V the goiwctat. NOVEMBKR ft, 16 TV S iei.- Uu Rsoistsr ste: Wuru tre Democrats went our ot nearer h leal ohenge in the 8 tc t lrociu i t'i a, h -oh l fund of tb a t a n $566. 000, iino whirl, iiiftf a4r rVpouiloee rule it hes in creased to $568,000. In the sis year previous to aurrendeilnsr frower the Dovweta had diaboMed $220,000 for utihiio school fU' i' th 'x ' ... & 1 J vees ftiOOr, the Hepnblican paw (Hi f r lb Mmn purp 18T8 ueeVr Dx" ih att of tt oi.tug e f r the e u iMirp faOOtWU. in ruo muafetnent aoh mesne itit'nt IA Mr wet. In 1885 under Ke- HtKhon uin4iunut it wee only $3 oar Mk. D iriug the lest two res. nf Dmnocratio ruin it oet the state $16 92 per jeer for .be keeping and ear of ch touviei in the Stats pruuo. A' 'h Tttt r-t in 1885, X wee otW i lu then Mr tear end ta being decreased. When the K )" ' oftM were returned to power in 1878 the um was in debt to the eejount of ;73r.7U. which with over $200,000 inbereet has tAueo hwin peid.only $142, 000 of it etaoding oat at tbft date cd tb last report In 1885, whioh het since heen lieiida'ed ad th ette is to-dav .f irtuallr olenr of public iadebteduoee, aad ftll thee 7r pnnlio imprwveeaenu ' have hD puahed forward repidlv., There it about a much chaff io the above ftt it would ho possible to got to that a nob ejieoe. Lit ut take ft atatit tieel view of tbU matter, and wo csn ' then ftta that the R jitter it either very unfair and uaetadid, or tbt h-, i c m - eaqoaaoe of baling bat reeittly come to the ttaie, it ignortnt of the history i ' of tke irrednoible tohool food and otber Mtfconenokea of aboTe. Ia 1868 the . Deatoerata oarrted tbi sUte.for tht fire! - time since the war. They elected both ' branches of the 1 agister are At that time the irreducible school fund was 11242,000. Ia 1872 it reached the so no of $450,000. Io 1874 it van $504,000. Ia 1876 it rat $525,000. Ia 1882 at the expiration of Got. Vhsyer's term of office this fund amonated to $655,000. Io 1885 it amounted to $868,000. Nuw these are the facta. But what d thy abov. Simply this : This irreducible okrwU fnnd arises from the tale of tohool loads. If there were more lands old by ooe board thsB aoother.it simp ly arose from the fact that there wa a greater demand for euch landt at one time tbaa another. It was merely a question of bow assay purchasers would apply to the board to pn rebate these landt from time to time. Every one knows that in cootequence of the flush ing of the N. P. B R- a great demand for school Ifcods be prevailed daring the let four years. We are told that daring the lent six years the Democrale were io power they disbursed $220,000 foi public school purposes, iu the six. years since the Republicans hare paid out $855,00$. It it said compar ieent ere odious, end tbe RegitUr will and it so io this ease when he wakent uu to the fact ifiat tbe Republicans heM power from 1862 to 1870,nd tbet during ail that time they did not di$ fcsrt out otai for public school porpotee, aa i that, too, ia feee of a law that re quired a yearly disbursement of tbe in terest anting from tbe loan uf tbe irre daotble eobxl fund. And it was s Dsnmcrat ic Governor and board that toade the first distribution ever mee la the state for that purpose. Tbie was ia 1 $71, nd hit disbursement hi beeu roguUrly stade ever sineefsnl,of course, at the food increases from year to year, lilr atB uat ditburted will iocrese io pr iptirtien, to that there it do credir attaches to either Damoorattor R im b lleos whan they simply do their duty. Then we are told tbi in 1878, nodr Democratic maoagtment, it cost $6 per week to cere far each iosane patien;, while ia 1885, nndet toe Republicans, it oust bat $3 per week. Now for the facts. Up to 1878 no steps had ever been token to build an intact asylnm. Prior to that time they bad been let eat at private contract to private par tics. Prior to 1878 it cost $6.50 to $7.50 per week