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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1886)
She gctiwtrat. FRIDAY 8EPTRMBKR 24, 188C. Tilt ASOTUKB. i i, ir i Aoting Secretary Fairchilda has is sued another cU for tie redemption of $15,000,000 more of 3 per cent United States bonds. Thir, in addition to tho mount redeemed under the "voluntary call," raskei the whole amount called end redeemed since July 1st $63,000, 000. Other calls ere to follow rapidly, so it is said. Eugene Register take no tioe. At the Democratic State Convention a few weeks ego in Delaware the nuti Bayard fsotion of the party oerried the convention end nominated a Saulsbury ticket. A few dsyt sgo conventions were held in that state to nominate oao didates for the legislature. As a Sena tor is to be elected by the legislature this fall, the issue was whether Bayard or anti-Bayard men should be nomina ted The Bayard men came off victo rious by an overwhelming majoritv,thu insuring the re-election of Senator Gray, the Bayard candidate. The oonGvoaiion a Kansas Sheiiff of 3,600 bottles of beer and his uU- quent destruction of these in full sigh' of a large and angry crowd of people, who evidently wanted the beer to drink, recalls the fact that Kansas is a prohi bition state. Naturally also it calls at tention to the fact that prohibition i not prohibiting out there any more than it is iu Maine or Iowa, else why tbe 3,600 bottles of beer in the fiist place and the dissatisfied populace in tbe sec ond f The Kftgene City Reyitter strays off from facts as though it had no regard far them at all. Speaking of the Maine election it ays the Republicans gaioed a Congressman, but this is incorrect at tbey had them all before. It ssys tb Stats Senata is entirely Republican, hat the returns show that the Demo crat's bava elected five Senators. Th. laat Senata was entirely Republican Our eotemporary must not be so ex. travagant with the truth. Take a view of Albany with tbe m chine and tepeir abopa and the genera business headquarters of the O. P. R. R. established here and all the added population, improvements and general progress to follow.and then take a view of her with none of tbeae things but merely a kind of flag station to mat k a stopping place for trains on their wsy to some othei point,snd then determine hew much yon shonld subscribe towards making up the money to buy the depet grounds. Tbe Statesman baa been asked St give its views about city affairs io Salem.and says it thinks it best to wait until December. We have no direct interest in that matter, but would sug feat in the interest of truth snd general intelligence that that paper should tell its readers that it was in error when it siid a few dsys sgo that the legislature of 1870 appropriated $200 009 of scbor 1 funds to build tbe locka at Oregon City The teacher wbo tails to daily teach honesty, sobriety, truthfulness, persona1 integrity, public and private virtne.eer all the essentials of exemplary citizen ship, falls far short of performing hi duties to tbe public as a teacher. Hall the work of the teacher should be based in mstters pertaining to the cultivation of tbe morals and manners of those plscsd in his charge. Albany CoiUsgiaie LteMteM under it new management is making enconrage iog progress io tbe way of good,efficient work in tbe school room and securing an increase in tbe number of its pupils. Yoong msn and young ladies contem plating a higher coarse of studies would do well to patronize thia achool. McBride, Democratic eandidate for Secretary of State, of Ohio, is a prom inent member of the order of Knights of Labor, anJ it is thought this will core bis e'ection. A vote was taken on tbe 13:h at Winchester, Wit Virginia, on prohibi tion. The prohibitionists carried everv ward in the city and their ticket by 169 majority. A correepondeot wants to know if s Sjbool Director can become