The Democrat. Fablubed by STUBS & NUTTING. m at Baser riva-ia MBertiBaJMlsa Biraauaieis attest. TBRM1 Or SUBSCRIPTlOlf tact op. Pr '. In ad vaa........... SR 0 j a.or, Pr at lid ul t 5 aUfl. o..jr. month. , 1 00 alagle ooi", thr. month M i.ri aarasar PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYB. ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND-- Notary Public a i ummj , Ofnoa upstairs, om John st Brigfrs store, vMnSStf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) TTORNRY AT LAW rlsuvy. ;. tlTIM. PRACTICE IN ALL THK COURTS OF THF f Sf Speatal attaetlon rtr.n to ooliaotioti an) uter. 1U rOi In Odd Pllwi Tempi. r. o. rowans w, w BiLTier POWEIaL, A BILYETT, iTTORNHYS AT LAW. And Solicitors in Chaarerv, JLf4VY. . . ORRfiON. Collections promptly made on all point. ri 0tt negotiated on reasonable term. SSP'OfBee In Foster' n Brick. RSR 14n 101 f. J. J. WHITNEY. Mtorney And Counsellor At La? AND Notary Pablic. ALBANY, OREGON. Will practice In oil of the Court of -bis Stat All business intrusted to him rill bo promptly to. E. W. LANG DON & CO., nuroGiftTft. dooka. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Larg Stock and Low Prices. OITT DRUG STORE, tyl RUBtRT. mRCOR. FOSHAY & MASON, -rnuu-i ui sir ah- 1) racists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Alrtan'. publication, which we ll st publ ehsr'a price with postageaddad. ALBAHT, OKKtiOM. Bemorrat STATE RIGHTS DEMOS! THE BEST ADYERTIRINP IB TEE WILLAIBTTJ? V O L. XXII. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER l, 1886. SO 15 For Pain REMcUI UCHMAN Crt WINiiiwifRww, Nevratsta, PMl XT t TW1 CM HU B. A. TO BUB CS, B I TIBOBB. B. RedStar TWADK tfg jtAWK. oUGHtfuRE SAFE. SURE. 253 fa esAaua a. km sua OX, SALTIXOaX, I From 115 Ibsto 161 lbs To the Cuticura Remedies I owe My Health, My Happiness, and My Life, A day n.r.r p.m.. that I do ootBlnk lOQIJ Of IMVWm MMtSm HVS NUIiM. II ef Sows him pa fonsei es i sack, raaftag Us tea fruni a c harry atoo. to as eraaaa. The tor. wi ma-airsi to loo u, ud palatal to keor ; paopi. mrnva mm nn UMjr Bw m, ui fl IM 1 WM MAMf M OB UM UMUrlt PhrsletoM Ami satr iraaASMmt. and .1! ouiod to do u; rood. U a bmbmbI of doapatr I tries IS CuUcora RrwdiM CfUcsra, the mat Sate Car., and CaUcara Soap, as asaslstta Rka Boautifier. .ttamafcv. and Cullcar Radvanl. Ih. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. riRtCHPTlOU CIIEFCLLT PILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. have the best stork ol nrmtnro In the city sod wtll sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, tbe only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE , u tb ett. mod tu lai 4rloe in lb Valley. Come sod nee. Undertaking, v complete stock and can give 8AT1K- t ACTION. Try me, . B. WOO PIN, .11 j any Bath House. A.IR UMOK-HdMRD WOULD KXSPKCT a. 'Ally if r i the !iti.B of Albany and ri , laity that C have ak.n -hargaofthii Bttabltok et,od,T kploe il roout sod payio trie tattss tie t HiiM, eipeeU to it al ot. who ay faror a with oatronafs tf Haratofor srriad on noutof 'trst-OUss Hair Drssslne Saloons .t to ira astir AtUf rtl to si Ptl-ltB i LsAUt' Hair sestly a snB ."al TOS WEBBER. bww Stood Psrtsar, Iniarnally ; ibaanaU tsmas (m I eaU thaw) rradnall; dtoapMarad. and tiM torn broka. In about two wsaks, dtoi kaigtoa tltlM of mat lor. laav las two altoilt aaara ts mi sack to day to toll tao atory a my ekWta(. My weihltos wm os. kaodrod sad BfUas atoklv psSJli: my rljht n.,w I. one kundrod and Wtty on. olid. hoaltST pound, and sir botokt to ash I my travato prststi Um on. aoOd, sasltsy po (lot, feet 8 ImW Wsshin u ton. (frtm asr ragutor asrrpsiJ Waiiirotor, Oot. 2S rd, 188S. It is probable that the Government hat taken final action In Qerenlme'f case. HU fste I elose cofrflnement In Fort Pickens, Fin., with Natchee aod thlrteea of his mole adult com panions. Tbe women aod children and two eomts go to Fort Marten. The President, Secretaries Endlcott an J Lamar, Attorney General Gar land and General Sheridan gave the matter careful consideration, aod de cided that as the miscreants had sur rendered as prisoners