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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1886)
Church ttiretsr . 9. P.Cacao. PreaohingeTory Sabbath, feaorain nd evening by Kev. P G. If i, D. D. Sabbath behool at 2:10 . at Prayer meeting erery YVedueesday evening. StajnmuqaIi Cktjhcm. Preaohing on Sab babe at 10,10 a. at., and 7 r. at. Sabbath Ac tool 10. 00. Prayer mens ting every Wed ay eveaiag 7:30. 8. K. Cavil, oaator. AU art iavited. 0meoatioiialChcch. Scrviceserer ahhalh atoning and evening. Sabbath 8eel at 18:15. Prayer meeting on Wadaeeday evening of each week. lUv, H. V. Romiagnr, Pastor. M. & CMtfacn, South. Preaching every third Sabbath ia eauh month at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7 o'clock p. x. Sabbath School Sabbath at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer Friday erenine's at 7 o'clock. J . W vaaig, raster. 1L R. Ciicacn Soith Tahrnt Preach a ia.Z ing on the lire t Sabbath of eaoh month morn At and evenin. J W Craia. Paetor. ht. E. Ohorch. Preaching every Sabbath aaatal and irinmi. Ran aarvioe in the evening before eermon. Sabbath School dtS-JO t. m. Prayr meeting every Thure ;sy eveniag. Rev. it. r. n odd, pastor. Pmaurraniax Cccrcu. Senrioe every Sabbath morning and evening in Church oar. Broadalbiu and Fifth Ste. Sunday School immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wodneaday evcuiug. Rev K ft Pritohard, paetor. Fdmt Bait it Cue ch. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eve' Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after !! services. Prayer meeting every Tearsday eveniag at 7.30 o'clock. T 0 Sroanuaa, pea tor. Catsolic CnuncH Service every Sun day at 10 SO a. m . and 7 : u. Laet Sunday of the month eervioe at Kugene City. Rev. Leeds Metayer, Rector. Areftonlfcacific lailroad Unly Ifopular If onto, m 1 ictmspellanges, Plae) siaae I Hare connect loot w esifpaucnla I MS nailee nmnrtnr 1 SO ho am less time ! Aooo m mod ationa unsurpassed for ooui ran and safety. Fame and freight much una than by nny other route between all ita in the Willamette Valley and San ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY 8AN FRANCI8CO. Detily fmomngor trains tnceft Sundays. Leave Corral 11a at 2 P. a. Leave Ya qolnn at 7:10 A, at, Oregon A California Went Side trains at corvailla. The Oregon Deyelopment Company's FINE Al STEAMSHIP YAQUINA CITY, SAILS vaaenia. raoa aa kikiho, r. ok. iota. Monday, Oct. 4th. tetania t. Oct. 1Mb. Ttndmj, Oct. ttad. r. nv. are. Thuradav. Oct. SSlh. lev. lit. Wedateday, Nov. 1UU. Huuda. Oct, Hod. The Company raneryea the right to ehange nailing days. Corv all ie and San Fran- Rall and cabin, fit. Kail and For lB8ttsiMilliii apply to C. C. H04.1 c. A. O. T . and P. Agent. Oerraltts. OVERLAND TO CAUFOBNIA -sVlA- Oregon A California R. R, ASD CXXBOKBOTIOItS. TMrna two sad enwhnlf daj , Fare rees roiihiaS U naa rreaaawo, tni t atAatiand w.iA at m aai Mali is (DAILY EXCEPT hCNDAVS.) SKTWSmJf.rwBTLAN AA ABtULAJlaV, aaallTrnaau aaava. aaarvs. u:S5aa 1 J" K 1 1 :2S A M A 00 A m I Albany . 106 r a .8:S6 r a j Alaaajr. .ii. a a Portland, a;5 r a AJhnny Ksnreas Trala, ASSITB. 4.M p m I McMinnv .6:14 a a Portland vibe MMr a MaMiaa tills. . . .0:00 a s Cor. fine aad prtnetpel in Cali(.iru cm only be ss Ciannfi eSsee. Corner rand ffvaas lead Or. hates wUl aetbs rseetTed for after tvs o 'stock a. m. easttaarms Es B. SOBHUW, K. P. EOOEBS, O. F. PassArsat. SAAt MAT. J. O. MEXDERK MAY k SENDERS. Bealin in General Mercnandise, HARRIS BURG - - - - OREGON WUI kf drain, Wool and ail kinds CoflLttryprodtfco. Remarkable Offer. Tn Dbhockat 82 00 Knw Yoaa: Worlo i.oo FlVB HlSTORTOE THK U. B 1.50 Americar Farmer 1.00 86.50 And cheap at the price ; but we offer the fonr for $3.25, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop tbe American Farmer and yon can have tbe three remaining for $3. Drop the World and Hittry and yon can haye the two ethers for 82-25. The history is a 320 pegs book nicely bound, and ia worth the sgular psis. PATENTS Malaed, sad all otlwr bosisess in the U. i. Paten OMwetUadeded to for moderate fees. Owesaeetaoppostt tbe U. 8. Patent Offloe, and e sea ebUUa Patents less Mroe than those remote arsss Washington. Mad atodie or drawing-. We aJ- to patent hibnir cnarfc ; anu wemaae o snarM unless WS obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Bupt. of fewer Ontsr Dir. and to offloiali of the U. 8. Patent Owes. Per eircelar, ad vice, terma, and efersuoas essaaai eUeuW in our own State or county, wjdreat C A. iOW&COee OfsaseHe Patent Office, Waehington, D , Notice for Publication. Lund Oflloe at Oregon