i atl&i fffiA i n iHlifo ii nai" i . - - - j - .. - .-nJ - i - - - - .. ft&tfca frlMtfsr V. F.Ccec.rtsohingvry Sabbath, toon lag end seanit g by Rev. F O. Ir viaa, D. D. Sabbat i School at 81SO r. Prayer asset tag Try Wedaessday evening. Btavoucjul OvniOB. PNMhing on San aa. At 10,10 A. a., And 7 r.H. Tiebbath School 10 KX'. Prayer meeting erery Wed assdav ere rung 7 J0. 8. K. Davis, pastor. Ail are iurUed. 0feT0MW ATlOlf AL CktVMC SsfTicea seer Aaabata morning and evening. Sabbath Soaeol t 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thtrsday evening of seen week. M. K. CHVTaca.Soi7Ta.- Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. m. Sab b4b School at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer Urttig every Thoraday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. It. Cnlp Factor. M. X. Church South, Tasokmt. -Preach-lag every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. m. Sab WU School at 2:30 o'olook.r. at. P. M. Cnlp, Pastor M. ri(oaaL Preaching every Sabbath moraine- and evening. Bona aervioe in he evening before aoraoa. Sabbath School jt 2.-30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thurs- ay evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, pastor. max C i uaca. Service every ocalm and evenins in Church Broadalbiu and Fifth Sta. Sunday School immediately nfier the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wedneeday evening Rot K R Pritcaard, pastor. First Baptist Chc am. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a.m..at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after Prayer meeti ating e ery olook. T O Thareday evening at 7:30 o Oregonfacific 1 aly popular If m J ictumquejl iailroad ,0118, anps, IFIato time 1 Sara eosnefHos ! Sew eejeilpanoaita t 935 ml lee aker&r f ft fcoare leas time 1 Accommodations unsurpassed for com fort end safety. Fares and freight uvea a Man by any etaer route between an its in the Willamette Valley and Sen ONLY ROUTE VIA YAQUINA BAY TO AN FRANCISCO. Doily ajaraar trmmt cft Smadays. Leave Corvaitis at 2 p. m. Leave Ya-V qolna at 7:10 a, af , Oregon A CalUbrtda Went Side trains at corraliia. Hi Oregon DsTBlapment Company's Al STEAMSHIP YAQUINA CITY, SAILS- teen r acu a. rao sax rktiosce, , Oct. 41 U. rrUejr.On. wseaeaaay, Ho. 3rd. Miaiajr.Mev. ista. , so, use. r, a, arte. The Company teaerrea the right to asning oaya. Mat Oorvallisand San Fran Rail and cabin, tit. Hail and For information apply to A. O. F . and t. Afsat, OarvsHa OVERUNO TO CAUFiiRNI A -.YIA-. & California R. It, ID CONNECTIONS. Ttaee Iwe nave ear-Sair eat-. Fare aeaa PwrUaos to San Fraaetajow an : to eswBSe.SBa CsSMosaaoatfeoa aoSSot AeMaal w.tS (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) fcSTWgw.rsjgmuuHe aib asbiad. uavs. saarra. ..7J0 am j Albany , J 1:46 A ll:l r M Aahlead 4.14 A rei .MO r ii ! Albany 11:45 A M alaej , . lrotraj PorUand ,4 IS r u Alkway aptees Trmia. mats, Aaairs; . .4 00 re t Alhsav S .-U r m eiteay ajftra I Uaeeee or . .4.46 A M I AilMBjr....... KSf A A A U PurtUad ...lu.OS a H WUHAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS TeeOaadCKRPerrr traioson tae West State Meaaiae tTwnu rearLAXD As ceaVAiAM, Matt Train laava d imn rtlsa.., 7 a n I CorvalHa 136 r OarvaUJe 1:SS re PovtlAnd kiln Ai Cervellto mmn ec with mbat af Oregon Paciae w safjesaa say. Kinross Trale- uasvaji eertleed 4:50 r 1 XcMtonvUle Jk00 r "MaMiaarUle 45 a m Portland e.00 A m checked t fmmr ap-wn oSlee, Oor. HtarF aai Seeoftd nttseto. tkmetofWprlseieel poiuks in caUforsJa can only be preenred aadbaomg ebecksdat Conpany'a oalee. Cwtnsrrsiidrree4Ms.p,lrUMMi Or, Prfht will ees be reeetred tor sMpeaeat after arc o'clock p. . en enaar tae East or West Mde Dtvlstoaa B. KOBHLER, . p. EOOERS, O. P. A PaaeA'ent. SAM MAY. J. C. KCMR MAY k SENDERS. Mm n Benerel Isrelundise. IAIMSBURC - ORECCN fiiiwfj Mb, Wool ui all kinds e CwBfltry prodice. Remarkable Offer. The DaaiocBAT. 2.00 . 1.00 . 1.60 . 1.00 Naw Yoaa Woblu Fiaa HurroEv or t I J. 8. AataaiCAjf Farmer 15.50 And cheap at the price ; but we offer the fear (or $3 25, giving remarkable bargain. Drop the American Furmrr end yen can ftave the ftbree rtesetning for $3. Drop the JFerai and Jittery aixi yoo can haye the two others for 12.25. The htatory ia a 320 pegs book nicely boned, end ia worth the again price. PATENTS WttaUad,eaeetl otter Irasitwai la the U. 8. Peton vktoaattoadedsd to for modwato faaa. Omoatoa ieoppoeit ibe V. S. Petont Ofllet, and eaeebtoia Punu Um time taan Uiom rratote wd odi ordrawUif. We f' aeUkjreree of eherse (end wmlus to patent o ebaryit unlw rr" u' to 'tmtor, th Bnnt. of Jljr Onto Wr. nd to fftAji of the L'. 