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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1886)
1st 111 - 11 '! Catarrh Dimtoif tf. P. CHUlu'M.-rro&ohingoveTy8bftth, t 11 a. m., and, by Ilav. " O. lr rine, D. D. Sabbath School a 2:30 r. M Prayer mooting, every WcilueSAdAjr ev oniug. EAOsXiCAt. Uhckuh. PrsAchingon 8ab Will it 10,30 i.n,ttd7r. u. BbSS School 11.-44. Prayer moating. iWfj d nseiAy avemug 7:30. S. U. DavIs, pAAtor. All mm invited. CkMoimATioMALOKUH.--Srviooevory Sabbath At 1 1 a. m. end 7 r. . 8AbbAth School At lit 16. Prayer meeting on rharxUy evening of each wash. J. Harris, pastor. 1. & Cucacu. South. Preaching every N.hltK m.irninu at 11 o'clock A. M. D 1 . . t I. bL 1 . 1 1 ..I 111 m'. I.tii A . M . minj .i,.rv Thursdav evetitutf At I o'clock. K. Al. Culp, Pastor. M. K. C'murcm Socth.Tanoikt. PreAoh inn W-rtf Men-hat h at 3:.t0 oclook.f. M. SaU bath School At 'i:30 o'clock. i A. K. M. Culp, pAttor. M. E. Ohorcw. Preaching every SabbAth II A. M. Aiul 7 r. m Song service u evening before sermon. SabbAth Schoo vt.30 r. at, Prays meeting every Thurs Ay evening. Rev. 11. P. V ebb, pAAtor. vr kki an Church. Scrvios v? Sabbath morning And evening in Church cor. BroAdAlbin Aud Fifth Sta. SundAy School At 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wedueeday evening. Kev. Isaac H. 1 oodit Kit II irrnrr I'm i? Ri ll. Preaching ever suhheth At 1 1 o'clock iii .At Church on 6th Street. Sabbath school unmeliatcly After momma services. Praver meeting Thursday eveniug At 7:30 o clock Brownaon, pAator. T U IMPORTED CLENALD. JSCSl Wlnnnr at I ha I 'mIIIhIIIiIaI in 1876. ! iiorted into the United Slates by Burrs, He waa sired by lb great i.ria Johnnv Cann KM dam WA (.- k. in.iiu r.imnl 'Jteneld. Import mi i:i.,..i.i aimU 17 hAude high iui weighs -MOO pound. For sty I no horse r Kl. . him. Ulsnalil is chtet of tn Clyde. Bone And feel not esceliad t.i- mttar iIpmI'I !j(JtM. Fanners shoaltl beAr in ailni thAt nne lArge horAM Are la good iletnamt and sre Always saleable. BCASOX. ill...... AS i.lav ami Saturdays. Maj, lirticVs fArm, MondAyA And TueA Wvallia,VVednesdayB And Thuradaye. T.rmi SIO. 115. 'i. Car taken to prevent accident, but nf rasponslbllity Assumeu. uoou piuic Iih lit ( .irvAiiw lor ui-rc v di.Htan(e. UregO!i. J w tied by Ji,8ohUffelio, lnglea J. W. DCKlt, AgAnt OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VIA-, Oregon A California K. JK, AND CONNECTIOIIS Far from Portland lo Bn FrsacUx. AW l fQC man to, A3 Close cooo-cUous mso. s mg ul the eUilornia, Ursgoo nJ 'abo 8U Compsny. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) lail a Me Mvlslaa. SBrWEEl roKEEAMB A AAMEARt. HallTraia. UUM AKKIVX. Portisnd T:S0 a a Albany IS ra Achlsod.e 7:45 ra Aibsnv... !.: Altwny . . . 1 A M AlUuiy.... PoftUlMi .11:4 aa ,1 . i M Albany i:pre Train. LKATB. ABSIVB. PortisiHl . .M ru I Albany jJL' 1 AJbsny 36ra Lebaaea tJ Lebsaoo 4.46 a a Alb-. Albany a m ronispd 10 A M Pullman Pslsee MMptaff Cars daily bst Tmi..i i II U r-rrv maksa aaOSSSUOIH with a-. the regular train on Iho East Aids Wistou Irom fool of Y aursi. West Ms MvUlaa. ETWEES ruBrLAM A CaSAlLIA. Mail Trala. P.. rl f) (1 4 M I CorSSlllS. 4M T M ( Vmallu ' ' H:30 A H i fAflleAd ' t press Train I' .nUn.l AOO r s ! Mrilinuills -S0 r a MoMmnvtlU h:4& a S i Portland -39 A Local UVksis for air and bsggaa chocked a co Tu ku l..r priniosl aS .u in California can only bs procurad ' 1 l,.'a ch :hcd at l nny s .Bcs. IWar V a wl Kr blkL. PorOaul OT. FrcUfht Still not he rseetred for hi!.innl after Ore o'clock p. s or Wast wVss purs sea, It KOKHLKK, E. P. RiXJEKS, a r. a PssiAAsas. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THJC BEST OOUGrH CURE that the world has .ear mom. Dr llmlr ( u.-l. Jura ha onus! on 'is 'at-s l lbs globs. I ballengs the world for ,oou to prodoos any uj1i prepare Ion, now the marks- o best It n prumptnesi in curing- a J 'Ugh or ColJ. BS.tlu.ra Uke the ad ice ol an old pioneer of 17 ysrs jo l C4!": "Dont run the risk ol our own Ufs or your liidren's on sugai snd iter, H ha sei.t thu nd tolheir long home, vuwtd And more vlr is in one of thee iinall ,tls than In a int m oommon csugn nwavu". rneie toestftessavvwy roe, 'if jou don"t kill BM ouah the 0114b is sore ..kill you." Besaresftlerl nark The ales ea he bottle. WUOLKSALB aOCXTM, HKLL, IlKtTnHli st WseiWABI, POBTLAND, ORIMiOK. AAst MAY. J. C. SENDKRS MAY & SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARR1S8URC - - - - OREGCN Will boy Grain, Wool at d all kinds eoflotry produce. F. P. NUTTING. Union Iaauranoe Co. , capital $40,000,000. laamf In an absolutely safe otn;auy Red CrownMills LANNIN0 & CO., PROPR'S. SK AT f-KK V.M FLOOR SUPBBI0B FOR FAMfLIEA AXR BAKKRS USI. BJJS1 lCJLITIES. Highr-v Price in Cash fo NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR. Notice ia hereby given that the nnear Hined has oeen duly appointed by the Oountv Court of Linn county, Adminis trator of tbe estate of Henry Williams, deceooed. All peraous bAving elAima airalnst said estate are herebr required to present them, properly verified as by law required, within ix month from this date to tbe undersigned at llarrisburg, JLinn county, Oregon. Tbla 2lHt day of April, 1886. Hiram Williams, Administrator of tbe l -tate of JIen;y Wiillama, deceased I ISWORTH ITS I 00 0 0 o o 0 ( u0 Oregon Kidney Tea Nsturc'n n rsmtily K A K K KK K K K K win i"-iiii cure ill I ii (I..HI i! ' 1,1 . It AND Kl!Ni;VS. H i iierfot'tlv hAitnle snd esn b rlou t' the m t illlosi wonisn or ohll i. Vn by H Urmmlrts, Aitrll. M'llh t WoiMlnml, WSHMi Agi n TTrrn- T T T T POKTLAND, ORIJOCNi City Market A. A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Oppoalte Petera A Sttwart'a ) Keeps r OrAt olAAA sup. ly of good meat of a I kiiuls, at bottom rtca, AMKKICAN FAUMEK To all our Subscribers I All our subAorlbr who will pv thlr Ubscrtpti0U AIMHUintA lo tbA AAr iu lull to dAto. And one yeAr In Ad vance, mil l prwiUAd with onn yAr'a aubaorlp llou to THE "AMEliir.VN FAUMER i" AAlxteen pAgA Agrlculmrl MngMliw, published by I A. K. llAokAtt. M Fort Wayne. Indiana, and whleh Is lap-dly UkiiiK rank aa enAof th leading Agrli o tural publicAllonA of tbA country. It In devotrd farluRlvely lathe liilirtaiN on be fsrmer. stock breodr, dAirymAti, gArd-n-r. And - heir boushld, nr d evry ni'ios ofiiidutr i-onnet ifd with ihm urmt or tton ol the" i wop I of the .rul the farmer-. 1 be eubK?rption price la on did la r i?r year. Frtrtjiera can ol well get alonu wiibnutlt. It puts new ideaa into their niluda. It leAcbea iheni how to rerm wltli II Mil III lll ll li tbe home h-ppv. tha yAUiitf rolka cheerful, lhA growier cntnted, the downcast happy, And ih deuiAgogUA horeAt. WTYfrgmAMiOYAWl f it an-1 sjpBBl ity o I tSUMBS) - s .1. - 1 1 ann n Every oood thlnsr l Cjountr feitd, and consumers are CAU TIONBSn furainaL IMITATION 8 Of tneae Ohlmnoys man or vri POOR GLASS. Bo that the ex act label is on each chimney as abovo. The Poarl Top Is always clear and aright Glass. Haaiafaetarcd OI.Y by GEO. A. MACBETH & CC. Pit (share Lnd sJlaan Werks. FOB BALS XT! DBALEP.S. Or g3n Padiic Railro id. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA Trainn Iravr i ortallU. Tueaday, Tburaday, SaturdAy, At 9 a. m. Train Leave Yaqnlnu. MondAy, WcdoeadAy, Fridny, At 8 A. K. The fine A I Steamer llYaquina"sails mo ragrrxA. Sunday, Apid SStb. Tueailay, May lllb, Monday, Msy 24th, Toesdsy, June Hib, raoa sax rsAsctsco, Wsdassday; Mat lb, Wednesday, May 1Mb. Tucadsy, June ML rttursday, June lUh. The Company rtssryet the right to chsnK asi.iog days. Fare and freight at reduced and moderate rats. Hirer boats oa lbs Wi Jametto cotinsct at Crallla Lowfsrss snd rates, fog further InformAtl-Mi p ply to -. . uocre, A. (J. F. and P. Agent, Cervallte. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, IS THE BONK OF THE WORLD FOR STOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA Nervous headache eun.'d in threo minute snd Toothsche inthreu mcoik.. For all psitit ami sche. it has no equal in the world Small bottle. iJcl. ! .r,. IxAtle, ft . One half A(n;k In f-antern iart of the city with fair bousu and barn will Uraold cheap ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, iO Spruce St., New York. Send lOots. for lOO-Pago Pamphlet. l J J 3 NEE1VOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Vonerc aKosr'd e - 1H1 of U I ; of the i.f Of. Vs ivit i nn itc uptpdy rv'WWs, loss . ' troubles. ' : 'i-Ktora ijwt ia MuU;d :all, Hich. . Iko for iii:m v ot 1 i'. iln to IIi'olili, Vltfnr Ko rtk Ik incurred. IH nutiiy' mall(-d free, I VOUL'AIC BJ THE BEST storutlvo Ul tlio world U IlALL'e UN K W kit . 