I Chareh airsctsr 9. P.Okobcr. Preeohingevery Sabbath, saeratag ud truing by Kev. K. Q. Ir M D. Sabbath Hohool at 2:80 f. a tn.fr ateetiag every Wednesaday evening. lv anobual Cannon. Preaching on Sab seta at 10,90 a. m.. and 7 r. M. Sabbath aasil 10:00, Prayer meeting evnry V ed Malay evening 7:50. 8. K. Davis, neater. ABars iavitei OaaaaaoATioN ai. Cncaen. Servioeaevsr Hsbeata morn ma and evening. Sabbath at 18.1 a I 'raver meeting on Wedneaday evening of each wesk. lUv. H V. Romiager, Pastor. If. a. CapacH.SotrTM. Preachina every third Habhath in uh month at 1 1 o ulook a. aS 7 n'alAflk r at. Sabbath School Sabbath at 10 o'clock a. u. Prayer Friday evening's at 7 o clock, o. Craia. Pastor. I Preach I law as the lint Sabbath ol each month morn- aaae wsaw mv w w a Ma m . S- W " . . ilia ami .Knin.i 1 V I'raiiT I'Uttir. I ... ... hi. B.Ocaca.-Praching every Sabbath aad evening. Song service in the avaaiaa before sermon. Sabbath School 41110 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thar day avaaiaa. Rev. H. I . Webb, pastor, PaaaarraaiAM Ckubcb, aervioe every Bahhaah mom ins and evenina in Church ear. Broadalbia aad Fifth sts. Sunday School fameiiately after the morning aervtoe, Player aieeting every Wednesday evening Rev K R Pritoharl, pastor. Fiaar Baptist Cu o acH . Preach ing evary Sabbath morning aad evs'g.t Church on &th Street. Sabbath School immediately after aaaraiag services. Prayer meeting every Tharaday eveaing at 7:30 o'clock. T ti Brawaeeu, pastor. Cateomc Cuvm H. - Service evary Sun day at 10:30 a. at. aad 7 r. at. Last Sunday ol the month service at Kugene City. Rev. Lands Metayer, Rector. TBey Meet. St John's Lodge, 6j, in Foster's Block, and Saturday ol month. Corinthian Lodge. 17, at O. F. Hall. it Saturday. Barley Chapter, 8, at O. F. Hall, 4th Saturday. K. ol P., at O. F. Hall, even Thursday evening. I. O. O. F.,at then hall, every Wednesday evening. A. O. U. W., at their hall, every Monday evening. Orsreaaa Encampment, at A. O. t. W Hall, every and and 4th Friday. C. A- Rn t A. O. U. W. Hall. 1st and Jrd Saturdays. L O. G. T, at A. O. U. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United. Friends ol the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays. Oregonjflacific Mailmd uly lafopnlar If oute, ?er 1 icture8quellange8, flaw Slave ! Bare eoameetioa ! How eajatipamoniUi I BBS anllea ahiorter f BO arta lean time ! Aaoonaanodatkraa nnaoraaaaad for ootu fart and aafatr. Fare and freight mcch uaaa than by any ether route between all in tne Willamette v alley ana sen ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA DAY CAN FRANCISCO. DmSy fatMHgtr trmmt eneeft Sitmiayt. Leave Corral Ha at 3 r. at. Leave Ya- quina at 7:10 a, at, OraconA California Went Bide trains awauaeetat CorraUte. Tha Orflgon Development Company's FINE AI STEAMSHIP YAQUINA CITY, vaecuu. Br. S7tsw . inc. ata. iw. tin. SMuntoy. Vc. 4Ui. TburwUr. Pec. 18th. Mday, uee.aaav ndar. Jus. eta. frtaav, Jan. lh, rrUy, Jan. Hat. Company reaaryea the right to selling days. jTaraa Betweeu CorraUiaandSan Fran- Rail and cabin, 114. Rail and For inflwaaHiin apply to c. c A.C. r.sndP Carvalus. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -TIA- Oregon at California R. R, AND COSSECTIOaS. Ttaae two ami eee-hair aajrs nm tmm rmlanl to aaa Frinsliin, m t aaenv eseaae.aax Ooee iinaisHniii nssas es aetiaiaa with Ike Osaaeraia, Onajaa aaa (DAILY EXCKIT MVNDAV8.) Kaattatee BHvUlew, SITWRRX.POBTLAM AMB A ft H LA Ml, Mall Train. iaava aaaivs. 11:45 a a on a a .JL0D a a .12:06 r a 8:6 p a .11 46 11 Albany. Aikaar. AJIwar 11 A a a Portland, S;iS r a Albany Express Train. uuva, aaaivs. . .4:09 r Albany j:34 ra . .4f. r a I Lebanon ;di r a . .4:46 ami Albany ir.Bt a a AM A a I PortUnU 106 A M rlLIJIAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS Onny between Portland and Ashland. TbeOsnd C E E Perry makes connections with all saeregaJnr trains oa the 4 F Btrstt. aide Division from foot West aaae Mvlslea. BET WEES reEl LAME AVE 4 OKI ALLIft, Hall Train, uuva ASSIVB PertbMMl.. ....... . . .7 JO a a I Corvallis 12:26 r a tVrvaUJ l:ao r a f Portland ...0:15 r a AS Corvallis coaaact with trains cf Oregon PaciAc tar Taqalna Bay. Express Train. lb Arm. aaaivs. Portland 4:60 r a j McMlmiriUe .8:00 r a atsMmnriils t:4t A M Portland ;00 A a Lasal tickets (or sal and bsgfage checked at eoav paay "P-town offies, Cor. Pine aad Baeoad Bsreess. Ttsaass tor principal Hute in CaJilom'a can only be proenred as Companys eAce, Corner Fend Front Ess., Portland Or, Freight will not be received (or saipment after Bvs o ciotk p. m. on either the East rfWee '4e DivtetoaK B. EOEBLBE, E. p. ROOEBB, Manager. G. P. A PassAaent. Hemarkable Offer. Tmb Pbiiocbat $2.00 Kbw Yobe WeBLD 1.00 FlBB HlSTOBY OF TUB U. 8 !.50 Ambeican Fabmbb. 