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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1886)
1 - ' WSm m lite ew0crat. Kntered Rt the Past Offlee at Albany , Of, as second class mall matter. HUDAY JULY 9, 186. SHIES it NUTTING. tMlters a4 freiirleters. rMr. iirm. leeai Miier. FFIOIAL I. and APER. W. W. SAUNDERS. onvleicd or Hnrdr In the First Degree. Strap frees JalleMse Beware! far hi Bee very. Not in the history of Linn county has any criminal trial attracted such deep-seated and wide-spread attention as the trial of W. W. Saunders for the murder of Charles H. Campbell, which took place in the Circuit Court last week. The circumstances of the killing arc still fresh In the minds of the people, and It U not necessary to repeat them now except as they appear In the evi dence of witnesses. The prosecution has been ably conducted by Hon Geo E Cham- i i..:.. I. .... .. ........... ...1.11 kw fmnt A scarcity of this vary essential element ( UUUipilTCT, vi I nniiriun,!. i J J Whitney, of this city, while the defense laasar. tn ths eonetruo ion of a city would ba a publics mUfortud. Among th evidence i hat our city Is not to be ao altt loted wa note with pleasure tU i fact that Pengra Wheeler A Co., proprietor of the Spring field mil la, have established a depot In this city Tor the sale of tbelr production Messrs. Deyoe A Robeon, the live ma chine men, have the management. They earry as muoh stock here aa the limited room at tbelr dit'otai permits, and com munleatUn with the mill la no easy and rapid that anything laektng ean be prompt ly supplied from he large and complete stock kept there, rue excellent quedty oi the lumber from ibis mill results from the careful aawing of the beat ef mountain fir and cedar, which abound on the upper Willamette and Its tributaries. The rarta. A wet but luterealing time, with lota of fun, was had at Harrisburg on the 3rd, Itev. MoAlltater delivered the oration. A large orowd was pruseut at Lebanon Hon. J, K. Weatnorford delivered the era! t ion, an able effort Contests of various kinds were indulged in, the principal oue being a hove nee betweeu tabanen, Cor vallia and Albany, resulting in favor of the teams iu the order named, All together a big time was bad. Dentistry. Dr. J. T. Tate, Dentist, will practice one day in each week at each of the following named place : Lebanon on Tuesday, liaise v on Thursday, Jefferson on Friday, and will be prepared to perform operations without pain. 1 le will be at his office in Albany on Monday, Wednesday and Sat urd.iv. The Three Staters. A Democrat man, by courtesy of M, W B Rice, took a ride to Cor vail is last Tuesday en the O. Ps new steamer. This hnat ia a fine one. th lowest draft on .he river.drawing only thirteen inches unload ed, and being handled like a skiff almost' Its burthen Is SbO ton, and It eoat about 12000. Lack of space forbids furthsr notice at present, hchaal bhthlllas). Last Friday eveolug the Shedd school gave a very commendabie ezhihltion, the program consisting of dialogues, recita tions, etc At the close the teacher, Miss Lane, was presented a fine gold pen, Geo. W. Davis making the speech. The . r. THe contract tor grading the extension of the O. P; to this city has been let to G. W Hunt. It will run on the Benton coun. ty side, sod will cross the Willamette at the Red Crown mill. Axe, Axes. mo to Paters A Stewarts and examine those fine Oregon made axes, superior to all others. Manufactured by H. B. Der. rick, of Crawfsrdsvllle, Linn Co., Or. Wat ranted first class. Jab rrtatlag- Burkhart it Pfeiffer are prepared to do all kind of printing on short notice and in first-class style. They allow no one to un der bid them nor da better work. Call and see samples. Mr. Wheeler, formerly ef Sbedd, now a member of the Arm of Pengra, Wbselsr A Co ,of Springfield, made this office a pleas ant call a Tew days ago. We voice the fee1 log ol the people of Sbedd and vicinity when we wish Mr. Wheeler the aame suc cess in his bjw held of enterprise that hi prompt and skilftsi attention to business and bis upright ano honorable metboda so long won for him lu this county. has been conducted with equal ability by Hon R S Strahan,Messrs Powell & Bilyeu, Weatherford Blackburn, Wolverton & Irvine, of this city, and Hon John Burnett, of Corvallis. The case was culled on Wed nesday, when the task of obtaining a jury began. All of that day and lhursdsy was spent in finding twelve men who were com petent to try the case. II ARMY Pl'TNAM Was the first witness called and testified substantially as follows i Reside in Albany. Am slightly acquainted with the defendant, Saunders. Was acquainted with cumpocll who was killed. Was in Albany on the day of the shooting, Nov 4th, 1805. Saw Saunders on that day. Saw him sometime In the forenoon at the Jewelry store of P M French. Mattlc Allison had her mil- linery in the same room with French. Saunders came in and talked with Mattie. He was in her part of the room several times during the day. Talked with her mostly. Cannot say just when tie left, rhev showed me the letter from "J Blank Head.'' asking Mattie Allison to meet him that night. I read the letter. Mattie said she believed the letter was from Campbell. Thev said they would send a letter to J Blank Head." They said they meant Camp bell. Walked with Saunders on the street. He said he would meet Campbell and make him quit slandering Mattie Allison or he would thrash him or something like that. He asked me to point Campbelfout to him. I pointed him out. He, Campbell, was standing near Prusha's drug store. Saun ders was then in Will s gun store. When he spoke about thrashing Campbell I told him Campbell wss not easily thrashed. He replied that he usuallv took care of himself. (Here map was shown witness who pointed out the places mentioned in his evidence.) I closed French's store that night. Left no one in store. Miss Allison left the store with me. I heard two shots that night, not long afterward. Cross examination. I don't know how often Saunders and Miss Allison tslked that afternoon. She came the day before and had three letters. She read one and asked me to read it. I told her I thought it was not gentiemanlv. The letter was signed "J Blank Head." She said she thought it was from Campbell. When 1 went down to dinner Saunders walked with me and said Campbell bad been insulting Mattie and that he thought it ought to be stopped. He said where he came from men respected women mote than that. He said he would see Campbell and if he did not quit slandering Mattie he would thrash him, or words to that effect. JAMKS EGLIK Iking