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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1886)
SB t nareh HMHir U. r.Cmrncii.' rreachingorery Sabbath, morning and evening by Be v. V. G. lr vine, b. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 IS M freyer meeting every Vr.luesrUy evoning. Kvawoelicxl Chusch. ---Preaching on Sab teth at 10,80 a. at., and 7 P. A. Sabbath School 10;00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 7:30. S. K. Davis, pastor. All are invited. OOHO RKOATtoMAt. C&V RCH. Servicesever Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:16. Prayer meeting oa Thuraday evening of each weak. M. E. Church, Sotmi. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'olock A. M. Prayer meeting every Thuraday evening at 4.30 o'clock. F. M. Celp, Paator. M. K. Ciu-rcuSouth.Tanorst. lrech. ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. m. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock . r. M. V. M . Culp, Paator. M. E. Cause ii. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song eervioe in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 r. ml Prayer meeting every Thura day evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, paator. P ricsb tt k r i a n Church. Sarvica every Sabtath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbin aad Fifth Sta Sunday School immediately after tho morning aervice, Prayer meeting every Wednesday oveniug. Rev E 11 1'ritohard, paator. First Baptist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 1 1 o'olock a. bl, at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after raoruiag services. Praver meeting e ery Thursday evening at '7:30 o'olock. T U Brownaon, paator. Oregonffcaciflc Aailroad uly Popular K oute, ver 1 icturesqutllangos, Fine tlas I Sure comiecllon ! Mew equipments I 9S5 mllee ahonci ! 20 tioura least time I Accommodations uoaurpaaaed for com fort and safety Fares and freight much UH than by any other route between all pointa in the Willamette Valley and San Fraoolaoo, ONLY ROUTE TO THAT POPULAR SUMMER RESORT, - YAQUINA BAY. Where for moderate expenaea you can enjoy Bnrf Bathing, Beach for driving and walking, Fishing in river and brooks, Deep Sea fishing, Hotels and better accommodctlonn, Than at any other Summer resort oa the coaat of Oregon. Daily faasenger trains exceft S todays. Leave Corral lla at 2 r. x. Leave Ye qulua at 7:10 A. M, Oregon A California West Side tralna connect at Corvallla. Oregon A California. East Side trains connect with stages at Albany at I&05 P at. Round trip tkkete at excursion rakes good till Septembei 30tb. FINE Al S. S. YAQUINA CITY. sailing daies rmoM tjuji is. Taaaday, Jb Bstanlsy. July 17 ib. Thurdsv, July Tossdsjr, Au. loth, aaadsy, Aug. itud. "CM SAX FKASCtSCO, MotiuAy, Julr inn Kridsy. July ard. WsdsMstsy. Aua. 4th. Holiday. Aug-. 16th. iurujy, Aug. SMB. Fares, -Rail and cabin, f 14 Rail and ataerage, f9.88. For information apply to . UOi.1 I . A. O. F. sad P. Agent, CerrsUie, "overland to cauforniT -VIA- Oregon & California R. K, AND CONN Kt -I IONS. Tlaae las aad ae-kalf slaya. Fare from Portland to San Francis , Sag ; to Sam. aaaato, Ck onuectiina mad st Aablsnd w U stsges of tbs Cililoruis, Orvgon and Idaho Stag Compsajr. (DA1I.T EXCEPT SUM 'A VS.) SJaat f.lcleat Uloe. SETWECS roKILAXB) A.B ASHLA!k. Mail Train. lea vs. aaarrs, Portlaad. 730 a a I Albany 11:46 A a Albsny r M I AahlsMt 4:16 A 8 Aahlaud t J T m 1 Albany 11:46 A a Albsay leWra Portland ,4:26 r a Aiaaay Train. ULAva. Portland 4:00 rs Albany 3&ra Lsbsn o 4.46 a a Albany J, JO a m Arvs. Albany 814 ri Albany Portland. ..5:29 a a Mil PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS daily between Portland aod Aahlan. The O and (' K ii Kerry makes connection with all the regular traine on the of r ear. Hide lhvislou from foot Wast Baae mvlstea. BETWEEN rwKTL4Vjs Ajs ;oStVALLlA, Stall Train. uurs aaaira Portland 70 A a I Corrallia 185 r U CorveJli 1.0 r a Portland 4:16 r At Corrallie cntect with tiain ct Oregon Pacific for Yaqcina Bay. Express Trsln LBAVE. ARSITB. Portland.... 