The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 01, 1886, Image 3

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Kntered li tho P.ail OHloo At Albany, Or,
M Moond-clann mall matter.
8riTES &
mum r. sixths a. Meat Mitar.
a j i it Baria (niBaras t
cvmtrsoss taftjr U auuto r 41
1 on ftlo tn Philadelphia
st hf Nw)kMxr Aavvr
lining AKiwy of Mcmrv
our authoring mreut
When paid strict ly iu ad
vance lots will be tb
a l..a -t..i. . I IUI n fill t 1 1
v..r IS. AO. and there will be no
deviation from tat rule.
A big, burlv fellow, well seasonal with
liquor, truck"the M. A. T. a few days ago
for two bit to get his dinner with. Of
course he failed to get it. Then he tackled
the Marshal on the same lay out, when he
was escorted towards the caliboose, but was
a pretty good runner and got away. In
terviewing Constable Montelth sometime
afterwards he was told that he could get a
meal if he would go along with him. The
fellow was boasting about how he got away
from the Marshal when he was turned to
wards the "a liboose. much to hit chagrin.
$1.55 w found lodged in his pockets In
dicating that he was not liable to starve
right away off. He was a typical fellow
and is a good example of the kind of men
people harbor when thev give to the mis
cellaneous horde that afflicts our back doors,
as well as business places.
Chinamen seem to have a natural anti
pathy to paving their ferriage across the
river at this" city, and nearly always try to
plav the "dead broke" dodge on the ferry
man. Pat, though, is equal to the occasion,
and lavs out several Celestials every day.
It alwavs brings the money. In fact it is
so cfikracious that as soon as one of the
heathens begins to hesitate Pat begins to
use his sledge hammers. This may be a
pointer to otber men in other lines of busi
new. O
An attempt to commit suicide should be
punishable the same a any other crime.
A Helena, Montana, gentleman adver
tises in a Portland paper, that, desiring to
go west he would like a position in that city
A bugh joke.
The M. A. T. was taken back to the
nricklv davs of his boyhood hy the sight of
turn irenuine i hentnut burs in the window
of Burkhart k Kecney's real estate office,
recentlv. Thev were taken from a tree on
Mr. Conn's place, and arc a curiosity here.
Wc rejoice to know that the cause of the
recent earthquake in the east has been as
certained. It was the escape of so much
gas and oil from wells in recent years. This
oil and gas buineM should be stopped.
Albany's gambling den should be closed,
whether run bv Celestials or white men.
Our citizens should take a greater pride
in having good side walk. As a matter of
fact though our sidewalk compare with
those of our neighboring cities, and are su
perior to those of some.
I a porta at Hales.
The first of the week D B Monteith sold
the two lots, southwest corner of First and
Broadalbin streets, occupied by Read Si
Browneli and Fred Goetz, to Mr John Con
ner. for $8000. This is one of the beat lo
cations on Front Street, and will always be
a valuable property.
On Wednesday evening Mr Monteith
conveyed all the estate sold under the as
signment of Tho Monteith ; including the
mill property, his interest in the square,
fiats, etc., and excluding the home property
and his interest in the corner property,
mentioned above, to Col T Edgenton Hogg,
for $30,000. The transaction speaks for
Beeaase lasaae.
Last Monday Jos. Nimchkk, who killed
young Rey at Jordan in this county, two
or three years ago, was taken before Coun
ty Jdge Shaw, at Salem, adjudged insane
and taken to the asylum. Hi life ha been
an unfortunate one lately. When the shoot
ing occurred Nimchick had a farm. It
took it to defend him. After serving a
year in the penitentiary he settled in Marion
county, where he has resided since. He
has a wife and seven children. The remem
brance of the shooting of Rey preyed on hi
mind until he lost the use of it entirely, re
sulting as stated above.
Twm r. OV
A post office has been established at
Leng's station, on the line of the Narrow
Gauge Railway, and called Spicer post office,
which will prove a great convenience to the
large farming community between Albany
and Lebanon, as the office will have a daily
marl, being also directly situated on the Al
bany and Lebanon stage route. Portland
paper. This post office and Tall man are
only about one and a half mile apart, and
each reaches about the same neighborhood.
Why they were both established now is a
query. Perhaps the more the merrier. The
Democrat to either or any other address
$2 a year.
il km see si.
A letter from Stephen Flinn to his par
ents in this city, states that his brother
student, Jas J Charlton, of this city, was
honored by being made President of the
Freshman Class at Princeton, a body of
over two hundred young men. There were
several contestant for the position. Mr.
Charlton's friends here are highly pleased
at this deserved preferment.
that Mis father.
Clark Richards and son, of Koseburg, were
out hunting last Monday when the latter
mistook the former for a deer and shot him
through the abdomen. Richards only liv
ed a few hours. Young Richards should
be severely punished. There it no excuse
for such outrageous carelessness. We need
stringent laws in matters like this.
Miss Nellie Richards,
that she is prepared to
floral, and satin painting,
instructions, can call at
Sixth street. Specimen
seen at E W Langdon't.
withet to stats,
teach landscape,
Those wishing
her residence on
of work can be
A Pact t Beaten ter.
It is not necessary to pay fifty cents for
a 16 oz. can of Baking Powder. Try "The
Bakers Pride" retailed at twenty-five cents,
absolutely pure. F. M. Redfteld, 123 First
street, sole agent for Albmy, Or.
Aa Eleaaaat a oar Haads.
This office hat jutt received a Colt new
30 re" vol ver in payment for advertising. As
we are not of the shooting kind we will sell
the institution at a reasonable price.
vi. v c. a, .
We stated last week that the next freight
from San Francisco would come to Albany
entirely by rail. Such was the program $
but this was changed and the "Three Bit
tors" brought it. The road, though,
will be ready for the next cargo. Rail are
laid to within about three-fourths of a mile
of the bridge. At the prevent time a twitch
is being laid to the sand bar nearly opposite
the city In order to obtain gravel for ballast
ing. The bridge will not be completed be
fore Nov. tat, If by that time.
It was reported "that grading would be be
gun this week between Albany and the
Santiam. when It will begin it it impos
sible to learn, though several campers are
watting for business near this cltvand make
constant inquiries. Railroad work like all
ther things it subject to delay.