duly sworn, testified as follows : Reside in Corvallis. Was in Albany on the day of the shooting. I drive stage from Corvallis to Albany. Saunders asked me to take his team to Corvallis.a he had busi ness in Albanv. G. c. WILL, Being sworn testified as follows : Am acquainted slightly with Saunders. Am a gunsmith and was in Albany on the day of the shooting. Saunders came into my store about one o clock that day and asked me for ten cents worth of cartridges. His pis tol wss a Colt's ac calibre. He laid it on the counter. ( 1 lcre ni.tol was shown to witness who identified it as the one handed him in his shop.) I tried the cartridges for Saunders. The putoi already had four car tridges in it. He did pot tell me what he wanted with the cartridge. Harry Putnam called Saunders out. Heard no conversation between them. It was between 12 and 2 o'clock. Saunders was in my shop only a few minutes. P. M. MARSHALL, Being sworn testified as follows : Reside in Albany. Not personally acquainted with Saunders. Was in Albany when Campbell was killed. Haw him in Bank Exchange saloon on that day. J was there and saw him playing cards. Those plaving cards took the drinks when they were done ex cepting Saunders. He said he did not want to get ginned up until evening. Shooting was at half past a o'clock, Charley Camp bell was there. I am 19 years old. Camp bell was in the saloon when I was there He was not playing cards. Saunders, Dor ris and some one else were playing cards AARON CONORA. Mr. Der Ick, of Crawfo:dville, is en giged in the manufacture of axes, which are said by those who bsve tried them to be far superior 40 those brought from the test. Call at Peters A (Stewart's and see them. 11. R. Humphrey's saw mill, a few ml as beyond Waterloo, waa burned on Wednes day of last week, the work of an Incondia ry, Loss fOOOO, Insured in Phoenix for about bslf. Sixtv thousand feet of lumber was also burned. D. V. S. Held, Miss Ollie Kirkpatriek. Miis Margeria Prink, Mrs. Brink, Mrs Etta Brown, Mis Lib Irvine. Mr, snd Mrs L E Bisin snd others, of tnis city, left for the Bay the first of the week. Mr. J. t Gross has our thauks for a jug of Waterloo soda water, Al ways stop with Mr. Gross when at that popular resort c Good accom modalions and reasonable pri. 06. The residences of John Irvine, Carl Lu derman and W II Hearst were entered by burglars last Monday night. The b's were frightened away before getting anything. Mr. Jc b Farlow, while working in his hece, uear Miller, lat Monday, fell from a loft to the floor, breaking one ol bis srtm. Dr. Hill s-t the bou. .fas. Stimpson, indicted for Htealiug cat lie, failed to answer when Judge Boise allelhU name, and bis bail.SoOO, was orfttited. Hoffman A Pfeiffer uow havo a candy maker at work in their factory, recently from the eat, wh h n n superior on the coast. Capt Lanniug returned from a trip to California. last Saturday Frank Partou, of Waiuburg, W. T., is in the city. Reside six miles south of Halsey. Am County Commissioner. Was in Albany on Nov. 4th last Heard the shots when Camp bell was killed. There was no obstruction between me and the place of shooting. It was very dark and I could only get a glimpse of the parties. When I walked up to the scene Saunders was standing 00 the corner of the cross walk, Campbell was ly ing on the ground on the side of the walk. Mattie Allison stood near the corner of the lot or fence. The first I heard was foot steps. Then I heard talking and I saw it was a man and a woman and I heard the woman say, "I have changed my mind." After the shot I heard a voice say, "you have shot the wrong man." I then heard the fall and scrambling. Then I heard an other shot. Saw Stewart, Sternburg and Dr Maston there. I heard some one say what will we do with the body. Some one said get a dray and carry it away. Mattie Allison said take the body to my house Campbell asked Dr. Maston to give him something. He said, "I am dying. Camp bell was lying near a telegraph pole. Went there next morning and saw the bullet hole in the walk. Some boys were cutting it out of the walk. Think the ball went straight down. I he witness described with partic ularity the position of the body of the wound ed man. The second shot was after the fall. I was standing 8 feet from the walk at Mc Allister's when I heard the second shot. Saunders, Stewart, Maston and I helped carry the wounded man away. I was stand ing 8 feet from the man and woman when they passed. It was very dark when I came to where the wounded man was I found him just west of the walk. The body lay about 2 feet from the walk. Saunders stood where the two walks met. Mattie Allison stood at the corner of the fence. Stewart stood on the ground I think. Cross examination. I was stopping at McAlister's. My eyesight is impaired when looking at short distances, but not at long distances. My face was to the north when I heard the first shot. Did not see the flash of the first shot, but did see that of the sec ond. Heard the men mentioned run on the walk in coming to the place of killing There are walks on both sides of the street on which Maston's, Sternburg's, McAllis ter's and Cline's houses are situated. When I arrived I asked who was shot. Saunders said it was Campbell and it wits accidental. Saunders asked Campbell where be was shot. He replied, "in the bowels and the leg." Saunders told some one to go after a doctor. Mattie Allison went after a doctor and met Dr. Meevon . I went altera lantern. When I first went up the two persons were standing near the place where the two walks meet. We talked about where we should take Charley Campbell. Mattie Allison said we should take him to her house. We started to Mattle's mothers but she came out and told us not to bring him Into her house as she had had trouble enough with that young man already. We then took him to. Geo Burkhart V When I first went to the place ef the killing, Campbell, In answer to a question from Saunders said he was hot I n the bowels and the leg. Cross examination. I was the first and Dr Maston the second to get to the place of shooting. I wss In my house when I heard the first shot. Wss resdlng. I went out after the second shot and the out. 1 j Streets must have been muddy. Had my shoes on. There was no moon, if there was it was under a cloud. When I got there I naked who was shot. Saunders said Campbell and it was an accident. Mattie Allison went after the doctor, think Mattie came back with him. I saw Mr. Dough erty when I came back with the lantern. Condra was there but 1 do not remember where lie stood. I examined the bullet hole in the walk next morning. The crosswalk Is four feet wide and oval. The body had rolled off. The course of the ball wa scanting towards the ground. The first shot hit him on the left side. The second ball struck the cross walk running north and south. The second ball must have passed near the body. It was raining and dark cloudy night. Think Campbell was lying with his face up. After we took Campbell home from Burkhart's I came back to the place of shooting and found an umbrella. (Here the piece of cross walk was shown witness who recognized the bullet hole.) We pulled the head of Campbell from un der the side walk when I first went there. When I came back with the lantern they had pulled the body out a little further. 