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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1886)
tharrfc Birrcur U. P.Churck. Preaebingevery Sabbath, morning and erebiog by Uov. K. G, It vine, D. D. Sabbath 8chonl at i.30 r. M Prayer meeting every Wudttessday evening. Chukcu. Preaching on Sab Wth at 10.; SO a. m. , and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 10.00 Prayer meeting every Wed needay evening 7:30. 8. K. Davit, pastor. All are invited. Conor coatiomal Q h v acH. Servi cee ever Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:10. Prayer uievtmg on Thursday evouing of each weak. M. K. Chokcm, Sooth. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'oloolt A. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. at. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveuing at 7:80 o'olook. I M Culp, Pastor. M. K. Church South, Tanobnt. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'olook ,r. at. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock, r. m. F. M. Culp, Paetor. M. .Churcm. ('reaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in he evening before sermon. Sabbath School 1 2.-30 r. st Prayer meeting every Thure day evening. Uov. H. P. VV ebb, pastor. pRBirfuiAM CcuacH. Ssrvtos sverv Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Brosdalbiu and Fifth SU. Sunday Sohool immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening Rev fi A Pntcbard, pastor. First Baitist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a, m. ,at Church on 6th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning servtoee. Prayer meeting ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'olook. T 0 Utrewnsou, pastor. Or8gonWaciftc Aallroad aly IfPopular f oute, rer icturesqukllangoS, Fine time t Hare connection ! Mew Mnintnents) ! 3199 mile shorter! 90 bourn lean time I Accommodations uo surpassed for com fort and safety. Faroe and freight much than by any other route between all poiuts in the Willamette Valley and Sau Francisco, ONLY ROUTE TO THAT POPULAR SUMMER RESORT, YAQUINA BAY. Where for moderate expenses yon cam enjoy Surf Bathing, Beach for driving and walking, Fishing in river and brooks, leep Sea Fishing, Hotels and better acoommodotlons, Thsn at any other Summer resort on the coast of Oregon. Daily fassengcr trains excrft Sundays. Leave Corral lis at 2 p. x. Leave Ya quina at 7:10 a. M, Oregon A California West Side trains connect at Corvalli. Oregon A California East Side trains connect with stages at Albany at I 05 r M. Round trip tit kets at excursion rates good till September 30tb. FINE Al S. S. YAQUINA CITY. sailing daihs VAul WA. rasa sas raascisoo, Thursday, Sept. Si. Tandy, Sept. 14th. M .inlay. Saps. Ut. Saturday, Oct. SO. Thursear, Oct, tub. ruKi oct. asth. Friday, Oct. Sth. Wednesday, Oek iO- Fares, -Rail and cabin, $14 Rail and stsersge, 99,88. For information apply to ft ft A. G. F and P. Afsat, CsrvaUia OVERLAND TO CALIFORN IA -nVIA- Oregon & California R. R, AND CONNECTIONS. Tlaae Iwe and nr-kair day. Pare fn.m Portland to .San KraiKtsx, 932 : tu Sasato, S9U. Cloae connection a wth uf the Ciliforuia, Or.fc..n and Couiiiiy . (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) Esse list nivlales. BETWEKX POK-I L'.NU A aUMsXA. all Train. uuvs. aaaivs. PorUaod 7 . no a m Albany S r a Ashland v Ju r a Albany 12:05 1 a Albany... 11:46 am ad! m Albany U:n Portland ,:ti r a A I baa y ExsMrcas uuvs. Asarrs. Portland .4:00 r a I Albany .....J4 ri Albany SJ6 r a babanon SOr m Ubanun 4.46 a m I Albany......... fcS a a Albany Jjo a b Portland 10saM PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily between Portland sod Ashland. ThaOand C E E Pwry mafcas eaaaartlaaa wtoa all ta ragalnr trsias on the Ess Side Mvistoa from Iwt sf rfbsss. West Side Dlvlales. BETWEEN rETLASs Afl C 9BVALLI8, Mall Train, uuvs Asaivs Portland 7J30 a m I Corrallis MM r M Cwrrallka l: r u Portland .lfr r a At Corvallia ciiLtct ith trains cf Oregon I'tcxAc tar Taqnina Bay. Exfress Trala. LSAVS. A A AITS. Portland 4:50 w u ! McMinnviUa .8.00 r a MaMinnrUla b:tf a a Portland uo a a pany up-town offloe. Cor. Tickeisfor principal pot-.u in California can only ba prmrod bafgag, ch.7aad at Company's oOoa, Corner P and Prom .SU , Portland Or, Preigfat will m um nanTw mr in i omen i Mier na o'clock n on either the Kaat -r '"le IMvimona. E. KOEHLER, Msnsgsr, E. P. EOOEBS, G. P. A PaatArent. C. E, WObTXKTOIt, o, H, IKVIMK, WOLVERTON & IRVI91E, ATTORNEYS AT LAW sT'OHco op stairs inFroman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- VJ AUSAGK MILLS," We have a meat cutter that i as much sn improvement over the old fashioned eatiMtga mill as J. I Case Agitator is ovsr sflaii It don't clog an l leaves no strings In th omt. Come and see tt, Sox A Stswast. