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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1886)
thatch Dlrrtter U. F. Cm ncH.-tcachingevsy Sabbath, morning at d evening by Rev. F.. G. Ir vine, L. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 r. M Prayer meeting ersr? Wed oessday evening. Evangelical Chdhcii. Preaching on Sab hath at 10.30 a, m. , and 7 r. at. Sabbath School 10.00. Prayer mectiug every Wed nesday evening 7:30. t3. K. Davis, paator. All are invited. Cokqrko ational Church. Servioeaover Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 12:15. Prayer meeting on Thursday oveuiug of each week. M. E. Cbckcu.Soi th. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock A. M. Sab hath School at 10 o'clock A. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. P. M. Culp, Paator. M. E. Church SoirrH,TAMiEKr.Preacb. ing every Sabbath at SslO o'clock. r. m. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock ,r. u. F. M. Culp, Paator. M. E.Chi rch, Preaching overy Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at '2 30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. He v. II. P. Webb, paator. PlunarrauAH Church. Service every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Hroadalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Rev E R Pritohard, paator. First Baitiht Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. n.,at Church on Ota Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning service. Prayer meeting e ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T 0 Brownson, paator. Oregonlacific Aailroad oly Wopular If oute, ?er 1 ictTOqaellanges, Flue time I Sure cost er lion I Now equipments t 95 miles shorter! SO ltourn leave time I Accommodations unaurpaaaed for com fort and safety. Faroe and freight much Uses than by any other route between all points in tho Willamette Valley and San Franciaoo. ONLY ROUTE TO THAT POPULAR SUMMER RESORT, YAQUINA BAY. Where for moderate expenaea you can enjoy Surf Bathing, Reach for driving and walking, Fiahing in rlvr and brooks, Deep Sea Fiahing, Hotels and batter accemmodcUona, Than at any other Summer resort on the ooaat of Oregon. Daily fatsengtr trains exceft Sundays. Leave Corral 1 la at 2 p. m. Leave Ya qulna at 7:10 A. M, Oregon A California Woet Side trains connect at Corvallia. Oregon A California East Side trains connect with stages at Albany at 12:06 p. at. Round trip ticket at excursion rates good till September 30th, FINE Al S. S. YAQUINA CITY. SAILING DATES Ilea TAOUKA. Tuesday, July tfUi, Saturday. July 17th. Thurdar, July SMS, Tuesday, Aug-, h th. Bstaday, Aug. 22id. rmoM has nnsctaco, Monday, Juir llh. Friday, Jul sard. Wadnaaalay. Aug. tf ttunday. Au. Saturday, Auj. 5th. Fares, Rail steerage, M8. end cabin, f 14. Rail and For information apply to -. c. ROdie. A. O. F. and P. Afeat, Osrrmul ' IVERLANO TO CALIFORNIA -,VIA- Oregon & California B. K, AMD CONNECTIONS. Time twe asiel aae-aair tlay a, Fre from ForUsad to ten Franciaao, 882 ; to Bacsv ,am fnaateesawcttoM BMawaSAaaauMi wita of Um tVifornta, Oregon and idaho (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) fcast side Mvlsteau BET WEE J rOKTLASB ASB AS LA SB. Hall Train. ISAVS. Portland... 7.30 am Albany ItM ri Astdaad ffcSO r m AAaoy ices r m Axarra. Albany 11:45 am Ashlar. 4:16 as Albany UM AM Portland ,4:ftra Albear Express Train. UAVK. AUUTK. . . .4.-00 r s I Albany MM T MM t s I Lebanon VOm .1.46 A M I Albany.... Portland. . .6: a a M .10:06 All ..5:89 A M PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS dnfly between Portland Tht O and CBR Ferry makes connections with all tlM regular trains on the East bide Division from foot of F Streak Went Stale Division. ETWEE POKTLAXfS AID lORVALLlK. Mall Tr-:n. UUTM AftXTVB Portland 7:80 a M I CorrallU 12: r M OsrvaiU ..l30r Portland Mi r M At Osrval li ounncci with train cf Oregon Parlflc for rjuiria pap. Express Train lb Art. asaivs Portland 4:60 r m I UcMinnviila ASA r u McMinoviile !:46 a M Portland .O0 a m Local Uckrta for aale And Yma-smge checked at pany' Op-towii oftica. Cor. Mtark and Sccom TickeU far principal in California can only tie proearad and baggage checked at Company ' office. Comer F and From Ste. , Portland Or, Freight will not be received for shipment after Ave o'clock p. Bt on either the Kast or Wc VJJ, Divisions. B. kOEHLEB, E. P. BOG EftS, O. K. ft Pass A vent. For Sale. The Sobliiuttj Hotel, with Ha faad suble sad 11 low, at a asenfke. Pries 50, one third of its origin 1 rnt. Title perfect. Inquire of H. Kiss, AumsTUU. AUSAOEM1LIJ9, We have a meat cutter that is as much ai Improvement