to take ctre of tbe io sane, but at that session a Republican legislature passed an act authorizing the Governor to mike a contract for a period of six years st $5 per week. The reason of tbe reduotion in the price was bees use of the increase in tbe number of pat!ents,whieh enabled the contractor to keep them tt a lets Sgure (ban form erly. It was a Democratic Governor who first recommended that an insane asylum he bailt and tbe state take ebsrge of tbe insane. This was done, and it enable tbe state to care for tbe insane much cheaper than at private contracts. Now as to cost of keeping eonvictt.in tbe penitentiary. Mr.Butb, the last Democratic Superintendent, in hit report to tbe legislature in 1882, says : "The weekly cost of keeping the con riots for the past two yearg,from Sept. lit, 1880, to August Slat, 1882, inclusive, has been one dollar tod eighty- two oent't and forty -three hundredth! of a cent each." (S,e page 7 of Re port) Mr. 8trattim,R -publican Superinttn dent, io bit report to the legislature of 1885, aayi: "fhe grost expense per week for keeping each risoner since I hare been in charge bat been $2.19 and a fraction, a coat somewhat greater titan the (jro9 expmeefor the two yean previ ous." (See Report, page 9. ) I nut it appear tnat all tnat was said by tbs Register to make some cheap capita) for the Republican party eaa bo tuoostafuily answered an i much of it flatly denied. TUB ItlrtlSXl. The result of Tuesday's oloctioos is a raixeU ono. Hewitt, dra., It elected Mey. r of New York, over George, labor, and H- r aoveldt, rep. The democratic maj .rlty In Congress reduced to l B in . II rrls nit beaten for Oongrera.Csnitle In doubt. New York goet democratic on mate tlrket. Oslf irnlu very rose. New J r- v deiooeratlo bv 8,000 and a ftiiotll id j rlty In the Legislature. Indiana pmpahly republican. MaS Hachuatta and Mlunesnta rlote. Vor heea, dim., elected Delegate from WiiahlriKtan Territory hy 2,000. THKV ABS. The Asiori t ia eery much exercised over the uot that soibo paera use tbe expreeaiuu "The United States are," and inaitta that the verb ithould be 4itH instead ot " we " W i. i.ow.t -ktng entirely fiomt grammar iol stand point. We should 4V fh whe r-r we Hbuuld use "are" or depends entirely up- ou he sense in which the wor la'TJui'ed States" are ueed. But if we use the word with reference t the atreeture o( oar go.erumant, and the iudivi4lity of the states, there oao haidly be a qu siiou aa to tht oorreotnees of tayiag Mare,M i r the very oonatitotion under which thy exist ueee tbe words United S a tea in the plural tense. But we fear it U too late io the d f to quote the sinatitutioa to our Republican friend. "Bob" Thompson, of Selatn, it prom in-ntly spoken of in connection with ths oflioit of Superintendent of the pen it oiiry under the incoming Dnmco rat io adminiatratioo. "Bjb" is s Demo trt from way back, and hit many friends would rejoioe at his preferment. The Brownat-ilie Informant it in favor of a division uf Linn county, on aooouat of the great distance from some portions of the county to the ooonty east. It seyt it speaka the aentiment of a large number of the heavieet tax payers. President Cleveland baa appointed Thursday, Nov. 25th, at Thaakagiviag Day. Sunaet Cox having resigned, Thanksgiving Day will have to be ed without any minister to Turkey. OORRE3PONDBNOB JHLttirsojr. Jesse Barr and wife spent a few days in town visiting. Bill BatfOtt has traded hit hou-e and lot In town to O. Rose for hit farm. T. Cmnoo la going to move to Ts- quira Bay to live this winter. John Bennett has moved back to Halsey again from the Bay. Miss Msttle Nixon, of Lebanon, la visiting ber cousin, Mist Annie God ley J. 8. Green, lately of Summer Lake, but now of S Klaviiie, wa Io town Thursday. Miss Qodley la going to teach the school in C 'lit-r district this winter. Mr. Isaac Walton is seriouslv ill. . Tbe young