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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1886)
Stir ewmt Kn tared at the Foot Otnoeet Albany, Or, aw Moond-clAM mall matter. r IU i A Y SKPTK M BKR 3. 1886. 8riTBJ ft NUTTING. I i il r ill !'r iri l..r. mKDr. trri.. i-u-ai K,utr. A flonm n IRICMLI. and PAPER V VlTT I $2.00 Whm 'iail trio : v tu d- vancn I bib will ho th i.iio id the democrat : at tne end of iha ar, $2. AO, and there will bn no deviation froaa lkin rule. 1 MAN 4RIT TM . Last week a reallv live land of gvpsles was in Albany, and some of the women went around from limine to house and wanted to tell the good luck in store for all the housekeeper, bless their hearts ; hut they didn't say anything about bad luck. Suppose they had said, "come now, give me fifty cents and I will tell you all about the bad luck that is coming to you," no one would have invested. Well, fortune telling is played out. We are mounting above such things ; vet it it sometimes easy to tell men' fortunes. For instance, mark the man who does not advertise ; his career will be downward, and the chances are he will die in the poor house, deserted and forgotten by the world. O The local real estate market has not been as brisk as at present in Albany for several years. As a result prices arc going up. Albany is the gi owing town of the State. We must not lose an opportunity to hold what we get. O The grand try sting place in Albany for flirting is the depot just before the 8:32 p. m. train. O The MAT advises school children to begin business next Monday with a deter mination to Icam. Be prompt, attentive, studious, obedient. School days thrown away appear as weeds at the harvesting season. O Parties building are enjoined to iay good foundations to their structures. The trouble in Oregon has been that nothing but apolo gies, perhaps a few blocks or bricks, have been used. As examples of what we mean by good foundations we refer to Mr Fox's residence, just east of the Democrat office, and Mr John fsom's new residence on First street in the Third Ward. A rifrhferk Crime. On Thursday evening of last week the twelve year old son of John Rickard, living near Corvallis, was playing in the harvest field, and it seems, was having some fun with Thos. McClellan, a harvest hand. The latter finally lost his temper, got mad, and struck the boy several hard blows on his head, besides running the pitchfork into his back three times. The boy's skull was crushed and his spine injured, leaving him in a critical condition. A younger brother gave the alarm and assistance was given the injured lad. McClellan fled to his cabin, near by, where he was afterwards arrested, examined before a justice and held to await the action of the grand jury without the benefit of bail. The affair caused great ex citement in the neighborhood. Tfcey Wont WrL. Not long ago an able bodied tramp struck an Albany gentleman for two bits. lie was asked why he didn't go to work, as there was plenty to do. He whined that he couldn't get a job. "I'll get you one," said the gentleman. A man near by want ed a harvest hand, and he said he would hire him. Then the man declared that he couldn't do that kind of work. When asked why he didn't get a job on the O. P. he said he couldn't stand it or something as slim. On being asked what he could do he said he was a broom maker, and left. Think of a broom maker coming to Oregon for work. II he had been in Missouri he would probably have been a salmon packer. Such whelps should be kicked by mules all legs until nothing but oleomargerine is left. Oar B st. Ileal. Grading on the O. P. between Corvallis and Albany is oracticallv completed. The W0 w f m trestle at the north approach of the bridge at this city will probably be finished in about two weeks, perhaps less. Bails have been laid about two and a half miles from the Corvallis depot. Mr Abe Hackleman arrived in Albany Saturday, from Silver Wells, to meet the O. P. authorities here, and locate the depot and perhaps make ar rangement for machine or repair shops, but Col Hogg had gone East and W M Hoag was in California, so that nothing has yet been done in the matter. The bridge at this city will probably be finished by October lit. Grading, according to the statement of Col Hogg, will be continued about ten miles beyond Albany this season. On to B Ue City" is the cry. Dralh of Be, Utmry. Rev. Edward Geary, of Eugene, one of Oregon's best known pioneers, died at his home in that city yesterday morning, aged 75 years and 4 months. He came to Ore gon in 1 85 1, and resided in Linn county teveial years, leaving Albany for Eugene in 1876. Besides being a Congregational minister he has occupied several positions of trust and was a Mason in high standing, having: obtained thirty-two degrees. Ore gon loses a fine scholar anfd a splendid citi zen. it Pell la an Kplleptle I II. Last Wednesday afternoon a young man walking along First Street suddenly dropped to the sidewalk in an epileptic fit. He was taken care of and came out of the fit after several hours treatment. Papers on him showed his name to be Wm. Garnet and that he hat, a mother residing in San Fran cisco. He had in his possession a letter of recommendation from a Helena gentleman, showing him to be a good engraver and re liable young man, also clippings from a paper noting that he had been in an asylum for treatment. Lat Oemi-m. Rev F M Culp will preach his last ser mon for this conference year at Tangent next Sabbath at 4 o'clock p. m. All are jnvited to attend. butcher knives at Will Broe. gun storo. IIItGMK.VS TOtKXAMKIT. The State Firemen's Tournament and ion will be held In 8alem,bcginnlng Am on nesdav, Sept. 8th. Following is a list of the prizes offered l 1. Steamer Contests Running Test Steam cnuine to run loo feet, with not to exceed forty -five men on rope ; hose com panies to run six hundred feet, with three hundred feet of hose on reel. Hose to be in one continuous line, all couplings made ; attach hose to engine, lay one hundred feet of hose, break coupling, put on play -pipe, and throw water ; pipe to be screwed on, and if blown off no time to be given. Time to W called when water passes through noxle. First prlie,$ 1 50 ; second prle,$5o. a. Hook and Ladder Contest Hook and Iaidder teains,of not more than thirty men, shall run six hundred feet, put up a thirty foot ladder within ten degrees of perpen dicular in the street,and have a man ascend to the top in anv manner he may select. Time to be called when he grasps the top rung, which must be held until time is called. First prizc.Sioo ; second prlc,$5. Three Hundred Yard Foot Kaoe Oih'ii to anv ttreman belonging to the as sociation, professionals only being barred. raw $50. 