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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1886)
Wkt geroocrat. Entered at the P mt Office at Albany, Or, an second-class mall matter. f U Y SEPTEMBER 24, 186. NarriNo. Iriirlrlr. H IV MI IIM., Killter. OnflOUNTY 1 FFIOIAlI! and JAPER. PAPER KlrteK KurtiMt ( 10 Rpnuv SI V v n,-r. mlv. ue DHH r it an new a Inhta at the N. i.iiM-r Advr Until Ainn- ..f M-.r. our uulhorUtHl asmw $2.00 Whfii jnid strictly iu ad- wmv this will lie th- pnow of thf Democrat : at the end of the year, $2.50, and there will be no deviation from tbia rule. a man ukii i row Pie sociables are reported in order. They are about our size, and we suggest one for Albany, with the established provision that no pie shall be brought less than a full inch in thickness between the crusts, and that dried apples he ruled out. O This practice of our neighboring cities of sending everybody out of employment to Albany is decidedly thin. Donation oyster soup is nowhere. It is resulting in ' this city being overcrowded by a horde of idle men. Housewives get their wit scared out of them nearly every day by applications for something' to eat () The N. W. races is the proper name for the State fair ; yet the exhibit of stock l always good, and what there i in agricul tural products is superior ; nevertheless, though, everything center around the races. O Booms are apt to be re-acting. Steady growth is what wc want. The machine shops now and something else soon after. A thousand a year for the national OMMM of 'y0 will do. " We must then exceed suOO. O It is repeatedly ailedged by many that the more bummers and drunkards there are around the streets the more business is be ing done. As a matter of fact it only in dicates business for saloons and police of ficers ; very little for groceries, dry goods merchants, and newspapers, except a source for items for the latter. Anyway deliver us from such liveliness. O The M. A. T. propose in a short time to go from Albany to the Bay by mil, and so will many others. The ability to do this is an evr-nt of much moment to Albany peo ple. After trains begin running on the W. V St C R. R. travel to Corvallis and places rcyond will be almost entirely by Albany. This city is bound to become the distribut ing point of Western Oregon. O The cash premiums offered by the State fair for horse racing; were $7,921. for Agri cultural products, etc- $76. No wonder the exhibit of the latter was slim, and there was little bedde the former. The idea of the State's giving $5000 towards running a horse racing show, permitting the most open kind of pool selling, U as ridiculon as a hog in a Mother Hubbard. A highly sensational dog case has been the subject of gossip reccently in the city, and very nearly the subject for a criminal prosecution, so" near that the J. P's. hadrnn opportunity to refuse to have anything to do with the matter. Its seems that a dog , it..: 1.1 . 1 . .1. ! 1 . i 1 nig ill uiuv. iu mi a inuu lit nig uh: onposite side of the block. . Of course the father was mad ; so he captured the dog, put it in a sack and threw it in the Willam ette. Tne owner of the dog put its value at $50 and tried to have his neighbor arrest ed for grand larceny ! Mrs Beese Mrs. Keese, who has been lecturing in different parts of Oregon under the aus pices of the W. C. T. U., will soon be in Albany, when she should be greeted by a full house. Mrs. Reese was the organizer of the Crusade in Ohio, and is one of the most sterling, pure minded, logical, temper ance women of the country, to whom it is a pleasure to listen. Admirers of Miss Wiilard, Miss White, Miss Leayitt and Mrs Foster should not miss hearing their older sister in this work, Mrs. Reese. The time set for Mrs. Reese's lectures here is Saturday evening, at 7 :30 o'clock and Sab bath afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the Opera House. Besides the lectures good music will be furnished for the occasions. Our citizens should turn out generally on both occasions and hear this eminent woman. On Saturday afternoon at 3 o'cloc Mrs. Reese will meet the members of the W. C. T. U. at their hall over F. M. French's jewelry store. itrath mf Lee Member? Last Wednesday morning, Leo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Sternberg, aged 2 years 9 months and 1 7 days, was taken suddenly ill with spasms and died by noon of that day. Previous to then he had been well. The cause of his sudden illness could not be ascertained. Funeral services took place Thursday afternoon. Leo was a bright little fellow and his loss is a great one to his parents and brothers and sisters, who have the sympathy of all in their affliction. Accident at Peoria. last Friday Mr. John Coon, of Peoria, was loading a wagon with gravel, near that place, when an overhanging bank fell on him, almost literally burying him alive. Several men working near him dug him out in time to save his life. His left rm received three breaks and he was bruised generally in a severe manner. Latest re ports announce him as slowly recovering from the effects of the accident . t .t) tc ah t. Last Saturday Mr. H. Hulburt brought to the County Clerks office a large cayote scalp which he assisted in capturing on Friday. He received $5 from the county. In addition to this the citizens of his neigh borhood paid $20, on account of the great damage done to sheep in that neighljorhood by cayotes, a reward of that amount having been offered for each scalp. Irkct Plrkcd. Wm Gird, of Benton county, had his pockets picked of $175 at the State Fair.and David Froman, of this city, left the institu tion short $50 invested in the same way. We defy the public to narrate anything of the kind with a newspaper man as the vic tim. He is too sha poor to be taken in that way. owed ie. R. Lowell was arrested last Saturday at the instance of Ubbe Peters and taken be fore Justice Dorris. The charge was