8 PUnl WStoe. for rt lUr, dvi, terms, And etereticee aseeal SBevai la your own State or county, vddiees Ce Ae SM &CO.e Ofoaite Patout Ortte, Wasbtoeton, D . Landreth Winter Wheat. Ho wed 4 lbe'in fail of 82. While otier wt set was frozen out this wee not affected. It ia not eurpMsssd by any variety in herdi ness. vigor of growth, stiffness end length cf straw, freedom from nut, productiveness and sniiling quality. The grain is large, plutnp, hght amber in color and bard, yield sag the finest Hour. Hipens two or three weeks earlier than other grain. Will have e limited quantity of thm famous wheat for eele for seed wheat for SI. 25 a buahel, oi Katern price, 42c e quart by mail, post paid. Parties wishing to tee tha wheat growing een do ao by jailing at my piece 1 asUe S E of Tangent. A. L. Bkiimefaumcr, Tangent, Or. R SAL One half block tn ensEern part of tbe eJtywlth fair house aad barn will besold wbeaw Portland and ahlaort KutbuiTTu Jj-.i isam awe ACADEMY Conducted by the BENEDICTINE 8I8TERS. ALBANY, - OREGON. This Institution is beautifully situated in the pleasant and accessible City of Albany. The location is remarkably healthy, the building new and well furnished with all that contributes to tha comfort and instruc tion of the pupila. The play IIWI are eitenaive and well adapted hdhealthful ex erciae. The constant aim of the teachers is, whilst imparting instruction in all the useful snd rehned branohes, to train the youthful heart to virtue and to instil a commondaole emu lation, thus educating for society, members who will, we trust, prove an houoi to our country. Pifpiia of all petrsuaaious equally received, provided .they comply with the regulations of the school . Boys admitted up to the age o( tea or twelve. This Academy ia incorporated and author i led by the State to confer Academic honors. Normal instruction of aspirants for Teach er a Certificates, a specialty. BOARDING SCHOOL, Per term. Ru trance fee, payable once t 5.00 Board and tuition, payable in advance, 40.00 Mnaic, inatrnraental, tbeoreUcal and vocal with the aae of piano or organ 15.00 Guitar with the useof instnrmeat. ... 12 U0 Zithern without nee ot instrument A 00 Dtawing and painting &.0Q Bed and bedding 3.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL Ptr term, a aJivncf. Primary Department . Junior Department.. .oa A0O 8.00 rnertmeot. . . 1010 10.00 IV Graduating Fsc. For f Hitter particulars apply at the Acad emy. Those who i m-o.K:i their childrca to school will favor lUe csttr and Ute in terests of the school by taakiut all arrmuee ments before the 10th of November, o a which day the school opens. Toe Hisu-rs will be prepart d N attti:-! to this bawasss afu-r the I'wth iuat. ALBAHY GOLLEBlirS IHSTITUTE s ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 1887. BCT. 1: J. TBawrse. . ., rreaiarat A loll corps of instructor!, CLASSICAL,' SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coureea of tudy er ranged to meet the need .-r nil graaeyaortudenUi. S fecial imlnccmt hIs offered to ttudrwtt from abroad. Tuition rangee from $6.50 to 12,50. Board in private fs id i'iee atiow rates Kooms tor aeff boarding et small expense. K carefnl supervision exercised over eta lents ewey from home. Fall torni opens September 7tb. For circulars and full particulars address the President. be?', e. 4. TBonraoE, m. . Albany, Orrgon, B ARS DOOR UAJJOINGS, Are always break lute, unless voa here the kind sold by Htewart A Sox, of A.- oany. 1 bey are made ot wrouebt iron cannot jump the track and will lest a life time. Don't banirauolber barn door un til you here seen bein. H A Kb W A RE OF ALL KINDP. Axes, mattock a. brceh hooka. Dicks aboyels.spadee, forks, grinr.stones, wheel' narrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything you went, can be bad cneap ror cosb Stewart A Sox. IrVeB aivw iriUDH for infants and Children. 