Church Mmltr V. P.OaTPSOax. PreaohingarerT Sabbath, ateraiag seel irwuag by IUt. R. U. lr sW u. D. SahhaAh feahool at 2:30 r. M Pmyar meatiag srsry Wsdnsssday ereuiug. Bh nmoii 0bvmg. PrMohiag oa Bee see, a 10,30 a. a., nd 7 r. a. Sabbath etoel 10.00. Prayer mMtiu wry v o aaaeay nint 740. 8. i iai. vestor. Bar invited. O I1M AXIOM At CBTJ SCH. 8errloaevr takWlk raorong and araning. Sabbath Mel at IS 15. Prayer meeting on W seas day eentag of eaofc week. Hot, 11. T. Boamiager, I'm tor. M. & Ccatm,80CTK.Preaching srsry third Sabbath ia aoh month at 11 o'clock a. at 7 o'clock r. u. Sabbath School Sabbath at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer Friday evening! at 7 o'clock. J.W . Uraig, I'aator. ML 1. ChChChSoCTH.Tasoairr. Preach lag on the tint Sabbath of each month morn g and evening. J W Craig, Pastor?. M. K-OKtrno. Preaohina erery Sabbath morning and evening. Bong aervioa ia the rrua before eermon. Sabbath School dtS.30 r. ml Prayer meeting every Thar day evening. Rev. U. P. Webb, paetor. PaaearraaiA Cevkoi. -Sroo every Sabbath mamma and eveninfl ia Charon or. Breadalbin and Fifth SU. Sunday School immediately altar the morning eernoe, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening lav JS K Pritohard, pastor. fturr Baptist CacacH. Preaching every Sabbath morninsand eve' Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning service. Prayer meeting oyer 2 Yharadey evening at 7:30 o'clock. Brew, paetor. Oatbouc Cavaca. Servioa every Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and 7 P. M. 1 Jt Sunday of thn month service at Eugene City. Rev Leeis Metayer, Rector. They Meet. St. John's I-odge, 6a, in Foster's Block and Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodoe. 17. at Hall, ut Sat urday. Bavlev Chanter. 8. at Hall, eth Sat arday. K. of at O. F. Hall, every Thursday evening. I. O. O. F., at their hall.every Wedneeday evening. A. O. U. W., at their liall, every Monday evening. Oraeana Encampment, at A. O. U. W Hal), every and and 4th Friday. G. A. R- at A. O. U. W. Hall, ut and rd Saturday. L O. G. T, at A. O. V. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friend of the Pacific, at Q. F. Halt, tt and 3rd Fridays. afaare?oiil&clfic AaiiroM Uuly lafopalar Hoate m icture8qu8aiii Fia tiaa ! Hare raaaeetiaa t Mow ejatpaaeat I BB aelle charter ! SO Boar leaa fusee ! Aeoonaaaodationa uosurpaaaod for com feetandaaety. Fare and freight MUCH uaa than by any other route between all point in the Willamette Valley and San Franotaeo. ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY SAN FRANCISCO. Dmty trains tmeft Sunday $. Leave Corral 11 at 1:5 p. a. Leave Ya- quins at 7:30 a. m, Oresoa Cnllfornln Weat Side train at Corvallt. fts Oregon De?elopinent Company's FINE Al STEAMSHIP YAQUINA CITY, 8AILS- TsvniA. Mwt. tJXMU lt.,:rl. I....- Klh TWday, Dw. 1Kb. . Jen. a. laatMUj. jo. am. ffriev. uih. rtuuj, Jn. ta. The Company reaaryea the right to aaanga anuing day. Faroe Between Co rv all is and Sen Fran t Rail and cabin, $14. Kail For information apply to C. C HOC! K, A.O. f. ami P. Agent, Cerraln. OVERLAND TO CAUFOBNIA Oregon A California ft. R, AHH CONNECTIONS. Tan tw r. as t laraf rem Portlaa tSaa aaaaarta. jawaV OtaaW 1 An4 w Ui of the (DAILY KXCKTT SCSDAY8.) BKTwaaa.poBTLAaa a a ABAAa. MaU Train. Asaiv. 11:44 am i-tf) A M PerSland ..00 A a Albeay 1106 r 11 sbUad. .......... S:6 r u AibMT 11:46 a Albny.. AJhur mm a m Portland, J;44 t U Albany Kxvress Train. tBAV. 4 ft 111 va. FartiaiMl 4:00 r a I Albwiy AM r m Alhaay J6 r a I Ubaovn 920 r u I 4:4 a M J Altny 0s a m AJSm AM A m I PortUud 1046 a M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS dally batwssB Partiaad and Ashland. TheOaedC B BKarry naOu eoaasetlons with all IM I ft ngnlar traias 01 the Kami bid Dirudou from foot 'ear. Weat Aide Btvlalon. roUTLAKa AKU CORVALLia, MaU Train. LBAVS Perthad .IM a a OarfaUl. . . . ....... 