I&e tmnut FRIDAY AUGUST 27, 1886. A KieaTKOIt YISDICITI4M OF L4W. For Horn im trial baa been going oo in Chicage iu which eight ) eracoa were being tried on n indictment for mur der. Theae man are known in tbe par- lanae of the day as anarchiata a name, by tbe way, a most tilting to express tbe character and oslliog of these men. Tbey are men who repreaent a nomep oua elaaa of people, who, for a number of years, have been increasing to an alarming extent in the Uuited State. We aay alarming, because, by tbeii leaobing and example both, tbay have ihown themseivea a reatleaa inauhordl nate claaa of people whose cntef pur pOM it to inculcate a spirit of disobed ience to constituted authority. Tbey partake largely of the character of oom munista, but tbey differ from tbe latter in thie, that now and without further watting, they would resort to fire and aword to aeeure what tby call their right-. It ta msrelv a oombiuation of lawleae individual who have combined themselves together to resist tbe due enforcement of l-w when that enforce ment conflicts with their interests. Tb crime these men committed was the throwing of bombs among a squad Of police in the city of Chicago aotoe months ago, while the? were engayed in breaking up a meeting of the anaich iata at which meeting the most incen diary and outrageous apecbes wete be ing made. S-tverat police as well as citixens, were mangled in a moat horri ble manner, quite a number being killed at uic, while quit a number after ward died from the wounds rciv.. from the Hursuuu '".uiK-. re 0' who bT htu c i i i ;' ti start tha 1 t 1 v i c ..: ti-. i their eouviot ion mul i-xvwuuaa wtil rag '-! ry nII i ighiuuld law-ahii-ing citixens a a moat righteous viudlO tioa of tbe lav, and nay bow bopr that thin lawless cIhhm hicb infant evnry t-T v in tbe country, uai Ibmmu from ih- ta f' ' hei- (J'nc bre-h ' that while this is a free ciontrv wlime the fullest lilwrty, compatinle with tbe gen-rnl w?lf-f, T'HiehNafavl t very iudirid'itl, v ' oil's), f r ihs ra soo,ean vi data --iabliabd ; mvb im punity, and that thia is no place fjr the alurus of fo Mn countries to con gregate and pursue the Crimea far th oommi"Mt( n of which many of them are exiled outlaws from theeouutry f 'heir birth. These in" -e ff-datlaw, igiinr ed sxvaatitatt-j suih srity, and dsii; ptt the.nlv - nd '.- ptle of i.rotcc'--ioa f law, tud hA..cr the etine they ooiimti ed m ie than ordi nary murd-i. Tba tim has arrived when it become the duty of every law abi libg citixen to insis' , io seaaon and ont of season, that onr laws were made to be obeyed, and not violated, and that no man who continually acofi and aneers at law, and promulgate a feel ing f contempt far it, has sny right to claim it protection. Tbe people of tbe United States have been unfortunate in securing snch a Isrga propottioa of tba lawlea-, outeaeta and eonf ie'ed crim inala from fareign (suds, aod this ele ment prove a most disturbing and dan gerous ore to our people aod govert. nant. Nothing will so chck op tbi influx of tbe dangerous classes from for eign lands to oar shores as tbe rigid enforcement of tbe law against tboae woo are already her. It is oeditabl to tbe authorities of Chicago that tbey are bringing swift justise to tboae who take tha law in hoir own hands. .nr roKoar it. We will furnbh the Democrat, tbe New York Weekly World, the Anoeri can Farmer and a history of tbe United States, a book of 320 pages, all for the marvelou!y low price of $3.25. Thia offer ia 'o aH old aub- ecrib rs who pay up all arrearage and one year in advance as well aa new subscribers. The regular price of the three papers and the history la $5.5) bat we furnhh all for $3.25. tit) liberal an offer whs never before made. An