1.00 $5.50 oder the And cheap at the price ip at t 25, gi lut we foar for $3 25, giving a remarkable bargain urop iae America ra.rm.er and yen can have tbe three remaining for $3. Drop the Wmrld and Jirtory and yoa can hay e tbe two others for $2.25. Tbe history is a 320 page book nicely hound, and is worth the egular price. PATENTS ObtsJacd, aa4 all other business In the U. 8. Paten Oaeeatisndeded to for moderate fees. Oar ea e is omsit tbe U. H. Patent Office, and we aaa ebuia Paieau less time than those remote 1 Wasblnsrtoa nd nsodis or 'Ira itiv. We ad- abttsy free of eharge , and to patent charge nnlees wemake o ww sweats assent. We rerr here, to the Postmaster, the Maaey Order Dir. anl to officials of the U. B . of tent oesee. roretrcnlar, adriee, terms, and efereuees eaesaal eMswss la yoar own State or county, address C. A fOW &( )., Qswiislte Pates t Office, Washington, D PURE SOAP. Use your own refuse grease, etc., and Ureenbwnk's Povderod Caustic Soda. No special apparatus, no experience, no fuel, and only fifteen minutes time needed Baed liar direction to T. W, Jackson A Cj. ElB OaUAjgn ia San Frandsoo. AJbaay. AOAD EMY -OF- Our,4Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - OREGON. This Institution is beautifully situated in . pleasant ana accessible Uity ul Albany. ho location is remarkably healthy, the a a a . .. a . . . tr. a aa ouuaiag new ana well tarnished with all mat contributes. to the comfort ami inetruc- . . . a . linn nl Ilia I. mill. IK., i.l.ul ...-..., ... I . M ttllian,l uall .!.( .V I I. f . . 1 . i Kivmiv.. r... - 7 - The constant aim of the teachers is, whilst imparting instruction iu all the useful and refined branches, to train the yoathful heart to virtue ana to mstil a comnieudable.ema- lstion. thus eduosting for society, members who will, we trust, prove an hooof to our country. Pupils of all persuasions equally received, provided, they comply with the regulations o: the schoo! Boys admitted up to the ag ot ten or twelve. This!Academy is incorporated and author iaod by the Stata.to confer Academic honors, Normal ioetroctiou of aspirants for Teach er's Certificates, a specialty.) BOARDING SCHOOL, Pf tt-t m. Kutrance fee, payable once $ 5.00 Iktard and taition, payable in advance, 40.00 Music instrumental, theoretical ana l mortweea, of. In and to the premlaee de vocal with the aaa of piano or organ 15.00 1 MMbedln aaid mortimgea aad in the bill Guitar with the aaa of inatrument. . . . 12.00 1 Zithers without nee of iustrusaeat. :it 00 00 Dtawing and painting Bed and bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Per term, i advance. Primary Department Junior Itepartsaeut f 3.00 . 6.00 Preparatory Department.... Senior and Graduating Deper G rail oating Fca . 8.00 . 10.00 . 10.00 kaaBl For farther particulars apply at the Acad- Those w he Intead 1 -nding their children to school will fvnr the Misters aad the in terests of the school by making meats before tbe 10th of Nor day tbe school opaaa. The prepared to attend to this business after tbe '23th inst. ALBANY C0LLE6JATE INSTITUTE I ALBANY, OREGON, 1888, 1887. BET. E J .TBOHPSOV E E , PretMeal. A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY. COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES Conraea of study arranged to meet the naea or ait grauespr students. S fecial inducements offered to Undents from abroad. Tuition ranges from 15,50 to 113,90. Board in private fkmlliea at low rates. Rooms lor aelf-boarding at small ex cenas. careful supervision exorcised over etu s des ta away from borne. Fall term opens eeptemoer 7tn. ror circulars and particular address the Frssident. EEs', U. J. THOMPSON, . Albany, Oregon. MM' MM NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Toil ar allowed a frrr frt,'t ef thirty aao at Dr. Ore's Ct Mr.t-t V..:ia,v- of the it.it wits fltsetstj bh v.netn tr the speedy saws lieMtUy.iom .t nil fciinirod tronhasa. is. . rumplr4a rsetora- ilTh'KKl guaranteed. I. l , . ...bU.t lOMuisd ft'irt'sslag CO., Marshall, Xlch. or rua tcditu ari'l tr.nihf i Alwf'ir many oifr n tl..n fo fi-ai:n. viifor h. , Bo risk l iBcurrrd. I:. sui-.i . niullod fre1. Ij VOLTAIC BfcL? sTl rl W.AXaO A Radical Cusa JtTRVOTJS fttamcuaiV V DECAY, Tkbtsb ros &BVZM riAfWBVUSSIMSM rMQUSAMO OASSSV TBKATXXSWT. garasMetirhs, "saw SVaHlaE Administrators' Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the undersign ed has been duly sppointed Administrators of tbe estate of W. H. McKnight, deceased, by order of tbe County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the "undersigned at 8cio, Oregon, duly veri fied within six months from the date hereof. October 21st, 1886. V. A. MSkioht, A. R. McDokalc. F.P, NUTTING, s.,ajhal $40,009,600. lasurs ! an Vs Ssottisb isaopses Istssvaiis SJrB f Toothful Indiscretion Wlguso fSnlalamse, ei