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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1886)
Otanl. Klintir U. P. Cmcrcm. rreathingsvsry Sabbath, rooming and vtiiog by Rsv. F, O. Ir nnm, V. D. Sabbath School at 2.80 P. M Preyar meeting every Netincaaday sv ruing. Bvanoeugal Chukch. Preaching on Sab bath at 10, :U A. M. and 7 m. Sabhath Bohool 11:44. Prayer meeting a very Wed nesday evening 7:90. 8. K. Davta, pastor. AU are united. CoKMAlluNALCin ki h. Servioeaever Sabbath niurniUK and evening, babbetb j..l.. wl b4 1 tf.l A t'riVDt mnatlUlt on 'V.MWV.. V f huraday evening trt each week. m K CuiiKt H Maui i. Preaching even Sabbath morning at 11 o'olook A. M. Sab bath School at 10 o'Uook a. M. Prayer uMtintf everv 'I huradav evening at 7:30 o'olook. f. M. Culp, Paetor. M. B. Chi-RCMSot'TU,TAMOirr. Preach. lug every Sabbatb at 3:90 o clock, r. m. Sab- bath School at It o'clock, F. M. K. M. Culp, Peetor. . . . li IflMMA. Preaching every Sabbath moruiag and evening. Song aerrioe in the evening before sermon. Sabbath School at 4.30 r. . Prayer meeting svery Thure day evening. lUv. H. P. Webb, pastor. ii.Hvrt.kuN i'mac. Service every Bsbbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broadalbiu and Fifth Sta. Sunday School immediately alter ine meruina bcitiot, Prayer meeting every Wedneeday eeeniug Rev K R Pritchard, yator. Kihmt Haitiii Ciu Kt u.Preachina every Khi.ath aft 11 o'clock am.. at Church on 5th Street, Sabbath School immediately after morning eervioea. Prayer meeting srv ThnmUv avKBina at 7:30 o'clock. T O drewnacn, paator. IMPORTED CLENALD. Winner at the Outennial In 187. Im- Brted Into the Untied Mtaiea by Jamee urra, lie waa aired by the great Sootcb prise winner Johuny Capp. Ilia daru waa by the Juetiy renowned Ulenald. Import ed USeaald standi. 17 handa high and weighH 2100 pouuds. For at via no home of bla aise oau excel bttn. Ulenald la ebief of tna Clyde. Bona and feat not excelled b v any ulnar draft class. Kanuera ehoald bear In mind that una laige boraea are In good demand and are alwaye saleable. BEAeON. Albany, Friday and Saturdays. Maj. Uructt'a farm, Mondays and Tues day. Corvallis, Wednesdays and Thursdsys. Terms, 10, 115, f, 1 Cars taken to prevent accident but no reapooetbility assumed. Good pasture wil be furnished si 0ryallia far mare at distance. Jwutd by K.Schieflfeiln, lug es, Oregon. J. W. Dcnn, Agent. 0 VERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -nVIA- Oregon & CHlilornia R. K, AND CONNECTIOHS. Ttaae twe and avhalf rfaja. Fare from Portland to San Francis x, tSt i te Sacra mento, $30. Cluee connections n.ade at Ashland w.ik Stages of the CaUtoruia, Oregon and Idaho ttae company . (DAILY EXCEPT hUM'AYS.) fcaal iMe Mvlataa. BETWEEN roRlL'.O AMD ASHLAX. Mail Tram. LKAVS Portland. 7:30 as ASStTS. , U:4Sas AJaaVi 12:06 r s r m lr.u6r a Albany.... ll:eS A ronkuid ,M r s Albasy Expreaa Train. LaAri. aaanrs. Portland 1:00 p a I Albany M r a Albany SJ6ra Lebaaea 9)r m ..4i a m Albany : a a iJO a a 1 Portlaad 10:06 a M Patera ttaepinc Care daily betasen Port- Tae Oand K K Ferry the reirular train on the of Ksueat. with all tUl Divialou (row loot Wea Side Vlvlaleau ETWEE rOBTLAX AS COBVALLIM. MaU TrsJa. LSAVS AIRJTI Portland 9:00 a s Cbrrallia 4:S9 r a Corvallu s.M a a Portlaad M r a Express Trsta- lsats. mm. PortUnd... A:0Q r a ! McMlnntlUa JtM r a McMinnrUla J.ib A a Portland M0 a a Ixral ti kate tar iVr ni at aaS pan v an-tovn ,tor. TWheUUr principal poiU in Caliloraia ran only ba pr ure.1 ti! kaHBa Corner K and Kr n. hts . Or. Fraiabt will l reotlvnl tiii.iiicut alTrr five oV .'dots B, iu os either the Kat or Wta da Diviaious. B. KOEULKK, B. P. BOOBBS, O. F. B PaasAseat. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THK BEST COUGH CURE that the world vr Drtu-eJ, Dr Besler a Coos loan haa not aa esnai on .1 tii alone Beass the werlU for II, eoo to prodnoa any iuc iuark( to beat U n riiiiitneaiiB conng- Jju'Ii or Cold. aataera take the ai rice of an rll pioneer of 'Dent ran the rtak of ear own me or your :wlren' on araar and ater. t haa sent tnoe- larMltottitir long aSShM .,u will fio.i more ir ue in one f tbees aw ...ui.k than in a plot of ; cough mixVure. ra la one tuna very 'roe, 'if you don't kill tho ISWORTH ITS JOUBh the couari la tuns WEIGHT IN GOLD. w kill yon,' " neosre oflhe trade isrk 1 Sa a - wn Be bottle. WIlOkKaaLB aOE.T, SXELLf III-1 1 si i a WeODWl'! I PvBTLAXU, ORKCON. SAM MAY. J. '-. HEXDKR& MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise, HARRISBURC - - - - GRECCN Will boy Grain, Wool and all kinds (oontry prodnce Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon