The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 16, 1886, Image 3

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Ufa mnmt
Kntered at the Pott Office at Albany , Or
aa sworn .-lux mail matter.
FUIDAY JULY 16, 1886.
SriTES &
Kilters a4
Pre prle tars.
pastor, sirrivu. Lai Baiter.
rFIOUL I. and MiPBR.
A learned physician says promiscuous
kismu hived tulviviiloiis, diphtheria and
infectious fever. In the Interest of tobacco
chewers ami old maid we demand It stop
page. O
The M. A. T. would not give five cents a
car load for the love of a man with an un
liorced wife living. In commercial term
it is fourth-class nubbin.
The M. A. T. is a poor stick of a politi
cian, that is he is none at all ; vet he can
quint just enough to see that Home Rule
would have fared much better if the U. S.
had kept its mouth shut. There are times
when silence Is gold indeed. It is a long
time since we licked our mother country,
and it is not saving too much to remark
that the old gal luis not forgotten It. She
at least possesses a spirit that delights in
spiting "weuns" of the U. S. If we would
help Ireland we would do well to pot on
a monstrously big cap of discretion.
The result in the recent local option con
test in Washington Territory speaks in
powerful language for the sturdy, temper
ance principles of the farming community
Farmers, as a rule, here, as well as there,
are solid for law, order, temperance, all that
binds and protects society. It is that dis
turbing element, like Madame Duniway,
which opposes these things. By the wav,
Mrs D. by working against local option
there knocked the biggest prop out from
under her pet theme.
The conviction of V. W. Saunders of the
tlie murder of Charles Campbell is gener
ally commended by those who are familiar
with the testimony in the case, and a ma
jority of people believe the verdict should
be carried out.
piaaa fttasklBg.
On Friday of last week two Chinamen
were captured in the den opposite the Post
Office, by Marshal Hayes, with an opium
smoking apparatus before them and pipes
In hand. They were arrested. One of
them was discharged a short time after
wards and the other given a trial the next
morning, when he appeared with his At
torney Cap. Humphrey. The Recorder
decided that under the ordinance the city
had nopower to punish for opium smoking.
Manv are asking if it is possible to draw
an ordinance that will "stick."
Arcsuesl BUkMlly.
Because they postponed the matter a
anonth in order to be sure they were acting
legally, in the matter of contributing to
wards the building of the Salem bridge, the
Polk County Judge and Commissioners
were immediately stamped a a pack of ir
redeemable donkeys by a Salem paper.
The boot was on the wrong foot. Polk
county does well to deliberate. It is to be
hoped though the people of that county
will be wise enough to come down with
their share of the necessary funds. Good
bridges and roads do much towards build
ing up a country.
P. Ms aatarle
Under the annual adjustment of Post
Master, salarij, the Albany Naieby gets
an increase of $ioo for the ensuing year by
virtue of an increase of business. The only
.other offices getting an increase, and the
same, are Pendleton, Salem and East Port
land. Following are the salaries of the IV
M'h of Presidential offices : Albany,$i 500 ;
Ashland, $1000; Astoria, $1800; Baker
City, $1400 ; Corvallis, $1400 ; East Port
land, $1500 ; Eugene City, $1400 ; Jackson
ville, $1000 ; Oregon City, $1100 ; Pendle
ton,$t50o ; Portland,$3x ; Salem, $2200;
The Dalles, $1600.
The OTV-iSTer Blurk. S
Work on Chas. Pfeiffer's new brick block
ha been begun. Clark Brothers are doing
the brick work. The building is to be
25x75 feet and two stories high. The sec
ond story is to be occupied by Mr Pfeiffer's
family as a residence, and the first story as
a store. A one story brick of the same size
will be built on the east side after the ton
s miction of the main building. These
blocks will add materially to the city
Gradually the business part of Albany is
creeping towards and past the Revere House
A Important Case,
Great interest was manifested last week
in the case of W H Goltra agt. J II Foster,
John C ford and William Crawford. It
y 'o set aside the deed of the mill
v made by J H Foster to
Crawford. The result
. Ir Foster's creditors,
g involved in it. Judge
m the case was tried, tie
in favor of the defendant,
transfer was not fraudulent.
Mysterious l.nml.
trian alon"
Front Street, just
lalbin Street, often has his at.
J by the savage growl of a dog
In the case of ladies, particu-
startlinz. As a glance around
nothing, to the matter has a
.crious cast to it. A bul! dog makes
t home under the sidewalk, and is the
, 1 use of all the trouble. Some think he
should be annihilated.
Mat tie Allison.
Last Friday in the case qf the State against
Mattic Allison a motion was made before
Judge Boise for a change of venue, oi the
grounds of undue prejudice, and the same
I was granted, the case to be tried at Salem
in Marion county at the .court to be held,
beginning October nth. A motion to re
lease Mis Allison on bail was denied.
It's Very sMaod.
We venture the opinion that not a news
paper in the State ha given to the public
such a spicy, pointed, well written article
on the "Teacher's Institute at Yaquina
Bay" as the Democrat piesents to its
caders this week. It will fully repay every
one to read it.
If you want strict. y first-class goods at
rook bottom prices go to
EUad k Browjtklls
The twine binder has already begun sing
ing its harvest song among the wheat stalks
and heads. The Democrat hears a large
diversity of opinion in reference to what the
crop will be. Portland papers have gone
out of their way to notice Linn coimty par
ticularly at being unfortunate enough to be
visited this vear by a poor crop of wheat
After mature deliberation we arise and de
ny me cnarge. irte Indication are now
strong that the opposite is true. Take Linn
countv all together, making allowances for
big and small Individual crops, and we fee
justified in saving that the harvest of both
spring and fall wheat will be larger than
last vear. One machine man.who has been
all over the countv. savs nesrlv twice as
large ; but that Is putting it too strong
There are those who talk of a small crop
but the Democrat render it judgment on
the evidence in favor of a good crop, and It
doe not do thl for buncomb. It 1 not
treating a section of country fairly to pub
lish reports of poor crops on the word of
few chronic growlers, whose fields may have
been hit, or, more like! v, who have no fields
at all. Right here, at the beginning of the
harvest the Dku.crat asks its reader to
send it honest reports of their wheat yield,
whether large or small. If the result i not
a flattering one, .considering the many ad
verse reports we will abandon all claims to
being a good jury on the wheat yield que
It Is a at aaaaders
Last Monday evening Sheriff Smith re
ccived a telegram from Denutv Sheriff
Lampkin, of Walla Walla that a man an
swering to Saunders description, who had
been identified by Cspt. Denure, formerly
of the steamer Topsy, had been arretted.
teo Humphrey, Esq., left on Tuesday
morning to investigate the matter. Wed
nesday morning a telegram was received
from Mr. ML, reading. "It is not Saunders,"
which settled the matter and sent private
detectives off in other directions. Tucdav's
Oregouian contained the following, which
will show how easv it is to get on the
wrong track when a criminal is being hunt
ed :
Walla Walla, July 1 jth. - A man uo
posed to be haunders, tlw escaped murder
er, has been captured here bv Deputy Shcr
lwitnpkm. He answers the description
in evcrv particular, and is positively identi
tied by an acquaintance from Corvallis.