extended commuriicdtion iu reference to the baildiog of a bridge at Waterloo will appear in our next isswe. We lack apace this week. There is no d ubt t a bridge is very much needed at thjtt place, and if the county la financially prepared to build i, we see no reason why it should not be done The banks cf the river ut Waterloo are bigh and rocky and it ia just as safe aud suit able a foundation as could be desired. It seems to be pretty clearly settled that tbe Chicago and Northwestern peoplo l ave concluded to push on their lines to m ike connection with the O. P. and the O. P. have conclud ed to push on their line to connect with the C. N. W. lioee and that tbe whole matter is mutual and well understood by both partite, and the people of Albany nay, good. Oats Wanted, 100,000 bushels of oats wsnted, for which I will pay the highest market prioe. Hacks famished free to those deairing to sell. Be aure and get my priest befere selling. D. B. MOKTEITH. Will BSC Uor.mm, Mr L Senders has retarusd from Ban Francisco and is ready to buy good hoisei. Call on him at Albany. as' Examine Woodin's Extension tables. They as -well go and see them for yourself. AlttTHKM Kk. Acting Batffeaary F.ttrohild, of the Treasuiv detriment at Wsiuingtou ban iuuiNl M....th- f,r ,..t tion of United State bonds. Thia time it is far $15.01)0,000. Only last week we reoorded a o.li far $10,000,000 and now bore it another call far $l5f 000,000, aud biuta aio thrown out that this lattot is to be fallowed by another vary , . n of $13,000,000. Altogether these democratic ufUcials give the small try republican j uirnals hardly lime be- iwHn calU to catah thuir breath, bu( true to their duty as they understand it, tbey units i what limn tbey have be tween cilia to denpunoe tbe administra tion for not paying off tbe public debt faater. Weil, let these folks grumble as it is the beat they can do, but pay off the national debt as faat aa it can be done. i t riNt; ai.ic tnttt Cutting, tbe Americ.tn editor, who waa arreated aomo time ago on Mexioan aoil by Mexican officers on a charge of pubtiahiog a libel agaiuat one Medina.a Mexican, after a month's delay in csr ryiug on a spirited diplomatiooontestbe twaen the two oouutrieat has baen re leaaed by mandate from tbe suprior ta the lower court of Chihuahua in which Cutting waa tried and sentenced to the leuitentiary. The ground upon which the decree vt the supreme court uf Chi nuabua is oased is neoanaa toe man Mdins,wbo waa libdlad refused,or in the language of the judge, "deeijited" from prosecuting a auit against Cuttiug for civil damages to which be waa entitled. But tbe release was evidently far tbe purpose of avoiding hoatiiitiea wiib th United States. OORRB3P O MDS MOE . aLsOtaflf J H tut i' -"l a i t! . ah i i lii i I" I iag, haviui: S itee and 'iMou. Flu K .hrt, ho ta woiklog a gan f CbitiauiH i iii itIi i he w. Su(lam waa over lent Week and reports that he baa cloaned the grass and debris from al! but two mttes uf the track iu "the farka." Mr. J hu L-?dy will tart bis steam aw luiil tills we-k. He baa tbe con tract for sawing 300,000 feet of lumber for the bridges. The bridgea will go in, huirah. A. A. B i hor is learning the art of '-letfrsj.hr. lis will begiu work on hia nen- tal leaCS l.srn this week. Wheat u worth dO cants per bushel here. The cleaner is running day and nigbf. Mr. Spicer will build aheda to bb wreho,jse to hold sacked grain in, B ww, t i dja wife f Clin Hrdman, 21, a daughter, fbe wife and child are d ing wail and Clint ia eon- valaaoant. A post offlc has been grante 1 at Lebanon Junction, with M . Hammack aa Naaby. J. Wallace bad a 20 davs' run with hia machine and threshed an average of 1250 bushels par day. Hia ia a Buffalo Pitts. Mr. Hammack