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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1886)
Mht mnmt tSntered at ihe Pout Ofnoe at Albany, Or, aa aeooud olaaa mall matter. rKIDAV NOVEMBKK 19 1886. 3HTE3 & dttsr mmd NUTTING. Proprlas rill r. Mrrmti. uni Miter. OflQUNTY H PFIOULiland APER. IO on fllo In Philadelphia the NwtNUMir Alrr- fl.tni; Arn- f Mi our uUKrurwu $2.00 Yh' ii wn strictly id ad Nance i bin will be the pi to of h Dkmocuat ; at the end of th year, $2.00, and there will be no deviation r oa thin rule. a MAM tieiT TW.1I. Mr Keet met mIm Wilkin at the New Orleans exposition. A strong attachment prang up between them, which terminated in marriage a abort time age at the bride's home in Line county, Oregon. Mr. K was one of the head men in building tbe Brooklyn bridge and came all tbe way to Oregon ffcer his bride. Considerable ro mance. Both are deserving of congratula tions. A broad faced tramp, who claimed to have once fed a press on the Chicago Tri mm, solicited of us a tight fitting cap, last Friday, stating, with a wide grin, that the slouch hat he wore came off too easily when he stole rides on freight trains. He charac terised the O. & C. aa the meanest road he had been on ; the number of empty cars, though, made riding comparatively easy. Any war," he aid, "an hour's ride is worth two days footing it, if we do get bounced once in awhile " O Considerable beef is shipped from Albany to Portland butchers by express. It b cut up, neatly put up in light cheese cloth and sent safely to its destination. Why should not this be made quite an industry. O Some amusement was occasioned at the depot a few days since by a large crowd guessing at the sex of a fire year old Chinese girl. Her dress and face made her look like either. The Celestials, anyway, young and eld, are hard to sabey. O The city election Is almost here. The importance of filling our municipal offices with first-class men can not be urged too strongly. The office of Councilman partic ularly is of more concern than is generally conceded it. Let's have no foolishness in the matter O The number of midnight brasr.a ,n Sec ond street in the Third Ward, just east of the aantlam canal, suggests that the peace of the people of that vicinit y could be great ly enhanced by a few strict proceedings. O The lees of a few dollars to a merchant is nothing very serious ; yet it hurts his feel ings when he finds that he has been taken in by a full fledged "dead beat." No won der. Next to skunks and cayotes the dead beat is entitled to a piace. Remember that the dead beat is the one who contracts a debt with no intention of psying it Do not confound it with the honest man who will pay if he can. The man, though, who In tends well enoughbut knows he will ncrer do anything from years of experience, will not be done an injustice if he gets the title ; nor the bummer who par cash for whiskey and has his groceries chafked down. The M. A T. often wonders that business men here do not combine, as they do in some places, to protect themselves against such dead beats as Dr. Boatman is now considered. O It pays to employ well known and reli able people in all branches of industry. A lady who had a dress made by a stranger recently got in a "peck of trouble" over the manner in which it was made, having to have it remade entirely, it fitting some like a gunny sack. This item is in the interest of Albany's dress makers who are estab itsneri here. O The If. A. T. rejoices in the prospects of a live business winter in Albany. ac law Nnaia?ns. Last Tuesday morning Mr. Abe Hackle roan arrived in Albany from Crook county after a fair kind of a trip. He left Prine yille Friday afternoon. At the time several Inches of dust was the program, no rain having fallen. In the mountains only about three inches of snow prevailed in any place. The transition from the dust of Crook to the mud of Linn made a marked change in appearances. Mr. 'Hackleman was accom panied by a M W Hindman, who stopped at Lebanon, where he will remain during the winter. The first of the week Mr John Conner transferred his interest in the First. National Bank of this city, to L Flinn, S E Young, and Geo E Chamberlain. Mr Flinn will as sume the Presidency and Mr Chamberlain the position of Cashier. Mr Conner, who has been actively and most successfully en gaged in business here for a third of a cen tury will retire to private life and seek the rest he has earned a right to. a sate Tax levy. The State board on Monday made the following tax levy : Current expenses. 1 19-30 mills ; State University, 1-10 mill. Total 3 1-30 mills. Last year the levy was 1 7 10 mills, 1 13-20 mills more than this vear. This is caused nartiail v bv the j - m j dropping of the half mill tax for the Indian war debt. The levy this year is lower than ever before. Testis- the Jails. Owen Bartlett has been arrested in Salem charged with stealing an overcoat. He was held to await the action of the Grand Jury under $300 bonds. Bartlett is evidently testing the different tails in the valley. He will be remembered as the gentleman of leisure who stole Mr Vunk's boat in this city, and boarded at the Hotel de Smith for several weeks. Leg Broken. A lasts A 1 WW an-t jttfil trtrtrVirt-r if fTles Mm uj & vtsis nviatu vivu ten Crossing, Thomas camp, on the Cascade branch of the N. P., Alex Purdom, of this city, had one of his legs broken. He was assisting moving some timber when a log rolled against him, causing a bad fracture of his leg. dsool ) warned. Last Wednesday morning at 10:30, the school building known as Oak Grove Sem inary, in Benton county, a few miles from Albany, caught on fire in the roof from the stove pipe and burned to the ground. AH tne children and their school books were saved. Miss Lily Robertson, of this city, was teacher of the school. wental Msxics- Dr. J. T. Tate, Dentist, has cancelled all other appointments and can hereafter be found at hit office In Albany, Or. CWtTNTY ALLI4NCS. The meeting of the Linn