The Democrat, a Published by ST1TES NUTTING, it IKiOr Fit K-.a Democrat anutasoti Breedalhta Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION iif te oopT, ler ypf. in trance........ 91 0 iit: co per year, itnd of year si M iuaU cony, sU month 1 CO tnffla oopr, three mouths 60 lnlf number ,J, S PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONT ANTE. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public. ibasevy, Orgi, Offlee upUlr, over John Brig atore, j vMnzstr J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOT V KY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AUBAXT, . IITILL PRACT10K IN ALL THE- COURTS OF THE State. 8MvW .tUntloa yir an to collect iou. .ad ;jrom,- i x om riu'$ Temple. (H:l f, O. MWHU. W. 11. niLTKC POWEIiL & BILYEU, vTTOrnRYS AT LAW, a m Mm ma e . m ... Ana solicitors in chancery, tl.tlAWY. ... ORRtiON. OolleeHona oromptly mart on all oointa 4 ana negotiated on reasonable tprnn. B?"Ofnoe in Foator'n Brick.-, vltnlMf. J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Nofary Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in all of the Courts of .hlsState All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & C0M ntllilUlSTH Books, 8U11 and Toilet Articles, A Lairg: and Low Prtoaa. aimr dktto- store, FUSMAT a& MASON. TMJVt ASS X74lt- Druggists and Booksellers, Agents for John B. Alden'a publications, which we sell at publisher's prices with postsgeaoona. ALBAHY. OBEGOI. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. 1 have tbe beat stock of orniture in the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE m tbe city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOOPiN, Revere House, Cormr. Vlrat and Olawwrth Alfeaar. Mueller & Garrett, Prop're TMa aaw BoU U flttad np in flrrt class ttyls. Tables appttad vtth th beat Um market afford.. Sprtag Bla la arary Boota. A food Sample Boos, lor Ooea mereial Trrler. aTrree Casck ts sad trmm the Vatcl.'Va Aloany Bath Mouse. TBI ONDElliKeNKD WOULD KKSPKCT 'ally . a for n the sltissaa of Albany and vi iVoity that I havetakan charge of this EUbluh sat, and, by keeping ;len rooan and payhj trlstattentlon to bebiM, expseU 10 init al kois who nay favor us with their aatronafS Havtafherstofore carried on nothing-bat First-Class Hair Uresslne Saloons spaeti to gitre. satire atlftion to al W-JHIdisa ass Ladlaa' Hair neatly ss Taral JOSWBBPR. DR. J.Ls HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Ofnoe-cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - OREGON. 0. o oHv.RBT. c.n.evacai ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKRS, (SoasMinr. to C. C. Chmry.) lacMnists, MUlwrights, and Iror Eomiders. (ire HAVE OUR NEW WHO I'd Ai W completod. and ere ow Prered t,-Mrtt. all kinds of heavy work, we win - a.M., F.rirines. Grist and 8a m Mill Mscrnnery,u- and Hress Castings. mmMwgm tku,re1tVenTrovnedr3Cherry A White Grain Snparatcr N. J. HENT0N, Hotary Public Insurance igent n. r RUILDIMQ - - ALBANY, OB - , . ... RaDrc senta a.verai m a- - -- - r.l of tke best nre 1 t .u k..t Fira In s r.hfi Coast. (Jail co aura nc-'mp..' him forrelUble insurant As 0s Us W. Member, wiahinmployment Jt nalp, will pleas-icUl at Rs.d A Brownsll afcore and reenter their names, .tore ana ()r SCR OV LOUOB. THE NORTHWESTERN CQNSERV1T0RY 0F.HSI0. MiBntxa.poi.iet miki. Plaro, Oriran. 'rolce. Theory. J'"b Rm?i!mm'Ji MlJCTaWK 'eaehere tn the ' t(fle.Miu. Pup itaelneSept.9. a H. MOUSE, fit flt VOL. XXI 1. i ui i nisi j v ill vuiii -. Awi Opiate, Xmrti It am JhOn. SAFE. 25 SURE. PROMPT. At PU'LITI .km lie. 1 mmm. tax 4 SAHUOI A. vounuca ro. SALTIIOKX. 