Sufficient of the amount required to te.
cure the machine and car shops at this city
had been raised yesterday, and the matter
was to be closed last "evening. Already
Albany is experiencing the advantage of
the establishment of these shops here.
The large amount of property being pur.
chased by Col Hogg here exhibits the con
fidence of the management in Albany and
that this city will be made the center of op
erations. As our contemporary, at the
Bar would sav, Whoorar t
ovarii rr41e
Tuesday, Sept. JSth, 1886.
Present Aldermen Grad wohl, Cunning
ham, Rideout and Marshall, Mayor, Recor
der and Marshal.
The foot bridge on First Street, at Cherry'
foundry, was reported In a dangerous con
dition by the Marshal, and he was ordered
to repair the same.
The sewer on Broadalbin street was re
ported extended to Ninth street by the City
.Surveyor, who stated that the slough near
Graham's could now be drained into It
The Committee on the railroad ordinance
reported without recommendation. The
ordinance wat amended and referred back
to the committee.
Bids for extending Broadalbin tewer to
Eighth street, were opened and the contract
was let to Fred Lumberg at $t8o a foot,
work to be finished in forty day, his bonds
being placed at $too.
Where sidewalks had been ordered re
paired and the work had not been done the
Marshal was directed to do the same, and
with the Recorder, assess the cost against
the owner of the property.
The Recorder was Instructed to employ
an Attorney to prepare proper forms for
notifications, etc.
The Recorder was directed to give notice
that the sidewalks adjoining George Simp
son's property and the foot-bridge at Cherry
foundry be repaired.
The place on the Committees occupied
by (Councilman Blackburn, resigned, were
ordered fitted by Councilman 1 1 ill, his sue
The extra nightwatch in the Third Ward
was, on motion ordered discharged. Aye,
all but Grad wohl.
The following bills were ordered paid :
J R Stewartson, $0,75 ; I Hay, $4-o ; J
A Warner. $5 ; W N Miller, $58 ; John
Maxwell, $55.
rMteitjr tlmliealrd.
The following published in the Oregomimu
Friday, show- how Mr. J. II. Burkhart
stands in the eyes of the State Agricultural
Association That paper though didn't
have the manhood to admit its error in its
charges of several days previous :
Salem. Sept. at st, 1 886.
To the editor of the Oregomimu ;
I notice in to-day's issue of your paper . a
statement reflecting severely upon Mr. I. H.
Burkhart, of AibariV, as one of the ticket
agents at the State fair.
I hasten to correct that statement, and
hope you will do Mr. Burkhart the justice
which he deserve in the column of The
Oregon. Mr. Burkhart ha been ticket
agent at several of the State fairs in Oregon,
I and I have not the slightest hesitation in
I saying that he is one of the moat reliable
I and truly honest men in this State. He is
charged on my books with every ticket
that he took out of my office, and Is credit
ed with cash turned in and tickets returned,
not sold. That balances hi account, as my
ledger will show. It is impossible for
ticket agent to swindle the .board. He is
charged with all the tickets he receives
from the secretary, and must return cash
for them, or return the tickets. Hon. s. D
Gibson, of Polk county, was associated
with Mr. Burkhart at the railroad ticket of
fice, and knows fully as to the amount of
money taken in at that office, and of the
settlement with the Secretary, as the ledger
account i with Burkhart and Gibson.
Please give this letter a place in your col
umns, as Mr. Burkhart deserves this state
ment from me.
Yours very truly,
J. T. Grrog.
Sec. Oregon State Board of Agriculture.
Mirk Mail
"Sick and discouraged no money
among stranger I have concluded to end
a miserable existence. Let the world not
judge me too harshly. I have taken three
grain of morphine. No one knows what I
have suffered."
The above is the note found on a stranger
lying on the Revere House steps Friday
evening about eight o'clock. The man,
dressed like a laborer, was taken to No. i's
Engine house, where Dr. Ellis attended him
and brought him out from the effect of the
morphine after several hours work, so that
in the morning he was up and in his usual
- I I . , v ... ,
poor neann. iv uemix:rat man cat tea on 1
him, when he was shown papers showing
his name to be James Morgan, and that he
was born in Lane county. He had in his
possession a discharge from the regular
army. It indicated that he had enlisted in
the regular army Nov. 29th, 1884, at Fort
Klamath, where he was stationed. He was
discharged in Oct, 1885, for disability ; be
ing afflicted with sciatica,since which he has
not been able to work. His age was 31,
He said that he had studied the matter for
some time and he Had come to the conclu
sion that he would be better dead than alive.
Morgan has a brother and married sister in
Eastern Oregon. His parents are dead.
Extend Ike Uaalts.
The "fire limits" of Albany should be ex
tended at once. Only brick buildings should
be erected within a certain limit. I'rompt
action now will make our city much safer,
in the future. If prosperous time shall
transform some of the wooden cinder boxes
on First Street into two story bricks some
thing will have been gained of great value.
Tear down ihe shanties and put up some
Valae mt Properly,
A piece of property in this city which
was offered for sale about a year ago for
$1600 is now held at $6000. Another
property has increased from $8,000 to $15,-
000 : another from $2000 to 84.000, etc.
Such figures are bound to prevent many
large tales ; yet they make things look
like businest.
The Pablle Hchool.
The attendance at our public school has
steadily increased since the first day and
now numbers nearly o. Seats for furn
ishing a new room have been received.
With such schools as we have in Albany
there is no excuse for children being idle.
By all means make them all go.
Tw Paratt la Beaton Coaaly.
Two Benton Comity farmi near Albany
were reoeotiy sold through Cliae, Monteith
& Go's agency, otie being George Simpson's
farm of 220 acrei toll M Holmes, recently
from Canada, aud the otber the Ksiney farm
at pnug Hill, for 92550. to M V Leeper,
new comer from Ohio.