1 1 cures nil iIIsoaaos of li, itnd stlrmilntrs tlio balr glamli. hful m-tlon. It st tins tho fntllnsr of I.,. i... r... i itk i ni iiliii' i'1-iiv : currs l il.lui'-, mi'l rt siorts youiurui t-oior ami IUM'sof n'ir-;iinnci" to Itrmls alrfmly i w itli ngi . The following arc a tvw , tdtotti of what I done by HAUL'S iTeantable Sicilian AIR RENEWER: Mil. HrNsnr.nnt, 84i franklin Am i , ,V, ) ,!! r n km i.' Htlmk of Krr. In (lie lit-ntl. fniind hef Imlr slrwidy -t illlim i(Vo i p ''b ilf sin1 soonbsesnie I ii"' boule of Hall's 1 1 a i a U- l.i itghi It hark ss soli, biowu aud i f Mn, Kri.tNi, nu Ul ftomcr, ncsr ITasw . s. fml . Iid n-nu'i-lv sny Imlr Ml, mut wlmt l n vn ul It Inl txioiiic lirsBy wlillf. I i.i r Hall's II.mii Ucnbivku Itoppsa i iilni'i .mi, snd tnvo hnn n ihti-k, liixurlnnt ! i.r 1ml. , u bron n and fnlt as lie sver bsd, T Mux. A. T. Wau.. GrrtnJttM. hthlrt , i rll ': "I hsv f'Uiul Hip Jtri'HtrSt lien. if It At i ' lUtn ItrsKwaa, It , .. : .. I n Imii,ld-Hwss inplly fail. I- i I'll, snd ri'tiitu! Itn oritf hum coir, gjf Pn. KglL Kti. PtlrvlU KlrS. rerllnea "Hai l's IIaia Uckkwkh I i xrvtlrnt far i rgi iwlngiAM gives bsiUHio tiAiurst color gi- Ma. P. K. Kt.uvtt, GtrttrliU. W, Va., , . 'Oihi bottla r Hali .'s IIaih Itcaga-kH . d my to its nstutal, oiitli(ul totor. Ke iniuHotii ibJnbmmm tste? Iste Un miiiMsltloil of IfALL'M 1 1 A I It KKMKWKftf Rttd It Is not A dji'. Its Vr'tnlilri )ugri iiiritt rentlvr It liithc lithi-t iii-grwbciH?-llt-lnl t th' nt-alp its A irv rutin of dls i 4 vfti'i'ts Hn uitttiml aud lntlng, mill It d-i " ip t n:ik tin- Imlr dry and lniliv. Ilkr tho atwalli-d rvtonitli' com. iniuiided with ttlcubol. Buckingham's Dye ron T1IK WHISKERS I. Iu four rosjHH-t. sttin rlnr l nil othrrs. lt It will prtMUiw n rlt it. natural r olnr. brown or blut-k, as drlml. Jd -The color so produced I rrmnnent, rtiltttot Iw V;llti-l oil. mill Will not Mill all tiling with a nkh It comrs In i-.itit;u t. .i -It I a ln,'lr .rr-nir!itliit. utfl mora convi-tihnt of tipplU-atlon thnu any olhvr hslror whUkcr ilvp. 4th It couialu's no ilrlptcriou Imrra dlents, ns u many iin-parntlou. offcml for like use. !.!: BY R. P. HALL & CO, NaahBB H. & aid by all dealers In OAs WW sseasBaSrBgr u. ti P5.:u-u. .) ,h avrr..r iitMtHiii- asawasasai ismsi. TEW r a Mi r. l 0'-t Sl V A CO., Dsnrolt, Mioi BBW Men Think they know all about Mustang Lin iment. Few do. Not to know is not to have. 25 YEARS IN USE. Ta Ore-tArt MedicAl Triamph of tbe Ago! SYMPTOMS O A TORPID LIVER. I .... . rtipuflltr, llottrlaroatlir. Halu It the in -wl. wtlh a Aall amaailsn ta h bnrk pnrt. PmIbi r tha shaaldrr. hlade Fallnesa ntt-r eaita. with a dls. inrllnnllos to SWeetteBaf hdr orsslnd, IrrllnbHttr of lessper. 1W aylHta, with a feellBKorbttvlBgaeatected ssase Satf, Wearlaess. Dlxalaes, Flallrrina- at tha It. . mi. Don bWorr thit eves. Ilrndurbe over tha rlaht rrr, Uestlrsaaass, with fitful drrnnta. Illahlr celorrd I'rtas. aaS CONSTIPATION. TTTT'is PfUJB Are especially adapted lo stteh eases, oho dnso effects aaeh a cttnux1' nffrvl luff ns to utn tali ttinsnffarar. Tiwv Istercasa the Aipttif,n i' u..t t t . rhr u -'lli. iiui tbs jm "i i.Tit,. if Tosh Artton uluu.i I v.Ontaaa.ltrsHlar Hlssl t on tftfWuW: lit .r If ;;: o- ittKt its ehanfd to ti ne nptiitcuiion or it! frv las oat aa flt ll I t;. Offle j, . .i suiturul color. at l l hy IlruaiClsts, or t of e. ey St., Now York. V ii-.;ri Bukuz. .&&b A HADtCAL Cuns JaXRvOUS tai w APHTS InYoun Aft VCARABVUSI T HOOSAKO OASSa, run Oaa MostA. Two KocOs. . B-hroeMeshs. laaufaA P 1 1 OrumPmoMTl MoTruaa, WmVarMWSimMi O The BUYERS OTTIDK te tsasisil March and Sept., men year. 4VSSO sw i ua tnchet,wiui over 9.BOO UluatrmUons - a, wnote f tctnre uallery. GIVES Wholesale Price a direct to eotutumrr oa all goods tor personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These INVAX.VAUX.K BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FREES to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. Lt us near from yon. Respectfully, asfU"j MONTOOMERY WARD & CO? 227 As 220 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 111. OCHSON'b ae OCN I rlltC mer. lfisCready Mb um- Maroh 10th, to any address. Illustrates and lists every thing for Ladles', Osnts', Children' ana Infant' wear and Housekeeping Quod, at prices lower than those ot sny house In the United States, fjoqpplete 01 ALBANY SAW AND PLAN Ml kinds of rouffh. dreaeed sAIMhTO IB Bf" r'rts)VrBUAii?si u. aU. Mixultt l M- D. M. Ft an TUTT'S PTLXs r7ffirtaasd i for SrvffM WmSSEb! Smt. to aA warm wmAZZfZl ISA UUIIImB mm and seasoned lumber,laths and kma b mdians,marks the summit, pickets kept constantly on Her we drP one "f our enioe8 hand. Bills sawed to order on D ,wn the mountain we start. Whew shortest notice Use only best don,t we fly Hera we DB0Ve out of Calapooia timber- Price and the region through which we has. terms made satisfactory. n traVeliD fr ven hundred miles on to Cheyenne, a fine town. lOBINSON & WEST. 