1 From 115 lbsto 161 lbs To the Guticura Remedies I owe My Health, My Happiness, and My Life. a,lyjmga ii oi aasai eJaawAi Srmwdaasi tSkita tone to an orange. The larxe ok at, and palatal to br ; f ueaSC mesSi ossswws mgawai t Mek rowmawt aai wwm to ii on u. do any gaod. la a triad Cuticum ILam Iljul - ii f Skin Cure, and CUeara Seas, aa aaaaMts Ikia wser. eateraal.r. ..,! ( utl. ura K.K.i.t ik. Sinai Tliriaai ; o. .,..:) t. 1 call thw rrmir MmalitrntmA . -j 'rr7 ' I . i . . . -w r - m i ocoae. iu aoout two Mk, dtorbarftng laore i"1"" vi aamar, iea nna taw SaOI ZZ&TlTL E SSSMS &3E. tg. laolid. lei ti neajtar pound., and my baigM la only la my travala I praiaad las ( uticurm aorta, eoutb. eaet and waat. To and mj life. A v beana, my meiheoth-rday. c V.rh Ik. mui MVIII IK' iW I tobein : yoa look I Ido. aad i perfeet health v My iwtjra. I hava eever I kno' CuUcura i.ince I aasassawwaa um I by pralatag them to people not acquaint! with tl aaarna, oa eenaar or I.Ur Haw -te eaaw la awji hare whom I have told. If.v ik. ttm. 1 thaa thara .h.11 ba . km ftl Unt.nlv .. ,r p,. j?-., ii, , ,i in i , 1 rlLV wm nstareiy anesaof ever aa- no Fulton 8u. NevXk;SV I Oataaaa Remedlea are a noaiUve ears for ererr sea. man Piamaa to I I'rtce t Tina.. BV . v ... -itt . Hoir. ft& Mil. Hnr.i.r.wv ai AO hmnJ I n.oVnuMtc.Bl Setd tor "How to Cure Hkin awsat far "Blew te Care ah la ll'I.KS, Blackheadi.Skin ii union, on ct mxaa Soar. A kvlMST Falls. STAIBS. BUCK tCaa, Weakneaaaad Waailnaw eaoaed by overwork, diaeipatlon, atandlng.wmJk hig. ertke asah .asualns. aarad sy ta OaVSMNU Arri-PAts hunt. New, eU- fiiii. arlglaal eail aaamltiii Sis. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, UPKUSIIt KtYtKt HUUSt. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, NERVOUS, OR RECTAL DRr J. B. PILKINCT0N, Surgeon Oculist, imist & Specialist, Offera free nooanltation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On tbe Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday orenoon, following the Jit Monday of each month. Will make tbeae visits monthly for one year to come. Am curing scores of the worHt forma of above diseases. Refers in Albany to Jan. 8. Cherry cured of blind neas. R A, Rampy, DniRgiat. and Fred Deffonbacker, farmer at Harrisburg. con cerning Rectal diseases. A scote of other names given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Sox A Stewart have neck-yokes and single trees, ironed or unlroned, neck yoke irons, single-tree irons, nib irons, felloes, spokes, ax trees, etc., all for sale hea p. J L CASE PLOW3. This famous nlow Is well known in Linn County. Tho chilled and ateel plows era well made from the very beet material and are warranted to do aa good work and eour fully as well aa any otnerpiowa Sox A Hie wart are tbe aote agent. T. J. STITBS. aTTOHNEY at LAW -AND Notary Public- J. h. COWAN. J. W.CU8ICK Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a areneral banking buelneai. OBAW 8IOHT DRAFTS on New York, San Fran Hucoand Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved eecurlty. RECEIVE depoaite eubjee. to check. COLLECTIONS wi trailed to u. wUl receive prompt tentioji. . ALBANY SAW AND PUN ING MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON & WEST. fl.tdi are eearce. hot tbow ah writ to SuneooACo. Porttd, Mala.. will recmc. free, fall tafonn.tioa about ibey can do. and II f . et eate,taat will p.y :: . u. ... a-M n-r h.t. Rom have ernel cv Vfi to a V'JWbo i owe ffkaaaH GERManreMTO RedJStar (OUGHRE Bom ww V sMBI Waahington. (rora oar reituler eorreerHmueut.) Washinotok, Sept. 18th, 1886. Since the cool weather of tho last week there has been a noticeable re turn to Washington of its winter pop ulation. From seaside and mountain, Canada and Europe the birde of pa. aage and pleasure now turn, towards this winter resort where thev will bill and coo,cackle and crow,strut and dtsplsy their brilliant plumage,make ami rob nestt.or. ostrich like, conceal only their heads: However we ' i etout It out, we men ere a little breed' and tbe social naturalist hat no better field for his favorite study than at the Capital of the United States. The President ar.d Mm niavuland ar not expected until next week.and h m . u..,. i .u- home, as has been report J, but will et once so to the White Houae,whicb has been nut In readiness for them. The old mansion has been Ireahly painted, and tbe Iron palings around the grounds have received a coat of hlk paint, and have been tipped wlthgold. The exterior of tbe man- . . I