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THE BEST COUGH CURB that tba worlJ Ha vir produced, lr lit-m )'. 0Uh Cure tuu nut an equal on oaiaea ui mi giooe. l hallenife the wsrid for II, SOU to produce any Couifb preparation, now on the market to Mat it In promptnea in cunny a Cough or Cold. Mathers take the ad vice of an old pioneer of Wl years on tie Coect : 'Don't run the rik of Irour own life or your oDikiren'i on itigar and water, it has sent thou- nds to their lonir homes. You will find more vir tue in ene of these small psSUts than in a pint of nBSSsMS cough mixture, rl'here it one thing very rue, 'if you don't kill the Ixmgh the cough is sure is 1 kill you. He sare of tbe trade asark Tbe scales eat the battle. WMObSSALS ASBSTS, ! MELL, UEITSHII A HOOUWABD, 1 KTLANO, ORKOON. SAM MAY. J. O. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealerg in General Merchandise. NARRISBURC - - OREGCK Will Lmj Grain, Wod and all ISWORTH ITS I WEIGHT IN GOLD. ALB1NI OOLLEGUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1888, 1887. BE. F X TIIunraON. I V . I'rrsMeiil. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet (he need of nil gradea,of students, .S'v. tat intimemrnts ajf'emt to $ffnh ns from abroad. Tuition ranges from t5,fu to 1'J,50. Hoard In private families at ow rates rtoonia tor sell boarding at small ex- ruse A caret ul supervision exerolaod over stu dents away trom home. Fab term opens September 7ih. For otroulars aud full particulars address the President. KEY. E. J TUOUt'M. It. tt. Albany, Oregon, Red CrownMills I80M, LANNISG & (0., PROPR'S. mew raoexss flock rcfkmior for raiuus AM- BAKKRS CSX. BEST STORAGE C!LiTlES. Highest .Piice in Cash fr Wheat ALBANY OR. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING A6ENT, Of all Wnds of mtrcliandise. All orders from the cuntrv flUeil on abort notice for every cle or kind of goods from nrst-claaa stnok. Abaolutaly no cbargen or cessmission will bo cbarited or filling ordets, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice s, Portland, Or B AHN DOOR HANGINGS, Are always breaking, unless you bate tbe kind sold by Hox A Stewart, of Al bany. T bey are msde ol wrought Iron cannot Jump tbe track and will last a bis time. Dont bang auother barn door un til you have seen 'hem. JJARDWARE OF ALL KINDS, Axon, msttocks, brush ho-ks, nick shovels,spsUea, forks, grinfatoneN. wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything you want, cau be bad coesp for cash s' Sox A Stewart. IMMUNITY from Ai . onlr of the Hn nnA u.annU Mr ef eJlaws for wltUatandlug fecal. Every rood thing-1 Ccmatsir felted, and cormtmorB aro CAU TIONED aarainat LMITATIO::3 of these Chimneye made of VERY POOR GLASS. Bee that the cr act Jahel is on each chimney as above The Pearl Top is al .ays clear and driht Glass. Maaofarlnrrtl OX1.T by GEO. A. MACBETH & GO. Plttstmrsjh 1smI Olaaa Work. FOR SALE EY DEALEiirJ. Landreiii Winter Wheat, Bowed 4 lbs in fail of 82. Whilu other wheat was frozen out this was not HtTectcd. It is not snrr'asstd by any variety in hardi ness, vigor of growth, ttiffness and length of ttraw, fieedotn from r:t, productiveness snd niilliUK qu.-Iity. ihn grain m large, plump, huht ainlxr in color and bard, weld ing tbe finest tiou. . Kipvi.s two or three weeks earlier than ether ur Will have a limited quantity of this fameua wheat for sale for seed wheat for $1.25 a huahel, $ of Eastern price, 42c. a quart by ir.sil, post paid. Parties wishing to see t'is wheat pwing can do so by cading at my place I mi.'e 8 E of Tangent. A. L Br.ILrJCFAMMral, Tangent, Or. DR. HENLlBY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, m the nonn ov the wori n FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AM NEURALBl H Nervous headache cured in Hires minute and Tr-otua. he in three eto'. For all pain and ache it haano equal in the world Bmsl! bottle, bUcU. Largo bottle, el . TpOR SALE, Ors half bock in eastern part of tbe city wita fa!r h iuae and fiarn will beaoid cheai A . I DEBILITATED FJ3EN. You sr allnwHl a frn, IHn) rt UM of Dr. Dye'a CVIi-H. 'Vi Electric aw. . relief and p-rtnaM.. 