Saunders was camping with immigrants in
... a a mm . . .9
the outskirts of town, and went to hospital
Friday, claiming he was sick. He did not
deny his identity at first, and now claims
his name is Chestnuts.
Saunders was admitted to the Catholic
hospital Saturday, and claimed he was sick.
Lampkin had been watching at the camp
Friday, and finding him gone Saturday
traced him to the hospital, and arrested him
in the yard. Maunders did not at first deny
his name but went along willingly. Soon,
however, he protested that he was not the
man. B. B. Denure, formerly of Corvallis,
recognized the prisoner as Saunders. He is
pockmarked, squints,ha a mutilated finger,
a bullet mark in the left breast, b tlx feet
tall, and weighs only 130. The campers
were harvest hands from Spokane county,
and say they knew nothing of the man,
who joined 'them last Tuesday In the Har
rington neighborhood
As we go to press theie is a doubt in the
mind of some as to whether it is Saunders
or not, two or three at Walla If alia insist
ing that it is and Mr. Humphrey that it k
not. The case is a remarkable one.
Work on the extension of the Oregon
Pacific towards this city was begun at Cor
vallis last Monday morning, about two
hundred men being put to work. Mr. Jos.
Liggett who was in the city last week in
formed us that work would be pushed with
vigor, and that the road will probably
reach this city In sixty days. In fact the
contract with G W Hunt calls for the fin
ishing of the grading in that length of time.
More .men are wanted, 92 being paid, and
$4 for a man and team. The bridge will
cross the Willamette about sixty yards be
low the Red Crown Mills in this city, run
ning a few feet east of the old fruit drying
building. The structure will be a Howe
truss draw bridge. The opening will be two
hundered feet, one hundred each side of the
central pier. Work will begin next week
on it. It will take about three months to
build it. Scows with material are now
waiting at Corvallis. They will be brought
down stream a soon as wing dams are
completed at one or two of the lowest
chutes, bowers being the worst to man
age. From the end of the bridge in this
city the road will run along Lafayette
street to near the O & C R R track, where
the depot will be located. ,
The completion of the road to Albany
will be of material benefit to the city.
Though it is not a large road now the in
dications are that in a few years it will be
come part of one continuous trans-continen
tal line from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
beach to beach, the shortest route in the
whole list of trans-continental railroads.
Knights Templar.
On Thursday of last week a Comman
der v of Knights Templars, was organized
in this city, a large number of the Repre
sentative Masons of the valley being pres
ent at the organization services, among the
number being all of the officers mentioned
below and L Bilyeu, J M Hod son, S M
Yoran, Rev E R Geary, Frank Osborn,
Horace Crain, V McFarland and Wm Pres
ton, of Eugene, Enoch Hoult, of Harris
burg, W P Smith, of Halsey, and F N
Shurtleff of Portland.
Following are the officers of the Albany
Commandery, the third organized in the
State :
D P Mason, Em. Commander.
Geo Humphrey, General.
W B Barr, Capt. General.
Geo E Chamberlain, Prelate.
J K Weatherford, Senior Warden.
L D Henderson, Junior Warden.
L C Marshall, Treasurer.
E W Langdon, Recorder.
Chas E Wolverton, Standard Besrcr. .
G W Maston, Swoard Bearer.
W E Price, Warden.
W R Bilyeu, Sentinel.
G W Smith, ist Guard.
H P Webb, 2nd Guard.
R W Jameson, 3rd Guard.
The following from the Salem Statesman
will be of interest to Albany miners, of
which we haye many (in your eye.) If
there is anything in this little item a boom
may be looked for at Quartzville :
those interested in the development of
the mines at Quartzville, the mining place
about thirty miles southeast of Mehama,
will be pleased to learn that a syndicate of
capitalists from Coeur d'Alene has deter
mined to see if there is anything in the
mines, witn tnat end in view they are
sinking a shaft, and as far as they have gone
tne prospects are very encouraeine. The
syndicate is prepared to spend $50,000 in
testing the value of the mines, and is going
to work all this summer and next summer,
tpo, if necessary.
New ia4.
A. B. Mcllwaia iss a large and wall select
ed stock of Dew gocxis, as tine as aver brought
to Albany. Call ou him and make your selec
tions from his brst-clas stock.
(J. J. Whitney, Judas ; Knooh MtnAr, Alsi Brandon.
W B Donaca authorized to buy certain
mdse for I. Hutchinson. '
Ordered that road be established in ac
cordance with petition of A H Miller, et al.
Matter of petition o! T A Rlgg (or
county road. Continued.
G W Young wa appointed superinten
dent to fix pier at Sandcmon bridge, and
breakwater near ame.
Bond of B F Thompson, Coroner, was
duly approved, also bond of Phil Smith,
Report of H Farwell, Treasurer, approv
ed. S P Barger was, on application of II J C
Averlll, appointed Constable of Browns
ville precinct.
J L Stewart allowed to spikes of road
Dist. 46.
Application of Payne and Crawford for
rebate of taxes, continued.
The Clerk wa directed to make copy of
delinquent tax roll for 1883-4-5.
Ordered that reward of $1500 be offered
for capture of W W Saunder.
Fees of jurymen and witnesses County
Court allowed according to record.
Fees of Countv Court officer allowed.
Matter of fees in case of State agt. Mat-
tie Allison continued.
The following bills were allowed :
C L Morris, keeping poor $58,00
A W Charlton, Sh'tT fee Latkc Co. . 11,00
H J C Averlll, and Morlev family. . . 8,00
sr -a a
k uc iter At Lyons, lumber 4.00
11 rarweli, salary
R Gla Si Son, mdse H Pierce.. .