4.60 r n I McMinnviUs AM r a McMmneUle vi." a m Portlsnd 9:W A a Local ticket lis-sale and buiwe ehecktd at com pany up-U.wn oificst, Cor. Urk and Heoond Htreei. Tlsfcete fUr prlnciusl nob.1 in California can only be procu red and hsfgsgs cheeked at Company's office, Corner V and IH. . Portland Or. Prehrht will not be received for hirroent after Are o'clock j . in. oa either the Eset or West Hide Iri virions. B. KOKHLEK, IbaaaBsr, E. P. BOOER8, O. F. aPsasAirent. O. K, WOLVBBTOW, O, H, IBVXBB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW pfOHie op stairs InJFro man's Brick ALBANY, OREGON. OA USAGE MILLS, We have a meat cutter that i as much mo improvement over the old faabloned sausage mill as J. I. Case Agitator is over a flail. It don't clogaml leaves no strings ' th meat. Come and see It, WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THfe BEST COUGH CURE that the world ha iver produced, Br. Il nt vy Coairh Cars hs not sn equal on he face of thi globe. I 'halleng-e the world for 41,000 to produce any ouk'Ii prepru on, now in the market to beat it n promptness in curing Juugti or Cold. Mothers Ukethe ad vice of an old pioneer of .17 years on tie Ct : "Don't run the rUk oi our own life or your hiidrn on eiifar anu water, it ha sent thou 4iiU to their Inn-' home, Yva will ttnd more vir tue in one of these small bottle than in s pint of M8B0B aetata mixtures. There . is one thing very rue. 'if vu don't kill the jouirh the cough is fcure -o, kill you. Be are or the Irasfe mark The a-ale n itue bottle. WIIOLRSALK AOEf TS. MH! HlilTMHD A Woapw.tBB, FjKXLahu, orkoon. iM MA V. J. G. MENDERS MAY SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARfJSBURG - - - - CRECCN Will fo Grain, Woal and all kinds Red CrownMills IS0M, LAN XING & CO., FR0PR'8. (KW rROCKM FLOOR SUPERIOR VOH rAMlLIE AMI BAKERS ORB. BEST STORAOK FACILITIES. Highest ;Pric in Cash fc Wheat ALBANY OR. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of allkindsof merchandise. All ordera from the oountr? filled on short notice for every olsaa or kind of good from flret-olaea atook. Absolutely no charges or oonmlsalon will be obarged or Ailing ordera, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At I. Y. Prentice's, Portland, Or n ARM DOOR HANGINGS, Are always breaklug, unleae yon bava the kind sold by Patera A Stewart, of -banv. Tbey are made ot wrought iron cannot Jump the track and will last a t te time. Don't hang another barn door un til you have aaan bein. H AKDWAKKUF ALL K1MW, I Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, picks shoveU,Hpadea, forks, grim'stones, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, ana ainmsi everything vou want, can be had cuean for cash liters Wtewart. (MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE JIade Otaly af ttoe llnt an t fceatqn:. ity of ajtaaa far wiUtatsuattina; beat. Every rood thing" Is Counter feited, and oonawuners are) CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS of these) Chimneys made of VERY POOR OLASS. See that the exact label is oa each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and aright Glass. H anorectal red OXLY hjr GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. PlttaasartrBi lm& Cilaaa Wsrki. FOB BAla BY DBALHRa Landreth Winter Wheat. Sowed 4 lbs io fall of '82. While other wheat was frozen oat this was not affected. It u not surpassed by any variety in aardi- viaor of arowth, atitfoeaa and length of itraw, Ireedoni from rest, productiv aod milling quality. The grain is large, plump, light amber in color and hard, yield ing the tiiiest hour. Hipens two or three weeks earlier than other grata. Will have a limited quantity of this famous wheat for sale for seed wheat for $1.25 a bushel, 4 ol Eastern price, 42c. a quart by mail, post paid. Parties wishing to aee the wheat growing can do to by catling at my place 1 mile 8 K of Tangent. A. L. Dbidoevabmeb, Tangent, Or, DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTS IM; LINIMENT, IS THE BOSS OF THK WOULD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT OX RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nervous headache cured in three minutes Toothache in three neeonds. for all ftins ml ach'.-s it has no cqnnl in the world Hmall bottle. I . WJC'l. I . irfr bottle, ft . roli sale;" One half block tn eastern part of the city with fair house s'.d barn will be sold cheap NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Voo an allows a ftr trial cfthi una tt Dr. Iv'tf jcU-nr i ! Vul lK trl; w-nufty At'l H 'HlCiS t rrllr-f u.-,d icrinanfnt ctircof AVcnoi Of Vitality snl Muntuxyl. ttn I a Also for manir otlr SIhpi hi - i f, Uon to Health, vior u.i ill. d1i.. Xo risk In Ini'iirrprl. 1 1 Iumi r: : I nan Inyn Of tlis Belt wllft lu; SpCMljr ''!7(.l0S i trouiks. tc rrstora iinrsntssd. tluneolsa wnveiojir niaii. u iw, it uMrc Inir VOLTAIC KELT CO., Marshall, Kick. FARMERS ! ATTENTION Use only the C llfo nia Hand Forged and 1 and Finiabed SACK NEEDLES with Cutter in the eye. Each needle guaranteed. Price, 50 cents. Ask yoor dealer for them, or order from the manufacturers, WILL A 7fK. 818 Mavket Sta.. B. V. OCHfcSON'b OLn I rnCC mr. im, ready March Mb, to any addma. Illustrates and lists every thins-for Ladles', Gents', Children' and Infants' wear and Housnkeeplnir Goods, st prices lower than those of any house In tbe United urates, complete A, 0, U. W. Members wishingcmployment or deairing aolp, will pleasecall at Bead & BaosraeU's store aad register their Bssaes. gssaaalflHBBtt . WaaBBaBf Bsu U 1 Rqbus 1st).