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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1886)
Ik gwwrat Entered at the Poat Office at Albany, am aeoond-claa mail matter. Or, FRIDAY JUNE 4, 1886. BOTES & i:.ntK aa4 NUTTING. I'r.ijtrlrlurs. IIRDC HITriXIU. twcul Klllr. FFI0I4L I, and APKR. 4 MIX AUDI T TOVt In low than a week time the atmosphere mi . m . i , a a - i. ..... " ...I will IK' lull ol "whiil niigiu nave oc-u, iiu such expressions n confound that shirt, will W rife." O It U an interesting sight to observe a crowd of voting people board a steamer for an excursion, it I mi ocaaalon when all of the bovs take the girl they would like to nail with down life' -divani. On last Fri day evening the M A. T. counted at leant ten couple on the "Occident" whom Madam Rumor hat said would join fortune within no immense length of time. O Vote east Monday if it "bust" a collar button. O The M. A. T. hoar universal complaint of the number of cats and dogs poisoned in this city. Poisoning is a sort of an under hand way of doing anything ; but let one listen to the song of two cats at the hour of midnight and one feels like stuffing a hogs head of strychnine down each of the feline species In the neighborhood. O The Man About Town would warn peo ple to keep over one hundered feet from the polls, except when voting, on next Monday. It will be hard on some, hut law is law, and tin is a good one. There is no more sorry sight than to see a man dragged bv con tending parties to the verv mouth of the ballot box, as if he were a mere voting ma chine that would go according to the last blast. As a matter of fact of course the law will not be lived up to to the letter, but it t bound to be respected wm:. Vote for D S Saiuh for Sheriff. (TUN KIT I tlM v fe. 11 ashburne is said to be worth a million and a quarter, but whenever the campaign solicitor was around he was pov erty stricken, and people have only just found out the contrary. The State Temperance Alliance will meet in Salem on June iSth. Freight rates have jumped up to nearly the old program. In Washington Territory under the law reouirine the names of habitual drunkards to be posted onlv thirtv-four names are Dotted in the whole Territory. If the number were multiplied bv one hundred It would come near hitting the truth. The next Sheriff bv a large ma tori tr, I) S Smith. The Albany school children took a vaca- tion Mondav,' and one or two business men remembered that it wa decoration dav for an hour or two. Miss Folson is the absorbing topic. Decoration dav was generally observed throughout tlte t'nited States. The extension to California is being rap id v built. By the last of next year there is reason to believe the trip to San Francis co can be made bv rail. Vote for J P Galbraith for County Clerk. Binder We mean the new steel frame Osborne No. 1 1, to be found at our agriculture house. A neater, nicer and better twine binder can not be found in the U. S. Its work in this county alone speaks for u. All the farmers want it, because nothing else can do the work it does. Other binders are taking a retired seat for it. It is the very best binder and that is the reason for it Call and see the 1886 binder with its perfected improve ments. Twine and wire in abariJtnc: at our office. Deyoe 6i Robsosj . MAHOXlf ricxic. The Democrat has already mentioned the.picnic to be given by the two Masonic Lodges of Albany on St. John's Day, June aath. On Saturday evening last the com mittee on the picnic held a meeting and ap- pointed the following officers for the occas ion : Hon I K. Weotherford, President of day, to deliver address of Welcome. Hon 8 F Chad wick, P O M., orator. Chaplain Rev E R Geary, of Eugene. Oram! Marshal Dr 1 I Lee, of Oorvallls. Assistant Marshal V R Uilycu, Albany. Aids James F Robinson, Lugenc ; L J Bahcock,' Salem. Vice Presidents Enoch Hoult, Harris- burg ; C E Wolvcrton. Albany ; J t Oal braith, Brownsville ; G F Simpson, Al batty : Geo Smith, Lebanon ; Win Price, Sclo ; W M Armstrong, Salem ; W P . . . . in Commwav, Independence J l a i mm- mer, Portland. Hesides the orators the following have been requested to deliver short addresses : R Clow, P G M., of Dallas ; Wallace Bald win, of Corvallls ; T O Reamea, G M., of Jacksonville ; Sam May, of Harrlsburg ; Dr Smith, of Halsey ; R P Earhart, P G M.. Salem ; Geo Davis, Shedd. The following committees were appoint ed I Arrangements G F Simpson, C E Wol vcrton. Ueo Humphrey, u r eaason, Strauder Froman and Dr G W Maston. Music K W Langdon, Jno Briggs, Ihoa Wallace and Rev E R Pritchard. Pnurram AV R Bllveu. Dr I L Hill, E W Langdon and Dr CO Kelley. Finance Ueo Humphrey, aannwai, Senders and G W Maston. This promises to be one of the largest at. tended gatherings in Albany during tne . . ... t . i year, .Masons as wen as cuixens oi mc ey generally being Invited. Reduced rates will be obtained and special trains run if necessary. The grounds have not been selected but a place In the western part of the citv is talked of. W.tu for V K Carl for Treasurer. Itrrarallea aer tires. Last Sabbath, May 30th, was Decoration Day proper. Monday .though, was appointed for general observance of the day. On Sabbath at 4 o'clock religious services were held at the Court House under the super vision of McPherson Post G. A. R. The attendance was large. The memorial scr mon was preached by Rev. S. G. Irvine. It was an interesting affair, and elicited the closest attention of the audience. On Monday at 9:30 o'clock, a. m. the pro cession was partly formed in front of the G A. R. Hall. Marched to the Court House where the school children and many citizens were awaiting, and completed the process ion which marched to the Cemeteries in the following order 1 Mechanics Band. National Hag. . Members of McPherson Post Old soldiers. School children. Citizens on foot TUB IfttE OSSI.IAftt'l. On Tuesday evening of next week the proposed amendments to the liquor license ordinance of this city will be presented to the Common Council