KIM ORAM. Upon the annouoc. rasntof tho death of Mr. Tilden, a oorrespotidont of the the Near York World callod upn R. B Kajos, at his home in Fremont, Ohio, Tilden,protaise to I of longer duration to inquire what he had to say upon the and gteattr severity, than the attack matter. Ha positively refused to be which the exCIIeotor of Customs had interviewed upon the iujeot,bui finally fbaiediatelv following tho announce contented to write the feilowiog for taent of the election of Olevelaud and publieatioa : Fremont, 0., Aug. 5. Your request for an interview on the death of Mr. Tilden waa declined, in accordance with my uniform habit on the subject of tnterviewa. I wish, ho say that there has been nothing la the relations of Mr. Tilden and my aelf which would prevent me from shar ing in the aentimentaand manifestations which are natural and fitting on the death of a politic! leader to able and distinguished as Mr. Tilden. Sincerely. It. B. Hayes. Here is an open manifestation of the hidden reinorne that must continual!? worry the conscieaoo of the miserable man who, through black freud,occupid the presidential chair for a period of foot- years. AHHKK CALL. TL HI . .t t !.. T. . I. I ,uw .Cl.,jr , made another call for the redemption of ten milhona of 3 ter cent bonds. A eorrespondent of the Nsw York World aava the President intends to bracticaJlf , - . . . I aurplut reeolutien, although he did not aee 2t to aign it after it had passed both houses of Congress. If this be the fi nancial policy of the government, then it will require about fourteen montk to redeem all the bonds now auijeot to call, al the rate of ten millicna pr month, at, according to the public debt statement for J uly, there were yet out standing of that data of bonds $140,- 011,750. When those bonds are all redeemed, then there will be none sub ject to call until Sept. 1st, 1891, when $250,000,000 of four and a half per cant bonds will become payable. Ibe good work goea on. I I I AKSLXELsJR 9WWKM Remember wo will furnish the Dcm- OCaAT aud the New York Weekly I World one year to any one for $2.75 in advance. Or wo will furnish tno Democrat, World and American Farmer as aus a . en one year lor TJ in advance, ur wo will furnish the aoove three papers and the history of the United States ,a book of 320 pagoa,for $3.25. This ia tho beat offer ever made, and every farmer in r.r. rh.o to ft. ocod ..Lplr 0f got a gcod eoppl reading for the fall and winter evenings at the lowest terms near offered. A RW IAMB. 'IocebnV Scott, of tho CAreoonuiTU has a new name for Ifing. He calls it - w.tiLni.l imn.r.R..nul . 77" ... "UC-T w -"uu' "T,u ""Mcuaiag gmeral aUmpede and some mis rorm or expression is no sumciem to express the character and Quality of ' . bis diatribe against the patriotism and integrity of Tilden. Congress has adjourned to its own great relief and undoubtedly in a moaav ure to that of the country. From tho ftct that one branch waa Democratic id the other Republican it was im possible for any distinctive party pclicy to be carried out. The Senate achieved an extraordinary record of attempted extravagance and the House gained tbe credit of successfully resisting it. It was a bad suasion for jobs.and although tbrongh tho efforts of tbe Ssoatn tome o'd onea were allowed to stand no new onto gained a foothold. The wagon bridge across Rogue River at Grant's Fast bat been completed. Tbe Legislature at its special session appropriated $10,000 of tbe state's funds to build tbit bridge, an act they had no mjre right to do tbao to appro priate mouev to improve the farm of K " tome Lino county farmer. Parties who lost goods by being thrown overboard to save the stranded "Qoeen of the PiciGo" at, the mouth of the Columbia River about three years ago will be ploaaed to learn 'bat they are to get their general average after tc long waiting. The whols amount to be disbursed ia $95,000. Owoera get 76 per cent of the amount of goods they had on botrd. The Democratic majority on the state tifL t in Alabama wah ovtf 50,000 Republicans and Independents elected quite a number of members of the Log is'ature, owing to local divisions among Democrats. A. P. Williams, whom the Republi can! have elected United Statet Sena tor from California, h a wholesale liquor dealer in San Francisco, and a atauocb friend of the Southern and Cantral Pa cific Railroads. 