1 iw r ABSIVS Corrallta 12:16 p a Portland ...U: 16 u Al CorralUa cunnet with trains c( Oregon Paetfle far Vatitna Kay. Bxpreae Train. LBAV. ASSIVS. Portland .4:10 r a I MeMlattvlUa .8:00 r a MaMianriii 6 t a m Portlaod :O0 a a la I tiefcata for aala and baggaa checked at 00m aay'a op-town offloa, Cor. Pine and Second titreata. Tlemeaiar principal poU.ta in Califom'a can only be roaared at Oomptnr'a efll ?e, Comer t aad Prom Portland Or. Freight will not be received (or asset alter are o'otaok p, raw invaMaa. S. KOaHLKB, E. P. ROGERS. Managtr. O. F. A Pea Atens. Remarkable Offer, Tub Dbmocbat $2.00 Naw Yoaa: Woald 1.00 FXITB HlBTOKTOr tbk U. S 1.60 AKBBiCAjr Farm sk 1.00 $6.50 And cheap at the price ; but we offer the f oar foe 98 26, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop the Amfriran farmer and yen can have the tbrre remaining for $3. Drop the Wtrld and FTUttfry anrl yon can have the two others for $1 25. The history ia a 320 page book nicely bound, and ia worth the egular price. PATENTS Siw!? VJJ f 'hr b" In the U; g. Paten Oaea atteoaeded U. for moderate laae. Our aBca la oppoait the V . 8. Patent OflBoa, and wwcaa obtaia Pateita leas time than those remote from Washinatoa. Bend mod la ordraUia;. Wa ad abOHy free ol eaarga ; and we make to patent abtelo patent. Wa rater km U th. V,mt m... the Sunt, of V. fi. Patent Weaay Order Dir. aad to officiate of the V Per eircuiw, advice, tenas, and eferauess stJaia la your own State or county, adUreaa Ca A. SNOW & CO., 0xtte PaWAt Office, Washington, D . PURE SOAP. T Uae your owa refuso graaae, etc., and Oreen bank's Pawdered Oaastio Soda. Ho special apparatus, no experience, bo fuel, and only flfUen micutee time needed Send for dlreotleo to T. W, Jackeon & Co. 318 ffeitaVMVl Is Rt Son Tfn n r.jrftuiji ACAD EMY OF OurJlLady of Peipetual Help; ALBANY, - - OREGON. This Institution is beautifully situated ia tk pleasant and aeceesible City of Albany. The location ia remarkably healthy, the building new and well furalshed with all that contributes to the comfort and instruc tion of the pupile. The play grounds ar extensive and well adapted to;bealthf ul ec- rets. The constant aim of the teachers is, whilst imparting instruction in all the useful and retined branches, to train the youthful heart to virtue and to inettl a oommendable.emu- lattoa, una educating for society, members who will, we trust. Drove xn bouor to our country. Pupil of all perauAttous equally received, provided they comply with the reguletima of the Boys admitted up ta ' the eg ot tea got twelve. This!Aoademy is incorporated and author bed by .the outer Academic bouorr, Normal instruotiou of aspirants for Teiel- are Certiticatea, a specialty. TERMS. BOARDING SCHOOL, Ptr term, Kutrano fee, payable onoe, $ 5.00 Board and tuition, payable in advance, 40. ISO Music, instrumental, theoretical and vocal with the use of piano or organ 15.00 Guitar with the an of instrument 12.00 Zithern without ose of mstronent 8.00 Drawing and patntinc H.t0 Bed and beddiog 1.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Pmr trm, im aWtwave. Primary Daaaiaaant f I.tO Junior Departaaent &00 Preparatory Department 0.00 Senior and Graduating Department. . . 10.00 Orad eating. Fee 10.00 For farther parlieulars apply at lh Acac- "7. Those who (nteai aendlna their children to school will iavor the SuUrs and the in- taraaa of the echiKd by nsaktns all arrange sseata before the 10th of November, on which day the school open. The Bisters will he prepared to attend to this bo erases after the 25th inst ALBANY. C0LLE8TATE IHSflTUTl ALBANY, OREGON, 18S0, 1887. key . e J. Taaaraaa. m. a.c Piwataieni. A toll eorpe of instructors CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coaraaa of study arranged to meet (ha need of all giadaaaofatttdente. 'Smai indutmmentt offered la Urn dent t fr$9 abrvtd. Tuition range from $S,M to 113.M. Board In private faialiiee at low rate Room lor self-boarding at small ex rense. A careful aopervlsion exercised over atu- deota away from name. Fall term opens .September 7th. For circulars and fu!) particulars addreae the President. kit. e. J. Taaxreaft, a, a. Albany, Oregon. Electric Apeliasees are ssot a 30 Days' Trial. TO MEN ONLY, Y0UN0 OR OLD, XTTHO are raffariag 'rota Haavoos Dasnjrr, Vv Loat Yttiun. Lac or Eaara Poses as Vioos. WAsroie WaASnssa. aad all tboae dJisaass eiaPaaaoaAi. Satdbb rea)Uaa from Aatrsas and i CAoaas. asaaay ranee aaa aapwai raavo eBaAi.ra,viexaadMAjraooeOVAaAjrvBaD. nil ! dlaawranr ot the ittnataanth OaaSarv. ration at ooce tor lUostravad FasBphlat free. Addraas VBtTAIl OILT 00., MAISMALi, WISH. ARAnoALCuna KUBVOUB SFHT! InYouncaji Jtaeo asoru Tie i to eon gcvca riARevuaiMM Tmomawd pAaa HAMRiajtn Administrators' Notice. Notice ia hereby given that ths undersign ed has been dnly sppointed Administrators of the estate of w. H. MaKijipht, deceased, by order of the County