County Alliance at Brownsville Wednesday and Thursday of last week proved a successful one. Those who attended from Albany speak In high terms of the treatment they received from Brownsville people Rev. C. Sperry,of that city, delivered the address of welcome. It was responded to by Rev. T J. Wilson, of I lalsey, President of the Atliance,ln a happy manner. Mrs. Penttand, of Scio, read a pointed essay on home duties in reference to the subject of temperance. Miss Hettle Miller, of Albany, rendered a recitation In her popular manner. Rev. T. O. Brown son, of Albany, delivered n very thoughtful address. Music was furnished by the choir of the Baptist Church, and was an enter taining feature of the evening's program. Thursday morning at o'clock the second session was .opened. Mm. L. E. Blaln, of Albany, Mrs. Ambler, of Lebanon, Mrs. Robt. Pentland, of Scio, Mr. D. P. Porter, of Shcdd.and Rev. Andrcws,of Brownsville, were appointed a committee on resolutions, reporting during the forenoon. Notice was given that an amendment to constitution providing for the finances of the Alliance would be presented at the next meeting. In the evening the Baptist Church was again crowded. Rev. H. B. Kenlston, of I lalsey, delivered the opening address. Miss Addte Uibler, of Brownsville, was heard in two songs with marked interest. Rev. An drews spoke on the subject, "Does prohibi tion Infringe on personal liberty, in a forci ble manner. He was followed by Mrs. J. H. Townsend, of Albany, who dellvr ed a short address. Miss llettie Miller again re- cited, and President Wilson closed the en tertainment with some impressive remarks. Yalne ef linn Cseaty Property . In order to enable the State Board to make the Bute tax levy County Clerk Gal braith has made footings of the gross value of property, indebtedness, exemptions and polls, in this county. The rest of the foot ings will be completed in a few days. Fol lowing are the figures : Gross value of all property In Co. . $7,370,717 Indebtedness $1,665,694 Exemptions 469. "5 $a.34-99 Value of taxable property $5,335,898 No. of polls , 1531 In order to afloidan opportunity to make a comparison we jrivc the figures for the assessment of 1385 : Gross value of all property $7,914,136 I ndebtedness ft ,99404 Exemptions 48J, 140 $j.4i 1,544 ' Value of taxable property $5,501,693 It will be observed that while the gross amount of property has decreased about $540,000 the amount of indebtedness has also decreased, about $260000. The de crease In taxable property will be about $256,000. Tbe amount of the property tax will be $73,345, which will be increased about $5,000 by the bherttt assessments ladastrtal Iteeas There are about $300,000 on deposit in the banks of Albany . A significant fact The price of wheat in Albany is four or five cents more than in neighboring cities not touched by the Oregon Pacific. The furniture business in Albany lias been of flattering proportions during the past year. . Mr Steve Deckard is rebuilding the furn iture factory heretofore run by Mr A B Woodin at the west end of Third St., and will manufacture furniture for the whole sale trade, likewise furnishing it for Mr Woodin. Robinson & West intend sawing a large amount of lumber the coming winter in an ticipation of a live building year for 1887. Considerable wheat is going to California by way of the Oregon Pacific At various times woolen mills and paper mills, etc., have been suggested for Albany. This winter would be a good time to act new enterprises. v ere some one to offer to start an im portant enterprise in Albany without asking a big subsidy there would be danger of a public collapse just from surprise. The spirit of the present day seems to be to see how much can be squeezed from the public. Eugene City has erected more bricks the past ye at than any other place in Oregon outside of Portland. We hope to be able to give Albany this honor a year hence. aw Tramps. Dead beau. Nails in sidewalks. Bad sidewalks generally. Gate opening cows. Our gambling dens. Miss Lord's place on Second street. Too much mud. Boys around Church doors Sunday even Dollars with holes In them. Long tongued gossips. Men who know more about your busi in ness than vou do. Special Seller, Everybody invited to call at F. M. French's and see those beautiful oil paint ings, which he proposes to give to his cus tomers, free of charge. Everyone buying Si worth will act a ticket. " Drawing to take place Jan. 1st, 1887. Remember you can buy holiday goods of me at bed rock trices. Call and see the beautiful display No charge for engraving, at the ,4Corner Jewelry Store. r. m. rasMcu. Maeetaery ror Bale. . Planer and matcher. Gauge lathe. Mortising machine. Blind slat tenoning machine. Moulding machine. (Four side.) Rip saw. Cut-off saw. Bolt cutter. Turbine water wheel. (15 inch.) 1 5O feet 2 inch shafting. Pulleys, gear wheels, belting, etc. Inquire at Wire Works, foot of Lyon St., Albany, Or. C. L. Brush. A WenTsst flog. Tuesday Mr. Jos. Clark exhibited to a Democrat man two two footed legs from a six footed hog just killed. The front legs of the animal had two well developed feet and the hind legs the customary number, one each. As nearly as can be reckoned this was a genuine Webfoot. Carrier fidge, A gentleman at Shedd has several fine Carrier pidgeons. They have seveial times been let loose at Portland at the starting of the mail train, and have always arrived at Shedd ahead of the train. Wxtra Bagls Bell and Bogle. Cranberries,buck wheat flour, rolled oat, genuine New Orleans molasses and maple syrup, choice Ingredients for cakes and pud dings, fancy and staple groceries. F. M. RxnFiELD, 133 First S. SHEARS k SCISSORS Th finest stock by far lover seen in Albany last rei at Stowsrt Sox's. hived Taxable . P r oners . Foltowing is a list of the counties of Ore gon with the amount of taxable property undeMhe 1886 assessment, arranged ac cording to amount : Multnomah $18,761,610 Linn MtfrM Marion 4d57.3y6 Umatilla 4,300,662 Yamhill 4.3897 Lane 3.99.695 Polk 3,93 , 054 Douglas J,SoMsi Union 3.795.407 Grant 2,760,330 Washington 2,601,680 Wasco, 2,518,146 Clackamas 3,515,030 Baker a,.J4.5 Jackson . J,1I46 Benton . . . 