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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1886)
Ihe tmmt Watered t the IVsst Offlo at Albany, Or as MMMMi mail FlU l. Y NOVBMBKR 36 188G a rim & MIUN aa NUTTING. rrepriascee. mitu r. nrrawu. Lecai Baitar. OflQUNTY moIALljand APER, PAPER nm. in Philadelphia ; u Miw Alw- AA Oil W"n P hlricily in sd wZiUU anen this will he the price of the Democrat ; at tbe end of th year, $2.50, tod there will be do deviation fr m thin rule. DEMOCRATIC CITY CONVENTION. A Bass Meeting f lee Bemeerala or Albany will be ami at iSe loart Uawa Ou Saturday evsaiatf, December 4th, 1886 at 7 o'clock fur tha purpose of uoiniuatiog oaudi lata for Marahal ami Treaauror to ba voted foi at tha anuual city alactiou to ba held oa Moday, December tha 6th, 1886, and to ratify Ward ootaiaatiun for Uouuoil- Will BBnTtncn, Tha Committee recommend that tha van oaa Ward -naatina ba hald ou Friday avea tu. Dsoatnber 3rd. 1836 at 7 o'olook at tha folio ten plsees i Kirn Vrd Up aUira in tha Circuit Court room. Ssoeod Ward In tha County Court room. Third Ward At tha office of the Farmer a Wa v uaa Keen ward meeting will nominate one eaudidate ! Couuoilmao aod eeleet a mem ber of the City Central Committee. T. J srrtTBs, L. H. Mowtaxte, Geo. HcMTHaiY, Committee. t BAH IBdlT row. Very little buckwheat has ever been raised in Oregon ; yet what does appear it of a good quality. The Red Crown Mill of this city hare been grinding tome that would take the griddle away from much found in the East branded AI. The M. A. T. speaks from experience O Seventeen out of thirty-four candidates for Alderman in the recent N. Y. City elec tion were liquor dealers. City elections now -a -days are manipulated almost com pletely by whiskey men. O Some one has made the facetious remark that the more lawyers there are to retire from practice in Albany the leas is the amount of business per capita. Lawyers, though, are used to having such remarks made about them. They have been accus ed of taking the kernel and giving their client the shuck so much that it has become a part of the profession to smile at such digs. O If all the dogs in Albany were taxed a neat revenue would be raised. As it is $25 will cover the receipt There was a time when Albany was noted for its low down dives. The M. A. T. has heard the remark made recently that in its worst Five Point days the lowest saloons were equal to some in Albany now, gamb ling tables being run nightly, infants and Chinamen being on a par with men. We are only posted from hearsay, and this mav be an injustice ; if so the M. A. T. will re tract for those who have nude the state ments, if some one will step up and defy the "aJ legator." O In behalf of many farmers the M. A. T. will say that some "city" hunters had bet ter look a little out this winter about how they trespass on other people's property in order to waste powder on . ducks and mud hens. Many Oregon hunters are outrage ously careless and some farmers do not re joice at running the varied risks contingent on miscellaneous hunting. Mu ileal mm4 Literary One of the finest local musical and liter ary entertainments of the season will be that given by the members of the Presby terian Church this Friday evening. The following program for the occasion backs up this assertion : pa ax 1. Opening chorus, "Farwell to the Forest" Choral Union. Instrumental selections Prof W H Lee. Trio, "Vieni Al Mar" (Come to the Hea) Messrs Lee, Prichard and Mrs Geo Chamberlain. Recitation Mrs C E Wolverton. Duet, "La Serenade" Rev E R Prich ard and Mrs Chamberlaia. Quartette, Medley Messrs Irvtne.Brush, Fortmiller and Prichard. PART II. Instrumental selection Miss A S Pea body. Soprano solo, "Dearest" Mrs Geo Chamberlain. Quartette,"The Young Recruit" Messrs Irvine, Brush, Fortmiller and Prichard. Bass solo Prof W H Lee. Recitation Miss Hettie Miller. Solo, "Chickadeedee" Miss Era Cowan. Closing chorus, MA Spring Song" Choral Union. Doors open at 7:30. Admission 5O cents. Weald. Would a gymnasium pay in Albany this winter. "Would you mind helping me out at the convention next week, come now." Would a cannery be supported here. Would it not be a good idea to shovel the moss off our backs and houses. Moss backs and moss houses are not wanted. Would you mind liquidating for your subscription. We want to buy our children some Christmas presents, cheap ones. deads that are Steeds. Stewart & S3x are displaying remarkably good taste in their selection of cutlery, knives, forks, etc., and are bound to work up a good trade for a first-class kind of goods. It pays to get the best. Their dis play of knives, forks, carvers, etc, is the best by many per cent ever seen in Albany. An examination will convince any one of this fact. If you want goods In this line that can be relied on call on S. & S. By the way get a Crokinole board of them. It is the best parlor game ever play ed. No exception. erses sVletl. A band of horses near Huntington, be; longing to Nimrod Payne and J W Swank, of this county, nearly nil died from eating mountain laurel, ire loss will amount (.3 something like $;cx. These horses were taken east of the mountains several months ago and were all good stock. THIS fan Mege caer. Hoaey in the comb, io oaus, agd in bulk, pure and cheap. F. M, RerfTtSLiJ. fWt KANTIAN BIXRt. From the ircronian's articles on the mines of Oregon we glean the following in reference to the Santtam mines : . Situated on the north fork of the Santiam, reached either by way of Mehama or Sck). Formation porpheritic and granitic, with some sllicious slate. Veins supposed to be long to the Jurassic age. Quarts abundant, and "float" is found in most of the mountain streams. Dr. E. O. 8mlth,of Portltnd.once of Albany, claims to have discovered the mines, particularly the White Bull. That and the Canal Fork are the principal loca tions. The former has produced the Inest specimens of arborescent native gold in the world. The product of the White