uiaps. s ( hnr(h Blrvrtor u. CHORCH. i'reacliingevery Salibeth, morotng Bl evening uy twv. r vi. r vine, D. IX Sabbath School at 2:30 T. st Prayer meeting every Weduessdey evening. KvAKoEMtAi. OmiHCH. Preaching on Sab bath at 10, SO a. ML, and 7 P. tt. Ssbtiath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed a day evening 7:30. B. E. Davis, pastor. All are invited. Conohbo ation alChu Ren. Servicessver Sabbath morning and evening. Sabbath School at 18:10. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. M. K. Church. South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Sab. bath School at 10 o'clock a. st. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Calp, Pastor. M. K. Church South.Tanobst. Preach ing every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, r. at. Sab bath School at '2:30 o'clock,!, m. f, M. Culp, Pastor. M. E. Church. - - 1'reaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song sarvioe in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 8.30 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evening. Rev. H. P. Webb, pastor. Prxsbttkriam Church. Sarvioe svery Sabbath morning and evening in Church oor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sta. Sunday School immediately after the marning service, Prayer meeting every Wednesday evtniug. Rev E II Pritchard, pastor. First Bait ist Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a. m. .at Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning service. Prayer meeting e Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. try T G firewnson, pastor. Oregonffcacific Aailroad nly Ifopular If oute, nv 1 iGturesquellanges, Fine time) ! Scire e4naee(lMs I Blew equipment X SSS miles) shorter! SO hours lean time X Accommodations unsurpassed Tor com fort and safety. Fares and freight atcc T san than by any other route between all jKlnu in the Willamette Valley and San .Francisco. ONLY ROUTE TO THAT POPULAR SUMMER RESORT, YAQUINA BAY. Whan for moderate SI UailSSa VOU can eulcv Snrf Bathing, Beach for driving and welkins, di I U P - - Fishing In river and brooks, Deep Sea Fishing, Hotels and better accommodctlonB, Than at any other Summer resort on t he coast of Oregon. Daily fatten gtr trains excrft Sunday. Leave Corvallls at 2 r. x. Leave Y qulna at 7:10 a. m, Oregon A California West Side trains connect at Corvatlia. Oregon A California East Side trains connect with stages at Albany at UfcOS r. x. Round trip tickets at excursion rates good till September 3(Kb. FINE A I S. S. YAQUINA. SAILING DATK3 rsos taqcwa. I rsos sax ruunu, Tuesday, July 6th. Moeday, M UU Saturday, July ITS, rrxuy. Jury BBSS. TSSWSST, July Wednesday. Aug. T.,W.r An., loth. Monday. A Off. IMS. Sunday. All. 2h1- jsatuida, Au. iBMh. Var. -Rail end cabin. 114. Rail and steerage, tV.88. For Information apply to 4 4 HOME. A. G. F. and P. Agest, CerralMs. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -oriA-s Oregon & California R. K, AND CONNECTIONS. Ttsse twe anal ese-kelf days. Fare from Portland U San Fincts:o, S2 . te Secra- I U.I 1, ffJJL ... . rrear ... . a. a U.S.. sss Company. (DAILY gXOgft SUNDAYS.) Ksst Stale Mvlstea. tSBTVFBKM rsBTLASD AM ASBI.AH9. Natl Tram. isira, Portland TJSO M U Albany 1S rs Ashland 9. W rm Albany lU6r AUM. Albany 11.45 a m AhUi.a.. ....... . . A U Albany 11:4 a Pwrtlawd ,t:are AlSaay uuvm. aaaivE- Portiand . .4:00 r M j Alhany Albanj 836 re lobancn Lebanon 4.45 a I Aliny Albany .M0 a I Portlaed ,S:$4 ra ..MOru ..f . a n .10:05 AM Pullman Palace Bleeping Can daily bet as Port vh. t u.1 res VWrw en Sim fflueasBtleM with all tb reeular train. n tt.c- 1U1 Side Wwn from feot of 7 tttrett. Wet RM DlTlalea. BCTWEXS rSKTLASV AMD C9BTALUM, Hall Train. LtlVI ABS1TS Trtlatul l:00 if I CorrallU 4:30 T M Corvllia bIO a M Portland 3:0)r Kxerces Trsln um. Aaarvs. Portland 40 r M I McMinnriUa J 00 r M McMninvUie 4:45 a m Portland 8 JO A f ort tfaifcata fnr aala nd basease ebecked at eon innv'a iin.barn 4tfs i r stail a,t smmI gtsseta TirlLMi. f..r nrin.-iiul uitU in C'aliiomta can only be lirfviirMf an1 huMMn -ii-.kMl at Coninanv'a office. Cnnu-rKuyi Pr m l Ku . P.irtlud Or. Freicbt will nnt be received for ehiptnent after live o'clock p. on either the Eaat or Wear "Ide invlalona. R. KOEBLEB, B. P. BOOEHS, O. F. Paaa Arent. For Sale. The Hubiimity Hotel, with lu feed sUble and 11 lot, at teenfice. Price t0, oo third of lu origin at eoet. Title perfect. Iiwiulre of fl. Klae, AumarirU gAUSAOE M1LIX, We have a meat cutter tbat i as much sa improremttnt over tbe old fashioned sausage mill as J. I. Case Agitator is over a flail. It don't clog and leaves no strings lu th meat Come and sea tt, WILL BUY A BOTTLE OP THE BEST COUGH CURB that the world has ever produced, r. Healers c,u Cure hat not an equal on he face of th- tfiobe. 