3,jl0,750 3,099, 05 1, 635.06 i !,"i,673 1,179,733 7"9. 33 Clatsop... Lake Crook Coos Gilliam... Morrow. . . Columbia. Klamath. . Josephine. 618,924 Curry. . . , . Tillamook 44M i5.c 11,667 ,089 $79.3J.973 A aether Baw. Another midnight row occurred Friday morning about 3 o'clock, at Miss Lord's, on Second Street, In the Third Ward. This time It was a crowd of Corvallis roughs who played star parts. They had come down the evening previous and had been on a genuine spree through the night. .Night- watch Jones on hearing a disturbance In the vicinity of Miss Lord's went to the place when the crowd scattered and ran, not, though, until he had had an opportunity to use his club on a half breed, who was one of the party, lie also fired several shots in order to frighten the party, which entered a back they had in the neighborhood and whipped their horses for home. Most of them are known and will be presented with a warrant for disturbing the peace If they appear in our city again soon, Tbe bouse mentioned is getting notorious for its mid night rows and should be abolished. That rish Ladder. Mr Wallace Baldwin, the fish ladder commissioner has investigated the amount of damage done to the ladder and sum marizes as follows : Head drift breaker slight lv damaged from which three tons loose rock filling and five planks are gone head gates and piers in which same worked ail gone ; upper ladder slightly damaged, mostly by tiling with loose rock ; upper dam slightly damaged ; slack water pool between sections of ladder somewhat filled up, but not to materially affect workings of same ; lower section of ladder badly dam aged ; side walls and steps down to No. 14 all gone, and the stone washed into the lad der, filling it up. He estimates that the ladder can be repaired by two system for $2,500 and $3,350 respectively. Many he lieve these sums are more than the original cost of the ladder. T fhst Ptlle. I am now better prepared than ever be fore to suit my numerous customers In all lines of good. I have a larger stock which I personalty selected, and have many nov elties I could not get by ordering good es duslvely. 1 have just made extensive im provements to my Boot and Shoe Store giving me much more room than formerly, and enabling me to carry a larger assort ment and to sell you better goods for the money. I have just received direct from the factory a full line of ladles' and gents' slippers for the holiday trade especial I v selected for this market, all of which wifl be sold on their merits, and every jmir guaranteed, even in cheap slippers .and shoe. Sami-ki. E. Yot a. ( Th a Tmm Last Saturday a drunken specimen of humanity helped himself to a box of soap from In front of Read & Browncll's, put it on hi shoulder and went walking a rail fence up street, soap taking a tumble at each step. He was speedily taken in bv a Deputy Marshal, and received his "deserts" at the hand of Recorder lienton. He ts the same chap mentioned by the M. A. T. in another column as having had a varied experience in stealing rides on freight trains. Thanksgiving eery Ice. Thanksgiving services will be held at the Evangelical Church, In this city, Thursday morning, Nov. 25th, at 1 1 o'clock, and will be conducted as follows t Reading proclamation of Governor by Rev. H. P. Webb. Reading first hvmn by Rev. Rominger. Prayer by Dr. Irvine. " Solo by Rev. Pritehard. Sermon by Rev. S. E. Davis. Prayer by Rev. T. G. Brownson. Song bv the congregation. Benediction by Rev. H. P. Webb. Prise awarded. Miss McConneli, who is teaching writing school up stairs over the marble shop of Frank Wood, closed a term last Saturday evening, at which time a prize was awarded to Miss Nellie Rhodes for the greatest im provement made during the term. Prof. Lonsway and T. J. StHes were the committee appointed to examine the various specimens and, award the prize. The pupils under Miss McConneli are making rapid progress. Clvea a Rehear tag. John Johnson, the man whom the Dkmo crat mentioned last week a having been arrested with a grocery store in his possess ion was given a rehearing last Monday and discharged. Be was in a bad condition physically, having a severe case of dropsy so that he had been unable to lie down. lie left for Victoria, li. c., where he claimed he had .friend. Wheat itelea. Last Friday Mr. Al. Thomas, who runs part of Mr A Hackleman's farm, in the suburbs of Albany had a load of wheat cleaned for sowing ; Saturday morning it was gone ; some villain- having entered the barn where it was deposited and stole the whole load. If you want a cheap bsking powder we hay one at 20 cents per lb. If you wot on thst is first-class yon can't do better than buy our Far West at 85 cent per lb. Remember tt is warranted equal to Prices or ttoyal. KRAU HaOWNIT.L. lb New stock of fall goods, sysry lins full, come snd examine them. MoffTKiru k Smstraaoi Send Burkhart 4s K Beney names and ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore gon sod they will send them copies of ths j Real Estate Coiwtyor whjeh contain a com- ! plete disoription of one county in each issue .jit . 