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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1886)
Ik gfiiwctat. Entered at tho Post Offloe at Albany, Or, as second-clasH mall matter. FRIDAY OCTOBER 8, 1880. srrT3 & Kilters and NUTTING. Proprietors. kk r. Mnrrixti. uti tumor. Qfficul guT p APEEi r this piper r,r?:ini2s m - - - - h Mill l MM ll IllMWMlwIl m .Urmnio In Philadelphia at Ww Mwawaat Air thorlral bvhul wiUU vanee this will be the the Dfmocrat : at the end of the year, $2.50, and there will be no deviation from this rule. a a max ABrT rmrrn. In our imaginations wc sec long rows o! brick along Second and Third Street and add another thousand to the price of our property. Thi U line for lover of excite ment ; but It Is going to take, bcidc the machine shops, jajinrlal and other Indus trie to keep things at the present water mark. I O Peop'.c on the corners generally place Al bany's population ft 3,000. Certainly a large number of strangers arc seen on our streets. But It should be remembered many of them are on'.y transient boarders and are feeling their way. O The square in front of tho Court House will make a good location for the Oregon Pacific office. It will always be regretted though that the city did not long ago pur chase the property and make a permanent public park of it. O Some little stir in foot racing matters is reported from different part of the county. Few know what they are betting on when they bet on a foot rice. There are more eel and suckers in the bag than trout cr salmon. O The demand for property in this city U almost entirely In a southeast direction from the business center of the city. What in crease there has been in price I to be found mostly In the Second and Third Ward ; yet some of the best homes in the city are in the First Ward. o Albany now has two weekly, a semi weekly and two daily papers, and yet the price of wheat cannot squeeze above 63 cent. O If shooting galleries were only patronized by Chinamen we wouldn't kick at all ; but It is mostly the boys who support them and that isn't nice at all. O The M. A. T. understand the Oregon stone, with several other State stones, it h ing neglected in a wood shed near the Washington monument. Sometime it is to be placed in position. O A few days ago we heard an old settler boast that Albany was booming with a ven geance, a property is now within 25 of what it was in 1870. Think he is on the wrong side of the mark . Taken t lava Asylaae. Last week we suggested that an old man named Luke Crandall, residing west of this city, was in a bad way mentally, and would leceive the treatment he needed at Salem. Saturday he was taken before Judge Whit I rey and examined by Drs. Wallace and Mi ton and declared mom compos mrmtis. He is now residing at Salem. After a fashion Crandall was a poet. The Democrat sev eral months ago published as a curiosity one of his poems, entitled "The. Song of the Hammer," an effusion containing several good point. One of the sad events of Crendall's life was the desertion by his wife several years ago, she "going off with a handorner man." la elarra California. A letter to a gentleman of thi city from Rev. E. T. Lockard, who was President of the Albany Collegiate Institute for awhile, announces his settlement at Capenterie, a place about twelve miles from Santa Bar bara, in Southern California, where he has the pastorate of the Presbyterian Church Land there sells for as higfi as $300 an acre for agricultural and horticultural purposes. Lima beans are the great staple. English walnut and apricots are also largely raised there, as well a other semi-tropical fruits, like oranges, lemon, lime, olive,etc. Rev. Lockard' friends in Albany will rejoice at his pleasant situation. ' o Important Hales. Since our last issue important real estate Coles In this city were the Smead property, 53 acres, in the suburbs of the city, o W H Goltra for $8,000 ; the Gradwohl block, by Geo E Chamberlain to N H Allen, for $'4500 ; a few feet front of Baltimore prop erty, just east of Deyoe & Robson's to Judge R S Stratum, for $800 ; the 8chmeer cor ner, from Johnny Schmecr to William Vance, for $61 00. Meeting of rreabytery- The Presbytery of the United Prebyter jan Chun. 1 1 is in session in this city this week. Among those from out of the city in attendance, are Rev. McBride, of the Warm Spring Agency, Rev. Hay, of Waitsburg, Hev. Ac heson, of Oakville, Rev. Stevenson, of Portland, Rev Wilson, of liaise y, and Rev. Irvine, of Albany. Ses sions have been held morning, afternoon and evening. Thigh Bene Brekea. Fred Grimmer, while working at Ihe Red Crown Mills Tuesday fell a distance of about ten feet, on a piece of breaking his right thigh bone and him generally. Or Hill attended he is doing well. timber, bruising him and S. S. ICutciuilaBaeas. Tdie S. S. of the M. K. Church will give an entertainment thi (Tridav) evening at the church, to consist of music, tableaux, etc. It will be of an Interesting nature and should be we 1 attended. Admission io cents. 1 Month. A lively The recorded sales of real property dur ing the month of September amounted to S84.304.45K. This i the largest amount which has changed hands in Linn county On real estate during any month for severa years, ll-trm s atolea. Last Saturday niht a horse belonging to Mr Blodgett, and a colt and pony owned by Mr Scanland, both of Lebanon precinct were stolen from Lebanon, while hitched n.tliat city. Thev have been traced past Canyon Creek. Bo 'feu tinow that the cheapest p ace to buy strictly first class goods is at THIS PAPER J.ZfaTnSN.murS Reap k Baownill's, SlUt. KtA?S. Following were the real estate convey ance In Linn county for the week ending vestcrday noon a recorded In the County Clerk' office : J C Powell ct al to J W Gaines, 34 acres in tp it S R 1 w 9 1050 Peter I . Bllveu to V P Devaney, .o acres In to it 8 R 2 w 600 John Schmecr to W L Vance, 44 feet front northwest corner First and Kllaworth St.. Albany. Or 6000 Geo W Young to R S Stratum, 100x87 feet in block t K addition to Al bany 1 coo Thomas Hines to Sarah nines, lay. 7t-ioo acres. In tp it 8 R 1 w. . 