0trO$ as tb thought may be,yet it is true that : her BxW liva in all this land but one man elected President by the votes of the people. His name is Grovr Cleveland. The Statesman says "Blaine is tbe OladHtooo of America." Yee,yea. We believe Mi. Gladstone waa badly de feated in tho Ute elections in Jobn Bull'a favorite dominions. Carpets Arrived. An exceedingly large stock of carpets in all qualities has just been received by Mou- teith A Seitenbtch, Tbe assortment em braces the newet patterns and colorings Thase goods are being offered at very low prices. People wanting errpets should not fail as see them. flT. The spasmodic tits of which Scott off Ortjonian it now tho victim, MM which was brought on by tho death of ', "Old Tom Hendnok4," at that deleota- ble ex-Collactor ca'la the dead Vice President. This mental oondilion of Soott ia aad to behold. When . ho be cornea the victim of that atraogn hallo- cinatiou of which ire have before spoken in thaao column-, his oonduot fills hia friends with sadness, and if an inquiai tion should be held under such oircem stances into the aanity of hit mentality, wa would fear for the result. We me led, from past eiporieno,to Indulge the fond hope however, th At , if he and his friends will "wait till the olonds mil bv. returaim leawm will once more assert her mild and gentle dominion. bi.-r...h uih,.rlnf ih B ... , ,. . . . i . ... i - . 1 1 m "UtSQIiest ICCUOUS ie.ur is to on puicu. OORRB3PONDB NTOE. -arm ...11 .. urownevmc. Mrs. Minor Jackson, 01 tins pi see, died in Portland Monday evening. Mrs. M. E. Willton went to Yaquina Bay Friday to spand a weak Mr. J. A. Wintete,our photographer, returned from a visit to Eugene. Mr. J. U. McLtin and wife, and Mr, 8. P. Barger, started for Yaquina Saturday Miss Ketta Rice, .f Mtemu: ry, is l here visitirg relatives. Mr. A. P. Howe has bought a hall interest in the aaloon here. Mr. S. P. Barker has reiuirod his house to as to make it look like a n one. Mr. Cbae. Younger left for Ssattle Moaday. Several people ate intending to start to the mouutains the coming weak Hod picking wnl commence next week. Hope are not a eery good crop OakvilU. Rev. Acheson ard family are rmti- i ww era. l,Q xaqurrm my Miss Iu Coney, of Leng Button, all viaitin? her na rents at this utaoo. . " J T n T. X Hmilh nf 111. . t t .1 .1 r I eey, osvf ainiosncss a wellies boose for Mr. Ptich. Turimm pi,,. n.r.mi .MUnt WP I ro j-m i - m - .vm.' vjw 1 v "mI I had the misfortune to be thrown from her horse, epratning hot ankle. Mrs. Currie ia impruting slowly. W. T.,.r. TUiig f.'U .ad r.l.tir here. While tin threshing company of Acheson k Co. were at work on the farm of Matbow Aeketon, the steam thresher of Blsker k Co., ot Sbodd, a a naaaart aions toe road, and witntn a I hort distance of the horse no wer. The I I - m. mm - engineer put on the whistle and coo I tinned whittling fur tome diaUnoo, I frightening the horses on the power damage to tba machine a... nrk f.,r u-. I v" . . i KJordon hied a yellow jackets nst in tbe stubble field, which ulaiuei caused a a conflagration. ftl.i,wr. wl tr get tbe neat for ehow chow. Amicus. O. W. Batet, of tbe Pacific BriJg Co ., wat in tbe city Siturday, making arrangements to gat lumber to