slon looks newer than when it waa new, nut tbe interior-, I am told by connoisseurs,! not up to the aesthet- ic,dudlsh standard of the late admin- Utratloo. President Arthur, it Is said, ucceeded lo giving a certain room a P6cu,,,f robin's egg tint ol heavenly egg not of heavenly bioencee that the oreeent occooaot of I I IflS While H 00.90 CSOnOt repeat. I mk . . . I AUtr" no use iryinr. We democrats I - I mrm nnnatmw rxiir ... A mamma, ma i . mw wmumu. uivt. Washington hss grown to ! here are too m be too many na tions! Interests centered here for the Capital to be doll aven in tha shaanrM of the Executive, tbe Cabinet, Con. grass and the lobby. A new public ., . piu w uaa juai taaen cnarge oi tne fliaMMMBM. a. I 1 I - Mk. vTtiuujoi printing omce ; an ee- tobllehment that dwarfs every other priotiuff office in- the wmr'd Hun. arma ,tr empioyet are expectlnir ui- mtaHfl TK. beo cuk own there were too many MM I I. ,. ...... : . . . . ' I ru" "na iaJ ,uu1 f. Me R.niu. . u .n i i V ... uvusuiu.iuD ukw iiuuiii: unu. l.r li.u lu.4.i I i. r i ' . - - : " ? ' aa reforming many sboses which existed unuertbe administration of the Re- DDbJimn Innnmhent It. k.. nr.i..r.l w ssv UMM V. w w I a loveotory to be made of all tbe horses aod carriages, from which II is ioferred that be will commence at once to clean out the Augean stables. At present six horses and aa many vehicles are kept at the expense or tbe Government, nearly ail of which can be dispensed with without detri ment to tne service. They will be acid at auction and the mwney will be coveyed Into the Treasury, and these horses wilt no longer eat their heads off at (he expense of Ihe tax payer. The Republicans will hiss at this as a little thing, but it h precisely this economy In little things multiplied in all the thousand offices of the Govern- snent that has enabled the present Democratic Administration te reduce the. expenses of ihe government dur ing the fiscal year ending June 3Uih, 1886, to the amount of $25,680,785. It r)hoo!) be remembered that this is tbe only entire flcsl year in which the Democrats have had entire charge of the Government ; they have not got fullywarmed up'et, or cleared away tbe rubbish so as to have com plete elbow room. They will do bet ter next year. Tbe saving of money is not the on ly gain. More work has been done, better work has been done in Mi tbe offices, while the character of tbe ser vice has been improved and elevated by discharging an idle, vagabond, in temperate hord and appointing many clean, efficient and industrious em ployes. There is till muck need of purging and purification in this dl n otion, but enough has been already accomDlfshed to stive hope for the future. An Incident occurred In the Treas ury Department last week which is illustrative of the morals among the President's D " eretlc appointees. During the abeeuee of Assistant Secretary Thompson, his son, without his father's knowledge, passed a civil service examination and was appoint ed to a place in the Treasury Depart ment. The father knew nothing of the appointment until young Thomp son had been assigned te his desk. Instead of congratulating the young man be told him that there would be a suspicion that he secured tbe place through his father's influence. Young Mr. Thompson thereupon handed In bis resignation. When Assistant Secretary Thompson was aiked about the matter he admitted that the facts were as stated, and that it was true that he bad counseled his son to de. cllne the appointment. Ho had not advised him to resign because he doubted the honesty of tbe examlna- tion and report ; but because he did .not with lo give the enemies of civil serylce reform any grounds upon ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, which to assail the operation of the law. "I am for civil se.vlco reform and stronger in my advocacy of it since I have been in office than I was before, and I do not wish to afford anyone a chance to suspect my devo tion to it." THK MOM IIDIaTKV Amontr the diversified industries of Louisiana that of moss is not the tnai 01 moss is not tun rg nor Important. New vee annually about 20,- least lnteretl nrlesns rlva ooo bsles, at say $175,000. Of these receipts some 1 J,00 bales are re handled bv th. eilv mnaa sins, end i the remainder is sold or shipped In the condition in which it Is landed. The forests and awampe of Loukieea I are stocked with an unlimited sun. ply of the fibre. That procured from h. r I. iha mi .h. The gatherers of green moss heap it . . down with earth or logs, end the heat generated by the decaying bark ,itn. ... fih, k.