1000 H N Smeadto W II (iottra.KJ I3-IOO acres. W mile south of Albany. . 8000 P J Baltimore to R S Strahan.aa feet front, iust east of Oevoe Rob- son's, Albany, Or 800 Jos S Crahb to Robert Andrews, 50 acre in tp 14 S R 4 w 900 Carter Sharp to Amasa Moses, a lot in Tangent 100 J M Ralston to R W fciunsey ,66x139 feet in Lebanon. 175 Mrs M J Farrow to R C Farwell, 317 17-100 acres in tp 13 8 R 3 w. . .2853.10 D U Montclth et al to John Conner, 48 feet 6 inches front, 8 W cor. First and Broadalbin St. Albany 8000 W Atkinson to Garton Scott, 44 80 100 acres 178.50 Garton Scott to W Atkinson, 44 80-100 acre 17S.50 M L Burrell and wife to Garton Scott, same a last ibo P C Lines toWVftCR R.right of way through farm 300 Frank Line to W V & C R R right of way for R R track I Geo E Chamberlain to N H Allen, a fctt front N side First St., bet r erry and Broadalbin, Albany . . W II WiUard and wife to J 11 Wlgle two lots in I false v W II Goltra et al, Referees. J P Bal timore et al to Milton Hale, 165 acres In tp 1 1 8 R 4 w. U 3 to Enoch Cyrus, 160 acie In tp 5000 700 1635 11 8R 1 E Horace Lane to Wm A Lane, 1311 58-100 acres m several parcels In the county 13110 O St 0 R R Co to Wm Tucker, I47 acres in tp 1 1 S R 1 E . 320.50 U 8 to Joshua Brooks, 330 acres. In tp 13 S R 3 w Jary Liu. Following is the jury drawn for the Cir cuit Court which meets In this city on Mon day, Oct. 35th : Albany- Frank Trite, fanner. Robert Conn, farmer. S A Dawson, farmer. E L Bryan, farmer. Mart Miller, farmer. W F Hendricson, farmer. Brush Creek -G B Splawn, farmer. Brownsville A W Stanard, farmer. N C Doier, farmer. Center - W S Churchill farmer. Fox Valley J W Gardner, farmer. Franklin Butte Jas W Compton, farmer. liaise v -Theodore Davidson, farmer. Harrisburg John Hawk, farmer. M Fuller, farmer. Jerry Hay, merchant. 1-cbanon Jo Moist, fanner. C H Ralston, merchant. R Cheadle, farmer. W B Donaca, merchant. W F Hammer, farmer. Liberty J D Wood, farmer. Santiam II N Derthkk, farmer. J J Charlton, farmer. scio Alfred Shelton, farmer. A Chrisman, farmer. Hiram Williams, farmer. Shed .I F B Jones, farmer. John M Mc Bride, farmer. Tangent I W Swank, farmer. A L Bridgefanner, fanner. Cass Creek Vt-grtaStea. When Matt Scott, of Center Precint, and W 8 Peters, of this city, returned from Camp Creek, beyond Prineville, the latter part of last week they bought with them a good selection of vegetables for the Demo crat office, in order to show what can be done in that country. Linn county gard ncrs will not have much to boast of after examining this supply. It consists of a cabbage of immense magnitude, a very large rutabago turnip, a mountain of a beat, a big carrot, and onions that would make Elder Shea think he was called for. For this winter's supply we are under obligations to L N Liggett and Sam Cowan, both former Linn county boys, sympathizers of editors' small pickings. These vegetables speak for the fertility of the soil at Camp Creek. Cloeesl Is, A Scio precinct subscriber tells us that they are having a heap of fun in the foot hills beyond Scio over the predicament one of the citizens there is placed in by being shut off from the main thoroughfare. His land is back from the road, which he has nbeen reaching by a lane through a neigh bora fields, but worked by the county. Recently the neighbor, on account of some personal grievance shut up the lane, and now Mr. Clark the inside gentleman, 14 ntstling for an opening into the outer world. It is probable the County Court' will be called upon to throw oil on the troubled waters. The College. The ollege is again fortunate in secur ing a instructor of music, Miss Anna L. Peabody, recently from New York City and Chicago. Mis Peabody is a musician of large experience and unquestioned skill. The Art Department In dharge of Prof. Mftchell U filling up rapidly. The College now offers advantages equal to any Insti tution in the State and we are pleased to know that the number of students is m- creaainir dailv. Quite a number are from anroaa. 0 ee Work ea the B. . Rails have now been laid to within short distance of the bridge at this city, and will reach the bridge in a short time, when the piers will be ballasted with gravel taken from the river at the end of the switch, to be built, grading on which Is being done We ore often asked about now rnucn ox ' W- W . . a, a the road will be built beyond Albany this vear : but must admit that we are not rrateri in the matter. X nere are vanou - . m. 1 rumors in reference to It. It is probable some work will be done. ' 4 Kilted a Bear. Last Monday morning "Billy Mack," the barber, returned from a hunting expedition in the foothills, and immediately hastened to the County Clerk's office, where he re ceived a bounty on a bear's scalp. Billy killed it himself. Chasing it up a tree he filled it with buckshot and then relieved it of its topnot. It was not an old bear ; but a young and timid one. Cloak 1 Cloaks ! Don't forget that N. H. Allen k Co. have lust received a large stock of the latest styles in cloaks from New York, which they oiler at unheard of low prices. Beet aad Shoes, N. H. Allen k Cj. bare in stock a full line of boots, shoes and rubbers, which will be sold at very low prices. Tares, Go to N. H. Allen & Co. for your knitting vara. Thev have in stoofc a large line of German knitting, Saxony, etc., in all colors. Heap ef fnlselised, When the Ortgomtan published Secretary Gregg's statement, given In the Democrat last week, In reference to the "leak" at the State fair, It said that anyway it got it In formation from the President of the Agri cultural Association and Chairman of the H nance committee. The following letter from Mr. Apperson, the President, will show what an enormous falsehood this watt The long and short of the matter Is this: Six years ago this fall Al. Holman, Associate editor of the Ortgomian, was in Albany at the scene of the death of the Linn County fair. At the time he and Mr. Burkhart had a "falling out," and since then Mr. Holman has been waiting for an opportunity to show his spite As it didn't come worth a rent he manufactured an opportunity and tilled It with falsehoods. We give Mr. Appcrson's letter in answer to the following tuctlon I I. Did you tell Al. Holman that you thought that the shortage on gate receipt wa at the railroad irate t a. Did you men tion mv name in any connection with the shortage or "leak W 3. .Did you tell him that you thought or susnicioned anything wrong at the railroad irate ? 