for adoption. The principal provision embodying th so-called spirit of the Keady liquor law license w ill be Section a, which reads as follows : Sac. i. That any person wishing to sell splrituous,malt, fermented or vinous liquors, before obtaining a license therefor as here inafter provided, shall at his own trouble and expense obtain the signatures of an ac tual majority of the whole number of legal voters of the city of Albany to a petition to the Mayor and Common Council of said city praying that a license be granted the applicant for a license to sell spirituous, malt, fermented or vinous liquors in quan tities mentioned in Section 3 of this ordi nance, and no applicant shall le deemed to have a maioritv of the legal voters of said city whose petition doe not contain the names of a number of legal voters 01 sain city equal to a majority of all the legal votes cast at the latest general election ueiu In tald cltv, and greater than the whole number of legal voters of said city that may be signed to a remonstrance against the granting of such license. In addition to the above, Sectkm nine pro vides for the publication of the petition and notice four consecutive weeks in some pa'- pet published in the city. Section ten provides for the consideration of the petition and remonstrance by a special meeting of the Council for the purpose with in twenty days after the presentation of the petition, a license to be issued only if the pe tition contains a majority of the legal voters of the city at the last general election and more than appear on the remonstrance to the same, the Council N to decide whether the persons whose names appear on the petition and remonstrance are legal voter. At eos tmu wei '.it 11m ttmisin or Nar Ntrfcaltna Fuund We arc on our with some stock. Interest. Rcacht Last week the Democrat mentioned the fact of Warm Spring Johnny h aving been arrested for stealing a ring at Eugene. He was afterwards arrested charged with parti- ripating in the attempt to rob the Lane County Treasury. The Cmmi has the fol lowing on the subject : . During the progress of the trial considera ble evidence was brought out pointing to Warm Spring Johnny as being one of the participant in the attempted Tteasurer's safe robbery at the Court House during the night of April 20th last. Wednesday a warrant was sworn out charging him with said crime and he was taken before Justice Henderson for a preliminary examination. From the evidence ft would appear that about one-half of an hour after the attempt ed robbery. Warm Spring Johnny came running into the squaw camp just across the null dam.appearing very much excited and tired. He told the two 'squaws that he and another person while attempting to rob the Countv Treasurer's safe, were surprised bv the night watchmen coming upon the scene; that he saw Charley Witter come Into the front door of the building and he Imme diately tired two shots at him, and Witter hot at him five or six times; that Witter could not see him but that he could see Witter ; that he had escaped witltout being seen, therefore the officers would not search for him ; that he run out of the door while Citizens in carnages. Stopping at the grave of Comrade Martin I the other man jumped through thes-indow ; 1 leff ron formal sen ices under the charge ol mat iney nau atreauy sttcceeueu m opening . . 1 n . r r.ti I one door of the safe when discovered. WWW Mcl'herson rost u. a. k... "" Spring fohnnv was placed on the stand and Commander, were had. D. R. N. Black- denied It all. burn delivered the memo, ial address, a R JMtiM j carefully prepared, eloquent tribute to the g Jokg for ConeUbl of Wast Albany Pre honored dead We regret not having space emct After these exercises, the 'isii Lakk, June 26th. way to Eastern Oregon Have Itad 11 trip full of here a few days ago. Are snow bound and cannot proceed at pres cut .luii are where we can catch all the trout we can carry, and arc haying an exciting time among the snow peaks ofthe Cascades. ( )ur trip to the toll gate was n pleasant one. Froiti the toll gate to Canyon Creek we had good roads and fine grass.' Found Mr. Mr Klniion, proprietor of the hotel there, very accommodating, On the 22nd while cros sing the San Ham we came near losing sev eral horses, (Jot through all right though. I P Seven Mile hill the roads were good for mountains, with grass enough for cattle. At summit of Seven Mile hill found snow , hut got over it O. k , reaching Fish Lake in food condition, where we found Henry lurmestcr and Mr. Martin and several others camping. The scenery here Is grand. Got splendid accommodations with Mr. Burnies ter. Clear Lake Is so clear now that It looks when over it as If you were between the heavens and the earth. FtXO A HKI'Lt., ARM, KTl While Mr. . T. Trulove ond I were standing on a log fishing in 11 smalt stream about four hundred yards from Cleat Lake we discovered a part of a man's skull, w hich Mr. Trulove thought had probably lain there two years. 1 longer. I returned to Clear Lake and Mr. Trulove continued up the stream, a short distance farther, finding an arm bone. Returning to the Iake we discussed the matter, all of us getting some what excited, and came to the conclusion that the remains In-longed to Isaac Nichol son, who was lost on March 10th, 18S4, an account of which appeared In the Dkmik'RAT at the time. We returned and secured the skull ami arm Itonc, and farther up the Creek found two leg bones,the side of a pair of pants and the clasp of a pocket book. At the mountain stream was a fearful one to .ravel we returned and reported to Mr. Burmester and Mr. Martin. On the next day all four of us started out togethet and made a thorough search, resulting in our timlihg several bones and shreds or pieces of every garment Nicholson wore, and a ring, the last of which was complete evidence of lite Identity of the remainsts Mr. Nicholsbn, who was Mr. Burmester's partner, had worn it for twelve years, he having described it before it was found. We intend