fiweUmOst eer jfm Sa psla etTaaoii wBtsmns ta BlHssWssi I n BiaisalwasBl ass sisaaassSI BasV wbbsI er.l ttfs)fr1saa otcwMitX k w eo Y oq.,irri! ctaatTs ijjy Co m a ... mmm ROCKFORD 1 ntltaaVOTIO AL HIGH CUT This U the i Rfiw vvOaUmUL and .DRBBOTandgless eke eame protection as a boot or ovsraalter. Jjj For sale at L. E BLAIN, Albany, Or. Master's Sale. In lie Circuit Cawr r Uid SWa l9r The New England Mortage es.; Co an pEny VB Kmallne E. Baabrouok, Ixren?.o Was brouck, The Corbln Banking Company tl M lirown and N C iirown. No. 12&2. NOTICR ht hereby Eiren that in pur suance of the decree of said Court, made and entered in the abore entitled canse on the Hh day of Haptombep, IMO, I, ueorge H. Durham. Maaler in Chancer? of aaid Court, will proceed to sell at public auc tion to the hiaheat bidder for cash In hand aubiect te redemption, as upon execution issued upen a juagwent at taw, at toe frontdoor of the County Court Mouse of Linn county, at Albany in tne sain ooun tr of Linn. Oreeoa. oa the Mth day ol NoTember, ISsa, at the hour of tan o'clock in the forenoon, all the rlaht. title and in terne which the aaid defendant Kmeltne W Haa brooch and Lorenao iiaabrom k had at the data of the execution o4 aaid Kerala, aa follows : That certain tract or parcel of land situate in Linn county Oregon, bounded aa follows : rkKtnui at the northeast corner of the donatl land claim of Jared Michael, Claim aum- - B SI VISulL... KninkMxl 'HWtU In Township U south of lisnge three west of tne rvaiiamet airidiaa, ami running thence north, forty chains and eighty -nine linka : thence east, fourteen cbalna and aerenty three links ; thence aoath, seven tr cbalna aad seven tlnka ; thence north seventy five dettraea west, twenty four chains ; thence north, nineteen aecrt and thirty minutes east, twenty-three chains and ninety fire links, to the place of besrinntns. oontatnlna 100 acres, aad be tna a part of the donation land claim of Samuel Johnson aad Kmeline K. Johneon bis wife, in mlawanllnn of said daorea, and exnenaeeof sale. Said deorae laforihs sum of I13M.04 whh lEteeeat thereon freea tbe 20th day ef Beptembsr, lsau, m the rate ef eight par cent per annum and the eoota and disbursements of this suit taxed at fdfl.4. October 10th, 188ft. GXOBUE H, Dt'BJtAM, Master In chsfcery, U. 8. CireuH Court, District of Oregon Red CrownMills IS0M, LANSING 4 CO., PROPR'S. SEW I lOfEfJ PLOTE BtTPBElOE POE rAMILlBt ABO BAB BBS CSS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Hitrheit yprice in Caoh fo Wheat ALBANYbOR. Fa M. MILLER, Attorney and Gonnslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. wmpractioe ia all the Courts In the Stat InafiWeliSiirlosiitolB J3 UJr'Jr'iJL.O, IT. JL?m awaewiseel with a aad Eaailfal riiysliilsssa 1ST the treat aseat ef all Chronic Diseases. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. KdBAPonle Nasal Catarrh, Throat and ng Dlaoau.cs, Liver and Kidney leases, a ladder jpiseesee, fMeeaeea oneAeeVion aSfftvn A Nerv" wtth or without A tie patunit Corneaus awe ua. or avna u n 1 tnndanldsfl 1 invsiiae' uaide BJl particukirs. NerrorjsDeblllty.impo. Ofiicitf i lencTi nociornsi i.oum. suadsfj sVorhld Conditions fhtntrt SfteTind br YOBtbfBl 1'oU A Pernicious Bali. tnrjr practieee are specdilv wawnMBSSl anl nsnnsnmitlv r i x rl l.w Specialists. Bcok post-pal id eta. hi stamps. - Hnptare, or Breach, rudt CBlly cured, without the knife, without dependence upon trusses, and with very little pain. Book sent for ten cents In stamps. . PILE 7TJMOBE and TBirrriiuRs mmtna wan too , snesftMS, anoooaa. Bnok m-nt for ton Um eenfa In atamrwt. Address, Wnu n'i DrsmufflAaw Mkdioai. Aaannisnrnc.aaa Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. . 'a no trestraent of many thrmsanda rAfwana of those Diseases of " I at the Invalids' Hotel and forded hurare ezrsKtonos In adapUng remedies (or their ours, snd . PrERCB'S Favorite Prescription la the result of this vast experience. t 1 a powerful Reatorntlve Tonic Bimrmi inarinif hu wu nvrrtus, so toe syi corrhe flowlnsf. natural sunpreaaioua. aroiaosi s or falling of tne n terns,-weak back, anteveraioBs retroveraion, bearing, down sensations, chronic eoueee. tion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain Sue tenderness in ovaries, internal eat, and "female weakness, It promptly relieves and cures Nausea and Weakness syff Stomach, Indiges tion. Bloating, Nervous Prostration, aaa Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, OB 0 BOTTLES IOB S&0.OO. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Send ten oents in stamps for Dr. Pit-roe's unrs Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 093 Main Street, BUFFALO. JX.Y. SICK-HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Bixzineas, Conation tion. Indigestion, and Bilious Attacks; promptly cured by Br. Fioreee Pleasant Purgative Pellets. 