Court of Lion county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons hsving olaims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned at Scio, Oregon, duly yeri fied within six months from the date hereof. October 21st, 1688. V. A. Meiotr, .1. .Ti mmm. rk aw AetkJPjjj 'aHnaSSbr JSfim DEBTUTTalJVt".5 k5dl aSM .uT fi.dli 1 nialiri iTTil iii Ti liiiil li i IS mi 'ennvrnon nuunrunu This t the moat PBA43TXOAL HIQH-OUT tataaleaf la. K. BLAIN, Albany, Or. H. EWERT Keepe constantly on band the Largest aaliiat Finest stook of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CL.OOK8, SPECTACLES, R1NQ8, HTO La Albany, 1 agent fur R0CKF0RD WATCHES. Bepairiag daae promptly and skillally Shipping and Commission Merchant! CHIPOMU IRD Him PIODICI, Grain, Flour, Hay, Hop. Wool, Honey, Mustard Seed, Nut, Pried Fruit, Etc, Room 8, 48 California St., Sea Fraaenaa. Red CrownMUl. (SOX, LANNlXti 4 CO., PROPR'8 rtora erpaaioa ma PAXtuaa Ajro aaa be BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Pric in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Gousslor At Law, LEBANON, OREGON. WinpraeeJea la all the Coaite to the laal Ii0SALJI, JL' out 322 One half block In eaaaara uart of I Uh Lair heaee and bam will beeold SaJ la0s'!a!r CURES ALL HUMORS. from a common Bloteh, or Em pt I on, to the worst e ro I n 1 au Ra 1 Cr a e n aI FeTer are, tteaip or Honna akin! m aoon, uawa eaaaea py nan ntooa Of uue powerrul. purl r neat nnoer an Uns it sa curtoa-. Tetter, Rote BOO . naaal tin it, vital ftrenata, and oun eonetltutlon, will be aatahlahedT of CONSUMPTION, which la Serofaloaa nteeaee of the Lnnsi. a Dromntlv an id otTtalnlr end cured by this Godiven remedy, if before the last stage of too dleeea ere From it wonderful pov fatal disease, whan power over ma terribly aaa . onerjpa this now eel- ebrated remedy to too inoug-ni aenouaiy ot calling bis Cn naanaeioa Co re," btitatwridoned that name a Uwlimltod for a medicine which, from It wuuuenui ouwutnHiiori oi vmo, or tog, auieruwve, or ninnn ntnsii pectoraLand nutrltiyo Properties, 1 paact hot only as a remedy for cousuinptkm o lungs, nut tor au CHRONIC DISEASES OP TUB Liver, Blood, and Lungs. if yon feel dull. Grown, debilitated, here sallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spot on face or bod v. froouont nee, bad taste in mouth. Internal heat or chi or d BiKrrnmupar wna nos nasne. low Spirit and atoonnr twrebodinga, irn-Kular appetite, and coated tongue, you are ulferlnsr from IndU MJ In many case only part of these symptom are experienced, Aa a remedy for all such, case. r. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery bee no SorWeak t,nnm , Spitting of Blood, ortneae of Breath, Bronchitis! grere coah. Oonanasptlon, and kindred affectlone. It is a sovorelirn remedy. 8end ten cent In stomps for Dr. Pierce book on Consumption. Sold by Brngglotsv nmnr et nn or 6 TTIE9 rniuc 9i.uu von WortiPs Disptaury ledica! Association, Proprietors, 068 llaln BU Btjptaxo, Jg. Y. VWCeTs X.ITTL1 WTO FILLS. AWTI-BiriOTTS aad CATHARTIC. Sold by Druggist. 6 cent a vial. $500 REWARD i offered by the proprietors of Dr. Bagc'a Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you haveadiacharge from the cose, offensive or other wise, partial lorn of smell, taste. or beoxing, weak eyes, dull pain or preaKire In you have Catamu Thou in GS0W& it All ,P . V I I I O I Pai.fta.ttaja WW Neek. and 1 osna m stan orea platefl, j CJoidenlrle edlcal Illaeoverv. and cwonJ lite em0ttftt. FRIDAY DKOfiMB KB 10, 1886. TEIPE&AIO DKPAETI1IT, amrnn ar rum Womei's Chriitiu Tempenin Ciiti The W. a T. U. meat on the let and Std Tuerday of aaek month al $ o'oloek p. at., al the A. O. U. W. Hall, ver Fienoh'a Jewelry Store. mmmmmmmlmmmmimTmmVm EKaoLiTiaah aaapTEaaf Til RtTtag. ai. w. a. r. g. cost Bitiaa. WaaatAi, Tho National Woman'f Cbrlatlao Tomporanco Union In lie Thirteenth Annual Contention aasom bled racognlaot wltb grntltude the wondrous advance made In tbo groat cause of totnporanco In tbo Uhureb of Christ, through lie representative church assemblages having spoken out this year as never before, aad the public conscience having been quick. ened, so that oar ranks have been in. creased and every department of ou r work strengthened ; therefore, l. Sfswefeftf, mat we return our slncerest gratitude to Almighty Gad, and with more earnest devotion to our cause, and a stronger faith In its ultimate sueoeas, we wiil go on In this great work until the American saloon shall no longer have a place in our American civilisation. 