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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1886)
11111 11 1 1111 wm1mmaTWKKtmlmmMiMmMmMmMmm i Filtered nt tho Post Office at Albany, Or, as aeoond-claaa mail matter. r;iu AUCrUsr 20, im. SL'ITE3 fc RtUer n4 NUTTING. Preprieter. rKr. Ntrrri4, umi Keiier. Five or six year ago J H. Perrlnt marrl- ed Mr. W. H. llannon, and since ha been living with her on the llannon term, about two miles from CorvallW, In thU county. A patch oi thi farm wa rented by Mr. Per rint to an old gentleman named Martin, at Ic.ivt Mr. Martin claimed to have rented It. On it he raiaed a crop of watermelon. these melon both Perrlnt and Martin claimed the right to dispose of. A big tiuurrci rcwuKcu. j wee, or iwo njo I'cr rint came to this city and tried to get out a warrant for the arrett of Martin, chare-In i-i ...... j nun wun umwmjr a gun on mm and threat ening to hoot him , but the threat seemed to be conditional and the warrant wa not Uaued. Last Monday afternoon the ouirrel culminated by Martin appearing in the mel on IHltch with a trim, when wnrdi fnllnurorl Whon paid atriotly in ad- between him and Perrlnt, reulUng in the vancn ihta will he the getting a anot gun and (hooting Mar- mice of th Dkmoorat : at (he end of S ",c Muen " the left h p ,i 0 Kr. . . "ni ne w turning to leave me patch, the vear, $2.50, and thr a ill b oo The wound wa not lTnam.... P-rwi ... aesiauoo irom trie rule. arrested Wednesday evenlnir bv Sheriff Smith and placed In the county jail, belmr at work around hia houae at the time.having matie no euort to escape. I le clalma that he did the shooting in self -defense. The preliminary examination will take place ro-uay oerore juattce Humphrey. OfiODNTTf FFIOIAL and IfAPER. $2.00 The rumor Is atarted In San Franclaco that Joe Teal of PorUand la buying up horaea to speculate on in the event of a Mexican war. He will get left. There will be no war. The U. S. la too senalble to tight over auch an laaue aa 1 presented by ura cutting caw. Two Pari aona last Sunday roaated their ! mother at the atake because they could not gei ner in a mau nouse. A pall and tub factory was burned Tacoma Monday. Los $12,000. A Reno, Nev. Chinaman had his head knocked off by the handle of a hand car last Sunday. Voorheea of W. T. waa on Wednesday re nominated delegate to Congreaa. General Sherman was in Portland last week. AHB ABKOA0 at pnsalng According to the M. A. T understanding m me matter, tnis butting who is causing o much trouble between the U. S. and Mexico waa running a paper in Mexico, though he is a full Hedged American. He published a libel against a Mexican, who made him crawfish. Then he had it pub lished in a Texas paper, which circulated extensively in Mexico. He waa arreted in Mexico and sentenced to one vear impris onment and to pay a tine of $00. So you ee there i not very much to quarrel over after all. Lot of smoke in the affair. If it cornea to fighting one company of the famous Oregon Indian fighters could whip the whole Mexican government O The people of CorvallU were just about to kick, a herd ot pimp, thugs, etc., from that cay, when thev left and came to Al bany, the M. A. T. waa at the boat when thev arrived, three or four men and three or four females. They were well enough dressed, but for slimv.'sneaking.Monmouth Street faces theirs tixik the lead. It waa just the kind of a crowd we all want to see pass through Albany ; at the same time it was just the kind railroad operations' attract towards any place. That kind of people a a a a a & . snouiu oe kicked out at double quick pace It would be a good idea to start in early on B a m a a m w tnis ciass ot people and set a lew examples which will redound to our glory a a virtu ous city. A place doesn't have to be full of rot to b lively. O We notice considerable boasting about what a fine galena country there ia at Coer lJ'Alene. As a matter of fact, we haye a galena country in Linn county, on the San t .am, which will surpass it. Look out for some Linn county silver that will open one's eyes. There are pounds of minerals in our mountains. Ttae . r. Rail laying on the extension to this city began last Wednesday, and will be pushed. The grading is nearly completed to the point where the long trestle work begins. Pile driving is going on at both ends of that. In the river the piles for the north and middle pier of the bridge have been driven, the former containing thirty-two and the latter sixty-four piles. The piles for the south pier, to be the same size of the north pier, will be driven in a few days. It is safe to rely on this road for wheat ship mente. kfttst of here the permanent survey has been carried beyond the Santiam, the bridge having been located. East of the Cacades the survey is progressing nearly to the mountain. A HMalckt ataw. A disgraceful row occurred at Miss Lords place in the Third Ward last Sabbath morn- J a a a a wm a ing aoout one o clock, several young men got into a general fight and bruised each other's noses broke furniture, dishes, etc in a most disgraceful manner. As there was no one to swear out a warrant, the in terested parties preferring to keep their names away from the public, no arrests were made. A special police is evidently needed to keep