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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1886)
a rfaenwa The Democrat, Published by STITKS & NUTT1NQ. ltTIMner'lt'K"ie ssetueerat HalliltBaou ttruatlMlbie Mireet. rRK.VM or SUBSCRIPTION ingle oopv, pur year, In advance. It 3) atnfio POt, pr year, at ami of year , a . atugla ony. Ox Miontha 1 00 uirl "i'V throe tnntiths 60 alual imrr 6 IMIOKK8SIONAL CAHD8. L. H. MONT ANTE. mORNEAT LAW, Notary Public tlbaany. Oregon. Offlw upstairs, over John Brlggs atore, tst street. vlsn2Stf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) aTTOKV KY AT LAW. UKIM, ORR4JON. ITTII.L PRACTIOR IN ALL THK COURTS OF THK '? State. PWINMMI given to collect lorr and r nate matter. rfl.e la Odd Pellaw'a Temple. (U:i f. O. row KM.. W. u. SILT HI"1 POWBliL ft BILYEU, vTTOHNRYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in chancery, H-WIVY. - - - AHRON. Collection prompt! v mad on all point. negotiated on reasonable trm. In Foster's Brick .SX vHnlWf. J. J. WHITNEY, Ittomey And Counsellor it Lav AND Notary IMibllc ALBANY, OREGON, VIII practice In all of the Cnurta of .hi State All buslnea intrusted to him trill ba promptly attended to. I W. LAN COON & CO., lKTQGINTtl. dooks, stationary and Toilet Articles, A Lartr Stock and Low Prloaa. OITT TD3RTJO 8TOBK, 8vl tlltXV. ORtXOX. FOSHAY A MASON, WaOLKLAl. AJI9 SBTAIL I) racists and Booksellers, Atremnfor Job B. Alden's pnbllcailona, which we aell at publisher's price with potagaddcd ALBANY, OREGOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Ilany, Or. FURNITURE. pay the beat atok of amiture In the city and will aell f!hrap. Cheap, Cheap, The only atock of WUNUT FURNITURE ,u tha city and tbe lowent price in the Valley. Come and aee. Undertaking, i ooiiirj.'eta atock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, rmr. Vtmt and ElI.WwrtB) AltMtay. Ore Ma iller & Ganett, Prop'ra 'nit uf H ta' i Sited op i ii Brat riant atria. Table I ith the beet the market afford., gprlnff Be it in every Room. A rood rlaanpU Room for Ooav aaTtai t ratrelera. ftm awNk lo and roa tbr nll."i Aioany Batn Mouse. t 4 ; iuaAilieNID WOULD KKSPECT i ill. t r "' he itiient ol Albany and ri uttythat ( iave aken charge of thii Katabluh iaat,aod,'f toopinrf iloaa rooms and payia ri-st auotion . . i u-io 9M, expect! w iait ai ,te who mat for us with their patronage tJarlagSoretofor -arried on nothing bot Plyftt-OlnsB Hair Droaainar Saloon eaoaete to satire eatUf action to al xeOVMiea T.adioi' Hair neatly a Ta.n.oei JOSWRHPER. DR. JeL. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce-cor, Firat and Ferry Straeta, ABANY - - OREGON. O. O nnrHRT o.B.rv ALBANY IRON WORKS. OtlRRRV k PARKKS, Hiurtm to C C. Cherry.) Manhinista, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. ..T-f.ttvROlTR NEW SHOPS AT.L V omrrlesWI -tnd are now prepared to rn , kind of heavy work. We will aVtqVnre "team Kn urines. Grist and U'v MUI M sfhinery.and all kind of Iron ano Hraa. iTasnnfta. ptTTrasa ntr, s shobt aonca. pn''al attention "frlvn to repel rinfr at win nt ma'hinorv Will also mannfac Mir ih )mtrovel Cherry A White Grain Hotan Piblio tf Insurance Agent, n. F. PMimZ - ALBANY, OP 1 ,,r meta sevrai M the best Fire In -ur t nc (' .'oiisub's i th Coast. Call ti hi n forfeitable innrance. J, W- BENTLEY, Tbe reliable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER Repairing promptly an-l woll done. Farm era shoqld leave orders ffr boots before har vest and settle for them after harvest. Satis aotloa iv n. THE NORTHWESTERN MSERYiWQRT OF MUSIC. SI IVS EA POI.IM, MISX. 1 Onran, Tolce. Theory, all Orcbestrnl and 1 .1 .jiui'Mi-. Mo'Iitii I,:miruaiit!s. Klocutton. ? ' OP.I IIEDAI.N for uniifrMa In ;.vi and Votes. V.ll.l ABI.K PBF.E tr .iicot corps of TcHcbarR In tbe lor nimtixiiiH. Pui'lle received at any ... a nu begins Sepfc.9. Bend for Calendar. tCAOI.Wl M. MOKSK, Director. State VOL XXII. ACOBS GERM AN R I U I ail! jrtiTtrm AT DKl'Uiim-nt inn nmi Til It OIAM.1 A. TOKHS I U..NLTiai.M. If'. Frrr from Opimtft; Emetics mn4 liiftm SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. 25 TUkt catSLKS A. flMKLUI to., BalTISOU, . From 115 lbs to 161 lbs To tile Cuticura Remedies ! owe My Health, My Happiness, and My Life. . .AdV MW Pn that I do not think and a: MB of the MM Remedies Satan year. ago. atse from a i harry atone to aa ore. Tha tarn ail 01 a rs IUIIU f.rlllr. .... i.-k r.n.l In n wen- tnifhtfal to took at. and painful to bar . pfte turned Mode when they BTW mm, la dlarus. 