who baa a Minnesota Chief made an average of 1300 buabela per da? on a twenty days' ran. The brideca on the canal between here and Lebanon Junction are in a very unsafe condition. Tboae whose doty it ie to repair tbem should do to at onoe for life is at stake while thy remain aa tbey are. Lead Pkvcil. Messrs. Sommera & Butler who have been working with tbe logs on Curtis Island have gone on a trip up tlio McKenzie to look for timber. They have contracted to cut a million feet of log thia winter for the Salem Milh Salem The logs will be driven to a , lt ,r next Bummer via tne Mc Kenzie and Willamette rivf rs Threshing ia nearly all done in this ,., i j d1.k. flniai, inity. Henry Brothers finished ir contracts yesterday and Bishop srsa as a . a - vici . i : i licit uouiructs ytJBwsruBy nuu jDisuup i & Bvrvorj will eet done some time this week, fhev beinff ihe last to ct ! , ' Flop picking begins this week. arnwam fulk anmo nf nnvlnv f,,rlv I r... .,(i,u k.,. ti . P w , h .n . settiea yet wnai iney win pay. Misa Helen Douthlt of Eugene J CAtv. U vhdtinfir Mi Nllio T.ikA at Misses Jbjlla ana Bonnie Thompson go to Slem next week to attend I mnht L l. A ..mn C V. CI 1 ..iuu. ufc awuoui, wi me oici j Heart. f!hanfar T '1'hpra waa n hll et f h 7: . "Z . . ;: " I nop nouse last rnaay evening ana there is to be a soc al party In the neighborhood next Fridav eveuinsr To ba continued. w t sal Ihe postmaster has recently ex. ecuted a new bond having held the office for flyo yea ra and that being tbe IX s a Af S I I tin w r. 1 it .11 n i iluuu art ass 8 m aoiaaa I 8BSesV iVUIUfVJW l IJRltJlO I Without life w bond-' - 1 We WOUld all go to tbe CirCUS if We l j 7 . . t, .,a uuuuF.i.uuurjr uceio. oyiue of us will go anyhow. Ned Taylor sold a span of horses last week, did not learn at what figure. Brownsville. Gram Is commencing to come in quite raat as most people are uone threthlnc I e" The tailoring establishment con- nected With the B. W. M. Co., Shut down last Saturday for awhile. Mr. QbO. Overton and Wife return- ed from Albany Tuesday. 7mm Mr. Jamea Smith and family atari- ed for their. home in Prinevllte Tues day. S. P. Barger was fn Albany Tues- day. I MIS8 Allie Temple of Rock Hill, U herd Vislllng her Sister, Mrs. J. opftng selections of drees aoodf, fancy goods, j j j etc., in fact everything new ana attractive ' " can be found there, ao if you want a pointer Mr. Geo. CoshOW Went tO S.Uem memorize ihu and give them a call. Monday. geQ gurjlnftrfc Keeney names and ad Prof. Strange, our future teacher, dreaaee of friends desiring information of Ore Was In town Tuesday. gpn and tbey will send them copies of the , t.u t t . 1 . . Heal Estate Conveyor which contains a oora Mr. Burtch of Portland, is here Dietii riiserintion of one couaiv in each issue visiting his brother It. jjurtch, con- j ductor on the O. B. N. Co. Vak hs now uguu ou tbe Nar ratlrotd bridge and no uu,," wl" train- cau be ruantng in the forkn of tbe Btntiatn iu a tew weeks. Tun 0. P. surveyors are at work near 8oio, running a line about 2 miles from the town. It will be vary unaatifa tory to the people if they should build tbe ro.id on tbe survey now made. D. P. Mason, Hub. Bryant, Mr. Clarke and Hon. J. K Weatb ifard. all of Albany, ware in tbe city on Sat urday, aud Sunday returning hame. Mrs. Brooks, daughter of It. Pent land of The Dallas, ia in town visiting. Oats were quoted at 38 ota. Satur day; wheat 97 ota. Crops have made a good yield con sidering everything.exoepting flax which will not average over 5 bushels per aors Moat f our hop man are makiov arrangementa for the pokera at 35 ota. per box. Some af tbem have contract ed their hope at 15 ota. per pound, and it ataods them in band to be oloae now. Arohie