lad lee give a sociable at T. J. Black's Frldsy evening. We are ioformed to t Mr. F. Divl son has resigned hia poettlon as Mr thtl. Mr. Voeth's family are moving to Independence this week. Four of flslrey's rising generation visited Albany Saturday walking straight, but returned walking crook ed. Think II they wait for that Portland dude to come before they drink beer again, they will likely walk straight for some time to come. judging from information gained. Such a pity our town boys cannot got out of town, without tippling. Too bad, Indeed I For shame boys, and through respect for your own town, try to build up anj not degrade your own home, which so strongly holds for temperance. i. C. U. Oak Plains. Farmers nearly done towing. Heavy frosts for the last few nights, making everything look tike winter. a Duck and geese are becoming plenty. tnd tbe sportsman resumes his uoqal winter avocation. Mr. Groat and wife, of Waterloo, are visiting Mrs. Walton, tbe sister of tbe latter, in this vicinity, where Mr. Itac Walton is lying very low. Miss Lillie Collins hat jusl returned from Marion county, where she has been visiting relatives. Our school is piogreasiog well coder the management of Prof. Mitchell. Supt. Reid visicp J the school s tew days ago. After bearing several recitations, he was beard to ahk the teacher if be smoked or set had examples before the pupils Oalcville. H Wui. Pugh's residence u completed. The carpenters, Smith and Smitb,are working on tbs residence J. N. Smith. Tbe Missionary Society met on last Wednesday, Chicken pox is prevalent here. Tbe Robertson family will give an entertainment on November lOtb. Johnson Whica and sou have left to work on the railroad. Seheel Report. Follow ing is the report of School District No. 44, for the first month commencing October 4th, and ending Oct. 39th, 1886 : Whole No. of days aLendance,337 ; whole No. of davi. abbencc, 57 ; whole No. of days tardineus, 9 ; whole No. of boys enrolled, 7 ; whole No. of girls enrolled, 12. Total, 19. Average daily attendance, 16.35. Roll of Honor Riettie George, May 1 Holloway, George Davis, Ezra Nixion, M K Holloway, Ella Davis, Guy McCartney, George iixon,rred iNixion.Jwiuu iriouowa C G Nixon, were neither absent nor trndy during the month. E. A. Collins, Teacher. 'me. Mrs. Pstrlck Morrow H stopping I at the residence of her tather-lrdaw, Jeff Morrow. She arrived laer Moo. dsv, having ootte direct from Texas, I Her husband la expected hcin from Col fix la t few week, Senator Ooleman ia rejolcioff over the title of grandpapa," and Slivey Bttisrt lum i ia tbe Hnaat hov In tne I - w country' Mr. Curtis hae his house nearly completed and hat recently driven t well, en he la almost ready for winter. I w- Perry Smith has boubi a claim on J the head nf Slurdsw a d talks of moving there thlt fall. Mr. Jones Is Mtemng shout forty Dead of hog on nr. Look out furl good bacon. I We omitted to mention in 'ormer communication tht Mr. J M. Smiths family, with the exception of Louie, I had moved from thlt neighborhood to tbe Wilson place, east of Harris- imrg. we are eery aorry to inee mem, i ana syuipiU.e luu.. ..uoere.jr w.- John. I .Li.. . i.. ...in i wles a m m wtfea . li I Mr. ana Mrs, rietcniu are ver i t it. . .... ....... . n.ii.i. . Tnia locality can ooasi or a Kingi i . . a - - i I gentleman upwards of se ety-ave V .LT. -'""NT '"l - - - rf i kA m.Ma fmt at Ho iai tall I " " . . """ a rvMU nnilnr toraniv WAlorn ino in hundred and fifty pounda,and a bride w ... . inB. UP' eroom under nineteen Who Can!th frf OslIfornU. whsre he w-.. t. The heaviest rain of the season oc curred last Wed need ay sfternrxm. The water came down In torrents and, ahowlng no discrimination, fell on the just and the unjust alike, glv. Ing them all a thorough snaking I We have beard though that Mr. J did not get his contend vest wet, and ha was not In til the rain, too. The