of war they could not be turned over to the civil authorities and f hot there was no warrant for their trial by a military commission. But their punishment Is pretty severe after all. Close eon. daemon t in an (rotated fort far from wives aod children, and fa a country where they wilt have to take their chances with yellow fever, Is regard ed by military officials a treatment thai the bocks wilt feet terribly. Their family affections are very strong. Once more all of Mr. Cleveland 'a official family may be eaen at their desk. Secretary Manning goes to the Treasury Department every dai. He is really looking better now than when he first came to Washington for tbeo he had not recovered from the exhaustion of the campaign. It It his hope to be able to remain in tbe Cabinet throughout President Cleveland's term. He is anxious of e Nirte, to carry out bis Scandal pot. Joy. Mr. Maoalng haa many of tbe traits of Secretary Whitney. Bealdaa (Siilmm Mmmm, It.. ,-, k .ik CaUcsra H.ra.dlm 1 owe my koaU. aay kappiaaw, I being a Steady, methodical Worker it Turk dnantoi aakad I . . ' I oth-rday. ' Do oo ui ii um um catienra I no nas great capacity for work and rsply wa.'"ido, and ahallwtya. I bar nrrarl be It RlWys pleasant to those allOUt CsOmra hMkai 1 mb toturkod at I hits. Iy He alu at bis desk now aj." nsjattoiM I w tosfwd -r r; torr o.riii msm t ttosr black scuil cap on the back of as kaflo. is bum m too hav. whom I ha, told. UMtsabaUba a with bis May tba Um. In ..cry city tn tb UM I oxlv, ao Ami tbora will barairaly a unac a ami atoro. ttorultosfR. a lar. Cl wrld. for atatssi 'ly as i. BUSRARDa, , Km Yof k. If. T all ksaald of .far M- CuUcora RssMdto are a poatUv. cor. for tt of akin asd Blood W froaa Heils ts SawataJa. sold .twyvbsra. prto I Cnwu. IS i.U : BOA tt oanM : RMM.TSWt.Sl.0S. bv um roTTS Data aid Cbmsoal Co..l ! " - Inr !!... tn N. SL In . 4 Raby Cor. Skis oad Per "l.w ts mrm SRIs IPLR8. Btoekhaada.Rkln BI BssMra, as CmctM Boat. f&itsRSTf raiaa. avsiva. nacm ACHE. WoaknoM and WoartnoM laasl by o.rwMk. dtoatpatlOB, tandlos.walk- leg or tsa wwinrHiiMDiM, mw sy taw CmcrAA abm-Paw Plastu.. New, KAnt.orlftaoJasdsBfalUbM. tM. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To AH Sufferers Of Imad. Hon. Samuel Raodall callrd on Mr. Manning st (he department yester day and as they sat talking Mr. Ran. dalt would have been called tbe sick er looking msn of the two. He looks as If be had suffered a great deal physicallv, and his ususlly pale face Is paler than war. Ho now uses a pair of crotches. Be would not Utk politics when spproehed en Ihe sub Ject He came to Washington this time only on domestic business ; thai waa to place his daughter in the Academy of Visitation In George town. A una, her of corpulent statesmen sod stout men In public life who live in fear of apoplexy, paralysis and other troubles, ere thinking of adopt, ing some means of reducing their flesh, It Is said the President U a ftieRRRUL saws. A fjKRSTISR Of VRRAtlTT. In a paper lately read before a London anartneerloe? society it was mentioned at the result of many ei. peri merits that 1,000 feet of ga used to produce incandescent electric light. Ing by means of a gas engine would If em d loved as sn Illumined in the w ordinsry wey. Copper or brass wire larger than No. 18 is hard to bend. By heating to redness and plunging into cold wa. tor both thess metals wilt become much softened. Tn making Joints In wires before soldering, if they tre so f toned in this way and cleaned, excellent contract apart from the sol der en be obtained. i smart looking rouog man. When sbe aaw ittat Ik a.o .. I t I. J I " ww ww mm m wwi wuu UBU urulUW against her sbe sailed and said : "I II " ln ecrat that one of tbe beg pardon," in her meet insinuatiug tone. Ha replied, as be tipped bis bat: "Won't mention it, please." Tbe olose Indent of human nature will observe that thie story is true. Tbe largest locomotive in tbe world is the Deeapo, built by tbe Baldwin Locomotive Works In Pbitadelpbia,last year, it weighs 144,000 pound. Tbe population of Chicago, a iodi- oated by tbe new