'Castortais bo -wrell adapted toehUdrea that 1 IrecoramenditaesuperlortoanyprescripUoo I m 80. Oxford SBroa.N. f. I SXW WORTHY Of Confidence. AYER'S darbMS j,,.ryk,",!o thatj parts of tho world, bus proved In ! iipv n 1 1... i.t blood ulti rath 0 kuowu to tuodlcal scloucc. SARSAPARILLA IB Rrnuluo lloudums Snrmtparilla) Is its Spaa and Us imwvrs bto rnliniuH tl by tb oxtntcts of Yellow Dovk and Itturia, tho Ioilldos of t'otiiMiuut and Iron. Hint otltr-r polctit iugri-ilU'ltls. your blood vltlatwl by th'tiiuirpincnU of thn dlgestivo and nwluillntorv func tions? Is It tainted by llcroftilit? or dos It contain tho poWu of Mvifury or Contsjrlous Disease 1 is THE leading piivHifiuus of tho united VJ.kI.io ...I... I. m.U. Ik. A.t..t..nUt..(4 Of AYRH'S 8AHMAIVMUIXA, say tltllt nothhig nlso so good for tho piirttlcn tlon of the blood h within the rungo of pharmacy Ail I V ! v tlM UM "f th'M itnrdy Is WILY possible for a person who has corrupted blood to attain sound health and pruveut trauniulaalon of tbu do tructlvo taint to iHtirlty. TUADAIICUI V '. ih.'Miovntlon I nUnUUDnLT of thuHt m mtiHt Include not only the rtinoval of cor ruption from tho blood, but Its enrich ment and tho strengthening of tho Vital organs, nri 1 am e witnesses, nil over tho ntLIADLC. world, testify that this w ork Is better aecomplUhed by A vr.u'a Baksaiauiix.i than by any other remedy. . D I AAI1 ,nait u corrupted throusb dt DLUULf caae Is ntndn pun1, nttd UUmh weakened througti diminution of tho red corpuscles la matkj strong, by AVRU'e SARS.VPAltIt.Ljt. nnniruiklP tho blooil and bull' rUnlr YIIVd up the i.m1ih - time In serious raw1!, but Ix iicflt will bo derived from tho Uo of Ayku's SvftSAPAHff.i.k moro speedily thau from anything eUe. METniAlilC for whk'lt like cftceN an. SnLUlUlrfC. fnWIy elaimed, Is nlHtn dant In the market, under many name, but tlie onlv preparation that I the tent of time, und proved worthy ef the world's confidence, U Ayers Sarsaparilla, pnKPAEED BT Or. J.C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowali. Mao. Sold by all lnr?rbit : Price lj six bottles for ffi, ' BMHtXl nilU KIIVIT lllfl VIMM '"'""111 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Tom mr- mlnw4 ,Aw trial frfy rfny- ot the wr if. vy m uviaurtae vuiiaa.' nn wita a nHanf , nr in many . mi l ail kliutrrtll Red CrownMills I80M, UNNIN6 A CO., PROPR'g. tw raocEas iuooB at-raaioa foe families A XI) BAEtUU BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Caxh fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Master's Sale. Ike Circuit Court of tig l -'oifmi $tate$r tke Dntntt of Oregon The New England Mortage Security Com' vs. Emelioe B. Hasbroock, Loreasov Has broucic. Tba Oorbtn Banking Company o M Brown and If C Brown. Wo. 1252. NOTICE to hereby given that In pur- anaooe of tbe decree of eaki court, made and entered in tbe above entitled canes on tbe Wtb dy of September. 1886, 1, George II Durham, laaater In Cbanoerj of said Court, win proceed to eeu at pooiw auc tion to tbe highest bidder for .aab in hand, aubjeet te redemptloe, as nuon leaned open a judgment at law, at tae front door of tbe County Court Houae of Udo county, at Albany in me said eouo ty of Linn, Oregon, on tba JMth day ot November, 1886, et tbe boar of xeo o'clock in tbe forenoon . air too rtxnt, two and in tereet which tbe said defendants Kmeltne H Hssbroack and Lorenxo Haabroook bad at the date of tbe execution of said mortgages, of, in and to the prom lees de scribed in said mortgagee and in tbe bill herein, as follows : That certain tract or parcel of land eltuate In Linn county. Oregon, bounded sa follows; Beginning at tbe northeast corner or toe donation land claim of Jared Michael, Claim sum- UVIVU f flWHUVMIVU MHMrw.W. . H 1. 1 .U Township 14 south of Rnnge three west of tbe WslUmet Meridiae, and running thence north, forty chelae and eighty-nine links; thence east, fourteen chains and seventy-three links ; thence south, seven ty chains and seven links ; thence north, seventy-five degrees west, twenty four chains ; thence north, nineteen degrees end thirty mibutee east, twenty-three cn am a isins and ninety five links, to the pisce beginning, containing 196 acres, and he g a part of the donation land claim of of ins s Dart bis wife, in tatiafaction of said decree, and expenses of sale. Held decree is for tbe sum of 81354.04 with interest thereon from the 20tii dsy or eeptemoer, leno, ss the rate of eieht per cent per annum and tbe costs and dleoursemcnts of this suit taxed st 860.4. October 19th, 1888. Oxobok U. Dubai am, Master in Chsncery, U. 8. Circuit Court, District of Oregon 0. P. Tompkins COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT. Of alikindsof merchandise. All orders from tbe country filled on short notice for every class or kind