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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1886)
MhWH STATE U1UHTS uMUUKAT mmmi STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, THE BEST ADYEETI8IHB IEDIU1 IB THE WILLAMETTE VALLET, WSUBI) EVERY FRIDAY MTITES NUTTING. ii rnofril RalldlNga ltriMUlklM Mre.-t. TKKMS Of St IUS KI1T10N iliult Sony, per rear, In stlvanca. U oo BO i ro to i st i.o o).. Mr yser. slsud of year., I ......... itlui. alairU number. IMIOFKSSION AL CARDS. "lTh. montantb. TTORNEljfivAT LAW, Notary Public lltmny, Oregon. Onlee upstairs, over John Rrlggs store, xt i!reot. vl4n23tf J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC.) iTTORNEY AT LAW. tinttv, eanca. fll,L PRACNCB IN ALL THE COURTS OF TUK V Sau. Special attention (rlvsn to eullsctlons and roHate matter. tWOfflos In OdJ Fsllsw's Tempi. t H:t t. O. KIWRLL W. . nil.VKr POWELL & BTLYEU, vTTORMKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, tr.R4.JY. ... ORRCIOIV. Collections promptly made on alt polnta bonne necrotisted on reasonable terms. sSf"OfBoe In Footer Rrlek." -vlSnlfttf J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary I'ubllc. ALBANY. 0REC0N, Will practice in all of the Courta of .his State. All business Intrusted to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & ., Hooka, Stationery and Toilet Articles, A Large 8 took and Low Prices. CKTT 1DHTTC3- 8TORH, tyl ALB Jnr. !. FOSHAY & MASON, VBOLSLAIS ASS JtTAIfc I) rusgists and Booksellers, Agents for Johi B. A Men's publications, which we aell at publisher's prices with posts gt added. U.RtJIY, OKF.GOR. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTION. CAREFULLY KILLED. Ibany, Or. FURNITURE. t have the best stok of arnitnre In the city and will eell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE m the city and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, .. complete stock and can give SATIS PACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, lrnn IIM snrt FJIWrlk Albany. teller & Garrett, Prop'rt . rhi newHot'MaRttsilup tn first dsss style. Tables t tpplled with the best the market affords. 8prinf Be I In every Room. A good Sample Boom for Com siercial Travelers. &rVrr - i sad frnm tbe W Aioany Bath Mouse. r& JNDKKalUNED WOULD KK8PEC1 'oily i aforrn the eitissns o! Albany sad vi tiaitythat I have' akeo charge of this Establish asat,aai,by ptg alaaa rooms and parte rint ttsatioo to baiissss. expects to salt al : tots who may fa7or OS with their patronage ' I viag heretefor carried on nothing bat rirat-CUaa Hair Oresslnar Saloons expeete ti give eitire eatisf lion U al isr-V'Htsn ant Ladies' Hair nettly ee Ha-eo JOWFRBR. DR. J.L. HILL. Physician and Surgeon, Offlne oor. First and Ferry Streets, AB ANY - - OREGON. o. o mTF.RRT o.B.rracsi ALBANY IRON WORKS. CIIBRRY & PARKES, (Socceaora to C C. Cherry.) lachinistH, Millwrights, and Iro Pounders. WK HAVR OUR NEW SHOPS AT,L vmnkted and are now prepared to handle a'l kinds of heavy worlt. we win n.n,.r.,.i.i 4tAs.m Ennlnee. Orlst and w Mltl Mr-hlnery.and all klndarf Iron nd rtraK tstinira. f tT1 Bs NtnR O SBOKT NOTICE. iecial attention given to repairing all tcln l of machlnerv. Will n'omanufao tor-the Imnrnved 'Mierry A White Grain Inn (itr n. J. HENT0N, lotarr Public in1 Insurance Agent. C- F. BUIID1NG - - ALBANY, OF ftpr seuts ssvoral f the beat Fire Id iara oe 'otOtSMties m tM Coas. Call '. hin f.rr.-libl- inauranfce. J W. BEJITLEY, Tlie reliable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Repairing promptly and wull done. Farm era should leave orders for boots before bsr vest snd nettle for thm after harvest. 