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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1886)
Mr'k treetr U. P. Chubch. rrechingevory Sabbath, t 11 a. m , ami 7 P. M. by Rsv. R. O. Ir Tin, D. 1). Sabbath School st 2:80 F. M Prayer meeting every Wednesadsjr evening. Kvanuki.icaj. Chuhch. Prftchinon Ssb vth at 10. SO a. M. , Mid 7 r. M. Habbath .school 11:45. Prayer meeting very Wed nesday sveuing 7:30. 6. K. Davis, paator. All are invited. Conorbuation al Church. Servioeeevery Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 12:15. Praj rrayer mwtr f. on w. Thursday evening of each week. Harris, paator. M. & CHCnon.SoCTH. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'eloeh A. m. Sab bath School at 10 oclook A. M. Prayr meeting every Thureday evening at i :80 o'oJock. F. M. Culp, Paator. M. K. CttcacH South,Tanot. Preach ing every Sabbath, at 3:30 o'clock, r. ml Sab Uth School at 2:30 o'clock, P. M. K. M. Culp, Paator. M. E. Cuobck. Praaohlnjt avary Sabbath al 11 a. ML and 7 r. m. Song aervice in the evening before aermon. Sabbath School at 2. 30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thurs day evaaiug. Kcv. 11. P. Webb, paator. PmawrrimiAN CHtracM. Sarvioe evanr Sabbath mnrnina and evonina in Church oor. Broailalbiu and Fifth 8ta. Sunday School at 2 30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wedneaday evening. Rsv. laaao H. Condit paator. Finn Baptist CucatH. t 'reaching even Sabbath at 11 o'clock a. in. .at Church on fith Street. Sabbath School immediately after marmng service. Prayer meeting e erv Thurariav avaaina at 7:30 o'clock. T l firewneon, paator. IMPORTED CLENALD. afiS W Inner at the Centennial In 1876. I in rted into the 1 lilted Siaiea by Jama urra. Me waa aired y ite great wen Erizw winner Johnny Capp. His dam wa y th Justly renowned Uienald. Import ed Ul. aald stand 17 handa high and welgba '200 pouuda. For at via no horee of his alae can excel him. Clenald la chief of the Clyde. Bone and feat not excelled bv any other draft class. Farmer ihoald bear In mind that fine large horse are in good demand and are always saleable. Albany, Friday and Saturdays. alsj, Br uce'a farm, Mondays and Tues-1 dava. CJorval ha, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Terms, S10, 16, Care taken to prevent accident but no responsibility assumed. Good pasture wil tie furnished al Corral lie far maree at a distance. Ow ned by E,Schleffelln, lnglea, Oregon. J. W. Duxar, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -,VIA- Oregon & California It. R, AND CONNECTIONS Ttaae tare and eae-half Fare from Portland to San Krancta, Bt ; te Sacra n.ntu tSU. LU-m connects i nunle Ahlaod w.lh at Ua CaUIonua, ortj. (DAILY t.i'i SIX DAYS.) feast tide Dl Ulaa. BETWEEN PMTa.VM AB Aetl.a.l. all Trata. ucava. aaaiTS. Portland... v.... 7:30 aa I Albany 11:46 a a Albany l:Si r a Aaalaad :V a a Aahlaud 9 30 ra Albany , U: Albaay. lUra Poruaad ,:5ra Albaay Cxpreaa Trala. ULavi, aaaiva. Port.and . .4.-00 r a 1 Albaay A r a Albaay X r a Lebanon K' 4.4a a a I Albany.. Albany JJU a I Portland. . . 10M a M Falsnaii ralaee Slaapiag Care daily The O and C K K Kerry Um refolar train on law of F Street. with all Wert B Me W BETWEEN PelTLAHS AS CBBVALL1S. Bali Train, taava aaarra Portland 8:00 a M t ConrallU 4 JO r GervaUia h:30 a a Portland XWr Exnreaa Trala. LBAVB. Olltl Portland A00 r a i BcMinnylll A"00 r a BcBinnvUlo ....LAI a a Portland b:30 a a Local tick eta lor eale and battgace checked at coco ' un.LivnuAi t .r atArk and Saaoad III aaie Tiekate for nrineinal iA..l in California can only be Comer K KrontSU , Portland Or, Preiirht id fo ebipnient afur flea o'clock p. Eaat or Wot Hide IhvUiooa. ... not t OM rithr the B. KOEHLEB, Manager E. P. ROGERS, O. . PMSAtarjt. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THE BEST COUGH CURB that the world ver produced. Br. Bealey'a Cough urn ha nA aa equal on . u 4 to aleaa Irhallenga tea world lor al.eSU W rooae muj , i. , r .r. ii on, now M. oiark" i beat it In proasptaaaaia curing a a oun or v-io. asawSMM take ike ad rlMoluuM o.onecr of tt: vn on Ui caaae m . IP'Don't run the ruk ol pour own Ufa or your i..oren on "gar uiu .itr, it ha aeui naaa uw!m tAthaar loaar aeasas uu will fiml more vir um .1, fine "I vueav . ii .ttlea than in a pint of n cough inixturee. JlThato U one thing very al.,... aS mmm drfi't kill the ISWORTH ITS xiu'h the cough la ura WEIGHT IN GOLD. Ito kill you.' " Be ar- er the trade mark The vale, on the bottle. wiiouaaALB AOSjiTa, f.LL, HEllrHI at WSSBWABO. PORTLAND, OEIiGOJf. 4tM MA V. J. C. SENDERS. MAY SENDERS. Dealers in G;ne;al Merchandise. HAHRISBURG - - - - QRECXti W.H bay Grain, Wool and all kinds fonntry produce. Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Jor Polk County. Lewis Kelso, Plaintiff. a. John H Dove, B C Dove, E V Dove and D u Dove, Defendants, "OTICT3 is hereby given that by virtue ot an execution and an order of sale iasue iasoed out of tbe above named Court in tbe above entitled action and to me direct ed and delivered, I will on Saturday tbe 17th day of July, 1886, at tne hour of one o'clock, p. m. of ssid day at the Court House door in tbe city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder sail the real estate heretofore attscbed in said action and described ae follows, towit : The northeast quarter of the nortbeaat quarter of Section eleven (11) Township Na. ten (10) South of Kan fee No. four (4) west of the Willamette meriuian in jiun county, Oregon, oonlaining forty sores more or less. The proceeds or ssie to oe appnea : First to tbe payment of the costs of suit taseu st $32.70 and tbe costs of and npen said writ. Second to the payment of Plaintiffs claim to wit;seven huudrad ami twenty-five and 01-100 dollars with inter est at '.he rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 14th day of Mav, A. O 188. Dated the 17th day of June, 186. J- K. OsXaJttVTOX, Sheriff of L.iuu cuuuy. Oregon, par Us. J, CitABMON, Deputy. Red CrownMills IS0M, LANNttfG & CO., PROPR'S. NSW FiOOW N.OUR SCPSHIOR FOR KAMI UBS AM. BAKXKH USE. BEST STORAGF FACILITIES. Highest ;Price in Cash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. AMERICAN FARMER FREE a- To all our Subscribers ! 11 our subacrlbers who will pay their subscription accounts to tbla paper In full to data, and one year In ad vance, vi ill be presented with one year's subscrip tion to THE "AMERICAN FAKMER !" A sixteen-paire Agricultural Magazine, publlabed by K A. K, Ilackett, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and which la rapidly taking rank as eneof the loading Agrlcul taral Dublicalionn of the country. It la devoted eacluaively to the intereats of the farmer, atock breeder, dairyman, garden er, and their household, aed every aimoio of Induatry connected with that ureal por tion ol the people hi tne worm, me isrm- . i .i . i a i, or. Tna anoaenpiion prion ia one nouar per year. Fsrnier can not well gat alomr without It, It puta new ideas Into their minds. It teaches them how to Term with nroflt to themselves. It makes the home hiDv. the vouiitf folk cheerful, the growler contented, the duwueast happy, snd the demagogue hor-eat. gAUSAQK MILLS, We have a m at u'.i r that I h mu h an improvement over the old raahinnod na linage mill as J. I. Case Agitator la over a flail, it uoii i ciog aipi leaves no atringa la th tr eat. Come ana eee It. MMUN1TY from ANNOYUICE Hade owfy of the flneat aa4 Bestejnat lty ofUlaaa far wlthafaiKtlwg sveaa. Every oood thing is Counter faited, and oonBumors are CAU TIONED atralnst IMITATIONS of these Chimneys made of VERY POOR OJLAS3. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top Is always clear and bright Glass. Manafaetanrad OJtLY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. PlttatMarsjh I-eaMl Olaaa Worka. FOB BALE BY DEALERS. a iii' in jwiiiii - i " Or. son Facific Kaiiroid. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAM FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA DAILY TRAINS Trataa Leave Corvallia, Daily, except Suous j s, a p. m. Traies Leave Vaqniaa Dally, except Sundaystt 7:10 a.m. The fine i I Stoapr "Iaqama"8ail8 rt'Md TAQC15 A. Tuaaliy, July uth, Satarday, July 17tb. Ttiurday, July SMB. Tueaday, Aug. Unh. Sunday, Aujf. 2ind. raoa was raAacraco, Mmclay, JoW lHh. Kri'Jay, Julr ird. Waditaalay, Aus. 4th. . noiiday, Aug-, lath. arm day, A u t: l. ThaCanipii raacf)t the right to ehanga aailing daya. Kara end in I, -hi t ndaced and moJr4t rata. Hirer toita on ttn Wi iunetta eomiact at On-vallia Low (are t and ratcc. i n fur Mvr lot iitmitlw ap ply to C . MOt.l K. A. G. F. and 1'. Agent, 4rvallta. DR. HENLEYS WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, M THE BOSS OF THE WOULD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nervoua headache curul in three minutee and Toothache in three tecortda. For all paina ami aehea it haa no equal in the world Small bottle, oOcta. Large InHlle, SI. -pOR SALE, One half block In esstrn part of the city with fair house snd barn wili besold obsaj vous DEBILITATED RS2N. Van aro allowed a free tr, Uw of Dr. Dye'a cL-Ulirnl Slectrlc 8u8MTiory Atili rcJIef arrt ijcrmr.iw iit ( of VUaUtuami Uanhatuf. -i Also for many other dacr tlon to Hcalih, Vlcor and No rial U Incurred, in.. i,v Mx.Utiit mailed fr'', Iw VOLTAIC BELT ( rty dayttot the il.'lt Wltil i- rha speedy Heiiilitu.lotm id red