Messrs. Henry returned fro SI us law last Wedaesday, bringing with them a wagon load of flan. Iluntsville, W. T ni - . , , P eaty of rata, thea clear, frotty w. a. Oopieo it enlisted among tbe V J." r ? . -"y. L. Hill.of tbe Will matte valley.wiii make bit home in HuotaviUa this win- ter Rev. si. Evans returned from the va a m. raioute country on ibuiaday last. Col. Hawkins lectured 00 Temper- aaee in the obapei of Washington Hem-1 inary on W. doeaday nght. He came uninvited, tbua showing bit ssal. Prof. Walker gives the students of Washington Seminary a daily drill io military uottoa. Tbe boys stake a fine display, aad learn very rapidly. Rev. Lydis Sexton delivered ber last termoo for tbe present in thit place on last Monday evening She goes to Walla Walla to remain a week, after which the will return to ber borne ia wa aOMJk lee flouring mil la of Utebardtoo m Hunt are ta full operation, running day ana night. Mrs. R. O. Hawkt,wife of tbe School Superintendent of Colombia ooanty, is tbie week visiting relatives in Oregon, near Milton. There is reach excitement juat no a over tbe election. Tbe Waiteourg dramatic einb made a fine presentation of ''Euhated tin tbe War,"on Thuwlay nigbt. Mr. Wheel er, ot tbe Times, was one of tbe leadiug solera. It ia aa eotetprreiog o-mt-ii-, aod Prof. Walker.of Weebiagtoo rt.-mi nar), bad a gd, well titstroeterl om paay of critics present to take notes. Jsxas. Mo T. J. Organ and F. P. Jonea have been holding a protracted meeting ia Soto for tbe peat two weeks, Muob good was accomplished by it. W. J. Ciark,ot P rtiand,was in town Saturday. 8 me ut tbe Scio burs aod a couple of Cbioamen bad some trouble Sunday, which resulted in one of tbe Chinamen going to one of our beat neighbor's house, and, refusing to go away, got ta try tbe strength of some Ovegon timber. Miss Id die Morris has been appoint ed Deputy Post Master st Scio. A better appointment could not have been made. O. S. May atill retains bis old posi tion as clerk for F. M. Daniels dt Son, formerly run by W. E. Price, Jr. John Curl is fstt completing bis con tract in covering tbe Soto bridge. It will he a splendid job of work wben completed. Tbs oity will paint ths work when nnuned. A. B. McDonald baa been appointed administrator of tbe estate of W. H. McKoight, deceased. Portland- A revival meeting is in progress at the Evangelical Cbureb, in East Port land, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. 0 Poling, assisted by Rev. Pratt and Mrs. C. C. Poling. Some interest is being msnifettsd. The golden cb mot and wonderful French lady and bar buaband are still performing on tba streets of tbe city Some wonderful oures are reported. It is asserted that sbe heals tbe lame and palsied, opens the ears of tbs deaf, re stores the sight of the blind aod extracts teeth eo quick and without pain that ths patisnt esanot tell when tbe tooth is taken not. Soma pronounce bar a bilk and a fraud, but there is one thing sbe extracts the hardest molars without ths slightest exertion. Railroad work st Albina is being poshed vigorously ahead. Preparing terminal faci.itits, and real estate is sdvancing there. In my last an error occurred. It ahould have Mrs J. W. Wheeler, etc., instead of Mrs. J, W. Walker. To err it human, to forgive divine. Ths nsw bridge is completed. Relatives have been visiting tt tbe residence of Wm. Bogus. Miss Montague's school has closed, and sbe ha returned borne. Tbe school st O leans closes this week. Our little village tea as unusually Idull.aot much business sttrrtgfftVatowt scsroa, with oottDriy to enliven the timea save now and then $ tatlsn onofy toot from to u brats aora. Mr US. Moore Is b fly eoff ad erecting a new dwelling for Mr. A. Barnes. rrr i tu-t ma. r. aa t. w Miir"' u m w Smith hat accepted aa sg ncy for dealing in lumber at thla p ice, and wilt soon be well supplied with this article. The Bennett -Msckey Tel graph Co have reached our town wlh ther line. They meet with considerable opposition In thlt taction. Mitt Ltllle Cuey, of Oskrltle, I again In our midst. Mr. John Luper and wife spent last Saturday and Sunday la Corvallia. oulto a nambar of 2.eM iD haullns wheat from the A. p A Co warehouse of thlt plsce to var cllv. p A u m g., no AlnMlmv itsaf raettirnlnfty nn Titai. dav. Inor oulto nonelar in this vlclnltv as " -r w m muaic teeehar. b memhera, their average ages being a iht .AAmmt hstino OK end the VAUntr - m est 13 years of tarn. haa been visiting hla old home Mitt Settlemire, of Alkali, E. O., who has bean visiting relatives at nit place, has returned home. Preaching nex Sabbath at It o'clock, by Rev. J. W. Craig, pastor in charge. Shlndlga" ere all tbe go. Botaaun. HrawHaHsawsawaaa lbanon. Mrs. F. Mead returned last week from at Portland, where she was Vis iting her author. Little Ry, 3 years old, had the misfortune to get kbked m forapar (fc borM I which shortened ber visit. Tbe wooed , bough severe it now doing troll. Mrs. Aleaaderv who ha. beea spend- io- ,ht, mnmmttr in LhenM). left Taea- dmy orMiogfor her mother's in Eugene I City. She leaves many warm friends I here, who will wish for ber ret ura. Mack Mooteith aad bnde essse op hast Tuesday night and immediately took posaeasion of their boose that I llask's fors.henght hsd provided aad furoithed. W wish them a beany I welcome to oar little town aad hope tbey may enjoy many happy boars with ut Mrs. J. Hamilton and children, of Albany, came an Saturday night and I01 Sunday with relatives. I Miss Mary MonUeue bss finished I ber school, aod is now boms far (be winter. Mr. Montagues boose will be doae ta tbe near future. It m eery bead- tome aad will 00 m par a favorably with any tn tbe valley. Mr. Cleaver is building s neat little bouee for mat. Ltkaaaa Is improving ateetfUy. The parent of It la ante cases cut of tea a dyspepsia atomanb. Good digestion gives as aad steep, Indigestion interferes with It, The brain and stoateek sympathise. One ef ths premiaeot symptoms of a weak seats of the gaatrie organs la a disturbance of tbe great nerve satrap nt, the brain. In vigorate tke stomach, aad yon rasters oQuthbrtent to tne great centre. A saeat reliable atedtoine tor the ne ranee Is Hoe tetter's 9le meek Batters, which to far pre ftrable to mineral aedativee and powerful narootlos which, tbnngb tbey may for a time exert a soporlAe taiasass upon the brain, aeon ceaee to act, aad lavariabty Injure tbe tone of the etomeeh. The Bit ters, on tbe contrary, restore autllkjr to the operations at that all i 03 portent organ, and their beaerfloeet influence reflected ia soend eleep and a traaquil state of tbe nervous syete . , A wholesome impetus ia likewise given to lae action of the liver ana ooweie ny tie ate. N. H. Allen k C. bars ia stock a fail bee of boots, shoes aad robbers, which will be sold at very low prices. attest ta On from one to three years time, oa good security, tn sums ot S500 up. kmi on Clikb, Montxith ft Co Tba flaast line of window cornice mould ngt at Weedia't. fo to Stewart A Sox's sad examine those fine Oregon made axes, a a parlor to all others. Manufactured by H. B. Der rick, of Crawferdsvilie, Linn Co., Or. Wai ranted first class. First-class butcher knfvesat Will Bros gun THE REV JEO. H.THAYER, of Bour bon, Ind . says : "Both myself end wife owe onr lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURE," ARB TOU MADE miserable by Indi gastion, Coustl patien, Dizziness, Loss o Appetite. Yellow Skin? Saitoh's Vitallaer is a positive core. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shlloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 60cts., aad $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY- positive cure for Catarrh, Dlptheria , and Mitive cure foi inker Month. uam SHILOH'S CURE will immediately re lleve Croon, Whooping Cough and Bron chills. FOR DYSPEPSIA, and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every notue or snuoh's vitamer, it never reus to oare, A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, it7 a nrMs-Tt nrr" iK.rt "a? and f re cants. grant perfume. Price to aad Albany Starke. Wheat 64o per bu. Oats 82 " Batter SO cts per lb. Eggs 25 cents per doz. Beef-on foot, 2H & 8X0 Hay baled, 10 ta 11 per ton. Iooee,f7 to $9. Potatoes 75 cts per bushel. Apples 40 cents per bu, Perk 4H par lb. Baoaas hams, 12Hc shoulders, Sc. sides lOo. Lard 80 per lb. Flour 4.50 per bbl. Chickens 2,50 per dot. Sugar San Franc! so 0, 64o. Dry granulated 7 0, Mill Feed bran, 11.00 per ton, shorts. 16. middjinza, 18. Chens, 18. Crawlers. raetegrefcr, Albany, Or. X have all tbe negatives taken by A X Pajrtoa sod any one can have dupli- ta reora sneir negativet ay an u reusing v aauraatiaa as, at the following prices I Card ete, par oossn, oauinst sua, i) per uosen, on doars, S per doasa, I keep tbe finest Use of Oregon views In tbe west. Oats- furnished on aoolloatlon. Convlaa aad enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. Caawrono. asa a i -a aWBI eMlfls Tbe oadertigaed will ttll all kinds of abet aad sedar feaeeoottt at the follow- lag stations on tbs Narrow Gauge Railroad, t, Lawsoa tan BSttvillt. Persons build- tag aeasss or barns oao have bills cat and delivered at any of toe above stations on Lumbar it of the vsrv bust quality, the logs being brought from the fine timber regions on ths MsKtnais aMvsr. Wa. E, si-k kii. Piwahaw's Bead taet ea agae," It beats the world. It effects a cure In 24 hours. Try It tnd be convinced of Its wonderful merits. Call for testimonials. Price 75 cento per bottle, st Prushaw'a Drug Store, corner First and Broadslbln tts., Albany, Or., Ladles, when you are to want of a new dress neat forget to inspect th stock of N H. eJSea a fJn. Thy have a very larur ask Stssleet from and at Driest as vet be fore oftaead la Albany. Qallta tbaa yea eyer taw before at Mem teith A Seiteabaeba. Go to Allen Oo. wbsa you want trees nes. Tbey have a well aalaoted stook and II ehssf. Dr. Whites celebrated New York Coach Swan, for tale at Hoffman ft Pffetfer's Warranted to on re oeosheand colds. ,.i I. .....a ... .I,,,. tserr Work N. H. A Ilea ft 00. have in stook a full line of material for feeoy work, onoeietioa of retry aephyr. nbatlaud vool aad Soa. eaS nilia, araseos, Hltastlte. 71 inch Kaglteb felt, ilk floes, knitting silk. etc. I Don't forget that N. H Allen ft Co. have last received a large atoek of the latest stylss ia sleeks from New York, which hey oner at a a heard of lew prices. bleak ia Wast Albany, good tioase, r laiatarsMSBta. Will self tat Inquire at thu office. gjuuaioe Woodia's Extensioa tablsa. They set -well go aod see them for jroereeif. WUI Broa. have received a ferae lot of shot gnus aad rtfles from tbe Keat and alli sail taeea at ortland prlees. far rosbay a eta always be refled op 1 tke purest aad best aMI ("eypQtanttOaa' active, paaeieg and reheble, by n iagartiolas with well asublathed each as are popaUr. rfaviag the agaasy for m kUag's Mew utssovery for ooldaeod ooaghs, trill sell it en a pasttive gaaraatsa. it wui sorely ears say and every aflssttsa ef throat, laogs, or chest, aad hi ssoer ta prove our claim, we ask yea to sell aad gat a trial bottle free. W D Hoy 1 h Co., Wholesale aad Retail Druggists, st Rome, Ge., says 1 Ws have beea ealHae Dr King's New Discovery. Klc trie Btnera aad Booklea't Arnica Halve for two years. Hsva never haodled remedies that sell as well, or five each eniversal sat kdssaisa. There have beea tome wonderful tea Bested ty these medicines io thu city. Several oases ef proasueasd eoasemp- ttee have beea eotireJy eared by ase of a few bitttsa ef Dr King's New Discovery, taken kt bwsissIbb with Ikwtrio hittera. We gaaraatee them always. Sold by Fosbay k ifsssa