Following are tho recorded sales In Linn
county for the week ending yettcrday noon :
John E Stanton and wife to Mary
Agnet Davis, 80 acres in tp 138
R a w $ 350
David Rice to Samuel W Moore, 160
acres in tp ia8 R 1 w.... 1300
Frank Baker and wife to W S Ladd
and A Bush, an undivided ninth
of 385 acres In several parcels in
Linn Co .., , 33c
J H Maine, Sr. to C G Burkhart, N
half of lots 7 and 8 lying on Mi
worth St., opposite school house 1 500
David Rice to Henry G Rice, 70 acre
on the south hantlam Klver, tp
13 8 R t w 150
Robert E Moore to Alice Dannals,
1 lot In Tangent to
John Montgomery to E E Montgom
ery, too acres in tp o S K 1 w t too
John McLeod Home and wife to J O
w rigbtsman, two thirds interest
in "West Coast Flax mill property 1000
Peter Hume to Henry Hines.tooacres
in tp 14 S R a w 403
A 11 .irk let nan to C Q Rideout, two
lots in Hackleman's second addi
tion to Albany ................ 300
A Hackleman to O & C R R, about
four acres of land Ivlrur, northeast
and near the O k C depot 1600
Rhoda A Smith et al to F II Roscoe,
the Interest of grantor in lot 7
block if, Lebanon 83.33
J R Baltimore et al, by W H Goltra,
et a! Referees, to Sarah J Bal
timore, lot a block 113 In Hack
leman's addition to Albany 406
E W Lefrancis to Carter Sharp, lot
4 and 5, block 3, Beard's addition
to Tangent ' 300
D B Monteith to T Edgerton Hogg,
all the property formerly owned
by Tho. Monteith, except home
property and interest In "Mon
teith corner" yvxx
Pellee Mailers.
Last Sunday afternoon a fight was in
dulged In, in this city, between George
Mason.a workman on one of the pile driveraJ
at the bridge, and a Celestial, with head
quarters at San Wa't. The fight was just
about even, considerable blood Iminjr drawn
on both sides. $ and com paid the tid dler.
Sundav evening a raid was made on Chi
naman Wo's gambling den.on Ferry Street,
in this dtv. bv five nolkemrn. when three
of the Celestials were captured. Several,
though, by twisting and squirming escaped.
Pile of American and Chinese money were
taken ; but the City Treasury was not enrich
ed by the operation, as it was decided that
they could not be held, as no one saw any
money change hand. Their money was re
turned and they were discharged. Several
of the gambler were Portlander. Tlur game
was tan. Many of the Chinese laborers,
who come to the city Saturday night, ioe
every cent they have made, often lacking
money to pay their return ferriage across
the river.
While going for Chinese gamblers we
suggest that there are several white dens In
thU city that need looking after. A raid
would often reveal a big pile on the table.
There is this point in the mailer. The
Celestials rob each other ; white gamblers
rob the country boy, the clerk, the printer
and the laborer who need their money for
other purpose, but then what is the use of
wasting powder. Gambler insist on raking
in the pile during the absence of officers.
Last Sunday a Celestial crossing on the
ferry kicked because he was charged fifteen
cent, when CarotheraVho was running the
ferry, struck him a heavy blow just a they
were approaching the landing on this side.
$5 made it even with the city on Monday.
What a Walla Walla raper Mays
The Walla Walla Stattsma of recent
date has an able four column article on Ya
quina Bay, the Oregon Pacific, etc., show
ing up the Importance of the road in a com
mercial tight in a striking manner. The
following will be particularly interesting to
our reader :
Thk line, which is to be the main factor
in connecting Vaquina with the outer world.
and its source of continued growth and
prosperity, is at the present completed from
Vaquina Bay to Corvallis, on the Willam
ette river, a distance of seventy -one mile.
During the present month the cars of the
Oiegon Pacific railway will have reached
the prosperous city of Albany, in the heart
of the Willamette' Valley, which will obvi
ate the necessity of running light-draft
steamers on the river ,as feeders to the road.
Albany is an able-bodied town, all its local
industries being run by water-power, from a
grist-mill down to a printing pre. ThU
town has about 4,500 people and has hither
to done most of its trading through Port-
Jand, but the completion of the Oregon Pa
cific railroad to that point will turn all iu
traffic to Vaquina Bay, to which point Al
bany has already shipped the bulk of last
year's grain crop. Within a few weeks the
new grain will be going to Vaquina, because
this transportation line carries grain from
Albany to San Francisco for about the same
rates as the old "East Side" road used to
charge to carry It from Albany to Portland.
No subsequent reductions on the part of the
latter corporation will ever be able to re
gain this lost traffic, for the farmer of the
Willamette Valley recognize the Oregon
Pacific as their true friend in time of need
and will stand by it. Nor is it supposed
that the trade of Albany and vicinity will
alone turn toward the city on the Bay, as
from that point almost the entire Willamette
valley will be easily reached by short
feeders which can be cheaply constructed.
By this means the country north and south
, : . . ,
' Albany will make thk their
point, to a great extent
Vmr Sevea Year.
Mr. John Briggs, Volunteer Observer
Signal Service, U. S. A. has just issued a
neat card showing the rain fall each month
for seven years. Those who think Oregon
a webfoot place will be disappointed in the
record. The annual rainfall. is as follows
for each year ending Aug. 31st :
1880 45.07 inches
1881 3.74 inches
1882 inches
1883 46.34 inches
1884 42x7 inches
1885; 36,56 inchct
1886 41.18 inches
Average, 44.30 inches
We call this an excellent showing. Dur-
i ing the seven years the greatest precipita
tion any one month was in February, 1881,
when 13.00 inches of ram fell. Asa rule
half the fall is during the three winter
months, the record of fsll and spring being
nearly the same, tut of summer nominal,
I the greatest rainfall any summer for the
seven years being 5.03 inches in I884. In
!53 it was .30 inches.
Rev. D. C. McFarland of the M. E.
Church, South, will preach as follows : At
Liberty Church In the Forks of the Santiam
first Snnday in October, at 1 1 o'clock a. m.
At Haoov Home school house the first Sun
day in October at 3 o'clock p. m. At Oraw
fordsville the second Sunday in October, at
11 o clock a. m. At WB Gore s school
house the third Sunday in October at 11
o'clock a. m. At the Dennty school house
on the third Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m.
Dr. V. C. Kelly, of Nashville, Tennessee,
Missionary Treasurer of the M E Church
South, is on this coast -looking after the in
terest of the Church. He will preach at
Tangent, Saturday.October 2nd at 4 o'clock,
p. m. and on aabbath morning October 3rd
at 1 1 o'clock, a. m., and at Albany on Sab
,bath evening at 7 :30 o'clock, p. m. The
public are cordially invited.