1 nr. of Vitality sad Munkoo-I, m) si '. ' Also for many other Hki- tUm to Hfallh. Vlni.r unit jrt.nli No risk U Incurred, lilt ' irvt. -mwtloi mailed fero. tar ft.Mri-.jil 1 finyn of ths licit wits ' ' apeadjr V tl1tu.lo troublea. Ktora- SNUsl VOLTAIC BELT CUV ..larHall, llica. A, 0. U. W: M-rnh. rs wishini(employmnt or desiring nelp, will please call at iUad k Browueli's store and register tbeir names. By Order ofLodok. as Win A Arr.nt Kcottuh I ' -.i S4o7)o ooS. ' iT.Tf J1 1. In'StCJS saasflt vjfl aasaBarV ' 11 PaL Oat 30th, taS3. Uj HI Twin Foes to Life A iv Indigestion imd Couatlpatlon. Their prltmuy svinptoins aro among tlio iiiont dlMtrtanIng of minor hunmn lUlmontM, niul u hunt of dUciiMCM, Mpetdlly rcKiiltmit from them, mutually iMrgruvnto oitch other nnd lutsail lit oiieo the wholn machinery of life. Nn-UMoa, Foul llresth, Sour Stotniieh, ll..liioss. Ilendttehos, Hlllous Fever, Jntiudlee, Dyspepsia, Kidney Dlsetiaes, l'il h, KliPUinittlsiii, Neuralgia, Dropsy, snd vnrlnus Hklu Disorders, nre hiiuiiik the symptoms sod uisliidleN esuMd by dernngenieut of of the stotuseh tuid bowels. A Thorough Purgative medicine N the first necessity for cure. Then the nil hurtle effect mind bo mslii tnliied. In 11 mild degree, lust Mlfllcleut to prevent it m'urrenco or eostlveness, amlut the same time the liver, kidneys mid Nloiniieh mud be stimulated mid stivngtheucd. Ayer's Pills AccompllNh thU restorative work ticttcr Ihnn nny other inetllelnc. They sru Neurchlug nnd thorough, yet mild, In their purgutlve nctlnu. They do not gripe the imtleut, mid 1I0 not Induce u eostive 1. action, BS is the effect of other cathnrtlea. Withal, thev iKne mIhh'IiiI proportiex, dluit'tlc, hepHtle snd tonic, of the hilo t medieintu value uud Absolutely Cure All dliesaea prtweeillng front disorder of the tllgcMtlve uud ttahullstorv orgsuo. The prompt use of Ayku'h I'll i.s to correct the tirKt indlestloni of eottve lieaa, averts the serious Illnesses which neglect of thnt condition would Inevitably Induce. All Irreguhtritlca In the sdlou of the bowel iMenei tt well a eoutl pat ion - are lMuetleiul1v controlled by AykkN I'ii 1 , slid fur the Mlmuliitlou of digestive organs weakened by king continued dvpcMls, oite or two of Ay Kit's 1'n.i.s dally, after dinner, will do more good than anything else. Leading Physicians Concede That AyKKh Pti.tJi are the beat of sli cathartie medlctue, and many prnctltlou. crs, of the highest stnitdiug, citstomurily prescribe them. AYER'S PILLS, I'ltKi'jutKD nv Or. J. C. Aor A Co., Lowe, Masi. Analytical themits For sale by all Druggists. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Pi 25 YEARS N USE. The Greatest Medical Triamyh of the Ago' SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. Lssss ofaas! It e. Ilowls eaative, Vmtm U tba brexi, with a Sail aeueailoa la lk bmk fnrt, Pala aader tbe aboaUer bl ndf. h uIIbpm after eatlas, wttb a lte Inrlinolloa to rrriloof tdr r setaS, Irrilabilltr of MSSBS. U sslrtla, wlib n frrtlasof bavlna aclecteS aoajir Saty, rint na. Ulaalaeaa, Flatteries at lbs Heart. Dale before tbe nr., laabe rir tbe risbt ejrr. Keotleaaaaea. rrlcb C;.'.il Arrnmm, lliablr celereS t'rtas aaS CONSTIPATION. TITT' I'lLIaree.perUlly adspted to socb esaea, one dao eifocta saott a ruae" rsffsal lost sa atn tali th sufferer. iitrrtMeitit tiutiiea4 cases tbs l i . 'tii ou b"leh,ih lbs Hm la linn rlkot. arxl t.y ih. ir Tonle Aotftem oa -.1. prl.-o TUTT'8 HAIR D i.v . t live, Uiickkus ebanfd to a ,;i r j.i. at lr a slugtn applioatiori or iif. , : HJijMtrta a itniurwf oolnr. act y .ftain""iil. iwdd by DntKisls. r .1 on reeedpt of I . -e, 4 Murray 8t., Ww York. fs'iA'ftils'iMiiil acssVsa XEEVOUS afFBTSIOAJu V DECAY. inYowis Ttarnros SaviN rKAaSBVUSCIMSU rHovsAwo oasis. TWBATMJEMT. HARRIS RIMSDY.OO S'raCtfTJWTi Mice for Publication, La WD O J l-UK AT CK K 10S ClTT. Or. ) Jbly 29tb, A, D. 1880. NOTICE Is hero by (riven that the fol lowing named settler nss fi'eit notice of bis intention to make nnl proof in sun port of bis claim, and that aald proof will be made before tbe County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Ore gon, on WeflnwHday. October 2w h, 188S, ' f A WW S SPSS . .. . viz: itustar ivnger tiomeMresa Kntry No. 4267 for the H of N of Section 2D To I'AH K 1 K, He iihiik'h the tollowing witneaaesto prove his continuous residence upon, and cultfvstion of, said land, via : William II Cooper. H H Mortborm, R R Humphrey and John Burnett all of Sweet Home in Linn county, regnn. W. T. BjtTBNKY, Register. Did you Sup pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Remarkable i f er. I HI I 'KMOCBAT 82 00 New Yokk Worlu I (in j imm -s.oi.Yor the U. 8. 