B ARK DOOR. Nsvsr put up a nsw barn door aer re hang an old one until you first call on Stewart A Sox and see what tbey have now In barn door hangers-aomethiug that won't break down. N EW SAUSAGE MILLS, We have on hand a fine lot of these new Auierprise seuaage muis, wuioo we intro duce tn this locality. They positively beat anything you ever saw In your life. Come ana look at tuem before you kin your hogs. SxawasT a Sox. VIOLINS. Made and repaired. New tops, backs and neck. Bows rehaired and repaired. Old aad new violins, bows and artists strings lor sale. Kefer to a. K. coarsen and Unas. Bray. Portland. H. S. RICHARDS, Teacher of Violin. Corner of 2nd and Ellsworth St., Albany. ARN DOORS, ever put un a new barn door nor re- hang an old one until on first call on Stewart A Sox aad see what they have new in barn door bangers, something tnat win not area oown. Dissolution Notice. Netaec is hereby giysn that the co-part nership heretofore exitung between W. S. Peters aad 0. H, Stewart under the firm name of Peters k Stewart tn Albany. Ore gon, it this day dissolved by mutual consent. All notes and accounts due the firm will he placed ia tha bands of Stewart A Sox for collection. W, S. PSTJSBS, O. H. Stiwaut. Albany, Sept. 7th, 1898. if m rtxAor taats ta owL ff ta M taoM OHtaresrv aa m gi FOR SALfJi5fj5KTWMCRE. Conrad Meyer, lMlOPRIKTOll OFV- STAR BAKERY,' unrner Broadalbin an4 First 8ts.t DKALKR IN- Caaned rraito, Casserl SI eats, Hneenaware, Vegetable, rigars, fialeea, Tea, OlMnesrs, Orled rraito, Tabneeo, Ntftar, C'oiree, Kte,, Bin., In fact everything the, kept la gon sral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KIND8 OF PRODUCE. c: ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Deyoe dt Bobson'a. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep a fresh stook of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS' ETC., ETC. BEslDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE 1TO., ETC. PRODUCE TAX II EXCHANGE WlUstli aaoaeapta any store ta uu or BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my fell and wtner stuck of boots and abides, I have aa nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and as complete a stock as any tbia tide of Portland and vary few better in Portland. I boy aU my boots aod aaoes direct from msuufacturers and am authorised to warrant every pair no mat tet bow obeap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of m- ia buying as 1 buy in quantities and pay tbs cash. In ladies', misses and children's shoes, I keep much tbe largest, best aod great est varietv in tbe city. Hy aim will always be to give si good value fur the money aa pogsihly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. SALE Extraordinary. WINDING UP BUSINESS. The fine stock of "The City Dry Goods Store' Will be oloaed ont immediately regardlea I OP All goods must go at SOME PRICE. Call early aud secure first choice. JaVRsuismber the place, FROMAN'S BLGCa, ALBANY, OR. AT COST From and after August lsf, 1886, John Briggs, will tell hlseutlre stock of STOVES, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING C00D8, without reserve, Now la your time to famish cheaply. Albany, July 3 1st, 188(5, BaBHIn'ieSBifefc. L. E. Vi't'ht Street, Uta stock of FURNISHING GOODS ta not equalled in Albany, nor aorpaeeed In tbe Valley. It Includes the very t makes of f4HiBTH, hosiery, keck WKutJ OLOVKM, AC. Alllnefyle, embrsdng novelties aad Maples. His stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Is the best, without exception, ofaiyin tbia part of tbe Valley. He leada in this line, and offer rare bargains, qua it; and prior, considered together. New Goods. THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND 8HOE8. LADIES AND MISSES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely increased onr atoek of Boots and Shoee and era now prepared t furnish all styles an J gride