CkBrrh Blrcrter U. P.CmJRCM, lriaohii)fc;evsey Sabbath, morning and vmiojj by Rv. f O. lr vino, U D. Sabbath School st 2:80 . M layer mooting every Wedneaadsy evening. Evanoh-ICAL CirctuH. IVeaohing on Sab bath at 10,80 a. m, , and 7 r. M. Sabbath School 10. -00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday steniig 7:30. S. K. Da via, paator. AM are invited. Como rboatiok A L C u v &CH. Sc r v ioea ever Sabbath tnoruiug and evening. Sabbath School at lStlfl. Prayer mooting on Thuraday evening of each week. M. K. Chcrch, South. -breaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock A. at. Prayer meeting every Thuraday evening at 7:30 o'clock, f. M. Culp, l'Mtor. M. K. Chuki u x.h hi, Ta no ent. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. m. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock, r. at. P. M. Culp, Pastor. M. E.CutTRCu.l'roaching every Sabbath morning and ereuing. Song service in the evoning before sermon. Sabbath School at 2.30 r. at. Prayer meeting every Thura day evening. Rav. 11. 1'. Webb, paator. Prbrbttkrian Church. Service every Sabbath morning and eveuing in Church cor. Broadaibin and Fifth SU Sunday School immediately after the morning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Riv K 11 Pritohard, paator. Firot BAmT Cucrch. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o'clock a Church on 6th Street Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting e ery Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T U Brownaos, paator. Oregonfacifi Mailroad aly lafopular Houte, m icturesquellanges, Plate time I Sure connection I Mew 'qnlumrnli ! 8S5 miles shorter ! heart leas time ! Aooouimodstlons unsurpassed for oom fort and aafoty. Faroe and freight much ucaa than by any other route between aH points in the Willamette Valley and San franolaoo. ONLY ROUTE TO THAT POPULAR SUiYMfcR RtSURT, IfJLClUlHA. BAY. Where for moderate expenses you cau enjey flurf Bathing, JJeaoh for driving and walking, Finning in riv. r and brooks, Ueep Sea Fishing, Hotel and botur accommodctionn, Than at any other Summer resort oh t h coast of Oregon. Daily ftuseugrr trains exceft Snutlitys. Leave Corral I la aft S 1. at. Leave Ya quioa at 7:10 a. m, Oregon A California Went Side train connect at Corvallia. Oregon A California Eaal SidV traina ooaneet with stages at Albany at 12:05 r M. Round trip tkketa at excursion rates good till Septeuibei 30th. FINE A! S. S. YAQUINA CITY. SA1LINU DAlES rso r.w. Tassday. Job oth. Saturday, Ju v 17th. Thunlav, Jul ma. Tisssdajr, Auf. luth. Suaday, A ox 22txl. raoa tun rsAScnco, MooJay, Juh l-tn Kr.U), Jul TU. WnlnwUjr, Aug. 4th. Monday, Aug. i.'il. Mturday, Aug. asm. Fares, - Rail steerage, fi.8M. arid cabin, f 14. Rail and For information apply to ( C. H04.1E. A. 0. F. aad P. Afsat, CsrvalHa. OVE; LAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA- Oregon & C ilifbrnia R. K, AND CONNECTIONS. Tiaae iw aad Nawalf elsja. Vrt from PonlacU to San Fe,..,ea, $Kt ; to Bscrv m lito, tad. CkM eoaoscUou. iuimu Ab)sod w th stMTes of the f uilornis, Otoh and iuaho uBe Oompanr. (DAILY EXCEPT 8C3CDAY8.) ; -1 sMe BlvfeftM. BCTWSKI roatlLAX AkP A,HLl.MJ. Hall Train. uuvg. aaarra. PotUs mI . . 7.30 i m I Albsnjr 11:45 a s Albaa 12:05 r a Aabkuui. 4:15 a a Ahujd VJO r M I Albany- U: a a Albany 12:05 r a Ponlaad 4:25 r a Albany Express Train. tav. aaarra. Por'.iand . .4:00 r a I Alhany T H Albany SSra bebsaoo 9r m Lebmuon 4.45 a a i Albny 5:29 a m Albany .bJO aa) Portland 14611 Polbaaa PiUace Keeping Can daily between Pert land and Ashland. Th O sod C ft R Ferry makes connections wilb sll the regulsr tnina on the East aaas IHrimm from foot of Piuaft. West tide Division. BETWEEN roBTEAH A CeKTALElS, Mali Train, utAra ABanra i rtlaod 9:00 a a I Corrsllis 4 JO r a Corralli 8:90 a m Portland .4:30 r a Kafir-s i.slrf- UAVB. AAUTB. P-rtlAnd 6:00 r m I McMinnvuie MM r n M -Minm ill .b:45 a h PortJsnd SJ0 a a Local tickets for aale snd tisasice checked at com DAnv'i tiD-U)n utRen. iUtr. ntork snd Mssond SarSSSS. TickeUfvr principl pcrf..U In CaliftsrnU can only be procureii and tiaggaffs cfcsoBsq aft tXHnpany s saw. Corner P and Fr-Jii. 8U. , Pstland Or, Preisbt will nt tsj reeeircl for hiinierit sfur Ove o'doek p. on either the East or WW J4s Divisions. K. EOEBLES, t'. P. BOGER8, Manager. G. P. A PassAraat. For Sale. The Sublimity HoieJ, srith its feed stable and 11 lot, at a wicn See . Pr lc ?.' 0, one third of iu orieHn al cost. Title perfect. Inquire of B. Klat, AunuvUie. s AUSAGEiHLU8, We have a meat cutter that I ae much an improvement over the old faahioned nanasg mill sa J. I. Case Agitator la over s nail. Jt don't oleic an I leaves no string-. In th meat Come nd e it. 50 OlEBZaT'jr'S WILL BUY A BOTTLE OP THE BEST COUGH CURB if: ihv s-orid hat v r i :;.