surety on tbe bonds of the Clerk of his distiict. We would say emphatically, no. Leng;. Mr. Bpicr went to Portland the first of the weak cd business. Mr. Binder, a young m in, is lying vary sick with typhoid fever at Mr. John Leedy's. J. Porter narrowly escaped having his hand sawed off while feeding a circular saw at Mr. Smith's. The Ml term of school commenced at the Burkhart school house last week,with Mr. McGbee as teacher. Mr. Spicer has fixed op his chop, ping mill,and is now prepared to chop wild oats and all kinds or grain. When yon hear of improvements going on all around, do not forget that Leng still lives. Mr. Bashor will move into his new house this week. Will Thomas commences to build a new house here next Monday. We expect to have through trains running here some time next week. Lead Pencil, A splendid line of fancy and plain window shades at W Fortmilier A Co'a. Call and see them. ISTttMBATlW TO) KBMKJIBKK. Hundred and thotHami of voter all over the country voted for Blaine tti 1884 for the reason thst they were made to balleve that the election of Cleveland would result iu n destruc tion of the public credit. We were told that our t md would depreciate and find a market no where. Now for the faces. United States bonds began to rise on the very evo of the eleetion And hve contluued to ap preciate until now 1 ptl ctnH Iff worth 128, tho highost flgure ever reached. Had It not been for thut cry of danger in putting the Demo eratlc party in power Cleveland would have had half a uiilli u unjorlty in the popular voto. Every prediction of evil resulis to follow Cleveland's flection made by Republicans before the flection have proven fal-e. The business interest of the country now has more faith in the Democratic than in tbe Republican party. OORRBsVo 1ST JL U N" 0 E . Ilaltsey. Born to the wife of Bob Stewsrt a son. Marion Jsck is spending a few weeks in the mountains for his health. Tom Brandon brought four deer hack from the mountains, a sample of the game killed. Joe Worth is going to teach the Lake Creek school. Mr. Pratt talks cf atartiug with bis fmily to California soon. Geo. Black starta to Portland Sum -day to attend tbe Hi-mop Scott Gram mar school. "Brick Dunl" passed through our town last week en rout tor Eugene. Tooth Pick goea to Eigene this week to eshibi. his Excelsior gste at the county fair. Bill Allen came over from Prioeaville ome time aioce to look alter bnstueaa interests. W. J. Ribelin and wiie went to Eu ene tbte week o uke in th fair end visit frienda and relative. Frank Hayes Ulka of going to Eu ine City thia wtek. The boy with the binds tue shape ept butcher shop at week duriug tho htience of our pateu' butcher. Our enterpriiiiig hUckmi.h wp weht indihet (be wft Ml MM VwssVi but ia agin at he anv'l. A'" - f bia children h a ' -. t neck. P-arl brother returned -om a hum the first of the week, looking as if tbey tied had a "boss ttwe." Uncle Jke Wigle and wife return- I t ui their trip to tbe c at last week. Alex. Braodon ansl family, of, were ip tbe first tf the week vieUtng relatives. A lady of Ohio gave a temperance ectura at the M. E Chutch Uat Wtd- nesday evening. Earnest Hayes ia iu the mountains j bunting game I guese. Several other J boys are off rusticating. All tbe bass singers bsve flown t'r.un our town and gone to some other. Will not some one send us a tenor ? city clheur was ureck by the back propel lor of that mole Again the other evening, and, aa usnal, fell the long way, leaving tbe three sd hearted, bright eyed offaci eekers to seek their own salvation Never miud git.'s, yon shall have to ffice if nor sir, perlups you'll be in ode guard. Another uofortuoate youth -II the abort wav. but did npt liht ou a bed of pear If. Jsmes Town most not boast at not getting left, if he is uncle, for he is likely to 'stop,sbort, never to 40 again,' and brii.g up near a 13"ndon burg. But, unfort unate