4. Did you tell Holman that you thought or suspidoiied me of being accountable for the, shortage on gate receipts f Orroon City, Sept. jyth. 18S6. . . limrkkort ; Dbar Sir I am in receipt of yours of the 37th Inst. I would have met you In Portland, but I had agreed to meet Judge Boise on that day, and could not go to Port land. A to each of your questions one, two, three and four, I can say without any hesitation .."' to all. Mr DeLashmutt was present and heard all that I said to Holman relative to the gate receipts not coming up to last year, and from the attend ance this year compared with last year. I was satisfied that we did not get pay for near all the persons in attendance. I had no more ground to charge you with being dishonest than I had to charge anyone of the ticket-venders or gate keepers of dealing dishonestly with the society. I can say that I don't believe that you or anyone who had charge of the tickets or gates are chargeable with the "leak." You will remember that I spoke to you and the other gate keepers during the fair about the apparent discrep ancy between the gate receipt and the number of people apparently on the ground. I had no thought then, or since, of you.or any one whom we cmployed,dea!ing unfair ly with the board. I think that we came to the proper conclusion when we decided our fences were bad and that large number got in on one ticket each day. I regret that Mr. Holman should attempt to gratify his per sonal spleen against fou, and at 'the same time leave the Impression that I at any time hould have aid anything against you or either of the persons 'in charge of the gates. I am,respectfully, J. T. ArrKRaox. Will Be lesatei Mere. Last Wednesday a citiaen's committee consisting of J. L. Cowan, A. Hacklcman, John Crawford.!-:. J. LantUng, W. L. Vance and Milton Hale, took the subscription pa per for the location of the machine and car shops of the 0. P. at this city, to the man agement of the road at Cory alii. Of the $15,000 required ficsooo was subscribed. In cluding the $&aoo subscribed by Mr. 1 tack sman. In order to complete the matter the officers of the road agreed to contribute $3,000, Messrs. Hacklcman and Crawford added $1000 each to their subscription, Mr. Vance $50 and Messrs. Lanning and Hale each $100, leaving the sum of $750 to be raised. This amount was raised yes terday and the matter was to be settled with the Company last evening. Work wilt be begun on the shops in a few day in oroer to nave a place here for the com J pany s rolling stock during the coming winter. The Drmocrat has already en larged upon the advantage to follow from thi action. It offers our city the oppor tunity to take the lead among the cities of the Valley. Temperate action and good judgment wilt bring about fruitful results. We must keep adding to what we already have, giving those who come here some thing to keep them In our midst. Certain ly our city's prospects are very bright. Will MMMl y Ifce . r. The Oregon Pacific continues to do the bulk of the freight business of this part of Oregon, extending north to Salem and south to the very limits of the State. Each trip of the "Yaqulna" U followed by the receipt of large consignments from San Francisco, distributed at Albany to differ ent parts of the valley. The promptness of the company has been marked in the de livery of freight, commendably so ; the present low condition of the water and the long period between freight trains on the O. & C., though, has somewhat retarded mat ters, but unavoidably. Other transporta tion lines have reduced rata op account of the O . P. The merchant and farmers of (he V alley appreciate these facts, and, even could they get equal rates, will now stand by the Oregon 1'acthe, because It U the road that has stood by them. It has added several cents to the price of wheat ; ha re duced the price of goods by reason of low freights, and will continue in the line it ua iakcn in the past. The freight department Is being well managed and this tact will continue to do much to make the road al ways popular among business men. K4 Very unjustly somebody has been telling around that Albany was booming at a terri fic rate. There is some mistake about this. We are not booming ; but we are Improv ing at a very encouraging speed. There is considerable building going on in the city ; but the amount is exaggerated by r ortiand papers. A correspondent to a Portland paper said that board was so high that strangers could not stand it. This wus a falsehood. Board is just about the same as it has been here right along, $4 to $6 a week. Strangers are not being imposed on in the matter as they are in booming town. Knowing the liability to reactions from big booms, having already had experience in the matter.our citizens regret very much seeing the idea go abroad that we are boom ing. Evidently some one desires to injure us. This fact, though, is worth digesting. Ws have begun a healthy, reliable growth, which we propose to keep up. Stop st tbs big sign STOP, for snything ia the line of watches, clocks, jewelry, sil ver were. Boons. Ladies, when yon sro in want of a new dress dont forest to inspect the stock of N. H. Allen k Co. They have a very large stock to select from and at prioes never be fore offered in A"8'iy. A. o V. w. teeiai. The members of the A. O. V. W., of this city, will give a social at the Opera House, in this city, on Saturday evening, Oct. 23rd, when a hne time will be bad. A first-class program and a lunch will be features of the social. I ne program wm be