-.. pr0Cea8 of cutlnp;, and In two or three mntha.ardinw tn varvinw the decomposition Is complete. The mtm la thea turned out and dried, cleaned by hand. f stick, and dirl,and i " baled antl shipped! Lite oak mose so cured and carefully cleaned com msnds readily four cents ner oound. in passing tbe mose through the gin. tlx Q there Is a loss of about 40 per CMt weight, but when the black mow comes out It looks as dean and eiossv k.. a ...... ut . i nurni nuu oiatnnsv iiuir. ic moassia turnod out frrtm thA win In I nilAlrln kmmh " I wim uwc'i wibinou wwhuhi i to furtiiiy,4and shipped In orders all a. . - .. i over tbe country. Its price Is not as high as it was a few years ago, varU one cheap substitutes having been katiatkA 1. ?- - - m HM ! lift, la It un mmm ww ww a isi m'i mi iiaai a a ifin idiiii ir r"'""- aawaa amwr. The Kent Portlsnd Stat very forcibly nd truthfully says : "It becomes a more difficult task vear bv rear for no- more difficult tak vaar bv aear for no- .... r litical orators and writers to Drove to I.l - .r.. !. m.. t I J U r in iog man who are toiling for insofficisot 1 f. t . . . .Ml . . . uow mat tartn taxation wmvuv. im.ui. a ui'ir conuuiun um. i -r. . t. 'f l . : .j:.: t ...M- I : 1 : 1 - . L - I ; ,,v,,Bg won,, wuuw to- Unffiemaia onimimired in all its pro- test iv0 Ktrenetb. The uaouls are no lftFe.r tn I- k.kMJ lk.U- v , M - M w .V I "T 1 " ,w r"H"7 uu" I easier t v buildinir Uabarrioadaa awalnat m wt cheap commodities, and at tbe same time inviting eheap labor from the eada of tha aarth .i trAm -Ilk to compete freely a :.- i A .w " t. -..a.. - w - w . ea aewev avia ""' ,u WI -ITJ- tbe borne market. While protection enriches tbe capitaliat, cheap labor in- povetiahea tbe workingmtu. Tbal b the problem for labor to consider aod ata ameaeiitn to solve." w SW-aaaaaaa et si ronsiex aia tbiuk Cut (intent judges, having excellent sources of infot nation, say the Euro pean requirement of grain will be con- siderablv in excess of 1885, snd thta visit Is borne out to a certain extent bj Viu early purobaa-s for tbe accouut of Fraace and Great Britain. Tbe ex- porta of wheat from tbe Atlantic and Quit porta for the werk ended Aug. 21, were 3,208,595 bushels, agaiost only 803,657 buebeie 1885, aod those of flour 174,778 bsrreis against only 112, 421 barrels iu 1885. These figures show at a glance that the foreign trade is in much better shape tbao it was be fore tbe bsrvestiog of the winter wheal crop. The right of way party for the Cali fornia &, Oregon extension are now slashing through Ibe forest of the Biski you country. According to present in dications, tbe terminus of the line for the coming winter will be in Straw berry valley. If the weather is favora ble tbe extension may be made to Buttervilie. Connection with the line from Portland is now promised to be made by next fall. The Democrats am not afraid of tbe color line. Thoir Governor of Indiana is named Gray , the Governor to be of Pennsylvania i Black, and Mr. Green has been nominated for Governor in New Jersey. Ou eide tbe city of Charleston there are nob one hundred saloons in tke whole state of South Carolina. No ohacoe for saloon politics there. The immigration of Mormons has fallen to 1,200 a year. Foreign recruit tog has practically ceased. The Sunday Welcome is dated on Saturday of each week, and yet it is very welcome en Sunday. Mr. .1. E. Bonsai, New Bloorofleld, Pa.,clerk of the several courts of Per. ry Co.,Pa., was afflicted with rheu matism for more than thirty years. After spending hundreds of dollars with different physicians, and trying every known remedy without benefit, be ued St. Jacobs OH, which effected an e cntireure. i AHgSJICAW It VX WAsmjfuTOM, Sept. 2u.