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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1886)
nmM J. (harru Dltnlir tf. P.CHCRcn. Preachuig every Sabbath, morning and evening by Rev. 8. O. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. u Preyer meeting every VV orf nessday evening. Etahokucal Cbvxch. Preeohing on 8ab Wth at 10,30 a. and 7 r. m. Sabbath School 10;00. Prayer meeting every Wed needay evening 7:80. 8. K. Davie, paetor. A1J are invited. Oohorxo ATtoxAL Cbvkch. 8erviceeever Sabbath morning end evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thnreday evening of eaoh week. M. K. Cm vhvii, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock A. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer Meting every Thureday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. M. I'ulp, Paetor. M. K. Chcrcii South, TANoawx. Preach lag every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. m. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock, p. m. F. M. Culp, Paetor. M. E. Church. Preaching every Sabbath morn iog and evening. Song ervioe in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.80 p. ml Prayer meeting every Thure day evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, paetor. Presbytkrian Cuurcm. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church or. Broadalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School immediately after the morning service, .Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev E R Pn to hard, pastor. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock Am., at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morning services. Praver meeting e try Thureday evening at 7:90 o'clock. T O Erewneon, paetor. Oregonffcacific f nly If opular H ?er g icturesque acific nailroad opular If oute, icturesquBlIanges, Fine time I More connection ! Blow equipments ! ME miles shorter! so huurN less time 1 Accommodations uusurpaaeed for com fort ana safety. Fares and freight much i than by any other route between1 all Klnts in the Willamette Valley and San ui dsco. ONLY ROUTE TO THAT POPULAR SUMMER RESORT, YAQUINA B-A.Y. Where for moderate expenses yon can eojcy Surf Bathing, Beach for driving and walking, Fishing in river and brooks, Heap Sea Fishing, Hotels and better acooinmodctiona. Than at any other Summer resort on the coast of Oregon. Dtrily famsengtr trains except Sundays. Leave Corral I is at 2 r. m. Leave Ya qulna at 7:10 a. m, Oregon A California West Side trains connect at Corvallia. Oregon A California Eaet Side trains connect with stages at Albany at 12:05 r M. Round trip ticket at excursion rates good till September 30th. FINE Al S. S. YAQUINA CITY. IL.lN(i DA I KS raos T4ui isa. I r&OM sax riAxrtaco. TaoradaT, ept. u. Wedneedar, Kept, eta. xassaaay, 8nt. nth. Monday, sej.t. 3nh. aaturday, Oct. 2d. Thursday, Oct. Hth! Tn at it ay Oct. seta. Friday, Oct. 8th. Oct. 20- Fares, -Rail end cabin, f 14. Rail and steerage, fy.88. For information apply to '. C. HOCK. A G. F. and P. Agent, Camilla OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA-n Oregon & California R. K, AND CONNECTIONS. Tlase two and aae-half day, rare from Portland to San Krr. : ... f32 ; to Sacra atrnte, tau. Cloae esoaettion made at Ashlaed w.U stages, at th Cililorma, Oregon and Idaho Stage Oaaapany. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) teal Side Mlvlaten, MrrWBBJi roBTLAMs) AM AftMLAM . anil I Tram. LSAVB. 1MIM. Portland 7:30 a (Albany 11:45 am Albany 12JU6 r m Ashland 4:11. a a ashlaed 9:30 r Albany .. 11:4.' a Albany 1HU6 r a Portland ,4:25 r a Albany Express Train. tsars, aaarrs. Portland 4:00 r a I Albany 8 31 ra Albany tm j Lebanon VUr a Lebanon 4.45 a I Albany 5:a a u Albany J, JO a m Portland 10:05 a M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS dally between Portland and Ashland. The O and CRR Perry makes connections with all Irregular trains on the Rest Si Je 1'huuon from fool WmI ante Division. rBBTLAXB al tORVALLIv BET WEES all Train. avb aiam ...7:30 AM I Corral 11 lfc25 r a 1:30 r m I Portland jffclS r a allis ouanect with trains cf Org. n Pacific na Bay. Ex stress Train. usAra. aaairs. .4.M r m I MclfltinsiUe A:00 r a Its 5:45 a a I Portland 9:00 a a ichets lor sale Mid baegae -becked at com -town ofDos, Cor. Htmrk and Hooood Htreets. r princiial poL.U In California can only be end bagjeas-e checked at Company's office, andTon. Sts., Portland Or, freight will tved lor shlimmt after Bs o'clock p. si. sea East or wast "l ie In vist ns. EHLER. B. P. BOOERS, MsMear. O. P. Pass Aran O. WOLyEMTON. 