City, Oregon, October 18tb, 1886. NOTICE la hereby given that tbe fol lowing nemed settler naa filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in aup- Crt of his claim, and that said proof will made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon at Albany, Ore gon, on "Wednesday, Dec. 1st, 1886, vis : Adolf IJIcbmann, Homestead Entry No. ISIS for the SIM of Sec, 8 Tp. 11 8 R 1 K Wlllarxette meridian. Be rsmea the oil owing witneaaea to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, aaid land, viz : James Perry, John M Deakina, W Cyrua and Cbarlet Kraft, all of Seio, Linn county, Oregon. ' W. T. BnurjT, i Kegtater. . o HaMsmHBeaeVC JH V t ftj 481 ACADE MY OF- Our Lady of Peipetual Help. ALBANY, - OREGON. This Institution ia beautifully aituated in I tke nleaaant and aooaaaible City of Albany. The location ie remarkably healthy, the budding new and well fureiahed with all that contribute to the comfort and inatruo- tion of the pupils. The play) grounds extensive and well adapted taeeithful ercise. The constant aim of the teachers is, whilst unnartina inatrnotion in all the useful and rennea area ones, so train tne youtntui neart to virtue and to instil a commendable emu - aJ t . i . a a .a e a a a. . latum, thus educating for society, mem wbowill.two trust, prove an honor to our country. Pupils of all persuasions eoaally received. provided they comply with the regulations o: the school. Uoys admitted up t the age ot sen oT twelve. ThisJAcademy ia incorporated and author uod by the State to confer Academic honors, Normal instruction of aspirants for Teach er a Certificates, a npucialty. TERMS BOARDING SCHOOL, Par term. Ko trance fee. payable once. 8 0.00 Board and tuition, payable in advanor, 40.00 Music, instrumental, theoretical and vocal with the nee of piano or organ 15.00 (loiter with the nee of instrument. . . . 12.00 it horn without use of instrument . . . 8.00 lh swing and painting 8.00 lied and bedding 1.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Pr term, in aditmi t. Primary Department 8 8.00 Junior Department 6.00 Preparatory Department 8.00 Senior and Oraduatieg Department. . . 104)0 Graduating Fee 10.00 For further particulars apply at the Those wiio intend sending ineir children to school w. I favor tit Hutera.and the in terests of tbo school by making all arrange ments before the 10th of November, on which day the school opens. The States wijl be prepared to attend to this business after the .'5th insl ALBANY. GOLLEBJATS IHSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 1887. tBT. g JJ THOVrsO gt. 0 , rrrsldeal. A tnll corps of instructors, )USSICAL,'SCIEMT!FIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Conrae of study arranged to meet tbe neo or mi graoeaor atudenta. Stn'ttl imlutemmts offered to stdmt$ from abroad. Tuition ranges from 85,50 to 112,50. Board in private famiii at low rate. Rooms lor self-board Ins? at email ax t ana. A careful enpervislon exercised over stu dents away from borne. Fall term opena aepcemo? in. ror circulars and run particulars addrees tbe President. BBV. m. J. TH01IP8, 0. . Albany, Oregon, NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Ton ar al!owl a fr uo of Dr. Pye'a Ci lrU Rlectrie eujm.rr a relief sad (mrmnnmt rc;i of Vitality and UatJimfi Alto tor many other dl tlon to Health. Vlunr ui 'oftr.Mv On of the I V,!l'- Itelt with ore for tli epeedr Debility. OM ull kJnritvrf troablss. . f'tnrlrte restors 'o r1k U Incurred. IIIuki 1 naniu&tat H pMBBBSeak m mailed fre, mi'irweUne; VOLTAIC Bilk CO., Marshall, ID MOM Ma ABACHQAtOUBl KERVOV& sfPBTf V 1XEOAT Trertopoa V EARS BY USX I N rHOUSAHP OAateV VBWATMXITP. bURMtt, Xyro BContbe. -ghjrss Meatbs, HARRIS Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed hss been duly appointed Administrators of tbe estate of W. H. MeKnigbt, deceased, by order of the Connty Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, and all persons hsving olsims against aaid estate are hersby required to present the same to tbe undersigned at Seio, Oregon, duly veri fied within six months from the dsta hereof. October 21st, 1886. V. A. McKkiobt, A. II. McDowaup. F. P. o., capital NUTTINC, fJO.CCO.OOO. laeuru AffSOt Scottish snnaee ttfy aue S3EEI WW too rUulnlaTOse. of tfeuMea Oat oar was axRlfea Befbre SiAtai trat LTTirJel sueaaew. Talw a f flJaJC Mggiooftw mmm, or mam afleMa aaiMM lav f lisafan Rainillalal im jh idol eaxw DjBi&MjKBigEM Man. 3iKtt?7fSS2 MsTiTiiiTTffii MatfhtTirf IWi BXVRM HwRaeal Mar. IteMttV BIIkmIBSsi ebawaw remedy oo., wnewtMmu amm tfflflfltiaw nw eY ''a X Ofes I I U B sw im- it Junes This ie the moetlpRAOTIOAL HIOH-CUT nana ar tneaaAaa. "Ttuverv OlHm and Dl Ska atma orotectton m a boot or o amvealaaf to pat oa and th too ca 0l say easJe bj tmfj meviag ia jraraaie af lee E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. Master's Sale. in tlm Circuit Cmwrt 'ih UiUd StaU for ik ViUrui c Orgu. Tbm New England Mortage Severity ton ye. Emelloo B. Baabrouok, Lorenao Has bronck, The Corbin Hanking Company, O M Brown and N C Brown. Ko. 1262. NOTICE la hereby given, that in pur suance of the decree of aaid Court, mad nod entered In the above entitled cause oat the ttth day of September. 