j or t'oiH county. Lewis Xelso, FlslotifT. V. John H Dove, ii C Dove, E P Doye and D k uov6, iMittnlan s. "TWT TlrK ia hArahv van fhf h viri ... of sti exocutlon and an order of sale Issued out or tne above nameJ Court in t a oltnt'A An ill at-iirtn anA in tvi m. Aimstt. ed aud delivered, I will on Saturday the . i j r u i , acta . a.. . . inn any wi uiy, jooo, hi me nour oi one o'clock, p. m. of said day at (he Court House door in the city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon at public auction for cash In band to the hlghast bidder sell the real estate heretofore attached in said actios and described aa follows, towit : Tbs northeaat quarter of tbs northeast quarter of Section eleven (11) Township Na. ten (10) South of Rane No. four (4) west of the Willamette meridian in Liun County, Oregon, containing rbrty acres more or less. The proceed of aale to be applied : First to tbe paymffni. of the costs of suit taxed at $32.70 and the coats of and upan aaid writ. Second to tbe payment of F ;..intm s claim to wit;even hundred and twenty-live and 91-100 dollars with inter at at t htj rate of 8 percent per annum from the 14tb day of May, A. D. 1886. Dated the 17th day of June, 1186 J K. GHABLTorr, fibeilff of Linn county, Oregon. par Jas. J. CiuRiroN, Deputy. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNING & CO., PftOMTO new NMM noon UiMMH n raWttP BEST STORAGE CiUTiKS. Highest .Price in Cash fc Wheal ALBANY OR. AMERICAN FARMER ES IE To all our Subscribers I All our subscribers who will pay their subscription acvHiunts to tlila r in full to date, and one year In ad vance, will be presented with one year' aubscrlp tton to THE "AMERICAN FARMER !" A aixteon-page Agricultural Magazine, published oy r.. a.m., uacseit, at run a m a . t . a. t . n . Wayne, itriiana, sun which is rep-.uiv takiuir rank mm aneorthe ItMidtng Agricul tural publicatlone of the country. It I devoted exclusively to the Interests of the farmer, atock ureouer, uairyiuan, garuvu er, and their household, and every epecioa of Industry connected with that great pur tlou ol the people of the world, the farm ers. The aubaoriptloii price Is one dollar per yesr. Farmers can not well nt slontr without it. It puts new Ideas into their minds. It teaches them bow to farm with Erotlt to themselves. It makes the home sppy, the young folk cheerful, the growler contented, tho downcast happy, and the demagogue horest. S ACS AGE MILLS, We have a meat cutter t hat It as rawo an ImnroveuiMiit over the old fahiomd aatiHaga mill as J. I. Caae Agitator la uvt r a flail. It don't clog an 1 leaves no airing in th ii oat. C'uuio slid ae It, (MMUNITY from ANNOYANCE I onlr of the fla"t atiit hl qn ity or mmm wttbHnutdin, tu Every ffood thing Is Ooontor feitod, and. consumora aro CAU TIONED affalnst IMITATIOTIS of these OMmneyo xnado of VERY POOR GLASS. See that tho exact Jabol is on each chimney &p above The Pearl Top is always clo'-r and Dritfht 01as3. ' Mmnntninr d OJtLT hy GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pit lata re; b Iad UlaM Wtorka. FOB BALE BT DEALERS. Ongen Paeifie Kutiroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA.JAQUINA DAILY TRAINS Trains Leave Corvallla, Daily, except Sunua s, at z r. m . Trains Leave Vnquiuu, Daily, exce;.t -.udaya,at 7:10 a.m. The fine A I Steamer lkYaQULna"Bails n) TAOt ISA. raos raaKciaeo, Monday, J 'v ' -t;' Kri'lay, July Urd. Wettneiday, Auy. iUt. llotiday, any. l-lh. Saturday, Au. Htb. b right to chaii(B Kalling Tucwlay, July tith, Saturday, July 17tti. Thurday. July ttmu TueMlay, Auy. liAh. Hutida, Auf. BBHL Tlic anasssS Naatiaa tli day. Farei and freight at reduced and mwierat ratet. Itiver boat on the Willamette cornet at Corraliia Lowfarea and rates. t .,c further Informally au ply to C. . 11. 1.1 1 . A. 0. V. aad P. Agent, CSurvallU. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, KM THE BOMS OV THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT OX RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Ntirvmm hi.s-i m.mi :.. . i c . t Tortliathe in three econda. r or ail in arid acne it haa no equal in the world Small bottle. Wk-te. Large bottle, si. PR SALE, OnO haif hioclf in baalarn r.o ,U . city with fair houae andimrn will beoitl oheap NERVOUS DEBILITATES MEN. Yon ni; tictfvtottbo Belt Wlta i ho riy i ;:!:tlUy, toes i.fSTti'OUblee. ilct! if-atora- iiiox iu icalai shall, Mich. uo or Dr. Dye'M rpllaf an? i ...v. of Vitality an Also for many otiir'i (U . tlon to Hcalih. Viuirr un foriek U Incurred. IIIiiki mixlopt matb- frei. lr , VOfcXAIC BELT FARMERS! ATTENTION Use only tbe California Fland Forged