-Ubief Uon structor Wilson estimates tbe sctlrel me or the wcodsu war ships of our prawenvnavr wiiows: isnnessee, , . a t I it lis oniy otiecisaird ss nrst rate, ten yesrs and six months ; Tr.mont, Oma- ba and Vandal!., af oond.raftaa. inil . , wohioan, third-iate, tea years; Lan- '0l Bfclyn, eecond-ratea, and daa' Allince, Enterprise, Nitlc. Tallspoosa and Ysntic, third. T 7 r ' Rruoro' lvlonraooa . "omoois, seoonu-rates, ana jun- ' v"a,wo' Wonaoaugo, owatara, a! t i s tr u " we.raarge, toiru- " 79n' 1 0fW, loielttr wlllJ ? on ihlp M0000' A,rt 1.' 108 fW,on,fmB-1 " ... ?7' fourtbrstlew, uon- Imuie l0 available Ogbtlng force of : Lprt w' Tbt nMi l,owrfo, of thstr wsspons are converted tool fg P,U,B two T " , , T , T WOoiw M in fonWcauone, towns, but inefficient against "w,"B"nw La f9r o eee i .t ... t t L 7" or , , dsfens. in actoal w.rfars. m uonciaos oompitses more tbsna doaen monitors, hot none ef hem are in condition for service at I this tine. tub jtew ax r. With this abowlnff tbUnlted States is nlaced bv her own authorities at ths e r .. i- . iL iwi w ins n ui navai pvwwn BBJ oa aaaandal matj. f .kin. and aHa ih.r . .l a.u a j a . iming Hirer ovum awnient iwu asi atio and fifteen or sixteen European . - powers which out-rank us. That pcr.ion of our prospective new oavy whose construction has already .1 I I a mBlmSmShss - - a . o eaaaaa saaaaaaass am ... a - - to eaiwHflwi wi whkib- uuuiwra I eighteen ships of all classes, to cost an aaerrearata or anmathintf more than B'lfl . I mmm MT . 7 . . . . . ' uuu.uuu. ana most oi wittan. tamne i t' , , " ..j .n,.. ZL .l.r. h.L . ... . .... ... r , . y r reqoirea to oe outit entirely ' . . t t mflui. .no no ffflf tfw Known ina in. i ' . a - . j . a I proved at tbe data of their planning to secure efficiency as Pahtintf machines - .t I n.s wwwm wr we omm. . e.r I Ann.trnilinn. htr rn. rl tlir.muli. . . m. . .... . f . bi4fh ..... , . .T. i i. net lauvrnxi. wfwtnni u ir-SHSMsawaa. i T . r.. . . 7 .. I r. " . . mataa naiaa i"-iaeh t .1 .w ti -i t nir 1 now, carry iu a wiaaiia 4wunu wnpw . 1 1 ' . I . . . mora than 800 oound an.l reooirina -mm r . ' sore man w pouaas or Jwuer iut waen ataenarfa. j be tneoieiiea' range a ii a aaa f . a I nt aneh eraanoaa ia about Lwela miles. I i oul aimeu.we. d to. maver m w a - r- I.T I tl . a m I . I dan and otherwiaa aarvw to reduce tkia . ..... TS PES Or TUX VESSELS. Seven of the ships are to bs armored, tbe heaviest prolably carrying six teen incbei of steel as protection. There will be "protected cruisers," that is, vessels whose thick lower decks of steal dip their edges below tbe water line. - I anl aerv as protection to tbe machtn- a sal M.. . ..... www w . a aamar mm mum una aiita lit iir f aii-iai .a- l ' ' a T tk. TI,m Ua.,. , 1... was v . twnviw. saw va uw ap w are mtm aw a steel cruiserr. two cinbuau. owe first- class torpedo boat and one dynamite ..:, MM VI e se rm . I tt .u ...i .km S .i..lin W VUO SltWC I WI MIS-SI S) W'e 7 BW rwvai a a earn i I 1500 tone displacement, is all esdy oom- pleted snd reeeiviug her rioint, Tbe Attants, 8000 tone, ta on brjtrial trip, and her armament is being tested ; hile the Boston. 3000 tons, aod the Okieaco. 4500. ere well advanced in construction. . . Five of tbe armored, vessels are of I the double turret monitor clsss, each K- U CO IkMCM IV VW..T WM . j , m - powdered gunr, throwing 500-pound shall-, with a possible rsnae of ten mi!. These ships were planned ten vears . . ... i & . J . ago. UOUUlieSB, it planned tu-uar nr VtinUX3wS WUMIU W aaiawj mmm - - nevsrtheleiiB spoken of by Commodore Wilson, in his Isst annual report, as the beat Una of coast and harbor de- fense vessels in existence. Though not designed for cruising, they cau,in emer gency, be sent abroad, their seawortbt- "af t neaa bavinc been well teated iu the past Congress has now supplied moan for furnuhina these ships, and work is pro- ar .'a grossing rapidly. Tbe Miantonomah, qqi k m .:n u. voAx, fnr i.i-vtcp (this ur. Tha Puritan. 