-,.: , atf M ea i . 'a Couli !u na- i i .it. equal on a a : i tl a-lobe. 1 ivlieiige the world for i ,ajj Ui pruouce any .r.-ion, now ii k vo beat it i proniptntM In curing a 1 .i. ;n or i. Mothers take the ad- r an oti pioneer oi y urn n the Coast: "Dunt run the ritkot our own life or your ... i'arand .at. i' it b sent thou itriil h U thoir long homes, iu w.ii imti u. ru vir in ta one - f ttie small ..'ti.w then .fa a pint of osnaan couirh mixtures. Tlie'c is os. ihina vary rue. 'if you don't kill the iun-k the cough is kure kin yu.' " Re saw e a f the I rude )nrli I ..f b uir. OO j lie bottle. WKCnCSALE AOZXTS, iiMlsmi l nimnnua PORTLAND, OUEGON. l . ... . mmm- m. . . laaaaaaaaafEzr--- I IS WORTH ITS - m iVMMjl S J. G. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers i Gtn8;.ii lk chan HA (SEIRG - - , K S did all kir.6 as Country prodnrje. RedCrownMills ISOM, LAKNINti & (U, PROFITS. NEW FROCBH8 VlOCR BVFKRIOU FUR FAMILtKS AM' BAKKKH US. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest tPrice in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. AMERICAN FARMER E2 jE To all our Subscribers I 11 our subscribers who will pay their tubftcrtption acooMiua to una paper in fall to dato, and one year Id ad vaooe. will be presented with one year's subecrlp tlon to THE "AMERICAN FARMER P A slxteon-psce Agricultural Msgsslne, publlabed by K A. K. riackett, at rort Wsvuh. Indiana, and which is rapidly taklnir rank aa one of the leading AKrtiml tHral publications of the couutry. It is devoted exclusively to the Interests of the farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and i heir household, aad every species of industry connected with that great por tion ot the people of the world, the farm era. The aubacription price is one dollar per year. Farmers can not well gat alone; without it. It pula new ideas Into their minds. It teaches them bow to farm with Rroflt to themselves. It makes the home annv. the rouns folka cheerful, the growler contented, the downcast happy, and the demagogue honest. (MMUNITYfro iiaIe only of tlM afarewt rtrt'1 bftn"' It J oTOlass for aWtaaa f aWof . Every good thlnfif Ss Oomat -r-feitod. aad ooosumere are CAU TIONED against 1MXTATIOX3 oi those Chimneys made of VT31Y POOR GLASS. See that the e.tact Jabel is on each chimney aa abova The Pearl Top is always clear and 0 right Glass. Maaafaetnred OJ.Y by GEO. Jt. MACBETH & CO. Plttoasarft-lt Glnas V. orits. FOR 8 ALB BY DEALERS. Landreth Winter Wheat, Bowed sibain fall of '82. While other wheat wsa frozen ont this was not affected. It is not surpassed by any variety in hardi ness, vigor of growth, stiffness and length of ttraw, freedom from mat, productiveness and milling quality. The grain is Urge, plump, light amber in color and hard, yield ing tbe finest nonr. Ripens two or three weeks earlier than other grain. Will have a limited quantity of tbia famous wheat for sale for seed wheat for $1.25 a bntbel, of Eastern price, 25c. a quart by mail, post paid. Parties wiahiug to see the wheat growing can do to by calling at my place 1 mile n h of J sogent. A. L. Bridget armer, Tsngent, Or. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, 1 TH- It O.N N OF Till! WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT OS RHEUMATI M AND NEURALGIA Xerroos headache cured in thrwj minutes and Toothache in three seeonds. For all nalos and teh?a it has no cfjual In the world Hinall bottle. Utete. Larjte bottle, 1. -pOR SALE, One half block in f-'mtern city with fair house -id barn cheap art of the I Ml 2 EE We 'm of the II Ui spwH ly '(llttt, loss I trouble. 'nrantowl, : tun taled U, Mica. ri-firf i rinuii' ' fit Vitality fuw I i'ii. totor ni.-iny otimr i gon to Ili-alth, Vigor MorUlciHliK-nrrerl. it: tnvciojif. infilled trt-. i VOLTAIC BL'J FARMERS I ATTENTION Use only the California Eland Forgetl and Hand Finished SACK NEEDLES with Cutter in tbe eye. Each needle guarantied. IM ;e, SOcen's. Ask your dealor for tbcm, or order irom the manufacturers, Wllifc t PINK. HIS Havkrt Hts.. P. F. OCH SON'S C'elebyetcdFasbiQrt Caialeane OCII I rflCC mer. mi, ready March loth, to any addrifss. Illustrates and Hats every thin tor l-aiiies', Oents', Childrensl (Ad lafants' wear and lloiwclteeiou Gol, at prices lower thau ttioso ot sny bouse In tbe Cnlifid State. Complete . satlsractloo ouarattrm a, or aioB funOed. U.V.Jf, litK'li (tth Ave. & aunt et A, 0, 0. LI 11 hiflera tub or desiring uelp eca i as St Brosmetfs store and register their uamei. By Ordsb ojr Lodos. OS MB I m3C 9 DEBSU if; H A Pretty Wara c 0' Fcsr of discover , witeii false hair end dyes, Is ;i i i ftmit unxlcly to her. from whom she mosi u In i i wnhliijr of livr i-lmriiN mv ilu' i llki'ly lo umko the dleov r . I i i W no roasoii why ho shou 1 i.