over tbe old fashioned aeiiMige mill as J. I. Case Agitator is over a flail It don't clog and leaves no strings In th meet Come and see It, WILL BU Y A BOTTLE OF THE BEST COUGH CURE that the world has vcr roduead, Ir. Heitlei a Cough 0 '(. ha uot si eriual on t e lace of th- arlobe. I alleuge the warld for i,e0M Ui prod uee any nh jirefuiration. now in the markei to beat it - promptness it curing a iugh or Cold. Mothers take tbe ad- rice of an old pioneer of fj years on tin Coast : ''Don't run tbe risk of lyur own life or yoer fchildren's on sugar and water, it hna sent thou- lanus to uieir long nomet. You will find more ir- Itue in one of these small bottles than in a pint of jommon cougb mixtures. There is one thing very '-rue, 'if you don't kill tbe ISWORTH :outfh the cough is sure WEIGHT IN oo kill you.' " Kesure ofthe titule mark The stales on lite bottle. WilClUALB AGENTS, SSBldL, uenuii st weDWB, PORTLAND, ORtGON. S IM MAY. J. O. SENDERS MAY SENDERS. Daalars in General Merchandise, HARR SEURG - - - - OREGON Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds Co cutty piCNtatf. ITSl GOLD. I a Umkm Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNING & CO., PHOPR'8. NEW PROOKSS FLOOR St'PKIUOR FOR KAMfLTSft AXO BAKKR 1 SK. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest IPrice in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of merchandise. All orders from (he country filled on short notice for every oleea or kind of gaodi rrom nrat-ciaaa amok. Absolutely no charge or oommlsslon will be charged or filling ordeta, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. rreotice's, Portland, Or B ARN DOOR UANGINtitl, Are always break itur. unless you have the kind sold by Peters A Stewart, or Al bany. They are made ol wrought Iron canuot jump the track and will iaat a litis time. IkHTt hang another barn door un til you have seen 'hem. H HU AJftMUF ALL KliSUS. Axes, mattocks, brush hooka, nicks ahoYlft,"padH, forks, grindstones, wheel barrows, wringers, ropes, and almost everything you want, can be had enssp for cash e' Peters A Stewart. flilUNITY from ANNOYANCE If Ebada esslp the flnt and beiajnal Aty er uiasa ror witsusssuMUttg Bests. Bvarv urood thirur is Counter feited, and oonsnamora are CAU TIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that tho exact label Is on each chimney as above The Pearl Top is always clear aad aright Class. Maunfsetsred OXLY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. JPlttabarejn Lewd Cslsuas Worse. FOR SALS BT DEALERS. Landretli Winter Wheat. Bowed 4 lbs in fall of '82. While other wheat was frozen out this was not effected. It is not surpassed by any variety in hardi ness, vigor of growth, stiffness aad length of itraw, freedom from rest, productiveness and milling quality. The grain is large, plump, light amber in color and hard, yield tng the finest hour. Ripens two or three weeks earlier than other grain. Will have a limited quantity of this famous wheat for sale for seed wheat for $1.25 a bushel, ot K a tern price, 25c. a quart by mail, poet paid. Parties wishing to tee the wheat growing can do to by cadisg at my place 1 mile 8 K of Tangent. A L. Bkidoefarmcil, Tangent, Or. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT. 1 THE BOft OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nervous headache eared in three miautei and Toothache in three econds. Pur all pains and tchae It has no equal in the world Hniall bottle. Mtots. Urjre bottle, SI. pOR SALE, One half block In ; tern part elty with fsir house si J hern will awst of tbe behold NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Vou areellowd n frtt trtnl ua if Dr.'s M :.r Ittl Slcctrlc 8usiM-nixirx Ai'llan relief ar.d porninncut ourff A of VitaXUu end Mat fcoorf, m..i i Also for maur other ni-. ' . tUm to H'alih, Vlfjid- n'.rt ; KorlHklnliK-iirrcd. Illu.i, ,r,-. tnvtioi'f mll'rf Ire, hr nri'tt VOLTAIC BELT CO, 1 liny of the - licit witn Hie srir 'e-'rtUtj, loss I'll troubles, i-te restora ifnaranteed. letlusscUag Marshall, Mich. FARMERS I ATTENTION Use only the California Band Forged and Hand Finished SACK NEEDLES with Cutter in the eye. Each needle guaranteed. Price, 50 cents. Ask your dealer for them, or order from the manufacturers, WILL at 9tnn. SIS Wavhet Hb P. F. OCHfcSdN'b OCN I rrtCC mer. IBS, ready March imh tiitnvsddma. Illustrates and lists every thing for Ladles', Oents', Chtldrensi and Infants' wear and Hoaseketptns Goods, at prices lower tliau those of any bouse In tbe United States. Complete A, 0, U. W. Members wishingernpioj l tnt or desiring; uelp, will please call at Beau A Browsll's stor and register thnt nssaw fry OvmSK orLoos, Si ft 1 PL flat 30th. 1883a If safeguard . tvltli ivhivh hII; iht m vu nih dvvwp m;ilitJUH of the thw iil nulun whlt'h lti.till I. nf person to ktx'ti i yes Mirh hntnctihttc rtm . a i euro In iilViviMn llai mint Hi phyaltilsii, ft' i'KtT.iKAl . It l-i Itivuliinlily for dlat-iUH's of tl (hrwti c.kI lungs," Th" faults oplnton U pstircswd lv tlid w. ;i.'