1SVJ, I, Oeorge II. Durham, Maater In Chancery of aald Court, will p roe end to soil at public auc tion to the blgheat bidder for ;ab In hand, aubje't to rexlmnpUon, ns upon exociillon leaned upon n judgment at taw. at the front door of the County Court House of Linn county, at Albany in the aaid coun ty of Linn, Oregon, on tbo 20th day of November, 1886, at the hour of ton o'clock in the forenoon, all the right, title and in toreat which tbo aaid defendanta Emetine K. Haabrouok and Lorenao Hnabrouck had at the date of the execution of mid mortgagee, of, In and to the premise de amibed In aatd mortgage nod in the bill herein, as follows : That certain tract or parcel of land situate in Linn county, Oregon, bounded as follows : Beginning at the northeast corner of the donation land claim of Jared Michael, Claim aum bared 41, NotlflaatioD numbered 2008, In Townabip 14 south of Rang thro west of the Wallamet Meridian, and running thane north, forty ohatna and eighty-nine licks ; thence east, fourteen chains aud eeventy-thre linka ; thonot south, seven ty chains and seven links ; tbooo north, seventy-five degree went, twenty four chains ; tbenoe north, nineteen dsgrsa and thirty ml aula east, twenty-three chain and ninety five links, to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres, and be ing a part of the donation land claim of Samuel Johnson and KmellnK. Johnson, bis wife, In mllafootlori of said decree, and expense of ml. Said doom ia for the aom of 81354,04 with intoreat thereon from the 20th day of September, 18C0, at the rat f eight per cent per annum and the) coats and disbursements of thbt salt taxed at SOMA October 10th, 1088. Unoaoi H. Dussum, Maater in Chancery, U. 8. Circuit Court, District of Oregon Red CrowiiMills (SOU, LAKNIN0 4 CO., PROPR'S rrw rRocsaa ruc avratton ton r ami una ARC RARXRR BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. F. M. MILLER, Attorney and Cotmslor It Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice in all tbo Court In tin CURES ALL HUMORS, to the worst sterol nlsu Halt-r henna, re vcr-aorea," steal y or Movgat Sktau aa abort, all 7 ha blood at conquered by this Iff aaSar iri , Bolls, 5niS rnlon. ttnw Vm2 r, Stoae Selea, fore Eye. Scro . Swelllnca, llp. Jo an hit alwellTni n-Joint Diaesuae. Cioltre. or Thick i and Enlarge rebel Cilanda. Hmtt tin stamps for n treauso. wan col. r a treaties on IIHAfT.f-Hfina BLOUO i nere and gopsl CONSUMPTION, wbfch fa Scrofnlona niseasa of the Lang, is promptly and cvrtainlv arrested I cuwd .by this Ood-eivon remedy, if taken JCT1 aasoaa are reaoneo. Aimo when flrttfc ryffmHns tli(. m. It WUDCKTIUI IHJWfT OVTT t.hlfl fATT prated remedy to tbe public. Da. JPirro tbouRht. seriously of calfin it bis "Con" nanntton Cure," but abandoned bat name a too limited for a mod lei n which, from ita wvunnui wwuinwion ot un ic, or strengxoeO" ing, alterative, or blood-cleansing, antl-bUtouf, pectoral, and nutritive propmiea, is unequsJad. not only aa a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES ' OT TUB Liver, Blood, and Lungs, It yon feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, bans sallow dolor of skin, or yeliowlsb-brown spots JMJPT twsquent headache or dizt- neaajhad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills, 05,"t,lrPePaand Torpid Liver. or "lllouaneaa.' In many eases only uaf Medical Discovery baa no 2S2Knff Splttlnjr of Blood, 2rerT ,L-"rath Mroitchltls! S?Xerf 9SBm., ponannpttoii. and kindred affections, it is a aoverelgn reiaedy; book on Consumption, bold by Druggists. PRICE $1.00, PWSTSS World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 603 Main St, Buffalo, N. Y. iWLCQfa LITTLE eas aWt ?rtnm UYftbsWS . PILLS a AWTI.BIOOI7S and 1 ATHt RTIC Sold by Druggist. f& ocnta a vial. $500 REWARD is offered by tho proprietors of Dr. Bago's Catarrh Remedy for a caso of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you haven discharge from the nose, offensive or, other wtoje, partial loss of smell, taste. Jf bead, you have Oatarrh. Thou ajaw terminate in consumption, ur. naaws Catarrh BivxnT mm. k vnf ur tMSonnsr wfw mwl iiii 1 1 nam and Catarrhal tleadarJUo, & cenisv WW aad gives er-ialter. Itm gas"-11 inv lirniinif in laSSV TSUj m2irVj. 