28 coats a vial, by Druggist CJ ill M.ja.tUulsfJ Hi - Baaa nnpuria vigor ana strenstn a. or whlOis.ii iui. vnlaffnl anenairn sf Inn. 11,,. " - - -ir 11. i mi 1 -1 ' " Jrmmmmmm' Ik getnocat. ritlDAY DIOBUBBR 3, 1886. TKHPEK1H0S DEPAEIM8HT, EOtTES BT TMB Women'! CsrlitltB Tempiniei Uilii Tho W. 0. T. U. meets on tht Ul and Sid Tuesday of each month at S o'clock p. it. f at the A. O. U. W. Hall, oTtr French's Jo welry Store. f BE BELATiaNt Ef MBEBEITf T IN Quo has but to look oroanri him to observe thitt tho temporsnce agitation, which half a century ago,6xlsld oa- ly aa an undovctoped sontlmant in tho mlnda of tho few, haa advanced, gathering now force, until, todsy,it haa become an easentlal part of reli gion ; haa entered like a wedge Into tbe arena of politics, bidding fair to bring about an entire reorganisation ef tbe pertlea ; and even cold, i taper titrable science haa been compelled to throw away some of her aeeepted theories.and to receivers eatabllehed, facta that have been brought out by temperance atudy. .'While there Is a very extensive literature relating to the hereditary transmission of certain dlteaan, such aa scrofula, consumption,insanlty and cancer, yet, strange to ay,the hered ity of mental qualities and bents ef tbe mind has been but very lightly touched upon, indeed has almost been e 'terra incognita,' until our National W. a T, U. has made of this subject b special department of work, end thua new facte and Ideas are being brought 001. Hereditary predisposition ehows itself In the resemblance of children to their parents or ancestors. Some times the child Is sn sxact counter part cf the parent lu phjeique and temperament. There is almost al ways reproduced la the ohlld some strongly marked feature of the parent, some deformity or peculiarity of taste, temper or habit, which may ever be transmitted through several genera tions. Instances surround us on every hand, but, from the nature of the ease, we are limited te families whose prominence in the world's history causes them to be universally known. In ancient Heme we observe tbe lib. ersllty and mild humanity running through the family of tbe Grace hi the severity and stoicism of the Catos; and the unrelenting cruelty of the Claud ian race. In Fiance we see the factious rashnees ol the Go ices, snd the Irritable and unbeoding character of the family of MLrabea. We must sot pass tbe English Uerscnets snd tbe Pitts, nor tbe Scottish family of Gregorys, of whom, not fewer than sixteen members, attained te great prominence , and lastly In our own America, tbe vigorous Intellect of the Adams1 family, extending through several generations. The list might be indefinitely extended, furnishing examples of the transmission of vir tues, vices and talents. The French and Spanish Royal family of Boor boos Dxempllfles the heredity of licentious snd Intemperate habits, continuing ever to tbe present dsy. But It is not among names prem rinent in the world's history that we must look for examples of the bored ity ef Intemperance, as families ad dicted to such brain-destroy ing loflu. once cannot loog maintain their prominence and Influence, bat instead will find their natural element among the criminal and vicious classes The writer once knew in Canada an old gentleman, a minister, who, throughout a long life, bad been a moderate drinker. His four eons now past middle life themselves, have none of them attained even a moder ate success in life, and are all In the habit of going on an occasional spree. The old gentleman passed away many years since, and has left behind him 25 or 30 grandchildren who, almost without exception, belong to the crim inal and vicious classes, and at least two of them are at the present time aerving out terms in the penitentiary. Mas. M. H. Elms, Supt. of Meridity. THE WASaiSCTaE TEBEITOBT EXBIEIT AT TUB BATIONAL COMVESTIOfV. The exhibit of fruit, grain snd pic tures of Pacific Coast scenery was col lected and sent by the Spokane Falls snd Walla Walla Unions of Eastern Washington Territory. They sent tbe exhibit wishing to attract atten tion to the Pacific const, sod show something of its wonderful produc tions and scenery, hoping that they could secure the Cenvention for next year or in the near future. There was corn sixteen feet high, grain of great length, apples, quinces and pears so large that they called out exclamations from all who saw them. One apple measured 16 Inches and weighed three pounds. The mineral exhibit from Spokane Fails showed that gold and silver srs found in that locality. As a part of the Walla Walla ex. hibit, there was siarge number of small satin bags of different colors filled with samples of Walls Walls wheat, having the wards "Presented by the Walla