Bull has been somewhere between $5,000 and $60, ooasjust where la speculation. Work carried on spasmodically. Two mills have been built and both ' burned. About $25,000 were expended in machinerv,roads,etc. The mill was run in turn by stockholders. Rock said to assay $80 to the ton, milled only $5. The leads on Santiam noted for high assays. Mill did not run long. Several have since tried to run It, with variable success. An other mill was built about two years ago, and both were burned. Mine now aband oned. . In the Canal Fork mine some of the rock milled $30 to the ton. Lower down galena is found that assays $200 per tori In silver. Total product of the mine, $xxx Expense of working it, $.10,000. A 1 a-horse mill has been used. In other places leads, heavily sulphurated, exist, which have assayed as high as $1 jo per ton ; hut nothing has hcett done with them. On the little North Fork is the Capital mine prospected some. Con tains galena to a large extent Some assays 600 ounces per ton. Nearly all these claims are abandoned, "hvcry miner or other person who goes to the district comes back fullv satisfied with the idea that it is a rich country and there's millions in it." These things would indicate that the Santiam mines are mostly on paper at the present time. awe I Stall, Following are the completed footings of the assessment roll of Linn county for the year 1886. The figures explain themselves Value Unimproved land, 46,914 acres,.. $ 161,580 Improved land, 402,724 acres. . . . 3,518,667 Mortgages 9794 Value of all lot 590,234 alue of improvements Mdse and implements 5, Money, notes, account, etc House f umiture.pleasure carriages. 30,933 etc Horses and mules, 7,449 2O3.616 3i4.9 Cattle, 1349O Sheep and goats, 37,459 7307 VaUOJ Swine, 10,896 13,254 Gross value of property $7,377,071 I ndebtedness $ 1 ,665, 598 Exemptions 469.215 $2,134,813 Value of taxable property. . .$5,243,358 As comparisons are always interesting we give the assessment for 1885 Improved land, 453.544 cre $4.73.623 Unimproved land; 36,352 acres 23.240 Mortgages. Town lot Improvements. Mdse and implements 610,241 57626 7.49 620423 Money, etc 926.3W Household furniture, etc 248,340 Horses and mules, 8O25 . Catttle, 12583 Sheep, 40,070 Swine, 8,836 3SM70 I74.0J9 37.94 5.337 $7.94.36 I ndebtedness $ 1 ,939404 Exemptions 4S2.14O $2411,544 Taxable property , . . . $5,502,692 Celles An informal reception was given on Tuesday evening at the College Chapel by the students and teachers of the Institute. Of a social nature ft was enlivened by a most enjoyable program gotten up on short notice. Misses Vesta Mason and Esther Marshal were heard in a piano duet, well executed. Miss Helen Crawford recited "How he gafsbped from Ghent to Aix." in her popular manner. Eva Cowan made the the birds jealous when she sang "Hie away, Oh, Satan." Prof Lee read "The Knight and the Lady," slightly adapted to our own barbed wire period, in an attractive manner. Rev P rile hard received the good will of the audience by singing a solo. Remarkably melodious voice. Miss Lena Whitson re cited "The Miser Fitly Punished" in an ex- Eressive manner, and Prof Lee sang "The Lings Champion." Powerful base voice well controlled. Several lively College songs, games and conversation followed un til ten o'clock. President Thompson spoke during the evening on behalf of the school. The College now has between seventy and eighty as bright students as can be found in any school on the Coast Great progress is shown, and the school is rapidly growing in popular favor. It ranks with any in the Northwest in the thoroughness of its in structions. An Elegant Stack ot llday tieests. While East Mr D P Mason of the firm of Foshay & Mason.ordered some of the finest holiday goods ever brought, not only to Al bany, but as well to Oregon, many of his novelties being ahead of anything found on the Coast. In getting presents get some lhing choice. This firm has the very choic est, as well as the general run of standard goods such as books. Their line of albums u elegant. Bought from the manufacturers they are offered at remarkably low prices for goods of their quality. Toilet sets, pic tures, panels, broom holders, purses, etc., etc, etc, in fact everything imaginable, is seen In their store. i;all early in order to get choice as many buy early on this ac count. The HeUlbewy s. The famous McGibeny family of must cians will be in Albany, at the Opera House, on Dec. 13th, next, under the autt- oices of the W C T U of this city. The in- djcations are that they will have a big house w Whereyer they have been they have been greeted by enthusiastic audiences, who pro nounce them marvels in their line, l waive own children and a steo daughter. Think of that. Little boys and girls, big boys and girls, young men and women, the old tolas all musicians and in one family. AOmis sion, 75c. Reserved seats, $1, Gallery 50c Reserved seats at E w Langdon & Co s. Thanksgtvlng. Services at the Evangelical Church at 1 1 o'clock, a. m. Dinner at the Revere House at 12 o'clock and lunch at c o'clock. Turkey, cranberry sauce, etcetera. Ball at Opera House under the auspices of Albany Engine Company No. 1 in the evening. neheel neport School report of District 27, for tha month ending Nov. 19th, 1886 1 Whole No. days attendance, 243. Whole No. days absence, 18. Whole No. enrolled, 18. The following dudLIs have neither been abeent nor tardy during the month : Addie Huston, Ida Hus ton, Charley Hustoa.Eiix Soott.Frauk Scott, James Morgan, Ida. Grate,Miunie Moss. S. Howard, teacher. SHEARS k SCISSORS The hneat stock by tar ever seen iJalbaoy just received at Stewart m SoVe. RlFRNSRa AH INCOMB Below wc give the estimate of the expen ses and Income of the State of Oregon for 1887, just made by the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer. It wilt be of great interest generally, as it shows just where the money goes ; and from whore It conies : Salary of Governor $ Salary of Secretary of