soon commence tbe work of rebnilding tbe two Narrow Gauge R. R. bridges across the OMaaaMam r c rr rr , , w:rr"y "IXJ V 'W one night in Scto. Went from h re to Fox Vallev. C. V. Watts.of Albanv. tUa r.,, ' was with too psny. P. O Smith waa saTarelv kicked be . mm t.m lA.k T- .u.i., .mrnrn a horse on the 1 4th. Is slowly recov- ering. .T n Jhnar.n un,l f-mifw . rm. m. turnea irom a vwi, vo umnu iwdu, W. H. McKn.ght is recovering from t . , , 9 . , lus uwt uo m wcra "a " The farraert ara all about tbrongh ,i- .j W,M1,U"CT R. Shelton and J. S. Morris wnre in A. - - - - SI JM Co A IL& booming. Good for Albsny. lVestucca Bay. Salmon fishing ia in full blast. Boats avenge about 25 areice a night. Unrue & Co. opened their packing bouse this week. Camper continue to come, 28 teams arrived to-day. Fine trout fishing at the month of Horn Creek. 58 were caught tbero to day, tbe smallest weighing 2 pounds. The steamer R nie Olsen paid in an other flying visit last Saturday. The atearner A. B. Fields crosue l out this morning. Breakeb deed Besnits la Every Case. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanoogo, Tan 11., writes, that he waa seriously afflicted with a severs cold that settled ou his lungs; had tried many remedies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for 'on sumption, did so snd waa entirely cured by the use or a rew potties, wince which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with beat results. This is the experience of thousands whose lives have been saved by this Wondsrful Discovery. Trial bottles rre at Foabay A Masan's Drug store, Portland, Or,, March 25th, 1880. Having tried the effects of the concen t rated entrant of Oregon Kidney. Tea we cheerrully bear witnesM to its benefi cial agency in affections of the digestive organs, It is simple, safe and eure : is easily taken, and restores healthy vitality to tha organs it is intended to operate upon witn assured success. S. J. MoConMicK, editor "Catholic Sentinel." nutter to Customers. We are now delivering butter of a super ior quality to special customers in Albany. The delivery will be made on each Saturday by Master Carey Crawford, who is authoriz ed to receive payment for tbe same. Cus tomers solicited. Orders can he left at Read & Brownell's or with Carey Crawford, J. M. Marks. W:ibc1 aoo,ooo people more or leas to examine understood that agent of Portland l laving mirsertcs J. I give re aelllng fruit tree Mow, the low down prices of our high ui trees. Apple, a years, tajf cents each or $io per hundred. Pear a years, 35 to 50 cents each. Plum, cherry and peach 35 cents each, everything else in proportion. Having all varieties, we can not fall to please vou. So please patronize home Nurseries. J. II. Wirt, Lebanon, Or., gen eral agent for 11. YV. Scttlemlrc's Nursery at Tangent, Or. Crawr.trd, tb'tuaratirr. Albaay, Or. I have all the negative taken H. Pax ton aud any one can have duel! oate from tholr tingattviet by addreaalm; u, at tLo following pries t Card site, fa iwr itoien. cabinet niae. &i per dozon, bou- dours, SO er dosen, I keep the finest lino of Oreuou vIowm in tho west. Cata logue furnished on application. Copying and enlarging old pictures a apeolalty. J. O. CftAWVOHD. Lumber a4 rest. Tho undsrsigosd will sell all kinds of umber aud oiar fence potts at the follow, iug stations 011 ths Narrow Gauge tUttread, Lang lawson sod Ullvillt. Per sou build inu houses or barna can have bills out and delivered at any of tin above atUious on short notme. Lumber is of the very best it, ti,,. ii.-itu- In-, 1.1. 'lit Irtim thfi Una j - --..