directory which is just oat, is over 750,000. slew is it wrrsi res t Tbe Ooboeo jWete says: "Last week's Albany Dbmocrat uses niusou- A Canada bee keeper uaes cbloro-1 Ur Anglo Ssxon to speaking of some form Instead of tobacco lo managing aerytog eorporaiioo away back hit bees He finds It a very valuable I Kt,but no money could hire tbe editor aid In removing old queens oi Intro- to ih trotb noie u mb, and dncing new ones. Thavie operations -tbing but tbe truth about some Ore are very perplexing to a novice, but ! oorporatlans, say foi insUnoe, tbe a few whiffs ef chloroform blown Into ' Ub u. m. i$oed oompaoy." the hive enables thorn to be perform. I Tbrt to be a controlling ele td without difficulty. 1 mmit to mental constitution of some A donbie poipott may bo accom-1 tdiiors that leads them to believe that pi Isfaed by covering the rafters audi ewspspr ran haa the right and stones of the cellar with whitewash I ought to demand money for telling tbs made yellow with copperas, and fill-1 -ruth about any matter of public general ing the crevleet and cracks of the I ioterest. We do not view it so. fhe floor with dry topygem The rats I newspaper business Is an honorable, leg end mlee will Immediately vacate inmate bunss. Tbe newspeper.prop tbe colter rovtreeted, and It wilt be orly conducted, is a dispenser of news thoroughly purified and disinfected. I snd an educator of tho poblte mind. Two German physiologists calcu. I Tbe Dimqcrat is not hired "to tell tbe la ted tbe relative liability of injury te I trotb, tbe whole truth, and nothing bu the eye, finding thai, If ail parts of I the truth," about any matter of general tbo bode were equally exposed tolpoblie interest, notwithstanding it may Injury, wounds of ten eye would be tbe habits of other newspaper to do beer to wounds of other parts tbe so. We would aay that If Bra. Doutbit proportion of about one In 600. At a will make his statement thus, "but no matter of fact, too actual proportion I money oould hire tbe editor to toil a lie, Is more thao twenty times tt great, I a whole lie, and nothing but lies about or Iblrfy-eix In 1,000. I some Oregon corporations, etc.," then Salt Is a wonderful remedial agent. I wa will cheerfully waive time and plead Salt and elder vinegar will curt ob-1 guilty to tbs soft impeach meat. How atlnate esses of diarrhoea- A solu-1 la it with on ? reaTactui am. sulaisb. tlon of salt wilt relltVO pain In bruis es. Equal partt of strong salt water and spirits of camphor applied to tbe teeth is a core for toothache. Salt will check bleeding of the lungs when other remedies fell. Salt It e remedy lo catarrh. In Algeria there Is a small stream which tbe chtmlttry of nature has turned Into true lok. It Is fortted by the union of two rivulet, one cf which Is very strongly Impregnated with Iron, while the other, meander Ing through a poet marsh, Imblbt s grille acid. Letters have been writ ten with this compound of Iror and sal lie acid which unite to form the little river. There bas not been iu u days of Absalom a mars nstiset b.m ci nu of the anagogue than Bisina of Meieev Tbe spectacle of the petenot! cadi date kneeling at tbe grave of Chad. Stevens and depositing a red rose on the resting plane of tbe grim aid Hpeosl bu.MneM notice In eJl iinins 10 cent rer line, i eeats -iu sidliional lnertion. ror legal snd trsnsiertt sfvr.rfV-BTM34 SI. 00 per square for the ftrnr nwp u n 50 cents per konsre fortefi iuWqimI inaertlon, , Kates for other advis known on application. N. 1886. FALL AND WINTER. 