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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1886)
Si ATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. THE BEST ADVERTMHQ MEDIUM III TEE WILLAMETTE VILLI Y Special business notice in Local col loons 15 cents per hoe. Regular Local notices 10 cents vf line For legal and tranaient auvert!smeets LOO per square for the llrst )nsert)on,snd N cents par w,aara for each subsequent Insertion, Itste for other advertisements made known on application. tmmx ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY STITKS& NUTTING. it I hi i. 01 I II !! ItrMtrnl MallUInx oa ltroalalbla Street, TKKMS Of SUBSCRIPTION agio oonr, par ysar, In trnx S3 50 n-ls opv, par yaar. at and ul year I 00 t Itffts ''! v, U in Mill . 1 80 ln-ls oopy, Ihw iwnthi Tl t ntfl n in 1 1 tin r ,. 10 VOL. XXI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 35, 188(1. NO 48 fielUi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. 3. STRAHAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Albany, Oregon. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE OourU of thi State. Will give special attention to collections and probate m attar. Office In Foater'a new brick. tttf "IThTmONT ANYB7 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Notary Public Albany, Oregon. Office upstairs, orar John BrijrtrV tore, tt street. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, 4iRixv, oar.cex. QflU PRACTICE IN AULTHK COURTS Of THR V HUUi Haclal attention givan to aollactlona ami robat ntatter. In OUd Fallsw's Tsmpla. (14:1 C, 0. rOWHLL. W. R. MLTI9 POWELL & BILYEU, vTTORNKYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancer?, I.HY. ... ORRQOM. Collection promptly made on all point. Loans nsimttsted on reaannahla terraa. STOfnoe In Foater'a Rriok.- vl4nltf J. J. WHITNEY, Attorney AM Counsellor At La? AND otarv Public. ALBANY, OREGON, Will practice in ail or the Court or thtsSt&te. All buaineaa Intruated to him will be promptly attended to. E. W. LANCDON & CO., 1U CsUIJsT. Hooka, Stationery and Toilet Article, A Large Stock and Low Price. CITY 2DRTJO- STORE, tyl 4XB4MY. BBC9M. FOSHAY & MASON, vaounjua a mtaiv Druggists and Booksellers, Agent for John B. Aldan's publication, which we sell at publisher's price with poatageadded. ALBANY, OKEGOM. A. PRUSHAW, DRUGGIST. Stationary, Toilet Articles, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Albany, Or. FURNITURE. ( hare the bent atock of umttnre In the city and will sell Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, The only atock or WALNUT FURNITURE in the cirv end the lowest price in the Valley. Come snd aee. Undertaking, A complete stock and can give SATIS FACTION. Try me. A. B. WOODIN, Iteverellouse, i ..ran rirt a4 Ellsworth Albany. Orrgoa. ueller & Garrett, Prop'rs This naw Hot' la fitted op In flrst class style. Tablt uip!iel with the beat the market sflonU. Spring Bods in erery Room. A good Sample Room tor Com ratal Traveler. tClrrr Casta a and fre-a tloil." ALBANY COLLEGIA K INSTITUTE NINETEENTH YEAR. l N Y. OR. The First Term will toDimence on Tflfsday, Sept., 15th, 1SH5. For particulars concerning the courses of study and be price of tuition, apply to KKV. J. . WkCiiarr, Preaidewt. Aloany Bath House. THE UNDBRS1UNEO WOULD RESPECT fully ; iforio tba ottiteng of Albany and ! jVatty that I havetkeDihrgoftbU EiUblisb taut, and, by keapiog oVaa rooma and payin stria t attention to basinasa, aipacts to suit sj Ihosawho may faror u with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Olass Hair 0retns Sajoona xpaeta to glv entire -aaiiif tion to al jjey-ChUdien aoi Ladles' Hair neatly nn hamnnad TOW WHHWKR. DR. J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Office cor. First and Ferry Streets, ABANY - - OREGON. O. 0 OHRBBT. C W.PgRKB ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHERRY & PARKES, (Snooessor to C. C. Cherry.) Machinists, Millwrights, and Iroi Founders. W E HAVE OUR NEW SHOPS ALL