Paaejr Goods.
Those desiring the latest, novelties in laces,
buttons, gloves, etc., should call on Mon
teith & Seitenbach.
t ( BREST BVftSft.
Geo Nolan and Ed Rea are to run a foot
race at Astoria to-day for $ it side, Rea
will probably win, at ho It a Chicago pro
. A clever story of ftouthcrn life In ante
helium days It published In the October
Harper's, from the pen of Thomas Nelson
Page. A full page engraving illustrates the
The Louisiana orange crop it reported a
complete failure. The cniue was the severe
freezing received by trees last winter.
Washington will be the next meeting place
of Knights Templars.
Thirty members of Parliament are on
their way from London to the U. H. They
will go to San Franctsco. When they reach
that citv look out for thU end of the world
to go down.
$730,188 it the amount of taxable proper
ty in Columbia county.
Sam Jones, the great Georgia revlvallst.U
coming to this Coast.
The amount of taxable property In Clack
amas county It $3,575,0.10.
A two-year old child of H K Charlton, of
Farmington, fell In a well 5a feet deep.wlth
three, feet of water, and when rescued was
found to be but slightly Injured.
Glrit in Canada work for about $3 a
month as household servants.
Hon Geo H Williams, Hon D P Thorn p
son. Judge Deady, many others from Port
land, and others from Albany, Salem and
other places will build rottaires at the llav
next summer.
T P Hulburt has been appointed P. M. at
Artington,and F J Holme at Island City.
Nearly two miles of grading have been
done on the mountain division of the O P.
The Missouri colony who have been an
nounced as having located in different parts
of the Ktate, have not yet located.
Last Friday Adam Johnson fell from the
false work on the Salem bridge sixty feet to
a timber on the water,cutting a severe gash,
hut most fortunately not terminating fatally.
The Josephine County Court ha ordered
ft tax of a per cent levied. Pretty heavy
A horse stolen from a livery man at Cor
vallis some time ago, was recently found on
the farm of Mr L A Powell, in Iialsey Pre
cinct, Mr Powell having Innocently pur
chased it of the thief.
The residence of i)r Templeton, at Mt.
Tabor, was burned to the ground Friday
morning. -Or and Mrs Templeton were in
this county at the time.
If the government will send Geronimo to
Albany we will agree to tame hi savage
spirit. We would put him in our palatial
callboose for a week, and Geronimo would
become an infant In our hands.
A man named Bradshaw In ' W T, has
challenged a man named Voorhees ; but
nothing serious i anticipated as their weap
ons will be their tongues.
A man who owed an East Oregon paper
two year subscription has been arrested for
murder. This it a terrible warning to de
linquent. A Narrow Gauge Railroad U to be built
from Astoria to Tulamook Bay.
IIS Strange, Principal of the Brownsville
school, has been appointed Secretary of the
State Temperance Alliance.
A Portland Ex. say another shower will
set ten thousand plow to work In the WtW
lamette Valley. Good guessing.
Horses can be shipped to Portland, by
boat, from The Dalles for $2.40 a head.
From Arlington, fifty snilcs further up the
river, to Portland, the O. R. k N Com
pany's charge is $9 30. When stockmen In
Gilliam county wish to ship horse or cattle
to Portland they drive to The Dallas and
ship by boat, saving greatly thereby B, O.
A New Jersey City reporter was unmer
cifully cawhided by a young lady whom he
Ivad defamed in the Journal.
The associated pres devoted a stick of
space Tuesday to the fact that H anion, the
Canadian oarsman, called Beach, the Aus
tralian oarsmn,a gas bag. The important! ?)
news was cabled from London.
A horse race last Saturday at 8do be
tween a Santiam bottoms horse and a Scio
horse, resulted in favor of the former by a
large majority.
An Astoria Chinaman while being con
veyed by his queue to the . caliboose a few
iays ago, suddenly cut off the queue with a
knife and escaped.
Perhaps no question i more frequently
propounded now-a-dav than the reporter
Ul quia "What do you know ?" A prom
inent gentleman remarked recently that
thk interrogation always put him in mind
of the village miller, who had an apparent
ly stupid lad in his employ. One day as
the youth was gazing about with his usual
vacant expression, the miller turned to him
suddenly and remarkedsharp!y 1 "What do
you know ?" "Wal," replied the boy, "I
know that miller's hogs are alius fat "
Somewhat nettled at this unexpected state
of affairs, the miller continued, "Well, what
don t you know r "I don t know whose
corn they get fat on," was the answer. En.
The man who declared lie would never
marry nor shave himself until wheat wasSi
a! in Oregon, can now carry out his
intention. In Klamath county. In this
State, this staple now brings the above fig
wtt Portland MffW. This is not brilliant
at all. Wheat has on many occasions sold
in isolated cases for $1, At Prineville it
ha Iwen even more than a dollar several
times, and also at Klamath.
Pretty ('fee efcjr.
A St Louis dead beat named Pozzorti
tent the Dkmocr at office about the cheekiest
proposition reported yet. He requested us
to publish a $a local, acknowledging the
receipt of a highly colored picture of a wo
man, which he would send to any add re -for
25c. to pay postage, and he would judge
of the value of our medium bv the number
of orders lie received through our paper.
The actual postage on the picture is 4 cents,
and the counterpart can be obtained in any
drug store almost for nothing. Any one
who would place one in a parlor would be
hard up for ornaments. A specimen may
be seen at this office. In order to relieve
our feelings we wrote Mr. P. a very "assy"
postal card. An editor's life would be mis
erable without this privilege. Wc often
publish an Hem like this to relieve our feel
ings on matters generally.
IIIHll I I Ull. -11 .11
Aa Oppsrlaatir far tho at ad teas.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Chautauqua Literary and Social Circle will
take place at the residence of Rev 8 G Ir
vine, next Monday evening, at 7 -.30. The
regular course begin with October, so that
those desiring to pursue a line of reading of
high literary order should begin now. The
J course is national, about 100,000 taking it
in the u. &. it embraces a wide nnd use
ful field, and deserves the attention of young
and old people generally. Parties desiring
to join the Albany Circle can do so by be
ing present at the place nnd the time men
tioned. No formality is necessary. The
local editor of the Democrat will order
book, if desired, for those joining.
Bargain la Horses.
