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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1886)
Char Street er 9. P.CatJoa. Preaching every Sahbath, sriljg sad evening by Rev. F O. lr vtna, D. D. Sabbath tehool at 8:90 r. a Fiajnr nesting every VVadnaaaday evening. vAsaaucAA. Caunea. Preaohiagoa Sab aasa at I0,:W a. a., and 7 r. M. Salfbath eeeel 10.00. Prayer meeting arary Wad asjseay evening 7.30. S. B. Davia, aator. A.D are invited, Cikiik a now a l Cnv men. Servicesever Sebhata morning and evening. Sabbata Sebeol at 12:15, Prayer meeting on Wadaaaday tiveaing of each waak. Rev, i i V. Remiager, Paator. If. B. Cav aca, South. Preaching avary third Sabbath in uoh month at 11 o'clock a. at 7 o'clock r. a. Sabbath School Sabbath at 10 o'olook A. at. Prayer Friday evening's at 7 o'olook. J . W. Oraig, Paator. M. R. Ohurcb South, TAiJKNT. rraach. iag oa the tint Sabbath of each month morn iag aad evening. J W Craig, Paator. M. R.CauCH Praaohing every Sabbath asamiaa aad evening. Bona aarvioe in tka araaiag bafora aerinoa. Sabbath School dt8.0 r. m. Prayar maatiag every Thurs Say avaaiag. Rav. H. P. Webb, paator. UAX UcuacH. service every morn m 2 and evening in Church Breadalhm and Fifth Sta. Sunday School isame hately after the morning aarvioe, Prayar meeting avary Wadaaaday evening. Rav X R Pritohard, pastor. Fnurr Baptiji CHuaca. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' g, at Church oa 5th Street Sabbath School immediately after aeeraing aerricea. Prayar moating ovory Thuraday eveaiag at 7:90 o clock, i U paator. Catbouc Cuunc a Service avary Sun Say at 10:30 a. a. and 7 r. M. Last Sunday of the month seesioe at Kugeno City. Rev. Leah Metayer, Rector. They Meat. St. John Lodge. 6i, in Foster' Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at Hall, itt Sat urday. Barley Chapter, S. at Hall, -4th Sat urday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thuradav evening. I. O. O. F., at their hall.every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W, at their hall, every Monday evening. Orgeaoa Encampment, at A. O, V. W. Hall, every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R-, at A. O. V. W. Hall, ut and Jr J Saturdays. L O. G. T, at A. O. L. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friend of the Pacific, at O. F. Rail, tat and 3rd Fridays. Ongonfflacific failroad oly Ifopular If oute, Ter 1 icturespeHanges, risia atame) X Sure roanectlon ! Mow eejialpanente ! 85 rnllew asiwrsr f hoar lead tins X ieneiaaawlstinns nnsnrpaaaed for oom fartandaafnty. Faroe and freight MVCm um Shan bv snv aihar route between all ts in the Willamette Valley and San MUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY TO . AN FRANCI8CO. Dmly sfaag-ar Irmint mtctft Snndayt. Leave Corral Ua at 1:5ft r. m. Leave Ya quina at 7:30 a, u, Oregon A California West Side trains at Corrauta. Tki Oregon Development Company's FINE At STEAMSHIP YAQUINA CITY, SAILS- tVAevmA. raoa at r, Hav. STUu Ik. . eaaah tetania, Um. 4tb. a na atalflfts r. Jaa. Saa. . Jma. sta. rriaar.Jea.iau, rrkUj, Jaa. tUt. The Company reeervea the right to ahange aailina aaya. Varea Between Corrailisand San Fran : Kali aad cabin, 14. Kail and Far Information apply to c. c. A. O. T. and P. Agent, OervaBhX OVERUNO TO CALIFORNIA Oregon ft California R. It, AMD OOHKECTIOnS. Ttaae two aad aaair J7. Farst rsas rorUaa to Sea rVaaskwo, SS2 t ascra- Ooeeeaaaaatiaaa sBadeasAstUaaS w.tL of the OsaSerata, Oreaea sad Idaho (DAILY KXCKIT SUNDAYS.) fiKTWESA. rKTLAa AMB AMB1LASD. Stall Traia. Las vs. rertlaad MM a h Alaaay .12:08 r it Ajelaad.. S:tf r a Aiaaer ... 1146s a s sat vs. Albany 11:46 AM Aahland. ........ 