.n..vvn DiL.J, &ddkKrtt,ei Cbfoaji-. 111., vlva tays t "I 1 i v. r f iunii, in tlih'ty.flvtf tHiiuinuous Mady rtnil prn.'ihi r mll Itie, hiv pii i) irntlnu f i rrt iit Mm A vttRMt'USnf'.v 1 stt Tt'HA , f.r UvatSMtnt ( tllwusvs of ti" "ii Iiiivif. It not only irt'ks ui li :.' I'.trti niiJ paasassssry iff- ttss AVER'S Cherry Pectoral i it! . - v.- phdtnattt for popular 'ii;'. l .i . l-iii u iiuillflno uliifh l unlit y i- i he Um-- or ili ili!rl setterelieri wlw have cope into Im Iv Uh'o It wn- l;i . :). it .1 Ui lli(t jtllhlU-. There It nut a IroasehoM In whlvh Ihls Invslushle ivinedy luu eoee u--w in t f.t'i l wtirm v use Imt ever hern iihsndntMHl, tuul tltciti U not s ikouii who itiit ijlvvii It ft iroM-r trlul t.r tut v ihpotit nr lurn; tliwnntt tuivi.-t.lji- of vutv, who hiw not Uiii nimio w. II by h. wi itvi tiintitY h:, iti .it y ik-ch. t-uml tih-tinnii- lit llmnchllls, LarnygHls, tiu- I'lieMittuniii, and Is uk (.mtU-nts in (he mrllvr ntSKvi iuy 'onsnnitlon. It w n i only n-rjulivs to be taki-n in 1,4 tkrutnnt to lh Inalo, sud Is utv hftiMS wlwrv tlM-rt' aro thcro U noihfnst so itxxi as KKItY rKt.T)KAI,fortrrsl up ami tVhooplnpj Cough, nil iihtht fiwf . which csn be t . . i tw, I ei i ii of V uiedl fllliO A I tut-n Tl vcrifittl hv suvimmIv. mid should be ro nuinUred by every body. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PREPARED BY Dr. J. O. Ayer A Co.. Lowell, Mass. Hold by all tlrttsrslnt. Sheriff's Sale. In the Citruit Cmai th Statt of Orrgon for tkt County Ln : H. Uryai.t, Plalntlflr. VSr 0ander l'arrlah, The bo ParrUh and Otto Foe, Defendants. TbTOTICE la hereby given that by virtue V of an execution and an order or aaie i wned out of the above named Court In the above entitled action and to ma direct ed sad delivered. I will on Batardav the JMh day of August, 1SS0, at 1 o'clock, p. m. of said day at the Court House door In Albany, Unn eounty, Oregon, at public auction for caab in hand to the hlgl eat bidder sell the real property described in tald execution and order of sale aa fol lows, to-wlt : One sixth Inlereat in and to the east half of block number one hun- UdrtMl and eleven in Hackleman'a addition to the dty of Albany in Linn county, Ore on. The proceeds of sale to be appliod -as follows : First to tbe payment of the iMMi of suit taxed at szg.Td and the rou of sale. Second to tbe pev men t of Flalu tiffs claim, to-wlt, 1173.66 and accruing interest thereon at VI per cent per annum from July 9th, 18S6, and tbe further aum of f 30 Attorney's fees. Third tbe over plus If any to be paid into Court aubjee to tbe order thereof. Dated this 21th day of July, 1868. D. a Sm rr if , Sheriff of Lion county, Or, worn Man and Beast. :.nj Liniment b oUer than meet men, and used more and taorc every year. IT'S PILLS ieVsk 25 YEARS IN USE. The Groalest Ijfodkal Triumph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. rsanfnaaetlir. llowrla coailrr, Falatfi tbe In id, wits) a dell sensation In the bn'k P 'ri. PaSa nndrr the aheaUer i ' is , Fullncae after eatlaa, with adle I., '.inn i Ion to exertion of Sadjr erssled, litltublilir nf temper. Lew eelrita, with a A t iinacf havliitr (lectrd some doty, farlaeea, Illxxlnee. Flatterlas at the i i t. Uote Scfore the eyee. Ileeaaeha vcr the right ere Reetleeeacea. with Atfl dronma, llihlr celored I rlae, aad CONSTIPATION. TTTT' IML.I.H are caiieclnlly adapted to such rosea, one dose effect each a c'Mi tK of fec'.htffn to iiauinlali the sufferer. ttivf Iirrnse the A ppClte,and cauae tha I lii Take on Kleeatthn the system l rtonrlshrd.Mtd by tbrtrTonte Action on ia ni.Ki:iis chanced to a Ctn-f-Y Ut.hCK hv n idtifrta applloatlon of thH "n;. 11 ltnpnrtn naiurnl oolor, acts h ittitftiicotutlr. Jll by DruitKlsts, or , won ticHft of ft. QiTiee, 44 Murrey 8t.t New York. aHTATtltaV&S A Radical Cuns KEB.VOTJS OrwaleWi &PHYS V BEGAT, Tested yon VEAjmavtisK Thousand Cascb. Notice for Publication. Land Offtce at 0reo Citv, Or. August 3rd, 1886. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, snd that said, procf will be made before tbe County Clerk of Unn county, Oregon, at Al bany, Oregon, on Friday, Sept. 17th, 1886, viz : 7 J Ilozell, Pre-emption D 8 No. 5438 for tbe 8 E i of N W i 8 W of N E N W i of S E iand N E i of 8 W i of 8eo. 20. Tp 13, 8 R 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his eontinuons residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : John Donaca, James Potman, Alonso Ames and Joseph Ames, all ol Sweet Horns, Linn county, Oregon, W, T. Br jst, Register. m ill I I 98 HfllK IIYt h w I W lirl SB as I an Wbm Wwtmthxal urftswrsuoilsi rear, unm to puamsss, or mum SWSMI BSBlnainnr bumiinliiui m SleWBaUsTBr dWtcDnnaation 6 even KSwttbopt eday. Tlnt- MSsniMitlrrf fonenmser me no. uaor 111 wxuen ctti pvca .RwtiiiiiitefCivtiibsck ami 'mm a aiaa- a a. .OGmS.mVrka nsf lent rwuvtfhPi f hMl lite gcuiotat. KUIDAY AUGUST 20, 18S6. BMPmiOl CBFl&TMEHf, MtHTKD St THE Women's Cbriiiian Temperance Uolii WITHIN TNI MASK. 'I'll R, PARISH, Archimedes roatoued tbat if tie only bad a jilaoa to stand on be would move the world, and bis entst prise was im practicable just for lack tf thia Heeding place. So, many movements of reform are made impracticable for tbe same reason. Reformers may work for ideas which in their nature are individual, or thoy may work for principles which are generic. Idea workers fail beosuae there is too muob personality in tbsir work ; worken on principle loae tbsm eelves in the principles which tbey ad rooaie. In tbe former osse the atten tion is oaited to the wotker ; in tbe lat ter, to tbe work. Tho former soiree his proetem of reform by using a "sup position contrary to a reality," as tbe grammar put it, snd "both condition and conclusion imply scontrsry reality' ao be is lacking in a standing place just aa Archimedes was. Tbe latter takes bis lever, (acta, locates his fulorum on reality, and lifts what tbe condition of tbe lever will allow. He doea not lift the world, to be atire,hut be lifts some thiug.and tbat is more than Archimedes did. All tbe work pnt into retorm will be sifted and tbe facta from wbiob we work will be tbe good aeed to future success. Long established facte are too stubborn to be made over. Tbao.if we ttks tbe position tbat we will not work until ail of tbe conditions suit our in dividosl tsstc,we will never work. Temperance work baa existed to three forms: Fanatic, (tbe word is used with no disrespect , for it comes from faoalicus which mean a divinely inspir ed, and wbe shall doub. tee heavenly origin of the orusade movement ?) ; sentimental, as the creatiog of public sentiment ; practicsi,es tbe making use of every means in our power to better tbe present eondiiioo of things. The Iaat two bold out a wide field of useful ness for tbe W. C. T. U. Aeoetety.aa a wbole,wtli never execute, for tbe ac complishment of results requires indi vidual effort. Hence, tbe responsibili ty of every member of the W. C. T. V. Tbe world does not keep a record of honest effort ; tbat record is kept on bigb. It ia true tbat tbe laborers art few and tbat an outlook upon tbe ever multiplying fields ef work almost be wilders us, but it is not wise to look on too Urge a territory to find work, Tbe gleaning must be done from near at band. Tbe majority of us are not called Car from home to do temperance work. Firs', tb'e home ; second, tbe church ; third, eur own town. Muss Wtiiard ia called to the National field, our state presidents to tbe state; but tbe fact moat net be ignored tbat tbe reaping for tbe nation and for tbe state is done by individual bands in amall fields of Isbir. ' But bow is individual work done ? Look after tbat boy who ia roaming tbe streets instead of attending school. Look after tbat little girl wbo ia in danger of evil habita and thoughts. Tell tb it or women to cook better and more nourishing food, and eo de creet e ber hi'jbaud's appetite for stim ulants. Tbs boy, ihe girl, tbe woman. each tallies one duty doc,aod it is sur prising how a few duties' well dose will swell to a considerable aggregate. We cannot ahoulder ell tbe wrongs which exist at once snd sot them out of exis teno ; it ia only "one by one." "No endeavor is in vein, Its reward is in the doing, Aod the rapture of pursuing la vbe prize, tbe vanquished gain." One of tbe great hindrances to tbe W. . T. U. work ia the failure of its officers to attend to the little duties aa they oome along. Discord comes into tbe W. 0. T. U.'sjuat aa in every other human organization, and here is where woman's interest in a cause is severely ' tested. Ten women out of twelve quit when tbey see mistakes and opposition within the ranks. Ghildron gat mad and won't play if the game does not go according to their ideaa ; men and wo men disapprove and won't work on just the same principle, it takes a great deal of grace and a great deal of grit to stick