given next week. Admission free, and the more the better. Thrown front a Horse. Eben Keebler, Jr., of Lebanon precinct while returning home Thursday evening of last week from the N. G. bridge was thrown from his horse and afterwards picked up in an insensible condition. Fortunately there will be no serious results from the accident. If you want a cheap bakino powder wo hays one at 20 cents per lb. If you want one that is first-class you can't do better than boy oar Far West at 35 cents per lb. Remember it is warranted equal to Pricee or Royal. Rad k Brown k tx. Groceries, Go to Alien b Co. when yoa wane grooe. ries. They hare a well selected stock and ell cheap. " AHipiimitiiiNii CVftRttfT imm. aawaso i K bridge, fbis makes staging between At ttKftfirr ftvinra. r ii Eugene I to have a new brick hotel. The Oregon Sfil office Is for sale. Senator Mitchell tuts arrived In Portland. Yauulna City now has dally mall from Corvaills. The tenth annual session of K. of L. con vened at Richmond last Monday. Jack Shepherd sold his house and tot to Sam Cohen last Saturday for $950. Rev Post, recently of Oregon City, Is now pastor of the f.piscopal Church at Roseburg. No. t of Vol. I of the Albanv Daily HmUftim appeared last Monday evening. Ht. in hi in the paper s motto. A $50,000 fire occurred in Baker City last Monday night. A block in the business portion of the cltv was burned. A hoy was found In a house in New Haven, Conn., recently, with over iOOO magots in his head, and it Is thought he w HI live. The great and only John Mackay Is to be in I'ortland in a few days. Wonder if he will notice poverty stricken I .add and the other boys. Next week Mattie Allison will he tried In Salem for the murder of Charley Camphell in Albany. A large number of witnesses have been subpoenaed from Albany. The people around Fort Klamath are greatly worked up over the order to remove the troups from the agency. Agent Emerv says he would resign if it were done. I The Mackay Bennett telegraph men have been In Albany this week laying wires for their new line which Is to net the facii k Coast as well as the Eastern States. Mart Taylor ha been heard from In California, afflicted with his old diseases, too much whiskey and an absence of coin. His last wife left'hlm ami went to Port land. A man attempted to commit suicide in the Willamette, at Portland, last Saturday, but found the water too cold for the pur pose and cried for help. Cnfortunately he was saved. In the foot race at Astoria last Saturday between George Nolan, the lawyer, and Ed Rea, the Chicago nrofesalonal, the latter won In 10 second. Thi was In accord ance with our prediction last week. Four men were blown to atoms at Barton on the Sound, N. V , on Thursday of last week, by a giant powder explosion. Pieces of their'bodies were found nve or six hun dred feet apart At Canyon City a few days ago John Rlnehart, a saloon keeper, " unmercifully pounded one Polly Wilson. Polly went home, got a revolver, returned and shot Rlnehart dead She is In jail awaiting the action of the next grand jury. John O'Donnell, a San Francisco shoe maker, aged 19, was taken before the Com mlsftioners of Insanity Saturday, to be ex amined with references to his mental con dition. He Is a victim of Wiggins, the false prophet. On Thursday he credulous ly looked for the fulfillment of Wiggins' prediction, expecting that the earth would be exploded Into asteroids, and that he would go sailing off through space on one of them. The mental strain dethroned hU reason. Jx, Following are the description of two men who escaped from the Clackamas county jail on Sept. 37th : H H Kfeten machcr. German, aged 45 years ; height five feet seven Inches ; blue eyes ; com plcxion light ; blonde hair and beard ; heavy moustache ; wore gaiter shoe, cap, dark coat and pants, and dark blue flannel shirt, lohn A Mann, white cowboy hat ; boots N. 8, new ; checkered dark flannel shirt , dark pants and coat ; height, about Ave feet eleven Inches ; black hair and com plexion ; blue eye ; weight about 180 pound ; has a white spot on the front part of the head ; heavy moustache ; had not shaved for a week aged 37 years. After going home last week Van Ckrve, of the Pat, spoke thusly of Albany : Al banv lias Improved greatly In the last few year ami to-day there Mai an empty honor to be rented, we are told, ami buii brik aud everybody looks contented and happy. Indications are that the Impel u given by the building of live Oregon Pacific railroad throusrh her borders will soon double Iter population, and at id hundred of thousand to her wealth. Albanv i In truth M beautiful city, the gem of the val ley, and we hope to see her grow In wealth and importance until she become the chief city of the Central alley. We spent a day and a half all too pleasantly in Albany, and only too reluctantly tore ourseif away from the old stamping grounds" to return to our own Itlehee and labor. If we had space we couid say maitv thing of our kltul friends in Albany, but we are compelled to "hut down at thi time. 1'erhap when we can secure another loan we'll make an- otln-r visit, when we'll write again more. omc rsiit nete. I lie undersigned w ill acll at public auc tion to the highest bidder on Saturday, October 2trd. ioo, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. the following described per sonal property, to it-: 5 head work hones, 5 Itcad cattle, 1 wag- 1 on, 1 hack, 1 sulkv plow, 1 grain drill, 3 set harness, 1 cultivator and one walking plow. Terms of sgle I AH sums under $10 cash in hand. Over SiO ten month's lime on good secured notes without Inter est. Sale takes place K miles south of Al bany and 1 mile north of Tangent. Martin Webtz. A good stock of new fresh goods bought for cash t r VY Carter's. Boseberg 1Toalh,er, -fhc meteorological report for Roseburg for September is before us. It shows the following : mean barometer 30 .06 ; highest, 30.M ; lowest, jo-85. Mean temperature, 61 .4 1 highest, o. : lowest, 35.3. On the 10th the range of temperature was 47.9. The total precipitation