- n H aad fetala all the bcauli'' oi I ; -her pride In youth. U 1 i l IIaiu Vlisou, ninl. iiol rml I eeaee to full out, Im i . i aanear wbere Vt scalp fiti i - ; ill and locks that nee Itlrnbl" tfrv, t I . actlinlly grown u hi 1. wf in t , i prNliiie fiVNlinoNN mvl l'iiHi i,. . AY i: it's II nit HiOH ni; - Moreellt.-ry F ftfnece. OKOnOR JlAYRIt, Vh'l bnld Ht JKJypttl's of v c it I i had been uir wvcitil i iniu!fl . ( boUloof Il.Ult Y'liiolt Mim '-.I i owi I .1 soft, downy hull' nil ou r his :' i , vi.i.ii soon bct'iuuo thick, Ion;, ami Vifoiotte Ayert Hair Vigor I nr.t c but. by heakbful Kt'.r it '. u 6f tho roots nul votor ln n'-. '!..) n-sloire lo ils orl;;lnnl colr lirit (tint N Turning Cray. Mhr. C at it Eft i Nr. Pp.ami Prttnt, Jtodt, ;VfM had 'her heir rmhtrnlv lilioit'hcd by frljfht, during tin hi? . i t war. AYKtt'a iIaik Viuuh rr tiii i In Its imturnl color, end i(iil- U j-looler, nud inofv ubuuthtul Hutu I i ImtII iM'folY. Scalp Diseases WhK'h rntiao drtics, brlttlerHM, nn.l f . Ing of tho hnlr, dundrnfl', n hn- . m iinnovltiit wr'H, nro all (pili-klv nutd I.. A Y kit's 1 1 a i it V ittott, ItvuredllRHHi I.. IUYl. Minitrtti(4i.i, Mimi.. i i nhle Itching of tho K( uli : i tkr, Jr., DassstM 1, To.. f I I end: Mns. D. V. H. Lovri.u t . liteteillt, h'v., of Tetter Korea ; Uh. Hkshir H. llHrliHtu, I f., of ilp lisMso and Dnudritff. 'lit pldlty of the roots of tho hair, which, If liftflertrd, mnv result III Incuiithttt litild Mas, It rendll'y cured by AYCtt'a II aim Vioor. Aa A Toilet Luxury Aykr'a Hair Vioor has no rquul. U i itilurleas, cleanly, th'lUihtfullv x-r funuHl, ami has tbo'cRVct of tnttkhtg tho hulr soft, pliant, nnd glossy. Ayers Hair Vigor, pnr.PARP.D iy Dr. J. C. Ayer St, Con Lowell, Mass. Sold by all DrugglsU. Sheriff's Sale. I the Circuit Coin 9 th Stat$ 0 Ortyon for fAs Vounty 0 Linn : II. Bryant, Plaintiff. va. Osander Parrlab, Pin Iu PsrtUb and Otto Fox, Uefentlsnta. 2TOT1CE Is asreby givsa that by virtue I ot so execution snd an order of aale tied out of the above named Court lo the aboye entitled action snd to ma direct mi and delivered, I will on Hatarday the -J3tb day of August, 18H6, at 1 oVlock, p. tn. of aaid day at the Court House door in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, st public auction for caah in band to the Mgheat bidder sell the real property describe! In aid execution and order of sals aa fol town, to-wll : One sixth Interest in snd 10 tbt east naif of block number one hun dred snd eleven In Hackleman'n addition to the city of Albany lo Lion couoty, Ore con. 1 be proceeds of aale to be applied as follows : First to the payment of the costs of euit taxed at 1285 and the costs of aale. Beosod to tbe pa v went of Klein tills claim, to wit, $173.05 aad aom-uln interest tbetbon at 12 per seat per annum from July 9ih. 1M6, snd tho further sum off.'M) Attorney's fee. Third trie OVtSj plus if any to be paid Into Court aubjec to the order tbereof. Dated this 24th day of July. 1884. D. & SHITS, Mier.fl of Lluo county, ir. P0B Man and R st. . rnea, and used more xjio every year. a PS i PILLS 23 YEARS N USB, liu Oreatsat Medical Triomyk of the Age! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. fjosstf appetite. Haweiscestlve, Istn it the ferad, witb a dell sensation ia the -k pnrt, Pais under tbe eboelder I'ladr, Pallecsa aAer eatlec with aaUa let llnniien ta exertlea of kody or mind, Irrltnbillly ef temper, law spirits, with it . ! Kiik ofhlsr nrulrclcd aomedntr, Wcarloeas, Dlaaiaess, l'ioiicrlnff at ike 1 ;.! 1. Dots bfferethe eyes, Headache ever the rtebt ere, Itesttesaaese, with fia'n! drmniH, Highly colored t rine, and CON8TIPATION. TCTTJ rtUUI are einecial!y adapted to smrh cr.scs, one doso eneots seen a chaie"ctfrliignstonsi(nih the sufferer. Tin-v Insreasethe A ppt'tiie.aiul cause the ijy 11 Tnko iiu fr'lr wlttl'iim ll syrtrn Is nuurliliml. nrt hrtb 'IrTnnie Action on i.i citlrMtoo i-ri-tiM-l. i-ri -niK!. a ffinrray wa.,rs.w TuTTl Git ir II tui: chanfet! Gt)sr JUi tUtsDn:. i'.sfar.lanr 1 niMuioatton or tunif ctilor. sct bv brae-gists, or ?Mit bv fxnre on nc-lpt or VI. Office, 44 Murray St., Wow York SEEEEHHHHia A Patmsl AnAoiOAtcuntrw Otrauic WeakBess, FHTSIOAJL DECAY InYounsxAMiddli Tbbtcd ton Seven ITears by usi im aiMy iMOUBAwpoaatB. TltWATXUETTT. One Mootfc, - 8.06 3Jwo stoatbs. - H.OO gates Mwatas, V nraa Grivi Notice for Publication, Land Orncs atOkegojt City, 0a. August 3rd, 1886. Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said procf will be made before the Couoty Clerk of i,inn county, Oregon, at Al bany, Oregon, on Fiiday, iepr. 17th, 1886, viz j J J Rojsell, Pre-empt io a D 8 Ho. 6438 for the S E 4 of N W i, 8 W i of N E 1, N W J of 8 E J and N E of 8 W i of Sec 29. Tp 13, 8 R 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npoo, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : John Donaea, James Putman. Alomo Ames and Joseph Ames, all of Sweet Home, Lima courty, Oregon, W. T. BtmitKY, Register. U ses HAIR DYE. I to n saarSwyfiy)MMl mmmiiiaiii H atoosisAedU joatss, ba WM : routWal idLscretioii, Uiaa f rM. IhahImam. oi IMfM 111 1 1 11 1 111 sad MXual vigor. Ik tfKIDAY AUGUST 13, 1880. HOW a f)IT'tNON RBaCVKB 4 VTsllTI -aiTivn wmmm thk lattiaaa. Uncle" Jimmy Oanooo, tbe noted oout, recently gave to a Denver New reporter soiuo interesting remiaotneee, from whiol we extraot the following : ul waa at the Jultaburg tnatatore, Jan. 10th, 1865, when 160 sol diet a and ioity.two oitiMoa were tuadt to bite tbt dust iu tea minute. I waa wounded to three plaoea in this fight, being out iu tbe forehead, abot in the aide and through my leg. I waa presemod with a gun after thin Gght that waa mad by a glutamic:) bare in Denvr, th atory having got ont that I had worn mj gun out to tbe fight. Captain O'Brien, who ia now in buain at Laramie, and I alone escaped. Wo got to th ranch and fought th Indian off until twenty-eight women aud children were given time to reach the fort, end then, while tba Indian wr pillaging Juieaburg, we crossed tbe river on the ice and reached th foi l, which waa safely gar tiaoutd by leven men. Th Indiana engaged tu the maaor were Sioux and Ubeyenne under th command of Bad YVouu't, a 8:oux, and Stone Oalf, a Cheyenne. 1 11 otue rvspett it waa very much like the Custer russaacre,tbe Iudiau rising light up ail around th troop On thre sidn aud peuriog dreadlui fir upon us at abort range. "About two mouths after tbta the ludisn maasaore occurred tu tbe Bisok Utile at Craay Wuuian'a forks. By th way, a wholly wrong stor) baa been published by an Omaha paper about how this nsm came to be applied to these fork. Th reel atory of th case ia that three whit women were e tur ed by tbe Indian et Plum Creek, in Nebraska. Two of them were killed and tbe third went erasy. Two Face and Big Crow brought tbia ciaiy wo mat into camp. She cou.d tell nothing about beteelf. Both uf tbes chiefs arte banged on account of this woman, and tbe ma acre giw not of this Toer were 2,200 Indians oaote ia end ssked to be removed to tbe reusl : gr,(itid, which s-ss near F r K'""y. ' While they war being transported ibis around. Two Fscw's son. wi.b j w 350 srsrri rs, eiole n,. h- ii- .,.,., .1 nssascred 10U of the s i -s and tit- v two ot the inauieter Thr libt lavted about an hour, the .... beiog uaed ss breaat-srork until tbey were a!t on fir. The rem-ind-r of be truope raw treated 10 Fort Mttohelt, wuboti' for ther eolewttin fr- ro rhe I disns, who were joined by th 2,200 Indians, th hole move being intended as a trap sraiui such a tbe Indian alw-s make. "An expedition waa fined no u drt Gmersl Conner, e nif . d f t' .l 1 me, C)torado and O'-i iiwajay tosiifd 'his band of I dti- th P-id River, where h I ioi . 19 in lorn iaaCf l. in ' w i.s; ki I' d wsa reck- 730 h . r. stlwl ih H' - f th time. . sa . a jtm f. . a t "It was itv 'ns' 1 r - Hl'.llO IfOSll IliQ JinllatOM. Sili - . .in-; in S . LiOota aod ha ! tuiti account or ie sn-ii. naa leuO neral RonnMls, ho waotd i get a pension for me. . "Orelghtoii ald Brsiid Were b0R t-acfors for buildtus: a telegraph lloe, and M .rv waa the sistar of Mr. Brand. "the girl waa brought out with h-u te where ibey were working, and the .sarty waa attacked by m Indians Brand waa killed and in sist eitnr. d. General R innate s'.sci-d in iuiat. with m for guide. We cami wll op wi.h tbe Indians 011 ttM JR -shtde, ami s I knew that a osptiv cm I re covered from th Indians only by pr- Chans or stealing, I asked Qenetal liuu osls to let me ateat into tbe camp snd try to get tbe girl away, lie promised to keep his troops on a piece of high ground and net to leave it until I re turned, no matter what happened. I stole into tbe camp in the dark and tound the tittle girl asleep in a buffalo rebe. I picked her up quietly an tbrew her ovor my shoulder without waking her, and started to my horse When near the horse I met an Indian warrior, who asked me in his uativ. tongue, 'Who goes there V I replieo 'gusrd' in the seme touue, and b pstBed en, going round on aid of the ail', aud I with my load sround tbe other. It waa not until I reached my boite tba be cbud fairly awoke aud asked me tow she was to ride. 