0. H. IRYIMK. W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW JaW-OHo up stairs infFroman Brick ALBANY, OREGON. A. USAGE MILLS, " We have a meat cutter that ii a much an improvement over the old fashioned esiixsge mill as J. I. Case Agitator is over a flail. It don't clog and leaves no strings th meat. Come and sea .It, Wl LL BUY A BOTTLE OF THE BEST COUGH CURB thu the world has ver prodtuiod, r. Hrniry'n Cough ure hatt But an equal on he faua of th (rloba. I l'llonr the warld for H,H) to produce any o i . ii pre,) .ra. . on ow n irit, sswae to beat it proniptrn hh in curing s ugh or etSkSM take the ad- Irlee of an old pioneer ol !7 yeara on tie Coast : 'Don't run the rUk of lour own iife r jour uiidren e on nuirax -uid rater, It ha aent thou tndit to their lonu home rou will nr l more vir- ue in one of theite small -.u li than in a pint of onmtoncoun mixture. I here in on-! tliluir very rue, 'if you don't kill the WORTH iuh the cugh U nure kill you.' " tirnmre arihc trade ark Tmt scales on llhe bellle. WI.01.EHAI.II AOIKTS, t A WSSBWARB, P JUTLAND, OREGON. 1 MAY. J. G. SKNDKKS MAY k SENDERS, in C neral JTerchsndise. pRRISBURG - - - - CRECtN. 1 buy Grain, Woo) and all Jiiu ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITOTE ALBANY, OREGON, 1886, 1887. K. B J TNSMPSON. a. ., President. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranged to meet the need or all grades or students. Sftcint inducements ojferott to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from o,50 to $13,60. Hoard In private families at low rates Kooms lor self-boarding at small ex euee A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opeus September 7th. For circulars and full particulars address the 1'realdent. MKV. B. J. THOMIOM, I. U. Albany, Oregon, Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. tntw r hoc km FLova scpkhior roR rAMitrw AJin bakkrs res. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest ,Prio in Cash fo Wheal ALBANY Oft. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of allkindsof merchandise. All orders from the oountrr filled on short uotice for every olssa or kind of good? from flrst-clana etook. Absolutely no charges or commission will be charged or filling orders, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or B a hn door hangings, Are always breaking. unlirs you have the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, of AW beny. They are made ot wrought iron canuot Jump the track and will last a life time. DonH hang another barn door un til you have aeon hem. UAKDWAKKOFALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, hruHh hoks, picks shoyela,ipadea, forka, KrinrTatoneN, wheel barrows, wringers, ropee, and almost everything you want, can be bad cnear for cash e Peters A Stewart. IMMUNITY frooANNOYAKCr onlr of ttte Mnt rn br -.tonal ttjr of Clomn far witUwtauatnc; hmai. Every good thing1 is Oounter felted, and consumers are- CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS o! these Chimneys made of VEBY POOR GLASS. Bee that the ex . A )abel is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top Is rlvaya clear and Dright Glass. Manufactured 05TLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. rtttstmrsls Eeoal tilawss Work. FOR BALE EY DEALERS. Landrstu Winter Wheat, Bowed 4 lbs in fall of '82. Wh:l other wheat was frozen oat this was not affected. It is not aurpassd by any variety in hardi neaa, vigor of growth, atiffues and length of itraw, freedom from rust, prodoctiveneaH and nulling quelity. The gram is larg, plomp, light aibhcr in color and herd, yield ing the finest li ur. Kipens two or three weeks earlier than other graio. Will have a limited quantity of. this famous wheat for talc for seed wheat for 91.25 a bushel, of ha.terii ric, 4Zo. a qast by mail, post paid, i'arties wishing to eeo the wheat gmwintr can do to by cailiog at my place 1 mile n r ot tangent. A. L. BBirxiEraiiMZR, J an,.;, i.-, Or. DR. HEHLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, 14 THE notHH OF THE WOR1D FOR 8TOPPINQ PAIK. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nerrous headache curvd in three minutes and Toothache in three nee moa. . Korall pains and achoa t I as no equal in the world Wmall bottle. Mlets. Unts bottle, fl. jpOll 8AL1C, One half block In eastern part of the city wuu lair House and barn wijl beeold cheap WESriOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Von arouN'nv ! rrVry trial of thirty day of the "I" of f''- 1.m'-k c. I. ;.r 11 .1 Voltaic lielt with alpirlrlc 8iKM'iisii'v A t'fH: uc'-H lur tli speedy 01 uaiai mul Mtnthtto-I, run! ml t;lin!il troubla. Aiaoror iiiniiy other iis. . f . mjiph te reatora tlon to Hi-alth. VJifor and M mhoort siiaranteed. No rlMit 1 iiu'iirn-.i. IIIiimi rrtl iiat'iobletln.trafMl Hvebjj-f mailed fr-.