that he was trying to abscond without paying his debts, he being in debt to Mr. Peters in the sum of $10. His trial will take place in this city to-morrow (Saturday.) Cloaks. Tbe largest mod best .sleeted stock in --the valley can be touod at Monteith k Se teubich'a. H. W. AVER A BON I KRRXT BVBNlt. The interior of the State Capital U being finished. The net earning of the Northern Pacific last year were $5,574,263.36. Fred Schwatka has discovered an Im mense river in Alaska. Several more eartlupiake shock were felt the tint of the week at Charleston, A $3175 school house is to be built at Klkneburgh, W. T. Knights Templars hold forth this week in St. Louis. The attendance is immense. Mayor Smith, of Philadelphia, was Im peached last Monday for malfeasance in ofiicc. A W. T. hop grower savs the price of . hop for eleven year has averaged 30 cents a pound in that territory. I There are now 88 miles between the , terminus of the O Si C and the terminus of ' the C & O railroads. I Since the circus small Albany boys have become expert at robbing stages. The whole business i enacted again and again. Pr E G Johnson, formerly of Albany,isa candidate for Coroner of Whatcom county, W. T. on the Republican ticket Wc neglected to remark at the time that one of the two heads of Cole's cow was a deadhead. Great complaint is made at Salem's greediness during the fair in charging double prices. The post office at Upper Astoria has been discontinued, something that should have been done before it was started. Senator A P Gorman, of Maryland, ar rived in Portland Saturday. Senator Gor man wast once a page In the Senate Cham ber. If is term expires next year. Salem went for the gamblers last week. The Marshal and the City Council irot all mixed up, so that it became a difficult task to tell w ho was running matters. Linn county fair begins on September Jjnd. -H7. SitU. Wish it did ; but we haven't got up to the fair business the way Marion and Lane counties have. Pick pockets had their own way at the State Fair, and it was a fat one. One might as well hunt for a needle In the haymow as for a p. p. Fred Merrill.of Portland.took third place in the great one mile bicycle race at Spring field last Friday. His time was 3:37. Last Friday night a Los Angeles man named Albert Bovnton shot his wlfe,an old man named Kipp.and a 16 year old daughter of Kipp. All died. Witnesses in the case of the State of Oregon against Mattie Allison have been subpoenaed to be in Salem Oct. 12, at 9 o'clock a. m. The Orrgoniam says the State fair should be held at Portland. The Constitutional Contennial show should also be held there, Philadelphia is too small a place for it. Julius Bautn & Ov.of San Francico,fail ed last week for about $t, 00000. s. P. people do not understand lt,as the firm were worth fully $000,000 a year ago. Perhaps they are speculating. While hunting mar Tacoma last week William Hill took Edward Cheever for a bear and shot him dead. All he saw was the bushes moving. Hill should be punish ed for criminal carelessness and sent to the penitentiary for life. Polks Oregon, Washington, and Idaho Gazettcr gives Albany's population as 1725 and that of Corvallis as SUM. It should sell out and go East. Albany has 5OO more population than Corvallis for fun or a new hat. A young man in the city from the coun try was boa .ting Monday morning that he came to Albany Saturday with a X X and Sunday evening he hadn't a cent left. He seemed to think there was something smart about it. The following dispatch from New York would indicate that the passenger agent re cently interviewed in Portland did not know what he was talking about : New York, Sept 2 1st The Oregon Pacific is nu.himr its wav eastward from Yaciuina h v. and will connect with the Chicago St Northwestern in Idaho in two years. A , PHUt nn W .lr.MH.v rnlnr of last week Jake Butts was driving his team across the R. R. track in front of an engine when the whole concern was struck about in the middle. Both horses were killrd.thc wagon was demolished and Butts had a col lar bone broken. The world bas to have ha careless men in order to make the drama of life complete. The project for the improvement of the entrance to Yaquina Bay is to build a brush and stone jetty about 4OOO feet long with shore protection, and to close the rock obstructed south channel and force the ebb against the reef of Yaquina head, with the view of providing a central channel of least depth of twelve feet at mean low water. The amount already expended on the pro ject is $150,000, and there has been built 2517 feet of jetty to average half tide, and 45O feet of high spur jetty for shore protection. The appropriation now avail able, $75,000, will be used for continuing the jetty on the present plan, and i expect ed to make the best depths already obtain ed more permanent Ex. Among the funny things said about Al bany U the following from the New, of Portland : "The Oregon Pacific railroad will give Corvallis the grand go hv," said a gentleman who has just returned from a trip up the valley, yesterday. "They will make Albany their headquarters, but they arc charging the town a big price for the luxury. Already they have been guaranteed the equivalent of $40,000 or $50,000 for bring ing the road to that town ; now they ask $14, ocx) more for the establishment of round houses, machine shops and repair shops, with every prospect of getting it. Albany has a better location than Corvallis, and there is more water in the Willamette there than at the latter town ; besides, its citizens display a greater amount of enterprise. Corvallis will be only a whistling station if its citizens do not show more enterprise. Follow ing is a list of Crook County men paying taxes on over $10,000 : B F Allen $33,240 Wm Allen 12446 C M Cart wright iCvOOO J M Blakely 10,100 D M Baldwin 21,333 L F Castle W D Castle & Son 34,886 D Wayne Claypool 14,805 Wm Foster 30,350 