State. . . . Salary of State Treasurer Salary of Governor's Private Sec retary Clerial service In office of secre tary of state . . i , Clerical service in office of state treasurer Salary of superintendent of public Instruction Salary of state librarian Salary of prison Inspector Salary of pilot commissioners. . . . Salary of clerk to pilot cotnmla sloners 1,500 00 00 1,200 OO 2,000 OO 1,200 00 1,500 OO 5OO OO 200 OO 600 OO 600 OO 1,400 OO I 44O 00 500 00 Salary of health officers Pay of janitor and assistants . , . . Traveling expenses of superinten dent of public instruction . . . Pay of clerical Aid in office of su perintendent of public ,tn struction , . . Purchase of books for state li brary 625 00 2.5OO 00 7.000 00 4,000 00 900 00 1,800 00 Support of deaf mute school. . . . -Support of blind school Pay nlghtwatchman at capttol building For the purchase of Vol. U.Ore gon Supreme-Court reports. For stationery, office furniture, light, fuel, water, postage, pay of measengcr.telegraph ing, advertising proclama tions, state stamps, warrants, blanks,and expenses of state teachers' Institutes, and oth er incidental expenses of the executive and admlnistratiye departments, and of the su preme court, etc., etc 9,000 00 For conveying convicts to the penitentiary For conveying insane and idiotic to the state insane asylum . . Public printing and binding Salaries of supreme and circuit judges, district attorneys, clerks and bailiffs of supreme 6,700 00 7,260 00 9.000 00 court 35.000 00 Care and treatment of insane pa tients at the insane asylum, and for pay of superintendent and employes , Returning insane patients to their homes Salary of superintendent of the Oregon, state penitentiary . . Salary of wardens of the Oregon state penitentiary Pay of guards of the Oregon state penitentiary Salary of visiting physician of state penitentiary Pay of nightwatchman.statc pen itentiary Pay teamster, state penitentiary Keeping prisoners ana general ex penses of state penitentiary . Expenses of regular session of legislative assembly, 1887. . Arrest and return of fugitives Hbo 60 500 00 800 00 3,100 00 5.766 00 5OO 06 900 00 450 06 17.000,00 35.000 00 from justice 1,500 00 The support of no n-resident poor For state board of agriculture. . . For protection of dairy products. For expenses board of I m migra 1.OO1 3 5.000 2,500 00 tion 5.000 00 Support of agricultural college . . Lighting public buildings with electricity $.000 00 Public printing and binding, de ficiency in printing fund, 183? Cere and treatment of non-resident paupers, deficiency .... treat and return of fugitives from justice, deficiency For this amount of error in toot ing of expense of state gov ernment of May 26th, 1885. For the following amount which were appropriated in 1885 and not included in estimate of expenses for tnc biennial term ending Dec. 31, 105. via : IjOfl 06 800 00 a.i43 55 500 Of For conveying insane patients interest 4.40 86 Support of state beard of agiicul- tore ! 5.O6OOO Expenses of state board of immi gration 5.000 00 Pay for nlghtwatchman, defi ciency 300 00 For pay of ex -Governor S F Chadwick 30 Total $279.39 7 recehte. Total miscellaneous receipts and balances of sundry appropri ations unexpended 1 24,850 00 Leaving amount to be raised by taxation 154.289 71 $279.39 7 Cestaetl Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, 1886. Present Mavor. Recorder. Marshal and 0 , r Aldermen Marshall, Gradwohl, Hill, Cun ningham and Wrights man. The bond of T L Wallace, Treasurer, was approved. The Committee on Finance report the quarterly reports of Recorder and Treasurer correct. Five ballots were taken for a successor to Councilman Peters in the Second Ward, as follows I ist-Chas Pfeiffer, 3 ; W R Cannon, 4. 2nd Pfeiffer, 3 ; Cannon, a. 3rd Cannon, 3 ; Pfeiffer, 2. 4th Pfeiffer, Cannon, 2 ; J -Schmeer, 1. 5th Can non. 2 : rieiner. 1 ; oenmeer, 1 ; r ran v.. . W r- i . t - Wood, 1. Voting postponed. The ordinance for granting the right of way to the electric and telephone company was reterrea nacx 10 wc commuicc A petition for extending the Broadablln sewer to the College grounds was referred. The Street Commissioner waa instructed to put a lamp and post at the corner of Third and Ferry streets, and waa directed to keep lighted the lamp on Fifth street at the canal. Mr Wrightsman was appointed to serve on some committees as his predecessor Mr Rideout. The following bills were ordered paid : C Meyer, $2.30 ; W H Huston, $5 ; J R Str wart son, $7.71; ; Stewart & Sox, $15-85; W B Scott, 80c. ; N J Henton, $20-40 ; I Hayes, $39 John Jones, $60 ; Robert Brown, $50 ; Deyoe & Robson, $9.05 ; insurance Albany Engine, Co. No. U $30.50 ; P W Spink, $3 ; J O Bushnell, $3.10 ; Robinson & West, $53.46. I aa. oost. Those desiring the latest ooveltiea in laces, buttons, elovas. etc.. should call on Mon- teith k Set ten bach. niiai 1 j 111 en a-a imM sserxala. A breakfaat delicacy, 2ft cents a package P. M. Rennet. Dr. White? celebrated New York Cough Svrur. for sale at Hoffman Pffeifers Warranted to care coaghaand colds. w . . . niscee to Lean. On from one to three years time, on good security, in sums of $500 up. Call on INLINE, JVIONTBITH Fredaee, Don't forget that N. A. Alien k Co,, take nrodaoe in exchange for merchandise at the market prices. Boots and Shoes, N. H. Allen k Co. have in stock a' full line of boots, shoos and rubbers, which will be sold at very low prices. Maasaaeth New stock of fall gooda, eyery lino full, come aod examine them. Mdjrwms k SnrxsOTiACH. rtHIKtT RVRJYft One of the most horrible tragedies on record, occurred at White River, Out. on the Canadian Pacific last week, Charles Williams caught a boarder named O'Brien In his wife's room, when he attacked O'Brien with a club. The latter drew a revolver and shot Williams, his father, wife and two children, useing also a knife and chair, kill ing the four, fie was arrcstcd.and lynching was threatened. If ever justifiable ft would be in such a case. No saloon In Waitsburg, W. T. $2,313.54 run the city government of Ash land last year. Receipts, $3,248. Saunders is to hang four weeks from yes terday. Philomath's taxable property amounts to $86,109. An alliance between England and Austria against Russia Is the present program. The war cloud has been large. They have been having a row at Mills Seminary, Cel., over dresses at commence ment exercises. It has resulted in the fact being disclosed that that school is simply a society school, one to fit young ladies for fashionable society. President Sprague doesn't care to run that kind of a school and has resigned , Sensible man. A sailor was lost overboard from the" Ya qulna" on her last down trip. He kept up on the surface of the water waiting for help from the ship.but before relief reached him he cried out, "a shark's got me !" disappear' ed and was seen no more.