wwBswBnwSw!H(Ba The Democrat, Published by STITKS& M'TTLNW. aDUHMtrriiK-ih DfMrm iuu.iiEa Braadalbla street. TBltMS Or SUBSCRIPTION Mnflecopv, roiyr, In a.ivam-o.. .............. .. S 0 inu oov. pf year. atsmi of ear I M at ugl oopy , 4 v MtMilha in slnls copy, tfcrw smiths mi sIukI Kiimtwr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L. H. MONTANYE. ATTORNEAT LAW, Notary Public Albany, Oregon. Ofnoe upstairs, 0T6r John Brig store, tat street. vlJn23tf JT. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNRY AT LAW, iM4Kf, nmiti, llftUL PRXpiCK IN ALL THE COURTS OP THE Y State. Spwoial titration given to colleotiona and i In Old ralUWt Temple. fi:t r. O. POWHU. W. R. RTtTSTt i'OWKI.L & BTLYEU. vTTORVRYS AT. LAW. . Aid Solicitors in Cbaaeerv, t JOiifewinna promntly made on all notnte. 'oan nesrntiated on reasonable trma SBT'Ofrlce In Foster's Brick." vMnloif j7whithey; ittorney And Counsellor It Lav AND Notary Public ALBANY. ORECON. Will praotlee in all of the Court of .uisrote. an nusinea Intrusted to him III be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., IKtTGIST dooka. Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Lara; Stock and Low Price. OITT STOKE, tyi t lb v. oBEcex. FOSHAY & MASON, -aaw's ako urTAJV ) racists and Booksellers, Atrents for John B. Alden's publications, which we well at publisher's price with postageaddnd ALBANY, OBKGOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Stc. prescriptions carefully pilled, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. -the be' atock of amjture in tb J cky and w 11 sell Lutap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WALNUT FURNITURE n the cltv and the lowxt price in tb Valley. Come and we. Undertaking, . complete stock and can aitre KATI (TACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, i mrmr. Vtval at MI-. rtfc Albany. Ores.ee. Mueller & Garrett, Prop'rs ' H-t.' b fitted oi in rtyls. Tables iaoolied with the boat the Be In arery (tootn A . iod e 'crtal rraeakw. Room for C im iTrr 'wh and frnni the l..el."aj A.ioany Batn House. T IE tfff DKHilUirSD WOULD RESPECT ally . ifor'o th aitlaaai of Albaay aad ri tatty that I itare akaaikargaofthis EsUbliih aaat.and.by apnn daaa roonn and payia ttrlatattentloa H$tM, ept8 to wit al boa ko may favor ua with their eatroaai Cartas Haratofor 'arrld on nothing bat rat-Olaas Hair Draslna Saloons n p4M w rira aatlra atiff tion to al 3"-,Mtao t' 4t' Hair naatly kaiMtoyl JOft WKBTlR, DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Omoe-oor. first and Ferry Street, ABANY - - OREGON. 0. O mTF-RBT c B.rrtiat ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKF.S, rRneceaor to C C. Cherry.) lachinists, lillwTihts, and Im founders. WK HAVE OUR NEW 8 HOPS AT.L wranleted. nd are now prepRred to handle a'l kindw of heavy work. We will nnnfwnre Mtearo Ene1n. Onsi and ' ltw Mll Machinery. and. all kind ATron tn1 Rraaa C!tlntr. ! HATTKR RaOR RRT BOTICK. a 4ncial attention arivn to repairinir ail Vfo't of mnhlnrr Will nan mannfiac the improved Cherry A White Grain otnarator S7j. henton, Mm Mlio an Insurance Agent, 0- F. BUI DING - - ALBANY, 0? H,.t)r na ct'arl f tke het Fire In tnrt Dc () i'niivliiin th CViaati. Call hin f r li ihle i . J. W. BEYTLEY. Bl T AW S HE MAKER. H i I'Vtf uro iptlv Miid ilt 4n', Ftrrri r . ! ' vt trd-ra fr hoe tifnr- har v. i i for H-m alter harv Rati TKE NORTHWESTERN GORSERVnORY OF MUSIC. ar v v ' .i i ion. m In tho ;any uar. CVL ABH.ES H. MOW X, Uireator. Mmt VOL. XXII. GERManremEDY For Pain TBI CBABUS A. TOUKltR AT ll R TAR TRADE Wo MARK. oughCure JVe from Opitem, Mmit mud fsfeeei 2m SURE. PROMPT. AT lertrre Af Dkai i AM DiBAI.tBJL tut IMiSLKS A. TUUIUI CtK, SALTtBOBB, BB From 115 Ibsto 161 lbs To the Cntionra Remedies ! owe My Health, My Happiness, and My Life. A dav mmrrnr mh tint I .vt-w --- u M la i iafi be-r ; IwmS mIA. - .d u " - . mnA n.lnf.,1 ... and u ubuMd to bo tbs- treeter ia society! rhrddaM as J A Itair lieatmetu. ,i .1! meJuinr. wiw w w HJ goOO. ID O Hill Ml I Of linn 1 1 I , ii OmLJ? "setJSa, tke now B!ood PuriSsr, latere!! ; tnessaail