of goods from ArsE-elsas stock. Absolutely do obsrgee or commission will be obarged or ruling oraets, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or s A. USAGE MILLS, We have a meat cutter that is as much an improvement over the old faabtpned saoasge mill aa J. I. Case Agitator Is over a fJaii. it don't cloff end leaves no strings in th meat Corns and see It, Stewart A Box Caatorta ctrreg OoUe, Cos Stomach, Diarrhoea, OB, ition. prMBOtss di- WiiS tejurious WHlimtim. Obxtacs CoEPAjnr, m Fulton Street, K. T. i ta1 nfti 734 iwt Site fmotat. FRIDAY OCTOBER , I8M. ...... ... IIIFEEilOE DEFaEftsIT, XStTBD BT TBB Womea'i Ckriitiu TeBptniM Utiti The W. 0. T. U. meets on tbt Its and Sid Tueiday of each month al 3 o'clock r. tf.f at the A. 0. U. W, Hall, over French's Jewelry Store. astS) 0 Llt IMll.fl 111 MtLkMTA, A curious illustration of tha amount of money expended in liquor is afforded by the experience of Atlanta, Georgia, wfiere local prohibition oat off most of the sales in July and confined tha bull- neas to a few firms that bold "quart as licenses" expiiing in October. Of tha tbtaa thai had tha longest to run, one cleared $70,000 op to last Fri day ; another took iu 12000 on Fridsy and 3000 on Saturday, whan tha licen ses ran out ; and a third, that has see enteen days ytt to run,haa bean realis ing $1000 a day and will now expect to sell a great deal more. It is assy to calculate from this that Atlanta spends something over a mil lion dollars upon alcoholic dtinka. U prohibition, a hick wilt soon be coin plete, saves this to tha people, Alien la will be tha riobeet city In the South within five years. sTLktra saw raarMrratv amv Atlanta, Oa., Oct. 19 Atlanta is to-day a complete prohibition etty. Ail bar rooms were eloeed on July let, but several wholesale booses had since beam opened. They bava baas expiring gradually, and to-day, when there was only one In tbt city, and thai won Id bava expired six days from note, but by daeiaion of the Supreme Court of tha state to-day that store was closed. Two weeks ago the Oily Council pawed a resolution allowing oity brewers to de liver tear in tba city to residents on order. Mayor HUlyar last night vetoed the measure, which now makes tba city abaoloteJy prohibition. Tba city au thorities art ssostly prohibiUoaists, and it will be regularly enforced. Tbe advisory committee of tbe Brew ST a mm era' Convention that lately met at Niagara Fells reported tbat it had been investigating tbe workings of tba oom pojaory temperance education (aw, ew peeasJly looking into the text books used in eta tee under ibis lav. fbeir aooelnfrsoi is tbat "there can be no ob jection to having proper views oa tbe abuse of aicobol tangbl ia tba acboois' and tbat tba "etrore" taught la tba nee- books on hygiene are not ao glaring aa &fB4vs9 (al vigorous action Bat oi part of tteajr feport does demand vigor out action on the part oi ty. Q T. U. if it tells tbe truth. It ts tbat "many of tbe schools bava not fall eompitd with the law in its spirit, wbila otbere ere tacitly ignoring tbe provistoas af tba not." No law ever enforced itself, and aa wa era ao constantly reminded, oor tempereaoe educational la we ware secured bf non-partisaa acttoo.tto erty babind tbsm to enforce tawss, Tbe W. C. T. 0. mutt ate to it tba tbey are enforced. Tbe New York HtrOtld says : "Tbe ravagee made by over-tndulgenee in in toxicants bava for gcQorstsoae, sod ligbtly, claimed tba attention oi tba community. Sooner or later and the sooner the better tbey most be faced, aad, if possible, overcome. Spotlsd lives, broken homes, ruined prospects are not a pleasant picture for any aeriooa man to contemplate, and if aay portion of ibe people bare made themselves w ready to wrestle with tba difficult problem and bava discovered, or eras tbink tbey bava discovered, any plasti es! mesne of prevention, tbev oaa find e r sr ready and eager listeners. "It Is certainly time that something was done to check the reckless defiance of tbe law throughout the country. Wa hare slander patience with tbe loose methods which are employed ia every large city and the couutleas evasions of the law.spparently with tba connivance of tbe authorities, or, at any rate, with out tbe fear cf penal ooasequenoea. A rough bsnd is needed, and if once in a while it sets an official br tbe throat whose duty is plain but unheeded, no harm will be done, Qrand Master W rkuun Powderiy In addressing tbe K. of