1 1 m asaawad to he aa iK muiiwia .u. pew ami Hhyalciaria and their trvaluunt i..i .11 mcllvinra ImIp.1 to do any good. In a moment ol daayair I asaes am BawaM MMI Skin Cure, and Cuticura uocura Kemeuiea Cuticura, the treat Hkln Cure, ami IMU.urm .n ... sll,. Beauiiftcr .external v. and Cuticura Habitant, the new Blood Hu rifter, internally ; tbe email lump, (aa I ell them) aradnall iliauiiMUHi and tk. t.M broke. In about two eka. diechnrfinc lare luanntiee of matter, leaving- teo .light .car. in mt neck to day to tell the atory 4 my euffertne. My weight then waa one hundred and flfteen eickU r.unda . my aright now ia one hundred and eUty one eoliil. healthy pounda, and my height la only a w nteieetnr. In-hea In my trar.U t praiaed the Cuticura R-mwItaa, north, aoutb.eaatand ereat. To '.Hjticura Ketucdtea I owe mv health, my heimlaaaa, an.l my life. A prominent New York druantat eeked riMth-othrday, "Do yoo atill una the Cuticura tirroeoiee ; you look to he in perfect health V My replv wan. "I do. and ahall ahrtya. 1 bare never known what i mcc l M ruUcura Remeulaa." fliimallaini I u lnuhr.i .t hy praiainf them to people not acquainted with their menu, but eenner or later they will come to their aeneee and believe the aame aa thoee that nee them, aa doaena bate whom I nave told. May the time come when there ahall be a large Cuticura Supplt Houae in e-ery ctty in the world, tor the benefit of buuuMdty. where the Cuticura Hemed lee anal i be aolJ oatr. ao that there wiU beiaraly a need of ever en tcrinya .IrugeWre. M IICtHAM'. S10 Pulton St., Ken York, X. Y. Cuticura Uemediea are a positive care for eveiy form uf akin and BIocmI IH.aaeea, from Ptmplea to ft rt.fuu. K..M everywhere. Price : Ctncvaa, IS ceiila ; 804.. IS cente ; RaaoLVBjrr. 1 .00, Prcpan 4 nv tbe Puttu Dat o 4staCMBniCALCo..HjatontMata. Se H for "Hum to Cure Skin I la " m-imI r.r "Hew i.t .rr kia IHfeaeea,'' I PIUplrs, Hemjeeft.ui Baby I rBIti llumora, ueeciTiti aASoar. I msuT raixa. aTaisa. back I .1 ... Wrakneeaamt t eartneea oauaen I y oeerw. ik. UielMiUon, eUndlaf.walk-1 .1 rtheaewini'.maehine. cured by u 1'rnct a Ati-Pi KAaraa. Wew, it I gaut, ongiital and uniaJUUi 25c. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine MillinerVa OPPOSITE RtfEKt HOUSE. To AH Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, NERVOUS, OR RECTAL DISEASES. DRr J. B. PILKINCTON. Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Oftem free conaultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On tbe Turviay afternoon and Wednrsday ormoon, Z " - - m mm 1 P m a ft following the 1st Monday of eacm ntonin. Will make thee vlalta monthly for one year to come. Am curing acore or tne i Am coring aoore of tne worst rotmaoranore qiaeaaea. newra id Allianv to Jfta.S. Cherry cored of blind I neaa. k a. rtampy, iroaaM. muu rrwu I lh.nn hacker, farmer at Harriaburg. con- I cernlns Knctal diaeaaea. A score of other name given on application. w AGON WOOD AMD HARDWARE. Httx A Stowart have neck-yokes and finale tree, ironed or nnlroned, neck- felloes, spokea, as trees, etc., all for sal .. ..1, - I u nl..t. 1 rnn. mil mm. heap. T I. CASE PLOW 3. w . - . a na . . r a This famous plow is wen Known m uidb County. The chilled sad steel plows are snd are warranted to do aa good work ard wAll rriado from tne VOrv DSN mawriai oour fully aa well as any otnerpiowe Sox A Stewart are the sole agents. T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT -AND Notary Puhlic LAW J. L. COW AS. J. W. CU8ICK Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW 8KJHT DRAFTS ou New York, San Frsn cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits subjec i to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt tention. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed ind seasoned lumber, laths and pickets kept constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory. ROBINSON A WEST. i fields are sesree, bat those who writ to Stinsoa Co. Portland, Maine, win racai.a free, futl information about work which thercea do, and lira at will pty .mm a, in as nar d.r. Rom. bay. earni-.l over $5" In a day Either mx. youns 1 or aid 'apl Sot quired. Ton are .tartad fre. Thow who Mart .t once era abtolutaiy nu of anag ttttU fortaaas. Alt a saw, CTJ mi TNTGREAT TT S1W MEUT Red Star TWADK VSW MARK. U6HURE M AT Tl KIHUM K R. 143. An Oriliattnce to extontl ml ct lRrg tbe right of way thruuvh the streets of the ctty of Albany to John A. Crawford, to convey water by means of canals or ditches through Mid streets, and to approve aud r e 1 fy and cunflrm to him, the rights, franchises and privileges granted by Ordinance No. 28,entllled Ordinance No. 28, relating to