1888. H. ALLEN CO.. To the Front! With a large and well selected stock, BOUGHT ruit UABn, and will be sold at PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN J principal reasons why tbe Mugwumps refused to support Blaine for President was that tbey regard him ss very loose and extravagant In bis statement of facte. In fact it was openly declsred that there was much lack of faitb in bis reputation for truth aod veracity. Many instances were recited ss justifying this feeling toward him. Blaine still lays himself open to suob charges. No man in tbe country has devoted more time to storing bis mind with statistical facts bearing upon tbe tariff question than Blaine, yet only tbe ether day be made a speech et Pittsburg in which he referred to Chattanooga as a poiat la the South where colored laborer s are paid 60 and 70 sent a day. The Daily Timet ef that oily, commenting on this speech, says that careful investigation there shows that tbe lowest wages paid to colored laborers in any industry is 90 cents per dsy, and this rate cowers only a few at tbe South Tredegsr Iron Works. Tbs greater number ef color ed men at tboee worka receive wages running from $1 to $3 per day, and skilled colored labor receives tbe sasaa pay as white labor of tbe asms grade. Colored beys make 75 seats to $1 a day. Some colored men make as high as 4 per dsy ss puddlers and foaodrymen in that aeciion, aod these figures apply as ell to Birmingham, Ala., Knoxrille, Tenn., and other Southern towns. Mr. BUtne's friends would regaid it as tea eumplioua and Inspired b partisan bias to doubt his koowiedge ef facte so sim ple ae a matter of wages to Chattanooga. Aid it is for tbh reason that Republi can papers, like tbe New York Times, mh.nh fny a-t s. . w Poet and oW, WmAklu h.w. h.BMl tUBaoauu D6 eXCHd. incredulous with retard to statement ade by him. LATE STYLES OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Velvets' Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOAKS. Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES tetssv also keep a finl line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, GROCERIES, BOOTS ANO SHOES. detestation of shams v,riotti w.Ti, Hs is beat teeteu be bis would have led him to swear roundly at wis rwi,.i a. m. i f i w w wfawi, asw w Maty sswa w ew saw MJutwraatts Suaset Ojx is nothing if not sound la his view of Democratic principle!. In eeoeptiug ihu nomination of the united Demoo-acy of the ninth New York district for Congress, he said : 'I have but a simple creed in my poll- tics, iofact a is. tnpie creed, ooe in Dry Goods, Hat a, Gaps, etc., etc. Orders froam wrw-u.;, hum. j, nonaiij,-1 OlSLanCQ Will Mfl nromnt. tt avBAnf Ar1 a. A samples will be sent upon application. PRODUCE TAKEN in exchange for goods. la all public It este. Tbe trustworthy ot a public man may oe tested ia eweb mm eaU Wiieej al palitieesh etaptrao in bis lifetime. wfas clear a of posing for effect as his "cheers gar Powderly" at Pittsburg were an i ostrioblike bid for ths Labor vote. you have had an ample record. Next, tbe public man may he tested by tbe eanoae of bis faitb. As, for iosteoce,a strict construction of the United States Constitution, which limits Federal !g- This is the same Mr. Blaine wbo sat I An mm tt tm flwlmani. rlinnar sir.n I,... . m .... . At.imal tissues In undergoing to- 1 77 7 . W .. .. 7.7. . MtJasioo to oenneu objects, ts a test oT a aw. aawaa sm s a a s avii i m aw. m .i nsa bhi iiimhsi sbmmb tractive deeompoelilon give rise to " 7. 7 . - v-r oom.lox nr-Klurt. wad h swstlw " oul sawma-psaw sew- . . I I . 1 . . A. . vorystduWe In water, end are ox- " ' Uulese this wtl PratM r rotctloD he took the tram IN . II. wiJULjLliN mm UO.. 7 37 First Street Altmy, SNiiesM Oeaatse. tremely Injurious. I . . . lAil.;.ii ki. w.S ImmAm ti.o..wlMt. . ... . . , . rw I u.. Rll.n ihtAn.h .nnh a nn.nliM AT I " . "' " - -' - r invpri ill wtmmmmmMwaM w nwwntmn m i 1 1 i 1 nri iuiv;u. uuuw w. a RYK. EAR. NERVOUS, OR RECTAL urv Mannlns lmnr.,.1 ..Hl,L, soil, and Soli of SUCb UUslltV SS WUl W to tUf thing. A good deal . , m r'" i - i ....... ... TUSIUSRS. and that ha has rWlrfsrf t laku completely remove these products 01 xV W flo,w ni. ' " - i - - - I . m i . .friimBMitu. nnh w.i.t i. t.ri-lpeigus dpuiaa iros ooai oarons wno DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, OfQoe cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. DRr J. B. PILKINCT0Nt Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Offers free oonsnltatien. will he at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the full coojrse of the treatment wher a he good conscience and a part of tbe public morality. A man