1 examined the bullet hole in the walk early the next morning before breakfast and be fore the ball had been cut out. Am in the habit of getting up about daylight Saw no one about that morning. Had seen no one probing the bullet hole that morning before 1 did. I was about 86 feet from the place at the time of the shooting. D. P. MA SOX. Being sworn testified ss follows 1 Reside in Albany. Lived here eight years. Was in drug business at the time of shooting. Know Saunders at sight. Heard two pistol shots on the evening of Nov 4. Think it was at 8:30 o'clock. Defendant was in my store about jo minutes before the shooting and bought an ounce of laudanum. He was occasional customer of mine. (Here map was shown to witness on which he pointed out his drug store and Miss Allison's mil linery store. I id not observe w hich wsy defendant went when he left. Was In the rear of my store when I heard the shots. They were in quick succession. MR. CONORA RKCALLKtt. On the wav taking Camnbcll to Burk hart's Saunders said in the presence of all of us that the shooting was accidental. Did not know Campbell and had nothing again t him. Saunders said to us at the place of killing that he was doing something with his pitol and it went off accidentally. He said it several time. I helped take off Campbell's clothes at Burkhart's and found no pistol or wcaixm on his person. The Dr gave Campbell something to quiet him be tore we took hi clothes off . Kecross examination Have talked to Mr Whitney about this matter since thl Court adjourncu yeierua v evening. I tew Mr Stewart there. Ihmk he was there when the conversation took place on the way down to Burkhart's. I do not know whether Saunders referred to the first or second shot when he said it was accidental. OR. MASTOX Being duly sworn, testified a follow : Am a physician and surgeon. Have prac ticed 13 years. I graduated at the college of Medical Surgery at Cincinnati, Ohio, In 1876. Was in Albanv at the tunc of the shooting of Charles Campbell. Heard the shots, vv as going into W aite house at the time of shooting. Am acquainted with Saunders and Campbell. (Mere map wa shown witness who explained in detail the place of shooting and surrounding objects. When the first shot wss fired I had jut opened the gab: at Waitc's. I put down some beef steak and my medicine case and returned to the gate 'when I heard the second shot. 1 started to go up where I heard the talking and met Miss Allison coming after me. I heard some one groan after the first shot and before the second. After the second shot I heard Charley say, "my God don't shoot again. You have shot the wrong man." I went up to where the body was and found Saunders kneeling by it. 1 asked Charley Campbell if they had quarreled. He said, "no, he shot me 'down like a dog. I did not speak to him." Saunder said, "no, it was an accident." Saunders said he did not know Campbell from God's off ox. I saw Saunders' pistol sticking out of his pocket and asked him for it lie gave it to me and said he would surrender him !f to me and consider himself under arret . , pistol was in his right side coat pocket when I saw it with the muzzle sticking out. I think Mr Condra, Mr Stewart and Mi Allison were there. Some one brought a sl as . a 7e t loaded. There was a loaded chamber be tween the two empty one. The place where the killing was Is about 140 feet from the place 1 was standing when the shooting was done. It was very dark tnd drizzling rain. In taking Chnrlic Campbell to Burk hart's, Saunders told those who were pres ent that the shooting was an accldvut. The weather wan dark and rainy at the time of the shooting. I could not see any one six feet from inc. 1 had much trouble In find ing the fastening of the gate at Walte s, though quite familiar with It u I had gone in and out of it professionally for about at days. This shooting occurred In this state and county. Cross examination. I graduated at the College of Medical Surgery, Cincinnati, Ohio in 1876. Have regular diploma. Have resided In Albany two years. I had been In my office on the evening of the shooting until 8: to o'clock in the evening. I then started home and stopped In at Laugdon'u drug store to get some ergot. Staved in the drug store about 5 minutes and then tarted home. 1 hud some beef steak and my med icine case with me. I stooped to vUit Mr. Walt before going home. 1 met no one on the way. The shots occurred not long af ter I left my office. It was drizzling but not raining hard. The .streets were slippery. Campbell and Saunders were thceirst 1 saw after I arrived at the place of shooting. I dlil not notice any one at first but them. Do not know whether Stewart wa- there when I arrived or not. The first 1 saw of him he stepped up behind me and spoke about a lantern. Sternburg, Condra, Stew art, Mrs McConnell's sou, came up stain. 1 do not know whether any one else was there when the couveratiou txk plaee between Campbell and Saunders or not. These par lies named came up in a few moments after 1 got there. hen the conversation took place between Campbell and Saunders Mattie Allison and I and may Ite some other were present. I told Stewart to go after a lantern. I asked Campbell if thev had quarreled. He said, "no, he shot me down like a dog." Campbell said he was dying. He wanted me to give him some thing to relieve til pain. Such n wound would produce paralysi. I was there jj or 4 minutes before we moved the body to Ittirk hart's. 1 took possession of the revolver before we moved the body to Burkhart's. I kept the pistol about three months. The gate at Wait's is 140 feet from the place of shooting. I did not sec the shot in the walk then but saw it a day or so afterwards. I heard SMMOfMI say just after the shooting "go after a doctor," I think it was a male voice. Mattie Allison was running when I met her uear McAllister's. The place 1 met her was about 1 10 feet from the place of shooting. I heard talking just before the shooting, but did not understand what was said. 1 heard footsteps on the walk when I arrived at Mrs. Waitc's gate. I did not hear any one say, "I have changed my mind." Do not remember how long we stayed nt Burkhart's. 1 looked st my watch at 'Burk hart's and It was not quite y o'clock. I washed Campbell's face and took hi clothe off and gave him some morphine. 