the right of wy of the Albany and SantUm water ditcb,approved Nov. ttftd, lt7S, The people of tbe city of Albany do ordain aa follows : 8cnox 1. That there be and here, by i granted to John A. Crawford. his heirs and aaalgos,at his Instance and request, as the surceaaor aud asalgnet of iho Albany Water Ditch r Cnal Company, the right of way through and along the streets of the city of Albany, In Lion county, Ore gon, to dig, keep, repair and main tain a nmt l along and through the tureen of said city .and to cause water to flew In and along the same per. petually, so that the water shall not overflow the banks of aaM canal, aa loliowa, to wit : Commencing at the -iiutbern end of Vine street, thence down the center or middle of Yine street to the CalapooU Klv.-r ; also ommeuclng at the Intersection of Vine and Eignth streets, thence along Eighth street to a polut where said anal atrlkee lot 6. In block ( 17) sev. enteen, thence to Thurston street, tneuce along rhuratou street to the Willamette River ; also commencing at the Intersection of Water and Thurston streets, thence to Lafayette drcot.thence io a southeasterly course i long Lafayette street to First street, thence along First si roe I to Madison -ttreet, thence along Madison street to 'he Willamette Htver ; alto com- meeting nt the Intemcction of Thurs too and Water streets In said city, tnd tunning thence along the ceoter f titer .-trret to HtilrMt Ntreet.aod from thence to Robinson Sc. West' taw mill and Cherry' foundery, end root those (mints In two chtnnets, rtwslng Water street to tbe Willam ette river ; also commencing nt the intersection of Eighth and Lyons ireet In aaid city, and from tftence along Lyons street to tbe Willamette ttiVer ; auto commencing at the in lersection of First aud Lyons streets, ihence along First street to Bker ttreet, thence along Biker street to tbe Willamette river ; also commenc ing at the Intersection of Water and Lyons streets, thence westerly to a point opposite the center of I d 2, in CK , tnetiee norm to the Wlllarn- ette River ; also commencing at the .1 ni.L T "twota in aaid city.aod running thence 00(p FerrV atrwHt to th.i WiIImiiimI Ii- n. " , " ..... River ; s lso commencing ut the inter uuainn mt VlekK .ml nr .,,1 .11.1., streets in said clty.tnd running HHNMM along Broadalbln street to tbe Wli- lamette River, the said several canal along aaid streets to remain and con. nue where they now are eo long at amid Crawferd or his assignees ra y use them for the purpose of convey ing water, and the aaid right., privi leges and franchitet heretofore grant eJ to the said Albany an J Santitm Water Ditch or Cnl Company by (be sitd Ordinance, N . 28,are here by fully approved, nttifled and con firmed to said John A Crawford, his heirs or assign. And the said sev. ral rights of way. privilege and fnu htses herein enuruerated and ern- ed to the said John A. Crawford sti 3 1 operate and have the relation to tne times when said several braochet of taid canal were actually constructed through and along the streets of said ... . VMd an irexll eat to all . . t, "i........ oteota ami iiuijc- fi" j rr maae at trie iiiu, aim mr bbim Jnhn A (awf,rd. hi helfS and as- dgns sre hereby authorized and hn powered to continue to use and oc- upy so much of said several street for aaid purposes, aa he now ocupia therefor. Skctiom 2. That the said grant of the right of way for said canal and its branches along the nahl streets of the city of Albany where the same is now I o a ted, and said rights and iriv lieges and franchises granted. .ihn 4. Crawford, his heirs and assigns, b -he said city of Albany, as io Section me of tais Ordinance provided is up on the followlrg conditions, viz : Section 3. That said c-ml at the place of beginning at the outh end of Vine street to the Intersect Ion o Vine and Eighth streets shall not ex ceed forty feet in width rtt the top surface of the ground, and from said Intersection of Vine and Eignth streets to the Calapooia Creek shall net exceed thirty-six feet in width at the rop surface oftlw gr-ioitsj, and from wid ItitHrKHi'ii ,1 Ai Vl and Eighth tr-i t,l Thufo i -treelf, and thence to the Willamette River it shall not exceed thirty-six feet in width at the op surface of the ground, and all the branches of said canal described in said Section one, sball not be enlarged at the top surface of the ground, but the canal and all its branches may at any time be made deeper, as the said John A Crawford, his belts or assigns may desire. Bsc. 4. That the said John A. Craw lord, his heirs and assigns shall con- ruct