STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT - . ...... i , ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITE8 A NUTTINH. Mralalbla Ntrrri. TERMS OF SUUSCKIITION agio wipy, par year, in adanc...., IS 50 nl. ojiy, par year, at iU of a 00 ItifU copy, tit uionlha , o j r.y iiiirla oupy, lhr Months . 75 iirU numbs PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORN EYAT LAW. Notary Public Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brlggs store, (at street. vl4n28tf J. K. WE ATHERFORD , (NOTART FUBUO,) iTTOUNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, l(.o. J IITILl, PRACTICR IN ALL THK COURTS Or T1IR If 8UU. 8relal attention tfr.n to collections and SSrOflaa In Md Falliwl Tempts. U:t c. o. rowici.1. W. . WU.TKU 5'OWEM, A BIIjYRU. vTTORNRYS AT LAW, A 1 t I a MB ado noiifiiors in ihaneerv, ""ANV. - - ORKUON. Collections promptly made on all point. uoans nwrouawn on roanonanie term. trOnVe In Foeter'a Brick.- visnittf. J. J. WHITNEY, attorney And Counsellor At Lav AND Notary Public. ALBANY. OREGON. Will practice In all of tha Oonrta of 1 his State. All business) Intrusted to him rui do promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., OHltiUISTS. Hooka, Stationary and Toilet Articles, A iavp ohjok ana uow iTinoa. CITY TDTtTJQ- STORE, tyl 4tXi. OKECOX. FOSHAY & MASON, SBOLBLAlS AS. UIAItr Druggists and Booksellers, A aents for John B. Alden'a publication, which we aell at publisher's prices with postsgeaddod. ALBANY, OKEOOV. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc, PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. a t have the beat stock of umiture in the city and will aell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap. The only stock of WALNUT FURNITURE in the citv and the lowest price in the Valley. Come and see. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Revere House, Swans 'lrt and KllawuriR A lima y, Orecoa. ueller & Garrett, Prop'rs rtiU new Hot U fitted up In first c!aaa .tyl.. jippliJ with tb. was IS. market aords. Urn la In every Rooa. A rood Sample Room li Table. Sprinc men ial Traveler. tffw. Cark tm and from (Be Sel.TCS ALBANY iJOLLEGIAIE INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. ALBANY, OR. The First Term will commence on Tuesday, Sept., 15th, 1885. for particular concerning tb. ceursee of study sod be pnee ot tuition, apply to KKt . J. c. HHROH, rresideart. Aioany Bath Mouse. 1 I E UNDR&SI0NK0 WOULD RXSPSCT folly afortn tha oitissas of AlbsBy sad i nil "it j that 1 havetaksoakargsoftklf K.tsbliah man t, and, by kssping olsea room, and payio ,trictttntion to buiin.n, aipseta to init si tkota mho may fsror us with thalr patronage (living heretofore csrriad on nothing bat Firet-Clasa Hair Drsssinar Saloons sxpeets to giro entire satisfaction to si ?eT-CMliien and Ladies' Hsir ntly on hnrn-d TOS WUBRKK. OR.J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, oni.;e-cor. First and Ferry Streets, A3ANY OREGON. 0. C 0HBBB.Y. O.B.PrflKBa ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Successors to C. C. Chewy.) MacMflists, MiUwriglits, and Ircr Founders. WK HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ATL completed, and are now prepared to handlo all kinds of heavy work. We will manufacture Steam Engines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all klnda of Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS M 4UC ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A White Oraio Separator " . laTTKNfP. Notary PuMo an Insurance Agent, C F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR Repre sents several of the beat Fire In sura nceCompanlea on the Coast. Call to him forreliable insurance. J. W- BENTLEY, The reliable BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Eopairing promptly and wull done. Fsrm era should leave orders 'for boots before har vest sad settle for them after harvest. Satis action given. Bttttf BERManremEDY For Pain TB rKtSLSS 4. VOMBLW . . lit 1 u 0 UGH CURE Fr . Opiate, hem and Wm. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT, tas rjuaun) a. vovkiks,ns. Skin T0RTURE8 AND BLOOD HUMORS. Humiliating Eruption, tubing .ml Burning akin , -J J?? LoalhaKn.8..r. and .erv .pwclao llcbinir. Kcilr. Mainly. Inherit.! lUiuU. l In. (flood. Bain end Baabx with loee of hair from infancy tn old in, are poet live- vu.ou u, luumn, me nwataatn our, .nd Cull our S ai. an exuuiaii .km ..,.i,n, ........... n . and Cuticur Re.ulv.nt. th. new Ulood ' Purifier In lernallv COVERED WITH SORES. 