1 saw no one on m v way from my ofnrs to my liouse that evening but Mattie Allison who passed me near the drug store. It is about 40 feet from Waite's gate to McAIJUter's gate. It wa only a few minutes after I saw Mattlc Allison at the drug store' until I heard ttie shooting. (Here map was shown to the witness upon which he pointed out the drug store of Langdon, tlie place where Mattie Allin pased him and oilier places men tioned In his evidence.) 1 do not remember whether George Piper or Langdon was in the drug store when I went in. I waited upon myself. I have the privilege of filling my case at any time. It was not 9 o'clock when we arrived st Burkhart's with the body . Heard the voices just at the time of shooting. I shouted pretty loud and said, "do not shoot this way " I started up the street and told them not to shoot this wav. I did not see Condra a 1 pacd up nor did I hear any one on the walk. or. j. l. 11 ILL. Being duly sworn testified as follow. 1 reside in Albany. Have lived here 25 years. Am a physician and surgeon. Have been practicing' about 18 years. Was in Albany on the day of the kitting of Campbell. Wa acquainted with Campbell. Was sent for and went to see Campbell about one o'clock at night. Examined his condition as well as I could. He could not lie on his back on account of internal hemorrhage until we bandaged him. Then we turned him over on his neck. Examined the wouud. Found Use ball entered between the seventh and eighth ribs and lodged in the lat dorsal vertebra. (Here wi'.uc took a skeleton of the human frame and pointed out to the jury the course of the bullet.) The ball went through the stomach and lodged in the left side of the east dorsal vertebra crushing it The ball had a downward ten dency. Ills body was full of blood from In terns! hemorrhage. Did not remove the hall. The effect of such a wound Is death. Made a post mortem examination. Camp bell was in sound mental condition. Ills mind was right all the time. Campbell aid h would die. 1 told him be was in a lutd condition. Remained with him t hours. I le was in great agony until we put a band age around him. That relieved him. He asked me, "I will not get over this will I ?" I told him he was in a bad shape with a i rough road before him. 1 think he made a I statement of some kind. I do not know I tWat he did or what he said. W. II. OOI OHRRTV. ilson about hci forgiving flashes from both shots. ew n tBOA dele get j . Saw the M. NTKKNBURC Testified as follows : Have 19 years. resided In Albany about 18 or 10 years. Was in Al bany on Nov. 4th when Campbell was kilted. Knew Cutnpbell, but did not know Saunders. Heard the shooting. I was' st my home In a buck room getting ready to retire for the night. I was in wash room When I heard the second sltot. Shots were In rapid succession. I saw flushes of pistol but heard nothing said. Went In setting room and my wife told me some one was shot. Jumped out of window In bed room and went to place of shooting. Jumped over yard fence on my way and ran quar tering across the street to the place of shooting. Saunders, Mattie Allison, Dr. Maston, Condra snd Stewart were there and some one lying on the ground. Saun ders said he had accidentally shot a man. Home one asked Mattie Allison If she was the cause of this and shesaid,"I guess I am." Saunders said the shooting was accidental, ampbcll said nothing, Assisted in carry ing the bodv to Burkhart's. Saunders re peatedly said on the wav that the shooting was accidental. Cross examination. Was in the south part of my house at the time of the shoot ing. My wife had raised the bedroom win dow. Jumped out at window and over the picket fence which is about 2 feet and a half high. The gate was the length of a lot away. Heard no noise except groaning. The window of my back room bad green linen curtains. Dr. Maston, Condra and Stewart u ere there when I got there Board fence south of my house is about 4 feet high. I did not see Dougherty when 1 was fust there. Stewart went after the lantern. Don't know who sent him. He was gone but a few minutes. Condra, Mtewart, Saunders, Dougherty snd myself carried the body to Burkhart's. Campbell said nothing on the way, but to complain of pain, but Maunder repested his statement that the killing was accidental. u. j. CAMFBSLI. k ,f f M hi st iiey groceries 'IW died as follows i Am the father of the fouag msD Killed. His asms wss Charles larvsy Campbell. Havs lived in Albany about 8 years. Was st home at the tuns of shooting. Do net know Saunders Did not see Charles until he was brought home after be wss shot. Chsrles said he would die and did nt e press sny hopsef recovery. He made a statement as to the killing If said be would die, la his statement he saiI be met Msttie Allison on the street nar C mt House sad wss going home with her. When they got near Masou's Mattie was t slkin loudly. He told br not lo talk ee load. He said this man oame up st that time and shot him down like a dog without saying anything to bim. Charles said notbiug wss said. He (Saunders) shot bim like a dug. Chsrles was rstisual to the last minute, I was with bun most of the eight. He died 10 mioatee sfter six next morning. MRS. J. It. VKFRKLU Beside in Albany. Am the mother of the young man killed. Think it was between 0 and 10 o'clock 'wheo they brought Chsrles home. He said, "Mother, I will not get well." 1 ktd him. tie said, "don't cry mother." Said bs wss walking on toe street with .Msttie Allison. She talked load se be told h-r not to talk so load ss some one would hear them. He said tbey then sset s man and hnehot him dawu without ssying ..! J. U. H ANt-To Reside in Albsny sad am SUeriif of tins eouuty. Have resided over the jsi) aince the defendant bss been imprisoned. Was in the jtt when Mrs Parrtsn (mother of Mattie Albs .bi awn to the jail sud bed a e .uv. r ation with S.ouders. Mrs I'arrtsb ssid te H sunders, "you ought not to bsve done this thin simply because a man slandered a wo man in Uns town. '.Saunders sd hedidwhat soy booorable man would do.I si rested htm st Sirs Pamsh's. He palled s . vl pi tot eat of his pocket sod said, "1 et 1 v ethiU ya" and handed it to Metro, A tfese This wss on the night of the