lamps (at L"" JkfA SaTkJS qoaatiUos of owttor. lotvlag two myEtommn la my pound. ; my -ght now U on. haadroa and otsty oo hoahlt poaod. and my aotgat la only brok. la aboat two voawa nv, inrao in my traraw I CulU-ora Rmdta.north.a.wth.aata Outicufa Rfialai I o.p,r boalth, , and my life. A prominent New York dn mtne o-n-rday. "Pr voa .Ull uaa tha Cotkara iwalv iu. -r.r.lw lHiNk t. It. irfr.l health Mv I do, and tball dwtya. I aav aaor ai mi ik ii I - i m a . . known what aakt Bat thitieara I laaakid at 4 withtaotr by praialnc them to poopje not aeanalnted , ww iiaai r later ty win and believe the mtm mm Dim. I to tlwlr MM have. rlaswa t - a ..1.1 J. it. - - rome when there hl! be a larra CotUwa Sopely """" 'o e- ery city in in w no, tor the benoBt Of ntiinsr.lt .kii. Ik. PniUa - - i 11 i i o5.lt. go that there will bo tartly a notd of rr en w a a aaaj awajBJV ttO rakea BC. H Totk. K. V. C'ltlrnra R.himIIm - -' a. u forn. nfKkli. ..J mj j m i- .1 Te"fola. Sold arery where. P'loe : flTtcraa. to , owr xbomw; aaMnfT. ai fn. So :d lor "How to Cure Hkin Iriea.m "' nt u.n roTrr.a Iat-a mnriitwro r Head for "Maw to Core akta Baby , uwa imcru boat A aiinsBT raiBB. arsisa. back tcatfL Weakaoat and WaartBwa taaiii by oetrwork, diatipation. UnJlng, walk- in or ia mnteaaaaM. mm ay tee rncrtA ta-i Pais PtAtraa. New, tla gaaa, arigiaal aad aaatltllin. tae. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, HERYOUS, OE RECTAL DISEASES. PR, J. B. PILKINCTON, Surgeon Oculist, Amist ft Specialist, Offer free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY. On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday jorenoon, following the t$t Monday of each month. Will make these vlalt monthly for one year to come. Am earing snores of the worst foi mt of above diseases. Refer In A H .any to Jaa.S. Cherry cored of blind ne. K A. Rampy, DnigRlat. and Fred Deiffen backer, farmer at Harriaharg. con onrning Rectal disoawes. A scoie of other name given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Hox A. Stewart have beck -yokes and atnirle tree, Ironed or nnirooed, neck yoke Iron, aingletree irons, nib Irons, felloe, a pokes, ax trees, etc., all for sals hasp. J L CASE PLOW 3. Thin famous olow is well known in TJnn Connty. The chilled and steel plows ar well made from the very best material and are warranted to do as good work snd four fully well a any otnerpiowa Sox A Stewart are the sole agents. T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT -AJTD Notary Puhlic. J.L. COWAN. J. W.CUaICK Linn Connty Bank, row AN & CUSICK, ALBANY - - - OREGON. tra VSACT8 a general banklnfr bulnei. DRAW 8IOHT DRATSon New York, Saa Fran euooand Portland, uregon. LOAN MONEY on approved oenrity. RRTEIVE daooalta aabjoe to check. COLLECTIONS entrtuted to ua will receive prompt tai'twa. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinrf of roueh. dretged nd fieftflnned lumber .laths and nickctg Vpt constantly on hand Bill sawed to order on shortest noting Use only best Ha la poo1' a timber Price and terms made satisfactory. B0B1NWN A WEST. i Pelds are mtc: bot ihoio wh writ to AuaBonACs. Portland, MM.w1Urce) ftee, r!i inrorraMion aooui wor woicn I .wA. ,u .a,i it wet at hmt fhai wili DAV iUWf VM ' " - - "-'-- " "W a t e mt. tmr etmw. Knmi DAffsl earnr-l nrer $) In a dar Eilber To or .Id apal not r,utrd. You ars Kxtl tr "?"" PXJL ax. .Uoiut.1 wtre of mug Uttle ertaaea. All tt aaw. n r. riFTi it.i i a. m i.mm itn hii km iO..lt1BeaS,Bfc BBV ED k3 mmw. rmmuw ItIII.I II II I II Waslunirton (rron ear rasalar ewrsspoaSatik.) WashibotoK) Sept. 11th, 1886, Washington has bean somewhat dull sine the adjournment of On frees and the dftnrture of tho Pr. dnnt. The rinqu'tkt shi. k it ui 'itth, but nothing In com per I -on to the election of a Democntlc Prci dot. 3itice) that event nothing Mir. prices the itverngt WrtsMngtonlan, wh I'-oks upon all sublunary and a suhteranneen dlMturbances with an Indifference which secius to say "With that dire retrospection crust My only solace Is to know Whate'er betides. I've seen the worst.' What la that woret ? Why