1 bar. bn.aiiia.d bIbm J.r,k, .lib . .ai. disss, th. doctors enl'ed Kcarnta My face waa covered with .cab- mtni wraa. and the itchlmr and bunilna were almost uabssrsbla. Awainv v..ur Cotl- cura Hssasassi so sUrfcla nnmaiianleit n In it 1 1 in i-nr them a trial, tiainc the Cnticura and Cuticur asp externally, and Ileal vent Internally, for foor itb i call tuyeclf ruled, in k-rlitu.l. for which 1 make thi. I ll hlh .1.1 ana. Ckaaa A. Fatssaics. Broad Brook, Coon. SCALP, FACE. EARS AMD XECK. aftiicted with on Ui. Help, Fses, Ear and Nats, which the druislt, where I got ..iir lemedie. pronounced one of the . .r.t caM. Ml hajl t.m. hi. lim uI.'m.. hu aa irv your Cnticura Keraadiea, and after flv. days' o. my wtiy mu in 01 iuj , www euureiy iumi , bob i hi in another week to have my , atck, and trie toiw mn tm mj ice curwu. UBS Ma BkanS, ISO E 4th Strvst, X.w Turk. T fllNCi Dial EASES CURED. ul '-ura aland al the head eat it. rlaa rrriallv k akia v - - I uticura Have had an unusually rood aalc this lunmr, owing to tb prevalence 01 an aggraTMO lorm 01 turn innifa aom. locaJitte. In. tha anntn in which lha ( mi.- ir Uemedie proved 4 jif-ctory. w. l. iiASStso, vnggm. t niontoam, Ky. C I TICI'RA REMEDIES Are sold by alt dragfists. Prio Cuticur SO cnU. lUaolvent. 41 : 8oai. cent.. PotUn Dru and cbemUrai Co.. Bostoa. Sand for "Mow to Car. Skis DC A IITIKY th. anaussaaloa and akin by uatof the Ccncvaa soar. 77 E SEWING -MACHINE ls.tb. en f I'tarin. Pain sad weak new. For acauaar stdaa and back, kldnsy paina. aat paina, wiasws. ana in to. Cuticur Anti-Pain II- ter la inf!!uble, tf osnta. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine Millinery, OPPOSITE ntVent HOUSE. To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, HERY0U8, OS RECTAL PISEASER. DRr J. B. PILKINCTOK, Surgeon Oculist, Amist & Specialist, Offers free consul tatlon. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tueulay aftrrnoo and Wednesday Joremoom, folbiring th Jit Monday of each month. Will mske theae visits monthly for one year to come. Am curing scores of the W orst foi ms of above diseases. Refers la Albany to Jas.S. Cherry cured of blind ness. R A, Kampy, UrogRlst. and Fred r..mnlarkAr- farmer st Harrisbursr. con cerning; RecUl diseaaea. A eeoie of other " . a S names given on application. W AGON WOOD iND HARDWARE. Paiara A Stewart have neck-yokes and single-trees, ironed or unlroned, neok voke Irons, single-tree irons, nib lrona, felloes, spokes, ax treea, etc., all for sale heap. I. CASK PLXJW3. This famous plow is well known in Linn County. Tho chilled and steel ptowa ar ,.n .n.,i fmm tha varv lieat material wen umAv ..wu. . - j - and are warranted to do aa good work and eour full y as wen aa any omer Peters & Wewart are the sole agents T. J. STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND- Notary Puhlic- THE CHINESE MUST GO.Thret young men -will do work of all kinds, sawing wood, gardening, etc. Leave orders at Read & BroxvneWs. wjIssawawwBaBsaBssBBw Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given thst the under sized has been duly appointed execntor of the last will and testament of Elisha Harris, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon, by the County Court of said County. All per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the ame properly venned totne unaeraigo Rd within aix months from the date hereof at Harri.burg in Linn county, Oregon. Dated June 1st, l8o. J. L. WlGLE, Executor. ALBANY SAW AMD PUN INC MILLS. All kinds of rousrh, dressed and seasoned lumber ,laths and nickets kent constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Calapooia timber- Brice and terms made satisractory. ROBI NSON 4 WEST. yrniMu Uh ... . i our. . ii Wamhni ton. (from our rasular trrarmdtit.) Washington, July 2nd, 1880. Daring the week the wily Stnitor from Vermont hat shown more than s usual tendency towards new do. pert u res. There have been occasion al Edmunds' sensations at the Capitol ever since the Senators' ambition turned squarely towards the White House, but three freaks In the same week are something extraordinary. In the first place Mr. Edmunds created a real aensatlon by appearing in the galleries of the Senate Cham, bar aa