. 2 JOuQO
. 31.20
. 10.80
J R Orecn, keeping I Hutchinson.
T S Thompson, lumber
J L Turoridire, lumber
W C Koblncrt, lumber 30.50
Mrs C Houck, board jurymen and
pauper 37.40
Burkhart Pfelffcr. printing 18.7s
W B Donaca,mde Kmmerson
37 56
, . 30.00
. .
R R Humphrey, lumber
C C Hackteman, mdse An hard
I) Andrew, fees
Cohen, mdse, C L Morris 10.75
S I Youmr, mdse 8.7
I T T Fisher. Su vevor's fees 6.00
I K Charlton, SherffTs fees 483.70
II Farwell, as agt of school fund.... 63.78
f B Cowgill, care Albert Sprague . . 8.00
Kobmson vV West, lumber 133-W
J H Raincv, et al., altering Co. road.. 16.00
K w Whipple 61 Bros , lumber. 31.03
W E Curl, money advanced 10.00
D B Monteith, cash and expense for
picture W W Saunder 4V5
I Haves, sending pauper to Portland 3.75
Muefler Garrett, board jurvmen. . 3.35
D B Monteith, attendance on Court . . 1
(Jeo Humphrey, attendance on Court 13.00
ueo Humphrey I day carch tor
Saunders 4.00
Geo Pi ice, 16 day service a janitor. 30.00
I rain A; Whltnev, printing 3.90
Geo Burkhart, 4 days attendance a
D S Smith, 6 dav attendance as bail
iff. 4 as Sheirff aooo
The following Mils were continued :
J R Campbell, Sheriff fees $ 4.05
W C Robinett, lumber 24.00
Sol King 31.90
is ananas, viewing road 45.00
The official vote of the State gives the
following vote for the several candidates :
Icrman 26018
Butler 35J8t
Miller 37 t
Herman's plurality, 1635.
McBride 36313
Gibont , 25923
Kinney 2775
.Mcunde s plurality, 390. ,
Webb 36908
Marston 25130
t-ong 37 i$
Webb's plurality, I778. mM
vrr. pva. !mtri'ctiom.
McElroy : .... 36637
Dark 35331
Lyman 3666
McElroy s plurality, 13O6.
Strahan 2701
a a - Z
waiao 20860
Blackburn 36
Strahan' plurality, 334.
Baker 36363
Nickel! 3?7
Shephard. , 376
Maker s plurality, 999.
The official vote on Governor i not given
a it cannot be counted until the meeting of
the Legislature. The figures for Penney
crs majority, though are probablv 3536.
n the First judicial district, Webster i
elected Judge by 475 majority, and Caivig
District Attorney by 386. In the Second
district Bean is elected Judge by 534 ma
jority and Hamilton District Attorney bv
186 majority. In the third district Boise'
majority for Judge is 373, and Belt' for
Attorney 104. In the fourth district Shat
tuck and Stearns were elected Judges and
McGinn district Attorney. In the fifth
district Taylor's majority for Judge is 533
and Brides for Attorney 976. In the
sixth district I sen was elected Tudie bv
706 majority and Clifford Attorney by 3768
majority. In the seventh district Berd is
elected Judge by 131 majority, and Elll
Attorney by 739 majority.
The highest total vote was for Congress
man, being 54,954, being an increase of
6,717 over the vote of 1884,
Treasarer's Kepert.
The report of Mr. H. Farwell, County
Treasurer, for the two years ending July
ist, 1886, was presented to ths County
Court last week and duly approved. It is
as follows :
July i, 1886, balance on hand. . .$13,375 9
School fund from Ktate treasury 8,023 50
Delinquent taxes 1883 14O 70
Delinquent taxe 1883 5479 79
Delinquent taxes 1884 84,470 66
delinquent taxes 77,706 57
561 II
Ferry licenses
Of fX)
Peddlers and circuses
67 57
5H 00
Trials and District Att'ys fees.
Coroner's inquests ,
n 1 ti I
59 50
n-oau supervisors
July 1, 1886, total $191,044 4O
School Sup't's receipts $55,145 20
State Treasurers receipts . . ... crt6?
County Clerk receipts.' 60,725
To balance turned over to in
coming Treasurer. , 21, 808 46
Total $191,044 49
Home Library- Association
Oae of the best things we baye seen lately
is the airangetnent of the Home Library
Association, of which Mr. L. M. Curl has
the agency for this coooty. By baying
hue edition of Pesls Popular Educator one
becomes a member, which gives the privi
lege et buying all the standard works at
wholesale prices, offering an astonishing
redaction in price. This is something
which should attract the attention of all
literary people.
orTf rEMT.
INK lM 4 N I) Jl B
Before adjournl tig
ast we
the Grand
Jury made the following report
7e tk koHuraNv Ciiyuit Court nf Linn
unity, OrctfV ',.
I he grand jury having examined the rec
ords in the several office, and the publh
buildings of the county, respectfully submit
the following :
We have made a careful examination of
the jail, paying partkulai attention to it
strength, cleanliness and sanitary regula
tion. We And the cells nf uffkicnt strength
and kept in an cleanly a condition as cir
cumstances will permit. We find that the
water-closet on the south side Is not eon
nected with the sewer, and recommend that
by all means such connection be made as
oon as possible, in our opinion thl- U
necessary to the good health of the Inmates
of the building.
An affidavit of Dr. G W. Maston, sub
stantlating the above, was made a part of
the report.
We have examined the Iwxik of the Coun
ty Treasurer and And them kept In a clear
and comprehensive style, and all of hi
books and records neatly Aled awav In a Are
proof vault. We think that he is greatly In
need of a new set of books, and recommend
their purchase by the countv.
We have examined thelHM.ks and records
of the Countv Clerk's oAWe, and as far as
our investigation was conducted, found them
neatly and correctly kept, and all of deed
and mortgaue records, circuit and countv
paper and all other public document and
records caretullv indexed and tiled awav in
a tire proof vault in a convenient manner
We And the township maps of the countv
In a very dilapidated condition, and respect
fully recommend that the county employ
some competent person to make new one,
copying from those now on Ale at Oregon
City, and have the same bound in a conven
ient form. We consider thi a very neces
sary auxiliary to the law record" of the
county, a those at present in the Clerk's
office are, aside from beim? verv much
worn, far from being complete.
c have visited the Sheriff s office, and
And the tax roll properly keot and the aie
of sufficient strength. Vc And the Sheriff'
office to be the only uncarpeted office in the
Court House, and" recommend that It be
carpeted with the Mine materia) at present
used in the other office. We alo recom-
mend that the office be provided with a
counter to elude the general public from
tne lnidc working o the olliie.