- -Y ) The Idaho Territory council stands six Democrats, five Republicans and one Inde pendent The Hvuse, far as known, stands 12 to 13, a Democratic maturity of 3 on joint ballot The sixtieth birthday of W R Kirk, of Brownsville, was celebrated on Thursday of last week. The people of that city gener ally took a hand in it.a fine time being had Ex-Vice President Wheeler Is danger ously ill. The East has been deluged with snow. If you please Oregon will do for us. J B Slater, editor of the CoJville, W. T.. ArWr, was elected Probate Judge in the late election. Mr Slater was once a highly respected student in the Santiam Academy at Lebanon. A San Francisco man named Dolan howled for the lynching of Goldenson. In onlv a few davs he murdered a fellow eftl. sen in cold blood, and was Indicted before tight. . Thos McCiellan, who made an assault during harvest on Ray Rlckard, near Cor vallls, with a pitchfork, was sentenced last week to ten years In the penitentiary. He plead guilty, hence no. trial. John Harnett ic Co 'of Portland, will put in Eugene City's new system of water works. svmraci price, 9 15,000. The Canadian Pacific is a rustier and no mistake. It is about time for Montana to apply for aumtsaion as a state, it has a population of aoout 120,000 It should begin early In or der to get in during this century. Moraruhe escaped witness in the Kenealy muruer case, was captured last Saturday. At the next Legislature a bill will be in troduced providing that "No foreign corpor ation shall be allowed to brine suits in the U S Courts in this state," to forfeit their II cense If they do. The right to pass such a law Is said to he based on 1 U S Supreme Court decision. Pnrttaad oeoole are frequently sand bagged and robbed. Winter is nearly here ana men nave to live some way. Charic Francis Adams,Sr .died last Sun day. He was the third son of ex President John Quincy Adams. John S Phelps, ex Governor of Missouri, died last Saturday. That French woman, who performed such miraculous cures in Portland, is now aacer taincd to be considerable of a fraud. We are not surprised. That street business made things look bad. Greenies, though, u 1 1 . easily taken in. At the great $51x20 foot race In Wichita, Kansas, between C F Gibson and If M Ket ucmait, trie latter won by 4 feet, on a race of 150 yards time uJi'. This beau the world's previous record by U second. There was over $100,000 in the pool box, and the , race waa witnessed by eooo people. Frank y cooo peoote. Frank Lewia, who ia now In Oregon claims to have made thia same Ketttetnan take water while in San Francisco. A juryman has to be a tax-payer. Re- cently a Portland man who wanted to be on a jury when asked where his property was admitted that It was in the hands of a cer tain pawn broker. Turkey day cornea on press day with most Oregon papers. This should be stop ped. A great injustice Is done. The A t war Courier, of Portland, has the following at the head of its column : "For President in 1888, Henry George." Most papers are willing to await the action of their nominating convention. No telling, perhaps. Her Moat may get the nomination Wc could come about as near being Presi dent aa Bclva Lock wood. Will the U. S. ever get Its money back cm Alaska, mat it the question. Holiday marriages are nearly in order. lack Dempsey offers to bet $tooo that he can stand up before Sullivan six rounds. Plucky Jack. An exchange tells the following hunting story. Ul course It is a lie : "Two sports men out hunting are a.leged to have killed two ducks and knocked over a rabbit. Sup posing the rabbit dead they put him in the sack with the ducks. While plodding home the rabbit suddenly left his prison and scampered into the brash. The hunters ex amined the sack and found that the rabbit had devoured the ducks." Our ex's are hereby authorised to steal all the items they please from the Dkmo caat. We have stood it for years, recipro cating as often as possible. Corvallis furnishes another proof that the "world do move." The city dads publish the ordinances by posting them on telegraph poles, instead of patronizing their local pa pers. In olden times there were no tele graph poles. Portland Nvj$ , Ditto. Dallas Jtemixer. Albany goes one better. They don't publish them here at all. This week Joe Watt and Mr Coulter, in behalf of the grange of Amity, induced farmers of McCoy to place 20,000 bushels of wheat in a pool, and the farmers of Ferrydale a similar amount In the same pool, making 40,000 bushels from these two points. The price paid was very close to if not exactly 6c cents per bushel. This is a good price, and the farmers in the northern part of the county feel good over their sale. E. The above price is paid in Albany, nearly twice as far from Portland, without any pooling at all. A big mass meeting was held at Corval lis last week to raise the remainder of the $25000 required to keep the Agricultural Cxjllege there. Ex-President Arthur was buried last Monday with unimposing ceremonies. A new Republican daily is talked of in San Francisco to run the Chronicle out of existence. It. will fail to do .so . An