the escort of a bridal couple from his state. He waa net er seen with a plain, quiet constituent before, and It was regarded es positive proof that hla fences are rickety this time, and that his Senatorial contest la real. Very few Senators dare to ig nore the claims made upon them by their constituents as Edmunds has done, but be baa never had any real opposition to his re-election until now. He aat by this honeymoon couple for quite a while, pointed out to them the various Senator., and even graciously explained to them some of the features of the debate, while the Senators on tho floor ex changed stgoiflcnat glances over kit unparalleled devotion. Mr. Edmunds' next new departure was the now attitude he easumod on the subject ot the Senate's Jurisdic tion ever the President's nominations to office, and his suspensions and re movals from office. He Introduced a bill in the Senate which proposes to give the President absolute power to make all the appointments to office which now he can make only "by and with the advice snd c nent of the Senate." According to this bill the Senate is to have nothing what ever to do In the future with either appointments or removals. There will be no more need f ir executive sessions, either secret or open. The Senator created a third sensa tion by objecting to a second reading of ths joint resolution, which had pre viously passed the House, to provide for the expenditures of the Govern, ment for the next ten days following the last day of June, the end of the fiscal jesr. This caused an unusual outlook for the first day of the new fiscal year, and the Executive De partments opeoed In consequence on the first day of July, without funds for the payment of any of their em ployes. Tbls is an unprecedented emer. irency, so far as I know," 84 Id TJ. 8. Treasurer Jordan. Mo new business of any kind can be done, no disburse ments can be made, and unless aell in be taken before the end of July, no Government official, not even the President, can get bis months salary. Senator Edmund's purpose was to emphaaixe and call public attention to the repeated failures of appropris. tion bills to reach the Senile in time for dne deliberation and aea m ibis action before ihe end of tho fl-cal j oara purpose which Is approved by both the Democrats and Republi can of the Senate, Under the law Which forbid any Department to expend money In any fiscal year in excess of appropriations, or to involve the Qoverome' t in aoy contract for the future payment of money In exeess of appropriations, t is questionable whether the heads of Departments hsve the right to ac cept the services of their employes with an understanding that they are to be compensated when Congress makes tho appropriation. The ques tion never came up bef ;re, but It is probable the Senate will at once pass the omergency resolution passed by he House and all will be right again. The vetoing of the pension bills has met with almost unanimous ap proval from the Democrats ! Con gress, the only criticisms coming from the Republicans. The Presi dent has been attacked by Republl. cans in both houses of Congress dur ing the wfk for whi they call viola lions of tho Civil Service pretensions. Senator Hoar made quite a vituper ative speech and IngalU, of Kansas, attempted, as usual, high fiewo sar casm. This led Senator Cockrell, 0f Mo., to reply that the taunts fell harm less. The Administration needed no defender in the Senate. The people of the United States would live to bend their knees In thankfulness that Grover Cleveland had become Presi dent. He was an honest, brave, true man and he wa doing all that any one mortal being could do to give the people an honest,fearless, economical and Constitutional Administration. Irate Senator Hear declared that President Cleveland had not attempt ed to keep the pledges which pre ceded and followed his election. Bje thought h(s promotion of party and partisan Interests bad been equal to that of Van Buren and Pierce. Rifjlite ALBANY, OREGON, KIAMATII A4Ur. 1. After an Intersstin trip, and a few days hard work, we find ourslv ot tablithed in a genuine (itnmagtnery oriental) boarding school, away out hare amongat the Ittdiaai !