8atis a r.i 1 gi'd i THE NORTHWESTERN COHSETORf. OF JUSIG. . A a m 1 Be. iu Piano. tran and Voice. VAl.lJABIE Pit EE .'I.Ah tiS. 1 Htronsent corps of Touchers In the West. S to 815 for b lesoonn. Pupllt received at ny f lino. Fall term bet ins Sept- 9. Sand for Calendar. CHAb1E.ES MOKBX. Ulreetor. IAL OOLD MvAI1 :r prosredH 111 VOL. XXII. GERM GREAT IAN RE For Pain; Curt RhtumttUm. Ntettlfto, iiH't', i'iftt tt.S rn. Till fM OUt . VOII.IR !.. H4I.TI UHK. Wli. phi tn. ism in ninjt ir mnt 4Jom. 25& SURE. PROMPT. AT wmn r D.i TMK tU IBLU A. From 115 Ibsto 161 lbs To the Cuticura Remedies ! owe My Healti, My Happiness, and My Life. A day sever passee that I do not think and .fwak kiiioiy of the Cuticurs Kemsdisa Seven ysarssgo, all uf a dosn lum formed su my neck, rengl m In ate from a cherry atone to an orans. The targe onee vets frtshiful to took At Aod tmkatol a. tJ isjopls :und aside when they s w me, is dleguat, and I u aahamed to be on the street or ia Msisty. Phymiemes and their treatment, and al! Sdlsdto do any rood. In a saaeaaat of - I tried the Catieara Rsmsdws -Cnttcars, the great hkin Curs, and rmtcura S.p. ai .xoulsits akin BsauUHur. .sternal v. end ( utKtira K k.ix.i.i ih. new Blood Purifier, internally ; the email lumps (as 1 call them) gradual! dim buss rod, and th mm ones br ke. tu about tero ereeka. dkudmrsins- mm .iuantities of mailer, leaving two alight nerk to day to tell the story ef my et weirhtthea was one hundred sad I in my r alekl hi) ..tmiii ,u,w bundrvd and till heaithv DOUimIs. and. sae h.l.hl tm mJ. ny wesshtaaer msas hssira healthy iwuikIs. and. my height le eejy e Inrhee. In my travels I praied the lUmadlea. north, south, eael a'J west . Te t'uticura .1 i.Ti inn I Tt tnr health me v health, my happiness. Mew York draggim asksd and my life A prominent Near York lisiaksf m. the oa-r day, "De mjsj ggg th cuUsarn Krmedles ou look U: br tn prrfect health r My reply was. "I do, and ahall alwya I aaes aesst .own wnai strsnsm i. .inn. I i-..un gas ksSS si noted with menu, bat eeoner or later they wllJ some to Uir senses and believe the asms ss thorn that nee them, aaes whom I have told. May the time S there shall be a Unra riiilmn Hons. In e-erv Hlv in the world, for th. kmsH -j hiimaniiy. where the CuUenra Hemed'ce ehsll he sold oslt, so that there will be isrsiy a need of evw en tortog a drug store. M. UUSBAMDS. tto rallen St., Msa Terk, MTV. OwHssam MaemdUs ss a sllili. am ssr esssw term ef Skin sad Blood Bmsessa. frees rimssss le scrofula Hold everywhere Pilot: l.Tnccaa. 50 5 ww. annanis ; assotvarr, i .00, wv tbe r-irrr. imva asb I'llvair il Co aeaa aw "How to Onrs Sato aeasl for Hew to Carre IPLRS. Bisealmads "k.n Hanson, eat CtTtci ea boat am . Baby tiMit ria. sTAiaa. back tCMK, Wrakoew and Weariness mnssi by overwork, dlmi paries, stsndley.wsJk ins. er the eislm isssStos, eared by the tKAASjrPAis PtAersa. Wew, ele- miSS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine MilliiieitT, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. To All Sofferers Of EYE, EAR, NERYQU8, OR REOTAL DISEASES, DRe J. B. PILKINCT0N, Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Offers free oonanltatlon. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday forenoon, following the it Monday of each month. Will make these visile monthly f ir one year to cme Am caring scores of the worst foi me of above diseases. Refers In Albany to Jan. H. f'herry cored of blind ne. R A. Ramp. Dmgaiet. and Fred Tk-fftn backer, farmer at Hnrrlsbnrjt. con cerning Rectal diseases A some of other names given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters A Stewart hsve neck-yokes and ftinyle trees, ironed or unlroned, neck voke irons, single -tree irons, n!b irons, felloes, spokes, sx trees, etc., all for sale heap. J1 CASE PLOWS. This famous plow ia well known in Linn County. The chilled and steel plows era well made from the very beat material and are warranted to do aa good work and eour full y aa well as any other plowe Peters A Stewart are the sole agents T. J. STITBS. , ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary Public- THE CHINESE MUST GO. Thre ... f -f -11 ;.- . young men win ao -worn oj an mnus, wwwjr wood, gardening, etc dc JJrownelf s. Leave orders at Head ' 3. L. COW AN. J. W. CUSICK Linn Connty Bank, (0WAN & CUSICK. ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACTS a gsneral banking businem. DRAW SIGHT DRAKTfi mi New York, Ban Fran cisc and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE deposits tubjec to check. COLLKCTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt tentlon. ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of tough, dressed npd seasoned lumberjathi and pickets kapt constantly on hand Bills sawed to order on k J a . A. 1 T)!aa jt -e-s A uaiapooia iimuer- tuw terms made satisiactory. ROBINSON a WEST. MEDT Red, Star TWADK teZ MASK. JSjnee Ovlat, ... i.t,i SAFE. MKftlCK. There's a fragrant, pinewood olor On the darkening evening sir, And sdown the rugged ritnrock, Curls the moon-beam's silver hair. Low.abovs ths western hill tops, Fades ths sunset's blood rati hers ; But the ssure, eastern heavens Are sown tbiek witb silver ststs. Oh, the days era filled with strife, And disappointment at the best ; But we may not strive forsrsr, And tbs evening brtngsth test. The twilight holds nepenthe, And the night wind's cooling kiss Brings tneatories of dsys gone y, Aud evenings fair as this. Aud, mingling with the pine tree's teem, in the evesing s gathering glooms, Cornea the fragrant breath of violets, Aud milk whits apple blooms. And my sottl grows week to feinting, And with hum atok lougtttg t-bnlls, W. i-n I think of the miMinlighi, silvet white, On the lo.ed Willamette lulls Oh all her sons snd daughters tall, fbs Pectlit slore holds not, In its wide sweep from sound to guii lovelier, fairer SM)t, Than the blwst Willamtote Yalley When to spring time garmeote diesaed ; Sue lies, with fields of laughing whest, Like eoieralds 00 her breast. Tbo' other lands and other elimws May lure their wayward feet, The vslley holds their loyal hearts In boodsge, strong sod sweet. Aod memories of bsppisr days Shall rise, snd live again, Where'er they hear, on the shingled roof, The patter of the raio. Perhaps the sunbeams quiver yet O'er the valley's smiling face, Or liagsr, on the distant hilts. With the old familiar gt sea ; Like a babe,that, sleeping, Isughs, Upon its mother's knee, Or the tender t mile upon a face, I never more shall are. i s,loto every mortal's life, Cctus dsys of passing sweetness, Ills', vsnish, sre we make them ours In sll their glsd comolatenas ; So sll ths vivid tints of youth, Have paled before we know, How fair they'll look, in after years, By memories go'den glow. Fair memory, whose fingers pjint U Berries, straight sod true, To shame the heart that o ntld forget The aid love fur the new. And ei slong the dusty wsy, With eyee bedimmed with tears, I eount the gravestones ef the lost, Forever vsnivhed years. I see the graves of dear loved friend, Who have fallen y the way. And, in feocy, bear the toicas Thst would welcome ma to-day. There are do haoda like the dear hands That long ago clasped mioe, There are no friends like the old friends. The loved friends of laug syne.' Prineville, August 6th, 1886. Rex 8outhkbs. Til BUB ATS KESreXSIBLB. ToMiovr how lsr wpproprUttons are made in Coof reas, we would call attention to the fact that the Senate, where the Republicans have the majority, almost uniformly Increase the appropriations as fixed by the House where the Democrats are in the majority. The official f the Oevernmeni estimated In their repon to in"" last fill thst they would reqair I r the expenditure of tho Qovermueoi $268,332,651 This esttaaefe repre sents about $750,000 dy expftuli turea to carry on the 0ve mroent The appropriations will fsll short of the estimates. The first billon the list Is the Agricultural hill. As it paeaerl, ft appropritted $654,715 I' originally passed the House tm the 6th of April appropriating something over $523,000. The Senate added to It se th it (he-amount was increased to $671,215. The amount appropri ated by this bill last year was $385,. 790. Tha Army bill, as it passed, ap propriated $23,753,057 21, against $24,014,052 50 lst year. This is the one bill that the Senate cut down slightly from the House figures. The Consular and Diplomatic bill, as passed, appropriates $1,364,066, against $1,242,925 last year. The District of Columbia bill ap propriates $8,721,050.99, agalnat $3,022,682.20 last year, showing a slight increaw. O !y 50 per cent or the amount appropr itti for the Dis trict of Columbia I pM by the United States ; the other half is paid by local taxation. The amount for the Water Department, estimated far 1887 at S183.483.02. is paid out of the revenues of that department. The Portlflcationsbill, as passed by the House, appropriated onl $620,000. The Senate added to this over $8,000,000, providing for addi tional cruisers. It raised the amount to $6,630,000. As the.' hill finally passed it appropriated the