Ik geawrcat Kntored at the Poet Office at Albany, Or, tji wi) ii ' ' i am malt f RIDaY ....f O" )BffR N 1886. BTITE3 & HOTTING. Kdiur aad Proprietor. ru r. Ntrrrtxu, Lai turn. COUNTY ffl - P FI'IOIiL PAPKE 5? AA A A When paid strictly in ad $aasalJU v-"c bi will ha the pnoe of the DkmocraT ; at i ht and of the year, $2.50, and there will ba no deviation from tain rule. a ton iint town. The M. A. T. heart but one expression In Albany in reference to W. W. Saunders, the murderer, and that i that justice will OnW be done by his straightening hemp on Dec. -Mr 1 Nothing but technicality or the action of the Governor can prevent it O Sheriff Smhh and deputies kept admir able order In the Court room during the session of Circuit Court last week. O The M A. T. h plaint at the prices charred bv hotel keepers during the Mechanic' fair at Portland. It should be changed to Salem, the center of fair dealing snd reasonable hotel rates, the city of two bit houses with tcur bit charges. O The other evening, so it is to the M. A. T., a spirited game of poker was Albany sa L hinamen The Celes- played in the back room of an loon. In which Whitemen and were mixed up promiscuously. tials were said to be ready for almost kind of an ante, and held their own any against tin harriers. At one time a pile of silver lew than a foot high was stacked on the table. By the way, the amount of gambling said to be done in Albany at the peasant time is targe, lien will even play with Mongolians in order to keep the thing going o The M A. T. in stating last week that the farmer would be excused If he got rid of a few pheasants in protecting his proper ty, did not Intend to imply that he would have a legal right to do so. The Salem is right In sarins that he would Under the statute ha would be just as liable to arrest and conviction If he killed them for game. In protecting his property the famer should do it jmdicimnty, that is he should not shoot during a public auction or Grange picnic ; but when company is scarce. We do not advice him to shoot at all, mind you, for it is wrong to advise .any one to violate a law j but self protection Is the first taw, and the natural Impulse, and if a farm er happens to hit a pheasant in shooting at an apple tree, why then . One farm er asserts that a single pheasant is more de ttructive to a wheat field than a rustling hog, for it not only uses it jaws but Its ter rible wings. Of course the proper way to remedy it is to repeal the law if that Is what Is wanted ; but in the meantime we are as eared some of the birds are going to suffer law or no law. If it is done for game we again say the depredator should pay the penalty ; H for self-protection, there are going to be lots of eyes shut when the gun cracks. O The If. A. T. is told of a very amusing fistic encounter the first of the week, in this city, in which one youth caught a black cod in his eye and the other was salted down for winter use. Both are newspaper men, and appreciate fun if it does take blood. O Guessing at the size of a country is like telling how big the moon looks. The M. A. T. has heard recently random hits at the size In square miles of Ireland and Bulgaria, in which the range was thousand of square miles. Ireland contains 32,000 square miles and Bulgaria 34,000 square miles. Togeth er they are only a little over half the size of Oregon ; but more "fuss and feathers' la heiag made over them than over a dozen Oregon. O Several Linn county farmers hare for gotten to take in theif binders, threshers, etc. If they will take good advice they will do so at once. It decreases the life of machinery many years to have it rusted by a winter's rain .and it is astonishingly strange there are any so extravagant as to submit to it. The man with two bit bottles of grease erasers that cost six cents apiece has been around ; also the man with a heavy receipt for making soft soap ; also the man with a place of perforated tin, called a pleater, costing about two bits, and selling for $3.50 or less ; also others, and more are expected. By all means patronize all of them and al ways pay them their first price (?) It tickles them, ocnousj sly, keep your eyes open. o, r. Matters Grading on the extension of the Oregon Pacific to the Santiam river is being push ed, and will probably be completed inside of two weeks, when track laying will begin. West of Albany the construction train is busy ballasting the road with gravel from the end of the switch, opposite the city. It le reported unauthoratively, that freight and passengers will soon be carried from this city on the road. The south end bent of bridge at this city is up and about complet ed. It is expected the bridge will be ready for trains sometime between Dec. 1st and New Year. When work will be begun on the machine and car shoos is unknown to the Dkmocxat, though there are various rumors in reference to it. tans nee aad a Bat. Last Saturday Tite Marshall and Alvah Arnold were arrested, charged with robbing one Jim Grady of $60 and a hat in the Bank Exchange Saloon. As there was no evidence against them they were discharg e J, by Justice Dorm, before whom they were examined, me testimony went to show that Grady had the money when he came to Albany, but he got so much of what used to be called "corn iuice" inside of him that the matter became pretty mix ed, about ail he knew being that he had neither the $60 or his hat A Matuiflceat etoek of Albums, Meters. Foshay St Mason have just re ceived direct from the manufacturers in the East the finest line of albums we have ever seen in the Willamette Valley. The di play is really superb Of a large variety, in the very latest designs, with no middle men to raise prices, these albums, consid ering quality, are offered at remarkably low rates. It will pay the public to see them if only to see. It will mean bny though. Bishop tirees. Bishop ( j rose preaches in the Catholic Church tn this city next Sabbath morning and evening, n.m, and 7:30 p. m., and on Monday and Tuesday following at 8 a mk and 7 33 p. m. of each day. A large nam ber will avail themselves of the privi- . - 1 " . n.. lege n wiring ine stwilQp. n TRXfl