1 .2 i. wito nuoer asairaoie luturmamon as wsncner, market report, etc. .A v i t UKt vr RThMffl. Near New York last Friday two pugilists fought with two ounce glove undlthey both fell from eihaustlon. In civilised Oregon that would never be allowed. East ern people are behind the times. Fred Cavlnesa, of Pendleton, son of F P Cavlnesa.well known In Albany ,took a drink on Thursday afternoon of last week with Frank O'Nell and John Scotland soon after died from the effects of poison in the liquor. O'Nell and his wife and Scott were arrested. O'Nell before arrest tried to commit suicide. During the meeting of the Temperance Alliance In Brownsville, Mr L E Blaln, of this city, organised tWCTl, which be gan its work with thirty-nine members. Mr D M Morris, of Turner,recentlv sunk an artesian welt too feet, but did not' strike water. Strange to say ,though,e very morn ing at six o'clock a gurgling sound like water running from a jug Is made and con tinues until twelve o'clock, whea it stops, to twgln again at sis the next morning and go through the same operation. A mysterious thing. Waldetnar's pa objected to his being Prince of Bulgaria, and he declined the precarious position, tjitlte right, sonny, A beast named Goldenson, of San Fran cisco, shot a thirteen year old girl dead, and the people became so Indignant that lynch ing was threatened, fully 10,000 people sur rounded the jail. It is said there are twenty men in the penitentiary In California for murder, and public opinion is ircttinu to be strongly in favor of a few men being hanged just tor an example. Gov woody has offered a reward of $rx for each of the murderers of Tho Kencaly, murdered in Portland, Roderick Grnnt.mur- drred In Wasco county, and D I Cokcr, murdered In Lafayette, lie has done well. Fred Winklcman.the Baker Citv murder- er, died In the penitentiary Thursday of Iset wees. Adam Wilbelm's drug store and saloon were burned to the ground at Monroe, Ben ton county, Wednesday night of last week. Wm Barker, of Dungeness, W. T., raised this year 416 bushels of wheat off four measured acres, 114 bushels an acre. This story surpasses all others. Union county' tax levy is 22 mill There were 3242 votes east for delegate in Walls Walla. The prohibition vote last year in Ohio was 28,081 ; this year 576 more ; In Massa chusetts it about doubled. Paddy Ryan was knocked out by Sullivan at San Francisco last Saturday evening. Served him right. Sullivan U the best" man in the world in the pugilistic line. A Jackson, Mis., negro claim to be the lather ot to children. Me was never mar neo. A Tacoma baby born in that city last week weighed twenty-one pounds, say the Ledge. Ring the chestnut bell. Recently a man In a business transaction in California received $jo in worthless Canadian bill, lie passed some of them In Eugene, not knowing they were worthless, ami was afterward arrested. A he wss innocent of any evil Intent he will not be The official figure for Mayor el New York were I Hewitt, 90,552 ; George, 68, 110 ; Roosevelt, 60435 ; Ward well, 582. State Printer elect Baker wilt do all hi work with his own material in the Capitol building. The example set is a good one. The practice of fanning it out is a bad one for an advanced state like Oregon The prohibition vote in Pennsylvania wa 30,500, tn Indiana it was 9149. in nearly all state it was as large as last year, though no particular issue was made in the matter A I-afayettc man ha a petrified orangca Tamable curiosity. A Helena. Montana, Indian a few days ago cut ed a severe case ol Indigestion by snooting tumseit in the breast. A Pendleton man was offered $2500 for a corner lot ; but refused the offer. He agreed, though, to sell the lot for $2000 if the purchaser would out up a two story brick Inside of U month. The Oregon Vidrtte is now Democratic and 1 a year. We see by several of our exchanges that "winter is coming on," Ah. A raid by filibusterers on Mexico 1 being planned. Down on fUbuaterer. anarchists, murderer and disturber of the public peace generally. Another hank. No. 3, I soon to be start ed in Eugene City. The famous turf men. Dw ver Bro., won $j08,S4O.i6 on their hures the past year, Tremont bringing in about a fourth of tht a moan t. The cars run over a cow belonging to W S Ladd last year. He sued the O & C R R Co. tor damage and just recovered $0o He wanted $1000. Lion county farmers are satisfied with about $30 ;' but their stock is not all gilt edge. "Dick" Williams, the well known Port land lawyer was half a century old but Monday. The tax levy for Marion county has been placed at 17 1-2O mill. Bob Ingersoll is going all to pieces. His moral are getting mixed so that it is doubt ful where he stands on any thing. He seem- to be a sympathiser with nthilbt. socialists and the devil. I le is completely at sea without a helm. A Portland paper figures out the Demo cratic majority in the next house of Repre sentatives at a 1 . In the Senate there are 37 Democrat of the 76. A Marion count v teacher was arrested recently for assault and battery on one of hi pupils and fined $10 and costs, amount ing in all to about $70. He retained his position, and wa endorsed by must of his patrons, Portland property is assessed about one third of its value. It costs about $13,000 to run the city government of East Portland. Linn county in tbe matter of wealth 1 the second in Oregon, Multnomah, of course, being first. l'oiiceman L,tnvme, ot Astoria, miiea a wife beater, last Tuesday evening in the following manner : While the officer wa examining the premises where the assault was comtnitted,earching for ZeUler, climb ing a board fence in the rear he found his man, who seeing LinvIHe asked what he wanted. Being told, Zeisler demanded proof that he was an officer. Linvjtle un buttoned his coat and showed his star. Lin- ville says Zeisler then said : "This is my place ; I'll not go," and came toward him. pistol In hand, saving : "Halt,or I'll shoot Failing to heed Linvllle's warning to drop the pistol, and continuing to advance, Lin villc fired and the man fell dead, a bullet through his hear." Senator 1 lolph has arrived in Portland Jack Dempsey and Jack Burke will soon tight in ban r rancisco with soft gloves A Jackson, California "house was recently ruined by the firm betting on a foot race Frank Lewis, the Corvallis sprinter, 1ms arrived in Oregon, accompaftiedby Ryan, another sprinter. Keep your eyes open The total prohibition vote in the East was double that cast for St. John. Robert Lincoln is mentioned for Mayor of Chicago. Mayoralities seem to be con sidered now-a-days as stepping stone to the Presidency. president Cleveland has begun worx on his annual message. Viae Varattvrn and Novel W. Fert miller & Co., hare just received some of the finest furniture ever seen in Al bany. Among other things are several nov el designs in chairs, some elegant center stands, lounges and other upholstened goods ; in style ; a superior line of bod-room sets, and some handsome,, sideboard. In the matter of furniture they will not be out done in the Valley. Tarns, to N. H. Allen & Co. far year knitting , They have in stock a largo line of HUB knitting, Saxony, etc., in all colere. BIAh KM r 4TB. Following are the recorded sale of real estate in Linn county for the past week : H C Sterling to Amos Strong and other, bond for mining claims on the Santiam, in Dry Gulch, . Quart .villi? Mining District,. .