was .33 inches, tho smallest in July for ten years.. A compar ison with Albany' weather report in an other column, will be of interest Be pairing firearm, Ite. Persona desiring repairing done, such aa guns, sewing machines, umbrellas, para sols, fans, looks, ail kinds of small ma chinery and utensils, also fitting keys, grinding acissors,eto.,hsve now an oppor tunity to have the same done at most rea sonable rates and on shott notice. We hsve engaged an ex perls need workman to assist in this department. Alt work war ranted, st Wiix Bros,'- Quo Stove, Albany. Need a Tree Terry. There have been several random proposi tions recently made In the city in reference to establishing a free ferry at this city. One Is needed badly, the present uncommonly high ferriage here keeping many from the city. Of course a bridge would be better, but It is evident we cannot obtain one at present. We should do the next best thing. The cost of a ferry would be small enough to justify the establishment of one if only temporarily for a few year's use. Agitate H. ', a ' Taney Worn. N. H. Alien k Co. have in stock a full line of material for fancy work, consisting of Fairy zephyr, Shutlaud wool and floss, che nille, arasene, fillasille. 72 inch English felt, ilk floss, knitting silk, sto. A fact to Bent ember. It Is not necessary a 16 oz. can of Bakin to pay fifty cents for ; Powder. Try "The Bakers Pride" retailed at twenty absolutely pure. F. M. Redfield, at twenty-live cents, 133 First street, sole agent for Albany, Or. Faeey Cleans. Ths place to get fancy goods of all kinds, is at Mcllwain's. His spring stock is here. and there U no discount on its being first- class i bargains offered 4N AVftOit F M Frsnoh, jawalsr, The bsst harness st J J Dabruillatt Fresh Yaquloa Bay oysters as Msdy V. Castings for Mason's gate at Htswsrt So'., Excellent tea at V M Hsdtiold's for cents, 40 For stoves ami tin wars atoost go to John Briggs. J. P. Wallace, Physielau and Surgeon, Al baoy, Or. The Msohaulos fair opened st i'ortlsod yesterday. Knr pumps, pipu aud bu at cost go to Juhn llrijftt. Old pspers 23o. a hundred at ths Okmo crat ufHoe. Tho Malum fanning tniils for sals at Dsyoe k ItubsoB's. A slight rsit fell Monday. Ths tsrimrc want mors, Tbs new tin roof on ths Court Hsuse was flulshod Tuesday. Canned goods st Itsdlisld's as cheap as at I any nuuse in AlUauy. ..Piano for sale--Call st residence of Louis Miller, near school house. Ths Lino Co. Iodgs f, 0. (i. T. convened in nnsdd Wednesday Call m Miss .Schubert for milliuerv. ilrr stock is unsurpassed. Cart B Winn baa been sppointed Walls ft rsrito's Agent at this city. Work will soon be bouuu on thm () I bridge across tho Hantiam. Mr K M French has bean improving tbs interior of bis jswelry store. A splendid line of new millinery at Miss Schubert's- Ths best in tbs city. Get your shot go as choke bored to shoot hard and close at Will Brothers. This (Friday) svening the s,., Firs Com pany will give a ball in that city. Sis shares for a dollar and a olefin towel to every customer, at L. Vieriok's. Year Pick" tobseoo st F M Uedfielda. A gold tooth pick with each ptag. For a general assortment of bouse furnish. tag goods at cost go to Jobs Briggs. Csll on Y M Ksdneid. ths pioneer erocer. for tbs best groceries. F.verything new. F M French, stent Hunter Manofsiurine Ccs,opposiU Odd Fei lo ws Temple, Al baoy , Or . Low rente, no clerks and mU profit make cheap groceries st Bead k Browne!!'. A mttsie store will probably be opsesd Is this city by some 1'urtland bnaiaeas ssea Mtth Br N C Boatman, Physician sod Surgeon. lint door north of Wisgraph office. Alias. Oregon. Dr. M. II. Kllis, pbyswieo and earueoo Albany, Oregon, flails made in city or country. Hodman & Pfeiffer are putting in a very neat oyster parlor at their store 00 Ftrt octworv st Si Pfeiffer's, for sale al whokstto On next Matnrdsy tbs Jswiefa bnslaeas in the city wdl be oleeed en aeeeeat of Jaw tab holiday. Our Albany telegraph opsralor will now bare bis bends mere than fell. We have two dailies. Fresh Yeoatoa Bay conauntly on band after to-day st Huff nan Pfetffer a. Hoe W E BUyee, ef tbJs eity. was ad muto-l to preetto In lb U 8 Circuit Wt last Monday. rriiiy.aii i.rrtnan immiiirant srtived in Albany Wednesday evening sod will locate A splendid line of apbeisteret farmtnre jot reeeivea at W KortmbWr a Co s. Ceil ii-1 raamitic. T Palmer, of Hsleey, l-t a bores a few days ago by its betn khkwd la th bead by Ho to tbs sseluntve B .t aud Hboe Store of Bead k Bruwuell " fee the beat goods at tae lowest priessv Asaiaan sow tie nrs uoo.i. o-. flt.Jftt S S 1 1 1 1 I S5 M 1 1 Hi StSJ .4 S1 I )Ak Til too, of Purtiaad. Deyoe 4 Bobaos base a targe stack ef the beat plows saada on band, Tbey will be i aoM at bedrock prioes. Co to Praabaw a new Drug Store for pare dreg, patent f IS QP aHKKSj nflsij4 t4s (te- BM I iiliy MaMMBBBBag Charley Wussn, eendaetor en the 04 0 has been qaite ill with fever ; but i now slowly reeovsriag Mrs Reese leeteiss at Herrisberg this (Friday) evening. It will pay tbs eitiMo f thst city to bear her. F M Mitchell has iust begun bis second year's aphool at Tall man. Hs rsenpsratod for awhile at Belike) Springe. A tramp in the city last Saturday called on twe or tbresjbuee, of when be vary per- A yoeeg borne being trained by I N Woodle in this eHy took a spin on its own aeeoant Wednesday. No damage. A young man named Heffron was drown sd near Walton, in Lxne county, last week, white tryut to irtdo a log, in a drive. A dance is to be g'ven this (Friday) svnn use at the Upera House. Ktcbsrds Orchestra will furnish inasie. Bs social and go. John Briggs has on hand three Piommer Fruit Dryer which ne will sell at less than cost. They are tbs best in the market. Van Horn, the piano tuner, is ia the city. ready to tuns your moniclal iostrumsut. leave orders at i w Laagdon k (Jo's. Why pay $10 for so inferior gate, when you oarf get th right to Mason's Wheel Gats, ths very test in the market for only 90 T A large real estate aale was that of Horses Lens to his son William a few days ago, 1321 acres changed hands st $10 an acre. Harry So miners, of Harrisburg, was gored by a bull last Monday wUils driving cattle, near that eity . One of bis ribs was broken. 