L. assembly ate.y tieiu In iilfbmorjd, Va., urged upon that UoU.v tbe importttnoo of temperance and asked them to en deavor to lucres ibe importance of tbls subject .oo tbo various local as. semblies. lie called tin i atteotirm to the fact ibst not one of the general officers elected at tbe general assem bly need lntoxioatlog liquors. aoh one of tbe general officers then form ally pledged himself to total abstin ence from intoxicating liquors during his two years term of office. This order could wield a vast influence in abating the avir i Intemperance If it should exert its power in iht di rection. What WIU Sarelr te It, Ooo's bs.tr begins to fall dnt from many causes. The important question is : What is sure to make it grow in again f According to the testimony of thousands, Parker's Hair Balsam will do it It quickly covers bald spots, restores tbe original color when the hair is gray or faded, eradicates dandrug.and oansea the scalp to feel cool and welt It is not a dye, not greasy, highly perfumed, safe. Never disappoints those who require a nice, reliable dieaefng. 4 MtMitaimi Htm fas Aateeaatieal fiasepteee with Maslrel and BfUgieas east setters, la the village of Plttenween, in Scot land aijput fifty years agot there was made and exhibited by Mr. Smith, a olook end watchmaker of tbat place, an automatical clock, which, from tbe des cription given of It at that lime, ap pears to bava equalled anything of tbe kind ever produoed. It comprehended a very striking illustration of tbe mus ical and religions character of tbe peo ple of Scotland. Tbe case, which was of tbe finest mahogany, was seven feat high, witb fluted columns upon esch side. The upper pert of the olook wse ornamented with carving, fret work and gilding, with a golden bird having its wings extended standing in tbe cen tre. Tba oasa contained a large, eight- day musicsl cluck, witb tbree disl plates and a tbime of sixteen bells. The whole dock v. as divided Into five eauei parts, each of which bad ite own par ticular Weight. Tne brat wee ti,e going part ; tbe second kept a smsll musical band in motion. Tbe band played s favorite tuna over once befote etnkiug the hour. Tbe tbiid uatt struck tbe hour ; tbe fourth moved a Urge music al band, containing eubt oelebrat- 8ootcb tunes,one of which played evry three hours with great exactness. The front dial plate or face, which was about eighteen inches in diameter, h aa areb which showed the hours, min utes and seconds, witb tbe nemo and data of tba month, without variation, during tba entire year, even on the S8tb af February. Tbe clock turned aw all tbe odd days in one night and brought ont ai! tbe odd days in one night aad brought oat tbe 1st of Match on the tallowing morning. In tbe plate there were also two small bsnjif , one of which discovered tba day of tbe week. Whan Sunday came there ap JJPeae? tMsl w-eWP seH(neg JJe5lBsBlse' flfea-awiea-g ana at IS o'clock the music stopped playing uctil 12 o'clock on Sunday night, Tne monk then began again and eon tinned until tba next Saturday night. On Ibe right band was another dial plate eight inches wide, witb an arch. It oootained n band tbat point ad to tbe name of tbe tone tba dock p.eyed. The dial plate on tbe left wee of the came eiae as the one on tbe right It represented tbe front of a bonne with n door in tba middle. A1 each side of tba door stood a sentinel, witb bis arms, in tba livery of tbe city gnard of Edinbuigh, painted on braes. In tbe iastde of tbe ceo let of the duj was seen the maoer or dork of tbe lords of tba eouootl, dressed ia his robes with asaee in bts right bend. As S"tn ae tba clock began to play be took bis bat with bis nght band and walked peas the door, followed by fiftaaa lords in pttttsestoo. Tba figure ware paint. OJ o tbtw issa and v ry much re av CD bind I'.fr. All thte ea but a part of tbie iul egMfd uiuck. The decayed hi euchre 4 old treea Should he titoejtiy removed. Tbeir Uusightltoeas hi tbe least d then evite. A cap ut ltmeetr in h nttik fo to calves la eeid to be au t-xoeiifHl iir- VSntive of scours snd buwel diaewe. A first cleae Salt abwuld he putr white in solot, eaao omperativeiy dry, uniform in grein, bd quita auiu b e in water. Tuberose bulbs showing bud at tb end of tba mouth mev be lifted ears fully and made to flower iu tbe bouse later on, Rye if sown now will grow and, as it is Lardy wUi furnish early green food before tba grass makes its appearances in