MMMH tunic u tree tea U. P. Church. Preachings very Sabbath, morning and evening by Rev. t' Q, lr vine, L. D. Sabbath School at 3:30 r. U Prajrcr avidting every Wodneasdsy ovemng. Btanqkmcal Ohuhcu. Preaching on SaU Sath at 10,30 .. m. , and 7 r. u. Sabbath School 10.00, Prayor meetuia wvery Wed nesday evening 7:30. S. E. Davis, pastor. All are invited. Coitu Rao ation a l, Council. Serviceeever Sabbath iuoruiiij ud eveuiug. Sabbath School at lvM,". Prayer mooting oo Thursday ereuicg of each week. M. E. Chcrch, South. Preaching every Sabbath niuruicg at 11 o'clock A. m. Sab bath School al 10 o'clock A. at. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveuing at 7:30 o'clock. P. M. Culo, I'aetor. M. E. Chcrch Soirrn.TANOtST. Preach ing every h at 3:30 o clook.P. M. Sab bath !k hool at 2:30 o'clock, r. M. P. M. Culp, Paetor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath morning and eveuiag Song service in he evemng before sermon. Sabbath School I aVSQ r. M. Prayer meeting every Thure. y evening, lit v. H. P. Webb, paetor. PRKBYTKRua Citvrcu. Samoa svery Sabbath mount: u and evemnu in Church oor. Broadalbiu and Fifth SU Sunday School immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Woduwaday ewuiug 11 ev K R Prituhord, pastor. ttasr Baptist CuCRtu. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock am., at CUejroh ou 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning aervioee. Prayer meeting e ery TfauratUy evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Brewnson, paator. Owgonffcacific t dly lafopular ff m g icturesqutgl i ailroad cute, .inges, rise time ! More eonnerliea ! Mtw equipmenta X 91)15 mi Ira nhortrr! 20 hours leas lime! Aconuimoditlor.a unanrpaaaed for com fort and safety. Paree and freight MUCH UMm than by any other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and San Fran oisco. ONLY ROUTE TO THAT POPULAR SUiVMER RtSliRT, YAQUINA BAY. Where for moderate expenses you can enjey iurf IhtthiUKi Beach for driving and walking, Fhtbtng m riv. r and brooks, iOf p Mea Kiobing, Uuteloauo better accommodations, fhan at any other Summer resort oa tbe oaat of Oregon. Daily futtemger trains txctft Sundays. Leavo toralii at 1 r. m Lc.vt Ya qutna a: 7:10 A. m , Orexoo A ralifornia W eat Side trains connect at Corvtilis. Oregon A California East Sid trains connect with stages at Albany at l'5r at. Koand nip tKkeU at excursion tales good till 8eptembei SOtb. FINE Al S. S. YAQUINA CITY. 3A1L1NU DAllSJ raos TAtKi-iA. i rxu m rxscoo. ThnmUr. aaaa. Sa. w.-,i-us . ui. th. TuwUjr, Sept. tth. Mnd, n. Hh. Fruuv, XHi mh. I'. Oct. nth. fwaitiy Oek SSdi. WsSaweUy, Oct. JO- Kar.s. -Kail and cabin. $14 Kail and ataarage, $0.HU. For information apply to c. c AC. P. and P. Agent, OVtRLAND TO CALIF MN I -nVIA-n Oregon & C tiil'ornia K. K, AND t oNNKi'llON-S. Vlsae two aeair 4-. fan fnmi Portmnd as San FrsMcui x, ffj ; to Mttlo, XJ. Clo. ct.uucctKa niMto v Ahly Maw i Um CUiura Oroo and i.Ubo vonomp;. (DAILY EXCEPT SUHDATS.) t.ji.i wide UltUlao. S) ETWEES re)K1 LASS) ASB A SSI LA SB), small Train. UUTS. Portland. ..7:30 a a Albany Its ra Safctsnit , 9Ji ra Albany Ifctttr a xaaivs. AIImoj 11:45 a a A'hUiMl 4:16 A M Aibuijr 11:45 a m PurUaad ,4:ZSra AJtMuay Exaireaa Train. laars. aaarrs. Port .and . .4:0)1 r a : Albany .8:34 ra Aliwiy 8 Ai r a Ubuwa.. pt r s Leaanue Laf a a i Alunni 6: a a Altwn; J,JU A n I Portland J OX a U PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily battreoti Portland and Aabiand. Too O and C K R Ferry M rogalar train on the with aO Side OiMMUm of Weal SMe Mvlalea. etwees rstrLasa ass omvall;n. Mall Train. tears aaarrs PortUud .T:S0 a n I ConraHU 1J: r a OarMUU 1: ra Portland .... .JkM r a At .ra.b a nh uainacf Oregon Pac.flc lor Vauioa Bay. Express Train, mavs. aaaivs. p .rtUiid 4: s r r. j McMteaetUa '.AM r a M. Xiiii. i k ....... ... :i; a m Portland a a Loal UcLvU lor ntle .ml baggaue chocked at ooav paoy a U town offl.. Cor, : .rfc ao Sooand Streata. Ttefceu for KiuupnJ i..ta .n Calif mU can on I ba aeaoarwi und hpag: vh.:k.J at Computjr'l oflli-e. Oornor K a-Hi Kr 4. Ste. , Port ad Or, Preisht U1 notha rec ivrd foi h.UM-iit .l.r flvi- o'clot-k p. ni. on either tbe Ea.1 or Wf WM Ciraaona, K. KOEHLLft, f , P. ROGERS, G. f. a PaaaAaant. O. 1. Woi.vfcKio.f , C a, ii vim;, W0LVERT8N & IKVINE, A TTO BN KY.8 AT LAW siri Br up stain Infftnaain's :irlek Ai.BAW, OBMUOn 8 J AC Ml I. US, irn at -ijtrr that i as mub miii r (be oltt ranbion ;d i I AiriUtor la om r t-'i I'ioao i testes do striug. n sod .t, "OX A St ICW ART. Wl L BUY BOTTLE Of THK BEST COUGH CURB baa a O'Ugh equal on Kiob. 1 world for Jitca any la bei t It i rooiHii.iM iu curing a y u Ii Ui . d, Sothora take the ad ieu if an o!i iiioneer of 17 yiara n t. Coral: Own't run the r'okof our own Ufa ur your niiJrtiira on augai and i!:r. It has aent ihou- iiuli t.. tinir Iotik hones. I a will Snd more vir ie in one f theae mall hi fine t tun. in a int of 'lumon couxh imxi area. .'Iieie ia one thing very -ue, 'if on don't kill the uh the r..uh ia aura kill you.' " Hr nrc oflbe Irade mrlt I It a nlca on beboitlc. Si OtuKBALK aCKKTS, ISWOfTTH ITS WEIGHT (N GOLD. lLl, tieiTsiiiJ -v tvivr.ti I HTLASl), OHKOON. AY. J. O. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers In General Merchandise. NARRISBURG - - - OREGON Win buy Grain, fool and all kinds IBI ALBANY OOLLEGUfE IHSTIIUTB ALBANY, OREGON, 1888, 1887. RKV. E. 4. TIKiMraOM. n m , President. A lull corpi of Instructors. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of Mudy arranged to meet the need of alt grade.ortuduula. Sfecial t'ndurrmruts ofered to stttdruti from abroad. Tuition range from t&.&O to 913,60. Hoard Id private families at ow rates ftoout tor M'li boarding at small ex- ense A careful supervision exercised over eiu denta away irotu home. Fab term ophite September 7tb. For circulars and full particular address the President. KKV. K. X THuWl'MIV I. t Albany, Oregon, Red CrownMills ISOM, LANMNli & 0., PROPR'B. intw raocrea 9Wm avraaioa for samjuss Aim ba r ami cam. BEST STORAGE HCn0L Highest PiiQfc in Cash fo WUvnt ALBANY OR. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION ANO PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of mx rcliandise. All orders from the cnuttrv flMed on short notice for every etesa or kind of Ijoodi from flrt-claM atnek. Abmdutely no cbargea or cemmlsaton will be rbargetl or filling orriota, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prggtieo's, PtrtUid. Or gARN DOOR HANGINGS, Are always breaking, unlee- yon have tbe kind Mid by Sox A Stewart, of Al bany. Tbey are made ol wrought n cannot Jump tbe track and will last a i-fe time. Don't hana another barn door un til you bavo aeen 'bem. H AKDVVAKKOK ALL KIM Axes, mattocks, hrcah haim, picks sbovelH,4padea, forks, grinstnes. hei barrows, wringers, ropes, and almoai every thing you want, can be bad cut-sp for cnab s Sox A Stewart. IMHL'N'TYfrcK onlvoflhe flsMSR arn-1 t- ' trtrtl IB QfUL. tcjr of talaaa far wltf .iaa Every good thlnr Is Cocntw feited, and conoumcm nro CAU TIONED against EWITAT:C;3 c: tbono Chimneys nW.o of POOR GLASS. 8ee that the ext.ct abol la on each chimney cm abovo The Pearl Top is clwayu clfcar ixxC rljfht Glass. Kaanfoctatrcrf OXIY hy GEO. A. MACBETH a Plttabnrch ld Cilana tVoi ) . FOB SAU3 EY DSALi. Landreth Winter Wheat, 8owed 4 ll.n in fall of VJ. While ether wheat was frozen oat this was not affeeUd. It ia not taruaaaed by any variety in hardi- neaa, vigor of growth, atitfneta and length of ttraw, frtedoni from mat, productiveneas and milling quality. J he grain i large, (ilomp, light anilxr in color and bard, yield ing tin. lii.iMt tiour. Ki etia two or three PSSSS earlier than other grain. Will have a iimitod quantity of thta famoos wheat for aale for aetd wheat for 91 25 a bushel, of H tern price, 42c. a quart by mail, post paid. Parties wiahing to etc the wheat growing can do to by calling at my place 1 mile 8 E of Tangent. A. L. BuiOOET.tSMKS, Tangent, Or. drThenley's WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, I i TH BOSS OV THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD 8H0T ON fiHEUMAT! NEURA Nervoua headache cured in three minutes and T'Mithiu'he in three aecoiidf. For all peine and achea it tiaa no equal !n the world Hinall bottle. Wlcta. Large bottle, f 1 . pf)R SALE. iiH Ini if tilnck in i art of the 'ti will boMoid Ity wilh f.t'r h-tiiao C'lOMl' '7 Vpa ,ir;i" i vt Ur. 1) , ' '"wcf tho ItclC wlttt tMdjr ity. loaa troubles, e i i-atora-ifirantefl. . ..iut.luiit.'a4 trshalL Mica. lloll t No rlii Anvtlvj' VOLTAIC H.Jm'a A. 0, U. M neip, "tore M wiahingeniplnymont or deeiHn pl aoeoall at Roul k Bn.wueU'a By Okdkic ovLooor. F. TTIMI Anl Scottleh I I liSWa Union laaurui( t4;,0S0, latuen is an hhemuajfV gift 1 ra.. auri wi r., Ni I Ift caipar aeu A Pretty Worn Fear of dU'overy, fnta liulr imd d? . I Mitiit iiltxlely to In . . from whom iuom v .minx of her chaftii likely to uinko I ho di ll no rensnn why slit iml rot ii In till the bent her pfble In youth. 