wbo loosely construes hia duty, wl ether under a power ot attorney or Ruder a written organic taw, ia likely tn be loo in his public vote and conduct. Having hld to tbe Democratic taoet of striet o mat ruction through a long career ff Democratic It maw have p-ae- "wgolsts production" and raiw prices .x ibibk I M lbe y,uoffer thai C. O ntflBBT. c.B.ersRas ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKKS, mocoesaor to C. C. Cherry.) VaGbinists, lillwrighte, and Iror Founders. Tuuday tfioa end WeJiay following the til Monaay oj tacm mxmtm. Will make these vlaita monthly for one ear to come. Am csnni www ' J . - m . . D.f.r. 1m worst rot m oi sdoww qibuwjlu, Albany to Jan. 8. Cherry cureo or oiinn- MM. K A, itampy, wma". . " " DfTen backer, farmer at namaour rwrntnr Rectal dlaeasea. A some o - o : ,. names given on application. But with all bis "smartness" Mr. Blaine is apparently aot smart enough to know that the people know him and that sit btilliaat career is behind bim. can find the tlm to basin Ha wilt aafe, however far not ha Hkftlv to find tlms h..U.r I ed Under OTOUnd. ,OUr m m9mmoa iwaiog Wl- Tl. 1.1 .1-1 . I Tl.- i;MA..l(. it... I. M I n I lUHTvl UIUWI W W.I BV i'VHI w UUIIIIg U(Q JT.VeiUVUIUii teilH, m,mm imm M ..i.ireunw I flrwirfttarw T amar annnnttir bmu mxii mm chimnev with s akrons down 1 9mu u " ' WWW Wtwi J ASasMa IWVUHI BIIS1 W W W S " I " J " - ' www - mwmr deoet nf a very strict construction ol draught is said to have been entirely the President's order. Ao officer In obviated by sn English device. It ton- - - - - - .j t ; his department who la going home sist sf a number of grooved rings plae to vote in November asked htm if It ed over each other with space between, would be impmoer for him to make sad made of metal or clay. Tbe grooves f 'other It political address to the people of his are so shaped that when the wind homo on the eva of the election. Tt strikes them it is so deflected that it AnM II rani lost ha I Vnn .knn Irl I drawn air nn iKw (tkimntt IBrt In t.Vlta - . an. . wrttm I WVMIV., IIV. JLVU VUWH.V. 1- . j , -mrmr-w . ttrna Tunnn a m ii n a rti i w a n.B. i I keep entirely aloof from polities with way effectually prevents down draught. tbe exception of casting your vote." A physician of Philadelphia says that While the President was the guest a great deal of what passes for heart mild dyspepsia ; that m HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS A T.LI T j. CASE PLOWS. completed, and are now prepamj u -w handle all kind or heavy wora. we wiu - CI . - . VnolnH firimi. .1111 ..1.1 ..J .11 Irlrwla nt Jrrm i 11 .l. frftm tha MFV DSBt material and Bras Oaatlnsa. and are warranted to do as good work ano ..... .Baar iaticl eonr fully a well aa any oioer piow. "tpeeial attention aiven to repalrins: all klnrlaof msohlnerT. Will alao mannfac tre the Improved Cherry At White GrsJa sirator - N. J. KENTON, Notary Mlic au Insurance Agent, 0. F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OF Eipre Aeota vral of tk best Fir In nr neat !om Dan ics on the Coast. Oau tn him f"rrliable tnaaranc. A. 0. U. W. Mmnb-ra ariahianmployinant or deairing ,..ln will olaicll at Rfltd Browneu 8 Blor. aod register their names. Bt Oaoaa rr Looea. Sox Al Stewart have neck-yokes ana Bintrle-trees, Ironed or unlroned, neek- mnmm IrAn. Bl n a I fl-tTf- 1 rOllS. IMD IfUIW, felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for sale f b0 Q,d popainlon fc3r a few hours disease ia only p- I m. . I 1 .1 Ul I .nmnnnl. ia I Lmn.. on A-Uursusy, inwm was uunsmwrMuiv ..wu.u . wwwwva.. - mw- malaria is comment in ooiltlcal and social clr- and two-thirda ef so called la. aa In Iho A.H.Q nf a h.nn. Jaf I nnt.Kinu hnA la.inOM. I ffiaeination. he Thla famous plow bt well known In Linn u,,n nf County. The chilled ano ateet ptows am 1 pntgnm wnicn wciuuwj mru. vw h;j w iwjjvuwi. - mi aa, .... . auwa. V tr a Isiat 1 I fl ' a m land and the ladleaof tho Oablot t ills, end be gives as an instance tbe who had intended to fro to Richmond, case of a clergyman, wbo after preach- Sox Al Stewart are tbe sole sgents. .w. i ns ; . .nnld uk. m t.aaMnna.fnl X.V nUUIC IUI IUI)nnwiUH ym- I ,U m WWI hwu wwhiw wmmm wm w- - xrm llaH that tha rlanrrhtr nt JslYaraon 1 nf awsstsnsil water and dose off like a T. J. STITBS. Davis, who was to have assisted in babe, under the impression, it wss ATTORNEY AT LAv receiving tbe Presidential party, wa a hona-ude sedative. AW IV- the troobtt in the way ; that the It ia weilwkoown that iron screws are Notary Public. prenldeut and hs wife put pollctioa very liable to rust, more especially and society together and concluded wben tbey are placed in damp situa- It whs a ptlltlel and social recogni- tions. Wbea tbey are employed te tlon Ihe Adrninistratioo could not join parte of machinery tbey often be- B w permit. At the White House sll oome so tightly fixed that they can such ideas were scooted as preposter. I only be withdrawn with eontdderable ous. The trio to Richmond was to trouble a frssture sometimes result- In order to avoid this ippooveu J. L. COWAN. i. W.0TJSI0I Linn County Bank. COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OKcaort. wT1 rr.a bevery hurtled, latltulng one, end ing. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oreon OUy. Or. October Stki 188 I KnMn I. hsrehv slven that tbe follow-. ln- Hm(1 fettlrr haa filed notice of his inten'l'in to make final proof in support of his olnlm and the' said proof win be made before th County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, 'rfcon. at Albany, Oregon. n Satnr lev, Nov !h, 188C. vl-: LK Brook. rJomatfsd Knry o 449 for the 8 H of t W V, N W X of S W K and 8 WW of NWo( Hep; 80. Tp. It 9 R 1 E H name- the following witneasea to pr.v hia oontinnoii. reaidenoe upon, r nd nnliiwatun of. aM land, vis. A Ralston. J She. 0o Howe snd L MoQneen. all of 8aest Home, Linn county. Or. jron. W, T. BUHSBT, RtrlMter THE NORTH WE8TERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MIXSEAPOLIS. MIRR. Volo.. Thao ry, all OrekMtrai and ta. Modern LanauaiCM. Xlooutton. ILD MEDALS lor progresa m 1 VolCM. V ALUAHI.E FSKE eiaeoand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved eeority. RETRIVE dapoait vabjaa to chock. COLLECTIONS astruated to w wt raealvB prip taritloo. i ' :' ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of ronfirh, dretsed and seasoned lumber Jaths and pickets kept censtantly en hand Bills sawed to order en shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber Price and terms made satisfactory. R0BIN80N & WEST. lUi VHKM. fct rorvBwit corp. of Tetchnra In the I tn ir for o ibmoti. ropua raoeivea Uuaa. f i U tarra DBin B.pi. . Bono ror uai caiHr.Es h. aerriraK, ptiaatr, R8 the pary had to return lete that inoe torevs ate generally oiled before night t was decided, at the 0ablet I being put in their pi toe, but this is meeting that the ladles should r- found to be insufficient. Aooording to main at home. Some of Mr. Cleve- the Afoniteur nduetrieUs, a mixture of land's friends were much annoyed oil and graphite will effeetually prevent that the matter should have given BcrBW8 becoming 6ed. and, moreover, rise to so much gossip. Children BAM field ara aeare.. art - vh SbbwoACo. Portland. MJ..will rT. rail ir.irmatton .boat work wbleh (tier can do. and li at boaie,hal will par .h ham a w 3b vt d. Bom. bar aaad ..arfta.d., Wth-A'J It aJTS- often need some safe cathartic and tnic to avert approaching sickness, or to relieve eotic, headache, sick stomach. Indigestion, dysentery and protect them for years against rust. The mixture fsoilitfct'S tightening up, is an excellent lubricant and reduces the frietion of the screw in its soekst, Two women spproacbed esch other from opposite directions tba othet day. One was looking into tse shop windows and tbe attention of the other was at the complaints Incident to childhood, traeted to tbe oppobite side of tie street t- it.