track of this place. Per haps an abatement of the nuisance would work pretty well. The increased number of stranger in Albany neceseitatea increas ed vigilance on the part of our night watchmen. strati. f I t MM alley. A. A. McCulley, the well known ateam boat man, wa kicked by a horse at hia farm in anthill county on Thursday evening of last week. Two ribs were broken and his skull and shoulder blades were crushed. He died in five hour after the accident.being at the time of hia death 68 year of age. Mr. McCulley was well known all over Oregon. He came to this stale in 180 and settled in this county, where he founded the city of Harrisburg. In i860 he represented the county in the State Legislature. In 1863 he moved to Salem, where he assisted in founding the systsm of river transportation, with which he was connected until recently. There are few people who have not had a ride on the steamer "A. A. McCulley," which a few month ago waa burned at the Cascade lock. The deceased will long be remembered foi the useful part he played in the history of the Willamette Valley. A hlatory of hia life would contain much of interest to thi section of Oregon. fair ila. Editors Drmtocrat : In a communication in the Daily Htrald of the t st h Inst., the City Marshal la very severely criticised for not enforcing the "Thistle" Ordinance, providing for the removal of the same. At a regular meet, ing of the Council held May nth, 1886, the .yiarsnai reporter me matter ot enforcing the Ordinance providing tor the removal of thistles, and other obnoxious weeds, and asked the t-;ouncil to instruct him aa to what should be done. The presiding of ficer remarked that hia opinion waa, that it was not necessary to lake anv action on the matter, and the subject waa dropped and the City Marshal acted accordingly, now who is to blame for the non -enforcement of the Ordinance- Albany. Or., Aug. 19th, 1886. JcaTicn. Traaafrrrea ta Tne fruster Wa. Mattie Allison waa taken 00 last Monday orniug to Salem, where aha is bow a go eat of Sheriff Mioto. One reason why the pris oner waa taken to Salem waa that the order f the C"urt gave Sheriff South the right to take her there any time after the change of veuae, and be thought it best to do so. Tni waa basteoed by the feet that the .Mien IT had very properly forbidden Mine Aliuon' toother the privilege of sleeping antl cutnmu meat: oj with Miee Allison, and she requested to be taken now. On getting there Mj. fitiMjoto mauled on the same re- tncliou being carried oat. The scaoffliDo- dti.jx, ttie.e instead of being more dioue are not ao pleaeant aa they here. St, en if Smith i entitled 10 great ered it for the et net baaineee rales be ia following to rrierence to the care et pnaeajtta. A ftiemitfce AeC Last Tuesday about noon a hungry tramp called at the residence of John l lelan, in ih I hird Ward. Mrs Clelan being at homelodor thorough, and vou secure sound sleeo . . f - . V . . . . r We have received a postal card from Read ing.Penn .on which ia printed the following, an unnecessary item of new to most of ua, aa our cool night have a tendency to make most of us sleep too much : A DIBCOVKftY. Onions inhaled cause sleep, rest and re pose. I he Soldier on his march and the exhausted Iron Worker get great strength from eating the onion. Tie a fresh onion around the neck and bruise ft to make its alone. I le asked for dinner, and wa most properly refused it, whereupon he took his seat at a table, and demanded in a per emptory manner that it be brought to him. Mrs. Clelan seized a shot gun standing in the room, leveled it at Mr. Tramp's head and told him to go. He went without any further demonstrations. Mr. C. i entitled to a gold medal. A soaile. Last Friday evening a large number of the member of Rev. C. E. Davis' church surprised that gentleman and his estimable wife, at their home on Fourth Street, by rushing in on them with a bountiful supply of everything imaginable in the eating line, as well as other' things of a substantial na ture. It was a complete surprise and served the worthy couple right A most enjoyable evening i reported as having been spent atraiek wltk a aawlapls.e. George Early and Jas. Shepard had a quarrel on the extension of the O. P. last wetk, resulting in Early's striking Shepard a asverc blow with a handspike. The in jury don? though was not serious. Early left for parts unknown. A warrant was issued hii arrest and Deputy Sheriff Milnsr, of O.rvallu, was in Albany Friday looking f r him He was not found here. D D Pretty man clalma to he SunorintMn. dent of the Oregon car, with authority to appoint hia own Assistant. This our Buick item out The number of . excursionists through Oregon this year is large. A Mr Robinson, of Boston, ha just been arrested, charged with wholesale pois oning. Six or seven died from the effects of poison, skillfully administered by her. She was after Insurance money, the de praved wretch. The Portland Si Willamette Valley R. R. is to be extended to the .Summit, con necting with the C P and maklno ih lillllr from Portland to the Bay thirty mile. shorter than at present. John A Logan, and Gov Alurer. of Miehl- gan, leave San Francisco for Oregon to-dav, overland, .Senator Stanford furnUhing them peciai tram anu coacne. rhev w