6000 tons, has her ensines in place and is nearly ready or her armor ; while each, are now re ceiving their machinery. the other ships. The other two armored ships have not vet entered upon their first stage of existence, their construction having onlv been authorized bv congress at the mm a f iio le.t. a-asion. Thev are to be 6000 tons displacement, to have double bottoms, engines designed to drive them at a spe3d of knot per hour, and complete torpedo outfits aod arma mente of the most effective kind. Tbey ara to coat not more than $2,500,000 eaob. Iu mere' matter of displacement, these ships will exceed by nearly onc fourth the best and largest of present naval vessels, while in speed and edeo- mum 1886. I tifMMi thaw im 4mm,J.! pare favorably with tbe better class of European cruising war ship. The dynatnits gun propeller will be a novslty, com parable probably to nothing - now in existence. Tbe secretary of the navy Is required to make a contract with its inventors lor its construction. ...i .1 1 . . ..... 1 IUU Irlis QSDIrllDID L Will MM lltl la l.r nathiaa. An Wuu litm k..m..,i , mrm passing judgment upon tbe plans in sd- r--e upuu i pians id so- vanes and tbe result at its completion, Tbe conditions Imposed by the set of congress oootemplate the eonstructloo U( vessel ISO feet long, proportionate- f rerv narrow, and ef very Hebt draft. . . - 'l with exceedingly powerful engines, gnsranteed to be capable of producing a aeed of twenty knots. In brief, tbe Po of tbtsersft are understood to look u lb pIe.oiff of ih machinery and other ordinary anrlianoes of the shin i. wards tbe bow and stern, leaving tbe U.U j pneumatic guns, tbe latter being fixed Plio bating a high elevation, Dynsmite missiles will be thrown like bombs, from ordinary mortars. With ail tbsae vsesel. afloat tbe rr i . , n . Sftae, a. a naval power, will 00trftDk Br'' 0bili' A'ftie publia, Obina, Jspan, Greece, Norway, rortugal and Sweden, and will be abreast oi Turkey. Spain. Holland and Denmark. Sk ;u .i.i by Snglaod, Prance, Oermaoy,Austtis, Italy and Kossia. ratal motbs. The pigs fart owed last spring If kept on clover will weigh neertv as much at Christmas as those farrowed last fall. Encourage tbe poultry to forage in grain and bay fields sfter harvest. Give a light breakfast, and nothing till even- m . . - Milk ia annA fa. .kUlr. --mm S- k- hot weather of Aueru.t Rut d a w"wo8n oul fc encs to last two . . loree "s . . om' 11 JMt ch" d wry ap. the lice may be the Wh .....m m- s- -i-t 0WWfc WhW a young one is sick examine cioseiy ior lice. W ? i . . gtndv what oor soil and the erowa m mi ..j .l . 1 I s) ,eu ,H,HBaa yvw oan, feed so as to nfake speeial manures W DWt IDS OimiOd . .... . - ,OT "-7 f P" "a"" o-e. u the home market. i i i m 11 - . . ..... ww NHWI W aim msrKSt IS OOv ter than lie "wbs is far off." m . - . Ti.- . t.tJ wW aoau.u ow oestrey ej wblle small with dust of hellebore 0r perethrum. The latter being per-! i 1 . . iwwvij uarmima, It to tie highly reeoendl. Do not overfeed the young pigs. Let 1 them make all ths growth possible, but do not attempt to make them fat. Fat tn summer should be avoided. A food moderate condition is best. Bloat in calves is real!y an acute at- ! tack of indigestion, wbicb often proves fatal a 1 moat immaiiatal. Takaa ia i .. , - . ,. , , i tme it may be relieved bj a teaspoon- m l a to . . a a till Marh raff Habtn aesvi I aatri swsarasa nel -"-a gineer dtssilvd in a ouarter-nint of a ... . . . . I "J'"K wr nn wuren uuwu eua - ihrtl- To do this a long-neck d ,MH-,fl mY U" -0"- K,,b th tona- I .... a .af .. : - . -a aa acii oriak iv, emt make tne oait mere - - . a aa aa anout, if iioeait.'e.ui gr-t ml .! tbe wind. -ft, 9 . . me graaa ia noi eery young now n-vpribflfea, in ail t mature there ts mot or less new growth or something green tpi inging ij all the time, and as the cows wilt he caret ui to pick over s eaaa M a