'iuir appeura, anu coated tongtio, you are suffering from Indl- Ik mmt FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1886 TIMPIEAH01 DIPARTIHT, EDITED T TBI Woaes'i ChriititB Toatriieo liiiis The W. 0. T. U. meets on the 1st and 8td Tuerday of eaoh month at S clock p. M., tt tho A. 0. U. W. Hall, ortr Freooh'i Jewelry Store. We clip tbe following from tbe Ore gonian of Nor. 15tb ; '"The Young Women 'a CbrUtiao Temperenoe Union wLl open their eda cational oleceee at their roorai, in tbe eld central school building, Sixth street, between Morrison end A I dor, this even ing, et 7:30 o'olook, et which ttm tbey wilt be pleated to meet any young lediee who with to avail tbeaelee of the privileges. It ia the aim and de- tire of tboee undertaking this work to make tbe meeting both interesting end ioatruative," Thit oerttinly shows praite-worthy effort on the pert of tbe young ladiee, and ea jutt such instruction ie greatly needed in Portland we here no doubt tbtir wot k will be folly appreciated. The meeting ot tbe Temperance Alii snot, recently bold et Brownsville, wee a most successful one. Wo bone to beer of good results fallowing. Oftf KXTIwN RWTt. The Naticnel Convention proper ofoeed Wednesday night. Miss WLU lad wee re-elected President by e vote of 251, Mrs. Aldrich 26. The other officers were elected with e like una nimity. Scientific Temperance I nat ruction elicited more attention tban any oilier department. A committee of five on text-books was elected: Mrs. Mary H Hunt, Chairman, Dr. Mary Weeks Burnett, Prof. Hitchcock of Amherst College, Dr. Nichols, editor of the "Journal of Chemistry," end Alice Guernsey. On tbe Sabbath twenty-five address ee were made by tbe ladiee of the con vention in tbe churches of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Miss Willerd spoke in Westminster Churob, tbe largest in tbe city. Long before tbe hoar to commence it wee packed to its ultupet capacity and bun died went eway failing to secure en trance. Three children's meetings were held in different part of tbe city, beside which many Sunday schools were aJ- dremsd by our women. Wednesday evening, after tbe eloee of the convention, Mrs. Lethrap, on in vttatton of the Prohibition Ciob ad dressed en immense eodtenoe in tbe Opera House. Leaning men, not at ell inclined to fanaticism, declared it one of the strcogset, most logic! addressee ever delivered in Minneapolis. Among tbe pleasant things of this convention were tbe lunches prepared each noon in tbe Centenary M. E. aea a aw a a . a a uuurcb. juxe ail tne ovner arrange ments mad by tke local committee, tbe arrangement e for these teemed per feet. We have seldom seem so large a body' served with such "neatness and dispatch" as the four or fivo bundrsd delegates were served theie. Newe of thedeetb of Mrs. Bannister, mother of Mrs. Mary B. Will aid, first editor of TAe Union Signal, wee receiv ed bj tbe executive committee is mi aion Tuesday. A mtsstgo of condolence wee sent to Mrs. Willerd, in Btrlin Messsgee were also sent to Mrs. Bent, the gold cornetiat,who .wee detained by sickness ; to Mrs. Bynon Reese, no on the Pacific Coast, who ia response to the call for e worker to go to Alaska, responds, "Here am 2, Lord, send me to Mrs. Mary Clement Leavitt, our round-the-world Missionary, now in Japan, end to other workers, who, for various reasons wete prevented from attending tbU convention. Tbe interest felt in tbe convention was evinced by tbe fsct that people leaving the Caeino from tbe meeting in the afternoon, were met by a stream of people coming fer tbe evening eervioe, and tome were so anxious to secure seats that tbey brought their lunch and ttayed from one session till tbe other. Families came in carriages from the surrounding couttry out as far as Min nehaha. No previous convention has attracted such large audiences. AH the delegates were loud in praise of the admirable arrangements made for the comfort aud convenience of the conven tion. Mrs. K. J. Pen field, the eldest mem ber of the New Jersey W. C. T. U., presented a beautiful banner, whose object is to keep in mind tbe stored noontide hour one of tbe bonds bind inp the W. C. T. XT. together is this moment of prayer. Wherever, on the face of the wide world, a white ribbon er ia found, when the clock strikes twelve, she lifts her heart to God in prayer that He will bless the temper ance work and workers. This banner u of pale blue satin, bearing tbe in scription : "New Jersey W. 0. T. U." Juat below ia a clock face, with tbe hands pointing to twelve o'clock. On one aide ia e flower eneiroled cross, with the Bible resting against it ; on the other side ia an anchor. 