to bet on Jimhlaine and toes the money be had borrowed tt ten per cent Interest per month, and thea to be dismissed for offensive good far nothingness. Rut this, as we Democrats sy of the war, Is ancient history. Mod. rn or contemporary history as viewed from this standpoint Is flat enough. It will be more Interesting when the President returns snd when Congress gets back. Aft r the fall elections It will be livelier still. The Departments are moving along In their old rats. In the Treasury Department they are keeping bonk, counting tne revenue, making eon- tracts, calling In bonds, auditing Ac counts, and paying tne great army of clerks known as the civil service, as well as tbs small but expensive army and the formidable on the pay-roll navy. Now that ueronimo and hit hand of forty thieves are captured the United States army w ill be able to take s rest, for It Is the intention of Secretary Lamar to shift tb- parhee from Ariaona to Florida and end Indian wars forever. All the other warriors have either joined Buffalo Bill's circus or are so rlvllls ed and cowed by Government t"Uh bef that they are as h-trmh s their wooden effigies In fo"t hf t. he ceo store. W thorn any In Alans to right, with diviog torped ho ts that can blow op the groat lr rlads of foreign navies, and with a dip! -rasey carried oo by epeeinl corny, how much longer will these triplet -.f barbrttl-in, the army, nav, and a sham f regn ervicr have reatn to Your cor re-pndnt it not quit u redy to an. nunce the mitlHiilutn. Jim B in t r ke ut I fb old pi f', cd the government of the TJnl ed 8t t- I stilt ml tdmiitlst-red, in gredi peri, hy th convicts condemned by the at prtajidfodM elect i m to ou'er dark ne- with WMitlog td n hi mr of the teeth. Whn the Mtnitence of that elect lou he carried nut, and when will we have lo the- Depart, meuts at Washington a bo f of em ployes placed for trim other purpose than to wrk for the Republican party and who now have no dearer nbject than to hamstring tho Demo. cratic administration. AH the Cabinet offtVer, Mr. liay- ard excepted, are nut of town. Mr. Lamar Is up in Vermont, writing a big speech that he is expected to tie liver at the unveiling of a ststue of Calhoun in Charleston, S C. Ver mont Is as near the politico geograph ical antlpode of the Calhoun cult as the eloquent MIsalssippian can get, but I predict that his speech will be as far removed from an advocacy of disunion as the Green Mountains are from the centre of earthquakes. The wonder is that Mr. Lniar takes time to write his speech, for the im pression prevails that he can say brilliant things on any subject for two hours watch in hand. But the necessity for sccuracy and precision of epithet is great now-a-days, and Mr. Lamar perhaps does not wish to have to recant as had Mr. Blaine and and Mr. Frye In reference t expres sions in their recent speeches. The usual summer improvements, both public and private, have been g log on in tho city. Many house have been hnllt. Parks btv been extended, tr"- nl n 14, sewers dug, hlrt t is pHved. The great improve ment f reclaiming th Potomac Flats with view to the eXpurgmlon of malaria is ttolug on und i is iiv uii i thut th- eltj will be in trim vv mm) v he-times for the great centennial cel ebration of the Inauguration of the flrnt Presidem in 1889 when te Washington M" -ument entwined wiin the nation lors will look like a barber's pole, art tiie Qrtn. mem rial bridge spanning h i'otonMC ull furnlah hii e rtpp'OiC f r the VirKlm truck g-od. r-, B tbN i -acri'ege, and vtill t dlwo-"tlnu"d till next week. Btephen W D re y announces 000,000 or $35.000 000 Jr will he a through a friend that be I rapidly good deal more, I think, but that, is a making money in New M-Xioo -nd good demand is not a deficiency by any Will not back to politic it I life gald. means. The fact is that while th -x-But wait till a real live Senatorship I penditursa are being .ieoreised th rev goei floating by his head I (enues of the Goveroment are being 111 . . -. . .. 1 ... 