I wi'l be in Albany, at Schmcei'a stables,
nntil Thursday. Oct. 7t. with a fine lot of
voana: work and saddle horses, which I will
sll on six mouth's time, with approve! ae
eurity, or discount for cash.
Oao. A. Bixskx.
The New Meat Market-
Pipes & Talbctt opened their new moat
market, just east of Cocrad Meyer's, jestor
day morning, with a sploadii upply of
meats. Tuey prooos'a to keep a iirst'dsa
market and tell a-, resscmsbls
I on them for your meats.
At F. W.
jewelry line,
Carter's for anything in the
Don't forget it.
First-class butcher knives at Will Bras
gun store.
4 a t
V M Kronah, jeweler,
Population of Albany, 9040.
Tim bast harass t J l jitruills.
Fresh Vaquina I5y oysters at Msdy't.
Excellent tea at P M Itsdiield's far 40
For stoves and tin war ate nt go to John
J. P. Wallaoe, Physician and Surgeon, Al
bany, Or.
The Portland Mechanics fir opens oa ths
7 th instant.
For pumps, pipes aud bote at cost go to
John Briggs.
Albany Custom Mills fl sr at Hivl k
Old papers 21j. a hunlrs l at the ix!
uiut o'fiee.
The Salem fanning mills for sal at I -y
fc Jtibtoa't.
The N. P. machine shopi are to be locat
ed at Ktst Portland.
Mrs M B Uses lectures at fiarrlbnrg
this (Friday) eveuiag.
Canned goods t It 1 field's a ebesp as at
any house la AllHiuy.
No. 1 of the Dtilj tutMU will appesr
r.ext Monday, iu this city.
Call at Read ft BrowneUs and get a chunk
of dried beef 1 it is delicious.
To day every P. O. in th U. H. it subject
to th speoisl delivery system.
A MitiBHspohs msti saed th 7Vi7ua for
930.000 aud recovered one ceut.
Six shave for a dollar an I a oltaa towel to
every customer, at Is Vieriok's.
"Your Pick" tobacco at F M llsdneld
A gold tooth pick with each plug.
For a general assortrnout of house famish.
jag goods at cost go to Jobu Br igg.
Pylea IWlin oot hi ht for wHlag :
J "u '--an got it st Ud ft iL-owaeiPs.
920,000,000 U being etoealsd ia eitftit
new iroa vessels for the U. H. Navy.
For the best connection ry, ttbKij.
trite, etc, eall oa if 080 ft Plainer.
A large invoice of shoes to arrive this
week from ffcettoo at Ilea I ft BrowneUs.
Call on F M RedfiHd. the nioaeer eroeer.
for the best groo-rics. Everything new
Ilev Uomiugrr has scoepted the castor t
of the Congregational Church in this eity.
Prof Bead sssid by Mrs l)r I .M. will
teach tbettcto school the oomour winter.
A statioo will be started about rive miles
from Albany oa tho O P to be called Waldoa.
F M French, ageot Stutter Maaafaetortnit
Oa,, appetite Odd Follows Temple, Albany, Or.
Look oat for Van Horn, the pisoo tooer.
He is eootiag . Will be here in a day of two.
The Canadian Pacific ariU set be eatdoae.
It offers tickets to St Pant and return for
Dr. M. U KUu. physician .and surgeon
Ah any, Oregon. Cells saade la eity or
coca try,
Br N r Boatmen, Pbystetaa and Surgaoa,
first door north of telegraph offioe. Alt any,
Saturday 92400 was telegraphed from
Portland to Caariestoa for toe erUue
The total tax hie p opart of
oooety is 92,315,920 aoeordiog to the reoaot
Prof Mitchell is organising ! ia music
at itte 1 allege, lie lrely hs lrg class
at Saleaa.
Kvideoe of increasing ufe ia Albany is a
shooting gsilary nearly opposite toe Dcao
caar office.
The f rente for Mr Morgan's aaw be tiding
oa First street, to be occupied as a grocery
store, it up.
Several otea reeeatly easae near beiag
allied by a falling tree en the moaatata di
vtsioa of 0 P week.
Scrofula and all (erase of m r A ohms die
ease, are rapidly Barged awsy uy the ate of
Ayer Sersapanlla.
Those desiring to reach the largest aaas
ber of people advertise la tae laaocaT,aad
that ia what eoeatf.
Tae prediction of Hammond, the feJee
and creaky propnt of Cjryattte, did aot
amount to Anything.
lieyoe ft Boueoo have a large stock of the
plowe mad 00 haud. I hey wui be
eoid al bedrock prices.
Oo to Prashaw'e oew Drag Htore for pur
drug, patent medicines, eta, Preeortptiuo
CMTviaily compounded,
Taoagb the O. P. railroad will run about
two atilee from Scio, weuudcrsutud a eatich
will be run into the city. ,
Oarrittsea are liable to overshoot the
aaark 10 piaotaa high valae oa ouy proper
ty. tectums of tea fellow.
When you waat a aeat tit ia the shoe Use
call at Bead ft cWownelt's and they ca uit
yea both iu quality aad price.
Celebrated Brash Panning Mills for 912
at Osegoa Wire Work, fool of Lyoe Strews.
The stock must be oloeed oat.
Charity Grange No. 109 hold a pub!ie
meeting oext Tuesday, when "tate iaiuturur
llaye wdl deliver toe address.
D 0 Clark, of this eity, ia aaying ripe
traw berries in his garden. Mr Clarke viae
doable up nearly every year.
Zao Brothers store, 10 Portland, was en
tirely ooaeumsd by tire last Monday night.
Lot 930,000. Insurance 920,000.
Albany is to have another daily, our neigh
bor on First street making arrange me at to
issue one. Th more the merrier.
John Briggs ha oa head three Plammer
Fruit Dryers which ne rill seU at less than
coat. They are the best ia the market.
6i from Portlsnd to St. Paul aad return
1 the price of aa excursion ticket over tho
Northern Pacific. Tot "dog" cheap.
Oa Thursday of last week, Joe Webber,
Jr., purchased the iiurd property, oa Seooad
Stret, ia tins city, paying 9100J for u.
A child belongiug to Mr I J Daly, of Scio,
two year of age, weighs only tea pounds,
never having grown euy appreciable amount.