trouhlea. i;.lt'fe reatorn i sruarantewf. tiUiotlaacafei rshall, Mich, FARMERS! ATTENTION Uso only the California Hand Forged and Uand Finished SACK NEEDLES with Cutter in tbe eye. Each needle guaranteed. Price, 50 cents. Ask your dealer for them, or order from the manuiacturers, WILL at SIS Market Jstsv S. F, e Hltfl NET. irk i 111 Is Dot ulh) Misml i. ih to jiuwi'M, ii. The luliit t blHMl ui .s Ik' wfflVtl' luidvimiii i' t. iii': u In llltMi, tlw put '.ii vi (idiiit li'vi ai ii' He, snd to Mtl!lli ti VutllrtSH! Ii liiinr it Ihim Uvtl iiiiowi ' to i t'liii i, Tin. Kiu-ii I'iiupN -,.' iMlll, Nkil- di dl V I'll. I ' ! Ol' ItlltlHI II. . Iilwillild''. Ol' inn :ior, W oh of NttlUlV vvaruUig oi' (lie pofpw'tilil llvra f m-i-fi , Ayer s Sarsaparilia l tin- vu muni) I hat ran bo raUstl upon, in nil cuava, lo eradleste ilii- taint of heretl liiu x iIIm-hkc mid tin aiHt'ltil I'orrtiptlutiH of tin' hkMMl. It l tln only ntti'i'itlli' thai i auMt'h'Ully powerful lo tborougbl.i eleaisa) I he avatem f Hrrofuloua suit Mrrrnrlul linpiultl.N and tin- olluloii (if i 'Mlt.U'Jt.l-S HUl'.lv II sjso IK it- tnillat th poNoiiN Irn lr Dliththerln sihI HfMrlct Fever, iitpl pitubl' rsplil reeuneratloti from tls' cnfi-cblentcut uiul dvbifily PiitiM'il by llivac dUenNpa. Myriads of Ciuvm Aohletrd by AYKIt's H.tKSaPAMILl.A, In tin pt Tirty puin, nr.- itt t tt tl, nnl t bio U no I IihhI djneaar, st all )oaalbie of cure, that will not yh'kl to It. l'hatevri' tin iiiinn hi - of i In- claM.nud wherever fotuul, from the scurvy of the Arctic ctrrlo to the Mvehliaorjn" of Houth Afrlea, thla rem eily liua sfforditl heulth to the MiflVrera by whom It Witi etnployeil. IlrutntUta everywhere pan elte nuineroui eaw. Itlo In thVlr .. i knowlcthre, of iviuark able ettrea wrollifhl It, where all other tn al iiH'tit hail betti utiavsillng. PtHtple will tio wvll to Trust Nothing Else than Avr.u'H StnAr.Rti.i.A. Nunirrotu erude mixture are offered to the pulille ss "blood purifier," which only allure the pat ten! with the pretenae of msiiy i-heap Iom-, ami with which ll la foil) te -p rlmetit while diwaae la alcadily he eaSlBlf more deep-acated ami llrtl ult of me. .mr of lheM' mUturea do IIIUcIl laaihiir harm. Ib-sr In mind that the only ttiediehte that can radtcslty purify the a i i :- I ia Ayer's Sarsaparilia, 1'HP.PAnP.U BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sokl by sll drtunrtta ; nrice ft, alx bottit-a for fo. F. P. NUTTINC. Co , caoiud 40.POW,000, Inaur in an BSwSBtta. aafa oatpany 0 R OPE AND CHAIN. f ll alzea, aa well aa baiter chain efeow hrl s dottclialna, rope halters, etc., for " IVtora t Stewart. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of aila of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. TUTT'S 25 YEARS IN USE Tas Oraatsst Ma Trinrap omph of the Aga! 8YMPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVER. l.oMoinpiM'ilip, Baweleeaetlaa, Palalt th. head, with a Sail aaaaaitea la tba bark part, Iaia aaar Ike ab.alaVr SlaS., Futtn.aa aftrr raitng. with a 41a lm llantlaa to rx.rttaa of had as salad, IrrttaMUiy .fieaaewr, Iw a.lrlf. with n frrllas of hn viae araloeted aesse daty, v . arlarwa, IMaalaaaa, Flattrrlas as the llrart. Iia brfere the eyea, lleadaeke avrr the right ere, Kewtleaaeeaa, wtib fiifal dreaaaa. Ulahlr celeeed t'rlae, and CONSTIPATION. TTTT riLLSara.apecU in aiwli mr. ono dnao ffc chanc''vffeltiiffaatoaatmitati th atiffarer. aaae the ApastslStSBd aa ou Hr.h, u, . tl . an-! l.rib-trTaate At .iy t. Taka It. .trn l tetion aa Moartaaad tb IMsaaura pmntiel. I'flc BSa. 44 1 TltTT'6 UI Itlwwatii r. Oranoa.II larMtaalaaro B VI I W ifwlBS S S Bate cm vt If aib or WuiaKKHS ehanaed to a (.!.- -r i.i. m k t.v a aln1n applleatlon of thl- Irr.. It ttnparta a natural oolor, arl h.atai.taiirwialy. WM by Pnifslata. or aeat by extm-a on rt-colnt of ft. Office, 44 Murray St., New York, aTrak.r' TerbafralKlra, A ball is ons wLo operates to de press tba value of stocks, that he may buy for a rise. A bear is one who sells stocks for future delivery, vhieh he does not own at the time of sale. A corner in when the bears cannot bay or borrow tbe stock to deliver io fulfillment of their contracts. Overloaded is when tbe bulls cannot tske and pay fcr the stock thoy have purchased. Short is when a person nr party sells stock when they bae none, and ex pect to buy ox borrow in time to do liver. Long is when a person or party has a plentiful supply of stocks. A pool or ring is a combination formed to control the price of stocks. A broker is said to carry stocks for his customer when he has bought and is holdia? it for his account. A wash is a pretended sale by special agreement between buyer and seller, for the