1 ha lenire the world for M 1, 600 to produce any KMsja preparation, now m the market to beat it tn promptness in curing a Jough or Cold. Mathers Uko the ad- rice of an old pioneer of 17 vi-Bm on te iss : t 'Don't run the risk ol our own life or -our hildren s on suffar anu vater. it has sent thou sands to their long homes, luu will find more vir ue in oDe of these small lottlet than in a pint of common couh mixtures. rrbefe is one thing very rue. 'if vou don t kill Uie luouvh the cough is sure (o kill you.' Be Marc of the trade nark The scales oa he hettle. WIMi.KSAU. AGENTS, Klh, MBITeMI) V WOODWAKW, Portland, orboon. SAM MAY. G. SENDER? MAY Ac SENDEES. ia General leibaMise. mwmm nils By ill . i mwm IHsKslBB HHIsVbI! ISW0RTH ITS I uri-irr Mi rrt nil L ; " -- Red CrownMills ISOM, LANNINO & (U, PROPR'S. NEW rUOCEJW FLOUR SUPKRIOR FOR PAM1LIRS AND BAKERS USS. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest .Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. AMERICAN FARMER ESS To all our Subscribers I All our subscribers who will pay their subscription accounts to this paper In full to dato, and one year In ad vance, will be presented with one year's subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FARMER !M A sixtwm-pago Agricultural Magarlne ubltnhed by ur i itiMua, A. K. llaokeit, at Fort tup, Indiani and which is rapull takmg rank as ene of the leading Agricu tsrsl Dublicalious of the couutry. It la devoted exclusively to the Intereats of the farmer, stock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their household, and every speotes of industry connected with that great por tion ol tbe people of the world, the farm era. The subscription price is one dollar per year. Farmers can not wall get along without it. It puts new Ideas into their minds. It teaches them bow to farm with eroflt to themselves. It makes the home eppv, the young folks cheerful, the growler contented, the downoasi happy, and the demagogue honest. a IMMUNITY from ANNOYANCE Jiartt. only of the flnt nn-1 U?i rjnr.l- My of (Mb Svarv (rood thinflf la Ocmritr- feited, and ocmsumors are pAU TIONBD aainst IMITATIONS of these Onimneys made of VERT POOR GLASS. See that the exact label ia on each chimney ae above. The Peart Top ia always clear and aright Glass. BannraetarHi OXLT hy GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. PUtetrars-tt 4t less Works. FOR 8 AT. 13 BY DEALERS. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby riven that the under. signed has this day been duly appointed by the County Court, of linn connty, Oregon, Administrator tie bonus nan ol the estate 01 O. P. Adams, deceased, late of said Linn connty. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notitied and reunirud to present the same properly verified within iz months from the date hereot to tne un dersigned at his residence near Marion in Marion connty, Oregon. Dated Jans 28tb, 130. C. Faklow, Administrator. Landretii -Winter Wheat, Bowed 4 lbs in (all of '82. While other wheat was frozen out this was not affected. It is not surpassed by any variety in hardi ness, vigor of growth, stiffness and length of itraw, freedom from rust, productiveness and milling quality. The grain is large, plump, light amber in color and hard, yield ing the finest fiour. Ripens two or three weeks earlier than other grain. Will have a limited quantity of.this fsmous wheat for sale for seed wheat for $1.25 a bushel, of Eastern price, 25c. a quart by mail, post paid. Parties wishing to see the wheat growing can do so by calling st my place 1 mile 8 K of Tangent. A. L BanxjEFAKMEB, Tangent, Or. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT. I THE BOSS OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT OK RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nervous headache cured in three minutes and Toothache in three seconds. For all pains and aches it has no erual in the world Small bottle, !0cts. Large bottle, fl. pOR SALE, ( One half block In eastern part of the city with fair house and hum will besoid cheap NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN.' You or- allowM a fr uno of Or Die's Cel. Ut of thirty Hayn of tha lee Voltaic Belt with new for the speedy' f ArwiMii iDsWWe JgA nil nil kindred troubl. . . ('omplute restora tlnnhooa Kuaranteed, :tei iiaiiipbioitaaieS