2. ifaioiaaf, That we deeply ap preciate the untiring seal and ready fbelpfulaeae of our national officer, and extend to them sincere tbenke for their faithful service during the year. Bepeclally do we feel grateful to our Heavenly Father for having raised ap for us in this time of our extremity, our grand and gierieos leader, Frances E. Wlllard, and we pray that she may loag be spared to toad the White Ribbon beats In the great battle for God end home and humanity. t. fsssfwaf, That each year flnda our conviction atrengtheoed that to secure the enforcement of lawe pro hibiting the liquor traffic, we need a party pledged to that end. that the enforcer maat eland beck of the law and ee there It a party which Ut com mi tied to such principles, we again pledge our prayer and Influence to the support of the Prohibition party. 4 ftsWoetf, While In Convention assembled, we thus declare our posi tion, wa recognize that our action ee a National eoctety la not binding upon states or Individuals, ft. WssntAS, The United State Government, by permitting the sale of liquor at Soldiers' Homes, forte ana camps wnere lie sotatert are quartered, its Indian ageoclea, by public sale after seizure of smuggled liquore in broken ar an broken peek ages, by leaning tax receipts (thereby practically securing uon-lnterferenee on its part to tboae engaged in traffic In Intoxicants), without consideration of constitutional or statutory en mente of states ; aad by levy or nei- lectioo of revenue, thereby Ugeiixlog manufacture and sale of alcohol, thus giving aid and encouragement ie violetora of law by failure to an force law, and also by revenue law efere- mentloned, la In direct eompilcity with, and le aceeasorv to, the menu factum, sale, exportation and Impor tation of alcoholic beverages There fore be it BeeoM, That we, patriot women, citizens of these United States in Na tional Convention assembled, do re monstrate and most earnestly protae against all action, or failure of action whereby the United But tag Govern ment covers with a sheltering hand those who, by traffic, barter or gift, dispense alcoholic poison to ita people. We also, reiterate our standing pro test against the principle license, or taxation, or any form of regulation relating to the liquor traffic on the part of the genet al government. 16. Whereas, Temperance in the Sunday school has the effect of bring ing children there, and the older peo ple hate the benefit of the instruction also ; therefore, Kuolvvl, That tho Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union make special effort to form temperance soeistles In the Sunday schools ; also that J van -lie bands be formed wherever 11 it necessary iu order to reach those who cannot be brought into the Sunday school. 10. Weeeas, The perpetuity and prosperity of a nation is insured only when the morality of ita citizens keeps pace with their intelligence, and when God is honored and recog nized as the Ruler ef nations ; and, Whereas, It Is the object of pub lic schools ef the nation to secure the morality as welt as the intelligence ef its citizen. Rwlvd, That w as patriots, view with alarm the exclusion of the Bible from the public schools of many of the large cities, and we favor the enact ment by the states and Congress ef laws which will place this divine text book of temperance, morality and government in every public school in the country. 17. Wakrbas, Gratefully accept, ing the blessed truth that in Curiefc Jesus there is neither male nor fe male, and believing God-given pow er should be used for God's work and rejoicing over the successes attending the caue of Prohibition in these ter ritories where our women bave the privilege of franchise ; therefore, fiiWaa. That wo iirt thtt mat nf these United States to grant us the ballot, that unitedly we may work for God and humanity. 