and Hand Finished SACK NEEDLES with Cutter in tbe eye. ftuch needle guaranteed. PrlA. nn r.nt. Ak your dealer for them, or nrlor from the manufacturers, WILI, m ViHiL, HIS Msrbet 8ls s. r. Twin Foes to Life Are Indignation mid Coutllpatlon. Their primary symptom uro atnoag Dm nmnt dUtrcMlug of minor human ailment, mid it hot of tllwHwn, Mprnllly rcKUllmit fi-om them, mutually tiggiiivato eiich other end axattll nt ouco tho whole uiaiiiliirry of life. Nauaen, Foul llrenth, Hour Ntmnitrh, I HaIsh -4. Ilondntdioa, Itllloua I'Vver, Jnundlrc, Uynpepalii, Kltlucy Dlactutoa, lllea, ItheutnatlMiii, Nournlgln, lropay, mnl various Hklu Disorder", lire itiimug the aymptotmi Hud lunladloi) emid h) iki nn uu nt i f of the NtotniH'h ami bowelx. A Thorough Purgative medicine la the first nreoaalty for eure. rheil the ( tillinrtle pffiH't lliuit 1m' hi talm-tl. in a mild degrte, limt -uili. -I. nt to prevent a recurrence of eoatlvcnoM, mid nt the asme lime the liver, kldneya Mini Mtoiuaeh must bo ttiuulHled mul strengtheuetl, Ayer's Pills Accompli!! thl rcRtorntlve work Wttcr tli in any other mi'tllelne. They are aearehliw and thorough, yet mil. I. in their purgative action. They tlo not gripe tho patient, and do not induce a cotlve re action, as la the effect of other cat hart ie-. AYIthal, they poHC -prial propertlM, illurt'tle, heptitfc mid tonic, of the nighc! liiedleinul value mul Absolutely Cure All dlflcaaoa proceeding from dlonler of the digestive ami tutNlnillatorv organ. The prompt uu of Avi tt's ril.tJl to correct the firt tndicatlon of coatlve U". avert the Ke'iU llllie-e which nettlect of that ciindltlou would Inevitably Induce. All Irrcgulsrltic In the action of the ImiwcI loorneaa n well a cotitl jiatlon are iHiictlelully eontrlie hjr Ayk.h's l'u.141, and for the tlmtilatioti of l)getlve organ weakened by long contlnuetl tlyMp(i, one or two of A YRlt's 1MM.S dnllv. nftcr dimicr, will do more good than anything eUc. Leading Physicians Concede That AYEIt'M TlLIJI are the lct of nil cHihartle niedicliicH, and tunny practition ers, of the highckt Maiullng, t-uMoiuarily prvscrilK- tin-in. AYER'S PILLS, PltP.PARED Br Or. J. C. Jler A Co., Lowell, Man. Analytical (hemhrta For sale by nil Druggist. F. P. NUTTING, .-iff . niiny R oi'KAND CHAIN. ut all eixea, as vrtdl sa halter chain cow vheJnx, dog chalna, rope halters, "to for sal by Patera A Stewart. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of alls of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment T PILLS 26 YEARS IN USE, The Orlast "55 rlampa of the Age! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. !, ratMet It r. Ilawl reailve, !! It Ihe bead, with n Hall m-dmiIhi m lb back part, Tela nntfer lbs abaaleVer blnde, tullaraa after eat las. wlfbsrfla In llaaiiee te eaerilea ef bear eraatsaV Inttubtltiyef teaser, LewsetHts, wtib feetlat-ef bnvias s,i 4mi r, H'eoriafHM, l)lr lur-aa, Flallrrlae at tbe Jlesn. Ileta befereibe area, Ilea4arbe era tbe rtebt eye, Keetlraeseaa, wttb rttfat tlrrnrua. Illewly celered I'rtse, mad CONSTIPATION. TfTT' am eaiwclally adapted to au-ti raw, one d'e effects neb a hniav of f ollnsrn toalnllj tiio auffStar. T laerreae tbn a ppetMesd i . 'If t 'ratio ru ien.uii lit iiuiirlihnl. oti'l lirih-lr Tattle A iUilttenrni).llr(ularNt . 1'r I. r . t I ft u t WITS HAIR it. -ClSturray Qu.T II mt or Wiinaeiis oha?ii to n Gt'Htar i:i,ck by a aluair aitulloatton rf thi4 ItK. It lttiirta n luiturul color, acta i.i4tanlanottty. Holl by Drusglats, or by txirr on ri'cidpl of OfTice, 44 Murray St., Maw York. P91 3Ha" ARi jHLi jst A Raoioai. Quag Crrraslo Wi f PUTSIOAIe W BECAV- Taiiuam 8VEH riARSSYuscuku rrtousawoOASsa, TH HAJULEN T. CITATION. In the Counlp Court of the State of Oregon for 7 ...... In the matter of the eatate of John W Frook, deceased. In the nam of the Stale ofOretj m t To J D Froak, the Administrator of th estate of John W Froak, deceased. You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the above entitled cause with the above entitled Court asking that yon be removed trom the Administration of suid estate. You are hereby notified aud required to appear nd answer said petition aud show cause if any exist why you should not be removed from your said trust as Administrator of aaid estate, which said petition by order of the Court is set tor hearing on the 2d day of rugose, jmo, at the nour ot one o clock, p. in., of said day. You are hereby required to appear at said time and show cause if any exist why you should not be removed from your said trust. Given under my hand and seal this 30th day of June, 1SSG. us D. Andrews, County Clerk. Notice for