1 11 tin Vttunt, imd, tv 311 COtlMJ spttex mul I no! ui nrMI A r II o 11 tlll'l n u hi e. I Vi'Hl "I Of f'.r I hl'l I li.i. bo! IKK r Mh k K, i.-n.. , Plnl Ayer's Hair T u w t a fife, but. by hwuWftil Hit (if it.) i-o .ii in-1 r i it ud'. i ;iix"t to it.i o. i to!i,r :lr I Turning Cray. Whs. CATHRRtxR rr.tnt it, i 1'net; ,Vif Imd lap In i- I I.!.ui1mnI hv iVIvlif . during llso I oar. AVER'S II All! H.ost n T3 ! lef, mid more ubuiulaiU II.: n i I i a before. Scalp Oiscaeco Wlil.-h caino tlrvncss, brlul n aa.sntl f . Jii r of the huir, iloiMlrtill, luhi Hi M .)l!, lir .iliJ ; of I he Sculp ; J. 2 t ' TSJR, jRn 3'u ' ' ' Hertd; Mux. D. V. S, l ovri . ; tacerUie, hf of Tetter krcn; II li ttRSMIR II. l'lIXR. f , Hcatp )Ma and IniMfrtiff. T ; pldi'v of I ho roott of Ntr, ts tiMt la !. el d, IMSV r-Ul' l ItK lo.' l'' I iris readily rmul l AVtlt'f l.'.tli: t. !t. Ajt A To3!ct luxury AYKR'S DaEP VlCOtt 1 II W no r tittnt. l! la eajartaas, cleanly, UflUthtfuJIv per fumctl, mid hiw Ihe effect of jnirt.iti ; bair soft, pliant, and gkawj'. Ayer9s Hair Vigor, rttrJMRRD BV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Con Lovrelt. .Muss. KoUl by ail DrujghdA. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part, Kvery lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. JTT'S . 25 YEARS IN USE Tea hraalsst"Mod;eftl Triaiagh of the Age' SYMPTOMS Of A TORPID LIVER. tsanofaesaHtlc. IUw laroailvp. Pnlalt tbe bend, wttb n dell ananatlea ta IS4 k part. Tela aadrr gbo abeaUef blade, I-'allnraa after earns;, erllb n dl lacllniilon to rxertteaef andr nrnttad, ltritubiiilTorieiaaer, Knr aplHia. srllb n ! an orbarlaa aretfrtod ansae dair. Dlxlonna. Flatterlae at Ibe Krnrt, )at before lb eyee. Ifeadnrbe r tbe riebt ere, ICeetleaaaoea, wltb Ulful drrnmo, lllcblf catered t'rtae. nod CONSTIPATION. TlfTT'S) PI I.I .a are prclnlty a4ap!rd to au'rt rn, otto lan oSoeta each a haj'' of fce'liiir ntoatne)tlt the auUVror. TU- ln-rrn I he nttrtltr .afwt auar lUm I .11. Take ou Floala.lhu lao ay eai b) ... i '; . r -i ifh r Toaue i Omni, He anlar atnnla are I or W lU-arHS cliariff.! to a iiio nopiteaiion o a a natural color, ael oi.f by Urnaaista, oi . !jh of !. ky at., Naw York. ABJjtyUCT DEBixrry n a. m a 1 I Notice for Publication, Land Opficx at ORXoeir Cnr, Or. July 2ftb, A, D. 1880. NOTICE Is hereby aiveo that the fol lowing named settler has filed nolle 6 nis mieniion to iosko nn-1 proof in sup port ol bis claim, and that aald proof w proof arli be made before tbe County Judae or ClorK of Linn county, Oregon, at A I ban j, Or gon, on Wednewlay, October 20th, 18W viz: liostav Kriger Homestead Entrt No, 4207 for the 8 i of N J4 of 8ecllon 2 Tp 13 8 R IE. He names tho lollowinir witnesses U prove bis continuous resiilimce uooo. an cultivation of, said laud, via : William II Cooper. H H Morthorm, R R HomobrAt and John Iiurnett all ol Sweet Home Ir Linn county, Oregon. W. T. BUBSET, Register. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. Remarkable Offer. His Democrat $2.00 N kw York V orld 1.00 I8IORY of the U. 8 Lot American Farmer t.Ofj S5.50 Ami clwap at the price ; but we offer It four for 3.25, giving a remarkable bargain. Drop thj American Farmer and yen can have tho time remaining for 93. Drop the World and History and you can hsye th. :o others for ?2 The hietcry is a 321 im iely rvxxid, and ii worth the t'trular price. , 1 9 Ul I SB s MxrzZtJJaLrXL BSffasaaUBiaHeaaB. JtjiiinaejMaTfaoVg vlaaaaaffraea anVracu brfon adSatoaaW PasBawMsaaB laanaasaiSnasTVtaaaisT imSm aSaai JPaMpalaarTaatgwalaaetbi mimV U ayannai eat Tummm MtM IwBSa aw rcAits by usa i w aaajwMBae fwfea a efife a