- ahiirl.on Afiko Rlmrnona T.lvar I The collided. Both looked around I JO. 1117 VUtiVtlou m w w ww- j RetTulRtor and keep well. It Is pure- with a frown.aad glaring at eeoh other, ly vegetable, not unpleasant te the said : "Yon e'utnsy yon want taatn and safe to take alone or in tbe,eartb V A little farther down tbe eonneetion with other medteff. I street one of ty? wotnen collided with a There are at least 1,450,000,000 human beings living now, and th e Philadelphia Record aaya that these are distributed over the earth's sor. fane ao that now there Is no consider able oart where man ts not found. In Asia, where ho waa first planted, there are now approximately about 800,000,000, densely crowded on aa average 120 tn the square mile. In In Europe there are 830,000,000. Ia Africa there are 210,000,000. In Amerlea, North and South, there are 110,000,000, relatively thinly scatter ed and recent. In the Islands, lsrge and amai), probably 10,000,000. Tho extremes of the white and blaek aro as five to three j the rem lining 700, 000,000 intermediate brown and tawny. Of tho race 600,000,000 aro well clothed, that is, wear garments of seme kind to cover their naked ness , 700,000,000 are clothed, cov erlng Inferior parte of the body ; 260,000,000 are practically naked Qf the race 50u.,000,QGO ,ivo hU8' es partly furnished with the appoint ments of civilisation ; 800,000,000 in huts or caves with no furnishing ; 2fi0.ono.000 have nothing that can h nailed home, are barbarous and savage. Tho rang is from the top most roundthe Anglo-8aon utvll laatton, which ia the highest known down to naked savagery. The portion of tba race lying below the line of human condition is at the very least three-fifths of the whole, ot 900,000,060. Tbe family of Hon. W. B. Hoke, Judge of the Jefferson county, Ky., Court, used St. Jacobs Oil with sig nal success. (J W lnyeelw Co., of Portland, are dul uutboristid adrerttstagagflaas for the DWe oslat for that city. who are coming t ihe front that have been saved ssueh trouble and been direst ed in my et-a by these Democratic signals which Jefferson lilted and which Jackson followed." leers it te with a nnn as genuine sa that of a gold este. suva Yfsixce- The walls ot Babylon sere 350 feet high slave labor. The highest pyramid in existence is 520 feet in height. The temple of Belus at Babylon is aaid to have been 666 feet in height. The Tower of Bable i supposed to have reached the height o' 780 feet. The highest monument in the, world to-Jay is Washington inviuineot 555 feet. Ths highest building iu the world is the spire on St. Peter's ohurcb.Ro me 518 feet. Patent granted to cttuena of the Pacific States during the past week snd reported ex- preaaly for the Dkmocxat by C. Snow & Co., Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash ington, D. C. : John Bean, lAxm tatoa,Cal.,Spraving noz- sle. J A Blla, Pleasanton, Gat, Plow. A Brown, Mendocino, ( al , Cloth winder. P F Byington,Oakland,Cal.,Gage attach ment for printing presses. A Flieger, Portland, Or .Pants hanger. F T Gilbert, Walla Walla, W. T., Gang hoe. N S Hamlin. Marysvillc, Cel., Syringe bottle. A 8 Johnston, Sprague, W. T.. Blotter. B F Mathew.Sn Bernardino,Cal..Wa-.h ing machine. M C Meeker, Occidental, Cel., Gate. C E Plunder, Byron, Cel., Gate. Paul Seiler.San Franciaco,Csl.,Tclephune. John Zeek, Canbv, Or.. Running gear for vehicle. FARMERS ! BEFORE YOU MY A RKHT TO ARY RATS. BE SURE AND 3 SB JIAS0YS WHEEL GATE I PATENTED JUNE 8, ISM. Dan Rice, tbo old oirens clwn, -Uims to be tbe rightful heir to an estate of 300,000 seres in Texas. He says he went to Tex and found the title per feet, and now he has only to prove that he is the son of bis fath r whose nam was MoLtren. The eh nv man's full name ia Daoi1 Rioe McLaren, but he only used part of it f ir professional purposes. He a Ays that he will soon be able to olear the matter up snd that men of means are furnishing him the money to secure his fortune. He start ed oqt aa a clown, and many old citi- ams remember him as a atahle boy tin der the name of Dan McLaren. Ttae rarest r laaaaaaia The parent ef insomnia or wakefulness la in nine ease out of ten a dyspeptic stomach, Good d ideation gives aonnd sleep, indigestion interferes with it. The brain end stomach sympathise, une or the prominent symptoms of a weak state of the gastric organs is a diaturOance of