We have examined the Court House
building, paying particular attention to the
roof, which we And much worn and In a
leaky condition. We would recommend
that temporary repair be made at once and
the roof made water tight, and a soon as
the finance of the county will admit a new
and more durable roof 'placed upon the
building. We would also recommend that
a sufficient amount of hor be purchased by
the county to wash out closet and be ef
ficient in case of Are.
We would respectfully call attention Ut
the Court House yard." The building is
situated upon a choke block in the center
of one of the most beautiful towns in the
Willamette Vallev The drainage is good,
the property well fenced and with small
exjtenso and a little care it could be made
the most attractive spot in the city, and a
source of pride to every taxpayer' In the
county. W would therefore recommend the front entrance be so repaired a to
exclude stock, that shade tree of suitable
varieties be set out at proper intervals all
over he court yard, and would in the moat
respectful manner request that the beaut!
ful yard surrounding the Court Houe be'
not ued a a pasture.
Respectfully submitted.
Hex by CvBt. Foreman.
sSSseal stepert.
Tlw: following is the standing including
examination of the pupil of District No.
6, for the term of three month ending July
J mi, t886 :
So. dsys Depart- IsM
attend ie awtii rM.
Ora Morris
Ida Powell
Minnie Morri
Maud Powell
Lillie Davi
Charles Powell
John Barrett
Oeear Davi
Willie Morris
11 90 90
57 3
M So 73
56 to J7
60 90 71
40 77 76
44 R 75
53 S6 t
3 "7 7'
JO 7J 84
49 100 93
42 69 Si
to 97 S4
5 ' 97
25 64 80
Edward Barrett
Nannie Powell
Stella Hardman
Mary Parson
t'iara Parsons
Howard Propt
I'l IMI.M.
.Um.Uii c. btrnt.
Wavne Dawson
WaSs Davi
Herman Davi
Otis Pronsi
George Powell
V illie Harrett
Lillie and Walter Davi lutvc neither been
abcnt nor tardv during the term.
Katb Pntctc, teacher.
Hrfcoel BeYerl
Following is the report of school district,
No. to, for the term commencincr April
' - WW w
13th and ending July 3nd, 1886 :
No. of days attendance, 1 200 ; No. of boys
enrolled, n ; No. of girls enrolled, 16 ; total
No. enrolled, 36 ; average No. belonging,
23 17-60 ; average daily attendance, 20.
Following are names of pupils on roll of
honor, with average standing for the term,
100 per cent being perfect : Lillie Cham
bers, 93 ; Sigamund Knox,9i ; Ethel Creel,
95 ; JJell Archibald, 90 ; Jacob Chambers,
86 ; Frank Archibald, 92 ; Wavnc Miller,
95 : Ethel Archibald, 84 ; Iona Miller, 84 ;
Gertie Hamon, 86 ; Ray Miller, 80 ; Nellie
Hamon, 86 ; Ethel Marsh, 83.
Iona Miller and Sigamund Knox were
not absent during the term,
Jane Morris teacher.
vtii'ldj Heboid Kepitrt
Report of school District No. 64, for the
time ending June 25th, 1SS6. Average per
cent in scholarship :
AHert Smith, 99 ; Charlie Alford, 08 :
Gertie Gore, 96 ; Geo 1 lardisty, 97 j Nora
Hardisty.95 ; Erma Wigle,95 i Aug Smith,
94 ; evnna wuioby, 94 ; Minnie Hardisty,
93 ; Clyde Gore, 93 ; Justin Wigle, 87 ;
LestesjLcech, 86 ; Geo McCulloch, 87 ;
Lcla McCuKoch, 84 ; Lulu Wigle, 85 ;
Effie Wigle, 82 ; John Willoby, 82 ; Clyde
McCulloch, 71 ; Roy Willoby, 70.
Roll of Honor -Lcla McCulloch,
Olivk Long,
Mehaol Kepwrt.
Following is the report of District No. 14,
for third month commencing June 5th and
ending July 2pd, 1886 :
Whole No. of days attendance, 285 ; No.
of days absence, 95 ; No. of days tardiness,
7 ; No.'of boys enrolled, 8 ; No. of girls en
rolled, 11 ; total, 19 ; average No. belong
ing, 19 ; average daily attendance, 14.
Nora E Froman, Walter (J Wallace, B H
Froman were neither absent nor tardy dur
ing the month.
E. A. CoLLixs.tcacher.
Tempera net- Lecture.
Prof. .Wm. Crowhurst will lecture at
Lebanon on Saturday and Sunday, l-jih
and 18th of July, under the auspices of the
I. O. G. T. AH are invited to attend.
The nicest and cheapest hne of laditie fine
shoes in town can be found ut
Reap & Brown ell's.
XI 4B tM!
V M French, ft water.
Binders have bsgaa rtinaibg.
Ths best htraiH it J J Dibruille.
J. P. Wallaoi. Physician and Hunsou Ah
baoy, Or.
A large aui iout of hsy wai dmgnl by
ths rains.
Bedsteds f roin two dollars up at W Fort
miller A Co's.
01.1 silver is worth 8.3;. por ot iu trad at
F W Carter's.
Bead & Browne) i's stuck of faiioy groceries
is untqualed.
A line lino of t ' , m l
A Browitoll'i.
uifw at Read
You are now allowed to kill all the buck
deer oa please.
All the urooerie you oati carry for a dol
lar at Head & Drowned'.
U..,, 'o,,tv hoas w.ll root whro th.v
i.U-... i 100 .1 i7.
plese by 102 msjority.
The petit Jury was not discharged ia the
trouit Oouit until Fridsy.
His shaven for a dollar and a ottan towel to
every customer, at U VierioV.
A Btiioo ttaamer bsj been added to tl
lem Ure depsrlnt oil apparatas.
for the bett oo:t'.o i t-vu-y, tdnudi. aro
oorios, oto., oillou li iir.niu k Pm.lfdr.
nSveral Jausneae studanu will tun.l
1 iuvurity at Kieue tit uomiug term.