1.60 i AMhKICAN 1 ARMER 1.00 ' 1 3 so And cheap at the price ; bat ws offer tbe four for $3 25, ytviog a remarkable bargain. Drop the American Farmer snd you can have the three remaining for $3. Drop the WorUt and History aud yon can haye ths two others for 82.25. The his tor v is a 320 Paa hook mci,ly bcmod " wortk tha . egulftr pnC9, mm fiejSaBJI ISSJSSSBU0Sa mkm thalanoalCeT aeMS nSibssnR - fMRuarjsi)s)sttus "IKSfaCS Wxmf Un. which Mfsseta SoaeiMaratifaabaebaaa Ik tmnnt PKI DAY,.. ..SEPTEMBER 24, IH86. TgMPERANQg DBPASTMMT, D1TMD er rsn Wotnen'i Chriitian Tempermee Uoieo --r-- ; " ami ill 1 1 1-1 : . TheQuajsl Temperanoe meetings belt) Juriog tba Htats Fair at tbs oid psvil too ware a grand euoosm. They wart umler the atisptooa of tbs W, 0. T. U.f aud alt the ministers of the oity cor dially assisted. Meetings wars held evety tvsoiog in tbe building and dur ing tbe day in tbe grove. It haa bean decided to prohibit tba sale of any bind oi liquor at the Miebi gan State Fair ibis year. Wnen can we say "ditto" or Oregon Slate Fair f Ths Isdiea of the W. 0. T. U. wbo have in chat go tbe department of Bab- iiatb obserrauoe baTe been quietly wot king and are beginning to see results of tbsii lW. Tbe Pennsylvania rati- road haa agreed to run no mure Sunday e&curaion trains, and baa ordnrsd all tiMiiis on its mm not loaded with stuck tu stow from 6 o'o 00k Saurday uigb until next day mdnigbi,aud tba meu to be sent hotuH. W. G T. U. bad ao jsy eund ou lib lair grounds near he ayilou. large amount of literature aa diatrib. utrd, and snncritiun4 taken fur tbe Union Signal, ib Si tr and other tern pstrance papera hi I rriodiala. Pack agva uf lileiatnie siere ueaviy tiett Up and presented to oouulry people to take to b in-. Tbe trmperanos workers of Salem have united for the winter and propose tu hold regular meetings. The Urge and comforts blr Sunday school room of ths Metbodist eburob baa been scutd and tbe neat mating wtli tm Muuday evening. Au t-xo-ieut program til be arranged sod the public is 0 irdiailv in vited. Speaker Carlisle prohibited tba sale of liquors at the capital at Waabtngton 00 the Isat day of Gongrtsa. good example. Let him close the saloona altogether next session. Tbe liome-netore of woman It is tbe fairtsn flower ttsnsplanted from thr gsrdsos nf Paradise to (be soil of oor sad world ; one thai bag pifom i man's life all down the ege,and lent iu fartalajaj charm to what ia best in art, laireat to m- . ,aud aweeteet io religion. Hone ia not eosastbiog we have legta- iated into exetei.o Is sacred were lent from Bestewai wiij ojanas tbeir pries'esa, and tbr oan nevrr b estltigubbed nottl uu rule br unl uf being. France E WtlUrd. Any toeoibei uf tbe W C T. U , frirnda of the sarn wisbi g 10 tit- Nationsl t Jot 11 1 ii , which m ass at Minneapolis during 'ha Use ' m October, will laa- e m-u 1 '' o .e- wi b Mr. J. B. eVNej f W -Walla. I ' !li 1 mho r hi H l'iafejfj a sueeisl ci i!- ct- sal Hi V" H in, "t M' , hS KlVM, ;U (XX) 1. hH W .M Cnriatu i f n H n-, be iwl to ', s-i.i k m i trnmrnWrn It u S m4 ji'p'" 'iii' k cti " to in in lb to ike -iin- 1 hi ? ih-ir ( I. B Wbai la there a 0h 4 ha 0ai t ! foi in .r- t W "l jica'ri i aio b i iti rMnaias)t n "-d I r j'lil. l t d h'l"' ,.: i Ki Urinx Ir mstus 1 1 ; ' ssl , n 1 I 'a to d eetit.l'-. I N 111 sbj b 4, ilfci nl , t o I K ii.s, e kl ; ef bis ! jec ,vrius : 1 S . . (rum aidtn ha s5bjeattuai in tuxicatt . -j, liquors actually uder Una vital Dsoassjs A am and ssin, ou x ami tug aiW" tratb bn ixi iifs id ir sous who hsve died suddenly, I have ton. 1 1 !.! aeanfitHt f food wfcteb bad l n tiiH-i'-i-d fr in fating diges'ed bj atitmg drink k-u s few hours f Trie preseoer uf an intoxioaut in tbe stomach msrkedly interteiei with tb digestive c True,if von takn half a glass .f bran dy after eating two hearty a meal, yu may feel tsmporary relit'f,iut fofj buee not digested your lood. You have on ly made the nerves ol sensation messengers in tbe living body drunk, 8 1 1 hat they cannot do their duty ; they cannot deiivei their mesaage to the braiu that the stomach baa been op pressed by excess of eating. SSS ' 1 Tilt. CwaT OF DUSK. Wlint riors drink coat in human mianry ? Can I count the leaves of the forest, of 'he sands uiion the shore ? And 1 In at unds f iht misery are like tbe -itgliina: uf ttin lesvt of illimttsble forests, sud tbe pla-diiug on the shores of unfathomable seas. L costs us mil lions of uion-y, niviuds ol erieainals, thouaandx of paiiproxhoiisiiniuf rota- it) women, hnndi't-.ds of thousands t f men and women goaded by misery into auiciJe or madness, with every blossom io what might hive beeu the gat-laud of their lives blighted as by a Fury's brea h. Shall it bo nothing tu you that kh - b ood of your brothers ami aisifis in this great family of G o is l-ei- g w a davliy p urd upon the altars ot this deadlier Moloch of a Tophet more