ihousamd Qanaav. BasienBjttBaaaifJSnas. asasaaSsaaBaae) PSawflaft sWBJMplpWE WMHBCBaW Ihe gciufctat. "'KlUAY.....8KPrEMBKU 17. IH86. (lCSfKtL SKITS. Whroliug, W. Vs.,bss begun the u.,h f natutal gaa. At a point II' soutbeaitern Vlorids (be water Is 19,176 feet deep. fwelve counties in West Virginia lieva adopted prohibition. Uiilored people in tho south wero said to pay taxes ou 9U,UU(),000. A ticket for Europe was recently sold in New York Otiy for $7 GO. The order of Ftrretters bas s mem- bettbip of 647,077 in ibis ouuntrr. i)i inking water sells ftora 10 to 50 cants par barrel at titrdonia, Teg. Catholics have invaded Muraiotrdom, aud wilt arret a collage al 8U Like, A Pennsylvania ciuceu names! Cat ting has applied to I ho legislature for a change of name. A consignment of o Ana to a Bar Harbor, Me., dealer waa found to con tain a laigs quantity af liquor. Tbe oldest inhabitant of Brooklyn, a Oilorotl woman agd 102 veara,7 uiontha and 22 da) , died tbe other dav. Caatla Garden officials say that tb Mormon immigration bia fallen off to tetve or flfeen lumdred a year. Tbe Brooklyn inaaue asylum is over crowded. The number of initiates dur ing tbe pest, year bas aggregated 4215 The state of Liuutisna is otetiun with mad aipr,ud there is not raon y eneugb in tbe treasury to pfcejHNll quarters for tbm. Tbe United 8tatea reduced her n t nat debt one hundred millions las y ar while (treat Britisn increased ber d ot ten millio'.. A Canadian meteorologist say that P itebutg, Pa., will he destroyed by a m Keorio abower in tbe latter part or Be ember. C&ly one ot tbe ten thousand vater ans that took patt in the Urand Army encaupmeot it, San Kisncuc was ar- rest d for druukeoneee. New Englaod a amp collectors will Ii id a convention at Point ot Pinea, M sa, early next wetk for tbe purpose O o 4Mtbg a New England pbilatiic union. ttoatoti c lored man ia stated to hav a -cMid art f Nba b. 'u the reg alar set, extending to tbe pelvis. H al t apparently - o beattaand ean r gu a' the. i pulsations at pleasure. Hi. Vincent Orphan asylum,a Buffalo laedma k ourtog tbe past forty -sis years,', ab jut to be .orn dewn to make way for mora uaeful edtficea. Hardin county, Kentucky, baa a publio acbooi fund of $30,000, one hundr. d public acbools, four colleges and ca iemtra, and ibrre female sen' inatie. A party ef eftplorera claim to base dlao Verd near Magdaleua, S roofft, Mexico, a pyramid with a base ol 4350 square fast and a height of 750 feet. Tbe oelebrafed Cbeope ia but l a f as IftTlf. W. J. Wbipper, ibe co .ned lawyer o Ufa i. ford, R U , et u wns ft misr tike .o give tbe f.eedmen tbe baliot at oocft. He aaaa that tbey were not re iy for if, and that ilka itauita bare been bad. la tbe atomacb of a abstk lately cot open at L og Island were fuaad two nndijpMted t sbeepabead, four blu - liali, and 325 menhaden that bad bewa swallowed by ibe animal without ft cratch. One buhi nf ftsed ysters piauted will produce tweoty. The first ooata from 8 to 18 eeou, tbe latter sella foi fl ft basbel. In tbe Chesepeake en oyster wilt arrive at m'ority in three years, in Connecticut it rcquiree nearly dee. Five tramps,CievelandCbarley, Cant. Ebbs, Buck Henry, Jack Williams and an unknown, art, now believed, it is stated by detective to ba be perpetrstore of tbe Uock Islsnd train tobbery last Msrcb, when mes senger Nichols wss killed snd $20,000 stolen from an expiess car. A recent advertisement contains tbe following : 'If tbe gentleman who keeps the sboe store with a red heal will returu the umbrella of a y ung lady with w bait-bone libs and an iron handle to a slate-roofed gro cer's ehop be will bear of something to bis advantage as tbe ssme is the gift of a 'feceaied mother now no mote with tbo name engraved on it." "Let ber go, Gallagher," is a New Orleans product, and is gotten off on iri vers of street cars, who are called "Gallagher." Visitots to the late ex hibition in the creole city, were struck viih the nffmbar ef tbe f .truly eogaged n driving street cars. There is a ugend to the effect that the driver of be first street car run iu New OrieHus "um nsmed Gallagher, which prohabU tccouuts for tho origin of the gsg, At tho Liverpool exhibition ihere is machine for t'ond