Tom MoClung, of this county retired from
the O P K K last week. An accident at the
Summit was laid at his feet as Conductor.
Increasing value of property ia Albany
may be seen io the offer of 95503 for th
Scltmeor corner opposite the Uevere House,
Lst Wednesday Jjliuoy Clela 1 sold two
vscsut lots on tho corner . of Baker and
Seventh Street to Waiter Turrell, for 9050.
Oregon City has just organised a board of
trade. Albany should haveooe. Let us put
, lit . . a 1 Al - a -
on a little metropolitan styio n sue in m.T.
Walker Hioton attempted to kill himself
with a knit Monday at Eugene ; bat failed.
Whiskey aad family troubles were the causes.
O. W Maatoa, Phyeiciaa aad Surgdon,
Atbsoy, Oregon. Graduate of the Ciaeionst 1
College of Physicians and Surg-. .is, Clnciu
uati, Ohio.
rhe Dkmocrat has received a eopy of the
Buriinatou Hawkey for inapectioa. It 1
passable ; bat is not up to the average Ore
gon daily.
T A Shane, is putting una roddouca uoar
the 001 nor of Ferry and Ninth Sts., Mr 8.
having recently purchased a lot thero Of A
B Woodin.
A Salem paper treated the editor of an
Astoria saovr m a verv shabby manner, io
ifcferencu to a matter arisinc out of the Stare
firemen'- touraament.
They say Jo Powell will never act as aa
official at th State iair agaio. When you
see Jo ask him the reason why they will not
have him again. Joke.
Burkhart ft Keeoey sell tiokets over the
Northern Pacific Rail Boad to all points
east. Call on them for rates aud maps
showing route of travel.
Ths Shedd warehouse came near burning a
few days ago. Fire was discovered in the
approach aud was extinguished before any
material damage was none.
For 35 oeots you can buy a 1 lb -efh of
Far West Baking Powder warranted equal
to any in the market. Calf at Head ft
BrowneUs aud get a sample.
The County board of eouahr. ilo arc m
seasfon at the Court Honse this wvk. If
sou have been uoiustlv assessed too much
put in an appearance and kick.
Should von desire to ssll your property
oall on Burkhart ft Keeoey as they advertise
property placed to their hands, and charge
nothing unless they effect a sale.
Rev F M Culp has been assigned to the
Church at Kosebura. where he will soon
move. His mny friend hers wilt regret
seeing him leave this part of ths State.
An old gentleman named CrndH, living
a few miles from Albany, is in a bad way
mentally, a sahject for Stlem, where he
oould obtain each treatment ss he needs.
Mortgages will be taxed ia this county at
tneir tun value, There are some who do not
like this 1 but it is basinets. As it is the
fsrmsr pays all the taxes he oan afford.
Ths quarterly school teacher's examioa
tioo for this county began Wednesday aad
will olose this Boon. A new feature will bo
an exsminattoo io physiology aad hygiene.
Flem Oeeas, ths noted pr ihihitionist of
Southern Oregon, failed for 9100.000. Isst
Saturday, and Monday morning at 10 o'clock
committed soiotdo by shootiu himself, at
Johnny Sohmser' psosr won a race at the
Lue oouoty fair, boating thra of the best
trotters present. Diamond. Bill '.Brd's horse,
and Dr Harris' Bellfoauder, coming ia be
hind him. Tim 2 f9.
Seyentseo men arrive i in Albany Thurs
day ol last week from the Mountain ditisioo
f work on thsO. P. We nmlvrstand their
services were dispensed with by the c m
pany for good reasons.
The Brownsville Woolen Milts Co. was in
eorporated in 1875. It has proven a good
thing for that place, and to day ia the lei
ing manufacturing establishment of the Ceu
trel Willamette Valley!
Most of ths Pendleton saloon keepers arc
fined every Monday for keeping open on
Sunday. The weekly receipt from this
source amount to about 940 on the average.
A pointer for other citie
Llotatea were recently issued tor the
marriga of a Una couoty ooapte, who have
since concluded not to units thtir forte oat.
The old saying, "there is many a slip 'twist
cop and lip'' will always be true.
A foot race, 100 yard, was ran at 8io,
last .Saturday ; between I A Beard, of Jef
tersoi, sou uegae, 01 rscio, i n latter won
by about eight feet. About 91000 changed
hands. It was Jefteraoo agaioat Scio.
A a 918,000 boat i betog built at Rest
Portlsod for the W. V ft C. B. If Wluo
daished it will ply oo the Willamette, with
Albany as its center of operations. Th O.
It. ft N. will have to take a back seat.
L D C latooratte, of Oregon City, met
with an accident last week whiU drtviog a
tesm, from th effect of which bs died en
Friday. Mr L was oa of th idonssr of
Clackamas couoty aad wee a matt highly t
W F Barrow, of Shedd, received over
eighty dollars in premiums oa his stock at
ths State fair.
premiums oa every
thiog be took. Mr.
i. did good
work in
sustaining Una ooaoty's reputation on
ssoea question.
A reward of 9500 hat just been offered by
th underwriter of the Pacific Coast, at Baa
Francisco, for the arrest and eeaeteti of
th Ptraea crttneas who set Hr to the saw
mill of KB Humphrey, io this couoty on or
about July 29th.
A new water gauge has beet set op at the
Oregon Pec fie wharf, aad a daily record of
th stage of the water a ill be kept by
Young Brother Saturday the water was
exactly at low water aaark according to the
gang. Extreme low water mark though
was four inches lower.
Last Monday a the noes tiajn spproaened
Junction City, the Pullman pslao car was
thrown from the track by th ht assise of a
rU. and striking agaioat a freight ear aa a
switch, was badly injured, aad a watt aa-
otaor ear ana tit eagtae. The
were toiaewhst frightened.
If your hair is turning gray, doa't ate the
witoaoua dye which born out it life aad
Pfodita assay ditssise of the scalp, Ayera
if sir Vigor hi barm lees, aad will restore tho
natural color of the hair.stimalate its growth,
oad bring back it youthful gloee aad beeety.