4:UU a m Albany 11:21 a m Portland, S;46 r a Albany Expreea Trnln. uuti, saaivs. Peruana.... . . . .4:00 r m I Albanv 1:31 r a Albany SJS r a I Libangn 9JOi r u 4:46 a m Albany t:Di a m .... .5,30 A U Portland 1046 A M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily between Portland and Aaaaatd. TheOaadC EE Perry makes eonaeattea rta all She regaJar trains ea tan Bast Side VtriMou Iamb (est as W West Side Ulvtalea. laKTLAH AIB COKVALLIS, Mail Traia, LBAva Asaiva eavilsad T 10 a a I CorvallU 12:26 r a OsrveVJ .130 r m j Portland 4:16 r m At OorralUs eonnact with trains cf Oregon Paella sr Tannine Bay. Express Trala. UAva Aaaiva, Portland 4.M'r a MoMinavUis J:00 r u MaMianrUls 6:41 A u Portland :00 A Load Meket for sals and bsagage ebeekad at eom saay's up-town ogles, Cor. Pins and Second Streets. TAebetsfar prinapai poluU in California can only be ayeasisS at Ceaaeny's ealee, Comer P and Front Pertland Or, Preigbt will not be raoeired for Sip at ant after Sve o'clock p. ta. on either tbs East avfWa eida Diriaton. S. EOEHUEE, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. O. T. A Pas Acent. Remarkable Offer. Taa Democeat $2.00 Haw Yoaa WeaLD 1.00 FrJrs History op tus U. 8 1.60 AMBESOAJr Farm aa 1.00 $5.50 Aad sheep t tha price ; bat wa offer the fear ter f&25, giving remarkable bargain. Drop the American Farmer and yon can have the thre remaining for $3. Drop the World and iiintory and yon can have the two ethers fer $2. 25. The history in s 320 fags book niaely bound, and is worth the egalsr price. PATENTS afcselaed, aad all other business in the U; 8. Patau OfAee aweadedad to tot moderate fees. Ovestee iaeppoeit the U. 8. Patent Office, and "aea abUia Paiente laae time than thoee remote trenj Wasaiattua. Send modi or drawing-. We a.;- to patent eeSHir free ef ehanre : ana we make o c'uaru e unlaaa waeetala patect. We refer bare, to the Poetmaster, the Sunt, of vrraar u.t. ana 10 omciait 01 vne u . a f atent Par circular, advice, terma, and efereuoaa I elieute in your own State or county, eddreea C. A. SNOW & CO., Patent Office, Waehington, D , PURE SOAP. Tse yonr wn refnso Rresse, etc., and Ornenbank'n Powdered Caustic Soda. No speetal apparatus, no experience, no fnel, and only 1 If teen nainntas time needed sad for dlr action to T. W, Jackson A Co. ata INLY ACADEMY OF OurilLady of Feipetail Help. ALBANY, - OREGON. This Institution i beauUfall situated in tW. - . ...I .n..uaih)n I )tv of A lh&jav. The location is remarkably healthy, tha huiU hi n end wall furaished witn au that oontributea ta tha oosifort and instruc tion of tha pupils. Tha playj grounds lara extensive and well adapted to.healtimu St arcisc The osastant aim of tha teachers is, whilst imnartina instruction in all tha uaaful and refined branches, to train the youthful heart to virtue ami to instil a oommendablaamu- Jatiou, thus educating for society, members who will, wa trust. nrova an honor to our country. Punila of all Dei-suasions SQuaUy received, provided they comply with the regulation of tha school . Boys admitted up tolths aga at ten or iwaive. ThisJAoadauiy is incorporated and author- & 5.1 ... . - i- f A .... .1 ..... ... kniuta UN oy,tno ataae so swwawww wrt Normal instruction of aspirants for Teach 1 ..... . .,., inlf v BOARDING SCHOOL, Pr ttrm. Kotranoe fee, payaWe ones. JJJJ Board aad tuition, payable in advaaor. 40.00 iiniM. ixtmiMnui. thsAMsaaal aad mm with ik dm of oisoo or orcsa 15,00 Guitar with the ass of instrument. . . .fill Zithera without ass of lastraatent. . . . a.vv mA naintino O.W Bed and bedding ' 00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Par ttrm, is d Primary I Junior Senior and Graduating Department. . 10.00 Oratlaatiwg Fee ... W-00 For farther particulars apply at tee Acad- SMf, Thooe he latead sending their children to school will favor the Bisters aad the fee teresta of the aohool by waking all arrange nana. Wore tha 10th of November.oo which day the school opeae. Toe Misters will be wmnm-A to attend to this basiaees after the .5th int ALBANY COLLEGIATE IHSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1880, 188T. BKV. E J. TMMPseX. . P reside n I A toll eorps of Inatractors, CLASSICAL SCiyiTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet the need or all gTsdeegoretudenta. Sp ial itdmctmnt$ oftrtd Is timUmU fj from abroad. Tuition ranges from fS,S0 to $ia,M. Board in private families at low rates. Rooms tor self-boarding st small excense. A careful supervision exercised over sta deats swsy from home. Fell term opeas September 7th. For circulars snd full particulars address the President. BET. E. 4. TMOMrSOS, 0. Albany, Oregon, Electric ApfiliiMM are sent en 30 Days' Trial, TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, XTHO ere eaflartnar from Vasvoes Osanrnr, T v um Yiuun, itaoa or Saava Poaos ab vawa. w arw w aaaWAsrineWsissnwai.eiirtantaoee Stneiw a Paaaoaai. xrvmm raenttina (ran Aaoaaa end vmm Cum Spaa dy relief and eoiplete rerto eton of Hnaura.viaon and ausooo Ooaaairraaa. of a Pi ration of Health, lor lPanannletfrae. Addraat VfllTAie tliT St., HAISHAti, S3ISH. Jfttfi af MfkiMlUX&P A Radical Curs XBKVOV3 nam mmaa BwHYnCAXo v DECAY, rcsTcn roa 8cwm pears sv use IWSM THoisMsgOASaaV TRKATaUBXT. Three Moaitha. 