nomDleted. snd sre now prepared to handle all kind of heaw work. We will manufacture Steam Kneines, Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, and all kinds f Iron and Brass Castings. PATTERNS MIDE ON SHORT NOTICE. Special attention given to repairing ail kind of machinery. Will also manufac ture the improved Cherry A Whit Grain Separator N. J. KENTON, Notary Public and Insurance Agent, 0. F. BUILDING - - ALBANY, OR ilopre seats several of tbe best Fire In sura noeCompsnle on tbe Coast. Call c u him forreliable insurance. GEKManreMEDY For Pain sss Nwralata, rifta. AT lKltt.HT Altti MUl.kSS. TUB fN kRLRS A. TtMiKLKK I'll., HlltUnKI, HO. Abmohitrlu yVea from Opiate, L'mrtirs atd iVtsee. SURE. PROMPT A PVttMT t. t't I'Ltl . tMK lUaRLK A. VUtiKUM CU., HAITI SOKE, BS Skin TORTURES 'AND BLOOD HUMORS, Humiliating Eiuptlona, Itehlng and Burning Skin Torture. Loathautuc &..ree. and every spvciasof luhlny. ScAty. Pimply. Inherit!, Brrolulous so Conts;iuua lieaee of the Skin and Scalp, with Iim ( hair (mm infancy to old age. are positive I) cured by Cutieura, the great akin core, and CuU cura Soap, an exquUile akin beauUaer, eatemally. and Cutieura Reeolvent, the new BUod PurlOjr In tsraally. COVERED WITH WO REN. 1 have bean afflicted since laet March with a akin dlataae the doctors cal'ed Koaema My face waa aoewrad with scab and sorts, and the Itching and uurniog wwrw iiAieai nnosanaTO Basin? nur Cuti eura iu medics so highly reoomeasnded, concluded to give them a trial, using the Cutieura and Cutieura soap externally, and Resolvent intemallv. for four aionthe I call myself exited. In g rauiuda tor which I make this public statement. , m ' Ma. Claa A. Faaaaaioa. Broad Brook, Oon. S ALP.FAC E, E IKN AND NEtH. I was afflicted with EcassBa on the Scalp, race. Kara and Nick, which the druaaiat. where I rot dlee. pronounced one of ike arorat thai hade come undr his notice. Us adviscu nie to trv your Cutieura Remedies, and after fivs dsvs um mv ivaodpartof my face were entirely cured, and! tbe other part of my bee cured. ItSBMAX -!. : E 4th Street, New York. 1T4 HINQ DKHEAMEM CURED. Cutieura sUnds st the head of Its class, especially a this the raw with the Cutieura Soao. Hat had sn an usually ,f.-Ki sale this summer, owing to the prevalence of an arrraTlcl form ..i it. h l.alitiee la the cows try, la which the tlcura awawsaaaa aagspai aaaaafasaaey W. L. Haaoiee, Droggiat. I u1ociIowtj Ky. I Tlt'l'K A REMEDIES A re sold by all druggists. Pries : Cutieura 60 cents. Reeolyeot, $t ; Soap, ta cents. Pottei Drug snd liS'"0'' Seed for "How UCure Skin ncmiTin-the and akin by awkag tawCtmtt aA Soat. THE SEWIXG MACXE la the cause of I tori dc Pain and wsakaai For achlasr aides and bark kulnev ixlna. Sciatica, cheat paiaa. weakness and In fl(i.iiiti..n. the Cutieura AnU-Pain PlaaV tcr Is infalllabie. tt centa. MISS EMMA SCHUBERT Fine wtineiy, OPPOSITE REVERE HOUSE. PERKINS Windmill Cms be relied upon for a first-class mill. !.-.' - i'-ii e Iwat in use. For el or snow it Is tbe etdls address la IKK HMKLaMIS, the T't dealer, ror. Front and. Morrison Kts., 1'orthan l Or. Sole sgent for 1'erkins' Windmill Co., of Misbwauka. Ind., in Oregon and Washington. c9mi To All Sufferers Of EYE, EAR, HERVOUS, OR RECTAL mum. DRr J. B. PILKINCT0N. Surgeon Oculist, imist & Specialist, Offers free consultation. Will be at REVERE HOUSE ALBANY, On the Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday Jorenoon, following the st Monday of each month. Will make these visit monthly for on year to come. Am curing; scores of the worst fotm of bove diseases. Refers in Albany to Jas.S. Cherry cured of blind ness; R A. Bampy, Druggist, and Fred Dpffenbacker, farmer at Harriburg. con cerning Rectal disease. A scote of other names given on application. W AGON WOOD AND HARDWARE. Peters A Stewart have neck-yokes and sintrle trees, ironed or unironed, neck voke irons, single-tree irons, nib Irons, felloes, spokiis, ax trees, etc-, all for sale bea p. J1 CASE FLOW. This famous plow Is well known In Linn roimtv. Th nhillod snd steel olows sr well made from the very best material snd sre warranted to do as good work and cour full y as well as any other plows Peter A Stewart are the note agents FRED GRAF, Manufacturer and Dealer In all klndso AND UNDERTAKER. 