0ser these a white dove descends through the blue, beariog the olive branch of peace. Be low tbe dial are the words : "Noon tide hour of prayer." Still below this, tbo etaaxas in gold letters : "Prayer it the key for the bending knee To open the noons first hour, See tbe incense rite to the sonny skies, Like perfume from the flowers. Take the golden key in your hsnd end see As the noontide drifts awey, How its blessed hold is n crown of gold, Through the weary hours of day." ll l..ll..ssawaaj TO CRT ! OF V? A SITS. A Secret Whir Maer rerseas Oral re aara. Tbe arsenic treatment la well adapt ed for warts. The top of tbo wart should either be sliced off with sharp knife, oat off with a pair oi scissors, or destroyed with' a drop of sons caustic, such as nitric acid. It er - la then to be painted with the arsenic solution two or three timet s day. In a abort time It undergoes a change and appears to break up Into a num ber of pieces. It may then be re moved or turned out without the slightest difficulty. There are sev eral other means of getting rid of warti. Their vitality la low, and tbey are usually readily destroyed by the application or the cauatlc or astringent The etrong ecetlc acid knows se the "glacial" noetic acid la oftSQ used for this purpose. It should be applied with a glass rod until tbe wert Is pretty well sadden with th sold. It may have to be applied more than once, sod care should ire taken to preveot It from earning in contact with the surrounding akin, or tt may cause s blister. Small werts occur ring la numbers may usually be gt lid of certainly and painlessly by keeping them constantly moist with s lotion mads by adding two dram of dilate nitric acid to a pint of wa ter. Lunar c tattle is sometime used for warts, bat It ectloo la, a a rule, too superficial to be of much eer vies. When warts or warty growths occur oo the nose, Up, or any part beside tbe hands, chromic acid ma be used. Tbe solution la made by dissolving a hundred grains of cry- taliaed chromic acid In sn ounce of water. The solution la best applied by tbe sld of s pointed glees rod, or, when a large quantity la required, by moon of s email glass tubs drawn to a point. Only so maeb should be ep. plied ss trill saturate tho diseased growth, and It should not be brought into contact with the airrsundiog ItSSBtV Any superfluous acid is to be re moved by a piece of blotting paper or wet Hot. The application usually produces only s temporary smarting, when the pain la mors severe and of longer duration. After the applica tion of the chromic acid, It la a good plan to dross tbe part with lint dip ped lo lead lotion, as It relieves tbe eoreuees and restrain tbe inflamma tion. Uud.r the influence of thi treatment, the growth usually rapid ly wastes, in some cases being thrown off altogether, and in4othra under going a partial, though dUtiujt, di minution In also. The mJ rity of eases one application suffices, the cure belog completo in from four to eight dava. When, however, the warts W - : w are very large, repeated applications may be neceaea ry Family PhyticUin. rwif LAK SCIKSC K V i Castors made of heavy sole leather are a new invention. It is stated that there has been no inatanoe of tbe failure of oil to atitl troubled water whea the oil used was vegetable or fish oil. A soldering fluid, composed of a teaspoonful of chloride of zico dissolved ia two onooes of alcohol, will not mat and tarnish, and haa no bad smell. Steel plates in the fire box, it is said, m a a can be prevented from cracking ty washing out with cold water after be ing blown out. Hot water will have a contrary effeot and produce a crack. A solution of methol, two to tan graina in tke ounce.ia said to im a very effectual remedy in the treatment of the troublesome itching which accompanies uticaria,eoema and pruritus. The West Indian birch ia aaid to be tbe weakest and the nutmeg hickory of Arkansas the strongest wood. Tbe lightest and most brittle is the blue wood of Texas, and the tamarack tbe most elastic Mel Single firajr Hair, "You may laugh and think me a vain thing," writes Mr. J. ft. C, of San Fran cisco, to a friend in thla city, "but I have not a gray hair la my head, and yet (sad to aay) I am fifty and a day. Recently my nair waa not only quite gray but quito thin. too. Parker's Hair Balaam-vtnade in New Terk, I think did wonders for aa v sasavasaa waaa me. Try it if