-, Ixy mi,in Liuil VOLIAIC BELT CO., Mar shall, Kick. A. 0, U. W. Mernbir wisliingeraploymeut or desiring iielp, ui, pleasecall at Head & hrownell's store una register their name. By OitexR otLodox. E D llliTTIWP A Ts Ms 11V I illAe Union Insurance Co., espital 40,0(0,000. Insure io an absetatsly txlt omsany e Safepan. I 1 Thu f.i:ul rapidity wi.h whUli Hik-ii ('oldu uiul l ouiihn fi't-qu utly dw i Into iho cnivtt tnulttdk'd of iho lUruu Mini liur. l u fonxidvi'iilhni which shotiUi .impel every prttdent m to Kihu hi tittiut, an :i noii-hdl.l ivtttody, n bottle oi At i lt'8 ClIKUItY l i t T(UAL. .Nothm r elsoKlvr i -ueh itiuiiedhite relict I'tKl v of ill' t mi mire ;i ( tire in till I'ilcetl.ui laae, htu cutlui ui phvslclnn, SweeUef, tif (lie Mnine Medie;; 1 UnitiswicK, We., sttys: "Mitltoal scleitee p.ihtpul no ottMf neo IVIW r,U.MIl , (.,M iia avch'm casMnv I seTOtutU Ii l hivtilunblu for il!iav ul' the I Ulrd luli.n The nunc opJulon N rxprceard by the ... IrArtOWU Dr. L. J. AihlUoii. of t'hlea; , III., who mij-s: "1 tin never fun.t. In thlrty.flvs yenr it t ool (MitiittA HtUllv Hlld pl'tUlU'O of llti dh III!', IIIIV pr'prtnitlon of ! ifTcui vnliienaA VKH'sCuSHAr rKcTiiriM, I'm' trestuamt of fllecsMs or the throni md Inntts. It not only ireiik up reht mi riii. r(A'r ci"i Ii- . hut U INN iftVeth" i him rou'tlr.dw in li li.vlujj t-vi-n Hie HHtM -. riu l . in In tlilU ultd ulllOUUlV'i'i U..I).." AVER'S Cherry Pectoral U tt-it !i new c'.tiinmnt for popular roufi Knee, but ii niedieluc w hi. li U IohI KavltDf Mir lives of the third p-nenilloii w'm have come Into belny stare It eras ilr-t onVred t-i ilie puhhV. There In ut i hottsbjoK) In which thU Intahntwle ivntotly has ottce been In tro.iiiecd whore lis use hns ever In. a sbandonetl, mul tlmv U not it M-rMti who Iium ever irlvcn It n prtHK-r trhd for any I Intuit or hnur' dteease aumectN llhle or etnt, who hus not Ihtii made well by It. VY1 ICS ( UKKRY PECTOttAL hns, in nuniberteas Instance, eurrtl ahathsatii UM Sot ehroiile liroiiehllU. Itrnyallln, iiml even acute I'lirrunonlu, uud lin.i laved ninny imtlents In the curlier stnKe i r ruiiiioiiitry t'ntisiininUoii. It U n iD di.-liH' thu' only reuiiv4 to ls taken In mii.-iII (jn'i, U lef!unt tA the taate. mid it needeil in cvory lHuse where there are ilrt n. im iiii-V.- l nothliuc so i l us Y 1 It's i I Kltlt Y PIXTOHAI. for trrst t : it f ('roup mid Whooplna: Cough. Those nro nil idaln fsets, which ran be Miiii-.i i- aaybosrr ""d should bo ro mcnibcreil by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral rnKrAnrn nv Dr. J. O. Ayor & Co.. Lowell, Mam. Hold by nil druggists. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. TUTT'S PILLS 26 YEARS IN USE. Ike Oreatset Medical Triumph ef the Age' SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IsMaoraeeetllr. Itawrlscaaitee. Palais the heasl. with a 4sll tesasiies la that hack fart. Pala nJrr the ekeahfer Made Fallaeea after rat lag. with a sits Inclination f rxrrttan of b4r r satsSU Ii riiHbillt y of trnoor. Law aalrtta, with a foollucef hnvlna srgtocto' sow 4str. Uariar. Iljlnr. fr'lstlrrlaa at tbo Heart. Ilota before thr rym, HewAacbe rr the rlsM eye. ttoatleoaarwa. erltb fitful drennta. itlsbly celorr4 I rtao, aa4 CON8TIPATIOM. TrTT PILJUIaraesneclally tMlanted to such cases, one dnae effects each a chart K f f f 1 1 it st to u i n U 1 1 loc rroaotlta eoar Trasio oa a loan, ton. ih i.oMrl.hrH.n.1 l.y ihlrTowlo Ai tso tolawaUTaOrsaissi, WojrwUur i a.'W. ee s array TUHS HAIR D i.iivT II tin or W uiskkms ebanaet (iUtnnt 151. ai k tr a slnaifl aitl iwtOoii f tbla DTK. It Imparts a uatnraf color, acl . Inittantaneottsly. hoM by Drnsjsjists, or ant by eaprrst on r-elt of OfYlco, sVA Murray St., Now York. KARRI ODOH RUPTAgfV Nctic3 for Publication, ItwD Omci atOekoojt City, Or, Aosott 3rd. WW. Notice is hereby (riven that the following named settler baa tiled notice ot bis intention to make tinal proof in rapport of his claim. snd that said procf will be made before the County Ulerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Al bauy, Ureaon, on rriday. Sept. 17th. 188C. viz : J J Kofcll, re-emption V H No. MliS for the IS K .J of WW 4. S VV of N E , N W 1 of 8 I land N K 1 of S W 1 of 8ea 20. Tp 13. 8 R 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove is continuous residence upon, and cultiva tton of, said land, viz 1 John Donaea.James 1 utman. Alonzo Ames and Jueenh Ames. all 01 sweet rJoms, Linn county, Oregon, . . VV. T. UVUtSKV. Register. Notice for Publication, Laki Office at OnEfieN City, Or. ) July 20tb, A, D. 1886, ) NOTICE is hereby given that tbe fol owing named settler bus filed notice of his intention to make nnul proof in sun- port of his claim, and that eaid proof will be maue neroretne county Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or. gon, on Wednesday, October 20th, 188ti, viz : Gustav Krlger Homestead Entry No, 4267 for the 8 4 of N X of Section 20 Tp 13 8 R IE, He names tbo following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : William H Cooper, H H Morthorm, R it Humphrey and John Burnett all of Sweet Home in Linn county, Oregon. W. T, BUBirET, Register. KciiiarkaMc Offer. HE Dr.MOCKAT f2.00 SKW iOHK W (iKLll , 1.C0 (' iJC f l.S 1 ORY OF THK L . S 1. 