will always be to give as goocj value for the money aa possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, Tbe Very Beit. I haye added to my hoot and shoe stook a line of the oaleforated Laird, Schoher A Mitchell, Philadtlphia Fin Shoes for ladies, misses and children. Acknowledged by dealers generally to be the beat value and best fitting fine shoe made. Widths C, D, E, and EE. A child can bay as cheap aa a man. SAJSffBtE. yOHNO, BOOTS SHOES L. E. BLAIN First Street, Clothing, TAILORING DEPARTMENT The Gold and Silves tured from, the finest obtainable materials on ap proved patterns, by experienced operator. They are out lengthways of the muslin and . have our patented reinforced backs and four ply raised edge linen lined fronts, reinforced, Four ply neek bands with hand made continuous facings in back and sleeves. Possess ing all the latest improvements, superior in qual ity, perfect in fit and elegant in finish They are unquestionably the finest shirt upon market. THE Boot and MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND 8HOE8. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely tnoreaaed our stock of Boots and Sboee and are now prepared t furniab all styles an J grds of goods st remarkably low prices. We bay of aeeera of tbe beet Kaetarn fectoriss and do not beait ste to My thst onr goods are atrirtiy first etnas. We carry no bankrupt atock and can fully warrant our goods to wear equal ta any tn tbe market. REMEMBER We bave tbe la-goat exclusive stock of aae aj -wan sr1'CiVt sa ansae. In the slty and that we ARK oontlnuallay adding new novelties. We are selling so CJJfcEJES A, Me that yon can not fall of being suited. We da to not follow bnt lead in lew prices. Re member the old adage "The proof of tbs pudding is in chewing tbe string." READ & BROWNELL. WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND C0RVALUS, OR. LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS, SEWING MACHINES -AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a.'ull assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. PISTOLS, CUTLER Y.AMUNITf ON FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS BUTCHER AND POCKETKNI V ES. We handle tbe IHVI8, DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, WHITE. AMERICAN, CROWN .SINGER, HOUSEHOLD, ELDREOCifi SEWING MACHINES, And all of the leading Pianos and Organs, Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and extras for all kinds of machines. Repairing of sewing machines and fine instru ments a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRRNTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. aaj AT STEW A RT A SOX'S. T ADORER'S TOOLS, 1Au.( uinu uuno. ui uou ii vsv, jm; rv, shovels, spades, forts, sledgea, wedges, crosscut saw-), maul rings, wheelbarrova, .a els maianlaa kliajU kL C iaa.ta.kaa J j u i . i a i . ji l . j or anu uiuttr wui uswi uy rituwr vvtou men or mud ists." For sals obeap by Btswa rt A Sox. CARPENTERS AND RRIDGE BULL DERS. 1 Don't forget that we keep a full line of ail kinds of tools and will sell ss cheap aa the quality ef onr goods will allow. W e make a specialty af fitting ont carpenter's and will be glad to see them at any time. Stewart dc Sox, O AWS, AXES, ErO we are not bragging one bit when we1 say we bave the finest orosi cut saws aad axes in the valley. Also a floe lot of etoei and iron wedges, maul rings, h. Stacy AWC&Sox. 1ANT AND BLASTING POWDER. any Irishman (Wild Bill exoepUd) wants to blow up rocks, stomas or Eng lishmen, we can At him out with Riant or blasting powder in good shape, Albany, 0 rigcn Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Eats. UNDER EXPERT TAILOR Dress Shirts are manufac button holes and patent CITY Shoe Store. FIRE INSURANCE. All kinds of farm property, via : Baild inKs, Uay, Grain, Rope, Fruit, Live Stock, Farm Machinery, Farm Imple ments, Household Furniture, Family Provisions, Wearing Apparel, Carriages, Waftons, Harneas. Musical Instrument and Rooks, insured against loss by fire or lightning in reliable Companies. Loaaes paid in full, ' J. C, Powkll, Agent, Albany, Oregon, W AGONS AND CARRIAGES. Wagons, baoks.bu&riTiea.oarriAaaa. (tLn trim. and double. Before you bay come around and tee what we have, St aw art a Sax PECIAL TO SPORTSMEN. Before you buy your ammunition we ivite you to corns mud aaa ua. w m sVarai different erades of roWrtr mh Unds of cartridges, primers, brass and per sneels, jtoaded sheila and by far the st ahot in town. pUTLEBY We want it distinctly undaratooa thmm we can "knock the spots" off aLytblnir in knives, razors, etc, Com around and see for yourselves. Stbwast A Beat. MILLED PLOWS. ve are scents for one of the fin sat ml,- - led plows ever stuck into the ground. We mem mj sen ana u you v,ans a SO it wilt pwy you to otme in aedawl S M."VA bn?