4. Tender Race -Twelve boys to run two hundred vnrds and carry In their carts aoo pounds of coal, r irst prise, $35 ; second prize, $15. S. Hose ContestWet Test Hose com- m . : . .. sv . t panv ot twelve men to run two nunureu vards to hvdrant. attach, and lav three hundred feet of hose.uncouple and screw on pipe. Time to be called when water leaves the nine ; carts to carry not less than iso feet of hose. Special prise of $100 offered by W F Bowers, agent of the Gutta Perchu and Rubber Manufacturing Co. 6. State Association Champion Hose Race- - Open to all ; wet run ; distanced wo hundred yards to hydrant ; lay 350 feet of hose, disconnect the' last or seventh section. take out the third section from hvdrant and replace with last or seventh section, and connect the section removed to the sixth section ; attach pipe and throw water. Time to be called when the water leaves the pipe All couplings, after the start, to be made to the full. Hose and couplings to be regula tion four-ply rubber hose, two and a half inches in diameter, with couplings of eight thread to the inch. Any service-cart or carriage may be used that is capable of liolding four hundred feet of regular fire hose, and service-pipe to be not less than ten inches in length. Hose and pipe tup- Slied by the committee on the grdunds. umber of men not to exceed fifteen, ex clusive of captain or trainer, and all must be on the rope or reel from the start. No harness allowed to assist the runners. First prize, $450 ; second prize, $100. f, One Hundred and Fifty Yards Foot Race Open to all firemen belonging to the state association, professionals excepted, and winner of joo-vard race barred out Prize, $50- 8. Make and Break Couplings Hose companies,any "make' and "break" five couplings' in "line" hose. Prize, $35. 9. Hose Race Dry Test Hose compan v of twelve men, to run three hundred yards to hydrant, attach and lay three hundred feet of hose ; all couplings made, pipe to be screwed on ; hose to be reeled on cart or carriage in one continuous line .all couplings made to the full. Time to be called when pipe has been screwed on and strikes the ground. First prize, $t(X ; second prize, $50. No harness will be allowed the runners in any of the contests. There must be two competitors for every prize, and three or more in contests No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 9. A Hr.1 Olreet Mew Last Monday afternoon Buckley, better known as "Sheet Iron," a resident of this city for two or three years, was arrested for being disorderly and drunk. At a Dkmo ca at man saw the row that precipitated Buckley's arrest he will give an account of it as it appeared to him. In the first place it seems that Buckley, who is red and it.,l fa-worm tVi,. iisji e ( vt 1 1 i L v 1 1 mut he oud recognition, a physically inebriated cripple, had spent his last cent, if he had had one lately, and had been begging for another drink in the Bank Exchange saloon beside making himself a genuine nuisance, for v hit h too much liquor is entitled to the credit. Afterwards maddened by a desire m a . m sA a t a I lor more whiskey, or somctmng 01 tne aina, he came running up the street, after the fashion of a Celestial with a heavy load, and said something to the bar keeper of the saloon, who was in the door, and it it claim ed raised his hand to strike him ; but thit part of it we were unable to notice, when the latter met him in the middle of the walk and struck him in the face seven or eight times, knocking him down. Then he got on his back and -was jamblng hit bloated face on the sidewalk, when Buck ley was arrested for being disorderly. The bar keeper afterwards went' to the Record er's office and paid a fine. Wednesday Buckley was again arrested, this time for stealing a revolver and some blankets from L Angel, a boarder at the Exchange Hotel, He had pawned the re volver to the barkeeper for $1.00, and that was one of the things that caused the trouble. On examination before Justice Humphrey he was held to await the action of the Grand Jurv, under $200 bail, which he could not furnish if the 00 were dropped The penitentiary is the suitable place for Buckley, at complete a moral and physical wreck as it is possible to find. Oar ftehoote. The public schools open next Monday with Prof. Lonsway as Principal, and the Misses Kirkpatrick, Irvine. Brink, Bodine and Robertson,and Mrs. Stockman, as As sistants. A good corps of teachers, we look for a school that will confer credit on our city. The College will open on Tuesday with Rev. E. J. Thompson, D. IX, at President, and Mr. Lee, Miss Thompson and Mrs. Brownson, ao Assistants, Mr Mitchell as teacher of art and Miss Chamberlain as musical director. The prospects for a good attendance and a fine school are uncom monly good. The Catholic school will open in several months, soon after the completion of the building ; but no catalogues are yet issued WUeat Market. The Democrat has been informed that 65 cents is being paid in Corvallis tor wheat, due to the cheaper freight on the Oregon PadHc. Wfi arc a'8 informed that the rate of freight from Albany to San Fran cisco will be the same as that from Corval lis. W heat will probably be crossed on the R R bridge from this city by October 1st for San Francisco. There is meat in these facts worth digesting. The present price here is 61 cents, nearly 3 cents more than the Portland market calls for. thit it due to the O P. Several cents will be added to the price of wheat by the completion of the bridge at this city. Home Beesvered. Several week's ago a black horse belong ing to Mr W R Cannon, of this city, be came missing. Mr Cannon