original $620,000. The fortifltions last year cost the Gorernm nt $725,000. The Indian Appropriation bill pro vides for $5,546,262 94, against $5, 762,512.70 laat yetr, a decrease of nearly $200,000. The Indian bill was increased m the Senate about $160,000. The Legislative bill shows a de crease. As pasaed it gives $20,654,. ALBANY, OREGON, 346.87, against $21,376,708 70 last year. The Senate Increased (his bill over $200,000. The Military Academy hill shows a reduction from $310,064 last yef to $297,805 this year. The Naval bill shows the most msrkod decrease. It appropriates this year $12,989,000, Against $15, 070,837.95 last year. Trt Military Academy bid appropriating $297,805 was passed through both houses with. out any change. The Navsl hills It passed th House sppMprl tied ny $1 1 ,778,650.46. The Senate Increoa ed It to $13,073,694.40, nnd the Una! Hpprnpritttlnn of twelve odd millions whs thn result of a compromise. The Pension bill i the largest of the appropriation bills. As It pas d th- Houae It appropriated $75,754 200 against $60,000,000 last year, and it i wss Increased by the Senate to $76,. 075,200. These figures were accept ed by the House. In addition to the amount of pensions for 1884 -'85 still unexpended, estimated at $06,000, 006, a respproprlatlon was made. There Is alao an unexiasnded balance ofpenslona fr id 1883. '84 of $89, 000,000. This waa also reappmpH. ated. Thus It will h seen that the Pension Cornmlssloner has an ener. mous fund for the settlement of pen -Ions. He has on hand $105,000,0t0 unexpended beside the $7 6, 000 ,00 apprepritted by this Congress, unking In all over $180,000,000 for him to disburse during this year If he can pass upon the ese rapidly enough. It would seem that there might be some cneck to the liberality of Con gress in this direction until the mm. ay appropriated can be actually dis bursed. Eich year the sums sp proprlated are so large that the Pen- km Commissioner Is unstile with his force to distribute the money to claimants. No officer under the Government has so enormous a fund to e ndjudlcU" and pts upm as the Pen- slon C unmlasi'iner. Tho appropriation for the P Office as passed aa $54,3G5,H63.2', sgsinst $58,700,990 last year. This is as It passed the House. The Sen. ate Increased this bill nearly a mil lion dollars, but the House insisted upon Its figures. The principal part of the Senate Incresae was for steam ships aubaidies. The Itlver snd Harbor bill at it pstsed the Hotire appropriated $16.. 142.100. The Senate rut this down to $14.9 13,310 S5, and te final com promise wss for $14,473,900. The last It Ivor and Harbor bill waa for 1885-84. It appropriated $14,949,. 200. The Sundry Civil bill as pissed by the House appropriated $21,311, 625.24, against $20,070,257-49 laat y. .r ; as phased by the Senate It ap propriated $24,418,367 32. The bill i s It finally became a law npproprtat. d $22,667.510 58. The D'-firletiry bill as It paed the Houe appropriated $5,614,952.. 32. agiluHt $4 926,855.80 last y r as it flatted the Senate it was in criHsed to the smart sum of $7,807,. 154.09. As it noaiiy passen It, ap propriated $6,850,009. Tho first TJrgeney Deficiency bill appropriated $669,055.84. Tho s-cond Urgency Deficiency bisl sppreprlatod $6,431, 500. There wss also an appropria tion for the Alabama Award of $5,- 739,495 41 The total of the bills as they were passed by the Senate was 260,883, 850 02. The total or tne Dills as they pinned the House was $247,- 490,554 20, against a total last year Of $219,505 283.18. The total of the bills as they scmaily become laws was $216,960,547. The sppropria tion for the postal service is paid out ef the .postal revenue, estimated for 1887 at $4 7,542,252.64 ; so that the actual money to be rained for the support of the Put Office Depart ment l between seven and eight millions of dollars. This represents the deficiency. It has to be account ed for as an Appropriation. The monev Himropriated to pay the awards of the Alabama Claims Com miadou is incident to the act of June 5, 1882, volume 23, page 98, Statutes at Large In addition to the above hulk sura for appropriations la the permanent appropriation of $118,910.55 for the inking fund, the collection of cos toms, the