Publication, Lasd Ofwce at Oregon City, Or. ) June 24th, 1886. i Notice iu hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hit intention to make final proof in aopport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of U. 8. Land Office at Oregon City, on Tuesday, Aug. 10th, 188(5, viz : 0oar hake, Homestead Entry No. 3985 for the N E of &c. 21 Tp. 0 S R 2 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : Henjamine Kinsey, Joseph Cox, John M. Barhan and James diet all of Mehama, Marion county, Ore gon. W. T. Burnet, Register. u raoaatb yitrm U rlloa n sola are DYE, BpaoIsiOWaisssas UVrtiih,l MWatlM. msfftrirtlfTaBlitillnTaaaaa nJ aMbsiaiSsat IfflM MCUasP acaataaa aaaj IMQIBlMlBMuMBIMiillt lootaKSSsSSS 1 f-t.. ' ' -.' 1 1 ' - KM IDA Y .JULY 10, 1986 MsTajMCaL. Nolior of mtrrnstds are aoaUered abundantly iu books of bygone tlmei, uaertusn and mermaids, men of theses and women of the tea, having been at stoutly believed iu as the great sea serpent, and on very touch the same kind of evidence, The old Roman ouatons of law that aa enemy who had ocne to another country, even in times of peace, eouid, if war broke out, be tnslsved, existed in Europe in tbe middle ages ; and the enslavement of prisoners did not cease till the middle of the seventeenth cen tury. The third Kicliard was one of the moat remarkable charsctera in English bistury. Tba old historians almost ex hatist the language in describing his wickedness, and at the same time Slim haif awed by bis wonderful shrewdness. Yet a great many people now believe that he was one of the greatest kings who aver reigned over England. Henry II. of England, the etber of Rtohard the Liou LUarted, waa wont to travel so fast that tbe King of France woo was rather Isxy, aaid : "He neith er rides on land nor sails on water, but tl vhrotit(h the air like a bird." He wnitt through tbe country, as kings of old used to do, examining into affairs, and especially as to bow tbe judges no i to do tii '-ii duty. Prison reform under Christian iutlusnce during tbe reign ot tbe firat (nomiually)Cbristian emperor of Rome. Constantino's legislation (320 A. D.) provided that those accused of crimen should be examioed with promptness and not detained in confinement ; and those arrested were to be confined in a humsue manner, while their cells were to bo furnished with light and venule lion. Marriage ia Scandinavia in old times could take place without clergy! but divorce required a religious rite. The wife could demand this if tbe husband wasted tbe common property. The husband was abaolute master of tbe property of bis wife, even of ber dower, but if they were asperated, be must re store ail that belonged to ber, and from OMMbtrd to one-half of tbsir common acquisitions. Tbe saltcellar was highly piiztd by the ancient Humane. It held the eal wbicb wee aprinkled over the altar at a sacrifice, and that which waa mad at meals. It usually consisted of a cup standing in a dish or saucer ; and ftfcm being employed at the domestic sacri fice ; wee regarded as an cbjct of ven eration in the femily ; so much so, that persona even of elender means were ambitious to poacee one of silver if they could contrive to purchase v. In eoese of tbe bouses of tbe rioh among the ancient Romans there waa a mall chapel or apartment where tbe statues of tbe Lares, or gusidisn spirits of tbe botierbold, ae well as other ta no tified ot deified personages, were wor shipped. In tbe bosses of tbe majori ty of tbe people, however, tbe naua aitoation for th.- Mit-Kos of tbe Lares was orer or beside tbe hearth in tbe great hall, or atritttn of tbe boost. Before tbt iotn o ctioo ef etamprd money in Rome, all sum- were reckon ed by tbe pound weight, and not by the number of pieces, whence tbe per son who weighed out the amount for any purchase was termed libripen, tbe weigh mmi. But the namo was retain ed in after time, although the custom from which it rore bad loog fallen into difrguie, to designate tie person who reckoned up and dtetributed their pay to the oldtfrs, whom we might term the quartermaster f a regiment. Alfred thn G'ett aaid that whoo hr ieifau to rritM iho were rv f-w aietffi mu sou? n i me iiutn.r wn i 0 " . Could oven under' tid tb prayer-hook (that was still in L'in al the misainneties had brought it) and south of the Tliamea he could ot rememW olfe. Hia first oare was to get tbe Let ter educated clergy, and then he estab lished schoole for the laity, and in. cured tbe beat teachers. HetouuUed new uiuna i i i d f tn ' i tho old which had been raised. onea Tbe religious dances of th anetenta consisted for the most patt of slow and