pa through Albany Monday noon. Lo- gan will draw a crowd. Luclu Fairchlld. ex -Governor of Wis. conin, the New Grand Commander of the National G. A. R., ha been in Portland this week. It ia rumored that China ia arminnr for a war againat Americana In China, unless the recent Chinese loeaes are Indemnified. John Gobin, of French Prairie. Marion county, now eighty -one yeare of age, came to Oregon In i8jc, for the Hudson Bay Co., and ha lived here continually since. Last Monday the O. P. train ran down a fawn this aide of the Bay a few mile. A tram hand captured it and wilt make a net of It r Dr. Deardorf , once of lefferaon. has locat ed at Fresno, Cal. The great Anarchist trial, vomit on in Chicago, will probably close this week. The Portland TtUwrmm aav "Mr Isofh Webber, Jr., for some year connected with J W Cofran's Insurance Aiiencv here, and now the special aarent of the Pacific Branch omce ot the Hartford Insurance Com nan v. U....J I m 1 . . . lotsicu m asn r rancico, u in the city Mw WJ -ft, ft. I ... a .. . ftf " " mac iim occii very 111 ana win re main to the city for a week or two to orae real which he sorely require. 1L - ! .11 ft ... . . . .Mine .'nmiicr ana matue L-arain were married at Portland a snort time ago after an acquaintance ot only forty -eight hour., The Secretary of the State Insurance Co ot Salem, ha sent this office a postal card announcing mat the income of the com pany rar tne ix month ending July it loeaea, 703,M. iTireshing through the country is nearly done. Most outfit have had run of about twenty daya. The yield of wheat, altogeth er, ia at least equal to that of last year. Wheat 60 cent ; oats, about 34 cent egg, i a cent. Maerew The following are the rate, to which the ... company have recently reduced the price in cent per hundred pound of grain, in car loads to Portland : KAAT BIOS DIVISION. North Santiam .ia Scio Junction Sdo ? West Scio. Crabtree ...u South Santiam . . . . . . 1 a Lenga Lebanon Junction ia ia '5 get ae stem Weeds. One Ben Woods got intoxicated Tuesday and raised a disturbance around the brick addition to the Foster Block in this city. He was arretted, placed in the caliboose and Wednesday morning discharged. Though moneyless he claimed that he had been working for the N. G. Road and that it owed him $150, which he was unable to get. athrr Ptle lrlver .terldenf. Last Friday Mr. Henry Nice, Superin tendent of the work a' the O. 1 bridge, wa assisting in raising a pile when it fell en him, dislocating one of his shoulders and knock ing a crowbar against one of his legs, bruis ing it badly. He wa taken to the Revere House where Dr. Hill attended him. Flae ieaelae. Mr. W. H. across the river from this town, has presented this office with a sample of peaches raised on his place which are fully equal in size and flavor to thone grown at Ashland and other points in Southern Oregon. .! VferU- The Leedy threshing outfit threshed some thing over 28,000 bushels in 19 day, being an average of 1500 bushel per day. Good work. Will ility Horse. Mr L Senders Francisco and ia r Call on him ai Al has returned from San isiy to buy good horses. Examine W are -well go 'asaeSawaa xtenston tables. They m for yourself. from its nightly inhalation. Daniel R. Clymsr, Ex-Mayor of Reading, Penn. a Martasi Ceaaty re Meat. Last Monday while helping to run a thresher a few mile north of Salem Leon ard Woolen met with a most distressing accident in about the following manner. The feeder becoming clogged Woolen got on top of the machine to fix it when he fell, his left hand striking on the cap. It was carried into the cylinder and literally torn from his body, the hand and part of the arm being carried through the machine, By prompt attention the arteries were clos ed and the life of the man saved. Aaetfcer Chinese Irage. Several daya ago a body of armed men at Juneau, Alaska, drove eighty-seven de fenseless Chinamen into two small boats and set them adrift in the ocean, without a cent in their pocket. The outrage ia one which should be resented by the United States government The Celestial is not to blame for being on U. S. soil, and he should be treated with at least aa much re spect as a dog. Plaalsrtst. Two weeks ago the Democrat published an item about "How Oregon girls bathe," and now the State papers are stealing it promiscuously. It wasnt particularly smart ; but it did very well for us. If the Texas Siftings were published in Oregon every other paper would be a Texas Siftigs,pib lishing the same original articles. It doesn't do much good for a paper to attempt to be original in Oregon, as there is not an ex change, that will stoop ao low a to credit an item. The akiasle Market Mr. F. Brown, residing several miles east of Lebanon, was in Albany Wednesday with a load of shingles, which he sold for a comparatively low price. By the way Col umbia River shingle have greatly damag ed the market for Linn county made shingles. A preference should be given home productions. reel Lowson Belleville Linn Brownsville . . . Twin Butte.. Montgomery . . Priceboro..... Wilkin Coburg Ray'a Land ink St Paol....T French Prairie 1 Foiae g Woodburft 1 -T A ownsnM McKee 11 ft 1 1 3 9 to II I II 11 II II 1 1 Barow's Siding. Mt. Angel . Downs' . . . Silver-ton . I Johnson