50 veaBBBssaa s will lJ rllow oa l3Mill sT Mi aa..w.T. IK. to a AMJSKICV J .'A KM Kit 1.C0 And cheap at the price ; but we offer the four for $3.25, giving n retnaikable bargain. Drop the American Farmer snd you can have the three remaining for (3. Drop the World and Hittory and yon csn haye the two others for $2.25. The histcry is a 3 20 page book nicely hound, and it wo th tha egular price. J" P'KiDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 188G. roit N4 IK.V4 K. The ooldeit plscn known is at Wotk hojanok, Siberia, observations mdn during 1886 giving the mean tamp or ture of thn year as 1 F., of the mouth of January as 56 below gero, and tbt lowest temperature of tho same month s 90 below. Best are said to have an antipathy to dark-oolored objeots that blaok chickens have been stung to death while tho white ones of the same brood were un touched, And a nun in 11 klaok plug hat is rarely stung on acosunt of tbe atten tion the bees give to the bat. Dr. Ltptchiokski has been making a seiies of ex pur intents upon dogs, for the purpose of ssce'taiuing tho proper treatment of persons whe have been froieo. He found that of twenty ant mats treated by the method of gradual resuooitatiou in e cold room fourteen perished ; of twenty placed at once in e warm room, eight died ; while twen ty put immediately into a hot bath recovered q.tiokly and without acci dent. M ny persons begin te show grey hairs while they are yet in their twen ties, and some while in tbeir teens. Thiw ekMM n-t by any means argua e premature decay of the constitution. It is e purely local phenomenon, snd msy coexist with unusually bodily vigor. The celebrated author and traveller, George Burrow, ! quit gray before be was thirty, but was an extraordinary swimmer and athlete at sixty-6ve. The great glacier of Alaska is said to be moving at the rate of a quarter ot a mile prr annum toward the eee. The front presents a wall of ice some 600 feet in (hick neaa; its breadth varies from three to ten miles, end it ia about 150 milee long. Almoet every quarter of an hour bundteds of tons of ice, in taiga blocks, fall into tha aea, which tbej agitate in tbe moat violent manner, tbe waves ling sush aa to toes about tbe largest veaela tbst approach the glacier ss if they were small boats. Mr. A. Hanson, in an trtiele in a re cent number of tho Hevua Bcientifique, states that, fiom a compariaon of ani mal and ateam powei,in Franca at leas', tbe former is th cheaper motor. In tbe conversion of chemical to mecban ioal energy ninety per cent is lost in the machine, against sixtyeiKbt in tba a a 'afar . a . m a amine1, lie none that tbe steam librae power, contrary to what is generally believed, ta cften malar tally exceeded by tbe borte. Tbe cost of traction on tbe Montparnasae-Bastille line of rail way he found to be for each car, daily, fifty-haven faoce, tile tb same work d me .y the bora o at only forty -seven franca ; and be believes that, for mod erate poweia tbe conisioa of chemic al into mecbauical energy is nor eee- n imically effete! through animals than through steam engines. tfiniT eves re. In no city iu Oregon, outside of Portland is there better taste displayed in the construction and furnishing of residences than io Albany. We might m -nt ion some particularly ;but tbe num ber in tbe list is large. We need good Streets and sidewalks to go with tbem. Following is tbe penal clause of tbe famous Oleomargetiofl bill : Every person who knowingly sella ot tffre fur sale, or delivers, or offers to deliver, any oleomargarine in any other form than in new woo' en or paper packages as above described, or who packs in any package any oleomargarine in any manner contrary to law or who falarly brands any paoksge denoting a less amount of tax than that required by law, shall be 6urd for each offense not more than $1,000 and be imprisoned not more than two years. A suit lately hr ught by a fruit grower in San Bernadino county, Cel., against a bee-keeper to recover dam ages for injury to his grape was de cided in favor of tbe fruit grower, who it appears convinced tb jury that tbe bees puncture the skin of tbe grapes and appropriate the pulp to tbeir use Tbe honey crop of California this sea son ia estimated at 6,000,600 pounds. or about two-thirds tbe yield of 1884. Tbe quality this season is excellent, surpassing that of two years ago. Pres ent prospects