purpose of getting a quotation re ported. A put and call is when a person give so much f er cent lor the option of buying or selling so much stock on a certain fixed day, at a price fixed the day the option is given. PILLS nurrar wt... . id nvc 19 1 1 OTUasp PKR80MS I Not a Truss, Wfa twttnL KMDAY JULY 0, 1886 TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, EDIT K BT TBB Women'i Chriitiia TeBpernei Dilti atari wii'iiaaBSMasssassssasasaassBsasasBBSsm hCIBXTirit! TRMPKBAiltK BILL. Wa append bill paucd by Coo gtt'ss, ss wa bart bad many request for it. a mix To pravida for the study of the nature of alcoholic drinks and narootioa.and of their efleots upon tba buman system, in connection with the ssrst al diviaiona of tba subject of physiology and hygiene, by tba pupils in the publio schools of tba territories and tba District of Co lumbia, and in tba military and naval academies, and Indian and catered schools in tba territories of the United States, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of It spreseatatlrea af tba United States of Amerioa, in Congress assem bled, that the nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics, and special instruction as to their effects upon tba human system, in connection with the severs! divisions of th subject of phyai dogy and hy gieoe, sbsll be included in tba branches of s.udy taught in the oommen or public schools, snd in the military end naval sobools,aad shall be Studied and taught as thoroughly and in the same manner as other like rraiired branches are in ssid schools, by tbo use of text-books iti tba banda of tba pupils where other branches are thus studied ia said schools, and by all pupila in all said schools, throughout the terrttories,in the military and aavai academies of the United States, end in the District of Columbia, and in all Indian and colored aonoola tu tba lenitoriea of the Untied States. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the proper officers in control ef any school described in the foregoing see tten ts eofoiee the provisions ef this sot ; end any such officer .school director, committee, superintendent, or teacher, who sbsll refuse or neglect to earn ply with tba requiremeate of this est, or shall neglect or fail to make proper provisions for the instruction required end in tba msnner specified by the first section of this set, for ail ; upits in each and every school under his jurisdiction, shail be removed from office, and the vseaney filled aa in other eases. 8bo. 3. That no certificate sbsll be granted to eny parson to teach in tba public schools of the District of Colum bia or territories, after the first day of J an i ism , anno demini eighteen hundred and eighty 'eight, who has not passed s satiafsctory examination to physiology and hygiene, with special reference to the Datura and rffecte of sloobolic drinks and ether nereetiot epon the human system. President Cleveland prweeuted tba pen with which be aigned the S ntibe Temperance Instruction Bill to Ur. Hunt. Mi-. Mary B Wiilard and Mm. L A.. Hagana are planniag to do soma eflVotive tamne-anea work during their snntner j aruenua t) tba Conttoant. They will attend tbeOertasn tetnjer anna sonferenea to be bald in Hamburg, and slso tba 0-rmn Methodist ccrfer. see at Zurich, which will be presided orar by Bishop Foss of tba United States, Mrs. Wiilard ex pacts to pre sent the World's W. C. T. U. at this meeting, snd ia this way will raacb a lsre number of tba ministers of Oar- many sad utge tbero to coma out and work to ssva tba Faderland from the turse of intemperance. a- W eat . l aoe tit, teentytwo cities, t am or counties in North Carotins voted an license, eleven ol them want nolicenset smoag them tba state capital, Raleigh. To count tba annual dtiuk bill of tba United States iu dollnrp. would tak one parson. working day and night, say enteeo ycats. A TempetMnce Angling Aociation has been recently started st Nutting ham, England. One of the sdvaatngea of the temperance reform is that it can be linked with anything. In tba album of Mrs. President Hayes, Dr. J. G. Holland wrote these weighty and truthful words : "Women only esn make wine-drinking unfssh lonable, and heal the nation of its curse. "5,000 R tEBELS OP BERK. Suit for $10,000 Jarcages bss been commenced by G org A. and Praderick W. Bowman, beer sellers of Marshall tewn, Iowa, agairnt the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad fer its refusal to transport 5,000 barrels of bser for the plaintirT,froea Chicago to Marshall town. The railro d declines to carry the beverage for fear of the Iowa stat ute making it a penal offence to take liquor iuto tbe Slate. Bowman Bros, bought 5,000 