'Any way you on till we get out of here I replied, and sprang on to tbe horse. The Indian, who hsd gue around the top cf the biU, beard me, aud drawm an arrow basest it thiotigh my bod), going in at one side and starling cut at tbe other. At once the whole patty opened fire upon me, and the bullet, flww around me as thick as lain, 1 could not reach General Bunnell's anu so struck out for Fott Laramie, rid? i ig all tbo dietauce with the uirow through mv body," Uncle Jimmy waa one oi the first, to reach tbe scene of tho Custer massacre after the battle, and deaerU ss the way iu which theljodies of the slaughtered troops were mutilated as something hortible to behold. Not a man in tbe lot was recognizable. In answer to a question as to where the Indians procure their arms, the snout said that while among the In dians in Wyoming he had seen a fine rifle roll out of a buffalo robe, and he caked the squaw who had it, where ahe 1 got it, aod she told him that it bad been got "over there," pointing to a Mormon ssttmnt,and that they could get all of ;bem there they wanted, and for nothing, too. I a KM Ti;s One of tho beat uses for poultry manure nt this eoaeon Is to apply it to the cucumber vines. Hardly anything is of more impor tance to tbe cultivator of the toll t-ao the quality of the seed. Cows like cabbspe leave, but It Is better to feed them just after milking, otherwise tbey may flavor the milk. Milk being a complete food, it can not be produced unlet complete food is given the cows for that purpose. Another new breed of beef cattle, called tbe Sussex, 1 being introduced ia this country ss a rival of the Short horn and Hereford. To avoid streaky butter have the cream alt of tbe same ripeness. Nev er churn old and new cream together if the beat butter i expected. Unless tbe manure Is old and well rotted it should not be allowed to touch the root of the fruit trees, but be spread upon tbe surface. Ao excellent hotie made axle grease 1 said lo bo made of two pri tallow, two parts castor oil and one part of pulverised black lead. Do net feed breeding sows very largely on grain. They may bo kept In good condition, but it should tie done by more bulky or partfaliy green f sad. To never let one acre of ground II any longer than cm possibly be Help ed wltoout producing, and Urg ly, too, is good in Mo to adopt on the farm. To tied cu rabor of teas in a load ot small aiaok of bey.Tek onntent iu cubic feet and divide bv 512 ; or, take content is cubic yards and divide by twenty. For example, in a stack eighteen feet (six yards) long, twelve feat (four yards) wide, and' twlv feet (four yards) bwh, w would bave 2, 692 divided by M2 equli fiv toe. Or, by tbe second method, we have ninety-eix divided by twaotv equsla 4 8 tone. Trua, tbssta rule are not identical in rff'Ct ; and owing to tk Vsrying wntgbta of dttT-reut qnsliiirs and stacks, neither can hm sU.iin . df -i..b-d iijiou. Actually wHgbiiie io th" ..i.iv safe KMid. tv a Qttjmas or Tiwa. "Doctor, buw i Banker Jonas ? I beard that bo was very etck.H "H ba joined tbe innumerable car avan," aaid tba pbvaieian, eoloaoly. "What 1 Yon dun't esean to eav b t Jooe baa skipped to Canada ? Wu I well V 1 is impose. Win to count a billion. Bd Adam counted oontinuoualy from htm 0"si u to ibe presaot day be would 1 1 'Mibrtl that nunber, for it . mm tak- him ovr 9,512 yeara. At In "f I 200 w nitnut them could e e ..... -0 12(NaO i . or. 288,000 a dat, 105 I2O.'O0 s test n of b- Nsti nal deb 1 w h . r o . J 30tt.,ls $96 OOO.OOO,- . ..i,.i 6K toes. It's ourious ; ( . insus like to take a Intl.- heatr with tbtr music, and Ameri ai hke I tke a little mosio uh lb- tr lear. The sjs.UH laws .f tbe United States Wut to Ik aoieudod 8u at t make tt psrtuiaatiiia to about Congressmen sftet Jul 1st. HouxtCb Budyet, F-.n Pi .in, X. , for Marcti, say : In .h tuai lipltfliy of tnedlidiHS placed u; m the rurkei, It la nueiimee ditBcult t di-'ins;uhti netweeo the rneritoriou and tne w.rhiee. Tnert are at least two excellent remedies wldt iy uaed, the efficiency of which are un questioned. We refer to Si. Jacobs Oil and Red Star Cough Cure. mi s a e in wheat craps Hi Virginia ait yielding e-ioriaoueit . The )ielu runs from 30 to 40 tiushels per acre. . ' ' -aes 0 W Lomler aV Co., of Portland, are del authorised sdvr,isinggente (or tho Dxo craT for that city. For year sewing tnscbines,swing mscbin needles and extras go to Will Bros. The Democrat is appreciated as an adver tising medium. Those who wish to reach tbe most people nse ns & Inmna. Baeklea'a Aralea salve. The beat salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Hores, Ulcers, Halt Klieum, Fever Mores, Tetter, Cnapped Hands. Chilbu'iix Corns and all Mkm Kruptloua, and tost tively cures Piloe, or no pay required It lsgaaranteed to give perlect s4tisfciiou. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. f or aale 0 ifoaoay k Mason, Whst larens Pear, Many persona especially parent b ject te many quack nostrums as likely to engenaer or encourage a love tor stronu drink. Tbey are right. Bettor die of dis sb than ef drunkenness Tne use of Parker's Ionic does not involve this dan ger. It not only builds up the system. curing all ailments of the stomach, liver and kidney, but it stimulates without Intoxicating and absolutely ouies the ap petite for liquor, Notic for Publication. Laud Office at Orfgon City, Or. July 29th, A. D. 1880. J NOTICE ia hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has riled notice of his intention to make nn i proor in sup- Eort of his claim, end that said proof wid e made before the County Judge or Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, at Albany, Ore. gon, on Wednesday, uctobwr 20th, 1S88, tie: Gustav Krlger Homestead Entry No. 4267 for the 8 H of N U of Section 20 Tp 13 8 Ft IB, He names tbe following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via : William H Cooper, H H Mortherm, R ft Humphrey and John Burnett all of Sweet Home in Linn county, Oregon. W. T, BtTBMBT, ftegister. KING'S EVIL Was thu nnmo formerly glvrn te Scrofula hlSSUil of a superstition that it could be tried I si king's touc h. Tim world ia w.'cr 1. ,, and knows that SCROFULA eari only be curnl bv a thorough purifica tion of thi Mom!, if thin Is liotoctotl, the disease pfrnciimli-s In lulnt. throuirli Kctx-rallim sflijr generation. Among fts 'rllir symnlouiHlic dfv-flnpni'iits aro Kcxeuta, rutttncniiK Mi-options, Tu mors, lit, in, in Imncles, ICrysliiclns, I'm ult iit IJkers, Nervon and Phy sical l ollttpsp, ere, if allowed lo con- tltnit?. If lo-ooiai Utn, rVi-oflllous it rurrh, IthJimv Hu Liver Oiscnscs, rubercuhtr (.'onsiimptlon, snd vnri- nni ' lift" ilntu'i-rous or fulid uiulndlcs, uro presueee by li, Aycr'c Sarsaparilla I Ihr fi)i!y pofcrfiil ttiid (ilwayn reliable ' ' '' l 'itliin) 1.1, Jl ' til 1 fj'i'ft- 1 i' ii r.itlvH that it f-rndlrtitcs frtm hi llcrcdititry Hcrofuln, nnd ! d ui itlti of t tnl tiff hills U-ucs ' i' 'ii . At tli - MMii- tinm It t n - . and Htailses 1 lo; blood, rrstorlntf i'ul scflon !t Ui'i tllul orirnns and m I 1 014 Bilffl ystc-in. Tblsgrcat afjeasrative Wcdlcine ' i of ftio f i-tiijii.'- I '!,), l limit . wj'h wow Doek, ma- l'tililHUlVlft fttlll ' lifi of i,'rr-at pb ;! I AVU'S lire i'iT .1 tl. ; " it-. I by Ibo vlttotloMf Ibel..d. Um-.... ;,' 1 I; , Uwldgh- t 1 r.-.-t . t' , t.r beyond any Ciirr preparat i t UU:U like cftects r eaumed, nnd 1 1 ihrvoforo iitn c Iwnpost, as well rs tkn bct btood i urlf ytaj mcdJ. cine. In (ltd world. Aycr'e Sarsaparilla rai'.rAnr.u nv Dr. J. C. 4er & Co., Lowell, Mats. Analytical Chemists. Bald by ah Druggists : prlco fl 5 ats boUles for f5. HAOAJTI Magnolia Balm is a jccrct aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, andt? can't telL GREAT WESTERN I1TT8 BORQ, Pa.. U.S.A. Jar ktr f .,H.Rj,mn(rtti Mlfvchl, ItuUfirrt.nnltsrd. Wi,,. (t.uf. Hmuti a W.-.,... in,..-... WSiinr. It r - .1. tl W M 1, ... It . . U . --. Wyrt nslu' .. hin lli6- mnt H v ..low, All in.i t .or 'ii.iU'm llrfinIi,t,i'..,;,v,r,, Vlt, rSBjMMt ,,'rlt.y, u hnrtio. ami ota.-r tin. HaaimriM ci-.t,. f- n. r 1- txtx Aw fin lot ot Mu !rl.., ton tl Uiium. MsJsasL M..U, nMi TsrifiB mo,t n.m mw.r.' PaufUI.. .tl nt vary MS prlrwa. Kftnl clamp tar Urss tUssaraie Catalssaa. XeaUn tbl tstpae. ARDWaKK OF ALL KINDS, A sea, mattocks, brush honks. sbovels,ralN forks, irrln.'stones. wheal rl iiarrowa. wringers, ropea. and a' most everything vou want, can be had rnesp for cash a Peters A Stewart. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. WiliprscUoe in all tbe Courts in tb Stat IIAHS door HANGINGS, Are always breaking, unless yoi bav the kind sold by Peter A Stewart, of A - nany. 1 ney are of wrought ir. n cannot Jump the track and will Ut a 1 fa time. Don't hanga.iothsr barn door t. n- mi you uav seen hero. O 'rha ni YKns' crioc tt turi lartlk iU iMnt. ,t.aJty.r. c.r'iMiiara, S''s 1 1 larlifMrtAottr 3.SOO Illustrations - a Hho!