'Her. r tb. SaS Plowing Sss. PrtlDAt i JUNE 4, 18H0 Toward! Vir gmia. Richmond, Va., May 15th, 1886. I left you At Putt, driving In to the night. Ten or eleven o'clock tome of the pAaten gera have, or ere Arranging to go on search for morphcus. A goodly number, to All appearAnce, seem not to have encoun tered any difficulty In their search ; but this unaccuHtomed traveler Is doomed to a dif ferent fortune. Morpheus Is no where to be found, though diligently sought, the seeking urged on by the Inspiration of great desire. What U wanted. Conductor. Ticket. Inwardly whispering, I have been long in search, (or at least a little slumber, and now just In front of day.when the wearied nerve centers had exhausted their power of resis tance, sweet sleep hod dropped its delicate drapery around us you Insinuate your un welcome presence and frighten away the rest giving guest. Sol, the mighty King Is throwing his advancing cohorts into the very front, right and left Hank of Apolyon, or the dark king, and see how quickly he yields his vlctims,and begins a hasty retreat' Oh ! look here, (out en the platform). What river Is this t Conductor. This is Snake River, the bridge over said river, and these are the American Falls. Yea, I aiw these IaIIs nearly thirty-four years ago Whereon we have gotten Into the frigid sonc. Look yonder at the snow. There Is frost and ice. Plenty of snow near by on the hills. No Inhabitants in sight. A few hungrv looking stock that seem to be an t Urinating the grass And do not intend to appear unobserved. A smalt station passed and on to PocAtello the junction of the Ore l I i I Vrtha.r.. Tlir nSBlals railroAd business, thg-re does not seem to be Any employment for the peopU. A half U hours stay and the rignifkant words, - all Aboard" ring out on the frosty atr, and our I horse, head, back, hoof and lalt of Iron. sniff. Hie cool mountain Air, all tremulous with the vlbnttlon. of hU own voice, take. the blu between his monstrous Jawa, end away he dashes at very break neck speed bearing to the south, up what I will can m .m SB A A I A I Willow Creek, to tbe .Utuon CAtiea raw., Certainty appropriately were on eahlbitlon quite a nuroble of IWil Iged fi.h in the stone, most perfect in their formation, ranging in price from fifty cents to fiftv dollars, the Utter being I supposed About one foot long. Here tbe road lead- ing lo Ogden branches off. A light snow a . a s a a asaa .au I Alla. I e ncrc. a nc ,nir7 " . I all the wav. in drift. And. .liAded plates The mountain near by are very high and .how vast quantities of .now. The rthtd U very crooked, now to the cast now to the wet, to the south, to every point of the compass It seems. Granger fj reached, the junction ot the Union Padfk. from here down to Green River, verv steep road. It w w U night. s Ricn-ojrD, V., May 18th, '8(1. . . ' It was a little derU when we drove into me town oi ureen . . . . . m m mv.r Tharrvad dra tl ween eev- en and eight hundred feet In three mllu a! .1 l.l.nM .tkntrlwitr Iks laan. . , mV est grade on the whole line. The . . town Is at mated on the sooth bank of Green River. It hae several ban. dred inhabitants. The hulnes mum to consist mainly of the railroad and Its shops. An exceedingly forbid ding looking coumry la all that could be oeen from the town, consisting of .... - . . . rugged arron hills. I was Informed . m that the country was well adapted to graslng,and was wholly used for that purpose. I could not ascertain defi nitely whether we crossed the river at it.h point when we crossea me plains or not, but I was lncl:ned to the opinion ihatwedld. An hour or two at this place nruught ua Cully lo to the nlgbt. Our r.iu at this place whi considerably onlarceU.and hence . i i our K'tu was ninuarou, m iea. iur a lime. As to the chtrscter of the country through which we passed daring the night, I su-pect It la tbe same as tliet pvsed for hundreds of roller for tbe light of the morning reveals the same rooootoujr, bills, bar - ren wastes, snow and a country atwo. liitnltr rte.Vr.irl if hliltutiiioA