Mill.... Howell Prairie.... East Side Junct'on Mcleay Waldo Hills Annisville n West Stay ton sjg The above are tjie official quotation, und they are given because the rate have re cently come down. The comffkny ia doing all it can to deserve the patronage of the people along the lines. Gum ATit. - TIM , Bridge-., Work ha not been begun on the Narrow Gauge bridges and the time is past when they were to be built. We understand, though, the contract for the lumber ha been let Wheat has been stored in the railroad' warehouses along the line ready for shipment ; but some think the bridges will not be built this year. A Very aeaall fire. Last Wednesday morning about one o'clock a tick to one of the cot in the Heng Teng wash house, south of the Revere House, caught on fire, perhaps from a late moke by one of the inmates. The Celes tial had a lively time for several moments in extinguishing the flames. Nhrhtwatch Jones was about to ring the alarm ; but, fortunately the services of the fire depart ment were not required. Waterloo Hotel, Mr. J. G. Gross ha reduced board to $4, and children accordingly. Meals 2$ cents. No extra charges on Sunday unless by special orders. Parties wishing me to meet them at the train, please notify in time. Charges reasonable. V M frenoh, jeweler, The best harass at J J Dubruiilsa, For stoves aud tin ware atonal j to John Brigg- v J. P. Wallace, Phyioiau and Sui tfeon, Al bany, Or. Four new engine were placed on the 0 P iea weex. For putnpa, pipea aud hoae at cost go to u on 11 wrigga. Albany Custom Mill floer at lived k Mro wnella. Old ailvor i worth 83a. per o in trade at r w uartei'e. A span of good woik horae for sale ek-ap enquire of K M Preaoh. Call at Head 4 Browned ami get a chunk of dried beef j it ia delicious. John Priest baa nam used his aa ml - lector nl custom at the Bay Mis ahaves for a dollar and a oh an towel to every customer, at t. Viuriuk's. For a general aeMortmbt of luiuaii furnish. ing good at oost go to John Hriga. Pjflea tWlin on't be bis lor waking j you oan got It at Uad k Bruwneil'. Mr Jean Ko has m-ived into hi ne red denoe just eef the DaMoraAT olBd. Hoppioking 11 about buinuiiu. Raher mall i-ropa hub g.xtd pries i the rule. For the iMifiou'eori imry, twiii, gro oeriee, eto., osll on Hoffmm Pfedfor. A largo invoice of shoos to arrive thi week from Boston at Real k BeawueUV ess. ! I a a -.r in,., pair n' peciaoie or iy iiies catii oall at F M Freuoh Jewelry S'.we. Rev J W Webb will preaoh at Koo Botte next Ssbbatb afternoon at 3 o'clock. r M rrenoh. aent Suitor Mumf. 11 PI ln w.puniw v'U'i reiiowr i notj.l. AMi,uy ,l)r rick up that old gold jewelry end hv it mai into a 1110 geld riug at K W Carcr'a It. M If tIIJ l 1 i . . r.ius, pnyaietau ana iurg'-un ah -my. urerfou. f.ftll made In eity ur country. Rev H F Webb has a cucumber in hi Harden 18 inches) long and 3 or 4 ioohee in diameter. 11. -- - - ft- . ...J.IIJ LI. f ' raimweiiiDg ui residence on WaehiDKton gtraet greatly iatpreviotf its appearance. La S am naoee, aamlsl ud slippers for lad ee, m im. children v. 1 infanta k w a a ,. . . . -ww.... w oeueouaena a a k - 1 you want t- mtku a haido ne preient get one f those Rtn rooker at W Fort- muier uo s. A Ana " 1 - - a at a a V'w "i" " P"P corn, van leet men, ra sed by Ashbv IWoe.i exhibited at Burk hart k Kaeney . Rev S O Irvine will nraaeh nat afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Bare hart school wee, uwg ituuen. Oo to Pruahaw's new Drug 8 tare for pure drug, patent medio toes, eta Preecriptmo oarefally oompoanded. F K Hodgkin. of Salem, recently had a eeJlar boos broken while getting off a street oar in San Francisco. Mr Daniel Beet has sold about Hv boo- CUM faonwg mill to Oregon and California during the fast year. For rent barn in good eonttitkm, near c .rro-f Klbworth aud 4tb Street. Fr par- tienJar call at this oflU. , Four-yaar old Claads Dickey was bitUo last rruiay by a d, cutting hia at m n very seriously. a at . . ao attempt waa mads to burglarise the reemeno of Iev, Weet Monday niorniag A bull temer stopped matter. When yon want a neat fit in the shoe lias call at Rend 4 Brownell'a and they see suit yen both to quality and pries. Breymen k Rommeryille have shipped this w-x to their ranch 10 bead of cattle" ool-lect-d for them by Mr I D Mdler. Jobn Brigg haaoa hutd three Plaotmer fruit Dryers which ne will eeil at lea than eons. They are the beet in the market. Tne new rea id apnea al J 11 itarWhan an-l E L Thorn psan. aie iUt ready for uocn- psocy. Both are ornaments to oar eity Barkbart A I'feitfer are doins some tine work in their Job Pnntiair eW V..w .a the time to get gouu work at low durea. Mr HJ. Frrguson. of Lot Analea. daneh Ur of Mr Eli Carter, of tbi eite. boom last wees, tf.nae by way of faautaa. , The pi tee of wheat by the ooart be mail. IO the deeruemt of Mr A X. Hrida-eferm-er, ahoold read 4C cent instead of S3 oeou. Rea.1 the article entitle.1 UMnsra.llMl un. r 00 our editorial uaae a at one?, tor you will never gi a better ooe. . I . t I 1 .1 .a. . tf Ba a . a .aa. - a . i . aixmt nve mtiwa irom tbta C ,y in !).- !t.n county died last Sumlay vemi g,ael 20wra Call at F M Frenoir jeweiry store ad get ywar eye tee lei, by out of in Anm. -lVleecopic Eye-1 eaters ' in tbr gtata, tt Ofeharyt. G. W. Ma too, Fhystoia.! atd Sereoe, A ' n , Oregoo. Grsdaate of the CtuctunaU College of PnyatcuwM and Surgeons, Cmein uu, Ohio. 