1 ii in Rights J5 ALbAJN V , ORMi ON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER sevan vikws or a Busts. The Cmoinnati Enquirer nnhliapesan tuierviea' with Mi. Carlisle, In wbtcb the 8j-aker refutes tho ohaiges of ex travsganoe and other acouaations mads against the Detnooratio Administration and HnuMe of Representatives in tbs Ohio Republican platform. The follow lag are the in ' interesting of the fact sal forth ht Mr. Carlod . TUK riRST YEAR 0V DEMOCRATIC ECONOMY ''D tring the fiscal yar ending Jana 30, !88G-and that lathe onlv emir finest t ear whtoh hae elapaa aince tbe inauguration f the present Adminis tretioti -th ordinary ex(nditurea of the Government were reduced 25,630, 713 below those of the preceediog year. There wre,however,totna extraordisary ex"ndit ere, to wit, in the peymenl of pensions to Union soldiers. That in crease, over the amount expended for the same purpose tbs previous year, was $7,302,500. So yon will see that, not withstanding thia increase, the net sav ing, as compared with the last year of Republican Administration, was $17, 743,790 quite a gooJIv sum." WtlEEE fsa SAVIEOS wese uade. "We ssvsd In the diptoMStio and consular Service $4,107,288 ; io expan ditures in tbe Treasury Department, $3,530,359.39 ; in th Judiciary Da ps rt men t, $836,002 18 ; la civil ex pen- sea in tbe Interior Departmental, 673, 041 92 ; io tbe War Department, $8, 346,425.73 ; in ;be Nsvy Department, $2,113,191.93; io tbe Indian service, $453,336.46; in tbe custom service, that lag io oolleeting eustoaaa revenues, $2,960,726 3 1, and in the Internal Rev ettue servie. $437,30$ 81. There was another reduction hieh, per bar,nugh t not to be credited to tbe Administration, but it was a rodoe'inn none tbe les,and tbat waa in lutert upn the pwhlto debt through oaytoot of th pnucpal. Tht aaving fr the v- r to question van $806,110 1XCHEASEO eATMEXT ' W rExstoxs IT ! Itutoia' i ! n -t the pre D ii i' e t itio.t-t n of V ... h ax, Ii f hi e O.MQL ne, a iH-fur atauO, $7,302, 596 54 in "AC aot thv . di'urea far iir- ,urMMe dii'tng he pt-c-? ling u I yr. Thia tenul'ed from he fact at jdbsfe iargei onnr ofelaims udj .dica'Al nd mH'twtfi dnriog that year than in any j rvc-di g tear, al though tbe Ctmmiaatttner bad 150 clerk lea iu lua offie tha i hi. R ub Itean prrdeoesst- r, Dtdtey. W' et idf 150 e!-rk." DXCB BASED APPBOPBIATTOBS VOX TUB COBBKXT YKAB Th ten great eppropriatiun bills wht?H pro.i ie for tbe annual anport of tbe Gavermn"!' w have otLer pev mannt and extra,rlinay appropria tiona l-o ar the Agricultural, tbe Aimy, tti D:B'rict of f Colombia, tbe Navy, th- Legislative, Bseeutive and Judicial. tl,M Milcarv Aod-mv, tne Poa-Otlicend th Sundry Civil. Th ra ws4 appenpriated Hy these bills for the ficI vwir ending Jnu 30, 1886, th sum of $152,490,779.18, while the sp propriation tu td by tho lt session of Congress on the same bills and for tbe aame purpose! for the fiso I year ending June 30, 1887, was $146,044,583 44ir $6,486,195.44 less titan for tbe nreeed ing year. Infctead of tbe approptiatton b-tog larger, it is six and a half mtl- lions less. The increase in tbe expends honest number, the Government ditures oo account of tbe postal servie from tbe year 1884 to tbe year 1885 was $4,540,880,aod from 1885 to 1886 $4.G60,590, while from 188G to 1887, which is tbe current flscal year, the in crease is only 9664,873. Tbe vaetdtf fsrenoj you see $4,000,000 less tbsn the inorease before under Republican administration." REPUBLICAX SENATORIAL EXTRAVAGANCE. "The spprptiation bille aa tbsy pars ed the House of Representstives at tbe recent senior, inoluding Fortifioatioos, Pen i ms and Rivers and Harbors, amounted to $347,490,554. But tbe same Mils as amended and passed in the Republican Seoste appropriated $260, 883,350, being an inorease of $13,564, 514. The House refused to oonour in rnont of these mnomenfs,and the bil,s, ss finaliv passed Viv both houses, a'tera proirscwd struggle in eoft4renoe C'm mines, H)iproirist?fi only abottt $3, 000,000 in ejMreas f the original amounts proposed 'r 'h H ni-. sen if we ha-i ;i ' ' "u ' of tin- apWiaan annate , have hd $10,000,000 pa I hare