Thursday evening of last week Titos Mar
shall was arrested for using obustv language
to Mrs Tiasere ; bat the matter wae rattled
th next morning by the payment of easts,
which wae saAeieet for the ftayt. We
atea who ran the kind of an establish meat
Mr THssare does should keep oat of
Prof Bohb, eaot priaainal of tho
schools, was reeeatly dieehi
artneipaithiB et tae T
he was la favor of law
Jraet gotboki of the school, aeat tho Prof
"" p uses, i am oeet atanaan ana
wit I'rof ftobb aad tbr is a big point ia
that fact.
As Mr Caviares was tingle whoa ia Al
bany several mouths ago we hardly under
stand the following from a Peadietoa paper 1
"Mr ami Mrs r r Carmees . patent of the
C vines brother, of Peadlatou, I alaod City,
aad Ariimrtoe, pesd through towe oa Tea,
day. Mr fc'svineec live ia Colorado aad is
00 a sight-aeaiog aad pleaeare trip to th
. .a, -
W be raeaived ths first aenbr of Kane
lUmHraM Wtmt, pohltshad at Portland by T
K K wis. tt is ntisiy gsitsa a p. is oootptete
ly fall of illustrations of prominent Portland
building as wall aa autaaas. aad eertaialy
is a great eredtt so the publisher. It will
do ranch toward betiding up th northwest
llao R A Irvia. 0aad Marsh tl at the
fsir ground, was th "right man iu tae
right ilo. Stra paper. That is correct.
and so were Mr Burkhart in th ticket of
fice, Messrs. Dawaoa aad Powell at the gate,
Prank Smith with th sash, ani all th Lino
county boys. In th matter of keping things
straight this county oertatuly dta tt share.
Mrs M B Rtes delivered interesting ad
dresses at the Opera Hour, Saturday even
ing aad Sabbath afternoon. She wa grsstad
by full boos 00 both occasions. Mm Rsaas
ia a magnetic speaker. Her long xprieaoe
in the aotivs temperance work of Ohio givs
her a cunaand of new temperance matte! of
peculiar value in a temperance lecture.
Oa or more surgeon from the Western
Division, 319 Bosh Street, 8. P.. of the Na
tional Surgical Institute, will be t Nhsms
Hotel, Harrisburg, Oct. 9ih, the Rver
Hons, Albany, Oct Uth ami at th St.
Charles Hotel, Ubanon, Oct. 12th. 1SSG.
One day only. Persons suffering (r m dis
eases of the spine, hip, limbs or auy bodily
deformity, paralysis, pile, tittula, sexusl or
chronic disease shoald avail themtelve of
this opportunity. Reference given through
out the U. S. Consultation free,
As there is quit a curiosity to know how
to lauuUry shirts to giv the tin gloss to it
we give below ths receipt .- "Tike of white
wax 1 ouuca, spermaceti 2 ounce, melt them
together with gentle heat. Whan you have
prepared a sufficient amount of starcu, io
the usual way. for a dost so pie e. put into it
a piece of the polish ab mt the sis ol a large
pea ; using more or let, according to large
or small washings, Or thick gum solution
(tnadu by pouring boiling water upon gnm
arabic) may bo used. Oa tablespoon to a
pint of starch gives cloth a beautiful gloss.
Scio, Or., Sept 2tst, iiWS.
Whereas, the Almighty and AH vise
ruler of the universe has for purpose., of
his own glorv removed bv death our bc
loved Bro. W. H. McKnight and
Whereas, Bro. W. II. McKnight was
an honest and up.ight citizen and an equal
amongst his fellow men for his manly prin
ciples and christian virtues which fitcd him
In the promotion of society, and
Wueres, bv his death his tamilv were
denrived of one who wastrtilv a husband
and father, therefore be it
. . , a
ItesolveJ, by Santiam Lodge, No. 375, I
O. G. T., that the family of Bro W II Mc
Knight have lost an affectionate, loving and
dutiful husband and father, the community
one of its most useful citizens and Santiam
Lodge one of her truest member.
Remdvod. that while we deplore our great
loss we feel that it is the will of God and
it is therefore our duty to bow In humble
submission trusting that on the other side
of the river we shall again meet and receive
a cordial welcome from him.
Resolved, that the family of the deceased
in this their hour of bereavement have the
earnest and heartfelt sympathy of each
and every member of this Lodge.
Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions
be spread on the minutes of the Lodge, and
a copy be presented to the family of the
deceased and that a copy he forwarded to
each of the Albany papers and the Prohibi
tion Star for publication.
F.J. Villa,
Mrs. E, E. Prnti. vni
W. M. Abbott,
Large iairivals of New Goods.
The Latest Novelties
During the past week I have been receiving
large shipments of goods from the East, compris
etc-, etc., for this reasons wear. Thesa cmnri
have been nersonallv satantarl bv ttia from fha
New York market, and
elegant styles.
My stock of LADIES.
HOSE, is very complete and is full of the latest
styles for FALL and WINTER wear.
I am Agent for the Celebrated BALLS CORSET.
A full line of all the best
All are invited to examine mv stock and note
the LOW PRICES those
Boot and Shoe Store.
W have largely iaereaaed our tocl: of Btos and Shoe and are oo aroani e
furnish alt style an J grade of ennde at remarkable tow nrieaa. Wt bay of
of the beat I-astern faetnri and do nm t eeita e in y that oar goods are strictly first
olaaa. W carry so bankrupt stock a id can fuUy warrant tmr good to wear equal u
any in the market
We have the it.rgset exclusive stock of
ia tat city and that we
contlonaliay adding now novelih s. We are selling so
that you csn aot fail of being sailed. Wa
oatmeer tne oto adage " i n proof or toe auamng te in enewtng the etrtag."
aad at. , ra ti
J. Ijsytoa, of Scio, a a io the city Moo-
Has L Btlyea, of Kugea City, i ia
Charley Jobaaon, of Scio. was in Albmy
J L Cows wa ia llaceberg th first el
the week.
A W 8tord, of Beewaeyilie, wa in th
city Tuesday.
George Piper ret orned from Sea Praoc aro
last Tuesday evening.
CUy Myers, of Soi, is stteediog the Port-
lend Basin CoO-a
Mrs Charley Wiliert, of Ceatereille. Bat
bean visiting relatives in BrewasviHe.
Ker Per hr LOs Metayer returned 00
Teeadav from a vt-it to San rrsocuroo.
I, Headers r Prise vi He last Saturday,
s 11 ae . ii IS B
going ay tn w x u u wagon roan .