'God balpa him who belpe himself.' ' and Salem with commendable en te rone is helu ing herself to a bridge acroe the W ibamette Sales ta riabt la boating the sam. J!,hmV,UU VVsdoesday l.or.ebaok for Hilver Welb, tnteoding to make ttw trip n three day. He went for the 0 P It ft . huw eueiuesa, HL. a .. . ... ne AUaUSB Went Naxa ..,..!... ........ a ...II llT V . HMUI whis nat wwren niuatfatlnnt of prominent treats, mueucec. etc. of Ma am .n.l W. .. . 'v. . - a w . ft...-. f.UH.d,, im -uoii.or i a Howl una l ki.l. i. Uud, to U illu.tratd ia the next number, ibis Journal deserve a uoul autumn. Touoa. old. and mlAAi mA .11 ... 1 sues the wonderful lieueHoial effect of Ayer'a Sarsaaartlla. Vuunu hii.i-.. .. . Tom or eye, sore ear, anal. l.h.l sny sorofnlooa or aypbihtio taint a.l be oeauny anu strong by the use. ClfttWI VOL. 'tit ne announcement that W, W. Cole's consolidated shows will visit Albany Friday Sept. 3rd, will bring joy alike to the Juvenile heart and to the Tre that has reached the "ere and yellow leaf" of life. The const! luency of the circus Includes a tnnre imti. prehenslve range of people than any kin, -iv Vl ncaiucui tun count an nu hud taeaf. L-.- a-ftAft... at a. a . ,vvw' ifwn i wo inounarid yearn - ", mm u giamor m romance, ha held undisputed sway In the realm ofamu. menu. Other form of entertainment have nn, thrived for a time, and then n.-iaal M ...... I.... .1 - t . .'ft . " " 1 out me cnarm of the sawdimt arena Iwve never lost tlielr ootcnev (mm t ',-,'. nay unwn to tne present. Tn-circu b unl- By arrangaoi. Vflull all (ink.... ...!. 1 . . ISMi nu the vten. e-itk -...i..!... i- .!....: r.!. -vruiy rc'a, ru,ef " efTort to ore vent L --.. a age, ciime and plumes of Ife. After W.ACffiLVr- : F the clew ?o the ..rennlal pP "", 1 uiaruy oi me circus is here. It t.i h.. u, iiro prlng of Immortal youth, and serves as the and it leave in the Iwviu .... ... ... ji, . - r"" "w "i.ii iaa 1 ihIiim. 1... 1 ...I... .1 . ;'(". touct m wic disorder The vr,'v UHoV. 71 co"ncct,nK link between babbling childhood .,! u..iL. . : . . " qwruious old age. Tim may but vurniiertv a' tveenev dreise- nf ? T 1 r,1!,u" 0' thi. phllosiphlring.and let u. re- u, Z lZtL .": W??."1" "'Ore. inrnto.our original subject, the eomiaa of 7iV. r, ft. r awjaataf well ntrt big liow. At n Urn- during hb I -Hli -ithae u V "9 rn,w mucn mat wiia new, novel uud wea eithr desire .. t.,iorm4ti.m as wastber. brilliant a la uu ...J 7.1. oisraec ONLY emeus S SEASON DEBLAKI)! ;,an mmmmm of interest to farmers and others nts made with other inanajra. thinf m, mw r ---- m - v s7 T THE GLORY-CROWNED CAPITA! OF W Appearing in all its vaat Orafcta&al splendor AT Albany, I'rMaj, September 3rd, I8S. W.W.COLE'S JBKi ft Kallawing ae the nw ofsrs nl imri U11 Udjli 1 0 0 T of Harrishorg t C T VhKvS h"" ''J T" J"ia Hmlaod I 8il Hy J T, Douglas ; H . 1 A Halm 1 &, Boss Hast 5 V,i km I 1 j Oaard, Anoie mrnyu j Monuel, rrml Hreadeoburg. J it Malilwin, the HUnogrspiier b trans r..., tne II IWali aj i the Kaaudera osae. preptratory to its fwioj uken to taa M... jiruine ;oMrt The le-i rueetiN g .id to be whether the bill of eaoeption eaa be eiai aitr sue ailjoarnment of the ; .urt w. ..on tne case wee tried. Jedife Bytaa t: ' y remae to igo them, whea it w,M muu up an that point. asHist Ann rnsKt . Rev J VV Harris. ot$nm eeuie up Wad- j "us 1 nets in A new feature to the Albany College, will be en art department, in charge of W B Mit hll, a good artbt from the East It commends itself. iiijs Lesl. A 100 yard loot race was run at the fair grounds, near this city, Monday, between A I. Long, of this county, and Dick Patton, of Salem. The latter won by about three feet ; though Long lead up to about eighty yarda, and ahowed himself to be a remark ably fast runner. The stakes were $100 a side. At least one bet of two to one on Patton was made. Oregea U1U Ahead. N. J. Henton, of thi city, ha shown us a twig taken from a Siberian crab apple tree growing in hb yard in this city, which has apples on it fully matured, ana on the same twig blooms for new apples later on. The tree, Mr. Henton says, b loaded down with matured fruit. Between the I) it 4 x. r office and Rideuut's, a plain, heavy iold ring. j-. a aaa m w r " nnder will confer a great favor by ing to this office. Mrs. The return- Oat Wealed, 100,000 btuheb of oats wanted, for which I will pay the bigheat market price. Sacks famished free to those desiring to sell. Be ears and get my prioea before selling. D. B. MoifTairn. CentpluE OBtflt Complete campin? outfits, consisting of cots, folding chairs, folding table, eto.. just the thing, at W. Fortmilier Co'. tineas to Lena). On from one to three years time, on good security, in sums of $500 up. Call on Cliks, Mojttkith & Co. Letter Idt. Following is the list of letter remaining in the Post Office, Albany, Linn eounty, Oregon, An- 19th, 186. Persons celling for these letters must give the date on whieh they were advertised : Baker, Mrs Kate Ooeper, Calvin C Kinder, Mrs Hannah Miller, Mr Alice Stovall, Tons L J. M. IBVIKG, P. M. If wa are pretty well filled with advertise mente tbb week remember that it takes money to ran