t) a work of reform. It takes large minds to agree to disagree, or to yield a pee idea to tbe wish of another, and it needs high conscience to deoide whether self or tbe cause shall be sscrt fioed. Tha majority will uovir enlist iu a work of reform, for when tbe majority are Interested tire reform is already ac complished. Let us see to it that the work which we attempt to do is laid upon our conscience by tbe hand ot God rather than self-imposed. The position of the W 0. T. U. toward saloon keepers should be the same aa a budy of Christian women should have toward humanity in general. The saloon keep er has his rights,aud it must be re mem . bered that the majority ef people gauge their ideas of right by the civil law ; for the law of Go J, as yet, bai gotten hold of the few. Tha saloon keeper is a child ot tbe law, and as such he is entitled to the legitimate respect of tho people ; but legitimate respect and re spect based on morals are very different things,and it takes a revolution, to make civil and moral law agree. Public sen timent is already gaining on civil law, and when the voting- majority want a veto put on the manufacture and salt of intoxicants, than,and not till then, tbat law will be enacted and onfotoed. Be velutionsare the developments of years, yea, perhaps, of centuries of growth. Liquor is a commercial factor in the business interests of tbe ooanti y of no small value, and it is a sorry fsot to acknowledge that "the people" say "Yet" emphatically to the liquor traffic, aod until tbe people say "No" tbe traffic will not cease. Voters and own ers of buildings are parties to tbe traffic, and it is a significant fact tbat very few saloon keepers own tbe buildings occu pied by them. Public attention is be ing directed to tbe creators, not tbe creatures of tho law, and the responsi bility is being placed just where it be longs. The cutting off tbe branches does not kill tbe tree, for the roots still draw their nourishment from the soil so the liquor traffic is nourished by state and National government, snd so must be protected by it. We oannot be ex cused from wotk because we cannot win ; lor from every life goes op, like an electric wtie, a way ef communica tion between tbat life aod God, and tbe message sent down is personal account ability, tbe message upward is a con fessed self-consciousness of tbe existence of this personal accountability. Voters, saloon keepers, drunkards, indifferent ones, fault finding one cannot escape this ever overhanging consciousness of tbe responsibility of their own self hood. SOWfc AKAltM fKetKMBM. A man wbo knows not, aod knows not be knows out. tie is a fool ; abun him. A man wbo knows not, and knows be knows not. He is simple; tescb him. A man wbo knows, and knows not that be knows. He is asleep ; waken bim. A man wbo knows, and knowa he koowa. He b wise ; follow him. A man wbo subscribes for tbe Dem ocrat. He is a wise mtn ; emulate bin. aJOSi tms cearutr Between disease and hahh Is of ten brief and fatal. It H belter to he provided with cheap sod kirn pie remedies for such coutnoou disorders a-- cougha, colds, etc., than to run tbe risk of contracting A tl dteeas through neglect. Dr. Wn. Hell's Balsam la a sure aod safe remedy for all diseases of the longs and cheat. If token In season it Is certalo to cure, and may save yoo from tha terrible Ulvease, consumption It has been known aod osod for many years, aod It la oo exaggeration to say that It la the bast remedy In the world fur coogha, ate. When Lsdy Franklin, tbe widow of Sir Join Franklin of Arctic fame.trav el led she need to carry iib her her own bedstead, bedding, candlestick and tea pot, wbiob she used invariably, whether she was living at a hotel or visiting tbe bouse ef a triend. Tbe proprietor of the Great Weal am Poultry Yard, Mr. Jarot . Good kef , 8t Louis, M., In enthui. asiio lo his prslte of lied Stsr Cougn Cure, .which cored blm after sit other remedies failed. He Bays It BaJthaar cjoostipatee tho bowels, nor caoaaa sick headache. Our people would alwsvs do well to buy home products. The practice ol sending away for thinsjs which arc raised at home is not right. One ofthe greatest slurs cast at Orctron is that It sends away from home for many vegetables. Our tarmera and RnrUncr do not deserve the stigma. Around Albany, particularly we have an enterpriing, industrious class of gardeners who should be well supported, it is the narrow course of a few that has cast the slur on the -escutcheon of our thrifty State. We feel better, thank you. The water question is a great one in Portland. We are glad the people are real ly in earnest, as