WmkWmmmmmWkWmm PAT Ati ft. ft. ACCtftsWT. Twe Meat Killed en the . r. Last Saturday evening when near Obit wood, a few miles this aide of the Bay, a freight train on the Oregon Pacific was thrown from the track by some spread rails. The construction train waa telegraph ed for and about midnight started for the scene of the accident going backward and taking along two or three fiat cars. On ac count of a fog but a short distant! could Tat seen ahead. The train had gone only a mile or two when it ran Into a land slide of rock and earth, which had fallen on to the track during the previous evening, Cal. Aldrich and William Spellenger, both of Syracuse precinct, m this county, among the hands on the train, and standing near each other on the front end of the head fiat car when the collision with the slide occurred. Both were thrown vi olently from the car on to the rocks beside the track. Aldrich's neck and back, and Spellenger's back, were broken. The form er died instantly, and the latter tivad ten or fifteen minutes. Beatdea these the Engin eer, Mr Robinson, had a lag broken, and I. Hume the Master Mechanic several ribs broken, and others were bruised some, but none seriously. The case of Mr Spellenger Is peculiarly a and one. On the Thursday previous he had led to the alter, at her home near Millers, Mies Effie Miller, and had jest gone with her to the Bay to reside for the pres ent, when the fatal accident occurred. Mr. Aldrich was a friend of Mr Speltenger's, and has family were present at the wedding, aa Having a wife and several children. During his absence at the Bar thar ware living at Mr. Spellengers mother-in-law's. Monday the bodies of the unfortunate men ere taken through Albany to beyond Millers, where they were burled with fun eral services, amid the tears of many rela tives and friends. The Dbmocxat has repeatedly lately called the attention of our dtiaens to the oondbJuus of some of our sidewalks. We are going to keep it up until they are placed in a good condition. People Oat errs to be bored in reference to such matters. Stria- gent measures need to be taken to have the sidewalks all of them -In this city, placed In a respectable condition. A contemporary Is going for the manner in which cows run at large. It Is custom cry for newspapers never to endorse any thing a contemporary suggests ; but this sow business le really a nuisance when con sidered In connection with Albany aa a city. It may be a convenience to the own er, and is, to be able to pasture the bo viae on our commons ; but there le no poetry In having the animal breaking up sidewalks, opening front gates and ornamenting lawns, scaring the wit out of women, etc Tito only proper way, and It is observed in moat Eastern States in cities over even 500 popu lation, is for owners of cow to pasture them In a hired pasture, and drive them to and from their home,mondnga and nights, or go to them. If we are going to be a city why by all means tot us ba one, and wa have an ill will against the cow either. This build ing barns on the sidewalks comes in right nere too as an uncroned practice. That malaria hole just east of the Mag notta Mills, has not been drained, aa order ed by the Common Council. When in Eastern Oregon last Summer Mr J O Wrightsman, of this city, discover ed a vein of hydra silicate of magnesia which is pionounced a good specimen of meerschaum. In its native condition ft la ready for nee either for chiseling or for a polish, being absolutely free from grit, with out any preparation, unlike that found at the Bay, which though pure after prepara tion, requires a waste of four fifths. Ex periment show that it colors in true meer schaum style. As a polish it is sufficiently soft to use without crushing. Mr. W. will investigate the matter until he finds what there la in it. The signal service report at the Roseburg office just received by Mr John Briggs shows the total precipitation from July 1st to Nov. 1 st to be 5.96 Inches. The average for the same period for ten years has been 444 inches. During October the mean ba rometer was jo.it ; range -64 ; highest temperature 8a, lowest, 32.7 ; mean, 50.7, about the average for ten years ; prevail ng direction of wind, N. E.t highest velocity, 16 miles on 27th. Precipitation, 343 in ches ; three frosts, 11, ta, 23. A compari son with the Albany report in another col umn will be interesting. In the case of the State against J. H. Parrient, tried Thursday of last week far assault with intent to kill, the jury came in Friday and announced that they could not agree, and were discharged. Parrient then plead guilty to an assault and was sentenced to imprisonment in the County jail for six months. In the case of the State against J. H. Nitchmen, arrested for stealing a watch, a verdict of "not guilty" was brought In. Taote. Under the new time table of the O St C R R, which went into effect Monday, the North bound passenger train will arrive in Albany at 1 1 25 and depart at 1 1 $M which time the South bound train will arrive, de parting twenty minutes later. The North bound freight arrives at 7 a. m. and departs at 7:35, the South bound arrives at 2:3$ p. m. and departs at 3 p. m. Travelers will take notice else they may get left The October sales of real estate in Linn county, were much larger than even the September sales, and they were the largest in one month for several years. The figures for October, as nearly as we can give then were $119,989. The number of transfers was 104, Many of which being put at a nominal sum, do not represent the true value of the sale. For instance In the above figures Col Hogg's purchase of the Hackle- man property i put at $5. If. If Linn county were to be divided in the middle from north to south, the population of the eastern half would be merely nomin al. Sweat Home would be eight or nine miles this side of the division line. If di vided according to population the seven river counties would just about equal the thirteen inland counties. Their area,though, would be about one-eighth or the latter. A dividing line from eaet to weet would make long stripe about twenty by seventy miles. New stock of fall goods, every line fall, eonte and examine them. Morrarra k BnveaifBA.cn. that the cheapeet place to buy strictly neat elaes goods it at Read k Bbowwbms. A breajcf est delicacy, 25 cents a paekuge. F. M. RstPFTJOP. Following am Ike recorded sales of real essfcto since oar leal teoe t M Bringham to Nellie 0 Royee, tot 8, block 14, ia the eastern addition to Albany , , , , , , , , 8 800 C r I a ram to Itaa H Moate.tn.lot 1, bleak 8 western addition to Al bany 000 George W Yeuan to H M Frrxy, 160 aerm ia tp 18 S R 1 aad 8 w. . . . 