tbe earing. If erery farmer who outs down a tree will plant a young one iu iu place, the result will be a constant supply of timber and fuel as well as profit. Much has been written on tho subject of my iter bus noises, which in most cas es, if intelligently inquired into, would be fonnd to have no mystery at all about them. A processor in Philadel phia recently record thai at a certain hour each dsy one of tbe windows in bis boose rattled in the most violent meaner. On consulting the loc.it rail way time table, he could And no train rnnniog at tbe boor specified ; but on examining another table,whtch includ ed a separate line, be found that a heavy train paseed at the time a dis tance of several miles from his bouse. He then referred to tbe geological for mation of tbe ground between the two points, and at once aaw that there was an outcropping Udge of rock which formed s link of connection between tbe distant railway Hoe and his home. Jt was tbo vibration carried by this rock from tbe ptsstng train tbst rattled the window. For rent barn in good condition, m ar corner Bi is worth enrl 4nb Streets. Per par sisnlsrs sail at this office Old papers 25o. a hundred at the Dxmo csut office. Yea Wke Live SeSentary lives wi4 find great relief from constipation headaobe and nerynusueae, by taking Simmons Liver Regulator It is a simple, bsrmless, vegetable compound, sure to relieve you. Persons of sedentary haoit often suffer with kidney affeoiiona. if tbey would maintain tbe strength of tbe digestive organs and improve the quality of tbe blood by taking tbo Regulator It would restore the kidneys to beaith and vigor. - 0. I, WOLVXBTOK, O, H, IK VINE, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0mTOm np stairs inFroman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON. A Safeguard Toe r , rnpidfty w Cuius uit'l (.oiigba fr und liMi''., 1 4 it ('.(Jiiiihici'iit Impel v. i y prudent pc imiiii, a u lioiiwIiiiUI iri AYKU'rt ;IIIHUY IM, t I tltltV latS toil a Acts I Rod wor&i so eiii'f it cm hooi i;;'uiiv.virU iivuh .i setasei ii HI'' 'I id h v.i i.- .i:jvh Ir, I 111., WliO Cii'. : "I kavs in v r f.iml, In tlilrly.fivo yesrs t ,iiiiiiin,ua Mtnly nod irti tico tit iwdMm1, w. llirn AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Is not n new elsimsal deuce, hot e ittedlebi i,nlm' tbfl lives of til who 1ijvi cuiuo Into Ur-I offt rnl to thn pub! 'I'hrn- i . not a Iioum i in luvatUiihU' remedy hs iro.iuil wlifrc ! tt;'' I abandoned, sml ilwro Is who bus ever given H i fr atty throat r lunjf llblc of cure, a lio bus n well by It. AYi U'S Slt'.IMtY PEt hi jiutnherieiMi hiKtutves, t l ell imiM" TOUAL bs, mid hlltii!' , ltrnyKii i -, nbt Mild bas l id litany pallen it I'nlmonnry ken In and I s re sro : l ill ev ..i.it.l..M m tlu.M ! ami Itltt.f tn aa U1 A Y I It'H IIIlltltY I H T lt Al. Tor iret m nt of Croup und Whootiine; (Jouah. The se nro nil plain farts, whhh out be verloWl bv tinvfiodv, nod should bo re Mctnbeml by ever) body. Ayer's Oherry Pectoral rnErsitxp by Dr. J. O. Ayer m Co., Lowell, ftfste sold by stl drusgisU. SOMETHING NIW UNDER THE SUN. A tsswpspsr specially devoted to the ln tereets or tbe prod urine claeaea and the development of such interacts ana industries ss tbe people are directly intereted In ami l,imrtt- ed by.. 8oiUin Those Who Benefit Ton, THE "YAQUINA MAIL" a Published et - NEWPORT, 0HEQ3N elvee yoo all the points of Interest in re gard te tbe opening of tbls new end Hbort. Koute end will keep you edvtead on all Important transections In the lUy o mnbry It la tha beet and most reliable local paper pub lie bed tn Benton Co, Price reduced to $2 PER YEAR IN ADVA NVE. Send for sample copy end special otters, a Take your readies- matter from tbe pleas from wbtcn you obuln the greairet pexej, Addrse TH PHELP3 CO. Newport, Oregon. ftm.1 Executor's Sale, NntifHk isj kavralhv olv&n fhaf r.iiAtvfan( a mm mm.