Eastern Uregon paper showed up a subscriber (?) because he didn't pay his sub, and then it turned out that the man never ordered the paper. That It was a forced subscription. We have been told of a on per over fifty miles from Albany whose big circulation, ft is claimed, Is made up mostly from such forced subscriptions. According to the story the editor takes the assessment roll, and makes every responsible man a subscriber, and then bulldozes the pay out of them. If true this is a mean way of do ing business. It is now charged against Hcnrv George, that once on a time he was a real live black flag pirate and roved the seas. The Koseourg mew is publishing a poem containing 560 stanzas. An Illinois man refused to accept a nom ination for Congressman until he had con f erred with his wife. His action caused general astonishment. A Prinevllle peper accused an East Port land paper of stealing a "Labor 'editorial from it. Investigation proved that the article came from the San Francisco Alfa. By the several Oregon newspapers, including leading Salem daily, rely largely on way the the Alt for editorial matter. HONK All ABttOAU Wsbfoot. F M Frsnuh, jeweler. The bast hsr. es. at J J DubmUlea. i floe lint of holiday goods at Langdoa's K cap your eye oa French's show window Plenty of gams now. Rain makes thorn fly low. The rivsr is uow in fins tayigatlog condi tion. Castings for Masna's gate at Htawart 4 Six s, For stoves and tin war at cost go to Jul a Brtggs. Oysters served ia all styles at Hoffman l'f si tier's. v J' PxWU Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or, For pUinpa. ihi an. I husa at anil an St John lfrik'ia. Tha Malum fanning mills for sal at Doyoe k U'ibsou'j'. O. W Maauni, Physician and Murgooo, Albany, Oregon. Have yon saet F nhav 8i M .a n'a atmk of holiday gooda ? Piano for sals vorv reason tblv at Dr Tata's dautal offloe. Albany. Or. sv - ' JSIS reduction ia the price of shot at Will Brothers, Albany. Or; Poshay & Maaoa'a stock of haliday goods is attracting gaeat attention. Mis shaves for a dollar an I a olrau towol to erery oustomar, at L. Viariok's. A splendid line of orasua aud uianoa at extremely low prices at Langdoi.'e. For a Ktiral asortmn. of hu famish ing goodset cost go to Joh i lirigga. F M French, agent Singer Manufac'.urina Co.,oppostta Odd PeikwsTmpl,Albtiy.Or. Low rents, no clerks aod small profits make eneap groeertac at Read A BrowocU's. Ex -President Arthur died Thursday of last week after an extended illness. W T Slater ia to bs Assistant State Tres urer voder tha new stats administration. The Oregon PaetnVs new steamor will be ready Isr business December 10th. TkeO. A H f this otty, are making ar rangaments to giyj another eatertammeat. Dr. M if. Btlia, physician and surgeon Alrany, Oregon, flails made in city or country, A magnificent line of confectionary at Hoffman & PfiffVs, for axle at whoieale or retail. Albany's public sosool is aa uocommooly good one this winter. Fbe pupils are made is loam. Aa esohaage likens a baaiccs man who dees not advertise to a bumble bee without a stinger. Prof Ilssd ia making a thorough visit of all the schools ia Liaa county. Be baa bis hands full. Fresh Y equina Bay and K astern oysters constantly oa bead after to-day at Huff nan a Pfeiffer'a A aplendid line of apholatered furniture just received at W Fortmiller A Go's. Call A diminutive eeaoeet of enow fell in thia city last Habeas awning. It lasted about 1 9 mints ttM Sis tramp 1 slept in tbe eaJibcoae Monday night, having boea given beds there by Ntgbtwetcb Brown. Wa go to press a few boars early this week in order to awioy the blessings of part of a Tbaakagi vieg holiday. Go to tbe exolosivo Boot and Shoe Store ..f Head k BrowaeU's for tbe beat goods at the lowest prices, Deyoe 4 Robeoo have aaiarge stock- of the beet plows roads on band. They will be old at bedrock prices. Charles CeoweW took a bats in tbe W0 lomstla at tbe O P bridge la-. Tuesday, while s sfll JsD wO fehgln1 ft dJBJ a for all the leavlitt raoaived by F f . at the Post Office, Albany, Or The Oregon Pact fie bad a pay day last Friday, something very acceptable to the bands, as a matter of coarse. A heavy anew storm is reported as baying fallen ta tbe mountains atoog tbe Lebanon road ainc the first of last ween. , j it - - 1 III I n" eabibtio on Dec 34th. coder tbe au. psora . teacher Uee L tatberlanJ. The Oregon Pacific ia making arrange -n so it can eontrol the wheat traffic OQlh 0 0rn C,l- Joha Brings has en hand three Piaeaaser Fruit Dryers which ne will sell at leas than coat. They are the beet ia the market. Johnny CToiea ia making some as fine eider one often snsanlos. the Dunoon at bas tried it and speaks front experience. A warehouse owned by George Halberd, at Smith held. Folk Co.. waa burned last week. Lose aboet ffOOO. insured. Mr Alfred Steilaaaker purchased last week tbe farm of C Meyer, recently owned by B F Fardom, paying 2000 for 100 aerea. Persons desiring doe pocket knives of a new brand, warranted, should call at Will Broa. They have just gotten ia a now stock. Rev Fairchild, of RngaueCiiy, presohed in the M K Church io thia city. Sabbath saeraiag and Rev Parriah, of Salem, h the evening. About thirty ortdge carpenters were thrown out of employment iaat week until material arrives for the grew to the 0 P bridge. Dr Loads lev delivered his farewell tenia: n in Portland last Sanath previous to taking a chair in the new Tbeoiotcsl Seminary of California. Tbe anneal papers in the caae of the State of Oregon against W W Saunders ware riled with the Clerk of the .Supreme Court last Wednesday. Burkhart k Keeuey aU tickets over tbe Northern Pacific Rail Rad to all points east. Call on them for rates aud maps showing route of travel. In Tennessee Mr Stow waa beaten for tho Legislate 1 e and in California Mr Swift waa heaton for Governor Subscribe for the Democrat 2 a year in advance. Should you desire to sell your prnpnrty call on Burkhart k Keeney as they advtrtise property placed