electric ttuen.snrr Am Mull relief anrt uenrsncit eureof . Of Vitality mid Manhood, unit Also for many oilier illfR imi ttiin to U''lth, Vinr uml f! No rink Isineurrcjt. Ii!utret tMxUti'f. mulled frr'. tv adil V0L14IC EELT CO., Marshall, Mick. FARMERS Use Is Bi'Wl ID V Ak . mm OaLaOUVstssm mmsV war 1 WW !i W. only thxflflnfl -m E III U ' In l'. lilt.' I ut , mid v.'i Ajcr's Suroc Is the i! miktlv that kti h? ntnla m In it!l wn t . i.i v ,l!t Mb- Ike lulu! In h d hui v (Ii m u- m l itki siM rliit i-utTtiM hrtH 4'f l!;.' b'.Miil. It l tin OHlV tilU lt: i I IkiI . UfH.'k'Mtl owrrful lv llhirotlli rli'iin.v I bo !.,vwiiti uf HerefuhwH iml MetH'uritti liu4irr?lv iiwtl Ihci ;nUtitlrd) rf 'untitglntiH lllaeseew. It also rjtu H:ilij" tht; loit. kfl lV llthtlirrlr innl Mruift'l I , it in f t'tituilea rspttl rtfUH Hit it-it fituu llio ttf(t li!t ti!. nt ttml tl liiiity etttisstl by ihna' tlheust Myriads ol Cares e ACUwrij by AVI It'f gAtttUPAltlLLA III iii'i if.t font tiu?, Hiv nttsetethaiu) there h mi li! mmI ttkeiiNe, ul nil MMmihH f uif, tltiit will net i i.l le It. Whatever the ulhucitt of ihi - i lu..iiinl w In r. n fniiiiil. frtin tbe M-tirt y .if tin' Art'tU- t-ln lo tin renhHtores' f uth Afrlt-n, Uthi rrniH i tly IttiN ntt'tili-l ht till It t thf .uli't rt,r !i whom It tviii ftiiiloyl. iNmiorl! I'torywlMTt'i stt Itf iiiuiii rntiMctiM'k, wlih m their peffMOMSl kitowbUrr. of n uinrk sll riin-i wmutfhi ! It, Wharo ail other tivntiix ni litul i ii itiittt ailing. Pitiplf win i wei to Trust Nothing Else limn .Vv Kit's S.s.tPAMH.i a. Nunifn u-. i i ml mi ..tin - urt n' ml to Hi" plthllt' im "liUitxl piifUlfrn." whlrli oiily sHitrc the iiHth'itt with tin- I'tvt'tiM' (if limit'. . ii-tlosra', aasl with whi-h It U folt te t- vt i initiil tthllf iUm'Sm h atrHtllty hi" rntitltv lotirt tli",t-,M,ttlftl untl tliflii'tilt t.f i nit'. Stiuit or tiii'" iiii'iu ' io ritut ii l.itin : liurni. H'ar In rulml thnt the only metncine t Itnt can railk'slly purify the liiatttl hl(Mt U Ayer's Sarsaprilla, pnF.PARKD KY Dr. J. 1'. Ayer & o., Lowell, Mass. 8okl by all IrugjfUta ; price fl. nix bottles for re. Man and Beast. Mc-Uins Liniment is cider than moot men, and used more and mere every year. . : LS 25 YEARS N USE. Tea Greatest graph of the Age! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. ! .wfaeeetlic Uuweteceetlve, Pel. If ib- be4, with a Sell eeeeatlea tsulte eerlt enrc. Pale e.ecr ike strSalsWr l ! ;Ue, fc'elleeee after eail.y, Wlib e4le t innttente rxjjff iee'ef Ie4r rsataa. trriiektllirjaf'.rnteer. Iw estrile, with - ' -iZ fimtinz nealeetea .esse sat r, fSTrlecea, Ilxi.eea, Fletlerle at tbs It. tri. lots bcferelSe eyes. Iteattactte mrzr the flakt rr-. Urilraaea, telth fiifitl drrnm. Itiablr celereS t rine, en COWSTIPATION. TtTTT N I'll.I.! m o especially adapt?d to snrti cum-, one Uae effects seen a tbanserfo'lnariit4nUli the sufferer. TV iMeeeeae ttee A gisssns .snn t. .t t Take a ieasttnua ii. iUcMirOriM.ltltilar i. J-n.-) sac. 41 afitartma BUI I U 1 1 tri I IB S S ssss i c . t !h;tt or Wutaxcaa chanfei to a .-sv l.i CK Uf a .;iil spplicetlon f . lift' It imparts a natural color, act iamirta'i-l - BcSd by Dratsta, or r' r. !'V expii on rccwlpt of at. omce. 44 Murray 8t., Mew York. 1 !nYAaWf TfSTto ron StwM vsAnssvueetMsu rHCUSAWOQASta. KARRIS I CITATION. In tlut County Court otw, StflM of Orejonor Linn County. In the matter of, the estate of John W Frouk, deceased. In the nam oj the State 0 Oregon 1 To J D Froak, tho Administrator of the estate of John W Froak. deceased. You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in tbe above entitled causa with the above entitled Court asking tbat joa be removed from the Administration of said estate. You are hereby notified and required to appear snd answer said petition and ebow cause if any exist wby you should not be removed from your said trust as Administrator of said estate, which ssid petition by order of tbe Court is set for hearing on the 2d day of August, 1886, at tbe hour of one o'clock, p. in., of said day. You are hereby required to appear at said time and show cause if any exist why you should not be removed from your said trust. Given under ray hand and seal this 30th day of June, 18S0. l. s. D. Andrews, County Clerk. Notice for Publication, Land Okeicb at Oregon City, Or. Jnne 24th, 1886, Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of U, 8. Land Office at Oregon City, on Tuesday, Aug. 10th, 1886, viz : Oscar Dake, Homestead Entry Ho. 3085 for the N EM of Sec. 21 Tp. 0 8 R 2 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Benjamine