you hi iy does what I aay, aleo." Not a dye, a ou Save occasion. It real- and restores tbe color aa ai etlawlalW ss. owe ajiua ssv vs jr w aav mtHm9J f wisjui Jr fumed, Shary reliable S)e. dreeaing. jpOB BALK, One half block in eastern part of tbe attywlth Stir baase and barn will beeold esssr for Infants and Children, 'astoria la eo well adopted to eMSdren that 1 Csatorf eurea Ooltc, Oeoatfp&tfon, l reooenmend it aa superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhosa, ?nUon. awtefflH h. Ascium, M. D,, I '""o1' X JtrotM aU iU So, Oxford Si, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wiihous injurious medication. Tm Qntraca Ccatraar, m Fulton street, N. Y. SherflPs Sale. nit Court othi Slate q Ortyon for In the, Cirt Linn ( Walter Huston, Plalatlff. vs. W 8 Hasten aad Sarah J Houston, his wife wd James B Huberts, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution aad order of sale issued out of liftJ wm4 Cottrt in the above entitled suit I will on Natarday the 11th day of De W3 the (fourt House door Tn tho cty of Albany, Lhn;ouoty, Oregon, at &Jm3 sTseii s? pbiic auction for cash in hand to the highest bid aS '""H corner of I nI , wul Clm,?f 1 0 0W. Notiflca i H 30,wn1 Olaim,No,ol and ruo. ef Th twen1tyftv h.ii,s ; thence aat forty chains j thence south fifteen chains and forty-five links ; thence seat tweutyssven and one half chains ; tbenoe -outh nine oha,0s aad of vo links' thsnos west suty-seveu and one half chains, to the lJao of beaianing, containing one hundred snd twenty four seres more or leas. Also yjg!t':SaSS thirty sssead. 2 sll the lands herein sfter described aa fol- 5 .T" : tioaiK tweetyflve ehains north of the southwest corner of Paul Olovar donation land claim above described and running tbenoe 'north seventeen chains thenoe East forty obaios ; thenes south ems ohsins j tbenoe west forty chsms to the place of bagmning, eontainir. sixty n gbt r- mora or lea.. Also beginning at he uuarter .action corner between sections wenty-sia and thirty -Q v. and reaasissj thence south twenty ohaina ; tbeaoe west twenty chains ; thence in a northwest coarse to a point ssvsuty rods south ef the north west corner of section thirty.flvs j tbenoe weat the aast line of tbe donstien land ttl? ' VVll,Um vKho, Notification No. OM ; thence N 3J' east to the N E corner ot said Notification 3034 , thsnoe seat to the southeast corner of said Paul Oiover's dona ttoo lann claim Notification No. 3038; the north nine chains and fifty-nine line to tbe eouth boundary line of tbe Tborasa M Wager land claim, Notificauon No. 3037 ; thrata east to a point, due north of tbe place of begtuniog ; tbenoe south to the pleas of be ginning, containing eighty-five and 96 100 scree more or less. Aleo tbe N W quarter of N quarter of 8 E uuarter of the N W quar tar of S K quarter N W quarter aud 8 W iuartr of I W quarter of g t q carter, od ih I W quarter of N K quarter of 8 W quarter aud tbe N W quarter of 8 E quarter of 8 W ir.srtrf sectum thirty six the aambar.f igg. mkm 1 No. of .bums heretofore mention tdm tbiTconveyaoce are aituated in Tawo ehtp fiftoeu sooth range three west of Wil Ismetu meridian in tbe county of Una aod Mute of Oregon. Tbe proceeds of sale to be spoiled first to the payment of tbe costs of suit taxed at 29 aod accruing eoete. Nxt to tbe My meat to the Plaintiff herein tbe sum of $13o with interest at tbe rate ef ten per cent per aanum from October 25th. 1886, and tbe further sum of $30 Attorney fees. Next to tbe payment to tbe defendant J B Hubert the sum of $1 173 50 and interest at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum from Oc tober 25th, 1886, and the farther sum of $50 Attorney's fees and tbe overplus if any there be to be paid to tbe defsudant W 8 Hunaton or his legal representatives. Dated this 4.b day f November 1881. D. 8. Sierra, SharitT of linn ouunty, Oregon. Sheriffs Sale. In tho Circuit Court oj the Stale of Oregon for Limn County, Z f Moody, Ooyernor, R P Ear hart. Srcre tary of Htate and Edward Hirsch, Treasurer of the 8tto of Orrgon,oonst4totin the Board of Cotnmteaioaors for tbe sale of school aod un.ver.ity Uada snd for theiovestsaet of tbe funds arising therefrom, Plaiottffs. vs. Allie Ann Farrier. Andrew Bird Farrier, SfflS1 lLKmbab 9arrefl and n M narrell, her fensbsnd, Edmund Farrier JMm Famer. Ella Famer, Phoebe Mas Uuteaemjoer aad Frederick Chnebammer, her bnabaad. Defendants. Notice ia hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the eve earned Court in the above entitled sum i win on Saturday the 27th day of le oemher. isM, at tbe Court House door in the city of AiUanj. Lioo