to make another search in order If possible to find the exact spot where poor Nicholson died. The mystery though is solved. There Uno doubt that (ke perished alone in the most rugged canyon In the Cascade Mountains. Mr. Nicholson left Fish Itke March loth, 1SH4 for Prinevilte, going in an easterly di rection, hearing to the south. He probably got lost and tried to return to Pish I,ake taking this creek by mistake, when he per ished. Mr. Joseph' Grahan was the last Crson who saw Nickoison he having might hint to the snow and left him March 5th. The loss of Nicitolson caused ureal excitement al the limr. and I know your many readers will want the full par ticulars of the finding of his remain. A, B. Mom a t v AND AHftOAlt Vote for R A State Senators, lrviue aud T J Black for 4 Was MS A few days ago a two year old colt be fonging to Mr. Ves Cannon, was at Ans. Marihall's livery stable. As it was much larger than most horses ever become, few would believe it as young. It Is of Perch eron blood, Mr Marshall's stallion "Relieve' being its sire, weighs over 1 200 pounds and is sixteen hands high. Now how is that for high and weight and horse flesh generally T lis young stajlion is of iron gray color, outs on lots of substantial style, and it is no W wonder his owner feels proud of him. A fine horse is a fine thing and the Demo crat always takes pleasure in noticing them when they deserve it as this one pecu liarly does. to give it in full. graves of Mr. Heffron, W. H. Crow, J. M. Burrous, Robt Carter and Capt Arch Monteith, in the City Cemetery, and Gen eral M. V. Brown and Capt Mathews, In the Masonic Cemetery, were strewn with a profusion of flowers, for which this season of the vear is so rich in its offerings. Over fiye hundred people were in attendance. nearly all the school children of the city, aa well as Sabbath school children, being among the number, their hands full of floral offerings. This was the third occas ion in Albany of the observance of the dec oration ceremonies. McPherson Post the aefcool Krpurt Of Tangent school for month ending May 28th, the averrge in scholarship, at tendance and deportment being given . Marvin Calloway, lOO ; Maud Beard. Jesse Jenks, 99 ; Trixie Morgan. Claud Beard, 06 ; Dean BridWarmer, Mary Simpson, Wade Blcvint, 9s ; Ada Knigh ten. Charles lenks, Ollle Simpson, Liaxie Smith, 93 ; Georgie Settlemirc, OO ; Harry Knighten, Ben Morgan, Annie Bridgefarm er, Del met Smith, Harry Beard, ; Rov Brewer, 87 ; Sylvia Brewer, Elmer Dannals, Anna Smith, Lei is Scott, Hi ; Etta Swank. 81 ; Josie Moses, Emma Knighten. Swank, 77 ; Lelia Knighten,75 ; Jib Beard, Pleasant Lei ranees. 1 Forest lenks. ti : members of which appeared in full uniform, I Victor Moses, Sadie Smith, Kate Hanlin. . . . ... m .t I . . f J BJJ t A - , .a . uavia unugetarmer, .10en .cixiemtre, Bessie Swank, 70. All below this grade are entitled to much credit for the success of the occasion. The music furnished by the Mechanics' Band was of a superior or der Vote for Phil Smith lor Assessor. are left unpublished. O. C. MiFaklami Weekly I. Ilea. Honor vest. An issue of the DaMocaaT at the present time without an O. P. Item would bean .u 1 .k. 1 anomaly. We have been giving them for i' . 1 1 11 an 1111 1111 svz m jbw s& - - tickets of the three parties have signed the following, which would show that honors are entirely even in such matters : Being a candidate for election to the leg islature of Oregon from Linn county, I hereby pledge myself to the people of my county that if elected, I will advocate and vote for an amendment to Section 4 of the Act known as the Keady Bill, entitled an act to regulate the sale of spirituous, malt and vinous liquors,approved Dec. 17th, 1885. which amendment shall provide that the signatures of an actual majority of the whole number of persons residing in and paving taxes upon the property in the pre cinct shall be required to petition for license in said section mentioned, and that such netition shall be published in the manner I K about ten years, and will keep it up as long as there is anything to give. Just now there are good live rumors that work on the ex tension will be begun in a few days, but any thing more than rumors are decUledly scarce. We confidently expect to ride to Corvallls by rail within at least four months. Democrats when you find the aams of "U S Smith" 00 vnar ticket for Shsrtff, remem ber that is "Vany.M and now let as all j tu hands and give Vanay a roesing majority in honor of his illastriooa father, Dslasou South. ebswl KvjNirl fee lstrtel Mm. ?, For the month ending May 2 No. days taught. jo ; average dally attendance,:. 3-5; average number belonging. ; No. precnt every dat. S ; No not Urdv.ti. Below we give the grade only in petting. Those read ing in the 5th Reader and upwards compote this class, and are graded a follows t Min nie Gilson,90jf ; Charlie tfcott4 : AiScoti, 73 ; Celia .smith. 97 , Emma Story, 89 ; Ellsa Smith, 97 . Ella Smith, 89 ; Winnie Mc Knight 94 I Winnie Marks, 90 ; Ollle Thompson, 93 ; Maggie Story, 6y ; Charlie Wallace, 63. Those reading in the 4th arid 3rd Reader compose this class, and have received the No. of head marks set opposite the name : Katie Skelly, 5 ; Roy Miller. 4 ; Elbert Thompson, 4 ; Eva Scott 1 ; Mack Wiley, 3 ; Ida Smith, t. Clyde j Those falling to obtain head marks this month are Kusa Smith. Ada t'..