8000 & Edwards to Noah Shanks, to ear toot former deed 1400 Noah Shanks to Chas W Little, to cor- root former deed 100 L L Hill toOeo W Harris, undivided one twelfth of 40 acres in tp 11 8 r 1 w : 15 Reabea Beaton to Lather While, 100 acres ia tp 14 8 R 8 w 788 F Levy to Geo Lesley, 235 acres ia tp 14BR8W 10,000 Silas Letireil to Jacob Uses, lot 4. bioek 15, Raletoa's addition to Ubaaon . 400 Benjmia Hard nan et si to W W Perrish, 1 acre to bedaviils 10 R Keekiee, trust, to Mary A Aber nsthy, lolfi, block 77 ia Montoith's son them edditioa to Albany 17S One W Waidler to R KoehW, oeit claim to several tote and aleoka in Montoith's isetern and soatbero addition to Albany 1 Program of exercises lor the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday, toth and t tth, at Brownsville: Reading of Scripture Kev Sweeny. Prayer Rev Robe. Music. Address of welcome Rev Music C Sparry. address T J Wilson Musk. Essay, "The Influence of the Saloon on the Rome "-Mrs E E Pen Hand. Musk. Recitation--Mkw Hettie Miller. Address, "What Relation doe the Saloon bear to the Success of the Gospel" Rev T O Brownson. Muek TMtmBOAY BVgXIMO. Address, "Does Prohibition Infringe Per sonal Liberty" Roy S G Irvine. Ida Knox. Address, "Gospel Temperance"-- II B Address, "Individual the Continuance of the R Musk Wdl Adjournment. Ibtllty f Traffic" for At the next meeting of the Common Council Mr. C. Q Hideout will resign aa Councilman from the third Ward, on ac count of his departure for California As no one has been elected to Mr Peters there will then he only four bars. As the matter is somewhat m and nanny hare became confused oa to who are Councilmen we give their names : L O Marshall and Dr J L Hfti. from First Ward, J Gradwohl from Second Ward and A Cunningham from Third Ward. In or der to see urn the other Councilmen before the December election these will all have to agree, which they will probably not do, as there le considerable of a "hitch" in opin ion nnaxmg them. The CHy Treasurer's of fice U also vacant. The December will give matters a now start. with various colored pom padores, or whatever vou call them, loom ng up in front are worn generally by girls up to old maids. Passementerie with gold, green and blue bonds should be kept track of. O my gloves with brand embroidery are worn with black suits. Some braid trimmings is tan Inches wide- Wide low collars, exposing the throat, am hi order. Wraps, for the tall particularly, are short In the back, tongthing in graceful curvee in front. Three stscs of button are used tor cos tumes, small for closing bodk. medium About two weeks ago Al. Ilerren, CUib Masterson, and two other men, started from Prineville for the Valley. When sixteen mtlea the other aide of Fish Lake Master Tb1. ag. , w son drank a large amount of icy mountain water, immediately after which he suddt ly dropped deed. The party brought the remains about thirty miles, when the con tfltton of the body rendered it impossible to bring it farther, when they dug n hole In the ground, wrapped the body In blankets and buried it. Masterson leaves one sister at Corvallls and one at Gcrvals. The spot where he waa buried waa merited and he will probably be taken up and given a christian burial. Everybody to call at F M French's Jew elry Store and examine hie new styles of jewelry and silverware, also those six dollar stem winding watches, 14 day French clocks, Cuckoo's, Calender's, etc. Gold and silver wntchts for ladles and gents a frkt you swear thoueht of before. The largest stock of spectacles and eye glaasea in Linn county. Every article warranted as represented. Re member the place . The "Comer" Jewelry Store, opposite Odd Fellow's Temple. V. M. FRENCH. ar ctsne Threats. If our throat are clear this week it it owing entirely to liberal doses of Dr. White's cough syrup and cough drops, presented us by Hoffman St Pfeiffer. They take right hold of a cough, cold or sore throat and make the unwelcome visitors take to their heel. Try them. stogie ttatt and Bugte. Cranberries,buck wheat flour, rolled oats, genuine New Orleans molasses and maple syrup, choice ingredients for cakes and pud dings, fancy and staple groceries. r. m. KxnriKLO, i3 First St. ralatlag. Miss Nellie Richards, wishes to state, , that alto It prepared to teach landscape. floral, and satin painting. Those wishing instructions, can call ot her residence on Sixth street. Specimen of work can be teen at E W Langdon's. If you want a cheap baking powder we I have one at 20 cento per lb. If yon want cue tnat is nrst-eiaes you can t 00 nectar than bny our Far West at 36 cents per lb. Remember it is warranted eqaal to Prices or Reyes. BsUK k Bnowtnsx. fJtealt. The largest and beat isteetod stock im the valley nan be toned af Monteith ft Set teabaeb'a. Mud, mud everywhere. fltooau Heart. The following cases were disputed of las t week after going to press, Court adjourning Saturday noon s i t. In re assignment of Inaac MeClung. Final report Med. at. In re assignment A B at orris. Final account filed. at. F A Watts agt Jacob Miller, et al. Equity to set aside deed. Continued. 26, In re assignment R L Stevens. Filed report of sale. 27. Ladd St Bush agt J B Henderson, et al. Foreclosure. Leave to file amended an swer granted. 30. Eva Koker agt John E Kokcr. Di vorce. u ranted. at, R A Ramny agt II L Thompson and Amos Dunham. Action on promissory note. Judgment against II L Thompson, continued as to garni hees. 42. A P Blackburn agt Geo Povle, Mo tlon. Continued. 43. J E Holt agt Wm Alford. Equity to foreclose mortgage. Continued. 