payment of interest on the public debt, etc., making a grand total of $35,871,502. The river and harbor bill which the president signed promptly to the great satisfaction of ths people of Oregon contains appropriation for Oregon exceed $500,000. Oar Senator-, Mitohell and Dolpb, and oor Represen tative, B. Harmsnn,ds8srve ths thanks of the people for tbe iodefatifabla ef forts which they put forth to secure these appropriations. Blaine smiles an audible Ethiopian smile, as he contemplate i the r w be tween Logan and Halstsad. FRIDAY, AUGUST ttKBKBAa. NSWS. The culture of olie in Califorot promises great Buodess, There wars exported from New York daring tbs week ending" July 31, 6016 packages of btttter, 60,882 pscksges of obsess and 780 psckagea of otsooisrgsr ae. Tbo total siiijisieat rf wheat from India between J tn. 1st and July 10th waa 23,029,000 and 12,420,000 biuMa inohdin; 10,6 )0,000 14 Grest Britain, htnd 12,420,000 bnbl te tie ooi tin- eot of Earope. &j general is Uih drought in W. sto that tbs tasiiratios companUs are cancelling iasursnoa polio en mills and lumber slong the railroad lines. . Tbs Oat ton srop of western I ad is promises to ne lergsr this yesr iben ever before. Cjotinaou raio tb teat ens the potato crop in tbe Suatb oflrsianJ. A potato blight is reported at West C rk. Hay ii sailing at Dsadw.iod at $30 per ten. It bas been eighty days sinoe rslo eoeagb to tsy tbs dust baa fellsu at Lieermore, I a. They are laying Georgia grsni" on tbe streets of Ciooinnsti, sad wsiiig In diana limestone in tbe walls of tbe new Georgia oepitol, and Maine gran lie was used in building tbe Atlsnta posto&lse. There is a ptsee la Psoosjlvsoia called Koonomy. It ia not, a Summer resort. A serious decline is still apparent in the value of landed property in Grsat Britten. It ia impossible to sell fat ma ezoept at a great saerifiee upon tbsir recent cost. Tbe wbaat crop of Ear ops below tbe average. Ia P ranee tt falls twelve per seat below last year In Russia spring wheat is a eery poor yield, hot winter wbaat is excellent every wtterr. Oats and poUt e are big erops. Tbe brewers are watehio tbe hop crop news from America with groat in teres', tbe crop being fsit in K tglsnd snd of s low average ia Germany. Tbe spring whest sSfi is now eti at 1 If ,00 0,000 weWfe, wbieb is 30,00 1,0 K) busbe!- V., tmatea made a few w.wkt Tbe drough to Tessa !l S i I i-"- i maov colli n aad th I farmers set.le uwners I o4 baraiitiea farmers have or-i x-H t ,.r.uc i. tie from '"In, d'ieen tbvnusb iieii land, and often invok onhtetr i Welcome rains oecire. rids las s--k in Julv. In some in . t Txes i.o rain had previously fallen I ieie a year, causing tbe loss ef sbeep tho t-au I. i, as 9LB raiaaa r aud A B. Tb'mpsoo bsve sssooiatsl tbems-lvea t'igether for tbe poipse of conduct teg snd pnhlisb ing ths Inland tr at D.yi .u.W T. Mr. 4yrss used to Isrnbow to"Sb)t idea" ia tbs days of "Anld Lang Hv;" hen the senior odi-or of the Dcu crt wss leaching sebod " back" tn Iowa twoo'y-sit years ago, "Btllt" was a good boy in th hi dtye, and hsve no doubt tbat ch tr .o'-erM' io h tt J ' ip8 I and increased witb the Upse .f gme. Of ooarse tb InlrtnHer will b- Oam o eiatio and we wish abundant auooass politically and financially. "Btlly," give us your Ths olitittl pit tu Washington Ter ritory bsi(ina to butt with a cheerfulness tbat'l indicate a large sueoly ef latent heat beneath it, which, in dne time, will be turned on in full force. Tbs only office of gsnsrsl importance to bs filled is tbat of delegate to Congress. Voorhees, the present inouraben, is a eandidats for re-elect ton, snd wbtls we think hs msy succeed, bs will not Kecuta tbe nomination without aa effbr'.iR be has considerable opposition. The terri tory being largely Republican, we need not count on Democratic sucooss who ever may be nominated. The dispute between Mexico and the United States over the arrest and im prisonment of Cutting by the former government is still tbo oatise of much excitement a-iong the herde", and even throughout the two countries. Cutting has been triad, convicted snd a ntenced to one year in the penitentiary st Chi huahua, and to pay a Hoe of $600. Mean time Secretary of Qtsts Bayard de mands his release. What the outcome will be we cannot tell. But we will wait, sod we shall see what we shall see. The Prohibition Str predicts that the prohibitionists will oast 300,000 votes in the severer states in the elec tions to be held this summer and fall. We incline to tbe opinion that Mr. Floed is nearly correct, j i-i.i$g from the ions of Eastern exchane. The paln-baaisher U a nsmo ap plied lo St. Jacobs OH, by tho mil lions, who have been cured of rheu matism and neuralgia by its use. . 