io then hands, and ehargo nothing unless tney onset a eaie. In a fist fight at Baker City Monday be tween a sporting man named Fleming and aootber man, the former struck the latter such a blow ia tbe face as to kill htm. Remember the musical entertainment at the College this (Friday) night. Admission, SO cents. A first -class entertainment will be given. Support local entertainments. A man named Miller, or goioi; by the name of Miller, wan arrested at Harrisburg last week by a Lane county officer, on a charge of horse stealing in Douglas county. A Sweet Homer waa in the otty Saturday with a load of venison and a cougar's scalp. He received a warrant for go for the latter and about 10 cents a pound for the former. The finest display of candies in the valley may be seen at Hoffman k PfeiffW's. Home made, ia style, they cn be relied 00 to le pura. Call on this firm for your confection ary. Washington Territory coal ia used in Al bany in aeeral instances, by our citizens, iu crates at their reidenees,in rare eaaea though r . At. a. A - A i - .t ! by business men. 911.00 ton is sne pneu. A good quality is brought here. The leaves have succumbed to the inevi table, and fallen. Many are anxiously wait ing i'or the prioe of eggs to follow suit, The Democrat, though, rejotoes to see the farm or get a good price for even eggs. A petition is being circulated for the par don of J A Hearing who wss sentenced by the U S Court to one year in the penitenti ary for penury, lie has a wife and three children and it is claimed he did not know tbe force ot what he waa doing. Sheriff Smith is raking in tha delinquent taxes, most of the. foreign Moruj Cam- names have liquidated aud the remainder say they will immediately. The Sheriff has collected over ezouo delinquent taxes since July, most of which has been from such companies. T L Wallace. recently appointed to till ths unexpired term of City Treasurer, is men tioned as the Democratic nominee for that position for 1837. If nominated, aa he proba bly will be, ho will bo clocked by a fine ma jority.aa be ia popular and known to be trust worthy. The Presbyterian Church, presents an improved appearance aa the inside. The seats now face tha we it, the pulpit having b en placed on that si la. This does away with the embarrassment of facing an aodi eaoe on entering church lata. People now will haye to do as in other churches, turn their heads. This is the time of the year whao tbe newspaper has to rustle up its subscribers who promised to pay after harvest. Tbe old Elea, and a solid one, oontir.cee to be oaed y all eur exchanges s "Your two or three dollars may not seam much, hot where there are several hundred like ya it oonnta," newspaper dunning is mean business, isn't it 1 but why should we not ho allowed to advertise tbe same as the m r .hot. A young man from Seattle, who baa been pending the summer at Coos Bsy in the black sand after gold, was in the city Mon day, Ha bad run a separator several mouths; bat there was not much ia it, He informed a DtafOcaAT man that the Corvallis rnschinn, about which so many boaata w -r made, did not pan out very well. In fact there is not noon in beach mining anyway. I 1 I Ah rata4t. HArry Noel loft on Monday for Portland. Judge Strahan epent Sabbath in Albany. Oo Humphrey waa in win the first of tbs wtm David Andrew, of Icbanon, waa in the eity Monday. Jease Barker went to the By Saturday to work in tbe 0 P shops. Kt-Assessor Williams, of M. Plessaut, wss in ths eity last Friday. Mr John Foshay, of Fosbsy k Mason left Isst Friday for nan Francisco on business. W J MUner arrived in Albany last Friday from Mitchell, coming by way of The Daliea. RevO M Whitney, of Kogene, father of tha JfratC local editor, waa in tha oiav last Saturday. Lyle Riee spent Sabbath in the eity with his brother W B Rice. Be is now R R agent at Grant's Pass. Misses Sarah and Utile Heyas.of Olympia, W. T., are vtaitidg in the city, tbe ftueate ot their unci, Marshal Hayes. Mr Francia PfeiffW, of the firm of Hoffman A PfcuTcr. left tbe first of the week for Month Oregon on a drumming excursion. 8oeriff Mack ay, of Beaten county, waa ia Albany Tuesday with MoCietlao, the pitch fork bend, 00 their way to the State peni tontiaryv W R Price, officio, was io the oity Mon day. Mr Pnee having sold his besioeea at that city, will move to California tbe first of next year, i B Wirt bas been raatlicg io this city recently in the interest of tbe Tangea nurs ery. Mr Bettlemtre has gotten out a very fine plate hook, which spawka for hia grow ing boa naes. Mr Peter T Barclay, of the ehipping and oommtaaieo firm of Barclay & iUberteoo, of San Pranuieo, was in Albany last week, in the interest of his firm. Mr Barclay ia brother of Dr Barclay, of Kagane City, and once rseiQsn ta uregon for awhile. 0 11 T Mae rattle. I am now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerous customers in all lines of gooda. I have a larger stock which I personally selected, and have many nov cities I could not get by ordering gooda ex c I naively. I have just made extensive im provements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, and enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better goods for the money. I have just received direct from the factory a full line of ladies' and gents' slippers for the holiday trade especially selected tor this market, all of which will he sold on their merits, and every pair guaranteed, even in cheap slippers and shoes. Samusx E. Yovmo. Planer and matcher. (iauge lathe. Mortising machine. Blind slat tenoning machine. Moulding machine. , (Four side.) Rip saw. Cut-off aaw. Bolt cutter. Turbine water wheel. (15 inch.) 1 50 feet inch shafting. Pulleys, gear wheels, belting, etc Inquire at IFire Works, foot of Lyon St., Albany, Or. C. L. Bxusit. Everybody invited to call at P. M French's and see those beautiful oil paint ngs, which he proposes to give to his cue tomers, free of charge. Everyone buying si worth will get a ticket. Urawinar