I, proceeded to her home only to find that a more for- unate youth had p-eceded roe, so I rixed matters up fin? by saying I'd jome to see if her pa wanted to buy orn hozs, nod then wnt and sat on be r ic . I. c. u. lairview. Some of ourfarmera are sing wheat. fall Frank Wuitson, after aeveral months tbaenee, is agin with bis folks. The County C ntit granted a bridge it the crossing t.f Owl creak, nar Mr. Bogue's residence. St. John & 8tone tro the contractor Jobnsan Wbite h living on tho place formerly occupied ' y Samuel Maley. Mr. White has sold his property to bia sister. fhe school is orogresiing finely At tbe Harlbnrt school house, with Miss Mon sgun, of Lebanon., sa te icber. Mark Hurlburt with many other res idents attended the f ur lat week. School commence'! a rreek sgo at Or eans junder tbe m map -oent of Mish McFaddeo. Bev. Chas. Lubert j.j expected here soon from California. John Blevins, iu company with J. Roberts, started across the mo'-intaina last Wednesday. Rev. J. T. Wolfe will continue to preach at Fairvisw on tbe second Sun day of each month at three o'clock iu tbe afternoon. - Vera. Tangent. Tbe Little Sunflower, Observer and Rosebud having failed, I th.tight I would pot in an appearance and give you a few items. Tbe harvest is past, the summer is ended, the grain is saved and farmer have commenced sowing their fll crop'j. She says he must be young, good- Mookiog and worth at least a thousand. El. Lafrancis and family have gone to tbe mountains on a hunt and pleas ure trip. J. F. Beard and family have gone to the coast. E. . Moore has moved into bis new house. The public school of this place is pro gressing finely under Prof. McGbee. Mrs. A. Blevins had a carpet rag sewing last Wednesday week, which was largely attended by tbe ladies of Tangent and vicinity. Moclnville, Died Ht hit t evidence, near Sodvilla, on the 17th inst., Mr. Haupert, after lift A a a I kas an niness 01 only a lew dsys. Mr. Haupert leaves a wife and five ohildren to mourn his loss. The family have the heartfelt sympathy of lbs satire community in their sad bereavement. Horn nn the ICtb ibat., to tbe wife of Mr. Bishop a son. Mr. Price, of S' ay ton, a frequent visiter ot Modaville, was iu town a la days ib first of tbe week. We under stand ha iutends moving to Ashland soou, on sooount of bis poor health. Dr. Cooper snd family inland moving to Ashland in the neai future. The new school nouse has been com pleted for some time now. The work ia well done and simaks well far Mr. liockett as a carpenter. The old school house was purchased by Mr. Win. Per riah, and has been moyed uff of the grounds. Mr. O. Fry, Sea., has been in a vers poor state of health for some time.btit is now better. Mr. Ben. Parrish is bunding s resi denon on his plaoe near S davtlle. Mr. Milt Westfall haa purchased sev eral lots snd bouse of Wm. Punish. Mr. Westfal! will build an addition to the house. Mine V. Wortb,daughter of our mer ohau:, has gono to Monmouth to atteud school. Misa Kvii Hockett will go to Sleui in a few days to atteud tbe mute ichwol there. Rev. Crosier, of East Portland, paid Sodville a short visit a few days ago. Also Miss Alice Ambler, of Lebanon. R-v. Cat hey presorted here on last Sabbeth. H. Pery has beeu hare finishing bis bouse on the proerty he poteheMtd (rem Mr. O Young. Mr. 8. DeVaoey ami family, who have beea residing here for some time, are moving to Waterloo. Mr. DeYaaey is (-.idling school at that place, Henry Workman paid &daill a tiling visit last Monday. He waa on bis way to Albany. Mr. Boy .e and family intend to move on thrir farm near here tbe firat of next month. R. Dvi and family, former mudeuta of 8 UvilU will occupy the bona Va cated by Mr. Boyle. Several of our youog f ks attend d the dsnce at Waterloo a few eveoiuga atBaWa 8uxi-l K"e'ian,if Southern 0goa, i here vtaiiiug bin parrots. J. B-t wtck has moved to Albany. Wave. staif Normal School. Th- Atate Normal school st Moo moo b opened las. Tuesday, Sept. 13 b, anth a BSJt large attendance. Nearly eSSary county in Oregon was represent ed. Your oorrespoodeot has not been blit to ascertain the nuuilier ul students nrdled. New ones are arriving every day. The number enrolled, also tbe numrer from each county, will be given m7 D11 latter, Among tbe many leaders of tbe Deal ocsat there ate doubtless some wbo would like to koow where Monmouth ia situated. For ifceir beofit I will 9" frvaa c11 g of the Sum V. ........ I soUjmI I ... mmm 1 QQ C C . ."Monmouth, the seat of Orgon Stale Normal school, ia in Polk oounty, two miles west of the Willamette river, 00 a beautiful, rolling prairie,in tbe midst of one of tbe best agricultural sections of tbe State. It is a remarkably bealtLy loclitv,aociey ia good,tbe people being noted for high moral eentituma and de votion to tae cause of education. It ia 14 miles sooth wset of Salem bv road, and 76 mites from Portland bv rail." TbH catalogue aeya of the S ate Normal school bnildings : "Our buildings coo sist of a splendid brick strneture,36x72 feet,witb three working which are located the study and class rooms. Sixty feet to tbe aotttb of this ia tfte cnapel, a frame building, 40&60 feet with 24 feet ceiling, w,el seated tor an audience room, with a gallery 00 the east, and a rostrum 40x16 feet, in tbe west end. This is used for tbe chapel exercises daily, fo- lectures often, for entertainments of various kinds by lit erary societies of students.and for com mencement exercises. It is connected with tbe brick building by a covered porch. These buildings are beautifully located on an elevation, in the midst of a fine artificial grove of firs and maples 00 a plat of tan acres of ground " Persons wishing to attaod school will find the State Normal school the place to obtain a hrstclasa education, and doubtless quicker and cheaper than any other college in Oregon. Board can be had in private families, with furnished rooms, for $3 and upwards per week. Hoarding in clubs or self hoarding for 31 and npwaids per week. For further information address Prof. D. T. Stanley, Monmouth Fine. Mr. and Mrs, Carson H ilt have been visiting fiienda and relatives at Leban- on. lhev returned home tbe farat of a r esa,ilr Miss Nora Jones was qaite ill the first of last week, having narrowly missed an attack of the fever. Charlie Arnspriger has moved on to tho McNary place. Mr. McNar, nas finished sowing bin full wheat, and went borne to attend the St tte Fair last week. Mr. Dinwiddle has been suffering with a stiff knee for nearly two weeks. Messrs. Henry and Hay worth have both been on the sick list lately, but are able to be around again, Billy Anderson and -family, of the upper Crooked River country ,are viit ing at the resideno of his brother,Perrv Smith." Several wagon loads of Chinamen passed down the middle road the latter part of last week en route for Albany. They had been at work in tbe Line county bop yards. Perry Smith finished picking his hopj last Wednesday, and Mr. Purdy a day ater. It is understood that tbe vield waa very good. Mis3 Willoughby was not quite so well the latter part of last week. Miss Nellie Locke spent last week at Salem visiting friends and taking in the State Fair. I Hon. S. G. Thompson is having hh bouse painted. Mi. Boyd, who has hmn living on tbe Wyatt farm, has removed to tho city of Harrisburg. Miss MoCormack, of Shsdd,haa been siting at ths residsnos of H. 0. Thompson lately. School began at the Ward lobool house last week. Mrs. Ooldron wss visiting bsr par ents near Eugene last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Curtis has moved his house on to higher ground, so as to be entirely out of reach of high water. Tom Bryan and wife spent last Thurs day snd Kridsy st bis brothsr, Kd. Brysn's. g!L,-l . if Albany Market. Wheat 02c per bu. tat 81 u Hotter 