(irouee and phesaaut will now saffer,
yos'erday being the llrstdsy to kill Hum
r - "
V -1 Kreuoh, ant Singer Msuufaotunna
i.,oppoite Odd Feilowr Temple, Aibauy.Or.
l'ick up that old gold jewelry and have it
m i i.tu a n:o gol-l riog at F W Uirtei's.
1 ho costs in the trul of the Stste st,ainst
BsRHsoofa amount to about a thoond dol
l-t week the county paid the eitahhhl
boo uiy for boar, oonr. psather and caoto
Dr. M. H. eUia, payaieiaa aad
Albany, Oregon. mle io
city or
A Court week error in our columns lost
week wa thi use of the word veoire for
The city Trury w eariaht Friday
10 a a result ot a small s ed First street
Shoes, sandal and slippers for lad'ss,
misses, children and iofanU, at Monteith
Seitenbaeh'a "
If you want to mke a hilon prsMat
get one of th sse K its i roj'ter at W Fort
miller Co's.
Seventeen aad twenty caate is being of.
fersd for erops in W.T. (joad priest, it is
clsimed will prevail.
The Salem bridge will be built. Polk coun
ty eitiaeae haye pie igad 4UO00 if tbe County
Court does nothing.
Go to Prasbaw's nw Drug Store for pure
drug, tistent hiwIiciiim, ate. Prescription
earef ally compounded,
For rent - barn iu good uaantitien, near
corner Kdswortb aud 4 h Street. For par
ticular call at this office.
Treasurer Hendricks, of Umatilla oountt
retires from the offio a defaulter to the
amount of $18,000. lie 1 a Itepubdoau.
Berkbart k Pfeiffr are doina some line
work in their Job Printing oflioe. . is
the time to gat rnm work at low Ugore.
Work baa bean !kuu on the new rati
deuc of Mr John Iom in the Third Ward.
It will b a hue building when oompLud.
o.ieof the Albany voona men is ruortel
a having lieen takn seriously sea sick while
out at the bar. Vaatua Bsy, last weak. See '.
Dr. J, P. Wailaoe ha Iceatad his utS e ia
the OToole Block just north of the lieao-
chat omoe. where ins frteods will Hud him
H H S'aua-e. at one time principal of the
R wabara schools has bean en4d to taaeb
tHa Broansville echeol. Hs i highly spoken
at ' '
G. W Mas too, Physiviao su I Smrgaoa,
Aiuaiiy. Uregon. I trul -i o tft I 'io -111011
College o Physician and Sarg us, riooin-
uati. Ublo.
We have alwsvs tmmgbt AtbisystdewJks
were bad no tjk ; hut a viait to Cortslhs
reveals the f set mat they are oompsraiiyaly
very uoe ktrucmrc.
The frame of tbe Catholic school building
IS Up. The structure will be a substantial
looking one. Tne work ia being done by
Portland contractors.
These hot days remind us that w should
be rusticating. Theie is no better plsee tbse
Waterloo. Uood eooommodsttous can be ob
tained there of J O Gross,
Should you desire to sell your nrouertv
call on Burkhart & Keeuey aa they advrtiae
protierty placed la tbcii hands, and charge
nothing miles they effect a sale.
Her J W Webb, of Salem, will deliver a
tarnMeraaee addrs 10 thi city this (Fiidavl
evening at the Court House. His dsogbter
at the tiute will tender a recitation.
Bead the adv. of the Willamette Univer
sity in thi ismeof the Daaoi-BtT. This is
one ot the b-;t education institutions on the
Coast, and is reoeiyiug a liberal pa troupe.
During the protracted meeting held at
Providence Cbnreh in the Forks of Santiam
last mouth by Key, liuosaker and Sparry,
Baptists, 10 persons were converted and
Tbe regular quarterly meeting of the
Evangelical Church wdl be held next Sab
btth. Rev Bowersox will officiate. The
Church Conference wilt take place Saturday
as I :" p. til.
W Lsir Hill, sou of Dr R C Hill, of this
city, ha bought property in Oakland, Cel.,
aud will soou inoye to that city to locate. A
man of insiked ability, Mr Hilt wilt succeed
in his profession anywhere.
'1 be special U A R edition of tbe San
Jose Alrreury is the Hnest issus of a news
paper we have ever seen from a Pacific Coast
press. It eoutaiu tweaty-eigbt pages, aud
i a volume 01 information
Rev Starr closed his set vio is a minister
in Harriburg last Sunday. That place will
probably have no religions servtoes for some
time, a there seems to be no diapontiou to
upport even one preacher.
While trying to ril" an untamed Nbre
the tirst of the week, Mr J S -Faulkner, was
thrown to the ground in such a manner at to
have his arm dislocated at ths shoulder. It
was set and is doing well. The accident
was a closo call for something more serious.
A Umatilla county paper says "it is orob.
able that no county in ths State has been
served iu a more faithful, honest and compe
tent manner tnau these gentlemen, refer
ring to tbe retiring county officers, one of
whom at the time wa a defaulter for 818.-
Tom MoNary, having had his share of
notoriety in Albany, is now working for a
reputation in Salem. As a result he was
placed io the oaliboase Moadnv for being
too pugilistic io his behavior. " We look for
some crowning act in Tom's life most any
Hon Geo E Chamberlain, who closed his
otfice as District Attorney last week, goes
out of it with tbe reputation of having dooe
nis aucy ou mi occasions, lib tilled tbe of
ncowith marked ahiltty.aud has established
an enviable reputation as a live, enurantif
To most children tho bare suggestion of a
dose of castor oil is nauseating. When phys
io is necessary for the little one, use Ayer's
Cathartic Pills. They Ootnbine every esseo
tial and va'uable principle of a oathartic
medieioo, ami, being sugir coated, are
easily taken.
A Philadelphia ooepeff has succeeded in
going through the Niagara rapids and whirl
pool in a tub. Thosu who thought he would
be churned to death will miss the chance
they expected of beitig allowed to partake of
the butter-milk.
Rev E J Thompson, w horn the Democrat
announced as having been elected President
of the Albany Collegiate Institute, has de
clined to accept tha position. The place is
not yemued. a uino gentleman is being
considered for it,
' Send Burkhart Keeuey namis and ad
dresses of friends desiring inform 1 inn of Ore
gon and they will send them copi of the
iteai miate uonveyor which contains a com
pleto discription of one county in each issus
wisn nsner aeairaoia intormctiou as weather,
market reports, etc.