Innntiiig IU was in tbesittiuy, room d n uns wmu 1 arreted bim bat tusde no attempt u evadu s crest or getaway. He .ir s:t anything te me shout tbe kimng. Geo Bark hsrt was wiMl me when I arreted bim. Mr ClumberUm t id me where ho was. tiUt a CRtMSKRLAlK. Beside te Albany. Am Dietr-ec Attorney. Was iu A.Uvuy lu my odin, the tun of l -ting. 1 went down tl-e e'.rec's u.d void that Chsrles Cample I ktli I went to Mr Csmpbvll hou to ui Cher ley's dying sutemsnt. Mi l 1 Usees aa 1 Dr Miiu weut with me. I,- Ms'oo t-i.l CampbeU that be mast die arm in u ti he a -R a. . Sl a a li so auyuimg te say rie should sav it 00 to trio Distn.'l Attorney. C'smpbvii then made a atalein. nt substantially as follows: "I know I a n gmog to die and will tall you all bow it bspimned. Maine Alhsoa and I were walking along tbe walk aad ws got near Mason's Meitie was talking loud and I told her not to talk so load as we would be heard. Just then soma one name up and shot me down like a d-rg without saying a wiwjd." (Here map was shown witness who pointed oat tbe serious residence and ohjecui meaiioa sd in witness' evidence.) Cross etsmtnstion Am not a surveyor. Do not know that this map is constructed according to say scale or system. I reduced barley s statement to writing the m-st morning substantially and it was published. I have uow given tbe substance of tbe dying etateruebt. F M Frenoh, jewel it. Tbe beat hsrasn sl J J Dabraillss. J. P, Wallace, Physician sad Surgsoa, Al bsny, Or. Bedsteda from two d. tilers up st W Kurt miller k Co's. Old silver is worth 33 P W Cartel's. Head k Brownsll's st is utteiinaled. A tine line of tobacco sad cigars at Kesd IbovrmlTs. All the grooeries y0a csn carry Ut a dol lar at Head k Browne II'-. Six shave 4 for s dollar so 1 ultso towel to every easterner, st .. Vierwk's. For the best contWi M try, t io j , gro ceries, etc., cell on Hiffmii k i'feitfer. V M French, sgeut .Hiazer d luufscturiiiu Co.,opposite dd Fellows Temple, Albany, Or. Pick up tbst old gld jewelry snd htye it msde into s oi04 guld ring st v W C trim's. Dr. M. H. Klh. physieian and surgeon All any, Orsgon. Halls made In city or country, Shoes, sandals sod slipper tot lad es, misses, children and iufsnte, at Monteifh 4 Heiteobach's. If you want to make get one of thoee K test miller Co s. Q, W Maston, t'hyeicisn . . l Suru n, Atoatiy, Oregou. Crsdaite of ihu Cincinnati College of Ppyeioii'is sod tfttrg 1 ore, Ciu.siu nati, Ohio. Go to rrusbew's aim Dru drugs, patent inudimues, etc. osrefully compounded, For rent -beru iogmd u oorner Kllsworth an I 4;!i S-.r ticulars call at this ofttae Burkbsrt k I'feiiTrr ste bong e rme line work in their Job Printing udtes Now is tbe time to get goou wwk 4 I ligores. Dr. J. P. Wallace but Ice tie 1 hu otli ie in tbe O'Trmle Block j'tst north of tbe Drmo crat oliloe, where hie friends will find bim. Bboold you desire to sell your property call on Burkhart k Keeoey as they sdvtrtise property placed iu their band, a id charge oothiug unless tliy effect a sale Send Burkhart t K -. ,,. aad ad dresses of f Head rVrebring lafm iisiise, of Ore gon and tbey will ..,.d tftem opine of the Ural Eit Ur Cone , wioc'i .1 1 r.-ons a com pleta ilisoriptioo ef oue c unity 111 each issue with ether desirable information as weather, market reports, etc. a hu l 11 j pro tent ro.; ..... t C VV Port K. 0. PeiiUand.of .wci,i- is ing tb 4th of July t Y quins li.-, in tid ing State Institute. Mr. John K'n 8t,i smiMif. Burti . , nesr Scio, trees iierreJ um Jn'v 4ii. We eatsnd connt nl , 1 . Miss Vet,a Mr a m and Wise. K l.r Marshall, of Alb my, are gnsNt f J. K. Bridgford. Mn. N. J. KedpRtb, of Lebsnon, if visiting friends in Soio. Most all of th people in rtclo and vicinity celsbrsted the 4 h of July nt Lebanon They report! good tii. Q lite a dlscov. rr ra ben made m r new kb.'l of in''., 10 ptni 1 l. Mysrs. Be bss ha I -r nt r; jf it .1. - tVhea Bslry was stek, we gave ber CAeTOEI i. WJiea she wse a Child, she cried for CARTOrrT When she Warns Miss, she clang te CASTOR: Wbeu sUlusiCbtldrea, shegsthsra CA8T( .it NKW AhVKRTISKMKN'TS. a ' of a pared to j Rppear to paint, 0. B. Cyrus and Scio started for Ban where they will pr bonis in the future. dt K Si te ln k I thur J. Has feme te slay. Sto.e .r pure i'lvscripliuns '.in, VtT near psr- Tfce Bees UluoVr We mean tins new steel frame Osborne No, 1 1, to be found st our agriculture house. A neater, nicer and better twine binder can not be found in the If. S. It work in this county alone speaks for K. All the farmers want it, because nothing else can do the work It does. Other binders sre tsking s retired seat for it. It hi the very best binder and that is the reason for it. Call and see the 1SS6 binder with its perfected improve ments. Twine and wire in aSunlance at our office. Dkyoi Ac Rooson. W. t d .gm, The luwW yard nstablished in bsny sotns three years sine, E. Whipple & Bros , of Cottsge Or isne emntv, under the supeni i kii waiter, tutor ant norizvd local has developed into one o( the live Ht,d important enterprises of the ci'y, Ims come to stay and in in eri? way un titled to lbs libsrsl patron a '40 which ft is receiving. This enterprising frro are betted in the Oalipoooia Moun tains, end ship lumber from severs) mills, situated in groves ef fine yel!.w fir and osdsr timber, which thev me prepared .o mRnufactnre into any kt-id of Jumbor requirm!. They bv.- , . ehurmd loif? 'i-v,,t lot be K. K between 4th a I 5 h 'tr - , euiuh) sheds fo iiy i .u. plWy of room. ni ken a ! well assorted a nek irf t'-ngh - I drpes ed lumber. 8s wed cbr iU, ls, etc., corislai.i'i st. laud, g. ol Ri the best snd rs chose wo tl.e eheMp-M on this msrke?. M ('.