Ktbsey, Joseph Cox, John M. Barban and James Gist all of Mehama, Marion county, Ore gon. W. T. BtJRNEr, Register. flOCH SON'S f m alee CateJei 'or Bprtng nod Hum- res. Illustrate and Usts mer. ret Aiy Karen Ladies', Oenw. cww I and er Medical Tri SBBaMnTti MsllssHlsst issslsSlMssiii i W$M1E& ser Ik cmacrat. FRIDAY AUGUST Q, 1886. TEMPBRANOE DEPARTMENT KlUTISn BT Til It Women'i Chrlitiau TempersBei (IbUb otlt aTATK lKKNlDlhT. Tho fullowiog resolution! wars adopt d by tbe Portland W. 0. T. U. at a surprise party, givan to their retiring Pteaidant. This endorsement domes from thosH who know Mra. Higga beat, and have worked with her for several years. It ia a compliment fairly earned, and of wbiob any woman may feel justly pi oud. We cordially endorae the sent. tuont expressed : Whereas, Our beloved President, Mrs. A. E. Kigg, has been obliged to resign her office as President of our lo cal uoioo,in order to aeoept tbe position as President of our state work ; and Whereas, She has aerved us faith fully and sclf-saoriuotngly, for tbe space of four years, an an able and efficient offioer, therefore be It AWei, That in accepting Jier res igoation we foel that our union a ill sustain a great lose. But we are eon soled with tbe thought tbst she will yet be with u, and that ber promotion will enable he to turtber advance tbe great work to which aha baa so nobly dedicated her all. Kuolved, Tbat ber consistent Christ ian character, and ber patient, persistent labors fur tb3 good of our union are thoroughly appreciated by us; and now tbat abe baa become th chief executive officer of tbe stste wotk, we are still willing and ready to assist in carrying ont sny plana she may devise for tbe furtherance of our great and good Reiolvtd, That we also feel undsri great ohiigattons to Mr. Higga for hie noble and manly bearing toward oar csuss, end Cor his ebeerful and line! assistance to oor president in carrying forward the ardeua datiee of her ottos. Rt$olvtdt Thai we oongrstulate oor president upon the new honors which have been eoofetred upon her, and the W. C. T. U. of tbe state of Oregon,..!! mere, tbat tbey bare an executive offi cer who ia capable ot performing tbe duties of any office which, in tbe ailot meats of divine Proeideooe,msy be de volved upon ber. Further, tbat we do not bid our frinJe,aIr. and Mrs. Biggs, adieu, but we pledge them our fidelity to tbe osose end our life long frisedsbip to them, as eo-isborers ia tVe grandest field of God s moral vineytrd. Onbaf of the Portland W. C.T.U. Josts L. Pabsott, 1 Com. Jamb E. Webdbk. rasstiamas a ucaasa. In accordance with tbe oo-ticents vtte prohibition went into effect to Worcester. Mass., May 1st. After it had been in force twe weeks the ssere tare of tbe Worcester Temperance Un ion made a comparison with the polios end criminal records of s eortsepouding period of tbs previous yesr, tbe figure of which teach s significant lesson. H sys: '"The records show tbe arrests tbe last week of license in April were 6Lcomnittments,31 : for tbs fitst week in May, tbe first of no-license, tbs ar rests were 12, commitments. 4 ; for tbe corresponding week test year tbs arrests were 42, commitments, 17; for tbs second week of no-license tbe arrests wsre 9, com mi linen tt, 2, against ths cerrsf pondiug week of license iu 1885 , when tbs arrests wsre 47 end commit, moots 24." This brief experience ex hibits in a etriking tight tbe liquor- traffic SS s factor of disorder ami crime ! Mis. Mary B. Wiliatd baa been sua. cos ful in securing tb endotscmsnt of th. Annual Conference of tbe Methodist Episcopal church of Germany, to tbe pe tition for day of prayer in week ef prayer. The same mail which brings this newt to Mrs. Watson, the indefa tigable superintendent of this depart ment, brings also petitions signed by eighteen branebce of tbe British Wo man's Christian Union, for tbe tame object. Mn. Willerd was tbe first woman who ever addressed tbe German M. E. conference, end she reports, "Tbey were jJt as nice and brotherly as our ministers at home." DOSJT FilIT AWAY. A little girl saw banging in ber Sun day School this text on an illuminated card : "Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint uot." She caught tbe idea of its teaching, and in attempting to re peat it at home she gave a lomewbat free rendering, in tbis form : "Don't you get tired ia dainjr good , for if yon don't faint away, by and by you will get your pay." Tbe truth as the put it is worth bearing in mind. -Youth's Examiner. A KEM ASKABLE 4 1 BE Ol MBOfTLA. William S. Baker, of Lewis, Vego county, Ind., writes as follows : MMy son was taken with scrofula on the hip when only two years old. We tried ssveral physicians, but the bey get no relief from their treatment. Noticing your Scovill's Sarsaparilla and Stilhngia or Blood ?nd Liver Syrup, recommend ed bo bigbVyj I ' nought some of ij of you in tbe yeftVlc, and contied.takinij it till the sores finally healed urumHe - ' - - sr . e. h now 21 years of ag, and, bei iofied that your rrediciue did much good when he used ir, wi a . 