Johnson was in Slem Sun day. Yours truly, J. AftttaT ArFtfRTIV,MET. Following is ths apportionment of the ac.ool lutein in thia county aa prepsrwl by County Superintendent U V S Hold Amount per capita of ths state fund, UO owuts ami a fraction lass thau 3 mills, and a faetion less than 60 csuts of ths county fund. tSffSStk) (,u Mlu fulMl 1 U llttl 14 M S St 44 4 as S SI S 97 M 07 a Td 4t ss as at ft TdS 417 M S38 SI a 44 st it as 7 74 4SS4 east S 14ft Sft ftl 1M 01 S St IS SB 17 90 10 SS 17 10 M 10 it i ss is m as It 47 17 7t 4t 4S 00 6S OS SI tS 14 ss ti ta at se is or aa at so sa is ttt iso w no 4 17 77 4ft 41 SS ftt 15 44 f7 It 41 M 19 .ft St 44 49 SS tO 7 44 St ss et St 3S tt 41 S4 so tt as 40 io si 40 ta SI IS tS 77 99 tt fto aa 4a 44 14 as as ss ss ftt as SI 4S 96 74 94 tr si is ss tr ss ts 47 17 71 i J sa aa xt ou s ti so ss at it S4 so si ftt so ar fl oj Si SI 47 77 7S IS U S4 SO OS SO 70 54 tft 83 44 40 SS Sft 4t S4 77 87 91 SO 7 ;44 tS 07 71 87 97 57 8 87 ft 55 Sft 80 fll 31 SO 80 . 70 41 ss at to 40 SS St 41 84 89 41 18t 77 Bft 118 17 48 i'i ua at ir sft 48 aa . 87 l test 44 si it si la as 45 40 IS ft? at It 40 80 It 7 IS OS a sft to 64 st aa 48 84 81 Sft 48 78 49 48 SB SI 48 St ftO 88 SO 87 40 8ft ftl so ir aa 17 88 at 148 sa ti iso at SS 84 14 U tl 07 ft4 48 87 U 41 88 ftft a oo so et aa as aa sa es so as 87 Me report 88 87 81 88 S3 41 if . St 18 87 SB80 00 ' 47 17 71 41 48 St tS 17 10 SS 18 88 18 II 74 81 &7 aa ss ss ou si ti 84 SS 88 41 84 80 as sa t7 iu r it at 48 84 77 87 St a? as i; as ai at ea aa aa 04 al aa aa aa 17 ia aa ia 70 8 87 18 41 M 71 87 81 SS 88 41 71 18 9 44 14 tt 78 S4 87 74 87 7s 74 .108 si at at so 78 41 84 18 87 M 78 88 88 41 84 SO 77 37 21 82 13 40 78 33 19 46 29 90 79 27 16 92 24 38 80 61 33 97 65 07 81 76 44 82 69 62 82 37 21 82 33 41 83 29 17 10 26 19 84 29 17 10 26 19 86 18 sij U 10 62 lfi 23 87 30 23 00 36 21 88 38 22 41 34 30 89 29 17 10 26 19 90 84 20 93 30 70 91 39 23 00 33 21 92 24 14 15 21 67 93 23 13 56 20 77 94 46 .26 54 40 63 95 73 43 05 65 91 96 26 15 33 23 48 ,9 21 12 38 18 96 9T. 27 15 92 2ft 3 U9 3341 42 6113 67 Tbe celebrated Hilbon f sin by, who rejoice in the oabhquet of "the $10,000 cbsllso aerialuts of the w .rid, ara one of the big M9Am ;,, w w ruu. v rv.i-.Ji cards with W. W. Cola'a New OltlSISSl Shows, which appear here on Friday, Sep tember 3 J. Tbe Silhons are probably the beat known and admired of any gymnasts in tbe baiinu..( antl th-ir Apprchins at pearaoces in tbe city will attract no little in- m. - m. fsjaa a a a pea ranees terest. Their act is of such a novel and artistic character, and their movements so full of grace, that tbe moat timid of ladies j can look upon tt without any feeling of fear lot the daring performers. There are four members of tbeSUbon tsmily, three brother Charles. Walter aod Master Eddie, and a lilt(f( Miss Kate. They come trom famous family of English acrobata. The Pcnt is their isst American season. Crawferil, PbuXesrsplief, Altasui). Or I have all the negat ves taken by A B' aum and any one can have dupli AStM aTa-b.M IIiaIm MnBS la ma irwH . t . I tm m. mmmm mm m irvw "' HWIW UJ UUrtSlU as. at the foltowitiir orloas: Card aiui. 8 per dozen, cabinet size. 88 per dozen, bou- ,uratt8 per dozen. I keep the flneat ne or Oregon views in tbe west. Uata- logue furnished on application. Copylna na ooiarging old pictures a specialty J. Gb Caawroan. auaeaer sss reals. Tlo nodereigned will sell all kinds of u .t. P0'" 6 tn lo"ow- ""vue ou suu as ! sw w xjassfsaaaw svauiuai - " , . . sw f I .anit'm I stsasirs sinl U ... PssnnC L.iU " ' n M..m rw u ss wii t ssm s Bsss wwar uuiiu intr houses or barn- can have bills out and Metered at ary of th above stations on short notice. Lumber is of the very