44 Breytnan St Summervllle agt. C M Burkhart. Replevin. Verdict, four row for plaintiff ; two for defendant. W W Rlehtrdton agt J B Berry and Action to recover money. Decree or- w mm S3. Board School Land Commissioners. ft R R Humphrey, et al . Foreclosure. wgaiMNtny default. tX The W V A C R R Co airt Ed Cox. Judgment as per stipulation. 56. The W V St C R K Co. agt Vellcgo Cox Judgment for Pl'ff a per answer. ey. The W V Ac C R R Co ant Ira Cox. Judgment as per answer. 67. State of Oregon agt C F Wright. Selling liquor without bond. Continued. 67. State of Oregon agt I II Nltchmend Larceny In shop. Not guilty. stouten County's atoavy Tax -rarer. A few of Benton County's heavy tax payers, with the amounts on which they pay taxes, are the following 1 W R Callaway ..fft.tcc R e Hill 6.560 Ashbv Pearce 8,511 1 In Kcao , M54 C M Vandernooi , mjmmy w wwwwt mrrm i J O and J W Wrightsronn ,,.... John WUe B L Arnold W78 7.S7$ .$45 3M79 John Burnett E W Fisher. ...... John Foster G W Hunt a e e e a 4 acobs St N ob Bros . -G Kline 3MSft R W Moore. 77,000 M76 John Rlckard K.t 0 I! 930 It. too M 8 Woodcock icaSt WmMHoag . Ltto T h Hogg. ....................... 40,176 O P R RT aovcjo touiiney roraar 10,111 H Y Chamber A Bro nau Sam Case &48 Wm Wvatt Aionxo P Gear hart . . . fkjOOO I jr Wm American Mtge Co 3.5?S Mtgeoo 27.189 New England MS Co... M.7SO far Get. at Albany, Unn Co. Oregon, by John !kujge,Eeq. HigSeet Bar. 30 03 1 lowest, 9.90 ; h High est Tempers tern, 77 1 lowaet, 63 1 sao.ftl.33 Moan at 7 a. ex.. 45 fl n. sa.. fftjjf p. a., 00. SO fTcvetftng winds. 0. & it. Maximum vjtori0r force, 8. Total rainfall aad welted anew do riog Nember of days an anion rain fail. 14. Nember of days of eleaJlaeea, average t to scale off 10, 7. Hail Storm, 31. OfttobssrraOtoas 23 were o'eedy. 0 fair M clear, 7 sionaol.t baay, 18 foggy, t rainy. frost oaf or e On Thursday of last week Mr. Charles 11. Cowan died near Prineville, where he went recently for his health. His nephew Mr. Sam Cowan, of Paulina, brought the body to this city by way of The Dalles, and the remains were buried In the cemetery in t I'eisa' Tna 'eeCw5aap aVstfetaaw99Ce fstfw?pa' f stfTsa nervier at the remoenrr of the deceaeecrs nephew, T L Cowan. Mr Cowan was a pioneered Unn county, and was a man highly reepocted by ail. He leaves many relatives and frtonde to mourn hts loss. Oakvillo, Or., Nor. 1st, 18S6. The following Is the report of the Oak ville school for the first month ending Oct. 39th 1 Number of names enrolled 33- Those not absent daring the month are, Charlie Clem, Elmer Clem, Osmind Smith, Willie rtonltli Otto Stone, Minnie Morgan, Minnie Gouey, Annie Paulson, Mary Bedford, Del la White, Amy White. J. FaxD Yates, Teacher. eon Lebanon, Or., Sept 30th, 1886. On the first day of September, 1886, I insured my hophouse and hope in the State Insurance Company, of Salem, and on the Hth day of September, t886, I lost by fire both the hophouse and hops and the Com pany's adjuster called and adjusted my toss to my entire satisfaction. I received to-day from the hands of their agent tne sum at $43aAP whkh Is perfectly satisfactory, and in full of my claim under the policy issued to me by the State insurance company. KSBECCA ), WALLACE. The vary . an I bare added to my boot and aace stock a line of the celebrated Laird. Schobor k Mitchell. Fhiladehohia Fim Shoe for ladies, misses and children. Acknowledged by I dealers generally to be the beat yalaa and heat fitting fine thee made, widths u, u, a, I and EE. A child can bny aa cheap as a man. OAMtrgL B. YOCKO, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. Vina ramJtnr, aad Hovel. W. Fortmitler Co.. have iust received some of the finest furniture ever seen in Al j bany. Among other things are several nov ! el designs In chairs, some elegant center stands, loumres and other upholstered goons in style ; a superior line oi bed-room sett, and some handsome sideboards, in me matter of furniture they will not be out I done in the Valley. Just Received. Jaat received from 'Frisco a One assart tt of new goods. We will give yea better bargains, later sty tea and bettor qualities for less monev-than aov other shoo in town. We shall endeavor tn make it to yoar interest to eau and examine goods. E. AC, Howard. Send Burkhart A Keeaey names and ad dresses of friends desiring information of Ore gen and tbey will eead them copies of the Rml Estate Conveyor which contains a com plete description of one eoonty ia each iesa with either desirable information aa weather, market report, etc. SHEARS A SCISSORS Summary of Meteorology Tne cnest stack by tar sver seen ia Albany jaat received at Stewart ft Sox cfftttgjrt fsVKora, H Summervllle. F P DeVanev and lohn W Pugh wore selected as trial jurors to the v uourt at Portland from Unn county. One of the most frightful accidents in the hUtory of R R travel occurred on the Chi cago. Milwaukee St St Paul R R Thursday of last week. A brakeman of a freight train failed to cloae a switch. A fast passenger train was thrown from the tracx and eleven or twelve naaaanaere In one coach were burned to death or killed outright. The conductor of the freight train went insane. The Portland World make the set lou charge Against Cept Lanning, of the Red Crowa Flouring Mills, that whUe in Port land during the Mechanic' fair he klseed the premium baby. Twenty-nine XJ S P M' earned ks than 8 each last year. Columbus,Gk.,has a population of 74,215. A Chinaman in Pennsylvania was recent ly made a K. of L. In Oregon he could come a near being made Governor. Albany Is booming sure enough. She has throe brass banns organised already, mi bras enough left for several more. Eugene Riritter At test account it was thought the writer of the above would recover. Poor Eugene, it isn't getting quite as much atten tion as Albany, aye, there's the rub. The three cities with the best prospect in the Inland Empiie am generally considered to be Spokane Fall, Pendleton and Baker City. The flah Interest at Yauulna Ucv U grad ualiy Increasing. A Newport paper put it at $25,000 for the past year. A fata! accident happened InM week In a peculiar manner ,on the Columbiaabout five mile from St Helen. A Portland paper five the following account of It : Hem y tawkins and