23. Wittaua the watch ward of the National Union "For God and home and native jandM if it means anything signifies protection to all the homes of all our native land, and Waanxxs upon our Western borders la established an institution which de thrones Christ which deifies lust which enthrones crime which imperils elttMnship which puts a burning brand upon the cheeks of innocence whose initial and final intent is the overthrow ef the Christian home, the establish ment of a kingdom within a republic, and WriMEai, thef,iotcmpsraooe of the Mormon people ia a mighty faetor in the eaeoution of their plans, then-force, we, as an organisation, cao no longer be aileet touching this national evil, and RMcleW. That by all a reliable methods we no assist in the solution ot this great problem. A call came to the Natiooal Conven tion from far off A lska,sajriog : "Gome arer and helo us." Gur good, self- eaorifioieg Mrs. Reese, answered by telegram, "Here am 1 Lord, send me." The 16th o( this month is to see Mrs. lee in Pertlend egain ; on the 17th, the is to be at The Dalles. Oar State President, Mrs. Rigga, is expected home about December )tt. reason t Srdaey fiartlatt, of Boston, who is the acknowledged heed of the New Kogland bar, la more than eighty yeas ef ge. Mr. Bartlett rieee al at o'clock and retires at ten.after the old and staid fashion of the New Kogland father. A German paper relates the! a very iuodeome young lady in Leipeio cam If Rubinstein and naked permiesion to play for him. After her performance aha approached the maestro aoi aaked what be would edvie her to do. "Get married' ourtly answered Rubinstein. The German empress having insti tuted a aptdoaefocs order for the reward ef household servant who hav faith - filly held their places (or forty years, who Duke of Saxe-Alteubhrg uoW'goee tan bettor." lie h instituted a silver deooteiion for tbo who hate thirty year. Prof. Sammer says that "an Indian j seventy square mil of lend to eapoort him, living on buffalo, as be That would be all right it be did live on buffalo, bul be doesn't, and h aren't ro long ae Government retione eaa be had f r the asking. The Indian ie not as big a fool ee he looks. Nelson Morris of Cbbago.wboae busi ness ee a packer baa mode him many times e millionaire, began life a the driver of a cirt. From June until .Tannery be weare a felt ht,rep!aeing it am the first of the year by a eeaiakin cap, which la need until toe first month of summer, no matter how warm the weather may be Oladatoae ia about five feet ten in. eSee In height He ie active, auppi and erect ; capable of enduring greet f a tigoe, quite elastic in spirit, genial and social. Toe lines opon his face are atran-. hi failure ar tare, and be- S a mm ing nearly held, the impeeeeioo cf the height of bit forehe.d is apt to be ex aawerated. Hi memory ie eometaing prodigious, hi versatility proverbial, his command of material very striking. rill find relief from their oottivenese, swimming in the bead, colic, sour stom ach, headache, kidney troubles, etc, by taking a doae of Simmons Liver Emu lator alter dinner or sapper, so as to move tbe bowels onoe a day. Mothers wiil bave better health and tbe babies will grow more robust by owing tbe Regulator. If an infant ahows signs of colic nothing like a few drops In water for relief. gel a eiaato Cray Heir. "Ton may laugh and think me a vain thing," writee Mr. J. R. C, of San Fran clsoo, ic a friend in this city, "but I bave not a gray hair ia my bead, and yet (and to say) Z am fifty and a day. Recently my hair wea not only quite grey bnt quite thin. too. Parker's Hair Balaam .made ia New Tcrk, I tbln-did wondr for me, Try it if yon have occasion. It real ty doea what I eay, and restore the color eJeo." Hot a dy. not groy, highly per cased, Vary reltsble Ibe. tfrceatna After Forty year gpsrienoe 'n the praparation of mora Uran Ona Hundred mm. Theaasod ar Uctionn f or ttatenU ia tho Uni nitad Stataa sod Vprian coup.- trtaa, tbe sttbtlebem ol tba noianttno Juuarican eeatinae to aat as agteHor rislu!ato!! lor ta' Urfi umT1 SuUsTand Ha.n nataota In Canada. Enland. Franoo, Otraany. aad all oUiar oounlrl.a Thalraspari aeee la aaequaied aad their hwilitiaa are unaur- T5rawl tions praparad and filed raaaoaabia. No (iQarto far assminatioa at uiodala Douce. nna ry or drawings. Advlsa by mail ma. awapapar oi IU Wad eabllabed in tho world. Th kdraetaaaa ef euoh a wotioa arary pataataa 3S'vvW Trn admitted to a tea eeaa papn ootovm w """'i maohanies, iBveaMeaa, eeaearins worka, and othar department of industrial procraaa, pub; fished ia any aonatry. It contains the names i of all taac ana iitie oi erery wiuwo. H ., ,, aaajati wa alltu. atT aaaMevaAafara. Try is ioor bsbnu or ou wuk. If roo We an lnntlonto patent write ta Mann m 0.. publishers of Botentino avmencsa, S'dbwafabo'at patents mailed free. First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREGON. Breaideai .JOHN CONNER Cashier.... ...H. F. MEKRILL TRAN8ACT8 A GENERAL banklnguaiaea. ACCOUNTS KJBPTkubjoctrsto check. SIOHT KXCHANQB and tslearraphlc transfer, sola" aa Naw York, Sao Franolaoo, Chicago and Portia i C?5lLSCTION8 MAD Bon favorable terms. . srsspvoa. w. S. Toosji, Jobs Cusses, l K. BiiAie. I.