stately movements around the altar without Any violence ef gesture or at. tempt at gymnastic dexterity, and more in tbe nature of a ceremonial ac companied by music than what is im plied by our word dance ; consequently, among tbe Graeks and Romans free born citizens of both sexea and all rarus, even tbe higbe?.,. took part in these exhibitions without any dip i -ageraentto the gfavlty of their charac ters or dignity of position. Hugh Peters, in 1640 or thereabouts was aotive in getting up a company at Stilsm to engage in the fisheries on the eastern coast, which the people of old England had hitherto carried on ex clusively. In the course of two years six larjjH vfala were built in which voyages were undertaken to Maderia, the Canaties and soon afterward to Spain, with cargoas of staves and fish, which found a ready unrket. These vessels brought back wines, sugars and dripd fruits. This onterprtss marked the beginning of ship building and commerce in New England. In every laud and climate the mer i s s Jwooba Oil as the only con qofrer of p&in ar be t- acknowl edged by the press and people, L rorrLAR arsBUCi. London engineers say that, as a mat ter of theory, it is possible to make steamers to run forty knots an hour and cross the Atlantic in three days. But tbe vessel ootttd only carry passen gers. The thick! sis of the earth's crust is believed by M, Fsye, the French geolo gist, to be greeter under oceans than beneath oontinen i, because the earth's beat has always radiated more freely there Experiment! in Austrian garrison prove thst wbere the floors ot barracks are painted with tar the ool lection of dust in cracks is prevented, end there ie a oonssquent diminution in irritative diseases of tbe eye, There is also a great diminution ot parasites. It appears that wool, perfectly clean end dry, oontaios about five pei cent of sulphur, and that a nine-pound fleece of wool contains about seven ounces of potash, about six of wbiob can be recovered by tbeiougbly waeb img tbe wool ind evaporating the wash water. The peculiar varnieb like luetic of tbe petals of tbe buttercup is attribut ed by Dr. llobtos, who baa reeeotly beeu investigating it, to e highly re frao.ive yellow oil existing in ths epi dermal cells, increased by tbe fact that tbe layer of cede of tbe meaopbil ie dense! tilled with minute sutreb grain.. To p Hah plate-gls-a and remove e'igbt scratches, rub the suiface gently, first with a clean pad of sbite cotton w o', and afterwatd with a eiasitar pad ova red ever f itb cotton velvet which has been charged with flue ruge. The it face wilt under tbia treatment ac quire a poliah of great brilhenov, quite free from any scratohe. German engineers hav eocoemled in diminishing tbe ewattug ti vc imottvea, and wub it tbe wear of tbe seat driver flanges, by mekiog tbe tender coupling m re ot baa rigid IsteraUy.etid, index-d, four-wheeled locomotives have been need on some roads for line eoginee by having heavy shoot bolts on each side entering sockets on tbe tender, ia this way preventing either vertical or botl contal swaying. that have endorse! Bi mm on Liver Regulator after personal uvt : Hon. Aloieuder 11. .Stephen. John W. Beck with, Bishop of Georgia. General Jn . B. Gorton, ex-U. S. Senator. Hon. Jno. GUI Shorter,exGovern- er of Alabama. Rev. D-ivId Will-, I). D.,Preldem Offetherfsn College. Bishop Pierce, of M. E. Church S utb. Judge Jas. Jack on, Supreme Court, Georgia. We could 611 e vdmtie with the highest testimonials A London ooller maker toss e new psient holler which ie specially de signed to Utilise hydrocarbons with or without the comhutiMi of coal. The boiler is vertical end cylio lrlnl, tne lower containing tbe fire box, fir door aud uptake, end tbe upper pan or combust Ion chamber containing a curved tube near to- ceotre, with aide spaces to ltow mn to pae down to clean or repair wbeu uuceasary. The fire box U constructed in tho or dinary way, enly much shorter, aud Is euitable for either coal, coke, wood or oil aa fuel. T r meajihere of my family, asys Mr. Jsme- A. Sample, Ceah Room, Ofllco af the Treasurer, TJ 8 , who wore suffering from aggravating coughs, have been mucn benefited hy tab log Red Star Cough Cure. None of the Sti effucfa so noiicewhle In other cough remed'e , bare foliowe1 the use of tbte. Tin ice of arctic regt.n, aoeonHos to Majur Qieely, does nut kssialty ( iu to a greater thickotas than bvc te. t,but tu Baffii.'s Buy, tbe Orecnlsnd 8 a aud parts of the Aictic Ocean thicker mass es are produced by the jamming togeth er of dues, which are thus piled op and !) in. fi su t khe'. The iseof the Polar Sea if f isaoat n.o 'tiowivable runghi ess, aud it is du it-d whether any explorer baa vcr sen. 300 square yards of it that is level. i i mm - It was a common practice for tbe an cieut Itoinana to recline at length while reading, aad even writing, tha tablet being p.aced againt one knee, which was raised up as a nttppurt tor th ui pose. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is heroby given that tbe auder signed baa this day been duly appointed b the County Court, of Linn ouuty, Oregon, Administrator de bonus nsn of the estate ot O. P. Adams, daoeaaed, late of said Liun county. AU persona having claims against aaid estate are hereby notified and required to preaent the aamo properly verified withiu six months from the date hereof to the un dersigned at his resiuenee near Marion in Marion county, Oregon. Dated June 28th, 1886. C. Faklow, Administrator. Landreth Winter Wheat, Sowed 4 lbs in fall of '82. While other wheat waa frozen out this was not affected. It is not surpassed by any variety in hardi ness, vigor of growth, stiffness and length of itraw, freedom from rust, productiveness and milling qoslity. The grain is large, plump, light amber in color and hard, yield ing the finest fiour. Ripens two or three weeks earlier than other grain. Will have a limited quantity of this famous wheat for sale for seed wheat for $1. 25 a bushel, of Eastern price, 25c. a quart by mail, post paid. Parties wishing to aee the wheat growing can do so by calling at my 'place 1 mile S E of Tangent. A. L. Bridostakhxb, Tangent, Or. KING'S EVIL Was tho nnmo formerly given te Scrofula hectim i of a superstition that it could be cured hj a king's touch. The world Is w',er now, aud knows that SCROFULA can only be cure d by n thorough purifica tion or the blood. If this Is neglected tbe disease perjietuates Its taint through generation after feneration. Among Its earlier symptoms tin developments are !,. nm, I ulnneoiis Uruptlotia, Tu mors, lioil, 'itrbiinele, krysipelns, I'urulent 1 1 leers, Nervous mul Phy sical ollntae, etc. If allowi-d to con tinue. Itheiiuiatlaui, fterofuloua Ca tiirrli, lihlney uud llvr Otaeasea, Tubereulnr Consumption, nnd varl ou oi iicr r)aiii;eroti or fatal inuladics, are produced by ft. Ayer's Sarsaparilla h the tmtf pott-erf ut and aliram reHabt ' , xf-purifytHj Mfidlelne, If Ism, vfTecl Ual mi nlicratlvn that It eradicates from tbe system lleredllnry fterofuln, una ile khrlr"d polons of imitagkais di-eiises i nt i-i iirv. A flu- Minn- time ft I'fi ;i uud vitalize the blood, restoring bbful action to tln vital orirnns and i t in; tin: entire system. Thlsgreat Regenorative Medicine 1 of ho frnulne Inndura , rilttf, wl'b JVfoM li'.rl,-, sttU iffia, tho fwttdti tit Potueeiwrn ami iu and if htr ingredients of gn at po n u y. esretuliv nnd M UutifK-ally eom ltiud' d. ) tomiiila is generally known to tii medleal irof-aaiou, and the best phv-HiMiM mmtmtAij prvscriA Avtu'e h wtnw tiui.l.A lis mi lute Cure ; -r.M! ratnett the ;!' I. Ithee et praelkvbte d ' ! -r preparattOu tat are cbsttts d. and iatbei as wi fl r (be Is t Wb i!io vitiation of ..Hi fheblgb- i iwl ny i ( flit;t iM-aiiest, i f modi- clne,Ui5Vrcr;tl. Ayer's Sarsaparilla I'UKl'.VlM CY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowoll, Mavs. Analytical Chemist. by all Drtfid: prie 8t; stx bottles for fr. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. GREAT WESTERN PITTSBURG. fa.. U.S. A Mtev-ti. IKiltarH .nal'.afl. t sasini. ttaiea. Whiiar. , a4 all irthr Amr" lfcn. a! b r Sa a.s st ee see N.u. Kialjluit T-kl- an4 Oho ak-r. matrrtaU. all at v-r. U.W pti. ettA utamti for klSfSt MSVSTSSI CB44ut. M. utl' n tlt tpss J JAKDWAREOF ALL KIN fx. Axsa, mattocks, hrcah hnoka, picks abnvls,paps, forks, irrloatooH, wbsal tiarroara. wrlriRf m, ropsa, and almost sTerythlna: vou want, oaa ba had eosan lor oasb a Pstara A iawart. P. M. MILLER, Attorney and Connslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. WUlpracttos In ail tho CkNHftS in tba Sta B AKN DOOR HANGINGS, Ar atwava brrakiutr. unless you bava tbs kind Mlt by tVtrrs A Ktswsrt, of At Hsnr. TaHsy sra ma1 ot wrought inn rannnt jump tba track and will last a I'Cs Mid ft. Ifcjn't nam: another t)rn door un til you have sftftn bm. O iti iirYEiw cnoK (a lsl Mrvl fil Jtt., rach yemr. SW SSMI ya'iia, S'lll'j inrbri.ullbovrr 3.500 lHiairaisotMa Wlaoto Picture Ca'lcry. UVJ1 M'iKt-.--i: Prtcrs cfliSVI . fti aS'SSSli'l rr fatu.! I t nlsr, and Rim rxzu iata't ysa u r, Smt, i f 41 rt ia. ' .IOKjI rontaUt laf i tcsnr! !. We rt JIHSji.. 