a newspaper, and that eircua adts do not last long. Bnrkhart & Keeney aell ticket over the Northern Pacific Rail Road to all potass .a ,rw a - a -a W east. on them for rates and bowing route of travel. Mr J Sykes, living near thi citv waa kicked by a yearling colt in the fane last .Saturday. .Several teeth were knocked ont and hb lacs braised generally. Should yon desire to ell your orooert call on Burkbsrt k Keeney as they advtrtise property placed m thfit hand, and obarge nothing unless they effect a Bale. Within a few week, it is reported, a aaa era! merchandise store is to be started in the third Ward, Komo where on the line of thi OPRR, probably on Lafayette Street. The batldinir occupied by Deyoe k Ribeon. wa sold lent Vaturdsy by Mr John Craw- for.1 to W H Goltra, for $6000. The ehauge will not interfere with the business af Devoa k Robson. Cherry k Parkea are manufactories' a 25 stamp quartz mill for Southern Oregon min ers, headquarter at Jacksonville. This b a new feature in tbrir line of work. But they are equal to tho oocaaion. The first of the week Col. Hogg purchased of Henry Gravss, clerk of A B Mcllwain, a white owl aud a Chinese pheasant, whioh Mr Grave had collect e I during the past year. They will be taken East. geotlemsn from the Sound says the completion of the Cascade branch of the JN P to Tacoma oan never make Tacoma equal to Seattle. That the lattor plans ia b mnd to retain the advantages it now has. Yon are right, Mr. Prineville jJfotM.on yoor distinction between Fiah Leke ana Clear Lake, bat here we call the whole diggings Fish Lake, and forget ourselves whan wa boast of the clear water of Clear Lake. One of the rumors of the day b that the termmoua of the O P will be placed between Yaquina City and Newport, on railroad land. The lay of the land is much more favorable for building a good siaed eity. Mr Floyd Vaughn, of thb ceaaty, uncle, of Hank Vaughn, recently shot in oold blood at Centervilie, left for that place last Tusa day. In reference to the ahooting Vaughn claimed that he never saw Folwell before. Regular travel on the part of the "Three Sister" b an anomoly in the hbtery of the river transportation. Never before did a riyer ateamer trvel in auoh low water as the "Three Sistera" are alidiug in in thu North west. 4 Geo W Belt, Prosecuting Attorney, haa appointed the following Deputies : B N liayden for Marion county, W L Bradahaw for Yamhill county ; J H Townseud, for Polk county, Judge Newton for Tillamook county. The Oregon Paeifio offices will be removed in a abort time from Corvallis to Albany, A depot will soon be built here and repair shops constructed . Work will be began a soon aa Mr A Hackleman get hers to assist Mr Haffeoden, oi Portland, has he.n the oily tbta weak. Mr and Mr (j H Height, of Y-aanin. i ... afa ulill I. a ia. w .u A.oany. vuit to Sao Kraaobco. Mr Ah ram HunaaVar f ss.i i.t,. f ... L eWttng relatives in th eoanty. The Misses Soriees. of Mala... aa. ..iMit... Oh UiM ifaa- alail '.li. ""7. ' " w.w mtmmrn -imri ai WOSK. Rev g J Thom,,.,,,. tail I um -ftftftftftft... a I - uivwe hi Al nany . Salem baas, Albany gaina. Tkhut, Simon Heitenbaoh return-A ) Am i u weak frees hb trip to Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Mis Kaon i Set ten liaVrh PatUpi awl I .at tt day to Albany after an aheewoe of several week. Case Crowd end iu Bay bet Tasedav. wham fta i:,-a i. . V see V.ww Mn hsan at work on the O P. F M Red field lata. n ..t Lfttdermen aavl witm mnA u... w.n'. . i... - mmmmmm - -..l ft, I ' ' ft for the By last Setardey. Uanatot Irvine and to the eity, and are now reetdtng tu their ree.oence in u mird Ward. !,.CftAU.V weanUy 'roes the Kt, haa m Ainaay. and b new making ab of all the real estate ia the county. realms ft Hermasa l.r. ,...k Albany Taeeday on hb way to hb tmnWat Bees barn. A taw wear alA m hi. .11 . few, daya ago. Mr Ed C Pbeine. swaaral maM-i, ..( at,. Yaquioa Mail, was ia the eity Friday on tmine connected with that lte.le .. - journal. ' " Mr Frank Ilaoklemaa aerieaal the rtrat of the weak from L. r SU, where hb wife b stopping for her h - ..which has o very poor. J H Sun- recently m l.i , It . . .' f v. Courier and Indepen U Wttt Afal h l eaied In Brownsville, where he wi.t eaaa start a weekly psprr. Mr W If P .. hat ruturoe I I..J iam'i f.. . aoe lasima v -li. r.. r he I. I bao on a ptoapwoim trip, 1 1 his tell . -tmn thb valby m far ahead of it, , The lawn party aivoa by th-j ; , 1 1 Preebyterian Chun h f aa w. . s . eaa a i jrviua: w.rr.ji, ivonia' i t tended and proved a aootU tn 1 in Mr F P Hogsn. who aia. I I M and Mr M..teiih in ai . . .... act upon it . waa ii. Athene T... ... .... r I -ww.wft, II m IT .ft .1 f 0 j at K Meburg. after a tii. M .-.riM. Dr Maetoo returned bt Friday ir .m a trtpaeruea (ha M nntain through H .rue) Vaiiej to !d ..