began a still hunt f9r it, and a few days ago, one of the men he had sent out found it in faripn county, the man on Syhose farm it was taken claiming to know nothing about it . j ' W until it was captured. (lERCftT KVEHrt. A Prineville man named Perkins sold his band of sheep for $13,000, took one of hit children, left his wife behind hi in and decamped for parts unknown. The Lane county fair begins Sept. 22 nd A round house is to be built at Coburg. on the Narrow Gauge. Eugene City Is to have a system of water works, a sensible move. Gen Flavel, Is the heaviest taxpayer in Astoria. $Qti.o3 arc the figure. The famous. Dr. Tanner, who tried to kill himself fasting forty days, now lives In New Mexico, where he is a member of u society of "Falthists." The first number of the Brownsville eorswe, J H Stlne's new paper at that city, will appear Sept. l0. Mr Stlne was In the city last week and made this office a call. The Dkmih-rat wishes the Informant success. Echo, Eastern Oregon, also has a plucky woman. A midnight intruder went to the residence of Mrs Emma Evans, recently and demanded admittance. On being re futed, he attempted to raise her bedroom window, but received for his paint a shot from a pistol In the hands of the plucky woman. Going away for a time he return ed and repeated the attempt, saying tliat if he could get hold of her he would toon tame her. She then fired again and the Intruder ran. leaving a small trail of bloodt though it Is thought he was not seriously hurt. Experienced bridge makers say the San Uam Is the meanest river to bridge on the Pacific Coast Prof W S Walker, of Brownsville, was in Albany latt Friday. We understand the Prof may start a private school at that place. Latt Saturday night Eugene Uuliidon, a prominent youpg man of San Francisco escorted a Miss Gardner to tjje Mechanics Fair and returned to her home thortly after midnight. Her father was waiting at the door and deliberately shot the young man, killing him almost instantly. The cold blooded and unexcusable murder caused great indignation. Gardner had been drink tog. . John F Swift has been nominated by the Republicans for the Governorship of Call, fornia. He has the wrong name for the race he will make. Joaquin Miller has written a story with the plot laid at Oregon City. This was a very mean thing for Joaquin to do, and we will all get even with him by not taking the book. The first of the week Dr Ketchum and daughter and a Mr Wheeler were crossing the river at Independence when their horse backed their carriage partly off the boah throwing Mr Wheeler into the river, from which he narrowly escaped drowning. ' 'Die remainder of the party were kept out of The water by a tcratch. F C Buell it the new Superintendent of construction on the O P, whom the Demo crat mentioned last week as having been appointed to succeed Mr Gates. The latter gentleman will have charge of the work in the Cascade Mountains. Wheat en Tuesday jumped up to 87 cents in San Francisco. That should mean a raise here. Jack Powers, who murdered Benjamin Cornelius In Portland in 1881, has been pardoned. He was sentenced to hang. This was commuted to a life sentence, and this to nothing. The Portland police made 161 arrests durjng August. 87 of these were for drunkenness. An earthquake occurred along the At lantic Coast last Tuesday night about 10 o'clock, that discounts almost anything In the history of this coast. It reached as far wwt u Chicago. Now, shut up, will you. Again an awful war cloud is hovering over Europe. The largest war of the cen tury is liable to occur. Russia, Turkey, Austria, England, Germany, tV., are mixed up In it, and Bulgaria U the center of at traction. It would be a bonanza for the t. S., but we hope to see H avoided. The terser etsar Lata. On going to press last week we ;ould only give the proposed program of the cere mony of laying the corner stone of the new Masonic Hall at Iebanon, to be the first brick building in that city. The new hall is going up on the west side of Main Street on the property of W B Donaca, and is being constructed by Lebanon Lodge No. 44, and Mr Donaca jointly, Mr D. to occupy the lower floor at a store, the second story to be the Masonic Hail. The contract cost of the building will be $4045. I F Conn is the contractor. The ceremony of giving this new building a start in life proved an inter esting one, and was witnessed by a large number of people. D. G. M'a, D P Mason and D G Clark, assisted bv Dr Maston, George Humphrey and J W Cutick, con ducted the services, which were of the usually imposing nature of the order. 1 1on Geo E Chamberlain, of this city, delivered the oration, pronounced an able effort. The Lebanon Band furnished music for the occasion. In the corner stone there were deposited a historical sketch of the Lebanon Lodge, a GAR register bv F M Miller ; family rpecord by W B Donaca ; family and Ma sonic record by G W Smith ; Masonic records by E Keebler and T L Wallace ; a list of Temple Commandery No. 3't first officers by D P Mason, and a list of first templars knighted in that commandery by Geo E Chamberlain ; the names of the founders of the Christian Knighthood on the N. W. coast by D P Mason ; a list of Patt Matters of St. John's Lodge of thit city by George Humphrey ; a list of officert of St Johns Lodge by Dr Maston ; copy of Daily Herald of August 36 by Train & Whitney ; a 50 cent piece, date 1867, taken f rom old hall ; 10 cent piece by J M Settle 50 cent piece, of i876,by J Overhatzer. " Mure Kales The property opposite the Democrat of nee occupied by os. Webber for severa years, and owned by Mrs. Gird, was sold the first of the week to Dr. Maston for $1700, The brick occupied by Jhos. Brink and the Herald office has been purchased of Mr Jas Dannals by Mr W F Read for 2200. Mr Dannals has purchased the Freeiand property, on which he has been residing, and H F Merrill the McCartney property for $800, corner Ellsworth and Sixth Streets. Sales previous to Sept. 1st, will be found in our list in another column, Mettle. Thofce, of our Brownsville subscribers who are in arrears will find their accounts with O P Coshow and those at Harrisburg with Sam May. Let all settle their ac counts as we need the morusy, tttsAL KftYATIt. Following are the sales of estate in In Linn county recorded in the i'lerk't of fice during the month of August, with the date of record : Con 3. Robert E Moore arid wife to Mar tin Wcrtz. 