On J hursday of last week while working
irounn one ot nw horses near Upper Soda,
Mr IMvid Froman was kicked in the
idomen and seriously, though not daoge.--
oosly injured. According to last rspor to he
wm siowiy improving,
Haunders has been seen over near th llv
amoug other plaoe?. By tho way it is easy to
mu any smoutn laoea sis footer ao-
wr w nis ueoriuoti. a ftw hoar time
win distort a man s feature a it t j most any
liaa v m is I I... m. I
"li iu Hie iniuu.
i r 1 - 1 . m m
vv title io ths city last week Mr Frank
rartoo laid a Hne revolver e a table at the
Mag noli Mill. When he looked for it it
was gone. Afterward it was round in the
possession ot a strapping hoy with a hd
record and returned to its owner. Tho by
iiukiii vv live
The .State Huoday School C i.ivsntioo oou
vened in Portland last MsadaB, Following
H the report given Liuo eo'inty 1 'Ltnit
Ootioty is unorganized. Ha .aiy Hohools not
iu very good condition." fit latter part of
the statement is false.
Air Daniel Hosts combined th.'t sher aud
I I . " iTsTT.
. siitiapafos- 1 m a.H..a . 11.
I v""""'",i " nv, w 1 lies that It
.gets away with all other md,i.. Eil
I J" the sale of these wooderful machines
( will be pushed in that State.
. t,
Mr JtiUm A. ..11 1..
,i V " niii.1 mi luriiieny proprietor of
s7f,;f5 HoUM' ot Uorvelli., has reutod
Mr U ioole new hotel aad will soou move
mto it. Uader him it will beeaiiad the Huss
Hmise, piobably after the well aoowu boa.e
of that name ef Han Frenoieoo.
Almost every person lis some tuttu of
uroimous poison fateut iu hi veins. VVneo
this poison develop m soiotul u .01 r, m
esr: , or eruption, rheumatism, or -.fiaoic
d 4 . .. tlm suffering is terrible 1 UtJ, viie
rfrelitedo of those who discovn tfut A yvr'm
Ssi-saMarilU wilt eradicate this yi..
There are 74 1 weaaly, 7 daily, .laemi-wek-ly
and 3 monthly newspaper, in Oregon, one every 2200 people, iu S. V
lte there is one to v.ry ;um people!
Iowa and Califeraia aie emmi the same as
ff"' ,,uVJ. r K'F to
MJU people. The aver.. . ;h U.S. is
about I to 3000 people.
We are pleased, as every frmad uf adsR.
Huadr-2. 1 2tf Huhwl ? Moaoioaiih.
2W!.-m who h.v. received
training for a loader or shorter tune have si-
SfifS ttt S ro!"" the common schools
the State, and we need feast more of
tne same kind.
Capt K J tanning has three Berkshire
pigs, which for family reUtp nuip fairly
la over anything m the Cull 11 1 1 I t,....
shipped from San Praacisoa W loonedi
ate ancestors came from England, and there
ia no question aati ilu m....... .1 .l
blood. The Berkshire is probably the fiowtt
porker known, and wa are ul,i 1 j Its J
is to have tbe advantage of them.
Seven Philadelphia newsboys engagml in a
pie-estuig match recently for
f A poll" Henate. Koights of Sosrt. The
pies were large, thick, very j.,iey. and mid e
of cherries, I he boy who. .nhmii ih. .Li
of a knife, firu. or finger. Hrt riuisha 1 hi
pi wa to have a dollar, Every buy was
psid fifty cent iu addition. The tMes were
on a narrow table, and aftnr ach buy's hand
a . J I. s Sa . Sr
xwu mi oeuioa him li i was called.
Iu He minute Jimmy Dm--arte ha,l aaten
every crumb, lukcd the plate clean, and
looke.1 liked a psiatad devil m a pantomime.
Two of the boy ware down o 1 their koeea,
having dropped their pie on the fl or.
soiHl is rB.t ;i.
Uy. lyiekaed left trx i .v I ,r
Mr W H Ifsaod I ia Ci
vn u e maty
on bUMtness,
Vio Pr wi-Uut lltjajr f t s
o. P
ssw city last Saturday.
.1 . t .r. . . w -
Mi Kste Wood, uf Kj
in the ty, tbe ut tf W 11 MeParland.
P M Hiller and wife are at San Praneian
where they will remsin d urine th. w.t.nn.i
i l A SS . -
11 n ss
Mr S ich. of Sn Pranjuoe. is ana .!..,
few week in the city, tha eneai f hm.
daughter. Mrs Walter turreil.
Hon Ueo 11 William, of Portland M.
tleman wvll know for tbe politic d note ha
has set boihov-. wa in Albv Kridsv .d
ProlJ B Heeaer. Priacioal of tha It,-..
bury school, was ia Albany Mm lay on his
way home from the Biv. IW M . le An
our beat cdasalors.
J O WrigbUmao, wife aad daughter left
last Monday by way of tne Labaooe wagon
mad for Esstera Oregon, to be gone a eon pie
month. Their head Bart era will be at
Mr Kagtae Skipworth was ia tbe city
edo4Mday on his way to Corvallis, from
Hlavillc, where he and his family are ras-
nettng. Mia S. will remain there daring
I Orton has moved to Alhsvoy, where be
baa secured a situation. We weep bitter
tears af regret, bat witl, a calm resignation
say that oar gain is their loss. If saJ Skte,
of ludspeudeuee.
Mr D D Prettymsw, of Salem, has been in
the city making arrangement for specimens
for the Oregon ear which will atari eaat
nest fall. These having fine specimens
should leave them with Burkhart k (Keeuey,
of thi city.
Among those from this city who have
been at tha Bsy recently, are Jay B ain,
wife and daughter, J H Burkhart aad wife,
(ten W Hoebstedlar aad wife, Mr Leuis
Miller, ii K Crawford, D V S Ut id and
family, Win Wstkia. Jobu Berry, Mrs
Isaac MiCiuug and son.
rateati Uraaied.
Patents granted to citlaen of the Pacific
States during the past wee and reported ex
pressly for the Democrat by C. A. Snow
Si Co., Solicitors of American and Foreign
Patents, opposite U. S. Patent Office, Wash-
ington, D. C. :
E Squires, Bcaverton, Or., Carriage gear.