- n.v g-i -erRlly be found on t.h ten! r at hi. residence immediately adjoin - u wp i-l ...od , fcevi ei'd larae THIS SPACE IS RESERVED TH L SHME WHO HAS REMOVED '4The City Dry Goods Store" OF PORTLAND, TO ALBANY TO STAY. Look Out for Prices. Seilee te $ n We de Ire to call the stleutUi of farai-r of Linn county, lirownsville snd vicinity to our binding twines and harvest oils. Hsving bought the same in ton lots. We are prepared and can furnish farmers their twine snd machine oils at much lowrr figmrr than ever mreiautt brfort. Don't fall to call and get our prices before purchas ing elsewhere- for we mean just wluit we say. Thompson St Watrrr. lirownsville, Or., June ajrd, 18S6. Belter te rsosiesners. For your s'i ah'h m-chtaelsttwing machine nooiius and extras Ku tJ VVllt tiros. Examine Wdo liu's Extension tables. They arb -well go aad theoi tor yourself. The nicest and cheapest hue of ladies line shoes iu town can be found at IUad k HnowNiLL'8. - e - If yon want strictly ttrst-cfass goods at rock bottom prioes go to Read k Browmells. C. II. STEW AT Testified as follows : Reside in Albany Have lived here twenty years . Was in Al- bany when Campbell was killed. Was ac quainted with Campbell in his life time. Am acquainted with Saunders. Heard the shot when Campbell was killed. (Here map was shown to the witness on which he iden tified the place of the shooting and surround ing objects.) After the last shot I heard some one say, "for God's sake stop ! you have shot the wrone man." I ran over and saw two persons standing on the corner. It was too dark to recognize them. I heard Charles Campbell groaning. He had evi dently fallen on the walk and rolled off. light. Charley Campbell was complaining ; of pain in his-stomach and left leg. I made a partial examination of his wounds, and told him I did not think I could do any thing for him. He begged me to give him something as he was dying. (Here a med- ! ical work was introduced In which witness I found plates by which he explained to the jury the course of the bullet.) I told Camp bell we must take him home as I could not treat him there. Campbell was dying, he said. and wanted me to give him something. Tbe ball entered between the 7th and bth ribs and lodeed in the spinal column. It passed through the stomach. The result of such a wound would be death. I tola Charley Campbell I could not do anything for him. tic said he knew that. I went to the place of shooting the next day and ex amined the plank in the walk into which the bullet entered. I put my pencil into tbe bullet hole to ascertain the course of it. It entered at a slight angle and downward. When I first got to the place of shooting Campbell was lying just off the cross walk near to it. His head was to the south and his feet to the north. The center of his body was about 12 or 1.) inches from the ball hole in the south, 1 do not know what direction Campbell was going. I had not seen him that day. I assisted in carrying the body to Burkhart's, where I made an examination of the wounds. I told bim that I could do him no good. He said he knew it. Said he knew he would die. Staid there a half or three quarters of an hour,and then we took him to his fit'i wrV in the lower part of tqwn. I staid vri . dim mostof the night. I told him if he bad anything to say that he had better send for the Prosecuting Attor- . t at e . 1 1 ii tr . ut ncy, as ne naa out a snort time to uve. ne knew I could do nothing for him. He made a statement to the Prosecuting Attorney at which I was present. (Objec tions were mode by defendant's counsel to the introduction of Campbell's dying state ment, but the objections were overruled by the court.) lie said that he and Miss Alli son were walking up the street and came to that corner. Mattie was talking very loudly. He told her to keep quiet or someone would hear them. Shortly they arrived at the place of shooting when Saunders stepped up and shot him down like a dog without say ing a word. He said the same thing about Saunders shooting him like a dog several times. He did not say that he expected to recover. I examined his clothing at Burk hart's and found nothing but a nail punch. I had a talk with Saunders after he was put in jail. He asked me how near Campbell's heart the shot went. I replied that it went within one and a half inches of his heart He said he thought it was nearer than that' This conversation was about a week after the shooting. (Here pistol was shown wit ness who identified it as' the one he took from Saunders on the night of the shooting.) The pistol is in the same condition now as when I received it from Saunders. There were two chambers empty, the others were i M , . o ere now avitvertag ou'.ter ol a super i-riinsuiry to special customers in Alusuv 'Hie delivery wilt he msde 00 each Hstarday "f -r-'r rey vnsemru, wno is aamnru sd ru rte -ive pay met t for the same. Cos t 'sn-ts Mheited. Orders oae be left st Head f. .s-i,.. 4 or with Carey Crawford. J. M. Marks. TSe Very sjer 1 hsye added to my btot and alee stock s line ol the onlehrated L nr.i. SdnLr k MUeheU, PhUadsJphia Fim Shot for ladies, misses sud children. Aoknewledged by dealers generally to be the beat vslne and best titling fine shoe made. Widths C. U, K, snd r.rv A eblid ean bar as cheao aa a man. j w 8 AMI' EL K. YOURO, Sole Agent, Albany, Oregon. Csealy Allien sj TdWe will be a mw.ttng of U L nn County TmperR!cr AUtence bej - io Lebanon. Friday end Saturday, the 10th and 17th ins. Th fnrt season will be beld r 10:30 oVb ck, s. ro. 411 ten-eri tv orgsniiitinn. rhnrebe A a a a 4a a sod Blindly ttchools ihro-.h i.jt the C iUU'V are each entll'ed to or-e dele- fete. An interest tug program U be. ing prepared and will be sunouneed next wesjk. T. J. Wilson, President. Io the ease of the dtete aaaiast MrI- tiu Allison the d-fndsrt demsnds 1 immediate trial, and refuses to sign en application lor a chaste of venue. A special term is talked of a few wee! heoce ; hut thn master has not been settled. For Sale. The Sat.'imlly Held, with M fl etel le sad It ISt, at s eseriftee. Price S'0, one third ol its Tide rrtect. lenwe... U. KUs, Mr. J. J. ChlMn, Jr., will continue in the ttherttr . iRj as Mr. Smith' deputy, and T Wallace will act as deputy for Cssjjtr Clsrk Gslbmitb. Mr. 0'irl occupies the Treasurer 'e office RlOSJeV ate aad Cap N. Testified as follows : Reside on Sixth street in Albany. Was in Albany at the time Campbell was killed. Was acquainted with Campbell but not acquainted with Saunders. I live nearly a block away from the place of shooting. ( Mere map wa shown the witness upon which he pointed the place of shooting and other places mention ed by witness.) 1 was out to the woodshed and heard both shots. It was a very short time between the two shots. 1 saw the flash from the revolver and went to the place of shooting. I saw Saunders, Mattie Al lison, Dr Maston and Campbell there. Saunders was on the cost side and Dr Mas ton on the west side of Campbell. Just af ter the shooting I heard some one say three times : "You have shot tbe wrong man. I asked who did the shooting and Saunders said : "I did it. It was an accident" Saunders said he was walking along and the pistol went off accidentally. He said he knew it hit Campbell and then he let it swing down by his side and it went off again. Saunders said to Campbell i "You know I did it accidentally, you never saw me before and I never saw vou before did J. J. t'QARtTOX, JR. Witn-ss recognised tbe pistol heretofore mentioned. Am Deputy Sheriff. Dr Maston jrsve ute the pistol. It is in the ssine condi tion aa to loads as when delivered to me. (Here prosee-itinn offered pietol and cu frid ges in evidence. The cartridges were rem -v ed from the piste! by the witness under ii reotiun of the Court. Prosecution rests. The first witness called by the defense was 0CO. X. ( H AMHKHUAV Have .etters in my possess on that were intrnductd at prelimintry extininattno. I think I p)t bat one letter. 