-.. omtug hek by th Oregon Short l, i,o. Me reports an enj ysble, though wag, trip Jimmy lUolon waoeeboase and hon.ah.ii.l gMis were burned last weak at Teligent left -. . a A St t. i a . a " aW ' yewevruay ior me noma lit ror Wsnd. Jimmy tm L t. 1 a is a ' . . I sv ni wrtr ail'l U bl Ot'4 ffleO I hSTO wbh him good look. KVVLsngdon, Kl Ztyss and son, J J fmbruille. IV U Ketchnm, W B Scott and Frank Ketchnm left bet Saturday for Fish Lake, to be gone two weeks The !. .... of the crowd sneak for an ' hm. Dr L Carpenter, of Deaatnr Tu k. been ia the citv. the iraeat nt Ur H V nn. dit, who once resided at the earns plane. The Doctor ia going home will traverse some ef th country made fameoa bv the I onntravarsy. " Rev BoUftinger returned to Fort c.kt. last Mondsy, after preaching in the Congre gatiimal Church in tbb eity three Sabbaths. Rev Rominger was generally admired for hb sterling, practical, lira, christian ssrmoDS, and hi genial social uoelitba. We believe the church will be fnrtunste if itcnr bb ervioea. urn sen non. Holh FftiirriiM; ui4 A. have contributed their most expert liarcback rWers, acrobats, aerial marveb, yaulter. clown, juggler, boxers, wrestler, fencers and phenomenal artists of all kind, so that the show in lb present form b a wide and complete departure from the conventional iircu. tne most Important of Manager w.v e iwaiu Mtnessjusa. are a real Koman hlppfxlrrrtne and a "Wild Weat" .l,lhllr. The latter b headed bv the llluatrb.ti a-i.,i rifleman, Dr. W. F. Carver, "Evil Spirit of the Plalna, uud one of the most prominent figure In Western history. The "Wild vVet" combination includes many noted scout, cowboys, Sioux, Cheyenne and Paw nee Indians, all of whom appear in thrilling u.uairauvc or wna nicon the plains ffianager ixie I said to have the let sappafl and moat realistic Roman hippo- urome r.rr een in tbb country. Ti,.? hor ae used In the races arc of th fin! (!. Ibh and Kentucky stock, and their contcat ior supremacy are pronounced a escitlng u those seen at the great turf meetings of St. I-oub.Long Branch and Saratoga. That v-w.c win oe warmiv welcomed here goes ..-ill...... ' MTitir. Amanda, eldest daughter of lohn U snrl Ann A 1 ford, departed thb life Sundae. A it. gust 8th, In Harrbburg, aged 10 years, to montris anu n days. The white-winged messemrer tiaa entered the home of the bereaved parents and borne from them their heart's most precious trees ure after patient and untold suffering for four week. The darling Amanda -Irene in the quiet city of the dead. What a world of hope and comfort lie beneath that sacred mound, and what can eolace the hearts of the weary, grief stricken parenU but the hope of a happy reunion In the home be-vond. Our little Amanda' gone before us, And her saintly sou! ha fiown, Whcre tear are wiped from every eye And sorrow b unknown. COLOSSAL SHOWS 4 mm tmmm 4 distinct kinjjs 4 LAMER, GSAiNdtf! AND 10R HOVEL THAN EVEf. COLE'S rilPPOailGME. sais I THE OUAORUPIE CIRCUS mitem aun rutkrta fTHSiiiiap.i,. .7. " ' raraar MikniLn, -THIMIUSEUM. WAX FIGURE Atfll finunercc ns t tifiun inAna 3Tuc aiteaati iiMaae'e,.. .1; ui t.jf inu nvnvtnz, a fWOMME AND MEXICAN EXRiBITfON. 4 OR. CARVERS WHO WFST'ftflMiiiUATiiiu ----- wvmsinniiyn. Wot Seven. Eight, Hhe or T I !. whl ih Mlnlain v .. .1. being 'Combinod.-' Un!fel," "Consoildatsxi," mtnssor advertb) ta Khe b sleeping now like I'pon the Saviour' a brea IftAzarut, brcait. Where the wicked cease from troubling, nno too weary are at rest. God took her in hb mercy, A lamb in toils untried, And the angels gently bore her, Aa oss to the other side. Oh, my heart b torn and bleeding. As beneath the cross 1 bow. But I know you're happy Amanda, Wltli the laurel on your brow, You are safe, now little darling. On that golden happy shore, Where sorrow, death and Buffering, Can never pain thee more. M-irriarKir, Aug. tc,th, 1886. R. E. K FOUR ONLY FOUR AX D IRE ALLY FOUR A UNIVERSALLY PyNStWiiTlOW Of THfc CliNTB Uflpara!l8lBd in Magmtade. BriUancy antl iatriiiiis Merit, Monster Oircds 200 SbarftArtist-70 Acts, 320,009.000 IMVESTEOAOTIML O INCREASED W EVERYTHIWfi EXCEPT IN THE PRICE OF ADMlSSlOMr MAGNIFICENTLY REINFORCED THIS SEASON WITH f the 4 Mr . a ima book, of which we have before "(ken in these columns, can be had at the ooe stores of Foe hay Mason and E. W Uandon & Co., of thb citv. Every reader in search of a "cure" for hard timea should iret a copy and read It carefully. La-Tell ti AT CI twits'. wr. A 13. Meliwais has ormiwl the doors t nt mi.rm r . .rn. and .il now die.te It to o.tin . f. fnrtiuhiaa gn-b and ha. in tliili..t. !pf .piM.t, kmj a d ret ;! all 'I complete atnak. Wi?h ail he fe- eduiea, be will make Sapreiahv i-i thb pert of hi estsblbhment of the- U .ee. Buying iue Kt, with loer freia'ife, he will cf ter i-a.-jjj.irn rrely obtained. A I he snte b tor the n iblio to .,! hi stock and prisjea. l)j not buy olothinfurniahiiv eooda . . ea i. - a - at . S a . e a. r nui wimngi nrat eMiiog at the new and Urge clothing department of A. a MelLWai.e a, Peatlairy. Dr. J. T. Tate, Dentbt, will practice one day in each week at each of the following named place : Lebanon on Tuesday, Halsey on Thursday, Jefferson on Friday. and will be prepared to perform operations without pain. He will be at hb office in Albany on Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday. Jab relating. Weeth Leukine At Mr. A. B. Mollwain ha int rv ml at l. . .L.I -ft. . shp v"ru vneiargeec .vil !:.', pt. to Ai carpet are no urpasel. (.i uoc:mut of hi Urge st.ok hi will xtmietttU any nue in Albany. If you would see a first class line of gno.1 call and see hi tik of carpets, oil cloth and wll piper. Thi is Wainese. !. oil doth and wall paper ever brought kibeny. The