bsrreh at $6,50 per bar rel, tbe payment being conditional en their getting it into Iowa. The North western road refused to take it. Bow man Bros, assert that beer is sold all over Iowa, and if ouco they succeeded in getting into tne state they eould sell it for $8 per barrel and not be molested. The refusal of the company to trans ports it is to be made the cession of a lest of the validity of the Iowa law. S4YS TUB Sll ILIIBKN Detrimental food which, by reason ef their superior strength, may not ssri ously affeet the health of adults, ai is well kuon, frequently acts upon the more delicate organs of tbe child to produce disoideis ef tbe most serious character. The amount of laudanum of other poison that would be harmless a ..... 9 I. Ml aS S .a aa to an aauit win osuse tne death ot an infant. This great difference between tbe vitality of adults and ebildren is too generally overlooked in the prepar ation of food. Bseauss no barm im mediately perceptible somes to tbe ad ult by the use ef an article of food, do thought is given to the effe ot it may have upon the more delicate organs of inferior age. Children diet, largely upon cake and bread, and these article, 'ii ligbt,sweet and composed of materials that are free from inj urious substsnees, are easily digested, nutritious and wholesome. There is a danger to our children, bow ever, lurking in their bread and cake which is too often leet eight of. These articles are now leavened largely by baking powders, and when pure and wholesome baking powders are used thay make not only tbe most palatable taod, but one much more wholesome and nutritive than if leavened with yeaat or oresm of tartar and sods. The trouble arise from the fact as abowo bv recent scientific tests by tbe Gov ernment chemists and by official boards of health, that all tbaaa bakisg powders, with tbe single excepiioo of tba Royal, ooo tain either lime, e.uui, phosphates, er acids of an injurious character. Therefore when bread or eake is made with tbe USO of tbls aheap baking pnw- deis tbeae ingredients (which are pres ent through the effotts of tba manufac turer. to produce a obeaper article) pass into the food aed are taken imo tbe delicate organs of ebtldbood where tby are tbe souroe of very much of the dia. ease with which ear ebildren are at- flitted. Persona who have not strong con- stitations.grewlng girls, young children and nuraicg mothers are particularly liable te tbe evil effects produced by tba introduction of the adulterants named as found in tbe cheap baking powder. Heartburn and tbe preval ent forms of indigestion sre often sole ly traceable to tbe ection of alum on the delicate coats of tbe stomach. Prof. Wsiiara Parker, U. 3. Surgeon-General Hammond, Ptof Alonxo Clark, most eminent pbyaiciana New York, with score of otbars.bava written and spoken meet earnestly ol tbe evils arising from partakiog of sucb food, f here should be ss much Care in tba ohoioe of a bak iag powder io obtaining pure milk or in baviog a prescription compounded from pure drugs snd not from poisone Tba matter is ooe of tba graateat tuj- aortaooe, particularly to tbe rteina: gen eration, and ahf Out inrvait aw makers era making up their m ae to tbe proper leifUletion to atop the aala of tbe poisonous compounda, moth- will do we.l to at tide it earefully Tbe bouaekeeper will exririee t in convenience io diaCaiding be ua of i adulterated baking powder, if eh baa been uaing it, aa tbe Royal B an g Powder ipon 'ha pmity ai d ti..- semen ss of wbieb all tbe Goveri.mot Chemists agree, ta equally aeoaa-itda ; but she will need m eaerctsa a che watch a poo ber packages froau ibr grocer in order to prevent tbe inferior brands from creeping into her kitebea unawsres. Io wbat wa have felt it oor duty to say in reference to theauhji-et f baking powder there is no iofentior to dta- psragf tba worker the pntducis uf tha. maiiv manufacture! in oth-r tin a t food products who, with conactentiuua. nass and liberaliiv, am serving t puHie with pure and wbuie owe arm ea of diet AftvTaKB LIFE SITED Mrs. Hsiriet Cummtngs, of Cincin nati. Ohi. writes : Early laat winter my daughter waa attacked with a ae vera cold, which eettled ou her lunge. Wa triad aeveral medicine, none of which seemed to do bar any good but sh continued to get worse, and bnally raised large amounts of tlod from ber luogs. We called in a family physi. clan, but be failed to do her any good. At this time a friend, who had been cured by Dr. Win. Hall'e Balsam for the lungs, advised me to give it a trial. We then got a bottle, and ahe began to improve, and by the una of three bot tles waa entirely cured." u aw aw aa a nnira n POWDER Absolutely Pure. TRiia powder ne er Tariaa. A marvel ot purity, atrength and whoiaaoma&eas. Mora eoononaical than tba ordinary Simla, and cannot be aold in com petitkm with tba multitude of low teat, short woight, alum oruhoaphata powders. Sold only ih r Borax Iujuxe Powjbbs Co., IOC Wall -at., Y. A Safeguard. nil",' r ' riPldfy wiili which slight t Ulan u.i-l t oughs frcijucniiv ilvvt h, Info Him fcjuveat iisaladfca. of (be tlmiri' una Iuiik, U a consideration whii h hvn!.l lllllH'l cvi'i'v iiriiili.nt u. ........ ... i. ...... .. ,iai,."., iwitaehold frtiredv, n hot ouiit K H" Klvca mi. Ii iniiiK dilute relief snd worka ao aure it eure liuilhifleeHoiM 01 tlila elaaa. That eminent phvajeliiti. Prof. l, . Hweetxer, of lue JUuliie Mediei! Hiliool, liruuawick, Me., htiym "Mrdleni a. l.-nr,. )0. proAwed no ottwr anrt dvi.n ea.cturatit ao khm1 aa Ariot'a Chkhmy laiTOKAt,. Iu. liivaluaUlo fur dlaosaaa of tba tliluut uuu lunga," The same opinion la expreaaed hy the well-l fi.,wn lr. L Adillaun, uti'hhw, ill., who sayat "I liara ni-rtr foiiml, In thirty fir yaara t4 ..iitlmioua atutly and vra tlc of mt dii-lita, an; i'r iarntl(a ut m gn at valuaa Arsu'aCHKu.Y l' TOlAI., fur tn-nlmvitt of illm ,f f)M, Dir. mi ami lunara. Jt not only Hreaka up colla ml i in- .-v-rf rousfia. tnt la more (Tr-ih, ihnn nrivtlilns lao In rrllovlns van Itw- mt r i.!) hrom lilal nnd uluMaary aff.rtj(,a." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral l as4 a new elulmnnt for piiitnr emo il.nee, hut S medicine wliM h U l.l iv --in Ho. mm . of the tlilnl ifeiieratioh who have eom Into being auiee It wna llrf olfen .) to the ptihlle, There U uuf u houaehold In wltleli thla 'iivalunhie rt'tnedy has once In-en fth iH.iuecil where, ifa uac boa ever been whiiiidotttd, ami there Is not a iwramt who haa evrr given It s proper trial rr any throat or lung dlMi. Miae-p-Hble of cure, who has not been msdo well bv If. AYrJIt s i IfKltUY TECTOttAI. haa, In iiumlx-rleaa Inataueea. mred oballnute . rt,.-. of hrotilc lironeliitja, lArnygitla( nnd even tti'iih 1'iicMinonlo, jukI baa aaved many puiieu'a In tire earlier alairea of I'uliiionury " t .uptloii. It U a metieiiM that only n quires to lie taken in mall naaea, I plcaaant to the tsati-, ami ia lined' d hi every Itouae where thefu sro ehliijr-n, there la nothing ao cood aa A Yr.K'M CIIKICKY I'FXTOKAI. for treat-i.i.-ul of (.'roup and Whooping; Cough, Tfiea are all iitsln fsria, whieh esn be verified by anybodv, nnd abould be re merubrrvd by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral rttKrABEb BY Dr. J. O. Ayer Co.. Lowell, liaae. Hold by all drujgfsts. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. QRLAT WESTERN A Q H PITTSBURG. f . U.S.A. 2 arSarA4t.Rrmins1s)Jaew.nolJar1.nailard. 5 tt'li.-! Smith A Wa..... Ilhira. Whliary. f, Matter. IMBIUI, '! all .llirr Aa.rnrati f 1' "Ilia Uvnr IUS ai.d llv4vrra. All kla4aW .mnir.Ui.rtV lUrnnrl-t. lUrharda...n. ;.n. - ; t. Woai.fy, Hir hard v au'l taferr fin lUmroMiaaa Hum. Iran J Ut fsao. Atw a fln lot .4 MosatavfaMwttnx IllS-a and Khi Ouoa. lti. Xata. a T.'kl aa.l fM mak.-r' maiarlala. all al van y low ptrn. Han 'UOt ror I laxga BSMaSSSSa CSaraTStMSM ..i- r. -....a ipcr- ARDWAREOF ALL KINDS. Aim, mattock a, hruab booka. pick a alrvrt.ajS'Ia, forkm. grloatnnH. wbssl bsrrowm. wringpra, ropsat, and alrooat svttrythioK rou want, en ba bavd oaasn for cnab s Ptrs A Ntasrart. F. M. MILLER, A ttorney and Counslor At law. LEBANON, OREGON. WlllpraeUea In all tbe Courts la tba Has B AKN DOOR HANOINGN, Are si wava breaking onleaa rni hava tbe kind anld by Peters A Htewsrt, of AU Han, 'fhev sre mate ot wrought iron eannot Jump the rswk and will laat a life time, ikm't Dsn another barn door un til yon have aen 'hem. O aiva nr vena cum: u aaueal Marc ft nnU firpU, eat k jar, STlMl paRn, a- an- tsaalasvsVasmstvaa 3. OOO lMuatratlona rlel llrftr " r- . tuvKS VU aeaala Frk,, t.'l rcoocta far 8 a, how to 9SN1 or a-rery- t-raamal cr r.m.i rr-Jar, &nal fjiyra i tb.; jrea ttie. or I -.. t n avbSw 'I iiJUll: contain I or t ! ' - m.uUrl. " tin- t.vUl. Wc all u .U a orjr I UK.: to amy ad tfrt rrrt i(t oflOctn. fo ixettruy i- . . i.laii4i. !Hu;iinr fitiin you. KaapriraJ1r MO- "GOMERY WARD & CO. 7 6c 939 W Avreae, K UU IU. o. k, woLvaexoi, O. U, 1HYIXE, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, A rTOBNEYH AT LAW Jafrn 'Tltti up stsira in'Froman's Brick ALBANY, OREGON- 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kindsof merchandise. All orders from the country filled on short notice for every class or kind of goods from flrat-olaa stock. Absolutely no cbsrges or commission will be charged or filling ordeis, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentieo's, Portland, Or