'bud' joirsox. H Allen k Co.. are unsr retviu . large stock of lists and c.p, child ran.' steasrs, 1 season will be m tie a epeotslty. West. Highest cash price psid for wool by Mon- teith ds Settee bach, Before leaving BnnnsJera, left several courteous maea to his atR u,cee Minnie - aer ' Allison, Sheriff Chrl..rt . nd bis At- toineye, none of wb;oh re of any imporUne. . In ordnr to g of the Sunde a unlived to lea porta, items, t next week. vsj a com .'t ie report der t 1 I we ere ut several srnooi re- iney wi:i sppesr Pr BINDING TWINE, LUBRICATING OILS, HARDWARE And all other needed b lbs farmer during to brvest snsson sre specialties with Coshow & Cable, DEALdERS jN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Brownsville. Or, ilsitn, of Doug 4 Cj.,one ol thn hsses I - c iv a in th S ate, arrived In tlm ci v Wed .rsJ.y ul will search fir S tunders. Mew A. II. M dl wain lss a larae and well select ed stck of new tmodevas Hue as aver broncht to Albany. Cell ou hun and make your seise tious fnm his tirst-clses stock. A treat Kxearstea. Charley ?" Charley said", MI never saw wc you before." Charley said, "Saunders did not speak to him at the time of shooting. We went to Mrs Parrish's with the body but she would not let us brintr It Into her house. Saunders went in and we took the body on to Burkhart's. I saw no weapon on the person of Campbell. I helped pack him home to his father s bouse. I beard Charley make a statement in which he said that Saunders did not speak a worn to bim at the time of the shooting, nor did he give him any warning ut till. Mattie Allison said that thev could take Char lev to her house The weather was dark. I cfid not recognize the voice of the person who said "you have shot the worng man." After I got to the place of shooting I could recognize Dr Maston and Campbell by their voices only, though I was but 4 or i feet awav. I did not recognize Mattie Allison until we reach ed her house. It was raining some. Cross examination, Was out at the wood shed when I heard the shooting. Was 10 or 15 feet north of the wood shed. Our house is on the nortwest corner of the block. I heard nothing before the shots. The shots were in quick succession. I was looking towards the place of shooting when it oc curred. I climbed over the fence to the sidewalk and ran on it. I heard the state ment, "You have shot the wrong man, just after I started to the place of shooting. Had my shoes on and ran fast. When I got there saw Saunders, Campbell, Dr Maston and Mattie Allison there. 1 did not see Stewart until we got nearly to Burke hart's. Saunders and I helped carry . th body to Burkhart's. He held my hands with his and the body rest on our hand u and arms. Others helped but JL do not know who. There were four altogether. Did not stop at all on the way with the body. Saunders said several times on the way that the shooting was accidental. Campbell kept asking Dr Maston to give him something to relieve him. Did not hear Campbell say anything to Mattie Al- I reside in Albsny, and was acquainted with ainpiieii in ins ute tune, or a years. Su him on the eveuing of the 3rd or 4th of Noyemlmr last, saw hint at noon and in the evening, t Knew aoout mm writing a letter to M4ttin Allison signed "J nlankh.'sd Campbell requested me to write a letter to Miss Allison and 1 wrote it at his dictation. I think Campbell signed the. usine to it. It was in theafteruoou of the day of tbe killing . sxe et . f a 1 . t w at I . re engine nous whom we wrote the letter. At thst time Campbell said he would walk homo with Mattie Allison Camplieil was going te write a loiter to a Mrs Kelley at Portland, but ha diatwed his mind and said he wanted to know whether Mattie ivse uouig to marry him or not. II 1 wanted me to write a letter whioh I did ii he did not ho would get to her if it cost htm his neck I wrote two letters fur him. He said he did nut want the postmaster to know thst he was writing to hor. he said he had slept with her four or tivo times. O" the eveuiug of Nov 4h Campbell requested mete change clothes with him whioh I did. He was killed in my clothes. He wore my ooat and vest. We changed clothe near his father's house. Ho had a false mustache, small and blank, lhd not change hats witli him. He said he was ioing to mot Mattie Allison. He madu some remark about getting shot that evening Don't knowtow he came to say that. It wss in rooty to ray request tint he hurry back with my elothus. He said he was going to meet Miss Allison that evening. He did not drink thst evening except a giess of beer about 6 o'clock. (Here map was shown wit ness who described the route taken by Camp bell.) Cross examination. Changed olothes with Charley twice before. Ouce when we chang ed he said ho was going to a party Msttie Allison said to me once that she and Charley were closely related and that ho wanted her to marry him. I only know of her threaten ing to kill him by letters written by her. I have written two letters for Charley to Mat tie. I think the first was written on Tues day'.before he was killed. Tm other was written on the day of the killing. Ik receiv ed an answer to the first letter. (Here letter was shown witness wno identified it as the first he had written to Mattie Allison for Charley. ) I did not sitfn any Dime to it. Charley did. ( Here another letter was shown to witness which he identified as one looeiv sd by-Charles Campbell from Mattie Allison. ) Kvery noe on the go, ladies arriving cy- ery minutest the store of Monteith & Sei- tenbsch. Ksch and ail are making their spring selections of dress goods, fasoy goods, etc., in fact everything aew and attractive can ba found there, so if you want a pointer memorixr this and give them a call. teed Wear Cherries. We have a little machine that will seed cherries st the rate of from three to four bushels per hour. Just the thing for persons having a drver.or who expootcoctn cherries. Its cheap. Come apd see it. Prtcrs k Stewart. Carpets Arrived. Aa exceedingly large stock ol oar pets in all qualities has just been received by Moa- teith k S jitenbaoh. The assortment em braces the newest patterns snd colorings These goods sre boiug ottered at very low nrioe. People wsoting orroets should not fail to see them. t istcTfT t-visrr. The following cases have been disposed of since our last issue : I. State of Oregon agt W W Saunders. Murder in the first decree. Guilty of mur der in the first degree. -v State of Oregon agt James Stimpson. .arcenv. Defendant failed to appear and uind forfeited. 