- Humv, MB SherfTs Sale. Intht CrnvU Court th$ Stab of Ortgan fbr Jjtnn i.vaiity. Walter Hatou, PlaialJff. vs. W H Huston and Sarah J Hoeetoa, hi wife and J arm, B Roberts, Dsfendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sals issued eet of tbe above named Court in the above entitled suit, J will on Saturday the 11th day of De cember, Itm, at the Court House doer ia the city of Albany, Liuneouoty, Oregon, at tbe hour of one o clock, p. m., sell at public auction for cash in hand to tbe highest bid der tbe real property described m said sxs cation aud order of aale a follow, to-wit : Ik-ionmuff at the southwest corner of the donation land claim of Paul Clover, Notifiea- uott no. aua and ;iiin No, 61 and run ning thence north twenty-five ohaina ; then eat forty chains : theneo south fifteen chains and forty-live links j thence east twenty-seven and one half chain ; thsnoe outh nine chains aad flfty.flve link j these west sixty -aoven ami one half ohaina. so the place of beginning, containing one hundred and twenty four acres more or leaa. Also the undivided twenty -nine thirty seconds of all the lauds herein after described ae fob tows, to wit i Beginning twenty live chain eortb of tbe southwest corner of Paul Clover douatioo land claim above described and running thence uorto seventeen shaias ; thcuue East forty chain ; thence south seventeen chains ; thence west forty chains to tbe place of beginning, containing aisty -eight acres more or lea. Also beginning at tb quarter section corner between sections tweuty-tx and thirty -live and running tiieoee aeetn twenty ohaina j these west twenty chains ; thence in a uorthwest eonrs. to point seventy rod sooth f the north weat corner of section thirty-five i thence west to tne east line of tbe donation land claim of William Vaughao, Notification No. 03i thence N 34' eaet to tbe N E corn of aaid Notification 3034 s tbenoe east to the southeast corner of said l'aul Clover's dona tion land claim Notification No. WJH; then north nine chains and tlfty-ntu links to tbe outh boundary line of tb Thomas M Wager land claim, Notification No. 9037 J tbenoe east to a point, do north of tb place of beginning ; tneaeeeooth to tb pi ef be ginning, containing eighty- five and 09-100 eorss more or less. Also the N W quarter of N h quarter of H E quarter of tbe H W guar ter ot ouarter N W uuarter and 8 W quarter of 9 W quarter of H E quarter.and tli .uartr i ,- quarter or fi W quarter . . . . . . . w . m n mm . a sm mmmmj enu me c " qnaj-ier uisr, quarter as n quarter of section thirty -six tbs number f section sad No. of claim heretofore mention ed in this conveyance ar situated in Town ship fifteen south range three weat of Wil lamette meryUen ie tb county of Lien and rttate of Orsgoa. Tb proceed of sal to be Applied first to tb payment of lb cost ef suit tared at 129 and accruing costs. Next to tb payment to tbe Plaintiff hereto tbe eum of fiaaa with interest at the rat f toe per oeatper annum from October 2tb, 1994, and tbe further seen of 990 Attorney's fee. Nest to tb payment to the dafeadaat 1 B Robert tb sum of 91173.50 and interest at tb rate of too per cent per annum from Oc tober 25th, 1999, and the fortbar sum of 950 Attorney's fee aad the overplus if any there be to be paid to tbe defendant W 8 Houston or his legal representative. i4t.t tt.i eta day ef fleeember 1999. D. S. Sarrra, Sheriff of Una county, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. In Ikt Cirttdt Cemri oj tkt oaaf 0 Ortgom or Ubm (7oiewy. Z F afoeJw, (ioyrnwr. R P Earhart. Ury of Slate ar-d L-lwanl Hirach, of the State of Oregon, oonsftta nog tbe board el CotnmuMiioriera for the sal of school and university lands saul for theft ur eat must of the fends arising therefrom, PlaiatiHs. VSL A 1 lie Ana Farrfsr. Andrew Bird Farrier, (feorg Famer, Irene Elisabeth Berrall and H M Barrel), Ser haaband, Edasuod Farrier, John Farrier, Ell Famer, Paaaaa CMaahasaiaer and Frederick MV heshensT. Ttefennanta- NoUoe is hereby git en tbst by virtue