PATENTS OUulned, and all otbar buainaaa in the U. S. Paten unloo attuiuleilvu to lor moUcrale foi'. Our ofllce la 0(hwU the U.S. Patent Offlee, and ve can obtain Patunla luaa tiioo than tboae rnut from WafklSftsa. Send modlo ordrawlnsr. We aifv to patent aoiuty free of charge ; and we make o charge unlaws we notain tiatont. We refer here, to the Poatmaster, the Supt. of Money 'Order 1)1 v. and to officials of the U. 8. Patent OSioc. For circular, advice, terms, and efereiicoa o actual client in your own (state or county, address c A. mow a, co. OMPosite Patent OfBce, Washington, D . The moat ponulnr Weekh toaclanc, aieonanioa, enmniv v :. lions and uatunto ever Dub bar illustrutrd witt aplendid emrravinisa. Tina publication fnmiithcaamoat -valuable encyclopedia of information which no pron should be withoar.. The popularity of the WoiEjmrio Amkrioak ia auch that ita circulation nearly equals that of all other papera of its clasa couibined. Price. $3 a a year. Diacount to Club. Sold by all newsdealer MUNN 4 CO., Puhlislisrfl, ho. 3C1 RroaUwar. K. , ATENTS. Munn & Co. have also hd Thirty- EIHt years' tirautico betoro I the Patent OfBee and have prepared aiore titan One Hundred Tltoti- nnd applications tor paienxa iu me Ruiiud Siatea and foreiirn eonntriea. Caveats, Trado-Mart.. Copy-righta. AfteiKnments, and all other papera for aecarins to inventors tueir nanis in iuo United States, Canada, Knglnnd. .Fraaoa, Germany and other foreign countries, pro pared at ahort notice and on reasonable term. Itmormation siuomunu(i inipuworai fully aiven without charge. Haud-books of infarinaiion cent free. Patent obtained througn Siuns 4 Co. are noticed in the Scienulic Amarican free. The advontacwof anchnotteeis well uodenitood by all paraona wlio wiau tooia- rTd&Ww CO.. Office scaomwo AatamcAH. 301 Broadway, New ovk. mmmmm aati a ' i aai ir. a r dcrptad varies, it it-rviiiiiu- I JULIUS GRADWOHL Ufa the orsljr exclnalve fflwek of CROCKERY, CLA8,8ILVER AND CHINA WAR A Large Assortment of Baby Oarrlages, And a Dhole Selectoa of Ooffee, Tea and Enfiar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND lime THE U10HEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOB KCIU8 awnemberl What I Say I lean. Bire Is a call. 600DS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. THE Oregon Short lane, U to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the i quickest, route to the Bast and rates, $a550 to $10.25 the cheapesi; to Council Bluifs, Omaha, Kansas Ohy and other points. All classes of tickets, good Via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going East write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No. 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. . Another Cut in Rates I I bag leave to snnotroes to the fsrmsrs of this eoooty that I m still In bosioess at lbs oldauadaod hsvs J out received from tba Basts largaatook of wagon Umber darioar thi laat big cut In freinht ratos. and I am willing tbo farmer snd people here ffeneraU ly can nava the benefit of tbe same. Anyone wishing wagon repairing done will notice my rioe : v Filling all kind of wheels, 14 per aet or $3 and ft per wheel. Bolsters, Handtrds and Toogoea, $1 each. llk-kory axles, ft each, Hiogie ap-.kea snd felloe, 20 cent each. And everything elae in proportion. All work warranted. Remember tbe nlsee oie doorsonlh a.' Arthur's blackamilb shop, I aisse North Brownsville, Oregon. A. . Iltl SH4. FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT GO. PORTLAND, OREGON. DEALERS IN FARM AND MLL JfACHINERY Wler A. Wood's Mower, Reapers and Twin Binder. Hedges' Double Prsoer Header, Usar Scott A Co 'a Tbreabera, snd liorae Powers, Buford'a Welkins; Plows, Cultivators, Gang and Sulky Plows, Mo-t tmpito nneor tsuggiea, l arriages and Nprinjr Wsgona on the Pacific Coast. Etavtug reoeived our goola during :he low rats of freight from the Beat we are going o give our ouatomer tbe benefit, end well them goods in our line lower than ever be fore. H rite for Catalogue. Addrwas, FRASK BROTIlKRt 0m3 ar J. DR. M IN TIE, TSK arilltUaT Se- II lararary afreet, aa FraaeHe. Cat. Taaara iu chboxic. arum xxo iv.i vara Dtaaaca vrrn wasSaSBSSa Ssoona. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I la a inn rtiLiisn'ii fjr Nrui D.bil in! WMknaa k m iViUlitr. See I Laat aaafcaai, Into I lanrj .Pwalxaaa iTuatatorr- IntM-a.anu ail ire tartlMr Stu f aattajrl sa yt oih lu folUra and exJaaa in o Meniory. Uaa tuda,.Nc. taral Kmiaeion, t.raralon to leoriety, D mni af Viain in tba head, rtrror. la drlaiktBKtsilaal- relies lleora, lha vital fluid paaaing unobaerved n the urine, and rnauy other dletaaes that lea to in mi v and death. Dr. aftalle. wbo ia esxalar tsgrl-iae. aaraalealr r Ibr I nu.