indicate low prices. Few experts regard the probabilities of the wheat crop ss pointing to less than 410,006,000 bushel Many place the total wheat crop at 435,000,000 bushels, and some aa high even as 450,- 000,000. A farmer in nortbein Illinois has just threshed 2000 bushels of oats grown on a field of twenty -seven acres, and auother farmer in tba same locality reports an average of 8txt.y bushels to the acre. The wheat production of the world will show a marked falling off from last year. As matters now look there will be, outside of the United States and Canada, a falling off from last year of 10 J, 00,000 bushels. Oar surplus wheat will no doubt b wanted at fair prices at foreign market. Gov. Currier of New Hampshire and his Coancil went to tbs White Moun tains on Monday, where they will spend s week inspecting the condition of tbe state-roads in tiat section for the im provement of which the State has made liberal, appropriations. THR fAMOr COKNK TIC IV BLUB LAWS. These laws were euaoted by the peo ple of tbe "Dominion of New Haven," and beosme known as the blue laws because they were printed on blue pa per. They are aa follows : Tbe Governor and msgistrate'J con vened in General Assembly art the supreme power, under God, of this in dependent dominion. From tbe deter mination of the Assembly no appeal shall be made. No one shall be a freeman or have a vote unless be is converted and a mem bet of one of tbe churches allowed in tbe dominion. Eaoh freeman shall awear by tbo blessed God to bear true allegiacoe to this dominion, and that Jesus is the only King. No dissenter from the essential wor ship of this dominion shall be allowed to give a vote for electing of msgistra tes or any o ffieer. No food or lodging shall be offered to a heretic No one shall cobs a rher on tbe Sabbat ti but authorised clergyman. No one shall travel, 0 ok victuals, mske beds, sweep houses, out hair or shave on tbe Sabbath day. No one shall kiss his or her cbildern on the Habbath or fasting day. The Sabbath day shall begin at sun set Saturday. Whoever wears clo'hea trimmed with gold, silver or hon lace above one sbiding per yard shall ( preaented by the Grand Jurors, and th Heleotmen shall tax tb estate 300. Whoever bnoga crda -r dice into the dominiun shall pay a flue f 5. No one shall eat raino piea, dance, play cr -Is or play any instrument of music exoept the drum, trumpet or jfws'-harp. No Gospel minister shall join people io marrieg. Tbe magistrate may join them in marrige, as he may do it with less scandal to Christ's Cburob. When people refuse their children convenient marriages the magistrate shall determia the point. Tb man who etrikM hie wife shall be tSoed .flu A woman who strikes ber husband shall be punished as the law directs. No man shall court a mid in pereon or by letter without obtaining the con sent of bei parents ; 5 penalty for tbe 6rat nffenaM ; 1 0 for tb second, and for the thiru imprisonment during the pleasure of the court. SAL Thar are six pnt in tbe British House of Lord, Tennys-m, of course, beading tb Hat Eugenie, ex-Ecu pr-e, has been stay ing in the lovely IJe ot Wight, and has found thete so much health that ah won't mak kei usual viait to tb Continent. She ia going to the North to b near Queen Victoria, the two widows alwate meeting during some pat of reeb yemr. Tb great hlettftten Von Rank was a small man physically ,litt I uioie than five feet high, but bit noble forehead, bright eee and flowing white beard gav bim a very distinguished appear anew. Hia manners were courtU and of tbe old scboel,atid be often ventu ed, without offence, to salute hia lady friends in public by kissing them oo each cheek. Senator Everts baa a country home at Windsor, Vt. He has a large num ber of children, and they tell a story bow one of these on hearing Mr. inv ert' favorite donkev bray dolefully daring her fathei's absence, sympathet ically eaid : Por ibing I But, nursey, i am io glad that papa will be here Saturday, and then perhaps tbe little donkey won't b so tonesonW Hominy Hill is tbe euphonious title of Secretary Garland's country seat. It tea log cabin, away t IF m tho woods p Little Rock, Atk When Gar land gos thete he never allows bim- 'ii to be bothered with mail or busi nsss, snd he gave orders that his letters were not to be for awrdsd to him when be left for his six weeks' vacation last Summer. The cabin itself is a deuble log one, and its interior and surround ngs are those of tbe forest ptimeval. Some actresuee are en per it ions to an amusing degree. Mine. Bernhardt believes that to touch the shoulders of w hump-backed man brings good tuck. She waamuch pleased to see such a man on th tug-boat that met her party on their first ai rival at quarantine, and she lost no time