Heisler & Sons 12,000 A Hackleman 23,786 A R Johnson 26,675 T J Logan & Son 28,300 Robt Mays &Son 1 2,450 M Sichel Si Co 10,000 B N White 10,100 W V Si C M R Co 99,113 BeatM by Mrokr ot Paralysis. Last Sabbath afternoon, William Me lt night, of Scio, while at home, suddenly fell from a stroke of paralysis, and died a few moments afterwards. He had had a slight stroke sometime before his death. Mr. McKnight was a won in law ot ureen McDonald, was thirty -seven years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. Fun eral services took place Monday afternoon. This lear. There have been added to the list of Al bany business houses since the first of the year 1 hotel, 3 miscellaneous stores, 2 gro cery stores, 2 millinery stores, two physi cians onicers, several dress-making shops and 2 barber shops. There will soon be opened a butcher shop, a grocery store, a millinery store, a restaurant and a cigar and furnishing goods store. Prusbaw's "Dead hot oa Aide. It beats the world. It effects a cure 24. hours. Try it and be convinced of in its wonderful merits. Call for testimonials Price 75 cents per Drug eitore, corner Sts., Albany, Or., bottle, at Prushaw's First and Broadalbin For rent barn in good uouctition, near corner Ellsworth and 4th Streets. For par ticulars call at this offioe. TUB ftTATM PAIft, The Democrat was represented at the State Fair on Friday for the first time this season. Whatever has been said of the Fair any year In the past for many years, may be repeated this year j with the execp- tlon, perhaps. that the attendance was larger than usual, uncommonly fine weather bles sing the occasion. The principal attraction has always been the horse racing. That Is the cynosure of the affair. It Is the molass es that draws. It was the Drmockat man's fortune to be present on the great day of the week In this respect. We saw Repetla, owned by Matlock, run a mllc.iu a mile and a quarter dash, In t '44 ; and Comet, owned by Duncan, shoot around the track In a trot in 2:23V, the fastest time ever made In the N. W., If not on the Coast. This too was in the 2:4c race. Three heats were trotted ; In the first two by a big effort Com et's driver keeping her down to about 3 .? but he got provoked at the driver of one of the other horses, and, in order to distance him, let out the sorrel In a grand burst of speed, leaving Cora II. and Coquetta at about the three-quarter post when she cross ed under the line. This was a very injudi cious thing to do. A scrub running race.half mile, between two horses named for the oc casion, was a feature of the day, and had Its countepart on most of the other days. The exhibits at the pavilion had the merit of being good so far at thev went ; but there were so many empty shelves that It looked exceedingly slim. The display of cereals by George tic Is haw was the redeem ing feature of the exhibit. It was a magni ficent one, and cannot be surpassed in the 17. S. The display of apples was far as quality was concerned, and there were a few vegetables, nearly all respectable ap pearing. The front part of the building seemed to be used as a salesroom for differ ent things. As a whole there is no com parison between the Mechanic's fair and the State fair in the matter of the exhibition of the results of our stale Industries. The exhibition of stock and poultry did credit to the Fair. It compared with that of most any State Fair. We have blooded stock in Oregon, indicating a healthy taste in this branch. In the matter of premiums Linn county came in for a very small slice. W F Bar rows, of Shedd, took the first premium on a span of brood mares, his roadster stallion Jackson, farm team, and colt mentioned several weeks ago ; Elkins& Millard second premium on their Cleveland Bay ; Wm McCulloch second premium on horse of all work ; Frank Trite a first premium on his two draft stallions ; las Barrett the first premium on a yearling colt ; Jas Garrett premium on work stallion and roadster mare. Alfred Wheeler, of this city, had a fine ex hibit of blooded sheep, getting several pre miums, and Mr S W Gaines, of Sck. cap tured the cake on poultry .getting twenty-five first and eleven second premiums, C P Burkhart exhibited some broom corn in the pavilion, and Laura Vance several pieces of fancy work. A Blaker, of Shedd, received a diploma for cooling creamer, swimming churn and butter worker. Nearly all the exhibits were from Marion county, and of course most of the premiums were taken by Marion county people. Friday afternoon in a shoot at clay pid geons between D B Monteith, of this city, and Evans, the crack shot of Portland, the former won, the score being 34 to 31, the low score being on account of the manner of holding their guns. The Be v tow's vplntsa Following is the Ochoco Review i opinion on the Treasury robbery case there. As a great many in this county are interested in the matter we give It to our readers : Several witnesses were examined both for the prosecution and defense, but no evidence was brought out which, to us, appeared sufficient to warrant the authorities in hold ing them, or even to pointto them as being in any way connected with the robbery, yet the justice held them to await the action of the next grand jury, Backus In the sum of $1500 and Charlton $1000. Both furnished bonds. While, with all other citizens of the county, we are anxious that the mysteries of this robbery be ferreted out and the guilty parties brought to justice, we do not favor the accumulation of cost to the county by binding any one over on uch evidence as waa produced at the examination, and do not think an arrest should have been made on such frivolous testimony. We believe In the law being vindicated, but cannot justify putting tax-payers to extra cost or inconveniencing any persons by holding them under bonds unless something def inite can be proven. Since the action has begun these men, both express themselves