1 63 try agam in anotner ease, to you to a$t some more. 80 runt i L I S. I j BAID nwi row TRAYS. "John," obiervsd Mr. Grsp s fer evenings sgo to bii eldest, "I am sour to know that you are addicted to tbst terrible vice of gambling, end only hut night it ewe to my esre tbst you had lost s Isrgn sum of money. To ebow you tbst I know this I cen tell you tbs exact amount. I'Vty dollars, John, It's s perfect outrage, sir,and 1 will not endorse it. Now, I want you to tell me sxsotly how it occurred, or you can lesve my bouse." "Well, you see, sir," meekly began Qrsp, junior, "it wse s little gems of drsw." "I don't know what you mean, sir, by s Millie game of draw,' Vou must remember tbst your fstbsr don't know one osrd from sootbsr, snd never did, sir. Do you bear tbst never did." "Well, U wss a gsme of poker." "Go on sir ; go on." "And there were four of ua in." "Horrible ! but go on." "And it earns a jack, pa." "Pressed, sir, wlib your disgraceful story." "And 1 opened it on three trays." "1 don't know w iat you mean by those elang expressions, but go on." "And ouly ons of tbs fsilowe stsysd and hs drsw three cards, while I only drsw two." ' 1 Well, it's all Oreek to me, but ooo tiaue tbe wretched history." "When I ikinned my bsnd out I found snolbsr tray." "Yes," "And bet s dollar." Horrible 1" "And be raised me live." "Yes." "Then I raised htm five." "Yss I yes P 'Then be raised me lack live." "Ah r "And I raised bin firs." "Well." Then be raised me t'vs again," Pbww r "And by tbst Urns we bsd both got sx cited." "Yss, hurry up." "So I raised Mm ten." "Yon did, hay f" "Yss, sis, snd then be raised me ten more." "Terrible ! but no abend." ' "Then I raised him five. That made fifty I bad in snd 1 f It nervous, but I thought I bid htm." "Yes ; well, wbst did bs do t" "He raised me back twenty. live." . "Wbst didMHHte tfctt. r 'IU Hroprsd." "Yon did I Why, you miserable idiot, wby didn't you cell bim ? Lord, I wish I'd held tbst bsnd of ysore, I'd bses made things bot for bim, yon bet, if I'd have bad to j ut np tbs last chip. Had four trayt snd you d rupped , w hen like ss not bs didn't have more'o s full house or three of a kind. Greet Peter ! I wish I'd bsd that band, but thank Koodoos ! 1 never knew one card from another. Uoveroot Hughes of Arkansas sas bis state is dutug more for free achoui educetiou io prop ut ton to taxabln val- ues than an other atate in tbe Union This ia bigbly erediuble to Arkansas, and shows tbat she need not become a pauper state under the provisions of tbe pernicious aod uticooatitutionel Blair bill. If tbe southern pexmle once sjrne to appreciate tbe advantages tbey wif derive from public schools tbej gladiv establish aod maintain them,aod a system of public education thus baked on K)polar desire and favor will be vastly more secure and useful than one established by mesne of a log rolling job , for tbe misappropriation of the money in the federal treasury. A pub lic school system cannot thrive where the people ere not interested in it, and tbe people only become interested in tbat which they do themselves or pay for out of their own pocket. A FAILTLES FAMILY MCOIIISl, "I have used Simmons Liver Regu lator in my family for tbe past eight or ten years, and found it to surpass any thing recommended for chills,fever and ague. His taken tbe place of calomel, quinine and all such remedies. It is all tbat could be desired ae a family medi cine. I give it to my children, from one yesr old up. Tery truly, E. H. Urbanks, Craw ford Co.,Ga." ' . As long as the foreign workman is free to come here and compete with bis American rival, there is no protection for labor, either fancied or rsal. The protection to goods is absorbed by the manufacturer. Tbe laboring man lias to take bis market for hte labor with out reference to tbe tariff. a e A leading citizen of Hagerstown Md., Mr. George W. Harris, had suf fered for some time with facial neural gia and tootlucbe when be tried St. Jacobs Oil. He says . 