-, uUvu! n iuhtd hi ih.. to pMH H. I'll' tililll l blood may.lh? swrrtly tiudtMiniit'ti il.iiltllo:l. Ill ihUVi tin' Mtt ', l tuiiiU)ivvviui-nciti,riKivUht 'li! i m VlrUHHK'O I li lnci i' it i;im l.i . .' v ! . to iKTiiii nu-U " ttltl. , bofl, hkln tltMuV-.r iukI ii.' u im 1 in liiHnititiit. or tauguo. i. i as i i Sslttri Waflilugs of Uiu coux-iitH'iKi ul ir".' . Myers Sarsaparhu Is the only mneuy tlmt van In relivd in m in nil rsses, u prauk'Ste t tit tuiut uf In r il Nary luarasti unl tin : eormpth u f ilu blood. It I the only BhtTutive Unit li MiiHi'iviitly powerful I I boron W rleaiiae I lie systvin f hcrofuloiti i ;l Mercurial impnrhlri nnd lh poliutltui of Contagious IHkouavm. It nl n n-tmll-" lli' uoIsoim left by llhl b rlr ami Scarlet Fever, nnd rnaules rsphl rtvUHnillou from 1 viifevblvim nt tuul ili'l'lllty rauaMl bj these ibVrrbmni. IMyiiads)i Kyvh At'hlvveil Ijy AVKH's S ui' ittt i.a. In III'1 ;iM v t iii.. nil" ultcMril.Utlil linn is no bliHsl (IImIim. at nil ioihIIIv of rin v, tlmt will not ylvkl to it. Whatever the uilinvntw f tlif- cIiuui.uikI wherever found, from the aeiirv of tl"1 AretkMarele to the urek1tjoreaM tif Smitli Africa, t tit rein lily lis uU' hvitlili to tlu ufn-rent by whom It was employed. IruKxM ei rn w lHre'aii file iiuiiHrous esses, it ti lu then psrseiisl knowlmlgi-. of remerk itblc euros wroucbt by It, where nil other tn-nlmnt hsl Is-en tiunvalllm'. reople will io well to Trust Nothing Else thnn A VKU's KarnaT'arim.a. Num. i. n erutlo ml Mure ure ortt itil to Hie piiblb tut MbktOJ purl tier." which only nllun lln i;iii.nt with lb pretend of imnii cheup iis, ami with whieh it U folly to . m i im. m while IUcse l steadily Ik eomin more !. i- m l uml ltlll ult of cure. Sonic of tb. - mixiur 1" mm b litxiin,? harm. Hear lu ttilml tliul lh oni pmlii'lm that can radically purify the lttatl bWI U e Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, I'ttrTARKb BY Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co Lowell, Mas. SoUl by nil lru ifWl rlti; price ). ix noil ks for i Sheriff's Sale. in the CtmtU Court 0 th SUttt 0 OrtQm for the County of Lhh : II. Bryant, Plaintiff. vs. Oeamler I'arrlsb, Tbtbe I'anUb and Otto Fox, Uefendanta. ThTOTICE la hereby given that by virtue or an execution and an order or sale sued out of he above nemed Court tn ibe aboyc entitled action and to inn direct ed and delivered, I will on Hatnrday the -ih day or Auituat, jksu, at 1 o'clock, m. of said day at the Court House door Albany, l.iun conniy, oreuon, at nubile auctun for cash la hand to the big teat bidder aell the real property described la taut execution and order ot sale as fol tows, to-wit : One sixth Interest in and io tbi east Half of block number on bun dred and eleven In Hsckleman's addition to the city of Albany In I. inn county. Ore gon. 1 be proceeds of sale to be an piled as follows : First to the payment of the coata of suit taxed at $ZK.?5 and the costs of sale. Secon l to ibe pavmeot of Flalu tiffs claim, to wit, 173.06 and accruing interest wiereou at per cent per annum from July utb, 186, and the further sum of 30 Attorney's fees. Third the over plus if any to be paid into Court aubjec to me order thereof. Dated this 24th day of July. J Mo. D. H. Suits. Sheriff of Linn county, or, FOR i and Beast. U nt Liniment is cSder than rrt rr.crv and used more sure every year. and ;yTTjs PILLS 26 YEARS N USE. Thn Oroateat Msdieal Trlnmph of the Ago! gywipToms OF A TORPID LIVER. . . i :p'Ctlis Ilowrlscasllve, Feta If ' be a, with n anil vrnosiloi In ibe barkf Birt, Ttiln under the ehonldrr Ir, I .illness after eotla, with adla intlonto rsertloaof bed ersnlad, ! i n MiUr ofu mnfr, -orr aylrfts, with i .- . . "ol Im vlng nrulrrtrd seme dety, . (ii.-..Snrss, Fluiterlna at Ibe Hi .- . Datm before tbe eves, Headache r the riant eye, Itest lessees, with r...'-! dreams, llitihly celered L'rtae, mid CONSTIPATION. 