as far aa views from the train could discover, mnr Hosoi.l ..f xunrvlhini Uu I hot would be ncceit-itry to make a county desirable to live lo. The ooly Ufa visible waa th few jack rabbit i and sage rats. Several i stations are passed, where a good m .i mm . HulnA I. .it more than I know, for though hills are fewer and lower, yet tbe country, oa far as the eye can reach, Is a Taut desolation. About nine -1.U-,-. T nramU Alaiv imat'lne my amazement on reaching .1,1. m... ,m, . ...... .,i.iin ..t ft,.r " r"'l'vvw . I ttiouaana. A. aciving, rustling anu .a a a nat . AS evidently an enterprising people. The city is solidly built. Many of the houses are simply elegant. Sfone sod brick is largely used, for most of the buildings are of these materials. But where dois Ifee huslaess com from to nupport such a cliy. Only a few ranches r' - Im aeo. There are no igns of agriculture anywhere to be seen. Twenty ir thirty rain ules for breakftrit and we are In mo tlon again, pulled by two engines. Now tbe search f r the summit of the Rocky Mountains begin.1. The curves) cuts, fills and snow shed- ar numerous. The grade is steep. We P many snow banks. U-cU,8tn backbone is just ahead a abort dis tance. Sherman station and a fine m0DUUQeDt o James and cakes Ames, living OrAgom A Hty of ivefat I hottsnml inhabitants with evldtifiriy a flue btilneal. May 1 Oth. From Ohtyenne by tho way 'f Denver, thu road runs duo south himigh t' ft best country I have sen since leaving our own beautiful Wit- smotte. Farm bousea, Holds ami fences, frequent towns,whofte appear- anco Indicates solid butjiiieaa. Irrl. gating tlltchis are seen tvery wnere, vhloh would indicate an elaborato system of water supply The coun- try certainly Is In great m id of much water. Tho country Is without tim ber, excepting on the streams. The amount on these streams is by no mtan equal to the demand. We rNched Denver about 5 p. m. Friduy, April 20th. My arrival at this point eemed to have been anticipated, for i had no sooner arrived than a grand serenade bhgan. Such Are works., Indeed they were very imposing. Hut I will tell you prlvatnly, I could not help being a little MiertUsd at 1 in frequent fldshea, especially when tbe cannonading would svl lo. For ttiw cannonading set in, yu may depend upon it. And fight Uvtdy It was dotot htid ao closely connected with the fire dlply thsi, putting tho tw logelber.tble Oregon imw" did not rnjy his sIiuaII in much to sptak of He chTlshee Ihe hope ilt.t l) nv r will permit hliu to return without such demon si rai Ions. The train w In r....illtL,- alutltt S II IU. . Hit! Hn " """" ' ' " to thalr pUcea. The Wt.latmig, ut rleging,tho Nplrlli g of ateamihe rolnDg f wheels, the muvlog out to - fhjaj CI y, i 0W we go. , . ... ow uou 7 " ' Dlghl bring ale-p T H 1 muen ihh-.i- d. But the ecreetolog. ine roarinjf, n, Ji-rktng Continue to frighten It H mi(lt nttr-y. I em com. Br . MUM . ., Umuvil,m. , QOllr,tUia. H-i ie are at day xnw 1 . , , light three hundred mile tjM Den- ver. W re In Iteaullful country, goot locking land, without limber, no( roHqy houses In sight, very litdo m w ar now iu the f f-med ,ut 0f KsnSa. Its g i . . K iihmmu rn lsfir erai uVimww. ably. There is Very lliuo mPnt in the western prtol ine swie. y the time we reached the middle h gj-g whjtt fltfd- tjegr, t sp. pear, but they l.w.ked v-ry Udly. As we apprtechrd the eaatw.n part of the ... . a 1 a m ' m. state, hatiltAtlona itK-rease, out urn hbonce of fenrae ehuwed thetu l - Advantage. Towns are numerous. Tl.a .....1 IriUuMB C lSV OT K SOSSS J T Vlnm nvrr n r lsij iiuuuku ,. - . y ta,K.u.. .. . farms. Many fine looking orchards . . ii. .i sra snutt. a trtveier soes mii mur of Ti'peka, Kansas.thotigh It clatmsa , . ' .... m. population of twenty-five Ihoussnd. p.puiitti My ttentl.n was specially called to the many colored people at this place Their appearance Ahowed poverty We arrived at Kneaa cly about 0 p m. Staying hrre but n few minuua I saw but little - f the elty. Ffm . , ' ifc ut..irl here I take piaaage on the MtSS uri " , .Ull. tthliri( p.i dc H. tt. for Plfasan Mill, where I wilt reuihin a l y or two. D. C. UvFabxaxd. si NI lows Peio to i be oidr-, tbe skio and ryes ... - S2 . 