-t and Maggie Marks. Those in this clas read in theind Reader and spell from the same have received the following headmark, Anna Skelly, 7 ; Eva Wallace, a : Viva Baltimore, t 1 Minnie Lamar, 3 ; Adrian Cooper, 3. I nose neither absent nor tardy during the month are Mack Wiley, Sua Smith.Klla Smith. Winnie Marks, rU Smith. Maggie Marks and Ollle Thompson. F M. MiTctlKt.1. Vote for B R Henry Alfred Blevms. J W and for he length of time now requhed for Swank, F C Hansard, I D Miller and LH publication of the petition by J Seek a 5 of Montanye for Representative. the said Act and that I will do all m my Drowaed at Jefferson. power to prevent said law from being ren dered otherwise ineffective for the purposes for which it was enacted. Also, to so amend h Kill nc tn make it effective for the char- Last Friday evening Miss Lizzie Harrison, tercd dUcs ai well M country precincts, and qr jetterson, wnne returning irom picxing 1 1 Hereby plWgc myseii to vow ror iwiwo wild strawberries, in crossing a creek that From Waraa ftprlBgs. The DastocaAT has received an interest ing letter from Mrs. E. D. Sloan, at the Warm Spring's Agency, enclosing a paper containing an oration delivered by Miss Lillle Pitt, an Indian girl, at the Salem school. Miss Pitt is now a teacher among her own people at Warm Springs. The DastocaAT will publish the letter at its first opportunity, it being a fine specimen ot what advancement an 1 ndtan girl can make under good educational training. runs into the Santiam, fell into the water, and, on account of the swift current was carried down into the Santiam, where she was drowned. Her body was not found till Sunday. As she was alone at the time of 0 the accident the mode of drowning is taken from circumstances. Miss Harrison was about twentv-nve years of age, and was a m V' daughter of Mr. John Harrison. Vote for Enoch Miller and L W Pomeroy for County Commissiqners. re lateads to Preente. Dr. N. H. Young, of Brownsville, was in Albany luesduv. we understand to see about prosecuting Mr. Harris, tailor of the Brownsville Woolen Mills, for assault. Ac cording to the story several days ago the daughter of Harris went home, and claimed that Dr. Young had attempted to commit an outrage on her. Harris is said to have sought Dr. Young and imme diately proceeded to whip him. The Doc tor claims that he is entirely innocent and prpposes to prosecute Harris , The Dem ocrat knows notnitu; anout tne ngnt or wrong of either side. Vote for D V S Raid for County SclooJ Superintendent. mission of the prohibitory constitutional amendment to the vote of the people at a special election. Vote for Oeorge Humphrey for Jastice and and C G Burfcbart for Coostable of East Al bany Precinct. t'oMoer Ball On the nineteenth of May, in New Jersey, Mr. John Conner, President of the First National Bank of Albany, and Miss A. Bull- man, for nearly two years a popular teacher in the Albany Cqllegiate Institute in this city, were united in marriage. The Demo crat extends hearty congratulations. Vote for J E McAdoo for Surveyor. - Hiss Tapper's Leeiar. The lecture given by Miss Tupper at the Court House on Saturday was welt attend ed and proved an interesting affair. Miss Tupper is a good speaker and presented some new thoughts in a striking light, lie sides the lecture was a well executed piano solo by Miss Laura Tate and a vocal solo by tva Cowan, a beautiful effort. The Exearslea. lateresttag to Ladles. Our lady readers can hardly fail to have their attention called this week to the latest combination of improvements in that most useful cf ail domestic implement, the "sewing machine." As we understand i:.a machine for family use should meet first of all these require ments : It should be simple in its mechan ism ; it should run easily ; it should do a wide range of work ; it should be as nearly noiseless as possible ; it should be light handsome, durable, and as cheap as Is con sistent with excellence throughout. Ihese conditions the "Llght Running New Home" certainly meets. It has also several verv important and useful attach ments and "notions" of its own, which go far to make good its claims to popular favor. Ine "New Home specially recommoiuU itself to purchasers on account of its superi or mechanical const rue of manage ment ana reasonable price, liver halt a million have been sold in the last three years, all of which are giving universal sat Isfaction. This unrivalled machine is man tifactured by the New Home Sewing Ma chine Co., Orange, Mass., und 30 Union Square, New York. Free i AIL F M French, jewslor. County Ooarfc nsxfe wash. Pendleton hart a boy hand. Summer is hare for atresia. The beat litrnssi at J J Dubruillss. Tu Mallwain HIoj'i has bus 11 repaiuted. J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgaon, AI batty, Or. Head & BrowntuTs stok of groceries is unequsled. Aline Una of tobvw 1 atnl oii-trs at Read it llrowuvll's. The foundation for tits t'ttholio suh'iol budding is beiuu laid. Al! the ur JcrriM you uau carry for a dol lar st llosd k Brownsll's. Old sitvar is worth 85a per ot in trade at K W Cartel's. Six shavts for a dollar and a eltau towel to avory customer, at L. Visrick'a. Look out for MM ustiuiua Mim! susr next woak at It Hrownril's. President ( 'lovtdsnd and Mrs Putsom were marriud iu 'Vsshiogtou yesterday. For the best oMt'ectioiury, tobwooi, gro- WW, ate., call 011 iloff.nsu k Pfeiifur. Joliu Kelley, the ttaad of Tsntinsuy for years, hum to New rk last luted v. Die aflidavit business i exoeedoiuly elec trical ainoog Msriou oouuty polithneu. F M French, ajnut Snmer Msmifaoturiiijx Co.,upposiU Odd Fellows Temple, AllMuy.Or. Pick up that old uold jewelry and have it made inso a tiius gwld rmu at f W ('jrWn'a. Satmu The svrjfi wnMy i.i.m nu f r workina meu in New Vork Statu is $6 10, for wumeu, HJft U"tMinWr that you . out re.tisio with in one hundred feet of the polls eaoept when vi.tma. Percy Kelley on lt Saturday received a Hue ft inch Ctdunihis bicycle direct from Boston . Dr. M. if. Fliis, physiaian and surgeon All any, Oregon. Cte made iu city or (sou 11 try, The lirst lady's tricycle for Albany put la aa appearance last Tuesday. Mrs I. I BUiu rides it. Bboea, sands 1 and slippers for lad'ta, misses, children and infanta, at Monteith 4 Stfitenbaoh'e. M. H. Klaint n will negotiate Jong time loans with Corhin Baaaing Company at re doced ratea. , Remember that tit plso to gt l. vru - , widles, etc , is at ILihrailteV II ssH a splendid oae. Oo to Prashaar's uew Drug Store for pure drugs, patent oiedtotues, etc PraaeripMuas c tret ally compounded, W X Hrijgs, of Ifoir.shurg has sold hi store to Jerry Hay, of that city and U