Walla, Wash. Ter.,W. C. T. U." These were presented to the English and Canada delegation, national officers, executive commit tee,nMional 8uperinteadents,gnd then to the delegates as far as they would go. Mrs, Lucas and Mrs. Youraans aaid they would plant the grain on British sell. Miss Wlllard said hers ahould be planted in her garden at Best Cottage and so the wheal of Washington Territory may be sewn wherever W. 0. T. TJ.'s are found. Tbe Pacific Coast exoursion bad two oars reserved for their own use by the O. fL N. dt N. P. railroad. Tbe ladies of Walla Walls decorated them with clematis, sumach, goldsn rod and flow ers. Oa the outside of the oars were long banners extending the whole length of tbe ear, having "Washington Terri tory W. C. T. U." on one side snd the territorial motto, "Our Ballots for our Homes' on tbe other. This attracted much attention and visitors from almost every town where tbe ears made any stop, oame In to interview the excur sionists. This was accomplished by tbe energy end enterprise of a few workers,ss mar chants and mil tersest mere and business men contributed espeoislty for this pur nose, in a majority 01 cases vnry wsis nnt members of tbe W. C. T, U. or v , 1. e a.. even interested in temperance work. Tbe Territorial motto of Washington . A ... sssl a a . sS Territory ia "Our ISallols Tar our Homes," and of Walla Walla union, "We Vote aa We Pray." Ladies from there mere unanimous in saying tbst tbe W. C. f . U. woman of Waabing ton Territory carry out that motto uni varaally, and declaie any other impres sion given as falee snd unjust to tbem. We questioned them particularly upon this point, sod their testimony was strong and unanimous. Mrs. Alisn, who has excellent opportunities for knowing, said aba felt no hesitation in saying that W. C. T. V. women through out the territory all voted.aod voted tor Prohibition. Mrs. Allen sssured us that but for tbe danger of not reaching home by election day, tbe number of womeu at tending the National would have been inoreeeed An officer la the Chicago custom House givee the following figures which show who makee the profits on liquors : "A barrel of whisky usually brings a profit to the saloon keeper ef $200. The manufacturer sells it for about $1.00 per gallon, ninety conks ef which goes to the Unite J Btstes Government. Bear sell, at $0 per barrel, $1 going to, the Government." Nineteen cities la the United States coosume three-quarters of tbe beer manufactured, and control the electoral vote of the nation. Mrs. Helen E. Campbell, tho phil- sotbropic writ sr. has cummeooeei a tries of art idee a poo the working women of Now York City. They are en ill led "Prisoners of Poverty." The Society for the Huppreeaion of Vice, prior to January, 1886, seised sad ctasiroyeU Iblrty-flvs tons of ob scene matter. it Biers facts There srs numerous Masooio lodges ia France composed szelusirslj of wo man. The base ali the fancy features and eeressooisls. Miss Kudoxie Iiedouin, a patient la ene ef the Paris bospttals,baa "sleeping spells.1 Las. Winter she slept fifty dsT,and aha has just now waked op from aa eighteen-day sap. There are in tbe employ of the Gov ern meat 550 Smiths, 860 Browns, 3S0 Johnsons aad 270 Joneses. The num ber ef those who bear ibese names who are willing to serve the Government has sever been recorded. The height ef the Bartholdt statue, jest inaugurated in New York City, from base to torch, is 151 font ; from foundation of pedestal to torch, 305 feet. The statue weighs 450,000 pounds. Forty persons can stand comfortably in the head, and the torch will hold twelve people. It is very unsafe to paper a room, as is too often done, over another paper. Sometimes several layers are placed on tbe walla These layers, together with the paste, become breeders of disease. Tbe only proper way, when the paper needs renewing, is to remove the old paper entitely and clean the wall. For sleeping-rooms it is better to have no paper at all. Pa teats rested, Patents granted to citizens of the Pacific States during the past week snd reported ex pressly for the Dbmocbat by C. A- Saow Sc Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash ngton, D. C. : W Applegarth, Fresno, Cel., road engine. M B Burk, Prescott, W. T., window. L M Darrow, Stockton, Cal., ironing board. J Moore, Sen Francisco, Cal., operating the valves of hydraulic pumping engines. R R Moore, Modesto, Cal., traction wheel. J B Osborn, Daggett, Cal., self propelling wagon train. jfM Parsons, Great Western Mine, Cel., wrench. O W Storer, Snelling, Cal., liniment. J Watson, Petsluma, Cal., fumigatoi . Est a Slagle Cray Hair, Ton may langh and think me a vain thing," writes Mrs. J. R. C, of San Fran cisco, to a friend in thla city, "but I have not a gray hair la my bead, snd yet (aad to say) I am fifty and a