awful thsn that of Hinnom'a Vale; while in disowning thai you are your brother's k eoer,you become his Oaiu ? Canon i Farrar. Some Portland market prices are t wheat, J. oat9' 3,; eg' l6c 5 butter a2c chickens, 3.50 p- doasn. jsaauiaaai. n V 1. .. . rorriAR arisxcK. Io experimeat ut Uorlln, a new deaxrlptloti of shell, charged with roll f gun cotton, Is reported to have produced auch extraordinarily de trucilve tfleria that no kind of de fensive works can bo expected to re sist it. By observing how far tbe sun has to sink bHneath the horizon before tbe topmost summit of tbe air is cut off from Its rays, M. Bravals some years ago determined tbe greatest upward limit to be 878,000 feet, or nearly seventy-one mites above sea level. By observing the earth's shadow on the moon during eclipses, astronomers h-td Inferred that the atmosphere mut be sufficiently dense to produce twilight for at Last 240,- 000 feet away from the earth's sur- face. Measurements have shown the Uiu kin's of tbe human hair to vary from two huadred and fiftieth to the stx-huudrfdib ptrt of an Inch. The siik worm's thread Is one-flvo thou asndtb of no inch thick, and the spider's Wrb enly one-thirty thou sandth. Blonde hair is tbe finest and red the coarsest, Taking four hfttdrt of h if r of -quai weight, a patient German physiologist found the rod one to contain shout 90,000 hairs ; the black, lM.oi.o ; the brown, 100,0110, end tho hlnude 14t,000. TUm DBS t SltS (. Of BOWS. In every oity of ens sixi ih-re are bundre ta upnu bundrds of dans that Cater especially to b-.y, teaching n not only the err Labi, but abowing iliptn tbe way to the peworokera, where goods atoleo from fatbera and mothers may be eon varied into money to pay their bills. This debauching of boya ia juat aa much a part of the buai neas as selling br to working men. I ia all a part of be horrible trade. The claim that tba law nbail not take sjagjaJ Xncvoftbia sb iiel debaoehing of tbi yovtb of the ounr, ia feajaj ahtturd to h worth iM'tic, Th- tty f evrry family In tbe laud Is at a!ak-. fner la not a home, in city or country ,that is Dot threatened Tro-re U u a cbdd in Its mother's situs t-nt b" baa not this pitfall before 1 Tolmio BLpU. 8vrnry yeaia ti-or Ciay ess pleading io Congieaa m the MMige of s bigb protective tattfi law Theatrotig argument ih-u waa ib-t e tedef j.o taotion I 1 uur 'infant n.dmttie" juat long enough to euablw ib m to ataud on their fee', sfor wbtrb all prottclbn should be r-m ived. Mr. U'a thuut.'hi thteeyeat- w , I Ho 1 .tlio time in which, uixl' i p i..tou, tba "it fsnt induatrt--" amsjM geoai up into fc'ing, independeK 1 1 itu'ioo needing no ptoreeHft.. Bet ut aeventy years bave hs- I ..1 i from time to ! I u this c I has '"en locreaaed, osd atii th-r gtewdy Nios, wbo are coIihuk tettanes ssl f tbe MtOtsr of 'be country, e lit tl'tn oi in 1 1 I- ft s ue cry to 0 mgrewa to give - tin f.r ibeir "infant lb'- exclusive promotion f of the age. K U it 1 K t.sjf iu nutsin . imt be 1 9 rid . Ii . re a It- if tu . 10 1 a f 8 1 u b- tii' bl K I Hi'tlll g 1 1 r wsttt a V at 1 se ii -te SjM 05 t tl Hi li ft- ,tf a ''til (141 t t i i ii (J hi i at I '' S f t-h u t i in,. 1 1 1 : - attil r ii O MMtwafmsl atS ' i 1 1 tMM I pr wi i d caiii iiooi H- f jait. a ii, wi r uf ici,Mi(hat? ut qiiiuitir, aoaHssftata t i ta, liquor Mtnuiotiis, a0tiaUtrt btfafOMitw t 'ash, atH ! . -.HI - I i.l . t Thl OuUutiy M too latgf to rVM rl - jsrCi to ii fri ' fioiu nuiii uh-hi cataoil tv. S n- mi-r ts a grwai file, sooie- tiaies a it-stil-i c.inu ' nn-a a oyoiuue, soil no mi HsriiiqualcH. Th-- things will cow sml QaotKli in-v en tad. We Can ouJy iul our fiiei(ii'S tu tusk- tuu iha results us eanv as iioahililti to th e partictlUrlv til i i . Senator Kiituutiiis la not a Piobibl- tioiiist, hu. it is said of hiai that lie ainkfh ll a rule ut vei iu drink iu the rerca of voting aieu. He -robabl; c turn out frotn bt-htud the door with tears in bis eves aai utuituuis bOoie tbfng almut feeling grieved at tbe way tbat man Biir.e govt- on to bis Maine speech t h. The Mountain Sentinel says : "An exchange sats that M. Junes Called a) tbair office t,..e other day, and laid an egg on (heir table., iiicti weighed three ounces. It Mr. Jones Can keep it uu, hi f.r in. i- t lusde.'' We should say it tie ai it u, he would hut make any thing, ai all. The law of the etuto of Nfew York punish attempts at suicide wi h severe puiialties. This is one of the crimes ivbere to suoosmi ih to eeape ptuasii menu What Will Surely Uo It. One's hair begins to fall out from many causes. The important question in : What is sure to make it grow iu again f According to the teatiirioay of thousands, Parker s Hair Blm will do it It quickly covers bald spots, restores ths original color when the hair is gray or taued, eradicates daudrug.and causes the scalp to feel cool and well. It is not a dye, not greasy, highly perfumed, safe. 4 Never disappojuts those who require a nice, liable drswiog. h MIVfM inniin .. in 1 iif 4d.i . .. 