7. HARRIS OSaaWS X'XVEJUHl 1 ID wQfeaaCaaMb Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that tha undersign ed has been duly appointed Administrators of the estate of W. H. MtRnight, deceased, by order of the County Court of Lion eonnty, Oregon, duly made apd entered of record, and all persons having claims again at said estate are hereby required to present the same to tha undersigned at fieio, Oregon, daly yeri fied within six months from the date hereof. October 21st, 1883. klOBT, VsW IMS aii ml! SaWSraSSZ au fJyoothfml lndlaaretloa, MlaliiiLi fiealiiiTiilMejiie. na HMD .IJ f mmmi II sfrlai M I ininT iii Thif IuateaaeeVS Wmm trouble. Get oer Tiea Kal'Slioia iefiar. Tbaaet SortblAiabara aTTaeaieiliiiii1nailiaat aee PEMSI1Y CO.. MM ar. zantn an. vs. jjouim. 3S& a-atrvaa I'M m LiAMrnnn liuwrunu This Is tha most PRACTICAL HXQB-COY W&f&Lu DRRBSTaadgtra. aaventenll to put oa and the topcaataSustada m any sakle by suujjljr moving the buttons. jmsstauj L. 1. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Hnnrnn-fi . unultl Keeps ooaatautlv on hand the Largest and Finest stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, RINGS, ETC. la Albany, Is agent fo R0CKF0RD WATCHES. Repairing deae pramptiy aad skillfully BARCLAY & ROBERTSON, BMpping and Commission Merchants CMFORHU ASD OIE603S PRODICS, Grain, Floor, Hay, Ilopa, Wool, Honey, Mustard seed, Nut, Dried Fruit, Kir, Boom 5, sag California St., Saa Fraasisea. Red CrownMills 18011, LANSING 4 CO., PROPR'S. srgw PBocne plots cpsfuoa rom pamiubi aeo BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANYsOR. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. WlllpraeMos in all the Co arts In tha SUt pom Oae half block la ess ejtywlth flvir hease sad Ml H SM barn will beeold Qeiee 1 Se9.esi.e9o. la aa ateeM InvaliislIsjlSorgicallnstitute BUPPALO, T- T. rsaaia4 With a fall SSasT at alaSfeea StaawrlaaeeS aad eiaUfal tntpstctaas aaS enrseens lav Use treat aacat of . ail Chreaie PUeaaet. QUB FIELD OF SUCCESS. .Jb.!r on le K it Catarrh, Throat and,00 aond Nerv ofKattd alfpsrUculars. Nepvonaltahllffv. mm. tener Koetornal a.oaaaa, and aU SIopbMI Conditions caused bp Voathfnl Fol. Ilea and leraieious 8oll ZmaTT7mm'mZ peraanentlj cured bp our SpeolallBU. Dooa fmet-rxUd. xO eta. in stamps. - Honwre, or Breson, rsdl OSllp cured. Without the knife. wltl -bout dependence noon ut dependence U; a and mtOt mm t little In stamps, msui- 101 a'uw wlfftiy gassiest anp lk"Tnt for ten cents ta stamps. Address World's gTaFg xjunam,m Mam w w awsssiasasasf dS . . iimuuie, una as SSei'care! sad"" apUDg nmeCm DaaVPIERCB8 Favorite Prescription is the result of this past experience. It Js a aowerful Beacav Strength its. I.eo. excesaive Itfi Ats sa s-e supnreestoua, prolapsns or ViwlL?I-"0.'te,A We1K hack, lnlovF9troveZl0n bearing. down aanantlnna. fh.mii. ,n? on,lrifimmron t womb. Inflammatlnn. nn I ii and tanSarnaaa m a.i.. n.t Akii aa 1 ma ten dei beat, and "female weakness." It oromntlw rellnv relieves and cures Nansea and Sleeplessness, in eitner sex. PRICE $1.00, -S8a Oold hylPpagglsUeTerpwhere. Send ten cents in s tarn pa for Dr. Pierce's la rue Treatise oa Diseases of Women, "'"iifrated. World's Dispensary Hediea! Association, 603 Main Street, BUFFALO. B.T. SICK-HEADACHE, BIHobs Headaene, JDtzzineas, onstipa tion, Indlgeatlon. and Bilious Attacks, promptly cured by Dr. lHeree'e Pleasant Fwgratlve felleta. 2S bLSB Ibv fcfcJaa,IaJSl jMpsass-a; bUP f. P. NUTTING. 4SMaW SM.0St.SM. rW erpeSFVJe 1 0EUC.TE I Ifliapsepa B iuieuar.e.1 IftSEttES OFlSSlUA0' Isnur-u I WOMHIff f stufar-w. to the system, and CPrte, as It bv man eorrneau or "whites, lowinar. Valnffnl namUi Mint gemomt. VBlDAT UKOKMBKB 17. 