anxious to have the matter full investigated. ! air wtttetf. The fellow who wrote to the Oregoniam from Salem, (it is thought here A. II. him self) intimating a "leak" in the money drawer of the ticket office, in charge of Mr J II Burkhart during the State fair, is certainly half witted, else he would have investigated matters a little before making such a serious charge. Mow the truth is a receipt was given Secretary Urcgg e ery moraine for the number of ticket- taken, and every evening the receipts and tickets were balanced, and when the lair closed the balance was correct,rendering any fraud impossible. If the correspondent had as certained this he could have saved himself considerable trouble. He was certainly very spiteful to make the charge he did without doing so. Mi. Burkhart has ob taincd credentials from the officers of the State Association showing the correctness of hi dealing with the fair and will uo to Portland with thern, when the Oregouum - mm will have to retract or a libel suit will fol low. There is considerable indignation ex pressed at the foolish charge. aeeMeatalljr abet. On last Sunday evening, Frank Dickens, living in the Forks of the Santlam, in com - pany with a young friend who was carrying gun was walking along where the fir brush had been cut and burned. Frank stepped on a fir pole which sprang up when he stepped off it and caused the boy, who was walking behind him, to stumble and fall, when the gun went off and struck r rank in the lower part of the heel, going through the lower or fleshy part of the heel, and coming out it entered and went through the ball of the foot. The wound though painful is not dangerous. inleldrd. Charley Smith, brother of Capt. Smith, of "The Three Sisters," well known in this city, committed suicide, at his home, at Sa lem, last Sunday evening and died Monday afternoon The act was performed with a case knife and morphine. At the same time Smith attempted to kill one of his children, who was present, but failed. He had been drinking hard, and that was the matter, r ew though who knew him. would consider him iruiltv of such a crime even when intoxicated. ray vp. We have placed accounts duf us on sub . " scription in the hands of our agents as fol lows : O P Coshaw, Brownsville. Sam May, Harrisburg. S N Davison, Halsey. F A Watts, 8hedds, Let those in arrears call and make pay ments to these gentlemen who will receipt for us, Dental Notlee. Dr. T. J. Tate, Dentist, will make a pro fessional visit to Lebanon on Monday, Sept 27th, and remain during the week Persons desiring dental work done wil please call as early in the week as possible HBAVf TA.P4VKtt. ' Following is a list of tax payers In this county, paying taxes on over $8,000, as shown by the assessment roll jut complet ed : s I Archibald $24,126 First National Bank of Albany.... J2,oou L I, Illam .... l6,oK Baltimore., , 10,303 Johl 111 isrown ... i4,o John Baltimore "i75 Al l Bassctt 1 2,03 1, a a u it Francis Bellcnuer 11,066 in Conner , Jo, loB Cowan.... 13.1 17 l V t raw ford 0,52 1 Cowan - CusU-k 28,971 Coshaw Sc Cable l6275 Coolcy Si Washburne 1 M 72 W m Cochrane 39,7 B W Cooper 21,123 A Condra 0,793 Martin Costcllo 7.643 R Chcadle 3.S72 V II CttidwcU.... 8,863 J A Conscr 10,550 J S Dixon 11,560 II A Davis 10,500 John Denny 1 3027 A Dodge..'. 9,774 Kllaa Denny 10,351 W B Donaca , 10,070 S W Dodd 10,650 OttoFos H.174 Foshay & Mason 8,135 David' I' toman ,,',',' 10,576 Rubt Foster 0,066 L Fllnn w.. ....... ,,,,, 33oio Hugh Fields. 14H50 K C Fluley 9,650 V II Goltrn 31,04" G VV Gray 8,437 Hoht (iluss ... 8,861 John W Galncs 9.947 Willis t nines 15,766 Phillip I lenderson 9,963 A Hackleman 30,555 VV F Hcndricson Benj Hnrdman 10.170 Milton Hale 40,460 Knoch Moult 8,050 Jos Hamilton, eMate of ",J'v3 loom, Lanniug Si Co. . . . 11,534 MJoS 15,349 10. J8 11.875 9,71 a 11,876 10406 IV, 401 11, JO 79,6b John Isom K A Irvine Robt fohna I C Johnson las Keeney, etnte of Klias Keenev H A Kirk.." W R Kirk KuonU Si Lame. . . . i acob Kces Klrkcndall 0.146 John lairge 9,460 wm icacn , n,oi6 Horace Lane 14.324 Ladd&TUton 10xx) Walter Monte ith, estate oif, ........ 7.77 DB Montcith 22400 R McConnell 1 1.341 Mrs L A McConnell 8,835 A B ttcllwain 11,093 A H Marshall...... u j.Hc M Mover , 16,331 W McKnlght , ggtfio F McCartney 12,343 Ja Mc Malum... Miller Morgan. . . Walter Mefiree. Preston Mun kern . May Si Senders. . Hugh Nlckcrson. Fell O" Toole... . M.01 in Payne. Henry Pentland . Jesse'W Hugh. . D P Porter Robert Pentland Wm Ra'.ston N G Rice M A Rogers John Mector Phillip Swank... A Saltmarsh . . . . . 15.370 ...... 11.614 8.O9O 1,705 wb& 9.920 10,375 12.395 8,ibo I6,0i0 27,228 II466 10,340 11,947 12.127 9,918 8090 8JS65 ohn Settle l0.i2t avid Smith n.344 E Turner 1270 T l ate, estate of j.rfi Thompson & Waters 8,500 Mercer 1 hompson, estate of ....... . IO405 w L Vance 24,520 A J Warren t0,33i Brtmnswllc Woolen Mill Co 4O.071 .uther While ,J8 11 Washburne 11.7,10 Eli F Wvatt 11.372 D Warner tA.tx onh VYassom 11,676 S I Young. 44AJ5 fcd eyt American Mortgage Co 9.320 39375 110,326 7.75 Dundee Mortgage fj" . New England Mtge Security Co I SIC W, T. s C at. at. Kails are now laid on the extension of tiiia road to near the trestle work opposite this city. The 2S00 feet is completed, the caps placed in position and the ties ready for the rails. The cribbing on the west pier i up and on the other piers well under way. Work on the bridge has been delay ed by a failure to receive material fast em ough. A switch is being laid beyond fierce s and another will be laid throuuh Kuinwnier's to the Willamette, the latter for fetting ballast and the former for freight, rcight Is expected over tne road to-day from the "Y.aquina," and hereafter it wift be carried to and from this city on the road, transfers at present beina made across the ferrv bv teams. The bridge in alt prob ability will not be crossed before Nov. 1 st, when the event will