ea the tender est herbage they will net fail to secure thoir share. If the change lr0Q old grass to new ts sudden it may . . m a a a . I na a . a a . . cause niarrnoea. and tne nest preven tive is to give them an allowance of i " I .t m. mm m J'y. hou id scours occur give tne cow a warm mam, compose a oi one part bran and one part shorts, scalded, into which should be pat s tesspoonful I tf i.nwrt.rMrt fatmoreelf. i i . There is nothing in tbe thape of a av a stock that costs less than a young colt " proportion to its value when matur- I it ... .1 a : J was luepummer is goue,ana the greater portion of tbe food is not required for wear, tear and beat of the body, the colt should grow very, and that, too, by being allowed ouly the pasture and a small quantity of oats dHy. In the morning the oolt need not be given more than a quart oi - .. . a m ground oats, and then he shoald be turned on the pasture for tbe dsv. At night he should have all the ground oats with hay that he eao consume. an Barron testimoxml. A. M. Vsughan, editor of the "Greenwich Review," G'eenwlch.G., writes : "Last January I met with a vary severe accident, caused by a runaway horse. I used almost every kind of salve to heal the wounds, which turned to running sores, but found nothing to de me any good till I was recommended Henry's Carbolic Salve. I bought a box,and it helped me at once, and at tbe end of two months I was completely well. It is the best salve in the market, and never fail of telling my friends about it,and urge them to. use it whenever In need," NO 10 1886. FALL AND N. H. ALLEN I CO., To the Front! POR rs t7e11 f61, 8took- BOUGHT FOR CASH, and will be sold at a . . . Wit W PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN LATE STYLES OP fmMm m m assa . . M . aUrSSS GOOQS TnmTrnriO1 T7flltW5 "VW MVVUQ, sL ,L UAlillillgS, V 61 V Also the LATEST NOVELTIES IN CLOAKS, Just Received DIRECT FROM EASTERN MANUFACTORIES .... . - w"-a Ior maxe ana style also keep a Gents' PuTnisliing Goods, GROCERIES, BOOT8 AND SHOES TWea TI Tr.A a-Z"' XLfc? etC, 6tC. Orders from vAAouttoiue wiii oe promptly executed, and sammea ! wilT be sent upon application. PRODUCE T.JBBN m oxZhmge for goods. . a N. ALLEN & Co., 57 First Street Albany, A Cawtts Sciaaalaa ia Imparted to the kidneys and bladder by Ucaaetter'a Stomach Bitters, wbicb Is moat useful In overcoming torpidity of these ergans. Basidea infusing mom ac tivity iato them, tbla excellent tonic en dows them with additional vigor, and en antes them tbe better te undergo tbe wear and tear of the discharging f one Uon uuwi input uw uetuie. over, aa they are I be channel ter the es cape of carta! n impuritee from tbe blood, increases their userulness hvstrenKl3n 5iin n. In m por ing and bealtbrullv atimuiaiini: theui. In . . . . . . . . . oartaia marntd AandlLfoaa or thaas lm tent organs, they mil into a slogs tab stats. wnicn ta tea uauai perenraor or dimwae. What than oan be of greater service i hen a medicine which Impel a them to groater activity when slothful ? No me adieu are more perilous than those which afTec. tbe kidneys, and a medicine wbieh averts the peril abould be highly esteemed. Laf I i Eaaw. Let those who want to furniab us wood on Kubecriptton, inform us at once, as we must make our arrangements for a winter supply without delav. If you are getag East be aura aad go via Oregon Short Line. It is tbe best. See adv tn another column. The Stares! af CeeaMaatfeae. True delicacy of Savor with true etfi :acy of actios, has bean attained in 'the nse of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syren of rigs. Its pleasant taste and beaeheial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale bv Foshay & Mason, wholesale aad retail. ajrrwp af rigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cel., ia Natures Own Tree Laxative. This pleasant Cali for- nia liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foshay A Mason at fifty cents or one dollar. 