there has been altogether too much liquor consumed there. O W Loader Co., of Portland, are dol cathorised adverusiagagents for the Dssio cxat for that city. For your sewing machines,sewing roach in aeedles and extras go to Will Bros. The Democrat is appreciated as ao adver tising medium. Those who wish to reach the moat people nse its columns. Baeklen'a Arnica Salve. Tbe beat salve In tbe world for Cuts, Bruises, Mores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, C napped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ell Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perieet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Foabay A Mason, What rarest Fear, Many persons especial iy parents- cb jeet to many quack nostrums as likely to engender or encourage a love for strong drink. Tbev are right. Better die of dis ease than of drunkenness. The use of Parker's lenio does not Involve this dan ger. It not only builds up the system, curina all ailments of the utomach, liver and kidneys, but It stimulates without intoxicating and absolutely cures the sp petite for liquor, Mice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. ) July 29tu, A, D. 1886. J NOTICE is hereby given that the 'fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make flnid proof iu sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Ore gon, on Wednesday, October 20th, 1886, viz : Oustav Kriger Homestead Entry No. 4267 for the 8 of N X ot Section 20 Tp 13 8 K IE. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : William H Coooer, H H Morthorm, R ft Humphrey andehn Burnett all of Sweet Home in Linn county, Oregon. W. T, BrjBNEY, Register. C. S, WObVKBTON, O, H, IBVINB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 0t Ofllce up stairs infFroman's Brick . . ALBANY, OREGON WORTHY Of 'Confidence. purls of tntj world, luwpi-ovr-d lUHH f .icy im llio bi t blood tdtcrutiVe known to tuudk'ul science. SARSAPAR2LLA tbsj root of the gi'iuiiti" Honduras Harwiparllla) Is its bu-iu, mid In powers aro c-nhnim-d Uy the extracts of Yellow Duck and Hi if. ilmrlit, llio loilid - or Potassium nud Inm, ind oilier potent ln.-n dicuts. if your blood villn!d by ds nuwments lo of the dtontivs mid esslmllatory fiuw tlonsf Is It diluted by fterofulu? or does It contain Ui poNon of ikrairy or Contagious Dlseusef TUP fading phyaleluus of llio ITrtffrd I nCs Htates, who know tiro cmtolflti Of AYKIt'4 MAItMAI'AlllbbA, any (hut nothing else so good for the: ptirlilea. Hon of tho blood U within tho range of pharmacy. fail I V ,,v t,,n u"n ' tbl remedy Is J, U II t i possible for a person who law corrupted blood to attain roin, I hi tilth nud prevent transmission of I'm de structive taint to posterity. TUfiDfltlfiUI V crTtH'Hve renovation I nunUUUnl. Y of the system include not only Hie removal or r. mpt ion from tho blood, but its enrielt. ment and tho strengthening of tlo vital oricai. DTI IADI C witnesses, ail over tin ft ULIMDLC. world, testify that (hi work Is belter accomplished by A vru's BAluut'Ailtl.bA than by any other remedy. Dl AHfl ,n1 I" corrupted thron ! -DIsUUU ease Is made pun-, nud blood weakeued through diminution of the - red corpuaelee U mado strong, by AYKlt'S SAltSAPAIttl.l.A. PURIFYING ZSftfiL'lSX lime In serious cae, but ben fit will be derived from Iho ue of AVKit'.H Hahsaimiiim.v i.k'.o pt-edfty Ham from aoyihln 1 1 iienmi air? foi tvhlek like ( ft : mtUIUItlL falsely ehilmed. h til dant In the market, under assay RStoex, bat tla? only preparation that haMo.d the lest of time, mid proved worthy of the world's vonlltliu-e, Is Aers Sarsaparilla, raEPAHCV BY Dr. J. O. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Wlavo. Po'd by all dnnfxbds: Prk-e 1 : six for M 1 1 AG AN 3 Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you can't tell. 201b ANNUAL FAIR OK IHh STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY To be held at their grooses Saiem, Or go, comment ua SEPTEMBER 13, 1836. Aod closing m (ouowuig Mtur u night. $15,000 Off red in cash premiums Thia wit), without doubt, be the best t hibitiota of tha kind ever held in Oregon. The BEST SPEED PROGRAM. tiiITbest Exttttrlsoi Csnsfsin. s-lstilbtt er l.ivewtork. t.xtaittlt sr Frail. .atshtbif ofDalr I'rodnris, The best exhibit of every thing ever collected together in the Mate. Lend your presence aod help to make Ore gon'a pride a success aod a credit to the State Retries roust he made by 7 p. tn. Monday, and ail articles must be in place by 10 p. in. Monday evening. Plcafe make entries as early as possible. J. T. ..... secretary. Males, eiregea, ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON, 