20, 1880. S I'llING STOCK Now being received by N H J?iiit1?.?F.P both as to quality and tri- .f""'w""? www'oiaim mat our uooas are guarantee every article just as represented. Our stock was purchased for Spot Oash, and" wo propose to sell as Cheap as any house in tCltatl and Put tli e Knife t oPrices ?an tin! W,U neet wh9at ttt 60 08nts bushel. We have in stock Dxy GOODS, Gent's Fumshing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. &C. pcation'p ALBANY, OREUON, MARCH 6, 1886, Tinas For several years tbe people of Oreg in have suffered from a general depreaaion in business which, in their own vocabulary, in known as "hsrd times." Values of ell ki lists have eteudily dropped point by point until at last the bottom of tow prices, we believe, has been reached, and tbe ttxt turn must bo for the better. Toougb the people of this country have suffered ,yet they have not been alone. In England.France.Germany. and iu fci every European country, the struggle for existence has been sharper for the past two years than at any previous time during the past half century. Lbortin a great mesa uie, has been neiupb.ved, and the prtifs ptld f ir work d ue liss declln ted in nearly all brtnebet of emeioy. w - - - j m aw ment In aympalh with other value We feel safe In ayng to our leaders that these "hard times" are to soften down for the crista of our fluancia) trouble has pissed. We believe we are standing in the dawolng light of better times, let us hope the most prosperous that have evr blessed oor section of tbe country. V sre real. iaing oor own power to stand even and equal la tho raea ttt wialib aod material prcMperity with any'petiple on ertb adversity his taught us self. reliance, and the splendid courage that has forever brltened the bt. tery of Oregon it n w winning for us the grander vlct .ri.. . of peace. With bountiful btrveais on every side and manufacturl-u enterprises springing into vigorous life all around us, we may welt afford to cease cry ing "hard times. n Many are still pressed financially, hut assured pros perity is now so close up m us tbat as a people, we may consider ourselves as standing on tbe threshold of a most prosperous ere. The Republicans to Pennsylvania fin 1 it very difficult to run with tie saloon hare and hunt with tbe prohibi tion hounds. Tbsy are terribly in earn est in their efforts to ha i a way by which they ctn satisfy the moral sense of the temperance people with without losing their hold upon th saloon voters, Nevsrthsles they are not trying to osrry water on both shoulders, bit are in the fearful dilemma of attempt i ig to carry water on one and whisky - n ths other. Politics brings iu pet flexing burdens. When the Oreqonian saya it wan practically just to swindle Tildeo out of the presidency iu 1876 and give it to Hayes whom the people hd 1 ejected, it thereby bee crura a practical endorser and approver of the fraud. But this is not surprising. Twn?rrr-et!Bt uot ea to livb. From John Kuhn, Ltfayette, Ind., who announoes tbat be ia now in "per. feet health," we have th following : "One year ago I w, to all appearance, in the lst stages of consumption. Our best physicians gave my Ctsa up, I finally get so low tht our doctor said I ! could not live twenty-tour hours. My friends then purchased a bottle of Dr. Wm. Hall's Bttaani for the Lungs, whioh benefitted me. I continued un til I took nine bottles. I am no iu perfect health, having used do othsr med'cms.1' NO 3 Allen Promptly filled and sent upon ap. N. H. ALLEN & Co., r Wishes Were ruttee. Our eachsnges all over Oregon are telling how they want a thousand new subscriber, more than most any ut them bonefidilj have already ; one of them soaring so high a to ask for 100,000 new subscribers, whk h, it it had, would