a young man of his own age, from Portland, were out shooting duck. A flock, of ducks passed overhand both Haw kins and his companion crouched down on the ground, with the understanding that they were to hoot simultaneously. Both snapped their guna. Ha wkln's went ofLand thinking hi companion's gun had exploded, he rose. The other gun, a muxxle loader, had hung nre, However, out just a Hawkins was ris ing it dlc turned It load and Hawkins re celved the full charge in the head.hl brains being blown out. Hi companion, whose name could not be learned, became so ex cited after raportfng the accident that he could hardly tell where It occurred, but he nnallv managed to locate things and Hawk ins' body was found. Sunday morning a freieht train on the O R It N R R, near Alkali, struck a boulder, throwing the engine and fifteen car from the track. S Hil v,the fireman, waa crushed to death T P Burke, the brakeman, was badly scalded, had a leg broken and died a few hour after the accident. The engineer tough not fatally injured. This was very much such an accident a that on the Oregon Pacific. ly, near Belgrade, Montana, the following account of which is given by a Helena paper: in the loraftoon, as a freight tram was run mounted on a lively horse.began running a race with the locomotive. Be had not gone far when the horse, either from fright or Innate cussed neas, began bucking moat ob stinatel v.and becoming uncontroilahle,eit her lumped or tell backward between the mo Ing cars. Young Jones was cut almost In two acros the hip ; hts lege were cut and broken and hi ku!l crushed. The young man was a nephew of lame Kennedy, a wait known and wealthy ranchman and stock grower, living near Belgrade, It le said to have been a frequent occurrence for horwmen to race with train nesr UuU point, the ground being level and open and the A Boston man recently mid ; HI don't care If vour paper print a million topic a day. What I want ia a newspaper which goes among the purchasing cla. I want a respectable paper -grogshop circulation dam not sand me customers for mv goods Warn ha In Albany he would rush to the Dastot a at office, for tt peculiarly reaches a In a raid by the Governor of Mexico, tost week, on a body of men who had killed the Governor' couin, fifteen men met their death. A project is oa soot to run a telegraph HBO across the Pacific to Australia. The President has Issued hi thanksgiving ocUmatton for Thursday, November 35, According to a Seattle neper that city is very dlstinaruiahed. It enlovs a number of marked distinction. "It Is the only town In the Territory with an electric light system, and Seattle has two syetema. Gas fat sold here at a lower rate than any other town in Oregon, Washington or Btltish Columbia. This ts the only town on the Pacific slope teem tnree teiegrapn system and otneee. No other town In the Territory has a street car line, and no other town has an electric fire alarm system. There are more new papers here, more telephone subscribers, more schools, more beautiful profesetonal men, more Industrie commerce than in any other two towns In Washington Territory. Seattle is also the extreme northwestern terminus of the rail road system of the United States." Baker City's lateet murder case involves prominent persons. George F Iracl,a law yer, shot E D Cohen, a capital let. The latter was trying to foreclose a mortgage against J Fancy, for whom Israel appeared. A quarrel resulted, a revolver snapped and Isreal Is pleading self defense. A little boy entered a Walla Walla gro cery store and said to the proprietor. "I wish you would give me an empty barrel of flour, as I warn to mane a nen coop tor my bull pup." The water pipe party beat the steam en gine party last Monday at Ashland. At a rainbow nartv In East Portland re cently Mr Will Webber took the prUe for hemming an apron tne poorest. A correspondent of a Salem paper claim that there is more lawlessness and law breaking in that city than In any city of a tike population and parallel location which he ever saw. 1 he only ordinance entorceo, ho ears, is the cow ordinance. All cities have this sato a Dour, mem sometime. Mrs A T Stewart' will was opened Mon day Judge Hilton and Charles Clinch get ine uon s snare, ocverai rciauvc m jm. a A legacies of $10,000 to Sarxopo a year, and her servants were cut off with the small pittance of $35,000. $18,008. to were put Into the pool box at the Walk Walla fair. That it about the ize of most fairs now-a-duys. Mere gamb Ung af -fairs. UmM Bee be. the Portland embezxler, re cently arrested in Mexico, pleaded guilty A correspondent who saw a wheeled chair beine- run in Albany, suggests that the wheels be changed o tne navigating rime will be on the inside. The other dav an Amltv farmer went into town with a load of wheat, remarking that he was either going to find out the cause of the low price of wheat, or some one would get "thrashed." That day three men had their heads in sling and tne mar- . ' a .' mar. shal had a first-class job. Last Monday night two Pendleton toughs named Anderson and Ward began simul taneous! v to fire at each other, firing three or four times noiece. Both were wounded in the head, Anderson seriously, Ward only slightly. It Is expected ballasting on the O. P. be tween this city and Corvallls will he com oleted bv Nov. 3th, when trains will be win runninu. frelcrht and passenger, from up- " - Albany to the my. 16a vote were cast at the McMmnville election last Monday, indicating a popula tlon of a thousand or less. S M Daniel. B. S., 'Sc. has left the field of pedagogues and gone to merchandising in Scio. As Mrs Daniel is a graduate of the Commercial Department, she can do the honk.keenine and be a true hchier in the business. Normal naueator. The Yaauina Post advises it readers to lose any sleep over the rumor that O P will be extended to Newport, it says the report is a canard. Fancy deeds. Those desiring the lateet novelties ia laces, buttons, clove, etc., should call on Mon teith A Seitenbnca. ,M.., out Alfa ABSOAft) K M French, jeweler. The beat harass at J J Dubruilies, Keep your eye oa Freooa's sh w window. 