beat quaiity, the loga being brought from the hue timber regions on the McKenzie River. Wm, E. Sricxn, Wall Paper N. II. Allen A Co.'s new wall papers are now arriving direct from the factory, all grades now in stock. Call and examine it oefero robasiog Carpels Arrived. An exceedingly largTTtock of carpets in H qimUti has juat been received by Men. teitk & Soitenbach, The assortment em braces the newest patterns and colorings These goods are being offered at very low prices. People wanting erroets should not fail to see them. A Ureal Kxearitlan. Every one on the go, ladiea arriving oy ory miputeat the store of Monteith A Sei tenbach. Each and all are making their with either desirable information ae weather, market report, etc. L0TatU AT 9M ILWAIYM Mr. A. 15. Moll wain hi noonil thn door of his west ators room, and will now devuts . t . .lii. M . Mm... tm . ,. "W rn't'a aud hata. Iu thasa linaa ha proponej to keep a H rst claaa and uomnlato atook. With all tho fa- oiitttaa, ha will malts a atoo maks a apsoialty in tliis oart of bu eta!ilialuuut of these lines. m Unas, limnnif from tho Kaat, with low fraigbts, bo will tA- far bargains rrsly obtained. All be wants is for the puhliu to oxs.niao his stock and prices. Do not buy olothiug, furnishing goods or hata without tlrst calling at the now aud largs clothing department of A. B. Meli WAtnX tteatlstrr. Ir. L T. Tate. Dentist, will uractlce one day In each week at each of the following S a a a mm- d m nuiiieu places : l.c );moM on I tieidav. ll.iUevon rimrMldv. Irfferson on Kriduv. and will lie prepared to perforin operations wuiiout pain, hc will lie at his offtce In Albany on Monday. Wednesday ami Sat uidav. Money ut Lean. We have money to loan on Real Estate security in sums to suit, for term of five years. Call on or address, lb HKii.aT Si Krkmby, Real Estate Agents, Albany, Oregon. m , i tmm m i ' . Aseft. aaes. tt o to f'eters ,t Stewarts and examine those fine Oregon tnsdo axes, superior to all others. Msitufartured by If. B. Her rlok, of Crawferdsvllle, Linn Uo.t Or. Wai ranted first class. Bsta sad 'aas, N. II. Allen A Co., are now receiving a large stock of hats and caps, children's straws, iu season will be made a specialty. Urererlr. N. H. Allen A Co., keeps a full line of reries, and they will give you as much for your money as you can get ia any store in Oregon. Iry them. faaey tiaatfa. The place to get fanoy goods of alt kinds, ia at Mellwain'a. Ilia apriu etoek is here. sad there ia no diseoont oo its being hrst cUm. Hkrgun ittrred lies ta Laaa On from one to three years time, on good security, in sums of $900 up. Call on l 1 IKK, MOMTSITM & Co. UlswryOsWT n seaMprotecttoaaaeboasorovsr-eaH. it la JO fytgaJftC lOaa Ofl aAO Use) (0F CsaVst DsJ ttsejQsnaM (9 yor sale 1st L. E. BLAIN, Aibaw), Or. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED TTOJEt T. A. SHANE WHO HAS 0VED 'The City Dry Goods Store" OF PORTLAND, t TO ALBA . TJ STAY. Look Oat foi Prices. SheriflTs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon h White. 8 White and Wm ln.r nera dolnir buMnens umtr th rtrm .;- -Hu siyie vi Li wuue x uo JPJaintlff. vs. R E Wilson, Defendaat. TbTOTICE is hereby given that by virtue or an execution Issued above named Court In tbe above entitled i action and to me directed and delivered. I nave lOVied UDOn and on HatnrHv tk. 28th day of Aognat, 1886, at one o'clock, Ti m al f ha a 'an af rJn .a . . . 1 5 r rr , Tr w. M.or in Albany, f jinn nnnnf.t?. f lrarrnn aaf nnklU ...4i mt" 1 I ounh in binrf in tKm kiC. L,jJT " js 1 vnvu nu uuuiin niii'rif in vmb i . sell all the rltht title anrl infer m .u. P abovejiamed Defendant, K. E. Wllaon in A- and to an undivided one eleventh of tbe A lu' UDDly of the uul sla ts of oar following described real property, to-wit : tf'dges, bres and paper shells, prime Lota numbered one, two, seven aud eiaht ftds and bar loid. Also tbe bfc jov in Block No. 31 in tbe town of Halsov der- Linn county, Oreeron. Also balnnini Pbtrrs A HrawsB r h ainMiAuur n.n.,. n.t 1 1.