1881. TEMPERANOK DIPaMIsII, xntTU ar rum Wanci'i Cirlititi Tenpenaei rjiUi Tha W. 0. T. U. meets on the lea sad 8rd Tuecdsy of each month hi f o'oloek p. m., al the A. O. U. W, Hall, vsr French's Jewelry Store. T C. T. V. NOTtS I'BXMtYLVAMtA. We bare now 108 "Y'a," an In crease of ninety-nine over last year. Our onrolted membership la 6,057 paying members reported to the state 2,486. At oar annual state conven tion held in Wllkeabarre In October, we were represented by sixty-four delegates. One of the local papers of that city, commenting on the ap pearance of the convention, said t 'The convention stems to be, not of an old woman's, nor of a middle aged woman's, ner of s young woman's union, but rather of a woman's gath ering in which women of every age are present and take an enthusiastic part. When young women Join hands, young men have got to tun their backs on the saloon.1' Tbs glrla of Pennsylvania have held 812 public meetings, distributed 208,221 pages of literature, and raised to carry on temperance work, $8,270.75. Their stats dues this year amounted to $817.25. All this is certainly cause for gratitude to our Heavenly Father. But there "remains yet much land ts be possessed," for ws havs still thirty whole counties In which ns beginning of young women's work oss bssn effected. Ob, pray for ur, dear sister workers everywhere, that "a great door and effectual" may be opensd to us. Mas. Wm. Pattsm, State ttupt. Young Women's Work. The open meetlpggjof the "YV held Tuesday evenlmr was a very pleasant one. A gsedly number of earnest temperance workers were preeent Cannot each one of that number appoint bimsslf a esmmlttes to bring re some one who Is not in the work. We might do them good. We long for the time when each one sbsll be fuliy awakened to his per. tonal responsibility in this and other christian work, when our Uvea shall ss as fall of the beauty of doty per formed that there shall be little shad. ow upon the departing years. Tbs Internal Iieyenae report shows that the tobaeo oonsutaptioa has grown the last fiscal year to still larger pre pvrtioos. The aggregate, a moan t of laaes eollscted from tobsoco was $27, 107,362. The increase of collections for the last fiscal year over these for the previous year was. from m an u fac tored tobaoos, $865,095 ; cigars saa cigareitss,58l,3W) ; special Uxes,$53, 698. The prodnetioo aoeooat shows an increase in metsfastsreft, tobaooo of 10,798,380 pounds ; in the number of cigars snd cigarettes of 433,607447 ; in tobacco exported of 29,369,220. Tbs number of cigars imported daring the fiscal year ended June 20, 1886, wee 73,139,078. The tobaooo habit into) res aot only aa enormous waste of money , hot a greater lose still ia impaired pby isal rigor and to raee deterioration. Another effort is being made to in troduce in New York the coffee house as a substitute for the liqsor saiooo. Io England, notably io Birmingham and Liverpool, the coffee boose movement has been a great luceest, securing a large snd even a pecuniarily profitable patronage. Hitherto the attempts made to introduce it in New York bare not, unless it be in the torts of temper auce "dairies." been prospered. It i" mm to be hoped that the present effort may find more substantia! encouragement snd achieve a permanent success. Mr. Frederick Oore,of London, of tbe Cqfm) lln$9 Newt, snd former secretary of tbe Coffee House Association, formed in London under tbe presidency of tbe Duke of Westminster, is now ia New York, and is giving tbe present mora ine ut tbe benefit of bis oo-Operlbn and counsel. Mr. Gore, whose addrssv for tbe present is at tbs Ashland House, Fourth .Arcane, will take pleasure in risking any place where tbe temperance people may like to know tbe story of tbe coffee house work in England. He asks no psy beyond necessary expenses. The coffee bouse teodsrsd socially at tractive without the presence ef alcohol would duubilsss in New York, as io England, save many from the ruinous envirement of tbe liquor saloon. theib tors ton uvo. "Yes," said a Kentuckian who had beau in tbs far West, "Indians are powerful fond of whisky. Let