suitable and safe flumes, bulk ftds arid embankments along the line of said canal and its Ranches t.hrouffh low places, sloughs and swales on said streets where the sa me shall be necessary, and where the water of said canal and its branches flows ever the banks of the Willam ette River into said river, and over the bsnks of the Calapooia Creek in- to the said creek, and keep the same tafe and secure so that the water flow ing through said canal and Its bran ches, flumes and bulkheads shall not overflow the same into tbe streets er property in said city. Eittttts ALB AMY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER Seo. 5. That the said John A.Craw f.inl, hU hi Irs and assigns may at all times turn Into and cause to ilw through said canal and Its branches, flumes and bulkheads continually such quantity of water as the aaid canal, its branches, flumes, bulkheads and It banks will hold and convey without overflowing the same on to tbe streets or property in said city. Hkc. 0. That the said John A.Cmw ford, his heirs and aeilgn may at ail times whr-n necessary enter upon the streets of sld clly for the purpose of repslrlng said csual and Its branches, flumes, bulkhead and bank without doing any unneceasary Ii Jury or d im age to the streets, sidewalk., cross walks or bridges ovcrstld cmal, or over Its flumes, or embankments or bulkheads in said city.and shall make all such repairs with aa little delay as possible Hrti . 7. That Iheaald John A.C'raw- frd, hiit heir and aesigna hatl with. In a reasonable time after making the reprtin on said cna. Its branches. flumes, bulkheads and enihinkment repair all dsinrtice done to the proper ty, streets, nldawalk. erosawslks and bridges over aaid canal and its bran ches, flumes and bulkheads neoessa. lly or otherwise caused by reatem of the msklnu f ueh reptlrs within said eity. Sao. 8. That the add John A Craw ford, hi heirs and assigns snail in cae said vi i! or any of Its hr tn- n . ahall at any time he male deeper as in this rdinanee provided, remove ail the earth, na;k and other substan ces taken fnra the asme In aaid city to such place or pUces in said city as in 1 he designated by the atreet com ralsaloner of the city of Albaoy, and rhatl within a reasonable time there after rep tlr all damages done to the streets, sidewalks, crosswalks and bridges over said canal and flumes and bulkheads and embenkmenta, public aqusros and property In said city Caused by deepening said esnal or any of It brauchoa,or hy removing the earth, rock or other substance I herefrom as In this unction provided Sec. 9 Tb. t at alt places where sai J nn il, Its branches, flumes, em it nk went or bulkheads cross a slough, swale or low place In add city the aaid John A Crawford, his heirs and a-aigns hh provide a way for all wster that may flow m u-h l'Ugh, Hwale or l-.w plser, t-i either oaas into r under add cna and ta branches, flume and bulkheads ai as not to cause an overt! w of the wter In vuch slough, awaie or low place nn to any street or property in aaid city. Hrc 10. That the said J dm A Crawford, nls heirs and at-igot shall pay sit damages that said city may au.taln hy reason nf the water in Maid canal or Ms branches, flumeemhttok Dents, bo Ik head, swtalea, alougbs or low plscea overflowing the same or any part of the same on to the streets, sidewalk, croa walks, squares or anv property in said city. Sec. 11. That the siid John A Crawford, his heir and assigns shsll keep said canal and lis branches, flumes, embankments and bulkhe-id in said city in g-xaj rspdrand condi tion so as to keep tbe water ttoefein from overtl twing (tie same, and and repair all damage of property, aid-- wl 4. efOSawaln and pu'dlc niu tre. atreuts and bridges ove. the aame In sal I iiy taustd by the overfi iw nf the water of said canal or Its branrh, j rlufiies hullctiiotds or eratMnkui-'m within three days after such dam iw shall accrue, snd in casn of failure itr I neglect to mk such repairs within tiir.