be dulv celebrated bv at least a grand excursion. The subscription paper lor the machine and car shops and round house is being cir culated and is meeting with such favor as to insure the establishment of these impor tant works at our city. About $9,000 has been subscribed towards the f 12,000 to he raised. Those who have not subscritied should do so liberally. Albany must have them. aide Walk The greatest evidence of lack of public spirit among the people of Albany is the deplorable condition of her sidewalks. Al bany has in more than one way shown commendable enterprise, pluck and pro e w gressive tendency, but in this matter of sidewalks she is woefully mossbackish. Our city fathers ordered the walks all re paired last spring and many citizens im mediately put their walks In repair. Many others did not, and when we ask why the Council does not compel their repair we are told that that body has no ordinance under which these needed repairs can be entorc- ed. People on all sides are asking why the Council does not pass such an ordln ancc but no satisfactory answer has yet been vouchsafed. Any member of the Council has tbe floor "and may speak with out a motion. t'tty officers. A petition was circulated a few days ago among First Ward voters asking Dr. J. L. Hill to accept the position of Councilman, to which he was elected at the last meeting, the Doctor having expressed an intention not to accent. It was signed by a large number of the voting residents of that ward. Mr. Peters, of the Second Ward, tt is re- oorted. will rcsiurn at the next meeting, on account of his intended absence In Callfor nia, and Treasurer Seit.enbach having mov ed to Spokane Falls there will be a vacancy in that office. It is to be honed matters will be gotten into good running order be fore the regular city election. e ' A Bad Fall. Last Wednesday forenoon Mr. B Huston of this city, was assisting in binding a load of flax to a wagon, at the Magnolia Mill when he fell "head first" from the load to the ground, striking on his face. Ills nose was broken, lips and face badly cut and neck strained considerably, but fortunately not broken. Dr. Maston was called and attended him. John Briggs has ou hand three Plummer Fruit Dry era which ne will sell at leaa than coat. They are tbe best in the market. BOMB 4MB AHftOAD V M French, jewolsr. The best harness it J J DobraillM. Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters at Mad y V It began raining in thisotty Monday morn lag. EvcslUut tea at K M IlodHsld't for 40 cents. For stovse and tin wr) atot go to Jolt a Briggs. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. For Damps, pipos au t linsa at cost o to John iiriirgs. Albany Custom Mills II r at lUad A BrowneO'i. Old papers 0a, a hu til rod at the Dkmo. CHAT Ottlot. The HaUm fanning mills for sale at Dsyoe k llobson's. 'rawfordsville now has a brass baud, with Johu Class aa laadrr. Canned gomia at tied Hold's as ohcap as at any house 111 Albany, Call at K-,d k Bro knell's arid gut a chunk of dried baef 1 it is delicious. Sis share for a dollar and a oh an townl to every customer, at L Vuiriok's. The brick work on the new Masonic Hall at 1fbt twin has been completed. The Santiam Aoadamy at Lebanon opened Monday with a good attendance. "Your Piok" tobaoeo at P M iUdttatdV A gold tooth piok with auh plug. I''r a mtU'-ral assortment of hmiu fiimUk. ing goods at oust go to Jehu Brigga. Pylea Posrlin can't h Unt for within ; you can got it at lUsd A Browned', lh laotnpsou I! ou, at Salftn, nearly destteyed by tlrn last Saturday. was Fur the bt 000' joUi ry, t ih toots, eerie, eto., call mi ll fr4u& vtnif-tr. A lartfft iuvw of sli tmi t , arrive this week front B .si..-, at Bead A Bntwnall's. Call on F M lUitield, for tbe bast grerie. KveryMiing utw. F M French, aent Singer Msnufautttring Co.,oppostU Odd Feilow Temple, Albany, Or. The attendance of pssiplts (nun Ltun coun ty to tbe Hut Fair, wa Just "fair to uud dling." Dr. M. H. Ktlis. physician and suramin AHaay, Oregon. Cll male in city or oouatry, ftr N C Boatman, Pkysiotan and Surgeon, tlret door north of telegraph ofBce. Alt any, Oregou. M Haupert, of Kodevilla, died at ais home m that place last Saturday, after a long sickness. Hsrrisl.ur (Iran are to give a grand hrtev4Na to -ntutrew. A big time la aa tcipated. Mi. Hood sya said to be ataikiug a few date ao; hut no not believe . Tata is an old scare. The attendance in the h'aher dprtmnte ot the Albany Collegiate Institute M Ouoont intudy good tble term. Deyoe k Uobson have a lar-e stock of the beet plowe made on hand. They writ be sold at bedrock pnoea, Go to Pntsna'e new 1 r 4 Store for pore drugs, patent 11 -li-unee, etc. Preeeripltmts earef ally compounded, When you wants neat fit in the ehe line call at tUed A B ow,,. It's and they 01 ait you both in jaahty and price. Celebrated Brush Fanum- Mdls f r f 12 at Oregiwi Vr Worts, foot of Lyon Street The stock must be closed oat. Cherry A Parke shipped a forty b tree engine to tbe MmuUiu Flat saw mill beyond Core all is It ftret of tbe week. Jam Pipe and Levi eYeetar mskiug arraogemvute to open batcher shop ia Mr Pipe building ou First Street. An S2 poaod equaeb. raised by Mr Albert BruMBeD, of Welle Station, hta beeu on bibtttou at ltead A BrvwttltV Mr Owam Bartfartt, tb , beet tmef placed to tb oonnt) jad lt woek, he atteady mad two or three effbt la "o ope. Some flue specimsut ol euro rtd by Mr C P Harkbif, are eesra 14 'te window d Burkhart A Keeus-y'e real eels.e oitio. fb Oread Lig of K of P. meets in Portland Out. 12 W B Soott and O H Irvine are delegates from the Albauy lodge. Five teams left Albany yeeierttay with rail rued utatertsl and bleating powder f..r the mountain dtvtstou ut work mi the O. r. L K. The Una County Board of Eousliaalion meet next Monday. Sept. 2. f at tMvere should be on hand or forever hel l their Virgil Parker has added expre w 4401 No. S to his delivery