90 eta per lb. Kggs16 cents per do. Beef-on foot. 2li jft Xo Hay baled, l te III per ton. leeeeJ? to0, loLHtoo--7. mr liuitiol. Apples 40 cents per bu, Haoona hams, 12 Ho shoulders, Oo. sides loo. Lsurd So per lb. Klour 4.60 per bbl. Ublokeae 8.60 per dos. Nugar an Kranotaa 0, 00 Dry granulated- c. Mill Feed bran, U .00 per ton. shorts, 16. miaailngs, 18. SJbope, IS. On Wednesdey, Sept, 15th, between Lang Station and Albany, a pooket-book oontaiu tug 820 in greeabaoks, two warehouse wheat reoaipta ua tbe Lang warehouse, it ambers 80 and 80, being dated Hept. 14lk. All per sona are warned not to bay said receipt. Twe tinder wil! bo rewarded by leaving tbe ante at this office, or at aiy residence at Log Station. S. P. Hammul Firauelase butebar knives at Will Bros, gun store. A smslUsbed revolution has just occurr ed in Spain, The "rebels" were easily put down. Stonewall Jackson is running for Coroner of Spokane county, W. T. Sf rsrallarr A new and elegant line oi furniturejust received at W. Fort miller & Co'a. Their cherry goods are ftne. Their new center taLle are the bent and moat sty nan in tnc market. For flrstclasa furniture call on them. rafctte Tire regular public quarterly examination of teachers tor Linn countv.Oregon, will be held at the Court l!ouc fn Albany, com mencing at noon on September 39th and continuing until noon October 1st, 1886. D. V. S. Rain, County School Supt. Seattle received $39475 but year from liquor licenses. We have money to loan on Real EsUte security in aums to suit, for term of Ave year. Call on or address, lit It K II H J SC Kl.lSKV, Real Eatatc Agents, Albany, Oregon. Pomerov. W. T.. ha a ladv dentist nam- ed Carrie Weetting. Wives there edtl soon have reaaon for bring jealous. o to Paters A Stewarts and examine those tine Oregon marie axes, auperior to all others. Manufacture! oy II a. Der rick. ofCrawfardavllle, Usn Co., Or. Wei ranted flrat elass. Weatem people deairing to see the Ni agara fall aboutd iMBIIaa Kt, a it k cti mated they will diaappear In 3000 years. N. H. Allen 4 Co., keeps a full bee of groceries, aad tbey will give you as much for year money aa yea can get ia any store ia dragee. Try these. Faery fieaws Tbe plaee to get fancy goods of all kinds taatlfellwaie'a. tlta sprtog stock is here, and there is ao diaoouot 00 it being first class. Bgna ff ired About 470,000 cases was the result of this years salmon run on the Columbia. m aw On from one to three year time, on good security, in sums of $500 up. Call on Clikc, Momtbith k Co. at Waa ted 100,000 bushels of eats wanted, for which I will pay the highest market price. Sacks furnished free to those desiring to sell. Be sure and get my price before selling. U. n mohtbith. 'SSSi Will . Bay Blaraea, Mr L Benders has retained from Ban Francisco and is ready to boy good bones Call on him at Albany. si m A. B. Mcllwain has a large and well select ed stock of new Hue aa ever brought to Albany. Call on him and make your selec tions from bis nrat-elass stock. For sale. One block in West Albany, aood house, barn and other improvements. Will sell ou easy terms. Inquire at this office. Active, Peebles aad Reliable. Foshsj & Mason can always be ratted up on to carry ie stock the puiest and bext goods, snd sustain the reputation of being active, pushing and reliable, by recommend ing articles with well established merit and such as are popular. Having the agency for the celebrated Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, colds and coughs, will sell it on a pssitive guarantee. It will surely core any and every affection of throat, laogs, or chest, and in order to prove onr claim, we ask you to call and get a trial bottle free. When Baby was sick, w gave her Oaatorta, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Wonderful Ceres, W D Hoyt k Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, of Rome, Ga., says : We have been selling Dr King's New Discovery, Elec tric Bisters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two year. Have never bandied remedies that sell as well, or give such universal sat isf action. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several oases of pronounced consump tion have been entirely cared by nse of a few bottles of Dr King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We gnarantee them always. Sold by Foshay k Mason. Will Bros, have received a large lot of Shot gnus and rifles from tbe East and will sell them at Portland prices. Tb finest lice of window cornice mould logs at Woodin's. New Clothing. A B. Mullwaln has Just received Lis fall and winter stock of olotbing, which embraces all the latest styles and novel ties. He propose to give bargains In Ibis line not equalled it. tha Valley. For staple and nooby aults call on him. Do r.ot nuy ( ri oxmiiluiiig bis com piste line of clothing. i.arniu i'im 11.H.MVM, Mr, A. B. Moll wain has opened the doors of his wast store room, aud will now devote it to clothing, furnishing goods and hats. Iu theau I tnss he propose to keep a lirst class and complete stock. With all the fa cilities, hs will make a specialty in this psrt of his establishment of these lines. Buying from the Kast, with low freights, be will of fer bargains rarely obtained. All he wants is for the public to examine his stock and price. Do not buy clothing, furnishing goods cir nata wiiiiiiut nrst caning at too new aud mro oictniug department or A. B. Mi 1 1. w aim' x C rawford, rhofoaraetoer, Albany, Or. Z have ail the negatives taken by A B Pax ton aud any one can have dupll iroui untir ungative ly addressing ua, at tte following prios : Card slw, i per do.on, cabinet else, 13 per doxen. bou- dours, tj per doxen. I keep tho fluent nun 01 trrogim viws in tint west. Cata logue rurnlahoil on appllnatlon. UopvluR aud enlarging old pictures a specialty. J. O. Caawvoao. Lumber and real. The undersigned will sell all kinds of umber and codar fenoa post at the follow ing stations on tbe Narrow Gauge Railroad, Lang's, Lawson and Beltville. Persons build ing booses or barns uan have bills cut and delivered at any of tha above stations on hurt notice. I.un her ta of tha very best quality, the logs being brought from tbe Hue timber region on the McKeiotie Itiver. Wm. K. Hpicks, L. E. BLAIN, Albany, Or. AUCTION ! Oe Saturday, Oct. 2od. U86. begieoing at 10 o'clock, a. m.. 1 will sell at public auction at my farm, four and a half miles theaat of AUany the following property : 7 HORSES, I COW, 2 CA VES, I BULL, SEVERAL STOCK HOGS, f THRESHING MACHINES, 2 BINDERS, I MOWER, I RAKE, I DRILL, I CULTI VATOR, SEVERAL PLOWS AND HAR ROWS, 2 WAGONS, I HACK, 5 SETS OF HARNESS, SEVERAL PIECES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Terms All under f 15 oash. Over that amount 1 years time, secured by good notes. Dated Hept. 10th, 1H86. H. loVCoXXBLL. MADY'S I a 8 Z Tao doors sset el Oid t'cllow'a T topic. ALBANY, OREGON. Maala si ait hnura and all Mice Kartcru aotausvr nd vaquina lia OYSTERS 1 Always aa Hand. Freah "VnUsni opn every d.y, and anld U- nuntllaa by the i-lnl r quart. roofna tor Wilaa. Partnership Notice. Nutioo is hereby given that C. H. Stew art and E. P. Hox have this dsy entered into partnership under the firm name of Stewart ft Sox, and having nurcbaaed the hardware and implement stuck of Peters k Stewart will hereafter conduct the aame at tha eld stand. O. H. Stswabt. K P.Sox, Albany, Sept. 7th, 18S6. Notice to Debtors, The firm of Peters k Stewart having dis solved, all persons knowing themselves te be indebted to them, either by note or ac count, are hereby requested to call and set tle, as the business of said firm must be clvSed up immediately. W, S. Pa-rans, C. H, 8TEWART. S TKWART A SOX. . Wuooaaaors to Peters A Stewart, dealers in an kinds of shelf and heavy hardware oeal, paint and