9 fkUliia laci Xili JiCrVST aJTOCl MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Hiil 0i i-tl U abash Arcane, Ctiicsvn. tit. a K. WOt-VKKTOS, O, B, li.VINB, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW A"1 up atalrs in'Froman'ti Brick ALBANY, OaUWOS 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT. Of allkindsof merchandise. All ordera from the eoantn fined on abort notice for every chat or kind of good from nrm-cla stock. Absolutely no charges or commission will be charge! ornuing oraets, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or PATENTS Obtaintui anrf all nlW hn.lnui. In h- II a Ufflea attoncietled to for moderate lees. - Ouroffloe lsopposit the U.S. Patent Office, and vo can obuln HatenU leas time than those remote trom Washington. send motile or drawing. We si' to latent irev oi cnarjB ; anu wentajte o charge unlcks we obuln patent. We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Sunt, of Money Order Dlv. and to officials ottheU. B. Patent oaicc. for circular, advice, tenux, and eierences oactual clienU in your own State or county, vddreet A. SNOW &0.f Opposite Patent Office, Wasbinfton, D r Vi ta S,,M t.v all i era, Jo. Sulliroadway. IV . SMnnn ( rv. har9 nlso had Thirty e Biarht vftara' 1 tiriirl.icB beforo rrit Office and bare prrywired 'in One Hundred Thou- ipplicationa for patent hi tha Mates and foreign conntrios. Trade-Mark. Gopy-rigbtit, nt?. and alt other papers for ii-. . nlori th-ir rights in the , l iinnda. Eucland. Franeo, other foreign countries, pre :cv and on reason able terms. hs to obt ainiuc vntents eheer hout charge. Hand-books nt all persona who wish todis- ' 00.. Office ScaesHFK dwaj. New York, i Q mmmw 3 T-.rwTO. War HattiHiotlMM I .O.a l-c. I., a raewffteasl. rttsestSS eric, in cry num r. This ,cIopdi withflut-. niAJi is -at of all , S3 9B a JULIUS GRADWOHL line tbe only exeloalve ffteeb oi CROCKERY, CLA88, SILVER AND CHINA WARE SJ 1 Large issortment of Baby Carriages, And a Choic Selecton of Coffee, Tea and uar ONE DOZEN GUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime Till; HIGHEST mABUiET PRICE PAID FOB EOS Eemember! What I gay I lean. Btve Ie a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. THE Oregon Short Line, 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the Bast, and rates, $8 30 to $10.25 the cheapest! to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. (.'.IMP BELL, General Agent. No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. Another Cut in Rates ! I beg )cav to announce to tba fsrmnrs of this county that I am still in business at the oiU stand and have just received tr$m tbe Kasta large stock of wagon timber tafias this last big cut In freight rates, and lam witting tte farmers sod people her central ly can have tbe benelit of tbe same. Anyoue wishing wgon repairina done will dImm Killing all kinds of wbesls. f 14 ptr set or f and 4 per wheel. ItoWers, Kndbrda and Touguns, 1 each. Hk kory azlea, $4 each, . Hinale spoken and felloes, 20 cents each. And erervthtnff mmm in nrtirmrtinn. alt nrW v.mmi t j i . door southo Arthur's blackUllb sboF, isorin r.ruHimviiie, uregon. FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT JJ PORT3LAND, OREGON. DEALERS IN FARM AND kILL MACHINERY Wa!er A. Wood's Mowers, Reapers and Twine Binders. Hedges' Double Draper Headers, Oaar Scott a Co's Threshers, Kngiues and Horse Powers, Buford'a Walking Ptowa, Cultivators, Gang and Sulky Plows, Moatoompleteltoeof Bnggiea, GarHages and Spring Wagons on the Pscific Coast. Having received out goods .luring the low ratea of freight from tbe East we are going o give our customer the benefit, and sei! them goods in our line lower than ever be fore. Vk rite for Catalogue Address, FRISK lift OT if Efts r J. 9m3 DR. MINTIE, THE fM 1411-T Sja.ll Heeraey atreeS. Sea Fraace, Cel. Taaats au. Cttsoinc, arsaaL ax Pbjvatb DtmsAsn with WoxsnsvL Srocssa. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I Is a xarsa fa turn eras for Nervone D.bility, hem Inal Wnsrtisss. rmssssSed italic , Mwraatur rboet MMt MeeSeesI, laipo- UlcJ ,1'aralvaia. PioiaUrr hca. ana all llje urril.le flti t Mil sliue yr-tilh-fu feltk-a and avesa In maturer jcars, suchaa Leas . I M ... U.itude.Noc tural Emission, aversion to soetoty, DmtHtsef VtsUn Notaas in ths read. fvrf.r la triektag hSSSOdk ntlS HeMors, the vital Suid passing unobserved n the urinr, and many other diseases that lead to in snlty aid death. Dr- Mia tie. who is a Besjalsr Fltysirlsa. trstlB.iir ut lite I slverally or Heat Ivattta trill nt t forfeit Mve Maaelreel sliara for a caae of this kind the ttnl KrMsrallve under his !