u . g milk In a Viuijfii, t p n preferabV u Ixiiilng it t t'no-pherlf pre-tnure, s the flav r U ii luipalrd. Tho appun tos 'ousfsts t a Itrge g!obuUr pan from which th nlr li "Xiiatiittid uy an air pump. T ie milk then nans I ill fr in u ri-sorvair ihIow nntX b boiled thrf, t tgetner th th sutr W i icli is added to c indented milk. The rne-tu a.mU il fahifall of In li h aUCinllng lo tho G iVeritnaent me ' .... ' Or.riogUt, li atwut f.rrty-tw.i lucnea, Vft-yiog from nstrly 000 inches hi , U ierrd 10 n jo i 10 nuout uiree lncoed at JacobatMU. tiik ctwitfcti natiK. The Demooratio campaign book, pre pared uuuer the auspioes of the. Demo cratic Executive Cimmitteo, is Dow ready for distribution. The committee has nut reported to tbe Republican methods of levying ssaessments upon officeholders for tbelr osmpsign expen sas,oor bas auy offiiehotder in tho Unit ed States baen requeited to ooatribate a cent. Snob ooutributions have is no oase been received Tbe book will contain a spicy review of tbe past sd- ministration oi tho Government under Rtpubiioaa rule, aud iil discuss a uauiber of subj tcts of ojateuiporeuauu tmportaboe' It will contain an exhaus tive history of former abuses of the Peosioo Offic and of the proatituttoo to party euds of tbis buieau,whiob was orgauisad foi tbe diajraueetjou of tbe I eopla's money to tbe Mople's soldiery. It will oontain a discussion of tb squandering of the public domain by the Ujpubltoen pally, aud of tbe recent fuov mcuts inaugurated by D moCrats to ia store it to tbeoriginal owoars,tbe people, It will discuss tba Civil Her vice as abused beretotore aud as administered by Pros- uleut Cleveland. It will contain talu- solo matt r toitcuiog ins administration ot the Ltnd Office ud the couduoi I tbe luduo tllairs. It will be va.'uable iu the discus ion of labor problemi,oon taming m obapter ou that subject and oa tbe reoeut legtelelioa sffrotiug it. I ill ftiseuas pwst deliuquenoia of Ve- sponstble tfficers snd agents of tbe GoTtumenf,ftbd indicate tbe oorrecuoa of abuses Iu that i ' It will contain a summary of the ao- tion of the la Congresa touching mat ters of tmMr.auce to the people, and make a fan exhibit ut tbe results ac complish d. 1 will gee history of tbe war ou tbe President by tbe Senate and tbe anrrender by tbt tatdy of tbe false issue wbicb it bad raised fur polit ical rnds. it, bui, tbe book will b a fair a i d truthful presentation of polit ical matteir. Tbo committee ia not in possession of funds to enable it to dis tribute tbe o a gia uttously. In ord.r that tbe volume may be thorough y distributed tb j committee has drtt-rm- ieed t seed it prepaid by mail to any person wbo will mske application there for and transmit the anm of $1. To eucourage tbe distribution eight copia will be sent for $5. All communications should be ad dreaeed to Hoo. John E. Kenns, Chair man, 1408 fL Siree., N. W.. Washing ton, a a ABOCT WatSJftX. El en Tetry geu $375 a weak fitty twu weeks of b year. Ciara Morris counts tbe wbtte boraee ah area every montb for luck. A eomeu of Auguau,Me.,bas order ed a act uf false leetb fur ber aged pe pony. Ella Wheeler Wmoox is said to he axoerdingly popular with publiabeit, "necauee abe always does ber wot a on time." Moet poete prefer caab down. Ltdy Oiff id Bttgbtly,of Surrey, is a Outed dog fancier, tier Muee duga,a bread very scarce tu England, have uken all the prixea at the dog shows foi years, A French man bite tbe nai oo the bead wham he says a French woman fol lows the faabioo as a dog follows bta maater,but American wouieu as e bliou man follow ble dog. Jedio's eugacmeut in i said to nave been tbe moat pbeuomcuaiiy sucoftfttfui over kuuwu tu that ctiy. Tbe receipts for uioeieen tertormnOts are staled at $33,409 15 Mr. ratmae aays tb M tbo moa ois- gustiug iniug ou eartn u a woman an.. never combe uer bair. fnuipr" ,' Mr. laimage baa au occaaioual iboogbt worthy ot being fully cuusioeiei. Tbe pretty lurktsb wuuteu iu Con stantioopie are becoming "Cbruitau is d" to the esvttnt of adoptiug unu.. and more transuaieiit ''yash-maska,'' w face ossringK, tbsn tbetr religiou re quires. Mrs. Crawford, tbe divorcee in tb Dtik case, is a very pietty wumau, aa is her sister, tho widow of tbe let Ashtm Duk -,Su Cbitrloa' brother. Su CbsrW first wife waa also a remarka bly beautiful aomao, au Irish lady, a Miss Sbiui. He baa an ouiy sou b) her, now twelve yeais oid. Mrs. J K. r ho ffiier, ot Qreeusbor ougb, N. 0., htt recently giveu biith to twiii boys, makiug eleven boys in all in ber tsmily. Toe North State bas put ber OU lis f roe its', and offers tin same premium to evnry "OaiiKhter of Gjitford county who preseui-i ber hus band with male twin.