K Ashby, raoeatly of s 1... Our report of rl estate sale for May we are obliged to leave oyer until neat Week.ou account of lack of space. Bishop Dabbe, of the fivengelical Cbaroh. will preach at the church in this eity oo uxt Tuesday evening, Jooe Hth. Mr Crawford's pietorw of the n A U pre eeaseton are good. Every meutbw a of the U A H and band should have sore Bark hart k Pfeiffer are doing some floe work in their Job Printing oifi Now is the tun to get good w rk t ltw iiguree. Steel rails are being laid on the O 4 C to ward tbts oily, snd oon ther will be only steel rati between Una city and Portland. Laat Monday qmroiug the residence of Mr V Healy at Sodavtlto, waa burned to the ground, moat of the farm tar going with it. Dr. J. P. Wallace baa hosted his ewee in tbeOToole Block jest north of the DgMo- a tr office, where hut frieuds will nod WW, Tba Ysqutna I'oM 1 four years eld, and is as lively aa a youngster of that age, 'mn gt ap a sprightly paper, b'jrsey and w hooray ' O. W. Maston, Pbvsu'uot and Surgoou, AlhsAy. Omgon .f the Wionti College of Physicians and Surgeewa, Ctncta WWt WWW !! ' re WeWpVw rod mud at ch other. Oo would ibntk froui apposrauce tnt the editors were si running for cfnc. The speeifiel time for payieg eity taas esptred July Sd. Marshal Hay want ihuM who o- out ptl to . mi u lb matter at ote Sorofutous eruption, iuch a pnuph. dtsouloratton of akin, aspajislly on fae. will dusppear rapidly by using Piw-Ir Otg-ot IKood runner. The lsoa csteh is small 00 Co-u e bia, aboat '200 cases a day to the eunry be ing the order. 4 lew year ago 739 case a day was an average paca. Kv F M Culp wilt preach al Tangent eat Ksbbath at 3 JO p. m. Subject "Cart' ttan ( iti2oihip and to Reaurreetim of t'n Hum Body.A Phil, X 30. 21. Should yen deair to sell your property call on Berkhart 4 Keeaey as they adetrtiae property placed la theti hands, aud charge nothing unless thay effaet a sal. , A Datoca.r man saw a $12. SO bet msd Wdnaday that Char lee Nickel! will be the nest Mute Printer. Tba chatter tf the Nickel! man winning are promising. vef sew to Ky strs wlwrnes WW i"f four boxes for a quarter. Now you get two lor a Quarter. We are two weeks late tbis year suit that is what ia the matter. Be sure and read I C MoKanann's !ltra ott the outside. They are .tersely and well written, worth a perusal by every leader of the DfcaOf-nsr. Mora are to 00 tne. Mr A B Morris, in column gives an iaterasingt account of ttie finding of toe rasas 1 us ot Ike Nicholson, who was lost in tit Cascade Mouotems in March loot. Bead it. Kvcrr man when employing any work done want it dona promptly. J K Stewart son ia alwaya ready to do anything in the truck sul lrjy huu promptly. 111 upon him. The residenta ot the First Wrd in this eity are regale J even;og by the utemttera of the boys baud practicing on thetr new in struments. Sleep is appreciated when ott. tained. Miss Narcissa K Whit waa lectariag in Astoris laat week, where she waa received with the same enthusiasm that sbu has been received with every whore through the United States. We are told of a couple of men giing through tha county set I tog a preparation that will preserve nearly everything iron a boot-jack to a can of rhubarh. it M won to be careful bow one invests ia alleged pres ervations. The Misses Howard lately from tin east bare opened a millinery business in the r jom not a mora competent Superintendent In the State. Nearly every teacher in the eounty will rota for him. because they-know he is just tha man for the position. The Commencement exercises of the Ore gen State Normal school at Me month will tek place on June 10th. (i H Wolvcrton graduates in the Collegiate onnno with a !i. W C Roberta, W H Dohyns and .1 B Young in the Normal coursa, and Henry J Catnpfiell and T A Wauu in b Cnmmeieial oouraa. This oilicn aoknowiedns the receipt of a very annoiitK! .in t the aboye elfeot. Mr J (1 Crawford tits a II, ..!. 1 1 . .1 iMiiMi(iins in nn an gairoy roai PRICES SLAUGHTERED TO THE I'UOl'LE OF ALBANY AND VICINITY. Wa have opened a itock o? general mrcbaodiae or xt door t P att'a hardware atore. W hive aoiue v St a v display of at o tu be nd in ()rtaon. not exoentin . the letdhii Portland photographers. He has latii M. rangetl his pictures in a very attractive man- oer, ir wawioru IS a , n ' m t. nWVM f ber, and not only is rvciviig, but should, rsoeive, tha patronage of our citizen. Following aro thu others ata4 by the ! msto urang atNahmt last w -It for thi tu suing yaar : I! P Ibnse. Worthy Mister A Luelllng, Ovartwer ; H V, Has, Uotortwil ? vnoH, ni.vfr'i ; j uorhn, AssistaiH Steward 5 A V Miller, Chaplain ; K Ntron... Treasurer M 4 Train, Kcretry ; J Minip Wit, QftWkWfW ; H M Cook, IVn ; K I! "li. Flora ; Annie Himpf.i'1. Cres l.ydu A Urooks, Stawarleas 1 John M:nto, member of Kxecutiye Committee. hoi 1 tL u ticasitr. BANKRUPT GOODS That we wi 1 eloee out at One-half the Original Cost. 0 niie in and look at our goods and rl m and wa will convince yon that aeil g od cheaper than any atore i 1 Oregon. Come while the stock ia complete to select from. Wa will f xibange goods FOR ALL KINDS OP PRODUCE, WO Mr It ifos Tri"tii i.i.i, wk, was at tha Ha but Miss BtW I! Stit is visiting friend from Mr TbW K ty, of the ll'o vnyil!e Wool Mills, was in Albany Tuesday. Mr.) H Dtniol, wife and boy, of S war in.Atb4tiy WdnsstUy Mr aud Mis John Conner tuturuod the Kat Wednesday evening. J A dross returned a b days ago from a trip to the Mode Mpiings nvar Aahlattd. Miss Msry Moottth and Misa Reed, of Corvalli. are in the city turning friend. Mr Uxaie Whitney wn te Portland Wednesday where ahc mat her daughter on her return from the Kaat. Dr Cappe and family have moved to Union, Union entity. Their mny fnnds her eopgratulate the ettissas of Uemn on this valuable additian to their popuUttoo. lr J F Ifondria, of Hsrrishur, waa in Albany Wodoosday, with hi m uusenpt for his nw book, 0aw and Cor ot Hrd limes. Kurkhart & Ffoiffer will yrtut it. Mr Klward Zys sid W It Urr, return ed lt8uody from tnf, to the Caaod MoonUtns, whvrj ttoy m,a th fish think lsaae Walum waa altr ttioi From aom cause or other Mr Barr bs tiuc ien walk ing with one of hia feet psrUy m s sling. Last rriday Kre.1 Merrill, the xoert bi Cfclmtaod champion o' thj Fe,rte Cas, T J Overman, chsmjUon of l.t-iu .aaty. sod John lUil. Percy Kelley end J Pow. U, wot to Corvelh in 1:15. returning in 13. Mr Merrill rturued as Ijr a Independenre m toe "Occident. " t arsi eT Tawak w- ' ... .... neucaire to inu puniU'iv return our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who so kindly ii-Uu-d us during the sickness of the late Mr.. Mary Lef ran ds and the ickne of Mr. L. Langdon. P. Li; 1 a vvi, stia ah Mas n. Hi aim kt. Hqv A M Avheaon will prroh in tha U P '1 B iiaa' W SkO naroo Doit wvai'i -uing. .o services in the morutn.'