increase ft list to 100.225 subscribers. If wishes were fishes. We would bsve some fried. As wishing is cheap we wish we had a thousand new sobscribera, or better stllL,two thousand new ones. We expect to have them in time : but in the meantime will have to cut off enough who are trying to sponge their literature to take some of the poetry off the big ipcreasc. Our price now ia $a in advance ; $2.50, snd no mistake, at the end of the yesr. We prefer the form -r. $2 to a country newspaper man in advance .. commercially, worth more than $2.50 at the end of the year, whether considered in reference to sll subs or individual! r. Now h the time to subscribe. Send in your names at once. ami if the $2 comes anv time SF before Christmas the amount will be correct. The sooner, though, the better. Hurry up so thst on New Years we csn boast of a list of JmOOO. Whether you come to time or not, though, we shall continue to give our present large list of subscribers the brat county paper In tbe valley. At last a bigger fish story tier has been found than any of our Linn count v fisher men. A Georgia man claims to have caught 293 fish In two snd one half hours. The thistle ordinance in Portland is also a dead letter. Ordinances violated bv everv body are bound to be dead letters. Lvnchrrs are never hung. A Mystery. flow the human system aver recovers trotn the bad effects of the nauseous medicines often literally poured into it for th sappoti- tiye relief of dyspepsia, Hver complaint, con stipation, rheumatism and other ailments, is a mystery. Ths mischief done by bad h ctoes is scarcely less tbaa tbat oaust.l jy disease. If they who at weak, bilious, dys peptic, constipated or rheumatic, would oftcaer bs guided by the experience of in a lids who have thoroughly tested Hostetter 'a ntomacb Bitters, tbsy would to every ia stance obtain th speediest aid dsn value from rational medication, this medicine is a searching aod at tho same time s thorough ly safe remedy, derived from vegetable sources, sad possssting, in consequence its basis of pure spirits, properties as a medi ctnal stimulant not to be found in tb fiery local bitters and stimulants often resort d to by the debilitated, dyspeptic and languid Syr r rtsrs. Maaofaotured only by th California fig Syrup Co., Sao Francisco, Cel., is Natora's Own True Laxative. This pleasant Califor nia liquid fruit remedy may be had of Foshty k Mason at fifty cents or oo dollar. It is th moat pleasant, prompt, aad sficctiy remedy known to cleanse th system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gent ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headaches colds, and fevers ; to our eonatiptatioa indigestion aod kindred ills. The Barest or CesnblmatleBs. . True delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, bat been attained in the as of s California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects hat rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foshay & Mason, wholesale and retail. If you are going East be sure and go v a Uregon short Line. It is the best. See ad v in anothei column. Wasted. On subscription, 90 cords of grub oak wood and 20 cords of big fir, mapl or ash wood. Let us hear from those who want to supply ut wood, at one Tbat Olrly Dendraff. Pandrnff is dirty and disagreeable i i every way. It soils ths clothing oontlnu ally, and is aeoompanisd by a hardly lest annoying sensation of itching. There is nothing lo tbs word so thoroughly adapt ed to this trouble ss Parker's Hair Balsam. It cleanses and heals the scalp, stops tho falling hair and restores its original soft ness, gloss and color. Is not oily, sighl" perfumed, aa elegant dressing, Vsrv economical, aa only a email occasions I application keeps ths hair ia perfest son-oa. Special business notices In Local sob uum 10 cents per line. 5 cents etcb additional insertion. For legs! and transient ad vertlsemaets fl.00 per square for the first insert lon.snd &0 cents tier square for each subsequent Inieitloij, Kste for other advertisement made known on appiiustion. Co.. anv better than on, Sjsr " "wsv wewi VVMA 57 First Street Albany, Sheriff's Sale. I ike Cltmit Cohh of the suae of Ortam for Umatilla Counfu. White. S White ami V,n 1 ....... ner