-." Doctors say tbt womnn houli( tit caution how thy oall to II' i sympa thy to uoigbbor'- hitting :. k ohilditm. Woinus clothing i.tfu md icrmutN l fugiiivH boiei ia, ld levers tits i i; liavo-'tieaii leoii'dai, latbh, lit ii c Bontagious di.srtHrtH 11 known 1 hvn heu brought auoat tv gitu ctnied intothn houschuld in tho f Ids of heavy woolen fubtioH. t M'. G. E. He 1 1 don, B tioiure, Md., C uurninMioaer f Dnd for iw th states, s liorfd tor a ion im win. hemiiH. tUm, w-h'ch d d pro ptly to St. Jaoobu il. What Parents I ear. Many neraans especially parent-. o b J1 tn many quack nostrum a, likely 10 enue'ider or ennourftKe a love fir Ktrong drink. They are riglit. Bener die ol dis jatiH (nan of lrukennpn T'' us at irker's Ionic do not Involve this dan. not onty build up the ayMem, enrinir fill aiirnants of th Mtotnanh, liver Q;i kidneys, but i; stiraaiaies with nt 1 intoxicatintf and absolutely outes tho Bp petite for ifquor, L JTjL Jl enco, . . cJl Silili'io n .ii i v 4il J'CrU'a.lii ul! paitf of 1 ii'j . " .(, km 101 l 1 -t tii escy a 1 Iwb .tbioud uUcruiivc Uuown SARSAPAmLLA Sf!iTrSi tfcimiiM lloiidurui KiOapnrUln) la It a bttatt, mid It .4 mtvi ri nn euhstit't'd y thu sgtntcts or Vt now iiot-it snd ni- Imgtft, the lotlldilS of l'oliiaallllli in, 'I Iron, mid otln-r potciit liigrcdifiits. Wyour IiIikmI vltbibd by dcraiigcmenls of the dlgtuiilva mid n-hlinilnKn y ftinc int U it tnliiud by HcrofiiloV or docs it contain the ptn-oti of Wert toy or Coni ngloits l)li -ii-i 7 fllC Icinllug ihya'iiuiH of Ibe l'ii 1 I "t Htfltes, who know lln i'onioitlou of Aran's H.titMti'Miii.i , say Uwt uollifllg clae aO koimI for Km? nt ifi ;i- tlon of die blood U within lhc range of pharmacy. AMI V ,,v u0 J' lbl remedy Uniaf iu.iiiti for n person wli Uni corrupted blood lo sttiiiiiMiniiil I mid prevent Irmiaiiib-inn of l!w 'jo stractlvo taint to poaivrli v. THOROUGHLY ; r V include not only lbs p mevsl of cor ruption from the blood, bwt Iu etirfrb incut and tho atrciigtbcuitt of Usj vital orgaua. DCI I A Ol V Wlincasca, fill ftvet Hi'? nC.LIMDL& world, 1 tifv Unit this work I better eecomplMicd by A YKK'ft HtiHti' ihuu by miy otutr remedy. bi nnn thnt U corrunted lliron!i dl -DLUUII cftao la mud- pin imd weak' iH'd throtiu diniiitulioit of red eorpucl" I uimlc Htroii: , It, A y en's HA USA I A It t U. A . PURIFYING StittK time m serious cae, hut U n fu wltl he derived from lb oc of At HARSAi'.tMM.r.t met 1 jicedlly Ham f rom nuytbbi;; ! medicine I::r.,,."i;.,,:,.,,rH,;i'. T:; dant lnlbi nuirU' i, under innii 1 but tho only prrjuiratlon f lij'! l thelcstof lime, and proved W' ! the world's connili n'', h Ayer's Sarsapan am raWAttca by Or. J.C, Ayer & Co., I ow Bold hy all dniTiMa : Vt'u six hntlW foe Willamette University, 30 PROFESSORS AMD INSTRUCTORS. MO Mteutoats). 878 Caravdawte. Dtfartmmtt of IJIerainrr, , Atrdkine, Musk and Art. Girls fxmrd lo Woman's Callage, with nicelv fornlabad rooms, fg.&O per wek. ttoys and young men's board lo th Young Men's B0AR0INC HALL, K building Just purfbsaad and remodelad with 29 rooms 1.80 per week. The ycuna men are expeetad to supply lhair furniture, wood and light, aod pay one dllar per tu room rent. Thta ia the moat reaannable living lo studenis which the University has ever offered The Preaideut boarda in tbe hail and baa tb aapervlaion. First trm begins September 0;b, Cat aloguo aant free T. S'SX J Im2 Praal'Jant, 0, )cji a a the Cunt z Court of tht Count? of Limn, for the Stale of Oreaon: la the matter of the estate of Beaj an 10 Freelaad. deceased. Citation. Te the following earned heirs a law of Ban Jaaaie f'rsetano4sessssd,towit : Oeerg Free (aod, harndloo Frveland. Elixabe;b Mean, Sarah Nr. Mahal B I'ayne, Archie Frawlaad. Kageee Fi eland, Olive Frswiaad, Cwsriss