9 lots In Tangent . . $700.00 a. I I sawyer and wife to Chrittena McRae. acre on A Kirk's DC a. NaotnaJ Wattert to Christens McRae. i-16 acre on A Klrk't D 0 , 425.00 8.00 4. iffniamln llardman and wife to Edward Meyers. 34 87-100 acres in D C Edward Abbott 55-05 5. W B Donaca and wife to A II Andrews. 33x150 feet in Lebanon 1000,00 9. Thos Kay to GJ Moore, 3410 acres in Thos Kay's addition to town of Amelia 300.00 9. J A Hllytu and wife to F M Dunlel'.several lots and parcels of land In Brownsville 170:100 9. W H Warner and wife to N M Rutherford, 66x110 feet in liackleman't addition to Albany to. I) B Monteith te A O Rankin, one lot in Albany, in block 50 11. R F Athby and wife to s s Train. 160 acres, Sec 38, Tp 9, S R 1 W 700.00 300.OO 1 .00 13. P J Baltimore to O C Awbrey, lot 6, In block 14 eastern addi tion to Albany 500.00 13. Thos Reading to Jas Mutchet. 333 acres In Sees i0 and 1 1 In Tp 13 S R 1 W 13. S S Train and wife to R F Ath by. Small piece of land in liar- 3H5 1 .00 1 .00 4750.CO 375000 3350.00 300.00 136.60 15000 80.00 rlsburg 14. Milton Hale and wife to J A Crawford. A piece of land In block 8, Albanv 14. J A Crawford to" W 11 Goltra, lot N E Cor.Plrttand Ellsworth Sts., Albany 17. A I Olin and wife to Amos Nichols. Eighty acre in Tp 1 3, 8 R 3 west 17. Enoch Miller and wife to G W Houck, Sec. To 11 I R a W 19. E W Whipple and wife to Mrs Jane E Carter,one lot In I lackle man's addition to Albany aa S M Gentry and wife to P M Scherer, 13 68-100 acres In Tp if, 8 R a 33. John E Stanton to Animus frodge.80 acres In Tp 1 a 8 R a W 33. R M Coughtll to Emma G Watts. 2 lou in Shedd 34. M Frederick Graf to James V Pipe. 33 feet front north side First St. between Broadalbtn and Ellsworth 300000 34. las V Pipe and wife to Cam. line Graff. 160 a-100 acres In I) C Milton Houston 36. W E Price, E O Hyde and wife to George F Long, 1 10 acres, Tp9,8R3 west............ 36. Geo D Overton to Miranda 430.00 500.00 Wlgle, 3 JO acres. In Tp 14 8 R aw 1O4O.QO 37. Wm E Ncwhouse and wife to Geo E Chamberlain, (0xf3a feet,S E corner Third and Lyon Sts., Albany 37. A Wheeler and wife to W 8 Walker. 3 lota in Brownsville 27. W 8 Walker to Flo-ence E Walkc. same as last 7. PI Baltimore and wife to John aOOO.OO 50.00 550 Morgan, aa feet front on First Street, just east of Meyoe it Robson't 7OUOO 9. V 8 to Henry H Spauldlng one SecinTpi3SRa west . 14. Wm Read and wife to Edwin Wilson. 85O 18-1OO acres. In several parcels 16. R B Knapp and wife to M V Koonta. 4 lots In I lalsey . . . . . 1 a Rebecca Streithoff bv l5 Fro- 5OOO.OO 130000 'man, guardian to 8 M Gentry, 39 73-1OO acres in Tp 11, 8 ft a W 9-7 a&O&CRKCotolll Wlgle. 80 acres to Tp 15 8 R a weal 38. 8 M Gentry to Lurinda E Gen try. 16X14 acre in D L C, Ed ward Abbott to. F M Miller and wife to Adolph Eichmen. 1 7 6a- tOO acre .... 3 J W 81a vrns and wife to Wil. liam AGleason. 16O acres on I lamilton Creek 300.00 i090 175.00 1.600.00 30. J R Baltimore, W II Raltton, and Wm Ralston, Referees, to PJ Baltimore. Lots 3 and 4 Block 1 14 Hackleman's addition ft, Oregon 1 C R R to Ernest Wendt. 4 acres in Tp 1O8 R 1 E 80000 80 00 A first-class restaurant man from Port land has rented the first floor of Chat Pfeiffer't new brick, and, when completed, will place in it a restaurant complete In all It details. The lower room is being fitted up with this object in view. Mr r M Redncldia refitting his store, next west of 8 E Young's, recently occu pied by C II Spencer, and will toon fill it with a stock of groceries. - Mr Shane, son of T A Shane, of the City Dry Goods Store, has just opened a second hand store and repair shop just west of Mr Redfield's store room. Mr Morgan, recently from California, last week purchased twenty-two feet off the west end of P J Baltimore's place, jutt east of Devoc Si Robson't, and will immediate y build a two story frame on iL The lower story he will use for a grocery store, which intends starting, the upper floor Is to be occupied by Mrs Morgan at a millinery store. 4 Business Itl The firm of Wil'. Brothers, gunsmiths and sewing machine agents, located at At bany and Corvallis, is one of the most en terprising in the Valley. It has worked up an enviable reputation in its line, A visit to their store at either place will exhibit the nature and extent of their business, They carry a complete line of the best makes of guns and all kinds of fire arms, as well at ammunition, etc., which will soon be in great demand, and we hear it remarked that in this line at both places they offer uncommonly good bargains. If you want a sewing machine, and of course you do, you can find It of them. They are agents for the principal machines, and have them always on hand ready for sale. The Domestic, New Home, White, Davis, are among those on their list. The firm of Will Brothers is composed of accommodat ing, enterprising gentlemen, whom it Is a pleasure to refer to. A Big Petals Item. The potato crop in Linn county, as well as in the Valley generally, is uncommonly small this year, resulting in high prices $1.00 retail and 75c, wholesale being paid. With such figures staring the editors of the Democrat in the face it may be imagined that Mr. C. C. Hamon, of the Santiam bottoms, was greeted with pleasure, when on Wednesday of this week he presented this office with twenty -six Peerless "spuds," a gift not to be "sneezed" at when it is known that they averaged almost exactly two pounds apiece, several of them weigh ing three pounds, the twenty-six potatoes making almost a bushel in weight. The yield on Mr Hamon's farm was uncom monly large, while in other parts, of the county it was small, offering a good thing for him- From seven acres he will get from 1 000 to 15OO bushels. Asa contrast we hear of one farmer who dug only seven. huahels from, an acre, I MB AIMie F M French, jeweler, Ik btgsn raining yesterday. Mason's wheel gate it no humbug. The ltt harness fib J .1 D.i braille. For stnvnt and tin