day. Recently my hair was not only quite gray but quito thin, too. Parker's Hair Balsam made in New Ysrk, I think did wonders for me, Try it if yon have occasion. It real- doss what 1 say, ana restores ids ooior also." Not a dys, not greasy, highly per- romed, wary rsltsble toe. dressing. tOR 8ALB, uOBe half block in eastern part of the fair boa aw and haru will beeolu isas Shertfs Sale. In the CirntU Court of the, suU 0 Oregon for Walter Huston, Plaintiff. W 8 Huston and Harsh J Houston, l.ia wife and James ii ttoborts, Defsudante. Notice is hereby siren thst bv virtue of sn execution aad order of sale issaed oat of the shore named Court in the above entitled suit, I will on Natu rd(y the 1 1th day of De cember, 18H1J, at the Court House doer in tbe city of Albsny, Uun,county, Oregon, at the hour of una o'clock, u. m.. sell at uublio auction for cash in band to the hiuhest bid J 4L S . a j a m , . . nor sua rai property described in said exa nution sna order of sale as follows, to-wit : lUnmiuiiiK at tbe southwest ooraar of the donation land claim of Paal Clover, Notifica tion No. 3038 sad Claim No, 61 and ran niag theaoe north twenty-ureohsins thence east, lorty chains ; thence south ttfteen chains and forty-five links 1 thence east twonty-seven snd one half chsins theses south nineohsins snd fifty-five links 5 thence west suiy-seran snd one bsif ohaius, to tbe place of beginning, containing one bundrtd and twenty four acres more or less. Also the inxlmded twesty-nine thirty seconds of all the lands herein after deecrihed as fol lows, to wit 1 lieginning twenty bye chain north of the southwest corner of Paul Clover donstion land claim above described snd running tbeace north seventeen chains ; thence Kast forty cbams ; thssee south soventoeu chains ; thenoe west forty chains to the place of beginning, oontsinirg siity. sight seres more or lees. Also beginning st the quarter section corner between sections twenty -six sad thirty -five sad running tosses south twenty chains ; theses west twenty chains thence in a northwest oonrs to a point seventy rods sooth ef the north west corner of section tbirty.fi re ; thence west to the ssst line or tbe donstion land claim of William Vaughan, Notification No. 3034 ; thenoe N 34 east to the N K corner ot ssid Notification 3034 ; thence east to the southeast corner of said Paul Clover's dona tion laud claim Notification No, 303S; tbsnoe north nine chains ami fifty-nine linka to tbe south b oundary line of tbe Thomas M Wager land chum, Notification No. 3037 I thence east to s point, due north of tbe place of beginning ; thence south to tbe pises of be ginning, containing eighty-five and 90-100 acres mors or lees. Also the N .V quarter of N K quarter of M E quarter of the If W quar ter ot Ji I quarter N W quarter said o W 3 carter of W quarter of S g quarter, and the VV quarter of N K quarter of H W quarter and the N W quarter of 8 I quarter of I W quarter of section thirty-six the number ef sections aad No. of claims heretofore mention, ed in this conveyance are situated in Town ship fifteen south range three wssk of Wil lamette meridian in tbe ooonty of Linn and KUU of Oregon. The proceeds of sale to be applied first to the payment of the ooste of suit taxed at $29 and accruing costs. Next to tbe payment t the Plaintiff herein the asm of f 1308 with interest st tbe rate of tan per cent per annum from October 23th, 1806, ami the further sum of $30 Attorney's fees. Next to tbe payment to the defendast J B Huberts tbe sum of 31173 30 and interest at tbe rate of Urn per oeot prt aoanm from Oc tober 23th, 1SS6, sad the further aom of ISO Attorney s fees snd the overplus if any r be to be paid to tbe defendant W 8 Houston or his legal representatives. Hated this 4th day Of November ISSf. O. 8. 8aiTtt, Sheriff of linn county, Oregon. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court oj the Mate 0 Oregon or Ltm County. Z F Moody, Governor. R P Ksihart. Seers- vary f Kiate ard Edward Hirsch, Treasurer of the Mute ot Orrtfoa.cpastitaUns the Board of ( oatausaiutirrs for the sal of school sod omveralty laoda and for thbnvattne.it of the funds analog therefrom. Plaintiffs. vs. Allie Ann Farmr. Andrew Bird Farrier. Geetge Farrier, ireoa Eiuahatb Sorreii aol B Sf Barrell, Set husband, Edwtuod Famsr, John Farrier, Klla Karner, rhobs Rile ClmeKsmmwr and rr4rtck Citnohamoier, ber huMMUsst, PsfsadBBts. Notice is beriy gives that by virtue of aa eseeattoa snd ordr of sale issued out of tbe ae sained Court in the above entitled suit, I will on Monday ths 3rd day of Jaa nary. ise. ai inm touri House ct-K.r 10 tbe city of Albans, Ijno county, Oregon, st the hour of one o clock p. m., sell st public suction far cash in band to tbe bhtbsst bid der tbe real property described in ssid exe cution and order of