8 First Street Albany, Or T. J. STITBS. ATTORNEY AT LAW -AND Notary PuMic- THE CHINESE MUST GO.Thret young men -will do work of all kinds, sawing j .- r - r wood, garaemng, nc mwe orumrj u im Se BrownelVs. Red Star TWAD Cff M A WK. oughIure ! "WD.lllllTtOtl. (Kroin our regular oorrr ajHindsiit.) Washington, June 4tb, 1880. In it list of eighteen msrrlsKe il. censes, granted at the Recorder's of fice, appsarod tn the piper this morning, the names of Grovcr Cleve land end Frances Folsora, of Buffalo, N.Y. The names appeared about tho middle of tho list the other names represented contrasting parlies un. known to fame, but representing more then one shade, c lor t.nd pre vious condition. The outside world was excluded from tho White Hoo during the ceremony, but enough Iias been seen end heard to koow that the unofteti tailons good taste and Democratic simplicity of the nuptial were all that the dec i pies of Jefferson and Jackson could have debited. Particular pains have, from the first, been taken, not to shroud the news und the event in mystery, hut to foil the impolite and intrusive, Paul Pry representative of the press o to whose keen and irreverent noses nothing Is sacred. Miss Folsom arrived in Washing ton at t5 o'clock on Wednesday morn iog. She was driven to the Whlto House through the green snd shaded roadwsy of the Smithsonian grounds instead of by the more direct route of Penn. Ave. She entered the White House by the rear portico and wee received by the President at tho door. She was then conducted to the South chamber on the second floor which had been embowered In flowers. At eight o'clock break fast wee served. Mies Cleveland ait ting at tbe foot of the tabic, M is Folenro on la r right hand, the President was eeated at the heed. A number of relatives of the bride breekfasted with them, and the new mistress of tho White House was subjected to a severe social ordeal one as trying to her composure es any she will prob. ably be celled upon to undergo. After breakfast the President, at is his wont, addressed himself to hit official duties aod worked contin uously until noon. Miss Folsom spent her time with her mother and friends looking at and admiring the floral decorations. Before luncheon the President sow his bride for e few moments and then ot-.lering his car riage, took t short drive. This wes doubtless that he might look for the last time at the beautiful world h was about to turn his back upon. Toward i evening the street t urrou id log the Executive Mandou began to present an animated sppearance Ail sorts of people fl -ked thither on foot and vehicles anxlou to catch a glimpse of i he bride and groom. The rsgmuffin bo,t.hlck wis there, as were pret'y femalo elerks from the department. dud men ot wealth and leisure with their wive, eowel"t and aunts. All the Iron gat-s lend Ing to tne rear f the iiiaiis ' hl been hked but the front , h was unhnrrt'd the grounds as for as the p irttU -if the White f&NHM were accessible alike, to Araericun citizens, foreigners snd anarchists About seven o'clock the strains of Mendelsohn's Wedding Msrch were heard within, and tho Presldnet, In close fitting evening dres, his left hand gloved and carrying a glove In his right hand, descended the broad stairway and entered the Blue Room. He nodded to the leader of the band, and taking his position in the midJIe of the room, Rev. Dr. Sunderland, supported on hi left by Rev. Clt-ve- and, brother of the groom, calling them only by their first ntmea Grover snd Frances pronounced them hunbsnd and wife, sfier a cere mony of considerable length. The strains from the opera of Lohengrin announced to ihe crowd without that the President of the TJni'ed