-i. days after soch damage ahall I accrue the said city may nuke such i repair at the cott aud expen" ol i the stltl John A. Crawford, his oeira and assign,and the coat and ext'en '. of s'teh repairs m mad by sHid cliy shall at enco as soon as made hoc m- ' and be a lieu u said cansl, it bran. I ches, flumes, embankments, bulk heads and all Ibe rights, prlvlleg - a and franchises granted by this or fi nance for the security of the payment of ail such cost, chrge and expn- sea. And the said Jobo A. Crawford, his heirs or assigns shall pay to s id city of Albany all damages it may b. liable or compelled 1 1 pay io any per. son or persons by reason of any In- Jury to pereon or property caused by reason of any carelessness or neglect on the part of said John A. Crawford, his heirs or asaigns in the making or causing to be made any repairs to said canal or any of its branche-, flumes, bulkheads or embankments, and the said John A. Crawford, his heirs nr assigns shall stall timr-s display light during the night time whenever and wherever said ditch or any of lis branches, flumes, bulkheads or em bankments Hre or may be in doKr- ous condition or undergoing repairs. Sec. 12. That tha did John A. Craw ford, his hsirs sol assign shall pay ssid city ail darosss and costs, oharges and sxpenses it may ba liable or oonipatlsn to pay to any person or persons on ao count of any injury to person or prop erty caused Hv the water in said canal, its branches, Humes, embankment or bulkheads overflowing tb sam on to the streets,idwlk,oioBswalkvridH or squares in said city and thereby ren dering the same unsafe or dUngerons to public ure in said city. Sec. i3. That theaaid city of Albany in consideration of the rigbts.nrivileges aod franchises granted said John A Crawford, his heirs and asaiens as pro vided in this ordinance shall at al' times have the right and privilege free of charge to use tha watr in said oanal or any of its branches, flumes and hulk heads for the purpose of extinguishing fire in said city in any manner that tbe fire department of said oity may deem best for that purpose, and also the right snd privilege at all times to tnke tha water free of charge from said cinal or any of its branches, flumes and bulk heads by means of pipps and fire en cine pumps and conduct the sam there from to the fire cisterns in said city foe .he use of ssid city in extinguishing fire, nd said cifcyahall at all times have ths right and privilege to take water Irutn saiiJ canal and any ol its braaches.fltiaie ' and bulkheads in th. Maine manner an I frss of cbargo when said watsr is nut used for other purposes.and oonduot the same In pipes into the sewers and gut ters of said oitv and use said wster for the purpose of sinolog out and oleaning said eawer and gutter when the quan tity of walsrso taken shall notinterfuie wiib the proof l-iutr of maotiinery pro- Polled by the wuinr in aaid oaual and its braiKUi, flumes and bulkheads In std oity ; hut in oas of Are thw tire dipsiitu(int shall hn alio. I to take anc uan free of oharga suoh amount of walr a may lie aVt'iu1! ueonssery ')r the pur pas of xtirtguiahiiig sn;h flrs. Hkc 14- That ihu ieople f fits oity of Albany shall at all Usa have tha free use of the wster in aai i osnal and ny of it branches, flumes, bulkheads tnd embankm.i.ts for ail tire and aani- -ery purtoses. ML 13. That the- ssid :', tjf Albany shrtil as all tims oonsfruot and keep in good reiiatrand c indiMon ai msjeiiirv bridges oer .aid otnsl and it. branch s, numas, bulkbksds and eiuiinkoants in said oitv, but in the event aaid oeutl m any of he br.nohe, tl iue., bulkhsads or embanknmuts shsll be chng.d,altsr- ed or widened ao that the bridge as lhay nw stand wou.d im tW ml far any ruaaon sfbatever, it shall ba the duly of aaid John A. Urawford,hts heirs or assigns to reek good and suflieient new brinyeua at his or 'h-ir own 1 ru -ei cost sod es,Mnae. Bee. 16. That it ahall no'. Ihi lawful for aaid John A. Crawford, bia heir or assigns, or sny peraoe,to oast or deceit int aaid oanal of any of tta hranchfea or U-im-a or biilkhoadi withtA the limit of said city any deal iniraa!or fil l., er sny rubbiah whatever. Bec. 17. That sny (rersoo violating tbe prortaton of See ion sixteen uf this ordinanoe shad be .1 .!.- to proaeoutioo therefor before tb Haoorder of aaid oity, and ojxm conviction thereof shsll pay a Una of not leas thsn $3 nor mere ban $23 aod coats of nroaeoatioo. Hkc. 18. It .hall h the dntv ef the eet'l J hn A. Oaafoid, his heirs and aantgua in all oases hn aaid e.iial or any tf its branch fl un lor anv id)Wnlk to aai4 oity to cause the name to be end. s -d si aa to prevent the wash ing f '.be afreets, and a--.( up to and aidnwalk, and also la kaep said c.nal aod ita btanohnaaourelv and aafeiy covnre-l wbnrn (hn .am- are ROW covered or may bn bnrenft-- covttred, o thai travel m.y aeonmtr pane over tbe same. Hkc 19. That al ft'dt'ieno and parte of erdinanona in conflict sith tbia ordinance am b seeks repealed. vm 20. Thia oniinanos shall Uk t! f and be in force from and after its approval by tb Mayor, P.aaed the Couoeil May 12.h,188G. 4pfSCH May 111 h, 186. J. K. Wkath kkpokd, Atte.1 : Mayor. N- J. Hektox, Itesj irvler eite of Albany, A ttf of the v.,te recently east for laasJuatietaJ 'iok-t T.n,ssee proves laartf an 'u-ih 'bat iha tb'stmei lie- .i-i'di in rv .lipt-Mi hit not rrvolved up to flet pratent time. Iq total of 280.753 v..tea the DfUaocratie candi- dates riwd unj iri v of 33.357. a I gat . .if '2 3 0(H) ivnt tin- l)f-nicra'ic vote in 1884, ib- R"puhit.