- X'lcturs Csallarv. OSVCS3 Va!eeal I'rU, Urrri t mMuwrrt on all goods for t raoual or fasaUy use. THU bow to rnasri mnti ertres txsKt ro of cvrry hU.j yon je, e? t'.t t.U, wrsr, or t w f srlU. 1 'f-mo l-.VALUABaVE J..oi: rtn ir.rurniBiioa glancl fram ihr tnarkta of tHe world. Wo will 1 ..lit a vopy FRklK to any ad aWea rrc4tpt of 10 etc. to defray epen of matllnt. Let tu. hear froiu yo tt. Jic a pre t All I jr, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. m 82t abash Avraae. I alcana. III. C. K. WOLVBRTON, O, H, IRVINE, WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW pLfOflo& up stsirs infFromana Brick ALBANY, OREtiOX. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of mi rcbandisc. All orders from tho oountrv filled on short notice for every ciasa or kind of oodi from flrst-clasa stock. Absnlntelv no ohsrgen or commission will bo charged or filling ordeis, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., a At D. W. Prt-ntice's, Forllaad, Or PATENTS oiiuiiiwi, aa sii nihtir saarsssa , Oltct) attuiideUod Ui fur iiioutTute ina. uur (ifllre ii itiiwit ttie V.H. IViui.t vscmi ubuln Patents lc Una- tlmii tl ow WMblnirtun. heiiil in, Mile or drauiiii? Wo itf to j'-XU'llt harge uiiIni. soiuty trup nf rhsrge . siiU uriiuko wi dmsjOI patsiit. rclcr hers, tn the i.m:uuitr, tht Stti.t Honey Order Uiv. ami to ottiola! of tho VI. S I'nt 'Bloc, For clnalar, advice, hjito, and t r, 1 o -dual clkiiitH iu your own State or count v, addn C A i0V &CO Opposite Patent Hffiw, Vattiiniin, l d'.foled ,ris, iu ry nnm j Tbia clnncdia without. IUcas ia iat of all , Xa mun: V A tr Ejvj d 3k ulso had Thirty-"B.-V Eight years' , u, Ti.nimnwin practice bettire lie yatrnt Office snd h?o preparad lore thnn One Hundred Tpou r,nd ajiplications tor patents in the JnhfKl utatea snd foreign count riest. Trnde-Marts, Xloiw-rinlits, re aia. ling potf.ntH oliocr- Hand-books of Patents obtained puio atf their pt Addresa ML.': A 00.. Of&cs Scissnrw AiiEUicA, 3C1 XJroadwfty, liew JkaaUrlWrW JULIUS GRADWOHL list the only exelualve Stock oi CROCKERY, CLA 8, SILVER AND CHIHA Wl?RE A Largs Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Selecton of Cofee, Tea art Jnf ar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI. 00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime TOK II Hi 111: VI- MARKET PKK'E PA1B FOR KBO S EememDerl Wnat I gay I lean. Aire Is a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. THE 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest- routa to the East and rates , $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest To OcuucU Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas Olty and other points. All classes of ticketa good via Ogfien and Denver to Omaha or I&tnsas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex- ffil7 Ahr0UghT$ the Missouri Biver Z2L0ht?g0- U y?u are ing Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge! B. CAMPBELL, ficneral Agent. No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. -Another Cut in Rates ! 1 ca ItifiVB In snnnu nra to tfcn farmra old staacland bav.Joat received frooi Tthe Tkaat la'Ar the ihia Ust W cut In freight rates, aad 1 am willing tL LdZLlT "U !o KiliiriK al' kinds of wheels, $14 per est or H aod $t par wheal ixumiTi., rMiiuuu. biiu iuu(uet, e' SSI Hi'-kory axles, $4 each, Hii nrle spikes and felloes, 20 cents each. AnU cviT.vtlilria; el in proportion. All dior w.uih of Arthur's MickNoilih shoo. Koriti Brownsville, Oregon. ADVERTISERS can learn thcexact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advarttaing Burestu, IO Spruoa St., New York, wend lOouk for lOO-Pago Pamphlet, DR. MINTIE, TBI am 1 a list. w II Keeraejr Street, aaa rraae.ea. Cel. IssAts AUCaaonc, BremLo Pairars Disaassa THE GREAT .ENGLISH REMEDY 1 Is a aavna oiuairmi lor ervoo inal .Vitality, teiH-y.rualvaia bora, aod all lb ttfrihle . fltru tl Mlt-sture , uih fu. follies sad ex.ess ia turer vears, sach as Uas K Memory, laawaw Noe lural KtaiMtton, assnioa to lavlAtr O -- Koises In the bead, exeasses la elrlakloclalaai. n n... uniu , an.l mti uiht-r .litac iht M to ir sii It yard death. Or. made, who is a Kearalar Physl -taa, .radaier Ibr I alrersily nf leaai lisala sill af.vo to forfeit rive Haaelretf BallaM fori BBeSM ssMes and Wt-atinent) will tu cur.. 4- for sny thins; Impure or injarious found In fi. Br. Hlo. tie tresis all private diseases aaosassfully without mercury fsallslla t re. ThrouBh sxamin sUoa aad adrloe, indudnif analyaia ot uilo. ss Pries ot i wla Keataratlve. 