$300,tt Isaac N Walton to Battle Walton, several pieces and parcels of land In Linn Co 1 Jo Allison, by D S Smith, Slteriff, to J II Murk hiirl, administrator estate of Philip Baltimore, two lots in southern addition to Al bany , . . , I McClune by D H Smith, Sheriff, to E Turner, 240 acre in tp 1 1 SR 3 W T J Hill et I) S Smith,her!ff to George Harrison, 160 acre in tp 1 1 s K w K W Moore to W W Chase, the ferry franchise near Corvallis and' certain piece of land..,, Geo W Young to W J Guy 1 lot In Lebanon II N Derthkk to A A Derthick, 340 acre in tp 1 1 S R 1 w, . . . C II McParland to Naney J Gal braith, 1 93-100 acre near Brownsville. , Mary A Davis to Carl II Luder man.i to l, 13 feet on Ferry St. John Shore to Samuel 1 Shore, 100 acres in tp o S R 1 w ....... . Will B Rice to Ell Barker, 2 lot, In Montelth' eastern addition I to Albany 500 1972.50 850 1000 2500 57 699 I $00 tannins rasters. We now have two barber shops in Ya- qulna City. This week fmls'trs the cribwork for th eson. Lot ot growling these day on account o( the scarcity of chlckamin. A fully euuioned nriiUlno- riffle c secured for coin or negotiable paper, at a bargain, if application be made at once. There is talk of organizing a fire com pany in this city and building an engine house, in readiness for a new steam lire en- gtne nest season. Mr. Nice went to the valley this week. He ha been living on his ranch on Beaver, nursing hi foot, which wa hurt tome time ago while engaged In erecting the bridge at Albany. Mr Schooling, of Harrisburg, wa a pas- sen ger on yesterday's steamer. He brought up on tne steamer a nne eleven hundred pound, tltousand dollar, Norman horse, and eight buggies and carriage, the tatter for his livery business. Last Monday a korae bitched to a ca'it. broke leeae frees tne driver near Rainwater on tk Beaton eoenty side, and dawn the reed until it asm to th switch of the O. P. landing down to tne gravel bar Tbe horse took down tbe switch traek am raa half way across a apses of 90 feet of trestle week before his feet the tie. There wee aotbiag bat ties for bias to 1 aeaee ne anas nav ptaosd at lost yry oareieiiy. ne leu on see trestle work works with large beards rsweovsd bira from tbs track. Strange to sy tbs bora A awaisal and literary ntrtsiiimot will he given at tbe Outage Chaps! on Friday evening. Nee. 26th, aodr th- auspices f the yeeag people of the Prswby teriaa Ckareb. The beet tassni of Use city will take part in the progress. No uains or tints will be spars il to make tbe ante tammrot a pleasant Tickets for sals st th . SirasteJ. Patents granted to citlsen of the Pacific State during the past week and reported ex presly for the DxwoeeaT by C. A. bnow tc Co., .Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, epposiai U. S. Patent Office. Wash ngton, D. C. : J M Halstcwd. Osklsnd.Csl .Tempers! ure regulating device lor Incubators. I D Davis, Stockton, Cat.. Tonic. W V Arthur, Oakland. Cel.. Chin rest for violins. R F Derrick,Orville.Cal.,Variabte notrie L Eastlick.Oro Fino,Cal ,Grvel elevator. J W Hollingworth,Lc Angeles, Cal ..Cut! hasp W J Lvnd, Yreka, Cal.. Speaking and singing doll. II StuUman, Portland, Or., Steam generator. T P Sweeney, Sacramento, Cal .Locomc five attachment. Following will be some of the rule tor next yesr, many of them being commen dable change : Any ball fair between shoulder and knee. Bunting prohibited. Home club choice of position. Five ball and four strike. Only Captain can ques tion umpire's decision.' On foul runner can walk back to base. No substitute in run ning allowed. Batter out on fourth strike whether ball is dropped or passed by catch er. Pitcher must keep forward toqt on ground when delivering. Credit given for stolen bases. A Card T don't claim to have the largest stock of goods in any line, especially of old style of shop worn goods ; but I have got a nice line of new, fresh foods, including specta cles and eye glasses, bought for cash, and will guarantee price and goods every time. Call and sec me before vou purchase. F. W. CanTER, Te ery Best I bv added to wy eeoi end atoe stock s line of tho oslsbrsted Lmird, Itehomr k MiieheU, Philadelphia Fin Shoes for iAdios, misses and children. Aeknewledged by dealer generally to be tbe beat value and nest ruling nne anno maae. vr tains v. v, r., and EE. A child oaa bay ss cheap as s tuao. BAurtai. K. Yocsu, Sole Agsnt, Albany, Oregon. 'ioak l ho largest aad best selected stock ta ths valley oaa be touod at Muatoith k Sei tee bach's. Be Von Knew that the cheapest place to bay strictly first class good is at Raan k BapwHiLi.'