- ia) advice and t t atment) will But cure, or for anything imo-rt or injurious found In U. tr. Mist He tresis all private diseases suvcessrully without mercury. I'nasallaltoa Free- Thorough exaroin athm aud advice, m hiding analvsia of at ine, $5. Price oi imI Kelnrelive. f 1.60 a bottle, or four times the u,u nUty, 5 ; sent o any address upon re ceipt at price, or I'OD secured from ohseri-ation and in private name if delrcl n Kearay Mreel. Sea I', sl. Seed for list of , 'u !Mt,. and a i.j j li'i ! NAMfLK U ITLK FKKB. Will be sent to any one apply 'ng by I e ttnr, stating symptom, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard lo all business transactions. Or Mlalle'a KliSnrj Kratrdy. Xek retire as, cures all kind of Kidney and bladder fomplainta, Oonot rhoea. t.leet, Leucvirrhoea, etc For sale by all druggists ; l a boMc St six bottles for 5. Isr Mlalle's DsMdellea fills ere ibe best and cheapcM s strtlM ami Bili(.as cure In tbe matk er. For sale hy ell drugget. at - i V. L IK La SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For all Disease of the Liror, SidasTs, Steaach and Spleea. This purely vegftable pre. paration, new so celebrated as a Fsmily Medicine, originated in the South in 1898. It acts Kntly on the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the scUon of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory tiietllelne, whatever the sick. ncs may prove to be. In all common diseases it will, tin Satiated by any other medi cine, eflect a speedy eure. -The Regulator is safe to administer la any nndition of the system, and under no c rcum tunc can it do harm. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicatinj bever age to lead to intemperance: will promote di gestion, d-KKipatt headache, and gener ally tono up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoutted. No loss of time, no inter rupt ion or stoppage of business while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colie, Hcnriiivho. or Sick Httiinacb, a teaspoonful or more wiil giv. relief. If taken occntionally by pa tients exposed to MALARIA, will e.xpsl the poison and protect them from attack. A PUVSICIAN'S OPINION. I have been practkrog medicine for twent f years, SjkI have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like Simmons Livev Regu lator, promptly and clTsctively move the Uver to .--iioii, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening; the digestive and assimilative poweis of the system. L M. Hikton, M. D., Washington, Ark. 95S THAT VOC OBT TUB GENtHNX. PKSl'ARCD ST ti; H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa, "J " P108'0 A. . UAtS.M.4. ItfPLEHEKT t.. Portland. Or. GKtuWOUL, Agent, Albany, Or, Mir mail you free a royal, taluabio sample box of good that trill pat you in the way ef making mora moeer at once, than anything flue i n America. Both sexes of all age. can live at home sad work m spare ume, or all the time. Capital not re- quired. We wttl start yoa. lsaassss pay cure lor those who start at once. Bnssos and Co.. Portland. Jottce for Publication. Xakd Office at Okkosn Cnr, Or. ) Jane I9ta, 1886. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe fol io wing named settler -baa filed notice of bis intention to make flnul proof in sup port of hia claim, and that aaid proof will be made before Register and Receiver U, 8. Land Office at Oregon ( ity, Oregon, on Wednesday, Aug. 4th, I 86, vis ; James L Berry, IL.meatead Eutry No. 6658 for the E X of 8 WKofSec 26.T9 SKI E, He namea tbe lol lowing witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis : Svlvester Prichard James Sbelton. Dudley Hadden. and John Pricbartl, all of Jordan, Lion county, uregen. W. T. Ill-UN KY, Register. First National Bank OF Y, OKKUO.V. President . .JOHN COSNK Cashier H. K. MKKhl 1 TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. NIOHT RVl'HAVfJR an.l IWranKi -far aM on New York, San Francisco,. Chics- cSlj1eCTIONS MADE on atast ml B. Yocso, L. E Ulus, H. F. U j. u cowakT" Linn Count COWAN & Ci ALBANY - - - v. TRANSACTS a general banking b DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New Cisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONET on approved secut RECEIVE deposits subjee to check COLLECTIONS entrusted to ns win tention. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American U j 1 v A papcis uy aaaressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOots. foe lOO-Pags Pamphlet. OCH SON'S CCMT CDCC For Spriiis end Sum OCll I rnCC mer. 16. read March luth. to ear address, illustrates aad lists every thing for Ladies', Gents', Children anil Infants' wear and Housekeeping uoous. at Di at prices tower than tnose of any hoase in tbe United Btatea. f!o tk Ave. d OCNOb N. Y. Ciqs. U mm