8a pre me Court adjourned Wednesday meruit, g until Monday. Hence Judge Strahan asms to Albany on the noon train. Rev J W Craig, of ths M E Church South will not be st Tangent aad Albany on ths secoud Sunday of this month as wal expect ed. Mr Asbby Peatee exhibited in the city Friday some specimens of the largest pop corn ever ssea in ths U. $., neyer outside of Oregon. G. W Mas too, Physician and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of ths Cincinnati College of Physicians sad Surgeons Cincin nati, Ohio. Tbs Seventh Uy Adventist have organ ised s church in thi city, ami are now hold ing services in the old Third Ward school kouss. Hendrioks, the defaulting Treasurer, of Umatilla county, was discharged by ths jrand jury, his bondsmen having paid ths deficit. Giles Smith, of Harrisburg, or thereabout, who has been on a contracted spree here for sometime received a knock down last Wed nesday svening. G W Hunt, contractor has been telegraph ed by the 0 P to come sod sign contract for the construction of tnir-ty miles uf road be yond Albany. A Balsm paper is claiming thst its bridge will be the first one to cross the Willamette. Wrong, Harrisburg was first. Albany will be second, Salem third. The Attorneys for Crook county have commenced an action against Mr J T Bush - nell's bondsmen tor the amount stolen from his safe last April. Tweedale & Hopkins is the name of the new firm in the stove and tinware business, W C Tweedale and Tho Hopkins having formed sBpartnerahip. Burkhart k Keeney sell tickets over the Northern Pacific Rail Road to all points east. Call on them for rates and maps showing roots of travel. Dr Harris' Bellfonndsr, of Eugene ia at the Albany race track, in training. A race is soon to take place between him and Di amond, owned by George Gill. Should you desire to sell your property oall on Burkhart k Keeney as they advertise property placed ia theii hands, and charge nothing unless they effect a sale. Ths "Three Sisters" has been putting its. time in hauling gravel for ballast for ths R R bridge. This makes stating between bany and Coryalli a good business. Four teachers pssssd the teachers exam ination hold in tins city last week, to1 wit Ueorge L Motherland, Laura Holman, Susie Howard and Julia B Thayer. Two failed, Hsysral quantities of horns raised swest potato have been seen in ths Albany mark et Though uot quite as sweet as ths itn ported potato tbsy are of good quality and command a ready sale. A whiskey filled men gave a genuine frontier exhibition on First street Monday evening by riding furiously through the street, on and off ths side wlk,up to saloon doors, etc. If escaped. An excursion over tbs Oregon Pacific is being arraegsd. Albany to Yquias is tbs program, and it will cost 93 50 for those who did not stfbscribs for tbs machine shops. Those who did will go tree. Friusvilis has had no school recently ; but now a desperate rffort is being made to ob lain one. How that plane oau ever xpct people to locate there witnout any eduna- tinne! advantages is a query. W W Crawford, of Lswson. has taken leeal and traveling agency for Mason Wheel Gate. Everybody in ths county knows "Whit." and if bs puts yon np a oafs, it will be a good one, and run 0. K. and rio mistake. Aysr's Ssrsspsriils is a highly eoneeotrst ed extract of Harsapariiia and other blood purifying roots, combined with Iodide of Potassium and Iron, Its control ovsr acrof ul diseases is oneqaaUed by any other medicine. .Quincy F Brooks has been n appointed as (hi! lector to sut'coed Herbert F of Customs at Port Townenl. It is to bs hoped there will be no more agony" over the Port Towusend olleetorshio The re ceipts do not justify it W Fortmiller k Co. and Chal. HrU.h bare recently enlaruod tio-.r f to.-v at tho. foot of I -yon street. Tho first U mr is devoted to manufacturing furniture and ths second floor to the wire works, in both factor is there is s rush of work. Wears informed thst a certain Lion county man is advertising Land re th wheat for sals, whereas be has none at all. and partiee calling on him fail to get any. Mr A L Bridgefarmer is not the man. He stilt has a supply on band. A team bolontrinir to Mr D P Porter, of Shedd, being dnveu by bis son. ran away iu Li. .u. ie.uj i li ui uawuay , nrsaaing tn wagon near ly to please and damagiog fences in the neighborhood of J H Burkhart' to qaite an ex If C Compton. of the Porks ' ateeaod into oar office Wednesday and threw down 3 23 and ordered the Druocrat, New York trorid. Atmrrmn Farmer and Vry of Ou Unitod Huu,. He says be wants rcattog matter for the winter and thi i. th ohon- eet and best oiler ever made. Parties wbo have jest out from Fish Lake inform us that Mr found all tbs remains of Isaac Niekslsoe, sospt one foot and a shoulder blade, Mr. Niekslson perished fa tbs snow two years ago last winter. Ochoco Rrview. DrO F Crawford, of this eity. while at UmpUeg to straight npa tick berse last awuu.y, on reteroieg from the country, was kicked and knocked seamless fore fear momenta, oat fernnately no beeves were broke though tbs Doctor was somewhat By land or at sea. oat on the eroiria. or in the crowded city, Aysr's Cathartic Pill are coaveome tfSKnn'e1'1''" Yrywhn gtaa bosreis, torpid fiver, indigestion, bad breath, Bstaleeey. and sick head ache, they are a ssre remedy. W B Paliett. of Beatriot. Neb., called at ear offloe. He informs as that nek the ueneral Agent for an Insurance bbmoanv located at Boatrtoa, Neb., known a the W . n. AMoetatloa. This phsd with tbs law relative In Coflsnaoteo ta it State, having with the State In every premise mads by them end we think it is denring si the age of ail good people wbo are desirous ef making provtaione for thoif fmt2 fit the event of death the choanal of life laauraoee. sett-tat, a r &. Mr Vsrul Parker is at the Bay. Tswsda S 1 y t' WM lu the city Ur Alsxander, of Cobsurev wss ia fc (VeseaV I District Attorney Geo W Belt, wss In Al baoy wodaeeday. A Kline, of Seattle, was M Albany the first of the week. Cap Humphrey has decided to locate hi Aioany penpsaeatly. Q aim by, of the Qiimby House, Portland, was in Albany Teeeday. Prof A M ilner, Deraty Sheriff of Benton 00 sassy, w to move to Moo tan. WUluun Ceehaw, of Prinevtile, wee in Al- bssy the tits of the week. Nimrod Payee sad J H Shideler recently left on a trip to ha tern Irsgoe. Lat Saturday Mrs Kite Brown went to Salem where she organised iYWCTU, Rev ft K MeBrtde. of the Warm Springs ansae, is ia the city attending the U. P. rrssoytery. 