1 . H . amfa nhi si. H ,1 1 1 is liiM i. ii . on. Est'ti tibepk', di 1 ii 1' 1 ifWenae uf iietMriitri er liunrin.i . a oHit if Naojrt Ol ill.' i'Oll Ijlll III I i f IH'Ul'i Sarsapanh Ii tin. only vi'tm ih thul tnti Is- t'fHVd ii en I m U i, iu t riidlmli' the tslnl of UtTi ' 1 u, 1 " and tin' siM't'lul rurritpiioii. of iIm blood. It U tu only iiltt-rutht that liMtflb Imily pewefftit te f borottltlt Hciuim' I In- syati-lii of Profit lous ton I Mercurial lui.tirltit-M und the poi.u'i u of 'outglous llseitaes. It uW m u tnilles tin isilauu ldt hv Dlpbtberla mi I Bcarkri Fever, sou ensfdrs rapid ri'i iip' iiiiloii friuii lbs enfeeblcmcnl and I bull) I'uuml by IIkm disease. AlyriadH of Carea At'hleved by AYKU's 8aIISAIA1iII.I.A. ill the Mit fort'v years, sre uttested.siitllliere I no hliuhl dliM-sac. ut nil Mmlhle uf eure, that will BjSt yleW to ll. Whatever the alltneiit of Ihl elaa.siHl wherever found, from the scurvy of tbe Arctic clrele to the vehlt-aoren" sf Kouth A flics, this rem cily bus afforded health to the autTerers by whom it w employed, liruiod" eieryw lierccsli cite itiiiin roiii ew. v. iih in their ieraotisl knowhtltfc, of reiiutrli nlile ore-wrought hy It. where all other trestmeiif bail been unavailing. People will !' wt-ll to Trust Nothing Else Hum Avrit's HtMsteAMit.i.A. Kumcwtt cruil" tulxturea arc lift- ret I to Hie public as itiou.l purlHer," v, ideb only allure the put lent with I be pretense of many cheap ilonea, snd u tilt wbl b It i folly Io SXpcHiaeai wIiIh tllacssc Is steadily bc- resolag sssta decMtested sml difficult of 1 ore. Hum- of tbcx' mixture do mueh l itiiv hiinn. IJcar In mind Ibat llie only iin-dl. ine ibat can radically purify the ltlslcd IiIimmI U Aycr'8 Sarsaparilla, rttRrAftKD DY Dr. J. C. Ajer A o., Lowell, Mass. Hold by all .Imi'Ut ; price 91, six bottles for $6. SOMETHING NIW UNDER THE SUN. nwpper specially deeoterl to tbe la tereats of the producing elaaaas and lbs devalopment of aoeb Interaste aud induatrlea aa the people ' are .nre. -u v lniraMed io and benefit ed by. 8ostain Those Who Benefit Yon, THE YAQUINA MAIL" Pobbabed st - NEWPORT, ORECON gives yon si I be points of tntarest In re Erd to tbe opening of this new and Mbort, uie end will beep yu advised oa all important tranesctionaln the Hy n mniry It Is lbs tatat and most reliable local pap,r pu bibbed in Benton Co. Price reduced to $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Hand for sample ospy and special offers. Take yonr read log- matter from tbe place from which you obtain the greatest aood. A(!iraa THE PHELPS CO. Newport. Oregsa. !3 CITATION. !n the County Court of Ou County of Lin, or th Slat oj' Utfjo : Io the matter uf the vauus ot Btfujiniu FraalaucL deoeaard. Citatioo. To ths ftillowios named heirs at laer uf (ienjamiu Frcetio,daot-ased,to--wu 1 Ovorge Krveiaoal, ham'ltou Fn-elaod, Kuaatosih Matiu, s.rh Ny, Mabala B 1'ayne, Archie Fraetaud, fcurene Fiacland, Olive Kraaiaod, I'hstloa Kmc -no, Mry PtrvUttd, Keujamin R Krealand, Jaua Kaau, Emma K Ih-Stuel, Bertha May Ford, Martha Aogsime Fair, aud to all others unkunvu if any such there be. IN tha name of the .State of Oregon. You are hereby cited nd requi. ed to be and ap- C ir tu tha diaoty Court ut tbe Couuty of no. in tha Stats of Oregon, at tba Court H 'US, ia tbe city of Aibaoy, in said coun ty and Statu, on Friday, the St h day of Oc l.'i er, A, D.t 1886, at the hour of ten o'clock, io the forenoon o! said day, tha same being be tilth day of the regular term thereof, to- it ; the October term, 1886, and then and there show caue,if any exist, why an or der of sale should not be made directing and licensing the Executor of said e. tate to sell all the right, title and interest of said bV njamin Fraaiand, deceased, at the time of hia death, both ir. law and in equity, in and to tbe real property hereinafter describ ed, as prayed for in the petition of A. C. Fairchild, Executor of tbe last will and testament of Benjamin Frceland, deceased, which petition is now on tile io the County filirf: I inn AfOiutir Arasmn wkiak mhiA V'nmu w wa s-uaa vvuuvji V'l I'll, MUIWU SWU real property is described as follows, to wit : Lots numbered one. two, three and block numbered thirty the city of