. mm Fancy Uoed. Those desiring tho latest novelties in lace be ttons, gloves, tc,, should call on MotT voicn es oetsonoacn. Bernsta. A breakfast dolioaey, 2a cents a paekage F. M. Rxmrtein Dr. Whites celebrated New York Cough Svrup, for sale at Hoffman k Pffeiter Warranted to euro ooughsaud cold. niaeee te Lean. On from one to three years ti tw, ni good ft security, In sums of $500 up. Call on sx m s? INLINE, mONTSITH Ov tf. rrednee. Den t forget that IS. A. Alten Co., prodaoe in exchange for merchandise at market prices. WILL YOU BUFFER with dlseaaeV ... , Mi . r ,. tl ... QLIUI.I., 12- I to l0Ut9 you. j 1K 4MB ABBOtn ( old aiakta, F M French , jeweler, Thanksgiving nxt Thursday . To beet har is it J J Dabrailles. Athtey should bavj r.lobow social. A floe Has of holiday goo 1 t Langdon'e. Kscpyoar sy 00 French's show window City sleotioa two weeks from asxt III day. Wild birds are scare. M r rain i their er. . Casting for Mason' gt st Htewart 4 Sos's, For stove s id tin war at cost go te John Briggs. Oysters served in all tylts t Hoffman k l'fi iter's. J. P. Wallaeii, Physician and Sargson, Al bsny, Or. Hay is esoeiisive.haring goat up to $12 and It bated. I)." Al 'saader has l.scu ii oiutsd Nsssby at 0 d ur Fur uumos. oiuat sud hoj st 0 t go to John BrijrgS' Ths Salatn fanning mill for sslo st Deyo ftobaon's. O. W Mastoo, I'hystoiau au i Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Prof (jo 1' Newell, of Philomath, died at Selsta, test .Saturday. Th city is foil of 22 calibr thiyes. L tk oat for th stoma. About 470 stu loots are attending school in all the schools of Albany. Job Censor, a Polk ooauty fruir com mitted suicide last wsk. Pisno for sate very resfoutbly at Dr Tste's dental office, Albany, O -. I. was reduction io tkt nrics of shot at Wdl Brother. Albany. Or. Six shaves for a dollar au 1 a oUsu tow.-l to svery ouatomsr, at L Vieriok'a. C K Wotverton wa admitted last Prilay to praetic in tbs V 8 Coarte. About an avr aimunt of fli wbsst has been own io Linn eeeoty. Ths N d R H bride acre,. tit North aaauara was nsiahed test week. Mr J P West ha opened variety stor just north of tbe Okmocuat ottio. Prof H S and Wdl Bichsrds hev opened a daneiag school in Psrriah' Hall, A apleadtd tin of organ snd pianos at extremely low pries st Laogdor.'a. For a general assortment of hoess faroish- iag goods st cost go to Joho Briggs, Ta ladies of thi Oakvilte W C T U will hold a social on Tnsoksgiving evening. Twenty dreamer were st ths Revere Hens in tbts city, on dsy !t week. The dry house of tbe Corvallis Fruit Dry- tag loaapaoy, was 00 roe last Monday t , SI . m. F M French, agent Hinger M ana factoring UO., opposite Udd r shows 1 cmpie, Albany, Or. Low rente, no eterks an 1 mH profit snak ebeep groceries st Read k Browne!!. Tbsojiti ore dispatch osmoany has 1M hsnds tell reporting dtareefa! oris tight Dr. M. U. Kill. physsin and surgeon AH say, Oregon. -ll mad tn city or coin try. A magniAoeut line uf ooufeetionary at Hoffman Si Pteiffer', for Sale st wholesale 0 retaiL Htewart k Sox are expeetirg s few erokin. ol boards, tn Inset parlor game played. 04 ewe. Freak Ysquta Bay and Eastern oysters aaniteiitly cm hand after to-lay at Hoffman APfeifler'e, A sptendtd lis of upholstered furniture just received st V Foitmilter ft Vs. Call Go to the exclusive Boot and Shoe Htere of Read ft Brownell'a for the best goods st the lowest pnese. Conductor Bereb and Engineer Fran sen, on the Narrow Osage, bare bsd their see -eessor appointed. Henry Acb, the well know a Portland lawyer, was recently united in met rings to a n r rsttcuwo lady. Andrew Kntenck, of I Wvaltis, a relatty of VY m Ktnsnek. of tbte city, died last Fri day of consumption. lleyoa ft Robsoa have a large stock of th U-a 1 plow tnade on band. They will be old at bedrock prions. Go to Prushsw's new Drag Store for pore drugs, patent medicine, etc Prescriptions carol ally compounded, Several sickly looking American opium hands may be seen on oar street . They are slowly committing suicide. Subscriptions- fur all tbe loading newspa per and maratae received by F L Keuton. at the Pest O I fice, Albany. Or. Albany now has ten lawyer aettvnly en gaged in their profession At one .me there were nearly doable tbe number. Services will be held in ths M B Ckareb South in this city next Sabbath morning and evening. Key 3 W Craig. Pastor. Tbe famous MeU4bbeney family are to be here Dae, Hkh, and everybody should go. Keep the date fixed in year mind. A ooapie!Caluonu gentlemen have been ie ths city looking fr a site for a cannery ; bat have not yet etle;t-d a location. An uncommonly fise dtsplsy of holiday good may be seee in tbe stores of Albany aa a a tms year, a Dig trae is Anticipated. John Briggs ha on hud three Plummer Fruit Dryers which ne will sell at tees than oast. They are the best in the market. A S dcra paper says George K earns aad Mis Rett Cooper, of Staytoo, eloped a few dsj s ago, Mia Cooper was a school teacher. Person desiring fine pocket knives of a new brand, warranted, should call at Will Bros. They hay jost gotten in s new stock. Marion County's bill against Lin a county for fees in the ease of the State of Oregon against Mattie Allison amounted to about 700. "Coley ,'' a wall behaved do, known by everybody in Albany for soy so or eight years died last Moadav from consumption and chloroform. Ales MoXary, of Polk county, desirea to be allowed te cross the Salem bridge with a team lirst, claiming to be the first one to eross th terry . The new store in Ptetffer block to be oc cupied by Mr Julius Joseph is nearly ready for his good, It is one of th best store rooms in Albany. Mr F M Weatfall has announced himself a candidate for Marshal ia a contemporary, subject to the election of the Republican City Convention. A boy was seen sliding on io last Tues day morning near thia city, and it was only Nov. loth. Many predict a very oers winter for Oregon. William Davidson, of Salom, has ohalleng ed Kd Baa, 01 Astoria to run a toot raoe. Both ars professionals and blutfars as nesrly aa can be learned. Four bashsls of Italian rye grass, raised by J as W Marks, of Lebanon precinct, may be found at Burkhart & beeuov for sale. It is the very best. Ths "Three Sister'' hsc been making rg alar trios between Albany and Corvallis Ths first of tho week it was employed in hauling U V freight Burkhart k Keeney sell tickets over tha I Northern Paciho Rail Road to all points 1 east. Call on them for rates and maps I showing route of travel, Circuit letirt is in session as voreauis this week. Judge Bean and District Attor- uery Hamilton were tn the city Saturday oa their way to run the same. The advantages of buying good directly from the menu f sot orer may bi aeeu by pricing some organ and piano just receiv ed at E W Laogdon it Co A musical and literary entertainment of a high character will be givn at the College Chapel, by the students of the College, next Tuesday evening, Nov, 23rd. Will Moore, sou of B Moore, of Harris burg Precinct, while using a pistol laat Tuesday, accidentally discharged it, shoot . . . i Ling mmseii in one oi aia tegs. taken R,ould vou desire to sell your property the 0 on Burkhart k Keeney aa they ad virtue 1 nrooertv ulaced in their hands, and charge i nnihincr nnleas thcv effect a sal. Uae Ot tne oents on ins v. j. . irosne wora will strike directly in the center ot th ores wslk on First street. This sb rtt1l bs vm 1 ar. I sod easily ootl I have been avoids'. At the t kating rini last Saturday evening a pis sating contest wa won by John ftehmesr, Jr , wl o ate a hsJf pie in fifteen sounds. J ilm. S.tma.