0 P Dan Deis recently moved from Tsnesot to skis eity. and is building a nsw rssadenes in the Third Weed. ! Daniel Best returned Wednesday evening from a baioss trip to Eastern Oregon ana Washington Territory. Mr Falleonts, the handsome leprecentotive of t) W Prentice ft Co., of Portland, arrived in the eity Saturday. Mrs Narsette Smith, wifs of druggist Eastnoa Smith, of Harrisburg, is visiting in the eity with old friends. Harry Pntnam arrived in Albany yeeter day morning from Oakland, Get., by way of Y equina, and will remain about a month. John and Davs Love, who recently went Kest to school, are now nicely located at Mary ri lie, in Has tern Tsnnssee, where there is a good school. Connty School Superintendent Raid, left last Monday ou a visit to every school in Lion county. Under the new lew hs is obliged to make two visits a year. 0 Jennings, of Waterloo, paid this office a visit last Tuesday. His conduct while hers was very exemplary. He paid in advance for two copies of the Dkmocrat, Go thou and do likewise and thns lay up tt assures in toe future world. Mr J W Wheeler, of Portland, a step-son et atr Jesse MeUee, of this county, was in Albany Saturday. We acknowledge a oall. Mr W . ia connected with Stsver k Walker' agricultural implement boose. Jen Creel returned on Friday evening from the Yakima country, when he haa been laboring on the Cascade branch of the Northern Pacific. His bsst friends hardly recognised him from the transformation of his make up. Miss Dora Davidson, who has been at ths Good Samaritan Hospital at Portland, six years, oane to Albany a few tUya ago and is stoDJiina with her father nsar the Simnson warehouse. Since sh j left Albany oiih of her legs baa been amputated and the other is useless. ' ' . Kxainiue Carter's stock of jewelry, clocks, stiver ware ano wacons, oeiore you ouy Do x't xoaorr rr 1 Well satisfied- Lkh.vvon, Or., Sept. 30th, 1886. On the first day of September, 1886, insured my hophouse nnd hops In the State Insurance Company, of Salem, and on the 1 3th day of September, 1886, I lost bv fire both the hophouse and hops nnd the Com pany's adjuster called and adjusted my loss to my entire satisfaction. 1 received to-ctav from the hands of their agent the sum $423.68 which is perfectly satisfactory, and in full of mv claim under the policy issued to mc by the State Insurance Company. Rebecca J. Wallace. Produce, Don't forset that N. A. Allen k Co, , take L produce in exohange for msrohandise at the mantes prices. OPENING OF FALL SEASON. Large Arrivals of New Goods. The Latest Novelties ' FOR FALL AND WINTER. During the past week large sniDments of croorift ing DRESS FABRICS, and DRESS TRlfcMMQS etc.. etc., for this &e&Aons woar Thoao rri! a " -ass-aaw w snnvw fsjVvV4Q nave been nersonallv sttleotad hv New Tork Market, and oiegani styles. PLAID 8UITINC8f B0UCLE SUITINGS, BLACK AND COLORED SILK, COMBINATION NOVELTIES. ALL SHADES CASHMERE, SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. DIAGONALS, ETC., ETC. My stock of LADIES, MISSES and OHILERENS HOSE, is very complete and is full of the latest styles ror FALL and WINTER wear. Iam Agent for the Celebrated BAT.T.ft nnpateT The BEST HEALTH PRESERVING OORRP.t A full line of all the best All are invited to examine mv Strip. lr QTirl riftfa the LOW PRICES these TBS stele nefceet. Sutc Superintendent Mi h1rn' report for this ear will show the following, among other things : Number of distria In the Bute, 1371, an Increase of 35 since last vear; average number of davs of 'school, 101.5, dreary average for school maams and mas ters ; average salaries paid male teavher. $46.30 ; female teachers, $34.65 , a de crease in both cases of $j since last rear. which is entirely wrong ; total amount of school funds, $901,372.26 ; value of school property, $1,239,998. Number of persons over 4 and under 20 in State, 82,860, an in crease of 3,843 since 1805 ; number enroll ed In public schools, 49,176 ; an Increase of &009 since last vear ; average dailv atten dance 35.245. an increase of 4,240 since last rear ; private schools, 148 ; 117 school houses wens erected during year ending March 1st, total, 1375 ; value of school houses, $1,144,384 ; furniture, $84157 ; No. of persons of school age not attending school during rear, 2$,8ot ; teachers hold' ing first grade certificates, 1204 ; second grade, 677 ; graded schools, 53 ; Academies, it, with 1395 pupil, 47 teachers ; OiUeges, 9, with 4) teachers and 1 104 students ; 147 pontic schools have Webster Unabridged Dictionary ; 234 are furnished with record books ; 538 teacher are subscriber to an educational journal ; Count v Superinten dent made 1 1 24 school visit, averaging ;S minutes 35 seconds each traveling 12,524 and rereivintr miles to make tbee viit, salaries ranging from $50 w $900. I On from one to thine years time, on good security, In sums of $500 up. Call on Uukk, MowrniTM ae Co. It will do no good to put a special delivery stamp on a letter unless the regular post age accompanies it. Mis Nellie Richards, wUhe to Mate, that she Is prepared to teach landscape. fkwal. aii atm painting. Those wishing instructions, can call at her residence on Sixth street. Specimen of work can be seen at K W Langdon's. Will Bros, have received a lare lot of nhot gnus and rifles from the Kat and witl sett team at tVwnjtan4 psrteee. While In Oregon Cole's drcue struck a man at Summery illc named Samuel Hutch ins, 7 