0Mt4age for Mason's gate at Stewart ft Sox's, For stoves and tin war 3 stout go to John Brlgga, The last OP freight own 1 to Albany by steamer. Orators served in all style at fioffmso k PMffer's. i. P. Wallace, Physioiau and Hurgson. Al baay, Or. Fur namos. nines and hose at oast no t John Brirga. ' ' Toe Hslsm fanning mills for tale at Deyoe k It'ibson's. Doc Conn is putting op a house io the Third Ward. i. W Maston, Pbyskian a vl Murgcoa, Albany, Oregon. laagtry bang friaxiof Iran, the very best, at rttswsrt and Mot's. The number sure! ted at the public school ia Albany is over 370. Piano for sale Call at resUlaaee of Lrjui filler, near school house. Largo redaction ia tbe price of shot at W,li Brothers, Albany. Or. If yon want a Caekeo ekok . go to French tbe "Corner' Jewelry Store. Hit shaven for a dollar and a otsaa to! to every customer, at L. Vuuiek'e. Sheriff Jordan, of Multnomah eoonty, has been indicted for bribing a witness. For a general assort reset of boese famish ing goods at cost go to John Hrirfgs, Rev K R Thompson uro'il tu tit Cl- vury Charon in Portland last Sbbeth. The residence and barn of John Law reuse. near J auction, were burawi fW days ago. 1C French, agent Stager Maaafacteriag Co., opposite Odd Fellows fmpl, Albany, Or. Low rents, no clerks and eautt profits snake cheap greceriae at Read k BrowooH's. For a good Hath Tnoma wateb or clock go to French's, tbe "Corner" Jewelry Store. BrN C Boatman. Physiman and Surgeon. first door north of telegraph otfioe. Alt any, II mortal services were held ia Kagus of to late Dr K fjhtaday io oommemoratiot iity. Dr. 14. if. Elite, physician surgeon city or All any, Oregon. Celie mad io 0000 try. A magnineent line of eeofeettouary st Hodman Ac rtmar', for ! at to retail. fresh Yauaine Say an 1 Eastern oysters constantly os band after to-4y at rfotfuan fis eJfi'f mt At tbe "corner" jewelry stora yon will find prtees sa low as the toa-ost. All goads warranted. A splendid Una of apholatered furniture J 01 raeetvau at W Fortmtilar k Cos. Cll and eaamina. Pally a dense new hoeem m y be seen ia sateen part of the city, all erected with in a few weeks. Oi to the caoloeive Boot and Shoe Store of Eead ft ftrowneirs for the host goads at tbe lowest pttoeo. Darts Brothers, of Srtedd, shipped five hundred boxes of apples to Han Kraactsoo the firto of tbe week. Deyoe ft Bobeoa have a large stock of the beet plows made oa hand. They will be sold at badrock prion. Go to Pros haw asw Drag Htore for Qjraea, Bataat saediaiasa. ate. n Last week the ferrymen at Basna Virtu i w seff JMvfc faflo)Ct wobooo Watches, clock and jewelry earefailr re paired and warranted at K M f ranch's, the ''Corner'' Jewelry Stora. A fine new lamp and post may now be seen 10 front of tfetfaaan ft Pfsiffera. aa Banyan t to their plafr Albany Itegiae On. No, L will grand ball at the Upera House ea Thanks giving night, Nov. 25th. Tbe next State Legislate re should be en der great eoatonttoue to the peeee of for several returnee of ad line. Apple bring Pnu villa, Ih in token there from Lino county HuUceipttoa for all tbe leading newspa- reeeteed syr L Kenton, 0 the Post Offios, Albany, Or. A paetpkin waa st Albany garden a lew night ago, ewuer claims he has the thief John Briggs baa en hand three Plnmmer Frait Dryers which s rillsul st 9Qtto TstMiJf 4nPS tai bdnt LA oldt 0s)Afs9 Use Catholic sehool opeme in this city oa nest W'euueaday, and, we aadarttanl, the samispaats for a large stteadsaus are goad. Perseus deetrtng one pocket knivee of a w brand, warranted, should call at Will Brae, They bavs just gotten 10 anew stock The first through train from May's Land tag to Cobarg wane over tbe Narrow Gangs last Monday, and wm run regularly aftr. A eoeeiai election will be held in Mult- nemah eoaaty on Nov, 23rd. to ot to Representative D W Taylor, re signed. Albany mervbanto are warned to stamp their olssmsrgsrine butter. As a matter of fact no ttompa will probably be needed in too city- J E Sorbin, proprietor of the Boat House bar, of this city nan bean offered the position of Chief of supplies oa the Canadian Pacific Jkw Japw0r u yJJett Poor bushels of Italian rys gram, raised by Jas W Marka, of Lebanon precinct, may be toned at Burt hart Keeney tor twe. It ia the very beet. Joseph Russell, a Southern Oregon boy mot to the penitentiary for as van years for Billing a oompao on, lu beau pardonea al ter serving two years. Burkhart ft Keeuey sell ticket over the Northern Politic Rail Road to all point east. Call on them for rata and oiape showing route of travel. A. Countryman is running a wood saw ia this city. Were each an institution to be ..,i k,, . Mr)ta I Uttv IUW vuviavivu aesraraaw www iuvuvho wi siwp K rm . it would do a eood business. Rev Rotainger will begin bis dates as pas tor ef the Congregational Church next Sab- hath. On that day there will be regular morning and evening services. Wednesday Sheriff Smith's bond aa tax collector was hi ad with the County Clerk. It it for $60,000, end the sureties are thiee of tbe solid men of tbe county. Should yon desire to tell your pr,.-rty call on Burkhart k Keeney as they adv i rties property placed io their bands, and charge nothing unless tbey effect a tale. At the Baptist Church on next' Sabbath evening there will be a TV ill 1 am Cary mis sionary service, under charge of tha pastdr. A general invitation 11 extended all. A reception will be given at the Goagit - gational Church this (Friday) evening, to the new pastor of tne eonrch, Kev ft v Komi a ger, to which a geaersl invitation it extend ed. A largo number of farmer who had wheat stored at Tangent hauled it to Albany, mak ing three cents a bushel by the operation. due entirely to tbe Oregon racmc. rat a pin in that. We are informed that Prof Walker, who is teaching tha Hunts villa, W T., school it meeting with uncommouy good saoaeet. a good teacher and a thorough school the verdict there. The new time table on the 0 and C, con fuses matters a little in this city. Parties going north must remember that it is nee- to be on hand ntteen or twenty mm- utea earlier than usual. Leak Friday Mia L H Montanve, of this aitv lest a valuable diamond, which she not taking from a jeweler's