-i Suliera Oregon are were much disappointed After leaving E'ig.n, w. Hint a hilly country, suitable fir s'.ook railg only with the axaaption of occasions! araal vallers which are very productive. In Myrtle Creek r saw aoms ery fine peach orchard. The lingua River vaiiy ta a g ol !o iking outitrv, tut the good laud in in spot ; in the upper end of thia valley is Aablaud, with strests very crooked hith ways ; but a very picturesque place. Here (at a good hotel near the depot, we wefe sur prised to find the house furnished with water from a Sue sulphur spring, which is nsed for cooking, washing and bath ing, evidently a fine thing for invalids. We ar CO rail from Aaklaod, though by the stage road about 100 mile. lei migrants are crowding into this country in March of grazing lands. The resr vation ber is Sbesil 40 miles square; a part of which is a very pretty valley, bordaTin on Klamath Lke,e beautiful sheet of watsr, about 35 by 15 miles in extent, on which, until reoently, hss ben a small steamer running between this plsce and Link villi. The fort 6 mile from her waa recently ordered to bs abtndoucd, but later the esvslrv v - 0 have received orders to remain. The Indians on tnis reservation are moatly Klamatbs, soma Modocs and Soaker. The degree of civilization which these people have attained U certainly n oouraging to all friend of Indian civil iutibn and miaaionsriea. They live io bouse not what we weuld call good bousec but comfortable dwellings ; not a few hoing well finished and paint ad. Tbey ramble little and work much; do considerable farming. Have some church buildings, etc. Tbey celebrated tb Fonrth at this place, wher tbey have a good camp ground nicety Mated. Tbey have good wagons, team., buggies, ate. The tables they apread at such fetal would mske a landlord smile ; really nice dish, ghun and occasionally silver ware, with good looking eatable. By chance, on the Fourth, we had a grand feast cf music from tte Rom family, who are traveling through tbe country giving concerts. Their musio is classical, grand, hard to surpassing ing and playing promiscuously, using various instrument, string and bras. Tby never play for frolic. Ou tbe reservation tber are two schools, at which tbe teachers and pu pils live continually. School hour from 9 to 12. Afternoons, tbe boy re detailed to woik with farmer, in mills, shops aud so on. Tbe girl by turui to getters! bofl wurlc .seamstreM and laundry woik, etc. The boarding b tfSJM hete baa suitable ace Jinmodattoo fa 100 pu in U, beailva prir.te rooma for employers, ami would remind one f a goodly aixei botel. We have six instructors in tho school and about 1 00 pupils, During July aod August w have vacation, dariug which tiuie v ret.i'i only pupile enough to a. tend reg ular duties. What is known as the agency consists cf about a dos u dwai- pi, gftst, as and piaoiug mills, butober, bUcknmith sol carpenter shops, tbe hoarding bou scroll oil rooOte, agency barn, stable, machine shnds, etc.,Hurroun ltd by fin government p tores, bay flelda, some tud tine strMms. A spring g tailing from tb ground supplies at with biitiful,cl ear. cold water, and runs all the machine ry of xho place. Camate U dry. 0ir altitude is upwards of 4000 feet. Ice the firat day of July. Saod,ssge brush, Mattering pine and quaking asp timber. jack rabbits and Indians can be seen in any direction. Gaod appetites seem to be prevalent. Plenty of gauie,f jod,hut no fruit. Verily, old webfogt is the country tor sqp. A une govertimant dwelling for the agent will soon be fin ished, which would ordinarily cost near $3000, but will cost much lees on ac count of government school ft-ee labor. The agent, Rev. Jos. Emery ,is certainly doing good work for this people. O. C. MoFabuxd. According to tbe testimony of physi cians and coroners, in all parts f tb Union, deaths have resulted from the um of cough syrups, containing mor. phia,opiutn and. other poisons, in this connection, Dr. Bjtra'l Cox,of Washing ton, after careful anslyses.endotses Red Star Cough Cure as being purely vege table, and absolutely free from opiates, poisons and narcotics. Price, twenty five cents. In Fayette county, IlUnot8,ohtnoh bugs have become so numerous that the farmers say it is useless to spend time in plowing their corn, and field aftsr field has been given op entirely to these pests. As a means of effectu ally exterminating them,te farmers in that locality hive agreed not to sow any wheat for three suoceafcive years. ' ! Dc R. Butler, MaBter of Arts,Cara- bridge