got now." NO DEriCIENCV THI3 TEAR. JI can aaf'dv say tha it i ab.l'itf lv certain that fehe raven the current ti-oal year x" expenditures, inc'udtug rwyulen! teres noon ihe nnblio delt, an Yon IW1 we liuioyt. nee f o ad 1 hf nf in I $47,- j 000 OOO-or $48,000,000 upoi tfte prin- I rinal ss a xinki-' tff " d Ny (,Je.' $30- omstantly itioreasei. Eery treek is better than it was hefoie , every month Is better than it waa before." EXCLAIMING T11K P0BLIC DOMAtX, S "Since tbe beginning of the Forty eighth Congress Isws hsve been passed forfeiting sod restoring to the public domain 50,482,240 sores of land previ oiily granted to railroad ompaniex aad t' S . - a f,r railroad pnrKMs in one few oaaea. All th aois providing for tbe f orfnimree of theae land provide apr-ealy that they ahitU be restored to the puMi? fl main and hli he held for tbe benefit, of acuta, neuters only under the II -m toad law. The territory em braceid by tbeae firfeitnroe ia 78,878 square milae mor than twine as large as the Stste of Kentucky. Io addition to this tbe Demoeratie House of Rep- .weotativee at tba taut session passed bills forfeiting 8,843.094 acres, which tbe Senate bas not yet omoorred io. There ere also on tba ealendar of the House, with favorsble renorts from com mitteee,bills forfeiting 13,067,214 acres more,wbiob will be passed at the next eeeeioo. Tbe area oovered hv sll those hilts ia 159,408 sqdare miles snd moat of it pretty goo 1 land." REVEXfJE SEDCCTIOX IK XV I TABLE. "There ts now only ah mt $i 40.000,- 000 of tbe public debt which tbe Gov ernment baa a right to pay at its face, and nearly all the bonds representing this indebted nates are held hv the Na tional banks. Ia leas than two years thia indebtedness will be folly discharg ed, and no more bonds nature until 1891, when $250,000,000 of 4, per cents will be payable. During tbe in terval be ween tbe payment of tbe 3 per oo ta now outstanding and the ma turity of tbe 4 1 per cents, unless tbe revenue la rdued or ia used to par ebss the obligations nfth Government at a high p-mim,n . r toons surplus moat wccumal e to thTr .iiry anch an amount a wcsiisl pat s the bnai nas of th country f t. .t.b l and lft tUt f th chune. if trade. I m Vr atiohgt)' of ib npl Ion, therifofe. l.i eheii 1 n !'' tt(.h t o pVa. bleb.- '. fej 'v m-cbam- ,J. ,f . rum th tu, h- -wofiie f ibf ovutttty sri demand a rej4s)Ciftfl trf Jt veue. Tn r-dC!on j; c iu, ,M 'b- IAf tfT and aof upon tui-mai revettii. f r it ia plain to ut r mijd "t. n pooujii ptr ty f his oonulry cs- ctf r.l t i tk" th position that whiakey aud tobacco and br hll !r fr.H ?bib a ia resaatos opto th pe,di oiw hini an 1 tmple m trad, ;! u,i atnd it " If Indian O on in ieal oner A-tklna v -u prove what be h- li- v. ne can irt the matter of th (Jovernrueut having lsusd Mveral thoumd ratlouBatarvs the numb r of lodians wh were to rsrlve ibntn, he will have done tne D:ei piece) of work his bureau ha-t ac etuipiiabed for year, air. Atkiua saya he will show that the nuuiber of Indian rep irted for rations has been far in exesaa of the actual number exhting. He thinks that there have been anywhere from 5,tHK) to 10,000 morn rations iseuml during the past ten yettrs than there was any necea slty for,and that the money for these has gone lntu the handt of agents. If the census returns of the Interior m Department of the number of Indians who should receive supplies from tho Government Is exceeded by 10,000, has been swindled out of about $10, 000 a. year. A rare sight waa seen at tbe Read Huse at Chattanooga the other day. It L. Taylor, Democratic nominee for Oovernor,aod hie brother, A. A. Taylor, Repitbiiosn candidate for the same posi tion, occupied the sama room at the ho tel. About 10 o'clock a crowd of 100 Democrats and It publicans called on the gentlemen aud after a general hand shaking two violins were brought into th room. Both B ' and Alf are fair musicians, and when the musical in strument were placed before them each wok a violin snd thev plsved a number e of tunes together. The delight of tbe audience knew no hour da and I hey ap plauded v,Miifr'nil v, , The women of T"h tn, Persia, le c ntlv Beat a denntution to the Shah to re in.