in rubbing her fingers across his shoulder. It is very gener ally known that Mme. Patti will not sign a contract on Tuesday, in defer ence to a Spanish superstition. The queen-regent of Spain is spend ing the season at LtGranj. Every morning her majesty goes of!t with the children, very simply attired, and un attended by any suite. Sb my be frequently aeen sitting on a bench in the palace grounds, with tho infant king in Her lap and the two little prin cesses plaing on t he rass around ber. After dinner her majesty gives Hn au- dieaoa to Honor .Lu tmrz on affairs of state, and at six in tbe oveuing ahe takes an hour's drive. Croquet is ih rave in PiOHeluir. Tbe people there rf evidently ansieut in their tastes. Wfeat Parents Pear. uv pr)ns ecially parents, ob Jeei io itMiiv qui-,, it struma aa likely to ue def or enooUrae' a love for strong ir.nk I bey are Huh . Better die of dis i - Mitu of drunket nea. The use of i'srkr' twnii- ttc' t involve this dan ger. It out ouiy un up the system, curing all alinaeur.s of he stomach, liver and kidneys, but it stimulates without intoxicating and absolutely Quios the ap petite for liquor, DYSPEPSIA. Bedrr.tnry habits, mental worry, nervous eXfitenii ii;, excess or Imprudence in eat bur or tlrwikliitf, run I various other hum-, biiluce Constipation followed by ''''" derangement of the liver, kidney, Stod stomach, In which the dUordi r of each organ Increases the hillrmit y of the others. The Immediate results are boss of A ppe tlfc. NatiM-n, Foul Hreath, lli-srthiirn. Flat-uli-ni-r, Dizziness, Hick Headaches, Culture of physical ntnl mental vigor, ili-tc'ing sense of weight and fullness hi i he stomach, and Increased 'ostlveness, all of tvliicli ure known und'T one head n Dyspepsia. Inevery intan 9 where this disease doe not originate from scrofulous taint In tbe Ii!mh, AYKIt'S I'll.I nitty be confidently relied upon ti effect a cure. Those esses not n 'Mens bin to the curative InJttsttee f AYKu'rt I'ii i m alone will certainly yield if Ihe Pit.i.a are sided by the powerful Mood purlfyln;: properties of A'a k.uimaim Mff.M. Dyspeptic i should know that Iho longer treatment of their uuiliuly Is postpon--tt, the more difficult of cure It becomes. Ayer's Pills 9f fall to relieve the lowcls and pro mete their healthful snd regnlaf action, titel thus cure Dyspepsia. TcmKirury SinllliithcM all do permanent burnt. The. Ilful-iietttlty Into which the enfeebled stomach Is hiiiw d by "hitters, and aleo belts stimulants, Is iuevltnhly followed bv read h.ii that leaves the organ weaker than Indole . "'iiallveneaa, In'tuced Int. lis i.f til. , In i niim i lirti tiy my 'I'llmisry Atkk's PttU . It - r -1 . 1 mi- heir i'-ciliml uh lltllHA. . liaiMtf. 1. is slM-i k'''l ill rltflit." norr, A'tuwk, K.J. "I urns lo.1ue. ct Io try Area's Pit ls ns s r-tu'ilv fur I iiillu'-slloti, Cottatlpalloii. umt lit ujfli lie, fi-.iu sylil- li I h i. I r r r. 1 fiHind tli'-lr nrlluti M r-. i t r lief. Thus' Iwve tie fhsn rtll Ihn it. illi iot a i vi r 1m .ft t two a uf CsV M.V a r i s, WJ Mul At , ihUnga, If. "Ttif lio retire!)' frreet4 tho eellr tuMi, Stl I I 'v Imi i my Biiienil h-lUJ. llav. Fa! is H. I .-.c, Atlanta, an. "Tho tnot efA tinvn ' r fiKiuJ. i nt. l III- a, lest rilijsfr f n fit.-" will cjiil. i lv in. i- my lmwl nml tree iny henl frirfil iii,'' 1, I a . , litehmand. I n. "A sutrVtvr tnm Uver Complaint, Dya pepsta. eii.l Nrurala;lM fur tli last laretiiy er, AVBB'S I'lU.S lisvn t-rn fill UMi til.-.i Ihmi nny nwsJIcHlao 1 have ever laltsa." P. U. ttottca. AVttsofr, Krote Co., M. "Kur Irr ps i hey are InvaluaUc. 9. T. UaTSa, Mtttu, T$at. AYER'S PILLS, mrrARitD by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Con Lowell. Mass. Ikdd by all Druggists. N. B. Allen A Co., are now rsoatvipg a fins lino of boots and shoes, tboy propose ia tha f otara to malts a specialty of this branch of their basins, ia addition to a foil Una of Bttohinahsm A llsoht's mass of boots asd shoes which for durability cannot b sx called, they havs a lint of Eastern goods of all grades including a Una of 8. D. dollars A Co., of Philadelphia, children and misses shoes, which are as good as any manufactur ed. They guarantee every shoe just as rep resented. Give them a trial. A aetata I rtwaair Btaeevety. Capt. Coleman, achr. Wcvmouth. plying between Atlantic Citv and V V., had been troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sleep, and was Induced to try Dr. King's New l)Ucovcrv for Consumption. It not only gave him 'instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. 1 IU children were similarly affected and a single dose I the same happy effect Dr. King' New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on hoard the schooner. Free trial bottle of this .Standard Remedy at Koahay A' Mason's Drug Store A I tea ay Market. Oala-38 " Wheat flic per bu Butter -20 ota per lb. Kecirs 15 oenta per do. Beef-on foot, 'Hi '.'