-. : Unit rSfltOM on the Molvsnsie K.vor. Wm . E. SrirKR. waii raaer N. H. Altsa 4 Oc'a new wall papers now diwot fr.m ft, fMtory, are aU griM ew in stock Call aud staratae is a. before purohasing. DR. N. C. BOATMAN. Physician and Surgeon. fkMee 11 rat door north of telegraph office on Hroadalbin Street, VIOLINS. Mads and repaired. New tops, backs snd back. Bows reharrrd and ruaird. Old aad new violins. bows and artists itriuKs (or sala. lbfer to E. h. ( ourscn aud Cha. Bray. Portland. H. S. RICHARDS, Teacher of Violin. Corner of 2nd and Kllaworlh Sta., Albany. - - inn ,i ! mn niri 1 rr - m. abator's Sals. IN TJIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TUK JL United Htatea for the District of Oregon. The Dundee Morteajre and Trust Ineat- taeut OosMPsVaw. l.itiitted. vs. D M Cooper, Rabeeea Cooper, J II Wilson. Marv Wllseu. Nathan VVbeeldou. W K mm,mrAm t M U'ilkAM MaIIMi. WIIkoH Oeo B Chamberlain. T. J, Wilson, L. R. Wilson and O. II. W I (too. o, UM. nuiiLAM nuj ivn mu u - -tieneeoflhe decree of said Court in lb above entitled cause, mada and entered on the 2d day of August.leHO. I.Oeoli Dur SVST Aa. . .m.-m of said Court, will proceed to aell at pubtta auction to the hicheai bidder, for oaab In band, sob- iwi to redemplien. aa upon exeeutlon at law, at the front door of the County Court Aioany, in the it ZSmS, li, .t tl on the list the hour ef ten o'clock In the fo.nuoon, al) the riaht, tltli. and Interest which the said Defendants D M Cooper, and Rebecca Cooper had, at tbe date of the mortgage in tha bid of com plaint la aaid cause desert beu, or, in or to the premises described In aald mortage and in the bill and decree herein, a reU lews : The east half of that certain don. tlen land claim situate in section one, i..kU r m uuill, .r r. .. south ef ranue four ivnuiuij' wmmw w. . west of tho Wallamet meridian, and which la known and designated in the cove, nment aurrars aa the donation land claim of Jobn (i.-ubb and Sarah, bis wif. notification numbered 442, except let; and reserving therefrom tho lo.a and block uf aid premlaea conveyed prior to April 14. 1811, and situated In what is known ae Cooper' Addition to the town of Hal- eey, ae eaown and designated ou the du!y . 2 a a . a m o a ji.i reooraeu tnmym inu piu oi mi i SSBBSSSSW ( and also excepttag and rving; ihar from tbe following deeerlbed premlaea Commencing at the nerlnw. nl corner f i sa'd easw hall, and running thence south twenty six rods ; tbeoos oast sixteen rude and tlfteea links ; tbeoce north twooty six rode ; thence west sixteen rods and fifteen linkn to the p!eca of laglnning. containing two and one half acres more or leaa. Also the north west quarter of tion nine, township fourteen south ef range three west or tne waiiamet meridian. containing one hundred and sixty acre. mJSso of section eight, township fourt Also, tne east one fourth or the northeast teen south, range tares wast or ins vai I lamet meridian, contaiuing rorty acres Ulao ths aouth half ftkeaoutbeastquar ter of section two, township fourteen south of ogo four west of tbe Wallarnel meridian, containing eighty acres. Also beginning at tbe riertheast earner of that certain donation land ollam situate in see- I on thirvy-four, townahip thirteen south of rAnffe fur of the Wallamet men dian known and designated in the govern i assnt surveys as tbe donation land otairn of jj w Allingham and running thence south to the southeast corner of aaid land e ,D?i tnsnce ss to ths center or Muddy I Creek ; thence northerly along aaid Creek lnd alalia ; thence along said Creek, l downstream, seven roua ; thence east sixty-eight rods; thence north to tbe center of said Muddy Creek : thence alone I mm .. . - - J . m Maxwell in the year 1877: and thence west to tbe place of beginning, contaiuing eighty acres more or leas. Also, begin ning at the southwest corner of that cer tain donation land claim situate in sections twenty live, twenty six, thirty five and thirty six, township thirteen south range four west of