'It gave me instantaneous relief, and I consider it a wonderful remedy." J. L. COWAN. J. W.CU310K Linn Connty Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. . ALBANY - - - OREGON. TRANSACTS a general banking buslnois. DBAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Nsw York, San Freji cIboo and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECEIVE "deposits subjeo to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to us will receive prompt tention. ABfS)ss Send 10 esn ts postage, ana we will WIS B mall you free a royal, laluablo gmpls box of goods that wilt put you in ths way ot maJcinu- more raonev at once, vawi anyininir rano m America. Both sexes of all ages can live at b ome and work, in spare time, or an the time Capital not re- uuired. We will start you lmtuense pay surs for those who start at one) Svwsox ami Co,, PortSand, DYSPEPSIA. bfdon cntdtein In oft. Its, mental worry, nT i 4 or IufpruuVnrc hi Olid Mtrloux other ( im hi ion roiiotvfu i f the fiver, kldti hh'h the iUmU-r -f of the other. I hi llte.l ll! lie bf )il senss snd fi know in- less, .Siek 1 1 endue h ltd tnentul vleof. tniidftilhicttMhilh' d t "osllvtfwss, nil of u i itinh'r one bend im Sypejlu. 'ery imtitnee w here I hi d. ne e i it . in-lain ie from enfulou lafni In tho IiUnhI, AYKtl'X I'ti.i.rt in;iv bo coiindeOtly relied utMiil t ffeet tt eurr. Those) eSeSS n.it itmettflble lo ths curatlvs Inrtitenee of AV"'" I'll.l,' nlone will eertslnly Vjeld Ir the I i i.h nfe nlded hv I lie powerful blood pnrlfyltl ; properl left of A Yicll's M.lteAfA Hit. I. A. pyspeptle i should know that tin- lon ; r treatment of He ir nmlndy U peetpentHl, tlv mot e tiinh'till of .'ur It bt'comes. Ayer's Pills Ktve y f'.'A) ff relieve tbs bowels nnl jiro iiio Huir leul'lifnl utid rKtitur n-tion, im I t.iii. i:ee Jsp4')sta. Temporary pslllallvrs nil do iermiinetrt hnrrn. Tie ilt t is t n-'thliy Into tvhk'h th enfeebled stomaeh I st-utred by "Wtter,' mid sleo hollo sflinulsnts, I- inevltshly foljpwed by raiefioii I bat issves the organ wesk'-r thttll l ien . Tos'lrenea't, Imttirprl liy my wi5ti!-ify f li AfKit'n I'm i.s norr, Xtteutk, N. J, "I imtuivil o try Arcs' I'tl i I, f'r I oiitueMloM, l,'ofttlMtl Heil.t'-he, from viiii li t limt lttf ! ft'f r, 1 ftiiid tltetr setlmi snuy, i.ml rmeii't They hrtte lK,oentcd I th ii; m. hw i ,( r Ih fori' ii Ii 1, Wa r. I A J Mute fit . rttlt turn. it. i r a i. awl m nut i.e.. Ir. Us i v, Kii ii.- my I'At IkwJ fr'4A pnlti. " nfli-rT tmm IJeer rmillnt, 1-a-I -t?,t, fill Neiimlale fir tl' lul twimty . Atiea's 1'ii.i.s hMvo lrtM-flt'l m bk,; ny iWiw 1 bsv. r tukun." P. U. lt-':Kas, Jtttdmore, Brvien Cb. Iwi. uY"t IHseepate tlwy sro luralualk. J. T. IJ r, JUtria, 'I tin. AYER'S PILL8, rf.'KTARED BY Dr. Jf. C. vet- A OHn Lowell. Haas. rT -Ul by r,!l PrtiTrlsts. IIAtiAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you carit tell GRwr western 5 X'oH ,IU-m I ntneJHeeui WIi Hmlih A s Rar'Catisf IMMW Mnollh. unit &ll ili-f wtei tx HlS-a .twl lt-MU. r. AU klnUt4 .mr unUInn llarrlnctun A Uichir!)r. J. -4SjOSTjWstti KtrttytU. etui Hhr nam llaii.rnrtMM On' TV.rfi S b, 3S0 Al a fli lfH Ul tt.J..yrln Itlrtr klld (..- I.ulm. inr, Swtm, rll.ln TarkJ atxl Ottft inak r aislsnals. an at vnr low pnr. hi-.a mmp for ism IUUNTSIW Lswiusat. munuou tnta YYARDWAREOF ALL KINDS. Axes, mattocks, brush hooks, picks hvl,ipalw, forks, urUn'nVmon, wheel- barrowH, wrtnsera, ropee, and aimoei everything vou want, ran m ha 1 ueip for ca!i ' i'etersA stewjirt. F. M. MILLEIl, Attorney and Gotmslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. WlllpracUoe in all the Cnarts lo the Stse jjarn door hayings, Are eiwavs nreasiitc. time yoa nave the kind sow by peters A Htewart of a', hany. They are made ot wrought Iren cannot jump the track anfl win last a I fe lime. Ilont hang another barn door tin- til vou have een hm. o isvs orviirw avim: ts Uswed Hurrta sttad SepC, a year. SrfJO nagrr, s ; Hf . tnrh ., Uh over '3,600 Ml'srsuions at tvbolo tU(ucw Ciellcnr. tfS i - ta. ... a it .. m bk . .'friv to eSSBSSBaej 1 on St CSMsla t.:F rrtr., or tWmil; r4rf tin'J ; ' t r '. . .tt4 yen um, n , Kav f n nrito. ".' U!t:-s S rouUil.i I tVom u eaarkete 1U ..tl a eopy j iblww lo tt to of every rt wear, or m l.aALCABU: rtavatlots Kleaned iXf worlJ. We RKK to suay od "10 el, to drOey Itt as beer frtim nt-sn receipt of meliUMT. you, lUapecASMly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ftT 8U W ekaah Avrenc. Cfalraur. III. C. K, WOLVBBTOJt, O, H, t HV I N E, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW per ("Wen op stairs inJFroman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION ANO PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kinds of mc rcbandise. AU orders from the country filled on short notice for evory class or kind of ftsodS rrnm nrst-claws aUxrk, Absolutely no onarffttH or cemmissiou will be charged or Ailing ordeiH, nmm: irt7 CIDQT CT -...