1 CTt ! FIL,f- are rspectally adapted one doae effect aseb a i; lnp;iistonstrnlslitlistifferer. '. ,n-rfis (lie A ip-tlte,Rnl rua th Twit ota Flestttthu tbs titm Is ..l.i- 'l i v ii. ir Tonic Action on . - o 4raats,ttejrsuar Stools are ITS HAIR DYE. U .in r (ickuks changed to a I OK lv n sliifrln eppliontlon of a flu hv n stiitrle epnlionlion of .parts ii ltittuml color, act -.ill by UnurKista, or on receipt of SI. lurray St., New York. RaBkJ lik alk!lft aaiasroaa ?W J,lVt sa. Ssb A RAotoALOwrta ron 20EBVOTO DEBsxrrr, Organic Weakness, Jfvsysioaii HECAY, Ttvrcosoa seven ITBaasavussiNBiain rMOUSAMOOASSa, TS"EATMMNT. One Xeatbt B8O0 ywo Months, S.00 ShzocJBenths 7.00 Circular m ('' fij -i -'-faWfifim HARRIS REMEDY CO.. M'raC QOQH XT. Tenth SL. BT. XlUZB. KO. Notice for Publication, Land Ofticb atObok City, Ob. Auffust 3rd, 1886. Notice ia hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of bia intention to make final proof io support of hia claim. and that aaid procf will be made before the County Clerk of Linn county, Uregon, at Al bany, Oregon, on Friday, Sept. 17th, 1886. viz ; J J Rozell, Vre-emption D 8 No. 5438 for the 8 E i of N W J, W i of N K J, N W i of 8 E iand N E I of 8 W of Seo 29. To 13. S R 1 E. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiya tion of, aaid land, viz : John Donaca, James leassarsaissssss, oas. tCWm Circclar attd TrUU neaw BJUoatfisi- EBthe patSmtVoon chtrt Yafutiod rapidly sain both MMaiiiiiilU si nil iifinl ilgni Putmao, A Ion jo Ames aad Joseph Ames, all of Sweet Horns, Lion county. Oregon, Tf. T. Brsxrr. He stater. the mmL FRIDAY AUGUST 27, 18H6 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, KIUTRB BT THK Women's Christian Trmpcranre Union i 1 THK J AND THK SALOON. The great argutnent nssd for Hoens og the salooos is that a revenue Is thus scoured to lessen taxation i liopnse money will build sidawaika, support aohooln and do many other tbinus w w which otberwtsa would bava to bo paid or directly out of the pookets of tbe tax-payers. Professor Foster and Dr. flerrick Johnson have in these columns, so well shown the fallacy of this claim, we spend no lime on it now. Thste Is another phs of the question to which we wiah to call tin especial attentioo of our (armor friends. It is this : license money does not deoesse yout tsxae one cent ; but tbe saloons do increase yoor taxes enormously. You are not taxed to buiid sidewalka, light tba streets, or do any of the things it is claimed the license money doea for tbe town. Rut you are taxed, aad that tight brevity, to pay tbe oouott's bilU for courts. jails, poor bonase, en of the insane and things like thai. Tbe laud you own pars tbe bulk of tbe county taxes . oeatda tbat, you are often taken from your work st tba busiest season of ths year to sit, on grand or etit joitee, two thrte or four weeks st a time, wbee every day's absence foata up a dead lose to you. What do these oourts do ? Examine the docket of any oottoty wbaie liquor is sold and see if whisky is not at tbe bottom of fully one-half tbe criminal oases. A man goes into s licensed saloon, gets drunk, cornea out a raving lunatto, rourdera another man, and yoa trv,ooavtet, hang him, or out bim in prison for life. 8 cb a ease io my own . a . a a county latriv cost in court $30,(KH). The county, wbioh means mainly tbe frmers,footed tbe bill while tbe city pocketed tbe tbouaabd dollar fee fir tba lieenae which allowed !, liquor tbat did the deed, to be aold. Again, wn have just built a $40,000 jail, ad it is pretty well fiilrd wh fruits of the sal. mo. Vou p 1 a larg er proportion of the 40,000 UkaSt ibe city did ; it aflf od "acBoiuraodabH.'' to Tory few of your clasa, and now te eeive not a Cent uf tbe license fee paid by tbe saloons tbat had tbe biggt shsrs io filling it. Tb poor-bouse and farm are just outside tba city limit and you feel flattered when tba Htmf suc.horities report it tbe beat kept in stitution of the kind in tbe state. W.-1I yoti msy, for you are back ot th a in stitution, so far as "money goes, fu- tba taxes yoa pay, in large measure,tataia it. But its tdiysicisn. himself a drink iog man, not a tmnirauo fanatic, re-! ports again and again, to your aUer eisors, that at leaat threo-frurtba of us inmates come there through drioktog habit, eitber in tbemselvos or obers ... . . . . . , . . As motion to suoetantlet ,u. plotou, oonutiee where no liquor ta obtainable Sbosr few i i. mates io their poor bouses, and their jails often stand empty. The case in a nutabell is this : if there is any good coming torn license which we deny tbe oity gate tt ; while for all t ie mischief the saloons work tie farmers foot the heaviest part of the bills. lofioltely beyond any ra joey consid eration is tba danger pits tbe licensed saloons of tbe to vn dig for tbe uowary feet of your boys. From lack of famil iarity with their enticemeute farmers' boys are more liable to fall victims to tbe saloons when brought under their influence then city boys are. Where municipalities have power to grant diam shop licenses you have no power to binder the eitv'i digging pitfalls for yonr boys. State sod Normal prohibi tion, enforced by s party pledged to snstsin it, is tbe only thing that can relieve the farmer from unjust tsxstioo to sustsin the fruits of tbe liquor trsfflc, or make onr country a safe place for his boys and girls to grow up in.