States was married Church bells all over the cliy rang out, the whistles of en gines and steamboats bellowed long continued MaN, sn i lie thunder of the ration mIIi to Hi Joyful uproar. Mmiwtjiie ih to- "in extended their congratulations. The Rev. Cleve land being the only gentleman wlu; kissed the bride. The President and Mrs. Cleveland led tho way to tho dining room and Mrs. Cleveland seizing the silver knife, stabbed the wedding cake to the heart. While the others were still at the table the distinguished couple donned their travelling attire and entered their carriage which had been driven to the rear of the mansion, amid a shower of rice aod old shoes, one of which struck the distinguished func tionary on the arm. The carriige was driven by circuitous route to a side track of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad seme distance beyond the station whero a special train awaited tbem In which they were quickly conveyed to Deer Park where they i .... nt anonri ii.alr hnnovmoon. TUB Wit. AO kaaajr on Ike Mill laaert Wrlilaa a Bar, The wasp Is a very funny bird- he has two wings, four legs and a light ning rod. He Is not es useful the hen ; but, all the same, he lays for humans. Some time ago Bill Squacks sat down on one. But BUI didn't linger he seemed wilting and anxious to rise. Then he went csperlng off home. He had to carry hlmsvlf In a sling for a long tlmv. Wasps do not have to be Mined they ere alwaya tame enough. When one cornea up, slydik?, and whispers something in my ear, It makes tuo weep to think they are so familiar with in in And then I wish they would never come nearer than a mite away. Once, giand fat her owned a bull and a wasp nest at the same time. I went out to the farm to spend vaca- ti n. The old hull seemed to take an In. terest In me fr.n the start,and didn't act s though he wanted roe to play out lu the field. So I let him chao mo up to the fence corner, where the plum tree wat that hsd Via nest in, then I punched the net with e stick just (o see If tho wasp wore at homo, and out came the waspit.llke pop out of a pop bottle. One old civil en gineer wasp slid down an imaginary line and brought up on the bull's nose. A thrill of wild delight seem, ed to go clear through the bull. He reared up on his hind feet and beckon ed for me to come over and have some. But I declined. Then he yelled to the cows to come and see whet he had found, hot by the time they ar rived he seemed satisfied, and with a couple of toots ho signalled ff brakes, and tried a tpce with him self down to tbe back field, giving vent to his glee In load snorts. A he went he pointed hi tail up. I though that was probably tho road he wanted roe to take. About this time the cows eesn the Joke, and they aoemod as anxious as he to go off to some quiet place and amile. One old cow had to leave or burst right out laughiog,so eh wink ed to the rest, as If to sey, Come, Utiles, let u retire ;" then they gamboled off to where the bull waa, to talk it over with him. I forgot about the wasp, and climbed up oo the fence to eoo Ihe rce. But Just then an old bus' nee wasp dovH down, pricked opeu bis misery hag aod vaccinated me In the neck ; then 1 jumped down and rn to tho hotie. I c mid n't -eo very well from ther tny way If you ever see sn old wasp kled of smiling like, and backing up to. ward you at the sttnn lime, and si t ing a thousrh ho had a load of some thing ho wanted t dump, y-u wart to flo ; d'Oi't stop to argue ; if you do yuu will ! bowed Jowo with sor row, humped with sadness, ami do your fleeing afterward. I think Ihe leH wty to handle Wttap i In let to job to nmu one i- md then go off on a vldt. Tke Krxt Leslalatttr Aa nearly aa we can learn the following will constitute the next Legislature, I'nion count to hear from, and one or two other count fes a little doubtful : SENATORS. BakerChandler, D. Benton Cauthorn, 1). Clackamas Williams, R ; Bsrin. R. Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook- (iray.R Cooa and Curry Siglin, D. Dougla -Emmitt," R ; 8hupe, R. GrantHamilton, D. Jackson Stanley, 1). Josephine Miller, R. Lane Coleman, D ; Veatch, I). Linn Weatherford, D ; Dawnon, R ; Irvine, D. Marion Chamberlain, R ; Looney, R ; Dimick, R. Multnomah Simon, R ; Carson, R ; Steel, R. Polk and Benton- -Lee, R. Polk -Allen, R. Union Rinehart, p. Wasco, Crook, Klamath and Lake Cartwright, R. WashingtonHare, R. Yamhill- Bird, R ; Watta, R. Umatilla Wager, D. nil MOUSE. Grant Caldwell, R. Baker Two Democrats. Benton Iavis,D ; Vanderpool, 13 ; Os borne, D. . Clackamas- -Krusc, R ; Gard, R ; May er, D ; Noyer, D. Clatsop and Tillamook Dickenson, D. Coos Roberts, K. Coos and Curry Crook, R. Columbia Pomeroy, R. Douglas Palmer, R ; Benjamin, R Blundell, R ; Krewson, 13. Iackson Milter, D ; Rowditch, 13. osephine Mitchell, D. Klamath and Lake McLean, R. Lane Stafford, R ; Bilyeu, D ; Hale, D ; Thompson, D. Linn Richardson, R ; Blevins, D ; Henry, D ; Hansard, D ; Swank, D ; Millet, D. , Marion Pendleton, It ; Hicks, R ; Cul ver, K ; Layman.R ; Lafollet,K ; Gregg,R. Multnomah Wilson, R ; Summers, R ; Mackay, R ; Harrington, R ; Munger, R ; Harris, R ; Taylor, D. Polk Holmes, D ; Haley, D ; Daley.D. Umatilla Crockett, D. Wasco, Crook and Gilliam Wilcox, D ; McDonald, D. Washington Paukeen, R ; Smith, R ; Gubser, R. Yamhill Laughlin, R ; Little, R ; La follett, R. Morrow Gay, R. iiHutim i nr.. noit mi Tho largest librory In the world u that of the French, at Peris, which contains to-day upward of 2,000,000 printed books and 100,000 maau. scripts. Between the Imperial Li brary at St. Petersburg and the British Museum, It Is difficult to say which 1 tho hrer. Neither will vary much from 1,100,000 volumes. The Royal Library of Munich hts now something over 900,000, but this Includes 600,000 psmphlets ; the Roys! Llbrsry at Berlin contains 700,000 ; the library at Copenhagen, 510,000 ; the library at Dresden, 500,000 ; library at Vienns, 400,000 ; University Library at OoUlngen, Germany, 400,000. The Vatican Library, at Rome, ha about 110,000 printed books, end commenced m 1378. There are about slaty other libraries tn Kurope Urger than the Vatican Library. The National LU brary, of Paris, Is ono of the very oldest In Kurope, having heeu foun ded n 1350, although the University Library at Prague is reported as founded the same year. The British Museum dates it commencement about 400 yeas Inter 1753. U. the large libraries in the Uolied Stale, the Boston Public Lbrry come next to tbo Congressional, with about 350,000 (including the duplicate In Its seven branches) ; the Harvard University collection comes next, with about 210,000. The Astor end Mer. caotlle, of New York, have each about 150,000 ; Tale College has about 115,000 ; Dartmouth about 04, 000 ; Oornell University, with 42r 000 ; the University of Vlrgiole, 42,000 ; H-twdo'n, with 38,000 : the University of South Carolina, with 30,000 ; Michigan State, 40,000 ; Amherst, 41.500 , Princetnn,45,000 ; Pennsylvania Mercantile, 125,000. and Columbia University, South Carolina. 32,000. It will thu be aeon that our National Library, as It should bo culled, exceeds all but eight, i r possibly nine, of the ancient librsrie of Europe, and all in Amer ica. - i i - nar. - - - , arat. avjiO O a a .Of - - '--dm "It WOUll ! a MMfej( ili-lMCO io tkeatat Im Wt Pneoyer (J.eror of Oru . The ISHHfto wii n-t hat it that ?."