-us gaining but 981. This ioaaai'J la k as ib-mgl, Tju- nea- inn-i.d I Rmir,ltcan Ststa, "t 0 n. Xlle liuuet but iHntdaa O. Hook oytV hiva atm priv.te advics t i the iwnftret aa b h- I bef ire that rat" was taken. In tbe apptoaebing 0 .!... (or Oiv-m ir a o'earrr eatiosste nf tb- rnviMCClvM Mieritflh of both par ties can DO rl"ubt he f )ttu-',as an even futlr- vote will I-- fnt, D-tuoorM rat Vi : matit are making pi MV v.: 'it.- u (xovorncr Rusk (or oheokin, hi anaioiiat" of that state ami' 'tuif sine? wpn si muo i prompt- . Elm R bhcana have rennm- Mas. iaatrd Governor Huk,ai.d if the Dem- ocrat nominate some weakliug in 0r- l dr legal the a.,ad.tHt and hoodlum Totettist. Ian pp..- that they wU meet with overwhelming defeat. This is no time to tiifl with anarchy or sr.y other form 1.1 laavleaanesa. Mr. Walter C-ix,of Onto, says it was at s dinurr ni his t'ltti-iAa liaitue in Cin - Qinnati in 187G that the nomination of R. H. lliy!H foe be Presidency was arei-l on. HesHis Anatoinst Parsons, who whi a deieg from Texas to tbe gpeoial dslivery i i(.t the s(iecial de National Uepublio tn Convention at that Hverysinmp. time, wan present and ha i a hand in Msilitble matter intended lv special fixing up the matter We trust this is not off-irHd aa reason why Parsons should not be handed. Tho r-xpetiment of nominating two brothers f r Oppoainfj oandidatea fwr Governor, as lias hteo doe in Tn pesB,ee4 w'il pri'n.ibly not be tried very oftoeiatlv. Fur obvious reasons, it shuts off personal abnae, aspersions up- on the obaraoter of ancestry and expo- sure ot family ho.uhuih, toe ic ut wbiob must render a campaign dull, uneventful and uninteresting. H. W. Abrams, who was conyioted of murder in the second degree in 1883 in Eugene,hfta given notice that H will spply to the Governor on tbe 26h of October for a pardon. a M .1 1 I . I 1 l r It ia surmised that if, a m" could only live long ooongh, he oonld easily disoover the secret which would enable to live forever. r m o f 24, 188C. Put the H H Until the Out will neet whf. uf. an a full line of Dry GOODS, Gents Funushing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS CAPS. An Orders from a distance will ba nmmnti. a plication frolic taken. PromP"yflHed and samples seat uponap ALBANY, ORBOON, MARCH 6, 1886, a tit a to tbi a n nut. v tiraai.n nl Ute eelal aWltvcrr arsaeaa In all . OSlrea tm4 alt M.llaSle Battrr Post Orrica DafaaTMrxT. Washington, D. C August 10,188?. Thw attention of the public is invited to tbe fsot that noder a recent aot of oongreaa tbe special dHry system, heretofore io effect io cities snd towns having a population of 4,000 and up wards, baa been extended to all post- See in tbe U. 8. , to take effect on and after October 1st. 18S6. Tbe pfa i leges of this system have also been rxbatided tosll classes of ttsil Batter Urate ii nf being confined in tatters of hrsi c'aaa o attar aa at th wn'. A- oordiogly, every artiel of mailable matter to bich ia affixed a tan-cent special deliverv stamp, in addition to h ..ji b, Ua. avftfL upon Lu hj hfc,e iB,niMute de livery by speota! messenger within tbecsrrp.r limits of any fre-de ivr nost-offlet, or within one mile of any free-delieerv ik! -office in ' be United aa- . . . . LI J s .-si a i ea i 11 wiiirii il iiihv sea suit is u. Drrti lettfta and other nailahe mat ter ai.Me! for ineai ilaiJtvi-rv. and twariiw jieotal-dei vir atani) in addi tton t ;wvsage, wti? entitled to im- rffiliii.' ilaiiiv in tbe same manner as matter nct-ived at the p-st office bv alt. Rvisiar-fd lettia er parcels will a'o b- entitle I in irameoi'e delivery, t'ii' t un. - niilinary Ietna ni -mrcels, rhfii Waiieg special delivery stampe in addition to the full pns'aue stut ib registry fe nOjUtied by thn iasr aud reg ulation.. Th h'lurs wi.htn which ,wciel de- I ! ii t j :n u. . T wrin iw in m ii , win ws ii,iii i . iu. 1 1 Free-Delivery offices, and froDa 7 a. m. a late as 9 , i. in. at all olher I0"1 tffioB 8pecial delivery stamp wil not be wld at sll ot offleea tn tee untteo 5 t6eT 7 ""J r immediate delivery, and are not ,h" M,1 tD r" ticle must Have the .otae thereon I pi epaid bv postage stamps. Under no 1 0;rCunisa'icea will stiecial deliverv .tamps y recognissd in putment of i - postage o of the