1 1 ia ths most pleasant, prompt, and efiec .iye remedy known to cleanse the system : to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gunt- ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headaches, colds, and fevers ; to core constiptat on, indigestion and kindred ilia. 0 W Louder - Co., of Portland, are dul authorised advertising agents for tha L)k o chat for that city. - ee Baekten'a Are Ira Satve. i Tbe beat salve ia tbe world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilbla ns, Corns and all Ski In Eruptions, and tx wit- tlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 eents per box. For sale by Foshay de Mason, Tired and languid Waasea How many women there are of whom these words ara true : "They feel languid and tired, hardly able to hear their weight on their feet, the bloom all gone from thoir cheeks, irratable and cross without meat ing to be, nerves all upset, worried with tbe children, fretted over little things, a burden to themselves, and yet with no acuta dis ease.1' What a pity it is. But a few nettles of Parker a Tome will drive all this aa ay, and relieve the troabies peculiar t their sex Examine Woodin's Extension tables. Tltey are well go and tee them for yourself. STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. TIE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM II THE WILLAMETTE YALL1T, Special business notices In luteal col 10 fot- per line. 5 cents ewes additional insertion. nd transient advert'semeof fl.OO per square for tbe first insertion, and lnaertlo Pr fUr for ou obsequent Vr5Jfor f. "dwtmwjts made known on spplicstlon. WINTER. 1886. cannot be excelled. W foil line of w FARMERS ! BEFORE YOU BUY A RIGHT TO ANY GATE, BE SURE AND SEE MASON'S WHEEL GATE! PATENTED JUNE 8, 1888. Theaai rior points of excellency Hal in - ed for thi gate are The running gear can be attacked to ilni any common gate. Any intelligent boy of IGwbo Is '-bandy with tools" can make the gate or attach tbe running gear t another gate. The entire cost or the gate need no ex ceed f ; tbe purchaser fumishinc and tetting the posts (in the p round or frame, aa desired) and hanging the gate, No high poets axe needed. No extra framing is needed at tbe bottom, All the running gear is at the top, hence it cannot become clogged with mud, enow or trash of any kind. It does not fold up nor tip over te scare herses. It requires but little force to operate it ; a 1J foot gate rising only one-third of an inoh to each foot of opening, and the en tire rising and falling ia only 2 iocbesan this on wheels or rollers. It uses no lever or complicated machin ery. There is no need uf arms, though thev oan be used if desired. II never gets out of order rs to hinder tte working. If tbe opening and shutting gear is all broken or removed, it is still tbe beat gate made to open and abut by band. It fastens and locks itself so as to be hog and stock proof. It can be opened and shut without get ting off a horse or bicycle, or oat of a wagon. It is the simplest In const motion, tbe easiest to operate, tbe cheapest te make, and tbe best gate in existence. Rights will be sold as cheap or cheaper than for any good gate. No other gate baa half so inane excel lent and superior points. A few minutes examination will preve the truth of these statements; Go and see a model at Peters A Stewart's, Albany, Or, Local agents wanted in every town af the county to make and sell gates. O. H. MATTOON, Albany, Or., Gen'l Agt, for Linn Co. ! Wt chrrky. JOBK HASSMAW. ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAAV. Machine and Mill Builders, Having opened up the old foundry and machine shops formerly owned by A. I. Cherry A Son and added new and late improved machinery, we are prepared to handle a!l kiads of heavy machinery. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Saw and Grist Mill machinery ,aiso wood work ing machinery of all kinds, all kinds of iron and brass castings made to order. Repairing of farm machinery a specialty, Patterns of all kinds made oa short netioe. Tbe best assortment of patterns in the State. Shops corner 1st and Montgomery Sts, ALBANY OREGON.