-. IWI 1 IRWI Wl.f At D. W. Prentit e's, Portland, Or PATENTS Ohuined, and all other business lu the U. 8. Paten Ufflce attendeded to for moderate fees. uur offlce ii oppoelt the U.S. Patent Office, and ve cn obtain Pateuts less time than those remote trom Waehington. nenq modie or (trawtQff. We ax to patent ability free of charge ; snd we make o charge unless we obtain patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt, of Money Order Dlv. ami to officials of the U. 8. Patent Ottloc. For circular, advice, terms, and oferettoes oaotual clients in your own Suite or county, sddreee Ce A. SNOW & COe, Opposite Patent Office, Washington, I) . a American in uals tbat of all Price. S3 30 a ill netvii1ealsrs. roadwny. N. Y. Errs. Miinn Jt l!ft. hftTft also had Thirty- I'ls etaTFit ye c rw-trafcMtjaTniwiimin pggj t ice I).' .0 r. )0 Tntpnt Office and have prepared more thnn One Hundred Thou sand applications lor patents in tlui United bttttos and foreign oountries. t'avcats, irado-Msrks, Copy-nghis. Sbistmuonts. and all other papers for iniug patents cheer rice. Hand-books of all persons who wish to dia- k CO.. Office SciEHXUria idw&, 2W Yoel(. 3tatassv saw its i-aasa iiuvw PITTURO, PA.. U..A PUfce JULIUS GRADWOHL Havs the only cseleinivn Mtoek of CROCKERY. CLA8S.SILVER AND CHIRA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Cholc Selecton of Coffee, Tea arc liitr ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime THE HIGHEST SIABKET PRICE PA1B FOR E4iS - Remember I What I Say I lean, eire He a call. GOODS A8 LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON- THE Short Oregon 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest, route to the Bast and rates, $8 30 to $10.25 the cheapest To Council Bluffs, Oinah, Kansas Chy and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River thout charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tafiies, guides and full information free of oWge B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washiogton Street, Portland, egon. Another Cut in Eates ! I be leave to announce to tba farmers of old staad and baTa lust received from the this last bis cut lu frelicht rate, and I am lyean have the benefit of tbe same. Anyone notioe my srioe : " Filling- a)) kinds of wheels, f H per set or IVils-era, Stidbariis and Tongues, $1 each. Ilkkory ax lee, 4 each, hluuie spikes and felloes. 20 cents each. And everything ele in proportion. All door south A rthnr'e blacksmith shop, itortti rrownnvuie, uregon. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American 1 as papers by addressing J 0 f Y rwxrtAX Xr I r VJCO. X . JXOWeil Oc VO.y Nswspspsr Advertiatng Buresau, tO Spruce St., New York. Send tOota. foe lCO-Pma PstmphlaC DR. MINTIE, the arat iAUST. So. ll UeeirMey street, asm rraatee. CaJ. TS.KATS ALL CHSOSIC, BrSClAI. aXO PRIV.TK DtliKASSt vrrti Woxesarx L St ows. THE GREAT , ENGLISH REMEDY ! Is a Ksvsa rAiusacrxi ... r. ..... LilU Maaheed. lmm- tenry.Parah'is lrcelstort'- hoea, and all the tcrriWe ffecta f eelf-sture uil j ears, such Lo. Memory, Laesitude.N. rai wiissiwn. avseelon te tety, U.mnessef iUn Kofaws In tbs head, exreaaea Ih drleklee Intot . rating lltiaera. the vital Auld passing onobeervtd n the urtnc, and many oilier diwases tltat lead to in anltyaml death. Dr. Mtatte. who is a legsUr Ph.vlrlat . radstaieer the I elver slty efPeen.ylveBia srill sreeto forfeit rive Baadred tfteliere for a case of ihU kind the Vital Keaerattve (under his special advice ana treatment) win nyt cure, or fr anytntng impure or in turtoua found tn (.. ttr. Win tie trcstsall private diseases stKisssfully elthout mercury, t'onsalletlea tree. Thorough exaroi 1 at'on and advice, includmr analysis of uiine. a. Price 01 Vliel Reatoratlve. $1.60 a bottle, or four hums tee qui nuty, as ; sens to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C O 1) eecured fn m Inervatiou aid In private name if desired by tvr.M latle.ll Hears y atreei. ean rrnnei.ro, tel. send questions and pamphlet. eAMPLK BOTTLE FBKK for list ot Will he sent to any 01,0 applylnir bvl s tier. statinK syuiptoms, sex aad jr. Strict secrecy in regard to aii iiuuness transacmons. Dr. nin lie's Kidney Bentedr, Xepbretleaui, cure an si mi w Money and madder Complaints i''.r.i