salu aa follows to-wit Tbe northeast ti .tarter of tbe southwest quar ter and tbe southeast quarter of tbe north west quarter and lota 'J, 3 and 4 of Section 24 in Township 12, south of Hangs 1 wast ef the v tilataatte meridian 10 Linn county, Orison. eonUibinii l:4 13-H! acr. s. Tne proceeds of sals to be applied first to ths payment of tbe costs and expenses ef suit Used at $53. SO and accruing costs sad the further sum of S40 Attorney's fees. Next to the payment to the Plaintiffs herein ths sum of $367 M with interest st the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 17th day of October, 18, and ths overplus if any to be paid in to tbe Clerk of said Court. Dated this 4th day of Nsvensber, 1886, D. S. Sarra, Sheriff ef Linn county, Oregon. To Tax Pay era. Notice is hereby giucn thst I will meri the Tax payers of Linn county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and remain until 4 o clock, p. m. st their respective places of voting in the several precincts, at the following times and places for the purpose of colfccting the Uses for 1886. Lebanon, Friday, Nov. a6. Waterloo, Monday, Nov, 29. Liberty, Tuesdey, Nov. 30. Sweet 'Home, Wednesday, Dec. 1. Brush Creek, Thursdav, Dec. 8. Mabel, Friday, Dec. 3, Crawfordsville, Friday, Dec. 3. Brownsville, Saturday, Dec. 4. Center, Tuesdsy, Dec. 7. Orleans, Wednesday, Dec. 8. Syracuse, Thursday, Dec. 9. Harricburg, Tuesday, Dec. 14. Halsey. Wednesday, Dec. 15. hedd, Thursday, Dec. 16. East Albany, Friday, Dec. 17. West Albany, Saturday, Dec.18. Prompt payment will be required. Psy your tsxes and save costs. D. S. Smith, Sheriff snd Tax Collector. Dated, Oct. 29th, 1886. 80 ACRES Of good land for aae, andWr cultivation, on road five miles suutli of Alhanv, opposite J MeOeea residence. Piioe, 83400. Terns saay. Address Mas. H. 8. Spbxbht,, Oervalltat Oregon Notice for Publication. Land Offlee at Oregon City, Oregon, ) October 13th, 1886. j NOTICE (a hereby given that the fol lowing named pettier lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- Krt of hia claim, and that said proof will made before the County Jndge or Clerk of Llsn county, Oregon at Albsny, Ore gon, oa Wednesday. Peo. 1st, 1888, via : Adolf Bichmsnn, Homsstead Entry No. 6ll for ths SBK of Seo, S Tp, US Rl E Willamette meridian. Be names ths oilewing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz : James Perry, John M Desk ins, W Cyrus snd Cbarles Krsfi all of Seio, Linn eounty, Oregon. . W. T. Bvbjbet, Bdgiater. aM may. J. o. skndbbb MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General MetDiiandise, HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON. Will buy drain, Wool and all kinds JULIUS GRADWOHL i Mas the only exclusive Block ai CROCKERY, CLAS8.8ILVER AND CHINA WARE i Large luortment of Baby Cair.ageu, And a I hole ONE D OZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS 91.00. SHELF HARDWARE. OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND iime THE HIGHBMT BASKET PRICE PAID FOR BO B Remember! What I Say lean, tin le a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Ro well & Co., Newspaper Axdvortlsinoj Bureau, 10 Spruce St., Hew York. loots, for SOO-Page Urns' Home, A AS8ELI. AND J. CIBLIN Proprietors. 8Thts house ia now open snd furnished with tbe beat near furniture. Everything clean and cm mod ions, offering to tbe aeo era! public superior accommodations to ssy ta tbe etty. IVEADY'S RKSTAtRAXT I Two Seers east ef Odd relioWs Teaude. I ALBANY, OREGON. f U I. .11 W. ..ul all - ri KlSM - wlwaur sou YKjutiu, Usy 8 OYSTERS ! 1 alwajs'wa Baa. rrh oysters open every d-y, snd sod taSSBsss Bto tsster quart, rrveau sas 1 Palace Meat Market. FIFE & TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on band beef, mutton, nors, vesl, aauaRe, etc.. the best meats and Urges variety in the city. Cash paid for all kindaof fat stock. SOMETHING NIW UNDER SUN. THE A new piper specially devoted to the in terests of the producing eiassts snd ths development of auah interest ana Industrie aa the people are directly interested In and benefit ed by. Sustain Those Who Benefit Ton, THE "YAQUINA MAIL" Published st - NEWPORT, - OREGON gives yon all the points of interest in re gard te the opening of this new snd Short, Route and will keep yon advised on all important transections in tbe Bay country It la the lest and most reliable local paper published in Benton Co, Price red need to $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Send for sample copy and special offers. Take your reading matter from ths place from wbiob yon obtain the greatest good. Address THE PHELPS CO. Newport, Oregon. tanS To Regulate TB B FAVORITE HOME REsIKDY warranto! not to comain sinie pj tide of Mercury or any iniuiioua su itaoce, but is purely vegetable. It will Ours all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver. Kidneys aad stomach. If your Liver is out of order, then your whole lysteia ia deranged. The bU impure, die breath offensive; you hove headache, feel languid, dispirited nd nervoua. To prevent a more whom con dition, take at once Simmona LIVER REGULATOR. If von lead sedentary life, or suflfv.f wi Kidney An-'iton. avo utimulant and take Simmons Liver Keguktu Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepiest at night, take a dose ami you will feci relieved aad sleep nleattudy. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyapepisla aa Bitlousueas, seek relief st once in Simmona Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trine. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste m your mouth, TAJ Pfl Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor es" reels the Bilious Stomach, sweetens LJJ the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some sale Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stomach, indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take steons Liver Regulator. PREPARED BY J, H. Z El LIN CO., Philadelphia, Pa. m Sekcton tl ttffce, iw H OFF MAN & PFEIFFER PBOPfUKTORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of 0HQIC8 COIFECTIOIERT, Ws srs bow prspared to ssll st whole salway fresh snd pore st Portland Betow to dealers, We aJsokeep a fall Nuts and Tropical Fruits, Wekeepafnll line, always fresh aad al ery low prices. OUR- CIQAR AND TOBACCO rry nest steak ef ssaoktsg and ebswi D tobacjo, meersfrhsnm and brier pines that ISBdeligbttoarookera. O. E. WOLVSBTO.V, o, h, invtHB. W0LVERT0R & IRViRE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW aroes up stairs InfFroman's Brisk A LB A NT, OREGON. Old papers 2Jc. a handled st tbe Dot o rntAT office. O Brrcjts avion: as - 318 MmUH HseEss.srttai 3. BOO wsek airsae dirert to all fjssaity esse. Tall fewer tm gtvee esset sset esTsesaf sssSf saS, elsiasf, wesur, ew nave vrttla. Tfeaea IXTajUUABXJSC BM saaurfewBs of wrUl mall a eowr VKSUB Sa of IS ess. te 1 lt as Si sec ' yoa, HsaawMisrelly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. SET tt S29 WaBswh Aveaae, Oneeae, IE. FOR SA' 11 Eearaey Street, Sen Evsusetsca, Cal. Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, EshaoatsS Vitaiit v, Spennstorrboea, Lest Manhoo4, taapaSaaay, ISralpia, Proausorrhoea, aad all fcas frrible aEaeSs ol sell abuse, and txceaa in ruatarer years, swell as Leas at Memory, Lassitude, Nocturnal wi-4ngj aversion to society, Dimnsssol vMsB, Noises ta (fee Head tho vital Hum paaunt: unohaeired 'a the arine. and many other dlseaisa that lead to laaaatty aad death. Tacxa asv. Suffering from any of the abore 'symptoms, saoaM roosult uat onee. Ths drain can' bs stopped, vi tality restored, and life be made again a pleasure instead ot a burden. Theie xr many MIDDLE ACED MEM who are trouble with too frequent eraeuatlar el tfes hlatider, often accompanied by a sl!ht BswarSfeMl or burning eeiaation, and a weakening or Oie syatean ta a manuer they cannot acooont for, Kony Bed:mat ia the urine, etc. Many die of this diEeuity igaoraat of the cause, which in the second stage of Msalaal weakness. Cures guramteed in all ouch cases, jeeaee teatiea free . Thorough ezamlnatlon and vivice, inciudinjr chemical sna) rale and isioroseaate exaniiuatioa ot the urine. Bt "An honeat eninlon given in even case. The following mediclnea named ; sufi-.iied at the prl AEV t OOPKU TIT Al RESTeEA TltS, S3 a bottle, or four timoe the qnantitr 1 a . BtariK RerTLtt wiEm. Sent to any one apply ing by letter, stating avaip tome, sex and are. Strict secrecy in regard l all business transactiona. e i'e brati I K ,,f.y Besaedy. ftEPRRETI IN, for ill kinds ot Kidney and Biaduer C m plain te Oouerrhoee, Licet, Leueorrhoca, etc. lor sale by all drugxiata ; 1 a lottle, or six oottles tor BS. ." B-EU!ti LITER AMI Bit S"I A 111 X ia tbe Iwst in the market. Tor ssls by all druk'iiiats ; price &U cents a bottle. Add re- BtiKitei Nedlral Dysjaeasary. No. 11 Kcarnv Street, Saa franeisuo, M 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of allkindsof merchandise. AM orders from the country filled on short notice for every class or kind ef goods from flrat-olaaa stock. Absolutely no charges or commission will be charged or filling orders, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Preitiiee, Peril and, Or GBLDI .'ids are scarce, but those wba write ta tunea Co. Fortland. Halae,winreeaiT rail tarsrtaaiton about week wfaiek rean do, and K.eat bom a. that will aa 1 them from S3 to S2& oer 4ar, SeaM hasa earned ovar Ssii in a ear Etttewsax. yeiaaaerold. as4ta not rfif aired. Y m ars uraHed hen. Tbeea wtmatast at eaea ate Rte jl i!&f itt raw UrtJ fsrtuaoB. Alt hmw. SBsS wcrrUL Ws m at mm Wky j THOWM IN FHCTVBE. ENGLISH