188te, 1887. aaT. a si. TaewTsos. d d , rreaieeet A lull corps cf Instructors. e ' 0 CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranged to meet tbe need of all grade or students. Sftcinl inducements offered to students. front abroad. Tuition ranges from ff.f0 to 912,60. Hoard in private families at tow rates Rooms lor seir-boaruing at small ox- ense A careful auperviaion exerciaed over stu deuu away from home. Fab term opentt September 7lh. For circular and full particulars address tbe President. REV. E. J. TBOMPKe. U. U. Albany, Oregon, Willamette University, 30 PROFESSORS AND INSTRUCTORS. S30 Ntadeuta. SI7S Oradualea. Departments of LUt iit!nr Aw, Medicine, At ik. i mmt Art. Oirltt board iu Wom-tu's n. y with ninety furniahed rooms, 3.6U pei week. Boj's' and young men's rmr.i in the Youug Men's BOARDING HALL, A building just purchased ami remodeled with 20 rooms. 1.50 per week. The ycuna mou aro expeoud to eupplj i heir furniture, wood and iigtit, a d pty one d'diar per nit nth ro an rent. I'm-. ie the most reasonable living to students which the University lists ever offtrd Tbe President boards in ttie hall and baa Uic auperviaiou. Firnl trr iu begins Stiptotnber Gib, Cat alogue sent free. t. van aca. Im2 ? aidant, S(ain. Jrd mi, ' OREOON STATE UNIVERSITY. Eugene City. SZISSXOIV 1886, 1887. First term begins September 13th, 18m, Secure free scholarships by applying to your County Superintendent, Board and lodging, per tveek, $3 to $J. TUITION PJSK YliAlt : Elementary Englis Department ,30.0 Other Departments $40.0 Write postal for catalogue with fat par ticulars, to PROF. JOtfX STRACB. Secretary Faculty, Eugene City, Oregon, F A llllTTIUft Agent Scottish S iS IIU I I III Ms Union T sw-anoa d?. , ssgstal OiWO.SCO. lmrf fs an alouBr ssjs otupsnf JULIUS QRADWOHL flaw the only eaeiaeive HiorU of CROCKERY. CLA88,8ILVER AND CHIKA WARl A Large Assortment of Baby llarriageg, And a Choic gelecton. of Coffee, Tea and Sni:ar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS 61.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime THK HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR EGG 0 Remember! What I Say I lean. Give Me a call GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest : 12 to 48 hours the quickest, route to the Bast, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas cky and other points. All classes of tickets, good yiaOgdenand Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River CgJ'li Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washingjoo 8treet, Portland, egon. Another Cut in Rates ! I bg leave to announce to tbe farmers of this county tbat 1 am atiil in buarfrusa. . old SM snd b. Just received frmn tl,e Kast s largeWk J Sj ttia lat ug nut tn friht rUm, and I am willing tbe farmer and pePle here eeinal k.v.ih. isaaasaSi i.fihassnu AntAna wUhu. . ' - SjennaJ- y . --. vm ropainng jo.,o will please notU'O my inoea; r r iHmK all kinda of whfU, SM per sat or X and pur wtinel. flolatera. Handbards and Tongues, $1 each. Ilk kory sxl, 9 each, Hinale spokMi snd felloes, 19 cents earn. And fcvry thing ela In proportion. All work warranted. Remember tbe nlmr on ar souih Arthor'si Hankamitb shop, lu Pimc'0!ia North BrownsTltle, Oregon. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of adverti sing in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co,, Newapaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruoe St., New York. Sand lOotsv. for lOO-Paga Pamphlet. DR. MINTIE, II Sierra y Street, see, CiU. TasarsaUiCsaosne, sracuxAsa Panrars Dmam with Wostteam Scocsaa. THE GREAT . ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a ssvta FAiLiMarraa Norvuu. DaeaSSr. iem rat s ksss ParaJvaas Proatatcrr. boca.snd all lb territta Brcu f svtf aLu i u h fo lolttrs and ezcaaa lit mat urr years, such aa Umm Mount), Laaattudo.N ss . ; asasaas al VtsUa. eatlsie ltqora, tha vital fluid rauaing onobaenad fi the ur tna. and man v other iHarsaaa that . i auitr sud death. Dr. Mlaeie, wbe Is a Regular Pkyeielaa, C red state mt tbe I alveratt erreaejlvata wtil a tn forfeit five Sjuref SftsvtUr fo ass of this kind the Vital Keasratlre (under Ida pedal advice and treatment) will awt care, or lor any thins; impure or injurious found In fi. Br. Nls tie treats all private diseases successfully withe ut mercury. waaallat lea tree Thorough exam n at'on and sdvlos, Includmf analysts of mine. 5. Price ot Vital Meliorative, SI SO a botUe, or four lime, Hit. iu nUty, S5 ; sent to any address upon -e-ceipt of price, otCOD secured from haarratioa aad in rivate name if desired by tr Bkeanij Street. Man, tal. 8td