of goods at remarkably low prices. We boy of never of tbe beet t-asteru factorisa and do not beeitate to aay that onr goods are strictly flratl f teas We carry no bankrupt aiock anil can fully warrant our goods to wear equal to any n the msrket REMEMBER Wu have the I arrest in the city and that we ARE oontlnuallay adding new novelties. We are sailing ae that you can not fail of being suited. We da go not follow bat lead in lew priesa, member tbe old adage "Tbe proof of tbe podding ia in ehewing the atring.' READ WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND C0RVALLIS, OR. LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a full assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLER Y,AMUN1T10N FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS, BUTCHER ANI POCKET-KNIVES. Wo handle tbe DIVIN, DOMESTIC, NEW HOME, WHITE. AMERICAN, CROWN,SINlER, HOUSEHOLD, ELDREDCSE SEWING MACHINES, And all of the leading Pianos and Or ran a. Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and extraa for all kinds of machines. Repairing of sewing machines and line instru ments a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRRNTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. S"hnei JLmflagttt aaaaB MllM S , , ' Sy.ftifafJ" ' BBBbV ' HLaasgflElM AT STEWART A SOX'S. y ABORKR'S TOOIS, A'ia, matrooks, brush hooka, picks, shovels, spades, forfca, a!edei, wedaes, croaaout saw 4, maul rings, wbeelbarrova, or and otber tool used by either wtod men or mud Uu." JJ"or s n cheap by Stewart A Sox. CARPENTERS AND BRIDGE BULL DEKS. Don't forttet that we keep a full line of all kinds of tools and will sell aa cheap aa the quality of our eooda will allow, tt make a specialty of tittintr out carpenter'sJ ana wm oe giaa to see mem at any tine. Stkwabt A Sex, rjAWS, AXES, EtC We are not braeging one bit when we aay we have the fiuest cross cut aaws and axes in the va.ley. Also a fine lot of at sel and iron wedges, maul rings, etc Seuwaer A Sox. tTjlANTAND BLASTING P0WD1R. It any Irishman (Wild Bill exoeptnd) wants to blow up rocks, stum s or Eng lishmen, we oan fit him out with giant or blasting powder In good shape, Stewart a Soxi BUM. Albany, Oregon His stock of CLOTHING. Is very large, and consists ef tbe latest styles of MKN'ff, BOY'S, AND YOUTH'S HIT ITS, OVERCOATS, RUBBER GOODS Aa, Carefully pnrcbssed in tbe best mar acta, Tea gat only tbe boat goods for the price with a complete stock to select from. Ilia atoek ttf HATS Is really choice. They are bought pria civally in Philadelphia. Are novel aad ia style. A big atoek te ssieet front. Hla TAILORING DEPARTMENT la conducted by aa expert taller. Good Am and atyliah eelta la tbe rale. Hie suitings are nobby and of the bast pat tern. CITY exclusive stock of & BROWNE LL. FIRE INSURANCE. All klnda of farm property, via : Build in, Hay, Grain, Hops, Fruit, Live Stock, Farm Machinery, Farm imple ments, Household Furniture, Family Provisions, Wearing Apparel, Carriages, Waarona, Harneea, Musical Instruments and Books, insured against loan by fire or lightning in reliable Companies, Losses pern in run, J. C. Powka, Agent, Albany, Oregon, W AGONS AND CARRIAGES. Wagons, hacks, binaries, carriages, aieg?e and double, before you bay come around and see what we hare, ShrawAwe A Sax. g FECIAL TO SPORTSMEN. Before you buy your ammunition we invite you to oome and see us. We carry several different grades of powder, all judos or cartridges, primers. Dress paper sheela, loaded shells and by far the DtH.t , ahot in town. SrowABflf A Box. JTlUTLERY We want it dlatinrrfly understood we can "knock the spots" off anything li oounury wnen it cornea to poo a Knives, razors, etc, fjome around asa for you reel res. Stewart A Sox. "I HILLED PLOWS, Vfe are asronte for on eof ttl e fir led plows ever stuck lato the groui eat them to sell and li vou want 1 plow it will pay you to oome in and are wary st