University,England, aaya : "St. Jacobs OU acts like magic." FRIDAY, JULY 88, s-MIVBMt ItllM. One of the first things that happens (o a Chinese baby boy after he la born is to be shaved. A barber ceraes with a razor, and all the hair Is shaved off the poor little fellow' tender scalp. After that hi by has got to go to the barber for his shave, Just a a grown mm with n bcird might go In this country : but he never seems to en riy it, and (tries pitifully every time SF the mIh rp razor mows dowo the hair. After awhile, wheu the hair begins Mgrow thicker, the head is not shaved all over, but Is left untouched In spots, Juit as they think will took pretty. Sometimes there will be three tufta, each a big round as a sliver dollar, one just ovr the middle of tbe fore head and one over esoli ear. When the hair grows long enough In these tufta It is braided and tied with bright cord, and then baby looks funny enough to a foreigner, for each little braid stands stiffly up for about two inches, and then lone over. The braids look like norm on his head and holea are cut In his green and red cap to let the borne come through. When he growa elder he la allowed to wear a queue like the men. When baby is about a month old be la given his first name, or milk name, ea the Chineee call it. A feast Is prepared, the friends are called In, and papa gives baby his name. This name Is used only until he Is reedy to go te school, when a new name is given him, snd another feast Is offer ed to the friends. The names given to tbe boys are odd to us, but tbsy seem sll right to them. Think of be ing called Ink Grinder or Promising Study ! But even this name la not kept, for when the boy grows up snd is married he take new name, which he keeps for the rest of his life. If baby's ptpt Is rich, baby is well taksn cars of, carried about ten. deriy and amused to his heart's con-. t'-nt ; but If papa be poor then the boy, very likely, wilt be tied to so older sister's bsck with s broad piece of cloth, so that his ler- dangle down by her aldei and bi ; r little head wabble a be. t vt tho ip of the doth as If hU nsK'k w-re in tie of Indian rubber. The little nurse goes about her work or run at ber play, sod never eeme to give thought to her tittle brother snd his bobbing head, aod be doe not seem to rolnd t, for when It looks as if his head mutt almost be abaken off, he, very ikely, is ft asleep. If baby happens to live on a bo as a great maoy hundred thousand Ntsons i a. Chins do, bis mamma tie a big gourd oo bi baek, so that be caooot drown if he fall. overloard,or he is tied by a rope to aome part of tbe boat. In summer baby wears aa little clothing aa possible, but in winter it is jnst tbe other way ; be wears all the clothing that can be put up m him. Rxoept io the northern part of Chiua.uear Parkin, where it is bitterly oild is winter, the Chinese people do not have fires in their honsM, even wbm it taodj enough to frees tbe water into ice. Pair afier pair ot t rooters is put on haby legs, end jacket after jseket on hi body, until hy the time b is clai warmly enough be is quite sa broad aa he is long, snd bis little arms stick straight out from bin sides, so that be waddlM about, provided bo can move at all, looking like a reJ and green pillow with a ball on top, aod with smaller pillows on each side wbera the arm- are It iaekM no difference to bim tben bow cold it is, and ha sits in tbe open air on bis little bamboo stool, with noM and obeeks very red, and bis body as warm as toast. All this has Iteon about boy babies, beeanse in China girl babies are not thought muoh of, aud consequently all tbe good tiuyM oome to tb boys. A ilOtTit K.I.VI ACT. Dog stories are always in order, pro vided tbey are true. A gentleman in a Gduutry town owns a hue specimen of the spauiel breed, which is very fond of ohildree, and when any little ones visit his master's house constitutes iimself their compa-iion, playmate aud guar diau. A shirt time ago a lady with an infant visited- the gentleman, and in the course of tie day the child was laid on a pillow on the floor to amuse itself for a time. The dog took his place near the little one, as BSSal. The day waa hot and tbe flies bad, and they made the baby the target of frequent attacks, 't'hia rendered her restless. Doggie watched ber for a few minutes, and then walking close up with his nose or paw drove away