the Waiiamet meridian and known and designated in tbe government surveys as the donation land claim of George M. Mill, and thance running north twenty chains ; tbenss west nine chains ; thence south forty-sevou degrees west, three chains ; thence south, sixty-two de grees west, five cbslns ; thence south, twenty degrees west, three chains ; thence north, thirty -four degrees west, two oh ai is ; thence south twelve chains and seventy links ; thence west fifteen chains and tan links ; thence south, twenty-eight degrees east, eleven chains and sixty .inks; thence south, forty degrees west, seventeen chains to the middle of Muddy Creek, at the bridge ; thence south, seventy-six de gress east, six chain ; thence south, fifty iwui uu juh unit uogreoa Mt,uirti oomids thence south, seventy-nine and oue half degrees east, twelve chains ; thence south, thirty-three degrees east, fifteen chains and forty-five links ; thence north forty jour mains anu eigut jhikh to tne place of beginning, containing one hundred and twenty-four acre, more or less. Also lot one in block ten of U10 town of Ualsey, according to tbe duly recorded maps aud plats of Maid town, all being in the county of Linn, and .State of Oregon, in payment of tbe expenses of this aale and in satis faction of said decree. Haid decree ia for the sum ot f 10,978,50, with interest upon $16,178.50 thereof at tbe rate often per cent per annum from August 2nd, 180, until olid, and with iutere-t upon$390 thereof at the rate of eight per cent per annum 1'roto said August 2nd, 1880, until paid, together with the costs and disbursements ef this suit taxed at $208.03. August 16tb, 1880. (jKohw r H, Durham, Master in Chancery, U. S, Circuit Conrt. District of Oregon. T HE BESTifiiUT IX TOWN Can bo found at our ttore. The shot usually sold in Albany drops 75 feet, while tueist. L.oun Nhot sold by us drone 20o feet, in-iking it equal to chilled shot. Sportsmen should not forget this. rJSfMS A 8T(3 WART . 2 AW3, AXES, ETC We will sell you tbe famous Disston Champton cross-cut saw at a low figure. aad can give you good prioas on axes, sledges and wedges. rUTKRs a Stewart, WILL BROTHERS, ALBANY AND G0RVALLI8, OR. LEADING DEALERS IN GUNS. SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. We keep a full assortment of RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, PI8TOL8, CUTLER Y, A MUNITION FISHING TACKLES, WARRANTED RAZORS, BUTCHER AND POCKET-KNIVES. Wo handle the Is WIN, DOMKaVriC, NEW BOMB. WHITE. Af F.ItH AN, ICOWM.NINCafCR, HOI ICIIOM. ELDKKOUtt SEWING MAt'UINEft, so vera! kinds of leading Pianos and Organs, tor an Kinu 01 inacninaM, lie pairing or sewing macnitiee and fine Snstru meat a specialty. ALL GOODS WARRRNTEO TO BE AS REPRESENTED. EAT ROCKFORD AX HIQH-CTJT at t)t- fot satoag SLAIN. Albany, Or. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOB T. I SHANE WHO HA8 REMOVED "The City Dry Goods Store" OF PORTLAND, TO ALBANY TO STAY. Look Out for Prices. Magnolia Mills 1 JN0. A. CRAWFORD, PROPRIETOR. v in rurnian aaeka to farmers and re ceive wheat at toe usual ratee af storage, tne nignsst aaarket pries paid for same. uost Msgnoiis flour delivered to any part or city for 91.10 per sack. J no, A. Crawford. Sheriff's Sale. In the. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon jut i,inn county. John Conner, Plaintiff, vs. D M Cooper and Rebecca Cooper, bis wife, tne Dundee Mortgage and Trust In vestment Company (limited), J M Wilson and M Wilson, his wife, 8 Brown. P ft Strong, W a Lad J and A Bush, partners. uoing Duainess unuer tne nrm name or tou x nuNu anu eo j; unambenain as Assignee of N Whealdon an insolvent debtor, Defendants, TavTOTICE is hereby given that by virtue a. or an execution anu an order or sale issued out of tbe above named Court in tbe above entitled suit and to me dironted and delivered, I will on Saturday the 21st J m. mtm. m m m. m a a " usy 01 August,, leeo, at one o'clock, p, 01.. or saia any at ens ueurt House door In Al bany, Lilnn county, Oregon, at public auction for cash In band to the hlsheet bidder sell tbe real property described in saio oecree, to-wit : The northeast quar ter or Section eight in Township fourteen south of Kange 8 west of tbe Whlamette Meridian In Linn county, Oregon, in two parcels as follows : First the whole of said premises save and except tbe east quarter thereof, The proceeds of the sale to De applied first To the payment of tne costs and disbursements of this suit and accruing costs. Second to ths pay ment of the sum "of $3395 wJth accruing Interest from July 9th, 1888. Third if any remain the same to be paid to tbe Defen dant, J M Wilson. Second the east qusr ter of tbe northeast quarter of said Section eighi, Township fourteen south, Range three west of the Willamette Meridian in Linn county. Oregon. Tne oreoeedVi to he applied : First to the payment of any unsatisfied balanoj that mav remain of tbe Plaintiff 'a claim aforesaid : the re mainder to be applied : First to the pay men. ei tne amount remaining due the De fendant, the Dundee Mortgage and Trust investment Company (limited). Second to tbe payment of the amount due the Defendant F R Strong, to-wit, $3?2.10 and interest at ten per ont per annum fros July 9th 1886 and the further sum of $90. Third to the payment of the amount due tbe Defendant, Samuel Brown, to-wit, $768.12. Fourth, if any remain tbe aame to be paid to the Defendant, D M Cooper. Dated this 19th day of July, 1886. D, S. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, Psb congrtss mjk flnBBfel f 17 Ti.u k ass aS I PRAOTia hUvry OBIT Bsesssai Mkln by slttiulr tuuMba Uto euuoas. Hewing Machine N'edloa, Oil and extras FARMERS I BEFORE YOU BUY A RIGHT TO ANY GATE, BE SURE AND SEE 111S0VS WlltitiL GATE! PATENTED JUNE 8, 1888. The iportor points or excellency claim lis gate are : ed tor. th Tba running gear ran be attached to any oommoa gate. Any Intelligent hoy of 10 who is "handy with tools" oan raakn Ho gat or att I. the running gsar te another gala. The entire cost of the gate need not ex oeed S : ths purchaser furnishing sue setting the poate (In the ground or frame a desired) and hanging the gate. No high poota aru needed. No extra framing is needed al the bottom Ail the rutin inu r ie at (he ton, hence It cannot, heoome clogged with mud, snow or trash of any kind. It does not fold up nor lip over to scare ooreea. It require hut tittle foroe to operate It a 12 foot sate rising only one-third of en Ineh to each fool uf opening, and the en lire riaing and falling is only inches.aud lot on wheels or rollers. It usee no lever or com plicated ruaohin erv. There is no need d arms, though they can be used If d eel red, It never gets out of order so ss to hinder lie working. If the opening end shutting gear Is alt broken or removed. It la alii) the heel gst made to open and shut by hand. It fastens and lacks itself so ae to be hog and stock proof. It can be opened and shut witbout got ting off a horse or bicycle, or out of a sragon. Ilia the simplest In construction, the saaisst to operate, the ebeapeet to make, and the beet gate In existence. High ta will be sold as cheap or cheaper than for any good fata. No other gate has half so many excel lent snd superior points. a few minutes examination will prove the truth of these statement. do and aee a modal at Peters A Stewart's, A 11. any. Or, Local agenta wanted in every town of the oouhtyto make and sell gates. C. H. MATTOON, Albany, Or., Clen'l Agt, for Linn Co. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CORVALLIS, ORECON. The next ssesrion will begin with a full faculty, Meplember HUi, IBM. Sixty young men 10 years old and op wards can get tree scholarships K h Senator can appeint two. For particular apply to n. &, AjinL. President. lm2 BINDING TWINE, LUBRICATING OILS, HARDWARE And ail other things needed by tbe farmer during tue turves season are specialties with Coshow & Cable, DEALERS Uf GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Brownsville, Or X UKBKST TUINOUUT, ths Acme Harrow and an ferm-r car. well afford to be without it. It ia t ie verv best clod crnshersnd pulverizer, leaving ths ground aa level as a barn n or. Sold only try fetors A mm wart. Home for the Sick. PORTLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL, Cor. Second and Ah Streets, mBTLA ... . onr.4.0 This Institute Is complete in all Its de partments, snd every effort Is made to give it tba air, diet, nursing and comforts of a home. Special attention to treatment of Chronic aud Constitutional Diseases. Private rooms for patient treated by outside physicians, and persons taking course of Turkish or Electric Baths or Oxygen Ois. Ths baths are elegantly Physfciana visiting Portland are Invited to visit this institution. THOS. WOOD, Manager Portland General Hospital C N. A. Oil KKHY. JOar HANSUAW ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. CHERRY & HANSHAW. Machine and Mill Builders, Having opened up the old foundry and machine shops formerly owned by A. F, Cherry A Won, and added new and late improved machinery, we are prepared to handle all kinds of heavy machinery. We will manufacture Steam Engiues, Saw and Grist Mill maobinery,lso wood work ing maehiuery of all kinds, all kinds of iron and brass castings made to order. Repairing of farm machinery a specialty, Patterns of all kinds made on short notice. The best assortment of patterns in tbe State. Shops oorner 1st and Montgomery Sts, ALBANY OREGON. Rum House. A. ASSELL AND J. C1BLIN Proprietors. This house is now ooen aoA fniniahl with the beat new furniture. Evervthina clean and oemmodious. offeriurr to the 041 ft erai puunc superior accommodations to any in the city. a i i " .a5 p A MMUNITION. A full supnly of the usual sizes of car tridges, bnss and paper shells, prime wads and bar lead. Also the best now- der. Pbtbrs A SrniWAB OTUDEBAKER WAGOtf. This is the only wagon having a slope houldered spoke and the steel truss on aoh axle, and is tbe best wagon on heels. For sale by Peters & Stewart, Conrad Meyer, PHIETOH OF- 8TA11 BAKERY, Onrner Broadalbin and First Sts i-liKALKil IN Canned Fruits, asnst Meat, tueenawaret Vgtisttof Cigars), ffplers, Ten, Ele illassware, Dried fruits Tonneoo, Bgnr, f olIVc, fSte In fact everything tha Is kept la a gon oral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. G ONN BROTHERS' ASH GROCERY STORE Opposite Peyoe A Kobson's. ALBANY, OREGON. Kep afresh stock of all kinds of GROCERIES, FARM PRODUCE, CANNED GOODS' ETC.. ETC. BESIDES- TOBACCO, CIQAR8, WILLOW WARE, LAMPS, SHADES, CROOKERY, ' LASS WARE ETC., ETC. PEODDOE TAFR IN 1X0HAHB1 Will sesl as cheap any store In Albany BOOTS, SHOES -AND SLIPPERS. 1 am now receiving my Sj in iit.'ij Summer stock of boots sod thus. I hava as nicely a fitted up Boot snd Shot Store, and aa complete a stock as any this side of Portland snd very few better in Portland. I boy s'l my beets snd shoes direct from miuufcturers snd ao authorized to warrant every pair bo mt ter bow cheap. Xa firm in Oregon bava any advantage of ra in buy iug as 1 boy in quantities and pay the cash. Id ladles', misses and children's shoes, I kaap much ths Ufffast, bast and great est vartetv in the citr. Mr aim will always be to ive as goed taieii for the money as posai ly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. AT COST Fro pi and after August lat, 1886, John Briggs, will sell his entire i took