olla, opposite Odd Pel low's Temple. pAlNTS AND OILN, A foil line of lead and oil, mixed paints kalsomine, etc, always on band. Stbwart dt Sox, B ARN DOORS, never j' iic up a new nam door nor re bang an old one until yon first call on Stewart A Hox and see what they have new in darn door hangera eoinethirg: that will not break down. C hilled plows. We are asrents f r one of t e finest rall ied plows Hver stuck into tbe around. tVe got them to sell and it you want a aood plow it will pay you to come in and aee it. Stbwakt A Sox, JABORER'S TOOLS, AXtii mattocks, brush hooks, picks, ahov da. spades, forks, sledaea. wed area. cross cut saws, maul rings, wheelbarrows, or any other tool used by either wood men or "mud artists." For sale oheap by STB WART A 80X. CARPENTERS AND BRIDGE BUIL- J DEKS. Don't rorget mat we Keep a ma line or all kinds of tools and will sell aa cheap aa the quality of our goods will allow. We make a specialty ef fitting out carpenter's ano will be glad to see them at any time. Stk wart & Sox, QAWS, AXES, ETC vve are not bragging one bit when ws say we have tbe finest cross-out saws and axes in tbe vailey. Also a fine lot of steel and iron bridges, maul rings, etc. BiawAwr & Sox, Pat, Cengr I ll9Nlj jasejsa0gfjflV m l m Cfas .This Ja Qie moat PBAOTXO AJL HIOH-OUT gsaaDMaw seaveMsss tefsatc te it say sakl by abapty moving tU bttUoa. For aale by Conrad Meyer, -PROPRIETOR OP STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadalbin and First 8tsM DKALKR IV- CAtinetl rrntts). l annsrl tteate, 4aenwsirf Vgetstblen, Cigars, Wpfeee, Test, (Jlswsri, Dried Priilfe, Tobneco, oiree. Etc., In fact everything that Is kept In a gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. I-ONN BROTHERS' Wash grocery store Opposite Day oe A Robson's. ALBANY, OREGON, Keep a fresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED QOOD8 ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, CROCKERY, G LA 88 WARE ETC., ETC. PRODUCE TAX H EXOIIH Will sell as cheap & a any store In Albany BOOTS, SHOES AND SUPPERS. 1 am bow receiving my fall and winter stock of boots and abides, I bava aa nicely a fitted up Boot and Shoe Store, and aa complete a stock as any this aids of Portland ond very few batter in Portland. I bny aW my boots and shoes direct from manufacturer and am authorized to warrant every pair no mat let bow cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of me ia buying aa I boy ia quantities and pay tbe cash. In ladteV, misses and children's shoes, I keep much tbe largest, bet and great eat vsriety ia tbe city. My sim will always be ta give ss good value for tba money aa possibly can be dona. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. AT COST From and after August let, 1886, John Briggs, will el ! bis entire stock of STOVES, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING C00DS, without reserve, Now is your time to furnish cheaply. Albany, July 31st, 1886. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. o THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION,CARTRIOCE$, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At tba most reasonable prices, always in stock, Repairing done on short notice. Willamette Valley nimrods should never bAt without calling on W. B. SCOTT, ""Opposite Revere House, Albany, Or. VIOLINS. Made and repaired. New tops, backs and beck. Bowa rehaired and repaired. Old and new violins, bowa and artists strings for sale. Refer to E. . Coureea and Chas. Bray. Portland. H. S. RICHARDS, Teacher of Violin. Oorner of 2nd and Ellswcrib Sts,, Albany. L. IB. First Street, New Goods. His stock of FURNISHING GOODS is not equalled In Albany, nor surpassed in the Valley. It include tbe very m makes of SHIRTS, HOSIERY, NECK WEAR, GLOVES, AC. All In style, embracing novelties end staples. New Goods., Hlsstvck of BOOTS AND SHOES Is tbe beet, without exception, of any In tbla part of the