M Scholl, San Francisco. Device for e
terminating burrowing animals.
J D Channel!, Nevada City, Cil..Belting.
A see. Axes.
uo to fetcra A Stewarts and examine
those tine Oregon made axes, superior to
all other. Manufactured br H. B. Dr
rlok, of Crawfenlsvllle, Lion Co., Or. Wai
ranted first class,
Jab Prlatlaf.
Burkhart & Pfelffer arc prepared to do
all kinds of printing on short notice and in
first-class style. They allow no one to un
der bid them nor do better work. Call and
Dr. J. T. Tate, Dentist, will practice one
day in each week at each of the following
named places : Lebanon on T11 sdav.
I lalsey on Thursday, Jefferson on Friday,
and will be prepared to perform operations
without pain. He will be at his office in
Albany on Mnniiy, vYeinssJiy and S-it
Hats anil Cap.
It is time to gets your spring head apparel.
A. ii. Mo 1 1 wain has a stock of hats of the
latest styles, which every man should
amine before buying.
Faaey Cieods.
The plaoe to get fancy good of all kinds,
is at Mtillwiiu's. His spring stook is here,
and there is no dUoount 01 its be'uer first.
chm. B k'gtius otfjred
Wall Paper
N. H. Allen k Co.'s new wall papers are
now arriving direot from the factory, all
grades now in stook. Call and examine it
before purchasing.
Hats and Caps.
N. H. Allen k Co., are now reoeivinsr
stock of hats and cans, ohildrsn'
straws, ia season will be made a specialty.
Died on. the evening of July 3rd at thi
residence o? her son-in-law, Dr. B. M
Savage in North Yakima, W. T Mrs
Mary Jane (Warden) Hamwn l the 74H
year of her age.
Mr. Hannon was born in Stark countv,
Ohio, in September, 1813. Her parents re
moved to Westmoreland countv, Pa., when
.1... isiS 1 t a ... as
ire whs iiui iwo years 01 age. he wa
married Nov. oth, 1835 to Rev. John E-
Hannon, of the United Presbyterian church.
Their first home was in Kentucky, whence
they removed to Elkheart county, Indiana,
In iHtH : and to Oreoon in iKei Mr
, w SB BP " " ttm mmm-i
Hannon died at their residence on the west
side of the Callpooia In 1 863, leaving Mrs.
Hannon with four sons and one daughter-
The family removed to Albany in ilfst.
where Mr. H.-mnon lived till after the
death of all her sons. She went (about two
years since; to reside with Dr. Savage. She
was well known and highly esteemed In
this community. She had enjoyed the
advantage of a lilieral education in her
youth, and although a pioneer in Indiana
and In Oregon, kept up her knowledge of
science and literature in u remarkable de
gree. She wa a member of the United
Prebyterian church if Albany ; a woman
much loved for her kindly chrUtian cliar
ecter, and esteemed by all who knew her.
8. G. I.
Asearoity of this very essential element
In the eonairuo lou of a city would ba a
aublio inhfortode. Among tha evidence
that our elty la not to be so afflicted wa
note with pleasure th - fact (hit Pengra
Whealer ACa., proprietor of the Spring
field mills, have established a depot In
th la city for tbe sale of their production
Meaar. Deyoe k Kobeoo, tbe live ma
chine men, have tbe management. They
carry aa much stock hare as the limited
room at their dis-ojsi permit, end com
munlesttien with :h mill ia so easy and
rapid that anything lacking can be prompt
IjBQpplled from tha large and complete
stack kept there. Th excel lent qoaricy of
the lumber from tbi mill reeulte from
tbe careful sawiug of tbe boat of mountain
dr and cedar, which ab iuud on tbe upper
Willamette and Its trlbatarlea.
titter t 4 lMrr.
We are 00 llivwiMg bu'ter of npr
inruaeiity to spewial oastomer in Albany.
The delivery will be mtde on teb Sstanby
by Master Carey Craaford, who h autnons
ed to receive pay meet for tha am. to
tomrs aolioited. Orders csn be laft t Uesd
k Brownrh's or with Carey Crwfnd,
J. M. M ABB.
Tar ry steal
I haya add I t my htot at tkoe stock a
tin of the cdeHrated , (;,- , fkkober 4
Mitrhell, PitiUUtph! Fi Shore for ladies,
oils. snd children. Acknowledged by
dealer generally to be the beat value and
best fitting Hne shoe made. Widths C, D, E,
aad EE. A child can bay aa cheap as a man.
Sawvsx Y. Yovso,
Sola Agent, Albany, Oregon.
A . real K e a rslea
Every one on tb go, ladies arriving ev
ery minutest ths stare of Monteith k Set
tenbacb. Eteh and ail are making their
spring selections of drees good, fancy goods,
etc., ia fact every thing aew and attractive
eaa be found there, so it you want a pointer
memorize this and give them a call.
Car arrive.
Aa exceedingly large stock of carpets in
all qualities ho just bees received by Mon
teith k Seitenbach. Tbe assortment ess
braces the newest patterns aad 00k rings
Thsse goods are being offered at very low
priose. People wanting errpets should not
fail ta see them.
For your sewing maohiaa.swine machine
needle snd extra goto Will Bros.
'The City Dry Goods Store"
Look Out for Prices.
the Acme Harrow and no fanner cat.
well afford to be without it. It is the ver
best clod crusher ami pulverizer, leaving the
ground as level a a barn floor. Bead only
by Peters awart.
HOLMES HOLMES. On July 7th, 1886,
at the residence of the bride's mother, at
Peoria, bv Rev. T. J. Wilson, Mr. O. L
Holmes, of Morrow countv, and Miss
Mary Holmes, of Peoria.
The Democrat congratulates the hap
py couple
JESTER VAUGHAN. At Seattle, July
i0th,886, Mr. Will L. Jester, Depot
Agent at Albany, and Miss Edna I
Vaughan, of Sea'ttle.
The many friends of Mr. Jester wil
congratulate him upon taking this sensibe
MARKa. On June 38th, near Leng Sta
tion to the wife of Alvin W. Marks a
BILYEU. On Saturday, July 3rd, 1886,
to the wife of W R Bilyeu -a boy.
CRAWFORD, On July 14th, 1886, to the
wife of J. G. Crawford---a bo v.