every fly aa soon as it lit on the baby's fee, and did it so gently, too, as not to distrub her in the least. Tha dag's actions attracted the attention of the mother and others, who weto filled as tonishment at hk tLoughlful kindness. rihia twy. has the merit of truth. AU baked. puddings should be baked in a pan placed in a larger pan partly fllled with hot water. rmorrat 188G. SPRING N H Great care has been taken in our spWHr.a v,.i. oes and, while we do not. claim haTouTo. JowMj Pri- petitors , we know that they are Must aaflSah?5ny bett5r than our sruarantee every article just as represented rZ?i asvod, and we wul Spot Cash, anwo propose toVeTaTeap ZfiX SSSSffsl Put the Knife to Prices M line ?f Dxy GOODS, Gents Funiishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS. Aft Orders from a distance will be nromntitr fln'j , plication Prod 139 taken. PpoPy Ailed and samples sent upon an- ALBANY, OREGON, wsjat suitittf; rswurs scjali. rg te Tbis plain question t roes horns to every housekeeper. We sll desks pureani wnolesotos food, sod this cannot he had with ths ass of im pure or poisonous bskiag powder. There can bs p,o longer a question that all the cheaper, lower grsd of baking powders contain sithsr slum, lime or phophtic scld. As loth aa we may bs to admit so much against what msy hsve been some of our household god-, there can be no gain- sayjug ths unanimous testimooy of th official chemist. Indeed, no I. yet seem to find no baking powder entirely free from soma one of thsss object ioosble ingredient except ths it yl, and that they report ss chem leaily pore. Ws And soma of ths baking powder advertised a pars, to contain, under ths tests of Profs, ('handler, Habirahaw aod ethers, nearly twelve per cent, of Urns, wails other are made from alum with no cream of tartar. This, wo presume aceounia for ihelr lack of leavening power ua sometimes complained of by the cook, and for tue bitter taste found in ths biscuit ao frequently complained of by ourselves. But aside from tho inferiority of the work doss by thsse powders, ths physiologist ensure us that lime aod alum taken into tho a) stem in such quantifies as this are injurious. They are n t decomposed by heat nor dis solved in mixing or biking. They go with the bread, therefore, Into ihe stomach, where their physiological effec' are indigestion, dyapepsla, or worse evils. The question naturally arhte, why do theae cheap baking pnwder mak ers use these thing ? Alum is three cents a pound, lime still cheaper, while cream of tartar con thirty, five or forty. The reasons for the chem ical purity of the Keyal Baking Pow der were recently given in ths Nsw York Times in an interesting descrip tion of a new method for refining argots, or crude cream of tartar. It seems that It is only uuder this pro cess that cream of tartar can be freed from ths lime natural to it and ren dered chemically pure ; that the patents and plant for this cost the Royal Baking Powder Company about half a million dollars, and that they maintain exclusive control cf ths righ Prof. McMurtrle, late chief chmlst of the Department of Agrlculturo at Washington, D. C, io the interests sf commerce, made an examination sf this process, and reported upon the results attained io the refined oream of tartar. The following extract from Uls report would aeein to answer the question repeated at the head of this article, and which la so frequently propounded by ths housekeeper : "I have examined cream of tartar used by the Royal Baking Powder Company in the manufacture of their baking powder, and find it to ho per fectly pure, and free fromllmoln any form. Ths chemical tests to which have submitted the Royal Baking Powder prove it perfectly healthful, and free from every deleterious sub stance," Cold tea is tbe best liquid tor clean ing varnished paint, window panes and e mirror NO 53 1 1 1 --.Hi apf Now being received by Allen Wh9at ttt 60 0enfcs P bMhsl, We have in N. H. ALLEN & Co., MARCH 6, 1886, NOTICE. taUlf conclroM to close out his biisinegg, how offers hfc entire stock i STOVES, RANGES. HEATIND AND COOK STOVES together with his entire stock of TM, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. is this is a genuine ctoiag oat, now is th3 tins for honsawif to replenish their kitchens and dairies with ware, THE MBlirAS FftM SILL This bill pxwed the Senate last Mon day, having