county, Oregon, st tbe hour of one o'clock . m., sell at public auction fer eash in hand to the behest bid der the real property described to said exe cution and order of ssle as follows to-wit : The northeast q jar tr of the southwest quar tor snd the southeast quarter of tbe north west quarter and lota 2 S ! A u... 2 lp,,rnhP 2. "ootb of Range 1 weat of the V tllamctte meridian in Linn county, Oregon, containing 154 13-100 acre. The proveeds of aale to be applied first to the payment i the costo and expenses of suit taxed at f ao so mid accruing eoete and tbe further sum of SaO Attorney s feee. Next to tbe payment to tbe Plaintiff herein the um of $367 JO with interest at tbe rate of $ Cr cent per annum from tho 17th day of tober, 1886, aad the overplus if any to be pato in to tbe Clerk 6f aaid Court. Dated this 4th day of November, 1886. D. S. Smith. Sheriff ef Linn county, Oregon. To Tax Payej-s. Notice is hereby giucn that I will meet the Tax -payers of Linn county, Oregon, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and remain until 4 o'clock, p. m. at their respective places of voting in the several precincts, at the following times and.placcs for the purpose of collecting the taxes for 1886. Ibanon, Friday, Nov. a6, Waterloo, Monday, Nov, Liberty, Tuesdev, Nov. 30. Sweet Home, Wednesday, Dec. 1. Brush Creek, Thursday, Dec, a. Mabel, Fridav, Dec. 3. , Crawfordsville, Friday, Dec. 3. Brownsville, Saturday, Dec 4. Center, Tuesday, Dec. 7. Orleans, Wednesday, Dec. 8. Syracuse, Thursday, Dec 9. Harriaburg, Tuesday, Dec r4. Halsev, Wednesday", Dec. 15. Shedd, Thursday, Dec r6. East Albany, Friday, Dec 17. West 'Albany, Saturday, DecrS. Prompt payment will be required. Pay your taxes and save costs. D. S. Smith, Sheriff and Tax Collector. Dated, Oct. 39th, 18S6. PURE SOAP. Use your own refuso griuse. etc., and Greenbauk'a Powdered Causiio Soda. No special apparatus, no experience, no fuel, and only fifteen minutes time needed send for dlreo ion to T. W, Jaokson A Co. 218 Oaliforn ia fit., San Fianeisoo. 80 ACRES 0 good laud for sa.e, under eultivation, on road five miles south of Alhanv, opposite J McGee's residence. Price, $2400. Terms easy. Address Maa, H. S. Sfbidii, Oervallis, Oreejoo JULIUS QRADWOHL Hm the only sxenlve fltoek CROCKERY, CLASS, SILVER AND CHIRA WARE A Largs inortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choio Selectcn of Cifte, Tea and liar ONE D OZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS 81.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, W INDOW LIGHTS AM Jime THIS HIGHEST MARKET Pit Hi; PAID FOR E OS . aememoerl What I Bay lean. Gfive Is a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOOSE IN OREGON- ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newepapar Advertising Bureau, lO Sprue St., New York. Send lOote. for lOO-Page Pamphlet. Ross House. A ASSELL'AND J. GIBLIM Proprietors. This house! ia now ocen and turnUhmA with the best now furniture. Everything nl n ifl ivmfflrwlitina n(frino a Ih. m era! public superior sceomrnodations to any aa ibs eujr. MADY'S RESTAURANT 3 3 Two Aootre sset ot OM fellow's Ton pie. ALBANY, - OREGON. I Umm.U .1 .It turn al mil tld.l iaeealaater and Yaqaiaa Bar 8 OYSTERS I Alwaysf H aad p IV h nysters easa ewjr Uy. aa4 M U J UtuUies by SS plat or piart. Jritsta ivsss far tafiea. j Palace Meat Market PIPS ft TALBOT, P&0PROT0E8. FIRST ST. - ALBANY, OR. Wilt keep constantly on band beef, mutton, porn, veal, sausage, etc., tbe beat meats and largest variety in tbe city. Caab paid for all kinds of fat stock. SOMETHING NIW UNDER THE SUN f A new pa per specially devoted to the in to rente of the producing oiasaea and the development of suoh interest ana industries aa tbe people are directly interfered to and benefit ed by. Sustain Those Who Benefit Too, THE "YAQUINA MAIL" Published at - NEWPORT, Q3EC0N gf vea you all the point of interest in re gard te the opening of Una new arid Short, Route and will keep you advised on all Important tranaactionalu the Bay asuntry It la the best and most .reliablo local papjr published in Benton Co, Price reduced to $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Send for sample copy and apeoia l offers. Take your reading matter ft-om the place from which VOU obtain tha irnuiiut good. Address THE PHELPS OO. Newport, Oregon. osnS THE GBEfi at PURELY VEGS Are You J. The ftrffHiatov urr''f cheerfully rccommeiv! U to hC Bilious Atuck or .,v ) arranged naie of the l.iver. Kansas Ci rv, Mo. 1. Do You Want Geo i I Itogttre ttttentttin mih.l'n! :.