- . w -mm j B W V -mm WVWW f V- en ordr duly utad end entered is the tireaon on tbe fth day of Oetober. A. D . lono. ui Nimti oiik uay i too retfulsr rSn bor lr rill of mhi (' .tirl tlx. nmln miirn ed, sm abMSXetor of he teat wli an teNia saaae i mnjauun r reeiai i, iffiawii,wiii aell at nubile minion for nahinthahiuhui Voider at (he Court House door in Al- 1 m mm, t . A . O. S- S. ' - M . aa iauy, irripm, ai ine wnr on o CloCB , n. oa.. as th 2.1th Am ., MaMnhM isaut the following deeoribe I re4l pr-iprty, to ...it m. t . a m a a m. m w j uni, I'lifi, iwOi luree and rour in bl.ek number thirty two in the clly of niimii?, 1 iiiii oouniy, ursgon.aM ineaame 1 maikntj. numbered and designated, on the nisp, piab end aurveye of said ohy now on die and of record in tbe office of tbe Clerk of Lion county, Oregon. A. C, FaiROitixjD, Executor. Administrator's Notice. Kotlce la hereby given tbat the under signed has bean duly appointed Adminis trator cf the estate of Bnortuau Met 'lung, deeeaeed, by order of the County Count of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and eutered of record, rnd all peraouB having claims ssinst said estate ere hereby rea quired to present tbe seme to tbe under signed at his office In Albany, Oregon, duly verified within six months from the date hereof. October Otb, 1880. Geo, BuMFHRxr, Administrator, Notice for Publication, Laud office et Oregon Cltv, Or. Sept ilth. im. t Notice is bsreby given that tne follow-ing-nained settler hea filed notios of bia intention so make tin il proof in aupport of his claim, snd tbat said proof will b made bniore the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Thursday, November 4th, 1888, vis : David Swank, additional Homestead Kn try No. 68" I for tbe 3 H of N IS of 800 J0T9.aH.2K. He names tbe following wit"esss prove bis oonUnunua residtniee upon, a to d d oultivation of, said land, viz: Samuel Miller, n. Uumpleby, fcleury Lyon s Martin GUlern, all of Fox Valley, Li ani uti county oregon, W. T. MfKNKT Partnership Notice. Notice ia hereby given that C. H. Stew srt sod , V Sox hav tbia day entered into partur8tiip und. r the firm name of Stewart A Sox. and having purchased tint hardwaie end implement stuck of Peter A Stewart will hereafter conduct the same at tha dd stand. 0. H. SiswaRT, F. Sox, Albany, Sept. 7th, 1886. Notice to Debtors, The iirm of Peters A Stewart having dis solved, all persons knowing thetnaelves to be indebted to them, either by note or ac count, sre hereby requested to oall and set tle, as the business of said tirm must be ol sed up imtuedidtely. W, S. Petrbs. 0. il, Stkwart. PURE SOAP. Use your own refuse grease, etc , and Qreenbank's Powdered Caustic Soda. No apecial apparatus, no experience, no fuel, snd only fifteen minutes time need od Send for direction to T. W, Jackson & Co, 218 California St;, Fan Francisco. JULIUS dftADWOHL Has lite only xelaalve fttoek ol CROCKERY, CLASS, SilVIER AND CH I FA WA i Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a CMo ONE D OZEfd CUP8 AMD SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. AL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime THK HIGHEST SABKET I'lCM'i: PAID FOB ROUS Remember! Wlat I tij lean. Bin le a oall. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. hours the quickest route to the East, and Oruncd Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas Ohy and ZL T I ' , "."" sssasj viuy ailU HAW Aft Sill Al M m,j. J X via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas Gitji Pullman palace and emigrant sleen- rw0Jigh40 the &BBovLri River without charge. If you are going East SMS rZnT'hB, B CAMPBELL, (ieneivil Agent No. I Washipglon Stret, Portland, egoo. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertislngm American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, SO torus St. New York. Sand lOcte. for lUO-Pege Pamphlet Rush Houses A. ASSELL AND J. CIBLIM Proprietors. Tnts heose is near open snd famished eitb tbe beat new furniture. Everything eln mud ot mm lou. oflWrtng to tbe jfon rwl pablie seperior sceommwdatiaes to say in tbs it'j . MADY'S KKSTAIUAM I m M Two doors ear t ut O0d fRo, Tempi ; mt ALBANY, - - 0REC9H.I Mrl st kit bouts sad all i rkwu Eastern Smltcr aad Yaquiun lia OYSTERS J I Slwajs ea Hand a Frssb Aytr eptn srsrjr d.y, and sold to J uinttm ny tn tsss e quan. iitnu e IWHM tot U'iical, Palace Meat Market. PIPE & TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY, OR. WUI keep constantly on band beef, mutton, por, veal, sausage, etc.. the best meets anl Urgesl vsriety in tbe city. Cash paid for all kinds of fat stock. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that tbe under signed, the Administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Hals, deceased, bss filed, in the County Court of Una county, Oregon, his final account, and said Court has appoint ed Monday, November 1st, 1880, at ten "VI - ck a. ta, ot asid day, for the hearing of objections to same account and the set tlement of tLe same. h F M. Jack, Administrator, BtTHKRPOKD A BLACKRUK2T, AUroneyK for Administrator THE GREAT FOR LIVER DISEASE CV l PTft Ufii Bitter or bad taste in mouth ; " w.ww tongue coated wntte or covered with a brown fur ; pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; soar fttoinarh j loas of appetite ; sometimes nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations ; boweis alternately costive and )A ; headache; loss of memory, with a painfu. sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; debility; iow spirits ; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; a dry cough: fever j restlessness; the urine is scanty aar i high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy actum. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the "STIVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. AM EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOH Malaria, liyanepsla. Constipation, BtiionaiieHq, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Mauaoa, Colic, Mental Depression. Vowel Complaints, Ktc, Ktc, Kte, Endorsed by the use of 1 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for Ute Aged. SAFE TO TARE IN sliTcONDTflON OF THE 8Y8TEM! J. M . Z t I LI N & CO., ts fRorRtiivoRS. PHILADELPHIA, PA. rmcE, ai.oo. . aBBBJSjBBBSBajSJSBBJBSSJBja gelecton of Coffee, Ut nt Injar THE Short Line. First National Bank r ALBANY, OBECOff. Pi ftdeflt. ........ JAII If rvivvaa " " mjrmfm, ,VS TS fcJI; H. K. MKKKILl. rtUKSACTB A OeXCAAL sesa AOtm XTM KMT Mi.hi JIGHTKXcnAXOE askmobJc tnmter Wf.LEcnojnj MADE mx.ubU term. B. Torya, J?ir qosks. t. Fuss. If. K mMM, B. F. MtsJtjij,. HOFFMAN & PFJEIFFEIi PBOPBIBTOM Of- j Albany Soda Works, V Am.A l r. 1 . CHOICE COIFECTIOJIET, riiteof aap a full Huts and tropical Fruit, IIV GROCERIES, We keep a full Has, alsrajs fresh and at very low prieea. , -OVBL- CIQAR AND TOBACCO very aoeet sUnko?eSolnsw2 IP.M. MILLER. ittoraey and CoansJor It Law. LEBANON, OREGON. : ipracr .03 in all the Courts in tbf S;s OWee BTTXMSf GlIBX t mm?r-T.SZ teiiis,sstSlt m 3.900 UlxiMrattesis - a WSsel Ptetare Gallery. GIVES Wlselseal PtSsee tthtv to oomsmmer mm all geeae far psrwssssl or taaaUy sue Telia howta or icr, aad gt exact coat, or tmy tauBs; yoa oac, eat, drtak, wear, er base tana srlta. Tatess ISTAXUAJnjB BOOKS contain s-. . 111 frt m ta marketa of the world. W wtU snaU copy FBEE to assy sta in eta- tn cxjwbm or moiling. Let ns near front 3 w . MM llfPSW 11 01 iy y fVhDNTCOMERY WARD A CO. . a. vzv wsesis. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, October IStb, 1886. NOTICE is hereby given tbat tha Ibl lowing nu.el .etUer baa filed notioe of hi intention to make final proof in sop. port of his claim, and tbat said proaf will be made before the County J udge or Clerk of Una county, Oregon at Albany, Oro- Aflrlf Eichtuann, tiomsstead Entry Noi 461 i for the I B X of Seo. 8 1 p. Jl Ss R 1 Willamette meridUa. 1 e nam the ollowing witnesses to prr ve his 0 mtiuumi reHidenee upou, and oultivation or. said land, vis: James Pwry. John M Deakina, W Cyrus and Obtries Kraa al ol Seio, Lion county, Ongon. " W. T. Bt7Rxa, Begistsr. Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undsrsign ed has been duly sppointed Administrates of the estate of V. H. McKuighr, deceased, by order of the Coanty Court of Linn county, Ortgon, duly made snd entered of record, si d all persons hariug claims atpunat said estate are hereby required to present tbe same to the underaigned t Scio, Oregon, duly yeri tied within aix tuoaiha front the date hereof October 21st, It3. V. A, loKM;n?, A. B, McDonsia. Notice for Publication, I and Offick at Orjeooh City, Or, ) July 29th, A, D. 1886. j NOTICE is hereby given that the fol io Ing named settler hss filed notioe of bin intention to make fintd proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof wiii be nade before tbe County Judge or Clerk of Ann county, Oregon, at Albany, Ore. not , on Wednesday, October 20th, 16S6, via: Gustay tfriger ljonioytead EnW No, 4267 for the 8 K of N M of SecUoolil Tp 18 8 K IE, E g names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upou, and cultivation of, said land, vis : WiilSam H Cocoer. H H Morthorm. H ft Hmnni,MD um ifuau nuruen aiuoi sweet Home Lion county, Oregon. W. T. BUBHXT, ResEimer. . . T .I , ... i 1 m ' - . in a? D MIITTlim . aVs Scct&h esse saw e ssaasa Uuum Tngjram' ,tatsJ StO. 000,(00. larv inanaboSEnl miS7go sirs