basin, ad prop sss to keep up with tbe increasing bueiues in the city. O. W Maston, Physician and Surao, Aloany, I) e-011. lir luU of the Ciucinitett Coil of Ptiysieians and Surgeons, Cincin nati. Ubio, Wm Schooling, of Harrisburg had several finger badly injured a few days ago while running- a wood saw, ouo or two being near ly sawed off. Tbe ladies of tb W C T U. of thi city. htd a goepel meetin j at Hunt's camp, acroes tbe riyer, last Sabbath afternoon. The t tendaoee was large. An exoh-ui.e stye Sshtni would ha givl to give fio.OJJ for what we r ivinj $12,000. e, and .Salem Would waut Ut bond the otty in order to do it. Burkhart A Keeoey aol( tiukt over th Northern faotiu Rail U . I to all point east. Call 011 them for ratos a id mans showing route of travel. For 35 cent yoa can buy a 1 lb c tu of Far West Hiking Powder warranted cnual to any in tne market Call at iliM A orownatl a a id g-tt nam;)!. Should you desire to sell your property call on Burkhart A K.enuy as they advtr'.uxi property placed iu theii hands, and charge notiiing unjesa they effect a sale. Mr Daniel Best, who ha just returned from California, offera his factory here for sale, intending to m vu hi business to Cali fornia Where most of in sales are. Coll Van Sieve while visiting the iosana a v hi m at Salem last Tuesday, was taken for Gov. Moody by several of the demonted in mates A huge joke b'jerssy, hooray. A eorresondent of the Ortonian atvs it is rumored that (lovernor Pennoyers Private Secretary will hail from Albany. K;ieot yon are tnistakep, Mr Correspoader.t. "It is as harmless as it ia effective," is what is stiil of Red Star Cough Cure by )r K Cox, D D.. Analytical Chmiat, vVasii uiton, D C. rrioe, twontytive ouata. The total receipta of the State Fair were 17.A0O. besides the S5 000 donated by the State. Tb expenditure amount to about 915,000, leaving a balance ofal nit $7,500. Dr Cspps, formerly of this oity, but now of Union, Union county, has been selected by the County Court of thst county as coun ty physician for the poor the coming year. The virtuea of St. Jacobs Oil, as proclaim ed by millions of restored sufferers, should induce everyone to supply his household with this great specifio, it conquers pain. Re O U Atkinson, the wall known ami popular Congregational minister of Portland, preached in the Congregational Church in this city last Sabbath, morniog and evening. Attention is nailed to Ordinance 143 of the city of Albany, published on our first page. It refers to the Albany and Santiam ditch and is one with which our oitisans should be familiar. An Alsea gentlom m was in Alb my Man day with a mare waighiug 1607 pounds and a three year oli stallion weightog 1555 pounds. They both excited considerable admiration Read Read & Brownell's ad in another column, and then call 00 them for bargains. Among the valley's most reliable business men they deserve the good patronage they are receiving. Mrs L A McConnell and Miss Guthrie opened a millinery store last Stu rday just east of Conn Bros. Mrs L A Rue-id, r cently from Indiana, is also preparing to a cut a millinery store. The residence of John Manny, in Benton Co., was entirely consumed by fire last Monday, together with some fencing and nearly 300 cords of wood. Most of his furn iture was saved. Thv) wheat yield in Sin Francisco instead of being large is reported as turning out very poor in many part. Several prominent threshers have failed in consequence. High winds did considerable of it. When symptoms of malaria appear in any form, take A ver s Auge Core at once, to prevent the development of the disease, and continue until health is restored. A cur is warranted in every inatano. The Albany Band of Hope will re open tlmir meetiigs this (Friday) afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at the hall over F M French's jewelry store. All the members and new ones are requested to b present. A small sied thief few days ago etole a roll of butter from the steps of Mr Louie Vierook 'a residence opposite the Dkmotrat otfion. The butter was left by the delivery wagon ; but disappeared soon after, Mr Frank Crabtree, of this county pur chased a fin Hereford bull at the State Fair, and Thos Kay. of Brownsville, inyeeted ia two Hols tern yearlingr. Linn county will soon be up with Marion in blooded stock. The Narrow flange bridge across the South Santiam will be in a condition, it is expected, for trains to cross by Saturday "veniag. Considerable grain ia stored in the m i. rehouse along th lion ready to go north. The tenacity with which penpl abide by their early failh in Ayer'e Saraaparillia is explained by th fact that it ia the heat blood medicine ever need, and is not squall ed in excellence by any new candidate for publio favor. A new tin roof 1 1 being placed ot the Court House by W C Tweedale. Mr Tom Hopkins managee the job, and ia under heavy obligations to the local editor of the Dkmothat, among other, for valuable mus cular assistance. D P Williams recently from Indiana, baa opened a barber shop iu this t v. in the place recently occupied by W K Keltey. Mr K el ley has located just east of Coon Bmthere. Albany now ha five barber ehope, all two lot shop. Last Tuesday evening the Albany Juvenil Band was out on a serenading expedition. Tbe Danocaar was, among other, remem bered with some tine music. Under the rf licient leadership of K A rlohman the boys nr.- displaying marked improvement. Send Burkhart Keeney names and ad dresser of friends desiring information of Ore gon and they will eend them copies of the foal EttUc Conveyor which o'iUio com plete disoriptioo of one county in each leene with either desirable information as weather, market report, etc. The aaaeaament roll of Crook county shows th following statistics for that 000 n ty . No. of horse and mules, !.. 130 ; vale atien. $340.22 1 cattle, 23.568, valuation, $372,039 sheep, 305,621, valuation, $3Mt. 203; swine. 