of an eaecuuon and order of ais taaaed out of tbe above named Court in the ahoy entitled uit, I will 00 Monday the 3rd day of Jan aary, 187, st the Court Hons door ra the city of Albans. Una county , Oregon, at tb hour of one o clock p. m., 11 st public auettou far oash in hand to tbe big beat bid der the real property dseeribsd in aaid exe cution and order of sale a follow torit : The northeast quarter of the southwest qaar ter and tbe eoutbat quarter of tb north west quarter and lot 2, 3 and 4 of Section 24 in Township 12, awth of Rang 1 want of the Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 164 13100 acre. The proceed a of aale to be applied first to the im) raeot of tbe oaet and expense of rait Used at 955.80 and accruing costs and tbe further sum of S40 Attorney' fees. Next to the payment to tbe Flam tiffs hereto the satn of $367.50 with interest at tne rate of 8 per ceot per annum from the 27 th day of October, 1888, and the overplus if say to he paid in to tbe Clerk of aaid Court. Dated this 4th day of November, 1888. D. S. Surru. Sheriff ef Lion eenoty, Oregon. To Tax Payers. Notice is hereby giuen that I will meet the Tax -pa vers of Ltr inn county, Oregon, st ..Lti . i.. l l. 9 o clock, a. m. and remain until 4 o clock, p. m. at their respective nlaccs of eotinc in the several prccincta, at the following times Use for lS.v.. Syracuse, Thursday, Dec 0. Msrrisburg, Tuesday, Dec. 14. Halftcv, Wcdnesdav, Dec. 15. Shedd, Thursday, Dec. 16. East Albsnv, Friday, Dec. 17. West Albany, Saturday, Dec. 18. Prompt payment will he required. Pay your taxes and save costs. D. S. Smith. Sheriff and Tax Collector. Dated, Oct. oth, i8h6. 80 ACRES Of good land for , under cultivation, on road five miles south of Albanv, opposite J MoUae ' residence. Frier, $2400. Terns easy. Address Mas H. 8. S raresr., avlh Orwgnn Notice for Publication. Land Office st Oregon City, Oregon, ) October 13th, 1886. J NOTICK is hereby given that the fol lowing named fettle rn as filed notice ef bis intention to make final proof la ana port of his claim, and that said proof will be mac? before the County Judge or Clerk of Lien county, Oregon at Albany, Ore gon, o Wednesday, Ieo. 1st, 1886, vis : Adolf Richmsnn, Homestead Entry No. K12 for the HUH of See, 8 Tp, 11 8 11 1 E Willamette meridian. He name the ollewing witnesses to provs his continuous residence upon, and eultivstion of, said land, vis: James Perry, John M Deaklns, W Cyrus snd Chsrlea Kraft all of Scio, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Bttrwbv, Bwgiater. 8AM MAY. J. 6. SEKEBRS MAY k SENDEES. Dealers in General lemhaMite. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON Will buf Grain, Wool and all kinds ARN DOORS, ever put up a new barn door nor re- hanir an old one until you first call on Stewart A Sox and see what they hare new m ban door haogewemethlDg S that will Bosbreeet down. JULIUS GRADWOHL Has tho only cxelnelve Htack of CROCKERY, CLA88,8IILVER AND CHIMA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a thole Selecton H refer, t lw ONC DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS Sf.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. IL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AM) lime THE BIG1IET MAUUET PRH E FA IB FOR EG 4 EemBmberl What I hj Mean. Sire Ie a caU. 600D8 AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nswapapar Advamemg bureau. 10 ftaruo 9t , New York, and toerav foe lOO-lgo Fampblot. RflfiS ef. GIBLIN, Proprietor. Ttois house is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean and eemmodicna, offering to the irm- eral publio superior aeoommoda't';ns to nay ta tee ctty. HADY'S REST A lit A. T east at Odd FelkrVs Temple. I - OREGON. ALBANY, lteat at ail bees s4 all pt OYSTERS ! Always! en Used. .prti arary ewe, rd au' M by Ue Met "r 'luart. ITirese Palace Heat Market PIPS & TALBOT, PEOPRIETORH RIST8T. - - ALBANY, ta. Will keep constantly on bead raX, mutton, work, real, eauao, etc.. tb lit ta t and largean variety in the city. Oash paid far all kinds of fat stock. SOMETHINE NlW UNDER SUN. . THE A newp- per especially devoted to lb in reads of the prmlucing eleasfie end the development of aueh luieteete eaa lndutrle tbe people are directly tnieretd in and beneflt ed by. Suslain Those Who Benefit Ion, THE "YAQUINA MAIL" -Published at - NEWPORT. OREGON gives yon ell the points of In ter eat in re- Erd