wsra tent an to Jnhn Hriggt. J. P. Wsllaoe, Pliysioltn and Surgeon, Al bany, Or. Go to Cole's oiroat this sf ternoon. ft 1 1 a big thing. For pumps, pipet an I h-isv at oust un to John a)rirgt. Albany Cuttom Mills fl Mr it it m l k DrownttU'e. Old silver it worth 85o. par o in trade .t F V Cartsr'e. 100 bo oars for thsO P si rived in Cm. vsllit last week. A Chinese wedding nviuurrml iu ('.. vllm a few dayt ago. Tne tkiet hsvt been nd evenings (rem burning ttrsw ttaekt. Last week Barkhart A Keeney efiTweted ata ealee of eity property. J A Csutborn list leaesd the wsrehoutte along the 0 P for this eeaton. Call at Read k BroneU'teud gt s chunk of dried beef 1 it is dulieioot. The steamer "Yeoalna'' arrived at the Bay on Wednesdsy morning Six thavee for a dollar and oh an low i erery customer, at L. Vteriek'e. We bslieve the Mtson gets is just whst ftriusrt want. It it a good thing. Kvery one whe aeea Maaon'e gate utile it the beet ever iutroduoed in Oregon. Whst Albany needs now it woolen nulls, frail canning etUbUthmfntt, eta. For a general assortment of house famish, ing goudsat cost go to Jwho Brigge. Fylee Petri in can't K beat for washing s yea eaa get it at Read k Brownetl a, iMt Tueedsy a sou of Mr Oroyer, a little ever a year of age, dfhd from croup For the beat eon feotionry, thtc3n, gro. oerise, etc,, oali on Huffman It Pfetffer. A large invoice of shots to arrive this week from Boston at Read BrowneH'a. For a floe pair of spectacles or eye glasses fhrap oall at F M French's Jewelry Store. Key J W Harris, of Salem, preaehed iu the Congregational Church last Sabbath . When it comes to putting oarpets togHh. er and dowa Johnny Usher is the man for it. 8oese Brownsville hop pickers msde a strike the first of the week fur higher wag. F M Preooh, agent Mmr Manafaotaring Co., opposite Odd Feilowe Temple, Albany, Or. Pick np that old gold jewelry and have it luto a nice goiu ring at r W Crtsi's Kvery store room io Albany is now rented. A tour of inspection falls to reveal ao exeep. nun. A correspondent of a P rtland paper says Ai the O P ofltose will mt be removed bany. Dr. M. E. Ellis, pbytieUn surgeon oity or Aireay, Oregon. Cti made in country. We hear that Mr Mattoon is doine well with his gate in the northern oert of the eoanty. The State ffCTU iionratieil in Corvaibs last Tueaday and will close this (Friday) evening. James Elk ins baa arrived in Lion ,untv with a band of bet see direct fceea his Beaver A splendid line of fancy and plain window adee at W Porlmiller k Cos. Call and slippers for lad'sa. ieeee. ohudreu and infanta, at Moototth 4 HelUn bach's. If you want to make s handao oe nrestnt get one of thuee Rssao rocker at W Fort rather k Co a. J B Fabian and C H ffi--. ..f p .rthuul will toon start the Aitfy 4Vig Prrsi 00 the fieK of joaraaiiatn. (Jo to Frusbsw't u-w Urn St f.,r dmgs, patent .nwUct.tes, etc I'.c i.,,u oaiwf ally eompoondsd. Fee rent barn io g.Kl umjiu w, near Klkwoesh and 4th iitvmu. Fr ur- ticalart oall at tins utttee. When yon weal a seat fit ia the shoe line oall at Haed it Brown!!' and they can sett yeu botft in quality and prtoe. Bee K J Thompson, President of the Cot-I-K-. will continue to preach at .Hiara Hsb bathe, at least for the present. The present indications are that only the Hoek A Ladder Co, will go to galeut as a body frwu this eity, next week. Cast S J Canning is making arrangements to eadd two residences tn the eastern uart of the city. This is a good example. John bViggt has en hand three Plommer Fruit Dryers which ne will sail at leas than Ocas. They are toe beet in the market. letter front Wm Deoney. of Equity. Kansas, shows a strong desire on the part of Billy" to return to Albany Moos he will do 00. Call at F M French's jewelry store and (et your eye tested, by one of the ttn-st Telescopic festers ' in the State. Vrc of mUT'je. O. W Maston, Phytteiaa and Surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of the (vltlflttttsU College of Physicians and Surgeons, iv, ,. nasi, Ohio. The pastorate of the Conaresationai Church, to this city, hat been offered to Rev Roeainger, who presetted here several Sal bathe recently. The Bee F H Poet will hold services to St. Peters Kpiaoopal Church, next Sunday, September 5th, morning ami evenieg. A t are inviww 10 attend. T L Dagger, parser of the "Three Sisters" injured one of his shoulders a few days ago, seriously enough to necessitate the carriage of hit arm in a sling. Barkhart k Keeney sell tickets over the Northern Pacific Rail Road to all points east. Call on them for rates and mspt showing route of travel. Senator Irvine is securing the right of way for the O P from Albany ten or twelve milts east. Lion county farmers are proving rea sonable ones on the subject. The regular monthly meeting of the Al bany C L 9 C will be held next Mnndtv evening at the residence of Rev S (i In iue. Ail members thou Id be present. Should you desire to sell your orooirtv oall on Barkhart k Keeney aa they advr.ip . 1 1 . . ' . a property piaceu la molt nanus, au4 oltv j-o nothing unless they effect a sale. The special delivery system cross into use tn every poet oraoe in tne u S on Oct. 1st, e . a. eta s instead ot sept let, as stated by the Demo chat and many other exchanges lsst week. Rev C B Davis of this city hn shown us a petatoe vine that grew in hit garden that measures six feet and a half long. What is uncommon it produced a fair snooty of uo tetoet. C A Cole, formerly of the Gazette, and W R Struble, a well known Portland newsna- per man will start a new paper ia Corvallis on Oct. let. Somebody is liable to be squeezed. An old, unoccupied house belonging to Mr J ft tvastmsn, ot retereoa s Butte, together with some fencing, were burned last Satur day, the building catching from some bam ing rubbish. 