-nt, to Hh Hi,'li Muihtinrl4 that their husbsnda were accustomed to pro long 'heir sittings in the csies of the eapftal to a vary iatu hournnd that thia 0 Otdoet "ss contrary to ih develop ment nf family 'ifr and d' tnestio happi nesa, in general. " The Shah replied that h" would adopt means to make their husbands stay at home, and h is sued an ord immediately cloning all 1 to 0 fe ti t h- Vi gdom. If ' be riuaiuor of the administra tion averages ss wnll as its ".rat eighteen 'in.ntha, th- haliii oh! disposition of the conutiy to ce'tinue a part t power thai 1m prcved itself worthy au? OApa hi will make the task of electing the Donooiatic candidate io 1888 compar an i ly easr. Examine Woodin's Extension tabloa. They are -wall go aad saa them for youraelv. fliwcra 1, 1886. Great oare has been N H oes and,whil .we do not claim that oJSarh y and Prf' petitors,, we kooar that they are juat as 5ny bett?r than ou Suaraatee every article juat as reDrflL2ti K and: aa, EMd, and we will pot Oash. anwo pWosV to JffMS .9? Purchaaod for wlU Put the ?SSS uS S" w,u "M "' ' 90 " p b.irt w, h. to Dry CIOODS, Gent's. Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS CAPS. j&r. Orders from a distance will be oromntw flnlri pUcation I j taken. Promptly flUed and ALBANY, ORBOON, MARCH C, 1888, BltTMIIIKS Gen. Thomas J Brdy, of Star. Routs fits, row at his Virginia farm down tbs Potomac Stiver, la engaged In writing a bo dc exposing the elec tion frauds of Lmtslsna snd Florida In 1876. He . ys be knows as much about the frmds aa any other person and thinks he cn write a truthful history of the historic steal. Ho was one of the "vi-diing stateeaaen'' and spent anuria three months In Florida during the controversy. Ia a some what extended Interview printed In an evening paper tbe General is quoted assaying: propose to place several alleged statesmen and other In the public pillory io order that their feilow-cltlaeas may ceo tnem In their true light. Borne peo ple posing before the public aa moral saints, with a holir-then-thou cast of countenance, I shall Impale upon the points of their own corruption. I snail embellish my book with fae smile autograph letters and memo randa which will apeak for them selves. "In short, it will give the true In side history of the Florida election returns of I876,and of the Star-Route investigation and trials, with all the ooUattral incidenta, Congressional and otherwise, connected therewith. have shielded a lot of hypocrites and moral cowards long enough, and there 1) nothing left for me to do but to publish the true inside history cf tbeae events. They tm, .ty of me aa waa eald of Rousseau's private memoirs : 'It Is mighty interesting reading, but ho waa a fool to publish them.' I can't help what anybody may say. It is my time now to apeak out, and I shall do ai fully and fear My." A VOW TISJMIY EUVTE. Wash the hair in cold sage tea, Tql brighten aud clean old alapaca wash In cold coffee. To remove Ink stains soak in sour milk over night To brighten cirpets sprinkle with atlt before sweeping. To remove, tea stains from cups and saucers scour with ashes. Mix stove polish with vinegar and a teaspoooful of sugar. To polish a stove rub with a newt- paper ir stead of a brush Lime powder well sprinkled where cock. roaches abound will drive them away. To bleach a sponge soak it well In dilute muriatic acid twelve hours. Wash well with wter to remove the lime, then Immerse it lo a solution of hyposulphite of soda, to which di. lute muriatic sold hns been added a moment before. After it Is bleached rufflctently remove it, wash it again and dry it. It may thus he bleached almost snow white. Petroleum Jelly serves to clean and take away all traces of dirt from tbe hands after work in the shop or lab oratory. For that purpose you need only rub the hands with a small J amount of tbe jelly, whlchj penetrat ing into the pores of the skin, incor porates itself with the greasy matters which are there. Wash them with warm