-h won ths apple race. Ths west b mt of the O P bridge lis Wen completed, and now the draw is all that re main to b completed. Tflis, it is thought will be dose by the middle or latter pert of December.' Dr Vsnotr. of Brnwmmll ha sold his drug stor te Dr C D and Owen Oslmrn, of Bsgn City, who kayo already moved to Prownaville snd taken noises urn of the drug stor. CO Bnrkhart, immigration agent for Lino oouoty, will on the first of December tssns s descriptive psmpblet of Lion county, print ing ju.uuo uopie of them. A line onoortan 'ity to advertise our ceaoty. Bohinon ft West hsvss gng I man up the Cslipooi ready to bring down their logs when the river rises. Now tr ey ere getting t.utifc ready for tho move. Ted Carrsu ha charge of th gang. Mr Ed P Well.. Thstis PO. f tmv -us I ;u.. Wash. Terr., Wa entirely cared oi rheo malum by ths a of St. J W Oil. H : "I consider it s woodetfnl remedy ml will always apk good word U r it." To Dkmocbat has rseeived several eslls from drummer tiioa to ere California paper. They had Ut on tho eh ctu ns, snd aa most of them had bssfted Switt, wste net much rejoiced by the figure given by S. F papers. A young msn w 1 insnipulstes card ap peared on the streets the other morning with s plaesrd on his back 00 whici were tbs word "1 lay out." He had been leytLg out and sent one wiabed the public to know tk fact. A eertificate of Linn county clrgymn of n certain msrriag ritorned to the Clerk's office makes a yoong lady married to a gen tiemao, with a a if ami several children, sod almost old enough te be her grsnd-fatber. It was his son who should have been given th honor. There will be a meeting of Linn county teacher st hdd, on Friday snd Saturday, N. 26tb and 27th. Spieodid pro ram are being arranged snd a fruitful time for teach r a wall a tho ieterested in ednestio, is promised. Stperinteudest D V S Reid will be present. That farmer friend who called st tbe kitchen door of ths senior editor of this pa per the first of the week snd left a fine lot of back hoses, spare ribs and will take notice that his identity is suspected, and that sack conduct is regsrdd as castix g bread (meat, I apon the water. Thank. Architect P.dmond Lagendre, 419 Setter street, Saa Fraociaoo, Cat, Mates thst hav ing eaffered for a long time with a vre cough, sad failing to obtain any reiif from doctors and tbe numerous preparation be took, be became alarmed, fried Red Star Cough Cure, aad oa bottle entirely cured him. La Grand aa six hotel, two drug stores, two hardware tore, on furniture store, one saddler shop, one livery sta'.i-. two snoe hops, three milliner tores, tw barber shop, one fruit store, one grocery store, one planing mill ami lumber yard, four leioum, brewery aoJ two blacksmith shop. Stewart ft Bwi have been arranging their hardwire sVire to a very tasty msoner. and a wall filling the sbelves with a splendid Hue of hsrd war. Their sample board t one of tbe moat artistic ooes we have aeeo. All together their store is a modal one, rrly equated in Oregon. Aa increasing business speaks for this popular firm. Every mother should have Mifuh -i. It is devoted end naively to th cars of infante and children, treating of U th phases im agio able in reference to bringing thorn up healthy, intelligent, well dress a craMiws, litis jewel of a magazine, and we it 10 snrnest u not in tnensosi stere otyped manner. Send $140 to Babyhoodf Publishing Co . 5 Reek man St Newport City, tor a years subscription. MM 1 1 1, B r AI Mr Jo Watson, of Yaqnioa io Albany ths tint of the week M Shannon, rd Monr e.cslled arrived ths Dsn- BBBBI otHe yesterday. Mr 8. if Beaton eoenty 'a solid men. Bey Isaac Ddloo. oucrn imator or the M X Chnreli. of this rty. has moved niik his daughter ami hsr husband to Alaska. Dr W H bvi. of llsrriabnrg wss i 1 Al baoy last Saturday, on his wsy te Oh o, whores brother of bis i lying dtnge oaly dL Tbe membe of tke U P Cnoieb, a t.Oak ville held a mist eojeysMa social, a th reaidenoe id l C Curtie. last Tuesday even ttg. Contractor G W Untit kaa rented one of Cspt E J LaaeiuK new bouse and ill sown oeenpy it with his family, maktug this oity their boms. Whea A F Wbeeier rstms from the 3tae House at 8! em hs wiliatep into the Metrop olitan Bank at FortUod aa oaehler. "One deserves his son tinned sueossr. sirs Jesse K Elder aad Mr A J McMillan left but Wsdnssday for Tarrytona, N. V., their new homes. Taey are both sit ters of Mm Virgil Parker ol this city. A very pieaaaot mush and milk social wss ien at the residence of P at WaatfaTl, Wednesday evening, by the members of the M E Cnureh. CoJ attendance and a fine time. Rev J A HolhrahauN-h and family are ia tke city on their final visit here prt psratory to le vina tor their former home in Penn sylvania, in a few days, Mrs Holletibsugh s poor health necessitating a change. Last week Mr David Aksts, of Barry, II , arrived in this oity on a v?sit to bis nephew, Mr J W Cusick, whom he tad not n lor just s third of s century. Ths visit was a surprise to Mr lus'.ck, but aa agree able one. Rev J W Craig, the new pastor of toe M E Church South, was in Albany Ti.ssday, when be made tht otbee a pieasaai call. Rev Craig waa a resident of this county about twenty