doing bnMneea umior iK. .;....! J!. aod style of L W hire . Co- Plaintiff. R E Wilson, tofenoW. ThTOTlCE is hereby given thst by virtue la of an execution issue out of the aoove named Court in tbo above entitled .. iiu lo me oireeted aod delivered. I h ye levied upon and on Saturday the JZih day of August, 1880, at one o'clcek. D"- w vun uouse ii'xir in Albany, no county, Oregon at pnbllc auction for cash in hand to the h;uht bidder, I will ntM mil tbe rit,bt title snd inter oi tbe uue uamea uerendant, K. E. Wilson In snd to n undivided one eleventh of the .mowing oescriued reai property, to-wit : r?, l v T Vf'e lWs H?v" ad eight in Block No. 3! in tbe town of HaJsev, Linn ooontv. Oretron. Alan Wianm .1- tbe eout beast corner of the donation 'and ?!im ( Sicbo! Miller sno wife. .Mary - . "i n a, ip is, s k a, west in Unnnounty, tirecon. and running thnne west 20.88 ehaina : thence north 84 42' WSSt 16.SS Chains : then. nnrl h SO TS chains : thence east 37 44 chains ; tbeuce wulb 61 cbaieato tbe place of beginning, containing 190 acres. Also the east half of tbe donation land claim of John Wilson anu .Mehala Wilson, his wife, belts Not. iso. -i, and claim No. 70 in Tp. 13, S R 4 west in Linn county. Oregon. The nro- ceeds of sale to be apptiod . Fist to the Kvrnentot tne 001 and dUburasments retotore accrued, to-wit, 163 58 and the coals of sale. Second to the osvmentof HsJtmn cia'm to-wit, tttw ail(j intetesS at 10 per cent per an nun. frcm October xtn. iwo. Dated this 2th day i July, 1880. D. 8. Smith, SberifTof Linu county, Oregon, Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of th? State of Ortge Jar Linn Connty. The Dundee Mortgage and T.-nst Isvest mnt Company, lio.ited, Plaintiff, vs. K.a Kendall and Wil'iaui F, Hamilton, Detendauts, NOTICE i hereby given tbat by virtue of an execution and an order of ssie tasand out of tbe above named Court in the aboveentitled action and to me directed and delivered, 1 wilt on Saturday the klst day of August, 188a, at one o'clock, p.' an., at the Court House door in Albany, Lion county, Oregon, at publie auction for cash in hand lo tho highest bidder, sell tbe real property desciibed in said execu tion, and order ot sale ss follows, towit : The northwest quarter of tbe southeast quarter and the west half of the nortbesat Quarter of Section thirty in Township thirteen south range three west of the Willamette Meridian in Linn county, Oregon. The proceeds of sale to be ap- Slied first to the payment of the coats and isbursementa of suit and thi sale includ ing 8250 as At ornoy'ateee. Se-cud to the payment of the hu in of $ with so cruing interest at 13 per went per aunusn from June 29tvl83o tnUie P aintifT and the overplus if any to iie yatd to tbe De fendants, their heirs aud assigns. Dated July 17th, 188G. D. S. SMITH, Sheriff of Linn county. Orfgon. Sheriffs Tsale. 1 - is the Circuit Court of the SMt of 0tgo for Count? of Linn. G F Crawford, Plaintiff. vs. T J Faulkner ahd Mary M Futknr his wife, Marian Faulkner and Isll Fau'kner, his wife, William Foster and Mary E Foster, his wife, Delaware Faulkner and John A Crawford, Defendants. NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an executiou and an order of sale issosd out of the above named Court in the above entitled action and to me directed and de livered, I will on the 23rd day of August, ISSti, at one o'clock, p. m.," at the Court House door in Albany, Linn eo nit? , Oregon, at public auction for cash in hand to th highest bidder sell the real property describ ed in acid execution as follows, to wit : Th sooth half of the east half ot the Donation Land Claim Notification No. 2115 and claim No, 58, situated in Township twelve, south of Range three, west of the Willamette Meridian iu Linn county, Oregon, containing eighty acres more or less. The proceed f ssle to be applied : First to the payment ef the costs aad disbursements of the suit aad th oasts of this sale," Second) to the pay ment to the Plaintiff $lr5. Third to th payment to the Plaintiff $1215 and interest thereon at tei June 2Sth. 188 it cent per annum from the remainder if anv to 1 paid into Court to abide the order thereof. Dated this 20th o Jalj , 18S6. D. S. Smitv, Sheriff of Linn eounty; Or.