-Stntgmnn M 27lh. And yet ih people ky an ovrwhloi- lnt inai itiiv (aid i -v would have it that war. (Juir imm'tr of tbe sub aeiihstra wj thr Statmnn in Salew nuit have contributed to that result, lodging from the return. II ra f so m Sa-ure concerning tbe atari- of (J iveroors in lb vations stat : Now York and Peonsylesata pay $10,000 ; California, an I Illinois, $6,000 ; Indiana, Kentucky, New Jer r, Nds, Mi.i..iri, Virginia and Wisooaiin. $5,000; M at y land, $4.500 , Lnuiatans, Ms'sscHnsstt, Mississippi, Ohio.TennHwas, mn, Ttaa,$4,000; Min neot,$3,800 ; ArksnNHs,F!orid,South Carol in i, $3,500 , Alabama, Colorado, (tpatgU, Iaw,KnM,North Caroline, $3 00J ; Wea. Virjiii.M, $2,700; No hraaks, $2,500 ; (J inflection', Del ware nd Mtne, $2,000 ; Oregon pay 1, 500, th same s litt In Vermont ; the eolv fctatn lht pay lj are Michigan, Ubede Ilnd and New Hampshire, who pay $1,000. Senator Mitchell of Oregon baa in troduced a joint reaolutt m din ct n tbe Stcritsry of the navy to appoint a ciuimtion of three eometent officers to examine tbe coast north of tbe forty ofoond psrsllel of north latitude, in Oregon snd Washington territory, and select a site for a navy yard The Ittioooaty psrtisan Providence Journal h svidently slipped a cog. In addition to making hitter war upon a RvpuMicMM stst oiiicisl it forms' a an tOn need text it will not support Mr. lJ;..i:.e ahould hn hp sn to be the can didate in 1888. Notwithstanding ClevMland't roloastl nihjortty in IVxas th D -m jctatio At- tornsy-Genviai of that :,.tii say that a single mistsko hy thM Dsmocrata may rsHtilt in tli-i deat nf the party in this ynat rf cuipuiirn. B)'t snd ilitx are the order of the day in Aul-im,nl many independent cmi'!idntrH will Is f mi nl in thH field, both for tim Letslai ut nnd fur OuO" grew. T'uy ie:r detHimliied to work Up n iatofoat in politics somehow 8mum's oircus showed in Watdnng ton last Wfk at a dollar a ticket and made a mint of mousy. It will be re membered that Mr. 1.U rn um was going to sell all he hsd at twenty-five cents on the doilsr and lake to the wosds if Cleveland were elected. There is a split in the Republican nartw of KeDtuckv. thouah what it i -j ' " thould split on in the stat U x oonun rlrnm. One faction is (sailed ;'The Boodle,"the otber"The Yellow Dogs." A high school debating club in Uli nois is wrestling with this question : "Reaolved.Can a girl boycott anybody?" SPRING STOCK Now being received by N H Great care has been taken in our selectiono hiitv, ces and,while we do not. claim that our Goods 'are any better than our com petitor;,, we know that they are just as fresh and as good, and we wm ESt nt .ffilS ITSe&eA- ur 8tock was Pchased for Spot uasfa, ana wo propose to sell as Chq.n an unv hnnco iM 4?L A a -jjj - Put the a SS ltae ofUt n8et Wh8at at 60 9afcS P3r bushsl We have in stock Dry GOODS, Gent's Furnishing GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, &0. iTESi11 and ALBANY, OREGON, MARCH 6, 1886, Male Trarbrr'a liaariattan I 1111 Bv requcat wc puhluh tar following from the Salem Statesman in reference to the State Teacher' Aaaociatkm, which will be held in Yaquina Cltv, Iwginning Julv 6th : Prof. McElror has been laboring in the interest of the association for aomc time already, and espect to have hi programs completed bv next week. Several of the ablest educators in Oregon, will be present, and it i expected that the attendance will exceed that of anv other rear. The railroad co'mpenies'(both the Oregon a California and the Oregon Pacific) will make greatly reduced rates to all attending over their line, and the hotels and boarding house, at Y squirm Cltv. Newport, and .South Beach, will entertain those attending, during the diva of the aaaockm, at not to exceed $i per da v. Arrangements "have been made for the accommodation of : person at this rate. Of these too will be accommodated by the Yaquina City hotel, st Y squirts city, twenty -ft vest the Bay view hour, sixty at the Ocean house, Newport, ami fifty at South Side hotel, at South Beoefe. Many teacher and their friend, who will attend the association may prefer to ESEti? . T.ra, "g rurtaheu (nooe noocMre tne pleasures oi camn-life bv the ca h!urc Ttiere tent. ill be pitched in shady nooks, and quiet re treats, in localities overkxking, and com manding all the attratlon snd picturesque scenery of the bay and ocean. Ihey ill also be placed In 'convenient proximity to the hot.