134, valuation, 4143 ; acre of deeded land 14,330, valuation. 1231.532. Total value of Usable property 11,347,722. Number of nolle 706. Mr Cues Pfeifier is pushing the work oa hta second be to a. to be constructed between the nne already built and tb Ilvr House When completed it will b occupied by Mr Julius Joseph as a cii nd tobaooo and Kent's furnishing goods store. Mr Joseph baa heo in bcamee ao long in Albany that the mention of hta nam will apeak for the auceeas of tbs new store. Oae or wore surgeons from the Western Division, 319 Bum Street, S. P., of the Na inKial Horgioal Institute, will be at lshain'a Hotel, Hamebnrg. (lot. y h. th Revere House, Albany, Oct. lth and at the St. Charles Houd. Ubaoou. Oct, 12tb. 186 One day only. Persons eufferiug from du es of the spine, hip. limb or any bodily deformity, paralysis, nde. liuuta, sexual or chronic disease shoe Id avail themselves of thi opportunity. References given through out tbe V. S. Coosu'tatioo free, ex I il rne4t. W N Allen, of Pnoeedle, was in th city Tuesday. Wm A 1 ford, of Harrisburg was ia tb city Tuesday. Mr Haivry Sbelton. of Scio, vras ia Al bany Tuesday. O W Pbitiips of Solo mad Albany a visit last Tuesday. Prof J C Wyckofl u now located at fin- clonal!, Ototo. O P Cisaaw, of Brownsville, was ia Al bany Wednesday. Miss Km ma .Schubert went to Portland tbe Brat of lb week. B. K. Young and family are expected tn MtKMie ot nest week. J II K Irvine, of Newport, was in Al ha y tbe first of tbs week. Hon J K Weatbsrford left for Hepner last aauruay 00 legal buaiuesa. fie? J I. remah, of Hlm, n pioneer of '40 was iu the city Wednesday. Mrs Chat Shaw, of Newport, on tbe Bav. sieter of Mrs O 8 Eoyoe.of this city, is in tbs city. Mrs Or Maston went to Portland Wednes day, and will remain durtog the Mechanic's Pair. Or T F Smith was ia Albany Saturday. lie has not located at Corvallis. Coif a 1 his bom. Dr. Temphtoo and wife, of Portland, ar rived in Albauy Friday eyeuiug oa a visit to friends, Mr Jas Thompson, of Gotdend Ve, V. T. arrived iu Albany last week and will return to a ftw days. i r a. ! 1 i m n . . w (i .Mcmoaoo. 01 rx vaiiey, was in ... . . . . . Ainany VS catievaay on his way home from work on tbe O P K It. M M Chapman, Clerk of Mario 1 coan'.y I ' . M. .) . t I . ' ... ., wmm win-, span diuim-.o 111 .i .uy, tnvs guests of F M Kedlield. (Ion Ooorge Durham, Master in Chanoery, aud Hugh iligers, banker, were in Albany Tuesday on legal baaraec. We acknowledge a pleasant eall last Tues day iron, Arthur Spauldiog. his mother and Miss MoC.aue all of Bueua Vista. Mia Mattie Foster return-id last Satur day from a visit of aver mouth with her sister, Mrs Capt Powell at Fort Steven Mr O-torge Koox aud wif j returned last weik from Paulina, B. 0., where they have been several months, to their hjtne in this city. - Miss Annie Hoult, daughterof B M Euooh Huult, of Harrisburg, returned home last Saturday from a several week' visit at Pendleton. Mr Daniel Best returns l last Tuesday from California, where he has been si ace Spring attending to his large oleauer and thresher busint-as. J A Mdleraud family, who have been living near this oity for several yeara, left , the lirt of the week for Baker City, where they intend locatiug Mrs Decksrd returned last Friday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs J G Kvans, at North Yakima, W. T., where, we are glad to know, Mr aud Mrs Evans are well looat - ed. Jos Webber, Jr., spent Sabbath in this city, ou his way tnrougu Uregon, w. i.t Idaho aud Montana, in the 1 merest ot the Hartford aud Commercial Insurance Com pantos. Miss Dora Ueadrex, who has been can. vaasing this part of the county with her father's new book, "A Cure for Hard Times,1' returned to her home at Harrihag last Sat urday. N Ban in and wife, and son, 'Sollv"of Portland were in Albany last Friday on their way home from Corvallis, where they had been to attjeud the Selling Jacobs wedding. We acknowledge a call . Mr. Hazlett, aa antimony manipulator of distinction through tbe great Northwest, ar rived in Albany last Monday morning much fatigued from a long walk. Mr H. informed us that ho contemplates taking up a ranch iu W. t. Mr Coll Van Cleve, editor of the Post, of Yaquina City, was in Albany last VVednes day on his way home from a trip to Portland. This was Call's first trip here since he left Albany 4- years, 3 mos. and 21 days ago. His host of friends here were glad to see him. s At F. W. jewelry Hue. Carter's for anything iu the Don't forget it. Fancy deeds. Those desiring the latest noveltiss in laces, buttons, gloves, etc, should call on Mon teith & Seitenbach, OPENING OF FALL SEASON. Large -teivals of New Goods. The Latest Novelties FOR FALL AND WINTER. During the past week I have been receiving &rgeSPlr?3?dB from the East compris ing DRETSS FABRICS, and DRESS TRIMMINGS, etc., etc., for this seasons wear. These goods have been personally selected by me from the New York Market, and comprise many new and elegant styles. PLAID 8UITINC8, B0UCLE SUITINGS, BLACK AND COLORED SILK, COMBINATION NOVELTIES. ALL 8HADE8 CASHMERE, 8ILK WARP HENRIETTAS. My stock of LADIIIS. HOSE, is very complete and is fall of the latest styles for FALL and WINTER wear. lam Agent for the Celebrated BALLS OORfiPlT The BEST HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET made. A full line of all the best All are invited to examine mv stock and note the LOW PRICES these . S41UEL E. Y0UM, Albany, Oregon. THE Boot and Shoe Store. MEN AND BOYS BOOTS AND 8HOE8. LADIES AND MI88ES SHOES AND SLIPPERS We have largely Increased our stork of BmU and Shoes and him no v or. nar t furnish all style an 1 grade of good at temsrkably low price. We ba 7 of e tt l of tb best Hnetern facto rise and do rot k est tale to say that 00 r good are etiletl v f r olaaa. We carry no bankrupt stock and can fuKy warrant onr good to wear equ 1 t any in H10 market REMEMBER We have the argent eze'.osfve