. lUv It vine tll be io HeUey. The ofdiaanae inrelstion tu Canada this -ties should be eoforoed. The city it fall of tne pt, sof 00a is the tim to ester miost them b. ,re they Mouoi. If you want strictly firs: class goods at roe bottom price go to Rasn k UnowaaxCs Waatesl. ; .,o rip:n. ., J cords of grub oak wood and 2SJ eerda of big tir, maple or a - m wooa. Ul us bear lr.n th who wtnt to snpuly us wood, at one. We are ata bs idling cketse fratn 11 ,io rs HtOfSsr nutter rectory. UtAO A Buowsu. At highest imtkut value. throughout our Mock. We quota a few prices, which wilt etrmspoal 18 POUnDS 1 DOLDjEN C SUG WINS LOWS CORN ROCLIMAXCHEW 8 cm LORILLARD SUGAR $1.00. EiRN sloo MEWING T03ACC0 43C. A PLUG. 2 kli.SiS FRtJITS 20 CENTS. 25 YARDS PRINTS $1.00. RAYMOND & DRESSER. , ttiartiag Wire. Oeing to to uncertainty in the amouot of binding wir to b used this season, thrre will not f any more imported thsn is ne- tul!y i rdert'd, Those intenliag to us it ill havr to nl ihrir orders to me not ister than Juf I st, s.j i t much rlKr at pos.b bl. a Sitotn will lttv fit h ortlrretl from moufctori in tha, .m i oidr innst be sent to at outs ; Ut it to m here In son. 8aJsea. E. Yoimo. 4 Citrat Kararla Kvery out on t'i g", lui arriving ey- ary miuuto at the store of Motitvtth k Set tenbach. Ksch and d are maUn their spring selections of dress go-l, fancy goods, etc., in fct everything new anu ttraoUv can be f.atnd there, so if yon wot a pointer memom- i his and give them a call. ae4 to or brrrlr VV have a little machine that will teed fWMJw attb WW of from three to four bushels per hour. Just the thing Iw arsons having a drver.or who vapeotco cae cbertta. It's cheap. Cow and see it. I 'areas k SrgwaJtT. ratUirv. ma Haby waa afck, we fee her CaaTOIil , Whm she wm Child, she artai far CA9TOB1A, Waea atwhsasms alls, sho eJttag te CAflTORU, Wkan she bs4 OaTaTean, shs gaw tbam Cl&TOkU. Dissolution Notice. Notice 'f hereby given 'list n- '-opsrtocr shtplierct'jlore esisting lie'.s'ft.'O N A Cherry, M K Hays and dohu Hanihaw ts !:s day dissolved by mutual coosot, M Its) re tiring. All iisbtlitie of the firm tf Cherry. II. ye k ffonshaw are aamin- d by Cherry k Hsushaw and a'l dbt duo and iwing said firm r payable to said Cwsert A Manlw. K. A. i n:. . M. t. 'MB IIaskhaw, AHwsny. 0 My '-9ih. 18S6. tba It 14 heat en prte paid for wool by Moo teuh ot Hciteobastb, rrasls, rawU. I bat rtOtityad thta wk direct from New York the largeet stock of l'.tra ever brought to this eity, cnsittug of aun am orelbsra in silk, silk pra ., satin tu black and col or. 1. fancy liaed, pongee stlk to ecru, (the new thiag.) Also children' par asols aa low aa 25 cent. Ham at. K. Ycwxu. Ir. J. T. Tate, Dentist, will practice one day in each wek at each of the following named place : Lebanon on Tuesday, I lalsey on Thursday, Jefferson on Friday, and will be prepared to perform operations witltout pain. I ic uill be at his office in Albany on Monday. Wednesday and Sat unlay. eeelvrol Arw Tats Week. Novelties in imported dree .toode, Booclea or Nigger heads, brocade, velvet and silks, laee, dree goods, etc., at 8ajil K. Yorxti's. Nets and Caw. It is time to get your spring head apparul. A. D. Mcllwain has a stock of hats of the (test styles, which every man ahon, I x miao before beyug. j-t rnsiui Burkhart v Pfeiffer are prepared to do all kind of printing on short notice and in first-class sty le. They allow no one to un der bid them nor do better work. Call and samples. 1 have eertaio Account legally assigned to mo by Willlsm Kril before bis settlement with Coldsmitb k Iewenbarf, and aa the said firm of Ooldamith k Ieweftberg have giyen notice that they claim alt scewnot a having been asignsi to them, I hereby give notice to alt who are indebted to the late tir m of William KHeeel to c)l on me hefor settling with the above named firm, and 1 1 us at oid trouble, J. L FcLuaz. I hereby certify that the above atataacat is correct. Williah K i:r.t . llarmburp, May 26. 1386. Home for the Sic k. PORTLAND GENERAL H33PJJAI, Cor. 8comd ami Ah Strrets, f'OKTLAatt ... . This inetltote la complete in a'l It de partments, and oyerv effort is made to give It the air, diet, nuraing and couafotta or i aAtttKL B. t XU baa just received an invmo of those otM hrld dstsy kid shoes for ladies. Just th shoe fur rimmer wear. It light and aoft as kid au-i will wear much better. fleshing ml weWvraW'a. aa aa f m . y catling at A. it. Aijliwiin s you can get your clothing at prices that will aston ish o j Ha has a good stoeg and u b.mnd to soil it. Hear the t'aadldates. The candidates for county offkes will be in Harrisburg this afternoon, and to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon at one o clock, will speak at the Court House in this city. They should be greeted by a full house. Vote for B F Thompson for Coroner. No. i's excursion to Independence last Friday evening was a great success, about two hundred going. Dancing, games, etc., were indulged in. Two hours were spent at I ndependence. 1 ne trip Is a fine one, worthy of being taken by prince, printer or clerk. Carpets Arrived. An exceedingly lrge stock of carpets in , all qualities has j Jit been received by Moa- teith k Stsitenhach, The assortment em braces the newest patterns aud colorings 1 That good are being offered at very low pnoes. f noplo wanting crroeta should not fail ia Me them. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Blain in offering the use of their beaut i- formerly occupied by Miss Poster where all l ful residence for the occasion ; the mem- goods will be sold at eastern prices. Call j hers of the Y. W. C. T. U. will entertain Wool Wanted. The 4th at Lebanaa- The committee on the 4th of July cele bration at Lebanon have decided to celebrate on the 5th. The committee, though, has the power to put it on the 3rd, much the best day, If it thinks best. Arrangements so far made indicate a lively time. Among other things will be two hose races for $100 and $25 respectively, a bage ball game for a prize oij$ 10, foot race for $10, ladies' foot race for $10 and a ladies' wheel barrow race for $10. About half rates on the railroad will be obtained. Weather. Nummary of Meteorology for May. 1886, from observations takeD at Albany, Linn Co. Oregon, by John Briggs.Esq. Highest Bar. 30.07 ; lowest, 29.51 ; mean, 20.80. Highest Temperature, 84 j lowest 40 ; mean, 58.83. Mean at 7 a. m., 53.35 ; 2 p. m., 67 96 ; 9 p. m.,00. Prevailing winds, 8. 4 N, Maximum velocity force, 3. Total rainfall and melted snow duriug mouth, 1.79 inches. Number of days on which .01 inch Dr more rain fell, 9. Number of days of cloudiness, average 8 in scale of 10, 7. Thunder storm, 1st. Of 93 observations 27 ware cloudy, 10 lair, 44 clear, 6 rainy, 1 hsay, 5 overcast. Highest market price in cash paid wool at the store of A. B. Mcllwain. for and see them. 1 , , . .I . . ..... 1. ! 0.1. 1 Home iramna 111 ilo citv isifc ww v wc.r incnas 00 1 ucsuay evening, junc owi, --- -' ii-ntnr around visual 1 v s bj j evMisiH w ' the citv. ha claiming that h was a poor . -- . - . lone orphan who wanted to reacn some poioi. on the Uolumhia. A little bov lost iu tha Third Ward the first of the week, waa finally found aa most lost boys are, taking things easily. Charley Ross was nnii of th j lew lotc ontiaren wno was never found. At amtetin of the tad of K. of P. af this city at their hall on Thursday eveuing of laat week C H Snencer was elected C I., Chas Wagner. VC, A W McClain, Prelate VV d Scott, M at A. Mrs Fred Moist complains that boys at- rsnlt hr cherrv trees and break tha limbs and otherwise mutilate tha trees to get her cherries. The lady is aroused and wa warn at 7 :3o o'clock. It is desired that each in- dividual young lady and gentleman of Al bany will consider this a special invitation. Through the efforts of the young women, this their closing entertainment will be one of the most pleasant as well as original ones ever given and it is free to all. Will tiet a Booming Majority. wait rafter. N. H. Allen & Co.'s new wall papers are now arriving direct from the factory, all gradea now in stock. Call and examine it before purchasing. ... slraeerles. N. U. Allen & Co.. keeps a full line of . .. . groeeriss, and they will give you aa much for your money as you can get in any store in Oregon. Try them. Per Sale. One of Hall's No. 18 Fire and Burglar proof safes, Good as new. Inquire of John Brush, First St., Albany, Or. There is no person in the countv more m v capable of running his own business than D. S. Smith, the nonular candidate for Sheriff. He is competent, faithful, reliable, knows the people of the county completely, tne iy, to nBfc up and they him. . well that they are going to give him a booming majority. IliMS) Jtar rl. Out W W beat -600 per bu flutter 20 ota per It . -KK 1- ceut xrdta Ltdt' jacket! to Boacie and Stockinet, in blac and color, also shoulder cane trimmed in lace and jet trimmings, doltnute trimmed in I see and jet trimmings. A good line at Samuel K. Youso'h. fa ary ti4. The place te get fancy good of all kinds. ia at Mollwaia's. His spring stock is here, and there is no discount 00 its beog first oU. B . ' wtm off jfi" I sew uod. A. B. Mcllwain hss a large and well select ed i took of tin as ever brought to Albany. Csll on him and make your selec tions from his first ejass stock. ssi. 1 J a aaeh. Ou account of the lo pries of whet flour will be sold at th Mamolia Mills at $1. 10 a sack, or $1,43 a barrel, aud wil! bt delivered free to all parte of tha etty Elats and t'aps. N. II. Allen k Co., are now large stock of hats and oap straws, in season will be made a specialty. BARGAINS in FURNITURE. William Forttniller ek Co., having pur- i-bfcsod the furniture store and lactoiy of Fred Uraf will in a few daya remove the atouk to the new rooms at brush el Son'" wire work attire on Firat street. In order to wva removal they will wll furniture at Greatly Reduced Kates, Call and get binraln never before offered hare. They propone to keep in the future tho be.f atock of f irnituie to be found in the valley. UNDERTAKING GOODS Wl!I be made a specially, YVM FORTMILLES & CO. Successors to Fred raf . reosiviug child ran'a Letlrr List. Following-1 the list of letters romUninj In the Post OWN, Albany, Linn county, Oregett, June 3rU, leas. Persons oalllng for these latt mud k-' tha dste on which tbey were adverUMtl : Csrson, lfsude Ohsrlesworth, Jim QUmore, J C Valentine, J T J. M. HIVING, P. M. lumber and Posts. The Tangent school, U V Mol arland, Principal, closed last Friday, after a vary prosperous term. Mr McFarland has proven hitnselt a tine teacner. n leaves bo ww for Klamath reservation. The present County Clerk has about a month more time to servp the county, alter which time wo miss a but guess UMrjr Galbraith does not occupy the big chair be hind the desk. A more qualified or deterv The nndarsiffned will sell all kinds of lumber and cedar fence posts at the follow inc stations on the Narrow Gauge Railroad, r.oito'n l.swsnn ana liellville. Persona build. " " ' . 1 . ., , . . 