year ago. He moved to Call- . - . a a a a a .11 i ornia wnsre ne aa since resided until tne present time. Warm Spring Johnny passed through Al bany last Ssturdsy from Bugeoe on lis way te ths penitentiary at halem, where be is booked for three years. AU Johnny said ia, "It ia tough." If. as many thin r be is innocent of th crime for whioh he wa con- yioted it is toogh ; if not it i only juntice. Letter List Folio in; is Ui list of Utters reuisiniti In the PjsI OfHco, Albany, Unn itounu, Orstfou, Vv. ljtli, t ''. rersaos eelUtif for these Utters must firs ism date on which vhsv were s-lrcriuts! Burnett, J M Comerson, A Fraley, John ljogsdou,Mia LeMi v Shanks, Mrs Ida Wootien, H Burgoyne, Jose ph Davis,' A 0 Gore, IF H 2 McKay, Waltsr Stover, Ana Wiugate, Joon M. IRTINO, I'. M. J. Kreeerles, Go to Allen & Oo. whoa you went groce ries. They have well selected stock and ell cheap. SRI Quilt than you, eyar saw before an teith Seitenbaoh's. Mon- m rrrTiT iw ' . - na MAStKHUK MORRIS GRISH AM. On No. 7th, at the heme of John Grisham, by Bev Martin Hickman, Ma M M Moruis and SoPHROsta Gitisir.Mboth of LUnti county. BRYAN DAWES. -On Nov. 3rd, bv Rev G H Lee, of Corvallb,Ma E I Bry an and Miss Maogik K Dawes- -both of Linn county. staitar CLARK. On Nov. 14th, 1886, In this city, to the wife of Jo. Clark, Jr.,- -a boy. Matt). McCoy At Gottax, W. Tn on No -. 12th, 1886, Mas. Wilmam McCoy. Mrs imith, McCov was a daughter of llr I N Repairing f irearms, gfe. Persons desiring repairing lone,ueh aa tfiim, sewing machines, timbrel Us, para sol, fans, locks, all kinds ofsnsll ma nblnery and ntensds, also fitting keys, grinding twlssors.elo .hsvet now an oppor tunity to have th mum dorm st mnt rea- sons bio rite an I on sfioit notice. We pftrienned workman to rent. All work war hsve erigi assist In th ranted, st Will Bros.' Onn Store, All any. sen Blege Beney. Hoi.ey in th somh, in cans, snd in bulk, pure snd ehesp. F. M. JlKriaXD. Election Notice. Kotie Is hereby given, that the annual election, tn and for he City of Albany, LHin com tit y, Oregon, will be held M;n dy, (booth day of Jjwember, JMfi, for tho purpose of eleetmg the following tf fi3er: A Marshal and Tress t rr, t; serve for the term of one year, from the first Monday in January, 1847; also one Coonellntsn from erch nerd, to serve idr tbe term of two year, from tbe first Monday In January, The pclliug places will be aa follow : nrat vy aM at uotinty Merk office. ftecon'i Ward at County 'ircseurer's office. Third Ward office. at Farmer's Warehouse Tbe polls will open at 9 o'clock In tbe morning, and close at 6 o'clock in the evening of ssld day. Judge -First Ward John ftogers, D Kroiusn, A W Uordeo. Hecond Ward , Walter Ketch urn. L Snders, Kite Knox. Third Ward-W H Oollre, Eli Carter, Ianiel Iedy. Clerks First Wsrd-f W Ws'te, TJ Cllne. fjwewnd Wsrd Oh te Pftdfter, J H Wyman. Third Ward Frank Bnrkhart, Wm Werner. K. J. ilKXTOW. "!iy Reeerder. Albany, Or., Vor. 15tb, 1996 It Stands at the Head. lon t fail to see the "DOMESTIC" and the work it doe befcajo hey teg a ing mecoine WILL BROS. Albany, Or. Notice I hereby given that my wife, Abbaritla Powell, ha left my bed and board without cause or provocation, and that all person are warned not to harr or credit her on my account, as I trill u be responsible for any debt or liability .he mav contract. 1 lalsey, Nov. 4th. 1886. TliB-iyvi it.. ' y-"M n ' r" mm n i lim im MONEY TO LOAN Ia aoro to suit BY BrKKaURT Sc KaKxcr, Albany, Or. H. EWERT Keeps sonstantlr on band tba Largest and Finest stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, RINGS, ETC in Albany. Is agent tor R0CKF0RD WATCHES. Repairing deae promptly and skillfully . HORSE hQ8T. Abe at two wjeks ago. from Albang, a ar 'e so-rcl 1 or e, in thin c coistoa, j i s 1 - , heads high. B01 gh e.ear C orrallv. A saitabl 1 res ar 1 wdl bH aivea for its letera te R own sos k Wm, Altasny, fir. SCALY, ITCHY SKIN Anil All Itching and ftcaly Skin see scalp isinemaea C ured by Cutienrat. Psoriasis, Ksseaia, Tetter. K'mrworm. Lichsx, Prorltus, SaaM Head, MilkCnjt. Dandruff. Barbers , Uroeers' and washerwoman's Itch, and svery species of Itching. tBurainjr, Scaly, l'impiy Humors ot the 8Kin and s.'p, wits i.h ol llsri, are uesHtveJy cured by Cutioura, th Treat Skin Cut, and Cutlcurs Coai, an exquisite Skin lStautifier externally, and Outlcura Resnivem, 'he now tiiu.d Burifler i.iternal- '.y, -hn ihysic4ns and ail other rinedihs fail. lSORIAfils, Oit St ALY SKIN. I, John J Case, D D 8., having prsutiaed dentts'.rv in this country for ihim five jcars snd beinjr well known to theussnds hereabouts, with a slew to help anywhe are afflicted ss I hsvc been for the past twelve years, testify thst the Cutieura Heiuedies curel m of N it, in eleht dsys, I consulted gave ask, 1. D. S. f ter the doctor me no help or en KewtiMi, N, .!. aYIMTRKSMl!S's KKl P I ION . Yom Cuticma Remedies performed a wendeiful cure last summer on one ef our customers, sn oM genteinan of seventy years ef age, who suffered with a fearfully distressing eruption on his head and fnra, snd who had tried all remedies snd doctor to no purpose. J. F. Smjtii k Co. Texsrkans, Ark. tk UT PA K V V I OF SCALi M. H C Carpenter, Henderson. N. V., cured of Psoi is sis or Leprosy, ef twenty years' utan.Hng, by Cutievrs Remedies. The most w"nuerfnl cure un record. A dusSanful of scales fell from him daily. Physicians and his friends thought he mut die. ECZEMA RADICALLY I RED. Fr th radical cure of an obstinate case of Koaems t longstanding, f give entire oerdit to the Cuticuia RemaaW E. B. KiciiiBDuoy, New Haven, Conn. Bold by all druggists. Ptiei CniciRA, sent ; Soap, 83 oente ; Kbsolvin r, f 1 . vu, nfsn d by the Poms Dsro at chbmical Co.,Boston,Mai. aead ror "Have te Care Atrta Disease.'' IIC H T1FY the complexion and Skin by esbsg DCJIU the Cutieura Soap. IT FEELS GOOD. Those worn out with Pain, Ache and Weaknesses flud rel-ter la one ssUh' nte in the Ini'mm Aatl'fTafea fiwH ' " .a 1 m 1 r - av. a, w. --i y w . m 1 m . t - . k m -