1 . aaaatnr a ibick yellow on, aitcsiiiu impAired. stukiug - - ' su t Is- pit 0f tn oSsoeaee, ir ,U1,. . -k u .1 si.nisti flirs a A at I. C ''u'1. I .... . m . . neoa o the bstids ami iswt, iwks oi , petitA si tiinrs hinl unnatural ctavtng for f00f diuinrss of the halt nlurrsHi tight, depreaas-d apiittr, had breetl Ifeettsjg of having ttft aoaieibin nt done. Tak Stoint ua Livrr H-guia &x it will rtmovw nil iHcs t- in- L, d maKe )U mm I ,. . .l..l, .).. n.r on .h a i.iU, for paaaeM.r. and irut Yaouilia. Mill No. 4. Tolsdo. MiiniM Nil. 1. I arm. a sa- - rf- la I ...I.. 1. 1 1. pa. . ....r KIS JHV, l IlllSiMHi, iniir Jtiia, ivrura r, NsAhvilir, Summit, Kusd Crotainj, Harris, Siding No. 2, PbiioeiAth, Curvallis. V arJi of Ueslth eudorae ll l Str Cough Cure ea a speedy and euro remedy for coughs and cold. Scion- and fr from nutate. Ptiictwentv- five ctnt,a bolllt,. A correspondent from Washington says Dolph assets wiiat may be catteu a etna torial style, so as to be in keeping with tin 1 tltll CCllinflTS UOO CflrVCu OilKs OI Ills rcccpwun nvttri anA tUi nnrtr.iiltt rtf the miodltv Ktutth- men that adorn his study walls." In other1 words that he has the "biehead bad. Oregon Kiduev Tea cures all kidney true Us POWDER Absolutely Pure. lWs powder no er varies. A marvel of purity, strength snd wholesomsness. Mors eoonomn al than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold in com petttioo with the multitude ot low test, short vsbjht, alum ortihosphatepovders. Soldoklt is oaks. Hot At Powpaa Co., 109 Wsll-st, ROTA I AKlK s rti 1"T "si "J" Of OoniidoncG. 'vVf-'ii'' ';'"":;! :,; I AaII 'W Ulli'ttl I paHs if hni v ra y tm th", iit tti to ntswcal M'i'-i (hot, SARSAPAR1LLA S gciltlllPi II"i oiuo, itnd lis of t iiOW I oilld i of V Iron, hip! ! I IQ y'ir hlnod rMliUnl bv i'iuu liu nis 10 of I Im digest I vn nud nhitllnlorv fituc tlotisf is it tttittti'd by hcrof nut? or docs It contain Ilia polott of Jlt't'CUfy or Contagious I)tspuw,f TL1C l''a,Iiog pliyslrliius of ('.' I i I Mm HtutiM, who know tin cotnjio lOoti of Avail's haioiai'Aioj.i i, arty that nothing clsrt so good lor l!- urJfHn llon of tho blojo it wlUdn the igo of pltitrnutey. t . A Ul V by tho uo f tld ' - WILY iKfSftilda f'r n i - hut corrupted hlootl lo niiiiiiif. nil nod prevent tnmMnH pi il. atructive ltd nt to posterity. THOROUGHLY Ineludo not only mptton from tbe tnent and- th? si vlntl organ RELIABLE teie Bitea ;d of eof , i urii'lt vc of ibo Id. tlHv Hint f Itt-s nmplMK-dbyAYKii'e thin by auy tvtti r wrk UIm ii- r i. H.niu-i:iM.A nniedy. BLOOD: Weakened through dint reil itriuM-l'-4 h niw Avan's HAtie '.ttttt-A PUR1FYINS lime in aerloiii . I be deirlred from the HtltHAIMUO I V I $ fvosiaayUiltt I ME01C1HE ! dunt lnlb inttrki t.ttndi but llp onlvpr-'r:i,l"! ttwtestofunte. jot t pn the world's eoiiipp ttttl b on of l! flyer QUI J US . i-nitr Dr.J.C. AycrA rViMliY an I'' fjREAT ytSTERM 21 PITTSBURG, PA.. U. rsrkr,f "lt.llmlnslHjSAa " "" ? f?Sm3Sf ur rinsllsi ;tt-.jOur ttiS - SB7',foraarJw'! nj llawimrrmaa Oah' tot f JUttiils lali-ff tllR iisH. itin-y cm an i. AU rdfi. r tln s ltti lint.. r mslf1sl. all SI -ry iw r W Urae utoatratAd CaiiUaseA. aeiAt son .- II AKDWaUKuK ALL KlM-. aim. mattJwUs. hrt'.sb ho-ks, X i:k's Irs. I rks. arlualonoa. wbeel tairros. wnnawrs, r . win siunii everything you want, ctn lx bad cneap (or - it ash a IN Varadt ftHowart. - Many a Lady i s beautiful, all but her skin; and r ody has ever told hei bow easy it is to put beauty on the ski a Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. c. . wot fron, o. u, i tYisia, W0LVERT0N & IRVINE, ATTORN KYs AT I ..v xv rt 'tloo up atalr InFrtiniAti ALBANY, oREtiON ill iOK 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION AND PURCHASING AGENT, All orders from the c uintrv fll'ed on short notion for evTj' tl -as or kind of Ksods from flr-t-cU'.s stock. Abvlutly no obargfa or win mission will ho charged or filling ordeit. OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. PTealiee s, I'oftlriud, Or PATENTS Obtained, anil nil other husimw lu ttM I . S, rateu OttK t! attuodeilod to lr moderate feet. Our office is oMilt the V, S. Patent iidicc, and -ve csti ijiuin t'stcnti Uptime than those runuto l.'otn Wshinuton. heml modfe or draw in;;. We m' to patent shilin In 0 of ehante iSudweossks 0 shsrfv unless we obtsin jiatt'i.t. We reifjr hero, to the fostDASster, Um ,sttit. of Monay Order plv. aiul to otflvisis ol ths I . 