feet 3 Inches high. And now he is known as the "Oregon Giant" at a salary of $1 30 a month and I over eight feet tall. (Jutlts than you oyer saw More at teitb A- Seiteubaeh's. Moa- Boston Charley, a Tacotna man, was tarred ami feathered last week for beating his wife. That Is Tacoma through and through. Peary Sieeats. Those desiring the latest novelties in lacr? , buttons, gloves, sto., should call on Met.? teith k Seitenbach. The failure of W F Owens, at Rcwebu 7u ruins financially three other men. total liabilities were $132,000. Letter last. Faitosrtng Is the list of letter rsmslnhw in the Post 04ns, Albany, Uon county, Oregon, Oct. 7th, lSta. sees sailing for thee letters must fire the sale on whtie they were advertises : Bteharo CsntreU, W R Otthee, H feeler, John Harvard, Ur K C Hsathorn, E W tanking, Joaaph M Lssrreno. Mrs Nvllle ftus, Rcnl SehmelMr, ft F Wtuf, Fsedinaad M. IRVING, P. If. CetUna, W it . resit, hi s Ooaaard. E HalLWO Hunt, Jama JenUas, Joke K Los. A J Smith, Abor 11 Wren, w e Baby wa atek, we gave ht i Whensh wm a Child. escsd for Caeteeia, Waaa si heosas Maw, ah clang to Caeteria, nsashs had Children, ah gave mesa Cast oris, MlllICS. EUBANK MOORE. On Tuesday, Oct. ;th, 1886, at the residence of Mr. Wiles, near Wells Station, Mr. Iohm Evbank and Miss Martha Moor, both of Ben ton county, formerly of Albany. "A friend," who was present a t the wed ding, writes : "At tlteappropriatc hour the contracting parties stood up before the minister and the words were spoken that made them "twain one," after whkh they received the sincere congratulations and well wishes of oil present. Dinner was then announced and we all did ample justice to the Inner man. The evening was spent in enlivening conversation and in discours ing appropriate music. May joy, peace and nrosoeritv in rich abundance attend them . . through life's voyage." WAGGENER GREENilALGH On Oct KtK 1886, at Halsev, bv Rev T Wilson.and at his residence. Mr. Albert WaiJokn kr and Miss Elizabeth A Grrenhalcui both residing near Hal 1 Fridav, Oct. ist, 1886, the wdse of lohn Fox,-h in Al-tfaturh- falatias I have been receiving fmm t.Via m oof nntnmilfl oomprise many new and makes of corsets. goods are offered at 84MUEL E. Y0VM, Albany, Oregon. WealJaer, Summary of Meteorology for Sept. 1886, from observations taken M Albany, Uaa Co. Oregon, by John Brigga.Keq. HSest Bar. 30 03 ; lowest, 29.82 ; mesa, 29.75, iiitfnw temperature. P8 ; lowest, 48; eao.63.85. Mesa at 7 . m ..' :; : 2 . m Tfi.Tr. u p. m.,62.25- rrevaihng wind, K. Maximom velocity force, 3. Total rainfall ami mitd tmar Amrimm month, 1 20 iochca. ISumber of days on which .01 inch or nun fei!. 7. . Number of days of nlfmilmsss, averages in scale of 10. 3. Of 90 observation 12 aw AmAw in .i. 52 clear. 1 smoky. 4 on rt ('. ka a fof-gy. 1 rsiay. Werfn sVessfclag 41. Mr. A. B. ticll hm store ths largest and beet stock ..( car pet, oil cloths asd wall paper evaa brought to Aibsay. Ths quality and design of hi carpets are not samsassd. On aeeoaat ot hi large stock hs will umderwll any twees in Albany. If you would are a firat-cla lio of zooda call and see his stock of carpets, od cloth aad wall paper. This i Uoeineaa. Tke fwy est I hays added to my boot ami -hot stock a hue of the celebrated Laird, Srkobtr k JfefeAeff, PhUadtlpKia Fiu tihom for ladi-s. and children. Ackeewledfed by ly to be the best value and see made. Widths C. D. K. EE A child can bay as cheap ss a tnau. SaMccxE. Yooxo, Sole Agent, Albany. Oregon. It is time to get your fall A B. Mc 11 wain has a stock head app of bat td latest styles, which every amine before buying. shu. I Pay fear atetiaejaeat Taxe. Tax payer who owe their county taxes will save mileage last year by calling on Sheriff 8mith and settling the ame im- mediate! . Tacoma restaurant keepers refused to feed two Chinese witnesses even if givcu $5 a meal. The count v jailor had to pnmW for them. Send Burkhart fr Keeney oaufss aud ad dresser of friends desiring information of Ore gon and they will need them copies of the Meai Ertatt Coneoyor whieu contains a com plete disoription ef 00 county ia each issue with ottker desirable information aa weather, market report, etc. srasaBaw' ' HSol eat JStSMW It bents the whrld. It effects a cure fn 24 hours. Try it and be convinced of it, wonderful merit. Call for testimonials. Price 75 cents per bottle, at PrushawVi Drug Store, corner First ami Broadalbm St,, Albany, Or.. n ,;, . Cleaks. The largest and beat selected stock ia the valley can be found at Mnnteith k Se tenbtchV . y Meatmen New stock of fall goods, every line fail. come and examine them. x ' Moxtrith k Skitkhbacu. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City. Or. October 5th, 1886. j Notice ia hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of hie intention to make final proof m support of his claim, and that said proof will be made osrore toe county judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Oregon, en Saturday. Nov. 19th, lt, viz ; J, K lirook's Homestead Kntrr No 4459 ror the S X of 8 W )i, N W K 0 S W K, and S W H of N W M of See, S, Tp, 13 8 R 2 B. lie names t tie iouewlnur wttnesses ta prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via : A Ralston. J Shea, Oeo Howe and L McQueen, all of Sweet Home. Linn county. Oregon. W.T, BUR BY, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given thst the r- signed bas been duly appointed Adminis trator cr tne estate or sner situ Mot lung, deceased, by order of the County Count of Linn county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record, rnd all persons having claims against said estate are hereby re- 2 aired to present the same to the under tgned at his office in Albany, Oregon, duly verified within six months from the date hereof. October 6th, 1886. Geo. Humphrey, Administrator, Palace Meat Market. PIPl & TALBOT, PROPRIETORS. FIRST ST. - ALBANY, OR. Will keep constantly on hand bee, mutton, perk, veal, sausage, etc., the beet meats and largest variety in the city. Gash paid for all kinds of fat stock