them ones get the taste of whisky, an' they'll give up evey thing for it. Aa old chief out in Western Dakota offered me a pony, saddle, bridle, blanket and I don't know wbat else, for a pint of whisky I bad with me." "And you wouldn't give it to him t" "Not much. That was tbe last pint I had left. But it shows how fond In diana srs 6f whisky." .V. Y.Sun. ARN DOORS, ever put bp a new barn danr bat r- haug sn old one until you first esil on Stewart k Sox and see what ther have neir tn bajn rtbo bAmrs'seoaiethiBa TUT. CilKf, St TUB tSSISS. what Is tiaswa A heat Her aad Her Habits ef Lite. If ihsre is aoytbiag we know less about than we think we do it is the girl, snd this the girl is glad, for there U nothing shs bstss to bs knows about her so bad as the truth. We havs been sequsintsd with her a loag time and wstohed her pranks from afar, Men her out ths "pigeon wing" and knock the "bask step" in the back yavu when shs thought she had no ipectstor ; but still we don't know her. From the time she is big enough to swing on ths gate and tie a tiobon in a double bowkoor, she begins to locate a eweetbeait, and she keeps this up until he is located in ths bsek ysrd, exercis ¬ ing hie talents dissecting stove wood. She may be a little dull on mathe matics, but invtiiably solves ths prob lem of putting a No. 5 foot ia a No. i shoe. She will wear out two old drestes running around to find out how to make a new one in tbe latest style. She wilt break tbe point off ber brothet's knife making a crack to peep at strangera when they some visiting. She will greet vpu with tbe most be witching smile and laugh st your stupid when your are gone. She will walk three blocks out of the way to get a peep at her beau aod then pass by without looking at him. tths will talk with you two Hours without bains able to repeat a word you hays said, hot will know how long you have worn your duds snd how many buttons hare lost their grip. She will attend church, listen with absorbed interest to eloquent and pa- tbetic sermons, then return heme and expatiate updn the horrible fit ef Miss fleoow's new basque. She will go to table, mince over deli- eioies with the most fastidious taste, tSdSa slip heck in tbe kitchen end eat a raw potato. She will wesr out tbs beet pair oi thoee dancing all dsy, then attend a ball at eight aod complsin of being out el practice. She will spend ail night 1 writing a oarefuil worded letter, in the most praciee band, to her Simon Suggs, then scratch off a page to ber sister that Old Harry couldn't read. She will be the most devout creature oa earth, aad bate the earth that Bailie Grimes walks on. She will be iodustiioos aod econom ical fer a month, then spend her savings for a red ribbon. She wilt slouch sround tbe bouse for a week making preparations ts look seat OS Sunday. She will flirt with all the best young seen in the neighborhood, snd finally marry some knotty-beaded J tm Crow. Net a single JtP "Yoe may laugh and think me a rain tbiag," writes Mrs. J. It. C., of San Fraa etseo, to a friend In this city, "but I bare not a gray hair la my bead, aad yet (aad u aavT I am ftftv aad a day. Recently my hair was not only quite gray but quite tola, too, Parker's Hair Bateaa-ui la New Tcrk, I lb Ink did woadara for ana. Trr it If you have occasion. It real a ms wbat I say, and restores the color so." Wot a ays, bo greaay, niguiy par . a - . . a a a a . Swdy anebte First National Bank OF ALBANY, OBEOOSJ. PreeUient JOHKOOJTNKa U. F. MEKK11JU TRANSACTS A OSNERAL bauk!tvfuaiaaaf . AfX'OUirrj KBPT.SBbjeeSt4e shock. SIOKT EXCHAJfQS and telegrepBle transfer, sole1 a New York. Saa Praooiaoe. Oaleaeo aad Port! aa Oraana. OOLLSCfnONS MAPS oa favorable m. . Towns, Jon Casaas. l. a BbUH, e i, flOM,j H. P. Msamw-t, To Tax Payers. Notice is hereby giuen that I will meet the Tax-payera of Linn county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and remain until 4 o clock, p. m. at their respective places of voting m the several precincts, at the following times and places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for 1886. East Albany, Friday, Dec. 17. West Albany, Saturday, Dec. 18. Prompt payment will be required. Pay your taxes and save costs. D. S. Smith, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Dated, Oct. soth, 1SS6. for Infants "Caatorla Ia bo iwll adapted to children tMt 1 r...