stock of ia tie city and that we ARE eontinuatlay adding 11s novelties. Ws re elin no that you can not fail of being suited, W manner the old adage "Tbe proof of 1 be READ eat Caie. Following are the recorded ale for the paat week in thi county : Wm A I foul to Albert Alford, 114 V acre in tp is. S K 4 w $ 5 00-00 George W Taylor to Jas R Krebler, ryU acres in tn 1 1 and 12 H K 2 w 2Jt;O-00 D II Putman to la if Waggoner, lamHofect in tp 13, 8 R 2 w. . ux Cba IMciffer to John Fox 9 inches front on First St. between liroadalbin ami Kits worth fit. 427.1a Elva A Wheeler to Emma Wheeler, 1S4 73-100 acre In tp i0, S R t W 1603.OO Martha Morgan to Jas E Knox, et al., tftO acre in tp tO, a K 3 w 1 .00 Otto Fox to Geo E Chamberlain, 25 feet front on First St occu pied by J Gradwohl 45OO.OO Martin Luper to John Isom, 8 lota in block UO, II4 and lis to llackleman'a addition to Al bany A Hackleman to W. V. & X R.R. Co.. right of wav 60 feet wide through premises at Albany N j block 42 Hackleman's aeconii 11110.00 4OO.OO addition to Albanv 600.00 A big line of watches of all kind Carters. at F W Meelt Wins. The fact that Mr W J Ribelin, the active and energetic agent of the uF.xcelskr Gate," which at first was the best in the county, is now pushing "Mason's Wheel Gate"" in stead, having taken the agency for the southern end of the county, is a very sig nificant fact. Still he could not well help it . as the farmers unanimously pronounce it, tbe simplest, cheapest and easiest made, and the best when t Is made, of any gate ever shown In the county. s 11 The Very Best- I liaye added to my boot and hoe a too a a line of the celebrated Laird, Schober k MitduU, Philadelphia Fi Short for ladies, misses and children. Acknowledged by dealers general ty to lie the In st value and beet fitting fine she made. Widths CD, E, and EE. A child can buy a cheap aa a man. Sam cat, K. Y ousts, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregou. Mray Hare. A young gray marc 15 hands high, three years old and past, came to my place last June and has been in my pasture ever since. The owner would do well to call and get her. I. D. Miller, Miller's Station. Pay Yaar Detleejnsent Taxes. Tax-payers who owe their last years county taxes will save mileage by calling on Sheriff Smith and settling the same im mediately. Hats end Caps It is time to get your fail head apparel. A. B. Mellwain has a stock of hats of tbe latest styles, which every man should ox amine before buying. MOKE Quilts than you ever saw before at teith cfe Seitenbaoh's. Mini- Fennel. Between Lebanon and Waterloo, Aug. 8th, a black parasol. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying lor this notice. E. J. Musselmak, Lebanon. Letter List- Following Is the list of letters remaining In the P 1st Office, Albany, Unn county, Oregen.Sapt. iSrd, 185. Persons otUing (or these letters must give tbs data oa which thev were advertised ; Alley, Cusbamaa Curley, Mrs Davis. Maggie K Foster, Free O 2 Farran, Thomas Hen thorn, E M Motlev, Mrs E W 2 Odell, Henry Peterson, Nels Rosine, Adolf fUthbern, Said A Co. Simpson, Mrs Helen Andersoa, Geo T Counts, A J Funk. Mrs Flora Fsusfht, James N Freedman, James Mason, D I MeManer, Johann Pomeroy, L W Hon Rob! son, Frank Kiblan, M Bheythe, Chas Thomas, A J M. IRVING, P. 1 DIAGONALS, ETC.. ETC. MISSES and 0HILCREN8 makes of corsets. goods are offered at, CITY do co not follow but lead in low nrkM pudding ia in chewing the string," & BROWNE LL. Wert lMkts At. Mr. A. B. Mcllwsin ha:jat race; el tt bis store tbe largest ard beat tck ef es pet, oil cloths and wU pajier ever brongl t to Albany, The quality ud dsaijru of b a earpete are not surpass d. On aceooat of his large sttck hi wtll to any house in Albany. If you would 1 es a brat-elae 1 a of goods call and see bis t -ck of carpets, nil ciouu aoi wait paper. Th s is New stock of fall goods, eye y liie full, a&d exaauae Monti ith k Ski ten bach. KELL YOUNG. -On Sept. 15th. iSv6,at Sweet I tomcat the residence ol the br de'a mother, by Rev. J. W. Bowereox, Ma. Of as. K. Kell and Mtss Mattie You soall of this county. LONG WIGLE. On Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, 1886, in this citv, bv R L "Dorris, J. P., Ma. We Lon'i; and Miss Mart Wigle both of Halsey. Of course they will live Long, and may tlu-y prosper. PHILLIPI LAYTON.At the Court House, in Albany, Sept. atst, 1886, bv Geo Humphrey', J. P., Mr. Henrt Piiillipi and Miss Lottie Laytox both of Linn county. MtEE OnSept. 22, ner Alb my, 10 tbe wife of Thee. Mot fee a air'- wm. ejecsatses ''nri-. iuai "aris si nam GUTCHEtS. On Sept. 19th, 1886, at the home of R B Vunk in this city, Mr. M. Gutchess, aged 77 years 8 months at-.d 10 days. Mr. Gutche&s came from New York State originally, having been born there and resided there fur about sixty years. He lived in Albanv about a year." Rev HP Webb conducted the funeral sen-ices. MILLINERY Monday and Tuesday, OOT. 4 -A.TfTXP S, MISS EMMA SCHUBERT, will bav her Grand Opening OF FALL AN 9 WiHTEft STYLES. AT STEWART A SOX'S, Hoticd for PaMoataon, Land office at Oregon Citv, Or. 1 Sept 15th, 1886. ( Notice is hereby given that the settler has filed notion or' b 1 intention to make fin il proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beiore the County Judge or County Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Thursday, November 4tb, 1886, viz J David Swank, additional Homestead En try No, 6301 for the SKofSE 14 of See, 30 T 9, S R, 2 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, a&d cultivation of, said land, viz: Samuel Miller, H. Humpleby, Henry Lyons and Martin Gillwn, all of Fox Valley, Linn county, Oregon. W. T. Burst st, PURE SOAP. Use your own refuse crease, etc., and Green bank's Powdered Ctustlc- Soda. No special apparatus, no eiporienoe, no fuel, and only fifteen minutes time needed. Send for direction to T, W, Jackson & Co., 218 California St., Sen Francisco.