- Union Signal. g Prohibition is making rapid stride,, in Miasouti. Twelve counties nut of fifteen in West Virginia have voted prohibition. Florida votes upon a leoal-option C3Dstitutionl amendtoant io Novembt r. Not a single case of drunkenness was seen in IUIeigb, N. C, on tbe 4th of July. Burke oouuty, Oa., voted for piohi bition recently by 17, and Colambia by 140, majarity, , The Iowa State Temperance Alliance proposes to raise 50,000 to enforce the prohibitoty law. There are not one hundred saloons in the State of South Carolina outside the city of Charleston. There are eighty-three saloons in a block only one-quarter of a mile square in the oity of Hartford, Conn. Tbe Kansas prohibitionists have nominated a full State ticket to be supported at the coming election. There are more than 300 total abstinence societies in Denmark, with from 20,000 to 30,000 members. What Parents Fear, Many persons especially parents -ob ject to many quack nostrums as likely to engender or encourage a love for strong drink. Tbev are right. Better die of dls- aaaa than of drunkenness. Tbe use of Parker's Tonio does not involve this dan ger. It not only builds up the system. curing all aliments of the stomach, liver and kidneys, nut u stimulates witnout intoxicating and absolutely cures the sp ritttt ftYtt. All sppllcntlot) of lyo will restoro to rough trunks and branches of orchard tree (heir original smoothness. Tsr ought not to bo used la rnsrk- Irtg- shiu p. It dries Into s herd lump, which mo t he cut off by hand before the wool Is msnufsctured. Honey of different grsdes should be kept sepurate. An Inferior article put in with the best will set a lower price on the whole. At the close of osch season of bloom grade tbe whole product, Deep tlllnge of heavy lands is one of the surest safeguards sgslnst drought, for it constitutes provhlon for storing moisture In' tbe piece whtft It is most readily nvsllsble for (he support of plants. It Is said thst the milk ftf the s w Is the rlcheet and most nuvrltlous of sll lsctesl secretions, containing 50 percent more of solid constituents, such as butter, cheesy mstter, sugar, etc., than that from the coWd. Although flat turnips, are mostly water, there is nutriment enough to make thetn an Important addition to food for cattle and sheep, and it is thorefdre desirable that In a season of scarcity tbey bet r !! to the full ex tent of opportunity. A contributor to en old number of the low lIorrwstMti ssys thst th eecret of raising winter squssb is to plant late, and when the borer gtt (a cover the vine six aches deep with earth. Burying the worm kill It and eavea the crop. Bees do not work as well in a hive exposed to the sun. In midday, when very hot,all work on the Inside, such ss outnb-bulidltig and storing honey h ae to be suspended. Some times cotrre) rudl down,anJthe brood dies in the hest of the sun. Do not have too rosny plants in the hills. If the Iste corn is backward and growth apparently stow,thln out the planis, so ss to allow of mor room and pleat fo i It is better to have one or two good thrifty etalka than three or four weakly ones. A good animal should be a heavy feeder. It has often been coasidered sn advantage that an animal eat bu Hi t is, but Just the opposite a hou Id he desired. It takes a liberal supply of fl a good appetite to derive the greatest amou'ii of product Den't kttt your bans that molt now, as thev will make your early layer, and a., tie thu ii-sH eervleeahl' in winter, a they will no d before the cold weather comee on. Hens thst do not finish molt ing until late in the neaaon e-ldtn begin to hy until spring oraes on. Tba roan lni-aaf tb stocking in ui aht window msk- onc'a ya achp Alib nub i.Uck, ''! and dark red- and their auxi'lisry aaadMt rudorut naff, the drift i lowsrd glaring color, and tbv will t ns in i i fore f many li.ab sr. psat. F.-llvss tbn-. 0'l imssI .t'.ckl iihs sn-, ih.v mm i.,, frt- ),, f-i o iu'i whi h-ire' rw rua toil, Ari.ic h ii-Hi t't ! O'isi M'isi. .. i h- li-- mi n ni-i i - iflla me sod iraiiassittjd ti tht . !.! 'hr.ingh th c-d oiiii ba siaii.s ii. . . ' llitfh ;"lr ok'ngn hold ' h . h ir ibsn ih rl, m-i gradn, and 'br .-- u: '"" I from li (u is .-hk thsn from cbaap f.Mitgesr. Bt tba $20 silk a . .eking ftatna aa w. ll as the twenty five oeni cotton one. It isn't absolute ly necaaaary to nso araenie in the dyes, I am told ; Hut fir tbe reason that arse nic dyes ata mot a asttsfaotory io sn artistic sense tbey sre nsed. We are a great people for artistic finith. I don't expect to "bad off" a single woman from wearing e ilored stocking, but I do hope to induee tbam to keep tbem off childish f.