to take place Jan. 1st, 1887. Remember you can buy holiday goods of me at bod rock prtett. Call and see the beautiful display. No charge for engraving, at the "Corner" Jewelry Store. F. M. FaxNcii. Last Sunday Hcnrv Harvev. the murder- cr of Kodcnck Grant in Eastern Oreiron. was shot near Antelope, while resisting ar rest, tie began firing when the arresting pxny openea on mm. f ourteen bullet holes were found in him. He was armed with a Winchester and two revolvers. He received his just deserts. Rira Ragle Bell and Ragle. Cranberriea,buck wheat flour, rolled eats, genuine New Orleans molasses and maple syrup, choice ingredients for cakes and pud dings, fancy ana staple groceries. F. M. RsneiBLD, 113 First St. If you want is obeap bakin powder wo haye 000 at 20 cents per lb. If you want one that is hrst-claas yon can't uo better than buy our Far West at 35 eeats per lb. Remember it is warranted equal to Prices or Hr.yat. Reap k BaowsetL. Goodsell was elected fo the Legislature from Multnomah county Tuesdav over Kelley by a vote of 1418 to a70. About onedifth of the vote of the county was cast. raaey Work N. H. Allen k Co. have in stoek a full Una of material for fancy work, enostskiiu of Fairy xsphyr, Shetland wool and floss, che nille, arasene, Hllaaille. 72 inch English silk toss, knitting silk, eta. Baeklea's Aralea naive. , The best aalve in the world fori Cuts. Bruises, Soree, Ulcer a. Halt Hbeum, Fever Soma, letter, Cnappod Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all rikm Eruption, ana peel tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It unguaranteed to give perleet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 28 eeats per do, ror saie dt Foanay x Mason. These toboggan caps did very well until they became too common, splec of life." "Variety is the l.rorerles. Uo to Allen dc Co. when you want groce ries. They have a well selected stock and all cheap. MOBS Quilts than you ever saw before at teith fc eiteubaoh'a. Mou- Arthur wis worth $250,000. Be fen Knew that the cheapest place to buy strietty first olaas goods ia at Reap k BRownia.'s. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Iud i geation, Constipation, Dizxmsas, Loss o Appetite. Yellow akin? ShUoh's Yltaliser is n positive ears. - HMMBMBgBBBBBHil - heal Kanf Following are the recorded sales of real estate in Linn county for the post week : Titos Kay to David Hull and Julia A Hull, 1 lot in Brownsville. . $50 W R Kirk and wife to North Browns ville, a piece of land in Amelia 8 Thos Kay to North Brownsville, a piece of land In Amelia 1 James Blakely to W R Bishop. 1 a-1 00 and 4-1 Oof acre, deed mode in 79 . I S D Shore to George C Wilson, 20 acres in tp tj f K 1 w t 260 GM Brown to Lorenzo llasbrouck and Kmeline K Hasbrouck, i00 acres In tp 14 S R J w 250 P.lizabeth Simmons to William R Kirk, 7.B85 acres in Brownsville 788.5O L 0 Rice to Wm T Cochrane, 6-13 interest to certain real property 1 000 L C Rice to Wm T Cochran 160.5 acres in ip 13 S R 3 w and 56.5 acres in tp 13 S R 3 w 11672 Human Shclton to G W Harris, un divided 112 of 4O acres in tp 11 S R 1 W 16 R Koehler to alar v Jane Gordan, 1 lot in Monthcith's southern ad dition to Albany , 1 50 Lucinda Jane Harris to Albert D Harris, 4O acres in tp 9 B R 3 K 150O a 11 A Worth Orator. This Rre is under .obligations to Grand He j re tentative Reckon slo of thia city who attended the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows at Its late session held in Boa. ton, for a copy of "extracts from newspaper report" reviewing the gand parade of the order at that time. Although we published at the time an extract giving a full account of the parade, our readers will excuse us for publishing the following from the Glob : "It waa as If Boston for the moment waa some European city of the Middle Ages.and 10 wrucn ine orave unignts ot old had re turned in holiday costume. The standards, with their bright colored heraldic devices. and an tnc smning insignia of the great truer. una oroer, glistened mile after mile in the sunlight, and made the line aa it moved a long succession of daxaling pictures. Pol- lowing the military came the civic part of the procession, presenting a body of men of fine and substantial appearance, evidently drawn from the ranks of our intelligent and Industrious citizens. Altogether it was a grand human host, well worthy of the warm welcome which Massachusetts through her Governor and Boston through her Mavor and city officers, extends to it. The people generally manifested as deep an interest in the event as the parading brethren, lining the whole route of their march with rowa upon rowa of spectators, who cheered the various diviskma as they passed with a hearty good will that must have made their marching easier. It wa in every respect a successful celebration. The- visiting Odd Fellows will certainly carry home with them pleasant memories of their reception in the Hub." I Br part. Follewiaa: i the report of school in Diet. Seb'l 08 98 08 98 97 97 99 97 97 97 99 97 99 90 97 97 99 Ne. C7. W A Uebb, teacher : Att'oee. Dep't. Siva Morgon 1U0 99 Mac key A che.a 100 100 Thomas Hover 100 100 Wilbur Acbesoo 100 100 Horace MeBrtde 94 '.rjt Frank Crawford 100 M Edward Ham ford 100 99 Clareace Haver 00 100 John Carrie S3 100 Chae Barton 7ft 100 Albert aiimsoo 70 VJ? Jas Aeboaon 30 100 JaeJobosAa 40 ' 99 Lottie Morgan 100 100 Annie McBride 96 100 Bertha Aekeeon loo 100 Kittie Cooo 20 1O0 Jennie nob seen 100 5 off for atisanoa. 1 off for tardy. They St John's Lodge, 6a. In Foster's Block, 2nd Saturday of month. Corinthian Lodge, 17, at O. F. Hall, rt Saturday. Bavlcv Chapter. 8, at O. F. Hall, ati. Saturday. K. of P., at O. F. Hall, every Thursdav evening. I. O. O. F., at their hall.e very Wednesday evening. A. O. L W.. at their halt, every Monday evening. Orgeana Encampment, at A. O. C. W. Hall, every 2nd and 4th Friday. G. A. R-, at A. O. U. W. Hall, let and 3rd Saturdays. I. O. G. T., at A. O. V. W. Hall, every Friday evening. United Friends of the Pacific, at O. F. Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays. Dee let Welle Dr. T T. Tate, Dentist, has cancelled all other appointments and can hereafter be found at his office in Albany, Or. Send Bo rk hart 4e Keenev nausea and ad dreeeee of friends desiring information of Ore gon and tbey will sead them eopiea of the j?al Bttate Conveyor which contain a snm olete dtsertntion a one countv in each !- r- u tr sy with either deeirebl information aa wean.. market reports etc. Tae Very Beat. I haye added to my hoot amd sAee stock a line of the celebrated Lmrd, behoher k Mitchell, Philadelphia Fin Shoe for ladiea, inisaea and children. Acknowledged by dealers generally to be tbe beat value and heat fitting fine shoe made, w Kites u, u, and EE. A child can buy aa cheap aa a man. 8am rax K. Tonne, Sn'.e Agent, Albany, Oregon, Cloafca. The largest and best selected stock ia tbe valley can be found at Monseitb k Sei tea bach's. . BOB. L'PHAM. In Portland, on Sunday, Nov. aist, 1886, to the wife of Harry I'pham a girl. Weight, six pounds. Harry's measure of earthly happiness is full. M tBBlRD. ECKERT MOL'SER. On Nov. 13,1886, by Rev. Martin Hickman, Harrisok E. Eckert and Drusilla Moi sbr both of Linn county. MULCH REIN HART. In Albanv, on Nov. aath, 1886, by Rev. E. R. Prichard, J. W. Mulch and Amelia Reixhart both of Linn county. It Stands at the Head. Don't fail to see the "DOMESTIC 99 and the work it does before buying a sowing inaemne, WILL BROS. Albany, $f. Ffsff rnrafinre, and Navel. W. Fortmiller k Co., have just received some of the finest furniture ever seen in A I bsny. Among other things are several nov el designs in chairs, some elegant center stands, lounges and other upholstered goods in style ; a superior line of bed-room sets, and some handsome sideboards. In the matter of furniture they will not be out done in the Valley. TO THE LADIES, ALL- TrimmiMl Hats and KonnHs -ATOST AT. MI88 SCHUBERT'S. Call before buvingelaewbeie. BARCLAY & ROBERTSON, '.hipping and Commission Merchants CUIFUSU AUD OgEGO PRB01CK. drain. Flour, Hay, Hops, Wool, Honey, Mustard Seed, Stun, Dried Fruita, Jtte, I loom 5, 48 California St., San Francis; o. Firemen's Election. Notice is hereby given that the anneal s lection io aad for tbe Albany Fire Depart ment will be held 00 Monday the 13th day of December, 1886, for tbe purpose of e loot ing a Cbiaf Engineer and Assistant Eiiciueer ct tbe Albany Fire Department, to aree for tbe term of oae year, from the first Monday of January, 1887- The polling place will be at tbe Engine I loose, f Albany Engine Co. No. L Tbe polls will be opened at one o'clock, p. m, aad closed at six o'clock, p. m., of the day above mentioned. Jadges - of election Louis Miller, Masrnr Bnok aod O H Irvine. Alhacy, Nov. 23th. 18d& W Hum Ann. P. L Doania, Pnasidewt. Seertrtarv. Referees' Sale. NOTICE ia hereby given that under aud by virtue of the authority of a commission d jly iseead out of tbe Circuit Coort of th Sutte. of Oregon for tbe eunty of Lino, at d U the aaderaighed directed ami delivered, lu a seit herein pending wherein H D Bark hurt and Nellie O B ye are Plaintiff, ami Robert L Berk hart. William Burkhart, B II Burkhart aod M A Burkhart are Helen dooU, the undersigned, the rvferei ia ssid M anniesioo named, will, 00 the 27th day Decerahrr, 1886, between l e botre i f 10 o'clock, a. or, aod 4 o'elock. p m., f :d day. to- ait : at tbe hour of 2 o'clock p. at., of said day, at tbe dmt of tho Court Hooae iu Albany, Lion county. Oregno. offer for sale at pwoite auction to the hrubeet bidd r for gold coin.caah ia bard en tbe day sale, tha following described real property, t j-wtt s Beginning at tbe northwest corner -r Claim No. 49 ia Township 1 1, roath range 3, west of the Willamette awaetnsna, aod run ning thence sooth 1 39 , east 20 93-100 ci ai a to a stake ia tbe center ot the road leadm from Albany to Salem ; lbt.c north 57' 22 earn 40 07 -190 chat a- to a at ike ; tbestee south 80 45' west on the not lb toobdary line of said claim 34 30-100 chains to the pboecf begiaoiog, containing 23 39-100 acres, less sll of the land on the north side of tbe creek contained in tbe above described real property sold to Ann Peyton, the bei remaining being 14 acres mora or Woe. Also Lota three, four, five and six in Bh-ck No. 119 in Hackle man's Addition to tbe city of Albany, Linn county. Oregon, aa p penra from tha map and plat of aaid addition new on tile aad recorded ia tha office ef the Coaaly Clerk of said Linu uuty, Oregon. Said property will be sold fwr the perpoee f partition. ! this 23 d day of Novembr 18W. M., Referee. EI tice. -n rtar Heat an nnrsiitT ry t v b n inai. inn annna election, in and for the City of Albany, Lion county, Oregon, will oe held Mon day, the kh day of December, 18f 6. for th i purpose of electing the following cf fkers : A Marshal and Tree a 1 rer, to se rye for the ferin of one year, from tbe first Monday in January, 18S7 ; alao one Councilman tr rn erch Ward, to serve tor the term of two years, from the fleet Monday in January, 1887, The polling places will be as follows : First ward ai county llerk. s oiuoe. Second Ward at County Treasurer's nttsns Third Ward at Farmers warehouse ofioe. 1 he polls will open nt 9 o clock in tbe in anting, and close at 8 o'clock in the evening of aaid day. judges-First ward Jonn Kogers, if Ftoman, A W Gordan. Second Ward Walter Ketchuru. L Sendera, EM is Knox. Third wrd-W H Ooltra, E!l Carter, Daniel Leedy. Jlerkis Jbirst warat; w wwu, 1 J Cline. Second Ward-Ch is Pfeifler, J H Wyman. Third Ward-Frauk Burkhart, Wm Warner. N. J. HnjiToe, Cify Recorder. Albany, Or., Noy. 15'.h, 1886 MONEY TO LOAN In sums to suit BY Br REE ART & KlEKET, Albany, Or. 0. EWERT Keeps oonatautly on hand the Largest and . Finest stoek of JIEWELRY, WATCHES. CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, RINGS, ETC la Albany, la agent for itOCKFORD WATCHES. R pairing dene promptly and aWUfttUj 1 -