-U snd hoarding houc. At sny time, during the days of the as sociation, excursions may be organized to he carted on anv of the steamers, plying on the hay, from Yaquina City to the ocean, and return, for io cents, tor each person. Thia, a distance of five mile aero the bay. Also, the large and powerful tug-boat, be longing to the Oregon Pacific Railway Cmnnanv. ha been aecurine for carrvin excursions acrrw the bar, out to ea, an return ( also, on the same boat, to Seal Rock, ten mile south, on South Beach ; and north, to the beautiful and interesting (to a landsman) lighthouse, on Cape Foul weather. Ah stated above, the railroad, and other line of travel to, and on the bay. will make lowest nossiblc rate to all points of inter erst, and will, further, grant an extension of . '1 time, of at least thirty days, so that teacher and their friends may remain on the bay for tome time, if thev ao desire. On thi ex tension of time, the reduced rates over the routes of travel will hold good. Parties attending from this eity, and the east side generally, can leave Albany at noon Monday, after the arrival of the pas senger trains" there, and arrive nt Yaquina Cirv, or Newport on that evening. The program will be a genet alized program, containing, among it features, work under the departments of superintendence, teach ing, normal, college, and university work. These general departments will include the discussion of special and general topics relative to each department, and daily pro grams will be issued each morning for each day's work. The generalized program will also-contain descriptions of the bay, routes of travel, etc. On the last cvenikg of the association, it is intended to have a literary and musical entertainment, and a social re union. Prof. McElroy is peculiarly fortunate in his choice of locations for holding the an nual associations, and shows that, besides expecting to benefit his excellent State edu cational corps, he also largely consults their pleasure. Many of Salem s people can bear witness to the fact that Yaquina is one of the most pleasant places on the coast, so far as the inducements, ami auracuons oi sea-coast resort are conemcd, It is expect ed that a delegation of at least fifty from Marion county will avail themselves ot me privileges offered for low rates, etc., and visit the bay during the early pan oi ju. The air at that time is very light and clear, and one who wants to "see the Mghts" could not go at a more fitting tune. Some writer wbo is posted on the financial standing of the Senators fcots up their aggregate wealth to he over nna hundred million of dollar?. The oalculatiou is not basen; on what they are worth to the eounti y, Dvid Davis said oace that a news paper givps, Iree gratis and for nothing to tho benefit jof th community in which it i printed, what coats it from $1,000 to $5,000 per year, and David told the truth. Kid shoes may be kept soft and free from cracks by rubbing them once a week with a little pure glycerine or caBtor oil. Allen mt .7 Knife to Prices N. H. ALLEN & Co., NOTICE. taring concludod to close out his business, now offers Me entire stock o STOVES, RANGES, HE ATI NO AND COOK STOVES together with hit entire stock of TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE AT COST. As this is a naanifli ntsihf mt mw ut, fi, u.,.-t w , to replenish their kitchens uj Mtits with ware. Y, IP lil ataaiMs iwSoe The danger to the public health from the indiscriminate use of the many lime and alum baking powders of commerce lias been so fully exposed that everybody desires to avoid them. As "forewarned is forearned," housekeepers will thank us for apprising them of the special efforts at present being made to dispose of such powder in this vi cinity. The proprietor of some of the worst of these powders are now going from house to house, trying by means of a trick, or so called teat, 'with heat and water, to show that their article i as good as the Royal Baking Powder, making the comparison with this brand because everybody recog nizes it to be absolutely pure" and whole- j some, the object, of course, being to supply atheir