ta ; lie opening of this new and abort rate and will keep yon advised on tU important tranaotious Iu tbe lUy 0 luntry It Is the last snd most reliable Iocs! pepsr published in Benton Co. Price reduced to 82 PER YEAR L ADVANCE. Send for sample copy snd special offers. Take your reading matter from toe place from which you obtain the greatest good. Address THE PHELPS CO. Newport, Oregon, leal How's Your Liver? Ia the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi geated poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and nappiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DI8APPO! NTEO. As a general family remedy for Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc., I hardly ever use anything elae, and have never neon disannoln jea It aaema to ne aim diseases of the sua HOFFMAN&PFfi IFFER PROPMKTORS OF- Albany jfoda Works, And Manufacturers of- , 0H0I0E COIFECTIOIIEI, aaie, always fresh and pun at Portland V to dealers. We also Wr, . rit UBS of 9 - ar am a Nut and Tropical Traits, IIV Wekeepafhll line, very low price. always fresh snd at OUB- CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la com - we' kp taw vwjt xroesE euaa ef 3tckas snaehawinar toaaW meerschaum andJrptoS Tbs? Is a delight to smokers. P D C. E. WOLVEKTOJ. O, St, UTDT, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0TWt op ataira InJFromsn's Brink ALBANY, OREGON. Old paper 25c. CSt AT office. a hundred at the TtlMaTI O TKa STOTSMP OWIOa tS ata 3,000 whol dirt to eonmmmert as an Tall ijrraxraajua of ta woaiaL W wtll a copy ITHKB S aasa tvoripa aria ass. rsaatlina. !! yawa. siaaaiail Hilly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. Tf ev 1W Waaasa Aeasaa, MAXY LAMP CHOOTETS ABM ofTered for sale rareaasnted as goodata the Famous BUT THEY ARE NOT! Aad Ilka all CaaaterfeUe lack tb ateaaarkaale LASTING Qaalltle OF THE GEtJINA ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And Insist The PEARL TOP is MaBBtactareel ONLY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., ntmvrrrii . . r PITTSBURGH. PA. 11 baaraejr Ktrret, tas rravactacav. Cal. Nervous Debility. Sesalaal Waakaass, BsSanataal Tiuhtr, Spannatorrbrwa, Lat Maoh. a. InpeSaaey, ParaiiMa. Proetatorrhoea, anal a ! aha earriblr sataat ot aelf abusa. and tX eaa ia matsrer yaar aaak aa LomoI Hamorr, besaltuda, Neoturne! Km teat eaa. ave-ai m Vi ocW.t, UioiDeasnl rialAa, Xotsa la ifce HfiA tha viui flaiQ paaains; uaobaai ved 'a he artaa, and many othar dissassa abat laad aa iasaoity sod death. vorxo MB Suffering frera any ot the alxrrs synptoau. shaald ransult us at onee. Tha drala can be attuned, tt Utity rastorad, and lira be mada aaala a plaaaara Inntaad ot a burden. Thar vre many MIDBLsVaCCB MBN who ar trouble with to fraonent araeaaUnr at Ska bladder, often arxomranied bv eltaht asuartiac or bumina; eenaation. and a weaJranina; ol the aysaaan ta a manner they ears not acaonnt lor, Ropy SeSiBiaat ta the urine, ate. Many die of this difficulty lrnrraat of tha cause, which is he aaaoad Mn of aeaalaai weakneaa. I Aires ifurarntaed In all such oasss. onuiiatioa free. Thorough asarui nation Bd vlvioa, inoiudinir ehemiaaJ analyaia and roicroaeapia lamiRation o( tha urine, An honest anialan siren In every Tbo following; medicines named : suppiied st the r rtess " TLBY rOOI-r.R TIT A l BRSTOBA. a I s r , SS a bottle, or tour times theu'iantitr SI MMrLK BOI1LK KatER. ' Santtoany one aprdting by latUr, stating yp. Uuw, sex aad age. IS trial secrecy ia reran! to ait buimxiaa transaction. The l aMaay Brmady. BBPIIRBT1 rVM, for alt kinds of Kidney end Bladder CurapoviaW. Uunarrhoaa. Gleet, Laueorrhoea, ate. For aaie by ri!S8Ut ' ,J bot,e-or boUlaa for SS. rJ l'hAXUe. LIVBK AID BTS Pbl!I. J'JLt is the beet in tha market. For sajk by all irutreiets ; price 60 canta a bottJa. A'htrsaa BaarWab Meattl fsysaraaary Ns, 11 KewruT Sia, 8a u frauaat. Cad 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING A6ENT, Of ailkindsof merchandise. All orders from tb country filled oa short notloe for every elsss or kind ef geed? from first-class stock. Abselntsly no charge or commission will be charged or filling orders, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., A D. W. Prrotieo'e, Poland, Or DSL naids are setirce bat fSeaa wbe write a aahaeai S Pertiaad. raeatea free, tail tafanaatlaa abt werk bii. II bay eaa 4. sad Ureas betoe,UBat will w 'theml iaods) vmw THIS oa Each