Valley. He leads in this Unm, and offers rare bargains, quality and price considered together. New Goods. WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND G0RVALL8S, OR. LEADING DEALERS 19 GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a foil assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PISTOLS, CUTLERY, AMUNITION FISHING TACKLE 8, WARRANTED RAZORS, BUTCHER AND POCKET KNIVES. Ws handle tha , domestic; rbw bomb, white. AHEKI4 AX. KOfVH,8l!VClKR, lio llOLD, ELDSEDGK SEWING HACBISES, And all of the leading Pianos and Oraane. Sewing Machine Needles. Oil and extras for all kinds of machines. Repairing of aewiog machines and fine instru ments a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRANTED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED T. A. SUA WHO HAS REMOVED ''The City Dry Goods Store" OF PORTLAND, TO. ALBANY TO STAY. Look Out for Prices. pUTLRRY VVe want it distinctly understood that wa nan "knook tha snots" riff ar vtM ntr in the country when it comes to pocket knives, razors, etc, Come around aad aee for yourselves. OTBWART fc BOJ;. jplANTAND BLASTING POWDER, SI i any Irishman (Wild Bill excepted wants to diow up rooas, stum s or . eng lishmen, we can fit him out with giaut or blasting powder in good shape, SrawAiwfcSx. E BLAIN. Albany, Oregon. His stock of CLOTHING. Is very large, and consists of the lstest myiases MEN'S, BOY'S. AND YOUTH SHITS, OVERCOATS, RUBBER GOODS, mo. Carefully purcbaserl In the best mark!. You get only tbe bost goods for tha nrw with a complete stock to select from. New Goods. His stock of HATS la really choice. Tbey ere bought prin ciyallyin Philadelphia. Are novel and In style. A big atock to select from. Goods. His TAILORING DEPARTMENT ia conducted by an expert tailor. Good flu and stylish sutta ie the rule. His suiting are nobby and of the bet pat teroa. W. A. CHRRKT. JOHX EAXSHAW, ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAW. Machine and Kill Builders, Having opened up tba old foundry and Cherry A Bon, and added new and late improved machinery, we are prepared to handle aH kinda of heavy machinery. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Saw ana (Irinf Mill m.nhin.n . ng machinery of all kinda, all kinda of l Mn v4 n ! J 4 . Repairing of farm machinery a specialty, Patterns of all kinda marl nn .k.rt notice. The haafc aaanrt in the State. r Shops oorner 1st and Montgomery Sts, ALBANY OREGON. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION NOTICE NOTICE ia hnihv vlmn lhi tk. n 1 o-. uvr inwu of Equalisation for Linn oounty, Oregon, will meat In the office of tbe County Clerk of said oounty , in the Court House, in Al banv. Orrwnn. nn ManHav tha '-? , ,s,. of September, 1S88, and publicly examine ,vv lUMUHwui ruiiB, sua correcs ail errors n valuation, description or qualities of land, loaa or othnr nrnnnrfT. K'nm . - . j " uirm' fore, all panics who may be aggrieved by reason of tbe valuation, description or otherwise aa to thair MMMmant win noU-je of tbe meeting of said Board of Bouauaaiton, otherwise their assessment will stand aa made by tho Assessor. JS. .Jfi Hammack. s? for Linn Co., Or. FIRE INSURANCE. All kinda of farm nmiun ... . ... m j ,nj aj'. Grain, Hops, Fruit. Live iock, farm Machinery, Farm imple ments, Household Furniture, Family Provisions. Wearing Apparel, Ca-riaues. Wakens. Rimug t. ? 1 i . .uur.vt luairumeuw and Books, insured against loss by fire or lightning in reliable Companies. Loaasa JJWIU IU lull, J. C. Powell, Agent, Albany, Oregon, TAQONS AND CARRtAGRg. Wanroaa. haok , ." T , A ."",a,wrriairea, Sine and double. Before vm, s I I and see wbat we have, Stkwawt A Sox. S PECIAL TO SPORTSMEN . fiefOPB VOU huv unnr Mmrvn-iv. invite VOU to coma and u a . several diflferent grades of nowrtar. ail kinds of cart rid orea rri mam hmiu nA T mrmmm MUU Daner sneelti. maiiftd ahAiiu ami k - beat shot in town. SmwABTdsSox.