regiatiy b t-, nor can APy other ststntbe employed to secure dalivery tnsy be mailed at any poat office in the United States, Tbe Departments cannot require, aa a condition uptt whioh inmiedia.e de livery will be intde, that spr-cul deliv ery matter shall le addiebhwd to street and number, even when intended for delivery at a free delivery office ; but the practice of fully and accurately ad- t . on o fics, and by atreet and number where avor practicable, ia in every way de sirable. It will serve to prevent mis takes as well as to iaotlitate delivery. Postmastera and other postal em ployes will spar no effort to expediat the mailing of matter intended for special delivery. All available means will be taken by the Department to promote the suc cess of the speelal delivery system. Wsi. F. Vilas, Postmaster Genera1. r KO 8 NEW STOCK Now being received by Allen z as oneao as any house in tke State, and Knife to . H. ALLEN & Co., Here' tha latest mrmber of tbe prvfeke, of Kab-r Wchca 2" ofee and el.vate. S be tb. a4a - Thia Is local to H.l,m . Tber. U not a .lead l. ,0 m ggy. Hts u bu.iueae. Ifamanbovs roar fart, and a ne.oth is m month. Tha special .tali very Tatem goaa iote TZT1' uXitfctditio!,- hS, .u?U 'h which will eoutle husa-r ta baUlierd to any oae w-tbtn a uiila of the P. O .instantlv t -ay port office in tha Unitad SUtle. This makes coaatrv F Vf v - - ar O.J j r . - 7-v aiM-u v i nc report t?LU"tTicr. lMdy -ensfcd to Prince " aIe- " honed there is no Amer ... .uman io light In the upper story a H make such an alias VLfJ S ji. -w. w , mvruiu ill Hkc aceinj even ftuean B Anthonr or Marv W alker cheated In that wav. A s.ealle Stfaaailaaa ia imps rted to th kidneva and bladder by llootet ar'aSi.Muach Bitters, which ta moat uaorul In ovrrcomirta torpid it w nf ibea orgaua. Beeirt m'uaina moi ac tivity int., them, tbia sJteel lent tonic en doata them with Mliloua! vlvr, and en nblaw i bam rite better ta undergo tbe wear no J tear of the disoharsin functior imrKtaael upo i tbtn by nature. More over, aathey are the channel tor tbe a- of certain Impurltsa from the Mood, im-reaaea their uaefu I neaa br mrengthen ln and healthfully atimulatinc them. In nettain co'ndi.ions of them impor tnnt nranna. they fall tntoa slugvhh state which ia lb uausl perenrsor of disease. W hat then can ba of greater aervtce that. a medicine which Irnpela ihem to erenter activity wben slothful ? N malediea an. mora peri Inns than those which affect Urn kidney, and a medicine which averts the pent anoutd lie highly Tl - a . '""covery or placer mine of vast stealth ta raorted from Southern California. I is almost death, thoutth, to reach tham. no water and intense heat are the ohatac'ea let l Knew. Let those who want to furnish us wood on subscription, inform ua at once, as we must make our arrantrements for a winter supply without delav. a a a m on If you are aoillir East ha anra aari tra win uregon Short Line, it is the bee. See adv in another column. Examine Woodtn's Extension table. Thcv ar -wall go and see them for yourself. The Karest of emblnatloaa. True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained ia the use of a Californialiqaidfroitremedy.Syrunof Figs. IU pleasant taste and beneficial effects havs rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay 4 Mason, wholesale and retail. Syran f rica. Manufactured only by the California Fi Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cel., is Nature s Own True Laxative. This pleasant Califer- nia liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foshay " Mason at fifty cents or one dollar. It is tbe most pleasant, prompt, and effective remedy known to cleanse th system ; to aot en the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gem - ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headaches, colds, and fevers ; to en re eooatiptation, indigestion and kindred ills. C W Louder d Co., of Portland, are dol authorised advertisingagents for the Demo crat for that oity. e . . . Btieklew's Arnica Salve. The beat salve in the world for Out i. Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevc r Sores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands, Chilbla'n i, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively oures Piles, or no pay reoulsid. It issnaranteed to stive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 cents por box. For sale by Foshay Mason, fired and &a afraid Wanes How many women there are of whom these words are true : "They feel langn d and tired, hardly able to bear their weight on their feet, the bloom ail gone from their cheeks, irra table and cross without meaning to be, nerves all upset, worried with the ease.'' What a pity it is. But a few bottl J of Parker Tame will drive all this awa;r, and relieve tbe troubles peculiar to their six STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM II THE WILLAMETTE VALLET e Bpeclal basines notices in txical col umns 10 centa j.f.r line. 6 cents eaeb additional Insertion. ir ln,, fanent advertsemeal jM.OO per square for tbe first insertlon.and Insertion flUr for Cu ubffiOt Kates for other advertiemnts made known on application. Co.. - y uouiwr biian our com and we will Miwnrinonl C. . Prices psc bushel, We have in stock 57 First Street Albany, FARMERS ! BEFORE YOU BUY A RICHT TO ANY GATE, BE SURE AND SEE MASON'S WHEEL GATE! PATENTED JUNE 8, 1888. The superior point of excellency Helm -ed fat this gato are : Tbe running near can be attached to any common gate. Any intelligent boy of 16 who ia "bandy with toola" can make tbe gate or attach tbe runnioa gear ta another gate. Tbe entire oot of the gate need not ex ceed t : the purchaser furniebinar aod Mtln- the poets (in the ground or frame, a deaired) and banirioft the gale. No blah poeia are needed, No extra iramiuK is needed at the bot torn. All the ruDoing gear is at the top, bene It cannot become dogged with mud, soow or ttash of any kind. It dona not fold uu nor tio m er m ai-ata- aa wr It miitires but little force to noeraia it t a It f it aate rising only on third of an inch in each foot of peninB. and the en tire rbrioa- and faliln: ia oniv inchea.and tbia on wbaele or rollers. It uaea no lever or complicated machin ery. There is no need uf arms, though they can be used If deaired. It never gets out of order eo aa to binder tta working. If the opeuing and shotting rear ia all broken or removed, it is still the best gr made to open and nhut by hand. It fasten anil locks itself ao aa m bo hotj and atock proof. It can be opened and abut without get tina off horse or bicycle, or out of a wagon. U ia the simplest in construction, tha oaeleet to operate, the cheapest to make, and tbe best gate in existence. Right will be sold aa che.; or cheaper than for any good gate. No other gate has half so mauv exrel 'nt and superior point. Tew minutes examination will prove the truth of theee Matemente. Go and aee a modl at Peters A Stewart's. Albany, Or, Local agents wanted in every town of th oonnly to make and aell gains. C. H. MATTOON, Albany, Or., Gen'l Apt, for Linn Co. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Caurt Qj'ths Stnta of Oregon for Litnn fOMM'y. L Flinn, Plantiff. J J Beard and John Bkaenl, Defendants. BY virtue nf an enwntirsn iaanerl nnt nf I the above named Court in the above entitled I ctlon on the 8th dav of September. 1886, ffthu' w,th teresfc at the I nafea (if tn nur Ataf- a soonrw truant frhas wfK dav of Umnb, and the further sum of 1 $25 Attorney's ft, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from March Ub, 1883 snd tne lortner sum ot $ costs, i diu on I the ytu day ot September, ISSb, levy upon the tollowing described real property, to-wit All of the eiht title and iatereat of the aaid Defendant John Beard in and to the east half of the donation land claim ef John Beard and Mary Beard his wife, it being Notification No. 2557, Claim No. 43, being parts of Sections seven and eight in Town ship 12, south of Range three west accord ing to the official plat of survey return ed to the UenersI Land Office by the Sur veyor General, being bounded and described as fellows, to-wit i Beginning at a point fifteen chains and six boas east of the south west corner of said Section eight aod run ning, thence north hfty chains ; thence west ninety-six chains ; thence seutk twenty - three chains and thirty-four links : thence east sixty chains ; thence sooth twenty -six chains and sixty-eight links and thence east thirty -six chains to the place of beginning, in the district ot lauds subject to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, containing three hundred ard twenty and four hundredths of ao acre, snd on Saturday the 16th day of October, 1888, at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., at tke Court House door in the eity of Albany, Linn oounty, Oregon, I will sell said real property at publio auction for cash in hand to the highest bidder to satisfy said execu tion with accruing costs. Dated thia 17th day of September. 1886. D. S. Smith, Sheriff of Linn oounty, Orzon. DRs f&m Ca BOATMAN Physician and Surgeon. as j Office first door north of telegraph off i e v on JAroaaaibiu street.