to her home. It waa the valuable not only intrinsically but ae a tarn ily relic, and of coarse its lota it greatly de plored. Mr Billion, am ootagentrtan, of Corvallis, fall in a or liar last Sunday, breaking a and recti ing other teriooa injuries. On count of lis extreme age, $4 year, be nrobtbiy not recover from the effects of aooidmi Tne first of the week D J Corker ,a Lafay ette ntarohaet, waa foully maiden at his home, an ax being th weapon used. Several handred dollars in money ware s?ln from Workers trunk. Some Chinamen ire sax pso td of tbe crime. A subscriber to lb Dauoca.tr, tot now a resident of the State, says, "I bavs discon tinued all my yalley papers except th DflstOCneT and one other, aad I continue the DanocntT because it is the beat paper , tbe valley.' Correct. If von read this heforel.ThtiMUt- and have forgotten tbe face, got ready and go to the A II camp fire, at tb Opera mOOs. Hear Prof McKlroy and the other boys, and bid oa the fine motor of )nrJ Grant to pay expenses. Last week Mr. Hobeol. iau rotation u th. infernal regions) pu rebated the farm of Hunt aor Baed, near Wells Station, ooaaistiug of 200 acres, pay ton $7000 for it. it is one of tne meet fertile farms ia tbe yalley. There are now four ooenpaute ia the coun ty jail, to-wit ; W W Saunders, tie mar derr ; James Jimeea, the illegal voter ; L Hockley, tbe thief ; J H Pameot, tbe leg liootiM. BuoUey will drou out iu two. Jamison intbree and Parrient in six months Tbe Albany Choral Society wss organized at the College Chapel last Tuesday evening with the following onteer : O tf Irvine, f rettdent ; Win Kurtmiller, ttmmmtft J W H Lwe, Mnaical Director. During the win ter the ftoeiety wth give public entertain atento. Nothing attracts iao. attention at th Poet Office in this city tHaofe letter to the annullable letter om addrassed t tbe Mercury, Portland, Or. The handwriting is always meet cn fully eualytvd. There are some who woakl like to know ike au thor. The November Si t jaunt 0 A merit an Hi' toru has a superb portrait of Governor Toon Powaall, from the celebrated lxrd Orford painting, in Knglaad. Two of, P. w nail's pencil drawing of A mericsa scenery aboet the Middle of the Ustoentory, are reproduc ed among the aniqnc ilUtratioo. ; also hie home while Governor of Mssmebnmnta, aad aa original letter of his (never before pubiieb ed) discbetng the fact of his rafaaal of tbe Qoveraorahip of New York. Tbe second article of tbe number. "The Henaitaee. a North Carolina acme of great age, belongs to the popular ri of 'Historic Homes.'' Then we have asuuBimion of bright and in teresting papers "Tbe Kirt Anarchist," by Arthur Dudley Vinton ; "Braddock's De feat," by T J tfhapman. A. M. : "Virrinia Cooonest of Nortiiaeatern Territory.'' by J C Wells, etc. Tbre is not a doll lioe ia the whole nember. Tbi peri.Niicl kas fairly and jeatly earaad ta bixh pnitit aa '".he beet pobhcatio't tH t' km ! in the world. Price, fjfj a rear ia ailvaooe. Pnblidied at 30 Lafayette Place, New York City. eocitL tt rnsteat J edge Boise and family have gone Beat. Mice Ida Webber is in Portland en a visit. Mrs G B llairfbt, of Yaoutos City, is ia Albany. (apt C P Powell, of Portland pent Sat - bath in Alban . P H Ravmnud and family were ia the city oyer .Sunday. Mr J F Joee and wife have looatod on a farm near Peoiia. Mr Nimrod Payao returned from East cf the atooatatos hurt Sunday. Miss Ida Brush left for the Rest lawn Teat day, to be gone several atoutbt. C H Stewart went to Portland Taeaday in icwer to a subpoena from Jedge Deady. Mr Daniel Beat left (or San LeandtCal.. the first of the week, to reside ia the fetor . Mr Iter J W Harris, of Salem, soeut aWbbatb and several other days in Albany. Hon L B Mcutaaye went to Portland tan first ot tbe week t sttendfa cam in the U. 8. Court. Mr Charles Hscklewse. of Lebanon, waa ia the city lueedav. being here to attend the funeral of Mr V H Cowan. Miss Mettto AUisua left Moadsy moraira for San Fraaoiaoo, by way of Yaontita Bay. to be goce all winter, it is reported. J D Arthurs, of Brownsville waa in the city Wednesday making arraagsmsats to send hi daagbt r to the Albany Collegiate Jsa Boyd and wife, of 8m Jose. Ce who bare been visiting ia the city, the Miteet of Mr Topktaaa. left for their borne test Satur day, by way of A ah lead. Mr C Q Hideout Mt Monday neon for San Loandro. six n lies from Oakland, Cat, here ha will nave charge of Mr Beat's large separator and threshing factory. He will be followed 10 a taw weeks by Mrs. Hide out. Tbey wilt make that their home. lotto Pjet Kev. tut, ION. fi tan sate ea AtuH4ee, Mto Eli OWsSlla sfojsleoti porter, miss a fteaata, 0 S Vtage, Br fx a ntag, MlHea Beya, KM. C I BSXUttL J,:,hn (') Kratt, D O ntrergauag, Tl watt, is J. M. IRVING, P. M. Don't forget that N. A. Allen k Co.. take l'fuw su caowmgv inr insrous uiso as son 1 : v 1 - ' . .1 mtrket prioes. Tarauk uouw. n. Allen for your l.atttu g yarn. They have in etoek. a targe line of German knitting. Saxony, etc, in ail. color. APGin hces. W. T. ha been named Voor- Hoaay io the eoab, in cane, and in balk, pure aad cheap. P. M. Rxnriti.D. Notice Is hereby given that my wife, Abbarilla Powell, has left my bed and board' aithout cause or provocation, and that all persons are warned not to harbor or credit her on my account, as I will not be respond ble for any debt or liability she mav contract. llalsey, Nov. 4th, 1886. Thomas Po ki.i.. money TO LOAN la nms to suit !U' RK HART St KtXNBT, Albaay, Or. 80 ACRES Of good laud for sae, nn Ur eul ,ivati a, on rand five mile south of Albanv. moosite MoOees residence. Pro. S2400. Teim easy. Address n Mr, tt. K. rxii Bf4 Corvallis, Oregon MAsTKIEB. SPELLINGER MILLER. On Oct. a8, noise isat. sttftssWotBJf k wfctj1 KafA frf ls3sttHV ftflasVs9BBfP tanon calllac tor Uxm lotler wtaeh tawy ware di wlissi : 1886, at Miller's, at the residence oi Mrs Maria Miller, by K L Dorris, I, P. Mr William SraLt.iNogR and Miss Effik Miller both of Millers. LEWIS GILL1S. On Nov. 3rd i8S6,at the Court House, In Albany, by George Humphrey, J. P., Ma Thos Lewis and Miss Gixerva Gillih, both -f Sweet Home. lag ac BOKS. will the READ. On Monday, Nov. istjn Albany