! liaty baled, f IS te per life loose,! to !0. PoUtoea 70 eta par bushel. Hacona hams, 8c bouldera, G aidea 5 Lord 10c per lb. Flour -i.. per bbl. Chicken 2.40 per doc. Huirar an Franclae C, fJJte. Mill Feed bran. 11.00 par ton. aborts, 15. mlddilngjs, 13 . Chops, lit. Did you Sup- pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. 26Ui ANNUAL FAIR OF THE STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY To be held at their grounds near Salem, Oregon, commencing SEPTEMBER 13, 188G. Aud closing the following Saturday night. $15,000 - Offered in cash premiums This will, without doubt, he the beat ex hibttiou of the kind ever held in Oregon. The BE8T 8PEED PROGRAM. TIlltTBEST Exhibit of ClruiiiM. Exhibit orLlveatoek, Kxhlblt of rrnlt. Exhibit orOsitry I'roduefe, Tbe best exhibit of everything rver collected together in the State. Lend your presence and help to make Ore gon's pride a suoceas and a credit to the State. Entries must be made by 7 p. in, Monday, and all articles must be in place by 10 p. in. Monday evening. Please make entries aa early aa possible. J, T, fiREMi, Secretary, Halctu, Oregon, Willamette University, 30 PROFESSORS AND INSTRUCTORS. 330 tulenta. 375 Gradnatea. Departments of Literature Laxw, Medicine, Music and Art. Girls hoard in Woman's Oallege, with nicely furnished rooms, $8.50 per wek. Boys' and young men's board in tbe You uk Men's BOARDING HALL, A building just purchased and remodeled with 26 rooms. $1.50 per week. The young men are expected to supply their furniture, wood and ligbt, and py one dollar per month room rent. This ia the most reasonable living to students which the University hau ever offered. The President boards m the hall and has the supervision. First term begins September 6th, Cat alogue sent free. T. VAN SCO 1 . Im2 President, S ileal, Oregon JULIUS GRADWOHL !! the only exelanlse filoek of CROCKERY. CLASS, SILVER AND CHINA WIR i Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic gelecton of Coffee, Tea and Sugar ONE DOZEN GUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. 0 COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime THE IIIGIIEST INARKET Remember! What I Say 600DS A8 LOW AS THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest : 12 to 48 hours the quickest, route to the Bast, and rates, 880 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas Olty and other points. All classes of tickets, irood viaOgden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas Oity, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex- iighT the &souri River ithout charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. Mo, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon, ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOota. for lOO-Page Pamphlet. OREGON STATE UHIYERSITI. Eugene City. First term begins Heptarrber IStb, 1886. Secure free aeboiarnhips bp applying to pour County Superiotendent, Board and lodging, fer urrk, $j to $J. TCITIOTT j-Kit TBS R : Ktaroenury Englia Department $30.0 Other Departmeuis ..$40.0 Write poatal for catalogue with full par ticulars, to raer. jm sts At b. secretary Faculty, Eugene City, Oregon. PATENTS OWuUiei, and all otaer bnstnee ta tha 0. . Patea Isdsa to far moaaratt faea i..uradt lb 1.8. Patent OSes, and ita hn tmm Wi c r draaiitir. We ad to potent ability Iras of charga 'bdwtaakt o esargo wakaa wvoaoua patent. . W refer bora, to tit tea Sept. of ,U. a Patent Money Ordor tlv. and to Kr cirr uUr. iwlvice. tarn o actual cliettu in your own State or county, addreei c. a. snow &,((., Otoatto Patent OSJco, Washington, D . Notice for Publication. Land Opfice at 'Rosebtjro, Or. August 25tb, 1886. Melioo la hereby given that the allow ing named settler ban filed notice of hia intention to make final proof iu support of bin claim, and that aatd proof will be made before the Clerk of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Or., on Sat unlay, October Hth. 1886, via : John 8 Ninalair, pre-emption O. S No. as 1 9 for the N, E. K of Sec. 24, Tp 15, s k 1 west, ff , M, He names tbe following witnesses to prove hi oontinuout residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vht : uideon Hodson, T A. Rlgga, Joseph 8tewart, B V Crawford, all of Mabel, Linn oonnty. Or. fit as. W. Johnston, Kegiater, To Regulate THE favorite home remedy a warranted not to contain a Dingle par ticle of Mercury or any injuriou sul stance, but ia purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. If your Liver ia out of order, thru your whole ytein is deranged. The blood ts impure, the breath onenive : you have headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons T IiyPH REGULATOR. If poti lend a I -I U f K sedentary life, or suffer with MUL V JUJLw Kidney AfTVcUoua, avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. if you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you wilt feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Conatlpation, Dyapepala and Diliouaneas, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and cost but a trifle. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste iu your mouth, ffl H 'By W Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor I Q K J. rwrts the Bilious Stomach, sweetens A aiflslsVili the Hreath, and cleanses the Purred Tongue. Children oftensieed some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head ache, Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without Intoxi cating, take Simmons IdTer Regulator. PREPARED BY j J. H. ZEILIH & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. PHWK PAID FOR i-liiiiH lean.' Give Me a call. ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. First National Bank OP AI.B4.W, MEsoa. .. . - nn n Maiar -H. V. MEBULL TRANSACTS A GKXERAL BSasaBf beaiesar. ACCOI'HTU KEPT aabjeet to eaedc. SHJIIT KX'.'HAStJE and tetoarahhip tp,.rf. a OOLLECT10V8 MADE oe brraaato tersw. MascToaa. w. E im-xo. -- ty I.. E H. P. Maaaois HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER -PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manufacturers of- CHOICE COIFECTIOIEKY. JEW T PP" t ell whole L.TT f "d PQr Portland Rr5?f " We iU0 kM,P full luta and Tropical fruits, ITV GROCERIES, OUR- CIGAR AND TOBACCO departmaot ia complete. We keep tha tarVL01 moln d chewing F.1. MHeLERT Attorney anil Counslor It law. LEBANON, OREGON. Wiilpraotloe in all tho Courts in tha Stag o Bt'YERS" GriOR ta 3.SOO whole fir tare GeUerr. GIVES l4 'tri to waio. on ell Roosla fcr x.-woual ir es.ma7 r,c. Tcila hew io . Prtr nJ aTa exact east ot crerr- fa S 7 .t mc, cat, drink, ereer, or r n erl.ix. OTieoe ISVALCADLi: ' a's Mteto lsftranetlon a;leene-.l n 4 ! market ef the world. Wc wul a copjr 1REK to anr atl i,rem w -n1! receipt mt IO eta. to defray onulllng. Iset us hear from row. Rearteetrullr, DR. MINTIE. TBK P I ALIfcT. Ne II Keerary Street, Sea F rant , Cat. Tkkats au. Oraoxic, bracuL asd Privatb Dnuusas WITH WOKDKKFTL 8l I I SSI. THE GRE AT .ENGLISH REMEDY I I A KBTSa FAILIKQ cv KB fur Nervottf Debility. Sem inal Weaknaea, Exhauated Vitality, 8permator rboe r 181 atanneed, liupo- iuwj ,1 iaij M. noaiaiorr hita, ano all iht terrible Bttu I tt it-Hi vr ji uih hi' (Ulitt and exJeaa in mat urer years, such aa Leas ot Memory, Lsveitude,N'oc tural EtuiMtioii, aversion to society, 1) mi cm ot Visi.-n Noisaalu tbaiiead, exrese in drlwktnx iniuxl- eaiiag iiajara, in vital nuiu paaaiiiK unoucrU n tha ur Inc. mil mans other distases that lead to ia anlty and dettth. Br. Mia tie, who ia- a Keawlar rkylrlaa. Cradnae l" the l'alverail r feaa-ylvnala will atr-ee to hTleit Five Meadred Dalinra for a case of this kird tha Vital Keaerallve (under hia lecial ad ice uid tatment) will not cure, or for anything imp-ur or Injurious found in f;. Ur. Mla tie treata all iirival iltst-SNcr. succts.fully without mercury. 'oi hmiimIIom Free Thorough examin at'on and advice, includmf analysis of urine, iO. Price oi Viiul Metorwiive. 91.50 a bottle, cr four timaa the qut utity, $5 ; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, or U O D secured from observation and in private nam. if desired by Kearny Mrret. Kan Francis o, tat- bend tor list of questions and emi.hlet. aanrLK bttle free. Will be aent to any una applying byl e Iter, statin? symptoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy In regard to all business trt Olfactions. Br Mlntle'a Klrtney Kentedy. Kepkretieem, cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Comi'lsinta, Oonoirhoea, Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For sale by all druggists ; i a botte or six bettlea for 95. Dr Mtatle a Bandelion Pills are the best and cheaest Wyspruaia and Bilious cure in the mark at. For sale bj all drugista. - Notice of Final Settlement, NOTICE ii hereby given that the under signed Executors of the estate of Joseph Hamilton, deceased, have filed in the Conn ty Court cf t ie State of Oregon, Linn coun ty, their final account in said estate, and Monday tho Hth day of September, 1886, at the hour of tn o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room in the Court House in the city of Albany, in Line oounty. State of Oregon, is tbe time and place aet for the hearing of objections to said account f ud tbe final settlement thereof. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 22nd day of July, 1886 Gkoboe Henderson, Carolins Hamilton, Executors.