3. American Mortgage Co of Scotland agt rj Hill, etal. Confirmation. Sale confirm ed. 4. TJ Hannah agt Robt Morchead. To quite title. Decree, quieting title. S. Board of Commissioner a t Allev Ann Farrier. Forec!oj.ure. Continued. IJ. Mariba J .Need ham asrt Fidclious Necdham. Divorce. Divorce granted. 13. Ho Chas (Little Jim) agt Lop Ching (Jim vtcstfall.) Action on account. Dis missed without prejudice to Plff. 17. H D Burkhart agt Robt L Burkhart Partition. Continued. JO. W II Goltra agt J H Foster. Equity to set aside deeds. On trial. 37. W F Scttlemier agt Josiah Burrcll ct al. Co:, urination. Continued. 3S. I II Burkhart, adm'r agt Joseph Al ison. Confirmation. Confirmed, 44. l-i. 11 & Bush ngt J B Henderson Foreclosure. Cbntinucd. 46. J A Crawford gt Isaac McCIung Continuation. Connrmed. Order to pay over monev. 48. St. John & Roval agt Linn county Balance on contract for repa'ring Sander son bridge. Judgment for Deft, 49. A Bryant vs Islander Parrish, et al- Continued, 54, State of Oregon vs Peter Bilveu, Fined $25 and costs. ex tlats ami Cap. It is time to gut your spring bead apparel. A. B. Mcllwain has a stock t h its of the latest styles, which every mau should amine before buying. S'ano 4osts. The place to tiet faucy go d of all kinds. is at Mallwain's. His spring stock is here. and there it no discount on its bemg first class . B 1 ! u 0 1 off ered O&ES0I 8T1TS UNIVERSITY. Eugene City. Firat term begins September 13th, 186, Secure free scholarships by applying to your County Superintendent, Board and lodging, fcr ntek, $3 to $j. TXiriON PKR yku: : glemsntsry Knglis Department .$30.00 Xber Department ...$40.00 Write postal for catalogue with foil par tie :i Is rr, to rROI. JeU STKAt'B. Secretary Faculty, Eugene City, Oregon. CITATION. In the County Court 0 the State of Oregon far Lam County. In tbe matter of the estate of John W Frock, deceased. In the nam oj the Stale of Oregi : To J D Froak, tbe Administrator t tbe estate of John YV Froak, deceased. Yoj are hereby notified thst a petitiou has bee. ti.oU in tbe above entitled cause with the above entitled Court aakiua that you be rerr.r. v.d from the Ad minis tratum of said estate. 1 ou sre hereby notified sud required to appear snd answer said petition ami show cause it say exist why you sU uld not bs removed from your said trust u Adiinaiatrator ot sain estate, which said petition by o:ier ot the Court is set for beat ing on the 2d day of August. ISS6, st tbe hour ot bao o'clock, p. m,, of said day. You are hereby required to appear st said time and show eanse if any exist why you should not be removed from your sattt trust. (Jiven unoer my hand ami su-i litis JU.n day of June, lSn. US 1). ASDaBWs. County Clerk. Notice for Publication City. Ibm On. Orsica at Oreoon Innjv OJi. Notice ie hereby given that the ftsQeemg named settlor has tiled notice oi hi uitentiou to make final proof ir. support of his claim, and that said proof will be m ids before tbe Register and Receiver of U. S. Lsud Office at Oregon City, ou Tuesday, Au. l0th,18Sts vis : Oscar Dake, Homestead Entry No. 3D35 for ths N E of See Tp. 9 S R 2 K. He names the following witestssee to prove his oontiuuous rosideneo upon, seat cultiva tion of, said land, vis : Beujimine Kinaoy, Joseph Cox. John M. Barhsus and James Gist all of tfsbaws, Marion chanty, Oit cron. W. T. 1; kxev, Register. Letter 1.1st. Follow in is Uis list et letters rem linitu in the Post OfBce, Albsny, Linn comity, Oregon, July 8th, 1S90. Persons cslHa for Ikess luttsr muU give ths dsts on whioh thor wore advertised : Allen, T H Bamfiiru, James Fox, Clsre A Rocon, Nanoioon lVmch, ATei SUtfonl, Mr smith, Kujreuc Wiillsms, Geo J. M IRVING, r. M. . . - .n.g-.a. '-1 e MAKKlEtV. Wall Paper COLE. A LP H I N E. -At tbe Revere House July 5. by Rob't Dorria, J. P., Mr, Wm. Cole end Busan M. Alpbiue, daughterof Thos Alphine, Te congratulate. N. H. Alien k Co.'s new wall papers are now arriving direct from ' the factory, all grades now in stock. Call and examine it before purchasing. Concluded ou andfage Buekteu's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rhenra, Fever Sores, Tetter, Caappad Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perteot satisfaction, or tnonav refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sate by Foshay fe Mason. iir.t. IIANNON. At North Yakima, W, T on July 3rd, 1886, at the residence of Dr B M Savage, Mrs, Mary Jake Hannox, in the 74th year of her age, Obituary will appear next week, ANDREWS. On July 6, 1885,at the home of ber parents, 12 miles south of Albany Annie M., wife of C L Andrews, clerk of Morrow county. Aged 22 yrs, 8 moa 20 days, COHEN.-In Oskland, Cal,. Kaybel.twit daughter of Manny ana Fanny Cohen aged 3 mos 23 days. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the under, siguod hss this day been duly appointed by the County Court, of Linn county, Oregon, Administrator V IsjMst non of the estate of 0. P. Adsius, deceased, Ute of said Lian county. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notitiod and required to present tbe sama properly reritied within six mouths from the date hereof to the un dersigned at his residence uear Marion in Merion county, Oregon. D vted June 28tb, 1880. C. Farlow, Administrator. Lajidretli Winter Wheat, Sowed 4 lbs in fall o! "82. While othc r wheat wss trozeu out this was not affected. t is not surpassed by aiy variety in hardi neas. vu?or 01 growm, stillness ana lengm 01 straw, frcodntn from rust, productiveness and milling quality. The grain is large, plump, light amber in ..lor SSrn hard, yield ing the finest liour. Ripens two or three . .... v. weeks earlier tlian otner pram, w ui nave a limited quantity of this famous wheat for salo for seed wheat lor sm.25 a bushel, or Eastern price, 2oo. a quart by mail, pon paid. Parties wishing to see the wheat growing can do so by caumg at my piace 1 mile S K of Tangent. A. L, lJi I Oii KFARMER, Tangent, Or. X H B BEST THING OUT, the Acme Harrow and no farmer cr well afi'ocd to be without it. It is the veiy best clod cr.sheraad pulverizer, tearing tie ground as level as a barn door. Sol 1 only by Peters Stewart. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE GO TO WM. FORTMiLLER & GO'S. FULL LINE OF UPHOLSTERED OODS. UNDER TAKING A SPEC SALT Y.