1: tw. ine houses or barns can have bills cut and ing man lor tne piace uore no, ..v. ... .... delivered at any of the above stations on short notice. Lumber "is of the very best quality, the logs being brought from the fine timber regions on the Mckenzie River. Wm. E. SricKR. The nicest and cheapest line of ladies fine shoes in town can be found at Rsai) k Brownkll's. county. Send Burkhart e Koeney name and ad dresser of friends desiring information of Ore gon and they will send them copies ot tne Real Estate Conveyor which contains a com plete discription of one county in each issue with other desirable information as weather, market reports, etc. DV8 Raid will receive a large vote for County School Superintendent. There is Kaellement In Trxae. Great excitement has been cause J in the vicinity of Pari, Tex, by the remarka ble recovery of Mr. J, E. Corley, who was so helplws ho could not turn in bed, or raise bia bead ; everybody said he was dy ing of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr Kina'a New Discover waa sent him Kindiusr relief, ho botiuht a larira b tttle and a box of Dr. King's New Lite Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottles of Ihe Discovery. Ua waa well and had earned in Uesli thirty six pounds. Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Foshay & Mason's, Bneklen's Arulru Salve, Tha boat salve In tbo world for Cuts, "Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Malt Khoura, uever Sores, Tetter. Coapped Hands, Chilblains, fnms and all Skin Eruptions, and post- rivAlv cures Piles, or no pay required. It isBHaranteed to give periect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Foshay & Mason, Conrad Meyer, -PltOPRtKTOR OF STAR BARE It Ya Gnrnar Broalalbin and First 8ts., -DKALRR IS Canned Fruit. CJInaaware, Dried FrnUa, ToSeci, Sugar, Coffee. Etc,. Cnutdi fiasta. ueeuaware, VeRet, tables, Cigars. fiaiees. Tea, Kt.. Iu fact everything tha. ia kept bv a geti era! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE . MASKS K0. UrDANIEL -DAVIS. -On Sundav.Mav toth. 188s. at llarrisburjf, Mr. W. "R. McDanieu and Mrs. Mary E. Davis. VV. R, we congratulate you upon ti most sensible step anu none vou and vcur estimable lady may glide down the stres m of time to its end accompanied bv jov and happiness. Special attention to treatment of Cb tonic and Constitution! Diseases. Private rooms for patient treated by t utlde physicians, and person taking course cf Turkish or Electria Itatba or Oxygen tJut. The bathe ar elegently lilted up. PbyHiclsns vUiiinR Portland are .itvt ,. 1 10 visit thi institution. 1 HOM. WO M Manager Portland tirurral llapiial Co FARMERS ! ATTENTION t Uae only the California Hand Forged and Hand Finiabed SACK NEEDLES with Cotter in the eye. Kerb needle guaranteed. Price, 50 o tnf a. Aak your dealor for them, or order fit m tha manufacturers, WILL A lk. ia Market 4s.. a. F. Summons. a Circuit Court otkf Matt oOrraomJor Linn County. TbomiiH J Hannah, Plaintiff. vs. Hubert Morehead and Martha M t.1i -m hie wife, James Ixigan and Mary L, Lnn hia wife, John Curl and Elizabeth Curl hia wifr. William May and James l.-phsin. John P Humphreys aud Marv C Humph rey ui wiie. j li Irvine and Solon ; . Irvine his wtro. 11 1 Hay. fiai A i;r-tijr T J Craig and Aliou M Craig his wife. S Craig and K CraiK hit wsf. 'Norsh J Kubler.G W He ward ami Varfan V How ard, bis wife, Ida Craig, Mudge fra c. Kdward S C raig arel Mary t riK in- wife. CL Carter, L H Caiter and M t Carter hi wife, W L t'td itd oenora V (.'reed his wife, A A Kee ai.d M K lveeahi wife. J L Walker and t bailoiUt Wa.kir tiu wife, Detendsuta. To Robert Morehead and Mrth More head, Jame Ixgan, Mary L, lu Wtf liam May, James latpham, J it Irv n... Solooa E Irvine, H T Ray, Sarah A Craig, TJ Craig, Alice m rmu, v s raiir. fc. Craig, Norah J Rubier, G W Howard. Vartau V Howard, Id Craiir. Madne Craig, C L. Carter, L R Carttr, M A Carter, W li ureed, ignore v t-re.d. A A Keas, M EKees.J L Walket Ld Chartotie Walker, hia wife, the above nam.i iifrndarit. N THE NAME OF Til E STATE OF Oregon, you,aud each r vow here by reuuireil to antiear an I cr the complaint of the above Ptaim.ff in tha above entitled Court, now on t; e with the Clerk of said Court, by ihe first thy ofthe next regular term of said Oou.t. which said term of Court Uins on the 28th day of June, in the year I vmJ t the Court House in Albany, IJnn ounv. tireaon. and you. and each of you. -are hereby no tilled that if you fall to up. ...r and answor said torn plaint as hereby required, the Plaintiff will apply to the uut for the relief demanded iu the complaint herein, to-wit: For a decree cf Court to quiet the title to the premises described in the complaint, aa follows, towit : The s of tsec. , Tp. 10 s ef rhv of the Wil lamette Merioian, in Linn county.Oreaon, lying between the south bank ot Thomas Creek and Hamon Sbeiton's south line and John Cur I'm east line, containing 100 acres, more or leas ; and that the said De fendants and ail persons claiming anv interest in said premisex,or auy part there of, by or through said Defendants cr either 01 them, be forever barred irom claiming any right or t(Ce or interest in aaid prem ises or any part tnereot excepting tlo Plaintiff -and that all right title snd in terest in or to said premises and every part thereof be decreed to lie in the Plaiu- tiff,bia heirs and assigns forever, and for tne costs snd disbursments. T. is Sum mons is published in pursuance of an order made by Hon, R. P. Boise, Judge of said Court at Chambers on the 12th day of May, 1886. May 12tb, 188(t. nPowkix dt BitiTBi:. Attorneys for Plaintiff. rpH Is t! E BEST THING OUT, WIKIK CONNER.On Thursday night, May 39, 1S86. in Albany, of consumption, 3lR. Jamks Conn'kr, aged 39 years. HEALY At Sodavilie, Friday, May 28th, 1S86. of consumption, Mr. I rank Healy. the Acme Harrow and no ft riri r can well afford to be without it. It i t very best clod ci usher and pulverizer, 'ea nng the ground aa level as a bara floor. Sdd only by Pdttrs ''iwart. ROPE AND CHAIN. ! .. . . a a. . . or i sizes, as wen as uanet c ia cow vhai is, dog chains, rope bait- , eto., far sale by Peters A Stewart.