previously passed the house. The President will very likely approve it. The bill directs tbe Secretary of I he interior to place on the (tension roll the names of sumviog olucers, enlisted mn,inclniliog marines a id tualitia aod volunteers, whe, being duly enlisted, actually served sixty days with tbe ar my or navy of tbe United States in Mxioo or on tka ooasta or frontier thereof, or en route thereto, during tbe war with that nation ; or who were actively iig3tl in hsttlea of aaid war, aod wvre bonomMy discharged j and Io aurriing widews, provided that such widows htvfi rsj remarried : and pro vided that eeiy such otlioei, eultated mau or widow who is or may become 60 year of age. and who is or may become subject to any disability or dependence equivalent to aome cause recognized by the pension laws as sufficient reason for a pension, aball be entitled to the ben efit of this act, except where such dis ability or 'ii-peudenco was incurred in aiding or nbetting tbe late rebellion. The pensions are to be $3 per month, payable only after the passage of thi act. The law ia not applicable to per oas already receiving peo&hns st or over that rate, and where persons en titled under this law are already rci r ing pensions less than $8 a month pen sions shall only be fur the difference tip to $8. Public wster troughs, it is claimed, are places at which infectious diseases are spread ; hence the water should id ways be flowing icv them instead it turning it on only whan wanted. A Wise Rerorm. Tbe habit of adm inisterinaj quinine n powerful doses, aa an antidote to malarial maladies, was once dangerously oommoa, Happily this practice has undergone s wide reform, Not only tbe public, b it Drofeaelonal men have adopted, not whol ly, of course, but largely , Hos tetter 'a Stomach Bitters as a safe botanic substi tute for the pernlolona alkaloid, The con sequenoes of this change are most Import ant. Now fever and ague sufferers k oared formerly tbeir complaints wej-e only for tbe time relieved, er half cured the remedy eventually failing to produce any appreciable effect, the dosoa were increased. A course of the Bitters, persistently followed, breaks up the worst attacks and prevents their return. The evidence in favor of this sterling specific and household medicine Is of no ambhr- i uous oharacter, but positive and satisfac tory, and tbe sources whence it prooeext ft re very numerous, STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT, BB BEIT ADTEMIMIff MIDIOM IB TE1 WILLAMETTE VALLEY. nifty?! bulo notices In leal col notices 10 nta pY line, l-or legs) and transient ad vert: semes la nV.2r J,mr tor the first Insertlon.aml insertion Pf ',0re for ch subsequent krSttTr hr, dvertlsements made Known on application. STOCK Go,. stock sv 57 First Street Albany, rrt er pts. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co Sao Francisco, Cel., is Nat nre's Own True Lax at! v.. Thia pleasant Califor nia liquid fro it remedy may be had of Foahay Mason at fifty cents or one dollar. It is the most pleasant, prompt, aod efiectiye remedy known to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver. Kidneys end Bowels gent ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headaches, colds, and fevers ; to core conatipUttoa, indigestion and kindred ills. On subscription, 20 cords of grub osk wood and 20 cords of bi iir, majvl r asb wood. l.t us hear from those wh want to topp'y us wood, at once. The Barrat or weablnsiin. Tiue delicacy of flavor with true efficacy of action, has been attained in the ue of a California liquid fruit remedy, Syrun of Figa. Its pleasant taste sod beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popular For sale by Foahay & Mason, wholesale and retail. Ic you are aoiog East be snre sad go via Orjgon Shoit Line. It is the best. See adv in another relume. C W Lom'er at Co., of Portland, ar duly authorized sdvertis ng agents for th Diao csta.t for that citv. THE LIGHT RUNNINGS SEWING MACHINE HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECT SATISFACTION M Home Sewing; Machine Co. ORANGE, MASS. 30 Union Square, H. Y. Chicago, ta. St. Louis, Ms. Atlanta, Ga. DaRbTex. Saa Francisco, CsL WILL BROS., Albany and (Wvallis, Oregon. A, 0. 0, W. Members wishingempl y nurds or d:'ring nelp, will pleasecsll at Read A I to tH T a store and register their names By Obdkr 9 LobJbV