Aibaoy, Linn county, Oregon, aa the same are marked, numbered and designated on the maps, plats and surveys of said city now on Hie and of record in the office of the Couuty Cb-rk of Linn county, Cregon. By order of the Court, Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 8th day ot September, 1886. l,s. J. P Galbraith, Clerk. Notice ef Final Settlament. Notice is hereby given that tba under- signed, the Administrator of the estate of Sarah A. Hale, deceased, haa filed, In the County Court of Lion county, Oregon, bis final account, and said Court baa appoint ed Monday, November 1st, 1880, at ten o'oh ok a, m, ol said day, for the bearing of objections to same account and tbe set tlement of (Le same. F. M. Jack, Administrator, Wbatkkbford A Blackburn, Attroneyc for Administrator lUm House. A ASSELL AND J. C1BLIN Proprietors. This house is now open and furnished with the best new furniture. Everything clean and oemmodious, offering to the gen eral public superior accommodations to anv in the city. Dissolution INotice. Notice is herebv aiven tht th nn-nart- nership heretofore existing between VV. S. Wa A 1 , TV . : . . - a aa recers ana j. a. Stewart under the firm name of Peters & Stewart in Albany, Ore gon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ail a a . a . . aa .... All notes and accounts due the hrm wi!l be placed in the hands of Stewart & Sox for collection. W. a Petbrs, C. H. Stewart, Albany, Sept. 7th, 1886. Bads teds from two dollars uo at W Fort- miW k Ce's, JULIUS GRADWOHL Ha me only exclusive ajtoek of CROCKERY, QLA8S,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE 1 Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Ohoic Selecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS Sl.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime THE HIGHEST MARKET Bememlierl What I Say GOODS A8 LOW AS THE Oregon Short lane, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East and ' rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas Oity, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, a CAMPBELL, General Agent No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. First National Bank ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nawapapar Advertising Bureau, IO Sprue St, Maw York. Sssadi I Oof, toe lOO-Prnga PamphJe. STATE AGRICULTURAL " COLLEGE CORVALLIS, ORECON. The next aswaioo aill b g n with a fall fa.-ulsy. SepMMnber 8o. ISM. ixt y "ti - nan 16 y-ars and up ward- inn g t frr- ai-ho Kai'h st-naior cn SDMini two F.r ttUAuiars apply to . I 4RSOI.B, Preablrnt. liu2 PATENTS Uklliol uui .11 ii)i.r kn.ii. 1- . r. m it... Our usT.s sfnuw' ' "h ' V s 'umt oflos, a 4 cmi ubialn Patents laaf Urn. than those rani mm iajm WaaMagtoa. 1 . sead nodle or drawinr . We sf to patent atshty free ,a charge .mod weaaafcs o esarge Siless w obtain pataav hf. the Jusiinsslsi, the Sopc ef SBay OrJar Dit. BtattS officials of tbe r. i patent tHBoe. for rinular, ad nee, larva, and oisresaes n actual atiauta la your earn State or oounty, rWrnsi Ca A. SOW &C Oe, o. Patent rsSca. Waahlnrton. D . Administratrix' Sale. NOTICE is hereby given that by an or der of the County Court of Lino county, Oregon, duly made and entered of fcecord on the 7th day of September, 1886. th same being s day of the regular September term of said Court, the undersigned as Adminis tratrix of the estate of James B Dow mug, deceased, was aotnartssd and commanded to sell ths following described real property, belonging to said estate, to-wit: The south east quarter of the northwest quarter ; the north west quarter of the southeast quarter : the northeast quarter of the son th vest quarter , the southwest quarter of the south west quartet aad lota mix, nine, ten and eleven of Section eighteen in Township nine, south range one, east of ths Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, contain ing 316 48-160 acres, and in pursuance of said order I will on Friday the 15th day of October, 1886, st one o'clock in the after noon of i-aid day at tbe Cour House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, sell the above described r. si property to ths highest bid der, cash in hand. Matilda F. Downino, Administratrix. Dated Sept. 8th, 1886. THE GREAT JGL LIVER DISEASE fiYMPTMIftl BiiterorUdtssettnmojth; w tongue coated while or covered with a brown fur; pain in the back, tides, or jointsoften mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach ; loss of appetite ; sometime na isea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency sad acid eructations ; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache; loss of memory, with a painfu sensation of having foiled to do something w iich ought to have been done; debility; low sph its' n thick, yellow appearance of the skin and e-es; a dry cough : fever ; restlessness ; the urine ts scl nty ! high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deptaia u sediment. . SIMMONS LIVER REGUUIIII) (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy scbon. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on ths IVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWEL). AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constitution, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints. Ktc, Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of 1 Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults,' and for the Aged. 8AFE TO TAKE IN ANYJONDmOM OF THE SYSTEM 1 j. h.zeTlin & CO., lots froprihtors. PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICK, S3 1.00, EsDSat l7JfSlB I PRICE PAID FOR EG8 lean. Bive He a call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- Or ALBANY, OREbfJV. fSfSi JOB COJTNCR aaiar H. r. HfcUHILL TBAX8ACT8 A GEN ERAL baakmg busicMSS. AOCOL XTH KEPT sahiset to cheek. SIOHT EXCHANGE aad ' 1 milli trmaaS toiu!Z tfesgt, aad Port! WHJECTlOJtS MADE on farenbls tew. ssataaaata, y. K Tocas, Jobs Oonnta. L. E Blaw, l. fuss, H. P. Mssjuu. HOFFMAN & PFEL PRuPKIKTORS OK Albany oda Works, And Manufacturara of- CHOICE C0I?ECTI0ME&Tf Wa are sow prep mi to sail st wboio els, always fivh and pure at Portland prion, to dealers. We alau keen a full lino ef r Nats and Tropical Fruits, I1V GROCERIES, Ws keeps full Hoe. at are fre-h and at vry luw prices. OCH CIQAR AND TOBACCO l-ljuj-i.t l coinptH. We keep the ver Saint at ask .if m ial ,g and obewioir iisvo. 'UK M-h -u ft ii f ,rwr piim t.,r 1 deitgu . mm a r . P. Ma MILLER, Attorney and Copslor it law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice hi sl tu dart, io ibs -itat tiMi J rc . 04 t;;, . front the &rts . c a ..i ..jt o u tr. . . i stress si " rrrfi at oTXO -. expestaa or maUiat. VjcX uj bi you. fUspectftOIjr, MONTGOMERY WA5?n 887 Oc 889 V abash Avenue. Chieaao. DR. MINTIE, rmu arvciauT. Na II kieiraey Street, San Fraar'aea, Cat. Trbats all Casomc, Sracuu. axs PaivaTi Disaasfts WITH WoNDaam 81CCBSS. THE 6REAT .ENGLISH REMEDY Is a xim r a imnv cuks for t'r .in. TV. K.l.i. ' " wmitji WWI inal Weakneaa, Eahaasted mmmw asaaaaea, ln.o uncj,lianta li i itsstiT' h,lLUUSU iht tUH.." Bt it uil-ltM i i :1 -If It iliii. and in ol Memory , LiUbitudisXoe uiral Kinission, averaion to BOeietV I) nines if Vimt. w. nalnn-rvMn ineaira, me iimi tun.. 'sii utKbr'eu n the ur ine, ai.d manj other dtocsses that lead to in anity and deoib. sr. Mltle. h is a ttegalar Phyalriaa, Kradnaie f the l r I'eaaM Ivaala will wee t.. forfeit Five N uud re.1 kHillara fors oaasof this kind! 1 Vital steaoratlve (Under his isaslal advice snd t ranuent) will not cure, or f anything lmjmrs or injurious found in f.. r. Ml) Ue treato all pnvata diaeaara suv t-rssfulh a it ha inercurv. CmaaaiiNtloa Free Thi-rough examH afon and advice, ii...-ludiit si.aiji.i-, of mine, I Prie oi Vital hr.ioratl ve. fl.M a bottle, cr ft times the qu i ntit.v, $5 ; sei.t to an.v addreas u(on i celjit of nrice.or v 0 D -.-curt d from ortoervat'on aud in private nanu if de-ired hv Kearny Street. Man, tnl tsei.d ior list o questions and ttnihlet. S4 tlPLF Bt'1TLE I K Ft: Will ba sent to any one aply ng byl e tter, statins; symptoms, sex and age. btrict secrecy in revard to all business Iran -actio . Dr Mlnlie'a Kitc Kensedy. Kephretienss, cures all kinds tj hUunty and falsdoer Cooiplaints, Oonoirha, (.(eet , Lt uct n hoea, etc. For sale by all drutr-iists , 1 a botte or ats h mm i r . "-w-wwwv asiit lion m t S IS 04 0 VIJO ticni. aVIKi cheapest lyipenia sno Btliona ears in ths aut St. Per sale by all drugisia. Ffotioe for Publieation, ur MlntleV Uaoflelioa Fills are the bast sad l-AD 'PKIClt T ..KKt'..(i, Oh, August 25 b, ISH8, Nwtioe i-. bereov trJsva thattho fuiiow j in named srtttlur ha - fi .t uotioo of his I n ten lion io mak lin! nrmf in auppor tsf his t laim, and 'haiswi ! proof wiil t v mads oaforo the Cirrk of the County C urt of Lma onuntv iuon, at Albany, Or , on Saturday, Ootober th. 18SH, vis : John S Sinclair pr-nption O. S No. 53 '9 for the N. E M of Seo. 1:4, Tp 15. S R 1 WMHt. W M, He sautes the following witnesses to ; prove hi continuous residence upon and , on I titration of, said laod. via: tiideon ! Hodson, T A Riggs, Joseph fctewarVB V i Crawford, all of Manei, Linn oounty. Or, . Okas. W. Johnston, I Regisier, tea jSaT Jto-JnW V ..Iu. ... V t