--f- Pennsylvania RepabHcaus who made the Blaine majority in 18S4 nearly 100,000 are soared this year and don't know whether tbey can elect their can didate for Governor. They can't get money for their campaign and every day their ranks are thinned by Probt bitionist defections in spite of Fisher man Quay's skillful angling for tbe temperance vote. May their troubles multiply, fhe Keystone state has a Democratic Governor now, and with good party management bis successor will be a Democrat. ' j Senator ttears. is said to be worth $20,000,000, and his wife gives away $20,000 a year in private charities. Their sole heir is a son wbo will be graduated this yesr from Harvard, and will go into the newspaper business, be ginning as Police Court reporter on hia father's psper,the Sn Pranoisco Kxam iner. His mother says h must learn to dsp3nd upon him8elf,and she expects him to work just as industrious k if be bad not a penny. mmm 'What a lovmy cow,Uuai. Jamts," exclaimed a Boston girl, the morning after her arrival, "and how comically she shakes her head." 'YVa.but don't get too near tint o.iw," oantioned h uncle, ''he's an ul critter." Notice for Publication. Land Office at Orbosn City, Or. 1 July 29th, A, O. 1886. J NOTICE is hereby given that tbe fol lowing named settler has filed notice of His intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn oounty, Oregon, at Albany, Ore gon, on Wednesday, October 20th, 1888, viz : Guatav Kriger Homestead Entry No, 4267 for the 8 of NX of Seotion 20 Tp 13 8 R IE, He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : William H Cooper, H H Morthorm, R R Humphrey and John Burnett all oi Sweet Home In Linn county, C'regen. W. T, Btjbney, Register. Twin Foes to Life Am IrifHgestion mid Constipation. Their p. Hiwu-y symptom ore stiiong tin inoKt ilUtn -1hk of minor huimm iiilmriiN, iuhI ii host of dlscnscs, SN?cilHy n sultnnt from thnii. matUHlly sifgrnvste ctuh other nnU sssnll st once tho wholn mnchincry of life. Nauaea, Fotil Breath, Hour stomach, Dlzzlficsa. MeMbulos, lillloos lcvor, .IniiiKllce, IysKpslm Kidney Diseases, I'lles, ItbeiinuU Ism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, uml wirlous Hkhi Disorders, arc among tlm symitouiH mid tnulitdlcs cmiscil dy di rungemcnt of of the MtoiBach ami bowd. A Thorough Purgative rncillcfne if the first necessity for cure. Thru Him ( HlliiirHi! effect H tiiiiln tslni'd, In tt mikl rlcicrcc, Jtut sufilclf Ml to prevent n reeurreiHM i,'f eomiu ness, hikI nt the same time Hi" liver. ldltt.- n titi'l NtoiiiiH'h in ii. i f,i' h him lut i 'I mil strengthened. Ayer's Pills Accomillsh lids rcKforatlvn work letter than any other medicine. Tin r si'ttnldiiK and thorough, yet mild. In I heir purpthe net Ion. Tiny do not j.oi. t f -patient, and do not Induce n cosHm- h nctlon, as is the effect of otlw r caHiarties. WIHiitl, they poM- khi'1ii protK-rtieii, diuretic, heiaflc mid tonic, of the hh;lict luediriitul Vuliie mnl Absolutely Cure Ail dlsenses lirm'f-editiir from dlsonler of the dhfesihe mid usulmllslorv orKHiis. I tm prompt use of AYKMS l'n.i.s to correct lie firt Imiirni i.,n. ,f (ol!.-ni-ss, avetls the mtIobs Illnesses which ncKlectof Hint condition Would Inevitably Induce. All Irtj tfiiinrlHi -s In He aiilon of the IhiWcIs 1ooM lieSS as well H const i pation are hencuViiiliv eontrotled by AvKii'tt I'lt.t. mi'l fur Hie HmiiliiHoii of dliffstlvi- ! - Hi- WitkeiM'd bv loiii' eoiiHimcd dvH'Hiiti, one or two f A ykks I'lt.i.s uall . ufr dinner, 111 io inure kmmI than omUilm else. Leading Physicians Concede That Avi ii'h Pilui are the liest of nil catliartii' uiiilieincs, mid many raethlon crs, of Hie hhcheit utalidln,', eustoiiuuily jin criW Hu m. AYER'S PILLS, I'BrrAitri r Dr. J. C. Ayr A Co., Lowell, Matt. Analytical Chemists For sale by all Oro agist. IIAt. Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty Many a lady owes bcr fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and? can't tell BSTtBBf 26th ANNUAL FAIR OF THK STATE AGRICULTURAL SCCIETY To be bald at their grottoes scar Halvtu, OrgtM, QOSBSBsMM ing SEPTEMBER 13, 1886. And cfuaittg lac luiiuwiiig MstarJay $15,000 Offtred in cash prrminms This will, withoat doubt, be tbe best ex bibittwa of tbe kind ever held in Oregon. The BEST SPEED PROGRAM. THE BEST F.vltlbit of s.rainw. I all Hi if of l.i tea fork, sr Kruila. k btbit oriulr Protlaeta. Tbe best exhibit of everything r ver collected together in the Mate. Lend your presence aod help to make Ore aoo's nrtde a saceese sod s credit to the State, Entries must be made by 7 p. m. Monday, and all articles must be m 'ace by 10 p. n. Mnnday eveatng. Please loake entries ss early ss possible. J. T. SSfXaXSi. sr crelirjeslriM, Orecssi ALBANY COLLEQTATE IHSTIfUfE ALBANY, OREGON, 1880, 1887. BKT. C J. TafHPSN. U . rresldeat. A lull eorpa of instructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of study arranged to meet the need of all grades of students. Special inducements offered to students Tuition ranges from $5.f0 to $12.50. Board in private fainlliea at tow rates Rooms lor self-boarding at small ex- ense. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circular aud full particulars address tho President. BCV. K. J. TII01ir0, D. t. Albany, Oregon, Willamette University, 30 PROFESSORS AND INSTRUCTORS. 330 Undent. 373 Graduates). Departments of Literature, ,', Medicine, m Music and Art. Girls board In Woman's Oellege. with nicely furnished rooms, $.1 v pet week. Hoj's and young men's u,ju..i in the Young Men's - BOARDING HALL, A building just purchased aud remodeled with. 26 rooms. $1.50 per week. The ycunK men are expected to supply their furniture, wood and light, aud yy one dollar per uicuth room rent. This ia tbe mosi reasonable living to students which the University has ever otfertu Tbe President boarda in the ball und ha tho supervision. Firat term-begins September (Kh, Cat alogue sent free. - T. AS . Imi Preidr)nt, Stlem, Jr m, O&EQON STATE UNIYERSIIT. Eugene Oity. SBSSXOIs-1886, 1887. First term begins September 13th, 1888, Secnre free scholarships by applying, to your uouuty Superlntenoent, Board and lodgings fer zveel; $j to Sj. TUITION PKR TEAR . Elementary Englls Department .$30.0 Other Departments fc-io.o Write postal for catalogue with full par ticulars, to PROF. JO MS STB A IK, Secretary Faculty, Eugene City, Oregon. Fn illlTTIIIP Afirent Scottish r laU I I IHUa l uion lruranos Oo. , espHal $19,000,000. dajainf Id an absolutely ssfe JULIUS CRADWOHL Have the only eselnalvc Mtelc of s S130XERY, CLA88,8ILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Seleoton of Coffee, Tea and Eufar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime TBE HIGHEST M A RKBT PBIfE PAID FOR ECO 8 Remember! What I 8aj I lean. Give le a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest- route to the East and rates, 88.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas Oity, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables guides and full information free of 'charge. B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. Another Cut in Rates ! I bee leave to announce to tbe fanner of this county tbat I am stm i old sta ad and have Just received from the tins last big cut In freight rates, and I era y ean nave tn nenent oi toe seme. Anyoue notb-e my rioea: KiltinK all kinds or wheels, fit pr st or f-i and l pr wbeel. It. .5- crs, Hsndboards and Tongues, f 1 each. 1 J ickory axles, $4 each, Hlnale - -ke and falloe, 80 oenta each. a And everything; ele in pr.Krtion. All work warranted. Remeoihar th. r.i. dKr aoutb" Arthurs blacksmith shop. North HrownavUle, Oregon. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.. Nswspsper Advertising Bureau IO Sprues St., Now York. Send lOota. for lOO-Paga PaunphJet. DR. Ml NT IE, isc srri i sms i . So II Krsrwej street, aaa Fraaeses, ai. Tsiats au Cnsosic. SrattAi. juts Pairara Duavon wrra Wosnaarri. Stccaaa, THE GREAT .ENGLISH REMEDY ! Ia a savaa raiuxacr&a KtrsaSS DWlily, em .ParsJvsk.Prosutarr- pa, and all t the Unihle Betid f tsll-sliuite vo jlh i follies sod moss ia maturerwa,soehssiSSS . Lssltud,Hoe. KwaaSon, ssersio i to St D.HMISSS Ot Vk iicJI Noasea In lbs head, eaeesaes la slrfsiklaalaasxl. ratlas lleaars, ths vital fluid pssstns; aaefasei ved n the ur iue, and many other diseases thst lead to in nii v snd death. Br. Mtatte. who ia a Steaalar Physlrl ta. Urailn'r f the I alvrrsllr rpeaalvaala will tn to forfeit Five Hemslrest Mlars f ra mae of this kind I hs Vital esaraUve (under his lecial advice and treatment) will nut care, or for anything impure or Injurious found in tl. atr. Mla tie treats all private disss dn su.'ceesrullT witr m mercury. tasalltla Free. Thorough exsciln aton snd sdvice, includmf analysis of ui ine, S6. Pries of Vital Restorative. VhO a bottle, or lour Umes the qu i nUty, SS ; sent to any address upxc re ceipt of price, or C O D secured from observation and in private name If desired by Ur Keara Slrret. Man Fraarlsee, tal. Send for 11 of questions and pamphlet. BAMPtilC BOTTLE FBEB. Will be sent to any one applying byl s tter, steUng Mvmptoms. ix snu age. btrict all business tranaacUoni . secrecy tn rsgar lr M tattle's Kidney Kernel r Keydkretlea as, inres all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Conipiai tU, flonoi rhoea. Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For sale b 'sil druggists ; SI a botts or six bottles for SS. Dr. Nlntle'a Oandelloa Pills are the best snd chespet Hyxpenst and Bilious cure in the u ark St. For sale by all druggists. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For all Diseases of the Lire?, Kidneys, Slcrnach and Spleen. This purely vegetable pre paratiun now to celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated is the South in 1838. It acts etitly on the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the sctiun of the Liver, and id, there. Rare, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may, prove to be. In ail common diseases it will, tut. assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy euro. '!': - Regulator U sale to administer in aaf and:t:os of the system, and under no clrcum dtaiwvM can tt do harm. It ill invieoran like a I'lass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever. age to I'-.kI to intemperance ; will promote (ii K-Hton, cLsslpatt headache, and gener ally lone up the system. The dose is small, tint unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. No loss of time, no Inter rupt Ion or stoppage of businc.HS while taking the Regulator. sxv C'liilvlren complaining of fjette, Heudaehe, or Stele gtomaoh, a t.v.poonfu) or more arid give relief. If taken occasionally by sv tienu exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A rii yiuci avs orrjciOK. I hsve been practicing medicine for twenty; years, nJ have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Liver Reeu- acti trw lit BBaal nig! th digeMivc anu assimilative powers of ths item. L. M. Hit ton, M. D., Washington, Ark. r,zz that roc oet the oextine. , . PSEPAXEO BT . H. Zml'm & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Oast a large stock of wagon timber HuHnsr willing the farmers and people here aenerml- wisnmg wagoo repsiring done wUHpleeae r ' A. C. Firht National Bank OPALBASY ,'OBEGO . JOUS fX;.VXEa H. F. SEBUIX TUAX8ACTS A GENERAL tsraaUaaesI AuwuATH rkit subjassta Slu HT EXCHANGE v Y ork, Saa Orstae. l sow aad Portlaa COIXECTH)X8MADEon favorable asaaxeuea. m. K Yonre, Josn Oaaasa. L- E Butts, L. Fuss, H. F. Itasjutt. HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER -PROPRIBTORS OK Albany 8oda Works, And Manufacturers of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, We are bow prepared to sell at whole sale, always freah and pure at Portland prtees to dealers, We also keep a full Into and Tropical Fruits. I TV GROCERIES, We keep a fnll line, always fresh aod at ary low prices. -OUR-CIQAR AND TOBACCO department ia complete. We keep the vory finest stock of smoking and cbewiog tobacco, meerschaum sad brier pijKw that is a detigut to smokers. F. M. MILLER Attorney and Connslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice lu all tho Courts io tbs Sta tXiZTs Whoiwr.' rfiwt ta cotw.;j s- oa ii'l pwssnsl or Uui. im. crier, cclve vxatt cs i ct- - !!- c ywn u.e, r- tt . , , have f u wlii. Tln-v ) . . BOOKS contain tnforrtir ! frou the U!;HU of (he wr.ri,'. will sisU a xjy FRK.i Ut i.zy dress upon reetpt of IO cts, tt ; txptSM of rastlla IVet yon. XUsprctftaty, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 991 Ss 20 abash Avenue, Chlrace. V . PATENTS UbUinoU, and all other business In ths V. S. Pateu Ofass attcndeileti to for moderate fees. Our office is opposit tbs U.S. Patent Office, sod win ootain raieuis lees umo tluwi tUiwo i tuiote rroiu Waahinaton bend ile or drawing. We a to patent ability free of charge j aud we make o cbsive unless are obtain natant. We refer hers, to the Postmaster, ths Snpu of Money Order Div. and to officials of the U . a Patent office For circular, advice, terms, snd eferwiioes o actual clients in yoor own State or county, sddress C. A. SiOW&0., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D , Notice of Final Settlement, NOTICE is hereby given tbat the under signed Kxocutora of the estate of Joseph Hamilton, deceased, have filed in the Coun ty Court rf thr State of Oregon, Lipn coun ty, their final account in said estate, and Monday tbe 6th day of September, 18$b at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room in tbe Court House in the eity of Albany, io Linn county. State of Oregon, is the time and place aet for the hrarisg of objections to said account aod the final settlement thereof. Dated st Albany, Oregon, this 22ud day of July, 18S6. CAkOLIXB Ha WILTON, Executors. S.tuaoaaCo. Portland, Viain.iH : i.ea, foil lafonsauon about work (usresndo.ao4 livt boiiDe,tbatw tbem (rem $A lo $23 por n a oy BHaer mi a arettsnsd fro. HOLD esrue 1 ovr $& not rsaclrsd. Vi ri. of jr-ug ;it;lc fa 0 All 15 If proda ft. uor, a.-