-jn ... I llZZZn n' I Ul Be. Oatord 6tt iteoolujn, Y. grf f-f- larearteaa eeaieeeruta weree. aad if m kaVa a taraaUeti ta sateat write ta fyhari ec Seleanne 4saeneea sasasts smsIsS 0as ' MHMlOl UrSTfcS. Strij ( t a id plaids ars equally populsr. The rouud waist, with belt, is a fea ture of some new French costumes. New dress and cloak fabrics show brillianUhued arabesques, shaded exo tics, leaf desigos and bourstte effects io silk asttaoban. Ad aisgsnt fan is of white India gauze head painted with birds of bril liant colored plumage. The sticks sre of motbor-of-pear, inlaid with birds in mosaics. The newest plaids haye grounds of solid colors, crosssd with faint lines of white, gray, wine or old geld Borne new fabrics with special trim mings have borders in easbmere pat tiroi, palms and other desigos. Tbe bands sre generally used as trimming for the underskirt, the overdress being made entirely of tbe plain fabric. Tbs sides of man draperies are orn amented with large crocheted or work ed girdles, covered with cut-jet beads. The front breadths of many ball gowns are worked in sstin beads ts match tbe colors of tbe costume. Cashemeres of fine quality are large ly used for drossy toilets. Lace, em broidery, pssseraenteries and ribbons are used ss deoorstlun. Many of the new wolleo goods show black grounds, with narrow silk stripes in light shadse. A new material for hslf-mourning has a blsck ground sprinkled with dote of white, snd stripes oi black eatio. Barques cf velvet sre once more fssh- onablc. Many 'Otherwise serviceable ocatumes, with half-worn oorsages, may be mads ss good as new by the sddition of these bisques. Musquash, a brown -shaded for, ia to be used es trimmings or mantlea and dresses. It is; pretty snd inexoeiteiva Collarettes made of several variet ies of fur, and tied around the neck with a ribbon bow, fitting almost as closely aa tbe collar of tbe dress, are sold by Bog- hsh issMara, Borne ot the panels shown tor deco rating dreeay costumes ars masterpieces of embroidery. An eleganl example is of thick peach Siciliaane, worked with silk to match in open guipure ea an ep ptiqoeof vol ret of the same tone. Piaio vet vote are more fashionable thao brocaded for dressy wraps. . Nswly -too sorted French booaets show combinations of velvet snd fur of the same shade. The fur is used only 00 tbe brim. English aod Spanish turbans, made entirely of plumage, the crowns cover ed entirely with floe feathers, are once more popolsr. Oold embroidery and gold-beaded belts are used to decorate sums of tbe mantles of dsrk, many-toned mete- lease brocade. a a a a e . e a An oou eotauittattua lor so evening dteso was shown by aa English millin er. The foundation saa of blue silk, with trimouinga of blsck lace. Tha bodice was bigb sod laeed at ton back, and the lace dispones of tbe skrt were ei srranged that tbo silk showed well between. Labrador blue is a new ooior, which will be used io both dark and light shades, tbe former for street, the latter for evening wear. Vary small pokes are wora by young ladies. Sheriffs Sale. a tha Circuit Court 0 tkt Matt of Orogmfor Linn County, Z F Moody, Governor. R p Earbart, Soore tary of Mato ard Edward Hirsch, Treasarer of the State of Oroyon.coasUtatJDK tbeDoard of Ooountasionora for tho sal of school aod university lands and for tbefiuvestassat of tbe funds arising therefrom, Plaintiff. A! I to Ann Farrir, Andrew Bird Farrier. (ieorge Farrier, lrtaa Etiaabath Barrel I and B M Barrel), ber husband, Edmund Farrier, John tamer, Eila f arrier, Phoebe HSIe Clint-hammer and Frederick Ciinehammer, her hutbanct, liolomlAMs. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and ordsr of sale issued out of tbe above named Court in the above entitled suit, I will on Monday tha 3rd day of Jan uary, 1887, at the Court House door 10 tbe city of Albany, linn county, Oregon, at the hour of one o clock p. m aall at public auction for cash in hand to tbe highest bid der the real property described in said exe cution and order of sale aa follows to-wit : The north east quarter of tbe southwest quar ter and the southeast quarter of the north west quarter and lota 2, 3 and 4 of Section 24 in Township 12, south of Range 1 weet of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 154 13100 acres. The proceeds of sale to be applied first to tbe payment of the casts and expenses of suit taxed at $35.80 and accruing coats and the further sum of $40 Attorney's fees. Next to the payment So tha Plaintiffs herein the sum of $367-30 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 27th day of October, 1886, and the overplus if any to be paid in to the Clark of aaid Court. Dated this 4th day of November, 1836. D SL Smith, Sheriff of linn eouuty, Oregon. SAM MAY, J. O. SKKDCRS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise, HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds Conirtry produce. and Children. enres Oolle. Coastfnatton, aHf tomacb. Diarrtosa, SSrucrtatton, KUT Worms, eivea leap. di- Wmaa lujurioas inodiosaiOB, TSB Cbmtacb Cokpakt, 183 FttltOQ Street, N. Y. JULIUS GRADWOHL Has the only exrlaslre ftlock ! CROCKERY, CLA8MILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Ghoio 8electosofCoffee, TeaSna? ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. e OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS Am lime THE HIOIlEtT JIAKKET PRICK PAID FOR COS Remember I What I hi lean, aire He a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nawspaper Advertising Burasu, SO Spruoe St., Haw York. Sand lOota. for l OO-Pavga Pamphiat. Itiiss Honse. aJ. GrlOI-iIlN's) Proprietor. a This houae, is bow opsa aad furnuhe.l with tbe best new faraitare. Everything elaaa sad eesaasodtoas, osVriag to tbe jrea- eral pablie saperior sccowmodatioos to say fas tea etty. MADY'S mm sAtnr s tvs a mrnn saSl!i9 1 jmUll'Ail J. I J Two doors east oi Odd Fallow's TaSk A ALBANY, - - OREGON. Meala at aU aoani a4 all iictcssv aad Taaaasa aay 3 OYSTERS ! always ea Slaad. t f a I 1 1 sse th .tara otmn arer d.f. aoa ton v. SaaaUitr. i, 5b.- UM ot - n vr.x Palace Meat Market. mi A TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keeo constant I y oa hand beef, motion, pork, veal, aaaaage, etc.. the beat seats aod hsrgeat variety in the city. Cash paid fer all k lads of fat stock. SOMETHING NtW UNDER THE SUN. A aewp&per specially devoted to the in terests of the prod ucing claseMt and tbe development of aueh mtf . ts and industries ae the people are directly interested in aad benefit- ed by. ' Sustain Those Who Benefit Ion, THE "YAQUINA MAIL" Published at - ME - OREGON all the points of interest In re gard to the opening of this now and Miort. Root and will keep you advised ot all Important transactions in tbe lity oau otry It hi tbe beat and moat reliable local papsr published in Benton Co, Price reduced to $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Send for sample eopy and apodal offers. Take jour read lag matter from tbe place from which you obtain tbe greatest good. Address THE PHELPS CO. Newport, Orego n. 5m3 To Regulate fflfffl FAVORITE HOME REMEDY It I Si it warranted not to contain s .ingle jr X SsUtl tide of Mercury or any injurious tub. stance, but is purely vegetable. It will Ours all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys aad Stomach. If your Liver is out of order, then your whole aystem ia deranged. The blood it impure, ths breath offensive you have hesdschs, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a mora acrtous con- cuuon, take st once Simmons LIT a REGULATOR. If you lea 1 a sedentary life, or suffer s ah Kidney ARVetions, avoid stimulsntt snd take Simmons Liver Kegulaor. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hsrd of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless st night, tske a dose and you will feel relieved snd sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, UyHcepsla and Biliousness, seek relief st once fas Simmons Liver Regulator. It does nt ream re continual dosing, and costs but a trine. It will cure you. If you wske 110 in tlie momlnir with a outer, oau taste in your muuti TA1 E Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor rects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens the Breath, and cleanses the Fmrwl Tongue. Children often need some safe Cad ar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickut ss. himmont Uver Kegulator will relieve (Johc, Htd ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, ;,nd awiiv. uivs vivatMvu, sutuvj-iiwti, a y o the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any rime you feel your system cleansing, toning, regulating without leeds ioteas purging, or stimulating wiuiout intoxi cating, take Simmg&s Livsr Esgulats PREPARED AY J. H. ZEIUH & 00., PkJa Assl to HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER -PROPRIETORS OF- Albany Soda Works, Aad Man n fact u rem of- CHOIOI C0IF10TIflmif eaways fresh aad para at PostiaaS prijw to dealers, We also keep a fall Huts and Tropical Fruits, I1V GROCERIES, OUR CICAR AND TOBACCO department is coon Ifi.JW fe Tory :net o. meerschaum And briar iNpaaUtsS is a delight to ero alters. ' e. a. wotrnros, o, , umn, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Sas0ce np stairs InfJFroman's Brisk ALBANY, OREGON. Old papers 2Sc a hundred at the Dso or.Ar otftce. from Use will ear to rx urase mt aaa4ltssa Lttssl jraaa. SlaepaaHisdly. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ear as SOWaaaal Avsaasi II Skearaey street. Saa, Cal. Kervous Debility. Seminal Wsekaeas, XzaaastsS itauiv. ap klitv, Spermstorrhoea, Last afaaboaa, taasT, klvvis, Prostatorrhoea, aad all the terrible asTaeSs If abuse, and eleaas In natsrar yean, sash aa rwajj 01 sell-souse, ana excess in maiarar rears. 1 Lees of Meniorv. Lassitude. Naosareal safaSiaa aversion to aoeisty, Dlmoeesof vistea, Noises la ths Head, the vital Suio passing uuobsst ved 'a ths arias, and many other diseases Uial lead ta iasanitv and death. l ot sa mm . Suffering from any ot tho abovs symptou. should consult ua at ones. Tha drain Can he stopped, vi tality restored, and life be made again a plaasnre ir-tert -.f A butdsn. Thstc ui many MIDDLE ACEls XK.V who are treabie with toe freanent evseustlns- ot too bladder, often aecom;auied by a sl'ght ans.nisttr bcrning sensaUon, and a weakening: ot the ayatosn in s manner they annot aceount for, Hope Sedtmeat ia ths urine, esc Many die of this dMBeulty ignoraat ot vha cause, which is the saeeaS stage ot seaiiaal weak liens. Cures gursmteed in all such eases. roBftMifatton free. Taoruugb esatuluatioa and iriuce. iuoludiiis chemieal analysis and microacepte exsminatkon of tha urine, Sa. An honest opinion given Ut every ease. The following medicines supplied at the rrlees named : , Slit ASTIiKV COOPER VITAL RKKTORA Tit t, St a bottla, or tour times tho nnantitv. S10. - eAMriA ROT1LK PUKE. V s?nt to any on anidtinir bv lottor. kutm aB. t , sex and ajre. btriet secrecy iu retard to aa SestaaSS transactions. ihe Velebratett KM aey Remedy. Pllin. ri ej, for all kinds of Kidney and Bladuer ComehviaSk. Uonerrhoes, tileet, Lcuoorrhoaa, etc. or sale y al! drusrifists ; $ a bottle, or aix hottlM Inr a The English iVtMfet llc. LITKBt tin nti e en 'IA SL PH"I I PILL ia the best in the market. Por sa& by all drturriis ; price iO cents a bottle. Address KaalUh Ki ilimi v. vt- . 1 1 . . . . "i ineasarv. San Francisco. Sal O.P. COMMISSION AND PURCHASING ABENT, Of all kinds of merchandise. All orders from the oou n try filled on short notioe for every clsss or kind of goods from flrst-olaaa etock. Abaalutely no charges or oasamissioa will be charged or filling orders, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D W. Prentioe'g, Partland, Or SOLD Beld. are scare a, bat taow who write t Stinsou A Co. Portlusd, M aft e. will racste free, fall information, abeot wok which taajr eaa so, sad llr at heescthai wilt aa ana ftxtao ss as ass set as. & an y EMsrjsaageaW. fas.nU started free. These ertiestaj stm ggrBkw Tlae BUI Sots' GCTDB sa m 11 aaaSksesMw JfS BOO tMwSj iiiHssss-a kWmmv wssete PasSanm Qallary. BaS OIVSSS WHelsaale Pi lass atroH to consumer mm all sjeeSa Sew persasua or family aae, Tails ksw Sa easas yum sas aat, sMbak, waaw. aw saava tana vrttav. Tbtw UfTAXXTAJBUB BOOKJS ranlaia lafeiaaert i sdsssneal sasrSrsts aa eaa werla. Wa TomiDkins