water and Castile soap, and the hands become cleansed and softened. NO 9 NEW STOCK Now being received by Allen & tak - n 4 i . w, Knife to N. H. ALLEN & Co., AS) SUB ATM sad be rerrectedlth 81 rondos Llvtr Regulator. It Is particularly I ij t ed to the stomioh, correcting acidity, destroying foul gmMm ftnd aji.y,,, Infismmatlon. Take after euting, halMsbleapoonfoI, It aesimilatea with the food and ensures perfect diges tion, without wnlch bad breath must enue. Hard times are mad - - k grumHling,aod if the tine speat ia rxa plaining of the lack of bosiaew t ad work were apeat ia buetliog ao md i ad wing onetneas, bard tiraes wiold aot be known. A Ceases Stint la imparWd to the kidneva and hlaitlaa oy uoatetter'aStotnaoh Bitters, wbict ts Baeat aeerut la overeaauas teraaditv of wees organs, Residee larosina mor Uvlty into them, thia excellent tanic dowa them with additional vigor, and an ablea them tbe better te undergo the wearimJ tear of the dlacharging fnnottosi vamm oy nature. Mora over, aa they are the channel tor the es cape or certain impurites from the hkod. ncreaaee their aaefuinesa by strengthen ing and healthfolly atimalatint; tbam. In eartala morbid medUtona of these !mior or8mm they fall tntnaaleaetab at ate. a asoaJ nereuraor of dt dh t nan ean be of greater service tian a medicine which impale them togranter nativity when slothful ? Ko maladlea are mere parilonc than those which afreet the kldnava, aad a medteiae whieti avarte the Pru anoeia be highly esteemed. Mr Twin Bull, dear air. If vau think an alliance between the heir in frospecto of the inronc oj threat Britain and an American lady will strengthen you. vou are com nl etc - ly off ,aa it were.- That kind of busbies t scd to work among kingdoms, bait it doesn't go down with a free country. It causes tu all to feet sorry for the American girl, and hat ia au. tat Ss Let those who want to furnish us w xm! on subscription, inform us at once, aa we muat make our arrangements for a winter suppiy wnnout delay. If yea are tsiag East he rare aad ge via f aa -. ssk. - SB) vrragon snon una. it ta the bast. Sea tdv m another ontorna. Tba Barest af Cemhtastleas. Tree delicacy of flavor with tree eficsey of action, has bean attained in ths use of a California liqaid fruit remedy, Syrao ef Fgs. Its pleasant taste aad beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshsy A Mason, wholesale and retail. tmssfraa. Maaa factored only by the California Ffg Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cel., is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant Caliior- nts hqnid fruit remedy may be had of Fob iy a Mason at fifty cents or one dollar. It ia the most pleasant, prompt, aad effective remedy known to oleanss the system ; to aot on the Liver, Kidneys snd Bowels gent ly ye thswoaghly j to dispel headset es colds, and fevers ; to eara sonstiptsti wdtgesttoo and kindred ill. C W Loraler at Co., of Parttaad. are d tl iothorisftd advertisingagenti for the Dbmo chat for that city. wes. i., Baealen's Aratea Balve. t The best aalve la the world for Cute, Bruise. Sores, Uioera, Salt Rheum, Fet er Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chtlblatiia, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to gi ve perleot aatf sfaotl e n , or money refunded. Price 25 cents ler box. For sale by Foshsy A Mason, Tired aaS Eaagwkt Wesson How many women there are of wh m these words are true : "They feel languid snd tired, hardly able to hear their weight on their feet, the bloom sll gone from thnir cheeks, irra table and cross without meant lg to he, nerves all upset, worried with tie children, fretted over little thing, a bard m to themselves, aad yet with, no soots dis ease.' What a pity it is. Bat a few bottles of Parker's Tonic will drive all thia away, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, IU BS87 ADVEETI8IRS IBBI171 II TEI WILLAMETTE VAllIT. Special business notices In Loeei eel- nme? J0, ?"ot Pr llo eente eaesj additional Insertion. J For legal and transient advert.'semaate 1.00 per squsre for tbe first insertion .and insertion uafe formch subsaqaeaa Rates for other advertisements made known on application. 