127 immigrant direot fro-n Misouri. ar rived io Portland last weik. ' N i doubt tha Beard of Immigration fixed the n out and sent them into gieen pttturet vitn onoti gates tor t tie in. Attention aU to tha iam-Mnoa ad. J C Powell in another 0 damn. Farmers de siring te insure their property iu an absolute iy tafe company, at reamnable rates, should call on Judge Powell. W F Read, the grocery man has a sample sweet potatoe in hit store of his own raisin" that weighs two and a half pounds. He tayt they are as nice and pa lata bio as any raised in vamoruia. Will K Peek, special agent of Hole's cir cus, wss in Albany Tuesday.. Ph nircus will be here to-dsy (Friday) and wiU show afternoon and evening. The Portland papers speak io high terms of it. Last Saturday merning Mr F M French Jterformed the circus apt of bringing his in ured horse to Albany on a dray, a distance oi about four miles, the horse steading dur ing the ride as if on duty. A tramp stole a paokage of tobacco from Hoffman k PfeifTor's last Monday ; but was uattght immediately sfUrwsr Is and made to rttorn the article, H msde Himself scarce fWards in shott metre. .-. - - ' Boston Conservatory of Mustu will have tkurm of the musical departnmni of the Al- bany Collegiate inttitute. Tne Institute proposes to be complete in its work. Read the article on "Crater Like," on our first pane, written by a I, inn oouuty gentle- man. It gives an unprejudiced and clear statement iu reference to the iako and sosn ery, now famous, to a certain extent. Read L F Blain'e new ad o , our sf coud page. Mr Hlaiu's ntw stoett is uncom mm , Urge, is well selected ami e m be lehed on for quality and price. Hi .Ure ,. a model one and should be vistd by those wanting to be fitted out with clothing, laridshfng goods, hate and h.ts and shoes. I) I) llauklomao says ww did tart dee his' no ird of threshing for the season correct in our isst issue llo had a twenty live and three fourths days run and throsned 33.0U0 btiihwU, 'AX h.-iug wheat au I hMXXJ be- 1 4 eats. His best days run was 1850 both el. Tn - DanofiRAr's notices of the "scrubs" who recently uame from Corvallis, or some thing eles, probably the latter, resulted io their leaviug a few days ago for other tields. We sbeeid keep our city free from tbie class of (seople. , Mr Ant Mtrshal! received lat weok the liuett oab in this part of Oregon. It is au elegaut pieoe of work and I. n attracted considerable attention. He wth ate it io his business and will generally lie al the depot with it. Send Barkhart A Kuey nmm and ad lr !- of friends desiring !uforiiitioa of Ore gon aud they will send them ooptee of the IfeiU t'Mute (Jonpeyor which oon'-toit a eoin- pleto disurtptioa of one county in each issue with rather desirable lolorrastiou as weather, market report, ete. The gloomy fears, dsspon ling views, and weariness, that many complain of, would disappear were the blood Made pure and beal' tiy h.dere reaching the delicate vessels of the brain. Ayer's dUrtsptrilla purities and vitalises the bio td ; thus promoting i.ealtb of t. .ly and sanity of mrad. Mr I Phtlilpi, who recently brought II M Myites aod three or four others freeJ Califor nia, informs us that Mr Syk and party purnhseed 460 acres of land We miles west of Salem, paying $8000 fer it Mr Poillipt nas rvntsd a place at the outskirts of the eity and intends making tbte bis home, Ayers Ague Care, wheu used according to direction, is warranted to eradicate from the system all malarial diseases, eucb as fever and ague, Chili fever, 1 iitermitteot, Uemittsnt, and Bilious fevers, and disorders of the liver. Try it The experiment will cost yon nothing if a ours is not fleeted. Last Monday a party of surveyors, under Kugtneer Kokleeon, left for Lake Pyne. formerly Big Lake, in the Cascade Moun tains, from which point tbey will clear the way and surrey the O P road west to the point already surveyed. Test is another emphatic indioattou of the present plaa to push matters 00 to Betae City. Men of busies sea, eoooonvsts, bankers aod maoafaetarers sboold reed lira ltrtit, weekly journal of trade, finance, aod pub lic economy. Sixteen pagee every Saturday, oftentimes twenty pages, sometimes twenty, four pages. Only five dollar a year. Spec imen comes will be sent free np'io applana tion . The Bradetrset Company, Car. First aod Pine Sts., Portland, Oreoo. Monteith ft Keiteaibach, ef this city, have a braoea bouse at Spokane Fails, which will be under the charge ef Mr 8ei ten bach, who is now ia Han Pranciseo, baying goods. We eom mend this firm to the peo ple of Spokane Pal la. Tbey have wsraed np a fine business in Albany, and are bound to do the same with their Spokane house. We oall attention of oar readers to the adv. of the Yaquina Mail, pubiishd st Newport, Or., w inch tbey will find in an other column. It is a paper well worthy of their support. It ta the representative pa per of the By, the best loosi ptper pjbiteb ed there. It is clean in tone sad matter and it constant' y advocates every interest tha. tends to oVyslepe the urautry sad help the producing elaesea. We sbojld be pleas ed to eee it in every family in the valley as it richly deserves yoor petrcoag", Su.Ucribe for it and keep petted en what ia gatag on m the Bay country. lr Carver's sppearanoe here FriJev, Sent. 3rd with W W Cole's circus, will be the last opftonnnrttee to see this eelelwaAe-d marktmso ia thit oily, ss he lis rfectod all arrangsmente to take hie ' Wild Want' corahioattoa to Karope, opening- in Loadou next October. Such an enterprtatng orater taking involves, of course, soma Financial nek, bat Carver has received eo much en couragement from prominent men of the Kuroiwan countries, that hs fee's etaguiu of hrtllunt saooese. tie ha Already aa established reputation in Kurou, hiving de featad all ths crook ehot daring bis sojourn there a few years ago- si, ft- Apaatntateni. Following are the appointments for the Eugene District : Presiding Elder S P Wilson. AlbanyH P Webb. Ashland Walton Skip worth. Browntvllte J M Sweeney, eorvallls J T Wolfe. Dallas Martin Judy. Drain G M Dimmitt. Empire City I rod Richardson. Eugene City A C Fairchild. Grants Pass John Mclntlre. iacksonville Circuit W P V. illiams. Clamath Indian Mission --To be supplied. Lebanon To be supplied. Lowell To be supplied. Monroe r r Roval. Rocburg J W Miller. Shcdd and Halsev N M SUipworth. Kpringfteltl Robert Booth. WilburEdward (ilttins. Y equina Bay Wallace Hurlhurt. Following are some of the Portland Dihtrict : Presiding Elder W S Harrington, D D. East Portland L D Driver. Hubbard W T Chapman. Jefferson W T Van