to tne nte ot w. r . kcsuj a gi 1. ShertTs Sale. In tint Circuit Conrl of th. Stato of CfOJMXl'. Linn Conn', Walter Huston, Plaintiff. yx. W H Hdston and Sarah J Houston, bio eyifa and James B Roberts, Defendaate. Notice is hereby given that by virtue at an execution aad order of sate issued ant of the above named Court ia the above entitled suit, I will on Saturday tbe 1 1 th day of Dc oember, 1886, at the Court House doer at tbe city of Albany, Liiccounty, Oregon, at the hour of One 0 clock, p. at,, sell at patete auction for cash in hand to the highest etu dr the real property described in said a cutiori and order of Sale as follow, to-Wit 1 iioginiiiog st the sontbwest corner of the location ind claim of Paul Clover. MotitW. tioo No mm and Cfeim Wo. fit ad re.,-. niug thence north twenty-five ekwan : tawwee east forty chains ; theuoe ssstth attar chain and forty-Hve links i then 1 i-t twenty-veveu and one half ehaias : tbssaee oath nine eliaias and tilty riv Itet ; west sixty -seven an t owe a Uf e.i ulaon of begieniaa. oontainina and twenty Imr acres more isr toe utwJivtded tweety-utae thirty eeaaada of ail tbe lauds herin efier described as fas low, to wit s 1U ginning tweotyOve ehatoe north ot tbe southwest corner of Pawl Ul rver donation land claiui above dew:: t bed and running thence aorta seventeen abates thence East forty obaino ; thence south seventeen chtios ; thence wast forty ehaiat to the place of beginning, eoataiuteg altty. eight acres .nore or less. Also hegtoaiM- aa tbe qoarter section corner betweaa aselues twenty ox aad thirty -flra and raaawtak thence south twenty ebarna ; rfasnes weet tweevy cbsiu ; thence ia a awthwea naarae to a posuOaeveiity rrd a.ath et the -rtn wast corner f aectioa thtrty-rlve y t tosae west to the eaat into of the dmsttea lead claim of William Vaegkai., Kntiftceiion If a. 1 m 'jiratsawssnlO mm ; tbenee W east to tbe If C of said Botihratton 8H34 1 thtnn aat sootheast eonar of eead Pan! Ctorar'e tton tend otoim linHflaatJjn Wo. 8088; 1 north etna chains and nftv-aune ltone to aha south boundary lit of the Thomas M Wester land claim. Notification No. 9097 ; tatoMa eaet to a paint, due north of tbe plane af beginning ; thence south to the pteo of be ginning, containing eighty-five aad 96-100 acre more or lew. Also the N 'A ousrter of N E quarter of 8E quarter of the If Woear tar of 8 E quarter N W qesrter and 8 W quarter of S W quarter of S E qoarter, and the S W quarter of ff K quarter of S W atUt aad tbe X W quarter of 8 E quarter mi 8 W qoarter of section thirty-six the oa other of sections and No. of chums heretofore mrntfia ed ia tbi conveyance are situated ia Town ship fifteen south range three weet ef Wil lamette meridian in the county of Lmu and State of Oregon. The proceeds of sato to ba applied fim to the payment of the esnOj af suit taxed at 29 aad seeming eoste. Hast to the payment to the l'ituug beewia the mm of tV.m with interest at the rate af toft per cent per i annum from Oetebse fSth, 1888, her earn of $90 Attorney's fane, payment to tbe dafsaiisftt J B aansrtl oxlfj rtraMfsa' I Next to tbe payment B skirts tbe earn of $1 173.90 and 1 tbe rate of tea per cent net 1 tuber 25th, 1886, and toe farther 1 Attorney fees and the overptee if be to be paid to the def tndant W Dated tbi 4th day of D. o. SheniJ of loan Sheriff Sale. a the CircuM Court 0 the otete t0rtmm Linn County. Z P Moody, Govern'. K P Berhart. tary of state aad Bdward Hiraok. Tr of the State of Oregon.onastitariaa the tonrd of isiiinin for the sale of eokenl and university lands aad for tbe tovattatmt of tbe funds arising therwfresa, Platottfa. a. Allie Ann Famer. Andrew Bird George Famer, It B M BorrelL be John Farrier, Ella Famer, er aad Frederick Notion ia haweby given that by rirtnoef aa exeeattoa and order of sate xataad out of M 1 sjbem . mi I Cna ki we 1 wee saftfjiol ait, I will an SUurday the 11th day of De- esmuer, inon. at tne court House ton city ef Albaay, Linn county. ( the hour ot one o clock 0. m.. ell at auction for cask ia hand to the hit der the real property described to said aao eutaon and order of sale aa follows to-wit : The northeast lartcr of tbe south west qaer est quarter and lota 2, 3 and 4 of 24 in Township 12, south of Baaau 1 too wtiinmetto nsendian in containing 154 13-100 1 of sale to be applied first to payment of th oaste and expenses of taxed at 837. 7a and aooramg eeate and further kom of 840 Attorney's fern. Heat to the payment to the Plaintiffs herein the earn ef f 16740 wiib interest at the rate ef 8 Kr cent per annum from the 27th day of Sober, 1886. and the overfdaa if any to he pain ia to tne Uterfc of said Uoert, Dated this 4th ly of November. 1888. D. S. Sheriff ef Linn county, To Tax Payers- Notice i hereby eiuen that I will meet I the Tax-payers of Unn count v. Oregon, at I m .'..l-l- . - : .21 . V- 9 o clock, a. m. and remain until 4 o clock. a a . . - - . p. m. at their respective places of voting in the several precincts at the following tjmsa and places for the purpose of collecting the taxes for 1S86. Fox Valley, kf ondav, N"v. at, 1886. Scio, Tuesday, Nov." ,33. Franklin Butte, Wednesday, Nov. 34. Santiam, Thursday, Nov. 25. lcbanon, r ndav, Nov. 26. Waterloo, Monday, Nov. 29. Liberty, Tuesdex Nov. 30. Sweet Home, Wednesday, Dec. t. Brush Creek, Thursday,' Dec. a. Mabel, Fridav, Dec. 3. Crawfordsvilic, Friday, Dec. J. Brownsville, Saturday, Dec. 4. Center, Tuesday, Dec. 7. Orleans Wednesday, Dec. 8. Syracuse, Thursday, Dec. o lfarrisbure, Tuesday, Dec. 14. llalsey, Wednesday, Dec. 15. Shedd, Thursday, Dec. 16. East Albanv, Fridav, Dec. 17, West Albany, Saturday, Dec. 18. Prompt payment will be required. Pay your taxes and save cots. D. S. Smith, , Sheriff and Tax Collector. Dated, Oct. ttfcth, 1886. H.EWERT Keeps "onatantly on bond the Largest and Finest mM' . otk of JEWELRY, WATCHES, CL.OOKS, SP6CTAOU.S, in Albany, Is agent far B0CKFORD WATCHES. texeef 880 Repairing done promptly and akillfoiy . HORSE LOOT. About two tracks ago. from AlVtajj a large sorrel! er e, in thin crdatioa, Vrt hands high. Bought near Coresilia. A suiiaiM 1 rev ar 1 win re girea tot its r at to Roanraos A Wmm, nj