-.., ; ,.' eht, eto. A neighbor, Hw hud tab.: Utter Regulator, told me it ttns a utr cut ,-fir my trouble. The ffrm . tc n lu ved kV veru much, and in one trtek 's time 1 1- s t. st tug ana heurtit at f ever tone, t: f. the bct Uiuiicitii I ettvr took for ;( - ji.iin, Rickmono, Va. tt. G. Cl-.Fy. 'SAW. Do You Suffer fi oui Oonstiprtiaoji ? TestSmony of IIiuam, Chief. 'ut!ce of Ga. ; "1 have used SiinrorHi . l U .i.Mi.,- :(.r ConuipatVon dt "y It iwtj-, c .. ti uoipot.'.ry Dpr.mgemi.nt of ie Liver, tor the last three four years, aud alw.iys frith r.'r l:iHffil," Have Yo i M.-.I 'i i ? later aims fit?, " . s , tvutmt medicine rf t'i- s ;-r dicmtei jk ch- Htr tn mnhiri'il r ""iiv. Sr; f-x! a jaesY eine detereee ekr cem rr"! Cor. Sto'y Southern Baptist fhrattguml S miliary. Safer and Better than GOel I I hars hrea subject u s. r ,c ' ilen of tha Liver, aud haw ion. n ,,,, from i tosocr.iins o! cah.-ia,- , h.i ', .. y I ,id me up for three or f un- day, i te y I k ivr bees M IDULEt'UKT, Ohi'.. I I Utiv. v. n. 2.3i!in St Co.f PiitGitc; u j, 'c HO I FMAN & PFEIFFER PRtJPRIKTORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manofaeturara of- CHOICE OOmOHOIBT. are Prmpmrnd to aaH'at whole io, always freah sod par at Portland Ear 10 dealer" W JwikP fall Ittts and Tropical Froiti, ll GKOCERIES, We keep a nil lino, alwaye'freeh aad aa very low price. J mua -OUR- OIQAR AND TOBACCO fffi" i com 'a We' keep the u,baecr,, meerechanm .nd brier plpeVtha? ia delight to smoker. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW fnYX&m op stairs iagFroaisn'a Brink ALBANY, OREfiOX. OM papera 25c. a hundred at tha Dbmo. CBUT otfiee. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. ttTfleStO WsUaasa) Aeeswie, CTsieaaja, aU MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARK oil e red for nal represented a good a tho BI T THET ARE NOT! An like all Csmtsterfeia lark U Keamrkaale LASTING QstaJJtle OF TBS GESTCfE. T PEARL TOP And Insist THIS Exact LABEL m EacH wpoa HAYING them with ViU CUIMXET The PEARL TOP is Haaafaeinna aw v Gt0' AMACBETH & CO PA. ENGLISH j m mum -wmrnw i T I ii aooraejr street. Sea Fraacttce, Cat. Ielility Seminal Weakasas, Kaaaastei Vitatttr, Snanatorrho, Leat Xnabot, Impeteaey, Paratrrta, Vroswrtorrhoea, aad ail tha tarriWa etaeta wMiMOBHstiMMin matarar yes, Leetot MatnorT, Liumitude. NiK-iumkl ajarwon to mam, imnaMr Soitm ta ik Head tha viUI Ansa paMtag uaesearTed 'a the art a, and manjr ether disssees that lead to issasltf aaS death. lorG MK!V Suffering from aay of the above symptoms, ahoaW consult usatonee. Tha drain oan ha topped, t! taiity raatored, and Ufa be made again a pleasure instead ot s burden. Thai e are many MIDDLaVaCEB HE who are trouble with too freauant evacaailnr at tbe lk.v the liririM t. .,1 tt.i. I..',u. I ... of the oauee, which la tbe eases asaaa ot saaalBal wiaaaaaa. urea gurarnteed in all such eases. eeaaattatiM free. Thorough exam) net ion aad vlvice, including chemical analysis aud laJetesesete examination of the urine, Si An huneet c pinion given in every eaae. The following meUicinea eupplied St the irista named : N OOPER YtTAL KKSTBtA. Tit t, $3 a bottle, or four timea the quantity. 19. N.tMPLK MOTILE i'KKR. Sent to any one apply ing by letter, tuting eymp tm, sex and age. biriot aeerecy in regard to all biHinesa tranaactiona. Tbe Celebrated KtUaey Seatedr, XEIRKKTI rcaj, for 11 kinds of Kidney and BUduer pLSta. Gonerrhoee, Gleet, Leueorrhoea, ete. tor aale by all drugiaU ; $1 a hotUe, oreix nettles for $5. The Ksgliah Dt VDEEIeV UVEAt AB BVs ftl A MM. ie tbe beet in the market. For sate nj mit aru;7)BU ; price es cente a bottle. Addrexe EastUh Medical tkyapeaaary. No, 11 Koarny Street, aan riaaeaeo, Cal. 0. P. Tompkins J COMMISSION AND PURCHASING A6ENT, Of all kindsof merchandise. . All orders from tbe country fined on abort notice for every clsaa or kind f goods from first-claw atock. Abaelutelv no ohargea or cem mission will be cljarRell or filling orders, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentfoe'g, Portland, Or GOLD I fmde are Keree, hot thnte who vHU te buowaaCe. forttind ynu win I free, rati infornatioa about work wbieh 1 they can do. and Una bma.ihji MImi ' thara from tA tAtKnar fimukKi CTJ-owi avr eon in tcs? cuaeri ot raeuirae. Tosarattartad i a. v aotutetr akse or eaae Htl 0se KCrWMMP GfrWK te nAfmrnx. mwzin pasjii. 4H UaaAwtUaea 2fi2? PtahaU 'ttlsUss'jrt omn TrTaelesala PHaaa lusni sJ Wrvnrt"? m tuKT ti!Ssw TnraljDajkiSs SrUjT nuUl "a'tr asT'ejkV 2- enreee stpana meet pt t 10 . a elesVasr 22fiaX o!'iar, oru-n aciomnaniea b a )-4ht eaartlae bumirgr aenMUon, aod a weakening ot Mm tywem In nx.TOunsorem tajmai ree. Tneee veioqtea at ewce la fnnnnaa AiistM.