4 Go.. uuubb m tne LaLe, ana Prices stock samples se it upon ap 57 First Street Albasy, FARMERS I BEFORE YOU BUY a RIGHT TO ANY GATE, rriTTI OITTTa a m sea. - w smbj outtlli AND 8KB MASON'S WHEEL GATE! PATENTED JUNE 8. 1881. The superior point of excellency claim ed f..r this gate are : Tan running aear ran be at tact ed to any mmufio eat. Jiu! lnlial boy of 18 who fa haady with tools" can make tbs gate r atasea the running gear te another gate. The entire coat of the gate net d net ax eseo ss : the nurehsr fnmuAiM eafagB tae posts (in the ground or frame, . fs "" "-"a'" tne gale. No high powts are needed, No laxtra framing i needed at UtebotJaaa, Ail tba ronninar marie at n - H cannot beoerne c4ogged with mud, smew or ttasb of any kind. it ooes not fold up nor Up over te scare horses. It require but liula for in nn.ni. tt a 11 foot gate rininc only one-third of an men w eacn root or oponlng, and the ea tirs rising and ralllnc is only 2 iocbes.aad this on wheels or rollers. It nans oo lever or complicated maebia erv. There is no need i.ferma. sli.,i .h (kav can be need If desired. It never gets out of order o is ta htadr Us working. If the opening and shutting ?ear i tl broken or removed, it is still the beet gv made to open snd shnt by hsnd. It fastens and locks itself so as to be boa and stock proof. It os n be opened and shut without get ting off a horse or bicycle, or oat of a wagon. It ia the simplest in construction, tbe eaaieat to operate, the cheapest to snake, and the beat gate in ex!fnoT Kighta will be sold ss chee? or cheaper than for any good gate. No other gate has half so man excel -tent snd an parlor point. thw minntea examination will preve the truth of these statements. Go and see a model at Peters Stewart's, Albany, Or, Local agents wanted in every town of the connty to make end sail gates. C. H. MATTOOM, Albany, Or., Gen'l Agt. for linn Oe, Sheriff's Sale. a tke Circuit Cearf oj tit stitUe of Ortjam for Linn County. L Flinn, Plan tiff. v. J J Beard and John iWd. Defendants. BY virtue of aa execotion issued eat ef the above named Court ia th a boy entitled action on the 8th dsv nf September, 188$, for the earn of $296. 02 with it tercet at the rate of ten per cot per annum from the 9th day of March, 1SS3, snd the further seat of 925 Attorney's fee, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from March 9th, 1883 and the further sum of $ 19.30 costs. I did on the 9th day of September, ISikJ, levy a pee the following described real property, te-wit : All of the right title and interest of the said Defendant John Board m aad to ths east half of the donation land claim of Joke Beard snd Mary Beard hi wife, it beiag Notification No. 2557, Claim No. 48, being part of Section seven snd eight' in Town ship 12, south of Range three west accord ing to the official plat of survey return ed to the General Land Office by the Sar veyor General, being bounded snd described aa follows, to wit Beginning at a poiat fifteen chains and six lines east of the south west corner of said Section eight aad run ning, thence north fifty chain ; therm ninety-six chains ; thence smith twenty three chain and thirty-four link : theeos east sixty chains ; thence sooth twenty -six chain and sixty-eight links and thence east thirty-six chain to the piece of beginning, ia the district of land subject to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, containing three hundred aad twenty and four hundredths of aa acre, aad on Saturday the 16th day of October, 1884, at tho hour of one o'clock, p. at., at tfta Court House door iu tho eity of Albaay, Linn county. Oregon, I will cell said real property at public auction for oash in hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said exeea tion with accruing costs. Dated this 17th day of September. 188C D. 3. Surra, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon. Ag 0 U W Member wiihiniernn'ovmtnt or nelp, will pleueo.U at RsaI A BrowaetT store and register their namm Br Oxokr orLoneg.