Freeiand, Mary Frwlaod, Haojaaiin ft FrraUad. Jan. Fsgao. Kmma E n Simd, lUrtba May Ford, Martha Aogeliee Fair, a..t to all others unknown if any such there be. IN tbe aaeiecf the State of Oregon. You ara hereby cited ad eqm ni to be and ap pear in tbs Cueoty Court of the County of L nn, in the State of Oregon, at tbe Court ff uar, ia the ctty of Albany, in said coun ty aud Stale, on Friday, the bib day of Oo tober, A, D.. 1886, at the hoar of ten o'clock, ia the forenoon of aaid day, the earns being the fifth day of the regular term thereof, to ait ; tbe October mrm, 1880. and then end there show cauae,if any exist, why inur. der of sale anonld not he madu dm cun aod lieeuetBg the Ksecntor of id e tale to sell ell the right, title and intureat of aaid tVn)amin Freeiaud. deceased, at the tiass of hia death, both it law ami in njuiij, in and to the real pr prrty horeiuaflai aawsrib ad, ss prayed for in the iwtui. u of A 1' Fairvhild, Kaecutor of the laat wilt and teatament of Keujarain Frrelaud. deoeaif. which petition ia uow on file in thr Ooaul 0urt. of loan county, Oieg-n, winch 'aii real property is ftesortlaiil aa ioihw, te wit : Lots oumlrernd one., two. three n.l four, in block numtMrei h t twe,ta theatty ef Albany, Lion county, Ore n.a- she amr are matked, numbered nri 1 -Kit.ateil u tin mape. oUta aud aurv-y of eM city nesj on file sod of record to the olhoe of SS t Yu I Clerk of Lion county, tregon. By order of the fur. Witio Ml my head and the aeal of aaid Court thu 8m la " September, 1880. I , S .1. I' USLDttAim. Oicrfc. Administrati ix' Sale. NOTICE la herrby giwn that by an or der of tbe Uo'tuty Court of 1iim cnuni), Olfijun, dtll HI !' .U"l i.'t i il i! K c 11 the 7h lay oi Sept io' i, 1886. the aiu beiuf a d of tiie rrniar S-pu-miwr tttriu af said Coort. the aaaarsi4ne4 A ltui--tratrix of me eatato ot J jinea H D iarata deceased, was aatnrtsd and ctuuunmlr.l tu sell the tallowing described real property, belonging to said eatt, to-wit: The aouth east quarter ol the north weet quarter ; the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter : tbe northeast quarter of tic ..u'hnct quarter , the aouibweat quarter of the SeSltfc west qaartei Sud Iota atx, nine, ten and eleven of Sction eiithtetn in Township nine, south range one, eaat of the fttlSaieltu inertdiau ia Linn couoi). Otegea, couuiu ing 316 48-100 aorta, mid in (mifcuauce ol said order I will ou Friday the 15th day ot October, 1886, at one oYiouk iu the efWr noiu of aaid day at the OaW House dn.r in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, aeli the above ileauritted ral nroerty to the hiheat bid der, oaahiu hand. Matilda F. Downixo, AdotntiralrtX. Dated Sept. 8th, 1886. Hotioa of Fmil lattlMuil Notice Is hereby gleen that tbe under aignnd, the Administrator o' the estate of Sarah A. Uale, deceased, bas flted. In tbe Oounty Court of Linn county, Oregon, hi li na) account, and naid Court hut appoint erl Monday. November 1st, 1880, at ten o'ol ck a. tu, ol Miid day, for the bearing of oiij ret inns to same account and the set t eiut nt of t l.o same. F. M. Jack, Administrator, Akvth-kfoud A Blxckhuun Attron-ya for Adm for Infants and Children, "Castorla is bo weU adapted to eMdren that I Castarta enroa Colic. OoaaHpation, t recommend it oa superior to aay proscription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." H. A. jUchss, JI. D., I 1Sim Vut siv58 "lep u?omo'a a IU So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. g WitKlajurioua medicadon. JULIUS QRADWOHL Use she only xelaelve fstoek ef CROCKERY, GLA88,8ILVER AND CHIMi WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Chcio Belecton of Coffee, Tea and Ruga? ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime THE BIOnCST MABKET PRICK PAID FOB EOOS Eamemberl What I 8ay Mean. Bin le a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hour i the quickest route to the Bast, and ates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Oruncil Bluffs, Omahia, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas Oity, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, K. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertieing in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newapaper Advertiamg Bureau, lO Spruoa St., New York. Send lOote. for lOOPsuje Pamphlet Umm STATS UN17EB8ITT. Eugene City. Flrat term beirfna Heptatrber IS: li. 1886. e ur free acbolarsblpa by applying to yourCooety Meperintandent. Hoard and lodging, frr wrk, $j to j. TCITION I'M! v K it : Kii-tnontary Kngli'a Depart oiaot .... f to u Otbr Dtrparttnen.a ......f40 o Writ.- p ...ui f.r eatalogue with fu I par ticulars, t runr. Jieux taib. ereiary Faculty. Kugene City. r. n PATENTS tUuit, i u all "Uter Luaiian Al(r lr.lni kin laUB St, iod r-r.4a 4 .i f a . How's Your Liver? Ia the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning the blood ; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system ia de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. As a ceneral fumti v remedv for Dvsncnsla. Torpid Liver, Const lout ion. etc. I hardly ever uso anything ewe, and have never oeen disappointed in tne effect produced; It seems to be almost a perfect cure for aU discuses of too Htoiunch und Dowels. e W.J. McEumw, Macon, do. Tbb CasTACtt Company, 183 Fulton Street, N. T. First National Bank OP 4LB4RY, OREUOM. PreaUent johx ovs i. a , H. F. MBJUU TRANSACTS A GENERAL bsaluag tsaaassa, ACCOUNTS KEPT sabjact to caeek. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tckgrapete tramfe, mi trit asa nsasjaasL Csasaae Ami iSeeaa GULUBCTIONS MADE oa (arorabia tense. stasctcaa. J Tocsa, Jobs Oonrsa. L. X hXAU, L. fusm, B. F. MaaauA. HOFFMAN &PFEIFFER I'li Jl'lll KTOKS OF Albany $oda Works. And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECTIONEfiY, We are bow prepared to sell at whole aale, always frvah and pure at Portland prion to dealers. We also keep a full tine ef Nuts and Tropical Fruits, IIV CjrROCKItlES, We keep a full line, alwaya fre-b and at vary low prk-en. OUR CIQAR AND TOBACCO departtuwi Li oompiHe. We ke p the vwy ttufi ni k k f m kiigaiid ohowins; ii. li..- rue-H.-M-iituiu nl ..r.r pi,.is tnat ia a uViigui iu tn ik i P. M. MILLHRe Attorney and Gounslor it Law. LEBANON, OREGON. St'illpraotlc .i a ! t.:i ri' - , . . i DR. MINTIE, So It k- rnrj Mirei, mb Fraare. Cal. Treats all t aausic, m rci al aud Pbiv ts Diseases with WosBEan l brocsss. IHE GkEAI mm RIMEDY ! 18 A KErSR FaILINU Ct'BB Ivir Kervow Kwhh , gem uml Wcekaaaa, ExbAuMed Vnsan, &i t;ru.i.r rti. Laat MaahMd, 1bo laikOU 1 m titii it- ln,n. kli thi miille t 1 ; 1 1 -1 j 1 1 iL- 1 It li- and 1 Xvins In atun r j ears, auch aa laaa ! Mm.i;,, LaK-itudtuNiic- ural Kiuteion, a-crsion to ocii, 1) mi - 01 YtetwO cau. rjrfMf la rirtttktna ImI ttxl. rat as llarn, th viul fluia i iMin! unobserved n the ur ine, ami many other difetuea that kiu to ia aaityand death. Dr. Mtatte. who ia a Besralar rhrlrtaa. iSraslaateof the I nivt rsiij .irraa jlvtala will a.-ee to forfeit Five Hundred ttallar for 01 iiUKknut ih itHl KeMtram (undtr hia special advice and tuaiimuit) will nut cure, or tor ii.vimnjr impr or injunoua found ni I;. Dr. Nia tie treats ait Jl private diM-asts tu.-csfuliy nh. ut mercury. 'iNaMalb Free. Thorough examin- v-wi uu auMoe, uiciuu.iij? analysis of unae.fB. Pricaoi Vital Ke.Ktralive. 1.6ti a bottle, or leur time the qu nUty, $5 ; sent 10 any address upon re ceipt ot price, orUOD secured from observation and in private name if desired by k,raru atrrrt. Man Frauel-o, Cal. Send lor list ol questions and pamphlet. aAMPLK tt1TLK IRFi: WU1 be sent to any one appl) hyl e tter. atstlne symptonia, sex aud age. strict secrecy ia retard to ail business trn actio'. s. Br Mimic Hitiney Vrntrdy. Kenhretlcnm. cures all kinds of Kidney WK1 lifaduer Complaints, Goi.oirbort;!m, Uucorrhoea, etc. For Mie by all druggists ; 1 a boWe or six b. UUs for f5. Isr. MlatleV Dandelion Pills are the heat and cheapest ly)ciiin aim HilltiUM cure in the mark et. For sale by ail drugnists. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Roskburo, Or. August !:5iu. 1SK6. Kotloe i hereby given thnt tb ioi usuiptl tirtiler hs AitMl itotji intention to mak llnl pr --ot i of bis clrtim, and th' s: i prou made before tbe Cierk of th Court of Linn COUOM n j.m, n t)r , on Nat or day, noioLor tb. 1 John S "hi'dair prw amotion ilow f his pport ! 5319 for ih N. E i ofSe M f 1 ws4. W M. nohSs.vnrtvXflsl Koisea 111 the !