qa4fity and dig.t of hi The tery Beat I bays added to my boot and thot t eh a line of the eelebrsted Laird, Sthober k MitehtU. Philadelphia Fin Shot for ladies, misses aud children. Acknowledged by dealer generally to be the beat value and best fitting fine a bee made. Width U, D, R, and EE, A child oan buy aa cheap as a man, SamublE. Vounu, Bole Agent, Albany, Oregon. A (treat Bxeurslwa. Every one on the go, ladies arriving uy. ery minute at the store of Monteitb k Sei tenbaoh. Each and all are making their apring selection of dress good., fancy goods, etc., in tact everything aiw anu attractive can b found there, so if you want a pointer memorise tin and give them a call. Oat and rap. N. H. Allen k Co., are now receiving a large atook of hats and caps, children's straws, iu teaaon will be mads a specialty, ' raoey taood. The place to get fancy good of all kinds, b at Mollwain'a. lib apring stock b here, and there ia no discount on Ita being first class. Birgiina offered lea. 100 taheb of cWootl wanted immediate 1y at Hoffman k Pfeiffer'a. Burkhart Se Pfeiffer are prepared to do all kinds of printing on ahort notice and in first-class style. They allow no one to un der bid them nor do better work. Call and see samples. e. New tieeda. A. B. Mcllwain has a larg aud well select ed stock nf newgooda.aa tine as ever brought to Albany. Cell nn bun end ma' e j our selec tion from hia Hrt-c)s stock. e v furniture. c H I 3 H T H E W o I? u E V i R O F iiR. CARVER'S 01 "WILD WEST" e JBW St SV . . ftw. - tteaoea oyineundaunted 8esut, Traveler anJ Wbard Rifleman. f rommently appearing with wham am "White Cloud," The Foremost Living Sioux Warrior ! "Rio Orende Bill," King of the Texsa Cowboys 1 "Big JimT Randall, The Giant Government Scout ! 'Vald-Under-tbe Ground. Bow nod Arrow Mar re "Mustang Sam," Noted Pony Kxprm Rider ! Red River Tom's C jwboy Braw Hand ! IiTkf OTHER RKNUVfNED SCO ITS COWROV1 B I II J INDIANS. TRXAS R A . K ? ' N0i I AA VeV MEXICAN VAQITEK JJ The Most ffigastic and Oompleii exMrjition of tMEM sybf Projected i GLORIOUS fEViYAL OF THE REAL ROMAN HIPMM(W. Heroic. Kanl-Stirring 9trarai BsjiweenX 40 ENGLISH AND KBiTUCKY THOROUGHBRED FLYERSN40 WlRCOLE HIPPODROME REAL A new an.l elegant liu of fur.iitai'e just received at W. Fortmilier & CVs. Their cherry good are fine. Their new center tables are the best and m nt stylish in the market. For firat-claas furniture call on them. Ax, Axes. o to Peters & Stewaru sad examine those fine Oregon made axea. superior to all others. Manufactured by II. B. Der rink, of Crswferdsville, Linn Oo.,Or. Wai ranted first class. Hals sail Caps. It is time to get your spring ha .J pparsl. A. 8. Mollwain has a stock of hat of ths latest atylea, whioh every man should ex. amine before kuyiag. Beds ted a from two dollars np at VV Fort miller k Co'. The finest Una of nga at Wood in 's. window cornice mould FO BARGAINS IN FURNITURE GO TO WW. FORTMILIER &G0'S. FUU LINE OF UPI Maaey ta Lean. We have money to loan on Real Estate security in sums to suit, for term of five years. Call on or addreas, Burkhart & Keeney, Real Estate Agents, Albany, Oregon. ftswasetea. N. H. Allen fc Co., keeps a full line af groeeriee, and they will give yon aa much for your money as you ean gat in any store in Oregon . Try them . COW LOST, Friday, Anguat 13th, a dark brown cow, large apota, white faoe, white tail, one, per haps both, ear cropped, left the place of subscriber in this eity. A liberal , reward will be given for her return to Jas. MftiDY. AttttlKia. HUFFMAN FR ADEY. On Aug. rath, 1 886, at the rooms of the groom, in the O'Toole block, Albany, by R. L. Dorris. J. P., Mr. Fritz Huffman and Miss May Fr adey -both of Albany. BOK.. GARRETT. On Aug. i4th, 1886, at the Revere House, in Albany, to the wife of William Garrett a daughter. Weight, eight pounds. UAUT JQESXYl r r- . r . . V" M Wl ..lllteamaKr. iaa.e..r UM.I saBBBjBjaja ww""jj"j ' j -: JaW - T---iyM P5eillWSi"a "ftZse!.wH- A TENT COVERKD RACE TRAK ONE-THIRD OF A MILE IMCIRCl'MKKKfiNCS 3 Times the Most Stupendous Menagerie EVER GATHERED AND EXHIBITED UNDER TENTS. The only White Hippopotamus Tks mly 2-Headed Cow the only White Buffalo ietence 2-Horned Ild SeaRhinnoeroa White Polar Baar $10,000 deu of performiua Largest herd of Elephants ia Ameriua--Nature in all her Rarest. Fiercest and wot forms TR MT. ETISKEKT OF AMM1TE GREATiax TIIRNORLEUTAND GENTLGKTOV it v. a stm : j n v i:si.K iiiakt.s hi ex Lion8 derfai SAMSON THE IDOL OIP THE EVERY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK . ... . ..... HEAEfcTJ wbern wn in a.. .. ...). will be seen the noatSumutaon Pao PABt tit it nua. .1 -.1 ' .t. . . I i as .a ... . niwviri i c T" ' I n I iau viMOP. An illuminated hn of gorgooat pomp and soiid splendor -aoarmroichahle cd in describable ' 2 PERFORMANCES EFERY D.iV If 2 M 8 V. H. Doors open at 1 aud 7 p. in,, in order to afford mil time for inspection of Museum and MensigerJe Oppartments. ADMISSION SUSS $1.00 tZ. 50C. amiweaieaiuiie eie Kiycu every nav. ram or anme, at tHe advertised hours. Oar ten tear made of the latest-improved French Wat sr-proof ram storms. -utterly defy the moat drenehiriK WE PRODUCE MORE WILD BEASTS IN PUBLIC PARADE THAN ANY OTHER SHOW ILK HtfJITS FOROaS. .Also will exhibit at SALEM, T. 2nd,