- .1 .1 . .1 claim of Nicholas T Mil er an ZliL Jr- Miller in Mectlon 23 To 18 NRi Lin o'ountv. oratrnn .nrf'-feLlE?; - west 20 8 chains : thence north i ia . ma 1 .. - - rs -t mvmmm m MUU1UU t inimi I t wew io.oe cuams ; tnenoe north 49.73 chains : thenoe east 37.44 chains th.. srtnt.h M niiainarn t.hm nl. r i I " oontamin 190 or 7 ' ?i the donation land claim of John Wilson a m i a rati . . . oa , --a. Ww- mm mm n ntanii UHI I III I anu menaia wuaon, ms wife, beinr Not No, 2587 and claim No. 70 in Tp 13, S R 4 ceede of sale to be applied ; First to i ha navmentofthe oasts anrl HUh,uL" I'..? I wem. iu uiiiu wuuiy, uregon. The pro. Eayment of the oasta and disbursements eretoiore accrued, to-wit. 163 58 and th costs of sale, Hecond to the payment of Plaintiffs olefin to-wit, $993 and interest at 10 percent per annum from Oeteber 27th, 1886. Dated this 26th day ef July, 1886. ,T1 I.8.Smr, Sheriff of Linu county, Oregon, FARMERS I BEFORE YOU BUY A RIGHT TO ANY GATE, ma hukb and amm HA SOWS WHKEL GATE! PATENTED JUNE 8, 1886. The sumrior points of excellency claim - ed fur this gate are The running aear ran be attached to any common gate. Any Intelligent bov of Its who Is hamlv with toots" can make the sate or attach tbe running gsar ta another gate. Tbe enure cost or the gate need not ex oeed $ I tbe purchaser furnlshlritf and .nutug the nosu (In the ground or frame, as desired) and hanging the gate, no mgn poets are needeo, No extra framing Is needed al Die bottom, All tbe running gear Is at the top. hence it cannot oeoonio (riugii with mud, snow or trash of any, kind. It dose not fold up nor Up over to scare neraes, It requires but Mule force to operate It t a 12 foot gate rlning only one-third of an Inch to each foo it of opening, and tbe en tire rising and falling Is only 2 luohes,sud thU on wheels or rollers. It usee no lever or complicated machin ery. There la no need of arms, though tbey can be used If daelred. It never gate out of order so aa to binder tie working. If tbe opening and shutting gear la all broken or removed. It Is still the beat gate made to open and shut by hand. Ii fastens and leeks itself so aa to be hog aod atock proof. it- can be opened and shut without get ting otT a boras or blevcle, or ont of a wagon. It la tbe simplest In construction, the easiest to operate, tbe dies pest to make, and the beat gale in existence. Eights will be sold as cheap or cheaper thau for any good gate. No other gat baa half so many excel -'ent and superior pntnte. A few ttibiutea examination will prove tbe truth of theae ataiementa. Go and see a model at Peters A Htewart'a, Mhany, Or, Loral agents wanted In every town of tne county to make and sell galea. O. H. MATTOON, Albany, Or., Uen'l Agt. for Linn Oo. DR. N. C. BOATMAN. Physician and Surgeon. Office first door north of to graph :. co llroadalhin "utt. VIOLINS. Made aod rep"ired. New tops, back an 1 beak. Bows rrhaired and mpairrd. Old add new violiaa.bnws and artist string for sale. Refer t b I . Coarsen and t h Bray. Portland. H. S. RICHARDS, Teacher of . " Corner of 2nd and Ellawcrib sis , Albany. COW LOST." Friday, Aogaat IStb, a dark bro vn c . . Urge apots, white face, white tail, one, per haps both, ears erupted, left the piece of subscriber in this city. A liberal reward will be given for her return to Jap.. MatiV. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CORYALUS. OREGON. The next aaeslon will bag n with a full faculty, Hepternber ht n, 1M. Slaty young men 10 years old aad op warde ran get free acbo arsLlps l.