11.40 s bottle, or four Umes ths qui nUty, 3 ; sent to any address upm re ceit of price, orCOD secured from ohaervatioii and in pn vat. name If delred by ttr. sjlaUe II lae sraiv Street. San Fraaelara, tal. send lor Sa of questions and pamphlet. MMI'LK BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying- hyl e tter, statins vnmtnni. r n,l ,m . all bu.l,l9 transaction.. "V" Br. 31nth klttnrr Remedy. Keuhrrtirara euraa all Li.,.l. k j ,,r J":.rrr"5," ii,rf,. 7. . r ' "u "oer t .ompn inta, tlonot rhoea Oleet, Lu.rrhoea, etc. For ase 5yaJ Dr. Min I Io'm n..l.n., mit. .... , . . - - . . .1 v i-iiTr itai ana i heai.i-.r Ui.iMMuia um.i Ulll.,. ;.. .1. l e. . For safe bv aTl SasaaS " " sr - " WS " How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in thev stomach undi gested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Begulator has been the means of restoring more . people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. As Keneral family remedy for Dyspepsia, rorpld Liver, Constipation, etc., I hardly PTer use anything else, and have never peen disappointed In the effect produced ; it seems to be almost a perfect our for sii diseases of tbe xtoniach and Bowels. w. jr. McELBisr, da. MSST" Sassssl Line, nfthim mnm. sSj . ..... . II. work v.rr.mi D ' er the pJace.oiw A. . UAl'S.HA.V. Firht .National Bask '-AI.BAaY, OSEtiOX. rwr1 JH i-tWXEB lassssi H. E. XI EK KILL TRAS8ACT8 A GENERAL "'- 'v atri annjeet to . BIGHT EXCHANGE wawr 1 ore. Baa r. eo!d IVrtl 1 OOLLBCTIOX8 MADE oa tSvarsbto tcrsss. Mssrroaa. L. E Blais. I. 1.-1 , ij. r , Sheriff's Sale. I the Circuit Court of the State ot Orego for Linn County. W. W. Richardson Pia:ntiff. vs. Samuel rioty and Rebecca JL Doty bis vila, aod JUJsy .Shelton aod J C Johnson, psrtaer. doing business under the hrat naoie and srrk of Johnson 4 Shelton aod the Sinaer Msnufac taring Company, Dafeadaots. NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue of an sicUiiou and an order of aale issued oat o4 the above named Court iu the above en Uled actiuu and to me directed sad deliv ered, 1 willou Saturday the 14th day of Auuuet lsS6 .1 1 u'oiock, p. in. tb H..u door ia Albany, Una cotuty. Uregn, at pubric auction for cash iu hand to the truest bidder, eii tbe real estate de bribed IU said execution ae follows, to-Wit ileiat.iutt at tha north ai corner of the .ortbae,: qu .rur of the s..othret quarter -.fS.ct n ti.irty-hve in Township ten south af tUiiKone est ; theooeeaat t venty rods thence souih taeut rti,, ; west twenty rod to the Sct,on ho betaeeu seotua thirty four aod thirty-rive ; hence hearing north of west across bs northe st quarter of the south eat quarter of Section thirty loorin Tp. 10, s K. 1 vv tu within lit teai i r,iB 8s,olj, uf northwest corner ou the line ot the north east qusrter ot the outheaat quarter of Sec tton thirty-four in Tp. 10 S R 1 W ; toenoa north thirty hve rods ; thenoe Uarit,K outh of east serosa the northeast qusrter of Section thirty-tur in Tp. 10 8 R I W to aithiu nftoeu rods north of the orhwst corner of the uoithsest quarter ol the southwest quarter of Section thirty-rive iu Tp 10 S R 1 .V ; tlance south to the place t bvatisv nin;, sii in Linn c unt. Orsou and eu taioiUK 20 .ore. T..e pr.-ced of sale to be applied : to the paj 1(,e.a of the costs anddilMiramvut ol thiskun taxed at S7 65 ud tbe casta of thie sal.-. Secind to the payment of the olsim of Pluintiff herein to wit, ths snn. of $709.67 and acciaiog iote.. est thereon at the rt-nt 10 t r eeut per annum from dm.e 2& h, 1S86, and the fuithe Ol O AT , . j psyment to the Mii il the MBm of $424.76' therein at the rale, ot mini from 'uue 28tn, um of $45 as Att r the pa. roent to the Compsny the sum ot Thir. i to the aon Rt!e tit 10 es, t "tirth to Maculae! in ing snd acoruisaj intereat Ht the raie of 10 num fro,., Juoe 28th, 1SS6. ami ,he overpiwa IT Mill t IX ... . ... a o it ail to e nulii to th id Sa his heus or assigns. Dve-i ti 14 hdav Shenffof Liu n conntx , OrD per Jas, J. Charlton, Deputy. KotaiGa oi Final SsttlsHmik KOTICE is hereby driven that the under Siyued See. utors of the estate of Joseph Hamilton, doeased, hive tiled m tbe Coun t Court of th State uf Oregon, Linn coun tv, their rinal account in estate and Moidv tho 6th dsy of September, lsV at the -hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon' of said day at tho County Cnurt room in the Court House iu the sity of Albany, in Linn county. State of Oregon, ia the" time and place set for the henria f objections to said account and the (inal settlement thereof. I) 'ted at Albany, Oregon, thin "Sod dav of July, 1SS6. oay George Hendeeson, Caroline Hamilton. F. P. HUTTING Affent, Soottis IS Ullinn Inaurann Co . , capttsU 40,JQO,000, otupajjy lusuro b? m abscsutely ssf