8. ratunt ottleo. For ctriuUr, siUiiii, tanps, and oloreasss octusl clients In yuurown State or (shinty, sddres C, A. SNOW &CO., OiIKsite Patent Office, WaahlnaSjSSj 1) . Un (id 1 11s. r - n a. ' JULIUS QRADWOHL a ftae the cnty exetmatve Mloek oi CROCKERY, CLAS8.SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a 0Mc Selecton of Coffee, Tea ni re ar ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS 1.00. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME rifi; hioiii;4T jwabmet prh i: paid for rsum E9memb8r! What Say I lean. Give Me a call. 9 GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON THE Oregon Short Line, II to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and tales, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest, to Council Bluffs, Omaha. Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas . . m a a . 9 . t uity, riiuman paiace ana emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge, B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No. I Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and E Streets POBTLAXD, - OREGON. Three H!-k from alt Katlroad Depots, Our raHftttea an sti h tliAt defy couiMtition. Tula U tbe Unseat and tno-t i.pctably kept Hotel In tbe North- a'ti, e Board and Lodging 11.00 per Day, 1EHS, V CESTS. LODGING, N M CEXTS- FHEE BUSS TOAKD FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed E, LBWISTOH, - - PEOPBIETOR, (lAte of Minneaou Boose.) p, CQBBY ACEMT. Attorney and Canniler it Uw. LEBANON, OREGON. Will practice In ail ibo Courts in I be State B Km PR HANGINGS, An. stis-ava broakitiif. Ulitwis you baA tbe kind soi l by Ptra tttewart. of Air banv. They are made ot wrought iron canuot jump tha 'rack and wilt last a i t time. lun't bn AmHber barn ,l.r un til you taAve seen bem. DR. MINTIE, i nt. srst-isusT. m. II liefrarjr atrerl. Saa fra al. TSSATS AUt. t tlEWlC. fcrtALAS0 PStVaTI DtSSASKS tru Wosirtisri i fpgp. THE GREAT ENGLISH fttMEBY ! i Is a ssvaa rAiutoctss f orr Nsrvi.ur U.bitit), Hem khJ Wsskueas, F.shausted 'AWm iBBTs Vitality, A.ra.ator rhoss hl tsaabesa. tsspa ui . ,1 )ln I'ii b'.Bii rr hni, st.o all die UrtiMc . f rrlt-at ure MA fa foltir and sxoess In msturrr years, such ss Lssa (4 iTHwy. UsitudrpNoc tarsi Etuhi"i. i.rrwon U M-icty, D tnnes of vtsl n V.-Ucm m l Hsu. m iiriai,iioi vatloii lleewrs, ths viul ttidd passing unobserved n tb SfW, still WM other distsass that lead to In uiii'y at d tvsth. Or. Mt ot's. at a K'Salar Pltvslris". tirNttsair f lr I of trnaiahla will i -rl : Utr tluadrctt Dollars tors cAssofuiis kind Ui vital errsve (under his apeoia) sdt snJ tr.sAnicnt) sill n.4 cure, or for anything inuiure or rnjonouti found in ft. 0r. Mia lie treat all prtvat disusscs su-crisful y without nierear! t ealtatl Free Thoroukh examls st'im aiul sdtioe, including analysis of urine, $6. Pries a Vltat eloral e. m s bottle, or tour limes the uti t ntitv, ; sent to say add res upon re .iit i.f t-riio, ir (' O I vri-ure.1 trout ehscnstioo sad in i r r.te nam.- if .lo-irol h) tr.nitle,l stearay irget. aii tat. Send (or list of questions sntf iisniiftt'et. StrtFLh SK'TTLE FREE. Will ts ssr.t to sny one spil n l.v tier, sssting syuipbiai, ses aud s. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transaction. Dr nintle Khlaev Remetly . Kephretlrasa, nil . i) kind ( Kidtiev snd Hladoer C itnidaints. ti.moirhoes, tilest, Uucorrhoos, eto. For aais by all dntgvUl ; S! s bolts or six bU)ss for Sf, lr O Iu fi Dawdelhn rills are titebestsnd III irp.ln Bint BlIioBia curs lii ths mark P Foreslsbystl dntglsU. THE PR:AT FOR LIVI.fl f.Uel.lsElsSlfl DISEI.SE QVMDTAM ft s Bitter or bad taste in mouth; VimriWlHWi toncue coated white or covered with s brown fur ; pain in the btck, tides, or joints often mistaken for Rheumatism ; sour stomach ; loss of apoetlte ; sometime: aasaea and waterbrash, or indigestion; flatulency snd acid erutflattons ; bowels alternately costive and lax j headache ; loss of memory, with s painful feenaalion of having failed to do something which a a ssil high-colored, snd, it allowed to stand, iieposits s sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGUUTOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used In the South to arouse ths Jorpid Liver to a healthy sclion. if t aota with extraordinary efficacy n the TIVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, (Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, CoUe, Mental Depression, Bowel Complaints, Ktc, lite, lite. Endorsed by the use of f Millions of Bot ties, ss THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. SAFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDITIOM OF THE 8 f STEM I J. H.Za-ILIN & CO., jolb rnoratsTOss, PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRICK, ei.oo. ouKfit to nave oce-D aone ; vopuiiy , low piru ; thick, yeuow appearance 01 tne kw an 1 eve? ; drv couch fever : restlessness : the urine i ; scanty First National Bank OF ALBANY, OREfiOX. Prridfnt.. JOBS COXXE Csshisr ll. V, MUtKIL TBASKACTa A OKNEKAL bating btuincss. AOCOC.VT8 KEPT sabjsct to shssfc. aiOHT KK HA.VGK sn4 tehvrapbic tnvMer, sold cm Krsr York, Saa Vnttamto, Chicsa and fgrtlaa i!LLECnOS8 MADE on favorable tonus. K. Vocso, Joas Cojrca, K BLais, L. Puss, H. V. BEaatLts i. COW AS. r.cuitcx Linn County Bank, cowan & CUSHT ALBANY - - - OREGON s TRANSACTS s ysocrai banking busiaess. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Sew York ati Fiaa eiseo sad PorUsad, Oregoa. LOAN" MONEY on assroTd sscorit. KBCEIVSr deposits .ubjec to shrek. COLLECTIONS entrusteJ to u will rrceir prswupt tteaUea. " Jt AUSAOR Bill.Iis, We have a meat cutter that it as rrucb so improvement over the old fashioned sausage milt as J. I Case Agitator is ovss a flail. It don't clog an I leaves no seringa is th eat. Come snd -p it. Send 10 cents postage, ana we wilt mall you tree s r i, aJuabio g-oj inst iii pm you io ths way id making m .re Bjasav t once, than anything lr in Ameiica. Both k of sli Sfet caa live athote sn In spsrs tmie, or all ths Unas. Carats! not rs: Huireu. V sill srt yoo. ltumenrs ts srs fvf txs who start st on. 8sWo sa Co., IVrtUnj. saaaaaaaaapHpsaasaj CURES ALL HUMORS, from a eoramoM Blotek, or Fmptiou, to tbe woit hcrofula. Knit-r licom! Fc ver-Aorea, Scaly or 11 on ah Satiril In short, ait dastaana caused by bad blood ore conquered by this powerful, puHfymsr, and -medicine, ureas a.auna Oh ly luai under its benUrn influ has It manifested its potency in Uer, BONC MASH- Roils, rar Sorts fires, sc ro lu tons ho res nod Swell 111 Sja, Hip-Joint Dlseassr, White swellings, t 01 ire, or thick Nock, and Enlarxcd (.lands. Send tea cents m stamps for a large treatise, with col- tiTd hlAtes, on 8n Diseases, or tbe same cleaiiae it by uslnjr Dr. Pierre ; olden Hedlcal IklAcovcry, and good dis;stjou. n fair skin, buoyant aplr.j its, TlCai mreugth, and sotindueaa o constitution, will bo tutOUsbecl, CONSUMPTION, which M scrofulous Disease of tbe I.tingM, Is promptly and orr TtAinly Arrested ana curca oy uns oca-given remeay, 11 uuten before t he last Btagea of t he disease Are reached. From Its wonderful power over this terribly fatal dlscuse, wht-n ttrr otlorinfr this now as too limited for a medieino which, from its wonderful combination of tonic or stret trssss olf nvatit'ii ns latrv-vi4rla"sartalx1s' onfi.V lllff Hill lut I . " s VS KWAl-V-H tsAJOIIiaj M"V1VAA noctonU. and nutritive properties. Is uneou hot only si a remedy for consumption of lungs, bus ror au CHRONIC Dl or THE Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have nallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on face or oody, lrequcnt headache or noes, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or 1 altornuunar with hot ttasbee. low spirit gloomy rxireljodtngs, lrresniau atipHite, OOoSsd tongue, you are suffering from In geatlou. DyBpepsia, and Torpid A-iTee or iKilloiisncas," In numr casce ontr part of these symptoms, ore experienced. A a remedy for all suoh cases, Dr, Pierce's Golden medical Discovery no equal. For Weak Lnn sra, Spitting of Blood, Breath Broncbltf.a, Shortness or Severe Congbs, Consumption, and kindred affections. It is a sovereign remedy; Bend cents m stamps ror ur. nerces book on imptiou. sold by Drug fists PRICE $1.00, ?orVsTos5? World's Dlspsssary Medical Association, Proprietors, 663 Main St., BcrrAXO, N, Y, LITTLE oaftWt T.TTJTTW. ANTI-BILIOrS and CATHARTIC Sold, by Druggists. cents a viai. $500 REWARD ia offered by tbe proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or other v ise, pextiaUoss of smell, taste, or hearing, weah eves, dull pain or pressure i 1 head, you have Catarrh. Thou sands of ease.- terminate in consumption JUT. floooa and c4ar lnviontnn; rers raoid steeastlfar Imnrlrs. Amount rori 1HE Thoronshlr etiratea remeay to uio puouc, ur. fiBRCB thouslit seriously of calling- it his MCois S11 motion Cure." but abandoned that name sersas. m sw sage's Catahrh hkmkdy cures the worsi of Oatorrfi. "Cold in the Head. fe 1 i If. eadaehe. 60 ceatsv