of STOVES, TIN WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, without reserve. Now is your time to furnish cheaply. Albsny, July 31st, 18S6. Scott's New Gun Store, HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN, o i THE LEADING GUNS AND REVOLVERS, BEST AMMUNITION,CARTRIDGESf SHOT, ALL KINDS OF HUNT ING MATERIALS, CUT LERY, FISHING TACKLE, ' ETC. At the most reasonable prices, always in stock, Hepalring done on short notice. Willamette Valley nimrorla should nevtr buy without calling on W. B. SCOTT, sTOppo8lte Itevore House, Allany, Or D ONT FOHQET IT. If you try to build now while wheat t only worth 54 cents you should .by all means go to Peters A Stewart's, at Albany for your hardware. You can get what yau want at their store and at reasonable fig ures JJOPJ2 AND CHAIN. Of all sizes, as well as baiter ohait s cow sheins, dog chains, rope halters, etc.. for ' -m9m,-vt. sale by Peters A Stewart. They Have Arrived, A 3. Jul NEW GOODS For men and boys at L. E. SLANTS. We now hava magnificent stock of new and nobby stilts for Men and Youths hi 0 i 0 far Spring trade, better than ever. Tbe patterns are neat and attractive. We feel justly proud of this stock, selected with care from aU markets, ana take pleasure in 81 9 0 THE HAT STOCK V is choice, direct from Philadelphia, comprising All the Spring Novelties. THE SHOE DEPARTMENT is now complete, the largest and nicest stock in market. We can't enumerate FlIRMSIlllfcCi GOODS. Have many novelties and all the staples. Look at our 75-cfnt Uniaandried Shirt, the best ever offered in this market. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS in the different styles. These goods are bought at lowest prices, and will be sold the same way. We have a large, new line of piece goods in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Nobby suitings, fancy pants, etc., which will be made up in as good style and as cheap as can be had in the market. H A 0 Agricultural;Depot ! DEYOE & ROBSON, PROPS. Successors to W. H. Ooltra. ALBANY, 08EC0IP. KEEP ON HAND THRESHER , ENGINES, WAGONS, HACKS, PLOWS HARDWARE, DOOliS, SASHES, BUILDING MATERIALS. ETC., ETC nBBiSl: r-m?F3mHKmfrwMk ' iwVW e 1TnmmmmmMmmmmj Kimm SaMHhfcTTfrMSr ifl mmT S i ' aJaaSPIHBBai STEEL ANDSPRINQ TOOTH HARROWS, FANNING MILLS, STE EL GOODS, FENCE WiR And all Agricultaralpmplemenls used. The largest and best variety of FARM WAC0NS, IHACKSN0 BUGGIES, fn tha csntral Willamette Vallev Or iers tilled st Best's Hand Separator. rHUTLfiRY OF ALL KiNUa, We keep the best stook of ntitu.rv in the valiey, ITooket knives and rasors a sji cialty. Don't buy anything in ttis lin witnout cailimr on us flrAt. PRTKRS A STKWAKTi JJAlNTd AMlOILS, , Of all descriptions sold by Peters k Ste art. i 8 M B u in showing them. LKBLAIN. frtn adlstatio' solidlAil ami lowest rates double combine', i... , iu . Aa nii bines i t uther nmuu a u'vy itio riddles and a large tooepetu .t cren. Each shoe t equJ h er and ccmbilitv U the ej. in any other mill, aud by the opera u t the two double efficiency ia secured -- mill will clean irom 400 to euo bushel ot seed jrrain par dy, aeordiot; to the condition of the gnu, aud we guara u tee that ail rely, oatt or other loul seetis will ho horouhly removed with coin 1 'ioto sattsfactioa. t chalfcnsreanT ijl to a contest. I know that t can beat them, as my mill has beaten eery mill it has cotne in contest with, both in t ali fomi and Oregon, and U the best' made, bolts hiug used here screws are used in others. Address DANIEL BEST, Albaay, Ore it. JgLACKSMITH8 OUTFITS, Anrils, vlsps,bellow8,hammera, sledgaa stocks and dies and almost every tool us d by blackstniihs we keep oom.tan:y oa hand, Also a full itock of iron.f all sizw horse shoe) nod horse shoe nails. Special prices made on small omnia for farmers use, .