When Baby was stek, we KhtCAVKm,
Whs she wa a Child, she cried for CAJWORIa,
Wa -he became Mis, she slang te CaJrTOftlA
Wbea .ii had C Wldww, sho gr tfaesu CASTOIUA
Sheriff's Sale.
a Ms Circuit Court 0 the Stat of Oregon fy
Ltnn County.
W, W. RichsrWi Piaintiff.
v. ,
Samuel Doty and HaSMaea A raw Is.
and Riley SheJton and J r " ,
lomg business under tbe firm 1 em and
tyla of Johnson A SHelton and ft
Manufacturing Company, Defendant.
NOTICE is hereby given that bv virtu ..1
an execution and an ordr nt . i .
. mmrm wramj WHS
of the above named Court in tha above en
titled action and to mo directed snd deliv
er!, 1 will on Saturday the Utb day off
AoKiisf, IM, at 1 o'clock, p. m. at the
Cmrt House door ij Albany, Linn county.
Oregon, at public auction for c mH in hnd to
the highest bidder, sell tbe real estate de
scribed in said execution as follow, to-wit
Beginning at tbe northwest corner of th.
I uorthwon quarter of tbe south west ouartar
of eatsaa thirty-five io Township ten south
of Range one west ; thence east t senty rode
thence sooth twenty rod ; thence wee
twenty rods to the Section lias between
sections thirty-four aud tmrty-Qve
thence bearing north of west roe
tbe northetst quarter of the south
east quarter of Section thirty four in Tp. 10
I R 1 VV to within fifteen rods s-mth of the
northwest corner 00 the hue of the north
wet quarter of tbe southeast quarter of Sac
tion thirty-four in Tp. 10 S it I W ; toeae
north thirty-five rods ; them beaiiug south
of east across the northeast quarter of Section
thirty tour io Tp. 10 8 R I W to within
flfteea rods north of the northwest corner of
tbe aotthweet quarter of the southwest
piarter of Section thirty -fiy iu Tp. 10 S K
1 W ; thence south to tbe place ot begin
amg. all in Linn county. Oregon, and eon
uMoing 20 acre. Toe proceeds of sale ta he
ipphed : Fiist to the payment of the cost
nd disbursement of thi sou taxed at $37.65
tnd the east of this sale. Second to the
CMivment of the eUim of Plaintiff herein to
ant, the snm of 1709.67 aad accruing iatat
st thereon at the rate of J pr eaat per
annum from June 28th, 1866. aud the further
im of $75 Attorney fees. Third to th
isyment to the said defemlaot Hiley Saalton
b sum of $424.76 and accruing interest
hereon at tbe rate of 10 per cent p. r ae
on m from June 28th, 1886. and tbe farther
urn of $43 as Attorney 'a fee. Fourth W
the payment to the Sm ter Maoufaetarp g
i'oa.;any the sum of $M W sud aociung
interest at the rate of ) per cent par ae
BtMB from June 28th, 1886, and tbe overplus
if any to be paid to thi said Setaus! Doty
hi heirs or assigns.
i:d tbb I4'.h dsy of Jnly. 1886.
D. & flstrTH,
Sheriff of Lk-n county, Oil
per Jaji, J. CuaBLTox, Dmuty.
Oragonlacific W
aly Ikfopular If
m g icturesqaefl
l ine tlBBC ! Mure- rsssseilss f
Maw ealpmesisa ! 2tS in ilea
nhorter! 20 bours leaatiase!
Aocomnaod stiona U AflUsf OssUMsWl frr rrkiit
fort and seXsty. Fare and freight M t e n
Ugbb than by anv other ronte betwsssn all
f olnm in tbe Willamette Valley and Sea
f rancisoo.
Where for moderate cu
can enjey
pensea you
Surf Bathing,
Beach for driving and walking,
Fishing in river and brooks,
Hasp Sea Fishing,
Hotels and better accommodctiexs,
Than at any other Summer raeort 01
he coast of Oregon,
Daily fattr it per trains exceft Snnaerys,
Leave Corral Us at 2 p. x. Leave m
quina at 7:11 A. at,
Oregon Jt California West Side t aias
connect si Corva'.lm.
Oregon A CalifornK East Side traina
ooaaeot with stages at Albany at 12:06 r x.
Kound trip ti net at exmir-ton ratea
god tilt September 30th.
rsoa rsoeiXA.
rsoa saa rass
Monday. Jolv I-TU
T ies lay, July 6th,
SuturvUjr. July 17lh.
TiunUr, Jnly 29th.
T ieiy, Aujf. lUi.
raOBf. Jul Ord.
Wedneeday, Aujr. Ilk.
Moitdsy. AOf . lSUl.
satunlay, Au. Wth.
s irnUj, Aug. ttthl.
Fares, -Rait ind
cabin. $14 Rail and
steerage, fd.SS.
For information apply to
"- U04.1K,
U. K. aad P. Aeot, OsrvaOls,
Willamette University,
350 StudeufB. S73 Gradnafe.
L-partmcnts of Literature, .tr, Medicine,
Afntii- and Art,
Qii Is board in Woman's OaMeue with
nl !.? furnished room,, $3 50 iei weak.
Boys' and young men's hoard iu tLa
Vouuk Men's
A. building just pnrcbssed and remodeled
with 20 rooms.
$1.30 per week.
The ycuug men are expected to sunnlw
Uieir furniture, wood and litrht. .nd ivv
oae dollar per tnenth room rent. This is
the most reasonable livintr to students
hich the I'niveralty has ever offered.
The President boards in tbe hall and haa
.he supervision.
First term begins September O h, Cat-
ogue sent free.
t. vax scei
tail Prad.l-iht, Slem, Oregon,
For Sale.
The Sublimity Hotel, with its feU stable sad 11
!ot, at a sacrifice. Price 1850, one third of iu origin
1 cost. Title perfect. Inquire of H. Kiss, Aumsville.
And all other needed by the farmer
during the harvest season are specialties1
Coshovv & Cable,
Brownsville, Or.
Eugene City.
IBjBlfilJSXOXsT 1S80, 1887.
First term begins September ISth, lfta
'3jcure free scholarships by applying to
your County Superintendent,
Board urn! lodging, fer x'.vek, $3 to $j.
Tumojf ran yjjab :
Elementary Englia Department SSO.O
Other Departmeuis $40.0
Write postal for catalogue with full par
tloular?, to
ruop. .tnus K.
Secretary Faculty,
Eugene City, Oregon,