Scoy. Oregon City B E Case. Salem M C Wise. Salem Circuit J H Wood. Sclo C Aiderson. Turner B R Freeiand. Newspaper Pas . Mr C A Cole has been retired from th,e Corvallis Gaxdte, and W 11 Parry takes b place. Before stepping down Mr Cole managed to slip a supplement in the paper last week, in which he slashes right and left aa it were, among other things stating that both the Gazette and Leader are o.vned by Col Hogg, and advises the readers of the former not to patronize it. In it he in timated that he would start another paper solidly Republican In a short time. All this business is first-class fun for Oregon exchanges. Kit ted. Last Wednesday several boys were play ing on a car at wells station, and were running it down grade when one of them a son of Mr. Kemp, the original owner of the "Topsy," fell off the front end of the car and was run Qver. belmr killed almost instantly . Oexl tNinfereace. The next annual Conference of the M E Church South will bz held at Weston on the 15th of September, Bishop Keener, pre siding. t' For Hole. One block in West Albany, good house, barn and other improvements. Will eel! easy terms, inquire as this office. The finest Una of ngs at Woodin's, window cornioe mould I ecxMUL Ann rrraaaar.. f K F, 80a, of Seattle, is in the eity. un t tl t. . v : . n I V " " fa ' Y"h ?y. at uregon City. . f , y"Ji Curtis, of Aslofis, wss M Albany nays ago. Dr RC Hill, aa octogenarean, is lying ill hi hom " tni Miss Sadie Cohen returned the first v the week from a visit to Portland, J N Daeoso and 8 A Johns havs formed a law partnership at Prineville. R Jacobs has moved from Sodaville to Albany, and will make this his home. Kv Q M Whitney, father of the IhmUV, jif . w Aliseoy sweT SSZSk. , . , , . w A' A' w1'. tornierly of Albtuy, new ""V'" southern reeiflc, U iu . . . I . MoM w k la Bigeoa u legs , nf ' rn Attorneys in sa Mis Ha .llllim of tilts Cltv hdtla.t SUlne. day to attend the Sisters Sehool at Salem the coming winter. . Mr Rslph Fisher rHawed 1st. S iturdsy pram ins uscd Hraur.b of the fl P, whure he has Iteen sever! wK Merrill Fish, of this eity. left Itr Browns, villa the first of the weak to seoept potitioa on ths new Brownsville paper. Misses Lilian and Kste He.'U .a, of Sslem, are visiting in .h . ccy. the gueets of their eister, Mr f L Wallace. W B Rioe, traveling eg-.-1 of the 0 t re. lumen ironi s taooeasTal business Southern Oregon, lest .Saturday. trip to J O Wright man and family rets road last Friday from a trip to Eastern Oregon, where Mr W. bat stock interests. The Misses Spriggs returned to their home in Salem Saturday, aooompenied by Mtse Kits Stitee, who will visit in that city two or three weeks. Mr J F Circle and wife, of Priceviiio, arrived in Albany ht week, sad have been lbs guests of M:s Order parents. Mr and Mrs Joe Clark. N. If. Allen arrived home Wadeeedey evening. Already new goodo are putting io an sppeersooe, Lxk out for a big stock sad Irst class bargains. Mr George McKnigbt oaase over the mountains a few days ego. from the Oohoco country . bringing hand of fine work horses, which be will diepoee of. Walter Kstehotn, E W Langdoe, W It Scott, J J Dnbrnflte. Ed Zya aod Prank Ketchum rotor nd last Snrdy from a McceesfuJ jreeWe trip to Fish I the. Last Tuesday evening surprise reception was given Rev and Mr K N Condi t, at ths residence of D G Clark, aa a svnd off 00 their departure to their new home st Tarn ers, tbey already nsving bmtod there. Mrs Itobt Davis received a telegram on Fndav of last week sonooooing the dangar 00s illness of bar daughter in Calif...!,, and took the first train for that State, leaving at noon. Miss Darby, who baa been visiting ie Al bany for some time, the guest of Mr Thos Hopkins, left last Monday for her home at Arlington. A pleasant party was given ie her honor at Mr Hopkins lsst Sa turday evening Oeo I Fester returned to Albany last Monday after sn abseoee of several months, much improved in health. While goes hs took up s ranch in Idaho, and rusticated for s while, just previous to hit return, at Fort Stevens. At Churchill, of Corvallis, was in Albany Friday, Mr Churchill retired from the Ootetu j i.t before the evaUaebesod intends g ong into the stock basinese ia E istern Oregao We judge from thie that the young isdtes of Corvalli hive not dove their daty. Yesterday morning J J Chatlton, Stephen Fhan, Oeear Maxwell, and John aod David Ijv, left, at aoneaoeed ia oar loot issue, for the East, to attend school. Mr farl too. in addition tn lb . regular far years emiree will spend thrre years preporaK ry for toe ministry. A resrfnl tart oak r We. lore. lay night a tremendont earth S a aa.Wa m - . ' m quee esraca v oru.i . Ky resulting is the death of sixty per out and the d.atn e- tion of amt $10,000,000 worth of pro pert r. le-, ing only about 100 habitable harases. Wewikar. Mum .nary of Meteorology for Aug, 1S0S, from oWvatiooe token at Albany, Lion Co, Oregon, by John Highest Har. 39 93 ; lowmt, 29.68 ; 20.73 Highest Temperature, 03; lowest 33 mean, 05. M Moon at 7 o. m., 59 ; 2 p, ss., 80.17 ; 9 p. nv., 66 95. Prevailmg winds, N. k 8. Maximum velocity force, 1. Total rainfall and melted anaw arins month, a inches. Number of days on which .01 ineh er man rain fell, 0. K umber of days of cloudiness, average 9 in scale of 10. 10. Of 93 observations 23 were ekm ly, t to r 47 of ear, 4 smoky, i ovwroset, 9 hazy. Wort tavoftlrsg At- Mr. A. B Mcllwein has just iWrod ot Ms store the lorgeet and beet stock of car pete, oil cloth ond wall paper ever brought to Alliaoy. Ths qatiity and designs of hi. u irpeu are wn snrptssoo. un OOOOUUt oi hi iarge st .c h 1 will o4Vaelf any noose in ainony. it you would see o ttrtt-clsse line of gKds cdl and see hie stock of esrpota, oil cloth. aavt iaU PMstr. This is busimos. Will Bros, have -received a lorire tot of shot gnus and rifles from the Bast and will oelt them at Portland prions. Wheat, 01 eta. Oats, 38 eta " " "a"""" from two d liars ap at W Fort- oiiller k CVs, Tbe Very Best. I haye added to my hoot one) saoe atock a line of the celebrated haird, SeAober k MiteJiell, PhUadeirfa fin Shoe for ladies, misses ond ohildrsn. Acknowledged by dealers generally to be the best va ae and nest attiug nue thee made. Widths C. D, K, and EE. A ehild oan buy aa cheap as a man. Sam r il K. Yov? o, So!e Agent, Albany, Orngon. 