for list of queaUona and pamphlet. BAMM.B BtOTTLB FKEK. Will ha tent to any one apply ing: byl Iter, stall svmptona, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business Iran Motion a. r Mrntle'a Kirlney Metaedy. Kepkretteaas, cirres ail kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaint a, Uonoirheea, Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc. For sate byidi dnurslsts ; tl a botte or six bottles for SS. 0r Nlntie's naadrllea Pills are the heat and cheapen Dy.peiiala ami Blllona cure in the mark St. ror sals by sit druggists. THE GREAT Unfailing Specific FOR LIVER DISEASE SYMPTflMfti Kitterorbad taste in mouth; , . tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur : pain in the back, sides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach; loaaof spaettSei sometimes nausea and ' waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid cm Anions ; bowels alternately costive and Lx; iu-Ailaclie; loss 6) memory, with a paimV sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; debility ; low spirits thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes; ,f'S OYcr ! restlessness ; the urine is scanty aa! high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits ' a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) b generally used in the South to arouse the. Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acta with extraordinary efficacy oa the TIVER, I KIDNEYS, A and BOWELS. AN EFTECTUAL IPtCIFtO fOR Ha aria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, liiiloUHtieas, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausua, Colic, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Ktc, Etc., Etc. Endorsed by the use of ? Millions of Bottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IS ANY CONDI HON OF THE SYSTEM ! J. H.JEEILIN & CO., iot.8 I'Rohuetoss, PHILADELPHIA, PA PKICE, 91.00. nSjsT iiw asSBaWf Hoiasa In tha nivul JrMi!ttlT?Mea s i hi his hi A.t. IIAISH AX. First Natioaal Bank OF AI.B4XVOBEGOX, ....JOHNcnxKEK H. r. LL TRAHSACTB A CENXRAL banking boaiaem ACCOUITTS KEPT subject to cheek. MUHT EXCHANGE ,nd i.lajus.SI, trwwfcr sol 8 Aaaelses7lsaLdftot OOLLECTlOXSalADEon faroraUe r 5 J01"0' OSsntss, HOFFMAN & PFEIFFER PROPRIETORS OF Albany Soda Works, And Manofact urora of CHOICE COHPECTIQIEHY. We are mow prepared to sell at whole sale, always fresh and pure at Portland gnf dealers, We also keep a full Huts and Tropical Fruits. TTV GROCERIES, S.!'11 Mne. always fresh and at very low prices. OUR - CIGAR AND TOBACCO department la complete. We keep the very finest stock of smoking ami cbowine rotMoco, meerschaum nd brier pi pot taar Is a dehgnt to smokers. F. M. MILLER a Attorney and Counslor -At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice ia all tho Courts In ths Stat Olte BXtYSSaBtm QllOR ta laauea Mare ajod Sept., each jrear. eaSJ80 psea, 9xllK, iacaes,wlttoeer 3, fcOO tllnatrattona n wliole Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Price., utrert to cowh w eu all (rood for personal ojp fCatally esses TeJi bo-w t crtler, ana frlvea exawi coat ot em Otinj yau uie, e-r, drink, wew, I na-- f n vri.-A. Teee ISTVAW'A:,;.: HOOIiS contain Information Rlearrtl frnrn (be markeSa of the vrorl:!. Wo wiil tuall , copy PR KM to asy aa dress u von receipt of 10 eta. to ueiray expense ef maUln. lt ua hear from iron. ReapeetfnUy, KPI9S!ERY WARD a co. mt fc SiO Wahaaa Aveoae, Chicago. CJ. PATENTS Ubtaioed, and all oUwr buaiiMB iu tbe C s. Paten - w .hsuucuw w iw lutKicj ftic leva. Our oiBce is opjxvsit the U.S. Patent Office Vfn nkLiln 1..- mt .1 . . and note . We a' we lUiike aouity froe ef SSSsSfS and we ouuun iialent. i ii. order Div. ami to oinciais f uu I . S rVteaS "Sic;. For circular, advice, terms, aiui ctual clients in your own State or ouunu, todreas i n 4. SjOW iiUKn iH'posue Patent Office, WaaKuiator., li Notice of Final Sattlement, NOTICE ia h ri.y fjrtvea ska to under signed Ex 'Utor ? tha estate of Joseph Hmi ton, teceaed, have tiled in the Coun ts Court cf tht. State of Oregon, Linn coun ty, their iin&l afooutir io sml estate, and Monday th 6th day of September, 1S88, at the hour ef ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the Ci-m t C art room iu the uonrt tionae tn tbe city county. State of Ore place net for the heart said account, and tie ftm Dated at Aihauy, O. of July. 1886 i A.inany, u Linn , is tho time and of objections to settlement thereof, on, this 22d day , George Hkntjsbsoj, CaJIULIXK 11a HILTON, Exeootors. Eh fill! f- ' (tar- Some beta in or eM Capital swae start at oocs s. AUiaixor. UHwl orr in day yni rtfir(ra4 Van Mst ill M viJ.u