rhoeol--, L-mcorrhoee, ete. For tale tayidl Cfis ; SI a botte er six bottles fur 5. r. Mia tie's Daadcllea Pills are ths best aitd I eaeanest Byapeoala and sUUeaa cure in the mark e Fort-OebyaU drugglsu. How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi gested; poisoning the blood ; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. Afc a general family remedy fur Dyspepsia, rorpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I nardly ever use anything else, and have never hntn ft iaa iitwl nt rl In tV.o t1Tmi nwulnAul. it seems to be almost a perfect cure for all diseases of tbe Stomach and Bowels. W. J, McElsoy, Macon, Ge, a1 a?r jn wiLtii t"B. . C Ji-JBmV , rLM eassssssnnaturer TtTTT. S iSW f Line, tbis count th.t t :. , tkt a lar ro atoc k of w.lLT .. l wlllimr lllKSSJL U.mber doiio. w&binsr ar--laP oereiteoeral- " ""a, ooe mm pi tt and it m.r - .1 work warranted. Rm.n,, ,t. Kemeoiber the place.oie A. C. IA1JSJIAM. First National Bank Of ALBAST OBEMI. Irtili3t . jntiH viwi p shier H. F, MERJUIX TRANSACTS A OKXEBAL Trnn1ne iibsssms. ACCOUNT8 KEPT subject to check. MOHT KXCHAXGE indkUkL. . . Tork' rrwiupa, tiirmgu aad rVrU , XLUSCTIOK8 MADE m lent.. MMs.-n.as. . B. Xotrnu, Joa Cosstii, L. Pus, SsSKkiLL. Sheriffs Sale. C'fr Comri of the State of Oregon for avusi veswy, W. W. Rtcbanisoo'; Piaiotiff. vs. .Samaet Doty and Rebecca A. Dnt hi. ..v- aod Riley Shelton and JC Job neon, parts doing basiaess under tbe firm name aid style of Johueon St Shelton and the Sinter Manufacturing Cora v. DefenH.nri. NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue of au execution aod an order of sale issued oat of ths above named Court in the above ea titled action and to me directed and deliv ered, I will on Saturday the 14th day of August, 1S86. at 1 o'clock, p. m. at the Court House door ra Albany, Linn county. Oregon, at public' auction for cash in hand to the highest-bidder, sell the real estate de scribed in said execution as follows, to-wit Beginning at the northwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section thirty-five in Township ten south of Range one west ; thence east tventy rode; thence south twenty rods ; thence west twenty rods to the Section line betweeu sections thirty .four aud thirty-five ; thence bearing north of west across the northeast quarter of tbe south east quarter of Section thirty four in Tp. 10, S R 1 W to within fifteen rods south of the northwest corner on tbe line of tbe north east quarter of tbe southeast quarter of Sec tion thirty-four in Tp. 10 S R 1 W taeoe north thirty-five rods ; thence bearing south of east across the northeast quarter of Section thirty tour in Tp. 10 8 Rl W to within fifteen rods north of the northwest comer of the not th vest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section thirty-rive in Tp. 10 S R 1 W ; thence south to the place ot begin ning, all in Linn county. Oregon, aud con taining 20 acres. Tne proceeds of sale to be spplied : First to tbe payment of tbe costa and disbursements of this suit taxed at 37. 66 and the easts of this sale. Second to the payment of the claim of Plaintiff herein to. wit, the snru of $709.67 and accruing hit, est thereon st the rate of 10 p-r cent per annum from June 28th, 1886, aud the further sum of $75 Attorney's fees Third to the payment to the said defendant Riley Shelton the sum of $424.76 and accruing iiitertst thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an num from June 28th, 1SS6, and the further sum of $45 as Attorney's fees. Fourth to the payment to the Singer Manufacturing Company the sura of $61.07 and accruing interest at the rate of 10 percent per an num from June 28th, 188G, and the overplus if any to be paid to the said Saiuue! Doty his heirs or assigns. Dated thi 14th day of July. 1886. D. S. Smith, Sheriff of Linn county, Oregon, per Jam, J. Chart.ton, Deputy. Notice of Final Settlement, NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed Executors of the estate of Joseph Hamilton, deceased, have filed in the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, 1 jnn coun ty, their final account in said estate, and Monday the 6th day of September, 1886, at tbe hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room in the Court House iu the city of Albany, in Lion county. State of Oregon, is the time and place set for the hearieg of objections to said account aod the final settlement thereof. Dated at Albany, Omjon, this dav of July, 1880. George Henderson-, Caroline Hamilton. F. P. NUTTING, Oo ., os.pl tal $40, iOO.OOO. Jnsuru otapany SHB