1 I'll ii ii W mmw PotTtiSiso, Or., March 25th, 1880. Having tried the effects of the onoen t rated extract of Oregon KlelQey Tea we cheerfully bear wltneoN to itelienefl clol agency in attentions of the dljfootlve organs, It la simple, note and aura ; Is easily tokeu, and restores healthy vitality to the organs it is Intended to operate upon w h u ossurea suooesa. 8. J. MOVORMIOX, editor "Catholic Seati tel." "Woers Baby was siek, ws gavo ker Carter la, Whoa the was a Child, she eried foe Casbwia, When she became Miss, she dang to Gael aria, Whoa she had Children, she gar them Csstoria, itaitN. AWBREY. On Aug. to the wife of Dr O C 5tht in this city, Awbrev s son." CUSICK On Aug 31st, 1886, to tie wife of J W Cufciok, 10 this city, a boy. PAYNE On Sept. 1st. 1886, to ths wifs of Nun rod Payne, near Albany a boy, DAVIDSON Oa Aug. 29th, 1886. to the wife of Wm David? on. in Harris: ura a girl. on MKD. WLjILB Near Hairitburg, oa Aug 1SSG, Mrs, P. W. Wioli, one or county's most respected oitiaens. 13th. Linn r-mmf New Clothing. A. B. Mollwaln he just rect-lved U fall and winter atocL .r etothlng, wi rfd embraces all the latent ety lee at, 1 novel ties. He propose to giv bargains h tbls line not equalled b the VaMey. ," v staple and nobby sulm call on him. : i.ot buy befor j examining his xnpl i line of clothing. CLOAKS 1 CLOAKS I CLOAKS ! Samuel E. Yonn invito attr tion to his larre toi k of F ILL U WINTER (X0AKH and WKA1 wbieb he ha iast received from the manafertnrers iu the fa HU Htofk this Fail will be tm more complete than e?er. as Uins many NOVELTIES In th tfoods. He aleo ha a la? line ie of MI8HES antir'ULDKEN'S f'LOAK i. fhene 0LOAKH are bow on exbibt tion at his store, and are oflVred at extremely LOW PKICEm. SAMUEL E. V01M , First 8treet. Alhanf. ' esw - T. e . rr . . ... ine ueixn notoi m Immu oaiotaS order to be up with the Wnite Ibmse i have a genuine bine room. n 1 A tier lie Miiotala it imparted to tha kidneys and bladder by Uoetettor'aWoniacb Biltere, vhicli In most useful in overcoming torpidity of these organs. Besides Is-foelng moro ao tlvity leto thera, this excellent tonte en dows tbetn with additional vigor, and en ables tbem I be bettor te undsrtro tha wear and tear of tha diacharging function Impeeed npo;t them by natun. Moru- over, aa they are lbs chann-l tor tha es cape of certain impuritaa from h ot . increases inetr ueefulness bv e r tton ing and bamltbfally atimuSatini. I in certain morbid condbions of the-n i in nor taut organs, they fall into a King mih sU . wiiinn is tha usual iwrcnraor f diovM.. What then can be of grotfr fwrvtcf. tni-i a madfetne which Imnsia ihem to - ra:- r activity when slothful ? No malad y are wore perilous tban thoae whi -h ff .n t;ie kldueva, and a medicine wbicb averts the peril should ue highly estomed. Mr Dee Barker, of Waterloo. bs errat d this site of the depot a roundabout teg for eircus day. Campilas statu 1-. Complete camping ontrj.e, consiati:! ; 1 cots, folding chairs, foldiag tables, ete.. jnt me tnmg, st w. Fortmiller k (Vs. SH 4e4NMeUpe A. B. Mcllwein has a laree and well eeleei ed stock of new goods, as tine ss ever brmcl . a aa . . - . - 1 to Aibooy. uril on him and make eon t stb tseaa from Hie tret riant stock. 10) hothela of caaronal tKaStted immr lia'e iy at Hoffman k Pfeiffer's. It ia time to get your spring bead aprj A. B. Mcllwain hoe a stocs f bats of (otoss styles, which every man should tminc before baviav. NEW ADVERTIiSEMOl FIRE INSURANCE. All kinds of farm property, vj . : . : . ' lags. Hay. Grain. Hops, fruit, Li v. Htoca. Farms Machinery , K.r.n l -apis ment. Household Furuhurt, FmH' Provisions. Wearing Apptrel, Wseons, harness. Musical Inetr; aod Books, insured against loon b; lisbtMiou in reliable Cora pan ". Uaaae paid in full. J. C Powaux, Agent, Albany, Oregon. SOMETHING UNDER THE SUN. A newpsper spocisUy dee tod to th n to rests oftbo prtxlurina claws oou tavs development of sueh intesta ana industries as the peopie are directlv intervened in and bmeflt ad by . Sustain Those Whs Benefit lou, THE VAQUIKA MAIL -Published at NEWPORT, 0 aa i glees yon all the point a of ii.t gord to the opening of this new 01 Koote ond will keep yon odv- ; important tronaactionsia the B w r It !n the beet owd mot roHab! papr pubHshfwi in Hen ton Friee radneed Ire S2 PER YEAR IN ADVA j Send for ample espy ond special oC . ro. Toko your reodinc muter frma 10 placo froHCuwhioh you obtain the t-rcot. ret good. Address THE PHELPS CO. Newport, rer 5m3 Notice for Publimtioii. Land Ofkh r ai Kosebi August X5 n Notice Is hereby given that toe ing named settler boo filed Mattes iutention to make final pr' I or bio olafm, and that said nrrmr mode before the Clerk of tbo Court of Linn county, Oregon, at Or., ou Saturday, October Vtii. 1 -Jobn S Sinclair, pre-eup:ion U 5319 for the N. E. M of Seo. 1:4, Tp I wost, W, M, He aouies the following wit .: prove his continuous residence in i cultivation of, aoid land, vis: Hod son, T A Kigge, Joseph Stew; Crow ford, all of Mabel, Linn ocui CHAS. W. JOHNS notice of Straet Impro?8.S3nt ;:. Notice is hereby given that at '-- 1 xt regular meeting of the Common-of the City of Albany, Linn ouumy. KSi : to be hold Tuesday the 14th dy of rt r, 1886, at 7 o'clock, p. in.. ski.I Co . zu uttt - order the following stieet improro i o. . - to be made by the property owners adjct-nt thereto to-wit 1 That the owner or owners of tote 1, '2 and 3 iu Mnva 4j, repair ins tidewolk on the n-Tth of sai.1 !t 1.2 and S, in block c43. That the owner or owners of lots 'J. ana o iu oluu 44, t pair ths sidewalk on the north line of said lots 2 ond 3 in bl ck 44. That the owner or owners of lot 1. 2, 3 and 4 in black 36, r pair tha sidewalk 00 the north h lots 1, 2, 3 ond 4, in black 36, that the owner er owners of Idock 40 bnild a new sidewalk on the east line of block 40. By onler of the Council mado AaorasK 27th, 18S6, Albany, Or., Sept. 1st. W6 N, J. Hk-xroy, Oitv Kruwuer.. K FURNITURE GO TO WM. FORTMILLER &G0'S. FULL UNE OF UPHOLSTERED GOODS. UNDER TAKING K SPECllALH. FOR BARGAINS IN