own goods in place of the Royal, ! which housekeepers have for so manv war 's II J .. s . a S a si: re nee upon to putt up the morning biscuit, and to make the light, palatable, and w hole- j S . a . a. a I some rou, cake, ana pastry tor wmcn u is famous. - The housekeeper will do well to be on her guard against these baking powder tram. Every intelligent person, know that any goods peddled from house to house hi this manner, or that are given away in samples, or sought to be introduced by secretly traducing the character of other goods well known to be pure and reliable, have no merits of their own. and have failed to find purchasers through legitimate means. We are informed, aa a matter of fact, that one of these tramps is trying to introduce a powder that has been found by the Govern ment chemist to be n.85 per cent lime, while the other peddles a powder that is 20 per cent alum one a powerful caustic, the other a corrosive poison . No such tricks or jugglery will be apt to deceive any intelligent person. The house keeper who has nsed her Royal Baking Powder ever since she discarded cream of tartar and soda, knows more about its qual ities than all the trampa in the country can teach hor. The crucial test to which she has put the Royal Baking Power the test of actual and successful work in the preparation of pure and wholesome food, under which it has never failed is entirely satisfactory to her. She has always had t'good luck" with it in making light, sweet, and delicious bread, biscuit, and cake, and has placed it, to stay, at the hiad of her housekeeping favorites. She knows that it has been officially approved by the Govern ment chemisiat as the best, and we imagine that the baking powder tramp who attempts to supplant its place in het confidence will find this a bad vear for his business. A convenient article for the kitchen is a btout tin box in which may be kepi the stove polish and brushes and cloths used about the stove. It should have a handle and cover. It will pay for itself over anil over in lessening the cleaning- of the shelf upon which brushes and blacking are usually kept, and it will be found also that mere attention will be given to the stoves where the neces sary means are to easily 'carried about from room to room. There is no longer any disguising the fact that Mr. Blaine is again in the fie'd as a Presidential candidate. Co.. aa t a i av a WW aVU uuo U tauo, CuLlKA sampxessent uponap- 57 First Street Albany, tJ ij biuj lUL UJIUWilp rap f t. Maanfactnred only by the California Ffg Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal., is Nature' Own True Laxativ. Thia plitt Cliffr oi liquid fruit remedy may W had af rha v k Mason st fifty cent -r 000 drdlsr. It is the- moat pleasant, prompt, and eftectiv remedy known to clua the ; to act 00 the Liver, Kidneys ami Bowels gent ly yet thoroughly ; to dispel headache , c '.;.. and fevers ; to cure constipUtion, indigestion aed kindred ill. f . Was set Oil subscription, '.) uf grab oak wood and 20 oords of hi.- fir. Baapt crash wood. Lt ua heir from those w 1 Wans to aupply us wood, as nnc. The Karrot r t'ainblnatiH. Troe delicacy of fitvor with trnf efficacy of action, has been attain- in t Y- i o California liqo id fruit lemlv, Syrnu of Fij. It plesaaut taste sad beneficial effVcta have rendered it immensely pipalar F r sale by Foshav & Mason, 'wholesale and retail. if you ara Boiaf Ki; Oregon Sh rt L;n I i i auothet column. I (9 VI t. Si C W Louder st (.'., t f 't un authorised advermt'i Sflnfi ck at far that eitv. 'nnifT-un y JTUilO THE mhi t;yiah:i4av. SEWINQtMACHmB HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECTS A TISFACTIOIA In HoiBe Suiui HaddBB Co. ORANGE, MASS. 30 Union Square, N.Y. Cskagtsla, SMouMlo. Atlanta, 6a. Oalkg, cx, San Frac'-acc Cal. WILL BROS., Albanv aud Cervallis, Oregon. A. 0. U. W. Members wishing employmonCor desiring nslp, will nleaosll a flii & Browaalls store and regi 8 ter their names. By Order of Lodob. Sk I