P H Miller aid Dr Lmb. s, of Lsbsa.
on. rod a backboard to thr city Tuesday.
J H Uwhsm returned Isst Priday from
Portland after a wo month soj-mm iu that
Mr Tr IXelJ, f Scio, is ia A'hmy this
week biug eXamraed fr leached or id
eate. S K Young, wife and son Percy, r turned
(seas last Toeeday evening from a two moc ths
trip ia th East.
Mr Jas El kins want to Oregon City Satur
day to attend the funeral of hi brother in
law, Mr Latoorette.
Geo A Bissau, of Canyon City, is in Al
bany with a lot of fine noise, which he mil
sell cheap. See adv.
H U Powell and Marion Powell started
east last Tuesday on a visit. They will be
son about si- weeks.
Olaey Pry, Jr.. has just returned fiom
Ysqoina Bay. H ssys everything about .he
Bay shown life and push.
Cop Cherry left yesterday for North Cer...
lioa an a viut to his former home. He o id
be gone aoout two months.
Mrs S-M Pennington returned to AB-sny
last weak from Pendleton, accompanied by
her dsughter Mr O P Richards.
J C Henry end wife, of Auburn, Ind.,
ware in narrlsbutv, visitiug friend, a lw
day ago. They are doing tne Coast.
K P Sox and son, and Mr Rebecca Young
arrived in Albany Saturday and Mrs Soi is
expected to-day. Thy will reaid tn Mr w
S Peters residence rc Ellsworth stmt.
Mr Jewitt, of California, who has boen
visiting with his son-in-law, Mr Shaun n,
across th river, severs! months, returned to
his home tuts week. Us proposes casting
Lis first vote for a Democratic! Governor ia that
State, and he has resided there thirty years.
re a a sired.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Diml way, who recen lv
stumped W. T. in the interest of v hiski v
was in Lebanon over Sabbath and in Al
bany the tirst of the week. By the way the
Massachusetts W. C. P. L.,recently held In
Boston, slapped Abigail in the face in the
following manner : ,
Whereas, Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniwiv,
of Washington Territory, has brought d s-
grace on the Woman buttrage cause ana
by her efforts helped to strengthen the pe v-ei-
of the atmsellers, therefore
liesolxvd, That we, the women associated
. m ek-iBJ SSI S . 1 . .1
in the Massacnusctts women s v,nnsunn
Prohibitory League, do feel it to be oar
Christian uty to censure most severely her
..9 . .1 . .1... K . v-
acnon in auempung 10 l-uiiviiwic mc ikjuvi
power lest that power should be turn?d
against Woman Suffrage, and we feel that
we voice the sentiment ot every lure w
man In America when wc say : God gra it
the ballot may never be given to woman if,
in order to obtain it, we must conciliate
men who for love of money are snppii g
the life-blood of this nation, blighting o ir
happy homes, and scattering seeds of de
struction and desolation everywhere,"
A big line of watches of all kin As at P Y
e '
Ceaaty Bjeda.
The Linn County Lodge, IO G T will
meet at Shedd' on the first
October at one o'clock, p. m.
dance is desired. All Lodge
Wednesday of
A full attcn-
s should elrct
comnrise manv new nri
makes of corsets.
goods are offered at
Albany, Oregon.
da c.o not follow bat lead io low price. Be
ae geasattoaat.
For the sensational the following tele
gram in a Portland paper Tuesday i not of
ten equalled. As we go to press after the
event was to occur ivnc of our readers need
be frightened s '
Atlanta, Ga., gept. h. For throe
nights past citizens of the northern part of
Atlanta claim to have seen three moon,
each marked bv blood v line-. A belated
Bivtrkn first observed the phenomena,
e awoke several families in the neighbor
hood, who bear witness to seeing the anw
marvelous exhibition. At first the matter
was told in whispers, bu, seeing the ma; i
festatkms a second and third time they he
become convinced that there is methi ;
-portentiott about It. The negroes acte t it
as a fulfillment of the propheev that the-e
shall be signs in the heaven before the r id
of the world, which event they now claim
will take place on the aoth. Grotesque ex
hibition of superstition, which took place
to-day at various places of worship for the
colored people, were almost beyond belief.
That Sidewalk.
That sidewalk of yours is still in a shame
ful condition. You have been promising
yourself for the last year that you would
repair, but still you neglect it. These di
lapidated walks are a standing reproach to
the whole city. Why not now at once and
without further delay take and remove thi
mark of shihlessnes.
Qoilts than you ever saw herW at
teith a- Seiteobach'a.
The largest and
heat selected ia
and at Monteith A
the valley can lit :.
Now stock of fall goods.
come and examine thcui.
k S&i r en rac,
Patent SiraateB,
Patents granted to citizens of the Pacific
State during the past, week and reported ex
pressly for the Democrat hy C. A. Snow
& Co., Solicitors of American and Foreian
Patents, opposite I. S. Patent O .lice. Washi
ngton, D. C. :
D D Haves, Oakland, Cel., Fire ladder.
C W Kitt, Grass Valley, Oal. Fruit drier.
G W Pringle, Benrcia. t'al., Sewer clean
ing apparatus.
W J Anderftuvn, San l-ranctsco, Cal.
Portable house.
N McLean. Watsonviltc. Cal.. Reversible
Palace Meat Market.
Will keep constantly ou hand bf,
mutton, pora, veal, sausage, etc., tbe Ust
meat and Urgeat variety in tbe eity.
Cash p&id for all kinds of fat stock .
STEIRS LEEVER. In this citv. on
Monday, Sept. 37th, bv R L Horris, P, P. Steirs, of Eugene, and Oo
tavia Leevkr, of Santiam precinct.
WEST- ELKTNS. On Sent, sxrd, in
Lebanon, at the residence of the bride's
parents, by Geo W Smith, J P, Mr.
JOHJrsou West and Miss Ansik
"ElkiNS, daughter of Jos Elkins both of
Lebanon. fi-
at the residence of the bride's parents, in
Eugene, by Rev Thus Condon, Mk Vm
Long, of Harrisburg and M iss .1 11 v
Sk oiks r ass, of Eugene.
The Democrat unites with friends here,
in extending congratulations.
COX--HORNER. On Sept. 29th, at the
home of the bride's parents, bv Res- W
1 1 Ridr, Mr Arthir W Cox and