the rrreet nerve entrepot, tbe brain, in vigorate the stomach, and you restore equilibrium to the great centre. A moat reliable medicine for the purposs is Hoa tetter's Stomach Bitters, which ia far pre ferable to mineral sedatives and powerful naroottes. which, though they may for a time exert a soporific influence upon the brain, soon cease to aot, and invariably injure tbe tone of the stomach, ine mi ters, on the contrary, restore activity to tbe operations ot that all important organ, and their beneficent influence is reflected in sound sleep and a tranquil state of the nervous syate , A wholesome impetus is likewise given to Ine aotleti of the liver asd bowels by its u-e, His rats It The Stares! or CssaMastiena. True delieaoy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained in the nse of a California liquid fruit remedy, Sjruo of Figs. Its pleasant testa and beneficial effect have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay ft Mason, wholesale and retail. The Hi est Agreeable As wall as the most effective method of dispelling Headaches, Colds, and Fevers, or cleansing the system.isby tak nst a few doses of the pleasant California lie, uid frnit remedv. Syrup of Figs, 50c. and fl bot tles for sale by Foshay At Mason. The s peri or points ofexoelleney eo u.r in is gate are : The running gear can be sttaekei any common gate. The entire cost nf the gate for neea not exceed . No high pots are needed. All tbe running gearia at the tee. S it cannot become clogged with mad, i or trash of snv kind. It does not fold up nor lip evsr te i norses, mmm . It requires but little fores to si a li foot gate risins onlv one third inch to eacHNYoot of opening, asd the ass ure rising ana railing is only 2 n this on wheels or rollers. It usee no lever or complicates erv. It never gets out of order so as te htaier its working. If the opening snd shutting gear fcs all broken or removed, it ia still th best eats made to open and shut bv hand. It fasten and locks itself snaa ts he hog and stock proof. It can be opened and shut witheet get ting off a horse or hicvele, or eat of e wagon. It is the simplest in rnnr ti wetlee. the easiest to operate, the ' haa pest to and the best gate in existence. Rights wilt be sold as cheap man ior any good gate. No other gate has halfse assay l a. a . 'em nu superior point. A few minutes examination will the truth of these statements. Go and aee a model at Peters A Albany, Or, W. W. CRAWFORD, Traveling Agent, C. H. MATTOON Albany, Or., Gen'l Agt, for Lisa .a a BBa Ktcbsrd Preston, a qosi dealer o Boston, who was alleged to have ab sconded owing between $100,000 and $150,000, was seen on a train going from Portland yesterday. He said he had neither gone to Canada, defrauded anybody, nor intended to. do so. He has been on a business trip Bast to xqm money, and waa taken suddenly Ul in Portlaud. He wai on his way baek to meet bis creditors, and every body wontd be paid dot! at for dollar. Baclilen'a Arrnlea Salve, i The beet salve ia the world iorJCnts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give per I act sat sfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Foshay At Meant, let is Knew. . CHSRRT. JOXX SAJRRSTAW. AL8ANY FOUNDRY ARB MACHIRE SHOPS. CHERRY d HANSHAW. Machine and Mill Boilden, Having opened up the old feandry machine shops formerly ownsd by A, 9, Cherry At Son, snd added new and teas improved machinery, we are svrsasirI to handle all kinds of heavy toseklasry. We will manufacture Steam Stagings, Saw and Grist Mill machinery.also weed waggl ing machinery of all kinds, all kises sf iron and brass castings made ta STOST Repairing of farm machinery a speBislty' Patterns of all kinds mad ea aher notice. The beat assortment jutteri: in the State. Shops corner 1st and Mongeasrv ALBANY OREGON. Let those who want to furnish u wood on subscription, inform us at once, as we must make our arrangement for s winter supply without delav. S TE WART Ac SOX. Successors to Peters A Stewart. deatar in all kinds of shelf snd heaw hardwaie, coal, paints and oils, opposite Odd FejU low's Temple.