-roiij of rran.ylTaala will aca t forfeit PtV aaaaeresl BSallar tor a ease of thla kiod the Vital eteaeraUve (under hla apecial advice and ttcatiuent) will But cure, or for anything laaMS or iojurioua found Id U. Dr. Mia tie treats all private disease suetiaaafully without tnarcury. 'aaallalla free Thorough examia at'on and advios, lucloding analysis of mine, SS. Price m Vital Keatarallve. Sl.&O a bottle, or four timea the qu v nUty, SS ; aent to any addreta upon re ceipt of price, or C O 11 eecured from obaenaUon and In private nam If deal red by Sr.MtaUe,IH Kearny sirrel. saa Fraer I are. tel. Send or tiat of qucationa and paniblt. SAMPLE BtTTLE EE EE . Will be sent to anyone apply Ins: byle tttr. statimr a vmptorua, aex and age. Strict secrecy la regard to all buaineas trausacUona. Dr. Mietle'a Kldnrv Kemrdv retirees. cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonoi rha. Gleet, Leucorrhoea, etc For sal bv all drug ?iW ; SI a bolt or six bottles for SS. Ir. MtMlle'a Dandelion Pills are tba best and Iteaiicat D BMaela snd Billons cur i t tba mark e.. For sale by all druiriiista. THE GREAT Unfailing Specific LIVER DISEASE SVMPTIIMfia ttUterorbadtaxtetattouth; ....... . tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur ; pain in the bi ck, aides, or joints -often mistaken for Rheumatism; sour stomach : loss of apptite ; sometin, nausea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulmcy and acid eructations j bowels alternately codiv and lax; headache; loss of memory, witi a painfu' sensation of having failed to do someth ng which ought to have been done; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin :jd eyes ; a dry cough: fever; restlessness; the urino is scanty aad high-colored, and, if allowed to stant , deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVED REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) h generally used in the South to mouse th Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efflcae r on th IIVER. KIDNEYS. and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Billonsneaa, Sick IleSduche, Jaundice, Nausea, Colic, Ms utal Depression, Dowel Complaints, Etc., Etc., Kto. Endorsed by the. use of Millions of liottles, as THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. mi TO TAKE IN ANYKoTuON OF TH1 SYSTEM 1 J. H.ZEILIN & CO., iota FRontrsTORs, PHILADELP1 II A, PA PRICE, SI.OO. il.llll rwaag I ! PI.K l KT CO., Portland. Or. OKIDWOHL, Agent, Albany, Or. A MKT 8end 10 ocntapaaaage. ana wa will J"" P BMil yn ras a ratal, taluafcio ainj.i. dux or gooda that mm put you in iba way of maktna; mora moaar at aiiytbina; rtaa la i live at boo and Amc jioa. BoOj aezaa of all wort, io apara Una, or ail tba 0fUl aot ra- aaraa w ami atari you. awaa pay sura for aoaa wrtoatart at once mmm. hiitsssi. Notice for Publication. Lawd Office at Orko.v Citt, Or. Juoe 19tb, 1886. J NOTICE is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler baa filed untie of bia intention to make finl proof in sup port of bia claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receive U, 8. Laand Otllce at Oregon C ity. Oregon, on Wednesday, Aug. 4lh, 1888, viz; Jsniea L Berry, Homestead Entry No. 5G5S for tbe E X of 8 W M of See 28. T 9 SKI R. Ha names tbe following wilnsaesto prove bis continuous residence upon, snd cultivation or, ssid land, vis: Sylvester Prichard James Sbelton. Dudley Hadden, and John Prichard, al of Jordan, Linn county, Oregen. W. T, Bl'KNKY, Register. First National Bank OF ALB.i.Y, OREGON. President 40HK COKSE Caabler H. F. Mt.HRi L TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking business. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to cheek. SIGHT EXCHANGE and telegraphic transfer, aold on New York, Saa Francisco, Chicago and Parti a i QtSSS cou LLECTIONS MADE on farorabie terms. DISBCTOSa. -. K. Yocvo, Jomr Co.vxxa. L. E Blaik, L. Ftra.v, F Maaaui-, J. L. COWAN. J. W. CUSICK Linn County Bank, cowan & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGONs TRANSACTS a general banking business. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New York San Fran eisco and Portland, Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appro rod security. RECEIVE deposits subjec to cheek. COLLECTIONS entrusted to ua will receive prompt taction. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruoe St., New York. Send iOot. for lOQ-Pag Pamphlet. fOCH SON'S SENT FREEflS HRh, to any address. Illustrates and lists every thing for Ladles. Gents', Chudrena and Infants' wear and Housekeeping Goods, st nrtoM tnmr thn t.hvu nf nv houaalu tfia United States. Cessplete ajia at, w