-h Nenator can appaint two. For particolarr apply to n. t. ., In- Proaldent. X U BbMTTIllSUoUT, tbe Acme Harrow and no farmer r il srTord to be without it. It is tbe ver tiest clnd cisher and pulvrixer. baviii t. rwood as level as a beru d r. H.ld onl) oy retera A Hwart. Home for the Sick. PORTLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cor Second ami Ash Streets, 8"e)BTT84D ... . oRl.t.tis Thia Inatltntw e mplete in a I 11- de- psrtioeute, snl over trr'- is n l to give it tbe air, diet, nursing and umnrrt of a home Special attention to re tttinoit f('hronir and t'ointtitntlonai DlseasM Private rooun for psttent 1 r- a -I bv outside phyaielans, aud persons inking course of Turkish or fve.-trlo Bath or oaygen Qui Tbe baths are elegantly nueu up. Physicians vislllng Portland are invited tO Visit thin IllHltKiUoll. THOM. WfXD, Manager Portland General Hospital i n. a.cubsrt. Joan hansmaw ALDANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS- CHERRY & HANSIIAW. lachine and Hill Builders, Ravlog opened up tbe old foundry and maohine shuns former! v owned bv A V. Cherry A Hon, and added new and late improved nianninery, we are prepared to handle all kinds of heavy maubinerv. Ws will manufacture Steam Knulue. n and Grist Mill machinery. also wood work ing machinery of all kinds, all kinds of iron and brass castings made to order, lie pairing of farm machinery m specialty. Patterns of all kinds made on short notice. Tbe beat assortment of patterns in tne stale. Shops corner 1st and Montgomery Sts. ALBANY OREGON. Ross House. A. ASSELL AND J. GIBLIN Proprietors. This house ia now open and furnished npifch thn ht nw frniMir. Kvwruf l,i., clean and commodious, offaring to the Keu- k . . w . eral public superior accommodations to any . . . r Mu fcuo . ..is.. A MMUNITION. 1 1 " OTUDEBAKKK WAGON. , O Thia Is the only wgon having a slope oo"iuru spuae arm ton ateei iruss on iinh art. anrl la t.Ka linuf nr.irnn n.i I ll .1 l . ,1 L . - TTali. k .dL- hm' ' wj - vr w 'J wvy e sara Vt ' KlHE BESTStlvJT HZ TOWN Can bo founi ai our store. Thf shot usually sold in Albany drops 75 feet, while the 8c. L iais - hot sold by us drops 200 fee5' t"0.1 H1"?5 10 cnillS(1 hot aportameu should no- forget this I'KTBRH A iSTfei WABT rjAWd, AXEH, ECO We will aell you tbe famous Diss ton Ghampton cross-cut saw at a low figure, ad can give you good prices on azei, e lodges and wedges. i'ETEXS K BTKWAWT. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OVr- STAR BAKE It Y, Corner Broadalbin and First 8ts,, -DEALER IN fanned fruit, ianneti Heats neen8fre9 Vegetables, 'lgra, Solera. Ulaawwaee, Urled frnlta, Tobaeeo, Wniatr, Coffee, Tea, Kte IZiv , In fact everything the', la kept i a gen era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. G! ONN BROTHERS' ASH CR0CERY STORE Opposite Deyoe A Robson'a. ALBANY, OREGON. Ko; a fresh atock of ell kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS ETC., ETC. BESIDES TOBACCO, CIGARS, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, 8XAOE8. CROCKERY, LASS WARE Era, e to. PRODUCE TAX II EXCHANGE Will sell as cheap Cs any tor In Albany BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my hiring at d Su tmi.-r miti'k f boots i shf.ee, I have as nicely a fitted up pot sod Sl.e Store, rd tt Complete itock as ai J this aide of Portland and vty m beatea in Portland. I buy M my bocta sr. shoes jirct from mai.?ifcrnte!s and ai authorised to warrant every pair 1 tei bow chf !. K flrro io ) r have any advant;- of ns ia bwfiiMl as 1 bo? in quanti:if an 1 ety the cub. Ia ladies', misses and children's fcbo, I keep much h U- bast a i l nrvn eat variety in the alasa 1 to tbe money ea assa si. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. AT COST Frem and eiW iiau.t I, 1880. John I SM m saa L6 WH STOVES, Tl I WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Now 1 y mt 'm Alb my, Jui Slkt, IHMJ. Scott's- New Sua Store, EEADQUAETEES FOR SPORTSMEN. o THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITI9N.CARTRIDGES, SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. At the nioet reaaonahle prices, .Uwavs in atouK, Kopairing none on snort notloa, Willamette Valley nim rods should never h i t. . . . . . I I . . uy wiwi--ui. uihhS on VV. B. SCOTT, OppoNlta Rovore ironto, Allany, Or. D ONT FOKGKT IT If you try U build uow while wheat only wo th 5i cents you should by ah means iro to Petern Jk Stowart'H, at A I ban v for your hardware. You can get what 7011 want at tuoir store ana at reasonable Rf ures R fifi AND CHAIN. Of isse. as wui a h alter chain s,eow tht if, dug chains, rope halters, etc, for sale uy Petera A b tew art. They Have Arrived, THE NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E. BLAIN'S. We now have a magnificent stock of new and nobby suits for Men and Youths r 8 0 Sk HI 0 Jot Spring trade, better than ever. The patterns are neat and attractive. We feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from all markets. 8 I in and take pleasure THE HAT STOCK is choice, direct from Philadelphia, comprising All the Spring Novelties. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market 0 5 n ft 9) Ej i I H SB t 0 A 0 We can't enumerate IIUMSISIG Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-wiii h fauiidiiwi hiri, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles. These goods are bought at lowest prices, and will be sold the savme way. We have a large, new line of piece goods in our TAILORING DKPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc,, which will b 1 made up in as good style an I as cheap as can be had in the market. Agricultural Depot! DEYOE & ROBSON, PROPS. Successors to W. H. Goltra. ALBANY, - OREGON. KEEP ON HAND THRESHER 3, ENGINES, WAGONS, HACKS, PLOWS HARDWARE, DOORS, SASHES, 3 JiLO!N3 MATERIALS, ETC., ETC. i tti yr. mbSbbms1S' ?f5fifiLxTB8MBP8?BasBHBsM HBajB7flE MsarSalrtBpWwNit - HMMfiSlfB' Wb8bbk8' ' '"iliJIIW''" " STE-L A.NDSPRlfVG TOOTH HARROWS, PAMNINQ MiLLS, STE EL GOODS, FZHQM And all Agricultural Impiemeuis u ed. The largest and beat variety of FARM Mf C 0NS , HACKSAND BUCCIES, In Tiiunarit Vaiiev. Orlera saasji WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND G0RVALUS, OR. LE VDING D A.LER3 I GUNS, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. V kfH-p a fu:l asiortaient of RSFLES, SHOTGUNS, P3STOL8, CUTLERY, AMUNITION PISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS, BUTCHER AND POCKET KNIVES. We haudl j the VII, IsOMENTIC. NEW HOIIJ8, WHITE. AUEIIIC AN. 4 KOWN.sjINtiER, IIo NEHoM. GLDBEDiSK 8EW1K MACHINES And 'all of the leading Pianos and Owns. Jtewlng Machine Needle-, Oil and extras foraU k.ndsot mach nea. Repairing of sewing machines and fne inslru- menta a sptcialty, ALL GOODS WARRRMTED TCI BE AS REPRESENTED. UFLISKY OF ALL KINDS, We keep the bet ato.k of cutlery in the valiey, Poket knlVHs and raaors a at cialiy. Don't buy anything iu this liu without cailiug on us fir t- PltTiiRS A KTKWAlvr, AINTS AND OILS. Oi all descriptions sold by PeUra & Stei i a a in showing them. 4 I j tl L. E. BLAIN. te ,n a discos solicits! and pro-aoMv Jl LACK-SMITH'S OU ( FITS, anvils vises, bellow8,hammera, aledvea Uok8 and dies and airnostevr tool u- d bj blacksmiths we keep constancy n h nd Also a full -took of iron.. . f a. I siz e hf rae hoe s ad horse sh' nalK, Sm-c:sl prices made on small outfits for farmara use, ParreRs & .StkwabW.